#katherine drysdale
eva-knits12 · 4 months
Meeting Harlan
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Trigger warning: twin babies, Ransom Drysdale, multiple sclerosis, chronic illness, fluff
Summary: Harlan meets his great-grandchildren
The diaper bag was all packed with plenty of wipes, plenty of diapers, plenty of books, plenty of toys, and plenty of bottles with your pumped milk. You were sitting in the passenger's seat of the Lexus, peacefully napping. Harlan and Katherine were in their infant seats, peacefully sleeping. To say you were tired lately was an understatement. You were exhausted, and so was Ransom. Taking care of the twins was a 24/7 job, with thankless hours, thankless pay, and the days and nights were long. The twins slept for most of the time, but it seemed that every few hours, they needed a feeding, a change, or they just wanted to be held. You and Ransom couldn't be any happier, though.
Ransom was driving, and you were on your way to see Harlan. He wanted to meet his great grandchildren, and since it was a nice day that wasn't too hot or too cold, it was a nice day. It was Tuesday, and it was getting closer to the spring.
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"Marta, go make sure that the door is unlocked," said Harlan.
"Of course, Harlan," said Marta.
Marta unlocked the front door, and went into the kitchen to pull out the crudites, and she got out the charcuterie board. She got out some glasses, and made sure to have bottles of water in the fridge. She started the coffee, and checked the fridge to make sure that the cold cuts and the cheese was okay. She wasn't ready to set them out yet, so she set the bread out, and set out some plates.
Eventually, you and Ransom arrive at Harlan's house. He knocks, and Harlan opens the door.
Ransom brings in the Harlan and Katherine, and then he unloads you from the car, and puts you in your wheelchair. You get some exercise with the walker and the cane by getting up and walking around every once in a while. This is just easier.
"Oh, look at the twins. They are adorable!" says Harlan.
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Harlan and Katherine are in their nice, warm sleepers, and are still peacefully sleeping in their infant seats. Ransom wheels you into the house, and takes you to the living room.
You, Harlan, and Marta talk while Ransom brings in the twins. Ransom also has the diaper bag on his shoulder. Ransom takes off his camel coat to reveal that he is wearing his aran sweater, along with his pinstripe pants with his favorite loafers. You were wearing jeans and Ransom's old Harvard sweatshirt that he just can't get rid of. It's the only things you could find that haven't been spit up on. It seems that every other day, you and Ransom are doing laundry, and it feels like you just can't have enough clean clothes. Of course, the dogs did try to jump on Ransom, like they always do. Ransom has made it clear that he doesn't like dogs. He was also iffy about bringing the twins in, not knowing if they are allergic to pet dander. Marta and the maid Lois made it a point to make sure that every surface was vacuumed and that every surface was clean.
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"Harlan, this is amazing, thank you." you say.
"Anything for the mother of my great grandchildren", says Harlan.
Ransom was apprehensive, to say the least. The last time he had you over, the rest of the family pulled their usual stunts. After that, Harlan refused to have them over, but you and Ransom often came over every Sunday to make a day out of it. This is the first day in a while that you have been over to Harlan's. Ransom felt it wouldn't be good idea to drive out to rural MA to Harlan's house with a pregnant wife who also had multiple sclerosis. So, Marta often drove over to you and Ransom's house.
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"Are those the twins? They're so cute!" says Marta, who is looking at the twins in their infant seats.
After a while, Ransom brings the twins in, and gives them both to Harlan. Harlan holds the twins in both of his arms, and you take a picture. It's a nice moment between Harlan and the twins.
The one in the green sleeper is Harlan and the one in the pink sleeper with a matching headband is Katherine. Clever daddy. After a while, the twins cry, and Ransom goes to the diaper bag, fetches two bottles and Ransom and Harlan bottle feed the twins. You've fallen asleep again.
After a while, you wake up.
"What happened, Marta? Where are the twins?" you ask, with worry in your voice.
"The twins are fine. Ransom and Harlan are bottle feeding them right now," says Marta.
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"Why didn't you wake me?" you ask.
"Look, you're a new mother. You're still tired, and still adjusting to their schedule," says Marta.
"That's true," you say.
Marta brings out the charcuterie board, and you help yourself to some fruit, crackers, and some cheese. Eventually, Marta brings out the bread, the cold cuts, mustard, and mayo. She also lays out some chips, and gets some bottles of water.
"Ransom, Harlan, I've laid out the cold cuts for lunch," says Marta.
"Thanks, Marta," says Ransom.
Ransom prepares you a sandwich, and then prepares himself a sandwich. He grabs a bottle of water for you, then a bottle of water for himself. Harlan prepares his sandwich, and grabs his water.
You, Harlan, Ransom, and Marta all talk while having your lunch. Today, you're lucky that you remembered to shower and brush your teeth.
Ransom and you check on the twins, who are in need of a change. You and Ransom take the twins to another area of the house, and change their diapers.
"Oh, look at them, Ransom. I never thought our two tiny babies would bring everyone so much love," you say.
Ransom kisses you lovingly, and he agrees.
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"Harlan adores them. I never thought that I'd be a dad. I never thought I'd fall in love with someone enough to want to marry her. You changed that. You're so perfect to me, multiple sclerosis and all. I love you so much," says Ransom.
"I love you, too Ransom," you say, with tears in your eyes. Ransom meant every word of it, and you meant every word of it, too.
Eventually, it's time to leave. Ransom loads you in the car first, and loads your wheelchair in, and he loads the twins in. He drives you all home, with you and the twins peacefully napping in the car.
Ransom arrives home, and gets the twins inside. Harlan and Katherine are now in their cribs, sleeping peacefully. Ransom carries you back into the house bridal style, and places you in bed, and pulls the covers over you. Ransom falls asleep next to you. Eventually, Harlan and Katherine interrupt the peacefulness and the coziness with their hungry cries. Ransom gets two bottles of your pumped milk. Then, you both burp the twins. An hour later, they'll need a change. Just like clockwork, the twins cry again, indicating that they need a change.
Ransom decides to order Chinese for dinner, because that will make it easier for the both of you. Ransom goes to pick up the order, and he brings it back. He ordered the almond boneless chicken with the sweet and sour chicken with egg rolls.
"Ransom, thank you so much. I love you, my sweet boy. You do so much for us, you're one amazing husband," you say. Ransom's lips crash onto yours again.
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You and Ransom enjoy your dinner, and you check on Harlan and Katherine, who are now sleeping in their cribs. The love that was in the Drysdale household was the best thing ever. Harlan and Katherine were the most amazing babies that you both knew. Ransom was the best husband that you ever knew.
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ilikestuff69 · 9 months
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‘Knives Out’ (2019)
Directed by Rian Johnson
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gottdeswill · 2 years
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marril96 · 2 years
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Knives Out (2019)
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filministic · 26 days
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Knives Out (2019) dir. Rian Johnson
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t1erradelfuego · 1 year
i can't sleep because of the Horrors (seasonal allergies) and as a result am extremely wired on cough medicine so here are a bunch of hockey rpf fics formatted as ao3 fics that i want to READ except they don't EXIST. obviously nsfw. deeply insane RPF below.
the feeling's there [frank nazar III/rutger mcgroarty, slow burn, getting together, unrequited feelings, miscommunication] -- Frankie's fucking stupid. Rutger's known that since they were 13. Nothing changes until everything does in Michigan.
more notes: if you played with the same person on almost every team since you were 13 you too would take him for granted! he's been your shadow for the last six years and he loves you and he knows you but you tolerate him at best. and it's enough for him but it's more than you even wanted. he follows you home. so you feel trapped. so you push him away and this time he listens because he loves you. and you see him with your teammates and for the first time he's not looking at you. you want him to look at you. you dont know why. you kind of miss it when he sits in your room not even doing anything, just happy to sit with you. college's been lonelier than you wanted it to be. something dark and ugly settles at the bottom in the pit of your stomach and it tastes like regret and it tastes like too late. and when you think about the distance between winnipeg and chicago (13 hours, 863 miles, too far, too long) you know you shouldn't try. it wouldn't be fair to either of you. but you want to try. you want to hurt him, you want to hurt yourself and you might've already done both. god, do you even know him?
guys, no one say anything! [trevor zegras/jamie drysdale, multimedia/trans media/mixed media, established relationship, coming out, secret marriage] -- Unknown Author. celebgossipdaily.com, "Anaheim Ducks' Trevor Zegras Reportedly Married + Reps Confirm", accessed March 07, 2025. Katherine Bailey ESPN @kbbailey Congratulations to Trevor Zegras on his marriage! The Anaheim Ducks centre was spotted in preseason media with a wedding ring. from: hughesy dude. why is my team asking me if i went to your wedding??? more notes: there were some truly inspired tags when the jimmy podcast came out and one of them was "do you think if they just keep slowly coming out they never have to make a statement" and. well. WHAT a PROMPT. before i am anything i am a mixed media girlie at heart and this would be so fun to incorporate news articles, text messages, tweets, tumblr posts, emails, reciepts, news articles etc etc. what i'm thinking is this is from 2024-2030 and spans several contracts, playoffs, a stanley cup, their MARRIAGE, buying a house, getting a dog, actually coming out to their family, and then the epilogue is set in 20XX when they actually do come out to the public!
point dover [owen power/******* *****/kent johnson/******* *******, polyamory negotiations, long distance relationship, real life wag, canadian polycule] -- Toronto, Buffalo, Vancouver, and Columbus all intersect at a place called Point Dover, by the lake. Or: There's four cities, three different timezones, and two countries between all of them. They get there, somehow, and then they make it work. Somehow. Or: Owen thinks navigating their relationship is easier than navigating the group chat, and he's not really wrong. Or: "Kent, is your girlfriend single?"
more notes: they're all stupid hot and went on vacation together what more do you want. redacting their actual names because i am Paranoid but. if you know. you know! i am a very big fan of best friends to lovers and it's so easy when kent and owen are best friends. and then you have the other two speed running the lovers part by commenting some seriously insane shit on each other's posts like WHY DON'T YOU ALL KISS ABOUT IT!!! GOD!!! THE SEXUAL TENSION IN THE INSTAGRAM COMMENTS!!!
mount joy's for lovers [nolan patrick/travis konecny, travis konecny/karly konecny, nolan patrick & karly konecny, polyamory negotiations, coparenting, queerplatonic relationships, alternate universe - canon divergence, nolan is still a flyer] -- It's more natural than it should be, more simple than what he thought it was going to be. But it's Travis, it was always going to be easy falling in line with whatever stupid plan he wants Nolan to be a part of, and it's Travis, so he makes it work. Even if it's stupid. He used a meme in the powerpoint, something about Justin Bieber having two hands, and it was so stupid, and Nolan made immediate eye contact with Karly, the two of them bursting into laughter, and he knew. It was always going to be easy between the three of them. more notes: travis konecny can have it all!!! look i am deeply fond of complex polyamorous relationships and i love thinking about how their relationship works. nolan and karly have a deeply platonic and loving friendship that makes it work, that lets karly let nolan be a part of their lives, that lets nolan think of their child as his, that lets travis have two romantic relationships with the people he loves the most!!! sometimes they all bang together, most times actually even though nolan is deeply allergic to pussy and karly would not touch his dick with a 10ft pole, but it works when they concentrate on their favourite thing which is: giving travis everything he could ever want!!! it's like. karly stresses less and has more time to herself. travis doesn't have to worry about being a bad husband or a bad best friend because he has enough love for two people. nolan doesn't have to worry about being a homewrecker. do you see the vibe do you-[gets shot]
super secret canadian boyfriend [trevor zegras/jamie drysdale, 5+1 things, alternate universe - college/university, canon divergence, jamie is still a member of the ducks, secret relationship, POV outsider, USNTDP 2017-2019 Ensemble] -- Trevor's such a bad fucking liar. There's no way he actually has a boyfriend, who just coincidentally happens to be busy all the time, avoids social media like the plague, and is from Canada, so it's not like he can even ask his friends if they know this Jimmy dude, or whatever. Trevor tried to tell him he played in the NHL, and Jack actually laughed so hard that he choked on his Chipotle. more notes: if trevor ever introduced jamie as his boyfriend he would get so clowned upon. oh what's this? you have a secret boyfriend you won't let us meet because he's busy all the time? and he's from canada? and he has no social media? jamie does not sound REAL. AT ALL.
hansel [luke hughes, quinn hughes, jack hughes, the hughes family, magical realism, alternate universe - canon divergence, pondering the important question of what is a hughes if not a brother, family dynamics, character study] -- "Here's the thing no one ever told me about. Not in the program, not at college, not in the show — just — absolutely nothing. Okay, are you listening? Sometimes, when you ask for something, the universe will listen." more notes: i sent an ask to someone while pondering the fantillis vs hughes re: sibling identity and they replied with "i want a fic where luke gets to experience being an only child and what changes" and i was like. wow. i want this fic too! in this universe luke's a center and he gets draft early 2nd round and they never move to michigan and he never makes it into the NTDP, never goes to michigan, goes through the AHL for a bit, nowhere near as competitive or determined or skilled as he was, more importantly. he's so lonely. god he wanted to get away from his brothers and he didn't realize how lonely he was.
a seat at the kitchen table [jack eichel/connor mcdavid, alternate universe - canon divergence, alternate universe - chefs, connor is still a hockey player jack is not, edmonton oilers ensemble, food as love language, eating disorders, neurodivergent characters] -- "Food doesn't just have to be fuel for performance, you know." Jack says pointedly, staring at Connor as he slices a leek lengthwise without ever looking away. "Everyone needs to eat, but there's more than that. Otherwise, we wouldn't have leek and potato soup. Absolute waste of ingredients in terms of preparation, but the best fucking soup I ever had." more notes: from my b*n appet*t days... i just think there is something so poignant about autism coding connor mcdavid and giving him food sensory issues coupled with the rigid belief that everything he has to eat must be good for his hockey, because, you know, it's all about the hockey. It's Not Not an eating disorder. but our guy jack eichel! former hockey player after he injured his spine! michellin star chef! burnt out from the restaurant world and takes a private live-in chef posting in the middle of edmonton for connor mcdavid. did he know it was connor mcdavid? no. anyways! i just think the intimacy of coming home to someone cooking for you would make anyone insane.
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morguewritten · 4 months
sooooo, in my revamp i'd like to add some new muses, but i haven't fully made up my mind as to who all will be on this account. that being said, here's a list of who i've got so far:
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( if the muse name is bold snd italicized, they're considered to be more of a test/request only muse )
apollo from greek myhtos
davina claire from the original's
faye chamberlain from the secret circle
feyre archeron from ACOTAR
geralt of rivia from netflix's the witcher
hades from disney's hercules with heavy actual myth influence
hayley marshall from the originals
hugh 'ransom' drysdale from knives out
isabella madrigal from disney's encanto
katherine pierce from the vampire diaries
melinoë from greek mythos
nesta archeron from ACOTAR
wanda maximoff from MCU
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hqcrowns · 5 months
absolutely , let's go : abigail cowen , adjoa andoh , aishwarya rai , alba baptista , alexandra dowling , alice nokes , alicia agneson , alisha boe , alva bratt , alyssa sutherland , amanda fix , amber midthunder , amelia clarkson , amita suman , amy james kelley , ana garces , ana de armas , ceara covney , celina sinden , caitlin stasey , elcin sangu , eleanor matsuura , gabriela moreyra , gaia weiss , hai ling , hailey bennett , halle bailey , isabela merced , ishbel bautista , izuka hoyle , julia jones , karen david , kasia smutniak , katherine mcnamara , kathryn drysdale , keira knightley , kiera reilly , ksenia solo , kylie bunbury , lena headey , leslie ann huff , leyla tanlar , lily james , lindsay duncan , mia goth , mia tomlinson , olivia cooke , michelle yeoh , phoebe fox , muge boz , naomi scott , ni ni , nicola coughlan , nicole kidman , savannah steyn , sevda erginci , sofia boutella , sophie cookson , sophie turner , tripti dimri , vanessa morgan , vera farmiga , wu qian , and honest the list goes on these are just some of my favourites !!
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Knives Out (2019)
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somuchsophy · 4 years
I think “Knives Out” movie posters deserve love.
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one / two
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imthefailedartist · 3 years
How I think the Thrombey family would murder Harlan Thrombey:
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Linda finds a clever way to kill her father, connecting back to their history of games and tests. Maybe poison ink in a letter, as Harlan read the letter, detailing how she would kill him, he realizes what she has done just as he reads the send off.
Walt would bludgeon Harlan to death snapping as his father is giving him some demeaning lecture. Bam! His cain to Harlan's temple repeatedly.
Joni & Meg would not kill Harlan (in my opinion). Maybe poison him attempting to kill him or at least make him sicker. They definitely would bungle the job and get caught. I feel like they would just move on to the next grift.
Richard is a benign killer. Most likely to kill his father in-law by shoving him in a second of anger, leading Harlan to fall, hitting his head in the process. Richard then leaves him to slowly exsanguinate. Maybe he would tell Linda, maybe he would not.
Marta, would not kill Harlan. If she did it would definitely be accidental.
Donna, Walt's wife, poison.
Ransom as the killer was perfect. A spoiled brat who has never worked a day in his life. Of course he would set it up so that he had little to no involvement. Ramsom doesn't get his hands dirty, that's what the help is for.
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Shout out to Rian Johnson's incredible characterwork.
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eva-knits12 · 2 months
Chris Evans Characters In The Delivery Room
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Steve Rogers:
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You have an emergency c-section with James, so Steve was in the OR with you.
You had a placental abruption because the cord was wrapped around James' neck.
James was in incubator in the NICU, yet pulled through.
Steve stayed with you the entire time you were in the hospital.
He was the first one to hold James as soon as he was out of the incubator.
You were the second.
You breastfed James.
Steve drew this.
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Steve's with you when you give birth to Sarah Anne and Margaret Louise.
You home birth Sarah and Margaret.
Steve helped you through each birth.
In his day, dad's were not allowed to be in the delivery room, or even be in the same room as their wives when they were giving birth.
Times have changed.
Steve gets to hold and bond with all three of his kids.
He got to hold Sarah Anne and Margaret Louise right before they were cleaned up.
Seeing you give birth just doesn't phase him.
Steve wouldn't trade it for the world, and he got to spend his kids first few moments bonding with them.
He was even the first one to feel their first kick.
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Ransom Drysdale:
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Ransom is more nervous than you are.
Did you mention that you're the one that has to push the twins out?
Ransom rushes you to the hospital the second you have the first contraction.
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He calls the doctor.
Ransom isn't going to wait until your contractions are closer together.
He's taking you to the hospital NOW!
"Ransom, calm down!"
"Ransom, it's only the first contraction. It'll be a while before they become closer together."
You're more much more calmer than Ransom is right now.
The wheelchair is in the car, and the infant seats are loaded in there.
So is the hospital bag.
So is the stroller.
Ransom made sure that EVERYTHING that was on the list was in the hospital bag.
You're checked in, and Ransom puts the hospital bag in your lap.
He wheels you to your room.
Early in the morning, you're wheeled to the delivery room.
Ransom changes into scrubs,
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You have the hospital gown on backwards to make it easier to give birth.
Ransom almost faints, but manages to keep it together for you.
He even cuts the cords when the twins come out.
Harlan arrives first, followed by Katherine 25 minutes later.
Ransom tears up when Katherine is born, but you can't wipe the genuine smile off of his face.
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Ransom gets to hold them after you.
He even gives both Harlan and Katherine skin-to-skin contact.
Ransom takes the three of you home after a few days.
Ransom wouldn't trade it for the world.
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Andy Barber:
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Andy took care of you when you were pregnant with Joy.
You had hyperemesis gravidarum when you were pregnant with Joy.
He won't let you lift or carry anything.
You're off your feet as much as possible.
"Honey, I'll take care of the laundry. You shouldn't be lifting that heavy basket."
"Honey, let me bring in the groceries. You shouldn't be lifting those heavy bags."
"Sit down, honey. I'll unpack the groceries."
You go into labor on March 6.
Andy starts to time your contractions.
Andy rushes you to the hospital.
You give birth to Joy, and Andy is in the delivery room.
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He cuts the umbilical cord.
He went through this whole song and dance with Laurie, so he knew what he was doing.
He's also in the delivery room when you give birth to Penelope.
He got you to the hospital straight away, on account of your diabetes.
Andy wouldn't trade this for the world.
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Colins Shea
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Colin goes through the list every day until you go into labor.
Cole loves talking to your belly, singing to your belly, rubbing cocoa butter on your belly, and feeling Harper and Robbie kick.
You planned a water birth.
When you go into labor after your doctor's appointment, you're more nervous than Colin.
Colin is the one who rushes you to the hospital, and gets his brother because his brother is a cop, and he wanted to make sure you guys got to the hospital safely.
Eventually, Colin helps you get into the birthing pool, and he's in his swim trunks.
Damn, does he need to be shirtless right now?
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Colin is behind you, and you start to push.
Harper Marie Shea is born.
Four years later, you give birth to Robert James Shea on December 4, 2014.
Colin was also in the birthing pool with you when you were giving birth to Robbie.
The Shea clan is now complete.
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Jake Jensen
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You're 38 and a half weeks along with the girls.
Jake leads you back to the couch, and places pillows under your feet and under your head.
You're making sugar cookies for your niece's bake sale, but Jake takes over, and manages to finish them without burning.
Dinner was a whole different story.
Jake orders pizza.
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Later that night, you have your first contraction.
Jake gets you to the hospital early the next morning.
You start to push.
Anna Eve is born first, then Elsa Marie is born a few minutes later.
Jake faints in the delivery room.
A few days later, you and Jake go home with Anna and Elsa.
They're the best Christmas present.
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Johnny Storm
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Johnny is in the delivery room when you give birth to Jake.
Johnny keeps it together, knowing that his son will be born soon.
Your contractions start, sooner than expected, and Johnny calls the midwife.
You have a home birth, because your house is basically fireproof.
A hospital just isn't!
You have the nursery set up, and you give birth right in your and Johnny's bedroom.
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Jake is cleaned up by the midwife.
Johnny was behind you the whole time.
It was important that Johnny didn't get too excited.
Your mind goes back to the Superbowl when you and Johnny just moved in together.
He almost burned your house down!
Now, he managed to keep it together because you needed him right now.
Jacob Allen Storm is born on November 7.
He looks just like Johnny!
Of course, it's a boy.
Johnny was always on team boy!
You never told Johnny, but you were team girl.
Aunt Susan was team girl.
You pump your milk, and feed Jake from a bottle.
Jake just couldn't breast feed.
You and Johnny are more in love, and fell in love with Jake the second he was placed in your arms.
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Pete Brenner
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Pete is working from home, and when your contractions start on March 16, Pete springs into action.
Pete has the hospital bag packed, the car seat is loaded in the car, so is the stroller.
On March 17, you give birth to Zoe Eve Brenner.
He's missing out on the festivities, but the birth of your first child is something that he's not missing.
He calls your parents and his parents with updates-every hour!
"She's ready to go into the delivery room! Gotta go!"
Pete is in scrubs, and is telling you when to breathe, when to push, wiping the sweat from your forehead, saying soothing things.
Three years later, you give birth to Mary Elizabeth Brenner.
Mary is born on July 5.
Pete is behind you, then, too.
Pete was the first one to hold both girls.
Pete cut the cords.
Pete loves being a dad.
He loves being a girl dad!
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Cole Turner
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Cole delivers the twins, while he's rushing you to the hospital.
Your contractions are at two minutes apart, and when he sees how far your dilating, you're at ten centimeters.
Cole removes your pants and your panties, and he tells you to start pushing!
Lucas Jeffrey is born first, then Dawn Eve is born.
The twins are healthy.
Cole didn't help deliver the twins-he actually delivered them!
Yep, the same place where you got a flat tire, and met Cole was the same place where you gave birth!
The ambulance arrives, and Cole follows.
The twins make you and Cole feel complete.
Cole loves being a dad!
He reads to the twins every day!
You also read to the twins.
You and Cole take the twins home after a few days.
Cole and you fall even more in love.
Cole loves being a dad, and he loves his twins!
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Ari Levinson
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Ari is ready to go!
He gets you in the car in record time.
You're in the hospital in no time!
The car seats are loaded in the car, so is the stroller, the diaper bags, and the hospital bag.
Ari loves talking to your belly, and rubbing cocoa butter on your belly.
You don't want to get stretch marks.
Ari is behind you, and eventually Zachary Andrew is born first, then Elijah Matthew is born.
He cuts their cords, and he gets to hold them.
Of course, twin boys are much different than twin girls.
You and Ari decide to have a bris for the boys, because Ari's Jewish, and you want to keep a few traditions.
Five years later, Lillian Eve is born.
Ari is behind you, and he cuts the cord. He's the first to hold Lillian.
Your and Ari's heart are full of even more love.
The boys also love Lillian, and they stop arguing.
When it's time to feed Lillian, the boys won't let you or Ari feed her.
Zachary likes to hold her, while Elijah likes to feed her from her bottle.
The boys never argue over who gets to feed Lillian because of their arrangement.
Of course, they're super protective of Lillian.
Ari loves being a dad, and spending time with you and the kids.
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shitpcsts · 4 years
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“Strange case from the start. A case with a hole in the middle. A donut.”
Knives Out (2019) dir. Rian Johnson
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eugenyaofrome · 4 years
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marril96 · 2 years
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Knives Out (2019)
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filministic · 2 months
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Knives Out (2019) dir. Rian Johnson
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