#kotetsu doesn't care
akemi-snow · 10 months
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It's them.
Don't let that serious face fool you. Izumo was the one who came up with whatever idea put them there. Kotetsu only made it worse.
I got the background from here but had to edit the heights bc my boys are smol
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wyrdle · 2 years
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"I for one, am f**king glad that scum is dead."
Part of my AU where Yuri's saved by the SWers who were going to be Lady Killer's victims. Mini fic snippet below. CW for mild swearing, rape/abuse/assault mention.
Yuri had been conscious for several days now, but was no less perplexed by the situation he had found himself in. He was laying back to rest and heal all the, he quotes, "f*cked up injuries" he had.
The bed is scratchy, and garishly ornamented, velvet cushions behind his back helping him sit up. The room he's been staying in is always dimly lit, with the musty smell of cigarette smoke, alcohol and other substances he'd rather not think about.
"The VIP room." The prostitutes, Maria and Lee, had informed him.
Lady Killer's next victims, had Lunatic not interfered.
And now, Yuri had them and a whole group of strangers who knew his identity and did not care, tending to his wounds and housing him away from the authorities.
"Screw the police, they don't give a shit about us anyway." they had almost hissed.
Yuri knew the high rates of rape and assault cases that slipped through the system. Either too dull for Hero TV to cover or ignored by incompetent and corrupt police. Lady Killer himself, had taken 3 lives before his arrest was issued.
Yuri found their company and honesty soothing. They did not mind his scars, and seemed to understand where others could not the horrors humanity could commit. Not the spectacles of heroes vs villains found on television, but the dark, gritty and messy everyday evils. Yuri found himself blurting more about his father and mother than he had ever been able to in years to anyone. (Not a difficult record to beat, in hindsight.)
His whole family is dead deaddead-
They offered their sympathies, but it wasn't patronising like when his father's associates offered their condolences and offers to "help" at his funeral. Freely speaking about his life with one foot in the Justice Bureau and the other in matters of vigilantism... helped. Funnily enough, Yuri found himself taking the role of mediator often, even advocating for viewpoints that directly countered Lunatic's methods for justice.
It seemed, one of the most marginalised of communities in society had many strong opinions about justice and how to enact it. Alternatives even, that Yuri had read once but ashamedly tossed for their idealism. (Or his own trauma-fuelled guilt?) All of them however, held little love for authority, whether it was the pigs in blue or heroes in gleaming gold.
So, Yuri healed, in this strange community of people who stuck out for each other. Each with their own experience of abuse, trauma and discrimination, spoken and unspoken. Only the beaten would have known how to help him with his wounds, physical, mental and emotional. Quite literally, sometimes.
Rei with a medical degree he couldn't use because of discrimination, Sato with their knowledge gathered from years of organising mutual aid, Mira with her kindness and understanding after an angry client blinded her in her left eye and left it scarred shut.
There were less people at Origa Petrov's funeral than Mr Legend's, but it wasn't as cold with these strangers who'd taken him in without judgement.
"What will you do next?" They asked him, when he was mostly okay, and possibly alright with living. Yuri doesn't quite know, but for the time being, working as a judge who was a friend to those who needed support the most sounded good.
Yuri was not a good man, but he learned that there was more to enacting justice than Kotetsu's heroism and Lunatic's punishment. With people he could rely on, life seemed bearable, even hopeful.
For Yuri, that was more than enough.
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yurissweettooth · 2 years
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Did he just look at the pictures only, oooooor....?🤨
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The only relationship I've watched in anime that has absolutely convinced me that big age gaps can work out romantically is the one between Barnaby Brooks Jr and Kotetsu T Kaburagi in Tiger and Bunny.
12 years age gap. Barnaby is 23 and Kotetsu is 35. They're literally the newest rookie and the oldest veteran in the hero scene. And you can say "they are not canon" as if the creators hadn't gone out of their way to state that they pretty much don't care how you interpret it, a romantic reading of their relationship is as valid as anything else.
Their respect for each other? Their partnership? They're both treated as grown ass men on the same level.
Somehow Kotetsu can call Barnaby a "cute little bunny" and still he never reduces Barnaby to a naive child who doesn't know a thing about life. Kotetsu treats Barnaby like a man, a professional. He never infantilizes Barnaby for his trauma or his past. He helped Bunny as much as he can, goes beyond his limits to help him reaffirm himself and recover his independence. Kotetsu wants Barnaby to be respected, to not feel powerless, helpless, he wants his partner to stop being manipulated. Bunny's whole arc is that he wants to stop having decisions made for him!!!! Kotetsu knows it!!
On the other hand, Barnaby jokes all the time that Kotetsu is old, calls him grampa, that he should retire, the complete dance. Yet, Barnaby has never seen Kotetsu as a father figure. Kotetsu is Bunny's hero partner, not his superior. Thanks to Kotetsu's respectful treatment, they're friends. Hell, Bunny treats Kotetsu like a man. He doesn't pity Kotetsu for having lost his wife. He doesn't treat Kotetsu any differently when he meets Kaede, Kotetsu's daughter. There are moments when you forget the age gap because the story focuses on them being equals!!! They can take care of each other, they can share their burdens, they talk it out if they are frustrated, they communicate with full responsibility, etc etc etc.
Normally I don't like big age gaps at all. It's more of a personal preference, since those dynamics make me uncomfortable.
Kotetsu and Barnaby are the exception and the standard. God bless the Tiger and Bunny creators.
* also it has some of the best treatments of a teen girl having a crush on an older man I've ever seen. It's nothing predatory 'cause Kotetsu completely respects Karina and never takes advantage of her, also completely healthy because Karina uses that to sort out her teenage conflicts and figure out how she wants to be treated, how she deserves to be treated, what he's looking for in a relationship, how older people should approach her, etc.
Kotetsu is a gentleman through and through. An absolute must watch if you want to learn how to write those types of characters and relationships.
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demonslayedher · 3 months
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Things that went through my mind while watching this episode: --The other day, my fellow otaku colleague sent me a screen cap of her dictionary looking up the word "abazure" and I was like, "I know what episode she's on."
--And, after finishing this season, she announced she has a new favorite character. You can all guess where this is going. We gushed about how wonderful Mitsuri is, like, an hour after I wrote some otherwise unprompted Mitsuri gushing. Mitsuri is so worth gushing about. And Ufotable has done her such justice!!
--First off, Love Breath. Just. So good. And they basically handed the ending them to her this season as her own personal theme music. Speaking of sounds! Cat noises on the Love Breath. And you know that part at the beginning of the ending theme when she looks in the mirror and pats her cheeks? You can hear it.
--Speaking of the ending theme, one of the demons she is shown defeating is mostly in shadow, but you can still make out stripes on him similar to Akaza... but more similar to Speedy from the Rengoku Special. Rengoku nod!?!? Also, although they aren't the same character design, in part of Mitsuri's flashback she pictures a mother and son very similar to the pair she saves in the Gaiden. Rengoku nod!?!? --'k but also... the Rengoku Gaiden had Rengoku give her a haori, and that thing got totally obliterated in that attack she took with her face. That attack also tore her uniform in many places, and that is made of material that can at least withstand a normal demon's claws and teeth. Underneath, however, she doesn't even look bruised, which goes to show how strong her constitution really is.
--OKAY BUT ALSO... right after we see her say she'll treasure the socks, Iguro says, "don't bother, if they tear, I'll just give you new ones"? We see that despite how frayed and torn her uniform is, THOSE SOCKS ARE STILL IN TIP-TOP CONDITION.
--Iguro, what are those things even made of?????
--So for as much as Muichiro gets to show his ease in battle by verbally messing with Gyokko (at least once he has the double whammy of memories+mark), Mitsuri is so physically capable that it totally makes up for her less-than-stealy frame of mind. Our girl can be right in the middle of battling an Upper Moon and be like, "wHaT DiD tHat cHiLd jUsT cALL mE!?!?!?!? Oh wait yeah not a child BUT STILL"
--And I love that Zouhakuten is so ULTRA-SERIOUS that he takes her totally at serious face value as an opponent instead of caring one way or another about her personality, which surely must have thrown other demons off in the past since she's so unlike other Corp Members they might have faced before.
--And then you got Hantengu, running from his responsibilities as the #1 Most Relatable Demon.
--Some other animation moment I loved: NEZUKO'S FACE as she looks at Mitsuri with admiration. I can't get enough of those two. I'd like to think that if Mitsuri and Nezuko met when Nezuko was human, mature elder sister Nezuko would be just as enamored with her. Like, that day Nezuko tells an adult off for hitting a child, say Mitsuri comes to her rescue and also stands up to the guy, but then when Mitsuri is lightheaded with hunger Nezuko uses that chance to treat her to a snack and chat with her, Takeo is probably watching this all go down and feeling very overwhelmed seeing that chatty side of Nezuko, so when Tanjiro comes by he might be like, 'help,' but then Tanjiro probably starts going into fanboy mode right alongside fangirl Nezuko and Takeo would be doubly overwhelmed.
--Also, I loved that Tanjiro (who already finds Mitsuri amazing) is like, "wow, whoever made that sword is amazing," which makes a very nice through-line about Tanjiro's admiration for the swordsmiths. If we look back at that scene in the opening when Kotetsu is showing him the swordsmiths at work, there's such a nice chance in Tanjiro's expression as he feels extra resolve as he appreciates how this is how the swordsmiths fight.
--Another part of the animation I love in this episode: How you can feel the shifty G-forces as Genya struggles to hold on to the twisted trunks of wood, and then all the strength of his jaws as he pulls at the bark. I also love how this is really the only explanation we ever get of his powers, and we're all supposed to be like, "Huh. Okay."
--What I don't love about this episode is that we don't get to see Tanjiro & Nezuko's faces--or Genya's face, for that matter--when he throws the tree. Those were some good faces.
--While I am sad at Ufotable for taking that out, we have to appreciate all blessed new material they gave us for fleshing out Mitsuri's background. We all fell a little in love with Mitsuri's dad, didn't we? Since we've never gotten it in any canon material, I do have to wonder how her parents reacted to her joining the Demon Slayer Corp, and how that even came up in the first place.
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--I ate sakura mochi while watching this episode, tee hee hee.
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yuki2sksksk · 11 months
Random things I think about after watching the latest episode of Demon Slayer:
- I thought that Muichiro's father might be siblings with Tanjirou's but the family name doesn't add up so! What if Mui's grandmother is a Kamado and married a Tokitou. Mui's father inheriting the red eyes and married a turquoise eye coloured woman hence the Tokitou twins are born.
- I love how Tanjirou gets so work up over Zohakuten victimizing himself, like he's so pissed that this demon has the audacity to acts like a victim when it's the other way around. That he also gets so angry over being questioned why he cares about others, why does he keep helping others when it's not his business.
- This episode reminds me of Gyutaro and Daki, how they're on the different side of the same coin with Tanjirou and Nezuko. They became demons because they suffered, contrast to the Kamado who became demons slayers because they suffered.
Tanjirou and Nezuko are the definition of " The world is cruel and makes us suffer so we make sure no one gets the same fate."
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silverynight · 1 year
The little guardian
The mist hashira comes back looking for him; he still has this uninterested look on his face, but Kotetsu is ready this time, even behind his mask, he narrows his eyes, he hopes the Pillar can feel the hostility coming from him.
But it seems like he doesn't or that he doesn't care.
"The Yoriichi doll doesn't work anymore," the little boy says with a smirk on his face. It's true, he's scared about not being able to repair it, but he's also glad that Tokito won't be able to use it anymore.
That hashira is so incredibly rude and disrespectful and Kotetsu doesn't like him at all.
"I didn't come here for the doll," the mist hashira says and finally it's like light and life glimmer inside his eyes. He's interested in something, focused, although Kotetsu has no idea what that is yet. "I want to see Tanjirou."
"No." Kotetsu puffs his cheeks out, even though it's impossible for the Pillar to notice because of the mask. The boy has decided that Tanjirou is his older brother now, he's his family so he must protect him from infuriating people.
"I want to apologize," Tokito insists, looking slightly desperate this time.
Kotetsu likes what he sees.
"He doesn't like you."
The mist hashira grimaces at that, but doesn't make any attempts to leave the little kid alone.
"It's my fault, I know... For treating him the way I did," he admits, surprising Kotetsu for a moment. "But I promise I'll make it up to him. Just tell me where he is."
"Apologize to me first," Kotetsu says, puffing his chest out, growing confident, even though the Pillar made him feel bad days ago.
Almost in shock, Kotetsu watches as the hashira nods.
"I'm sorry for the things I told you. That was wrong." Tokito says then.
He really is desperate to see Tanjirou, huh? But why? Kotetsu is a little bit confused now.
"Where's Tanjirou?"
"Come on! I'm not going to hurt him!" The mist hashira swears, looking even more desperate now. Then, Kotetsu finally notices that he's carrying a bouquet of flowers in one of his hands.
"Are those for Tanjirou?"
Tokito blushes, but nods. And Kotetsu might be ten years old, but he knows what's going on. He's seen that in the village before... Older boys and girls flirting with each other.
"He's not going to like them."
"Why not? They told me they were really beautiful," Tokito says, looking down at his red flowers, now a little bit insecure.
"Because he doesn't like you."
"I'll try to change his mind."
"You won't be able to," Kotetsu assures him, getting a little bit irritated. Well, he already hates the guy.
"So you won't tell me where he is?"
The little boy can tell that Tokito is more than ready to start looking for Tanjirou on his own and the boy can't have that.
"He left the village."
"I don't know."
"Did he go back to the butterfly estate?"
"I don't know."
By this point, Tokito looks a little bit irritated as well, but he tries not to show it and he's really good at it because the next time Kotetsu blinks, there's the same neutral expression back on his face.
"Alright, thank you anyway," he finally says before leaving and Kotetsu realizes that the Pillar didn't believe him at all.
Fortunately, he sees Tanjirou first and if he keeps him busy, maybe that ridiculous hashira won't be able to find him.
"What if the small boy with horrible long hair came back and apologized to you after what he said?" Kotetsu asks Tanjirou, as they have lunch together.
"You know he's a hashira, Kotetsu," Tanjirou smiles gently. "You should refer to him as that."
"I don't care."
Tanjirou rolls his eyes, but he doesn't scold him, Kotetsu knows the older boy has a soft spot for him; Tanjirou told him he reminded him of one of his siblings.
"So what would you do?"
"If he was being sincere, then I'd forgive him for sure," Tanjirou tells the boy. "Everyone deserves a second chance."
No. That won't do. Then the Pillar will try to flirt with Tanjirou and then marry him! That'd be a nightmare for Kotetsu.
"I don't like him."
"I know. And it's okay, he was very rude to you and hasn't apologized yet. So you have the right not to like him."
At that Kotetsu feels a little bit guilty, but not enough to tell Tanjirou to forgive him.
"Don't be his boyfriend. Okay?"
Tanjirou chokes on his tea and his face turns completely red in seconds.
"Why would you say something like that? He's not even interested in me!" Tanjirou chuckles nervously. "We're not even friends!"
"Just promise me you won't be his boyfriend because I don't like him."
Kotetsu can tell that Tanjirou finds his idea ridiculous, so he doesn't take him seriously.
"Okay," Tanjirou chuckles again, but this time he's genuinely amused. "I won't be Tokito-san's boyfriend."
"Promise me!"
"I promise."
Ha! Kotetsu just won! The rude hashira won't ever marry his big brother Tanjirou!
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Round 2, Match 3
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John Doe and Arthur Lester (Jarthur) from Malevolent vs. Kotetsu T. Kaburagi and Barnaby Brooks Jr. (Taibani) from Tiger and Bunny!
Propaganda for John and Arthur:
The inherent intimacy of having a guy (John) inside your (Arthur) head who you don't know the history or goals of but still bond over the atrocities you go through in your shared body. And sometimes he's an arsehole but you know that he wants the best for you and it's so much more than any other relationship they could have and in the end they always have eachother and I'm jealous of a sad British man and the voice in his head. They're friends and each others world and everything and I want what they have. OH DID I MENTION THAT ARTHUR IS FUCKINF BLIND AND JOHN IS HIS ONLY ACCESS TO SIGHT? IT'S BEAUTIFUL. Like John always takes such care to describe their surroundings (no seriously he starts waxing poetic). I mean yh he withholds it sometimes but every door has its issues. Anyways yh I love them and they deserve the world.
They are extremely close, both literally and figuratively. John is inside of Arthur's head, and they often fight in ways that have been referred to by the fans as 'divorce moments' but they still very clearly care about and love each other, in a way that is explicitely non-romantic. Their love is desperate and aching and they're not just friends, but they are definitely not dating, and a LOT of the fandom interprets them as queerplatonic.
Oh, the special kind of affection and friendship that can only bloom between a 1930s private detective and the eldritch entity that ends up possessing his eyes and left arm. 95% of this show is Arthur (the detective) bickering with John (the eldritch entity) like an old married couple, and falling in and out of trust with each other. Despite that they are both fiercely loyal to the other and by the point the podcast is at now they seem to trust each other implicitly - Arthur has to rely on John to guide him since John can see out of the eyes of their body and Arthur can't, but when they fall into an abandoned mine and are reunited (long story) they immediately fall back into that old, trusting rhythm. They share a body and their initial goal in the podcast is to be separated, but by the point we're at now they're not too fussed about it. They're making plans to go out to dinner and the movies. Also, Arthur is aro-coded - there's a big emotional arc that involves him accepting the fact that he never had romantic feelings for his wife, even during the birth of their child or her death, and how that doesn't make him a bad person or diminish the love he felt for that child.
Propaganda for Taibani:
The creators said that their relationship could be read as either platonic or romantic so why not queerplatonic
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sleepykye · 10 months
Flowers are what bonds for us..!
Part 3
Part 2 link : Flowers are what bonds for us..!
Okay the title is not exactly related to this part but it's okay. Or is it not.... BUT ANYWAY-
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You set off on your mission with muichiro, longing to make him proud. You didn't want to disappoint him on your first ever mission.
Apparently, it was possible that there has been a appearance of a uppermoon in the swordsmith village. ( pretend that muichiro didn't go there to get his sword fixed )
Both you and muichiro arrived there shortly. The village was in a disaster, there was rubble everywhere. Some buildings collapsed due to the lack of durability to withstand the fish demon's attack.
You quickly cut off the head, but discovered that it didn't die when you did. Muichiro cut the vase like flesh on top of its head before it could attack you. "Be more careful.." muichiro said, worried that you could have lost your hand from the attack that it was about to unleash.
You thanked muichiro before seeing tangiro, fighting some demons that looked similar. Muichiro followed along but before he could attack, karaku had blown both you and muichiro away together using his weapon that resembled a giant fan.
Muichiro quickly remained calm but you on the other hand.... was horrified as you were afraid of heights. Muichiro landed on both his feet as expected, but you barely landed on your feet. You almost fell on your face, you cursed that demon before standing properly. You saw muichiro staring at you, you got embarrassed upon feeling his stare at you.
Muichiro was on his way to run back to the palce to help tangiro and protect the village chief, until you saw kotetsu on your way.
" Ignore him, he's not important. He doesn't know how to forge swords, he's not our priority. Our priority is the village chief. " was all muichiro said as if he knew your intentions. You wanted to save him but you knew that disobeying your master can lead to serious consequences, so you held back from it. But suddenly, muichiro vanished and you saw him helping kotetsu.
You smiled upon seeing that, you thought to yourself about how much he's changed. You hopped into the fight and slashed the flesh like pot on the fish demon's head.
Kotetsu thanked the both of you profusely and asked muichiro and you to follow him as there was another demon nearby. Muichiro sighed before following him, while you were close behind muichiro, following the both of them as well.
The Demon that kotetsu led the both of you to, turned out to be uppermoon 5. You got your stance ready. But the demon suddenly made fish appear, when you slashed at them, spikes came out. Piercing both you and muichiro, the demon laughed as he unleashed more attacks. Muichiro managed to deflect most of them, but with you here, he couldn't deflect all of them.
The Demon somehow caught the both of you off guard and trapped you together with muichiro into a vase made out of water. You knew that if you panicked, you would lose more oxygen. You could only hold your breath. You weren't strong enough to break out of the vase made out of water yet. Muichiro could only remain calm as well.
The Demon went to the shed where haganezuka and kanamori were at. You saw kotetsu, along with a demon chasing after him, he was scared as he saw the both of you trapped in a vase made out of water. He got hit by the demon, you were worried about him. But he blew into the vase, giving oxygen to muichiro. Muichiro then took the opportunity to break the vase using his breathing style.
You quickly got rid of the demon fishes chasing kotetsu. After you did, you fell onto the floor, you almost suffocated to death in that vase. When you went to the shed, muichiro quickly unlocked his mark as he dealt with the demon. He slashed at the demon as it slowly disintegrated. Not allowing him to talk at all as he slowly died.
You quickly asked if he was okay, but instead, foam started to come out of his mouth as he fell onto the floor. You could tell he was not okay and that he was exhausted. You carried him as the both of you went to the top of the cliff, watching tangiro. His sword was broken, and he had no sword to kill the demon. So you took the sword from haganezuka and threw it in front of tangiro.
After the fight was over, you and muichiro got treated at the butterfly mansion. You didn't have any severe injuries but muichiro sure did. You took care of him after his injuries recovered more. However, he was still down with a fever. So you took care of him at his mansion.
You had basically no idea how to care for sick people. But you one thing ! You grabbed a towel and a bowl of water and soaked the towel with water before squeezing the towel and placing it on muichiro's forehead.
" hmm, how do I work this " you said awkwardly as you looked at the rice cooker infront of you. You just knew one thing for sure. Muichiro is about to get food poisoning because you sucked at cooking..
You managed to work out a simple porridge, you looked proud as you took a little bit of a taste of it to see if it was edible. It was edible, so you put a bit of soy sauce.
"Mui !! I made food ! " you exclaimed as you entered his room. Before giving him a stare, the both of you ended up in a staring contest. The other waiting for the other to do something. You decided to just feed him. Before saying " Ahhh ! "
You were glad he listened as he was normally stubborn. When you wanted to wash the plate after finished feeding him. You could feel a tug on the very hem of your shirt. You looked down to see muichiro tugging your shirt. " stay with me please... " you sighed as you put the tray down on the bedside table and just sat there on his bed awkwardly. Muichiro pulled you down into bed beside him as he cuddled you, his hands around your waist while his lips on your forehead. You couldn't really get out of this position if you wanted to as he is really strong. You can't get out of his grip, so you decided to just comply and sleep together with him.
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the8thsphynx · 8 months
FELLOW YURI LOVER HELLO <3 I love your art and I wanted to pick your brain for any Lunatic theories or headcanons ya got, if you're up for it! I've always had this thought and wanted to ask other Tiger & Bunny fans about it, but how do you think the Petrov family was doing after Legend's death? How do you think Yuri got through law school to become a judge while taking care of his mom??
Ohhhhhh Anon we are sharing a braincell right now. Buckle up.
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Yuri gifs sprinkled throughout to help make my points
(CW for the theories ahead, dealing with themes of trauma, domestic violence, child abuse, and alcoholism)
First off, I absolutely think Yuri and Olga were not wanting for money at all after Legend's death, even before Yuri became a judge. There were probably no financial worries whatsoever for Yuri getting through law school, either. Mr. Legend was the hero in Sternbild for the longest time, so there was likely a sizeable life insurance policy and inheritance for them.
Also for sure Maverick threw hush money their way because while the alcoholism was bad enough then that meant Hero TV ABSOLUTELY was not gonna let the news out that Legend's death was because he was about to kill his wife and child. Case in point for this one is that when Ben got the info for Kotetsu about NEXT powers fading, Ben only had info about the alcoholism; not that Legend was an abuser nor that Yuri was his son.
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I could make an entirely separate post and go on for days about the fuckery I think was going on between Yuri and Maverick, but I wanna stay on-topic for your question. another day... maybe... if its asked...
So... onto the sadder part!
What Happened to the Petrovs?
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So... disclaimer: I am NOT a mental health professional... however I am a childhood abuse survivor, so I'm really just pointing out patterns I recognize from my own experiences.
In Ep. 16 of Season 1 when we got Yuri's backstory reveal, I couldn't help but make mental note of his mom and how they interacted. When we first see her, she's not only elderly and disabled to where she needs mobile assistance, but she's also clearly having some sort of memory lapse into a time where the abuse wasn't happening, given her cheery way of talking when she does go into these episodes.
However... When Yuri reminds her that his father is dead, it shocks Olga and kind of snaps her out of it... and her instant response is to start verbally abusing Yuri and throwing things at him.
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Yuri not flinching we could first think 'yeah his reflexes as Lunatic are probably making him aware he doesn't need to dodge' but like... what if it's that and that he's used to it...?
I think that the mental condition we see Olga with in the beginning hasn't been going on for too long. If we go off the first movie's timeline of things, Yuri implies that he came to Sternbild and was just appointed as a judge for the city.
Also there's this air in the way Yuri was walking around the house and talking to his mom in S1. Ep16 that makes it feel like this is one of the first times in a while he's been around her. he's also still learning the ropes of being a caretaker for an elderly person, bc as someone who used to work with CNAs and nurses in a retirement home the last thing you want to do when someone's having a memory lapse is forcefully pull them out of it, unless of course the writers for the show themselves just didn't know
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All of this to me this feels like Yuri has only just recently come back to Sternbild and moved in with his mom in order to take care of her.
With Olga she obviously was very in love with her husband and adored her son before the downward spiral began. That much is apparent later on in Season 2 where we see Olga (albeit almost permanently in this memory-lapse state) being quite tender and affectionate towards Yuri and acting towards him like she did when he was a child (cue the heartbreaking flashback to how she really really wanted to make the cookies Yuri loved on the night she died).
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However, in the moments where she's lucid again and acting negatively towards Yuri, I think this is the truth of their dynamic after Legend died.
Trauma from abuse can do... weird things to people.
Now any of us can sit back and say 'if my child went through the horrible agony of killing their own father to save the both of us I would simply cherish and care for them, RIP but I'm built dif', or 'if my husband started abusing me and my son I would simply divorce him' but... people and legality can be more complicated and messier than that.
I'm not going to get into the semantics on if Yuri's mom was a completely bad person or anything like that (bc the whole theme of the Petrovs is 'there are no only good or only bad people, there's just people), but I'll flat out say that I think a bit after Legend's death Olga was at the very least verbally abusing Yuri.
The complete disregulation of her brain from the abuse and violent death of her husband PLUS all the ways Hero TV was probably covering things up must have messed her up some type of way that she blamed Yuri for their life being turned upside down and was resentful towards him.
On the flipside, on Yuri's part, he absolutely has a deeply complicated relationship with his mother on TOP of how fucked up he is from his father. He doesn't regret stepping in as a child and saving her, but for sure there's a painful wound still stinging in his chest about how their relationship was damaged and never really recovered. With how bitter and toxic things with his mom probably got, Yuri might have left home at some point or was even kicked out.
As for Yuri's personal mental state, I mean the show highlights pretty clearly that he is NOT okay. Yuri has very intense PTSD to the point of constantly reliving when his powers activated and he killed his father to having hallucinations of his father mocking him.
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His perception on morality has been pretty skewed to the point of being super vengeful to whoever he perceives as 'wicked', which comes through not just as Lunatic but in his dayjob as a judge where he's known for giving out heavy-handed sentences.
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(i mean usually this vengefulness as Lunatic is directed to serial killers or violent criminals, so.... it could be worse, I guess...?).
Now... Back to Yuri and his mom... So for those of us who did survive a toxic family/parent, I'm sure we can look at anyone who asks and say 'lmao fuck my shitty family, I don't care what happens to them' but... let's get real, that shit hurts. Especially like in Yuri's case where the family member wasn't always abusive or at least wasn't in the beginning.
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So when the times comes for whatever phone call that Yuri got to come take care of Olga in her old age, I think he was still bitter about how she treated him and was mentally prepared for everything to be nonstop difficult and depressing. And I mean from there we see in the series how things go; exactly that.. But as Olga's mental state deteriorates, in some fucked up bittersweet way her relationship with Yuri greatly improves. Like... to the point where in the very end Yuri was happy to talk to her on the phone and spend time with her. Which again, for those of us that have lived this IRL, is HUGE.
I'm not going to get into Season 2 endgame spoilers, but the ultimate fate of the Petrov family depresses me to no end. I DO like though in S2 Ep20 how Yuri was able to get a LITTLE bit of closure for himself.
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I just still maintain a lot of things for him in the end of the series should have been handled differently.
This got long, but the brainworms are real.
Thank you for the ask, Anon!
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virtualcarrot · 2 months
[KKIR] Modern AU - Teaching Pains Pt5
Part 4
Prompt 5 : Exes/Memories
Iruka's bleary eyed and still half-asleep when a similarly out of it but powering through Kotetsu hooks an arm around the back of his neck.
“Sooo… You and Kakashi-sensei stayed up late together at the gym, uh.”
Iruka doesn't react. In all fairness he's too busy trying to figure whether or not he’ll capitulate to the early hour and abstain from one of the cheap donuts on the counter. On the one hand, he’s vaguely queasy. On the other hand, it’s free food, and also sugar, which should give him the necessary boost of energy to hang on until his brain gets fully online.
Before he can decide, Anko makes a grand entrance, her drill sergeant voice announcing her arrival. “All right, losers! The bake sale's ready and the Headmaster's office’s shut off from the public. Y’all ready to be productive members of society or are you gonna keep mooching off our hard work?”
With a coffee in hand and a coworker hanging off his shoulders, Iruka blinks back slowly. He barely registers Kotetsu hiding his face in his shoulder with a groan.
Ignoring them for the coat rack, Mizuki hangs his bag with a huff.
Anko meets Iruka's eyes and grins toothily. “Why, hello lover boy,” she drawls. “Have fun yesterday?”
Iruka pulls a face. “It's not like that and you know it.”
“Oh, do I?”
Faced with her too sharp eyes and growing all too aware of Mizuki's presence, he hides in his drink. “We were sparring,” he mutters into the mug.
“What was that?”
“We were sparring.”
Kotetsu releases him with a snort of laughter. “Is that what the kids call it, now?”
Sometimes, being on friendly terms with your coworkers is a curse.
“I assume most kids aren’t familiar with kumite, so I’d say: yes,” Iruka retorts curtly.
He doesn’t really like bringing up martial arts around Mizuki. There are old wounds they’ve rebuilt their friendship around that still remain tender. But he can’t let this sort of insinuation go unanswered either. It’s unprofessional, for starters, and also he could really, really do without the risk it might reach Kakashi’s ears if Iruka doesn’t nip it in the bud.
Much to his relief, Mizuki doesn’t sour at the topic. He draws closer instead, eyeing Iruka up and down the way he used to when they were kids and he was looking for injuries. “Are you alright?”
Iruka ducks his head. “Yeah, don’t worry. He went easy on me.”
He pauses, remembering his surprise of the previous evening, the warm feeling of making a pleasant, unexpected discovery.
“He’s actually really good, uh,” he adds, somewhat breathily.
Ever the realist, Mizuki gives him a little smile. “It’s more likely that you’re too out of practice,” he says gently, which Iruka can’t really dispute. “But it’s good that you had fun.”
Then, because they’re not actually paid to gossip, they all leave the teachers’ lounge and go open the school to the public. Mizuki falls into step with him while he goes to round the last arrived volunteer students--for a value of volunteer where Iruka just ended up conscripting additional kids until they had enough people.
That Naruto didn't put up more of a fight feels like an admirable growth of his character, truthfully.
“You should be careful,” Mizuki says, breaking the companionable silence.
In the process of a mental review of the performances and workshops they've got planned for the next day, Iruka has trouble following the non sequitur.
“Kakashi-sensei. You had a tense relationship, and he's been mellowing to you--which is great. But it wouldn't do for people to think it's in return for… services. Or that you'd compromise your students for that.” At Iruka's stricken look, he waves a hand in the air with a rueful smile. “Don’t worry, I don't think that. But you know how tongues wag.”
Which is of course the moment Iruka’s phone chooses to chime with a new text. Any cheer he might have derived from Kakashi asking about his morning freezes over. He hastily shoves his phone back into his pocket. Mizuki gives him a pointed, knowing look but is kind enough not to comment.
Thankfully, Iruka doesn't have time to ruminate. Visitors may be slow on the first hours of open day but that's all the better to ready them for the later inpouring. Future students, their parents and concerned family members number that crowd, along with the visiting families of their current ones; the true bulk of it, though, are the random bystanders excited for the free spectacle Ebisu sets up with the kids every year. If only for Sasuke, Lee, Tenten and Neji’s feats of gymnastics and martial arts, the trip is worth it.
By the time the rush fully starts, Iruka has already broken two fights between Ino and Sakura, yelled Shikamaru awake from a nap, reminded Chōji that the cakes from the bake sale are for sale, and stepped in to support Hinata before she passed out at the prospect of talking to a group of total strangers asking for her opinion on the school curriculum.
After which lunch-time arrives.
He distributes the complimentary sandwiches the school provides their little volunteers--but not the teachers--and then takes a very hypocritically cake-filled break in guise of a meal. It's more sugar than he enjoys, but he didn't have time to cook the evening before and knows from experience that the local shops will be crowded from their own visitors looking for something to eat.
Somewhere past two in the afternoon, Kakashi shows up with takeout coffee from Iruka's favorite place. Iruka's never resented someone more for making him like them.
“Isn’t today a university day?” he asks, washing the lingering sweetness from his mouth with a blessedly dark roast.
It's a bit rude, by way of greetings, but Kakashi doesn't take offense. If anything, his eye curves in that congenial arch like Iruka's just the most entertaining thing he's been given to see.
“Had two free hours ahead, thought I'd check how it's going,” he replies, with the sort of nonchalance that tells Iruka those hours were probably not supposed to be nearly this idle.
“Office hours?” he can't help but ask, trying to ignore Suzume adjusting her glasses at them a few classrooms over.
Unperturbed, Kakashi chuckles. “Office hours,” he confirms with an expectant smirk.
But Iruka doesn't segue into his usual rant about responsibility and student needs. Leading a group of wide eyed pre-teens and their flustered parents across the hallway, Kotetsu's just sent a thumbs up behind his back and with it, made his spine freeze.
He doesn’t have time to linger anyway. The gymnastics performance is drawing near, which means it’s almost time to begin corralling the interested visitors towards the gymnasium that a not insignificant proportion of them won’t fail to miss, and that’s in spite of Izumo’s indications on the PA system and the many printed signs they’ve tacked all over the school in preparation.
To top it all, Iruka hasn't seen Naruto in a while which never bodes well.
He heaves a sigh at the thought. “Sorry, Kakashi-sensei, I’ve got to get back to it. Really appreciate the coffee, though.”
Kakashi takes one look at the milling visitors and nods. “Sure. Don’t let me keep you. And good luck.”
It takes all of Iruka’s willpower not to smile in thanks, lest he look too familiar, though he doesn’t get long to brood over it. He’s barely walked past one classroom that he's caught by a family of four asking about the facilities and the disciplines taught and whether there’s a waiting list they might sign on to make sure their daughter of six years old gets in when she’s of age. He wants to sympathize with wanting to do good by one’s child, but his experience teaching the kids of such parents, pressured towards performance like the adults around them think they’re coal they might compress into diamonds, makes him deeply skeptical. And anyway, there’s no such thing as a waiting list, which he tells them, before directing them to a few booklets in the library and drafting Sakura to lead them there and answer any further questions.
Finally free, he slips away.
The good thing about having been a troublemaker in this very school, is that Iruka’s well versed in its real estate of hiding places. The downside is, he’s grown complacent in updating that knowledge.
By the time he’s about to give up and rejoin the event, Iruka’s no closer to finding Naruto. At this point, he has half a thought that Naruto should hope he doesn’t find him, because he won’t make any promises as to the kid’s life expectancy once Iruka gets his hands on him.
Fate must really be conspiring against Naruto, then, because Iruka’s doing his last check in the remote corridor leading to the Headmaster’s office when he catches sight of a blue and orange sleeve hiding behind a cabinet with pictures and diplomas of former headmasters.
He sneaks closer for greater impact when he yells.
The resulting screech of horror is deafening.
Sitting on the floor with one hand clutched to his heart and his bag at his feet, Naruto laughs nervously. “Aaah, Iruka-sensei, you found me,” he says, rubbing the back of his head.
Iruka gives him the sort of even look that Naruto should know means this situation can go either way, and it’s all up to him.
“What are you doing here?” he asks.
Naruto looks away with the jitters of someone readying a lie, and a bad one at that. Iruka crosses his arms sternly to dissuade him.
It’s enough that Naruto slumps, sullen, and draws his knees to his chest. “It’s just… There are a lot of people.”
“Lots of… families…”
Iruka steps around him and the cabinet, and slides down the wall until he meets Naruto on the floor.
“Can’t be easy,” he says casually, looking at the faded paint of the wall across.
“It’s fine,” Naruto mutters to his knees.
Iruka nudges his shoulder and doesn’t say anything. He remembers when he lost his parents, how it was to be young and alone and counting only on himself. Sometimes, a mere presence was enough to help. That, and warm food, which is his usual approach, but he doesn’t have any to offer Naruto at the moment. He makes a note to take him out for ramen sometime soon.
On the loudspeakers, Izumo informs them that the first performance of the afternoon will start in five minutes.
“Hey, Iruka-sensei?”
“Do you think I’ll pass this grade?”
Truthfully, the question is one Iruka has been pondering himself. While Kakashi’s tutoring has noticeably improved Naruto’s grades in physics and chemistry, and given him confidence to tackle the other disciplines he had given up on, he still has a long way to go.
Iruka sighs. “I don’t know, Naruto,” he answers honestly.
Naruto hugs his legs tighter. “I’m not stupid, you know? It’s just difficult. But I’m really trying my hardest.”
“I’ve never doubted that,” Iruka says, because it’s true. He’s watched Naruto sit hours long in front of his textbooks, hair in even greater disarray than usual as he pulled it every which way in frustration. Truthfully, Iruka sometimes suspects part of his learning difficulties might be closer to disabilities, but he’s been having trouble communicating it to the head of the orphanage, who’s a bit too convinced that Naruto’s just acting out in a bid for attention--which he is--and would by extension benefit from being ignored so as not to reward his behavior--which he doesn’t.
Daikoku isn’t a bad man, but if anything Naruto’s been a harsh lesson to Iruka on the limits of his good intentions.
“I don’t want to repeat the year,” Naruto admits in a small voice.
And Iruka gets why. Kakashi’s guidance isn’t the only reason worth crediting for Naruto’s improvement these last months. Working in a smaller group, out of the more merciless dynamic of a full classroom, has finally given him an opportunity to bond with his classmates. He has friends now. And a rival. Which is kind of a friend, Iruka thinks.
He ruffles Naruto’s hair affectionately.
“Then let’s keep working hard to make sure you don’t, eh?” he says. “Come on, let’s go. Ebisu-sensei’s going to lose his mind if he’s missing one of his stars when the show starts.”
Naruto seems only slightly mollified, but that’s to be expected. Some things take time.
He does get up after Iruka, who counts it as a small victory.
Part 6
@kakairu-rocks (I'll finish the fic past the official allotted time of the event but at least these fills will have been posted on time)
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akemi-snow · 10 months
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KakaIru + Those Four Guys From Naruto
I'll assume you've seen the original versions with the canon couples. (I'd link it but have no idea what the OG really is). Now it's the gae version.
#kakairu#koteizu#Genrai#Naruto#Those two guys from Naruto#those two guys from naruto but it's not those two guys#genma shiranui#namiashi raidou#hagane kotetsu#izumo kamizuki#the funniest bit of this is that izumo's screencap isn't edited. Demon Possessed Izumo canon#Also funny that literally 2 seconds after that he's already putting his anger behind because he had a DUO battle tactic idea#Izumo: *is ready to falcon punch Kotetsu into another dimension after embarrassing him in front of 2 ANBU jonin*#Also Izumo: *includes his buddy his friend his sun and stars into his tactic ideas regardless because Friendship Means Friend*#Izumo is the embodiment of 'Just because I'm mad at you doesn't mean I stopped caring'#Also Izumo is currently on duty in that scene + dealing with Ko's lazy ass + just embarrassed himself in front of 2 respected jonin ->#and STILL had an idea for a killer top tier tactic right there. Brilliant baby. Smart boi. Intelligent cutie. Creative little muffin. I lov#Also this is in no way a diss to iruka. Iruka bby. Iruka my boy. Iruka my heart & soul since naruto 1st aired. i love u bby.#Kotetsu in canon: Wants to fight Izumo. Kotetsu as soon as Izumo wants to fight: NOPE *runs*#also gonna post the not gay version for the non shipper side of fandom. Not like I have more than 4 followers but in case it makes it out#It's just. I've seen The 4 Guys being shipped in PLENTY KakaIru fics. So I assumed someone might enjoy this lmao#also because i ship these 3. Everything gay I ship. I love me some non toxic masculine intimate friendship but I also love my gay sorry
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Just some short drabbles of our favorite Anime Boys pregnant!
Warnings: tooth rotting fluff, NSFW content, Mpreg, soft angst
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Kotetsu and Izumo
Getting both of your omegas pregnant at the same time was not the plan. Izumo wanted to be the one to carry your pups but after four years of trying, the stress and guilt were wearing on Izumo. The three of you had decided that Kotetsu would try to get pregnant during his next heat and he did his first heat, which made Izumo feel worse. You and Kotetsu tried your best to cheer him up and comfort him. When Izumo had his heat 3 months later, it was a surprise to find out he had gotten pregnant. It was a welcome surprise, after four years of trying for a baby, to find out the three of you were expecting two babies. You kept making jokes that they always had to do things together.
Your favorite part of the day was coming home to both of your omegas curled up in their nest. On this particular day, you came home to find the two of them shirtless with their stomachs pushed up together.
“They’re kicking each other.” Kotetsu smiled at you. He looked down at their stomach and rubbed them. “They're going to be best friends. I can already feel it.”
“He's moving so much today,” Izumo smiled, rubbing his stomach. His stomach was smaller than Kotetsu's since he was only 5 months while Kotetsu was 8 months.
“Hi babies, you're Alpha's home.” you climbed into the nest with them and kissed both their stomachs. “How are my two amazing omega’s doing today?”
“We’re good.” Izumo smiled as you kissed both of them as well. You happily scented the both of them and they moved to have you lay in between them.
“Would you guys like to work in the nursery?” you asked as the two of them curled up to your sides.
“No, let's just lay in the nest all night.” Kotetsu snuggled up to your side. You kissed his cheek as he yawned.
“We worked on it this morning, and we did all the laundry,” Izumo said, “We’re both tired.”
“Oh, dear, you both did a lot today, rest and I’ll take care of you.” You held both of them close and scented them. Kotetsu was the first asleep and Izumo lay half asleep as you ran your fingers through his hair. “Are you okay?
“Ya, our baby has been moving so much today and it's just… feels more real today. Our baby… I’m finally having our baby.” Izumo smiled tiredly.
“I’m so happy for us. We’re growing our family.” You smiled at him.
“Are you mad at me that it took so long? We could have had babies already, maybe a toddler by now…” Izumo sighed.
“Izumo, it's not your fault. Sometimes these things happen. It doesn't matter how long it took.” You kissed him softly. “I would be happy even if we never had kids because I love the two of you so much.”
“I just want to have pups.” Izumo blushed. “Can we try again when I have my next heat?”
“Maybe we should wait a year after the babies are born before we start trying again.” you laughed nervously. “Six months might be too soon.”
“What if it takes a long time again? What if I don't get pregnant again?” Izumo worried.
“Let's get through this pregnancy first. We’ll worry about having more children later.” You kissed him softly.
“I want to give you a hundred pups.” Izumo hummed half asleep.
“A hundred? I think that may be too much.”
“But they would be so perfect and the world needs more beautiful things.” Izuma was soon asleep and you decided that the three of you would talk about how many babies you would have later.
Yamato didn't know what to do with himself when he was put on maternity leave. You tried to help him stay busy, with yard work, cleaning out the attic, and anything else around the house you could think of. The two of you spent so many hours decorating the baby's room and getting things ready but now that Yamato was 8 months pregnant, the house was in immaculate condition and Yamato was far too pregnant for projects. So when you came home to find him moving the nest from the room you shared to the living room, you weren't surprised to smell the restlessness in his scent. You showered, letting him finish the nest. He didn't like being interrupted while he was focused on making his nest and tolerated it even less the past few months. You wait until he is settled into your nest before joining him.
“How are you feeling?” You pull him close to you stroking his stomach.
“I hate being so useless,” Yamato grumbled. You sighed. Yamato had been an active-duty ninja for so long, he didn’t know what to do with himself if he wasn’t working or training.
“You’re not useless, you're growing our pup in you. That’s a lot of work. You’re growing our little family to three.” You kiss his cheek. You felt the baby kick your hand and get excited. “He’s kicking again. He’s going to be so strong.”
“He likes you, he’s kicking my spleen though.” Yamato sighed.
“Is there a reason our bed is in the living room?”
“It’s cooler here.” Yamato sighed.
“Do you want me to turn the air down?”
“No, just cuddle me.” Yamato curled up to you. You happily comply and hold your omega tight, stroking his swollen stomach as your pup continues kicking and moving at your touch.
“Iruka Sensei's having contractions!” One of Iruka’s students burst into your classroom. You tell your students to work on some worksheets and send one of your students to tell the principal before rushing to Iruka’s classroom to find him panting in his chair with a hand on his heavily swollen stomach. You were by his side in an instant when Iruka stifled a yell as another contraction hit.
“Iruka love, how long have you been having contractions?” You asked worriedly. Iruka refused to go on leave until he was about to give birth as he didn’t want to leave his students with a sub for so many months. You finally talked him into taking leave a week before his due date but it seems it didn’t matter as Iruka was still a little over two weeks away from his due date.
“Yesterday, I thought it was just false contractions. They’re still far apart. It’s too early” Iruka was trying not to panic, he didn’t want his students to see him like that.
“Two weeks isn’t too early. Let’s get you to the teacher lounge.” You pull him to his feet and practically carry him to the teacher's lounge. Iruka had another contraction hit and he whimpered as you rubbed his back. “That was 11 minutes. We should take you to get checked out before we head home.”
“It’s going to be hours before I give birth, just give me a few minutes and I can finish the day,” Iruka said determinedly,
“I will not let my omega over-exert himself when he’s in labor. You’re going to get looked at then we are going to rest in your nest until it's time to go to the hospital.” You said. You leave him just long enough to make sure that both of your classes were behaving and that subs were on their way before heading back to your omega, finding him in the middle of another contraction. Once it was over, you helped him up and helped him out of the building and to the hospital. It was very close to the school and they took him in right away. You hold his hand comforting him as he was given an exam and told everything was looking good. Iruka was still hours away from delivering so the two of you headed to your apartment.
“Alright, let's lie down for a little.” You guide him to his nest and settle him down between your legs. He lay limply against your chest as you stroked his stomach. “You’re doing so well. You are so strong, Iruka love.”
You scented him as you rubbed his shoulders. You had made him go to a birthing class with you and both of you were glad for it. You stroked his swollen stomach. Iruka smiled at you and kissed your cheek. “We're going to have a baby soon…”
“Ya, we will.” You kissed his forehead. You shower him with praise and kisses as Iruka went through the hours of labor. You spent then helping him into new positions and walking around as he needed. Once his contractions get stronger and closer together you grabbed your bags and helped Iruka up. “Are you ready to go have our baby?”
As much as you loved Kakashi, having him home all the time was starting to drive you crazy. He was demanding and clingy ever since finding out he was pregnant. The two of you never planned on getting pregnant. Kakashi was diligent with his birth control. Both of you worked a lot and you knew Kakashi was stressed enough worrying about you that you never wanted to add more worry for him. It happened anyway, and you were worried about how Kakashi would react. He lost so many of the ones he loved and was so afraid of losing more loved ones. You watched him closely for signs of panic attacks and nightmares returning. He had nightmares multiple times a week for over a year about losing you. Now, after being together for 6 years, he had only had four bad nightmares in the past year. Kakashi, though, was taking the pregnancy well, even after finding out it was twins. He had his worries and he would start spiraling with what-ifs, but not the full-blown panic attacks you were expecting, not yet at least. You were very concerned that they would come after he gave birth.
“Alpha~! I need attention.” Kakashi was laying on the floor of the living room as you were working on the laundry. You were used to Kakashi demanding all of your attention when he was home, only before he was gone a fair amount of time. He came back from missions touch-starved and clingy. You loved that you got to see your mates' soft side and loved being his support.
“I need clean clothes for work,” You chuckled. You were a civilian that owned a small corner market. You did well and it was more than enough to pay your bills.
“No, you could just stay home and stay with me and we could just lay around naked all the time.” Kakashi teased.
“As tempting as that is, I can’t just close my shop for months.” You smiled as you finished doing your load. After you started the machine, you laid down with Kakashi and wrapped your arms around him. “What do you want for dinner tonight?”
“You~” Kakashi teased.
“Maybe dessert,” you teased back. “I think we have fish in the freezer. Or I could make some stir fry with the leftover chicken.”
“I don't care.” Kakashi hid his head in your side. You smiled and stroked his stomach. “Stop, you're going to make them start kicking me.”
“I still can't believe there are two babies growing in here.” You smiled. You moved between his legs and pushed up his shirt. You leaned down and kissed his stomach. “Hi, babies, it's your Alpha! Grow big and strong! Your omega and I are so excited to meet you.”
“They're kicking my bladder. Help me up so I can go to the bathroom.” Kakashi whined. You kissed his stomach again and pulled Kakashi up and helped him waddle to the bathroom. At 7 months with twins, Kakashi was heavily pregnant and struggling to move around. After you sat him down at the table and started cooking dinner. You quickly stir-fried the leftover chicken and the two of you ate.
“Can we go to bed early tonight?” Kakashi asked as you cleaned the dishes.
“Of course, are you feeling okay?” You knew Kakashi got worn out quickly the past few months but you still worried about him.
“I just want to nest with you.” Kakashi gave his normal lazy smile. You chuckled at him and helped him to your shared room once you finished cleaning up. You helped him change into his pajamas and laid him in his nest before getting into yours and laying down with him. “Are we going to have dessert~?”
You chuckled and kissed him softly, reaching under his shirt and groping his chest. Kakashi moaned into the kiss. You continued kissing him and massaging his breast. You pushed Kakashi’s shirt up and moved down to suck on one of his breasts as you reached a hand down to rub him through his pants. Kakashi gasped and rolled his hips. His breasts were just starting to soften and you were loving it. You spent a few minutes sucking and kissing his breast before moving to the other side.
“Alpha~ my chest~ it's good~” Kakashi moaned. You continued as Kakashi moaned and withered under you for a few more minutes before undressing Kakashi and getting him in a comfortable position with a pillow under his back for support.
“Is that good? Are you comfortable?” you asked, kissing him gently.
“Yes, yes, hurry up.” Kakashi pouted. You chucked as you settled between his legs and entered a finger into him and started stretching him out. You quickly entered a second and then a third. “Alpha~ I’m ready~ more~”
“Be patient, my omega~” you teased as you made sure he was stretched out. You lined yourself up and bottomed out, letting Kakashi adjust. Kakashi gasped, throwing his head back with pleasure. He put a hand on his stomach as you began to thrust. Watching Kakashi unravel beneath you so heavily pregnant with your pups made you so excited. You were soon thrusting hard and erratically into Kakashi.
“Alpha~! Knot me~! Give me your Knot~!” Kakashi begged beneath you. You were nervous about knotting him when he was so pregnant but the doctor had assured you it was safe and may even help prevent tearing. Kakashi had been the one to ask the doctor about it after you were too nervous to knot him.
“You're such a good omega, I’m going to fill you up with my knot~ You’re so hot like this~ I wish I could keep you in bed begging for my knot until you give birth.” Kakashi moaned as you teased him. You knew he was always very into dirty talk. He soon came around you. You thrusted as deep as you could as you came into him and your knot expanded. Kakashi was moaning incoherently as the two of you locked together. You took in the sight of your omega completely undone under you with a content hum. You never really cared about having children but seeing Kakashi pregnant turned on a side you didn't realize you had. Once your knot deflated you cleaned the two of you up and laid down with him.
“We won't be able to do things like this after I give birth for a long time so we need to get as much sex in before I give birth.'' Kakashi hummed.
You chuckled. “Okay, I’ll take good care of you.”
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ladyfluffbutt · 8 months
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Here's Alora's daughter, Akari Estelle DeKimora
more info below
Name Meaning: Brightest Star of the Golden Meadow
Gender: Female (she/her)
Age: 10
Height: 4'4"  132.08cm (barley taller than Kotetsu)
Species: Witch
Nicknames: Kari, Aki, Child of Light, akuma (by those who dislike her), Little Vulcan (by Solan)
Powers: Pyrokinesis/Pyromancy, fire/flame/lava invulnerability, shape shifting, heightened speed and strength
Personality: Stubborn and can have a temper when pushed. Intense focus when it's something that interests her (i.e. her glass work crafting), careful and distrusting to most, quiet around strangers and prone to glaring at any who approach, blunt, independent, stoic, perfectionist.
After her mother is nearly killed she doesn't trust ANY human save for her Father and distances herself from all others, ever her best friend. She becomes clingy to both parents and often gets anxious when Alora is away, fearing losing her.
Flame manipulation/summoning/immunity
Extremely rare traits among witches and even more rare for them all to belong to one witch together. Only one other witch has this combination of abilities and immunities.
She is rather inexperienced so must be careful otherwise she can easily set things on fire unintentionally.
Common knowledge passed down from her mother
 glass work /metal work crafting
Learning to make things with materials that she can physically handle in their molten forms. makes trinkets such as chimes and necklaces.
still learning
Has extensive knowledge of flowers and tends to a massive garden that's hers and hers alone. She loves flowers
​Alora Vega DeCeleste: Mother
​Hotaru Haganezuka: Father
​Kotetsu: Best friend
​Tetsuido: "grandfather" (looked after her with his wife when Alora needed rest and help)
​Solan: Self-Appointed Uncle and an annoyance to her
​Irizhia: Ancestor. Has yet to actually meet her and is not sure she ever wants to since she disowned her Mother
Fun Facts
​- Her hands turn a black ash color when she uses her power. It grows depending on how much power she uses and fades after she stops for a time. Her fingertips are always this color though.
​- Her clothing is a blending of her parents' traditional clothing. The red haori was a gift from her father that she cherishes.
- Will not use her fire powers around her mother.
​- Spends a lot of time with her father in his work hut. Even has a space where she can practice her own work
​- Idolizes Haganezuka and thinks he's the best swordsmith. Doesn't tolerate any negative talk of him in her presence and  will snap at any who try, adult or child.
​- Learning glass work specifically because her Dad likes glass chimes so much. the chimes on his sandogasa were all made by her.
​- Some of the the metal wind chimes and wind sculptures that are around her mother's shrine were made by her
​- Because of her fire powers being influenced by her emotions, namely anger, she doesn't venture too far into the village unless accompanied, mainly by Tecchin or Kotetsu
​- Nobody outside of Kozo Kanamori knows she's Haganezuka's daughter. The other smiths assume she just targets him since he's always off in the woods somewhere. They all can't even fathom him having a child, despite how similar the two look to one another.
​-Kotetsu doesn't even know, though he does have his suspicions. Doesn't want to offend her if he'sactually wrong though so he doesn't say anything
​- Haganezuka doesn't tell anyone because he doesn't want his own reputation to negatively impact Akari. It's also a means of protecting her mother. He's sure none of the smiths would ever harm either witch, but Alora's cautious nature has rubbed off on him.
​- Kotetsu is one of her only friends that's her own age, as Akari tends to find other kids annoying and stupid. She helps Kotetsu and his Father with the Yoriichi doll.
​- Was absolutley devastated when Kotetsu's father passed as it made her realize she'd long outlive others she cared for, including Kotetsu and her Father. Immedietly went to Hotaru's hut and interrupted his work as she was panicked and crying. It was the first time Hotaru ever saw her cry and to say that it easily broke his concentration to hear her choke out his name in a sob was an understatement. He and Alora had to talk her down and comfort her through her grief before they went to comfort Kotetsu and his family.
​- Akari doesn't express much emotion outside of anger and mild annoyance on a typical day. That day she came crying to Hotaru has stuck with him. The only one that tops it is when she came to him thinking her Mother had just been burned alive, all because she saved a young man from death in another village. He's had nightmares about that day.
-Akari likes playing with kotetsu's hair. Kotetsu enjoys it.
-There is a festival in celebration of Akari's birthday. It's known as the Starfall Festival.
​Akari was actually an "oopsy baby" and was born in the Forest of Ages. While not being an intended child, Alora welcomed her into the world with happy tears and a loving embrace. Hotaru found out later and the two adults agreed to co-parent their child.
​Thankfully Akari didn't fully inherit Hotaru's hot-blooded nature as she only becomes enraged when pushed. Her temper has lead to some confrontations with various kids in the village. Luckilly she's only used her fire powers to intimidate and deter them from causing further issues with her. Kotetsu is the only one to brave her fire and actually forge a proper friendship with her. When not with her Dad or Tecchin she's spending time with him. This time increased when Kotetsu's father passed.
​Hotaru and Akari have an interesting father/daughter relationship. They talk more like colleagues in public. But when it's just the two of them or only Kanamori is present in the work hut, they become more close. Akari takes great interest in whatever Hotaru is working on and her focus on it is almost as keen as his. Akari is always hunting for more information about her father since he doesn't really talk too much about himself. Tecchin is always happy to tell her stories despite not knowing why she has such an interest in Haganezuka. 
When she discovered how much he liked glass chimes, she set to learning how to make glass crafts. Unlike typical glass blowing, she found that she could bend and mold molten glass much like dough to achieve what she wanted without needing to blow into it or anything. She really wanted to make a glass chime for her father and figured it's be easy with her magic.
The next time she was with her father at his work hut she set about her task. It was a lot harder than she expected. She could easily manipulate molten glass, that was true, but she was inexperienced and trying to make it keep its shape while it cooled was difficult. In the end the glass chime didn't come out the way she hoped. The top was warped and the sound it made wasn't quite right as the glass was thicker in some spots. Akari was so upset and disappointed in it that she went to break it in frustration.
She was stopped by Hotaru, who'd been watching what she was doing for the last half an hour. She tried to take it back, saying it wasnt good and she needed it to be perfect for him. He stopped her and said it was perfect the way it was because she made it for him. He talked to her about his training and learning how to properly forge a sword. He made many mistakes and his first sword he worked on alone was far from perfect, yet Tecchin still kept it. It served to remind Hotaru where he started compared to where he is now. Her chime was made with no prior training or teaching. Yes it had imperfections but it was a symbol of her skill starting out and he was going to cherish it. 
He encouraged her to practice and even seeks out other glass craftsman on his travels so he can take notes from them to help her. He still has her first glass chime hung up just outside his bedroom and violently threatens anyone who make fun of it or touch it.
Akari improves quickly and, needless to say, Hotaru couldn't be more proud of her.
After a couple years Akari asks to go traveling with her mother and, after much begging, Alora concedes. Akari bid those she cared for a farewell and promise that they'd be back after a few months. 
She returned after two...alone and eyes wide with terror...
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lalunameli · 3 months
AFFT Event 10/13/2017: Yuri-centric Parts
This one is a long one. But oh-so-worth-it. Some Yuri pieces of information translated from the AFFT Event October 13, 2017
Anime Film Festival (AFFT)
[TN: I believe the T stands for Tokyo]
A festival commemorating the 100th anniversary of anime. There was an all-night screening (for episodes 14-25 of Season 1), as well as a talkshow with members of the production team.
The production team attendees were Katsura Masakazu, Nishida Masafumi, and Producer Tamura Kazuhiko
Questions were accepted by the team here, and there was a special illustration released for the event.
An English translation of some information from the reports is available here:
Japanese sources available here and here.
TN: Please keep in mind there is no formal report for this event, so this is all information from the fans in attendance. I have no way of determining if Nishida and Katsura were joking with some of their answers, or if they are legit Yuri canon. Comments from the same person have been grouped together.
When did Yuri start using a black ribbon? (TN: How did Yuri's black ribbon come to be? - conceptually)
Katsura: Yuri's initial setting was (TN: Kotetsu's) a former partner with a lot of hair. Nishida-san joined and made him a judge, so I thought I had to tie his hair.
Does he eat ramen?
Katsura: People with darkness in their hearts don't eat ramen!
How does he cutdown on time at bedtime?
Katsura: He sleeps naked!
(TN: Lmao Katsura used "aitsu" - derogatory form of "That Guy")
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Yuri's black ribbon. His hair was designed at the character creation stage, but when the Judicial Bureau setting was added, it became a black ribbon according to the legal uniform. Naturally he cannot just put it on. I guess his hair is not tied (lit spreads) when he sleeps, and he's naked when he goes to bed! And Mr. Nishida. Yuri is naked when he sleeps...!
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(Original Tweet is not public)
The Great Ramen Debate:
Katsura's comments on darker minded people not eating ramen, sparked a debate between him and Nishida on whether Yuri eats ramen. Poor Tamura was the mediator.
→桂先生 は管理官の仕事着を着て最後に結ぶ、それ以外はバサバサ
They talked about why Yuri uses a hair ribbon and when he would tie it up.
→ Katsura: Puts on his administrator's work clothes and ties it at the end. Other than that, it's unkempt.
→ Nishida: You tie your hair up when you eat ramen, right?
Katsura-sensei: (Agrees) When you eat ramen, you do tie your hair up, but Yuri doesn’t eat ramen!
→ Nishida: He does! And he doesn't brush his hair with such slow movements, ties his hair with a ribbon like this: manly!
→ Things started heating up and Katsura-sensei's water (which was on the floor) spilled.
→ Katsura: Yuri doesn't care if his water spills.
→ Nishida: No, he'll wipe it!
It got heated again lol
→ Katsura kept objecting, so Nishida said, "Let's ask everyone! Who thinks Yuri blows on his water?
→ Many people in the audience raised their hands
→Nishida: Look!!!!
Blow → Wipe...wrong conversation!
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A fan drew a picture of Yuri eating ramen, sparked by the ramen argument
Questions arose about whether Yuri ties his hair up when eating ramen or whether he eats it at all.
Katsura: Dark people don't eat ramen!'
Nishida: No, he eats it!
What started it (the talk)? (It began with a ribbon...)
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I can't help but wonder if Katsura and Nishida are the inspiration for the dynamic between Kotetsu and Barnaby.
There were many entertaining moments like the ramen debate, such as a discussion on their attire. They were supposed to come to the event dressed casually (in TaiBani T-shirts) but Nishida showed up in a suit, so Katsura felt betrayed 🤣
「お互いのファッションセンスについて」 という質問
A question about each other's fashion sense:
Katsura: The other day, you said you were thinking about wearing a TaiBani T-shirt.
Nishida: I often wear them... like the hoodie.
Katsura: So at first I was thinking of wearing a suit, but I didn't want to wear one. So I came dressed casually! I was betrayed!
Mr. Nishida came dressed in a suit (lol)
Nishida: No, I was really going to wear it! But prior to this, I had an interview for another work... I mean, I remembered.
Katsura: I remembered!
Nishida I'm sorry (lol)
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There was also another conversation about the Hero's summer attire, in which Katsura seemed hell-bent on having Keith wear white T-shirts that were 5 for ¥1000 (roughly CDN $2ea) Like he really wanted Keith to be a cheapskate 😭😭😭🤣
"It's not a polo shirt, right!?'' he (Katsura) complained to the audience. Immediately Nishida-san made a remark like "SH is a polo shirt.'' and Katsura-sensei emphasized, "SH is a white T-shirt that costs 1,000 yen for 5!!'' Mr. Nishida was convinced, and Mr. SH (lmao Katsura!) calmed down about the 5 white T-shirts for 1000 yen.
It all came together (laughs). Katsura-sensei then said, "SH is a white T-shirt that costs 1,000 yen for 5 pieces!'' Katsura-sensei seems to be very particular about SH white T-shirts that cost 1,000 yen for 5 pieces (lol). [TN: The rest of this was a question on who would wear a long t-shirt and Ivan was selected, SH long t-shirt]
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All-in-all, a great read! This fan summarized my takeaways best:
TaiBani Talkshow: Katsura-sensei's Yuri is a dirty person! He won't eat ramen because he doesn't want to tie his hair back. (He's a) pasta person. And he sleeps naked!!!
My mind and heart are disturbed by the moon looool
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The most important thing to note is:
Directly from Katsura's mouth.
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demonslayedher · 3 months
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Things that went through my head while watching this episode: --Herein lies the biggest irony about Hantengu: His transformation into something reminiscent of a Buddhist deity; the sort of fierce and menacing kind that uses violence for justice. Zouhakuten is as convinced of his own righteousness as much as Hantengu is convinced of his own self-pity, and this is what Tanjiro is unable to stomach about him. Tanjiro cares about the strong defending the weak, so it's not just all the lives Hantengu has stolen, it's his blasphemy that makes him hate him.
--In a Kimetsu Kindergarten AU, I want to see Tanjiro and Rui and Zouhakuten all get into schoolyard arguments all the time.
--For as much as I've been appreciating the irony of Hantengu this time around, I do not consider myself well-versed enough in Buddhist iconography to do any detailed analysis of Zouhakuten's character design and name (yet), but suffice to this: The tengu references in Ki-Do-Ai-Raku's designs also borrow from the attire used in practicing Shugendo, because tengu are often depicted as and associated with Shugendo practitioners. Shugendo is a mountain ascetic religion with multiple influences, including Buddhist, and Zouhakuten looks like the sort of deity Shugendo practitioners might encounter in the mountains.
--But if anyone in this episode lives up to the Shugendo ideal, it is Haganezuka. That Taisho Secret with his extreme physical and spiritual preparation? That's what I mean, right there. That hyperfocus, though? If I were to diagnose one character in this series as neurodivergent, it is Haganezuka-san, and that maybe be part of where he gets his hyperfocus. Still, it's built into the plot that he prepared to put his life on the line for this endeavor, so I also give him credit for having also practiced spiritual mastery! For when it counts, anyway. Swords are the only time when it counts.
--Muichiro--both physically and spiritually-- was very vividly saved by Kotetsu's actions, but Haganezuka also deserves credit for having been the perfect person to exploit Gyokko's weakness--his pride as an artist. (You get a 'you tried' gold star, Kanamori-san--for now, because the sword you smithed saves the day later. Truly, everyone's actions are important!).
--Might I just say--OWWWW, Kotetsu's solar plexus might not have been punctured, but that's gotta hurt. And speaking of getting punctured, MUICHIRO FELL FLAT ON THOSE NEEDLES HE STILL HAD STUCK TO THE FROM OF HIM, OW OW OW OW OW OW OW
--The fact that Rengoku-san's tsuba was what saved Kotetsu is another why reason I really, really wanna see Senjuro and Kotetsu become penpals
--I like that even though Tanjiro and Mr. Tokito have a resemblance, Mr. Tokito sounds like a dad. But Tanjiro has so many bags around his eyes in comparison--Mr. Tokito is so much better rested! I guess he's resting in peace.
--I love this bitter side of Muichiro. It's not simply that he picked up a sharp tongue from Yuichiro, but instead, a utilitarian outlook on the world that makes him quick to judge others--or himself--as incapable. Mr. Tokito's words really were such gentle and chiding guidance. I wonder what Yuichiro's reaction to their dad was if he ever tried to have a similar teaching moment with him?
--Jumping back to the first half of this episode, making Tanjiro and Genya barely able to stand under the pressure of Zouhakuten is, well, sort of a convenient way of portraying "look he is powerful" and "now we have the hero converse with a demon." It's not quite as memorable as other times this happens in the series, but it is a signature part of KnY for this to happen.
--Another big difference between Tanjiro and Genya, at least in displaying their potential as Pillars (which Genya agonizingly recognized in the previous episode that he doesn't possess), is that while Genya spend a lot of time thinking "WTF!? W... T... F?!? WTF!!! WTFWTFWTFWTF!!!" Tanjiro is already back to rolling with the new situation. The fact that Tanjiro wasn't killed instantly by those wooden serpents was because he possessed the peace of mind to grab on and use his chances and move around to where there were pockets of safety. If Genya were in that position, he'd probably just take the hit and then flop around until his body regenerates. Likewise, Tanjiro's ability to sense unique demons, their locations, and how powerful they are is something he has continually developed, so he had a general idea how Zouhakuten came to be, but Genya needed to witness it. Again, like started in the last episode, Genya deserves a lot of credit for how hard he's worked and how much more he's able to do than just munch. Even in demon mode here, he mostly uses demon mode for the regenerative ability, and for offense he still reloads his gun and holds onto his broken blade.
--Nezuko, girl, you too. Just charging in and sacrificing limbs without a thought. Girl, you have gotten too used to this freaky regenerative speed of yours and the whole Corp sure is lucky most demons never achieve that.
--Again, I'm not a shipper, but I am tickled by the idea of reframing things with a Genya x Aizetsu angle (probably just one-sided infatuation, or even that they are exes but Aizetsu is still in love). After all, Genya knows Aizetsu's name, but didn't use the names of the other demons! Ohohoho! That sure adds more meaning to Genya witnessing Aizetsu's final moments of terror! (For the record, I do not see any of this in canon; it is simply funny.)
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