#koi pond filter
aquabead · 12 days
Aqua Bead Filters: The Ultimate Solution For Pond Filtration System
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Filtration is essential to keeping pond water healthy and clear. Filters help remove debris, prevent clogs, reduce algae growth and provide oxygen to underwater plants. Select a filter whose capacity matches that of your Filter For Pond Pump volume, taking into account any fish stocking levels or adding a model if necessary.
▸Introduction to Pond Pumps: Pond Pumps are recirculating pumps used for powering waterfalls and fountains as well as filtering the water in garden ponds, as well as filtering it. Pond Pumps are integral in maintaining healthy fish & wildlife in the garden pond; running 24/7 to filter the water and regularly cleaning out pre-filters is required to do this effectively. However, clear water does not necessarily signify healthy fish; regular testing of your water quality as well as seeking advice if your fish seem lethargic are essential components to good pond maintenance.
▸Capturing Debris for Clear Water: Pond filters come equipped with mechanical, chemical and biological filtration systems for maximum clarity of water in your pond. Filter pads capture large debris as well as smaller particles before passing over bio-balls to biologically filter out debris – creating the clearest water possible for your aquatic habitat. Some filters even come equipped with built-in skimmer for easy surface debris removal.
▸Chemically Compatible Materials for Increased Resistance: Some of the latest models feature chemically compatible materials to increase resistance against harmful substances found in liquids that need to be pumped, and an air gap between their motor and pump chamber to minimize heat transfer as well as noise and vibrations.
▸Choosing the Right Pond Pump: Your choice of pump will depend on the size and purpose of your pond. Magnetic drive pumps are generally more durable and energy efficient; however they don’t lift water to heights beyond 2m. Direct Drive pumps may provide better water lift at greater head heights but don’t offer as much efficiency in energy savings as magnetic drive pumps do.
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▸Introduction to Pre-Filters: Pre-filters, also referred to as sediment filters, remove dirt, sand, rust, silt and other large suspended particles from water before it enters your primary filtration system. By doing so they protect it from becoming clogged up while providing cleaner and higher quality water for your home.
▸Pre-Filters for Private Well Owners: Homeowners with private wells use pre-filters to capture iron and debris that enters their water system from their well, protecting equipment and avoiding costly service calls to their home.
▸Pre-filters, also referred to as catch all filters:  are constructed from materials like polypropylene that can easily be washed – ideal for homes with pets and those suffering from respiratory conditions as they capture large particles such as hair, dust and lint.
Biological Filter
▸Breaking Down Organic Pollutants: Biological filters use beneficial bacteria to break down organic pollutants in the water, providing an effective means of purification. They work best when combined with mechanical and pre-filters for an integrated filtering system.
▸Ensuring Adequate Oxygen Supply: Installing a biological filter requires careful consideration to ensure it’s placed appropriately in your water feature and receiving adequate oxygen. Furthermore, its pump should be powerful enough to push nutrient-rich water through it as without this action, the bacteria would quickly consume all their oxygen supply and die.
▸The Power of Billions of Bacteria in Biological Filtration: To be effective, biological filtration requires billions of bacteria working together to cleanse the water. Since bacteria attach themselves to surfaces like filter media, rocks, or gravel, surface area is a crucial component in this process – thus justifying why ponds with gravel on their bottom are preferable over those without.
▸Removing Nitrates for Clean and Clear Water: After bacteria have broken down harmful nutrients, they will convert them to nitrates for consumption by aquatic plants and algae during their growth processes. De-nitrification then removes them from the pond through anaerobic areas without oxygen; an integral part of keeping your water clean and clear.
UV Clarifier
▸Addressing the Issue of Green Water: Green murky water can be the bane of every water garden owner’s existence. Green water is caused by single-celled algae settling to the bottom and can occur even with an effectively balanced ecosystem pond system.
▸Reduced Maintenance and Crystal-Clear Water: A UV clarifier works to eliminate green water by killing off algae before it can form blooms that stain the water’s surface and result in green streaks. This solution is great for ponds predisposed to green water or those looking to reduce maintenance while still having crystal-clear waters.
▸UV Clarifiers as Sterilizers, Not Filters: Though commonly mistaken as filters, UV clarifiers should actually be seen as sterilizers rather than filters. UV lights work by killing any undesirable organisms. For optimum performance and increased lifespan of the light itself it is advised that an appropriate amount of wattage be chosen according to your pond size.
▸Size Options for Pond UV Clarifiers: There are various sizes of UV clarifiers to choose from when it comes to pond UV clarifiers, and you can either purchase standalone units or ones as part of a Filter/UV combo package. It is essential that the flow rate of your pump matches up with that recommended by the UV unit’s manufacturer; usually this information can be found either within their product description or directly on it.
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Why Choose Aqua Bead!
In terms of pond pump filtration systems, Aqua Bead by Filter is head and shoulders above the competition. Aqua Bead by Filter is highly recommended for pond owners for multiple reasons.  The helpful bacteria that inhabit the huge surface area created by these beads efficiently break down hazardous elements and keep the water clear. The second reason is that  filters work so well and last so long. Their filtration performance remains ideal even when subjected to heavy water flows.  Plus, you won’t have to spend as much time Aqua Bead cleaning and maintaining your pond when you use Aqua Bead filters.
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clevercrowndinosaur · 2 years
Get The Best Koi Pond Drum Filter From Torii Koi Farm Dix Hills
Installing a best koi pond drum filter is one of the most effective ways to keep your Koi Fish pond water clean and healthy. Torii Koi pond filters aid in the reduction of trash in the pond as well as the eradication of algae development. Torii Koi Farm offers a wide variety of koi pond filters. To be effective, a koi pond filter must be able to filter huge amounts of water while also removing waste. Call us at 516-641-0184 to get the top quality Koi Pond Drum Filter.
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travelingneuritis · 1 year
kinnporsche ep 2 thoughts. please talk to me about this i am feeling insane.
-the apple scene in the shooting range only works because porsche goes and has a heart attack as soon as he’s alone. it’s a great character moment.
-tankhun’s fancy carp are very much alive while he’s cradling them by the koi pond. you can see one lil mouth moving, and the other’s tail is weakly wobbling. do we think he knows this?
-i realize pete functions as Exposition Guy but i do think it’s telling of his character that he is 1.) smart enough to identify all the psychological hinges of the organization without 2.) being too sycophantic to dismiss them out of hand (“all these bitches are crazy but at least kinn is functional crazy”, as opposed to the general staff refrain of “how dare you speak ill of/talk back to our masters”) and 3.) chill enough to (judiciously) share his insights with porsche “fireable offense” kittisawasd, all while 4.) remaining so completely unremarkable that ppl forget about him as soon as he leaves their sight, including his own coworkers and love interest.  this will become important at a few key moments later, for example when he stands up for “traitor” porsche by just “knowing” (aka having directly observed) that he wouldn’t betray kinn, and when he takes the massive risk of staying at the safehouse to haul vegas back from the brink of cray cray despite all the red flags telling him to run. without this foundation work, pete’s good judgment later would feel like unearned nonsense.
-to his credit, porsche (who only pays attention to people and things he likes or finds personally interesting) clocks pete’s value as a mentor pretty much right away. see also: 
-”One Glock, Please”, followed by porsche excitedly looking to pete for permission to get the silencer in his happy meal. between the previous scene and this one, porsche has accepted pete’s judgment and experience and is now actively looking to him for guidance. in the next scene, when arm rhetorically asks if he’s done his homework, porsche looks at Pete like, “dad, did i?” this is very funny to me.
-i love when kinn walks into the armory like “CHOP CHOP SHITHEAD-I-ALMOST-FIRED-3-TIMES-TODAY, WE’RE LATE FOR RICH BITCH NIGHT AT THE ASSHOLE CLUB, hm actually we have time to play dressup for a half hour so i can park my dick 2 inches from your well-tailored ass, suck up a fat lungful of your devilishly delicious pheremones, and fall enragedly into terminal attraction while you gape at me with big shiny empty eyes, not a single awakened bone in your bisexual body.” 
-hilariously, porsche spends a lot of time in this show forcing kinn to be attracted to someone with fresh vomit on or about his person. 
-aw, vegas checks on macau’s head while their dad is being a blowhard at korn. just two insufferable douchebags bein brothers :’)
-mr. kan/gun: “vegas, i want you to keep an eye on that new bodyguard.” vegas, still lost in a daydream abt porsche’s DSLs and nutritious ass: “huh?”
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majestikvisuals · 4 months
📍 George § Sakaye Aratani Japanese Garden (Cal Poly Pomona)
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// Campus. MSU 
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moominsnufkin · 1 month
this year i kinda want to do birthday presents earlier so we can look more into just having fun doing something else and chill ^u^ i want to get back into lego a bit but like it's really shifted from how we used to make things as kids . so i want the acnh legos since they're so cute.
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beaconkoi · 7 months
A well-known manufacturer with expertise in pond technology and water gardening is Beaconkoi. In order to improve the aesthetics and health of ponds, water gardens, and aquatic ecosystems, we provide a large selection of pond filters, pumps, water features, and other items. Pond and garden aficionados love Beaconkoi's products because they are well-made and inventive.
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rockawayrecordfairs · 7 months
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Eclectic Landscape - Pathway This is an illustration of a gravel garden path that is mid-sized, eclectic, drought-tolerant, and in full sun.
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bellarkesupernova · 9 months
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Landscape - Farmhouse Landscape Photo of a brick water fountain in the backyard of a large farmhouse in the summer sun.
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fishpond-filter · 9 months
Ceonar stainless steel pond filter koi filter
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toriikoi · 1 year
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aquabead · 5 months
There are many types of pond filters By Aqua Bead
There are many different types and sizes of pond filter By Aqua Bead. They're essential for keeping the water clean and healthy.
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The biological filters convert the toxic ammonia that is produced by decaying fish and plant matter into less harmful nitrates, which are then consumed and absorbed by plants and algae.
Mechanical filtration uses filter media such as foam or beads to remove debris and encourage beneficial bacteria. Chemical filtration uses special media to remove organic and inorganic contaminants.
Filtration by biological means
The biological filtering process involves the stimulation of microorganisms and bacteria that remove waste and nutrients from water and create an ideal ecosystem for fish. While biological filters take longer to install than mechanical ones, they are the best solution due to their higher budget.
Water passes through a biological filtration system and encounters a coarse foam layer to capture large debris, while also encouraging the growth of beneficial bacteria. The water then passes through a layer of foam that is coarser than the next to collect large debris and encourage beneficial bacteria to flourish.
Filters contain bacteria that break down the invisible toxins created by fish, decaying organic waste and physical waste like fish faeces and food scraps into less harmful forms. This is known as Nitrogen cycle. Adsorption is a key part of this process, binding organic molecules on the surfaces of filter media.
The Nitrifiers are another group of bacteria that uses ammonia to convert it to nitrite, which is less harmful and can be used by plants to feed on and then converted back to nitrate for energy. This method helps to maintain a healthy and clean pond.
Mechanical Filtration
Mechanical filters use porous media, such as sponges, or other porous material, such as sponge filter, to trap and remove large debris and leaves from the surface of water. Skimmer baskets can be used to collect this debris and return it to the environment. For extra filtration, mechanical filters can be further enhanced with UV water filter technology.
The ability of mechanical filters to capture particles as small as one, five or ten microns is often rated.
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Mechanical Pond filters work by impaction and inertia, which forces particles linearly through. The straining occurs when larger particles that are bigger than the pores of the filter media rub against the filter and stick to it.
Biological filters are often more expensive than mechanical ones. However, they can be less effective. Mechanical filtration, for example, can lower oxygen levels in water. This could cause problems for nearby fish or aquatic plants. Combining mechanical and biological filters may be best for water features that have fish or other aquatic animals. This allows the habitat of these creatures to remain intact, while also providing clear and clean water.
Pressure Filtration
Filter media are used in mechanical pond filters to remove particles. Mechanical filters are available in a variety of forms, from simple plastic baskets with sponges to more complex systems on concrete foundations. The filters are best used in smaller ponds, where waste can be easily trapped and collected regularly for disposal. For larger ponds it is best to layer multiple pads to prevent filter clogging.
Biological Filtration
The biological filter is the most common type of pond filtration. This technique uses bacteria to convert the harmful ammonia that is produced by decaying plants and fish into less dangerous nitrates, which can be consumed by aquatic animals or used by plants as fertilizer.
Maintenance is required for all pond filters, whether it's cleaning or rinsing. The majority of filter systems operate at low pump pressure to reduce energy consumption and prolong the life expectancy. For optimal pond filtering, we recommend oversizing the filter so that it can handle your pond's volume. This will provide cleaner water for your fish and plants.
Basket Filters
Basket strainers are one of many industrial filtration solutions. They have quickly become essential to many industrial operations. Many operations are incorporating basket strainers with an integrated mesh screen that removes foreign objects and protects pumps, valves and traps farther down the pipeline.
Basket strainers, despite their simple design, can revolutionize your industrial filtration. We will look at their unique properties in this blog and how they can revolutionize the filtration process.
Basket strainers are made of wire mesh and intercept impurities such as organic matter, chemical clots or solids in liquids flowing through pipelines. This device will ensure that only materials of high quality are processed in your facility.
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Self-cleaning basket strainers will help you save money on maintenance and increase your system efficiency. These devices have been designed to allow continuous operation while baskets are being replaced or cleaned. This reduces downtime, maintenance and improves overall system efficiency. Selecting one that is compatible with your application's specifications will maximize the effect.
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jamesmdavisson · 1 year
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Brick Pavers Landscape Photo of a large farmhouse full sun backyard brick water fountain landscape in summer.
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anniebear-92 · 1 year
Had this pop into my head while I tried to fall asleep last night. However as per usual this snarky blonde boy bullied his way into my thoughts and here we are. 😤
Reverse Nightmare comfort: Bakugo has had reoccurring nightmares since his run in with the slime villain and you are just the person to help him through it. Childhood best friends / neighbors.
Pairing: Bakugo x reader.
Warnings: SFW, fluff, nightmare comforts.
I decided there will be two endings so you can read both or the one you prefer. One platonic and one romantic. Reader is referred to have a super strength quirk. Brief mention the reader is female but mostly GN.
You grumbled as the deep voice cut into your precious dreams, curling around your pillow tighter.
“Oi!” A finger jabbed into your side, earning your full attention now. Swiveling your head over a shoulder to come face to face with your ash blonde neighbor.
“Kats? What are you doing here at… 2 am?”
He huffed in response while lifting the covers, unceremoniously shoving you from your comfortable position. Many protests and the flailing of limbs, you found yourself on the cold side of the bed with two strong arms locking around your waist. Katsuki buried his face into the back of your neck, the soft puffs of breath tickling your skin.
Inhaling deeply you ran your fingers over the fine hair along his forearm, knowing your best friend needed a moment to gather his thoughts before he would finally tell you what was wrong. When you heard him shuffling behind you, it was a clear sign he was ready.
His words were muffled by your skin but being fluent in Bakugo, you heard him loud and clear.
“Had a fucking nightmare.”
Continuing to run your fingertips over his arms you waited for him to elaborate, or not. Leaving it entirely up to him.
“Stupid slime villain.” These words were lower, almost as if he did not mean for you to hear them. A sad smile crossed your lips as you remembered that day clearly yourself as if it were yesterday.
——— flashback to that day
You were furious. Absolutely, undeniably furious. Your so called best friend had just told one of your closest friends to unalive himself. All over not having a stupid quirk?!
You had left Izuku standing by the small Koi pond outside the school and were currently scouring the alleyways that you know your soon to be ex friend frequented. He was going to get a piece of your mind regardless of wither he wanted it or not.
“Hey Kaachan let’s go to the arcade today!” Your ears perked at the sound of your childhood friend’s nickname, making a line for the alley entrance. “Yeah whatever.”
Hearing that recognizable gravelly voice solidified that he was indeed just around the corner. Rounding said building, you were met with the spikey, haired boy and his two forever shadows.
“Oh hey! It’s L/N again, come to yell at us?” The boy with the creepy fingers waived at you with a snicker. As you passed, your arm shoved him out of your way a bit harshly that he crashed into the trash cans behind him. They stepped further away as you locked eyes with those vermillion that were widening in shock.
“You!” You growled in his face, gripping his collar and lifting him easily off his feet against the brick wall behind him. You began a screaming match with him about your green haired friend and how disgusted with him you were.
Finally dropping his collar and returning him to his feet he bit his tongue to hold back the venomous words he wanted so badly to spit. However you on the other hand had no filter at this point. “I don’t know how we are even friends right now!”
The words bit his heart as his foot shot out and kicked a nearby bottle, your e/c eyes shooting him the nastiest glare he’d ever seen on you. Meeting you back with his own when his lips parted to speak, however the voice that came next was definitely not his own.
“Wow girlie, you’ve got some strength in you! I think you’ll do, maybe even take down All might with this power!”
The bubbling voice sounding of someone drowning chilled your soul as both of your eyes locked on the growing green mass spilling out of the bottle Katsuki had kicked a moment before. The cap had busted off, releasing whatever villain now stood? Slithered? Before you.
His large grin widened as large tendrils wrapped themselves around your arm and wrists, a shriek leaving your throat as it began dragging you towards it. Your strength failed out of terror, having never faced a real villain in your life. Two large hands gripped your waist, yanking you free from the slime, only to be captured in the writhing mass themselves.
“No! I didn’t want you brat!” You turned to find Katsuki being pulled into the dripping slime of the villains body, your words failing you as he squirmed and let off explosions in the means to escape. “Well, you’re powerful too! What are they feeding kids nowadays? No matter, I’ll take you instead!”
(You all know what happens next, Izuku rushes in, all might saves the day. If you don’t.. what you doing here? Go watch the show! :| just kiddin back to the story) this is where the platonic / love endings come in. I started with the love, for the platonic scroll down until you see the ~~ again.
———- Romantic route
That day never left either of your minds, night terrors had plagued your mind for months after the event. You truly thought you were going to lose your best friend. Feeling powerless a hero had carried you away as a green haired streak went rushing in.
Your parents had freaked when you returned covered in green goo, only to send you away for the next ten months for hard training with your ex pro-hero grandfather for the UA exam. Leaving Katsuki to deal with his trauma all by himself.
When you had returned for UA’s entrance exam, you would’ve thought Katsuki saw a ghost upon locking gazes with you. You had grown up during the time away, filled out with age and training. You were even more beautiful to him now than ever before, especially now that you were back.
He had been stuck to your side like glue ever since, hence the fact the boy was laying in your bed, wrapped like an anaconda around your limbs.
“You wanna talk about it?” Your voice a whisper as he turned his head, cheek pressing to your shoulder. “No.”
You squirmed in his arms, turning so you were face to face with him. His beautiful red eyes were currently closed, frown lines and angry eyebrows still visible as you smoothed them out with a thumb. He let out a long sigh, face relaxing as you retracted your hand. Those gorgeous crimson eyes opened, showing the small gold flecks that encircled his dark pupils. They reflected in the sunlight that most people didn’t know existed save you who were privy enough to get close enough to see them.
“Better?” Your voice soft as his eyes followed suit, gazing into your own e/c ones that shown nothing but admiration for the boy.
A soft smile graced your lips as he leaned forward, pressing his forehead against your own, the tips of your noses brushing just so softly.
“I thought I was going to lose you that day.”
Your eyes raised to his, soft and sincere. You gave him a soft smile before poking his chest “It’ll take a lot more than that to get rid of me.”
He grinned, slapping your hand away.
“You’re an idiot you know.”
His words caused you to frown, eyebrows dropped to question the audacity this boy had at this moment. “How so?”
His own lips spread in a small smile as his hand lifted to trail his fingertips up and down your spine. Shivers ran through your body as he leaned even closer to twitch his nose back and forth against your own, earning a giggle from you.
“Because you continue to put up with me.”
A puff of air left your nose as you pressed your finger against his forehead, pushing him back softly. “You’re my best friend. How couldn’t I put up with you?”
He rolled his eyes, still not a frown line in sight.
“What did you do for the nightmares while I was gone?”
He turned his eyes towards the ceiling, a soft pink tint coating his cheeks. “I slept in your bed.”
A laugh escaped you as his turned darker, the frown lines back though not as deep. “You would crawl out your window, hop across the wall to crawl into mine, then sleep in my bed while I was gone?”
He nodded before turning his attention back to you, fingers trailing a thumb over the apple of your cheek. “It smelled like you.”
You smiled brightly, arms wrapping around his torso to pull him close. Resting your cheek against his warm chest, listening to the pitter pat of his heart beat.
“Y/N. I love you.”
Your breath caught, head pulling back as you looked up to catch his face buried into your hair. The tinge of red coated the tip of his ears, a smile that you couldn’t control broke onto your face.
“I love you too Katsuki.”
You listened as his own breath caught, chest stiffening as if he did not expect your returned feelings. He pulled away, eyes meeting yours with more adoration than you had ever seen in them before.
“You do?” Your nod brought his own wide smile, your favorite one that he only showed when you were around.
His fingers curled around your jaw, thumb pressing softly to angle your face towards his as he leaned in slowly to press his soft lips against yours. You had imagined this moment for a long time and it surely did not do it justice as he kissed you more gently than you ever thought possible for Katsuki Bakugo.
He pulled back after a moment, brushing a soft tear from your cheek. “Now go to bed. I’m tired.” He scolded as if he wasn’t the one who had woken you with his own issues.
You patted his cheek before turning in his arms that constricted, holding you tightly against the heat of his body.
“Good night Kats.”
“Good night Angel.”
Needless to say, Katsuki got the best of sleep in a long time, no nightmares to return that night. Instead of falling asleep holding a pillow that still held your scent, he got to hold you.
~~~~~~Platonic route
That day never left either of your minds, night terrors had plagued your mind for months after the event. Your parents had freaked when you returned covered in green goo, only to send you away for the next ten months for hard training with your ex pro-hero grandfather.
Leaving Katsuki to deal with his trauma all by himself. Upon returning for the start of UA he had stuck to you like glue, his best friend returned to him finally.
Katsuki shifted to pull away from you, his hands loosely holding you still as you continued to rub his arm.
“Feeling better?”
He nodded softly as you smirked “I can’t hear your brain rattling. Use your words.”
He snorted, a hand raising to slap the back of your head. “Hey! This is what I get for comforting you after a nightmare?” His lips curled into a smirk as he shifted you closer once more.
“Shut up and go to sleep.” You huffed in response, crossing your arms and grumbling obscenities at his expense.
You paused, turning just your head to give him the stink eye. His own were closed, not a frown line to be found.
“I love you.”
You smiled, tapping your finger against his nose before turning back away, knowing full well your friend didn’t mean in a romantic kind of way. Though he voiced his feelings rarely, when he did… You could feel it.
“I love you too dummy.”
Katsuki snuggled back into your neck, getting the best sleep in awhile with his best friend as a snuggle buddy.
Sorry if this is terrible it kept me up for awhile until I wrote it down. 😅
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
The way my professional inbox is structured, I'm always worried people don't get my reply emails. I have to resist the urge to go into my secret Gmail account and be like, "pst, just in case the other email broke, this is also me; please don't tell anyone about this account."
Like... I shouldn't have to filter my mail the way I do, but unfortunately, mean people ruined it for everyone, and now if you want to send me an email, you must answer these riddles three and even then, because of my heavy filtering, you'll likely end up spending a few days in the spam pile before I manually fish you out like a wet cat being hoisted unceremoniously out of an ornamental koi pond that doubles as a nuclear dumping ground.
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millenniumfae · 1 year
Hades Fish - What They Taste Like, And How To Cook Them
Hellfish - Evolved from pond snails, and as Achilles says in his codex, they traveled from the surface to the Underworld by sticking to the bottom of Charon's boat, and eventually became undead. Around the size of a navel orange. Tastes mostly like regular freshwater snail, except less of the 'dirt' aftertaste and more 'metallic blood' thanks to the Styx. Usually served lightly blanched to avoid chewiness, and served drizzled with oil and salt.
Knucklehead - Originally the spirits of common saltwater sardines and anchovies that convalesced into their own undead species. Classical Greece's fishing economy centered heavily around those two fishes, and that cultural reverence essentially brought the Knucklehead to existence, so to speak, through indirect worship. Average size of 12-15 inches, and they no longer have scales or skin, exposing their translucent green flesh. Has the flaky texture of oil fish when cooked, and tastes like if you stuffed a sardine with pennies.
Scyllascion - Related to the legendary Scylla, but didn't spawn from her as individuals. Like real life catfish, they can keep growing to monstrous sizes, and are aggressive and territorial. Only one Scyllascion hangs out in each large patch of Styx. Zagreus only ever catches the younger, smaller ones, since the huge varieties are too smart to be fooled by a Rod Of Fishing. Caught Scyllascion range from 17 inches to a Great Dane. It's cooked by removing its iron-hard head and fins, then roasted whole or in stews. Meat is surprisingly mild and absorbs flavor well.
Slavug - An example of a species that never evolved from a surface animal. They spend an equal amount of time in and out of the lava, sometimes hanging out on the rocks or the shore. An adult Slavug is about a foot long, and five inches thick. When they die, they go from lava-hot to stone cold, and usually cooked by boiled or steamed whole. Slice them like a cake to serve. The flesh is bouncy and porous like bread, and they taste like shellfish.
Chrustacean - These clearly-lobster-adjacent fish are not tolerant to the lava like the Slavug is, its carapace serves as a heat-proof shield. Shades of Asphodel sometimes keep them as pets because of their inquisitive, friendly behavior. Cooking Chrustaceans means prying off their metal shell before exposing them to heat, which leaves their raw, goopy flesh exposed before cooked to firm and usually made into lobster cakes, or as toppings on salad. Tastes like if a lobster was boiled in a sulfur spring.
Flameater - Canonically thought to be native to the Underworld, and perhaps related to the Ladon dragon that Heracles killed. Its large maw is actually a filter feeding system for Phlegathon's minerals, and its passive and shy, making it hard to catch. Average size of a desktop keyboard, and its mouth alone can stretch to the circumference of an umbrella. Cooked through application of frostbite by use of ice, usually by burying it in an icebox for 15-20 minutes. Eaten alone, its weirdly cartilage-ridden and tastes strongly of overcooked egg, but it makes for a great broth or stock starter.
Chlam - All fish of the Lethe feed on memories, and this one most of all. Evolved from surface scallops, not clams, lending it its flat, ridged shell and glowing eyes. Usually around the size of a human hand, but the older ones can be the size of a truck tire. Has the soft texture of real life scallops, but its taste depends on what memories it had most recently eaten; bittersweet, salty, horny, etc. Cooking multiple Chlams together in a stew makes for a taste best described as 'headache-inducing' if not spiced correctly.
Charp - The Codex entry implies that its the shade of real life Koi fish (which are colored varieties of the widespread Amur carp), but Hades also implies that its mythology exists independently outside of the Greek world. Koi wouldn't naturally exist above ground, and no one in-game would be familiar with them aside from a possible passing encounter. Therefore, the Charp evolved from common Greek carp into an undead species similar to the koi, and a few worldly shades have remarked on its similarity to a surface species found on distant shores. Like real-life koi, it tastes and cooks like carp, but tinged with memories like the Chlam.
Seamare - Thanks to the Lethe's calm, warmer waters, it has a few reefs that house a natural-borne seahorse-akin fish. They only feed on pleasant memories, lending it a sweet taste, and are usually the size of a dinner plate. They're also intelligent, and can memorize human faces. Catching them is difficult not because they hide, but because they fight back; thanks to all the warrior memories they've swallowed, they have a battle-spun spirit and won't let you reel them in without a struggle. If not kept as pets, they're usually speared on sticks and fire-roasted over coals.
Gupp - Naturally borne from the Styx, it's less of a guppy analogy and more like a Greek freshwater shad. They swim in schools against fast currents, and are usually the length of a pencil case. But like a guppy, they livebirth fry dozens at a time, and are used as utility fish for seeding waters. It lacks scales, like real life catfish, and has the unique life/death cycle of livebirthing pre-existing Gupp in a method of rebirth whereas all other Underworld fish have to wait to respawn upon being eaten. Thanks to its proximity to the surface, it tastes exactly like a regular river fish, just scaleless.
Scuffer - All fish in the Temple are sought-after for their unique overworld-ajacent taste, and the Scuffer even more so for its utility purposes; its tough and giant swim bladder can be made into high quality vellum, its toxin has many medicinal purposes useful to immortals, and its liver a fruity delicacy served raw. Other parts of its flesh are edible to anybody immortal/undead, but you still 'die' so its not recommended. A Scuffer's liver tastes reminiscent of a merlot thanks to its life spent swimming and feeding upon the Styx's floor. The adult ones can be as big as a pineapple.
Stonewal - Evolved from swordfish, and retains their migratory, aggressive behavior. They're an important part of the Underworld's ecosystem, because they regulate the population of any fish that make it too close to the surface world. Range wildly in size, from a modest foot long to as big as a bathtub. Usually cut into fillets and fried upon flat griddles, or served roasted on a rotating spit whole during feasts as a centerpiece. And like the previous two, they have utility purposes as well; their long, sturdy, but flexible bones are made into crafting tools, and weapons like bows and arrows.
Mati - Its appearance is a dead ringer to real life anglerfish fry, but it'll spend its whole life in their gelatinous, bloated form. As a fish of Chaos, it was borne from and represents sapient gaze; AKA, a gaze cast with intelligent emotion. Eating a boiled Mati has the texture of eating an old grape with a hard kernel within, and tastes like if fresh sea urchin was a yeasty porridge. Mati that can be caught are no bigger than a smartphone, but if you look into the distance, you can see car-sized ones.
Projelly - These fish spawn from Chaos like shed skin cells; unconsciously and ever continuing. They're unintelligent except for a minor nervous system that propels their bodies along in a purposeless compulsion. Which is what makes them hard to catch, since they float around too deep for a fisher to just scoop them up, but good luck trying to dredge one upon your hook. Pretty tasteless, but with a pleasant cartilage-y texture. Often served dried out as a snack, then re-hydrated or marinated to be chopped and plated cold with oil.
Voidskate - The biggest fish you can catch in-game. If you look closely, you'll notice that those table-sized Voidskates are seemingly swimming upside down, because when you cast a hook into their reality, you're actually pulling them down from where they fly in the air. Not only that, but their fishable state is their limbo life, and their 'dead, eaten' state is their actual life. They're a source of study from philosophers trying to learn more about life and death, but they never get far. Prepared by slicing into thick, dense steaks, then fried on grills. Has a sour, rich brightness like buttermilk.
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