#keepin the same tag lol
planet4546b · 2 months
smiling so serenely. rebirth has me compelled i won’t lie i hope zack fucks it all up 😇
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doublegoblin · 1 year
Hi there! I was hoping to learn a little more about the lore you have for the snippet you wrote in your "Heads up, 7 up" tag game. It was very engaging to read and I'm quite interested. Did you build the world yourself or is it based on one already existing? Also, who is your MC and did they know who/what it was they were meeting at the end of the snippet? Was that a normal occurrence, or an entry to a strange new place?
Feel free not to answer my questions if it creates spoilers or anything like that, but I'd really enjoy knowing what book/WIP this is you're working on so I can follow its progress. It seems like my cup of tea :D
Oh boy, I've been up since 2am so get ready for some blorbo dumping! Also, with that in mind, if something I say doesn't make sense or you have more questions please don't hesitate asking me to clarify or the like.
So, this is from my first larger WIP: Rituals and Red Tape. If you want to follow along as I post the first draft on here I should have all the chapters up so far tagged with RART. Seeing as I don't intend to ever really publish it I'm not sure if to call it a book or just a long format story I post to maybe enrich somebodies life. That is a later goblin problem.
Now onto your questions!
Za Warudo: I'm going to be a cheeky little bitch and answer it's both. Doubtlessly I've been incorporating elements from media I have consumed (even if I don't realize it at the start, I think the look of the beach was influenced by Death Stranding) as most creators do. That said, the world is a creation all of my own with a very personal connection. The seed of creation comes from a continuing dream I have (which my partner and I refer to as my Dream Lore, kinda seriously kinda not), these dreams all take place in the same setting but are always advancing some kind of story. So after having a couple of these, the very first dream I had in this dream lore was actually the inspiration for the first chapter which follows a near 1:1 of the dream itself, I just started writing and adapting.
Not to bog down with explanation (this is going to be long enough anyway lol) the world itself is a creation of the collection of upper-level beings that fragments of people's egos slip into during sleep and then reside continuously in. This world has a main hub that just so happens to look like a New-England style Port-town. More to it than that, but those I'm keepin to myself until I write them~
The rest of the questions:
So the MC is Alex(They/Them) and they knew exactly where they were going and who they were meeting. They were meeting with their boss for an employee review, their boss being the giant fractal looking thing. And when I say boss, I do mean in the same sense as we have bosses in our life. I could go on and on but I figure I'll leave that as is, maybe to entice people to take a look. Alex themselves can kinda of be described as a tired manager/park ranger, sure the flesh monster you summoned is bad but the real horror is not following regulations (they exist for a reason people!).
As far as being your cup of tea, maybe(optimistic). The overall vibe of the story is primarily Slice of Life but with some smatterings of dark fantasy/horror/dark comedy. I don't set out to write jokes or spooky things but I will admit sometimes some humorous or spooky things happen. When I've blorbo dumped to people before they've said is comes across as quite Douglass Adam-y?
Hopefully that answers the questions, hopefully raises some more, and you can maybe find those answers in the text (wink wink).
Anyway thanks for the questions! As I said above, if my ramblings don't make sense, feel free to ask for clarification!
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thanks so much @navigatrixloves :) love me a tag game, especially a music related one! ps i listened to your sisters EP... it's so good!
1. FAVORITE SONG OF THE MOMENT: Cinder and Smoke by Iron & Wine.
they've always been very hit and miss for me... but when they're good, they're excellent. this track will always be a derek hale (teen wolf) song in my mind.
here, have a song for each of my top 3 ships...
DESTIEL (SPN) — Shut Up I Am Dreaming of Places Where Lovers Have Wings by Sunset Rubdown. just perfect for them.
STEREK (Teen Wolf) — Draw Your Swords by Angus & Julia Stone (which inspired my STEREK FIC of the same name)
PYNCH (TRC) — Only You by Yazoo. guys, just listen to it :')
Dead Man's Gun by Ashtar Command. Gotta keep on keepin' on, right?
Anything by Taylor Swift. Sorry not sorry!
oh, man. so many—i'm no spring chicken, lol, so there's a few. but imma pick Neighbourhood #4 (7 Kettles) by Arcade Fire bc it reminds me of a time where I felt loved.
The Night We Met by Lord Huron. so beautiful and sad.
Star Trekkin' by The Firm bc it's a fucking ridiculously funny song. if you don't smile whilst listening, you are truly dead inside.
Looking From A Hilltop by Section 25, my family band i.e. it has been/is made up of some of my uncles and cousins etc (they've been going since the early 80s).
that was fun :)
imma tag, play or nay: @petrichoravellichor @rauko-is-a-free-elf @shealynn88 @sharkfish @slytherkins @novemberhush @jmeelee @har-graves plus anyone else who wants to join in!
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babbushka · 3 years
Hi Mrs. Z! I'm sorry to bother you but I'm starting a lil writing blog and I adore your blog/writing and I was wondering if you could give me any advice for getting started 🥺👉👈 I hope you have a lovely rest of your day!
Hello my dear anon! First may I please say welcome! I’m so so so happy that you’re starting a writing blog :) I am a firm believer that anytime someone decides to share their stories, the world has become a better place. I know how much courage it takes to be vulnerable in posting your writing, and I hope you know how proud I am that you’ve decided to take that plunge! 
I’m honored that you enjoy my content and feel that my words of advice will be helpful, and I really hope that they are! I have a couple things I’d like to say, but of course at the end of the day, you have to do what feels right for you. Your blog is your own space to do whatever you like, follow your gut.
Which leads me to my very first piece of advice: Write the content that you want to write, not what others want. 
I really truly mean this, especially if you’re going to be opening up requests. You have to have boundaries, and you have to be firm in them. Don’t let anyone push you or pressure you into writing something that you don’t want to. You don’t have to justify yourself for anyone either -- whether the topics are uninspiring, or they make you uncomfortable, or you simply don’t vibe with them, that information doesn’t have to be shared with anyone. No is a complete sentence. 
The same goes in reverse -- don’t let anyone make you feel bad or pressure you into stopping writing what you enjoy. Not everyone is going to like everything you do, and that’s okay. It isn’t for them, it’s being shared with them. Your blog is your space to write the content you want, not the other way around. Block the people who give your grief, and keep on keepin’ on. 
Along with that, is the notion of reminding yourself that notes =/= worth. 
Your writing is valuable and wonderful and special because it is yours, because you have shared something with the world. Notes are great, but they aren’t everything. There’s so many factors that go into how many notes writing gets, and it’s all so wildly unpredictable. Try not to compare yourself to people, it will save you a lot of stress in the long run. 
And finally in terms of like, Grand Advice, lol, allow yourself the room to grow.
No one is perfect on their first go of things, no one is an immediate master at any craft or hobby. Sometimes it’ll feel like you hate your writing or you aren’t good at it, but that’s okay! The only way you get better is by practicing. The beauty of the creative process is in learning how to change things and try new things, how to step outside your comfort zone or hone in on particular areas that you want to improve. No one is perfect, we are all improving with each new piece that we write, so allow yourself the chance to work towards growth. 
Now onto some more practical things about writing and sharing your work:
Make sure to tag appropriately! I mean this both as relationship tags, as well as content warning tags. 
There are some universally accepted guidelines among fanfiction writers in that romantic pairings should be in the format of [character A] x [character B] or [Character A]/[Character B]; wheras platonic pairings should be in the format of [Character A]&[CharacterB]. 
So for example, Kylo Ren/Reader or Kylo Ren x Reader would mean they’re romantically involved, as opposed to Kylo Ren & Reader, which would mean they’re just pals. 
Relationship tags are so important because that’s how people find your work! If you put kylo ren/reader in the tags, tumblr will make it show up when people search for that, or if people are tracking that tag it’ll appear in their feed. This is such an important step in sharing your work! Plus, it helps you with your own organization on your blog. 
Content warnings can be as vague or as specific as you want to make them, but I personally find it a courtesy to tag anything that could be potentially bothersome to your readers, or that could possibly upset/make them uncomfortable. Things like heavy gore/violence/explicit sexual content is usually advised to be tagged, just so folks have a heads up for what they’re getting themselves into. 
Please please please use a read-more for writing that has explicitly sexual content. 
There are so many instances of people not putting their smut behind a read-more, also known as a ‘cut’, and we all have to scroll forever past content that is upsetting. Read-mores are your friend for really long pieces of writing too, please use them. 
I mentioned just briefly about organizing your writing, this is something I find super helpful for myself and for folks who want to find specific pieces of writing. Making a masterlist is super easy, I’ve broken down how I do mine in this post here. 
I hope that any of this was able to be of some help! Wishing you tons of luck and sending you lots of love :)
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scribeofmorpheus · 5 years
As Fate Would Have It (Part 16)
Paring: WinterSoldier!Bucky x Spy!Reader
Catch Up here | Masterlist
Words: 4.1k | Note: Reader’s alias is Elle/Helen
A/N: It is with great pleasure that I can finally, finally, say that this chapter was actually the first ever chapter I wrote for this series (before it was even a series tbh). All the previous chapters were meant to be simple, world-building prequels that spiralled out of control! lol. Writing just turns out like that sometimes.
Warnings: Violence, themes of PTSD, brainwashing, mentions of sex, terribly written action scenes and annngggst?
Note: I chose to call Bucky’s POV the 'Winter Soldier' because I firmly believe that at this point they are two separate people.
Songs: White Rabbit | The Winter Soldier | Siberian Overture
Feel free to ask to be tagged, leave a like, reblog or comment ♥
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You looked out the window overlooking a garden filled with yellow roses while a cup of tea cooled between your palms. Your reflection looking back at you with a blank expression, your hair still as white as snow. The steam reaching up to tickle your nose with the notes of chamomile and peppermint.
"How're the kids?" You asked the woman sat next to you. Her face framed by glasses that looked alien against her heart-shaped face. Grey hairs growing in number at a more frequent pace.
"Jack's finally got a job," she sounded thankful. "And Ellie just transfered to Brown."
You smiled warmly, "I told you he'd land on his feet."
"About god damn time, that kid nearly drove me up the wall."
You tutted, "Remember what the doctor said about minding that temper, it's not good for your blood pressure Sal."
"Keepin' my blood pressure in check is Hal's job," she said with a little sass as her thumb rubbed against her wedding ring. "You going somewhere?"
"Why'd you ask?"
"You only come over before you disappear for a while."
You chuckled, "Paris. Got a new job. Protective detail."
Sally looked out the window wistfully, her age showing clear as day, "Hal always promised we'd go to Paris for our honeymoon."
You turned to your old friend and nudged her with your elbow, "If you promise to keep your blood pressure in check, I'll take you someday."
"Someday for you isn't the same for me," Sally noted, looking at your reflection thoughtfully. "Hard to believe we were once the same age."
You stood from the chair and put on your bomber jacket, "We still are."
Sally took your cup to the sink, "Yes, you just discovered the secret to eternal youth. Good thing Annie isn't with us no more, or else she'd lock you in her basement till you told her your secret, god rest her soul."
You laughed half-heartedly. You placed a kiss on her temple before grabbing your motorcycle keys, "Try not to be too hard on Jack while I'm gone. Oh, and… uh, give Hal my best!"
"Will do, hun! Oh and Y/N!" She walked over to you and handed you a folded piece of photo paper. "I got Ellie to help me figure out how to use one of them copiers. It's a little darker than the original but..."
You looked down at the last photo you'd ever taken. Early 1942; you, Sally, Hal, Bucky, Steve and Annie stood under a going away banner that read:‘Good Luck At Your New Job!!’
"Two exclamation marks..." you mused lightly.
You left Sally's house and slid your helmet over your head.
The cryo-chamber unhooked with a metallic hiss, frost smoking out like fog as the cylindrical containment was lifted up. The hydraulics of the levers arm let out a groan of air. Yellow light bathing the room.
"Ghaaaaahh!" The Winter Soldier screamed in agony as the machine fastened over his right eye flashed blinding streaks of white light into his corneas.
"Zhelaniye," a man dressed in a decorated military uniform read out from a red leather-bound book -most likely a Major.
The screams persisted as a few more flashes of white light flickered.
The screaming stopped.
The machine gave off an electrical whizz as it dismantled away from the metal armed soldier's face. His breathing was raged, animalistic. His jaw still shut tight from the aftershocks of pain but it was his eyes that unsettled the most, seething with unbridled rage.
The Major continued reading out the words with no care for the soldier's disposition, "Rassvet. Pech’. Devyat. Dobroserdechnyy. Vozvrashcheniye na rodinu. Odin. Gruzovoy vagon."
Daybreak. Furnace. Nine. Benign. Homecoming. One. Freight car.
The soldier in the chair had steadied his breathing now. Each breath calm, composed, sinister.
"Dobroye utro, Soldat." The Major said monotonously, slamming the red book shut.
Good morning, Soldier.
The soldier kept his eyes glued to something infinitesimal in front of him with almost inhuman stillness, "Ya gotov otvechat’." His voice was as rough as gravel.
Ready to comply
The Major walked over to a table and retrieved a file and opened it to the middle part. He placed the docket in front of the Winter Soldier, the file making a slapping noise with the table.
There were two photographs fastened to the docket with paper clips. The larger of the two photographs, and coincidentally of better quality, was of a rounding man with a thinning hairline and thick moustache. The smaller photo wasn't in colour or of a high resolution, the only features that could be made out were that it was an image of a woman wearing a trench coat almost as white as her hair, large glasses obscuring half her face.
"Your target is this man. He's a French politician."
The Winter Soldier stood, his metal finger tapping heavily on the photograph. "Understood."
"Soldat. Take extra precaution. He's hired extra security. Someone we've had trouble within the past. She has made quite a name for herself due to her illusive nature. No one knows where she came from, who trained her or her real name. The intelligence community has taken to calling her the White Rabbit."
The soldier flinched, his brain scrambling for a moment as a woman’s voice he didn't recognise spoke out as clear as day: "The little rabbit?"
Internally, a high pitched noise generated a distorted image of blood-stained lips opening into an unnerving smile. Dead eyes staring up at the sky.
His head jerked to the side in a ridged motion before it snapped back in place, strands of long raven hair sticking to the sweat on his face. The noise fizzled out of his brain as though it never existed. He looked up to his superior officer and shrugged off the incident that just occurred, "Understood."
~Paris, France~
You followed your client into the VIP lounge area of a prestigious club. As soon as you walked through the bead roped entranced, a ring of smoke diffused around your face, a trail of white smoke leading back to a patron sitting on a couch blowing out expertly crafted smoke rings from a hookah pipe. The smell of clover and something more primal, sexual, stuck to the walls of the secret member’s only club. Amidst all the fancy dressed men and women, you stood out with your all-black tactical gear.
Your client walked past several seedy rooms until he reached the final room at the end of the hallway. You stepped in front of him and opened the door. After canvassing the area you gave him the all-clear. Several minutes later his associates arrived and they all sat around in a circle of expensive tastes, finely tailored suits and beefy cigars that reminded you of Colonel Phillips.
It was strange how your memory of your encounter with him brought you comfort, but these days comfort was near impossible for you to find, so you took it where you found it.
You stood as still and balanced as a marble statue, your gloved hands held behind your back in a stiff posture. On occasion, you and other bodyguards would do a sweep of the room.
"Jesus, doesn't she freak you the fuck out?" One of the smartly dressed men asked in fluent French. A language you were well versed in. "She's like a fucking statue. I haven't seen her move once. Except for those dead eyes of hers."
Your employer glanced at you with a large cigar between his crooked teeth, "Sometimes, sure. But I've noticed how intimidating she makes me look when I'm in a room filled with assholes almost as lecherous as you!"
The men laughed- so did some of their protection detail.
"Besides, once you get passed the whole ghost look, she's actually not so bad to look at," your employer grumbled suggestively with a sick grin on his face.
Your eyes snapped to him and he choked on some of his spit, washing it down with a glass of port. You looked back to the windows as you canvassed the area again. A breeze blew the lace curtains softly, making you think of the lace curtains that had drawn patterns across Bucky’s face with the sunlight in his apartment.
You bit down, hard, as you forced yourself to focus on hand. A ray of red-light was reflected by a well-polished, silver, decor piece. The ray transformed into a dot and instinctively you reached across the room and pulled the back of your employer's chair to the ground.
The soft whistle of a silencer pierced through glass, grazing the side of your arm. You snarled at the contact.
The room was silent for a second and then a second bullet pierced through the glass window, this time forcing it to shatter.
"Get down!" You ordered as several security personnel moved to shield their employers and transport them away from the room.
You kicked the oak tabled to the side and took cover behind it. "Get them to the safe room downstairs!" You ordered the rest of the personnel.
"What about you?" One of the bodyguards asked.
"I'll lay down cover fire. Get them out of here." You said calmly as you upholstered your 9mm handgun and fired based off the trajectory of the bullets holes lodged in the wall.
Several of your bullets ricochet off something metallic from the sniper's nest on the adjacent roof. The impact forming sparks in the night air.
The room became a burial site for sniper slugs as they littered the walls and sofas and decorations. The metallic pinging sound reminding you to stay hunkered low until your enemies clip ran out.
You reloaded your gun and fired off cover shots as you moved away from the window. On the ground was a single casing. You recognised the make. Soviet slug, no rifling. The memory of the ambush in the mountains skittered across your synapses before you were brought back to the present by another shot tearing through the weak walls.
Suddenly, the shooting stopped. You rose from behind cover and tried to gain a visual of the target with a piece of broken mirror. From this angle, you saw the silhouette of what you assumed to be the rifleman run and then jump. The sound of glass shattering from the window a floor below alerting you to the fact he was now in the building.
A small object hit the floor in the room around the same time, you looked over and realised he had thrown a grenade into the room.
"Fuck..." you swore in a panic, holstering your gun before you lassoed the hooked end of your utility rope around a column and dove out the window. The explosion from the grenade sent off hundreds of pieces of shrapnel flying through the air. You managed to outrun the brunt of the impact, but some slugs embedded themselves in your back and thigh. You gasped from the pain.
Swinging in the air, you propelled your body towards the window the assailant had jumped through and unclipped the rope from your belt once you dove through the window.
You ran after the sounds of a heavy man’s boots sprinting down the series of open rooms. You were faster and more agile so you caught up to him faster than most would've been able too. As soon as you got close enough to the man, you sprinted closer and slid your legs under his in an effort to topple him.
He anticipated your moves with inhuman speed. As soon as your leg knocked his off-balance, he used his metal arm to balance his upheaved weight around and down so he was facing you as soon as his body stopped moving through the air. His fingers leaving a trail of claw-like scratches on the floor.
You quickly upholstered your weapon while your back was on the ground and fired off several shots. The assassin deflected them all with his opened metal palm.
You hissed in annoyance then backflipped twice to gain some distance between you and him before you fired more shots. This time he bobbed and weaved, avoiding most of your bullets save for the one that scrapped alongside his protective eyewear, grazing the skin above his eyebrow in an angled slant.
The assassin charged at you with all his strength. You pulled the trigger but the clip was empty. You tossed your gun and timed his charge so you could sling over and around him, wrapping your legs around his midrib as you furiously hammered the business end of your elbow into the concave of his shoulder blade.
One, two, three, you landed bone-crunching hits into his collar and shoulder blade but it didn't slow him down for a second. He reached over and around, grabbed the back of your tactical vest and flung you over and away from him.
Your body slumped into the wall with intense velocity, popping your shoulder out of its socket and leaving an indent in the drywall. You coughed out blood, then shook the ringing from your ears and stood to face him. Gripping your dislocated arm, you tugged on it hard, snapping it in place with a painful grunt.
"Okay, comrade. You want to play dirty, let’s play dirty!" You rotated your wrists clockwise, activating the current switch embedded inside you gloves. They thrummed with an electric current pulsating through them as you unclipped the metal batons from your back. Electric crackles of electricity sparking down the length of you metal fight sticks. "Let's see how well you handle current!"
The assassin stalked over in large strides, upholstering his knife from the side of his leg. He gripped it with the precision of an expert. Come to think of it, a lot of his tactics were similar to those you were taught in the Red Room.
He forward slashed and backslashed in quick succession of the other. You pirouetted away on your light feet and spun around him, bringing your electrified batons crashing down on his metal arm. The electricity conducted lethally from your gloves to his body, making him let out a shrill howl.
The sound of his cries sounded familiar. Darkened but familiar.
You faltered for a split second and that was all the time he needed to spin around and kick you against the wall.
You heard your rib crack as one baton fell to the ground. Relentlessly, he traded one blow after the other with his metal arm aimed at your head. You ducked and leaned away from each attack, but the wall now had four fist-sized punctures in them.
For his final move, he spin-kicked you in the stomach one more time and the wall integrity gave in. You fell through the crumbling wall and landed against a mound of white, dusty drywall.
The assassin hovered over you, knife in hand. Your mouth was filled with the taste of blood and your organs screamed in agony. You tried to crawl towards your batons a few inches in front of you.
You dragged your body at a snail’s pace, the assassin simply followed after you in languid steps. When your hand wrapped around the baton, his boot pressed down on your gloved hand, preventing you from lifting it and cracking the electric conductor that generated the current in your gloves.
He turned you over so your back was to the floor and your eyes stared at his black mask. He slipped his knife between your ribs and you let out a soft gasp for air.
"Hhhnngggg!" You bit down to keep from screaming, your mind beginning to fracture as you hallucinated pink petals raining down around you.
You gripped his hand and tried to push it away. A sliver of electricity passed through you both. Your eyes shot open from surprise. For a second, you thought you were back in your old apartment, hands laced together with Bucky while you sat on your couch. Then the bone serrating sound of the knife leaving your chest snapped you back to the present.
With what remnants of a stable mind you had left, you urged the muscles in your hand to work as you reached into a pouch pocket and pulled out a syringe of adrenaline. You took several controlled breaths and then plunged it into your heart, a scream rippling out of your lungs as you pushed down on the plunger.
The Winter Soldier stood, backing away from his defeated foe, wiping his knife on the sleeve of his shirt as he made his way towards his real objective. Then he heard her gasp raggedly and his mind instantly pictured her wearing a pink waitress uniform, notepad in hand, offering a handkerchief to a scrawny man seated across him.
He braced both sides of his head as this intrusive image seared like hot coals across his thoughts. The pain was so intense he was brought down to one knee in a loud thud. A scream filled the room and he willed the pain to stop as he turned to look at the woman he left dying on the floor, except she wasn't dying anymore.
In amazement and curiosity, he watched as she picked herself off the floor. Every scrape, cut and wound beginning to heal, as she came after him. She danced around him faster than before, the adrenaline making her a nimble opponent, too slippery for him to get his hands around. She punched, kicked and elbowed with combo after combo in a dizzying flurry.
The Winter Soldier was slowly backed towards a tall window. She kicked him three times square in the chest, face and shoulder, sending his back forcefully into the window glass, causing it to sound out a cracking sound the instant his face guard got knocked off.
When he thought she was about to finish her attacks and kick him out the eight-story building, she froze. Eyes opened wider than ever, eyeballs skittering across every inch of his face in search of something, her lips and fingers quivering subtly. It was then he saw her fists no longer clenched defensively.
"That's impossi--" Her words no louder than a pin-drop.
The Winter Soldier's metal arm reached out and grabbed onto her arm, using his tremendous strength to fling her into the adjacent wall. Their faces mere inches apart. Hers contorted by pain and confusion. She stared into his steel-blue eyes, causing a shiver to run down his spine. Her petite fingers wrapped around his hand -still connected to her throat- but she didn't fight him.
Anger filled his senses as he couldn't make sense of all the images and colours and flashes that were evoked by her touch. The skull-cracking headache placing unbearable pressure on his cranium. He tried to blink the pain away, and for all his agonising efforts, it only grew deeper. The Winter Soldier struggled to keep his grip fixed on her throat.
Bucky's metal fingers felt so cold against your skin, almost as cold as his eyes. It hurt you how devoid of emotion they were when he stared at you with menacing rage. Nevertheless, you kept searching for a glimpse of the man you once knew. The man you once loved. And if the swell of emotions tangling against your heart was any indication, you were certain you were still in love with him.
Your fingers slid along the length of his arm as he turned his gaze away from you as though you burned him. His brows close together and eyes crinkling in pain.
You were a half-inch away from touching a strand of his outgrown hair when his head snapped back to yours with a newfound determination, and then he began to squeeze his grip.
He effortlessly raised your body off the ground, feet dangling as blood rushed to your brain. Your fingers began to claw and dig against his iron-clad grip, fighting to open up your airways.
The woman struggled against his tightened grip, back of her feet kicking against the wall as she failed to gasp for breath. She made him feel uncertain. The touch of her skin, even against his metal arm, felt hauntingly familiar. Almost as though they had this before, be close to one another, touch one another. Another image attacked his thoughts, this time she was seated beside him high atop the world, watching an extravaganza of fireworks.
“What… Is she doing to me?” His thoughts screamed in disarray.
Whatever powers she had over him mattered not because no matter how many images shed conjure to bombard his senses, and no matter how conflicting his feelings became, she was keeping him from his target. And the Winter Soldier never fails.
"Bucky..." She whimpered.
His hand began to shake as another memory was awoken:
“Bucky,” she whispered before bridging the gap between the two them. Rumblings of a crowd begin to cheer and whistle. Her giggling into the kiss. Fireworks going off in the distance, bathing her skin in its artificial rainbow of colours.
The Winter Soldier shook his head furiously, blinking away the image. He looked back up at the woman locked within his death grip, her face turning red.
A single tear ran down her cheek and plopped onto his metal arm. She looked at him without fear or bitterness.
"Buck," she failed to let out the whole word through cracking vocals.
Another flash bombarded his senses:
“I’ve missed you, Buck,” she admitted. He placed one hand around her cheek, the other around the small of your back holding her gaze. His lips met hers in a passionate embrace, she leaned into his touch as a moan escaped her lips. He guided her body towards a wall, pinning her there while one hand moved achingly slowly from her waist to her thigh. His grip greedy and rough causing her to quiver.
The flash disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared.
The woman saw this as an opening as sucked in as much air as her constricted airways were allowed.
"Buchanan!" She shouted with all the strength she had left, eyes glaring at him with fire.
This time the flash was stronger:
"Buchanan!" She mewled as she climaxed atop him. Her swollen lips placing sloppy kisses on his. The muscles of her core contracting around him, edging him closer to his own release. He gripped her hips higher, she moaned pleasantly in response. He thrust deeper, trying to become one with her, and then he climaxed inside her, filling her completely. She fell against his chest like a rag doll, her fingers drawing circles where his heart should be. Then he uttered: "God… I never want to be apart from you."  
Bucky, or whatever it was he had become now, instantly released his fingers from your neck, leaving behind deep bruised marks. You sucked in air like some famished animal, your hand gripping at your shirt collar.
You scampered for purchase on the wall as your balance was still uneven. Slowly, you brought your eyes to meet Bucky's and this time you felt relief.
He was on his knees, a lost expression taking over as tears slid down his face. He was looking up at you, hands shaking furiously. The veins on his temple swollen and exposed. This wasn't the face of the stranger who just tried to kill you. This was the face of a man torn in two.
Hope flickered to life inside you. Your eyebrows drawing upwards in solace. A dark chuckle sputtering in your throat.
Of course, this was how fate decreed you meet again. Any other way would've been too easy.
Through the silence, you picked up the soft sound of the elevator nearby ding each time it went up a floor. There was you back up.
"H-Helen?" He finally found the strength to speak in a voice darker than the one you knew.
You hadn't expected him to call you by that name. You knew your focus should have been on the miracle Bucky was alive and seemingly hadn't aged, or the fact he remembered you, but instead, your thoughts returned to that damned day in the mountains. To the sound of bullets cutting through bodies, explosions scattering shrapnel into your body.
Your mind retreated further into itself, returning to that chair in the torture cell and all the times you'd been showered with shock after shock after shock.
You knelt down and picked up a piece of piping that had been loosened during the fight. Your eyes closing shut for a moment as you took shallow breaths.
The pain, starvation and hate you endured while being held prisoner at the expense of Yelena's betrayal turned into a whirlpool of rage, dragging you to the bottom of a dark pit inside you.
When you opened your eyes, white-hot fury burned through your irises. You snapped like steam building in a pressure cooker and before you could stop yourself, you swung the piece of piping at Bucky's head, knocking him onto the ground. He was out cold.
The elevator dinged again. They were getting closer.
"I always hated that name," you dropped the pipping and ran your hand through your damp hair. You tried to strategize how to get out of this new predicament. "Now, what the fuck am I going to do with you?"
~Part 17 Coming Soon
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  Tags: @fangirl-colo @dormousse @smallmarvel @ren-ni @sargentbucket @nikolett3 @wnygirl2012 @jentismyname @evilgeniuslabz-blog @myrabbitholetoneverland @sleepingspacedragon  @500daysofbecky @reidreader  
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jasonvtodd · 6 years
tagged by @victorvalc​ (friend!! its been so long!! 🌈)
rules: answer all the questions, add one of your own
tagging: @wondcrwomans​ @harljordan​ @stevebbucks​ @gaygardner​ @transguygardsner​ @zane-garrett​ @bcydbeaulieu​ @billykapan​ @wickerjulias​ @moontaekwoon​ @jasmin-au-bellona
1. coke or pepsi: not a fan of either but pepsi 2. disney or dreamworks: dreamworks 3. coffee or tea: tea - fuck coffee 4. books or movies: boooks!!!! 5. windows or mac: windows 6. dc or marvel: both but marvel can fucking choke 7. x-box or playstation: neither 8. dragon age or mass effect: whomst 9. night owl or early riser: lol. ask anyone who knows me (night) 10. cards or chess: cards 11. chocolate or vanilla: chocolate 12. vans or converse: converse 13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: whomst 14. fluff or angst: angst 15. beach or forest: forest 16. dogs or cats: doggos all the way 17. clear skies or rain: rain and storms  18. cooking or eating out: depends 19. spicy food or mild food: spicy 20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: christmas i guess but eh 21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: cold 22. if you could have any superpower, what would it be?: teleportation 23. animation or live action: live action 24. paragon or renegade:  hm. idk.  25. baths or showers: showers 26. team cap or team ironman: take a guess (also caro, your answer was great and youRE DOING GREAT SWEETIE!)  27: fantasy or sci-fi: both but sci-fi 28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they: ugh my fave quotes change with my mood   --keepin some of your answers, cause, same. 29. netflix or youtube: netflix 30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson:  percy @stevebbucks​  u proud 31. when you feel accomplished: after doing something ive been putting off 32. star wars or star trek: trek 33. paperback or hardback: both but paperbacks 34. horror or rom-com: romcom if its gay or love simon, otherwise id almost always prefer horror 35. tv shows or movies: tv shows 36. spotify or pandora: spotify 37. zootopia or inside out: inside out 38. favourite book: fuck. uhh. great gatsby, the things they carried, tin man is now probably a fave (@gaygardner​ cheers dickhead) are fave stand alones... but then if we’re talking series.... red rising, vicious (tho #2 isnt out yet but still), cut & run, adsom, red rising uhhh.. yeah i have more but eh.  39. favourite flower: no clue 40. what field of study are you in (or aspire to be in): social working or some kinda outreach. idk.  41. song lyric you really love?: How rare and beautiful it is to even exist. - Saturn by Sleeping at Last
While the two of us on the rooftop
Waitin on the world to wake up 
Talking about the universe
 Talking about the universe 
Universe - Space Talk by The Native Architects
42. what’s your MBTI type?: infj (i think) 43. fave movie: here 44. favourite tv show(s): here (hasnt been updated in sometime)  45. what fictional world is your favourite? star trek ... cuz.. space!!! i would say red rising cause wow do i fucking love that whole world rn but i also.. woudlnt wanna be in it cuz. id probably die so.  46. favourite mythological figure? eh 47. who’s your all-time favourite fictional character? tony stark, jason todd, kyle rayner/guy gardner (cuz i love them both and now i cant choose shh) and cassius au bellona has recently Gotten Up there 48.  confetti or glitter? concept: glitter confetti ;)
my question: five things you’re grateful for in your life
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buckys-other-punk · 7 years
Close (Jealous Part 2)
Bucky x Reader, (slight) Steve x Reader
Warnings: Jealousy (from everyone), angst (if you call it that) and idk what else
Word Count: 615 (w/o lyrics)
A/N: ok you guys wanted a part 2 here it is. I hope this part isn’t a let down and it is as good as the first one. I have tagged the people who reblogged and commented on the first one.This is also unedited so please don’t mind my mistakes. If you wanna be tagged just let me know! 
Song inspiration: “Close” Nick Jonas (keepin up with the Nick Jonas songs)
@caplansteverogers​ @hollycornish​ @carabarnes13​ @ohmyjack @sebtheromanianprince​ @flirtswithdanger​ @aquabrie​ @amour-quinn​ @iamwarrenspeace​ @photography-to-all​ @sarahp879
Oh damn, oh damn, oh damn I'm so perplexed With just one breath, I'm locked in Oh damn, oh damn, oh damn I'm so perplexed On that, it's almost shocking I know, I know you know you're scared Your heart, your mind, your soul, your body They won't, they won't, they won't be careful But I guess that you don't know me
He didn’t know what was coming over him. The next thing he knew he has in a bed with the secretary form the gala. He was laying on the bed thinking about what happened with his wife. What has he done?
'Cause if I want you, and I want you, babe Ain't going backwards, won't ask for space 'Cause space is just a word made up by someone who's afraid to get too
Now here is (Y/N) laying in her bed. Her makeup was smeared and hair was a mess. She turned from her side to look up at the ceiling of the hotel room. She heard faint snoring. She turned her head to see Steve in the other bed next to her still in his suit. His back was facing her and he was still asleep. She looked over at the clock 5:45 AM. She sighed looking back at her ceiling tears forming in her eyes.
Close, oh Oh, so close, oh I want you close, ooh 'Cause space is just a word made up by someone who's afraid to get close, oh Oh, so close, oh I want you close, ooh Oh, I want you close, and close ain't close enough, no
Both Bucky and (Y/N) asked the same question, What happened that night? Each one thought this question over and over again. They have been so happy for many years. Their wedding was beautiful and all their friends were there. Natasha was (Y/N)’s maid of honor and Steve was Bucky’s best man. How could this one screw up affect their marriage?
Oh man, oh man I am not really known for ever being speechless But now, but now somehow My words roll off my tongue right onto your lips, oh I'm keeping cool while you keep smiling Saying all the things I'm thinking Oh man, oh man I am like you so I want proof of what you're feeling
It was now 7:30 AM, Bucky got up from the bed trying not to wake the secretary. He walked to the bathroom and washed his face. He looked up to the mirror at his reflection. He didn’t recognize the man staring back at him. A single tear went down his face. He heard a noise, wiped his face dry and went back to the room to check the woman in his bed. She smiled seductively at him and told him to get back into bed. He smiled, but paused. Should I really be doing this? He cleared his mind, but had a final thought. She’s probably with Steve in his bed right now. With the jealousy overcoming his mind he walked to the woman on his hotel bed with an animalistic smirk.
'Cause if I want you, and I want you, babe Ain't going backwards, won't ask for space 'Cause space is just a word made up by someone who's afraid to get too
Maybe they needed space apart? (Y/N) thought to herself. Did she do something wrong in their marriage? She questioned herself so much she began to cry again. Steve woke up from his slumber hearing muffled sobs. He turned around to see his best friend’s wife sobbing. He got up from his bed and went into (Y/N)’s to comfort her. She noticed his presence and sobbed into his chest. He rubbed her back up and down gently. Steve’s jealousy of Bucky’s happy marriage was strong and gave each other way to much attention, but now? He wouldn’t know how to explain how he felt. Bucky should be here instead of him.
Close, oh Oh, so close, oh I want you close, oh (yeah baby) 'Cause space was just a word made up by someone who's afraid to get close, oh Oh, so close, ooh I want you close, ooh Oh, I want you close, and close ain't close enough, no
~Time Skip to 10 AM~
Natasha had told the three to meet her at the hotel’s restaurant. Before the meeting (Y/N) had contacted Natasha saying that she wasn’t feeling well and said she would go back to the tower. Natasha said it was fine as long as she will be careful and get back safely. Steve and Bucky were quiet when Natasha was asking them what had happened to (Y/N). She gave up on asking them and went back to the mission. They had successfully taken down the person working for HYDRA and his henchmen (including the secretary lol). Apparently they were plotting on a way to bomb the Stark Tower and its surrounding buildings.
'Cause if I want you, and I want you, babe Ain't going backwards, won't ask for space 'Cause space was just a word made up by someone who's afraid to get too
~Back at Stark Tower~
Bucky and (Y/N) have become very distant. This became noticed by everyone. Steve was there trying to comfort the two, but Bucky didn’t want his friend’s help. (Y/N) on the other had locked herself in her room and everyone tried to get her to come out. She hadn’t left her room, even to get food and socialize with the others. This was 5 days ago. Nobody knew that (Y/N) had disappeared.
End of part 2!! AHHHHH I hope you guys like it!! If you want a part 3 let me know. Also if you wanna be tagged just leave a comment, message or ask.
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beefstew252 · 7 years
i was tagged by @davidbowie69​ to do this time- consuming tageroony
(answer 92 questions and tag 20 ppl)
the last
1. drink: water cuz im basic
2. phone call: mi amiga ella
3. text message: “ehehhehehehehehhe with like a million laughy face emojis cuz im too awkward to live”
4. song you listened to: telephone line by ELO
5. time you cried: probs last night when i cried myself to sleep or yesterday when i watched life and was too scared so i leaked from my seeing crevices
have you
6. dated someone twice: never even been on a date whoops im a loooser
7. kissed someone and regretted it: lhehehehehe my mommy
8. been cheated on: friend wise- yes but not like in relationships lol im not kewl
9. lost someone special: mhmhmhmhm i move everyday and am unlovable soo not a good combo
10. been depressed: lol yup yup yup everyday but i cover it with smiley face stickers and sprinkles
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: mayyybbeeee when i accidently drank a bunk of mikes hard lemonade hehehhhhehehe
list 3 favorite colors
12. yellow
13. mintish green
14. sky blue
in the last year you have…
15. made new friends: @davidbowie69​ i love my mommm 
16. fallen out of love: nope im always in love with everyone ever
17. laughed until you cried: EVERYDAY im a giggly person tbh
18. found out someone was talking about you: not really but i constantly feel like my friends talk about how horrible i am sooooo same difference 
19. met someone who changed you: everyone i meet tbh <3333333
20. found out who your friends are: i think maybe if they actually love me as much as i love themmmmm <333
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: what even is face book tbh
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: girl i dont understand this booking faceeeee
23. do you have any pets: my dear pet rock mildred and her associate mr pebbleton (but i wanna doggo so badddd)
24. do you want to change your name: nah m8 sofia is fineeee af i think
25. what did you do for your last birthday: 4 days agooo hmmm i slept in and had avocado toast like a true millennial and went to the grocery store with my mom lol and then went to my fav place in the world an art store then had cake and watched life which was horrifying twas pretty fun
26. what time did you wake up: 10ish but usually like afternoonish whoops
27. what were you doing last night at midnight: i was watching the OA which was actually amazin tbh
28. name something you can’t wait for: WINNING THE PRESIDENCY WITH MY VICE PRES KANYE IN 2020 HONESTLYYYY
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: just now when she told me to do the laundry
30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish i had stayed in one place and had real, true friendships
31. what are you listening to right now: build me up buttercup- the foundations
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: no not really???
33. something that is getting on your nerves: constantly thinkin im not good enough and some “people” i know heh
34. most visited website: tumblr, netflix and gmail tbh
lost questions. i just put in random info about me
wow op was a little bitch--- keepin this in thx ellie
35. moles: yes but theyre outside and probably have rabies and are blind af and no longer are in my backyard---- jkjk yea i do tho
36. marks: everywhere on my ugly af self
37. childhood dream: i wanted to be a squirrel when i grew up sooo
38. hair color: dark brown
39. long or short hair: short shoulder lengthish??
40. do you have a crush on someone: yeah everyone i meet ever 
41. what do you like about yourself: my curly af hair and strangely large energy reserves (gracias mitochondria)
42. piercings: ear piercins
43. blood type: idk man but i hope its the kind from that episode of doctor who with the aliens and they controlled u with blood or somethin and david tennant lost an arm it was wild
44. nickname: sofie, sofie dofie, didi, olaf, mr. f@#*ing compassion, slink, softpants once again, sof fresh, coneybear? leaf?, ronnie, macaronnie, charlie kelly tbh
45. relationship status: hahahahahahahahahahaha
46. zodiac: cancer, (yes i know im a crabb dont make funna me)
47. pronouns: she/her also ultimate supreme ruler of 7M tbh
48. favorite tv show: stranger things, its always sunny in philadelphia, parks and rec, the office, tbh the new show i just binged yesterday called the OA, friends, etcetcetc
49. tattoos: nope i have a very low pain tolerance
50. right or left hand: right im bland af
51. surgery: yea my poor eye lol ive had like 3 on that one alone whwhwhw
52. hair dyed different color: no id look like a uglier potato
53. sport: competitive cloud watching
54. *GASP* there is no spoon…there is no question 54…………………….  ………………………..hey remember those wayside school books because i sure do------ also keepin this im unoriginal and still dont understand tags lol
55. vacation: the moon
56. pair of trainers: white superstar adidas or grossly dirty “white” converse cuz im basic once again
plus generales
57. eating: i just ate strawberries and a grilled cheese sandwich sooo
58. drinking: w a t e r ---stay hydrated mis amigos
59. i’m about to: host the most lit party in the world tbh (mario kart and pizza binches)
60. *bo burnham voice in my head, for some reason* it’s not real. time is an illusion.------ im lazy do u see a trend????!?
61. waiting for: my next trip to the northeast cuz i miss it
62. want: a real friend tbh.        also *dr evil voice* 1 MILLion DOllaRs
63. get married: yup and i agree with the bae on “why couldn’t this have been question 64 because when i’m sixty four by the beatles is also the best song ever sooooo”
64. career: eww the future i h8 probs an astronaut so i can fly into the void
which is better
65. hugs or kisses: AWW ILL TAKE ANYTHIN
66. lips or eyes: eyes who even looks at lips eww theyre like chapped and stuff
67. shorter or taller: short lil bean or tall beans everyone is valid
68. older or younger: all the ages?
69. yOU hAVe GOt To bE KiDdINg ME wHY is 69 SKipPeD--- gracias por las cosas
70. nice arms or nice stomach: eww nice personality honestly
71. sensitive or loud: sensitive like me hehehehhee
72. hook up or relationship: relationshippppp<3 if any soul could stand me for longer than a day
73. troublemaker or hesitant: ??????? i like robbie rotton
have you ever…
don’t we need tequila  apple juice for this part
74. kissed a stranger: no but today i made a snarky comment quietly about a kid who was smoothie drinkin and bikin and we made solid eye contact for like 30 secs sooo same difference
75. drank hard liquor: i licked vodka once it was gross and i almost threw up
76. lost glasses/contact lenses: jason sat on and broke my glasses once so same thing
77. turned someone down: yeah the monster livin in my drawer tried to take me to the movies once and i was like BOI UR A MONSTER LIVIN IN MY ROOM COME ON
78. sex on the first date:   eWWWWWEWWewewewewwwwew
79. broken someone’s heart: hah no one has ever liked me in the history of the human race sooo
80. had your heart broken: everyday
81. been arrested: im what the police call “an angel”
82. cried when someone died: every time my fav character died or any other time im an emotional lil bean honestly
83. fallen for a friend: yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhehehehhehe
do you believe in…
84. yourself: eww no i suck
85. miracles: one time someone said i was pretty 
86. love at first sight: yes i’m certain that it happens all the time STEALIN IT ELLIE SOZ NOT SOZ
87. santa claus: yes yes yes 
88. kiss on the first date: mmmmmmmmmidkman
89. angels: me
man, op really ran outta ideas here
90. current best friend’s name: none of my “best friends” think im their best friend too soooo no im a lonely person but if i had to say somethin itd be russell crow(e?) as javert tbh
91. eye color: poop brown
92: favorite movie: all of them but also good will hunting, cinema paridiso, life is beautiful, dead poets society, breakfast club, 16 candles the list goes ONNNNN man
well, it’s been real
i tag vlad putin and jeff
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sambashua · 7 years
20 questions tag~
I was tagged by my fave homie @jaehyunscult the sweetest ever @squishywonu and my adorable new mutual @squishywooji for slightly different versions of this tag! So I did the one that was less like the one I’ve done a couple months ago which you can find here if you’re interested! Thank you guys for tagging me y’all are so cute(✿◠‿◠) srry this is so late ! 
Nicknames: mir !
Zodiac sign: cancer
Height: 178/5′10″ aka the tallest bean around town (y am i so funny)
Birthday: july 4th
Favorite fruit: Mangoooooes and strawberries! (i’m keepin it the same! oh but also bananas i eat so many bananas tbh)
Favorite season: winter probably ! but i get cold rlly easily haha
Favorite book: this is rllyyyy difficult but probably The Maiden’s Bequest by George MacDonald, The Lunar Chronicles series by Marissa Meyer or Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger (bc i’m fucking basic) 
Favorite flowers: i think maybe tulips ? idk much abt flowers and i also get allergies so rip
Favorite animals: ocelots !!!!
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: i like all three! but if i had to choose probably coffee ?
Average amount of sleep: 6-8 hours ish
Cat or Dog: cats~ i like both a lot!! but i have two cats so i gotta stay loyal
Favorite fictional character: um one of my faves is Anne (?) from The Maiden’s Bequest bc she’s so strong even from a young age and same with Celaena from Throne of Glass (shoutout to cass for hooking me up w the series even tho i’m slowwww)
Number of blankets you sleep with: one but i usually wear long sleeves to bed
Dream trip: welllll i always say south america and asia so let’s mix it up woooooo~ i went to Barcelona last summer and it was one of the best few days of my life so i’d really like to go back there to experience more of the culture and less touristy things:)
Blog created: about 11 months ago ! (i’m approaching my one year woooo)
Favorite colors: grey and light blue~
Name: miranda
Orientation: like sexual orientation? bc jeon wonwoo
Nationality: white lol more specifically mostly german nd some french nd a bunch of other random stuff idk who knows or cares
Number of followers: 147 (that’s over a hundred peeps who for some reason aren’t tired of me yet which is a miracle?)
I think most everyone has done this already but I’ll just tag @aegyovendingmachine just bc idk also other sister squad @yooncheoly and @kyungminie !!
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writersriot · 7 years
The Outsiders Queer Subtext ft. Jally - Part 18
Sunday, June 4, 2017
Sorry for the long absence. Let’s jump back in with some aspects that highlight Ponyboy as an unreliable narrator as well as the interpersonal relationships of the boys in the gang.
After the movie, Ponyboy and Johnny are still walking home with Two-Bit, Cherry, and Marcia, having a long conversation.
I have quite a rep for being quiet, almost as quiet as Johnny. Two-Bit always said he wondered why Johnny and I were such good buddies. “You must make such interestin’ conversation,” he’d say, cocking one eyebrow, “you keepin’ your mouth shut and Johnny not sayin’ anything.” But Johnny and I understood each other without saying anything. Nobody but Soda could really get me talking. Till I met Cherry Valance. (Pg 39)
Lol how many times are we gonna hear how quiet Pony and Johnny are? We get it. Like, I’m sorry, maybe Pony gets treated like a kid and isn’t taken seriously by the rest of the gang, and maybe Johnny is naturally quiet while also having been traumatized by his home life and being recently jumped by Socs. And here, Ponyboy and Johnny can understand each other without talking. That’s amazing. I love their friendship, understanding without needing to speak can be great companionship.
Then comes Cherry who, like Soda, can get Pony talking. She’s mostly asking him questions to keep the conversation going, so the bar isn’t too high haha. She shows an interest in his life, and he responds to that. I honestly wish we saw more of Cherry and their interaction.
So while we know Pony and Johnny never talking is an exaggeration because there are always exceptions, I do believe there are more varied interpersonal relationships within this gang.
Pony and Johnny may have a similar relationship with Two-Bit, who is the oldest of the gang (minus Darry who isn’t included for whatever reason??) and has a ~fun~ personality so maybe the more serious, shyer, quiet kids don’t always confide in him the same way they might to someone else in the gang. But Pony and Johnny have different relationships to the rest of the gang, which we can actually see throughout the book.
Soda is protective of both Pony and Johnny, but Steve clearly finds Pony annoying (for tagging along I guess) but there’s no indication he’s that way with Johnny, who is Pony’s closest friend. Pony is afraid of Dally, but Johnny not as much so. It’s interesting. Pony always describes Johnny as the “pet” of the gang, even though that doesn’t really seem to fit him or his relations to the others.
Even when Pony himself is uncomfortable around and afraid of Dally, Johnny actually seems to be quite comfortable with Dally, even if neither of them are talking. After all, they are close in age even if not in temperament the way Johnny and Pony may be. But I do wonder if maybe Dally isn’t as tough as he always tries to be when he doesn’t need to be. If he doesn’t drop his guard just a bit sometimes. It’s got to be exhausting keeping up appearances like that. But I like to think Dally wouldn’t always needs to keep it up around Johnny, who admires him either way.
Anyway, the three of them do all hang out together, even if none of them talk too much, so it’s an interesting dynamic they must have. I wish we had seen more of them before the events of the book.
Moving on, there’s a brief aside about Soda and the horse Mickey Mouse, which I like. Then as the group is walking, they have a scare with a blue Mustang rolling up the street.
“Who is it?” Two-Bit asked. “The F.B.I?”
“No,” Cherry said bleakly, “it’s Randy and Bob.”
“And,” Two-Bit added grimly, “a few other of the socially elite checkered-shirt set.”
“Your boyfriends?” Johnny’s voice was steady, but standing as close to him as I was, I could see he was trembling. I wondered why -- Johnny was a nervous wreck, but he never was that jumpy. (Pg 41)
Ponyboy. Why is he so dense lol. I mean, I know he would have no concept of PTSD, but geez Johnny did get jumped by Socs. Don’t you think he might be frightened to have Socs rolling up on them like that? The poor soul is traumatized, all right, but he’s still trying to hold it together. It’s just that this is like the third time Pony seems to not understand his closest friend.
This is one of those times that makes me wish this book had been written in third person pov, so we maybe could have gotten more in-depth into the rest of the characters besides Ponyboy. Because seeing everything only from his young, inexperienced perspective makes it unreliable, and it sometimes feels like we’re missing something. I want to better understand the gang, but Pony doesn’t exactly make that easy.
There’s more to this, regarding Ponyboy’s relationships with the gang, especially Johnny and Darry but it’ll be pretty long so that will be next week’s installment. What do you think of Pony’s perspective? How about his relationship with Johnny compared to the rest of the gang?
Until the next part~
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chiefdancingbear · 7 years
Little Thoughts, Big Ideas
For Valentines Day, I thought that it would be nice to honor those blogs that we all read and love, but sometimes forget to, every now and then, tell them just how much we love them! I am hoping that the people who DO read my blog (although, no one really asks me any questions or comments on my stuff except for two people....*sigh*.....I still hope though), will pick up and do the same. It would be amazing to see this become a chain reaction that runs rampant here. Just make sure to tag the blogs, and use the hashtag: feel the love. 
I’ll start this off.......
@hemstolemyheart / @hemsims.......I absolutely love all your stuff you have on your two blogs. I may not see every single one, but when I do look it never disappoints. On your sim one? Little steps.....If you start to write your stories there, I will make it a point to read each one! You are awesome.....don’t ever change! *hugs* 
@teamfreewill-imagine.....your blog rocks! What can I say? I absolutely love the fact that you put yourself out there, that you don’t let people get the best of you, and I try to seek out your blog whenever I do have the chance to read and I have loved every single entry that I have read of yours. Keep on keepin’ on! 
@devil---in---disguise.....took a look around your blog and I love it so far!! I am on the watch for new stuff! Can’t wait!! Youre awesome!! 
@mdianasanders.....your stuff is amazing!! I love it!! You have some really awesome shots that capture my eye immediately when I come on. It always makes me want to play my own game! HA HA!! 
@goodoldgamer....I know you haven’t posted in a while due to your internet, but I want to say that I love every one of your story updates and your builds are scary good! I wish I could build like you do. I think I am spatially challenged lol!! But you are awesome and I love your blog!! 
If I didn’t mention you and I DO follow you......just know that you are loved. If I mentioned every single one of you this entry would be WAAAAAAYYY too long. You all rock! 
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2jaepg · 7 years
tag ur it
Tagged by: @kihyuns-chicken​
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better~
Nickname: chewy but also cheWHY but also chewt but also nola (like... granola bar) but also... and so the list continues. also fun nickname, Pants.
Star sign: Cancer. Basically i just cry a lot and am v emotional??
Height: 165cm rip
Time right now: 4:37pm
Last thing I googled: “5foot 5 in centimeters” lol (it sounds taller in cm shhhh)
Favorite music artists: meeeeeeeeee
Song stuck in your head: the one part of one of bts’s songs that is actually the part of some other old korean song that goes like (excuse my bad romanization) “whehetpulyeo! whehetpulyeo!” but i actually don’t remember which bts song it is either so....???
Last movie I watched: just watched the “get thee to a nunnery scene” from hamlet from four different versions!!
Last TV show watched: Chief Kim (i think...)
What are you wearing right now: school uniform...
When did you create your blog: july 2014, right when got7′s A promotions started <3
What kind of stuff do you post: korean pop music/dramas/other pop culture stuff, also conspiracy theories
Do you have any other blogs: so many. my fandom meme trash main @jeanvalskinnyjeans , my “aesthetics” main @5878saint , my studyblr @chewystudy , i’m a part of 7fics turn up, also my jb’s forehead is the illuminati blog @stopjb2k15and​
Do you get asks regulary: so like, never is a regular amount of time, right?
Why did you choose your URL: bc 2jae and also .jpg like the picture file format BUT ALSO apparently it works as 2jae is always keepin it PG bc that is such a sunshiney ship
Gender: female
Hogwarts house: slytherin/ravenclaw, i used to be ravenclaw and then I GREW UP IN THIS DARK DARK WORLD
Pokemon team: i was at latin immersion camp when the fad happened so... none lol #escinaedus :P
Favorite color: red and brown. the nitty gritty blood and shit that we endure in the world. literally.
Average hours of sleep: i siesta from 4:00-sometime when i have to either wake up and do homework or extracurriculars and then i sleep from either 1am-6am or 11pm-3am and then 4/5am-6am #sleepisfortheweak
Lucky number: got 7 ;)
Favorite character(s): meeeeeeeeee
How many blankets do you sleep with: just the one... Dream job: trial lawyer or prosecutor. super duper dream job is supreme court justice or celebrity!
Tagging: @wonhos-ramyen (look buddy, i know that u just got tagged by the same person that tagged me lol but I WANT TO GET TO KNOW U BETTER ;))))), @youngjaeislife , @ambersexytomboy , @managermaterial @jsutright @xoyixing HULLO STRANGERS, BE STRANGERS NO MORE
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vickypavalopolis · 7 years
20 question tag !
Rules-Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better.
Tagged by- @homjom, thanks, btw!! Name- sam Nicknames- i’ve had quite a few in my time lmao, but the only one that’s really still in use (besides sam, i guess) is joey, which is what my dad calls me  Zodiac Sign- taurus Height- 5′1″ ✌ Orientation- currently west by south west. lmao but seriously. moving on Ethnicity- mostly mexican, but we’re kinda hoping we can save up for some ancestral dna testing to get a little more info some day Favourite Fruit- i gotta say i am terrible with “favorites” uh, i love things like cherries, pineapple, watermelon, mango and pomagranates, hate things like blueberries, kiwi and raspberries/blackberries.  Favourite Season- summer. this one i know. i love being warm and do not function well in the cold. i might b a reptilian honestly. Favourite Book- idk it’s really hard for me to read anymore  Favorite Flower- idk I like most of them about the same, i’m kinda down with whatever’s got a really nice scent Favourite Scent- lol uuuh, more natural smells, i’m not a fan of the artificial/chemical perfume type stuff. flowery and fruity are good. uh, y’know when u drive for hours and hours and u finally get to the middle of the gotdam woods and u can’t feel ya legs but u drag urself out the car and take a deep breath? That shit is fantastic Favourite Colour- they’re all great in a setting that suits them y’kno? Favourite Animal- they’re all doing a v good job and i’m proud of them Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa- coffee and tea Average Sleep Hours - i probably get about 8, but i go hard a lot of the time and it’s just. forever. but if i gotta b somewhere i get all anxious and then it’s like 2-3 Cat or Dog Person?- cats, we’ve had both my whole life, we have both now and I love dogs and all, but they are just too much for me. Favourite Fictional Character- i’m usually guilty of liking the characters that are the most similar to me, or the “designed to b likable” main, lol Number of blankets you sleep with- the basic “sheet and comforter” unless its hot enough for just the sheet or cold enough to throw more on top. i’d really like a weighted blanket one day Dream trip- well if it’s a DREAM trip either around the world, travelling for years just soaking it all in, or motherfucking space y’all🌍🌌 Blog Created- like 2011 or 12 i think? hah Number of Followers- keepin’ it small time with like 250-something 
20 ppl is way too many for me but i can do a few💕 @i-forgetyou, @tricksterarchetype, @m-jenice, @spring-lock-failure, @zeusyimhome, @wouldbeheavenly, @chouko86, @glitterandfrills
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