#kinky pacman
squidcakez · 4 months
Some kinzo sketches!
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knightpunks · 2 years
(me, in the most bratty 10 year old girl voice) they should both Kiss. because theyre Ghosts. and Girls together.
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crabbypalsart · 3 years
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I don't recall posting these Pac-arts on here :o3c
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
While I’m Pac-Posting...
I think this is the first time Kinky has appeared in official art.
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I always thought he was wearing goggles, but I guess they’re glasses!
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eben-frostey · 3 years
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The Mutations He Causes.
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reddogcollar · 4 years
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I drew this for my girlfriend bc im too impatient to wait for tommorow 
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squidcakez · 4 months
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(I like him so much but barely anyone talks about him lol-)
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
For the Drabble request we’ve got
Bondage and slapping with Jake Jensen and the prompt sit down and shut up!
Fantastic! A little sub-Jake for us!
This is smut (dom/sub vibes, edging, cockwarming, mentions of face riding, reader is kinda mean) you guys, no minors!!
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"Baby, I said I was sorry!" Jake was pouting a little when he followed you into your apartment.
"I cannot believe you ditched me at the bar to play Ms. Pacman!" You threw your coat over the back of the couch with a huff.
"It was an original machine! You know I can't resist vintage games!" If he thought those puppy eyes were gonna get him out of this he was in for a surprise.
"God, you're such a nerd." You still weren't looking at him as you fumed and started heading towards the bedroom.
"Ok, hurtful." Now he was definitely pouting.
"No, what's hurtful is when you're out on what's supposed to be a date with your boyfriend, only to turn around and find him missing for a fucking hour!"
"Honey, c'mon! Lemme make it up to you." He wound his arms around you from behind and tried to bury his face in your hair.
"How are you gonna make it up to me?" It was a little hard to stay mad at him when he started tracing your ear with his tongue, but you were extremely stubborn.
"I'll do whatever you want, pretty girl." You did not like the hum of satisfaction you could hear in his voice.
"Oh yeah?" Poor boy didn't know what he was in for. "Sit down, and shut up."
His eyes bugged a little when you turned and shoved him back on the bed, moving quickly to straddle his hips and take his glasses off.
"Baby, what..."
Your light slap caught him off guard, his head snapping to the side before he turned back to you with a look of shock on his face. His hand rubbed over his cheek where you had caught him, and it took you a second to realize what you had just done.
"Shit, you ok, hon?" Sometimes you forgot how intense you could be in the bedroom.
"Uh, yeah." A slow grin spread over his face as he turned back to you. "I'm very ok."
"Yeah, you like that, huh?" You beamed at him before tracing his lips with your tongue. "Look at you getting all kinky on me. You want me to cuff you to the bed, again?"
"Fuck, yeah." His voice broke a little when he thought about the last time he'd let you do that, bucking his hips underneath you mindlessly while you wrenched his shirt off.
"What a good boy." You placed a hand in the center of his chest and pushed him back until his head hit the pillows, your other hand reaching to the top drawer of the nightstand an pulling out the two pairs of furry pink cuffs he’d gotten you for Valentine’s Day. 
Jake leaned forward to mouth at your chest when you bent over him to fasten his wrists to each bedpost, nipping softly at your skin and whining when you pulled away to work at undoing his belt. As much as he loved when you tied him up, he really missed being able to touch you anywhere he wanted.
That didn’t stop his hips from bucking into you once you got his pants undone and drew them down his legs, slowly kissing your way back up his thighs and over the jut of his hips until you were straddling him again. Then you stopped, just laying over his chest and lightly tracing your finger over his nipple as he panted underneath you.
“Baby, what are you doing?” More like what weren’t you doing. His cock was throbbing painfully where you had it pinned between the two of you, and he had definitely been counting on you being wrapped around his cock by now.
“Just resting, Jakey.” You were teasing him, moving your lips in a soft trail over his chest until he was whining pitifully. “Were you in a hurry?”
“Honey, fuck.” You wrapped your lips around his nipple and he dropped his head against the headboard with a dull thud. “God, I just wanna feel you.”
“I know, sweetie.” Your tongue dragged over his sensitive nub and he moaned, his chest vibrating under your face  as he tried to arch further into you. “Just imagine how I felt when I was hoping to make out with you in some abandoned booth then you left me all by myself.”
“Shit.” Oh, this might not be a fun night for him after all.
“Shit is right.” You moved to start working on his other nipple. “I’m gonna give you a choice Jakey, since I’m so soft on you.” The way he was falling apart for you so fast was making your pussy throb. “Either way, I’m going to come three times before this poor thing,” you gave his cock a squeeze and preened at his hoarse cry, “get’s any sort of friction. So, do you want me to ride that pretty face until I soak that goatee? Or do you want to feel my tight little cunt flutter around that pretty cock while I get myself off?”
So, you were trying to kill him. Those choices were absolutely miserable. He loved tasting you, and any other night he could spend hours with his face buried between your soft thighs. But with how much his cock was aching with need...
“Need to be inside you, fuck.” He looked so pretty with his skin flushed pink and coated in a thin sheen of sweat, your lips catching his and swallowing his wanton mewl before you sat up over him with a grin.
You finally drew your dress over your head and he growled when he got a look at you. Oh, he’d really fucked up. That matching set you were wearing was one you only broke out when you were planning on the two of you fucking each other within an inch of your lives. What an idiot he was.
The fluttering sigh he let out when you shoved your panties aside and sank down on him was one of your favorite things in the world. Getting him all needy and worked up like this was such a fucking treat, especially when you got to draw it out.
His eyes were fixed on the point where your bodies were joined, his tongue running over his bottom lip when your fingers started to slowly spread your arousal over your clit before pressing soft circles against it. Just being full of him was enough to have you right on the edge, small shivers traveling up your spine  as you increased the pressure on your tiny bundle of nerves. 
You drew your free hand up to pull your breast out of the soft lace of your bra so you could tease your nipples. Jake was still kicking himself mentally while he watched you work yourself over, wanting nothing more than to sit up and suck bruises against your throat. 
He could feel how close you were, and the way your body was arching into your hand was making him want to move his hips to help you along, but he knew that was a bad idea. One more soft sigh and you came around him with a low moan, your fingers digging into your breast and your release seeping out around his cock until it was staining his thighs.
When he felt you clenching around him he couldn’t control himself, his hips bucking up into you wildly as he fought desperately against his restraints. You had to slap him twice to snap him out of it.
“Wait, ah, shit, why are you stopping?” You had grabbed your phone from behind you and were now scrolling through it as you stilled all your movements. “Baby?”
“How long did you make me wait, Jakey?” You didn’t have to look at him to know he was completely wrecked. “An hour? I think it’s only fair you have to wait a little bit, too. I think one hour after each orgasm should do it before you get any relief.”
He just whined as he dropped his head back against the pillows, not looking forward to a whole night of you edging him. Maybe next time he’d offer to buy you something so he didn’t end up in this situation. A new knife would probably do it.
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I was initially going to make this an ask, but it got to long lol
Just- whew okay. Tagging @whiiiplaaaash because feel like she needs to hear this too, because it's about peter, but it was intended for @sapphimoff ask box because I was ib the making Tate cry convo
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This is pure filth, NSFW under the cut, lazily edited.(and written lest be honest here), dacryphilia and pain play are the major players here, I'd say be warned if either of those things might trigger you
The more look at peter, the more rewatch the movies, read fics, see gifs, those things where you take a bunch of characters and apply them to a quote from a different media, the more see how vanilla peter is, but I'm kinky as shit, so I'm going to find a way to project all my kinks onto him. Here's how think it goes:
When you two start dating, he's so shy, it's adorable. He's never had a real partner before, only been on a handful of dates because his mind works fast, and he's pretty quickly able to tell that it's not going to work out between the two of them, so he calls it off. He's ghosted several people, and if he were alive in the 2020s he would be making "bisexual more like bi-myself" jokes. But now he has you, and he doesn't get that bleh thing he usually does where he starts to lose interest. The moment there's a hint of boredom for him, you seem to take notice and move the next step in your relationship, first kiss, a new place for dinner, making out on the couch while he multitasks pacman (surprisingly enough, not annoying, instead it's really fucking hot)
But then you've run out of new things and Peter is literally the opposite of rushing you, but your basically desperate for him at this point, so you two have sex. It's pretty standard, vanilla sex, but you are on top and he basically did whatever you told him to do. The morning after, he starts up the conversation. how was it (great), are we still compatable (yes), do we want to do that again (yes please). But after that, when he asks you if there's anything different you want to try, you can see in his eyes he's desperate for you to say something, so terrified that he'll get bored and lose his grasp on his love for you, so you carefully broach the subject of you domming him.
And he has no idea what you're talking about, so you explain to him, about submission, bondage, you bring up pain play but only in the context of spanking as to not scare him away, and watch as his pupils dilate to near cover his irises, his nails dig into his palms to stop from palming himself through his PJs, and he fidgets incessantly, refusing to make eye contact. When you finish talking, he's still not looking at you, and as a shoe of what this kind of relationship would be like, you grasp his chin and pull it towards you sharply, enjoying the sharp intake of breath and the soft whimper when you order him to answer you. You know he's in before the words leave his mouth.
Flash forward a couple of months and you two are still going strong. Peter's happy he hasn't sped past his love for you yet, and you've got a good rhythm together. He's got a high sex drive, and even if you do too, he gets exhausting sometimes. So chasity belts become a frequent punishment, and sometimes you overstim him until he can't bear to touch his cock the whole next day, giving you time to rest. Any other day though and he's bent over with a cock in his ass, or tied up with a vibrator on his tip. He calls you mommy one time, and you call him puppy another, and the names just stick. You experiment with anal beads and cockrings (both enthusiastic yesses) and butt plugs and spanking (yesses with even more enthusiasm), and when he starts begging you to put clamps on his nipples and leave him to a fitful night of sleep with your biggest plug in his ass, when he starts crawling around and pawing at your crotch to get your attention when he's horny like a dog that was never taught manners, you start to realize:
Peter Maximoff is a pain slut.
You tell him as much one night while drilling into his prostate with your strap/cock and he moans and whimpers that he doesn't know what that is. He's lying, you know it, but you stop your.movement, bend down to lay on his back and whisper directly into his ear what being a pain slut means, enjoying the way he whines and pants at every word. After sex that night, when you're helping him calm down and get sorted for bed, giving him praises of adoration, he asks you what you're going to do now that you know. You tell him to wait and see.
You kick it up slowly over the next few months. Maybe you'll leave him with a vibrator taped to his dick to cum and cum until it hurts so bad the pleasure blinds him and you don't come back to him for almost a full day. He cries and sobs and when you tell him how much it turns you on he cries more. Sex becomes less fuck, cuddle, sleep, and more spank, overstim, fuck, more spanking, dirty talk, pain infliction, fuck, then cuddle and sleep. He loves it. So much. It's never a dull moment with you, and he loves it so goddamn much. He loves you.
Honorable mentions:
Praise kink- we all saw this coming. Pretty puppy hasn't gotten much attention in his live and lives for it
Humiliation- not extreme, but if you're at a party where they're watching you fuck him, you're gonna nitpick his performance and he's going to do his best to correct it, because she knows when he does he gets praised.
Rubber band thing- as @sapphimoff mentioned (she was talking about Tate but my mind immediately went to peter) putting a rubber band on his dick and snapping it back is just mmmmm. He just wants it all to hurt.
Brat- Peter's a brat, but not the traditional way. He's more focused on your pleasure than his own, so he goes out of his way, often disobeying your orders, to bring you pleasure. No matter how much you tell him he's being bad, he just grins and tried again next time. He knows you both have safe words and will respect it if you say yours, but other than that you agreed it was all fair game.
Other Honorable mentions that I can go into more detail on if anyone cares enough:
Lactation, voyerisim, somnophilia, sounding, basically any kink under the sun he will try at least once (except for cnc, it scares him even if he does have a safe word, and he's nervous when it comes to knife/blood play, but he'd try it)
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oreopotatoes · 2 years
What I've been sleepin on: a bed. What ya'll been sleepin on: Ixapter.
Now theres this yt channel called Ixapter, and lemme tell you bout the crossover masterpiece they made.
basically, it involves Pac-man ending up in the mario universe winning kart races, defeating the unagi, and having a princess harem (yes, did I stutter?). Meanwhile in his world, a ghost named kinky (no really, that's his ACTUAL name, he's not an OC, he's a legit canon Pac-man character, I shit you not) starts stealing power pellets and taking over the world with robots.
Now I must warn you, it's kind of...fanservicey. Usually semi-revealing outfits and suggestive angles. But other then that there's no nudity, and not any weirdass fetishes (such as inflation and feet) or smut, so thats good.
The overall plot, interactions, and jokes are honestly beautiful. Theres always something new in the mix (like pirate Daisy), and I just straight up LOVE this! Now I understand fit this doesn't sit well with you, 'specialy the fanservice parts. But if you do like cheesy puns, cheesier animation, and video game characters having a harem. Then this series is for you! The first episode is Pacman and Pokemon, the rest is in a playlist the creator made.
Oh yeah! forgot to mention, the creator is a rhyme GOD, in the animated vids, he'll spit hot bars like its NOTHING!
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imkirb · 4 years
Friendly reminder that there's a pacman ghost named "Kinky"
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kattimariias · 5 years
theres a pacman character called kinky
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marauders as things me and my friends have said/done (part 2)
peter: *sprains his arm after trying to shove it in a vending machine to steal food*
james: *runs into the room, panting* IF HE ASKS, PRETEND YOU NEVER SAW ME.
lily: rule number one - no "your mom" jokes.
peter: but "your mom" jokes are 90% of my personality!
sirius: *crying* IM NOT A GOTH, OKAY? *wipes his face* FOR FUCK'S SAKE NOW MY EYELINER'S SMUDGED.
peter: *walks into the dorm* what the hell-
remus: *sitting on sirius' lap with his wrists tied together with sirius' tie* i know this looks kinky, but i can assure you it's not.
remus: *even more drunk* I'LL TAKE YOU DOWN WITH ME, BITCH.
sirius: i am NOT childish!
remus: you refuse to eat omelettes unless i cut them to look like Pacman.
peter: stop talking in sync like that, it's weird.
james and sirius: *at the exact same time* FINE.
sirius: *brings a sledge to school in the middle of summer and sledges down the stairs*
peter: you have a skinny dick.
remus: oh, well, forgive me, i didn't realised we'd gathered here today to shit all over my existence.
sirius: does my ass look big in this?
james: no offence, but yeah.
sirius: perfect.
*in the lunch hall, after james and sirius have had a massive argument and an awkward silence follows*
remus: well. . .this soup is pretty darn good.
peter: hey, be careful, i could kick your ass if i wanted to.
james: mate, you went to therapy because of your fear of sandwiches, i don't think you'll be kicking anyone's ass today.
remus: you remind me of christmas.
sirius: awwww!
remus: i hate christmas.
james: *joined a kayaking club even though he's never been near a kayak in his life and gets kicked out because he dropped his oars in the canal and had to jump out the boat*
remus: *on the first day of First Year* oh my God guys! we get our own locker? holy shit! im going to decorate it and make it so beautiful and tidy!
remus: *on the first day of Sixth Year, pulling a mouldy starbucks cup out his locker* i think something died in here.
someone: what did you get detention for?
sirius: *cracking his knuckles* oh, you know, i just punched some guy in the year above.
james: *whispers* what did you really get detention for?
sirius: *whispers* for shouting HUZZA when i walked into the biology exam.
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hewwoes-moved · 7 years
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obscure-imagines · 7 years
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-’i got this for you’ ‘really? you didnt steal it?’ ‘nope.’ ‘oh yeah? then show me the recite.’ ‘ugh. fine. i’ll take it back. god.’
-he’d piggy back you places and get you there faster than a car
-but that also means he can simply steal you if he wants. like when guys are flirting with you, you’re just suddenly gone in a flash
-he’d be king of movies and chill
-or pacman and chill
-or just chill because stamina
-but he can also slow things down for you. slow, meaningful kisses
-running your hands through that silver hair
-so many fun adventurous dates
-he’s always want to see you laughing
-he’d be the type to just all of the sudden be behind you with his arms around your waist
-everyone else is grossed out by how cute you two are
-they see the sweet side but they can tell he’s a kinky fuck
-suggestively eating popsicles
-that boy eats so much food so probably lots of dates where you go get stuff to eat
-he hates cooking because heating things takes time. but he’s a master chef with a knife obviously
-pranking together
-he’d be your personal hair stylist and get your hair done in like two seconds. need a super cool braid you saw? boom. done.
-attack kisses all over and you cant stop them because he’s too damn fast
requested by anon
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