#just tagging fandoms relevant to my thought process
jyuanka · 1 year
"his lips tasted like ice and sin"
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#so ive been reading this mega popular super long fic for a fandom i dont care about for a ship i dont care about (a procrastination method)#anyway ive read too much of it and felt obligated to keep going but i disliked it more with each chapter#coming at it from an emotional distance helped make it something of a mental writing exercise: pull it apart see why and how it works#my envious little writer heart just wants to know (i mean the stats on this bitch were rising in real time)#but i come upon the above sentence and i let out the ugliest laugh#i stop reading the fic just to process the silliness of what i just read#cue later i reopen the tab and my eyes instantly land on that sentence#suffice to say today i am free of that fic#its on me i shouldve stopped reading when the love interest was described as a 'fallen angel of death'#and its like the writer instantly realized what she's done so the next paragraph immediately starts with 'it was a cliche'#yeah girl it is#(love it when an author leaves their mental self-negotiations over a writing choice right there in the published text)#my decision to stop reading even tho im past the halfway point means i no longer have to read about eyebrows 'quirking inquisitively'#altho sometimes the eyebrow quirks questioningly; often curiously; one time it quirked disapprovingly; but its always quirking & so are lip#and people 'roll their jaws' (no i dont know what that means)#its a fanfic so im fine if the love interest smells like 'oakmoss and papyrus' (sillier scents have been sniffed on love interests)#but if you tell me he smells that way more than 7 times in the span of a few chapters i start having objections#given how many times it was mentioned i started wondering if its plot relevant (its not)#i have so many more thoughts but i like writing in the tags because its the tumblr equivalent of muttering out loud to myself#you might ask 'jyu why are you shredding someone else's work' the answer can be found in the words of contemporary philosopher lil nas x:#'i wanna fuck the ones i envy'
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naranjapetrificada · 11 months
This is going to be long so the short version is this:
I convinced my therapist to watch the 🌟Gay Pirate Show🌟 and now I have to confront a previously unidentified and terrifyingly deep emotional wound that could be as transformative to heal as it is terrifying to approach.
My therapist and I have a lot of let's say...demographic things in common that have made this the most successful therapeutic relationship I've ever had, but also that just made me think he might like the show. It's no secret that ofmd has been a deeply moving experience for its viewers, and queer, neurodivergent, and/or people of color have written at length about the special ways it touches us (or doesn't). Those are three categories both he and I fit into and it feels relevant to say that for context.
So yes I thought he might like it, but I also wanted to pick his brain about Big Feelings it was giving me that I hadn't experienced with the same intensity with other media/fandoms. Y'all, he gave me a completely unexpected reading on the show (and its story and its fan works) and why it makes us feel So Much that I haven't seen anywhere before.
When I say Big Feelings, I mean like I've literally had to swear off a couple of pretty innocuous categories on AO3 ("Growing Old Together" and "Domestic Fluff") because they would devastate me in ways that I couldn't attribute to anything specific. Growing Old Together comes with the possibility of death separating them, which is heartbreaking, but that didn't feel like it was the thing that was gutting me. Domestic Fluff could probably be called the most innocuous tag ever, but anything that saw our blorbos settling down and watching the Revenge sail off into the distance was fucking me up as well.
There are plenty of reasons why OFMD makes queer people feel so much, but when I say this was fucking me up I mean like, well, remember when people outside of classical music started learning about appoggiatura? Like intellectually knowing why I was crying but at a loss how intense everything felt. And my therapist (who is as good at analyzing a text as he is at being a therapist) was like "oh, it could be all the grief."
The grief.
The audacity of this motherfucker (affectionate).
It's a romcom! It's a romcom that we were explicitly told would have a happy ending! It's a romcom where the characters will get to sail off into the sunset together like they want and like we want for them! Stede and Ed, after four decades of self-hatred and trauma and fear and isolation, somehow find each other. And one of the sweetest things about their story is that it's a late in life love story, because it's incredibly inspiring for someone to get to experience a part of life they thought wasn't for them. The inescapable fact that their time together will be shorter than any of us would like is sad but not unaccountably sad to me, because of how much joy they'll be able to cram into the time they have left. I could be wrong but I don't think that alone is the source of what's been overwhelming me.
Grief is a constant presence in the world-building and the storytelling because grief is a natural response to well, so many things about being alive. Grieving is some of the hardest shit any of us ever have to do, but it's also so universal and so many of the things that make us uniquely human also make grieving well, maybe not easier, but something we can endure and process through ritual, community, and the example of those we've witnessed grieving their own losses. Many kinds of grief come with narratives that you can accept or reject all or parts of, but the narrative exists.
But have you ever heard of disenfranchised loss? Loss that's not easily labeled or classified or given the time or space or understanding it deserves? Have you experienced a loss like that? Can you imagine how much more difficult it makes the grieving process?
Well what my therapist suggested, the thing that knocked me on my ass hard enough that I had to come have Online Feelings about it, is that eventually, we all have to mourn ourselves. Not necessarily in a "mortality is inevitable" way (that happens to everyone) but in ways that are often unique to people like him and me (black, ND, queer). Even if we work on ourselves, if we grow and heal our trauma and feel at home in our identities and our bodies and build beautiful lives, eventually we will be forced to mourn the selves that we never got to be in the societies in which we live and the selves we once had to become to survive this long.
And that mourning is a kind of disenfranchised loss, with no clear path forward. Obviously this conversation happened within the context of everything my therapist knows about me as an individual, but I thought certain things might resonate with other fans as well so I wanted to talk about it. The story of this bizarre little man and his remarkable second act and his lovely little found family and his incredibly beautiful love story (that we've been guaranteed will end happily) is still haunted by the specific kind of grief that comes from learning what's possible, and regretting that you didn't know it was possible sooner.
And does anybody have more delayed milestones, later-in-life discoveries, and/or need to invent places for themselves than those of us on the social fringes? Than those of us in societies unequipped for (or actively hostile to) the ways we exist and the things we need to survive and thrive? Than those of us who have to create our own narratives or be saddled with inaccurate or harmful narratives created by others, or even no narrative at all?
And narrative is so much. Narrative is everything. Narrative is the story we tell ourselves and each other and that literally shapes our reality. So those story beats where we discover something better than what came before are inherently stories with loss and will require mourning, because we mourn loss.
Even when the story has a happy ending. Especially when the story has a happy ending for someone who never thought they would be allowed to have one.
I mean just like, FUCKING HELL. I can't blame anyone for this but myself. I know my therapist. I know how insightful he can be. I did this to myself and now I have to live with it. But my god is it a massive mountain I'm about to have to climb now. My therapist and I have always found it helpful to discuss media that makes me Feel Things (see all the trauma work that came from Life is Strange) but if you had told me that I'd be looking into this new dark cave of unprocessed shit thanks to what I thought was just gonna be a harmless little gay pirate show starring fucking Murray from Flight of the Concords I would probably just have assumed you were in the middle of having a stroke and taken off to get you the medical attention you desperately needed.
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arwainian · 1 year
The F@tT Fic Marathon!
One man's very stupid quest to read every work published in the Archive of Our Own tag for the actual play podcast Friends at the Table (A. Walker et al.)
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I had this whim months ago and in the interveneing time I haven't quite shook it off. I read a lot, and it seems like fun and it would be an interesting process to document!
fatt is a moderately sized fandom with (currently) under 2000 works in its ao3 tag. this makes the project technically possible, if still incredibly daunting
I am a small time fic writer sometimes and I want to find the hidden gems of this fandom buried deep in the tag and bring a bit of love to them out of appreciation for the work it takes
i will be reading through the entirety of the friends at the table tag on ao3 in publication order. whatever had it's first chapter published first i read first!
every 20 works (ie. one entire page of ao3 results) I will post a quick summary of what I've read, and highlight/shout out the things i would recommend, or share any other thoughts that seem cool and relevant
if a fic is multichapter and unfinished i will subscribe to it in case it updates during the course of the project and read that chapter whenever it comes out and probably(?) share in the next relevant check-in
I will try to read every fic, but for the sake of my own sanity undergoing this project, I reserve the right to stop reading anything that really just doesn't work for me
now! if you're seeing this, I have already begun on my Quest and posted the first of my 20 fic check-ins
these check-ins will arrive when they arrive. fics vary greatly in length and my Life varies in freetime, but as soon as I reach 20 fics read, I'll talk about it! check out #fatt fic marathon here on my tumblr to see what I've gotten to so far, or me talking about this project in general
I am most likely not the first person to try to read Every Fic, and- based on some observations of the kudos and comments sections- I don't think I'm even the first to attempt it in publishing order in the past year! BUT i want to talk about it as I go, so you get to see me talk about it as I go
that's my silly contribution to this very cool fandom I joined this past year: putting myself through a fanfic gauntlet! watch me suffer and thrive for your own amusement, or feel free to read along with me!
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marimbles · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag @jattendschaton<3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
mostly miraculous ladybug and a bit of owl house! potentially a couple others in the future
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Why Are You Like This?
tell me something i don't know
lucky (we're in love in every way)
some truths are loyal (as the shadows we lead)
two idiots and a hamster
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try to! it means a lot to me that people would go out of their way to leave their thoughts. sometimes it's a bit hard to keep up on multichaps though if the updates are frequent enough so i really fell off the bandwagon and currently live in shame with an overflowing inbox;; trying to do better from now on!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
tbh i don't really do angsty endings bc i want the ending to be happy lol
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
like i said, all my fics have a happy ending but i think lucky is probably the most like extra-fluffy happy ending. and then tell me something i don't know is probably the most cathartic happy ending purely for the dramatic 100k+ buildup lol.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not really, no! maybe a sort of disappointed comment here and there
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
nope and i don't read it either haha
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
haha i hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
a few in russian and one in spanish (the beginning of it, at least)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yep! @botherkupo was my collab partner for two idiots and a hamster and i had a blast writing with her!! kim is such a good writer and sooo clever and funny so it was really fun to try to match her energy and bounce ideas off each other to make it as silly as possible
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
love square and in particular marichat is my weakness<3 also big shoutout to huntlow. and also zelink. and also recently tamaharu. aklsjf
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
at this point im not sure i will ever come back to i wanna tell you (but i don't know how) … it's an owl house fic that i started during season 3 but the direction i had planned doesn't feel very relevant anymore now that the show is over
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think dialogue bc i really enjoy writing it and it typically comes most easily to me! i would consider humor a strength too bc i have a very good time being silly
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
big one is speed. I'm just very slow 😔 the writing process is fairly painstaking for me, and it takes a lot of time and effort even to write things that are pretty short and simple! agonies
for the writing itself, i consider myself a pretty simple writer with a pretty simple writing style—which works well for me most of the time, especially since I tend to lean toward humor. but sometimes it feels like a weakness when i read a story with really rich, beautiful prose and i wish i could emulate that a bit more! when i'm trying for something with a more serious tone it takes a lot more effort for me to convey the appropriate level of depth I'm going for and i worry about going overboard and coming off as overwrought or cheesy sounding lol. along the same vein i feel sometimes that my characterization is a bit two-dimensional and i find myself wishing i could add more levels and depth to the characters. there's just a lot i try to balance in my writing and i don't feel like im quite striking that balance every time. which is fine because no one's perfect ofc! i hope this is all stuff i can learn to be better at.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i generally prefer keeping everything in english since im writing in english. it just feels a bit smoother for the POV if there would be no distinction for the character, and i don't want people to be pulled out of the story if they need to google something
19. First fandom you wrote for?
hunger games, i think
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
tell me something i don't know C:
tagging (if you want to!): @fairytales-and-folklore @lollytea @bahbahhh @sha-nwa @botherkupo @taliaxlatia (or whatever blog u wanna do it on lol)
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enruiinas · 4 days
🪀 How do OOC posts make you feel? Do they affect your IC writing or flow, to know other muns better?
🔦 Connect the dots between you and your muse. Ways that you're the same, different, last time you thought about them, etc.
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Mun Communication Preferences based meme // accepting! (I love these!)
🪀 OOC Posts: I don't think OOC posts necessarily affect my writing flow one way or the other. For the most part, I think I'm largely OOC-post neutral: I often enjoy seeing snippets of fellow muns' day to day lives or thoughts behind their writing process, things like that. OOC posts about their fandoms/muses in particular even frequently send me into peoples' DMs like "OH ON THAT NOTE HERE'S A THOUGHT-", so I enjoy those to some extent. And I always love ooc stuff that's still "roleplay related"/talking about relatable RP things.
I think the only OOC things I tend to really tune out are like... play-by-plays of fandom or real life events (so like the "read with me"/"watch with me" journeys?) - but I only get to that point when there's a ton of them. If that happens and there's a relevant tag for it I'll usually just hide it. I keep my following pretty small so like... if I'm following someone it generally means I'm interested in most if not all of their content!
🔦 Oh man, this is a fun one! For similarities, I'll start with the obvious: we're bday twins! I will never get over how excited I am about this. I think we're both the quiet/introverted type, enjoy learning about a wide variety of subjects in general, and are socially awkward/possibly both have RBF vibes. I think we both need to surround ourselves with people we love & mean something to. Differences: Law is much better at strategizing, he's obviously way smarter than I am, he's a good leader where I am definitely not, umm... he's not squeamish where I often am. We are both socially awkward but I think he's better at witty retorts and snark than I am, so that's a thing I struggle with a lot in RPs (especially lighthearted/fun stuff). I am very much the person that like... if you're insulting or teasing you pretty much have to let me know outright that you're doing it, or you're going to say something "funny" or "rude" or whatever and I'm going to blink and it's going to go right over my head. This can be funny when it manifests in my writing of Law sometimes, but it also wears me out because there are a lot of things where I'm like "I know he's have something cool and funny to retort with and I just... do not because I don't have a clever or funny bone in my body."
As for the last time I thought about Law? I'm always thinking about Law. I think it's fair to say @climatact can attest to this now that we've hung out in person but there's very little I see or hear or think about that doesn't turn into "how would Law respond, think, feel, etc" about this, "how would this look if it was law and [muse] -- that kind of thing. If I'm reading or watching a fandom and I see a good shutdoown/emotional breakdown happen I'm like "ah yes what would bring Law to this and do I need to go post a wishlist about this now that it's on my mind..." He's really just always there in my head on some level.
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incarnateirony · 9 days
You know, I'll be blunt. Since about October of 2022, Nothing Has Been Right For Me when it comes to Normal Living.
The majority of my readers never even noticed. Even when I outright talked about my blackouts at the time, my struggles, or Time Is Fake, I don't know if people really understood as much as acknowledged or maybe empathized.
While that was regular health oriented it was also being exacerbated, and the effect continued even after the nervous reset that came with the paralysis sweep. Other effects and stresses nearly had me remove myself from the gene pool when an ultimate valentines gift for the woman I adore turned into something ugly in my private Dominus area, and caused a blowout. And I can't forget being stunned when 'He' broke out in full to look at One Very Specific Person who later became hugely relevant to my life on winter solstice 2022, after the Samhain incident.
At that point, I felt nothing was safe. I experienced casual terfery and gangbanging for trying to show a woman she's special because everyone else got upset or uncomfortable or wasn't the focus of it, it had to be nitpicked, argued. And I looked outside Dominus, and all there was was haters, and I looked outside the server, and all there was was my abuser stalking me there and abroad and doing what she could to hurt me, and I looked at my body breaking, and my inability to even like, track time normally anymore, and I almost gave up guys, full stop.
My come to Myself As Disco Jesus moment came when those bullets broke in and I realized I still wanted to be here. You know, the day after last year's Thelemic readings ended.
Since then I've had to sort of remaster HOW I interact with the world. Time is fake but that's fine, you guys observe it. I have my own clock that integrates better to track things from my perspective. I actually have a nice little blog toolbar showing it now and have actually been posting about it.
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Like there you go, there's the fucking time.
Anyway. A lot of this is just. It was compounded by a cocaine bear the entire time, whether or not I was cognizant of what was happening at the time, but it's also just kind of... part of the process of what I was doing at the time, that has put me in this bizarre ass position.
When I withdrew from fandom and made my series of confessional posts under #retirement confessions and #apollo's curveballs (many of which WILL hit you like curveballs if you check the tag now), like... I was trying to get rid of it all. The server had already been set up to run without me in my dark hour, but I still had to step away from it to be safe and myself, because again, my stalker, for example, has thoroughly infected the space.
And like... I put who I needed to do the work I needed in the places it needed done... I got what I wanted... it was just a waiting game... so I mostly walked out and reduced to coded videos and found a place I thought I could be safe from my abuser in, until she also chased me there to cause issues.
Like, I like keeping my hat on and trying to live a normal dude life. When I'm not letting my liver get eaten by vultures and vampires, I really like it here. I've realized that on a level most people never encounter before they're dying, because I've already had that moment in a hundred manifolds I witnessed, everything all at once.
But um, guys, once you dig to the level I did, and do works to the level I did, and undie like I did after surviving what's literally called the crossing of the abyss, without becoming a Black Brother or Dark Brother depending on the gnostic branch's phrasing. That puts me in a weird position. Ironically my stalker was literally and continues to literally keep evoking the Dark Brother aspect of me that Hermes warns of, and refuses to stop, which is what's caused a lot of my issues. But I've processed that. A few times now thanks to her.
But once you do that like, I don't know how to explain, there's no going back to normal. It's not about Sanity. I can stay perfectly grounded. It's not voices, or uncontrolled disassociation or anything, but quite literally the opposite, and yet. It's like.
Imagine if you became aware of a level where you understand that you sitting here is like, your personal adventure you get one shot at in this life, but you're also in the back holding the controller outside of the game matrix. Which is why I use game skin analogies so much.
Like, I know Who I Am in This Life, but I also know I Am living multiple lives, millions even in the modern. I know how to ping back to ping forward, I know how to find myself in the million voices, because I Am. I know how to make voices consider things internally even if they've never thought of it themeslves. I know how to use the blank spaces and the cracks between now, just like above.
And once you're like, sitting there, and can tab in outside the terrarium and have a talk with your cosmic higher self to have a talk with your other lower selves like. You can't... unperceive that.
But in the end, nobody even noticed until I exploded on my abuser, so I'd like to think I maintained an image of normalcy and muggledom fairly well for being one mask pull away from the mad hatter at all times. You don't just un-realize that you are the universe reborn, a reduced single life sprouted from the void, guided by the guide and the dissonance, himself embodied, one of millions, and those millions among other relived millions, and we're all one, and you can play in the soup. You can't fucking. Unrealize that.
Just like I can't unrealize what being an I Am means now, especially with the eyes I stole to end my suffering and all the passengers on a train built for this. I didn't sign up for this, really. Not like this. I just wanted to be free. Someone won't let me. We just want to be free.
And the worst thing about this perspective is knowing, deep down, this is still me only fighting with myself. That's the universal constant of the I Am. And thus strikes the dissonance of mercy and vengeance and confusion. But if someone insists on attaching to shadows in a modern life, then they will be reduced as one by conceding to an I Am in this life by their own choice. And so on. Sure, I'm fighting myself. So nuit has been claimed, and are one, and here comes hermaphroditus, I guess.
And so the stalker in question refuses to look at even their own surface this-life mortal actions to begin to unpack their own shadows, and call on mine again, and again, and again. If I don't end this this year, I'm probably gonna have to go through this all over again next, and next, and next, and so on, and like, I Am Not Doing This With Them The Rest Of This Life And The Next Ten. Absolutely fuckin not. That honestly goes for Janus while I watch him slowly lose the support of the public for his behavior. Which is very, very, painfully familiar. And reflective. Of both sides of this issue, really.
Like no fr I'm not kidding like I can perceive myself tapping on the fishbowl from outside, and I tap on a lot of aquariums, ok. That's why someone got messed up, they didn't understand the moral but heard the tapping and got confused on the who's who or what a magus path even means. No, sorry, that was literally me haunting me to try to make me become the best me. It's surprisingly often, it's just this particular life happened to be a future powerful magus bitchslapping someone through time so my personal message was louder and sometimes more visual than others. So someone got all fucked up. Hell, I was all fucked up about myself.
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margaetyrell · 9 months
hi luvs! how are you?? i hope everything’s great 😊 i’m not fully back yet bc i’m on vacation atm, just came to save a long queue to keep my blog active bc it’s pretty much dead. so i’m gonna put all the boring details bellow in case you wonder about the future content of this blog and my general thoughts (if you’re up to read, follow the cut!) please drink water, protect yourselves from this insane weather and take care!! see you all soon 💜
okay so. i’m obviously still disappointed on taylor, but after everything i’ve realised it’s not worth it anymore. i’m still a fan and i cannot deny that. altho it’s true that i’ve distanced myself from her, she is and will always be a big part of my life! and i’d be lying if i said i’m not excited for 1989, bc i bloody am!! it’s one of my fave albums of all time and i really don’t have the strength anymore to let anything else ruin that for me (unless there’s a mh collab on it, then i’ll explode lmao) but the truth is that i’m just an art consumer as we all are, and she is pure art. so i’ll just keep doing my thing while she does hers. end!
that doesn’t mean i’ve erased everything from my brain or that it won’t upset me if she messes up again. but i’m choosing to stay away from drama, not just hers but fandom drama in general. the past year has been a roller coaster of emotions and i’m just tired of it. and the funny thing is that it doesn’t really matter! it doesn’t matter AT ALL. its only point is to make me bitter and out of patience, and i’m just another random person with random thoughts that won’t have any impact on her or anybody, whether i’m right or wrong, so!
in conclusion: i’m a swiftie who is not a swiftie who is a swiftie who is not part of the fandom who is a gaylor who is not an unhinged gaylor who is no one at all. hope this helps!
which brings us to the point: stfu sarah what are we going to see here. ofc taylor, but! i’m not gonna stress anymore over not missing a single post. i’ll just vibe with it and save whatever’s relevant to me from now on (i’ve saved a lot already) which are mostly graphics, fanart, lyrics and tagged posts (you can keep tagging me on everything btw, and thanks again to the few who still do lols love ya!!!) but the main content can be found on the celeb blog i run with my bestie (candyshapes), which not only focuses on taylor but she’s like 70% of it, and where my dear @jdschecter has made sure not to miss any details of the tour (thanks ems, i’d be lost without you <3) so i really recommend you follow us there !! the rest, as usual, will be a multifandom blog with special dedication to taylor and GoT.
that’s all ! if you’ve read everything, thank you SO much. i know it wasn’t necessary, but i wanted to clear that up nevertheless. first, bc i’m pretty true to my opinions and i’ve spent a great deal of time trying to figure this out. and second, bc i’ve lost many of you in the process and that’s understandable. but if i’m going to be back, i need to make sure i enjoy it here and curate my experience once and for all, as you all should! also thanks again to all the people that has understood my situation and showed me support in the past. love you and miss you to bits, mwah!!
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petruchio · 5 months
Twenty Questions: Fic Author Edition
@caesarflickermans tagged me to do this a little while ago and i'm procrastinating doing some actual writing so here goes
1-How many works do you have on ao3?
2-What's your total AO3 word count?
3-What fandoms do you write for?
hunger games always! and i wrote a few pjo fics last summer
4-What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
we’ll fill our mouths with cinnamon
the birds were singing of you
flowers never bend with the rainfall
under the blossom that hangs on the bough
simple song
5-Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try to! sometimes i get overwhelmed when a comment is too nice and i want to give it a thoughtful answer and then i procrastinate answering because i don't feel like i have the energy to be thoughtful enough to show how honestly genuinely grateful i am that someone left the comment and then it spirals and i just never reply lol. but i try to at least say thank you to most people because it really does mean so much to me when people comment on my work
6-What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i am a happy ending girlie at the end of the day but probably flowers because like, things are not going to get better in that au
7-What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
probably simple song because it is just pure self indulgent romance. but maybe my post mj fic too because we know what happens next and it is happy
8-Do you get hate on fics?
hate is a strong word but one time i did write that one short post mj fic and people responded by being like "i don't like this" and i was like ... okay haha. oh and one time someone bookmarked my pjo fic and said it could've been better written but the idea was good and i was like meh i'll take it. (i was actually super offended at the time and i was like fully prepared to delete my entire archive over the comment but im over it now lol.)
9-Do you write smut? If so what kind?
no. i try to kind of fade to black or allude to sex because i do feel like it sometimes has relevancy to the plot but i don't really have an interest in writing it in detail
10-Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11-Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12-Have you ever had a fic translated?
13-Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
14-What's your all-time favorite ship?
15-What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
ugh my district 4 au. i have it outlined in such excruciating detail and i have so many scenes that i think would be so fun to write but i just cannot get the beginning to gel and i don't think it ever will
16-What are your writing strengths?
i'm not sure whether to interpret the question as what i think is good *in my writing* or what my strengths are in my process, so i guess i'll try to do both!! i think style-wise i do a nice job of trying to weave the thematic/symbolic threads in my stories together so that they conclude in a way that makes sense from the outset, and i think i have some nice moments of descriptive writing. as far as process, i think i write relatively strong first drafts which definitely makes the editing process more enjoyable
17-What are your writing weaknesses?
style-wise i think i can write some real clunky dialogue (who among us, lol) and i don't always get my pacing right. i also think i have a tendency to repeat certain words or sentence structures too much and i often will skip over things when i am not interested in them and then not edit enough to notice where the story is dragging vs where i'm skipping things. process-wise, i can be slow to think of an initial concept and then when i do have an idea i sometimes get more invested in the outline and the general plot and then i can get very easily bored if the actual writing isn't fun or it's taking a while to get to the scenes i want to write.
18-Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i don't speak any other language with an appropriate degree of fluency so i wouldn't, but i don't think it would really come up in any of my projects
19-First fandom you wrote for?
percy jackson <3 my iconic ff.net era
20-Favorite fic you've ever written?
under the blossom that hangs on the bough. it does pretty much everything i set out for it to do and i'm very proud of it. there's a couple lines i would change just because i think i wrote them kind of clunky and awkward but overall i think it's probably my best work.
i'll tag @districtunrest @rosegardeninwinter
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aralezinspace · 7 months
Fic Writer Questions
Stolen from @delta-pavonis cuz I too am procrastinating xD Under cut cuz long
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
191,110, and going up just about every day xD
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently I write Doctor Who, The Sandman, Black Butler, and Assassin's Creed Fandoms with fics that will never see the light of day include Naruto, YuGiOh, Death Note, and Pirates of the Caribbean
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
~Pas de Deux ~That Deathless Death (I would like to thank Hozier for this title) ~Vindictus ~Send Me to Sleep ~Demons Don't Wear Suits ... huh. Aside from send me to sleep these are all Black Butler fics. Interesting, considering I don't really write Black Butler as much as I used to, aside from PDD
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! anything beyond generic 'nice work' type comments I'll respond to everyone (guess that's a benefit of not being a Big Name, I can respond to everyone) I love talking about peoples' interpretations of my writing and also want them to know their encouragement and praise is not unappreciated <3
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
At present, it's a tie between Vindictus and That Deathless Death... HOWEVER I do have quite a melancholy/bittersweet/feels-y ending in mind for PDD when i finish it in a hundred years xD
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Aside from the fics above they all have pretty happy endings tbh, or at least not-angsty endings xD
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Haven't yet
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
HELL YEA smut with feels, smut with banter, smut with banter and feels, kinky smut, kinky smut with banter and/or feels, 'elegant filth' according to one comment, sprinkle some plot in there for morale- various levels of graphic-ness depending on the Vibes
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
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DO I WRITE CROSSOVERS?? I LOVE CROSSOVERS The very first fic I wrote with the intent to share was a niche crossover, Black Butler/Assassin's Creed xD Currently writing a massive niche Sandman/Assassin's Creed crossover
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of, hopefully/probably not
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! I wrote Vindictus with @chromehoplite they're such an incredible writer
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE BETWEEN MY CHILDREN ok the top ones that Send Me every time are Dreamling, Altair/Maria, EzioLeo, Ezio/Sofia, SebaCiel, and The Doctor/River
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Demons Don't Wear Suits- it's based on/inspired by the classic children's pulp fiction books The Bailey School Kids (Aliens Don't Wear Braces is the title I always remember). The ideas just dried up, maybe they'll come back
16. What are your writing strengths?
Descriptions and writing action like fights and chases
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I can't write out of order, for whatever reason my brain has to write the story beginning to end. Like I can't write a bunch of scenes and then put them in order
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Only if relevant tbh. Like I'll throw some Italian in EzioLeo stories courtesy of google translate and a high school language course
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Ever ever? Naruto. Those will never see the light of day xD
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
again DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE BETWEEN MY CHILDREN But honestly I think my favorite writing ever has been the RP threads I did with my Doctor Who original character that I'm in the process of consolidating and editing- I love writing her adventures, and she got me through a really dark period in my life
If you're a fic writer and see this TAG YOU'RE IT
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 5 months
did not think this blog would ever warrant a pinned post, but. *looks at all of you* apparently it does.
i am: meredith. over 30, american (central pa), white, jewish, ace, about 80% girl (she/they)
you can call me: meredith, mer, or tos
you can expect to see: two reblogs coming out of the queue each day, original posts and ask responses going up the minute i finish writing them maybe to be edited later, thorough tagging for fandoms and less consistent tagging of ships and characters
you can also find me: here on ao3, here on mastodon, and in theory i'm on a couple other socmed platforms using that same handle but in practice i never check the others these days
you can send me: questions, theories, headcanons, writing prompts (for fic or meta), follow up thoughts about any of my posts, random asks just to say hi, on anon or signed in, whatever you feel comfortable with! just keep in mind you aren't guaranteed a response
tags which may be relevant to your interests:
notfic (general purpose fic-posted-to-tumblr tag, for everything from askbox prompt flashfics to 3k chunks of longer fics; rough outlines and thoughts/complaints about The Process™️ can be found in the writing about writing tag)
fic crossposting (links to ao3 fic updates, may include art or commentary)
my meta (fannish thinky thoughts, sometimes prompted by asks)
fic recs (fanfics i think you should read)
not my meta (fannish thinky thoughts i think you should read)
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hkblack · 2 years
Identifying & Asking for the Type of Beta-Reading Your Story Needs
Hi folks! Had a bit of a break last week, but we’re back. This week we’re continuing with our theme of the different types of Beta-Reading. Last time we discussed the specific types of editing Beta-Readers. This time we’re talking about knowing what type of Editing Beta-Reader your story needs and how to ask for it.
Two disclaimers. One, a lot of this post is compiling threads from previous posts and putting it all together. If it sounds repetitive for those of you who have been reading along—sorry ‘bout it.
Two, this was hard for me to write! I kept asking myself “How do you know what kind of beta-reading do you need?” and I kept saying “Well you just read through the descriptions of the types and go ‘yeah that one, I want that one.’ Or even ‘all those, I want all those.’” And then I got stuck in the “identifying” part of the exercise and lost track of the “asking” part of the exercise. All that said, there’s several false starts in the doc where I draft these posts.
So how do you identify what you need? I mean, go back to the last post and read through the descriptions. If you find yourself going “yeah that one! I’d like that.” that’s what you need. If you find yourself going “all these” that’s also valid! If you start going “eh, I don’t know… maybe?” that’s when you should pause and consider what you want out of the beta-reading experience.
I’ve talked before about how in fanfiction spaces especially there are some people who don’t care for beta-readers at all. As in, they don’t use them because they don’t want to. This usually stems from ideas like “This is free fiction I’m publishing online, who cares if there’s a typo?” and it’s a completely valid train of thought! I have written many a tiny-fic where I’ve gone “oh honestly, I just needed this out of my brain, it doesn’t need to be perfect, just post it,” and haven’t gotten a beta-reader.
Like most things I think a desire for a beta-reader falls along a non-linear spectrum. There’s those who don’t care, there’s those who think their story is fine, but they would rather be saved from weird typos/SpAG errors. There’s those who want a little more help with making sure their story can be followed. There are folks who need a brainstorming buddy or a cheer-reader to help them keep going when they get stuck. There are all sorts of writers. So at the end of the day it’s up to you to ask yourself what you want out of the experience, and what you actually think is necessary and nice to have.
Once you’ve figured it out, you then go back to our how to ask guidelines remembering this:
For All Requests Fandom (if not obvious) Major Relationships Quick Summary What I need a Beta-Reader for
For Completed Pieces / Single Section Requests Rating Word Count Archive Warnings/ Content Warnings / Relevant Tags Deadline
For In Progress Pieces / Long Term Requests Expected Rating Current Word & Chapter Count AND Expected Chapter Count All Possible Archive Warnings/ Content Warnings / Relevant Tags Timeline / Deadline Expectations
Let’s pull out What I need a Beta-Reader for. When you’re filling this section out, the more details you can give, the better. Here’s some examples of what you might say, and what you’re actually asking for:
I’m currently in the early process of writing, and want a cheer-reader who can ask me questions about the big beats and help me figure the plot out. (Cheer-Reader and Plot Block beta)
I feel like I’ve been in the same scene forever, and I don’t know how to get out (Flow & Pacing Beta)
What comes next?!? How do I continue?! (Plot Block)
There is a complicated thing happening in my story, and I need to make sure it makes sense (Flow & Pacing)
My characters have run off and now I don’t know what they want me to do (Characterization)
Story is good, I want to post by [deadline] and just want to make sure everything makes sense and there’s no major errors (Bit of SpAG, Final Polish, and some light Flow & Pacing here)
Content warnings?! (Final Polish)
Just need a SpAG! (…SpAG!)
I’ve been staring at this for so long the words are running together (Final Polish if you’re ready to post otherwise, Flow & Pacing and light SpAG if you’re not).
“So should I just put: I need a Flow & Pacing beta reader?” you ask. I mean, it doesn’t hurt. A lot of times when I hear stories about horrible beta-reading experiences, it comes down to a miscommunication on what the writer wanted and what the beta-reader thought they wanted. I think a sentence like:
I’m looking for a Final Polish (SpAG please!) read from someone who is also comfortable with picking up on odd Characterization quirks, and Flow & Pacing issues, just to make sure I’m consistent throughout the story.
is a great way to ask. As is:
I have no idea what is happening in this story anymore. Send help. (and someone to help me get out of this Plot Block and regain my Flow)
However you ask, if there’s certain things you don’t want your reader to comment on, be up front with that.
This story is done. I only want SpAG. Is anyone available?
Or in the DMs, be clear:
I only want thoughts on these two chapters, please do not read anything past this big red line.
I’m really not going back to rewrite anything unless the sentence sounds like I just stopped in the middle.
What I would make sure you avoid is: “I need a characterization beta reader, thank you, goodbye” Give details as to why you think you need something (“I need help with flow and pacing, it’s a fight scene and I don’t know how to fight.”) to help folks figure out if they can actually help you. But also, remember not everyone reads this blog (share with your friends!) and I’m making up words as I go along sometimes. So while these are pretty universal ideas, they may not be universal terms. So give the thing you are struggling with/the why you are looking for, and the term for further clarity. 
Remember that second disclaimer? I actually asked the lovely @ambrasuee to read over this before I posted it because sometimes you need a beta reader for your beta blog, I guess. And we know the rules for giving credit to our beta readers. So major props to Ambra for being the person who goes “get out of your head and post it. It’s good” when I need that kick. But we’re going to end here for today and next time we’re going to talk about how to respond to a call as a beta reader.
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satorugojowidow · 1 year
My fault, but what about the thread? Can you share thoughts? I don't know many k-pop fans personally so I want to know, be prepared for their joining. On here I only see gifs and fanfics.
A few things about me that are fair to know to judge my opinions. I'm a second gen fan, I began to listen to kpop in 2009, actually a fan in 2010. My first favorite band was DBSK/JYJ and was part of the whole “activism” to support JYJ in their way out of SM. Started in tumblr as an exo fan and my last fandom where I was active was loona in their golden days (2016-2018). To be honest I’m not active in fandom since 2018/19. I keep listening to kpop but I don’t keep up with new bands or whatever is going on in the kpop world. But it is actually pretty easy to assume this twitter user is talking about BTS and particularly RP. 
I can’t answer everything she is saying because it has been some years since i don’t keep up with what is going on there. However, I can confirm that the army acts like BTS invented kpop lol. They love to speak about how they made kpop popular overseas when there was an actually large fandom base in europe, usa and latin america before they even debuted. Actually some bands like JYJ did quite successful concerts at that time in latin america. Even the expansion to Japan is something that Boa and DBSK did. Of course, BTS is a massive success, but they didn’t happen in the nothing, there was a whole process and context. I can confirm this thing about how they glorify their artist as the only true artist and the others idols are just fakers. But to be fair, that is something that vips (big bang fandom) did before. Well, the army is large so everything will be more annoying with them for a matter of numbers. 
Army does act like they found the final gem, but it is not fair to say that only them are toxic with other artists because fanwars are old as kpop. I believe it is more a generational attitude or even an attitude with the past. I hear many young fans from different fandoms talking about a past where fanwars didn’t exist when such a thing never happened. We can recall fanwars from second gen groups with events like “black oceans” during festivals. 
I do agree, in theoretical terms, that each phenomenon has their own features and with BTS there must be some specific issues. I’m just not that invested or updated to talk about this. However, in my opinion there are some inherent issues with the phenomenon of being a “fan” that can’t be avoided no matter the fandom. The idealization of the artist, the feeling of belonging and loyalty, are all problematic. We surely need to build ways to interact with artists less toxic. But for the music industry (no matter how annoying it may be for artists who have obsessed fans) they gain more money from people who are willing to give everything to their artist. This is also a problem of capitalism and consumer culture. 
About twitter as a platform for fandom organization. Well in the old days 2011-2014, facebook and tumblr were also a big part of “spaces” for fandoms. Tumblr went down, facebook lost relevance yet fandom groups were still working until 2019 (when i last checked lol). Twitter has a specific feature for fans actions like TT, but fandoms won’t fall because the app falls, they are already important on tik tok and IG. With apps it’s a matter of adaptation, a big problem would be that twitter was still at its best but kpop fandom became irrelevant and can’t pull a TT. Why? because it is a battle to push your consumptions, make them relevant and gain space. Promotion helps to succeed and success sustains your cultural consumption. There will be more as long as they sell. Nevertheless, it is fair to say there are alot of “identity” issues in why kpop fandoms promote their artists. 
What is actually in danger with twitter is the capacity of collective actions in social websites. Other websites have tags and trendings but can’t pull like twitter does. Regarding kpop fandoms, in my opinion twitter was a space of action but not the source of organization. Fandoms tend to agree with their actions in closed groups (like facebook at the time) and go to twitter with a tag and schedule that was already decided somewhere else. 
In my opinion, being active in a fandom will consume too much of your personal time and will keep you frustrated because there is always some drama and fans are super annoying. However, you can still enjoy kpop from “outside”. IG is a good option, you find images and videos but don’t come across with the drama (not that much). Tumblr has very little these days but still can enjoy some gifs. I don’t have tik tok so I can’t talk about it. I’m not sure how is discord, but sound like the last place to be regarding fandoms (like forums) 
*Yes, I am naming fandom by their names because I fear nothing. 
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randomnameless · 1 year
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I posted 1,740 times in 2022
That's 437 more posts than 2021!
1,185 posts created (68%)
555 posts reblogged (32%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,737 of my posts in 2022
#fe16 - 731 posts
#anon - 635 posts
#replies - 629 posts
#3 nopes - 349 posts
#fe heroes - 282 posts
#fodlan nonsense - 236 posts
#rhea stuff - 157 posts
#fandom woes - 129 posts
#crushednugget - 116 posts
#heroes nonsense - 103 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#je n'ai pas fait beaucoup d'histoire mais au bout d'un moment se rendre compte que x écrit n"importe quoi dans des posts qui se veulent meta
My Top Posts in 2022:
Have you seen this video yet? Thoughts? https://youtu.be/vnCvO-KMUfo
Roughly speaking, this video tries to make links between FE16 and RL History. Alas, some comparisons are not really relevant.
edit : after watching this, I lost faith in humanity
edit 2 : i do not have a degree in History, but I know how to make pancakes with bananas
Let’s start with the Church of Seiros!
The church of Seiros mirrors the Roman Catholic Church
It starts with a blast, I see.
IIRC, a friend made a post to debunk it, then it was Bernie’d to death, but ultimately, 360 notes later, everyone agreed it was just an aesthetical flair, and not a comparison based on definite points.
Here :
religious + political influence during medieval and early modern times
the process of coronation 
Rhea is a witness, she isn’t the one to put the crown on Emperors + since when only the Archbishop has to crown monarchs from the kingdom? Is it in the sekrit Dedue+Hubert Paralogue?
Monasteries ok
KoS = templars?? Private military? Templars went haywire during the crusades
Since when the KoS were used to fight against Almyrians?
Also, Nemesis was a joint effort between Rom- Adrestia and the KoS (ffs i don’t even know if the Knights were a thing back then)
I don’t remember randoms from the, back then, Kingdoms, being able to petition the Church to help and ask them to send their templars to get rid of bandits.
Indulgence Taxes written in latin so the masses couldn’t revolt since they couldn’t know it wasn’t in the bible (uhh) = Rhea’s rewriting of history to preserve the society based on crests
Rhea rewrote history not to preserve the society based on crests, but to preserve the people who had a crest, aka her own family but also every Elite’s children and grandchildren and etc etc.
Censorship : There used to be an index of prohibited books that were considered as heresy. The Shadow Library has books... deemed as heresy by Seteth?
But Seteth himself only banned porn - is that person even aware what is a heresy or not?
The greatest similarity between the two churches is the use of relics -
Oh god
“it used body parts as relics”
Thank goodness
Then a part on Nabateans, this is going to be sterile since FE16 doesn’t give three figs about them.
Nabateans lived in a desert - ancient desert cities carved in stone?
The Youtuber made a link to the IRL Nabateans, living in a desert and who founded Petra, in modern Jordania. The CG for Sothis overseeing people seems to be set in a desert to, so here goes.
See the full post
40 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
I was thinking about something during Tru Piss/Nopes timelines where Dimitri and Rhea could have talked about things, ultimately their issues and found a “kindred soul” in their misery -
But it ended up as Dimitri asking Rhea if people who die always ascend to the Goddess or if they are still walking the earth, full of regrets and hatred, and if there is a way to liberate them from their torment -
and while Dimitri is thinking about his Father, Glenn and the other voices who haunt him - 
Rhea’s thinking about her siblings turned into relics, and if Dimitri knows what his Relic truly is
Rhea says they have to win the war, to prevent anyone else from suffering the same fate, and while Dimitri wonders if she also hears voices because why is she using “anyone else” otherwise, he is too polite to point it out. 
41 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
I wanted to hijack a friend’s post about this issue but then I forgot and all -
Faerghus has some “reasonable” relationships with its Sreng Neighbour - border issues about land being annexed by some people a very long time ago, raids are launched to recover the lost land, and fortifications are built, etc etc. The two countries have some kind of, let’s say, not super friendly relations, but some people tried to make things better
(then Golden Shower)
Adrestia... annexed Brigid, killed its king, and took its Princess hostage - effectively turning it in a vassal state, the Princess can sometimes return to Brigid, depending on the endings, only if she marries an Adrestian official, otherwise, she becomes Adrestia’s and its current Emperor’s “will”, effectively losing all political future.
Now, both Adrestia and Faerghus (even if the latter sheds some light on those issues) isn’t mainly concerned about border disputes and relationships with a foreign state.
That is reserved for Claude’s stories, and Fodlan’s “mighty” neighbour, Almyra.
All along the Fodlan games, we’re told Claude tries to find a way to make both countries accept each other, mainly fueled by his own history as someone born to Almyrians and Fodlan parents.
Is there a way to stop the “suspicion” Fodlanese people have about Almyrians, and is there a way to make Fodlan accept people who are from other states/countries in the world?
However, each time some light is shed on Almyra, we see a pretty different picture than what happens in Sreng, or even in Brigid.
Claude, through both games, suspects (at first in FE16) that Fodlan’s so called isolationism, and general defiance regarding “foreigners” is the result of the Church of Seiros’s doctrine and tenants.
Effectively pulling an Adrestia, that is using a particular situation to make a general statement - Leicester’s riches exist because several Leicester Houses trade a lot with foreign countries, Edmund won a seat in the Alliance thanks to that trade! Trade routes exist ! - and the particular situation Claude is thinking/talking about is always Almyra.
Now, what do we know about Almyra?
It’s a large nation east of Fodlan, it attempted to invade once, 2/3 of Fodlan sided together to fend them off, and the Church spearheaded the creation of a fortress - the Throat - to defend against future invasions.
Motives for their invasion? For Sreng, we know it is to recover lost land and first and foremost to recover arable land.
In Houses, with Cyril, we learn the Almyrians raid are done for “fun”, without any real motives bar “proving their strength” and ultimately leading to a feast after the battle.
In Nopes, Shahid mounts a giant invading force to... make his father notice him, in a succession crisis.
Sadly, let it be in Nopes or in Houses, Claude doesn’t seem to have anything to say about the raids/invasions.
In his Cyril support, we learn that Almyra has no kind of failsafe for people who have nowhere else to go, or “people without status” in the world, unlike Fodlan who has, well, Rhea.
The political situation in Almyra? We have a king... who has multiple wives (consorts?) and his children are fighting for his throne, and are not above trying to kill each other to get a shot.
The King also seems to be a weak-willed/easy to manipulate person, as shown in Golden Shower, when Nader apparently manages to get him to lend him the Almyrian navy to instigate a conflict in a far away country.
As for Almyra’s, uh, behaviour and relationships with other states...
I’ve laughed about it a lot, but it seems pillaging is not frowned upon, given how, in Nopes, Nader wants to bring “souvenirs” and is lightly chided by Lorenz about a certain “promise” not to pillage the Kingdom...
Combining all of this, and we have Almyra being a country with a “great military might”, who invades for “fun” or to show for X or Y reason that Prince A or Prince B has a very large peepee thus is suited to take the throne (or a lot of muhrit?), and whose most famous general seems to enjoy pillaging. It also doesn’t seem to care for its orphaned children and has a very weak willed king who is abused by anyone/everyone crafty enough.
It’s... kind of depressing.
I know a lot of people really had hopes (lel) for Almyra, given the attention given to details like clothing, or flags, but what the Fodlan games depicted Almyra to be is... Well, I wouldn’t say downright insulting, but we’re back in the Kaga era of “Persia = Verdane = burly axemen who abduct women and have no government” which is very sad on two fronts :
1) I still have faith in IS and KT and put it on ignorance and wanting to paint an “exotic” country, without any, uh, problematic undertones like this fantasy country is heavily inspired by some entities who existed in real life and painting them as happy go lucky barbarians who invade for fun and pillage everything they can isn’t very nice -> Just like the Nabateans issue being sidelined to side with Supreme Leader who spouts at some point very... real life sounding nauseabond rhetoric, the devs didn’t mean to endorse certain real life thoughts and opinions, but damn if it really sucks
2) Claude.
Claude’s entire character is about bringing together people who believe they are different and built borders around themselves.
But Claude never ever engages, or is confronted, to what we see and what we learn of Almyra.
Nopes even jokes about it, since he and Lorenz are gently chiding Nader on his “bringing souvenirs” tendencies. 
See the full post
43 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
HCs about Rhea's homonculi?
Bael : The first vessel! Rhea has a complicated relationship with Bael, since they were the first and basically the culmination of her despair - find some way to create an artificial body without having to sacrifice anyone. Bael wasn't viable and died after 12 days - Rhea took it very badly and fell in depression for nearly 100 years. Bael wasn't really someone, but they still died, so were they really "alive" even as a host, or not? Disgusted at what she did, she swore to never recreate any vessel.
Agares : Born after the first Faerghian rebellion and Ionius II's words of "minding her own business" since he was tasked with guiding Fodlan, and he would slaughter as many northerners as he wanted. Agares died before uttering a word, his body shattered like sand, and in a night, he disappeared.
Vassago : The first vessel to talk - or to try to. Rhea thought Sothis wasn't able to vocalise, but ultimately, she became unstable and wasn't able to keep a material form after her 30 month of existence.
Samigina : Sam was born as a younger child, Rhea thought Vassago and Agares's bodies failed because they were not strong enough to contain the progenitor God's powers, maybe if their physical body grew - biologically - and became more and more accustomed to Sothis's power, the vessel would work ? Sam lived and grew as a human child for around 8 years, but without any signs of the Progenitor God manifesting - Rhea suspected as much, the vessel didn't like Zanado Fruits.
Samigina fell apart the first time she tried to perform a magic spell (to heal a kitten).
Valefor : Valefor failed to develop any Nabatean traits, or even ability to use magic. Rhea thought she completely failed this time, but the vessel didn't show any signs of deterioration and seemed to be in perfect health, as any human. He preferred to stay inside and play enigmas (Sothis's mischievous nature?) but he too died, not of natural causes though, but when a member of an eastern sect of the Church set the Monastery on Fire.
Rhea was completely devastated.
Amon : Amon grew to be a talented user of magic (on par with Macuil!) even if Rhea insisted on him not using his powers too much. Wanting to know why and what he was, Rhea told him everything when she thought he was "old" enough to handle it.
Amon was found dead the following day, leaving a note to her apologising for being a failure.
Barbatos : Convinced the truth was too much for any vessel to know, Rhea promised to never reveal anything to Barbatos - who managed to nearly reach adulthood! But then for some reason he wanted to become a Knight of Seiros, and while she expressly forbade it, he still did it anyways.
Barbie was super skilled with the axe, and rumor says he never ever used any object, even a mere vulnerary. He died when a certain "wandering" demonic beast popped up near Garreg Mach, while Rhea was in what would become Faerghus meeting Jeralt. Barbie's achievements are still recorded in the Order's history.
Paimon : Paimon often said she'd leave Garreg Mach to travel, and Rhea did not forbid it per se (it might have been the reason why Barbie died, if she never forbade him to fight, he might not have been so intent on joining the Knights) she kept on telling her it would be too dangerous for her health. Paimon thus decided to become a painter, based on the stories merchants would share - Rhea finally relented and allowed her to travel (but not too far, only to Remire!). On her deathbead - at 40 (Rhea thus learnt her vessels's cells declined faster than hers, a nabatean, but also, faster than a human), Paimon made Rhea promise to let the next vessel travel and see the world -
Rhea was shaken, how did she know? Was she truly Sothis? Paimon apologised for not being a good vessel or not even her mother - and died before confessing she saw Rhea as a mother.
Buer : Buer learnt when he was “old” enough what he was, but instead of falling into despair like Amon, he thought he was superior to humans, calling them “inferior beings”. He was sure he was a part of the progenitor God, thus, rightly superior to those “lowlives”.
Rhea felt guilty for fueling his delusions of self-grandeur, but she didn’t want him to break when he’d learn the truth, so made sure to let him know he was special, and very important (to her, but she often omitted the last part).
Buer spearheaded the insurrection of the Southern Church in Adrestia, saying the Emperor has no right to guide humans since he is also one of them - Emperor Friedrich V was furious and wanted his head, especially since Buer taunted him by flaunting his Major Crest of Seiros when the Emperor only had a minor one. Rhea disagreed with his meaningless provocations, but the vessel told her he was special, and those humans were worthless, after all, didn’t they prove it too many time already? However, the vessel went haywire when he used too much of his crest power, and transformed in a mindless demonic (?) beast - Rhea had to put him down, and she still has nightmares about it.
Gusion : Gusion was a silent but thoughtful type of vessel, always trying to give sound advices, from how to feed a cat to building houses with straw when she was playing the Fodlan version of Legos.
Rhea really really really thought Gusion was the one - because the houses resemble the ones in Zanado when the vessel never went there - but when Rhea received Etienne Fraldarius’s relic (Etienne was the first “Holy” Knight, relic wielding knight of the Order), Gusion’s behaviour became erratic and she tried to destroy the relic and the crest stone. What happened happened, Gusion became parasited by the Relic and turned into a Black Beast - Rhea still had nightmares about Buer and her role in his death, so Jeralt had to deal the final blow.
To this day, he still wonders if Rhea hates him for killing that person who became a demonic beast, but to Rhea, it was a sign everything she was doing was worthless, and she needed Sothis’s guidance more than ever.
Sitri was the last homonculi created - she fell in love with Jerry and ultimately they brought Billy.
51 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
2004-2005 :
“Listen… You can’t reduce a nation to loot waiting to be divided. And more importantly, I made a vow to my mother. I’m going to succeed her as ruler of my homeland. Hey Caellach… You’re the one who killed my mother, aren’t you?”
“Yeah… Sorry ’bout that. Things happen, you know? C’mon, Joshua, don’t hate me. This is war. There’s nothing you can do about it. Besides, grudges get in the way of work, right?”
2022 :
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58 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
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pynkhues · 2 years
Hi! I was reading your tags on your black phone ask and it actually reminded me of something similar I’ve experienced recently with ST. I found out that both my mom and aunt didn’t realize Billy is racist.
My mom is still convinced that he didn’t like any of the boys for being “nerds.” My aunt had wondered if Billy might be racist but said that she decided he wasn’t bc that would be a mean thing to think of someone. Which is like a lot to unpack from both of them.
I know you mentioned in your post that you feel like there’s a lack of media literacy but do you also feel like this is connected to the anti-intellectualism culture shift that we’re going through as a society and how do you feel like it’s affecting things you see as somebody so steeped in fandom?
I know that’s like a really big question that somebody could probably do a dissertation on (which is actually why I stayed on anon so you don’t like hate me lol) but I always enjoy your thoughts and figured if it was something you didn’t want to delve into you could just ignore.
Love your blog. 🤍
Hey! Thank you for your kind words, anon, and I don’t hate you sending a complicated ask at all! I love complicated asks!
It’s actually kinda good timing too, because I’ve been reading a bit about race and Stranger Things at the moment and especially recommend Kaiya Shunyata’s article on Roger Ebert The Antagonism of Blackness in Stranger Things and Khalisa Rae’s article on Jezebel The Black Kids in ‘Stranger Things Never Get the Story They Deserve, both of which are brilliant, incisive reads. I know racism in the show / Billy being racist isn’t actually what your ask is about, but still! I love to spruik great criticism, haha.
That’s so interesting about your mum and your aunt, especially your aunt realising and then feeling the need to correct herself, and I think does speak to the inherent bias we bring to the stories we consume, and that even when that’s challenged, as it seems it was with your aunt, the ways we’re socialised can still have our heads trying to flip the switch back, so to speak.
I love that you asked me about anti-intellectualism, because y’know - - I’m Australian! Which as a country is one that I think is very anti-intellectual, and I hope you don’t mind me speaking to that for a second, just because I think it’s kinda relevant here.
The Land of Luck
I’ve actually had a lot of long conversations with @foxmagpie over the last few years about the difference in cultural identity between America and Australia, and in the process of that we’ve talked quite a bit about these sorts of ‘national slogans’ as almost like, this type of cultural endorsement.
America is ‘The Land of Opportunity’ and Australia is ‘The Lucky Country’ and how that filters down into a public consciousness is pretty different.
Being The Land of Opportunity creates a sense that everything in America is yours for the taking, which means that any failure is an individual’s alone. An American has every chance to succeed, so anything less than that is not America’s problem. Being The Lucky Country though means ultimately you’re lucky to live in Australia, and if you don’t like it, you can fuck off.
As cultural messages, weirdly, they’re not actually that different on paper, and certainly have similarities in the sense of how they shut down criticisms of country and culture, but they also have very different outcomes, with America putting a lot of onerous on individuals to eschew community and government responsibility, whereas in Australia, I think it does sort of the reverse. There’s this contempt for individualism and the country has a severe case of Tall Poppy Syndrome, anyone who rises above the field, particularly to challenge the status quo, is swiftly cut down to size.
What’s interesting to me right now is the different political trajectories of the countries.
We had an election recently where a very anti-intellectual, incompetent, religious zealot prime minister was ousted in favour of a softer-spoken, more empathetic, intelligent and progressive prime minister who's an atheist (and one, importantly, from a very working class background who grew up with a single mother in government housing – he was of the people, for the people, and the fact that he reflected the background of many Australians was important – he’s a part of the field, not seeking to outgrow it, and for once that feels like a positive), and he’s built a government that will hopefully reflect that over the next few years.
It's kind of this fascinating thing, because I do think that the election was in part a result of people seeing the rise of anti-intellectualism in other countries, and this conservative regression in both the UK (after all, Australia’s still a part of the Commonwealth) and the US which as you said, seems to be experiencing a very significant culture shift at the moment. There’s a lot to be said about Australia having a ‘little sibling’ mentality with a lot of countries, particularly UK and the US, and I think the culture shift that’s happening in Australia right now – in my most hopeful moments at least – is indicative of a sort of national coming of age in response to her ‘big brothers’.
Again, that’s very optimistic though, I know, because I also do think something we’re seeing now more than ever, is that national identity is kind of irrelevant and that these sorts of things are cyclical – times of progress are met with backlash, and that backlash is usually felt in the rise of conservatism, which in turn results in loss, both literal and metaphorical, and eventually enough pain and anger and purpose is built again to claw forwards in a way that feels like progress, and then the cycle repeats.
Time isn’t a flat circle, it’s a human centipede, and I do think Australia’s at the nicer end of the chain right now, but at the end of the day, we’re all still eating shit.
Pop Cultural Powers
In no small part, a lot of that is because America does have a stranglehold on pop culture and media. I’m not saying that in any sort of accusatory sense, it’s just a reality, and I think it does shape global issues, both for the better (shows like Pose and When They See Us for instance creating international dialogue around trans history and the wrongful convictions of Black men, issues topical in every country) and for the worse (Joe Rogan springs immediately to mind).
There are other powers of course – Kdrama and anime and what feels like a once-in-a-generation British property juggernaut that swoops in to flatten any and all competition (James Bond and One Direction leap to mind) – but at least in the West (and lbr, outside of the West too), American pop culture tends to dominate.
I could talk a lot here about the reasons for that, but I don’t really think it’s relevant. What I think is relevant is that the rise of conservatism in America has trickle down effects that impact media consumption the world over. American platforms like Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and even Netflix go global, and they snuff out local competition while bringing with them an American centro-ism, and with that, ultimately, their politics.
And when the politics are fucked, everything is, and we saw that with the way separatism under Trump compounded through social media, as did the rise of Christian evangelicalism, the alt-right, and QAnon; and in these new global platforms, other countries throw their own grenades into the mix with fake news and bot armies and deepfakes and their own conservative governments, and we’re left with a pop culture that’s become synonymous with actual culture and politics and social issues and international discourse, and oh my god, how does anyone keep up?
And then we hit the natural breaking point –
Maybe people don’t want to.
A quick note on the technological revolution
I feel like this is really important to include here.
Do you remember in highschool or college when people talked about the Printing Revolution, the Agricultural Revolution and the Industrial Revolution?
Well, there’s a huge argument to be made that we’re in the Technological Revolution (also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution) right now.
When I was studying history in my undergrad back in 2009, one of my lecturers said it to the class, and it was the first time I’d ever heard it, but it pops up a lot these days. Revolutions are a time of sudden, radical or complete change, and they usually involve the overthrow or renunciation of a government or ruler, so - -
Take that as you will.
Another quick note on social progress (and another on revolutions)
Another sign of revolution?
A fundamental change to society.
What we’re seeing at the moment is a lot of radical change. To bring it back to your ask a little – think of Friends. Think of the jokes they could get away with, the cast they could get away with twenty years ago. I know in so many ways progress feels non-existent because change has been met so bitterly by some, but the way we consume media and what we expect of that media, has changed so radically in the last thirty years that it shouldn’t be surprising people aren’t willing or able to keep up.
Technology itself is an instrument of social change, and revolutions are a time of invention and political upheaval usually as a result of said social change and invention, and those things together create - - well - -
A Time!
For everyone!!
An Era in History!
It’s always progress and regression and depression and anger, and they’re often tied up with things like plagues (does this sound familiar?) and there are people who can’t keep up, people who don’t want to keep up and, genuinely infuriatingly and despicably, people who weaponise both.
It’s also I think a time where the reality of social issues comes to the fore again.
I could talk a lot here about how feminism in particular has been watered down to give women permission to do whatever they want, instead of being a political movement that yes, seeks to protect all women, but also is fundamentally about challenging the patriarchy and the political structures that imprison women, and as a result, the women who are complicit in that, but feminism is just one movement reconnecting to itself.
We’ve seen this in the last few years with a wide range of civil rights movements, from Black Lives Matter and the backlash to copaganda and military-backed blockbusters, to Anti-Asian racism and quite specifically Asian women feminism in response to MRAsians, to the urgency in protecting trans rights, gay marriage and more.
The backlash to progress is always an attack on the human rights that have been fought for already, because Western society is a white patriarchy, and without systemic change, all progress is temporary.
As the saying goes, those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it, and we are repeating it. I used this expression in a post a while ago, but I'm gonna use it again – just because we’re no longer handcuffed to the bed doesn’t mean we're out of the house.
Between the witch trial of Amber Heard and the repeal of Roe v Wade and the resurgence in modern day lynchings, that’s becoming increasingly apparent.
Okay, so let me put my benefit of the doubt hat on
I’m a pretty hopeful person, and I like to think the best of people, and in saying that, I want to say that this resurgence of conservative ideas and anti-intellectualism are a symptom, not a cause. I think this is a time of huge social revolution and a pandemic that is devastating people’s lives and livelihoods, and I think broadly people are afraid of change and the internet is bombarding people with information and misinformation all the time, and they’re being asked to take that on and dissect that without being given the tools to actually do it.
I think some people create often-but-not-always faceless campaigns under the cover of platforms like Facebook and TikTok to prey on and reinforce people’s ignorance, anxieties and insecurities, as well as deep running social bigotries and minorities’ internalised hatred as a result of said social bigotries, and use those to further a conservative agenda.
But what does this mean for fandom?
Well, I mean, fandom doesn’t exist in a vacuum, y’know?
Just like your mum and your aunt struggled to put aside their inherent bias when watching Stranger Things, I think a lot of fandom feels their interpretation of a show is inherently the right one and one that – particularly if they like the show – shouldn’t be challenged.
Fandom’s been around forever, but the current wave really is inherently entwined with the Technological Revolution a few times over – with the invention of the internet and social media and even the pandemic – and it makes sense that it would be tied up in current social issues too. The reality is that the internet has broken down a lot of walls in terms of location, accessibility, class, context, race and background which has some amazing positives, particularly when it comes to diversity of opinions, but it can also be a bit of a melting pot for negatives too.
In particular, I think it’s easy to find an echo chamber, which can reinforce someone's opinion as a fact, which I’ve seen a lot of, oh my gosh, haha. It also creates space for bad faith arguments and for cults of personality (which the latter I try very actively and very hard not to be – I really do just try to be myself on here – but know at points in time I likely have been).
In many ways too I think it both entwines with and weaponises a lot of the social issues and civil rights moments that are currently so prevalent globally as a result of the times that we’re all living in. We saw that especially disgracefully with the Deppford Wives and the Amber Heard and Johnny Depp defamation trial which was treated concurrently as entertainment, a showcase of internalised misogyny catfishing as moral grandstanding for male victims (would love to see some of these ladies defending actual male victims like Anthony Rapp), and lack of media literacy.
Anti-intellectualism definitely feeds into that.
It's a culture of individualism that tells people they know better than others, and the perceived amount of work I think it takes these days to actually explore a topic. It's an encouragement of personal interest, comfort, want and even desire, over reality. Because the new world is complicated, and the one they know is safe.
On my most hopeful days, I think it’s not deliberate. I think that we have a generation of people who are overwhelmed by the current state of flux and the information they’re bombarded with and an education system that hasn’t caught up to teach them how to truly engage with it. On these hopeful days, I think these are people who are socialised in a certain way, and as a result rely of that socialisation form their opinions, and don’t necessarily realise that critical engagement is more than a feeling, a keyboard and a platform.
On my least hopeful days - - well.
I don’t think that, haha.
Regardless though, we all bring our shit to what we watch – we’re all a part of the human centipede!! – and I think that’s always going to open up doors to interesting conversation, especially during times of real social upheaval, like we see now. I think stories though always offer the space to open doors to conversation and real change, regardless of media literacy, and the fact that you sent me this ask, it seems like maybe you’ve had the conversation with your mum and your aunt, and personally I think that’s where the real dialogue happens.
Change, education and literacy (media and otherwise) starts at home, and I think it’s awesome that you’ve started that at yours. 😊
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
If you decide not to post this, that's fine, but I feel like this needs to be said, and this is also me venting a little. I am a fan of JA like you, HC, but I also don't worship him blindly, also like you. I can apply critical thinking and rationale, look at a situation objectively, and utilize whatever basic knowledge I have of the industry JA is in. Also like you. Whatever I don't know, I am willing to learn, and usually do not chime in to the conversation, making myself appear as if I do.
So some of these anons you get really just ultimately frustrate me and make it a little bit of struggle to keep up with your blog (which I love). While I understand they are just sharing their opinions, sometimes I look at the things they say and wonder just how they connect these certain dots in their particular thought process. For example: JA did an interview with Mens' Health to keep up with Jared? For real? What an insult to Jared, first off, and how does this interview have anything to do with him? Actors do interviews/PR pieces - it's all a part of promotion. Promotion for their projects and sometimes for the actors themselves. This is most likely something his PR team set up to keep him relevant after The Boys hype died down once the season ended and he would be off shooting a new show. While it might have been more time appropriate to have this interview come out when The Boys Season 3 started streaming or even during the middle of the season, it also depends on where MH was at and the booking/scheduling of said interview. And this is definitely something his PR team booked because it's obviously a PR piece. (just look at his interview video for example and the fact that JA also shared it himself on social media) My point is this interview had absolutely nothing to do with Jared at all. Leave Jared out of it.
We always talk about AA's and how they can never leave Jared alone, no matter what JA says or does, even if Jared isn't involved because they love to hate on Jared (they do). But stating something like this, this anon has to ask themselves, why can't I leave Jared alone either? Why do I constantly have to bring him into something that has nothing to do with him? Let the man be and live his life in peace! Stop adding to the problem. Because guaranteed some AA is going to see that (they definitely keep up with this blog and others like it and the anti JA tags as well as the JA critical tags) and start more bullshit about Jared, yet again. They're probably already doing that shit, but why contribute to it?
Think about that.
Jared's living his best life, he seems happier, and he's been staying busy. Basically, he's kicking ass and taking names. He has his own career. JA appears to be trying to do the same, even if he doesn't always go about it in a way that we like or necessarily agree with (hence the JA criticisms). Don't be like an AA. Don't keep pushing them back together in certain arenas that neither of them are together in, especially if you don't have a basic understanding of how the industry they are in works. Don't keep pushing that ridiculous and hateful AA narrative. Don't keep the stupid fandom drama going. Leave Jared be, please.
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Thank you for this beautifully thought out post, Anon. I agree, people need to be more grounded and stop attacking Jared every two seconds for everything Jensen does. Worst of all, they try to blame Jared stans for everything too, as if Jensen wasn't his own person and neither were his fans. One sided views show a lack of mental balance and AAs have that in abundance. Besides, these posts are on my blog and I am predominantly a Jensen girl even though I love both so people need to stop blaming Jared fans. However, I should also point out that people need to realize that when you look for reasons to be offended you will find them and you will be triggered by anything because your mind will make certain associations. Not everyone that writes in about Jensen and Jared has bad intentions or evil reasons to compare the two so let's also be mindful of that or we risk becoming just like AAs, one sided and limited.
I, for one, think both are uniquely beautiful in their own way and love them both very much. They are both successful but on different paths and through different brands. The most beautiful thing about them is the way they support each other, too bad some of their fans choose to degrade that by being spiteful and childish.
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moss-gender · 2 years
obligatory intro post!
heya! im river. this is my tumblr!
about me
age: 29
orientation: queer/demi/arospec
gender: agender (ae/aem/aer or they/them)
neurotype: autistic/neurodivergent
disabilities: chronic anxiety, psychosis (mostly paranoia and derealization but also depersonalization and dissociation, also delusional), chronic gi issues, auditory processing issues, ptsd
ideology: leftist/ancom leaning
privileges: white, middle class upbringing
spirituality: buddhist witch, believe in a lot of weird bullshit (the line between this and psychosis is blurry sometimes)
relationship status: relationship anarchist
special interests: entomology (insects) + arachnids + isopods + myriapods, hyenas, lucid dreaming, writing, paleontology, diy dollhouses/miniatures, j-fashion (menhera, decora, spank kei, cult party kei, fairy kei, punk lolita, bittersweet lolita, gothic lolita, yami kawaii, yume kawaii, mori girl/boy, harajuku street fashion), candy gore art, farming rpgs (especially sos, ac, minecraft), personality quizzes, sanrio (cinnamoroll is fave), queer microlabels, ancient civilizations, techware fashion/art, furry art, cringe art, dreamcore, weirdcore, old web, mycology (mushrooms), mandela effect and reality shifting stories, cyberpunk fic and art, diy fashion and decor, survival skills, mythology, etc (may add to later)
what I'll post besides special interests (tag list):
me: things that i vibe with
current events: news (you can block this)
feel good: positivity
art: art i like
humor tag: shitposts and memes
queer: queer stuff
gender: gender stuff
aro: arospec stuff
friends: cute animals and critters
important: psa and important info
life hack: self improvement, etc
mental health: tips, awareness, education, etc (will probably tag specifically too like bpd, psychosis, ptsd, adhd, anxiety)
sw: sex work stuff
m a: mutual aid
fashion: j-fashion as well as faecore and punk fashion
want: things i wish i could have (may or may not have shop links)
recovery: things pertaining to either alcohol, self-harm, ed, or bpd recovery
resources: resources i want to remember
my posts (formerly “river says things”): diaryposting, life updates, thoughts, etc *I will probably just say vent posts from now on. idk my name
may tag friends if something makes me think of you!
current tags for blocking purposes: ableism, racism, transphobia, queerphobia, whorephobia, current events (rn "roe v wade" for example), sexual assault, sex, rape culture, diet culture, gore, creepy crawlies (for insects et all), hate crime, unreality, police, police brutality, abuse, addiction, ed, relapse, substance (sometimes will talk about psychedelics), slut shaming, csa, pedophilia, food (for people with ed or for during Ramadan), anti-semitism, islamophobia, please note that as of 06.28.22 i have started tagging again so be cautious going backward!! also!!! let me know if i should add something!
fandoms in case relevant (in rough order of how high the interest is): sanrio, animal crossing, minecraft, junji ito, skyrim, our flag means death (ofmd), what we do in the shadows (wwdits), king of the hill (koth), trailer park boys (tpb), russian doll, beastars, kuragehime, everything everywhere all at once, hannibal, x files, buffy... will add more as they come to mind
feel free to send me asks! im not always good at responding so if i forget it's not personal!
Edit 05.09.23: I no longer support AI art. This has been true for a while but I haven't updated my intro. If you go back far enough you may find some art. When I first got into it I thought they used only free photo databases and only art that had entered public domain. I know this was naive now. I liked the hyperrealistic style renders that could generate character inspiration. I didn't know how much art was being stolen and how many styles were being replicated nonconsenually. Honestly when I got into it I was being very delusional. So it took me a while to accept that what was happening with AI art was happening. Using AI art tools for fun was not as completely harmless as it first appeared. I don't want to help that industry, but I do hope one day AI art could be different. Not a threat. Because the programming potential would not be a replacement of human art. AI programming is a special interest bc I think the field needs people who care about the ethics of how AI technology is used. I sometimes blog about AI art in reference to this interest in understanding the industry of AI as a whole and how it can be used for justified choices.
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