#kind of zevran/inquisitor
malewifezevran · 2 years
every time im like “haha yeah i ship x” but i ship it in such a convoluted and very specific way it’s silly honestly
like, i see what the canon romance route is, and it’s cute, but i shall do whatever i please
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j-nightingalesb1tch · 10 months
things i would change about dragon age romances:
make solas romancable by both male and female elves. don't limit your biggest romance to only one specific kind of inquisitor.
i'm here for the bi rep always and forever, but leliana being lesbian makes more sense to me.
let cullen be romanced by men as well as women. let a man sweep him off his feet and make him question everything. he deserves that kind of excitement.
make it so that iron bull and dorian will always get together as long as the inquisitor doesn't romance either of them. don't make me idle for five hours to trigger it.
let my warden be in a poly relationship with allistair and zevran. zev is definitely up for it so come on.
make varric a romance option. bioware, i beg you. if i can only have one good thing in my life, let it be that.
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rosaryrradical · 6 days
DA; Dreadwolf story predictions
Do i have anyone inside information? No. Am I about to make a bunch of guesses anyway? Yes.
Basically I just thought it would be fun to have a record of what i think Dreadwolf will be like, so I can judge myself (Or the game) later. Feel free to reblog and add your own predicictions!
Ten year time gap from inquisition.
The game starts with Solas destroying the veil. Or he destroys in during the first act of the game.
Solas isn't the big bad of the game.
The other elven gods have been horrifically tainted by their time trapped in the veil, are now something like darkspawn/Corphy. They're what you're actually fighting for most of the game.
There will be a blight.
You can pick your race again. (If you choose quanari or dwarf you get locked out of like half the backgrounds.)
You can pick your background Origin style.
Backgrounds are; Lord of fortune, Grey Warden, Tevinter Mage (Only human mages) Tevinter slave (Elf/Qunari) Kal-Sharok dwarf.
The story is split between Tevinter, Antivan and Nevarra.
With DLC in one other location (Anderfells or Rivian)
Also a black emporium dlc (but it's a pre-order bonus or something crappy like that.)
Dorian & Varric will be your advisors in this one.
Cameos from Isabella, Zevran, Fenris, Iron Bull, Josephine, Morrigan, Merrill. And whoever you made divine. (Assuming they're alive in your keep file)
We get mounts again; including a griffon.
We'll get some kind of underground hideout as our home base. (please let it be decoratable. )
Solas will be a secret companion.
The inquisitor will appear Hawke style in the mid-late game.
You'll be forced to choose between two people you love again. Maybe the inquisitor themselves?
I will fall in love with a non-romanceable character as always.
The hairs will still be bad and the character creator lighting will be tinged purple making your makeup look terrible in actual light.
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broodwolf221 · 6 months
going thru my google docs to dl stuff bc ig they're being shitty abt accounts or smth, idk, i haven't read into it enough, but yeah
however the point of this is... i found this gem. my plans for a dragon age star trek au, lmao.
dragon age star trek au
Fenris - Non-Starfleet - Stowaway?
Anders - Medical
Aveline - Security
Merrill - Sciences: biology & botany
Isabela - Communications
Sebastian - ? Maybe an advisor or smth
Varric - Communications - Non-Starfleet?
Bethany - Sciences
Carver - Security 
Zevran - Security -> Communications
Alistair - Command
Morrigan - Sciences 
Sten - Security -> Command
Wynne - Sciences: medical
Leliana - Communications
Cassandra is going to be the Captain of the Inquisition (ship)
Cullen is a Commander and in charge of security (not sure if that makes him a security officer or if that’s a demotion.... js i hate military rank systems)
Leliana is a Lieutenant Commander & Navigation Officer
Josephine is a Lieutenant Junior Grade Communications Officer and I’m a little tempted to make her sit at the Helm but idk
Morrigan is a Science Officer, specializing in Botany and Chemistry
Dorian is a Science Officer, specializing in Archaeology, Ancient Civilizations, and Languages
Vivienne is a Science Officer, specializing in Anthropology and Political Science
Solas is a Science Officer, specializing in Ancient Civilizations, Astronomy, and Physics
The Iron Bull is a previous Captain, now working in Security, non-Starfleet but still on a Starfleet ship
Blackwall is a liarrr and took on his captain’s role after the previous captain was killed in battle
Cole is a newly discovered, seemingly one-of-a-kind alien that’s both a telepath and empath
Inquisitor holds a unique power and everyone is trying to gain ownership of their abilities. 
Elves = Bajorans
Qunari = Klingons, maybe?
Dwarves = Dwarves
Humans = Humans
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l0lol0lol0loi · 1 year
My thoughts on Vere
I want to say that .....
Actually, Vere is not even my type...
I just give you a hint for understanding
Asra (Arcana) - Jumin Han (Mystic messenger) - Sage (LL) - Kentin (MCL)- Valkyon (Eldaria) - Kadzu (Romance Club) - Victor (RC)
As for game romance:
DA fandom
Zevran - Isabella - Iron Bull (yeah yeah joke about them being whores, but I like how they overcome difficulties, how they hide true feelings and Warden - Champion - Inquisitor try to read them,to talk things out, to form mental connection,
you have an option not to have sex with Zevran throughout the whole game and be lovers and get married;
you will patiently wait 3 years for Isabella to talk about feelings towards each other;
as for Bull... don't kill his screw...ahaha...awkward... learn to read him, just like he reads you and shower him with affection.
Vere may seem close to game romance but still there are lots of difference
All of them are not good educated (in arts, I mean, because Vere certainly does), mostly act friendly (Vere seems distant while three of other characters show true feelings), careless and charming, sex jokes, physical way of fight (Vere has some magic abilities, he steales MC's key with magic and has some shadows behind him in GG. But i am sure he uses weapon, like stilettos or his hands, hehe) , sarcastic, sudective (I mean clothes and lack of it, wink).
As for visual novels, Vere is just.... stands out, so to speak.
I guess his romance will go as Isabella's from DA2 or similar to it.
There will be a lot of refusal and denying of his feelings
Being torn apart between personal desires and MC's well being
Needs time and space to accept the thought of stable and healthy relationship, to change lifestyle
Sex and romantic relationship are different stuff ( when you feel love to someone, you can't have sex with that person. Yeah sounds funny, but when you romance Isabella or Zevran, there was a period of time when they caught feeling to mc and rejected all mc's offer to stay alone in a while. So Isabella and Zevran needed time to proceed that sex can be with a person who loves you and you love back)
That's what I remembered from da
As for Vere,
I just see 2 ways of romance
1. You both flirt with each other, but you always stop it when things go too far and spicy ("surrender" scene hello)
2. MC acts naive (naturally or on purpose) and does't react to his provocation
No matter what type of MC is there MC and Vere have to work together
Obviously, Mc has to reveal their curse. So I see their first interaction as something mutual.
Vere needs a person who has no connections to the city and Senobium, who can be useful to him (after all, mc's curseis damn dangerous and can be used against someone when no one expects that), who can be easily manipulated (Do you remember when he talks about MC's background like ..."Poor thing, I give your life a new meaning" and stuff like that).
As for Mc's side, he has an access to Senobium where he can look for info, he is experienced sharlatan having some shadow magic which MC has already seen, he is in desperate just like MC, he knows the city perfectly.
And their partnership will be business-like. Of course, Vere will tease and flirt with mc but he will keep his distance. He seems to me as someone whose trust is hard to gain but when you do... Omg.... hehe.... He won't change at all, except he will mess around more with you. He is that kind of a person who is normal outside (sassy and bitchy) but he melts inside every time when you do something cute, funny, ordinary things like cleaning or fixing your clothes.
In private he demands affection of yours in his way. Glaring at you expectingly, telling some nonsense/ words of double meaning to get attention. Then you look at him to see what's going on, you see him sitting seductively as usual , an innocent smile on his lips, but his eyes glow with promises of more...
He seems to me as very, very, very jealous person (he literally is jealous of Ais' pets imao even though they are just fwb). But he doesn't show it or he thinks so lol, you have to understand that by his spout face, his irritation and you should go w him somewhere privately (you have to trick him first because he won't go just like that, eg "oh i saw some slutty costume for you a fight between clerics of senobium and bloodhound, let's go) and give him small kisses all over his face. He definitely will tease you afterwards but during the process he is such a lovey dovey mess
He loves when you know what he wants... that's not what you may think ~~~~
I mean that guy can go to whorehouse, I am sure some important people of Senobium like to use him as a sex toy. Sex is casual stuff for him.
So when you give him a gift or cook his favorite dish, or just ask his opinion, he dies internally as he is overwhelmed w that affection you give him. Your treatment is so unnatural, unexplainable to him and yet so endearing and he craves for more...
But he won't ask it openly at early stages of relationship
Buuuut when you two are together for a long time he will be the one taking initiative, he won't ask your opinion he simply grabs your hand ans places it on his head and says "Between ears and try not to disturb my hair" or similar to it ehehe.
My list isn't over but I wanted to say something
I understand why Vere isn't so popular as babygirl of TS fandom:
1. his type is known in mass media ( slim, slippery, sarcastic, nasty dark magic wizard with some BIG ambitions). I can name some: Tomoe from anime Kami-sama Hajimemashita, sorcerers from WITCHER, mini boss from dlc PATHFINDER kingmaker. The list isn't ended but I am lazy to think about it.
2. he can kill mc ( it's so fun looking how ppl hate him for that. Vere, keep going!!!)
3. Has deep connection w Ais, some ppl don't want to ruin their relationship, others are jealous but afraid to admit
4. he is considered to be all about sex thing/flat and his boobs aren't big.
Just joking 🙃
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aethes-bookshelf · 1 day
a taste this bitter || solas/inquisitor
Something possessed me to write this. Gods above, I don't know what it was, but I pumped this out in an hour. I haven't written fic since February, I can't believe this man is the one to get me to do it again. I thought it'd be Alistair or Zevran, or Fenris, but you'll get the egg instead.
I love me some angsty pining and unresolved feelings and since Solas is Solas, he's perfect for this scene concept.
Pairing: solas/inquisitor (can be read as self-insert as well)
Warnings: angst, hurt/no comfort, unresolved romantic tension, made to fit any inky, not just fem!lavellan
Wordcount: 1k
Summary: For a moment he missed the way their fingers wrapped themselves around their teacup, holding it like something precious, something worth touching; he missed the way he longed to be held by them just so.
Solas hates tea, but he promised he'd never forget them.
[Written to fit an Inky of any gender/race, not just fem!Lavellan.]
ao3 link
The scent of tea was not the problem to Solas — it was its taste. It didn't matter how fragrant its smell, how earthy or flowery the flavor's undertone, tea was always far too bitter. Bitter enough to twist his face with disgust, bitter enough to burn his tongue. Sugar made it a sickly kind of sweet, but the bitterness never really went away. It would spread inside his mouth like a disease, and each time he wanted nothing more than to be rid of it, to replace it with a taste that actually agreed with his palette.
The cup he was holding was nothing like the one the Inquisitor had used in years past, back when the sun seemed brighter and his purpose didn't weigh so heavy on his shoulders. Theirs was small and light, made of fine porcelain, and his was heavy, thick and tall.
For a moment he missed the way their fingers wrapped themselves around their teacup, holding it like something precious, something worth touching; he missed the way he longed to be held by them just so.
He pushed that longing down just as he had so many times before, the same way he did it over and over again as the years passed and the light of their soul grew brighter. He'd allow himself just this one sign of weakness, just this one moment of despair and not one more. It was for the best.
The sun outside was setting and the entire sky was on fire with it.
The Inquisitor was sitting in Skyhold's rotunda, a dainty porcelain teacup cradled in their hands. The tea was still steaming, its aroma filling the space around them. It was rich, fruity and sweet. They took a deep breath, enjoying the fragrance, before taking a tiny sip.
Solas stood nearby, a brush in his hand. He'd spend the past few days working on another one of his murals and was about to add the first layer of color. The Inquisitor usually accompanied him while he worked. Sometimes they'd talk — about the Fade, about the Inqusition's next move, about a book they'd both been reading. Sometimes they'd sit in silence, the Inqusitor watching and Solas quietly enjoying the attention. But almost always, they'd bring with them a cup of hot tea.
‘Inquisitor, if I may,' said Solas, adding a big pass of a bright, vivid red to the wall.
‘You may,' said the Inquisitor, tone light.
Solas' smile was small; it was gone before they could see it. ‘I couldn't help but notice how you always bring tea with you, yet you don't seem to enjoy it, not really.'
‘Ah,' they made a quiet, startled sound, clearly caught off guard.
‘I don't mean to pry, but I find it a little curious that you keep drinking it despite that. I assume you have a reason.' Solas turned away from his painting to look at his Inquisitor. His eyes were drawn to their hands and the cup in them; a sudden burst of feeling in his chest made him catch his breath.
Foolish, foolish man, he thought. He didn't let it show.
They, too, took a long look at the cup in their hands before taking another tiny sip. A mostly hidden look of disgust passed their face, but Solas caught it anyway.
‘It's a reminder.'
It was Solas' turn to be caught of guard. Of all possible answers. ‘How come?'
The Inquisitor carefully lowered the cup down to the floor and left it right by their seat. They cleared their throat as they straightened, looking a mixture of solemn and bashfull.
‘I never really liked tea, you see.'
‘You are not alone in that.' He let his nose wrinkle a bit for emphasis. Not too much, but just enough to be noticeable.
‘Oh, I know, don't worry.' They chuckled. ‘I never liked tea, but my mother always had. She had this big tea and cup collection she was very proud of, you know?'
They looked at the wall opposite to them, but it was like they weren't looking anywhere at all. ‘And she knew I didn't really like it, but she'd make me drink it with her anyway.'
Was there a shine to their eyes?
‘We'd pick a flavor, and she'd make me pick the cups we'd be drinking from.' Their next chuckle was wet; they must have realised this — they cleared their throat again. ‘At the time I found it rather annoying, but now, well…' They turned to look at Solas. ‘It's my way of remembering her, I suppose. Her and all the happier times.'
He was silent for a moment. The air all around them smelled of fruit.
‘I see. I'm sorry for your loss, Inquisitor.'
The drink in his cup smelled of fruit, but the scent wasn't quite right. He didn't know nearly enough about teas to pin-point what was missing, but he knew something was. A certain note in the smell, so familiar he could almost taste it.
No matter. This one would have to do.
The cup warmed his hands as sweet-smelling steam filled the air with an aroma that, to him, smelled like paint and sunsets, and a sky on fire. His eyes burned with tears he wouldn't, couldn't let himself shed over memories he had no right to grieve. Not after he had left, not before he was about to do something unforgivable and yet, to him, necessary. Something he wouldn't be able to take back. He wasn't sure whether or not that was a good thing.
He took a sip of his tea and grimaced.
It was so, so bitter.
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bikorarey · 1 year
Companions as the MC recap
So over my twitch (twitch.tv/ADLegend21) I did a Dragon Age series where I played a world state where companions were the main characters of the various games. I didn’t want and overlap where said companion was in the same game or was elsewhere in a game so no DAO companions were eligible to be Hawke since Hawke leaves lothering in DAO which also meant that no DA2 companions could be the HOF since the games overlapped.
I went with the roster of Blackwall/Thom Rainer as the Hero of Ferelden, Vivienne De Fer as Hawke, and Zevran “Lavellan” Aranai as the Inquisitor.
Warden Rainier
For the headcanon, Rainier fled to Ferelden since that’s where Blackwall took him to join him and he was in Highever when the Couslands were attacked. Howe did manage to get the family, but Rainier met up with Duncan who continued what Blackwall wanted and brought Thom to the joining, while Thom was set on avenging the Couslands because they showed him a kindness when he deserved none. He survived and recruited Morrigan and Leliana after leaving Ostagar with Alistair. Rainier is big on peaceful conflict resolution and  redemption because of his backstory. He’s been on the bad side of politics twice now with his own mistake and seeing the Cousland’s fall to Howe in a similar way to the Caliers. This lets him recruit Sten in Lothering so he can offer the Qunari the redemption that he himself is also after. When finding out news in Denerim he stumbles upon Genetivi and pursues the Urn of Sacred ashes first and a clash with Sten. The two come to respect the others abilities and they rescue Genetivi and obtain some of the ashes as a reward for protecting them from the Cult.
Zevran is also recruited as a means to gain the upperhand on Loghain and a way to watch out for more Crows. Shale is also recruited and Morrigan starts to complain about her tent being “cold”
Rainier then goes to recruit the Mages since their near Redcliffe and having mages will give more help in recruiting the Arl, only for Broken circle to happen. At first he goes in with some intent to help the annulment, but Wynne convinces him to rescue as many mages as possible and they are succesful. The fade is actually a walk in the park for Rainier because of his combat focus. He and his companions defeat Sloth and gain the Litany which helps recue Irving and the other mages. Cullen isn’t regarded for his opinion on the mages.
With the Mages and the Ashes, Redcliffe is a cake walk. Rainier defends the town from the undead onslaught and with the Mages, Wynne is able to defeat the Demon possessing Connor and with the Ashes in hand, Eamon is healed.
While Eamon recovers, the Dalish are found and their conflict with the werewolves really plucks at Rainier’s heartstrings. His desire for peaceful conflict resolution rally comes through and he manages to get Zathrian to end the curse.
When it comes time for Orzammar, Rainier initially is against Bhelen because of the news from Harrowmont of Bhelen’s coup against his siblings. Harrowmont wants to keep Orzammar’s traditions intact and not let Bhelen run roughshod. That all changes when he meets Zerlina in dust town. Seeing a mother and child left to scraps all because of the caste system hits the same nerve that his story about the Dog does. An infant being left to die when there’s something he can do about it spurs him to eventually side with Bhelen because of his feelings on the casteless He defeats Branka and gives Shale the backstory she needs to find herself and also brings Oghren along, unfortunately. Bhelen is crowned King of Orzammar and he promises his army and the Legion of the dead.
Morrigan and Rainier become official official after he gives her Flemeth’s Grimoire and she gives him a ring to find him. They had found love in the middle of what felt like the End of the World. Those poor Fools.
The Landsmeet saw a rout of Loghain politically. Rainier avenged the Couslands with intent, killing Howe after declaring his mission to do so as complete. The Landsmeet ruled in favor of Rainier and he defeated Loghain in the duel.
However, he agreed with Riordan that Loghain should be submitted to the Joiining. Alistair hated that. It became the dealbreaker for him and he forsook ruling with Anora to see Loghain killed, but left with his life instead as Rainier refused to allow Anora to execute Alistair instead. Loghain survived and became a Grey Warden. 
Morrigan and Rainier made love on the even of battle and completed the dark ritual as a byproduct. Together they slew the Archdemon and parted for a time.
Rainier enjoyed his time as Warden Commander of Fereldan. Building the wardens back to the respectable force they were and was able to protect both Amaranthine, and Vigils keep. He ultimately vanished as he began to search for a cure for the calling the Architect.
Vivienne Hawke 
For the Headcanon, Vivienne was a friend of Malcolm’s while they were both in circles and she receives a letter from him after he arrives in Lothering when Bethany is born (no older Hawke sibling, the twins are born ‘first’) She comes to Lothering to help get Bethany some training when the Darkspawn win at Ostagar. She flees with the family, though Bethany perishes when the Ogre attacks them. Vivienne sticks with the family to help Flemeth in exchange for passage to Kirkwall and becomes a Hawke in Lieu of returning to the Circle after she hears that it’s thought that she perished in the Blight.
Vivienne contemplates joining the circle at the Gallows, after all she was first Enchanter, but after meeting Anders and seeing what was done to Karl, she resigns herself to remaining an apostate because she knows her time away from the circle would cause Meredith to use the brand on her and that is unacceptable. She has no issues controlling her power and she’s invested in returning the Amell estate to the Hawke family and Leandra even offers her a place in it.
Despite her own feelings toward Meredith, she does encourage other apostates to return to the circle. Their fates are closely watched by Vivienne, especially when she leaves Carver off the expedition team to take care of Leandra and he joins the Templar Order.
A few years into living in Kirkwall she helps Sebastian Vael avenge his family and they become as close as a dashing rogue and a mage can be. She does her best to help mediate the situation between the Qunari and the Viscount, evening earning the title of Basilt-An from the Arishok until he attacks the city.
Vivienne can no longer hide her magic once the rest of the nobles in the city see her face the Arishok in single combat and come out victorious after Isabela returns to Kirkwall. when Meredith learns of this, they stand in unison to anoint Vivienne as the Champion of Kirkwall, thus making her untouchable to Meredith without a Viscount.
Vivienne still plays it safe when dealing with matters of magic. She doesn’t abide by blood mages and tries to keep people from turning to it at any cost, especially after Leader was murdered by Quentin. She is duped by Anders because she wanted to help him seperate from Justice but despite her willingness to aid the templars, she stands firmly against Meredith when she calls for the rite of Annulment when Anders, a Grey Warden, destroys the Chantry. She immediately comes to the aide of the circle in it’s hour of need and is ‘betrayed’ by Orsino (Varric lies to protect him and says Vivienne killed him) and she slays Meredith at the Gallows
Because of her connection to the Hawke family, the Carta mistakes her for a blood Hawke and she and Carver eventually uncover Corypheus and kill him the first time which then sends her on the run and out of Cassandra’s clutches.
Zevran “Lavellan” Aranai
After eliminating most of the Antivan Crows, Zevran takes up with a Dalish clan in the free marches in between DA2 and Inquisition. For the headcanon he helps protect Clan Lavellan from bandits and they offer him a place in the clan. When they hear of the Mage Rebellion and the conclave, they send him to investigate since he has knowledge of the situation and of human cultures so he can fit right in. This leads him to Corypheus’ ritual and gaining the anchor in the explosion.
For the headcanon, Leliana recognizes him which prevents Cassandra from killing him and she vouches for him which allows them to close the rift partially and work the with Inquisition.
He immediately hits it off with Josephine as she works to clear his name of killing the Divine with magic since he is no mage.
A funny thing happens after Val Royeaux.
Zevran finds his old friend Thom Rainier in the Hinterlands under the name of a different Warden and runs into the Champion of Kirkwall at an Orlesian Ball. In the headcanon Rainier is working with Avernus on the cure and stayed in Ferelden with the Drydens and Vivienne returned to court under her previous name claiming to have stayed with the Avaar to help them fight the Blight. Cassandra was almost none the wiser until Varric needed Vivienne to talk about Corypheus. Leliana was also overjoyed that her friend was still alive.
Zevran chooses to side with the Mage rebellion, having rebelled against an institution himself he can sympathize with their blight and doesn’t want to leave them in servitude to a Magister like Alexius. He gives them their freedom because he’s seen what mages can do when they work for a common cause.
He happily accepts the position of Inquisitor and works with Leliana to understand The Game to make sure Corypheus can’t overthrow Orlais for the moment.  Halamshiral’s wintersend ball ends with a public truce between Gaspard Briala and Celene and Florianne as the Jester at Skyhold.
Vivienne and Loghain team up to track the Wardens to Adamant Fortress and there Loghain finally receives the death Alistair wanted for him all along, but this time it is to slay an enemy of the Wardens in the Nightmare.
Zevran took a liking to the Dalish Culture, finally seeing the things his mother believed in and felt a kinship to it, so when he learns about the Temple of Mythal and the well fo Sorrows, he takes it for himself after following the rituals, unlike the Red Templars and Samson. He partly does this to needle Morrigan and he boasts about it to her until they meet Mythal who happens to be Morrigans mother.
Zeveran also falls head over heels for Josephine a woman who feels like home to him because of their Antivan heritage and because she’s just plain wonderful to be around. Leliana is of course very protective of her friends and in the headcanon warns them both, but they just laugh and tease her for caring about them, lovingly of course. After Corypheus is defeated Zevran meets the previous Inquisitor in the Frostback mountains and it gets in his head that the world has taken much from him in both the fifth blight and the fight against Corypheus. He doesn’t know ho much longer he can stay in the spotlight and be the hero.
When Leliana calls the exalted Council two years after becoming Divine, Zevran and his mark dutifully step up to stop the Qunari invasion and after losing this left hand to Solas, he disbands the Inquisition as it is finally time for him to just live.
All in all this was an interesting Run. I was surprised that characters got along when I didn’t expect them to. Vivienne was maxed friendship  with both Merrill and Anders somehow despite their opinions on Circles and Magic. I was surprised that Blackwall and Morrigan both ended up together, but knowing how he is in Romance made it all fit for them. Zevran and Sera got along great despite him being Elfy and of course he got along with the companion versions of the MC’s he knew. He obviously would want Leliana as Divine since they were friends and his appreciation for Dalish culture ends up having him be the vessel for the well of Sorrows. I might end up doing this kind of series again with different characters just to see how things pan out. IF you read this far, Thanks! Also gimme a follow over on twitch for more fun streams!
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greypetrel · 11 months
👀 *punta la lampada come nei polizieschi*
For the "send a character" thingie: Dorian and Loghain
Thank you for asking these two. For Loghain I hope you all are ready for me having OPINIONS about him. Reading Stolen Throne served to something.
This the tag game
Tumblr media
First impression: As for Zevran, he checks all the marks that will make me instantly love a character. Cocky, charismatic, witty, histrionic and very theatrical. He was there and he spoke and I suddenly understood why all the fanarts with people praising him. Also I remember looking at his outfit puzzled and thinking how and why he's not dying frozen in the snow with a shoulder totally bare I would have pneumonia and the plague in his place.
Impression now: If you're not here from 5 minutes you may have realised that he's one of my favourite characters. He's one of my favourite characters even from outside the saga. He's well written, deeply characterised, a good combination of virtues and flaws he's there working on! He's my son the apple of my eyes my sweet pea and I live in terror of writing him as just the gay friend.
Favorite moment: I think I have to choose the cutscene after Adamant. Beside the fact that he has a very human and relatable reaction, he's the only one in the Inner Circle that not only apologizes for venting on you, but asks you how are you back. No one else does, even your love interest if you're in a romance. That was the thing that pushed me to write some expansion on that scene... And it was the first prose I wrote and shared with other people in YEARS.
Idea for a story: Too many! I'd love to see what he's doing after Trespasser and his work with the Lucerni. Or, I'd love personally to dig more into Adoribull. I had one prompt about them which I think I'd love to expand... Again, if he's not the local gay friend without any other characterisation, if there's him I'll read it. Acciaierie.
Unpopular opinion: I don't think I have many opinions about him that are unpopular, LOL. Maybe the only one is that that one dialogue option about slavery should have been treated with more depth and with a follow up... Particularly if you play with a Lavellan. I attempted it here if you want to read more (you don't need to read the rest, it's followable by itself.)
Favorite relationship: Him with the Inquisitor, both romantically and platonically, it's just something that melts me every time. Adoribull? Yes I like it a lot (Bull brought him his handkerchief because he forgot!!). And also with Sera. I just like how he puts a lot of effort in communicating and trying to build relationships with the others. But with Sera? They just work so well (and I think both of them are people that masks a lot just how much they care, and work so well for that)
Favorite headcanon: Ok, I have three: 1) The Bog Unicorn wasn't a random finding, it was Dorian's making experiments. (an attempt was made here, again you can read the chapter by itself) 2) Dorian can't cook to save his life past putting together a sandwich without cooking anything. 3) In spite of that, Dorian will act as your average Italian on the internet. Pineapple on pizza will be taken as a personal offense. He has opinions about the was the cook in Skyhold cooks pasta, and won't have a problem in expressing them. He's actually banned from the kitchens. Has declared a war against the wines served in the Keep. By now Josephine just signs his orders for some "real wine" from Tevinter and lets him do to save herself a headache and a long heated tirade about "Why Orlesian wine is actually vinegar".
I am very normal about Dorian.
First impression: I liked him! Nice antagonist, a big old Machiavellian prince. Kind of an asshole (I get the "tragic accident" to get rid of Cailan: he is the most boring Lawful Good paladin was dangerous and a liability for the kingdom, but maybe don't kill all the Wardens too), but a good one with logic and who knows his shit. Liked him a lot.
Impression now: I've read Stolen Throne. And it that book for me was pain (I... I really don't like how David Gaider writes romances), Loghain was the light in the dark. He's a great character, I love him your honour. Fascinating, well rounded, with some solid reasonings, I like him a lot.
Favorite moment: Landsmeet, I love the dignity he faces his death with. A good ending for a good character, very elegant, very dignified. Respect.
Idea for a story: A Stolen Throne retelling with a big fix it: Loghain and Maric get together. It's there. They have chemistry. Maric swoons and Loghain picks him up. Maric is an idiot, but it's Loghain's idiot. I won't write that retelling because I probably would have to read it again to structure it and once was enough. But...!
Unpopular opinion: I don't know if it's really unpopular, but I think he's an antagonist and not a villain. He opposes the main characters, hence an antagonist. A villain, tho? He doesn't act for Evil. His one mistake is not believing it's a Blight because the premises for him are too little and he has reasons in not trusting a mysterious Order that idiot Cailan will do anything to please. It's not that he thinks his actions are for a greater good, he's actually acting for good. It ties with my opinion that Cailan sucks as king and that Anora was better off alone.
Favorite relationship: Loghain/Maric, hands down.
Favorite headcanon: As above. He and Maric were in love. It needed to happen. But we've been unfairly deprived of it.
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palipunk · 2 years
i've seen a lot about your inquisitors and your hawke - what is your canon warden like?
hi Nelke! My main warden, the one in Hasna and Asma's timeline, is Hachi and she's a dual wielding rogue :D
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Hachi is probably the most laid back da protag I have, I don't have too much about them at the moment (probably because gameplay wise i don't really like playing dao) but personality wise she always wants to see the good in everyone and hasn't let her circumstances harden her, this isn't to say she's naïve either, she knows the risks and dangers of a world like Thedas and what harm lies behind every corner, but her kindness and empathy has made her smarter if anything. She's great friends with Zevran and Alistair as well and sends them both cards and trinkets in the years that follow after Origins.
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She romanced Morrigan and together they had Kieran, I personally don't follow the rules Bioware set up about the dark ritual and it needing to be done with a cis man (If magic can make the ritual work I'm sure magic has a way for it to work with Hachi and Morrigan), they end up putting Alistair on the Ferelden throne because of their distrust of Anora with their city elf background. Ash (@/Jamxngos on twt) and I also have a timeline with Hachi where she becomes part of Sabrae clan.
Additional facts about her being that she's Seminole/Mvskoke, a lesbian, non binary, and is distantly related to one of my non canon timeline hawkes - I need to draw and play with her more I just need to redownload dao oof
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3gremlins · 1 year
i really hope da:d has some better queer romance options for male elves in particular cause like the options in dai weren't great- like you've got "man from tevinter who literally defends enslaving people like you back to you and you can't really challenge him on it much" and "hope you're into bdsm" guy and that's it? why couldn't there have been one just soft and nice masc romance for male lavellans? or even one where your partner isn't super rude about your religion/culture in some way.
Like dorian and bull's romances are lovely in their own ways and esp if you just go "LALALALA" and head canon away some of the issues, but it sucks that you have to. They really needed one more to balance it out, like it's great for the people that are into it that they included a bdsm relationship and all, i just wish they'd had another one for m!elves since there's extra baggage with dorian on that point.
Honestly if they'd just made solas bisexual that would still have been a slightly better option too ( he is also -understandably-rude about the dalish, but at least you get lots of lore out of him and i think his romance would work the same regardless of inquisitor gender). Or Blackwall- like he's got strong hot bisexual lumberjack vibes already.
tbh really the only romance option for m!lavellans in general that i thought was just kinda nice and easy going was josie's , but i hate that you can't really bring her with you places and get party banter w/her. Cassandra is super religious and also kinda rude about it which is really off putting if you're not playing an andrastian.
i know it was more for time constraints that they made just about everybody in dragon age 2 bisexual so it's more inadvertently queer than on purpose, but it still feels comfier? in a lot of ways. Like yeah, queer people do run in groups, this makes sense and feels normal to me.
I am glad they've at least moved away from lines calling out masc queer relationships where the player's like "oh is it weird to be with a dude?" or the character calls attention to it in an unnaturally awkward way at least?
Which happens in both dragon age 2 and dragon age: origins and there's just a weird awkward treatment of male bisexual characters in both (esp with anders and zevran, but fenris has a line too). So they definitely seem to be getting a little better? And there's a some queer relationships in the da: absolution show so maybe that bodes better for da:d (they definitely seem to have a better diversity of queer folks on the writing staff now at least instead of just the one white cis gay dude who's kind of misogynistic so maybe)
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anneapocalypse · 2 years
Anne's Dragon Age Fic
Stuff I've written! Favorites at the top, full list below the cut. Please check the tags on AO3 for warnings and additional content notes.
🐝 A Pot to Piss In 🐝A Sera backstory fic. Also featuring Lady Emmald, Shianni, Alarith, Slim Couldry, and the Friends of Red Jenny. 41,000 words, rated M.
👑 No Woman Rules Alone 👑 Anora/Female Tabris. Warden Tabris convinced Anora and Alistair to marry for the good of Ferelden, to unite the lands against the darkspawn. They have settled into a functional partnership and even friendship, but there is no love between them and they both know it. Over time, Anora finds that it is the Warden-Commander and Arl of Amaranthine who has won not only her respect, but her heart. 34,000 words, rated E
🏹 A Hero Sleeps in Gwaren 🏹 A Briala/Female Tabris longfic. In progress, not yet posted! See snippets and updates here.
Gen Fics
Someone Else's Story. Varric & Female Hawke, 1600 words, rated G. Varric anxiously awaits news after the events at Adamant.
Friendly Concern. Varric & Fenris, background Fenris/Hawke, 975 words, rated T. Fenris is drinking in public. Varric knows something's wrong.
Objects of Wonder. Lorien Lavellan & Sera, 800 words, rated T. Lorien and her friend find some unexpected common ground.
Gifts of the Hunt. Female Mahariel/Morrigan, 13K, rated M. Lyna Mahariel follows Morrigan through the eluvian, leaving behind her life with the Wardens and with her Dalish clan. With only each other, Morrigan's child, and the magic of a long-forgotten past, what kind of future will the two of them have together?
What We Can Do Together. Shianni/Briala, 2000 words, rated T. Briala has never called her away from Denerim before, so Shianni can only assume this is important.
In Darkness Enveloped. Cassandra/Leliana, 1800 words, rated E. The Conclave is destroyed. The Divine is dead. The Left Hand and Right Hand are at odds, and at loose ends. It's the worst of times. It's certainly the worst possible time for this.
Herald's Rest. Eleanor Trevelyan/Sera, 370 words, rated M. The Inquisitor finds a respite with her lover.
Warden's Retreat. Ilana Tabris/Zevran, 3200 words, rated E. After the festivities in Denerim, the Warden finally gets some alone time with Zevran at Soldier's Peak--though not without a moment of regret.
Looking Forward. Fenris/Alessandra Hawke, 1800 words, rated T. Hawke is not well. Merrill pays a visit.
Regret. Fenris/Alessandra Hawke, 1200 words, rated T.
Far From Home. Fenris/Alessandra Hawke, 400 words, rated G. On the run from Kirkwall, home is where Hawke is.
For You, Anywhere. Male Mahariel/Tamlen, 1900 words, rated T. Theron Mahariel finds his lost companion in the last place he expects.
A Certain Resemblance. Dorian/Male Adaar, 650 words, rated T. "Look, nobody's saying it," the Inquisitor says, setting down his waterskin with purpose, "but we're all thinking it."
Poems & Songs
Fear Not (Chasind Lullaby). Written as a part of Gifts of the Hunt.
Spindleweed. It is an old country saying that spindleweed grows best for the sorrowful.
The Night Streets. A lone hero wanders the streets at night. Hints of Male Hawke/Anders.
gently, lethallin. Merill/Male Hawke, unrequited. A caution to a charismatic hero.
I have also written for Red vs. Blue, Fallout, The Penumbra Podcast, Mass Effect, RWBY, and a few other fandoms, all of which you can find on my AO3.
Thanks for reading!
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carnalapples · 7 months
hi!!!!!! i have questions!!!!!!
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
9. How do you find new fic to read?
30. Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
Hello thank you for the ask Rowan!!!!!
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
I’m pretty proud of the different AUs in rivers; I enjoy thinking through all the chain reactions that would have had to occur for a certain set of circumstances to be in place. I’m also really happy with how the world of my Hawke/Sebastian fic is coming together, although I still need to do a lot of work before it gets someplace I’d be happy publishing (and I am impatient). The Free Marches are such a good playground!! I like the idea that Ashna’s sister is Inquisitor in this world, even though it barely comes up lol. She recruits the templars as one major change, and I like the potential mirroring of a dynamic between the Hawkes and the Trevelyans. (The more I look at what I consume and write, I really like strange family dynamics lol!)
While I'm off-topic, wedding ceremonies. Real or fictional, I'll never get tired of learning about them, lol.
9. How do you find new fic to read?
I am a very picky reader at times, haha. I usually have an idea not so much of what specifically I want to read but what kind of mood I want to be in. Sometimes I know I want like a modern AU or a specific trope, or I might have Thoughts about one part of canon and want an AU specifically about that… (ME2 Horizon...) So usually I just go on AO3 to the fandom and filter characters/pairings and explore, sometimes with specific searches. For DA in particular I love the Black Emporium Exchange collections, the rarepairs are so good!
A lot of the fandoms I want to read for are smaller, so I'll just gradually work through everything that looks interesting haha. Really often, I’ll go to authors I enjoy and check out their bookmarks; because of this, I read fandom-blind a lot and have often gotten into fandoms after reading fic, which is always a fun time (This is how I got into Dragon Age, actually! And why I’ve read so much Mad Men fic for someone who has never seen Mad Men LOL)
30. Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?
I think I tried to stretch myself with a heart because I'd never written a continuous multi-chapter story before. Really, I took a risk with risky business; I’d never written for Zevran or Josephine before, and I was so nervous because I wanted to do it right and on a deadline. I don't know even now if I matched up to what I wanted, but with the deadline, I had to get it out there no matter what, and I couldn’t back out; that really helped. I think now when I write and I'm going over something over and over or delaying posting, I can ask myself: is it going to get any better with the skills I have, or is posting this and moving on to something else the way to grow?
Also, every time I write sex is pushing my comfort zone lol, I always post and think "oh ok, that's out there." Slowly trying to expand said zone.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
I’ve recently been sidetracked from all things Dragon Age, and have been bouncing between that Miranda/Shepard fic and this fic for a Hindi movie I watched a while back. (At this point, I'm getting distracted from distractions 😭) A few lines from the latter:
He thinks that as much as he wants to protect Akira, she is the one protecting him. From getting old and bitter and somehow from dying. Suddenly, he feels a hollowness inside him, the conspicuous lack of something. The lack of her body and her warmth pressed tight up against him. The lack of her voice and her incessant chatter. His life is very quiet without her. Figuratively speaking, which is another thing he doesn’t really do without her. This life is not conducive to metaphor.  Her pants were too big, that’s what he remembers. They lent her the extras they had, and if they were big on Krishnan, of course they’d be big on her. She had to cinch them up, and he hates the way he feels when he thinks about it. 
Thank you again for the ask!!
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kiivg · 1 year
Do you have any additional Wardens, Hawkes, and Inquisitor OCs? Or are the ones seen on your blog the sole iterations
.Kind of? 🤔. Imean my characters are linked with specific events that happen so changing them out would affect what I consider to be my world state; like Goddard Trevelyan is present in the Battle of Denerim and saves Andrastopher Cousland’s life, which makes sense because Goddard is serving penance in the Fereldan army, hence why he’s there. Whereas I feel like an Adaar wouldn’t have a place there, (re: Sten being the only Qunari in Ferelden apparently??) I mean Lavellan could be there as an original member of the Dalish clan in DAO assuming you kept them alive (I didn’t haha) or Cadash could be a Legion of the Dead member who helped with the battle and then left the order to remain topside.
.But then with Goddard, Andrastopher asks Anora to give him a secret boon (in return for saving his life) which in turn allows Goddard to ask for his freedom to return home to rule his bannorn, and then eventually become Inquisitor. Ofc I could just say some random person saved Andrastopher and maybe Goddard simply went home after serving penance and lived happily with his wife and children, and then had to endure crippling sadness knowing his youngest son died at the hands of the Inquisition, and never knowing his bastard son either, and then descending into madness knowing he had failed his child and swore to avenge him by turning against the Inquisition and possibly the Chantry and in turn losing his faith and driving House Trevelyan into the ground 👹💣💥. Or he could not go home, suffer the same knowledge, and avow to destroy the Fereldan monarchy for keeping him indebted and not being there to save his son.
.With Hawke he’s kind of interchangeable because his storyline is kind of pre-written as you’re always going to be Hawke the Eldest Sibling and certain events will always happen. But I do like Doherty more than Marcus (my previous Hawke) because I get to make his life sadder as he sides with the Templars to eradicate blood magic in the Kirkwall Circle and then offers to sacrifice himself in place of Anders (who he has already forced to flee) whereas Marcus always sided with the Templars to protect Templar!Carver. Personally I love siding with the mages and that would be a nicer ending for Doherty, but I need to side with the Templars for a specific ending 🥲.
.Still! My Hawke allows the HoF group to stay at their house (Leandra having recognised the giant son of the Couslands and knowing that they need to offer him safety and succour) whilst they’re in Lothering, and in turn Andrastopher warns them to flee whilst they can, as the dark spawn horde are advancing rapidly. This creates a kind of friendship that means Andrastopher is paramount in saving Hawke from the Seekers later as they attempt to recruit either of them for the job of Inquisitor.
.However!! I do want to make a new Warden Commander for the sake of padding out my hero count and also allowing Andrastopher to abandon the cause he detests (Grey Wardens) and also to focus solely on vengeance (Killing all Howes and stealing from the nobility who shunned him), which gives him a more stable relationship with Zevran in the end.
.But to get back to the original point of “other heroes” I do have not super developed other characters that could have been the hero. Like I have an Aeducan prince who helps the HoF team in the Deep Roads, after surviving on spider meat and mushrooms for months, and my Dalish HoF who is a transient elder who offers aide to all those in need (who leaves the clan pre-DAO). And I recently started playing a Cadash who hates the Chantry but is paramount on figuring out what happened at the conclave as some of his best friends were killed there (plus big boom?? He needs that kind of power in his arsenal) and maybe he gets a smooch along the way 😘. There are some I can’t have because they technically would die with the choices I make, like the Human/Elf mage in DAO will always be killed by Andrastopher in the circle quest, and the Dalish will also die as Andrastopher sides with the werewolves. And technically all the heroes you don’t choose do end up dying because either Duncan doesn’t show up to save them or they get killed in the Conclave explosion. Ofc that’s easily changeable like they didn’t contract the blight etc in DAO or they weren’t in the Temple when it exploded in DAI.
.TLDR: Yes but they’re all in the same world state and not technically HoFs/Hawkes/Inquis’ because I have a one track mind for this game!!!.
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shivunin · 1 year
For the edgy meme - #1 and #10 for your whole crew? Please? 🥰
Brave to ask about all of them haha!! Thank you for the questions, Lilou c: These questions are thought-provoking for sure. That first one was a doozy.
(Edgy OC Ask meme)
1. What memory would your OC rather just forget?
Arianwen: Ooh this is a tough one. I think Wen would often like to wipe the slate clean and start fresh, so to speak. It would be easier and less painful in some ways. If she were to pick just one, I think it would be going back to Ostagar and having to watch Alistair find his brother's body. I think it was the first time she could admit to herself she really cares about him and there was nothing she could do to help. That's a hard place to be if you're used to not caring about people and acting before thinking.
Maria: The sound Bethany's back made when the ogre snapped it. Not her whole death---she wouldn't want to forget her sister's last moments---but the sound haunts her.
Adahlena: The moment she realized her father had been made Tranquil. She could handle losing him and she could handle helping him settle in to his new life, but the moment she realized he was never really coming back is the singular most painful moment of her life.
Elowen: None. The idea of forgetting anything terrifies her. She keeps meticulous notes just in case.
Emmaera: Halamshiral. She despised the experience and now that it's done with and she knows she'll likely never have to interact with the Orlesian crown again she'd rather wipe the whole experience from her mind (except the balcony. She'd hang on to that dance on the balcony)
Salshira: Watching her best friend die as a child. She has always felt responsible, and for a long time would never have given up the memory (it's her fault; she owes it to Saeris to remember), but I think once she comes to terms with it as an adult she would rather put the memory to rest and stop having nightmares about it every night.
10. What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
This is a really funny question because all of my Lavellans were originally written in AUs. Emma, who is my actual canon Inquisitor, has an extremely flimsy timeline because the first fic I wrote for her was an AU haha.
Arianwen: I am working on a sort of spy vs. spy one with her and Zevran right now that's been really fun, but I am playing with the idea of Wen being stuck in a time loop and (entirely separate) a soulmate au inspired by that *strangles you with the red string that ties us together* post
Maria: I just finished the only AU I had planned for her so far (the magician au) but I also was playing with a circus au before that...but I'd have to find a way to make it distinct from the magician au so I need to think on it more.
Adahlena: Her entire existence is an AU, so none.
Elowen: I have an avvar au and a love triangle au for her more than half written, I just haven't felt like coming back to them lol
Emmaera: The mermaid au I'm currently working on! She is an archaeologist at heart and would be out there exploring Elvhen ruins if it hadn't been for the Inquisition. I'm enjoying writing this one because she gets to be in full archaeologist mode (and finds a mysterious man on the beach etc etc). (I want to finish this but I keep getting distracted by Maria). I've also toyed with some kind of vigilante au with her (but let's be real, she spends the greatest swathe of her time in Kirkwall clearing out Darktown and it's not that much of an AU)
Salshira: I also just finished an AU for her! I do think a princess/bodyguard AU would be fun with her (because she would be climbing out the window constantly) but I don't currently have plans to write one. Oh, also the various Josiemancing fics I have for her I guess? They're not really AU but they are alternate to her main timeline.
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nightwardenminthara · 11 months
OC Tag Game
i was tagged by @idolsgf thank u, i love talking about my ocs lol
Favorite OC: So this is liable to change but Gideon Trevelyan has my heart and brain at the moment. He was actually my first inquisitor after several false starts getting into dai and he has evolved a lot but I love him so much. Andrastian Loyalist Circle Mage Prettyboy
Newest OC: probably my unnamed Renegade Shepard. I am playing through MELE with a different OC (Gideon's brother actually lol) doing a Paragon run but I am already mulling her over in my brain. [EDIT AFTER FINDING THIS IN MY DRAFTS LMAO:] her name is Grace and here is her pinterest board so far. I am really enjoying fleshing her out, but her basics are that she is earthborn + ruthless + vanguard.
Oldest OC: LMAO welllll I could give my like warrior cats OCs from my middle school days but no one wants that fjsadklf sooo I guess the first OC I made for tumblr rp groups back in like 2015 that I still think about from time to time was Edward he was a dirtbag loser that came into a lot of money and didn't know what to do with it. Still have his pinterest board
Meanest OC: That's an easy one, Grant Hawke. He is gruff, blunt, prone to solving things with violence. He pretty much only cares about his closest friends and his family. Grace Shepard may end up being meaner than him though lol, she does not have family to soften her up.
Softest OC: Soft Andrastian Scholar with the constitution of wet tissue paper Gideon Trevelyan. He is full support mage in combat, there is a lot of fade stepping out of melee. He is also very kind, very sweet. Perhaps internally prone to being judgy and spiteful BUT he really does care about people.
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC: That would also be Grant Hawke, he is pretty quiet, not one for small talk or being buddy buddy with many people. Although in his own way Faron Lavellan can be emotionally aloof. It's harder to catch onto because he's very extroverted and talkative, just keeps people at an emotional distance.
Dumbest (Affectionate) OC: Welllll there is a certain trait passed down the Trevelyan line that has left them all a bit ditzy. Gideon's naivete leads to some ditziness, he can be gullible. He also struggles a lot with magic, although that has more to do with religious trauma than intellect. His brother Hessarian Trevelyan isss pretty dumb sometimes. The lights aren't all on. He was hit a few times in the head by a mage's staff when he was still a Templar.
Smartest OC: Probably Muren Tabris, she is very calculating, very aware of her next moves. She can be crass about it, I think she is often underestimated because of that and her somewhat violent sense of humor. But she is very smart! Has been helping take care of her family for years. Although if she doesn't care enough about something, she's not putting her mind to it. That sort of happens with the Wardens, so she does end up stepping down from Warden-Commander to focus more on the Denerim Alienage with Shianni and assisting Zevran as much as she can in Antiva!
OC I'd Probably Be Friends With: Hmmm I think I would find Muren cool from a distance but wouldn't speak to her lol. Probably Gideon honestly, but also I would heavily disagree with him on many things.
tagging @sinquisition and @transprincecaspian idk if y'all have done this yet but if you want to!
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jellydishes · 2 years
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I posted 14,712 times in 2022
That's 1,562 more posts than 2021!
476 posts created (3%)
14,236 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,837 of my posts in 2022
#dragon age - 1,008 posts
#bethany hawke - 218 posts
#zevran arainai - 184 posts
#disco elysium - 147 posts
#the magnus archives - 126 posts
#carver hawke - 105 posts
#hawke - 102 posts
#fenris - 92 posts
#kim kitsuragi - 86 posts
#isabela - 82 posts
Longest Tag: 142 characters
#i'm thinking of doing another one based on this idea too maybe a second chapter or just a direct sequel but it's very cool getting your 👍👍👍
My Top Posts in 2022:
presses my face into my hands and yells because i just remembered that zevran and isabela are canonically friends and i NEED to see them interact and cherish each other and use each other as furniture while hanging out and
288 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
another truth about zevran that i've posted about before but that you will all hear again is that his initial stories to the warden are absolutely handpicked to make him seem silly and less threatening, because he's still feeling out the warden and doesn't trust them yet
387 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
if you don't think zevran arainai would be the very first person to follow after alistair when he stomps away in tearful frustration after the hardening conversation and reach for his hand while telling him that not every loss must be met in kind, must it? "I was always in awe of your remaining soft. It is... a brave thing in this world, when faced with so many hardships, to stare right back at this world of ours that insists that you grow hard and unyielding and without pity... and tell it no." then we clearly can't have any nice things,
431 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
the thing about zevran is that if he gets a cold, he will dramatically fling himself upon the nearest person telling them that his time has come and to remember him fondly etc etc, but if and when he gets seriously injured or sick you won't hear a peep out of him. you'd only know about it at all when he falls behind or literally actually faints in an attempt to keep up with everybody else, and that's just facts
618 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
the hero of ferelden's letter to the inquisitor, in sum:
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1,556 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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