#keegan 001.
ryanlockheart · 2 months
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— ₊ ° . ☆ on the outskirts of charleston, the summer nights were long and hot. the humid nights could make anyone swoon, but nothing could make keegan waring swoon quite like zeke benton. it was noncommittal, but even when the rich boy tried his hands with others, he always came back to zeke. they knew each other's bodies like the backs of their hands. that wasn't something that keegan could just give up. no matter how much time, they always ended up falling in line and in bed with each other. that august night was no exception at all. keegan was under zeke's spell once again. they had the house to themselves — his dad and step-mom were out on some ski trip to aspen, and his pesky step-brother was out at a friend's. when keegan pulled the slender male down onto the couch, his lips latched onto zeke's. his hands rested on either side of zeke's face, a soft hum of pleasure buzzing from his lips. "even better than last time," keegan chirped with a proud smirk on his lips. strong hands started to roam all over his lithe, little body, grasping at his curves. "missed this. ya've got the best ass around," he praised. his lips trailed down to zeke's lips, sucking harshly at the soft flesh. if his skin wasn't littered with dark purple marks from keegan's lips when all was said and done, then he was going to exceptionally disappointed. "d'ya wanna go up to m'room? need a piece of that ass, baby."
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troiian · 2 years
𝐟𝟐𝐟 ➵ 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐧.
"’kay,” troian muttered, mostly to the reflection staring back at her in the newly hung foyer mirror. “we’re ready. we can do this.” it wasn’t as though she was marching off to war, plunging into the deep end with no real gauge of where the current would take her — this was keegan. keegan, after years of being apart, keegan, the one person who, for seven years, had been her cornerstone. someone, somewhere said that if someone remained in your life for seven years, they’d be around forever, and she was thankful the show had lasted as long as it had, because she’d need him forever. keegan was the human embodiment of home. she’d need her home as long as she had breath in her lungs. she tucked her hair behind her ears, inhaling deeply and exhaling shortly as a means of steeling herself. time had a fickle way of finding itself on a loop; troian knew that she would melt in his presence before long, ideally sometime after the girls went to bed. she didn’t want to mar the girls’ evening with their uncle keegan with her tears over just how goddamn tired she was, how goddamn ready she was to just let go within the confines of his arms encircled around her. the doorbell rang, chaos ensuing between rory’s delighted squeals and the dogs barking. “hold your horses, people,” she yelled out as her hand curled around the doorknob. “it’s just —” her wrist flicked, the door opening, and there he was. all of the anxious tension riddling her body dropped at her feet upon the sight of him. home. “keegan,” she finished, an exhilarated breath escaping her as she forewent any other formalities, flinging herself into his arms. @keegallen​  
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retrocausalities · 6 months
closed starter ft. @iridescences ( granite ).
setting: the ritz-carlton hotel, nyc.
timeframe: december 1st, 2023 / ~ after his dance with sabryna.
summary: in keegan's rush to get away, he ends up costing imara.
content warnings: none.
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Inside his chest is a forest fire, ripping hot, feasting on the kindling that was once a tender aspiration, now asphyxiated, leaving the ashes of "I was stupid" and "of course, it couldn't have been me" in its wake. The patheticness is not lost on him, every teenage heartbreak echoing through memories back from time and leaping forward to this place, this person. An adult is just a child they couldn't shed, the same kid but older. Your experiences mark who you are, and Keegan's riddled with scratched-out words.
As Keegan maneuvers the crowd poorly, stepping painlessly on toes, his mind reminds him Sabryna is going to think of him as a dolt, and she's in every right to. The thoughts whip up the fire frenzy, the heat coursing up into his head so rapidly that Keegan has to physically shield his eyes to alleviate the phantom burn. And in that moment, he blindly crashes into someone. The slosh of liquid douses the ringing in his ears, and Keegan unfolds his fingers from his eyes, spotting red. A deep crimson spreads out on white fabric, and Keegan recognizes in horror as red wine wounds an expensive dress.
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"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," Keegan gasps, grabbing his medkit bag clipped to his belt and unzipping it, though no preparedness for emergencies can prepare for this. He finally has it together to look at the owner of the dress he's personally victimized. Oh, dear. Imara.
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melloraconteur · 9 months
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"And you looked at me, like there was something in me worth looking at." - a.a
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
Note: I'm happy that I manned up and decided to participate and links to the works will be put in as they're published.
These prompts will be out before New Years.
Enjoy! :3
001. Pegging - John "Soap" McTavish
002. Roleplay + Inflation - Simon "Ghost" Riley
003. Hate Sex - Philip Graves
004. Rimming - Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
005. Collaring - John Price
006. Dubcon - Philip Graves
007. Virginity - Alejandro Vargas
008. Breeding - Alejandro Vargas
009. Lactation - John Price
010. Fucking Machine + Praise Kink - Horangi
011. Petplay + Humiliation - John "Soap" McTavish
012. Somnophilia - Keegan P. Russ
013. Size Difference - John Price
014. Orgasm Denial - Gary "Roach" Sanderson
015. Temperature Play - Simon "Ghost" Riley
016. Double Penetration in one holes - Alejandro Vargas + Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra
017. Threesome or Moresome - Philip Graves + The Shadows
018. Spanking + Scent Kink - Simon "Ghost" Riley
019. Uniform - Simon "Ghost" Riley
020. Mind Control - König
021. Panties + Lingerie - Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
022. Thigh fucking + Bondage - Keegan P. Russ
023. Collaring + Deepthroating - Keegan P. Russ
024. Sex Toys - Gary "Roach" Sanderson
025. Pregnancy - John Price
026. Masturbation + Overstimulation - Keegan P. Russ
027. Double Penetration in two holes - John “Soap” McTavish + Simon “Ghost” Riley
028. Mommy Kink + Cockbugle - Simon “Ghost” Riley
029. Breathplay - John “Soap” McTavish
030. Free Use + Overstimulation - TaskForce 141
031. Free Choice - Gary "Roach" Sanderson
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keegan-dolsen · 6 months
holiday prompt → louise dolsen.
001. under the mistletoe—
Louise has always been on the pickier side when it came to who's lips have gotten to grace her. What? She could be what some consider to be picky. If she had to retrace her steps, she'd say one of her first kisses due to mistletoe would certainly have had be Willa to the ooooh's of those around them. A quick kiss to Emmett Newbury. A sloppier one by an intoxicated Damon. And of course, her latest one had to be J.
002. in front of the fireplace, cuddled up under a blanket with a hot drink.
That would certain by J Winston, a first in quite some time due to his philanthropic efforts aboard. As for what's running through her mind in those more quiet instances, a sense of calm. Gratitude. She has her boyfriend back by her side— she can intertwine her fingers with his, she can curl her fingers through his curls, she can poke him playfully. She didn't realize how much she missed that until she had it back.
003. snowed in from a heavy snow storm.
off of the top of her head- who she'd like to be stuck in a room with from rosewood; 1. her twin brother; alfie. her best friend, who else can say their best friend was born with them? 2. tahani parkinson. she's an actual supermodel. the amount of questions she has ready to ask her. 3. prince balcoin. if only to begin planning out his outfits for his upcoming promotional tour. 4. chan balcoin. because she has no idea what his deal is, and that's something she doesn't do well with. 5. two-bit. she has no idea why her fathers and he avoid each other like the plague.
004. at a busy dinner table, food piled on the center and family chaos ensuing around the house.
It certainly depends on where it is that they spend the holidays. Growing up, her fathers often did the holidays aboard so their holiday dinners were quite glamorous affairs. Something that even in her younger age, she came to realize was quite unique to her family. Now, if their holidays plans kept them in Rosewood, it was very much an extended family affair at the Dunn household as Kirby and his family are certainly the glue that kept everyone together when they all found themselves in Rosewood in the future.
005. standing in front of the christmas tree, decorating it with an assortment of baubles, lights and tinsel.
I think that would have been a Cristiano job, but Louise is very much her fathers daughter so she picked up his knack for putting together a stellar tree over the years. I think now a days, she's very much the project manager and the men in her family have simply accepted that fact.
006. setting out snacks for santa and his reindeers. don't forget the milk and cookies for christmas hardest workers!
Keegan, hands down. But I also believe there was a year, the family found the cookies eaten and that most definitely was Alfie's doing.
007. at the mall, waiting in line to sit on santa's lap and spill your christmas gift wishes. will you be deemed naughty or nice?
I want to say that Louise certainly belongs on the nice list. Whilst she can be snobby and her opinions might be a bit harsh at times, she truly has people's best interest at heart at the end of the day.
008. exchanging and open gifts, anticipating what gift they may get. is it something cool or just another pair of socks?
Her first designer object would be her most cherished christmas gift. An emerald green quilted chanel purse gifted to her by Lana.
009. auditions are now open for the town christmas extravaganza !!!
Louise is not one of the lucky few that has the voice of an angel. Her position would have surely be more the managerial variety. She certainly ran a Rosewood production like if she was running the navy, much to the dismay of everyone behind the scenes.
010. in the trenches of snow forts, amidst a war of a snow fight! who will win?  
Oh, she's definitely one of those person who acts as if they are above such things as snowball fights, until one comes hurling her way and then it's full on war.
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dueladoe · 1 year
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✰    DUELADOE    —    INDEPENDENT,                PRIVATE,                AND                SELECTIVE                DUELA    DENT    DOE                of                gotham    knights,            written            as            an            original            character            with            minimal            comic            influence,                penned                by                hales.
inbox: 4 queue: twice a day
001. you can call hales, and i’m 21+. i will not interact with anyone under 18 for my own peace of mind. if i find out you've lied about your age, you will be hard blocked.   002. i am mutuals only and only follow people i intend to interact with. if i follow you, i am interested in roleplaying with you. 003. please do not control my character, and i won’t control your character. no godmodding. if you would like to do something or plot something out, PLEASE message me. 004. just ask if you need me to tag something for you, i’m more than happy to. i’ll do my best to tag everything, but i may slip up, so just pop into my dms or inbox and i’ll get it taken care of. 005. i do not own, or claim to own, duela dent. i am simply playing a character that i like. the only thing that i own are my headcanons and my writing. i am not affiliated with olivia rose keegan. 006. if you get blocked, please do not message me. i reserve the right to curate my online experience and set boundaries. this is not up for debate. 007. if you hate joshua bassett, keep that shit to yourself. that's embarrassing for you. dni. if you don't like him, he's on your banned list, you change his character's faceclaims, just stay the fuck away because i am not the one that's about to deal with that. you can have your opinions of him but i will be choosing to not entertain it. thanks. 008. i won't follow anyone who doesn't have a name or age somewhere on their blog. 009. i am so into ship dynamics and love to explore new relationships, so if you think your muse and duela might be a good fit, hit me up in the ims. 011. if you reply using the legacy editor, i will drop the thread.
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la-duvalin · 2 years
Hello there! Welcome to my little blog ♡
Hello there! I mostly repost things about my interests but from time to time I write and post little fics then and there, so feel free to stay <3
Requests are: CLOSED
Sorry my dudes but for now I won't be receiving requests until I finish the ones I have pendant, tho do please check out my Coming Soon List if you wanna ♡
But for the moment you can read some of my fics, here is the list for the characters I write for, list that serves as a masterlist as well and that comes with a couple of rules at the end:
Batman/Bruce Wayne (The Batman 2022)
Edward Nashton (The Batman 2022)
Edward Nygma (Batman Arkahm series)
Maxwell Lord (WW84)
Azrael (Batman Arkham series)
Daredevil (Daredevil series 2015-2018)
Stephen Grant, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley
Arthur Harrow
Star Wars
Darth Maul (Clone Wars)
Savage Opress
Din Djarin
Brahms Heelshire (The Boy)
Thomas Hewitt 
Scar (AvP)
AP (The Predator 2018)
The Grabber
Feral (Prey 2022)
Wolf (AvP Requiem)
Hannibal (NBC)
Will Graham
Bedelia DuMaurier
Alana Bloom
Stranger things
Eddie Munson
Henry Creel/ Peter Ballard (001)
Dimitri "Enzo" Antonov
Robin Buckley
Call of Duty
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Detroit: Become Human
Please be specific with everything that you want please!!
I´ll write fluff, angst, smut (yes non con and dub con are an option as well), dark fics (the darker the better please don't hold back and be disgusting if you wanna), however, nothing with p¡ss or vom¡t or crap please, from there on all kinks are accepted and I´ll do my best to please y´all.
ALSO...I if you want pure fluff with no angst and/or smut, etc, it will ONLY be for Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley and Ralph, for all the other characters it´ll have to be fluff with that little plus of something else.
Edit: if you can and want, do tell me the gender of the reader and pronouns if possible!! And if it´s smut you ask for, please be specific wiith your kinks or specific things you might want or if you want me to not put one (no need to explain why) because I also might add a kink or two to the thing, so the more specific the better <3
My ao3 ♡
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kaqeyamas · 4 years
To say that Kari felt like she was wasting her life away would have been an understatement. Constant dread seemed to fill her cubicle, and there wasn’t a day that went by without hopes of finding some place better to make a living. But, it was decent money, and she had spent years collecting gradual raises and mediocre bumps in position. She was finally making enough to support her father and their home without worry. 
That day, however, Kari was extremely on edge, and she couldn’t quite place why. It seemed as ordinary as any other day, and yet, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. Very wrong. 
She’d been at her desk, a coffee cup in one hand as she skimmed through the old emails she’d neglected for so long, free hand deleting the ones that were doing little more than clogging space in her folder, when she heard a thud. Peeking past her cubicle opening, she wondered where the sound had come from, or what it could have been, noting that it almost sounded like somebody had fallen. Still, that hadn’t been enough to pull her away from her hot mug of decaf. But, a scream certainly was.
She stood quickly, alert as her sense came alive, eyes darting in every direction. A few other employees did the same, and the Keegan, the man in the adjacent cubicle, turned his attention to the dark haired girl. “You heard that, too. Right?” He questioned, to which she merely nodded. “Sounds like it might’a came from downstairs.” He was right. It had been faint, but there was no denying what it had been. Just as she was about to sit back down, terror ran through the building, a loud crash followed by more shrill screaming and commotion. This prompted a few people to leave their desks, heading for the front door, while some immediately hid in their work spaces. Kari, however, chose a different route, noting that the floor manager was still in his office, seemingly undisturbed -- and while she couldn’t stand the guy, she wondered if maybe he knew what was going on. 
If not, at least his door locked. 
“I’ll be back,” She assured Keegan, though her tone was evident that she wasn’t so sure, as she hesitantly crossed the room, knocking only once on Kingston’s office door before letting herself in. She’d had every intention of simply asking him what he knew, until the screaming grew louder. Closer. Whatever was happening, it was on their floor. And that worry, that anxiety in the pit of Kari’s stomach twisted in knots, as she locked the door behind her and took a few steps back, as though somebody might kick in the wooden surface at any given moment. 
“Do you know what’s going on?” She questioned, back against the farthest wall by this point, fear taking over her actions more than anything else. 
✿ a starter for @drvcifers​ !
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unsccnangcl · 4 years
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location: hemlock police station 
time: ten oh-four am, december sixteenth twenty-nineteen 
mentioned: @ofaurclia, @edcns, @heartofgolds, @ofreligion, @covingtonhqs
sometimes it annoyed ella, how obviously threadbare she looked. she knew she was a mess, willowy and pale, like a strong breeze could blow her over. when she was a little girl, all silent and trembling and wide grey eyes, people treated her like she might be sickly, asked her if she was cold or hungry or needed anything. she looked like someone you should take care of, even now. and it annoyed her, especially because she knew it wasn’t out of genuine care for her, but out of pity. 
somehow, though, she didn’t think detective watson pitied her, and when he offered her a blanket, ella took it without question, wrapping it around her shoulders, clutching her old, plastic crows water bottle she got during frosh week in her skeletal hands. besides, she kind of needed the comfort right now; ever since melanie- well, a pit had opened in her stomach that was impossible to fill. she’d thought being turned down made her feel e m p t y, but now… on the best of days, ella always felt in the back of her head, but now it was like she’d fully pulled away. she could barely feel the cold of her water bottle against the tips of her fingers. and when she returned into her body even slightly, everything hurt so thoroughly, in a way she couldn’t describe. 
she managed to shoot the nice old man a smile as he settled himself down, getting himself ready to ask her a few questions. the hemlock police chief stood stoically behind him, and ella tried to forget he was there. the detective twirled the pen in his fingers, and shot her a smile in turn. “let’s begin.” 
“ can you tell me, to the best of your memory, what happened on the night of december 13, 2019? ” 
ella swallowed, blinking down to her feet, before looking back up at the detective. “well, um… my, my roommate, rosemary. rosemary keegan, i mean. she, uh, she told me that the debate team was having a party that night and… and i don’t usually go to parties so i didn’t think anything of it. she was going, so i decided i was gonna read wuthering heights that night- i read it every christmas, it helps me get into the holiday spirit.” 
“but,” ella said with a sigh, “i’d barely gotten started before my friend eden, um, lennox-montgomery, texted me at about…” she bit her lip, “hold on, could i please check the timestamp on my phone?” she didn’t know why she felt the need to ask, but she did. this was a detective, after all. when detective watson gave her the go-ahead, ella said, “thank you,” and pulled her phone out of the purse at her feet, scrolling through the texts. “um, at six-seventeen pm. she texted me asking if i was going to the debate team party at the estate, and she…” ella trailed off, sliding her phone under her thigh, and one hand with it. “eden is my friend, and she wants me to, like… get out more.” she manages a weak smile. “she’s way cooler than me. anyways, she… she offered to do my makeup and stuff so i went to her place. we had dinner and… and went to the party together.” 
“i spent most of my time ghosting eden, and sat on the couch when she danced. i mean, she made me dance a couple times, but…” she trailed off, biting her lip. she could feel the hurt stabbing at her stomach, and it was stupid that this still hurt, even with melanie… being gone. “something, uh, something upset her after a little while, and we left the main area at like… ten thirty-ish? but, um…” she swallowed, looking away, remembering how eden had asked her to leave, the way her gut twisted, the hurt plain on her face, “she asked me to go, and i,” she laughed, “i went back to the party, trying not to cry, though i… i did, eventually. i cried in the bathroom for, like, forty-five minutes, and, um, one of melanie’s roommates gave me a handkerchief, it was really nice of her. uh, michal… something. her name’s michal.” 
she shrugged, “and by the time i left the bathroom… or, like, a few minutes later, apparently something was on fire, and everyone was leaving. i was back home by twelve-thirty.” in finishing, she nodded, watching detective watson make his notes with some nerves, sucking at her teeth. she’d sucked her thumb until she was four years old. 
“ did you see anything unusual that night? was anyone acting out of the ordinary? ”
“um.” it niggled at the back of her brain, what she’d left out, but she… she still didn’t have a good feeling about it. still… melanie was- gone. no, dead. melanie was dead, she might have been murdered, and… tears pooled in ella’s eyes, and she brought the heel of her hand up to wipe at them. “sorry, i… i did see something. when, when eden…” she took a deep breath, “when i followed eden out the house, um,” when her friend was ranting about melanie, melanie, melanie, “aurelia choi came out after her and… and eden asked me to leave, so i left.” ella shrugged, wiping at her eyes again, the color rising in her cheeks. “i didn’t know… why. i still don’t, but… yeah.” 
she looked down at her lap, and realized she’d been opening and closing the water bottle spout the entire time she’s been speaking. she shut it one final time, before sliding her other hand under her thigh, both of them pinned under her legs, ella curled in over herself. “i didn’t… i didn’t see eden for the rest of the night, but i saw aurelia again at… i don’t know, i went to the bathroom to cry right after i talked to her. it was less than an hour later, probably half an hour after i left eden. anyways, i- when i saw her, i had to ask where eden was, if she’d gone home or something but aurelia didn’t… didn’t answer me.” aurelia was an expert at brushing ella off. she paused for a moment, adding, “and then, of course, the fire happened, but. i didn’t really see it. everyone just ran out of the estate and i was trying not to get trampled, y’know?” 
ella reached for the tissues, patting under her eyes and wiping at her nose. melanie was dead, and she was too scared to ask eden about that night, and… and ella just felt useless, useless. what more could she do with for the detective? 
“ can you tell me more about your relationship with melanie? ”
she laughed wetly, “i… i think you know too much about my relationship with melanie, detective watson.” she blew her nose into the tissue, before primly folding it up, looking around the room for a moment before she stood up a little bit, just to reach the waste paper basket. 
“well, um… we took, uh, phil 101 together. and she sat next to me and… and asked me for notes and stuff.” looking back on it, it seemed silly, that ella would ever think that was flirting. but nobody talked to ella, especially not in first year. especially not bright, beautiful girls like melanie. 
“and i… i saw her more and more and i… i had, or, um,” she cleared her throat, face bright red at the confession but… well, the detective already knew, didn’t he? “still have a massive crush on her. i… i’m-,” obsessed with her, “i guess infatuated with her, is the best term.” ella didn’t even dare say l o v e, because then that… felt too much. she couldn’t call something so silly, so pointless, so greedy love. “even today, i...” her voice shook, her throat tightening, “i still have those feelings for her.” 
she grabbed at her water bottle, snapping it open and taking a few long sips, just to calm herself. just to have a point of focus so she didn’t feel like she was spiraling out of control like an unspooling sweater. “i’m sorry, i’m fine, i just…” the look in detectie watson’s eyes killed her, and finally, a sob burst out. “it’s just… she’s gone, and she…” she shook her head, burying her face in her hands. her water bottle fell to the floor, and she scrambled for it with trembling hands as it spilled upon the ground. “i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i’m-.” she snapped it shut, putting it back on the table between them. “i’m just… i don’t know what to do. i feel so empty and like…” 
ella took a gasping breath. “she had… she had so much- she was gonna do so much.” melanie was going to save the world, ella had been sure of it. “she was so much, everyone- everyone loved her and i…” she gasped and whimpered, and she realized how close she was to hyperventilating. what use could she possibly be? “i just want to help, but i don’t know how, but i… whoever did this, if someone did this,” because it didn’t make sense to her, melanie being murdered. “i just… i want to know why. if there is a why.” 
for a long while, the room was just filled with the sound of ella’s sobs. 
“ do you have any reason to believe that someone would want to hurt melanie? ”
ella shook her head, feeling worn out, rung out, an old dish towel where her brain should be. “i… i don’t think so.” even eden wouldn’t have it in her, ella thought. she didn’t think she knew anyone capable of murder. “everyone loves her, she’s…” the sun of the solar system, the light at the end of the tunnel, brilliant and beautiful and unreachable and life-giving and every pretty metaphor you could ever imagine. almost calmly, so quiet, ella admitted with eyes faraway, “she’s everything.” 
“ do you have any questions about how the case will proceed? ”
ella’s gaze flickered back to the detective. she had questions, so many questions, but… but they crumbled like ashes in her mouth, like they always did. useless, she was u s e l e s s. “my… my mom wants to know why we have to stay, but…” ella shrugs, going shy. “i don’t know, could you please call her or something? because she doesn’t believe me.” she’d texted her mom she wouldn’t be coming home for christmas the night before, and her mother called, chewing her out for nearly two hours. she had thought to beg the detective if she could leave, but… she had a duty here. as a citizen, as someone who loved melanie. she had to do all she could to solve this mystery. 
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voidgriff · 4 years
𝖙𝖆𝖘𝖐 #001 ⇢ the  interrogation
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mentioned:  @covingtonhqs​ , @hauntingfm​ , @heartofgolds​ , @ofreligion​ , @cagcdbirds​ , @of-apples​ , @ofconstellctions​
after  melanie’s  death,  griffin  sincerely  figured  that  she’d  be  brought  in  for  some  sort  of  investigation  and  questioning.  not  only  was  she  at  the  party  and  part  of  the  chosen  twenty  two,  but  she  had  a  close  relationship  with  melanie.  hell,  they  lived  together.  while  she  found  comfort  in  the  fact  that  she  was  familiar  with  the  process  of  an  investigation,  she  truly  couldn’t  get  the  butterflies  out  of  her  stomach.  talking  about  melanie  always  tugged  at  the  void  inside  of  her,  but  there  was  no  way  in  hell  she  was  going  to  consciously  let  herself  shut  down.  just  like  any  other  situation,  griffin  put  on  her  calm  and  collected  mask  and  did  her  damn  best  to  keep  it  up.  practice  makes  perfect.  
can  you  tell  me,  to  the  best  of  your  memory,  what  happened  on  the  night  of  december  13,  2019?
“i  heard  about  the  party  first  from  my  friend  wolfgang  beaumont  a  little  while  after  they  decided  to  have  it.  he  texted  me  like,  an  hour  after,  hold  on,”  griffn  started  to  explain,  but  paused  to  grab  her  phone  from  her  bag  and  pull  up  the  texts.  “yeah,  6:24.  i  texted  back  a  typical  ‘congrats!  always  down  for  a  party’,  made  some  dinner,  and  started  getting  ready.  i  showed  up  at  like,  8:40.  i  wanted  to  get  out  of  my  apartment  as  soon  as  i  could  because  michal  and  melanie  had  a  fight  and  the  vibes...  just  weren’t  right.  i  felt  a  little  awkward  getting  there  so  early,  so  i  just  helped  put  out  some  last  minute  drinks,  talked  to  wolfie  a  little  bit,  and  waited  for  some  of  my  other  friends  to  show  up,”  griffin  began,  nodding  her  head  along  to  her  final  words.
“once  the  party  got  started,  i  just  mingled  around  and  danced,  but  hung  out  with  some  friends  for  a  good  amount  of  time.  lot  kang, cordelia  underhill,  and  rosemary  keegan  if  you  need  names.  i  was  with  rosemary  at  first,  but  left  to  get  drinks  once  she  met  up  with  some  other  friends.  i  hung  out  in  the  kitchen  for  a  while  and  talked  to  my  friend  maisie  for  a  little,  but  then  i  ended  up  finding  lot.  we  thought  somebody  stole  his  skateboard  so  we  were  wandering  around  try  to  find  it  for  a  hour  basically.  i  left  just  before  midnight  since  i  was  exhausted  and  whatever  they  put  in  the  jungle  juice  wasn’t  sitting  well  in  my  stomach.  i  was  back  in  my  dorm  before  that  fire  even  started.  i  heard  about  it  online  when  i  woke  up  the  next  morning,  honestly.”
did  you  see  anything  unusual  that  night?  was  anyone  acting  out  of  the  ordinary?
“the  only  thing  that  comes  to  mind  happened  before  the  party.  like  i  mentioned  before,  michal,  my  other  roommate,  and  melanie  got  in  a  fight.  i  was  doing  my  makeup  in  my  room  and  suddenly  they  just  started...  yelling  at  each  other.  i  had  music  playing  so  i  couldn’t  tell  if  they  were  talking  beforehand,  but  it  was  just  very  sudden  because  they  were  close  and  never  really  fought,”  griffin  explained,  taking  a  second  to  pause.  “it  was  unusual,  yeah,  but  i  don’t  think  it  had  anything  to  do  with  what  happened  that  night.  michal  would  never  do...  that  to  melanie.  if  there  was  something  unusual  about  that  night  that  i  picked  up  on,  it  had  to  be  that.  other  than  that,  everybody  else  seemed  fine.”
can  you  tell  me  more  about  your  relationship  with  melanie?
"i  mean,  we  were  roommates.  we  met  freshman  year  at  orientation  and  she  was  the  first  friend  i  made  at  covington.  we  became  pretty  good  friends  after  that  and  would  hang  out:  study  dates,  movie  nights,  you  know?”  while  griffin  was  doing  a  stellar  job  with  keeping  her  guard  up,  it  now  started  to  falter.  even  though  she  wanted  to  remain  strong  when  talking  about  melanie,  those  last  words  got  caught  in  her  throat.  hot  tears  started  to  form  in  her  eyes,  but  she  blinked  them  back  before  they  could  surface. she  could  feel  her  hands  start  to  shake  and  she  clasped  them  together  before  setting  the  in  her  lap.  “i  didn’t  have  a  great  time  with  my  freshman  year  roommate  really  and  since  i  was  the  closest  to  mel  out  of  anyone,  i  asked  her.  she  said  yeah  and  we  lived  together  after  that.  we  were  really  close  after  that,  you  know,”  griffin  added,  voice  faltering  before  taking  another  pause.  “she  was  one  of  my  best  friends  and  this  whole  thing  just...  sucks.  it’s  horrible.”
do  you  have  any  reason  to  believe  that  someone  would  want  to  hurt  melanie?
griffin  took  a  second  to  answer  this  question,  trying  to  fully  collect  herself  after  her  emotional  breach.  “no,  i  really  don’t  think  there  is  a  logical  reason  that  someone  would  do  this.  most  everybody  adored  her,  they  really  did.  i  mean,  i  know  some  people  didn’t  like  melanie  and  had  their  differences  with  her,  but  i  never  thought  it  would  actually  make  someone  want  to  hurt  her.”  griffin  shook  her  head,  clearly  in  disbelief  by  the  idea  that  someone  would  indeed  hurt  melanie. 
do  you  have  any  questions  about  how  the  case  will  proceed?
“you  probably  can’t  answer  this,  but  the  fire...  did  that  have  to  do  with  any  of  this? other  than  that,  no.  i  don’t  think  i  have  any  questions.  thank  you  though.  i  hope  i  could  be  of  some  help.”
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atlantarisingrp · 5 years
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“Hello, and thank you for tuning in tonight—,” The Broadcaster began, straightening a stack of paper, as she looked the camera in the eye. “A deadly shooting has taken place at the southwest end of the city, as police officers have blocked off a section of old warehouses believed to be under ownership of the Dixie Mafia. We go to Evelyn Nayak, on the scene.”
The camera panned, focused on the woman holding the microphone behind her. “Thank you, Carol. As you can see, behind me stands a warehouse among many, but inside it police have found two women bound to chairs, their mouths duct taped. Both women have expressed to officers on scene that they were merely passing the warehouses when they caught sight of the robbery and went to investigate,”
“However, three people were killed prior to entry, a forty year old man believed to be walking with his two children, ages twelve and nine. Officers have withheld information as to names, whilst the investigation is ongoing.”
The thunder of sirens broke for a moment, as viewers watched the journalist turn, gesturing to a point where the camera zoomed in. “The Police Commissioner is on site, and has agreed to speak to us—”
The microphone panned, as Fredrik Lindahl came into view.
“Commissioner, can you tell the people who might be at fault for this attack?” Evelyn asked.
“Unfortunately this is an ongoing investigation believed to be gang-work, but there are many possibilities.” The man spoke, facing the camera, as he’d practiced this in the mirror beforehand. “All we can confirm is three dead bodies, and two fortunate enough to escape such a fate. Both women have been rushed to the hospital.”
“Have you any suspects in mind?”
“It’s far too early in the investigation to consider pointing fingers so soon at exactly who, but it is clear this is gang work.”
“Is there anything else yo—”
“I’m sorry, I really must go.”
A lull, as the journalist dropped the microphone sightly, before turning back to the camera. “I’ll hand it back to you, Carol, as the Commissioner said, this is ongoing, but suspected gang work.”
The sight of the scene, white tarp covering bodies, as it moved back to the broadcasting room.
“Thank you, Evelyn Nayak, everyone. We hope to have more for viewers at 11 pm.” 
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 
The Dixie Mafia has taken a hit, one of their warehouses housing military grade weaponry has been stolen by American Mob members Michael De Luca and Logan Legend, on the orders of Kalina Nguyen. All weaponry has been brought to the north end of Atlanta, where the American Mobs have an empty warehouse to store them temporarily. 
Calliope Grace and Keegan Calore have lied to officers and officials, saying that they were passing when in reality they were guarding it for the night after a tip off between members that someone was going to make a grab for the weapons. The extent of their injuries is UTP, but assume it was a jumping. The girls do not know who jumped them, just the assumption.
Logan Legend killed three people who stumbled upon them binding the women to chairs to avoid making more of a scene.
ALL OTHER PLAYERS not directly involved can assume they saw this broadcast as their first bout of information regarding the theft. 
Please note: the man part (the theft, jumping, murder) has already happened, and players can no play out the aftermath of it all.
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liliisms · 5 years
👸 2 k 1 8 review 👸
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001. What is your proudest accomplishment of this year? - Getting to make a speech about the power of body image at the Glamour Women of the Year Summit. As proud as I am of Riverdale (and I’m extremely proud), I have always wanted to use my voice for something useful. I’ve struggled with body acceptance my whole life, always self-conscious about my skin or thighs or boobs and it was only with the support from my family and friends that I finally learned how to become comfortable in my own body. Society and the media can be very damaging to young women and men’s self-esteem as they grow throughout the years and I wanted to use my platform to promote loving yourself for exactly who you are, imperfections and all. I’ve always tried to be genuine and true to myself and to get to be able to speak to so many people..well, it was truly a honor and I try to set an example everyday of what it means to love your body and your soul.
002. What is the biggest life lesson you learned this year? - I have the power to take control of how people make me feel. I don’t have to read the hateful comments. I don’t have to watch the videos insulting me and my friends just for them to get views. I can block people and turn away from spiteful people who think they have the right to talk about my life. I don’t owe anything anybody and the only person I should be trying to impress is myself. The minute I stopped caring about what people thought of me and started to live for myself, to make myself happy, is the minute a million of worries flitted away and I felt myself relaxing. I only get one life and I intend to live it the way I see fit.
003. What is one relationship (can be friendship) that has helped you survive this year? - I’m going to be predictable with this answer, but how can I say anybody but Cole @coleffs ? He’s truly been my rock. Not only in the sense of being there from day one of stepping into this crazy industry to learn how to handle the pressures that come with fame, but he’s also always been one hundred percent genuine with me. I’ve never had to be anyone but myself with him and to feel that love from him, to see how much he cared about me with no frills, no glitter, no pretending really helped me to also love myself even more. He’s taught me a lot - how to appreciate life a little deeper, how to take not take myself so seriously when I can get caught up in the little things, how to be patient and breathe when I feel myself trembling in fear of not living up to my potential. He sees the best in me, always and for that, he’s helped me to open myself up so many experiences. Falling in love is the scariest thing you can ever do and yet with him, he made is so easy and effortless. Cole’s been there through late nights, early mornings, crazy outings, quiet walks, and wild chaos and I’ve never seen him as anything other than imperfectly perfect. He’s truly my soul mate and the love of my life and I’d be lost without him.
004. Who or what do you need to let go of in order to make next year even better than this year? - I’m definitely going to focus less on social media and getting caught up in the drama that comes with comments and unwanted opinions, and focus more on the support that comes from the people I love. I also think I need to be more reckless - not in a bad way, but stop thinking about so much what will happen if I don’t make a certain decision and start thinking about what I could gain if I do.
005. What did you do this year that you’ve never done before? - Where do I start? Gone to Hawaii. Rode in a hot air balloon. Flew in a helicopter over mountains and had a picnic a thousand feet in the air. Was on a television soundtrack. I’m a very lucky girl.
006. What are three resolutions or goals you want to make happen next year? - 1) Bring Addy out to LA more, 2) Do more little things for Cole to surprise him, and 3) Try to get more product and business deals about ideas I support and care about.
007. Where did most of your money go this year? - Without a doubt, junk food and skin care products.
008. What song will always remind you of this year? - Can’t Help Falling in Love by Kina Grannis.
009. How will you be spending the last day of this year? - I think my friend Austyn and I are going on a little trip, but I’m not sure yet! I’ve yet to really set anything in stone.
010. Who is the best new person you’ve met this year? - Haley and Kiernan! They’ve really become two of my newest sisters. @hqhaleyluhoo & @keekshipka
001. What relationship (can be friendship) has been the most fun to write for your muse/s this year? - For Lili, writing SH with Vic has been incredibly sweet and I’m grateful she was willing to keep their relationship and that she’s stuck with me this long. I’m always waiting with bated breath for really amazing ship partners to drop me but she’s never made me feel anything less than wanted and appreciated, so it just makes the ship that much more precious to me. As for friendships, I always get a kick out of Lili/Saoirse. @irishxseahorse has such a great sense of humor and never fails to make me laugh.
For Keegan, the Treegan relationship wasn’t really a surprise but I was happy with how naturally it developed. You don’t always have chemistry even if your fc’s do in real life but Emily has been such a perfect Troian. Seeing as how I’ve played Troian for the majority of my RP years, I’m very picky with how people play her and Em fits the bill. ;) I love that it’s not rushed, it’s going at a very easy and natural pace, and how willing Emily always is to talk to me and to keep my muse high with cute muse inspo. And for friendships, Keegan/Lizzie! @ohlizzo Be prepared for 2019, Sadie. Keegan’s gonna worm his way into Lizzie’s heart.
And on Munro, I’ve been lucky enough to sort of ship with Vic again with Munro/Cristine. We decided to give them a shot and I love the messy friends with benefits plot. I can’t wait to focus on them more and hopefully do more with them next year. I also really love Munro and Natalia’s friendship. @itsnataliadyr Eena is the actual sweetest and I adore how immediately playful their interactions became. I always look forward to replying to her and love her Natalia.
002. In what ways do you connect to your muse/s? - Out of all of them, I think I connect to Lili the most not only because she’s the only female muse, but also because we’re both fellow Virgos. I’m a big astrology nerd and I believe your sign impacts your personality so I feel like she’s a kindred spirit to me in a way. She’s definitely as impulsive with her words as I am and we both share the same sense of humor. With Keegan, I relate deeply to his sensitivity and his love for cats because I am the biggest cat lady and would have a million cats if I could. He also wears his heart on his sleeve and I do too. And with Munro..he’s probably the muse I have the least in common with but we do share a love for geekdom so that’s fun!
003. What’s your favorite category to write for your muse/s? (angst, fluff, smut, etc.) - I haven’t been able to write much smut here because not everybody is comfortable writing it (which is totally cool) but smut & angst is probably my favorite to write because I feel like that’s where I shine. I don’t know what that says about me but..Those are my top two categories where I get the most compliments on my writing. Obviously fluff is great and we all know I can wax on forever with mushy and sappy stuff..
004. If you could give your muse/s one gift, what would you give them? - I can’t afford anything for them, but if I could, I’d give her the Chipotle black card because she seems to really want it. Or a sponsorship by Dominos. I’d also love to give her a big hug and tell her how much I admire her, and how much her words mean to me. It’s so nice to be a fan of a woman who isn’t afraid to speak her mind and who promotes loving yourself and not being ashamed if you’re a little different from everyone else.
For Keegan, I’d give him notebooks and demand he write more songs and scripts and cast Troian in all of them. I’d also give him another kitten friend because who doesn’t want more kittens?
And for Munro, I’d beg him to get Instagram just so I can know what he’s up to! Seriously though, Munro seems like a simple guy but I’d give him Lion King tickets and then make him go with me so I can hide in his arms when Mufasa dies. NOT READY, NEVER READY.
005. What was your favorite event/moment/memory in HollywoodlandHQ this year? - Is it cheesy if I say when we opened? I was really excited and so proud and I felt like I finally crossed something off my bucket list. I wanted a safe place for the people I loved to create and write. I also loved the Halloween event! Anything a little spooky, I love. 
006. What muse/s have you enjoyed most seeing on this dash this year? - Lizzie is one of my favorites simply because I think Sadie writes her perfectly, and I always love seeing my ship partners on the dash because my stomach gets all fuzzy and I know good things are gonna happen.
007. What is your favorite thing your muse/s have done this year in the group? (can be in the real world or what you made up) - For Lili, it’s been the gift of all the pictures she’s released. She’s gorgeous, she’s real, and I love all the content she blesses us with. I’m also so proud of her work on Riverdale this year. She stepped up her game.
Keegan hasn’t done much but Million Miles Away was a jam and his podcast was great! In the group, I obviously was happy when he finally kissed Troian. ;) @itstbellisario
And Munro seems to have booked a lot of new projects so I’m excited for them to come out. His performance in Knuckleball is INCREDIBLE and just proves how good of an actor he is.
008. What would you like to see in HollywoodlandHQ in 2019? - Apart from events that pair up people who don’t interact much (which seems to be the biggest want), I’d love more themed events. I’d love supernatural!week, AU!week, holiday events, even more events like the earthquake that affects the whole group and not a select group of people. I also love when memes are done, even if we still need to improve on everyone playing them fairly. Memes that set up plots and help further IC drama will be worked on too. And obviously, I really want the group to keep growing! 
009. What is a plot you would love to do with your muse/s? - I’d love to do something dramatic with Lili - she’s clearly got a steady head on her shoulders and I don’t want to make her too OOC, but writing her struggle with something whether that be a relationship with somebody or with herself would be great with character development. 
With Keegan, I’m excited to work out his growing relationship with Troian. I can’t wait to write out all the beginnings of a ship and see what comes from it.
And with Munro, I’d really just like him to have more connections. I’d love to see more Degrassi fc’s in the group but also get him involved with more people. He’s a really goofy guy and he’s also loyal af, so he’d be great for friendship plots. Also, him developing something with Cristine and maybe fucking it up a little would be good drama!
010. Tag somebody in the RP and say something nice about them. It’s the season of giving. - To my fellow admins @diannahq, @elizajanetc, @itsgenevievegnt, @ohlizzo, @sebffs and @hcurly - I love you. I appreciate you SO much. You guys do tireless (and sometimes thankless) work to make this place running and an accepting place for everybody. Thanks for the Discord chats, the support for real life and roleplay, and always willing to step up and make this the greatest damn group in the game.
Katie - Even when I’m married, you’ll have my Netflix and Hulu password. Thanks for being the Lucy to my Troian, the Goose to my Shmian, and the Manny to my Emma. I love you. You’re always there for me, and you’re always keeping me honest and inspire me to be a better person.
KJ - I love you too and thank you for always believing in me and loving me more than I do myself. I can’t wait for another year of friendship with you.
Eena - You’re the best advice giver and the best ear to talk to. You always make me smile and nobody’s softer or kinder than you. I love you, you gentle soul.
Sadie - You’re a woman of mystery but we love you anyways. You’re probably our group mama and you keep us in line. You’re also incredibly supportive and talented.
Laura - I hope to get to know you even better in 2019! You’re always a sweetheart.
Nikki - I love your big heart and your willingness to do whatever to make everyone feel comfortable. You’re too pure for us.
Sam @theflashgrant @yochriswood - I’ve known you for so long and each year, my love for you grows stronger. I love the person you are and the person you’re becoming. You truly inspire me with your strength and if there’s anyone worthy of good things happening to them, it’s you. Thanks for always making me laugh and being there for me. I’m ride or die for you, lady.
My ship partners @coleffs @crisprosperi @itstbellisario - you two keep me inspired to log on here every day and I thank you for putting up with me. I love the relationships we’ve created and I love that you love them as much as I do. Thank you for the muse posts, the songs, the memes, and the IMs. Thank you for also being my friends. I’d be lost without you two. I love our babies and I can’t wait to see what we do in 2019.
Ally @hqmaia - <333333333333 is really all I can say. We may not ship here but 2019 is gonna be great for our ships too. I’m so happy you’re in this group as well!
My fellow Riverdale-ians @hqcami @kjapayo @hqmads @coleffs @hqnessa @ulrichisms - You guys are the greatest pretend co-workers ever. Riverdale forever. <3 Thank you for letting me live out the friendships I love and being so amazing at all of your roles.
And to all of the members, who I consider my family - without you, this group wouldn’t work. You all belong here. You all are safe here. And you all are loved here. Thank you for doing this meme and giving us feedback and spreading positivity. I couldn’t be prouder to be your admin and to write with you. I’m the luckiest RPer ever.
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itstbellisario · 5 years
a year in review ; 2018.
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look at where you are ; look at where you started. 
001. What is your proudest accomplishment of this year?
Buying my own house and getting settled into it before the year ended.
002. What is the biggest life lesson you learned this year?
Everything happens for a reason.
003. What is one relationship (can be friendship) that has helped you survive this year?
I’m going to break the rule and choose three friendships.
@hqkeegan you know how I feel about you. Thank you for being such a safe place to land all of the time, but mostly towards the end of this year. You brought a smile back to my face and have made me happier than you could even know.
@ohlizzo at this point you’re basically family and I adore you. Thank you for always having my back and for being so protective of me. I love you with my whole heart.
@lucyshq my sweet Goose. I adore you and I am so thankful to you for taking me under your wing and letting me stay in your home. You’re little but you’re big.
004. Who or what do you need to let go of in order to make next year even better than this year?
I need to let go of my past relationship and make peace with it because I’ll be doomed in 2019 if I don’t.
005. What did you do this year that you’ve never done before?
I attended the royal wedding and it was incredible. 
006. What are three resolutions or goals you want to make happen next year?
1. Spend more time with my family. 2. Keep writing and creating.  3. Put myself back out there and do more directing and acting.
007. Where did most of your money go this year?
My new house. 
008. What song will always remind you of this year?
Thank U, Next by @ariagrans because it was such a bop and really resonated with me.
009. How will you be spending the last day of this year?
I’ll be spending the last day of this year with Keegan exploring New York City during the day and then enjoying the Masquerade party at night. I’m really looking forward to ending the year and beginning the new year with him.
010. Who is the best new person you’ve met this year?
The entire Riverdale cast honestly. I see so much of my PLL cast mates and I in them. Some of them are even younger than we were when we started PLL but I just adore them and their show that gives me such nostalgic feels sometimes. Keep being fabulous babes. You’re doing great things and you’re all cute as buttons. 
@liliisms @hqcami @hqnessa @coleffs @kjapayo @hqmads & yes, even you @ulrichisms​
001. What relationship (can be friendship) has been the most fun to write for your muse/s this year?
The relationship forming between Keegan and Troian has been so fun, but I’ve also been enjoying the friendship between Lizzie and Troian as well as Cami and Troian and Lili and Troian and just every character that I have some how made be Troian’s friend. FRIENDSHIP IS SO IMPORTANT GUYS.
The relationship between Brett and Haley is a fun one as well, but I’ve also been loving the friendship between Keegan and Haley because I love writing with Becca. Plus Haley’s friendship with Lili and Cole and Cami and Grant and Danielle have also been fun to explore. I LOVE FRIENDSHIP OKAY?
002. In what ways do you connect to your muse/s?
I feel like I connect most with Troian through her sense of humor and the way she cares for her friends and those around her. I also really connected with Spencer Hastings and always felt drawn to her so that too I guess.
I feel like I connect most with Haley’s bubbly and caring personality. I care so deeply for those in my life and I’m just as energetic and crazy as she is. She’s a bit more brave than me but I really feel that we connect well together.
003. What’s your favorite category to write for your muse/s? (angst, fluff, smut, etc.)
004. If you could give your muse/s one gift, what would you give them?
I would give Troian a hug and some mistletoe so she can finally plant one on Keegan (if I had posted this before Christmas it would have made more sense hehe).
I would give Haley more crocheting stuff and maybe a wedding date (hehe jk).
005. What was your favorite event/moment/memory in HollywoodlandHQ this year?  
The Autumn Retreat was fun and I’ve also just enjoyed learning about new celebrities that I had either never heard about or knew nothing about before coming here.
006. What muse/s have you enjoyed most seeing on this dash this year?
Love me some Lizzie Olsen, Camila Mendes, Lili Reinhart, Keegan Allen, Grant Gustin, Melissa Benoist, Cole Sprouse, Lucy Hale and honestly just everyone. I’m obsessed with all of you. Please never leave.
007. What is your favorite thing your muse/s have done this year in the group? (can be in the real world or what you made up)
008. What would you like to see in HollywoodlandHQ in 2019?
More events where you get randomly paired up with someone!
009. What is a plot you would love to do with your muse/s?
Mama!Troian. I need it, but not like tomorrow. Just like in the future.
Maybe something angsty with Haley and Brett or Mama!Haley honestly even though she’s super young lol.
010. Tag somebody in the RP and say something nice about them. It’s the season of giving.
@liliisms​ Becca, you are my RP soulmate and you are the absolute sweetest soul. You care so much for everyone around you and you take your time with each of your characters and write them in such beautiful ways. Thank you for being a wonderful friend and ship partner.
@brettdicr Rose, your love for Brett is inspiring and I am forever indebted to you for bringing Brett here. I can’t imagine playing Haley without Brett so I’m very thankful for you. Can’t wait to see what shenanigans our babies get up to in the new year. Love ya.
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hqtbells-blog · 7 years
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ignore the hubby part pls.
happy birthday, mr. allen
Before you panic at how your entire house is covered in gifts - don’t. Today is your day. Your day to be spoiled rotten, and showered in love. Accept it, embrace it, enjoy it. And know that I love you with every inch of my body. Happy 30th, my Simba. @supitskeegs
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again, ignore the husband and pretend it says keegan!!
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001. A present from the year you were born. 1987. Legend of Zelda is turning 30, and so are you! 
002. Jar of candy, 30 pieces exactly.
003. When you need a little music inspiration.
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004.  What all the stylish swimmers need.
005. Just a few goodies..(Inside also include ‘coupons’ because that is Troian’s shit, for ‘Blow out your candles for a birthday wish! (I’ll make it come true), ‘Full body massage’, ‘Shopping day wherever you want to go (I’ll hold the bags this time)’, ‘Dance party’, and ‘Movie night of your choice’.
006. Thirty dollars!
007. And a hundred and dirty to your favorite charity.
008. Framed photo of these two.
009. Just in case you need some help, grandpa. You ARE thirty now! ;)
010. It’s tradition.
011. Gotta stay stylish.
012. Chocolate never goes out of style.
013. I’ve included my own little notes in the margins. Don’t worry - I already pre-ordered another copy. ;)
014. For the next movie night!
015. Quarters to hit the arcade up with. (Wrapped roll of 30 quarters)
016. Philly saved up money to buy you birthday presents. Unfortunately, he was determined you’d love all Toy Story stuff.
017. I thought this was pretty cool! Now you can show everybody your photos in a brand new way.
018. Because you in button downs is too good to pass up.
020. You’re never too old for a pinata. And your children told me they’re gonna help you. ;)
021. We’re gonna nerd out together.
022. Because this is all I know how to cook and I owe you a little “date” night.
023. But if I’m not around, help yourself! (and pretend the wine is something else, shh)
024. Do all of these. They don’t even have to be with me. (But I want to join too!) And make memories.
025. There is no limit to the sweets today.
026. Birthday. Sex.
027. You’re gonna grow your own food. It’s gonna taste delicious.
028. Min never has to leave you.
029. Each one can be exchanged for a real hug and kiss.
030. Did I mention you’re getting birthday sex?
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fortemcityrpg · 7 years
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+ Honest, Brave, Loyal, Clever - Naive, Reckless, Stubborn, Bitter
There are stories of a time before the fall of humanity but Daniel’s mother didn’t like telling them. No one really liked telling them but sometimes, when your future looks as bleak as your present life, relieving memories a slighter better past was the only way to make it through with any semblance of sanity. For the most Daniel didn’t mind it but, at the same time, he didn’t know any better. There were angry people almost everywhere he turned but this world, one where he was simple merchandise for a vampire and a toothpick to clean their canines with to the lycans, was the one he was born into– he didn’t have their hatred, their bitterness, their mourning; not yet anyways.
It wasn’t ideal, according to his mother, but as far as Daniel was concerned the vampire that his mother, himself, and a few other humans were owned by was a kind man. He’d heard stories of vampires that simply bought humans so they could hang from the walls, blood pouring down their bodies, as the creatures bathed and laughed in their blood beneath them like true monsters. His owner, Jericho, had never treated him or any of the other humans in his home in that way. Yes, Jericho fed from them but for the most part he was gentle about it. In fact some of the other humans used to whisper and gossip about the relationship Jericho had with Daniel when it came to feeding. He always took his time with the boy since the first time he drank his blood. His mother said it’s because her family was known to have rare blood types so the vampire was likely keeping him there longer to get the most out of him he could without killing the boy but the other humans in the house hold thought differently. They knew Jericho’s taste, and seeing as he started drinking from Daniel when he was twelve they began to hate the vampire for letting his own attractions deflower and destroy the innocence of someone so young.
They were wrong, Jericho never touched Daniel inappropriately; even as he grew older the vampire, who was attracted to him, held incredible self control. The only reason he took his time with Daniel is because he was teaching him; Jericho was showing him the things he liked in life and, because he was drawn to the human youth, he began teaching him other ways to please him– like playing the piano, or how to speak French so they could have private conversations in the halls. Jericho might have owned Daniel but he never did him any harm– some would even say he loved Daniel. So, of course, the young man’s world was destroyed when the other humans in their home turned on Jericho.
001. Daniel has been in Fortem for a few weeks now and, despite what he’d heard, it doesn’t look like his mother or the humans that he grew up with are in the city– or that they even came here in the first place. For a while he was angry about that but, eventually, he mellowed out. He still wants revenge on them for taking Jericho out of his life but for now he’s content here in Fortem.
002. When it comes to the species and their wars, Daniel is stuck in the middle. He’s more fond of Witches and Vampires than he his Lycans, but all three will always be favored in comparison to his own species. It might make him sound idiotic to other humans but he knows how they work, he knows how selfish humans can be and how they can be ruled by their emotions– with all that knowledge, all that first hand experience, he is glad to put his faith in the supernatural.
003. Daniel does NOT have the mark of protection .
OCCUPATION: Employee at EDEN. FACE CLAIM: Keegan Allen. PLAYED BY: Mike.
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