#kin type
starscatteredsky · 8 months
Voidkin moodboard
themes of darkness/voids, claws/hands, eyes
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voidkin moodboard with themes of darkness/liminality/eyes/hands and void ofc!
enjoy friends of the void!
[image description:
a moodboard with 9 images.
image one (top left): a shot of two coal black taloned arms reaching towards the sky. it’s a black so dark it’s difficult to make out the exact definition. at around midway along the forearm, the blackness is broken up into veins, and pale skin continues along the arm.
image two(middle left): a hallway that's so pure black, that you cant actually see almost any of it. a single, bright while light far down the hallway starkly illuminates a small portion of it, showing a tiled ceiling and shiny tiled floor, with stark white walls, before the hallways is once again plunged into absolute darkness, no end in sight
image three (bottom left): a pale hand that almost looks a bit like its being overtaken by the venom symbiont from spider-man. it becomes a shiny, twisted, coal black almost slimy or leathery looking taloned hand with incredibly long fingers and piercing looking black claws.
image four (top middle): a viewpoint from the ground looking directly up. the sky is pure black and spindly branches of trees in pure white reach up to the sky
image five (middle middle): several scribbly, messy inky black figures with shining white eyes on a pure white, detail less background
image six (bottom middle): a swirling vortex that gets darker the farther it goes, with the closest area to the viewer being a midtone grey, that eventually fades into pure black.
image seven (top right): a mostly white image with "tears" in it like paper, revealing an inky darkness with many white eyes peaking out.
image eight (middle right): a hand with a tattoo on it of swirly, messy, sort of sketchy or inky black lines, with many many eyes peaking out of the darkness.
image nine (bottom right): a pure black, with slightly lighter staticky grey background. there is nothing else.
end description]
Requests open!!!
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[image description:
a DNI banner with the background being the promotional image for Little Nightmares 2. The writing reads:
"DNI: radqueers, proshippers, radfems/TERFs, antikin/antitherian, homophobic/ ableist/ anti ACAB/ transphobic/ rasist/ antisemitic/ xenophobic/ antitheist/ anti athiest/ bigoted in any fashion, NSFW/sh/ed/cringe centered blog, fakeclaimer
Before you interact: We are pro mspec gays/lesbians, anti endo/tulpa "systems", enjoy MCYT/DSMP, pro self diagnoses with extensive research, multiple alters are punks/ anarchists"
end description]
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cringecrew · 1 year
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New kin flag!
A kin/kithtype that is tied to sea creatures in any way, merkin, selkiekin, sirenkin included! Helpful for questioning kin and otherkin.
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The blue stripes represent (left to right) the zones of ocean biomes: Sunlight, Twilight, Midnight, Abyssal, and Trenches
The gradient strip in the middle represents all the different varieties and colors that sea creatures can come in and how every one is different!
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thebaronfelidae · 3 months
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Kymaer Kin Type: Noserpentu
Atriarchs spend much of their energy laying eggs and feeding their brood, to the point of defenselessness. This is when they would lay an egg that's very purpose was to protect them and their children from harm, a Royal Guard. Noserpentu are a hybrid with their D.N.A being mostly vampiric, snake and butterfly. Due to this, they're are natural magi and can use some forms of magics. These magics being: Death, fire, shape shift, blood along with psionics such as telekenesis.
Their appearance takes a few aspects from each D.N.A provider. The vampire allows them to have incredible speed and strength as well as the aforementioned magics but also gives them an insatiable hunger for blood, which is the only thing that gives them nutrients and are sensitive to sunlight. The also bare snake-like features and can even change their form to resemble that of a winged snake, they are not venomous though due to them being more closely related to pythons. Lastly their butterfly aspects come in the form of four brilliant bat-like wings that come with all sorts of patterns and markings, some resembling stained glass.
They can summon carapace blades from their arms as a weapon but generally they are excellent hand to hand fighters as well.
A Noserpentu's nature is that of a cold calculated killer. Swift and cunning, they leave no foe standing in their or their Atriarchs way. They will make alliances if they must but generally they have a superiority complex amongst them due to their role as Royal Guard and protector. They are also known to be quite sadistic to their enemies, finding ways to torture them anew.
If a Atriarch has to take leave or is killed the Noserpentu and other royal guards step up to take on the role of leader until the return of the Atriarch or the birth of a new one. The are accompanied by little bat-cats called Vespercatte that help attend eggs and keep them safe from harm. An Atriarch only lays a royal guard egg if the environment calls for one or if they're looking to expand territory.
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thecouncilmakes · 11 days
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Quoikin Flag Request by Coiner
Term coined by @achillez-on-pawz
Being unable to distinguish between interest in a character, animal, or other such, and kin type.
Pink is for interest/like
Light/Dark grey is for confusion
Green is for kin type
Black paw with white question mark is representative icon for questioning sense of self
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dreamerpet · 11 months
switching forms is dissociative and weird like switching
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quinthetoucan · 2 years
Otherkin Terminology
[transcription: Otherkin Terminology]
Hello, everyone! Recently, we as a system, found ourselves in a bit of a predicament when we discovered we had no words to describe the alterhuman identity of one of our fragments. So, we coined a new term!
Definition: Othercultured refers to anyone who identifies with a culture that does not exist in shared reality/the "real world," (in quotes as some may find the term demeaning of their experiences/identities). This could include:
• Plurals who identify with a culture in headspace that does not exist outside of it
• Fictionkin, fictives, IRLs, or other fictional people who identify with a fictional culture
• People who identify with their own personal culture that is not shared by other people
• And potentially more!
This is not an exclusionary term (it is considered part of alterhumanity, however), and it can be used for many things!
Related Terms:
Otherculture: The state of being othercultured; alternatively, an otherculture ethnicity or culture
Cultural Dysphoria: The dysphoria experienced by a mismatch of the culture one spiritually identifies with and the culture one is surrounded by, belongs to "IRL," or is aligned with
There is currently no flag for otherculture, but anyone is free to make one as long as it represents the community as a whole! Also, this is not a "transracial" term as it does not refer to IRL ethnicities.
Have fun, friends!
-Lep (collective systemsona)
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undeadgyaru · 1 year
If i made a doll kin / toy kin / cute kin types server on discord would people be interested?
I feel like there isnt really a server for cutesy kin types that dont also overlap with moody and heavy themed kin types
(not that theres anything wrong with those I just sometimes wanna have my life in the dream house moment and my werewolf friends wanna tear apart deer and thats ok)
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zorotitties · 2 years
My kin type? Pathetic submissive and breedable men. Bonus points if they're dog boys
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howlsnteeth · 24 days
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seamstress-kin-stop · 2 years
Aesthetic for a chocolate and cream tabby Norwegian Forest Cat? Featuring snow, coniferous forests, being cozy, and soft lighting, thanks!
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starwrighter · 6 months
Yet another chirp au let's go!
Let's say that ghost chirping doesn't exactly sound like birds. Like it doesn't come from their throat and instead comes from their cores. And while avian themed ghosts chirp like birds most have their own way of chirping.
The yetis make chuffing noises of various pitch as they use their breathing to amplify the sound.
Technes and other technological themed ghosts mad robotic noises. With Technes specifically making dial up noises.
Ember and any musical themed ghosts mimic their instruments.
The box ghost's chirps like cardboard being folded while the lunch lady sounds like a pan sizzling.
Skulker's chirps are like gunshots while Walker's are like the slam of a cell door.
Spectra's chirps sounds like people crying while youngblood's sound like giggling.
Now here's the fun part. Danny's a halfa, and as much as I love the idea of him having a space obsession I'm going with the protection obsession because I want to.
Danny's chirps are different because he's half human. He can't exactly hear them just as we can't hear our own heartbeats unless we have a tool our are having a panic attack. Other people can hear them just fine though.
Danny, decides to leave Amity Park because enough people hate him and try to kill him unprompted that it's interfering with his obsession. He decides against going to metropolis because lex Luther is just another Vlad that'd rally people to hate him too.
Danny decides to go to gotham because there's plenty of people to protect and there's no crazy billionaire only a ditsy one.
The only problem is Danny's chirps sound like dead people. Danny taking advantage of his powers so imagine it being late at night, you're a cop beating the crap out of a man stealing diapers for his son and you hear a distorted.
And it's your dead mother's voice.
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grad603-2022-amanda · 2 years
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opening title screen the subject of the speech ; Dame Whina Cooper ,, small simple vector illustration of her iconic pink headscarf that she is most often portrayed with
'cared' with a beating heart animation ,, compassion and easily recognisable iconography
'prime minister' is surrounded by 'media microphones' and 'camera flashes' , visualisation of a press conference ,, words of importance being delivered by the woman of the house ; the icons are all overlapped with different timings for more depth / dynamics
'wairua' is translated into 'power / the strength to' ,, and i thought that power (( displayed through electricity // lightning )) would be a playful accent to emphasise the word
'family' is shown as a small vector illustrated family unit – mother father and child – and 'people' with a community added surrounding the family
'leader' is accompanied with a figure representing Dame Whina Cooper , identifiable by her pink headscarf once again
the ending 'scene' of 'be proud that you are a Woman' felt important to leave on the screen for a slightly longer time , as the main quote / centrepiece of the speech ,,
i wanted to emphasise the quote without distracting from the words so i used the pen tool in illustrator with the chalk texture for some simple decorative elements
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thebaronfelidae · 3 months
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Kymaer Kin Type: Beeturum
There are times when an Atriarch must find new land when under attack, but this is a difficult task ahead since they cannot carry so many of their brood. So, they birth on who can.
Beeturum's D.N.A mostly consists of crabs, beetles and elephants.The crabs parts making their shell tough to break and makes them both aquatic and land based. Beetle traits allow them to grow wings if they need them. The elephant traits gives them their size and strength.
They can live in both Skies, oceans and land if they need to. They main task is to carry other Kymaer away from danger to new safer lands. Once their task is complete, they empty their cargo in the safe zone.
They are incredible friendly and enjoy playing with whatever wants to play with them. Their gentle nature is also well documented. They will give shelter to any creature if they need it.
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hazyaltcare · 1 month
Typing Quirk Suggestions for a Robot kin
I hope it gives you a wonderful uptime! :3
Mod Vintage (⭐)
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Letter replacements:
Replace "O" with zeroes "0"
Replace "i" or "L" with ones "1"
Replace "one" with "1", including "one" sounds like "any1", or "we 1 = we won" (the past tense of "win")
Replace "zero" with "0"
Frankly, you can just replace all sorts of letters with numbers, such as
R = 12
N = 17
B = 8
A = 4
E = 3
or maybe make all "A"s and "i"s capitalized, cause "A.I." (artificial intelligence
Prefixes and Suffixes:
Get inspired by programming languages!
Begin your text with "//" like a comment on C++
If you prefer other languages comment tags, you can use "< !--your text-- >"
Or maybe begin it with " int main () { std::cout << "your text"" and end with "return 0; }" like C++ too
Greet people with the classic "Hello world!"
Or greet people with "beep boop!" honestly, I have no idea where this comes from, but it's cute.
Or write down html stuff, like sandwiching your italicized text with "< em> "
The possibilities are endless!
Robot Lingo:
(under the cut because there's a LOT! maybe terabytes! ...just kidding >;3c)
some of these are from the machinesoul.net robot server! (not sponsored) (we're not in there anymore, but we saw the robot lingo shared there when we were)
Fronting = logged in, connected
Not fronting = logged out, disconnected
Conscious = activated
Dormant = deactivated
Blurry = no signal
Upset, angry = hacked
Small = bits, bytes
Bite = byte
Huge = gigabytes, terabytes, etc.
Your intake of food, medicine, etc. = input
Your artwork, cooking, handiwork, handwriting, etc. = output
Body = chassis, unit
Brain = CPU, processor
Mind = program, code
Imagination = simulation
Purpose = directive
Nerves = wires
Skin = plating
Organs = (function) units
Limbs = actuators
Eyes = ocular sensors
Glasses = HUD (head's up display)
Hair = wires
Ears = antennae, audio sensors
Nose = olfactory sensors
Heart = core
Liver = detoxification unit
Circulatory system = circuits
Voice = speaker, voice module, voice box
Mouth = face port
Name = designation
Sleep = sleep mode, low power mode, charging
Eat = fuel, batteries
Energy = batteries
Tired = low on batteries
Translate = compile
Memory = data, database
Bed = recharge pod/charger
Dreaming = simulation
Birthday = day of manufacture
Talking = communicating
Thinking = processing
Transitioning = modifying your chassis
Depression = downtime
Joy = uptime
Trash = scrap metal
Fresh/Clean = polished
Keysmashing = random 1s and 0s
Self-care = system maintenance
Going to the doctor = trip to the mechanic
Group = network
Anyone = anybot
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nyancrimew · 1 year
CRIMEW?????? THE CAT????????
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alfazoings · 3 months
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distortion detective been on th brain,,,,, i Am so ill about them
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