#kureno scenarios
amaya-writes · 2 years
What Type Of Partner Would The Fruit Basket Zodiacs Be Pt 2
Day One of The Underrated And The Unwritten
Notes: check out the masterlist for part one with the others.
Warnings: this is both sfw and nsfw content! so like how would they be as a partner overall. mdni
Characters involved: Shigure Soma, Ayame Soma, Kureno Soma, Hatori Soma
Gender-neutral reader, you/yours
Shigure Soma
Tell me you have daddy issues without telling me you have daddy issues-
Shigure is a very hard partner to keep up with. On a regular basis, he can pretend to be fun and outgoing, and while this is also what he is really like, it is only a certain part of his personality.
He has somewhat of a switch personality, which is why when you're his partner you need to watch out for when he's being serious and when he's being playful and react accordingly.
Shigure usually only drops the playful act when he's angry or when you're being intimate, but when he does he can get quite scary.
This is because he's such a perceptive lover that you quite literally cannot hide anything from him, his author nature also means that he can perceive real people as characters and as such understand them better.
If Shigure's interested in you he will not hesitate to manipulate you into liking him.
He has quite a few psychological tricks up his sleeve and is not afraid to use them.
You probably won't realise any of this until later on in your relationship when small things start to click in your head, but by then it's too late to do anything about it.
Shigure can be a toxic partner because he refuses to let you be taken from him. He's selfish, he's obsessive, he's probably not a good person and he knows it.
Being intimate with Shigure can often be lovemaking but he also isn't afraid to experiment and try new experiences. Unlike the other zodiacs, he's completely fine with BDSM and even enjoys it.
Ayame Soma
Ayame is a very playful partner, but unlike Shigure, nothing about his mannerism is fake. Sure, he also has his own baggage, but Ayame chooses to live life to the fullest and because of that he is never truly serious.
Sure, he has his moments too, but overall when you're with Ayame he's always playful and very clingy.
Constantly planting kisses on your face and giving you back hugs, always talking about the different clothes he wants to stitch for you (which by the way are a lot).
Ayame has made so many clothes for you that those alone make up an entire closet. This ranges from casual wear to costumes to lingerie.
Most of the inspiration for the clothes he makes that aren't for you also comes when he's thinking about you in that sort of outfit.
Ayame would be very affectionate even early on in the relationship, constantly holding your hand and not shy of PDA. But when it comes to being intimate he would wait a bit before doing it.
Sort of like he wants to be completely sure that's something both of you want.
He can be pretty experimental in the bedroom but he isn't as into BDSM as Shigure. More of the light BDSM type.
Kureno Soma
Kureno can be a very complicated partner.
This is because he's easily attracted to people who show him any kind of affection, so it'll take him a while to understand whether he's attracted to you or just likes the idea of not being with an abusive and manipulative partner.
Once he realises he actually likes you and not just the idea of you, Kureno gets pretty attached to you.
He isn't the kind of person who openly expresses his affection, so unlike Ayame even if he really wants to be clingy he won't do anything about it.
He can be pretty shy about showing physical affection first, because in his previous 'relationship' he was pretty much taught that his wants and needs didn't matter, which is why it's hard for him to get out of that mindset.
Once Kureno gets used to showing physical affection he learns that he quite enjoys cuddling and forehead kisses. But he also really likes just being in your presence.
Seeing you in a room immediately calms him down.
Just like Yuki, Kureno wants to explore new life experiences and situations with you. He wants to see and experience everything he missed out on in life.
When it comes to intimacy Kureno is more into the more lovemaking kind of intimacy. This is because things in his previous relationships could get pretty heated in a way that made him crave more affection rather than just sex.
Overall, Kureno is just looking for love and affection and he's glad that he can find that with you.
Hatori Soma
You're either in for the long run or won't be getting anything out of this.
Hatori can be very oblivious when it comes to people liking him. For someone so smart he's pretty blind in that department so unless you're confident enough to confess early on and somehow he feels the same way, you both will be like binary stars.
Once you finally get out of the awkward little does he like me does he not phase, the two of you will probably take things pretty slow.
The kind of relationship where holding hands and forehead kisses are considered milestones.
It's not like he takes two months to kiss you or anything (probably more like a week or two) but Hatori does like taking his time with things.
However, he really likes going on dates with you, the sweet kind like going to cafes together after work or having you lounge around in his office while he finishes up some work and then you go on walks around the city.
When it comes to being intimate, he's more of a pleasure dom and likes putting your needs over his own.
He's open to experimentation and all, but the only kind of BDSM he'd really be into is bondage.
Overall, being with Hatori is a pretty sweet experience, the kind of thing you read about in romance books. He loves taking care of and constantly being aware of you and your needs and he can often seem like the perfect partner.
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zeldahime · 1 year
just something i’ve noticed, in the last few years since the furuba reboot,
teens now object to uo/kureno and tohru’s mom/tohru’s dad way way wayyyyy more than i ever did as a teen. and like, i get why, but i’m still like, were my teen experiences really that different?
like, for me, i had friends who were like uo: bad home life, started being The Adult In The House when they were like 10/11, by the time they’re 17 they’re working and they relate best to people a lot older than them. hell, when i was 17 i was in college -- i had a great home life but i still saw my peer group as the 18-24 year olds! so uo, an adult before her time, meeting kureno, who graduated high school and then was chucked straight into complete social isolation and has a definite case of arrested development, seemed like a socially-acceptable enough fit. maybe sideways glances, but nothing to make a scene over. it was way better than what my real life friends were getting when they were dating much older men. uo has real agency, she’s not dependent on him for anything, and kureno is actually a stand-up dude! practically a dream relationship when compared to.... some dudes. (god, jessica, why did you keep dating those assholes.)
tohru’s mom and dad, idk, i thought tohru’s dad was like 19, maybe 20 tops and 15ish and 19ish isn’t exactly a nightmare scenario. i wouldn’t recommend it in real life but i knew plenty of kids who dated in that range at my high school and it’s in line, if on the young side, with the ages people got married in the historical fiction and even history books i was devouring at the same time. i knew a girl who got married at 16 to her 19 y/o boyfriend so that she had wife’s rights when he got deployed and would be able to be with him in heaven if he got killed in action. (like i said, i wouldn’t have recommended it, but i get it -- there’s real security in being married, even very young, in certain situations.)
idk, i see them compared to disturbing predatory relationships and i just don’t think that’s the best comparison. i really do think they analogue much more closely to the less predatory relationships i saw in my personal life than the scarier ones that i know do happen. uo and tohru’s mom aren’t exactly loretta lynn, here, in my opinion.
so it just strikes me as odd seeing long denunciations of these relationships. i don’t know if i’m just a geezer at not-yet-30, or if there was something about my own upbringing that’s different from that of the new audience, or if i’m seeing an outlier minority, or what. and look: i’m not saying you have to like them! heaven knows i dropped many a manga for uncomfortable depictions of age gaps (dengeki daisy comes to mind). i just think this difference is interesting and worth having a discussion about.
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animebw · 2 years
Imagine framing those lines of dialogue as romantic.
Imagine taking this scenario and presenting it as a beautiful love story.
I swear to god, I tried to have an open mind about this. But this isn’t just uncomfortable on the basis of being an age-gap relationship, it’s like they tried to make Katsuya come off as the most predatory fucking scumbag imaginable. You can throw as many sparkly shoujo effects and lush musical tracks over it as you want, it doesn’t change the fact that this is actual groomer behavior.
Fuck, not even Kureno was this bad. I now have to compare Arisa’s romantic subplot positively to something. I don’t want to live in this reality anymore.
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isuzukuretsuki · 1 year
I thought of a scenario for you - what if Rin's curse broke and Akito basically came groveling to her and begging her to stay like with Kureno and Momiji? That would be SO interesting in my opinion. Akito would be reduced to a scared, vulnerable mess and Rin would have to deal with one of her worst abusers groveling at her feet.
I do wanna see it just bc I wanna see Rin clowning on Akito like she deserves, but I'm also not sure if Akito would care if Rin left because she clearly hates Rin on a person level 😭 I think it would make Akito freak out because it'd mean that the curse is fraying and weakening but tbh I'd sooner envision Akito just murdering Rin to keep her curse breaking a secret rather than begging her to stay LMAO. Akito clearly cares about forcing the zodiacs to be with her, but I feel like that really only applies to men and underaged boys..... girlie trying to build a harem.
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callmelovergirl · 3 years
Hey there may I request a Kureno Sohma scenario where after graduation for high school (maybe like secretly because of akito) he not like proposes but ask her to marry him thank you :) :)
Totally! Thank you for the request!
New Beginnings ~ Kureno Sohma x F!Reader
tw: none :)
You had dreamed of graduating the second you had stepped into the Highschool. You had never really gotten along with your classmates, so you spent most lunches alone. You never really minded, you normally kept to yourself. Through the years it had always been you, and you liked it that way. You were a person who liked to stay constant. In your straight road of life, a mysterious bump caused you to stray off track. That mysterious bump turned out to be the best mistake you've ever run over (and out).
By run over, I meant run into. On the second day of the second week of your second year of Highschool, you had bumped into Kureno Sohma. Well obviously you didn't know his name at the time, but it was him. After profusely apologizing, he laughed it off and said it was fine. Finally straightening your back, you took a good look at the stunning stranger. Catching his eyes was the greatest gift the heavens could've given you. You hadn't noticed that he was trying to get your attention.
"Excuse me, I need to go now," he politely excused himself. Not wanting him to go, you grabbed onto the sleeve of his shirt. Surpised by your sudden actions you gave out a little yelp.
With every ounce of confidence you had left, you asked if you could see him again. He looked flustered beyond belief. That look was the cutest expression, it was imprinted into your mind and dreams. One meeting lead to another. But on your third meeting, Kureno Sohma didn’t look like the dreamy new born faun you had run into. He had looked panicked and anxious. His expression changed your mood immediately. Quickly trotting up to meet him, your hands met his chest in a silent frantic way of needing an explanation.
“Please have you told anybody about us meeting?” the rushed words coming out in a blur, but you were able to understand them.
“No I would never without letting you know first, what’s wrong what’s going on?” you shakily let out. He explained the situation. Long story short, the family doctor’s partner’s memories got erased after the doctor let the family head know that they were together. 
You were relieved that he didn’t want to end things with you. Although the thought of losing Kureno was frightening, you telling other people wasn’t on the agenda. After reassuring him about the security of the secret, you two headed into a cafe to grab a bite to eat. 
A year and a half had gone by, and now it was graduation. A year and a half of a closeted and healthy relationship with Kureno. You had never been happier. Looking around at the kids who had been around you for years, you decided that you were happy to leave. Stepping out of the building, the soft spring breeze hit your face. Looking behind at the doors that had held up your building of education, you said your final goodbyes. 
You walked toward the pier as Kureno wanted to meet you for a walk to celebrate with you tonight. Seeing as he wasn't here yet, you leaned over the edge and looked out towards the darkening skyline. The sun just beginning to disappear under the horizon distracted you from the steps approaching you. The presence beside you didn’t startle, as you were expecting company. Not bothering to look over, but you knew Kureno was leaning over watching the sunset with you. 
“It’s finally over,” you quietly let out. 
“What are you planning on doing in the future?” Kureno asked giving a glance over his right shoulder to look at you.
“I’m thinking of taking a few years off, but other than that I don’t know. Do you have any suggestions?” You were serious for the first part but letting a little joke in won’t hurt right?
“I could imagine us in a small cottage by a river on the countryside. I see you in my future. I mean it,” Kureno fully turned towards you, “stay with me y/n. marry me in the future. let’s make it happen. I know we can.” He had that cute flustered look that you loved so much.
Shocked by his response you gasped. You also turned to your lover, your happiness, and took in what he said. He wants to marry you, he sees you with him in the future, he wants you there. Your eyes welled with tears, and a gentle hand caressed your face. 
You leaned into the warmth, finally letting out “of course Kureno, I’ll be here till we’re both old and withered.” Letting out a chuckle, Kureno smiled eyes filled with love. Finally reaching your neck up for your lips to meet his in a finalizing kiss.
“I love you Kureno.”
“I love you more”
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hey guys! I hope you guys liked it ;-;
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han-shinsuke · 3 years
k u r e n o s o h m a
b o i l i n g p o i n t🔞
“Mr. Sohma. Mr. Sohma, can you walk?” the man didn’t answered, face remains intact with his working desk, few cans of beer scattered around his room. He had been drinking and the reasons for it were unknown.
Unknown? I mocked myself for it. You were the cause of his misfortunes and sadness for the past months.
“Please, help yourself, Mr. Sohma. The bed is just right there,” averting my gaze from his blinking pair when they met mine, I gave his weight a push and led him towards the bed. It creaks, catching our combined weights as we settled on it.
I undone his polo, giving him space to breathe, “Mr. Sohma, I still don’t remember it.” But my heart does remember you. It can recall the warmth of the love you’ve been telling me like all those scenarios just happened yesterday.
“Please, stop blaming yourself,” this tired face, longing eyes and lips that deserves attention, are meant to be worshipped, not to carry burdens.
Lips that couldn’t speaks, eyes that tells stories, Kureno Sohma, had suffered enough.
“Y/N, I failed.” tears hanging on the edge of his eyes.
“You can always try, Mr. Sohma.” It’s always hard to forgive oneself, right? “Give yourself time to heal.”
“The memory you’ve had been trying to make me remember, what was it?” Kureno’s face softened. The tears on the edge finally rolled down his cheeks.
I got the answer for it but I want him to confirm it.
“I tried killing you on your eighteenth birthday.”
Akito’s mellow timbre rings in my head.
“The bond was strong it defeated his love for you that when I asked him to take your heart, he had willingly struck a knife in your chest.”
“Kureno,” I called his name softly. There was an inconsolable smile on my lips after that, “did you marry me because of your promise or it’s because you love me still?”
I thought it would take him forever to construct an ideal answer but he was quick to respond.
“I keep my promise because I love you,” Kureno lowered his head, load of tears streaming down his angelic face.
I may have lost hundred of memories with him from that incident a decade ago, but no ounce of love had skipped my heart since then.
“I love you, Kureno.”
My heart is swelling with so much love for him that I care no more if he was the one who put a large-scale scar on my chest. Kureno suffered as much as I did and I don’t intend to cause him more pain.
Our lips touched each other when I went for a kiss he found hard to return. I inched away from his face, feeling a little down. Does my kiss disgusted him?
“I–I’m sor—” he cut my apology by slamming his lips on mine, swiping slow his thin ones against my lower lip that I didn’t notice was quivering due to the aggressive contact.
There’s nothing to hold on to asides from his exposed chest and shoulders, so I resorted to holding on to my knees as the kiss deepens. My mind was blank. There were no records of him and I doing this kind of thing. Nothing resurfaced. Could it be our first kiss? It might be. Kureno was the one who’s moving and taking full control of the situation. I just sat here, gripping my knees as I feel his every little movements. His kisses were sensual and hot against my trembling mouth that cannot even return the favor.
A string was formed when our lips parted, breathing closed on each other mouth, I asked, “ever kissed a statue?” Kureno laughed, connecting our lips again, breaking the string. I tried to mimick his lips motions but I ended up having every corners of my lips wounded by his unintentional bites between our kiss. Damn. I’m a bad kisser.
“Your blood tastes like honey,” he seemed pleased by my errors that he managed to turn my full face red when he licked his lips with my blood on it.
I turned away to hide my face and swollen lips but Kureno forced me to face him by removing my Radiohead shirt. He did it so easily and fast that I looked so dumbfounded when he lain me on the bed, topless. I don’t wear a bra at home, so he feasted his eyes on my not-so big bosoms.
“Just to be fair with you, wife,” Kureno slid his tops off his body and joined me on the bed, covering our bottoms that he started undoing while staring straight in to my soul.
The first touch was chilly, perhaps due to the newness of the situation for me. But when his toned abdomen and ‘that’ touched mine, that’s the moment I felt it rising. The heat.
My head fell in defeat, eyes fluttering from the high temperature consuming my awareness. His room was darkened from the absence of lights but Kureno made no mistakes of where he should touch first. It went straight to my chest, tracing the thin gash that a knife created. The moonlight peeked into his room at the Sohma Estate, shining brightly at us.
“You’re beautiful.” It felt genuine, his comment. I held his face near the scar. His hair tickling my neck.
“You are, too, Kureno.” I smiled at the moon. Our silent witness towards the boiling point.
My hands grabbed his hair for support. His slick tongue ran along the length of the scar, nipping the top skin near the crook of my neck. He breathed there, melting the cold by his warm breath. Kureno raised his head, trying to get a hold of my failing eyes.
“Look at me, Y/N.” He held down my wrists on both sides of my head, pinning them with gentle force, “I can stop—”
“Don’t.” I hope the determination in my eyes was enough to make him continue his business.
He spoken no words, just his lips launching down to mine as a response. I parted my lips for him, letting his tongue to intrude my mouth he tasted awhile ago. Kureno breathed sharply inside my mouth. I may have stirred him by sucking his bottom lip. He did that to me, I was just returning the heat.
“Kureno!” his right hand surprised me. I felt it above my chest, squeezing, palming with great pressure. My head turned to the other side, slipping away from his mouth that landed on my jaw. He kissed me there. Gnawing the fluffy skin that extends downwardly to my neck.
“Kureno... Kureno... ” I kept crying his name as he keeps nibbling my neck and eventually, sucking the part he chooses to leave his mark.
He moaned, hummed and breathed throughout the movements. Mesmerized by his own masterpiece. I heard him commending my soft cries and patience. He even said I looked magnificent with all the red marks he imprinted on my neck and shoulders.
I knew it would come. The part where we need to establish a connection between us. The duvet hanged tightly around his torso as he hovered over me, parting my thighs with his knee, I felt him there, leaning down the entry point.
Kureno rised my legs high enough for him to handle. My whole body was trembling from anticipation. It would burn. It would. He put it atop the flesh, testing the readiness.
He claimed my lips again. Moving down my neck, finishing onto one of the buds that aches for his touch.
“Kureno...” I felt it again rubbing atop of my core. He placed my hand on his chest. Wrapped my legs around his hips and lastly, encouraged me to grab on his wrist and I came up with an idea.
When it came, the burn, the heat, the suffocating pain that fired up my whole senses, I bit his left wrist hard as he pushed into it.
Kureno’s lips gaped apart and his head snapped backwards when he reached the end of the passage.
I sobbed underneath him, squirming from the pain that hangs around.
“Bear with me, wife. You’ll get used to it.”
He withdrawn his wrist from my grip and removed the pillow beneath my head, caging me whole inside his arms as he holds me down by my shoulders. I felt small underneath him, completely overpowered by his strength.
“It’s consuming me, Kureno aah!” it burns and burns and burns that without uncertainty, I was sure it was bleeding from the sudden stretch. My sobs turned out as a loud cry, giving Kureno a hard time to adjust and move freely.
His palms soothed my sides, squeezing only when needed. Gave full attention on my chest and with those gestures, it’s too late for me to realize that he’s already easing his way in and way out.
“I will seed this land of yours and you won’t waste a drop, understood?” Kureno turned out to be a supreme one and he actually left me astounded by whispering all the dirty things he would do to me. That I belong only to him and he’ll never let me go again.
I should be embarrassed by all of his dirty talks and how he manhandled me right after my body adjusted from him but it turned out to be just fine and surprisingly, caused the numerous build up of my arousal that night.
The sun was up and far beyond the horizon when I decided to have my meal after our heated night. Kureno brought me a toast and iced cold fruit juice. It felt awkward having him watched me eating the food he served.
“Tell me when you need some medication, wife.” I would be needing some, look at me, beaten in a good way and overworked. Kureno pushed my hair behind and checked my neck. He tsked but with a grin.
“I just wanna sleep all day, Kurenohmmpp!” I gasped from his unannounced action. Stealing the toast between my lips using his lips. Our lips partly touched each other and dang! His eyes turned into the darkest hue.
Kureno loosened the lace of the hoodie I was wearing and playfully pulled a portion down, revealing my shoulder blade, “tsk, but I plan keeping you awake all day, wife.”
The heat just won’t die down in that darkened room.
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mistergrass · 3 years
Zodiac Mom Headcanons: Hatori’s Mom
This post in the series is a little different because it incorporates a lot of my headcanons about the dragon bloodline in general
If you’ve read my behemoth of a fic, you probably know the gist of it, but to keep it brief, here is the tl;dr before we get into the Mom Stuff
Other than the god, the dragon is the only member of the zodiac to come from one singular bloodline
No other zodiac bloodline can erase memories
Members of the bloodline, even if not cursed, are expected to become doctors and to learn the memory-erasing technique
Non-cursed dragon family members have the ability to erase memories with a lot of training, but it is not nearly as potent or powerful as when an actual dragon does it
(Also thanks to @lilbeehive​ for bouncing around ideas with me.)
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Rat & Snake Mom | Ox Mom | Tiger Mom | Rabbit Mom | Dragon Mom
Hatori’s parents knew early on that a love marriage was never going to be in their future.
Hatori’s father is the grandson of a dragon, and the only child of his parents. It was decided from a young age that he would become a doctor, and once his grandfather passed away, it was also understood that he was expected to have a child — a child that would be the next dragon.
He doesn’t resent this — being from a well-known zodiac bloodline, he grows up knowing that his loyalties need to lie with the Sohmas and with the zodiacs. And, quite frankly, he’s very suited to medical work, especially the kind demanded by the family (which I’ll talk about more later on).
The point is, this parental situation is unique. The other zodiac mothers have varying levels of surprise when they find out their child is a zodiac. But to ensure the safe and healthy birth of a dragon, this is something that is meticulously planned in advance. That means the mother must have full awareness and revere for the curse.
Initially, Hatori’s father was engaged to another woman — the granddaughter of the former rabbit and a woman five years younger than him. The plan was to marry as soon as she finished high school, but a few months before their wedding the woman gets cold feet and runs away with a man she fell in love with in school.
It’s then that Hatori’s mother is chosen, as the great granddaughter of the former ram. She’s also three years older than Hatori’s father.
Almost immediately, Hatori’s mother is informed that — following a successful medical examination — she is now engaged to be married. She accepts this gracefully. Her family’s long-standing wealth and status come from their zodiac ties, as well, and she knows that this is a duty she must accept.
And, quite frankly, she was never a woman who thought much of marriage. It’s not as if she considers it a big sacrifice.
In a few short months the two marry. And suddenly these two very obedient, introverted people are stuck alone in an inn for their honeymoon, never having said more than a few words to each other.
Hatori’s father has also never been with anyone previous to this, and the two are rather socially awkward. Hatori’s father has always been the kind of person to put his studies first, which developed a very serious and aloof persona. Hatori’s mother is much the same, and has never really been one to enjoy a lot of company, regardless.
They both do their best to try and follow through with it, but Hatori’s father (fumbling through it all himself) recognizes his new wife’s nerves. Without any prelude, he stops before it can get any further. After a very long, weighted silence he says, “elephants can stay pregnant for up to 23 months.” When she states her obvious confusion, he simply replies “these things take as long as they take.”
They don’t say anything for the rest of the night, but Hatori’s mother finds she appreciates both his attentiveness, and his straight-forward (if bizarre) nature (she’s not the type of woman who enjoys being coddled or talked down to).
All things considered, they find they’re actually very suited to each other.
Neither ever develop true romantic feelings for the other, but neither ever really viewed marriage as a romantic institution to begin with. Them becoming each other’s closest friends ends up being the best case scenario.
In Sohma social circles, they’re considered the odd couple. Hatori’s father’s dry, monotone way of speaking tends to make the delivery of jokes or earnest questions come off harsh and offensive. While his wife, who has come to understand the nuances of his personality, never seems to care to bother to clear up misunderstandings this could cause — and even seems annoyed at people’s inability to read her husband with the same fluency she quickly acquired.
Hatori’s mother also takes a deep interest in her husband’s work. Not just as a doctor, but specifically as a zodiac doctor.
The doctor’s position is not only to erase memories, but to provide proper care for the zodiacs when traditional hospitals are not an option. In addition, because of the supernatural nature of the curse, and the longstanding tradition of zodiac doctors within the family, Hatori’s father not only studies conventional medical science, but old records kept from previous Sohma doctors, some veterinarian studies, and even holistic/witchdoctor practices. The true science behind the Zodiac Doctor’s work tends to become an experimental gumbo of many different healing practices through history. Something Hatori’s father is fascinated with, and tends to lean into more heavily than maybe previous generations had.
(He also becomes deeply superstitious as he gets older and continues his studies, which only intensifies after his wife passes away).
Hatori’s mother is also just as taken by his practice, and ends up becoming something of a research assistant for him. She’s a fast reader, a very quick learner, and overall an extremely intelligent woman. Something Hatori’s father values highly in his wife, and is more than happy to allow her into his work. In the last few months of medical school, she even reads over his final papers and makes corrections.
Eventually they’re comfortable enough with each other to have sex, which they only ever do in order to try and get pregnant. Two years into their marriage, and just as Hatori’s father is graduating medical school, Hatori is born — the first zodiac of this generation.
She does love her son, but just as she was raised that her life and marriage was not her own, she knows the same applies to her child. On paper, she is the perfect mother — home cooked meals, proper clothes, clean house, books and toys purchased. Yet, she has no real idea how to interact properly with a child, and generally treats her son like she would any other adult in terms of the expectations she places on him, and her general lack of verbal and physical attention.
She also takes up tutoring Hatori in what will eventually be his occupation. They study for three hours after each school day as soon as Hatori is old enough to spell. Though neither of his parents get angry easily, and both are generally very patient people, Hatori’s mother can still be very strict and has no problem scolding her son when he doesn’t pay proper attention.
However, Hatori’s father does insist that they have dinner together every night. Though his parents are strange, and seemingly-cold people, these dinners never feel forced. It’s clear to Hatori that his parents enjoy each other’s company, and because they treat Hatori as if he were an adult, it feels as though they enjoy his company, as well. Not quite the same as a loving pat on the head, or being told “good job”, but it’s something he remembers fondly as an adult.
Hatori, as a result, grows up very disciplined and with a deep sense of duty and loyalty that is exemplified by every aspect of his parents’ lives.
With the birth of other zodiacs, it becomes natural for the mothers to begin to befriend each other, as well.
Hatori’s mom and Shigure’s mom had already been family friends for as long as she can remember. Though Yuki’s mom and Kureno’s mom, with their change in status, also become incorporated in this circle.
She finds an unlikely friend in Kureno’s mother. She likes her earnest, down-to-earth nature, and her friendliness has always seems genuine. She does not, however, hold the same opinion of Yuki’s mother. Their problems start early on, and slowly escalate all the way up to the final years of Hatori’s mother’s life.
The problem is Yuki’s mother’s embarrassingly apparent desire for status. The way she acts, dresses, and talks all come across as desperate and irritating. Hatori’s mother, admittedly, is a bit of a snob. She’s been in a high-class family her whole life, which means she’s never had to think about acquiring status. She also has a very secure position as both the wife of the current Zodiac Doctor, and the mother of both the dragon and the first born zodiac of the generation. And when Yuki’s mother tries to insert herself into Hatori’s mother’s life, she is, politely, but undeniably rebuffed.
For that, she holds quite a grudge against the woman. One that only gets exceedingly worse a few years later when Hatori’s family become the first and only people to discover Yuki’s father’s extramarital affairs.
It happens like this:
Fed up with his wife’s needless possessiveness of him, and irritated by her instance that they become pregnant with a second child, Yuki’s father starts to become more and more distant in the months during Yuki’s mother’s pregnancy. By the time Yuki is born, they hardly even speak to each other. Six months later, Yuki’s mother decides to take a trip and leaves her children behind with a swarm of maids and her stranger of a husband.
Deciding he wants to sleep in his own bed for the night, and reveling in his wife’s absence, he invites one of his many mistresses to his house instead of a hotel. In the middle of the night, the woman is woken up by the sound of a baby crying. She finds the nursery, and in an attempt to soothe the restless newborn, she goes to pick him up.
Yuki’s crying may not have woken up his father, but the piercing, terrified scream of his mistress certainly did.
Yuki’s mother knew about his affairs, she knew about his slew of mistresses. But she had made him promise that no one else would ever, ever find out about them. What’s worse is when Hatori’s father asks to question them about what happened (a standard procedure before erasing anyone’s memory), he doesn’t even have the decency to show up.
But Hatori’s mother is there. And so is Hatori.
Though the young dragon boy is only ten, it’s a good opportunity to learn one of the most valued aspects of his future role. As his tutor, and as her husband’s unofficial research assistant, Hatori’s mother is also included in the process.
Yuki’s mother finds herself hating the woman’s calm, clinical stare as she is forced to explain the most grievous humiliation of her life and marriage.
Convinced that Hatori’s mother will eventually let slip the truth about her marriage, Yuki’s mother sets out to turn the other mothers against her. She even develops a small resentment for Ayame, who she is believes will learn the truth from his friendship with Hatori. Shigure’s mother, who has always been happy to follow the social tide, goes along with this very easily. Haru’s mother, new to the group, is also easily swayed against Hatori’s mother. Even Ren and Akira find themselves taking Yuki’s mother’s side, causing Akira to advise that Hatori’s mother no longer assist with her husband’s work.
This might have been a more devastating blow, if it hadn’t already become an impossibility.
What Yuki’s mother never seemed to understand, was that the family of the dragon deals in privacy. Hatori’s mother would never have told a soul about Yuki’s father. Hatori’s mother doesn’t even tell her own son when she starts to get sick.
Hatori’s parents believe that everyone’s affairs should be their own, and there are certain things you just don’t tell children. So for the two years that Hatori’s mother is ill before her death, no one other than their immediate family knows.
Hatori’s father is heartbroken having to watch his dearest companion slip away, and he leans even further into holistic remedies in order to try and aid her recovery. As a child, Hatori knows something is wrong but is never told what. But he has clear memories of coming home, his mother absent from the house again, to his father having deep, serious discussions around the kitchen table with men who called themselves shamans.
Eventually her illness gets so severe that she stays in the hospital full-time, though she still tutors Hatori over the phone. Her unexplainable absences from the Sohma social circles make it easier for the other mothers to believe that she’s snubbing them out, just as Yuki’s mom is saying. And by the time Akira orders Hatori’s mother to stop assisting her husband, she’s already been too sick to do so for months.
The only person who knows among the family, is Kureno’s mother. She comes to visit the hospital at least twice a week, and promises not to say a word to any of the other family members. They become quite close, in the end.
Her death comes as a surprise to everyone but her husband and Kureno’s mother.
At the funeral, Hatori doesn’t cry. Instead, there’s a heavy, leaden weight in his stomach for weeks. Though she was never conventionally affectionate, she was a consistent, reliable, and comforting presence that is suddenly gone. One that, in hindsight, he realizes he misses terribly.
Because his father is not an expressive man, Hatori wonders if his father even mourns her loss. That, along with his father’s general nature, causes a distance that lasts between the two for a long while. It isn’t until Hatori starts to apprentice with his father in earnest at the end of middle school that he realizes how wrong he was.
All the notes, research, reports, and every other contribution his wife attributed to his practice, Hatori’s father has preserved so reverently that they look more like freshly printed medical journals than well-used notebooks. Hatori isn’t sure he’s witnessed a greater demonstration of love. This is cemented further when he stumbles upon old research papers from his father’s days in medical school covered in abundant, but neatly written, notes.
“I like her handwriting,” his father explains. “It always helps me focus.”
This conversation becomes Hatori’s most prominent memory of his father after he also passes away two years later.
Friends with: Kureno’s mom, Shigure’s mom
Doesn’t like: Yuki’s mom
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keisuke-akm · 3 years
How do you think the Shigure/Ren one night stand started? Do you think she came onto him during his moment of weakness or he deliberately went to her?
i think she often went onto him (like she does with other zodiac, we saw it with Hatori or Kureno). Following it, both scenario can work, he could have come to her, well aware that it's what she want since she already made innuendo to him before as she could have come to him after hearing about Akito and Kureno affair and offering this to venge himself.
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shizekarnstein · 4 years
Late night musings bc I can't sleep. Read at your own risk lmao it's past 3 am and i really should be sleeping instead of typing... this.
I spend a lot of time procrastinating my uni work and obligations daydreaming about how I would tackle my let's say least favorite relationships in furuba and I always arrive at the conclusion Kureno and Arisa are a lost cause.
Shigure and Akito are toxic as a polluted river but at least have history together and I can work with that. Kyoko and Katsuya are more or less the same. BUT Kureno and Arisa??? They met like twice, suddenly obsess over each other and... that's all. After Kureno appears all Arisa's character is about is pinning and getting emotional and mad over this weird Tohru alterego she met while working and serving as the driving force to make the Tohru and Kureno meetings possible. She only resurfaces a little as her own woman at the end, when she teams up with Saki to take care of Tohru.
Kureno... is basically the same. He went for a walk, met Arisa, fell in love and suddenly his terrible life choices come crushing down bc of those... meaningless interactions. And he's right they are meaningless. But somehow I am supposed to believe those sudden and brief encounters evolve into an intense love that's strong and important enough to finally make Kureno WAKE UP and realise his inaction has serious consequences and that he has the power and ability to change things for the better in his weird cult like family. I'm sorry but... I don't buy it.
I tried multiple combinations (besides working around the uncomfortable power dynamics tied to the age gaps that's a given and not what I'm taking about here) for Arisa and Kureno. Maybe they could be two strangers than met and after a series of coincidences end up becoming friends? Arisa can see him as a weird guy whos totally lost and sad without any kind of proper... romantic feelings. Kureno could see her as an endearing young girl who kind of baffles him bc she's so different to everyone he knows (Akito) and being awed at how put together she is despite being so young (like Tohru). Idk I guess they COULD BE friends. I could dig it with a lot of work. The problem with this scenario is how close this hypothetical friendship and sharing over coffees could bring Arisa to the whole Sohma mess. She would eventually get mixed up in it, especially after talking to Tohru and realising her weird buddy is someone Tohru knows. This could go anywhere from that point.
The only thing I can say is that Kureno and Arisa as a romantic pairing just... kinda suck. Particulary bc they have like zero MEANINGFULL interactions and development, and the few encounters they have are not only bland af but awfully creepy. And for me it's such a shame. Arisa at least had her moments to shine before meeting him, but Kureno is all about interesting story bad foundation and even worse driving force. If Takaya wanted him to meet Tohru there were other ways than having Kureno fall in love with her classmate. Again why did she did that 😩
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ae0nx · 3 years
Yayyy, I'm finally here at the last episode of season 2... I'm honestly still working through my final thoughts on this episode and I've just been waiting to write it out so I can stop swirling it around my head.
Oh Kureno...
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Mmmph... ain’t it beautiful. 😈
- Vibing extra hard to the opening cos it’s the last time I’ll hear it for a while (and also cos I’m distracting myself from the sads again)
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I think I might do a ranking of the openings and endings so far at the end of this recap!
- There’s this music in the background that always plays when Akito’s manipulative powers are at work that goes so well with the uneasy tone of the scenes and it’s great.
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Hana was giving me hardcore Tomoyo from Cardcaptor Sakura-vibes in this episode. I think it might’ve been the hairstyle but I dunno, Hana’s also obsessed with her best friend too so they might be more relatable than I thought lol
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Ok. I hate to be predictable but Rin obviously gets Outfit Appreciation this episode. IT’S JUST FACTS. This is Rin’s best outfit so far. I wanna draw it, I wanna wear it. Yes. We should all aspire to include more arm sleeves in our outfits. 5 STARS.
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Omg Yuki, tone it down 😂 WE GET IT. SHE’S MADRE.
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Lol, where’s Kyo? I’m sure he wants head pats too. But, myyyy boy, Momiji...
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...Did he really just pull the ‘let’s pray about it... together 💕’ move?! I am cackling 🤣
I kid, this was another cute moment between Momiji and Tohru. It’s just funny how everyone wants Tohru’s praise and affection... you know... like a GOD.
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Ooooo, I hate to admit it... but I’m starting to love Shigure in full Trickster God mode. This whole episode he was sinfully delightful to watch. Voice acting - of course, was amazing. John Burgmeier makes Shigure’s lilty, carefree tones have such dark and sinister tone this episode. It’s not shocking enough that it feels like it’s a totally different person but it’s almost like as if you’re noticing something new in the painting you pass by everyday. That darkness was always there...
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I am Hatori. Hatori is me. I’m starting to understand why Hatori stays friends with Shigure... 😅😅😅
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“And now we move on to Kureno Sohma, 26, who is about to watch a random DVD given to him by a high schooler”...
I feel like a lot of things that happen to or around Kureno never seem quite right... or legal lol 😅
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Oh Kureno... you poor Begotten Child of Eve... This scene is beautiful. But in general, Fruits Basket is so good with the use of colours and shadow and FRAMING in pretty much all of its scenes and scenarios. The way the whole scene is mostly dark but there’s a hint of purple showing how even though he is away from Akito, he’s never truly AWAY from Akito. It’s a nice touch.
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It was soooo... cool to see Shigure in his true form. Haha, I have no other way to say it. He was being such a smart-ass and was incredibly cold towards Kureno but it’s really satisfying to see Shigure’s ‘real face’. Which is ironic because throughout this whole phone call we don’t actually get a clear view of Shigure’s face. 
That absolute drop in Shigure’s voice in the English dub was excellent as well.
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All the pawns are falling into place... He really is the worst. I don’t like it. I like it.
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CINEMATIC. I love how dramatic this scene and this anime is!!! Also, Kureno’s outfit is great, a long coat is always good. There’s also something very ‘Edward and Bella’ about this meeting and this reveal of the truth. It’s just... so early 00s and it’s great lol
But oh, look wow, Kureno doesn’t have the curse (!)
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I love Kureno’s description of the curse breaking, it sounds so euphoric and beautiful! Also, I have to say, Ian Sinclair was fucking killing it this episode. I was a bit worried about him being Kureno at first because I’ve only known his performances as dynamic and slightly eccentric characters. But, he really nailed down Kureno’s calm and robotic kinda demeanour so that when his eventual breakdown happens...
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It almost sounds alien and so broken like he’s been holding back his tears for so long but also a little bit pathetic which I personally love as a take on Kureno. Because... he is a little bit pathetic. 😬 His whole life is on stand still because of a promise he made to a 7-10 year old girl... when he was in middle school?! I know that tradition is tradition but I genuinely agree with Shigure berating him for letting this go on for so long.
I guess that’s always been my personal problem with Kureno. He could’ve potentially stopped so many Akito-caused disasters in many of the zodiac’s lives just by even telling his own truth. And I know that it’s explained that Kureno just wanted to calm Akito down and reassure her and I definitely felt for him in that moment... but I think I need more of an exploration of how Kureno genuinely feels about Akito without the loyalty promise. I just don’t understand why he’s carried this promise on for so long.
But anyways... I found Tohru’s reactions to what Kureno was saying very interesting...
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Almost... like she finds this... relatable? (I dunno why I’m even trying to be coy when I’m behind rn lol) I’m definitely seeing the reflection between Tohru and Kureno now, lol
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BIG REVEAL(!) I remember when I first found out that Akito was a girl from the manga and I don’t think I really thought anything of it 😂 Like I don’t really think I thought much about her gender, I definitely knew she was feminine but I kinda just read her as androgynous? Kinda the same as how I read Ayame at first. How did the anime-onlys receive this reveal?
Again - Beverly (Season 1, Opening 1)
Home - Toki Asako (Season 2, Opening 2)
2001 Opening
Prism (Season 2, Opening 1)
Chime - Ai Otsuka (Season 1, Opening 2)
Lucky Ending (Season 1, Opening 1)
2001 Ending (THOSE STRINGS!! 🎻)
Eden (Season 2, Opening 2)
The Charm (Season 2, Opening 1)
One Step Closer (Season 1, Opening 2)
Ahhh, I’m so glad I can now fully envelope Season 3 now. This was a great climax episode. Ian Sinclair really got me good in Kureno’s scene - teary eyed at 2am lol 
See you in Season 3!!! Yayy!
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tardytothepardy · 3 years
Fruits Basket - Vol 22
The snowball that has been tumbling down a hill for these last several books is finally rolling to a halt. I wonder how Akito feels about it. Surely she's not gonna become upset.
Today we arrive with Kyo to Kyo's house, after being told by Hanajima that there's something he needs to do before he can see Tohru. He needs to talk to his dad, and it's gonna be the first time in a long time that he's done it. He's nervous as all hell, he feels nauseous just standing at the front door, but he still follows through. The second his father sees him, he's already in a rage. He yells at the servant(?) who let Kyo in, then zeroes straight on Kyo after Kyo asks why he's home in the first place, it's the middle of the workday, isn't it?
Kyo's father (he never gets a name, as far as I can tell) says that he wasn't feeling well, and it's Kyo's fault because,,, his mom died. Yup, makes sense. After all this time, Kyo's father still rants and raves and insists that it was Kyo's fault that his mother died, and Kyo says, "Yeah, I know it is." Kyo's father starts cackling, asking the servant if she also heard Kyo saying that, then asking for someone to call up the main Sohma house, to get Kyo and throw him in the dungeon (it's not actually a dungeon but I'll always think of it like that), but Kyo says he won't go there. He won't even step foot in that room, because he's going to live outside, because he met someone and he really cares about her, and he wants to be around her for the rest of his life. Naturally, Kyo's father rejects that, saying that there's no way the family would allow that, there's no way that Kyo can go off and try to have a normal life after "what he did", throwing his family into shame by being born (because he totally chose to be the cat, this is common knowledge), and he asks why Kyo's mother had to give birth to Kyo in the first place, which makes Kyo freeze up. He's heard that phrase before, when he was a kid. He hadn't realized it before, but after hearing his father say it, he realizes that it was his father that said it to his mother, "Why did you have to give birth to such a child?". Right in front of said child, by the way. Clearly the man did not and does not care. Kyo asks his father if he was the one who said it, which makes Kyo's father lash out again, how dare Kyo insinuate that he (Kyo's father) is the reason that Kyo's mother (why did neither of these people get a name ;-;) committed suicide, there's no way it's his fault, there was never anything he said or did that would make her do that, obviously, how could Kyo even vaguely say something that could be construed as such, and clearly it is not his fault but Kyo's! It has to be Kyo's fault, it simply has to!
Probably during all that screaming, Kyo thinks about how much he wishes his mom was happy, that she had never felt the way she did that led to her suicide. As a kid, it was difficult for him to understand, but now he does, not that it makes much of a difference. Whether he understood or not, she's still gone.
Finally, Kyo pushes his father away, saying that he won't give up on himself, and that he wants to make the most of his life while he still has it. His father again objects, and tries to grab Kyo, who deflects pretty easily (whoa it's almost like he's been trained for most of his life for scenarios vaguely similar to this) and his father just starts screaming that Kyo is going to kill him. You know what Kyo is doing? He's just pushing away his father's hand. That's it. His father is still screaming bloody murder (which is what he seems to think is gonna happen to him) when the scene jumps to Akito talking to one of the head maids, talking about Kyo, about if they should get someone to take him away, but Akito says that she wants that place destroyed. The maid asks if she thinks Kyo's father will approve, but Akito basically says, "It doesn't matter what he approves, I've decided it will be destroyed." After that, the maid notes that Akito has changed, and that she liked Akito before, but Akito doesn't care. Change, don't change, she'll be trying to progress and move on, even if some people around her object to it. Generally, there seems to be a lot of introspective going on for both of them.
Then we change to see Hiro and Kisa, who is reassuring Hiro that it's not a bad thing that his curse broke, and that no one is going to hate him because of it. If anything, she's happy for him, and is glad that he told her first, out of anyone else. Hiro asks if Kisa hates him now that he isn't part of the Juunishi anymore, and she asks him if he thinks of her any different because she still is. Midway through reassuring Kisa that that wasn't the case, Kyo announces his presence by vomiting behind some bushes. Hiro exclaims how gross that was (I'm not putting that against him, he has no way of really knowing (or understanding) why Kyo did that), and Kisa offers Kyo a tissue, and Kyo straight up basically hallucinates seeing Tohru. (Dang,, he's really affected by all this. He's, if you don't mind me saying this, down bad. Really bad.)
Kyo tries to visit Tohru again, but Hanajima and Uotani block his way completely. I would go into why but I've already said it, but one thing that does happen is that Hanajima and Uotani run into or meet (or something) Akito, who tells them that she's the reason that Tohru had those cuts, and kinda why she got hurt in the first place. She's also the reason why Kureno is in the hospital. Naturally, Akito is very ashamed of this, but surprisingly, Uotani and Hanajima are pretty cool about it. Hanajima tells Akito that Tohru isn't blaming anyone for the incident, so it's better if Akito not beat herself up so much over it, because it definitely won't make Tohru feel any better. As Akito was admitting what she'd done to Kureno, Hanajima straight up asked her if she was a girl, and when Akito didn't say no, suddenly things clicked into place: when Kureno was talking about having to stay by the side of a girl, Akito was that girl. This realization seems to mostly be on Uotani's side, who is also thinking about how much Kureno really means to her. I mean, she interacted with him a handful of times, and that was a while ago. She doesn't really know much about him, only that he seems to have a similar demeanor to Tohru, that sort of blind kindness kinda thing.
Uotani later goes to talk to Kureno, and he says that, to help Akito move on, he needs to leave, go far away. Uotani offers to go with him (after graduation and stuff), because she luh-luh-likes him (she refuses to say it), so that's nice.
Meanwhile, (more like after? Idk, timey wimey stuff) Kyo is heading to Kazuma's house, and he sees Akito walking out the front gate. Huh? What the fuck is Akito doing there? Kyo goes to confront Akito, but all she says is that he can live whatever life he wants to, and she refuses to clarify. Right before the bickering can start, who but Hanajima opens the front gate, asking if Akito is really leaving so soon? (She even uses a nickname, which Akito isn't the biggest fan of) Naturally, that freaks out Kyo. What is that girl doing here? Is she friends with Akito? How did that happen? When did that happen? Then Kazuma pops up, and Hanajima again acts familiar and friendly with him?! How does she do that that's so fucking weird!
Kazuma tells Kyo that he knows that Kyo went to talk to his dad, and that Akito knows as well. He also says that Akito plans for that dungeon room to be destroyed which is nice. Kazuma says that fixing relations between the main house or his personal family won't be so easy, but it was a nice start.
Jumping ahead a little, it seems that Akito has called all of the Juunishi (even Kyo, and we all know how rare that is) to the main Sohma house. She has something that she needs to tell them, and they have no guesses. Haru says that Akito seems to have changed since the whole incident with Tohru and stuff, which is a welcome change, even if it's still strange and confusing. (Personally, in that situation I would definitely have bated breath, because when there's a person that usually is disagreeable at best suddenly changes to being nice, all I can ever do is just wait for them to go back to being nasty. I just can't trust it when people switch like that, it's eerie)
Yuki then tells Kyo that Tohru's getting out of the hospital soon, which causes Kyo to speed off to Hanajima and Uotani, asking if now he can finally see Tohru. They say, "yeah, yeah," then ask him what outfits (because they're paging through a magazine) would look best on Tohru. Kyo has no fucking idea, Tohru could probably wear anything and he'd be fine with it.
Meanwhile, it seems that Yuki has some jealousy(?) concerning Tohru and Kyo. It's mostly because both parties know about the whole zodiac thing, but between him and Machi, that's not the case. There's a considerable risk that the secret came out, or that he tells Machi, and she finds it too weird and she breaks off any little relationship that is starting to grow between them. It'd probably just drop back to acquaintances, or worse: awkward acquaintances, where everyone asks what happened, weren't you guys close? Ugh. That sounds terrible.
So anyway, Yuki's busy worrying about that, it's a whole thing. I think he kinda tries to tell Machi at some point, but Kimi busts in asking about her hairbrush. And though he doesn't succeed in telling Machi, he knows that he has to, because this is a pretty big thing to hide from someone. It's probably difficult and straining to be a couple and you refuse to let your partner be physically close to you without ever telling them why. (Just panic and say that you have an allergy to human skin and admit that you're in complete misery because of it, it's fine, nbd)
The scene switches to Akito talking to Shigure, telling him that she's going to end the whole Juunishi thing. She's tired of all of it at this point, of people treating her the way they do because she's "God". She says that everyone (though I suppose in this scene she's saying this to Shigure specifically) will be released from her, that everyone can go and do whatever they want to do. Shigure says that if that's the case, then he'll be relieved. (I know he's teasing and all, but like, dude, can you maybe not right now?) He gives her a "farewell gift", which she looks fairly distraught about, but we won't see what it is yet, because now I have to describe Kyo's general panick over seeing Tohru again.
So yeah, the day that Tohru is released from the hospital, somehow Kyo almost seemed to forget about it until Yuki brought it up. Yuki wouldn't be going along though, because he has something else to do.
On the way to the hospital, Kyo's just rethinking all the stuff that he's said and that has been said to him throughout this whole thing. Yuki told him to just act normal, the fuck even is normal now? How does he do that? Will Tohru forgive him? What even does he like about Tohru? Does he still like her? What does he like about her? How much about that thing does he like? He has no fucking idea, how does he even talk to her? Then he sees her, none of that shit matters. The only thing that does matter is that he loves her goddammit.
Unfortunately for that romantic moment, the second Tohru sees Kyo, she dashes off. He gives chase after a moment of "oh jeez ;-;".
The perspective shifts to Tohru. She apparently didn't mean to run, her feet just went on their own. It isn't what she meant to do, she did want to see Kyo again, but who has control over their bodies in highly emotional moments anyway? She told herself that when she next saw him, she was going to smile. She practiced doing so, or that what she thought anyway. There's a moment where we see Yuki talking to Tohru while she's still bedridden, and when he tries (very hesitantly) to bring up Kyo, she changes the topic pretty quickly, along with crying literally at his name. It hurts her so much to hear it. She thinks that she's a burden by being unable to let go of everyone. She thinks she needs to move from Kyo after what he said, but she just can't. She meant what she said that she would stay by Kyo's side, even if it turns out he doesn't like her. She tried to not let it bother her, but clearly that didn't happen.
Finally, Kyo catches up to her (a second time, she pushed him away twice in that fantastic emotional upheaval), and she's crying. She's desperately trying to stop, she doesn't want to be a burden, she doesn't want him to hate her, stop crying! He takes her hand, and apologizes for all his bs. He says that he was only thinking about himself, about his own regrets. He ignored her feelings, and he says that he should've known better: the world doesn't give second chances, but he's taking this chance to try to apologize. He then says those magic words that Tohru did not think he'd say at all: he wants to be with her, he doesn't want anyone else, because he loves her. (Holy shit, they both love each other? Now this is a game changer, for sure)
Tohru's completely shocked, and can only muster tiny soft questions like "does that mean i can stay with you?" and "can i hold your hand?" with lots of ellipses, because shock. Kyo points out that she's already holding his hand, and then he kisses her (She does know that that's their second kiss, right? No? Hm, Kyo feels awkward about that). Kyo then pulls her to her feet (she was sitting on a garden wall thingie), and asks if they can hug, despite the whole cat thing. He says he thinks that the curse will probably become an inconvenience to her, but Tohru says that she loves him, and that it doesn't matter, everything will work out. And so they hug and,,,,
nothing happens.
The fuck?!
Before we get to the hug, we get a quick flashback to when Akito visited Tohru in the hospital. Akito admits that she was jealous of Tohru, and that she thinks that Tohru is prettier than herself. Tohru denies that, and asks that Akito not categorize things like that, because when you think like that, you just "use them to seperate yourself out", in her words. She says that she is not without blame, that Akito was just living her life as best she could, despite all the bad stuff that was happening to her. She destroyed Akito's world, essentially, and whether or not it was for better or worse, she still acknowledges that she ended up hurting Akito, a lot.
It goes back to the present, still with Akito, as the curse is breaking for so many of the Juunishi, Kyo, Ayame, Ritsu, Kisa, Kagura, Izusu, Haru, Hatori, and lastly Shigure (no i'm not forgetting anyone, the story isn't finished), and she's telling her father (who is, if you have forgotten, quite dead) that she doesn't have to be "god" anymore, that she can just be herself. She's still scared by that idea, because she is aware of how many people she's hurt, and she doesn't think she has any redeeming qualities, she's just alone, scared, and hurt. After showing all of these people's curse breaking, it circles back to the hospital, where Tohru is again offering her friendship to Akito, so that, if Akito truly feels she has nothing else, then at least she can have that.
Back to Tohru and Kyo, after they hug and he doesn't turn into a cat, it's a feeling of shock, but then Kyo tears off his bracelet, and it breaks, the beads going everywhere, and he doesn't turn into anything. I personally have a very small idea of how fucking elated he must have been about that. This lifelong burden, somehow worse than what the other Juunishi had to deal with, something that he's been shunned for (as if he had any choice in the matter), and now it's gone. It's all done, he doesn't have to worry about that anymore.
Now, before Kyo went off to see Tohru, Yuki mentioned that he had something to do. That Something(tm) was calling Machi, and meeting up. He's planning on telling her about the whole Juunishi thing, just get it out in the air. He feels kinda weird, indescribably, but he figures he's just nervous. Before he can think about it, Machi shows up. This is it: this is when he tells her-- whoa what? There's a little rat (probably a voice in his head, the rat spirit, something like that), and it tells him that he's the last. It thanks him for keeping the promise, and bids him goodbye, walking to the other spirits. Whoa. That's intense. How do you even begin to explain that?
Then, we see the story of the Juunishi, how it started in the first place: There was once this dude who lived all alone, at the top of a mountain. Even after going down the mountain, and seeing other people, he was still alone. Despite having a lot of power and experience and memories, he knew that he was unlike other people, and developed a fear of other people, of getting hurt, and of being different than others. One day, a cat showed up, and said that it had been watching the dude for a while, and it wanted to be by his side, and so it did. This made the dude (he's God, should I just refer to him as "God" rather than "the dude"? Probably) very happy, and he thought that if he can get along fine with one, why not more? Who wouldn't want more happiness? So he made and sent out a bunch of invitations for a nice banquet, and some animals came to it: a dog, a ram, a dragon, a monkey, a rat, a snake, an ox, a horse, a bird, a rabbit, a boar, and a tiger. They all collected and all had a fun banquet for many nights.
Suddenly though, the cat fell over, and everyone was distraught. There's was nothing to be done, his life had run out. This was a reminder that death is inevitable, and can happen before you're ready. This upset all of them, and so God prepared a drink and had the cat drink it. It was the thing that created the bond, and he said that however times that everyone there is born, or dies, they will all be together, and they will always be friends, until the end of time. Everyone agreed to it, and the rat was the first to drink, and the rest followed in their sequential order. After the last had drank, the cat started to cry, and asked why God had forced him to drink, saying that he didn't want eternity. No one had expected this response, and they scolded the cat for it. He continued, saying that he knows that death is scary, but it is important to accept that things come to an end, and that he was happy that he met God. If there was a time when they met again in another life, he wanted it to be a natural thing, and to be surrounded with more than those who were sort of forced to be there.
No one wanted to hear those words, however, and the cat died alone. Eventually, one by one, they started to die, leaving God alone once again. But once his time came, he wasn't afraid, because it meant that he could once again see his friends.
Seeing how that story of friendship had over time been twisted into a curse, a burden, kinda sucks, to be honest. The best of intentions don't always work out though.
Now we're pulled back to Yuki and Machi, who is pretty confused. Yuki tries to explain, that he just said goodbye to someone who has been with him his whole life, and despite it being unpleasant to deal with, he's still emotional about them leaving. He is glad that they have left, because he now has freedom. Freedom to do what, you may ask? To hug Machi, which is exactly what he does. I suppose this is some kinda scandalous pda or something because it shows people walking by blushing or whatever. Maybe it's just the American culture in me, but I wouldn't look twice if I saw something like that. (Whoa, it's almost as if different places have different standards and views and cultures, holy shit) After that, Machi asks if she can use his name (because she's always called him "President" up until now), he says she can, they kiss, it's a whole thing. Very cute stuff. (sorry i summarized that so quickly, idk how to talk about that stuff lmao 😳😬)
I'll just leave it there for now, move onto the next, and last, book.
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hiddenonigiri · 3 years
okay unpopular opinion time but one of my headcanons re: fruits basket after the series ends is that kisa and hiro don't stay together
i love them together i really do - but like i also like to imagine realistically how the rest of the zodiac react to finally being free of the curse, and in one of my imagined scenarios, hiro and kisa represent harurin in a world where they aren't bound by the curse. in harurin's case, rin suffered a lot trauma because of the curse (and also bc akito hated her more than the rest (except for kyo). she was also late high school/college aged and most of her teenage years were spent with the curse over her head. haru was her source of comfort and they had an active romantic relationship with each other while they were both trapped in the curse. in my head, there's just too much that happened to rin, so even after the curse breaks she still clings to what she knows, and that is the fact that haru is the one who she can love without worrying about revealing her curse.
in kisa and hiro's case however, i want to argue the two of them are still young enough that their entire youth hasn't been taken from them due to the curse. for kisa - i know she suffered much more due to the curse for sure, that i know there will be lingering effects long after the curse is lifted. but she is one of the youngest of the zodiac considering she's not in high school by the time it's broken. of all the zodiac, i feel like hiro suffered the least and therefore he has the easiest time adjusting to this new norm. in my opinion, the two of them will have the easiest time adjusting to life without the curse. likewise, they have the most time to really explore the options they didnt have while under the curse as well. what we saw of them in the series was a middle school love that only really made any headway towards the end (unlike harurin which like... they were sleeping together even before the series started). they are bonded by the same family for sure, but i feel like when they realize how much of the world there is still left for them to explore, the relationship they had while bonded won't go away, but it will weaken and they will grow as their own individuals beyond the curse.
i feel like the fact that we dont get any kisa mention in another, and hiro is only mentioned in relation to hinata is a telling sign. harurin, kyoru, yuchi, shigure/akito, hatori/mayuki and ayame/mine were confirmed in another (along with momiji/?? and hanajima/?? - correct me if there were others!). but the glaring absense of kisahiro makes me think that they eventually separated, as the two realized how much time they had left to really explore their options outside of the sohma home.
(as a final side note: i do wonder of kureno/uotani's fate. they really mirrored katsuya and kyoko's story, so a part of me thinks they ended up the opposite of that story and don't stay together as well. i know that most of fandom isn't a big fan of their love but i did think PARTS of it were cute. but realistically, i feel like uo would move on considering her age and what she potentially could do.)
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nanamisflowerfield · 3 years
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Scenario/Drabble Headcanon Requests 💮 Yandere 🩸
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🎎 Akito Sohma
🐍 Ayame Sohma
🐉 Hatori Sohma
🐂 Hatsuhatsu Sohma
🐏 Hiro Sohma
🐎 Isuzu Sohma
🐖 Kagura Sohma
🐅 Kisa Sohma
🐤 Kureno Sohma
🐈 Kyo Sohma
🐇 Momiji Sohma
The Other Zodiac! 💮
Dating 💮
🐒 Ritsu Sohma
Dating 💮
🐕 Shigure Sohma
🐀 Yuki Sohma
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🍙 Tohru Honda
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disneysooner · 3 years
Fruits Basket Hiatus - Day 112
Questions by @immaanimationnerd
Question #112: Do you have any unpopular Furuba opinions? If so, what are they?
I could be wrong for considering this unpopular, but everyone I’ve heard from seems to not agree with this pairing. I, personally, love the Arisa and Kureno ship.
Yes, it is a fast one to develop, but it’s a sweet one in my opinion. Normally, Arisa doesn’t give off that vibe that she cares about romance, but when she meets Kureno, she experiences what it’s like to have butterflies and care about seeing him again. Kureno is the same way in that he wasn’t ever really given the freedom to fall in love with someone. When he hears Arisa’s laugh, that seems to change.
I’ve heard many real life quick-to-fall love stories; some from my own family. Some knew within weeks that they were meant to be together. Some married within months of meeting, and they were married for many many years till death. It can happen.
There is also the matter of an age gap, but my parents are a marriage with an age gap. That’s why I don’t look down on it as much since my parents are in that scenario. My parents actually have a bigger gap than they do. It does freak me out to think one was in high school by the time the other was born, but they seemed to make it work.
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machikuragii · 4 years
Rank the Sohmas and explain your ranking?
Anon, this got really long, so I’ve put everything under the cut. Also I don’t have solid rankings beyond my top 2 so I went into ‘tiers’ that aren’t necessarily ordered by how much I like a character. TLDR; I love all the zodiacs for different reasons, see readmore for more in-depth thoughts.
1. Yuki Sohma
Yuki as a character is really, really important to me. I think about him so much, and how he goes from a neglected, unwanted child with no support network to a confident young adult who is so comfortable with himself and free to be happy and at ease and surrounded by those who love him. I think about how important it is that Takaya displays this journey as incremental, and not necessarily linear. I think about how Yuki’s strength comes not only from himself and his desire to improve step by step, but from the support he gradually starts to receive from the people around him. I think about just how important it is when Takaya says that it’s ok to be weak, to reach out for help, and that for some people, it is only when they DO receive the needed support from others that they are able to get better. I think about just how much it means for a boy with so little self-worth to gradually find himself in the company of people who enjoy his presence and like him for who he is, and I think about how he is able to reach out and help others after receiving the warm and foundation he himself needs, when he is emotionally ready. I think about then, how SIGNIFICANT it is to show a character who had absolutely NOTHING in his childhood go on to make sure that his own child has everything he longed for in a home in his childhood. 
There’s a little bit of Yuki in everyone. Every bit of his internal monologue hits like a truck for anyone who struggles with insecurity and low self-esteem, and his drive and aspiration to find his own purpose and happiness, can be a source of inspiration to so many. Yuki Sohma is one of the best, if not THE definitely best written Fruits Basket characters, and I really wish more people recognised this. As sensei once said herself, I know that Yuki will always have his fans, but I wished that more people realised and appreciated his importance in the story and carrying the themes of Fruits Basket.
2. Hatori Sohma
This is more a remnant of a past phase, but Hatori is here because he was my first anime crush ksksksasoksks . Jokes aside though, I love Hatori because of his kindness and selfless nature that is masked by a cold exterior. As an adult I realise that Hatori’s actions are not always perfect or enough, but I still really think that he is someone who truly cares. There are so many instances that improve his character in my eyes. Can you imagine going through what he goes through with Kana, and learning of her marriage, and not feeling bitterness, but relief that she is happy? And yet he values his own happiness so little that it really breaks my heart. Or the way that he doesn’t avoid Momiji after the ordeal with his mother, but checks up on him and in a way helps raise him? Dude is more of a father figure to Momiji than his own dad. Narratively, Hatori’s backstory is such an effective introduction to the darker, more mature themes of Fruits Basket, and yeah you can bet it worked on kid me. 
TIER: “These are great characters, I love their complexity but I’m also just fond of them as well” (no particular order)
Isuzu Sohma
Someone who definitely grew on me this time round. When I was a child I found it hard to understand what she was going through and didn’t really relate to her either. But oh my god, this girl goes through so much. She’s such a kindhearted character at heart, but struggles with connecting with others and receiving their kindness because of what she went through as a child. It’s so hard to watch her struggle, because we know she deserves the world. 
Akito Sohma
Controversial to say I love Akito just after I said I love Rin, lol. I’ve never had an overly negative impression of Akito throughout Fruits Basket (this is partially because my friends used to call me Akito when we were little.....because I was an Asian girl... and Akito is also an Asian girl????? idk now that I’m thinking back over it...gee thanks guys), so it was relatively easier for me to accept her redemption when it came. Akito’s actions are not defensible, but I find it much more interesting to explore where she is coming from, rather than just mindlessly spew hate and wish violent things for her like some people prefer to do. Akito’s character is a tragedy, and I feel like people are way less willing to emphasise when the victim is not “perfect”, per se. Akito went through the same “broken home” parental abuse that a lot of the characters in Fruits Basket went through, but somehow people are unwilling even to extend the tiniest amount of baseline empathy towards her just because he trauma manifested in a way that hurts others. Guys, she’s a tragic character!!! A tragic character isn’t always “a perfect person who has bad things happen to them”, it can also mean “a character who becomes antagonistic because of circumstances.” Her actions are inexcusable, but there is a lot to learn when we explore WHY she became this way.
Shigure Sohma
Gonna try make this short. Shigure is a controversial character but I like him because I like characters that demonstrate moral ambiguity. The point of Shigure is NOT to be a good person, and he doesn’t have to be one to justify liking him. Once again, you can like Shigure and still know that he’s a piece of shit. The whole idea of “he genuinely cares for Tohru but will hurt her if it means achieving his own goals” is a fascinating one to me, because it shows that the idea of “good people” and “bad people” is vast oversimplification of how actual people think and behave. Still though, I’m really not fond of how Akigure was executed in canon. I think the two could have potentially had a fascinating relationship but it ended up being more disturbing and swept under the rug&uncomfortable than interesting.
Momiji Sohma
On the opposite end of the spectrum we have Momiji who is just genuinely such a good person. I like the dichotomy between his outwardly ‘childish’ and ‘immature’ appearance and behaviors, versus what we gradually learn about him: that he has had to be mature and selfless at a very young age, and that he is also very emotionally intelligent and empathetic. Watching him gradually grow up before our eyes (we were ROBBED of it in the anime) but at the same time feeling more and more lost broke my freaking heart. When his curse breaks and he realises that even though he is now ‘free’, that nothing has changed and the damage was already done -  absolutely heartwrenching. He’s someone I would have loved explore more of what happened post-canon, because I just want good things for him and Momo, screw whatever the hell their asshole dad thinks. 
TIER: “I love these characters but don’t focus on them as much as I think the fandom does”
Kyo Sohma
I’m a self-professed “probably don’t think about Kyo that much” person haha. I know I know, sue me. I think its because out of the main 3, I love Yuki and Tohru so much that I don’t tend to focus on Kyo. I still like him a whole lot though!! I’m a big fan of the way he matures and changes throughout the series, and much like how Yuki does too, becomes a much happier person. When I compare early-series Kyo with later-series Kyo, one thing that always sticks out to me is how much more he smiles. The way he smiles at Tohru is so full of genuine warmth and happiness that it makes my heart melt, especially when I think about how this is a boy who has so much baggage, and has to gradually accept the fact that he deserves happiness before he allows himself finally to accept it. 
Hatsuharu Sohma
Most of my love for Haru comes from the relationship he has with Yuki. It takes so much maturity to accept that your prejudices may be unfair, and Haru did so at such a young age. Sometimes I just think about how much Haru did and continues to do for Yuki without the need for reciprocation or even recognition and it just hits me how much of a good person Haru is. He was Yuki’s ONLY friend at a time he had NO ONE, and is the reason Yuki was able to move out of the estate and become the person we know and love. Haha sorry for making this about Yuki again, but I think their relationship also says a lot about Haru as a person.
TIER: “I like Kureno and am tired of making a thousand disclaimers every time I want to say I like him, Takaya-sensei whyyyy”
Kureno Sohma
I really like Kureno. This is again pretty controversial, but let me try to explain. I like Kureno because he’s an example of someone who wants to do the right thing that causes the least amount of harm to everyone, but inevitably ends up making the decision that causes much more damage. It’s a classic “good intentions, bad outcome” scenario and I freaking love it. I love that it’s absolutely not what he wants, but Kureno ends up doing a lot of wrong things and destroying not only Akito, but also his own life in the process. I just find the idea of an adult of his age who is so isolated from all of society that even a shopping trip is something foreign and out-of-the-ordinary, really, really sad. 
On the romance side though,  I hate that Takaya-sensei decided that Arisa would be his romantic interest, but I do like the idea of romance being a part of his arc. (I actually think their interactions are somewhat cute but that the overarching age gap ruins everything - i keep thinking about if Arisa was older or Kureno was younger, but touching their ages at all would affect the plot so I would rather it wasn’t Arisa at all). Just the idea of Kureno by Akito’s side, playing the part of what he thinks is her “lover” (god sensei why are u liek dis), when he meets someone on one of his rare trips outside the Sohma estate that causes him to realise that what he and Akito have is not at all what a healthy relationship should feel like - and it causes him to reevaluate the harm he is doing to them both, and take steps to leave her. That is...not exactly what Sensei did, but I always remember how much I felt for Kureno when he said in the upcoming anime chapter how it was the first time he had felt like he loved someone out of his own choice...I just felt like that one “choice” could have lead him to the realisation that he can start to make more of his own, healthier choices in life. But yeah. Wish it wasn’t Arisa because it didn’t do anything good to her character arc, and it’s creepy. 
TIER: “I really like these characters but don’t go out of my way to think about them”
Kagura Sohma
Ok I lied, I do go out of my way to think about Kagura. I love her too, despite common opinion. I think her reflection of her relationship with Kyo was so wonderful. Her confession that she started to like him out of pity, but that over time they became genuine feelings. But that Kyo can’t reciprocate her feelings so she’s accepting of that, and thankful that he gave her time to express herself, although she will still go on loving Kyo. Kagura is one of those characters where Takaya-sensei once again demonstrates her ability to take a “trope” of a character and actually delve into their psyche and explains why they feel this way. 
Ayame Sohma
I love Ayame because he’s genuinely so much fun! I appreciate the arc of him rejecting Yuki, but how he is now reaching out to help him, and I feel like we don’t get a good insight into just how significant this rejection was until we see it from Yuki’s perspective. I also admire how he is able to recognise his own shortcomings, and respects Hatori because of his sensitivity to other people’s feelings. He’s a character who could definitely have been explored more if desired, but isn’t underexplored or incomplete as is.
Ritsu Sohma
My poor Ritsu. In contrast to Ayame, Ritsu was definitely underexplored. Such a great potential to explore confidence, identity, and assertiveness. Ritsu as it stands though, is largely a minor character who wasn’t given the time they needed to be fully fleshed out. I would have loved to see them gradually gain more confidence over the series!!
Kisa Sohma
Love love love Kisa, she’s such a cutie pie. But I feel like there wasn’t much more to say about her that wasn’t said in her arc. Kisa is more a character who is used to show the messed-up state of the Sohma house/Akito more than she herself is a complex character, I think. I love her arc and her parallels to Yuki though, it gave us such a great quote about needing to be loved by others before learning to love yourself. 
Hiro Sohma
Hiro is known to be an unlikeable brat but I love him as well!!! I think it’s really important to have characters who aren’t just lovely and receptive to Tohru’s kindness, and his character served to show an important flaw in Tohru’s character, and the way that her kindness could be taken advantage of. For Hiro himself though, I think his brattiness is alright because he’s very young, and I really appreciate his efforts to become a more mature person when he recognises his own flaws! 
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yukisohmasmokesweed · 4 years
i just wanna know it’s been bothering me since i was 10 years old... kureno says “i can’t fly anymore” but did he used to go flying around??? like i just envision a flock of birds flies by and suddenly a naked guy falls from the sky ㅠ ㅠ when haru had to stay as an ox for a long time he told tohru to keep holding him so he wouldn’t transform back but besides a girl constantly hugging kureno how could he fly without this scenario happening.... fuck if he flew far he wouldn’t even have clothes OMG
F;HISIOHO;DJD;KAL imagine ur out to lunch chillin in tokyo and a naked ten year old comes crashing down on ur table from above. how do you come back from that. you cant
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