#kat is my doppelganger
jodifosters · 10 months
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10 things I hate about you 1999, dir. Gil Junger
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mythorhuman · 5 months
What are your favourite bonnie ships and why?
Sorry I didn't see this earlier! This is the hardest question. I ship almost all of them because Kat has a lot of chemistry with a lot of people. Many of my favorite Bonnie ships don't even have fics and if they do, then the fics are short or rare.
Let's start with the obvious favorite: Klonnie. I am literally writing a fic for them. Why? They are just the hottest cast members and I'm very interested in the power dynamics between the characters. Also, I'm just really interested in how these two could influence each other. Whether that means tapping into Bonnie's dark side or Klaus becoming a better man, there's potential for growth as individuals.
I'd also like to acknowledge Stefonnie as a ship I hold dear to my heart. I live for Paulerina's chemistry plus Stefan and Bonnie are almost mirrors of each other in a way I find intriguing. Remember when I mentioned rare pairs? I also ship Bonnie with both of Stefan's doppelgangers. Silas and Bonnie have an obvious history, but Tom and Bonnie never met. BonTom is my crack ship for Bonnie just getting the fuck out of MF.
Bonkai and Bamon are almost interchangeable to me. I like both. The potential was there from day one with Bamon. I don't buy them as platonic soulmates. They were meant to be lovers. Bonkai with witch!Kai is superior. Heretic!Kai was stupid and he died immediately which does sorta make sense in canon but is still annoying. There's a lot of unresolved sexual tension here with both ships and they deserve a chance to explore their feelings.
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occulthours · 10 days
what extracurriculars could you see bonnie and elena doing? i liked the one you did for hope and realized we rarely saw the tvd girls do school related things except from caroline.
Oooh I love this!
I'd keep the cheerleading for Bonnie. Kat is a trained dancer, and I know she'd devour any cheer routine thrown her way. In a similar sense, I would also have Bonnie join the dance team during basketball season. Junior/Senior year Bonnie would obviously be the captain and choreograph all of the teams routines. (Colorguard is another sport in the dance field that I could see Bonnie doing, but that would interfere with cheerleading.) Bonnie was said to be a lifeguard in s3, so the swim team is another sport that I could see her doing.
Often times when Bonnie was off-screen she was off traveling (Caroline and Elena thought she was on an across-the-state road trip in s5 and she went to Paris in s8) so she would definitely want to do a deep dive into other languages and cultures before traveling to them. Plus, as a witch having that knowledge would be beneficial to her as she comes across spells and rituals from other geographical locations.
Witches love nature and I've always headcanoned that Bonnie has an extremely extensive garden wherever she ends up making her permanent home, but starts off with a smaller version at Grams home. Learning about different plans and what they require to thrive, even from a human standpoint would interest her.
Bonnie was voted prom queen! She was clearly loved by her peers enough to beat out the other girls competing, so she had to be interacting with them quite often off-screen. A community service club would be the perfect chance for her to do that. As we've seen with the car wash in s1 and her Christmas donations to children with terminal illnesses in s7, Bonnie loves giving back to the community and goes out of her way to do so.
While Elena seemed to not have much interest in school-related stuff due to her depression after her parent's death, I'd like to think that she was able to get back into school outside of all the Salvatore/Doppelganger drama.
I wouldn't keep cheerleading for Elena. It didn't feel like she was as into it as Caroline and Bonnie were honestly. The two sports I could see Elena doing are track and combat/self-defense. Her training scenes with Alaric in s3 were some of my favorite Elena moments. She really felt in her element when she was boxing or had a crossbow in her hands. We also see her doing a lot of running during her training.
Elena, to me, is the most artsy TVDU girl aside from Hope. Writing club, literature club, yearbook, and photography are all things I think Elena would be into. I always imagine Elena finding solace in art after her parents die, and using it as an outlet. We already see her doing so with her journaling, but I can see her branching out into other art forms.
Thanks for the ask (sorry this took a month to get to lol)!
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purplesigebert · 11 months
WIP Wednesday #2: DW Crossover
It had been some time since he had jumped into another’s body and Klaus was still acclimating.  He walked up the driveway of the Salvatore Boarding House, reflecting on the truly atrocious Decade Dance that “Alaric” was set to chaperone that evening.
Klaus looked over the assembled group of people in the foyer as the elder Salvatore addressed him.  Klaus got into his role of the history teacher, trying to guess how Alaric would act; he settled on apologizing for arriving late, as he shut the door.
“Hey, I need you to put me down as a chaperone at the dance tonight. Klaus made his first move.”
Klaus tried to school, pun intended, his face into one of concern.
The doppelganger tried to get the meeting back on track, her hand on her face, “Okay, so we find him and then what, hmm? What's our plan of attack?”
“Me. I'm the plan.” The witch’s answered, implying that this was obvious. “He has no idea how much power I can channel. If you can find him, I can kill him.”
He was amused at how easy the Bennett witch thought it would be to take him out, and couldn’t help himself on commenting, “That's not going to be that easy. I mean, he is the biggest, baddest vampire around.”
The elder Salvatore agreed with him and then, idiotically, tried to rush the witchling, who sent Damon to the other side of the room. The doppelganger and his favourite Salvatore were struck at the Bennett girl’s power.
“Well, I was impressed,” the Ripper quipped.
“It doesn't matter if he's an Original. I can take down anyone who comes at me. I can kill him, Elena. I know I can.”  The girls shared a smile, and the doppelganger’s eyes shined with naïve, mistaken hope. 
Just then, the door opened and the blonde girl that had caught his eye earlier entered the Boarding House.  The four people around Klaus seemed like they were annoyed at the intrusion.
“I’m just passing through, Stef, can I borrow that book we were talking about the other day?”
“Caroline, we are in the middle of something, so just” the girl pouted at the Ripper, he sighed. “Just make it quick. Besides, don’t you have a dance to be obsessing over?”
“You’re right, I do but now I’m wondering, what are you guys plotting about, now?”
“Klaus has made contact, he sent me a message through Dana, she was compelled.”
Klaus noticed that the girl froze, then resumed looking for the book. 
“My advice, you should find a way to get in touch with him and try to make a deal. Klaus is way too powerful for you to defeat on your own Bon, he has backup plans to his backup plans.”
“Thankfully we didn’t ask you for advice Blondie, so you can run along,” the elder Salvatore sneered.
“I didn’t offer it to you, Satan, I was talking to Bonnie.”  
“I still think that we should wake Elijah up, he would be able to help us now that Katherine is MIA,” the doppelganger interjected.
“Yeah, like that’s going to go well,” the blonde seemed amused. “Klaus will only need to say six or seven words, and Elijah will completely abandon the plan for him.  I mean he’ll regret it a tiny bit but not enough to stop from siding with Klaus.”
The Bennett witch was confused. “We’ve kept you out of the loop, Care, how do you know so much about Klaus? Have you even met Elijah”
“Spoilers.” Caroline quirked a brow. “Trust me Bon, you don’t want to know how I know, just don’t cross Klaus, you won’t win.  Maybe, and that’s a big maybe, you’ll be able to hurt him a little.”
The Bennett witch was about to question the blonde when the latter’s mobile rang.
She glanced at the screen and lit up and the display.
“Martha! Hey, how are you?”
“No, I’m still in Mystic Falls. Besides, Katherine is still in town, you wouldn’t want me to leave her alone.  No, Klaus has her, we don’t know where.” 
There was a pause as the person on the other end of the line spoke, causing the blonde to become alarmed.  He cursed the sub-par hearing of the history teacher.
“No, no, don't come here.  It’s your honeymoon! She’ll turn up! You know how Kat is! She’s Katherine Pierce, she’s a survivor.”
The Forbes girl sounded so admiring and fond of Katerina that the others in the room looked confused and disgusted.  Klaus recalled that Katerina had murdered the girl, so it was an intriguing revelation that she was referring to her as a friend.
The Forbes girl was speaking again, it seems that he had missed part of the conversation.  Again, Klaus lamented the weak human senses of the haggard history teacher that he was currently inhabiting.
“We’ll I hope you guys have fun in Paris! I’ll call you when it’s over so you can celebrate that the curse is broken, and the Destroyer failed!”
How did this girl know about Mikael?
She hung up the phone and looked into his borrowed eyes. She flinched and was about to say something when the Bennett witch exploded.
“Why would you celebrate Elena’s death?”
“Woah, who said anything about, celebrating Elena’s death?!”
At the Bennett witch’s look, the Forbes girl rolled her eyes.
“Elena has to die for the curse to be broken, but that doesn’t mean she has to stay dead.”  She spoke as if the information should be obvious.
“It’s in Klaus’ interest for the doppelganger to survive the ritual.  He needs her alive for the next part of his plan.”
Klaus narrowed his eyes, how could the girl know this, this information was heavily guarded.  And that she knew of some of his plans, his hopes to create some more hybrids. Well, he had never told anyone, no one that wasn’t daggered.  Certainly not her. He had never met Caroline Forbes before.
Had he?
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malka-lisitsa · 1 year
good girl, kitty kat.
Send me "Good boy/girl" for my muse's reaction to your muse saying that to them!
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A delighted little hum leaves the doppelganger, despite the added 'kitty kat' to piss her off- all she heard was 'good girl' and she is very pleased with this turn of events.
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misschanadlerbong · 2 years
babe i need you to rank your fav characters! like who are your top ones? they could be from any series or movie but i gotta know your taste!!
Hey babe! that's so sweet that you wanna know my taste. So as I am currently obsessed with The Vampire Diaries so I am gonna tell you my favorite ships and characters, though I thought of 'FRIENDS' first but you can never choose a fav from that show right?! So here it goes, - Pro Stefan, he deserved so much better rather than getting to cry in every episode. (aww my babie) - Team Katherine, FOREVER. Let's all be honest Katherine was the queen of the show and according to my opinion the best doppelganger. Yeah we know she was a a bit bitchy and people would fight me saying Elena was better but didn't she played the victim most of the time?? I am not anti Elena but I prefer Kat. - Pro Stelena, till my last breath I'll chose Stelena over Delena because just look at them they are meant to be together.
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And look at the Queen
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I can probably write a frickin' essay so I am gonna leave with this much, hope this answered you question.
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dcmoniism · 2 months
you're supposed to call and warn me before you show up here. -to kol from kat
to: kol mikaelson. ( @safestpsychoticbiitch )
kol is well aware of her fear, mostly due to the family name he carries, but it was rather... flattering to make the elusive katherine pierce quake in fear from time to time. the young mikaelson brother could not deny enjoying 'keeping her on her toes'. "was i, darling?" turning on his heel, he finally looks up at the petrova doppelganger. "don't tell me you actually expected a call, and then what? you'll expect me to bring some takeaway and a dvd for us to watch cuddled up on the sofa? i'm someone you call to blow off steam, not your boyfriend, my darling."
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vswartzschild · 4 years
                         She      watches      her      step     around      him      (      even      after      all      these     time,      she      still      does      );      there      is     fear      in      her      eyes,      blue      and      wide    and      cautious      around      the      Original      –     by      all      means,      Katherine      is      a      mouse     cornered      by      a      feline      (      she      hates     feeling      vulnerable,      it      reminds      her      of     her      sickish,      human      youth      ),      and     still,      no      attempts      at      feigning      bravery     work.      She      is      as      frightened      by    Klaus      as      the      first      day,      and      it     shows      on      her      countenance      clearly.
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                 “      stefan      has      told     me      to      leave      –      he      believes      you     will      leave      too      if      I      do      so.      that    you’ll      follow      to      chase      me      to      some     unknown      corner      of      the      world.      ”      it    is      her      whom      Klaus      seeks      (     she      is      Pandora,      barely      containing      evil    within      her      box      ).      Katherine     snorts;      a      bitter      sound      that      clashes     with      her      angelic      features      (      it     sounds      off      with      such      a      bell      -      like     timbre      ),      “      at      the      very     least,      assure      him      that      you      will      still     shed      gratuitous      blood      around      the      town.    your      reputation      might      be      at      stake.    ”    (  @vikteres​  )
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How would the ros react if they had a doppelganger, The knockoff versions, Preferably with shitty names lol
Interesting haha
E seems mad at you, "Just because theyre short with brown hair doesn't make them my doppelganger!"
The doppelganger scratches the back of their neck awkwardly, "Sorry, is it a bad time? I'm Ena, by the way."
E does a double take before huddling with you, "Did my mom have another kid I didn't know about?!"
R raises their eyebrow, 'Who're you?"
"You mean like--"
"Like the long strands of-- yeah," Ribbon looks dejected, "My parents hated me."
R tilts their head in reasonable understanding, "I guess that's close enough to the real thing."
L glances between the folder they're carrying and the doppleganger, "And, um, you said your name was..."
"I see...Are you also a Hospian? I wasn't aware there was another attending the academy," L gestures to the shade of blue on Lofi's head.
"Oh, no, I just like the color blue, so I dyed my hair. The color blue is said to be psychologically relaxing, and I like to think I'm a chill person, so why not beat that drum as much as I can?"
"Oh, um, okay..." Contrary to the conversation, Lofi didn't seem to relax them any as they were attempting to study.
V seems on edge at the approaching figure, "Identify yourself."
"I'm Vih."
"No, me."
"Yes you. Your name."
"Yes, you."
"What's your name?"
"No, me."
....and so it continues.
P doesn't look amused at the doppelganger, giving a sardonic fake laugh. "Oh ha ha, good joke. Did that dumbass set you up to this?"
"I'm just here to workout."
"Like hell you are. Who are you?"
"My name's Pitta."
P nearly crushes the water bottle they were holding as they seethe to themselves, "Did this son of a fuck just called themselves..."
M hums upon finding another redhead dozing off nearby. Seeing a similar face to their own, they put two and two together and wake the doppelganger up with a harsh slap to the face.
The doppelganger is violently spurred from their sleep, nursing their cheek, "W-What the hell?! What was that for?!"
M looks disappointed, mumbling to themselves, "I though...I was...supposed to...feel it too..."
"Oh...hmm...you had...a spider...on your face..."
"Ah...well I guess that's fair. Thanks? I'm Matty."
"That's very...interesting..."
Raven paces around the newcomer with a deep curiosity, "And just who might you be?"
The doppelganger is understandably uncomfortable from Raven's probing, "Uh, w-well, my name's Kat..."
Raven starts laughing hysterically, "Oh, oh I know! It was that witch wasn't it? That woman put all this together, didn't she? No, I know she did, she had to of..."
"Uh, who are you talking about?"
"I think you know," Raven gets dangerously close to the doppelganger's face, their sharp smile cutting deeper as they reveal a small knife, "I know you know. And you'll take a message back with you..."
S lifts their goggles off their face, "Eh, ya look like another Order native, don't'cha? What're ya called?"
"that easy to tell, huh? I'm Slipper."
"Pff--" S briefly attempts to hold back their laughter only to have it break out twice as hard. They cackle wildly, "Hot damn, ya really drew the short straw on that one, eh? Who the hell gets named after a shoe? Ya got a brother? Is his name Sneaker, too?"
"Actually, yes--"
S howls in laughter before the doppelganger finishes, "Holy shit, dude I'm-- I can't breathe, hold on. Okay yeah, I'm good, but seriously, uh, ya should get that shit fixed. No one's gonna take ya seriously when ya call yourself that."
F straightens out upon seeing the doppelganger, "I am typically made aware of any Frenzian that takes up residence nearby, so either you are here to inform me yourself, or you are attempting to blemish the Frenzian heritage by impersonating it's royal line. Why dont you introduce yourself?"
The doppelganger's face blanches upon realizing who they ran into, responding hesitantly, "Uh...well...my name is Fway."
"My pawents had a speech impedewent that I inhewited, but they wiked Fwenza awot UwU"
F's expression of disgust reaches an unholy level as they're left speechless by the utter degeneracy. Instead of offering a response, they turn to one of their guards, "Take that...thing...away. I feel as though I've been assaulted by something vile simply being in it's presence."
Thank you for the ask, and enjoy these doppelganger's at your own risk haha
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jacroll · 7 years
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I’ve been….uh….away for a 271841 years now. Sorry. Work does that to you. Anyway, a peace offering - KittyKat Timtams
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lvisbored · 3 years
Picrew Prompt Chain!
Just a simple prompt this time. You and your evil/good doppelganger!
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I have a big tag list so I made it a drop down menu.  If you want to be added to my picrew prompt taglist, follow me or send me a message!
Tagging: @orphan-with-a-stutter @rosieeeeeeeeeeee @theswaggiesttoast @callme-corpse-septiceye @followingeveryone @mintyclintybarton @sydisverytired @karlythetrollhappy @goodbi-bitches @she-way-out-of-place @elmomightjustbegod  @jadey-cat643 @jojolinecarlin @boredom-reigns @trixl @picrewfinder4x9 @funkystuffs05 @lezzie-kat @pan-in-cyan @666ghosts @khayr1gutz @/anyone else who wants to 
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empyreanwritings · 4 years
So I saw this number and I immediately thought of Katherine Pierce, so may I request her with the number 118 please i can picture her saying this lol
#188 - “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
Katherine Pierce was someone you’d never fully understand. Every time you think you broke down one wall, she’d put up three more. You wanted to believe she wasn’t always this way - that the cruelty of the world was what sharpened her claws - but it was hard. Hard not to give up on her, hard not to lose faith in her love. 
You watched at the chaos unfolded in front of you. Elena finally realizing that Jeremy was gone and unable to be pulled back. Everyone scrambling to get her under control despite knowing it was useless. And it was all Katherine’s fault. 
You stepped out of the home to get some fresh air. The tears streamed down your face, and you had to keep yourself from losing it. You weren’t even sure how you managed to dial her number through all the tears, but it wasn’t long before you heard Katherine on the other end, sounding nonchalant as usual.
“He was my friend, Kat,” you sobbed. “How could you? How could you let this happen?” 
“I got the cure, didn’t I? That was what you wanted, right?” You hated how smug she sounded right now. “I won’t apologize that the world lost another teenage burnout.” 
“He was just a child!” 
“Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.” 
Silence fell between the two of you. You weren’t sure if you were livid or heartbroken. Maybe you were a little bit of both because you knew this was partly your fault, too. 
You didn’t want to be a vampire anymore. You said it several times to Katherine, and while she didn’t understand, she wanted to do something to make you happy. In her own twisted way, she did this for you. And it wasn’t often Katherine did something that wasn’t for her own selfish gain. 
“Where are you? I’ll pick up the cure and give it to Elena,” you sighed. “It’s the least we can do after all this.” 
“Oh, please. She loses her brother, and you’re suddenly okay with staying a vampire the rest of your life? What happened to ‘I don’t want to be eternally damned’?” There was a twinge of annoyance in her voice, and you knew it had to do with Elena. She hated anything involving her doppelganger. 
“Please. Don’t do this right now.” 
“I’m sorry, Y/N, but you’re going to realize how stupid your decision is. You shouldn’t give up your happiness for that wet mop,” she quipped. “Call me when you’re ready for the cure.”
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jaynaneeya · 3 years
The Headless Criminal
First of all, Headless: A Sleepy Hollow Story, the next big Shipwrecked Comedy project, is getting very close to its Kickstarter goal, so if you haven’t checked that out yet, and you’re seeing this before July 18, 2021 at 7:00 pm PDT, head to this link, and consider contributing a few bucks if you can.
Second of all, as soon as Ryan Garcia was revealed as one of the heads, I knew I needed to write a sequel to the fic I wrote a few years ago about time traveling Eddie’s ghost. If you want to read it, it’s here, but it’s very long, so in summary: Eddie is brought back as a ghost against his will after the events of Poe Party and is told that he has to either complete his unfinished business or forget about it in order to move on. He learns how to time travel and encounters James and Lily from kitr, who remind him of Edgar and Annabel, so he decides to ruin their lives, which leads to him bringing Lily back in time with him. She keeps meeting and falling for people who remind Eddie of Poe, so he has to keep breaking them up for revenge, and definitely not at all because he’s jealous. When Lily dies as Vivian Nightingale, Eddie realizes that he has to go back and establish her memorial ball so the events of Poe Party will happen the way they’re supposed to, and we left him hoping that this would complete his unfinished business. So here’s what I’m currently imagining happens next:
Eddie was out of ideas. He had gone back in time, established the Vivian Nightingale Memorial Ball, even orchestrated the meeting between his living self and Oscar Wilde just to make sure everything happened the way it was supposed to, and still he could not move on to the other side. Perhaps that psychic had been wrong about unfinished business. Perhaps being summoned as a ghost was permanent.
He went back to the future and haunted Lily’s grave again. Part of him wanted to find a way to bring her back, but to his surprise he found that his biggest reservation was that he didn’t want her to also be stuck with no way to find peace. This made no sense, of course. Eddie reminded himself that he wanted her to be miserable, because she reminded him of Annabel, and well… now that Eddie thought about it, that didn’t make any sense either. “Ugh, what am I even DOING with my afterlife?” he shouted, kicking her headstone in frustration.
Suddenly, the cemetery began to melt away. Had Eddie lost his ability to control his time travel? He felt a peculiar sensation in his neck, and he looked down to find that his body had disappeared. He quickly shut his eyes and begged everything to return to normal, but when he opened them again he found himself in an unfamiliar room, face to face with someone unpleasantly familiar.
“Well, well, well,” Eddie sneered. “Edwin. Allan. Poe.”
The other man furrowed his brow in confusion. “I thought Poe’s first name was Edgar,” said a voice behind Eddie that he thought sounded like Lenore.
“Are you sure it wasn’t Edward?” asked the man who looked like Poe but clearly was not.
“Good thing you’re a science teacher and not an English teacher,” quipped the Lenore double as she wandered into Eddie’s line of sight.
Eddie felt like he’d landed in his own worst nightmare. He wanted to leave, but his limbs seemed reluctant to move when he willed them to. “Where am I?” he demanded. “And who are you? And why can’t I-?” Eddie was interrupted by his own arm, which had finally decided to move, but not the way he’d wanted it to, and he ended up whacking himself in the face. When he glared at the offending arm, he noticed that it bore absolutely no resemblance to the arm he was normally attached to.
“I’m Ichabod Crane, and this is our – well, my – I mean, it’s my house, and it might be yours, too. My roommate doesn’t have a head, you see, and we found yours hidden under some floorboards in a haunted house. Matilda’s a witch and she knows how to attach heads to bodies, so that’s how you got here.”
Ichabod smiled in what he clearly thought was a friendly manner, but all Eddie saw was a smirk. Roommates with Poe’s doppelganger? Even if this had been his body, which it obviously was not, he wouldn’t have been able to stand it. Using all his willpower to remain calm, Eddie began, “I am most certainly not your roommate, and this is not my-”
He was interrupted once again, this time by a scream from the doorway. Eddie was prepared to see someone who reminded him of Annabel, but he was unprepared for the startled look of wide-eyed astonishment on her face. She recognized him.
Ichabod rushed over to her. “Kat, darling – I mean, not darling, that’s awkward, I would never call you that – well, not never, but we don’t know each other well en- sorry, I mean, uh… Kat, what’s wrong?”
For a moment, she looked as though she might faint, but instead she spoke, in the same desperately trying to remain calm tone that Eddie had just been using. “That head looks terrible on Headless’s body. It’s clearly the wrong one.”
“True, it doesn’t seem to fit, but I feel like we should at least give him the same courtesy we gave the others and allow him to tell his story-”
“No!” cried Kat, lunging toward Eddie.
Was this somehow Annabel’s ghost? Or was it, could it possibly be… “Lily?” he whispered as she approached him.
Instead of responding, she put one of her hands under his chin, grabbed his hair with the other, and tried to yank his head off of the body. Eddie hadn’t been able to feel physical pain since his death, but this hurt. “Stop! Let me talk to you!” he protested, but she ignored him.
“Ichabod! Matilda! Help me get this hideous head off!” Kat shouted as Eddie yelped in pain and anger. Hideous?
“Do you know this guy, Kat?” Matilda asked, sounding amused.
“Do you?” Ichabod repeated, sounding anxious.
Kat seemed to suddenly realize what she was doing. She released Eddie’s head. After taking a few steps back and a few deep breaths, she said, “Sorry. No, I don’t know him, but I do know that his head doesn’t belong on that body, and I’m so desperate to help you find the right head. We’ve been trying for so long, I’m starting to get frustrated and impatient. So can we please take this head off and try another one?”
Matilda narrowed her eyes suspiciously, but when Kat met her gaze unflinchingly, she shrugged and said, “Well, I certainly agree that this is not the correct head, so I guess you’re right, might as well move on.” She began chanting a spell.
“No, wait!” Eddie cried, but it was too late; a moment later he found himself back in the cemetery, his head reattached to the rest of his ghost.
Was Lily still alive somehow? Or had she come back as a ghost without telling him? That couldn’t have been Annabel; that girl had never been capable of violence, and if she had somehow developed a taste for it in death and now wanted revenge on him, surely she would have tried to strangle him, not pull his head off. But Lily had been his friend. Why wouldn’t she want to see him? If she’d figured out that he’d been sabotaging her, surely she would have confronted him. He resolved to get to the bottom of this. All he had to do was figure out where and when Ichabod Crane lived, and then he could take his whole ghost self there. She wouldn’t be able to get rid of him as easily that way. If nothing else, she at least owed him an explanation. Whether this was Eddie’s final bit of unfinished business or another wild goose chase, only time would tell.
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janeyseymour · 3 years
Few And Far Between
It's been a strange day for Jane and Jenna... First they work together, and then they meet two people they never thought they would.
WC: 2350
It had been quite a day for the queen and baker. For once, Jenna Hunterson, proud owner, baker, and waitress, had taken a day off. Nothing special was happening that day, the woman just decided she should take a much needed break, knowing her staff could easily manage without her. Still, she told Cal that if it got to be too much not to hesitate to call her in.
Jane Seymour had settled into the cafe Anne worked at. It was few and far between that she made visits there anymore (mostly she found herself at Lulu’s to visit her friend), but when she did Anne always made sure the corner spot she had first met Jenna in was open for her. Seeing that she didn’t have to worry about picking Lulu up from school, she figured she might as well keep her friend with space buns occupied.
“Mind if I join you?” A familiar voice teased. Jane couldn’t help but roll her eyes in good nature.
“Mmm,” she drew out. “I suppose.”
“Oh please,” the brunette took her seat across from Jane. “As if you have any other friends who would willingly join you here.”
“Excuse me, I have five other people who live in my house who would happily join me, and your daughter would join me too!” the blonde playfully bit back.
“Well, I guess you got me there.”
The two had been chatting for quite some time when the baker’s phone began to ring.
“Oh good god. It’s Cal. I gotta take this.” The brunette stood and stepped outside before returning a few moments later to gather her things.
“Get called into work?” Jane didn’t even have to look up from her book to know she was correct.
“Yeah. Apparently it’s busier than usual, and you know how some of the staff can get when they’re under pressure. You’re more than welcome to join me, although I don't know if I can promise you a seat.”
“I can come; just gotta let Annie know I’m leaving.” The third queen made her way over to her predecessor and informed her of her new plan.
“Just bring me home a slice of pie, yeah?” With a nod, the two made their way out of the cafe and into the streets.
When Cal had called and told Jenna the diner was busy, he wasn’t kidding. On a Wednesday afternoon, the place looked as though it was a Saturday morning. And of course, they were understaffed.
After spending a decent amount of time hanging around the diner, the silver queen had picked up on how to address customers. Seeing that no one was available to help the customers that had just walked in, Jane stepped up.
“Hi, welcome to Lulu’s pie diner. If you give me one second, I can bus a table for you and have you seated!” The blonde shot them a smile before grabbing the bussing bin and making her way over to the table that had just been deserted.
“Jenna, there’s a new duo at table 7,” Jane alerted the baker as she made her way back to her seat behind the counter.
“There can’t be? It’s not-”
“I cleaned and set it. I just figured you could use some help. Oh god, did I overstep?” A hand flew to cover her mouth in panic.
“No, no,” Jenna quickly rushed out. “Thank you so much, but you don’t have to work hun.”
“I don’t mind.” Jane let a small sigh of relief out after that brief moment of weakness.
“Well in that case-” the owner of the diner reached under the counter before holding out an apron for the blonde to put on. “-better get to work Miss Seymour. Don’t make me regret hiring you.” The brunette winked.
As it turns out, waitressing came easily to the third queen. It made sense in reality- having to clean up hurricane Anne’s messes made bussing and setting tables a breeze. If no one else was available, she was able to seat more customers and inform her friend of the turnovers. She was able to print checks and run them (with some help from Jenna at first). To say the owner of the diner was grateful was an understatement. She truly wasn’t sure how she would’ve made it through this day without an angry customer if it wasn’t for her friend with a heart of... silver? Then, a thought occurred to the waitress. She wasn’t available to pick Lulu up from school anymore, and it’s not like she could ask Jim to- he was on call.
“What’s got you ‘lookin like shit’, as Becky would say?” Jane whispered to her friend as they passed- Jane on her way back to the counter to run a card and Jenna with two slices of “In the Dark, Dark Chocolate” pie for table 8.
“I don’t know how I’m gonna get Lu home from-”
“I can grab her,” Jane offered, already taking off the apron she had been given earlier in the morning.
“As much as I appreciate that, I kind of need you here to help out.”
“I can see if one of the other queens can pick her up? I think Anne gets done a bit before her school lets out. If not, I think Cathy could pry herself away from her work for 20 minutes to pick her up and bring her here.”
“You and your family are a lifesaver sometimes.”
“Let me just shoot them a text.” The blonde pulled her phone out from her pocket and opened her messages.
[ the queens] Jane: Hi, is anyone free to do me (and Jenna) a HUGE favor?
       Catalina: What’s up?
       Anne: ?
       Cathy: Would love to help, but have to finish an editorial that’s due tomorrow
       Kat: drownin’ in classwork n then i gotta run to work, sry j
       Anna: What up Seymour
       Jane: The diner is crazy busy right now, so I’m helping out. Unfortunately, that leaves no one to pick up Lu (Jim is on call). Would one of you be able to run down to her school and pick her up?
“Tell them I’ll bake their favorite pie for them,” Jenna laughed.
       Jane: Jenna says pie is on the table as a reward.
       Anne: what time does her skool get out? might be able to grab her on my way home from work
       Jane: 3:15.
       Anne: might be a few minutes late, but I can grab her. Do I bring her to our place, the diner, Jenna’s?
       Jane: Thank you so much. You’re a lifesaver. Wherever is fine. Thank you so much.
“Annie said she can.”
“Thank god for that. I’ll call the school to let them know she’s picking Lu up. Think you can hold the fort down for a few minutes?”
“Annie?” Lulu looked puzzled as to why one of her girls was picking her up from school that day. Didn’t Mama have off today?
“Hey little Lu!” Anne held out her hand for the small child to take. “Mama got called into your diner today, and apparently it is so super busy, so Janey is helping her out too.”
“Oh, okay! Can we go to my diner?” The little girl asked as the two began walking the streets of New York.
“That sounds perfect.”
“Thank you so much Anne. You’re literally a godsend,” Jenna thanked the second queen profusely as she placed a hefty slice of pie in front of her.
“Not a problem really. You know I’m more than happy to help out,” the green queen got out before diving into her pie with an eagerness neither of the women had seen before.
“Did you not eat today Annie?” Jane asked while passing the table that held two of her favorite girls on her way to another table with more coffee.
“Didn’t have a chance to grab something before I left work. Had to be on time to pick up the little munchkin.”
“You know, if I’m ever this busy again, I might be callin’ you back in for a shift,” the baker laughed as she handed her friend a wad of cash. Now that the hustle and bustle of the diner was starting to slow down, the two could take a break to chat.
“What’s this?” Jane looked at the money that was shoved into her hand. “I don’t need this.”
“Your share of tips for the day.”
“I’m not taking your money Hunterson,” Jane refused, handing the money back.
“Come on. You worked almost a full shift without any notice. Just-”
“I did it to help a friend out.”
“You worked almost a full shift.”
“I volunteered.”
“Just take the damn money,” Jenna sighed as she stuffed the money into one of the pockets of the apron that Jane was still sporting.
“Use it for something that needs to be fixed in the diner.” Jane pulled the money out and did exactly what the owner of the diner had done to her.
“Jesus Christ Jane, just take it.” She threw the money at her in good nature.
“I’ll just put it in here.” Jane, ever the stubborn one, deposited the money in the tip jar.
“You know who the tips go to right?” The brunette bit back a laugh.
“Yes. The waitresses and the kitchen staff.”
“You were a waitress today,” the baker laughed as she pulled the money out of the tip jar and handed it back to the blonde. “You’re not winning this one Seymour, so just take it.”
“Alright fine. I’m going to run to the restroom real quick. Keep an eye on Anne for me, and do not give her another slice of pie. Last thing I need is for her to spoil dinner and be up half the night rambling about god knows what.”
A few minutes later, Jenna heard the bell ring. Counting the cash in the register, she didn’t look up immediately, but started on with her spiel for when it wasn’t too busy, “Hi, welcome to Lulu’s diner. Take a-” she looked up and saw the woman standing in front of her. “Jane, stop playing.”
“I’m sorry?” The blonde in front of her looked confused, the slightest crinkle of her nose evident.
“How did you? I thought you went to the bathroom?”
The baker refused to give in to her friend’s games. “How did you change and get outside so quick Jane?”
“Who is Jane?”
“Uh, Jenna?” Anne spoke up from the booth her and Lulu occupied.
“Anne, did you help her with this prank?”
“Mama, I don’t know who that is, but it’s not Janey.” Lulu had already eyed the customer up and down as soon as she entered through the front door.
“I’m so sorry. I don’t know who Jane is,” the blonde sounded genuine. “My name is Abby.”
“What the fuck?” Jenna muttered under her breath. “I’m so sorry- you just look exactly like a friend of mine. Take a seat wherever there’s a booth open, and I’ll be around to take your order in a few.” The brunette, silently freaking out over meeting one of her best friend’s actual doppelgangers, mustered as genuine of a smile as she could.
“I’m supposed to be meeting my sister here, but she’s running a bit late. Is it alright if I hold off on ordering until she gets here?”
“That’s not a problem hun. Make yourself comfortable.”
“Jane?” Jenna pounded on the bathroom door where her friend was supposed to be . She still wasn’t quite convinced that this wasn’t some elaborate prank.
“Can’t a woman go to the bathroom in private?” the blonde joked as she opened the door.
“What the- no fucking way,” the baker whispered with eyes blown wide.
“What?” Jane asked.
“No fucking way. You’ve gotta be shitting me,” Jenna mumbled as she grabbed Jane’s hand and escorted her out to the front. “This woman, she looks exactly like you.” She pointed over to the table the blonde woman had settled into. “I thought you, Anne and Lu were pranking me.”
“There’s no way.” The blonde glanced over at the table before doing a double take. Had she not been the Jane Seymour, she would’ve thought it was her too.
“I literally told her to stop playing.”
“Well, I can go take her order so she understands why you said that. Maybe, if she sees me, she’ll realize it was a mistake.”
“She said she’s waiting for her sister to get here, but then yes. You take her order and explain the misunderstanding.”
Surely enough, a few minutes later, a brunette stepped into the diner. Jane had been at the counter while Jenna was busying herself organizing the spice rack.
“Hi, welcome to-” Jane looked the brunette up and down.
“Abby?” The woman looked at the queen curiously.
“I’m not-”
“Jessie!” the blonde from before walked over.
“What the-” the new woman, apparently named Jessie, gasped as she looked between the two. Abby too had begun to stare at Jane, completely dumbfounded at how much they resembled each other.
Jane was stunned. Had they found not just her doppelganger, but Jenna’s too? “Jenna! Get out here right now!” the queen yelled into the back.
A few seconds later, the baker emerged from the kitchen.
“What the hell are you yelling about? I almost dropped a bag of-” Jenna glanced at the two women in front of her. They were spitting images of herself and her queenly friend. “-What the-”
“So you must be Jane?” Abby bit back a laugh, remembering the odd encounter she had with the baker a few minutes earlier. “I understand now why your friend thought you were pulling a prank on her.”
They say there are seven people in the whole world who look like you, but it is highly unlikely you’ll never meet them. So maybe Jenna wasn’t one of the seven people that Jane Seymour looked like, but Abby Mueller definitely was. And perhaps Jane wasn’t one of the seven people that Jenna Hunterson looked like, but Jessie Mueller was for sure.
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arwavastaniii · 3 years
Tessa | The Vampire Diaries x Shadowhunters | Chapter 1
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Pairings - Damon x main oc, Stefan x  main oc, Klaus x  main oc, Elijah x  main oc, Jace x main oc, Alec x main oc, multiple oc x  main oc
Tessa's eyes fluttered open as she took in her surrounding. Her best friend, Elena Gilbert was sitting on the couch with her arms crossed as she glared daggers at two people she did not know.
The place reminded her of the basement, it was dark and dusty. Tessa could feel her heart pounding as the memories of her time came back to her.
There was a girl with a pixie cut and a man that was looking at the doppelganger like she was a piece of meat. "Look who's awake," the man said as he noticed Tessa. "Why can't I eat her, the doppelicious is the one that needs to stay alive, right?"
"Control Trevor," Pixie cut rolled her eyes.
Their heads snapped to the door of the room as fear clouded Trevor's eyes.
"He's here. Let's just leave them and run. He'll kill us, Rose."
Elena went to Tessa and grabbed her hand. She was terrified while Tessa just stood there confused and terrified.
She was scared they had found her. She was scared all of it would happen again. She wasn't strong enough to handle it again.
In a minute, Rose came with an attractive man in a suit. He quickly sped to Elena, standing extremely close to her.
As terrified as she was, Tessa would rather have her get hurt than her best friend. She pushed her best friend back and came between them to ensure the doppelganger's safety.
Elijah usually would have killed anyone who dared to step in his way, but he was impressed by the human's bravery and her need to protect those she cared about.
"Hello there," he said slightly smiling at the girl. "What's your name?" he asked.
"I'm Tessa White, who the hell are you?" She replied, crossing her arms.
"I'm Elijah. It's lovely to meet you, Miss White. I give you my word I will not hurt your friend there, but I need to check something." He said ushering her to the side. For some reason Tessa believed him, she could see honesty in his eyes.
Elijah got close to Elena and breathed her scent. Elena felt a small sense of triumph being the center of attention again. She was a popular girl, who now had two vampires fighting for her. She was a good person, but she reveled in the attention she got from people and always craved more.
"Human, that's impossible." he breathed out.
"Well, actually it isn't. Kat had a baby before she left Bulgaria. Her asshole of a father took the baby girl and gave her away." Tessa stated.
Katherine had trusted the young girl very quickly, which was shocking even to her. Tessa had that aura around her, it made you want to be with her, just to be close to her and trust her and tell her everything.
"Kat? Since when are you friends with Katherine?" Elena demanded.
"She's not a completely bad person, Elena. She had her reasons."
"She threatened me, Tessa," Elena said crossing her arms and glaring at her best friend.
"You're alive aren't you?" Tessa stated with raised eyebrows.
"You know Katarina?" Elijah asked looking at her.
"Yeah, my best friend is dating both the Salvatore brothers. Of course, I know Katherine." She said chuckling when she saw Elena glare at her.
"We have a long journey ahead of us. We should get going." Elijah said as he looked at Tessa with amusement.
"Please don't let him take me." Elena cried.
"One last piece of business. Then we're done." He said walking towards Trevor.
"I've waited so long for this, Elijah, I am truly sorry," Trevor told him.
"Oh no, your apology is not necessary," Elijah said.
"Yes, yes it is. You trusted me with Katerina and I failed you." So that is what he did. There is no way this Elijah dude is letting him go alive. Tessa thought.
"Oh yes, you are the guilty one, and Rose aided you because she was loyal to you. That I honor, where was your loyalty?" Oh, he definitely dead.
"I beg your forgiveness."
"Elena, look away," Tessa said. Elijah glanced at her to see her hiding Elena's face in her shoulders.
"So granted." He said as he hit his head off. Tessa looked away while Elena let out a huge scream, sobbing into her shoulders.
He came towards the two brunettes, Tessa walked back dragging her best friend with her, a fearful expression on her face.
"No, what about the moonstone?" Elena cried out.
"Elena shut up." Tessa hissed.
"What do you know about the moonstone?" he asked her, well more like demanded.
"I know you need it, and I know where it is."
"I can help you get it."
"Elena stop." she hissed again.
"Tell me where it is," Elijah ordered.
"It doesn't work that way." Tessa interrupted. She could see that Elena was shaking and needed to step in before she slips their leverage out of fear.
"Are you negotiating with me, little one?" He asked looking at her with amusement and a bit of adoration. He couldn't help the fluttering feeling in his heart, Tessa had the power to melt the coldest of hearts.
"Well, duh. You really didn't just expect us to spill up our only leverage, did you?" She said looking at him like he was an idiot.
He looked at her amusingly before turning to Elena and trying to compel her.
"What is this vervain doing around your neck?" he said ripping off the necklace and compelling her. "Tell me where the moonstone is."
"In the tomb underneath the church ruins." She said in a monotone voice.
"What is it doing there?" Tessa's heart started pounding. Katherine had told her something about running from a very old vampire and it might be this one. What if he gets her and hurts her.
"It doesn't matter what it is doing there. It's there, you know it. Can we just leave now, this house makes me want to kill myself," she said bringing his attention to her breaking Elena's trance.
"It's with Katherine," Elena said with a small smirk. She knew that if Tessa was protecting Katherine, it meant that Elijah knowing her location would get her competitor rid for good.
"Elena!" Tessa yelled as Elena just gave her an innocent look.
"What's that?" He asked as they heard a sound outside.
"I don't know. There's no one in the house, I promise." Rose said when Elijah looked at her accusingly.
He gripped Elena's arm roughly to which she winced, as he gently grabbed Tessa's and walked outside.
"Up here," came a voice with a whoosh sound. "Down here," came another voice.
Tessa was quickly sped upstairs behind a wall with Damon's hand on her mouth and his finger up to tell her to be quiet.
"You okay, sunshine?" he asked concerned as he searched her for injuries. Damon always called her sunshine, he said she would light up the room every time she entered and all the problems would vanish away with just her smile.
Tessa nodded as she sent him a small smile.
"I'll come with you, just let my friends go. They're just trying to help." Elena said as she ran to the stairs.
Elijah sped to the doppelganger as she pulled the pin of the vervain grenade in her hand throwing it on his face.
After a lot of commotion, the original was dead. Tessa ran downstairs to see the man pale and veiny with a stake in his heart.
Elena ran down to Stefan as Tessa ran to Damon and hugged him. He held her tight as he soothed her hair, neither of them noticed the slightly jealous look in Stefan's eyes as he watched the young brunette hugging his brother.
"Let's get out of here Dames. This house smells like death." Tessa said with a disgusted expression making him chuckle.
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umaficwriter · 4 years
You’ve Got Your Demons And Darling They All Look Like Me
So, based on my last post, my mind took me here. Please, don’t harrass me for it, it’s just a thing I wrote and I want you to consider Elijah made his peace and Katerina accepted him back. Okay? Okay. 
It takes place after The Original’s episode where we get to discover it was Elijah who killed Tatia.
Only posted on Tumblr!
“I was worried about you, ‘Lijah,” Katherine prompted as she watched her lover walking into their apartment at The Abattoir.
The brunette beauty got up from the loveseat and marched in the entrance’s direction, although Elijah didn’t stir from the spot he was standing. He kept looking to the flames cracking over the fireplace by their side, avoiding Katherine’s figure at all costs. He ven looked constructed, if the brunette was honest with herself.
“Elijah?” Katherine called for him, as she approached him, careful steps, because she noticed he was in a sort of trance, his sight deep into the bright orange flames.
She aimed her hand to touch his blood’ stained cheek and a hurtful look appeared in her features when the Original flinched back before she could touch him, moving away to escape her attempts.
“Elijah,” she tried once more, as he passed by her side, making a beeline for their bedroom, probably to take a shower, since he was bathed in his own blood, sweat, his previously flawless suit completely ruined.  
“I can’t look at you right now, please Tat- Katerina,” he struggled with his words, his mind miles per second, his thoughts clouded by despair as the images Esther revealed to him replayed like a broken record in his mind. Elijah crossed the threshold and closed the door back to its arch, not even glancing back at his lover.
Katherine stood there speechless and feeling helpless. Normally, Elijah would have days where he couldn’t actually talk about things that happened, Kat understood and respected that. After all, they had come a long way for just her to be here and be accepted by his family. When things like this occurred, Elijah would look for her eventually, seeking her opinion on the matter, or only comfort, when it turned out to be something she couldn’t aid.  Although he would never shut her away like he was doing right now. Ever.  
She had made him promise, all those days back, that he would always find a way for them, when she had reconsidered giving him a second chance - short after he had left for New Orleans and realized what a coward he was for not chasing after her.
Katherine had only one request, and it was for him to always be sincere and truthful, to never hide anything from her, because that was to be his last chance, she didn’t want to hurt anymore.
She loathed these kind of ultimatums, she didn’t believe love could be build through them, but seeing how he was acting now, she could comprehend why she had asked it of him in the first place.
On the other hand, she didn’t want to appear needy, for she wasn’t. She was just worried. His resurrected witchy-witchy of a mother had kept him in her claws for a period, and that could never end well.
Letting a heavy sight escape her, Katherine left their rooms and descended the stairs in hopes to find his brother, if someone could tell her what had happened, it would be Klaus.
“It’s not my story to tell, Katerina,” the hybrid had said nursing his whiskey by the fireplace on the first floor.
“He almost called me Tatia,” she put it out there and sensed Niklaus stiffen, even though he had his back to her.
Possibilities were rampaging in Katherine’s mind. If Esther was back from the dead, if Finn was too, who could guess what else long lost acquaintances would appear?
Maybe he had saw Tatia, while Esther had him captive?
The thought of another doppelganger around made the stolen blood running through her veins go cold.
She didn’t say anything else, as she left the Hybrid Original alone, ascending the stairs back to her chambers.
Everything was exactly like she had left it. The fire cracking, the book she was failing in concentrate into, while Elijah was away being tortured by his psycho of a mother, abandoned on the side table from when her lover had come back.
Katherine didn’t pause her stride and slowly opened the door to their bedroom, it was bathed in moonlight, the bed pristinely made as it was this morning, the door to their walk-in closet ajar, just as it was before, only in the far corner of the room, Elijah’s favorite armchair was occupied. By him.
The vampiress silently closed the door behind her and walked cautiously in her partner’s direction, ‘till she was in front of him.
“’Lijah,” she used his nickname to give him closure somehow.  
He diverted his look from the world outside the window and faced her.
His demeanor spent, troubled, scared.
It broke Katherine’s heart.
“I saw you,” he initiated, glancing back at the city outside.
“I was here the whole time, I couldn’t find you, so Klaus made me stay here, in case you showed up,” she explained “your mother never reached me,” Kat tried to reason.
She heard the heavy sigh he let out and moved her hand to touch the one in his lap.
“There is a red door,” he still couldn’t sustain the face she wore without his thoughts traveling back to the horrid memories he once thought were a nightmare, and Katherine didn’t insist, she only held his hand while he talked “my past mistakes, I have always hidden them on the other side of this door, pretending they never existed in the first place. My mother show- reminded me what was inside,” he managed a ragged beath, his tone as of a broken man.
Katherine had never seen him so distressed, not even when Hope was about to be born and hell broke out.
“You said you saw me? She didn’t touch a hair in my head, Elijah, you can-“
“I killed her, Katerina,” his voice was heavy with guilt. His eyes finally making contact with hers and Katherine watched the pain in them with heart-clenching ache in her own.
“It was I who killed Tatia, not my mother’s ritual.” Katherine’s grip in his hand grew stronger as his eyes glistened with unshed tears. The emphasis he used showing how sorry he was.
“I am a monster!” he announced suddenly leaving the chair and walking away from the brunette.
“No, you’re not,” she immediately disagreed as she turned around to face his bare back. She wanted to say weren’t them all?!’however decided against it for only would worsen things.
Katherine continued watching his shoulders up and down with his breathing, his pajama pants hanging low on his waistline.
“It could’ve been you, Katerina!” he accused to no one in particular, still not facing her, afraid of seeing fear in her face. He couldn’t conceive if she was afraid of him.
“I feel like I killed you, Katerina,” his voice lowering an octave now, “I cannot stand the idea of hurting you, I-“
He turned around and watched as her own eyes glistened with uncalled tears.
“Katerina, I’m so sorry,” he looked down his bare feet, his voice low in desperation for he couldn’t predict what she was to tell. He was sorry for feeling like he could hurt her in any way. He was sorry it had happened, even though it wasn’t his fault. Sorry he got this demon hunting him, and that it looked like his Katerina. Elijah was sorry there’s been a person who wore her face once upon a time, in the first place, he was sorry his selfishness wouldn’t allow him to live without her.  
The silence endured one more heartbeat before she spoke “But you didn’t, you would never hurt me that way, Elijah” his name softly spoken be her as always. Katherine walked the few steps separating them and touched his face tenderly, brushing his lips with her thumb.
The man didn’t offer her a vocal response, instead Katherine watched as he fell to his knees, at her pump-clad feet, and hugged her middle-section tight burring his head in her stomach as he finally let his tears run free.
Katherine felt her own tears shed as she ran her hand through his soft brown hair, shushing him and assuring her lover everything was going to end up alright.
“If I ever lose my mind, I want you to run as far away from me as possible, Katerina, I-“ he was silenced by another wave of guilt at only consider  the possibility of hurting her more than he had in the past.
“I love you,” he whispered after a while in the same position when his tears subsided.
She smiled at him, even though he couldn’t see it and never ceased to comb his hair while whispering back in the dark room “I love you, too.”
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