witekspicsbanknotes · 3 months
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POLAND - locally issued notes with Mikołaj Kopernik, anniversary, commemorative: WARMIA - 550th birthday & 700 years of the city Frombork.
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mantikutayr · 2 years
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‘‘neden güneş’in mi dünya etrafında dolaştığını, yoksa tam tersinin mi doğru olduğunu bilme ihtiyacındayız?’‘ 
‘‘günümüz bilgisine doğru giden basamakları tırmanmak ne kadar da zor olmalı!’‘ 
‘‘..en saygın üniversite felsefecilerimizden bazılarının gezegenlerin, sadece mantıksal argümanların adeta sihirli bir efsun gibi ortaya çıktığını savunmaya çalıştıklarını duysan gülerdin.’’  
‘’olguların toplanması, araştırmanın başlangıç noktasıdır ama sonucunu işaret etmez.’’ 
‘‘..eğer ışık-dalga doğasına sahipse ve sonuç olarak bir töz değil de ortam içerisindeki bir hareket fenomeni ise, bu ortamın kendisi nedir? ‘‘ 
‘’ancak elektro dalgaların tüm kapsamını hayal ettiğimizde ve ışık olarak görülen küçük ışın bantlarını fark ettiğimizde doğanın uçsuz bucaksız zenginliğinin sadece bir saçağı üzerine tefekkürde bulunmaya iznimiz olan perde ile çevrili dünyaya küçük bir delikten bakıyormuşuz gibi gelir.’’ 
‘’en katı bilimsel düşünme tarzlarının Şarkın peri masallarında bulunan fikirlere doğru gitmesi ilginçtir.’‘ 
‘’einstein'ın büyük başarısı düşüncesinin geleneksel fikirlerden bağımsız olabilmesidir. doğa bilimlerinin en eski yasalarını geometri yasalarını bir kenara atmakta ve onların yerine yenilerini koymakta tereddüt etmemesidir bu yeni geometrik yasalar diğer matematikçiler tarafından ondan önce fark edilmesine rağmen ilk defa einstein onları düşünce olasılıkları raflarından indiren ve fizik bilimine doğanın tasvir edilmesine uygulayan ilk kişiydi böylesi bir bilimsel edim atılganlığı  ortaya koyar , düşünce bağımsızlığını açığa çıkarır ve hepimiz için zor olmasına ve ilk defa bu fikirlere duyan herkes için einstein'ın kuramını anlamanın zor olacağına şaşırmamalıyız.’’ 
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kitaplardancumleler · 2 years
İşin ilginç yanı, gelecekte neyin önemli ve yüksek değerde, neyin zavallı ve gülünç sayılacağını bugünden hiç bilemeyişimiz. Geçmişte de Kopernik'in ya da sözgelimi Kolomb'un buluşları başlangıçta gereksiz, gülünç şeyler sayılmadı mı? Ya da herhangi bir ahmağın yazdığı zırvalıklar gerçek olarak görülmedi mi? Tıpkı bunun gibi, ola ki bize böylesine olağan görünen şimdiki yaşamımız da gün gelecek tuhaf, yakışıksız, budalaca, pek de temiz olmayan ve hatta belki günahkar bir yaşam sayılacak...
Üç Kız Kardeş - Anton Çehov
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mateopoznan · 12 days
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Kopernik, Galileusza 8
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cgvijesti · 2 years
Oktobar 2022. najtopliji do danas zabilježen u Evropi
Oktobar 2022. najtopliji do danas zabilježen u Evropi
Oktobar ove godine bio je najtopliji do danas registrovan u Evropi, saopštila je evropska služba Kopernik o klimatskim promjenama. Temperatura u proteklom mjesecu bila je skoro dva stepena Celzijusa iznad prosječne temperature u oktobru tokom referentnog perioda 1991-2000. Kopernik je ranije saopštio da je ljeto 2022. godine najtoplije do danas registrovano, sa oko 1,34 stepena Celzijusa iznad…
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createmydreamblog · 2 years
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„Na dnie byłam Ale już nie jestem Na dnie byłam Ale wstałam Na dnie byłam Ale jestem już na szczycie Na dnie byłam Ale już nie będę” Witam i dobrej nocy życzę! ♥️ Jak wam minął wtorek? Wypoczęci po długim weekendzie? U mnie było ciężko dzisiaj, a w poniedziałek też pracowałam więc jestem padnięta 😢 Apropo jeszcze muzeum UJ, bo tu prezentuje wam 3 część, jak mówiłam, że Kopernik jest wszędzie to nawet dostał tutaj swoje miejsce 🤣 Tak dokładnie, jest tutaj pokój Kopernika, to nie tak, że tam nocował będąc w Krakowie, ale są rzeczy związane z jego pobytem na UJ 😉 #museum #UJ #Kraków #city #eksponaty #sightseeing #kopernik #smile #wiersz #room #collegiummaius (w: Muzeum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego Collegium Maius) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChVmcMqMGT7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lesbopolo · 4 months
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one thing about the people of Toruń, they'll shove Kopernik down your throat any chance they have
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mybeautifulpoland · 17 days
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Nicolaus Copernicus' Bench, Olsztyn, Poland by Boguś Borowiak
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posters round 1 poll 7
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The Varsovianer no. 25 by Marcin Wolski, 2023:
[no propaganda has been submitted]
Copernicus by Tomasz Rumiński, 1972:
propaganda: the symbolism of most of the frame hidden behind dark clouds with just Kopernikus eyes peaking out in bright yellow?! amazing
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surfingkaliyuga · 7 months
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The Hall of Honor at the Polish Pavilion during the Exposition Internationale des Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne (International Exposition of Art and Technology in Modern Life) held in 1937 in Paris. The Hall was designed by Stanisław Brukalski and Bohdan Pniewski. The statues depict Bolesław Chrobry, Władysław Jagiełło, Nicolaus Copernicus, Tadeusz Kościuszko, Adam Mickiewicz, Fryderyk Chopin and Józef Piłsudski. The motto above reads Są ludzie i są prace ludzkie tak silne i tak potężne, że śmierć przezwyciężają, że żyją i obcują między nami (There are people and there are human labours so mighty and so potent, that they conquer death, that they live and commune among us), words spoken by Józef Piłsudski at the reburial of Juliusz Słowacki, a great Polish poet.
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pol-ski · 1 year
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Nicolaus Copernicus (Konstanty Laszczka, Polish sculptor)
Happy birthday, Nicolaus Copernicus!
Nicolaus Copernicus (February 19, 1473 — May 24, 1543) is primarily known as an exceptional astronomer who formulated the true model of the solar system, which led to an unprecedented change in the human perception of Earth’s place in the universe. This great Pole, who is rightly included among the greatest minds of the European Renaissance, was also a clergyman, a mathematician, a physician, a lawyer and a translator. He also proved himself as an effective strategist and military commander, leading the defence of Olsztyn against the attack of the German Monastic Order of the Teutonic Knights. Later on, he exhibited great organizational skills, quickly rebuilding and relaunching the economy of the areas devastated by the invasion of the Teutonic Knights. He also served in diplomacy and participated in the works of the Polish Sejm.
Copernicus’ scientific achievements in the field of economics were equally significant, and place him among the greatest authors of the world economic thought. In 1517 Copernicus wrote a treatise on the phenomenon of bad money driving out good money. He noted that the“debasement of coin” was one of the main reasons for the collapse of states. He was therefore one of the first advocates of modern monetary policy based on the unification of the currency in circulation, constant care for its value and the prevention of inflation, which ruins the economy. In money he distinguished the ore value (valor) and the estimated value (estimatio), determined by the issuer. According to Copernicus, the ore value of a good coin should correspond to its estimated value. This was not synonymous, however, with the reduction of the coin to a piece of metal being the subject of trade in goods. The ore contained in the money was supposed to be the guarantee of its price, and the value of the legal tender was assigned to it by special symbols proving its relationship with a given country and ruler. Although such views are nothing new today, in his time they constituted a milestone in the development of economic thought.
Additionally Copernicus was not only a theorist of finance, but he was also the co-author of a successful monetary reform, later also implemented in other countries. It was Copernicus, the first of the great Polish economists, who in 1519 proposed to King Sigismund I the Old to unify the monetary system of the Polish Crown with that of its subordinate Royal Prussia. The principles described in the treatise published in 1517 were decades later repeated by the English financier Thomas Gresham and are currently most often referred to around the world as Gresham’s law. Historical truth, however, requires us to restore the authorship of this principle to its creator, for example through the popularization of knowledge about the Copernicus-Gresham Law. (© NBP - We protect the value of money).
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witekspicsbanknotes · 3 months
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Few other fantasy banknotes with Mikołaj Kopernik (Nocolai Copernicus).
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polishwave · 1 year
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Potrzeba bardzo małego księdza do zrobienia tak małej kolędy.
Od @nahrcissee ❤️
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natnuszsstuff · 5 months
There is no greater feeling than Polish rage when Polish heritage isn't recognized when talked about someone famous
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polish-spirit · 1 year
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Pomnik Mikołaja Kopernika w Warszawie (1935-1939).
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