#kotlc elf science
keeper crew, ranked based on who would have been the cutest baby
because ive been thinking about elf babies okay i want to hold these children
Fitz. So smol. So good. So pure. Puts everything in his mouth. Smiles. Says every word he hears back. You say things like "Moo" and "Muffin" and "Ripplepuff" and "Whiskers" and his little face gets all excited and his eyes sparkle and he's the cutest. baby. you've ever seen.
Biana Vacker. It's those freaking Vacker Genes. Ugh. So cute. It's practically illegal. She's got a sass to her, and her eyes are soooo big. She smiles and the world falls apart.
Maruca. Wtf. How did someone so perfectly sweet as a baby become? Such a badass? She grew up really fast, but when she was a baby she was chubby and soft and smiley and talked in babbles sometimes and made happy noises so much.
Tam. SO SERIOUS. SUCH A SERIOUS BABY. Glares at you, but his little face is kind of chubby and he looks like he could be a meme of a cute angry baby. He watches you. he knows things. He questions everything. And then his sister puts her little chubby hands on the sides of his face and looks at him and he SMILES THE WIDEST YOU'VE EVER SEEN.
Sophie. A normal baby with normal baby cuteness. Her eyes were a little too big for her head. Kinda looked like a fairy, and was always on the small side.
Marella. The grumpiest. Baby. You've ever seen. So grumpy. But? It's kind of endearing? In a really weird way.
Dex. No comment. He was bald except for two pieces of hair and he had no eyebrows.
Stina. One. Little curl. On her forehead. And an eternal glare.
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worldsunlikemyown · 7 months
SO. This is basically a not-fully-canon, but canon-compliant potential timeline of the Intelligent Species in the world of Keeper of the Lost Cities, with potential in-universe reasoning for why the world is that way. It then goes on to become a history of the Lost Cities (predominantly elf-centric) which, while not being entirely canon, does draw on it to come up with the most plausible stuff.
The timeline begins with the creation of the earth and the first Intelligent Species, and ends c.2000 CE, which is about when Sophie was born (if I didn’t make a mistake with the math). Apart from possibly wrong math, warnings also for science that probably doesn’t science (given that this *is* KOTLC where science apparently doesn’t exist).
Anything that doesn’t look familiar from the books is not canon.
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Ok so
Canonically, just about everything humans know about science in the kotlc world is incorrect.
Which… brings me to some questions about evolution vs creation in the kotlc universe?
For the sake of this post, let’s just assume that elves are totally reliable narrators and know everything, as we’re told at face value within the series.
We never see an elf religion. This leads me to believe that in the kotlc universe there is no divine creator, because the elves would know about them and talk about them.
But the idea of evolution is a human theory, unless Darwin was an elf in disguise. But even if he was, there are logistical problems.
Elves have been around for millions, nay, billions of years if we’re to believe they could preserve dinosaurs. Have elves stayed the same during this time? Did they evolve alongside the inception of the universe? Did 2 elves just *pop* into existence one day by absurd chance?
Evolution means dying. Elves had to die in the past if they were to get to their current state, assuming they didn’t simply decide to exist. But that just sounds like something Douglas adams would write. Have the dead elves been buried in the contemporary elven cemetery? Or have their bodies been lost to time?
When did elves become elven enough to consider themselves elves? They needed to have evolve to their current form far before humans. Would they not have to be warriors to survive during that time, or have they always been thinkers? If they’ve always used their brains more than brawn, how did abilities evolve? How did their aversion to violence form? Were there once elven wars so brutal, the species itself had to change lest they destroy themselves?
Where did elves originate, Shannon. This will drive me crazy.
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40 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
sophie is elf jesus
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44 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
since i just got back to my hotel room at rhe uil state academic meet, here's the events the mechanisms would excel in
source: trust me bro
ivy alexandria: she would excel in everything but she LOVES litcrit and science. oh and number sense
raphaella la cognizi: science. no questions.
jonny d'ville: he says he isn't in anything but he does speech and ready writing
nastya rasputina: general math and calculator. oh and also science
drumbot brian: debate and number sense
gunpowder tim: like jonny he says he doesn't do any but he's on ivy's litcrit team because he said something about romeo and juliet freshman year and ivy is his ride home sooooooo
the toy soldier: speech 10000% i Don't care
marius von raum: ready writing i once again Don't care dramatic bitches do 2 hour essays and they do them well
ashes o'reilly: science and current events
bonus- lyfrassir edda: current events and speech
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
maybe linh's mom likes to make pottery (cause she seems to enjoy art) and that's why they have some sort of elvin version of a kiln that linh used to melt the metal
it's possible! Given the elves infinite lifespans, it makes sense that the people who have been alive for centuries really explore their interests and every avenue possible. In the case of Mai Song, she shown to be artistic and while we only see paintings from her, it would make sense for her to branch out from painting because she has the time and money and interest to explore other forms of artistry--like pottery!! It's also not a craft that's seen as masculine, and we know that the Song parents are...traditional in that way...so she's a lot more likely to have taken up pottery than welding based on what we know about her so far.
Kilns can get pretty hot, so that's definitely enough to melt the metal. I don't thing their parents would be happy about them doing that, but then again that's never been a concern for them. I suppose that if Linh's mom enjoys the craft, that could solve the issue of how she (and Tam) melted the metal down in order to dip their hair in it.
Though now that I think about it, it could just be them using alchemy equipment. It's a normal subject as foxfire, and while the twins never enrolled there, it's not impossible to guess that the twins would've had access to the materials/tools necessary to melt down a little metal. And while they would've been very young, the vast majority of elves are perfectly fine at alchemy. It's just Sophie whose the disaster, so given the twins stellar entrance exam scores I think they'd be able to use the tools without issue.
So there are multiple ways she could've melted down the metal!! I doubt we'll ever know how, but it's fun to theorize
...which once again brings us back to the issue of her actually using metal to dye her hair. And how she didn't burn it off, burn herself, how her hair is still soft and can move. The questions that will never be answered
I mean, we can make excuses like "it's an elven metal that has a low melting point so there wasn't really a risk of a burn!" or "she dipped each strand one by one so they didn't all clump together" and things like that. However the twins' hair is one of those situations where Shannon's probably like please just go with it. It doesn't make a lot of sense but it's fun and adds character so don't worry about the logistics. I am going to jokingly continue to give her a hard time though.
Regardless, Linh and Tam's hair remains one of the mysteries of the series that I'm 99% certain will never be solved, so whether their mother is interested in poverty or elven hair is heat proof, all we can do is theorize!! and also draw them because they look pretty cool.
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arctic-celcius-anti · 2 years
Kotlc as things my friends have said, Part 1
( i had to change a few words and names to make them fit the kotlc universe, but all the quotes follow what the person said pretty directly) 
Tiergan: Just... say it was because of the gay presidents
Dex: Bill Nye the science guy! *falls off chair*
Sophie, hearing about Alden and Dellas age difference: 🎵Wait, that sounds like pedo-pedophilia! Stop! 🎵
Tiergan: Yeah, I’m hooking up with Prentice after school
Biana: Idk man. I just kinda sparkle and overdramatize really basic things  
Keefe: I’m so fast, I’m lighting McQueen! Nyooom!
Sophie, sleep deprived: I think it’ll taste like midnight, you know, very poetic. But real midnight, not daylight savings time midnight 
Fitz: so, your an elf now
Sophie: umm.. i don’t think you can switch your race? 
The Forkles, creating Sophie: And I want a fetus. A little dumbass horse fetus
Keefe, looking in the mirror: Oh my god I’m literally such a snack
Tam: Yeah, those shitty peanuts they give you on airplanes 
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archived-and-moving · 2 years
Do elves have like elite classes for medicine ?
The Elf Body and how it works for level 7& 8
Reproduction and how to legally create ur own servants for level 8
Periods and how it's not good for your physical being to make any blood related jokes during this time for levels 7&8
Puberty and how pimples suck for level 7
I know this is a joke but this is a legitimate question that I have so I'm probably gonna get ramble-y. 
So, Foxfire is supposed to represent years 6-12, yet the last two levels (7 and 8) are what I think are made to represent College/University levels, since only people with abilities can enter, and it is required to get into the nobility.
Foxfire was founded before Bronte's time, and according to the KotLC Wiki it says that the latest was 2000 BC, meaning that Elves were way ahead of humans, since we were still mostly hunting and gathering, although a few state societies were founded.
I think that elves were definitely ahead of us, but that their norms and society as a whole changed rapidly over the development of different methods and new technology.
Their understanding of anatomy, sciences, inventions, etc. has probably changed a lot over the millenia that they’ve been alive. Foxfire would support that. The classes were probably all together, then maybe apart, then finally one-on-one. The content of the classes probably changed as the basic elven understanding of the world around them did too. So think maybe they originally had biology, but then maybe switched that to elementalism. 
I think the only subject that wouldn’t change would be the Universe, since I think that elves would have shared that curiosity that humans do about the stars and how to harness them.
That would also probably change and adapt with the human race as well.
So, what I'm getting at is Foxfire's education has been around a long time- and I bet the teaching system reflects that throughout history. I'm thankfully not giving a whole lesson on what I think Foxfire is like, but I do feel that we should take into account medicine.
Obviously we know that elves do not take the same things that we do into account. And I'm curious to see what their perspective is on the gnome situation, maybe an ancient, or an elf who really doesn't agree with the whole servent situation.
I know that Alden and Fitz were horrified that Sophie thought of them as servants in the first book, but I feel that someone with a different perspective could be like "Hey so, this is really messed up."
I feel like it'd be someone like Kesler--both rebel organizations have been shown to be quite apathetic towards the gnome situation, so I'm not going to count them-- who can see that the Elven Government is flawed, and even corrupt at times.
But on to the actual contents of your ask; wtf is wrong with the elven education system, and when do they learn to be a corrupt species? Well;
I'm assuming that the Elvin Body class would span over levels 7 and 8. I'd like to think that those going into the medical field would get a more detailed study, but everyone gets a basic understanding of it. (think of like a health class for us)
We could also assume that parents teach their kids, especially if they’re a physician or even animal rehabilitator (Sophie, Jolie, and Stina probably know a lot about not elvin animals just from being around their parents.) 
So, I think there would be more specific courses. Like maybe each year is broken into around four units, each giving students a better understanding of the subject. I also think they should let them choose as to if they want their classes to be one on one, in small groups, or all together.
The medical students would probably have more in-depth classes, and I think they’d pick a physician specializing in a certain field to apprentice under before they graduate.
Like, Elwin might specialize in healing and working with children. And maybe Keefe would want to be a medical student. So, Keefe would take all the required classes certain days of the week, then other days he would just go with Elwin and watch and learn how he does it.
Each medical student would be given a mentor, (and if there were a lot of them, they’d be doubled up with that mentor,) and I’m thinking that the valedictorian would be offered to serve the council after a few more years of training.
Here's what I'd think (read, want) the Average Elite Level medical student schedule to look like;
(Let’s say this is Keefe’s)
Monday: Elvin Body (AM)  Lunch  Empathy (PM)
Tuesday: Elixirs (AM)  Lunch  Elective of choice (PM) 
Wednesday: Day of Internship
Thursday: Reproduction (AM)  Lunch  Empathy (PM)
Friday: Day of Internship
So, yeah, there’s my really long explanation of what I think the average Medical Student would go through at Foxfire.
Can’t help with that servant problem though. Rumor is that certain triplets are planning something big to help the gnomes and upset the government- but I don’t know specifics.
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To support my prior point that Exilium teaches kids to be terrified and maybe raise another idea about how the Banished kids are more violent:
They need to prove something. They are the only ones that can get themselves home. They are the only ones they can trust, only ones they can rely on. It starts override the disgust when getting hurt is just a thing that happens. When kids die and no one mourns because Exilium showed them that they weren't worth anything anyway. When they haven't touched another person in years, kindly, and now there's only pain.
When they hone their skills. They learn how to be warriors. How to hold their breath for hours. When they aren't shown mercy. When they don't get a break.
When every night they go home to a family that won't bother to look them in the eyes. When every night they wind up replaying their failures over and over in their minds.
The elves teach banished kids that their lives mean very little.
So when your own life starts to mean less, so too does violence. Killing. Murder.
And they're watching their backs this whole time. They have no friends, no one to rely on. Their entire world is off, wrong. They've been stripped of community, stripped of family, stripped of life. All they are is a chain of beads and a mask.
They are nothing special.
And in that lack of speciality they are worthless.
Their lives mean nothing to anyone anymore.
The world has abandoned them.
Exilium teaches banished kids that absolutely no one is on your side.
That if you want to live you need to be prepared to do anything.
That you can't feel guilty for doing what you need to.
Exilium creates soldiers. Not better people.
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Something about exilium teaches elves to overcome their distaste for violence and I think it's the feeling of everyone being after you and out to get you
I think paranoia can override the elves' disgust of violence. I think fear is the thing that's stronger than their moral code.
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The elvin mind couldn't process violence. Their thoughts were too sensitive--- their consciences too strong. It was why the Neverseen were so unstable--- though Fintan held his sanity together far better than Brant.
--- Lodestar, by Shannon Messenger. Page 41.
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elf babies are still babies, don't know what words mean how how to make sentences for months, they just know words, and so if you ever say "fuck" around a baby younger than a year, they will repeat it non-stop.
this is the real reason there are no confirmed elf babies in kotlc
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elves and spirituality/morality
okay, so elves have a very clear moral standpoint, admittedly, things they think are moral are not always moral, but they've got their morals set up very visibly, and it's a code that everyone follows in the same way. Logically, it should have its roots in some sort of spirituality.
But, there has never been any mention of "gods" or "goddesses" or even ancient beings. So, therefore, they worship(if they worship at all) or simply look up to something non-traditional, but perhaps very traditional in a very ancient way.
And, for your entertainment, my headcanons on what Elves venerate(for lack of a better word):
Firstly, they venerate the stars. No, literally. The physical stars that live in the sky. It's why they teach "The Universe" at every age.
The stars are not kind, because stars do not have emotions. Likewise, they are not evil. You cannot please them or displease them. They simply watch, silent, and they speak, but not to you.
The stars do not converse with anyone but themselves. And they will never respond to you. They see everything, and yet they respect time. They cannot intervene to change the course of what is. For what is will not be changed by them. It can only be changed by you.
Every ray of light that touches the earth from the sky belongs to a star. It is elven belief that everything that has happened and ever will happen is written in the light of the stars. They bottle the light, and they bottle the endless secrets of the universe. That's why you have to be so careful with it. It's the words behind your very existence. Every line of your life glittering with light, every piece of who you are inscribed in the intangible nature of warmth and vision.
They do not dictate anything about you. They watch. But every choice is yours to make. Nothing about the future is written in the stars but choices and pieces. You are the driving force in your own life. If you make good choices, you will get good outcomes. The stars have shone so.
The stars did not create themselves. Something else did. But elves do not think about or talk to what created the stars. It is sacrilege to consider it. They are so infinitely below the stars, that to even think to address what is above them is inadvisable at best and dangerous and damning at worst.
Since the stars don't control anything, and don't feel anything, they kind of just exist as eternal beacons of truth and light. They always watch you, always know what you are and what you are doing, and if you go out in the middle of the night to look up at the sky littered with little sparks of light, maybe you'll see a new one rise, and another flicker out. Single stars are not eternal, but the presence of the stars themselves are. They are a collective, a united front, and their eyes make reports of the life you live.
The time of year you are conceived is also very important, because astrology is so very important to the elves. What stars are in the sky at the time of your conception are your stars. They watch you, and record what you do, specifically.
The registry files are specifically modeled after the kind of knowledge the stars presumably have on you. That's why it's so in depth and disturbing. Admittedly, the stars keep all that they know among themselves, and have only blessed two other people with the knowledge they have.
Those two other people are ancients, both of whom have a very rare and specific talent of seeing, basically, everything. Every option, every choice, every word. They are built for knowing, hearing, and seeing. They were blessed by the stars. And they know what the stars do.
Elves don't really believe in an after-life, just because death is so rare. There is an after-life, of course, souls are eternal things, although they do have a beginning, but they don't believe the after-life exists. Although, it would probably help those grieving those they have lost to know that someday, even if it is the end of the world, when every last star goes out, and the sun caves in, and the world dies in front of them, they will see those who died again. They will see those who were killed again. This existence was never meant to be eternal. After all, even the stars flicker in and out of existence, slowly, over time, rising and burning out in the same thousand-year breaths that every elf breathes.
Oh, yeah. That's the end of the world. When every last star goes out, the world will end.
More logistically, when the sun goes out, the world will end. Elves need to breathe air. They cannot simply float outwards endlessly into space. Elves can be killed, and the species will end with the earth. The ancients will die when the earth does.
Elves also venerate the ancients, but on a much lower level. The older you are, as an elf, the more you have seen and the more knowledge you possess. Therefore, you know a large fraction of what the stars know, and you can be held to a similar level.
Ancients get veneration as in extra respect and extra weight to their advice. And yeah, just a lot of respect. It's just "respect your elders" taken to a very great extent because these elders have lived so long that the know how the world works, and they know how to exist in reality, and they know how to halt change and keep things as they are. It's a very commendable quality.
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What human things do you think the elves could never have?
mmm in practical mechanical terms? Because
Robots and AIs(this is more that most elves don't like the idea)
solar panels
Electric lights. They have glowing crystals or candles.
Computers to be used for recreation
Other things that are not practical but the elves will probably never have:
Mental healthcare!
A good judicial system!
external peace!
probably joy!
a real democracy!
A real republic!
A functioning economy!
true bravery and courage!
there are of course many more on the above list, but that’ll take a while lmao
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kotlc hot take
your talent is an extra sense and you don't perceive it through your ears or eyes or nose or anything it's just something you feel
like if you're an empath it's like seeing colors around people or on them when you touch them
or if you're a froster it's like breathing in cold
or a vociferator it's a different sense that allows you to control your volume to an extreme degree
its just a different way of taking in information
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Is there a difference to how humans and elves feel? A difference between emotions besides ours being stronger
I don't think there are a ton of differences besides the strength of our feelings, and they're a lot louder and more tangible for empaths.
However. Humans are really good at compartmentalization.
"Compartmentalization is a defense mechanism in which people mentally separate conflicting thoughts, emotions, or experiences to avoid the discomfort of contradiction," according to Psychology today. It makes fighting in wars easier, makes dealing with change easier, all of that stuff, because we can set our emotions and feelings to the side, and focus on what we need to. It's a really neat thing.
Humans are really, really, really good at this.
In my opinion, Elves cannot compartmentalize very well or for very long.
This means that whenever something comes up, they need to process it now or live in contradiction. Which means that grief takes up a ton more mental space. It means that wars are a lot harder to fight in. It means that change is scarier. It means that everything is bigger and more pressing. That your trauma cannot be set to the side briefly(or at all) to allow you to focus on something else.
Everything that happens has to happen now.
At least, that's my idea.
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the most disturbing thing about elvin culture
your grandparents don't look older than your parents
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