#kinda spell checked
scrollonso · 2 months
First Kiss (Race 9)
A strollonso AU where 18 year old rookie Lance Stroll falls helplessly in love with the notoriously mean world champion. (1.1k words, no warnings) [@v3lnys @biancathecool] {I love that picture of lance,, he looks so cute mwah}
last part - masterlist - next part
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Lance was so excited, he hadn't been back to Canada in so long it felt great to be back.
Lance got to the paddock with his dad, feeling like a little kid again as he walked next to him, it felt great outside. He was in a short sleeved Racing Point shirt, his hair having more body than usual as he walked and talked with his dad
"Are you confident in the car? I know this seasons been tough on you but we're always trying to improve the car for you and Nico."
"I am, Dad, I'm not sure what keeps going wrong. Maybe I'm not good enough yet?"
"Don't say that, Lance, I know you're good enough, it just takes some getting used to."
Lance nodded, his dad was probably right but he knew how people felt about him and with how he's performing he couldn't help but doubt himself. He just hoped that he'd at least finish his home race.
Qualifying came and went, he was embarrassed to see how he'd done. His mind hadn't been wandering like at the last Grand Prix so there was no reason for him to qualify 17th while Nico qualified 6th.
"I'm sorry" He said on the radio, Brad quick to tell him it was okay and they'd do better tomorrow, Lance was determined to do better tomorrow, he had to do decently considering the fact that now there were two Canadians on the grid so the crowd was practically split in half.
Lance hoped Brad was right, he was sick of feeling like he was letting his team down.
Fernando came over as usual to greet Lance, having qualified on pole (also as usual).
Lance was happy to see him, he was glad the Spaniard wasn't as busy as in England, he wondered if he would've done better had he not seemingly avoided him all weekend.
"Lancito! Is home race time" He sounded more excited than Lance, wrapping an arm around the taller boys shoulder
"You already had your home race, Nando" Lance teased, smiling down at the Spaniard
"Ay, we are friends no?" He asked, Lance nodding to confirm they were in fact friends "Exactly! Any home of a friends is a home of mine"
He rolled his eyes, trying to hold back a smile at the comment, he liked thinking about how him and Fernando were friends, being casually close like this made Lance's heart flutter. He adored being friends with the World Champion.
Lance was the first one to look for Fernando on the paddock the next day, finding him in the middle of an interview.
He tried to stay quiet as he crept up behind him, putting his finger to his lips to tell the interviewer to not say anything.
"...Si, the car is spectacular, little problems here and there but our engineers are always quick to fix all errors."
"Of course, now, let's ask the questions the fans really want to hear. Fernando, people are still wondering about you and the Racing Point driver, Lance Stroll's, relationship, anything to comment?"
"I adore Lance, we spend a lot of time together and he's truly brilliant, he'd be one of the best on the grid if he just had a car that could showcase his talent"
Lance couldn't help but smile, face flushing pink as he heard how the older man was praising him
"No need to flatter me, Nando" Lance laughed, speaking up and moving to stand next to Fernando
"Mi sol, when did you get here?" Fernando's face lit up, quick to pull the boy closer as he forced him into the interview, neither of them noticed how the womans face changed after hearing such an affectionate nickname be used so openly between the two drivers.
"I was gonna scare you but you were talking so nicely I felt bad" Lance smiled at Fernando, completely forgetting they were being filmed and the World Champion was in the middle of an interview.
"So mature, Lancito" Fernando rolled his eyes, not surprised at the boys actions
"I know, right?" Lance nodded, finally looking away from Fernando and to the interviewer "Right, I'll let you finish. Don't talk about me too much" Lance teased Fernando then nodded to the woman behind the camera and headed back to his garage, glad he wasn't the one being interviewed this time.
The race came and went, Lance managed to make up a good bit of places but just barely missed points, finishing in 12th.
He knew no one was upset with the outcome because anything is better than a DNF but not getting points at his home race hurt more than not finishing another race.
Fernando ended up winning, obviously, and Lance figured because "any home of a friends is a home of his" he should go watch the older man on the podium at his "home race."
Fernando had grown accustomed to seeing the Canadian under him while he was on the podium, knowing he was there managed to make the celebration better. Any time Lance was around he made everything better for Fernando, as if just his presence brought luck to the Spaniard.
As the Spanish anthem played he couldn't help but look down at Lance, smiling softly as the boy gazed up at him. The camera then cut to Lance, broadcasting the shared looks between the drivers for the whole world to see, it really is great to see drivers have such great sportsmanship.
Like clockwork Fernando made his way to Lance afterwards, pulling him into his arms "You did so good today, Lancito" He praised, proud of the rookie even if he didn't score points.
"You literally won, Nando" Lance laughed, pulling back to look at the World Champion
"I stayed in first basically the whole race, your overtakes were brilliant, mi sol" He gushed, having asked his engineer throughout the race to update him on the boys spot, as if Lance was a threat to him.
"Thank you, Nando, you're too kind."
"Do you want to go out with me?" The Spaniard asked suddenly, Lance becoming visibily shocked at the question
"Go out with you?"
"Si, you are hungry, no?" Fernando seemed confused, unsure why the rookie was so surprised at the suggestion, he literally flew almost a whole day to Australia to spend a week with him (and Mark)
"God, Nando, I really need to teach you how to word things better" He smiled, wrapping an arm around Fernandos shoulder "Let me treat you to dinner, race winner"
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blinkpen · 10 days
i really am trying so hard to just keep it together, you know? like, i am literally losing my damn mind from the stress and grief of the All of It, and that thing was a poorly optimized disaster zone on a deterioration countdown timer i can only ever slow the progression of, but not cure, to begin with
if i suddenly stop posting for awhile, i doubt you'll need to Worry worry, it probably just means i broke down to the point of bedridden catatonia and nothing "worse" than that and would be back after i snap out of it, but i feel the need to bring up that possibility as i feel that's where i'm headed (i'm trying to fight this, i'm always trying to fight this); i know if there's sudden radio silence for weeks, the idea i might have done something to harm myself in some way would justifiably occur to some people so
pre-emptive establishing of where i feel my mental state is going because that's the best i can do about it rn
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shinonomekei · 11 days
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I gave up on the coloring but luckily the placeholder bg color I was using worked well, so ig that’s that
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spheroz · 3 months
Batman can’t keep his robins-Dick Grayson
Dick Grayson died. He’s been dead for years. Some would say he died when his parents fell off the trapeze. But he was still living, he mourned his parents. But he tried to move on. He really truly did. He wanted to move and be greater. But he wanted revenge. He wanted to kill Zucco. And well, he almost did. When Bruce Wayne took in the young circus star he became something more than just “Dick Grayson”. He became Robin. And Robin was a hero. Robin fought villains on the street. Robin put Zucco into custody. And when he was kidnapped. They didn’t take Dick Grayson. They took Robin. Because Dick Grayson died the day that Robin went missing.
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k00kiecrumbler · 8 months
☆ RT-tober Day 1 and 2 ☆
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no. 7 : legs [ as the document said, ancient chants :P ]
no. 10 : magistrex [ :0 !!! minecraft skin ]
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balkanbitch · 3 months
You want to know what I think about almost everyday? How different Natsu and fairy tail as a show would be if Natsu was a girl
Cause like think about. The world of fairy tail (like many anime worlds) is pretty sexist and shitty towards women. Almost every man in the show is a weirdo in one way or another. The world also has high expectations for women and how they should be/look. Sexualizing them at every given moment
Now imagine this little girl coming in to this world who never had to deal with the things like gender/sex (We don't know much about dragon culture but there seems little to no distinction between male and female dragons or differences in society ranking based on gender) now having these weird expectations put on her to act a certain way.
We rarely see any women who even have a similar personality to Natsu but Natsu is cocky and constantly challenging people. Could you imagine a girl trying to that in a world like fairy tail? Like we see other women like Erza do stuff like that but the thing is she has the power to back it up. Season 1/pre show Natsu doesn't, she gets beat by her stronger guildmates all the time. The world is already cruel to the women in it so could you picture how it would be to a women who tries to challenge more powerful opponents and then keeps losing over and over. The men who'd beat in her in combat would probably draw it out just to humiliate and embarrass her and then say stuff like "weak little girl needs to know her place." Or not even acknowledge her like "I'm not fighting a girl" And she would be just so confused cause like why are these people shaming her for her gender? Why don't they respect her like they do other men they beat? Why is she being targeted for something she can't control?
I feel like this would make her much more aggressive/angry than Natsu already is. She would be really violent when she fought, putting everything in every attack just in hopes of winning and being respected like her fellow guildmates/wizard. Over the years she builds a reputation of being brutal and violent in her fights. We don't see many female characters that have a fighting style like Natsu (besides mira and a few others) so it'd be a shock. Many would tell her she needs to tone it down and that she needs to be more elegant when she fights. But she doesn't want to fight like that. She wants to fight like how she was taught. She sees how people who fight like that don't get nearly as much respect as their male counterparts. And She'd do anything for her to be respected, to be praised for someone to see her as strong and capable like Igneel did.
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I had low expectations for hobie brown and he blew them all to smithereens by being the Best ™
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not-souleaterpost · 5 months
10 thousand years of heaven
Actually wrote another fic (well started as an unrelated short-story idea in my head before falling asleep but then I realised that I can actually connect it quite well) Still posting it here cause I'm not sure if people who only care about the comic feel about these. Anyways, back to work on the iceberg, just neated a little creative break.
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paperconsumption · 15 days
having a normal one over dungeon meshi twitter misinformation being spread
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fyodorkitkat · 22 days
I was falling asleep on myself because it was three hours past my bedtime when I first drafted this and apparently did not post it but I only have one scene left for the wednesday fyolai fic and then it is on to thursday fyoya (or back to finishing the tuesday fyoran). I will be so excited if I actually manage to finish each day this is crazy.
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coridallasmultipass · 29 days
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dbphantom · 9 months
Every time I open my fic document I forget I added this and I lose my shit all over again
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 2 months
I should probably go to bed huh
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phoenixinthefiles · 3 months
I've realized that I don't give enough attention to the editing stage of my writing.
Not in terms of checking for spelling and grammar mistakes; I mean things like adding descriptions between dialogue.
Because while recently I've gotten better at writing dialogue, (at least i think i have) I've sort of neglected my illustrations, which used to be favorite part of writing.
So to combat that I've started leaving notes for myself in these thingies "[ ]" about what I think I should convey in between dialogue, and then going back and writing that out during the "editing process."
I thought maybe this could help someone else who was struggling with this, because I was beginning to hate my writing and writing style until I tried this.
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Hi hi it's 1am here and the thoughts are Not Great so scroll past if you don't want to see the pettiest vent in your life 'k thanks ♡
So you know that post about me being scared about sharing my work if it isn't the popular opinion or anything generally commonly appealing? Yeah so as I was typing out the tags my brain threw a core memory at my face and went "you absolutely know why"
Anywau basically like, i was an undertale fan during the undertale renissance (is that how you spell it?) And i was fucking OBSESSED over glitchtale (until early season 2 + before camila was outed to be a shitbag) and thought glithtale was very very cool
Ankther thing is that i was a chronic deviantart scroller at the tjme (also on google images) and i love lovr loooooved looking at people's art
So i was like "hey i could do that too!" And started making fanart for glitchtale, specifically that final battle part where they're in The Orb™ in s1
I was doing it in school because at this point everyone was basically just hanging out (my elementary's system was 1st grade to 6th grade (i was... 5th grade iirc) And also had this weird systen where the younger half of elementary would go home 2 hours earlier than the older half (1pm), idk why) and like, because there was literally just 4 people here because small school, i showed my wip to the other 3 people present in the area
They made fun of it
They made fun of. Basically Everything.
The thing that primarily stuck with me was how they teased about frisk's posing and the overall edginess of the piece, but mostly how frisk looked stypid (which, 1. Y'all play fnaf and brag that you're cool though kids you don't have room to talk; 2. It was The Orb™ fight,,, of course it was gonna be edgy,,,,)
It's somewhere in a landfill now, i threw it in the trash and never fished it out... probably decomposed by now, it's been 8 years (holy shit it's been 8 years)
I... think they apologized? Idk i just know they had a "wait shit no-" moment when i threw it in the trash but i was already mad about it so, yeag
Like... i like to say that it doesn't affect me that badly anymore but i'm pretty sure it still is? I literally can't look at my art anymore without thinking of how bad it looks compared to everyone else's and i also am physically unable to Not agree with others (i literally forced myself to hate homura akemi pmmm because a friend didn't see the nuance in her character and just relegated her to "bitch" lmao) and Good Lird i have crippling perfectionism because if 1 person hates it then everyone does right??? Lmao
Deadass nowadays i just can't bring myself to make or share any ideas or pick up anything creative because i HAVE to get it perfect in 1 go otherwise i'll be ridiculed for it; I'm Trying to outgrow these problems but it's jist So Dicking Hard akfjshdjdhr and it seriously doesn't help tjat there was a seperare (smaller) incident where i found one of my drawings crumpled on the floor by someone
Man i'm kinda fucked up am i?
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blog-of-reaction · 6 months
My Get Smart ships
Max/99 obviously
Max/Hymie (it’s never stated that he loves Max in more than a platonic way, due to the time Get Smart takes place that would probably be a bad idea, jeopardizing if not both of them than Hymie for sure. I am of the firm opinion that Max/Hymie is canon as much as it can be, it’s just that it’s unrequited love on Hymie’s part.)
Max/Siegfried do I even need to explain why? Just look at them.
Starker/Larabee no reason other than I think it’s funny.
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