#just rewatching the pabu episode
clonegirlie · 1 month
Isn’t it great when your comfort show stop comforting
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robotsandramblings · 6 months
i haven't yet done a full second viewing / rewatch* of Bad Batch Season 2 and it's starting to like,, itch. in the hyperfixation lobe of my brain. a lot.
unfortunately Life Crap is getting in the way so i'll probably have to wait until December/January to commit to a rewatch. 🥲 but ugghhh every minute of my free time, my brain is like "watch Bad Batch? watch Bad Batch?? watch Bad Batch!!!"
(also kinda want to precede that with another S1 rewatch. because Crosshair. and because i'll never get sick of rewatching the Aftermath opener, the 2-part Kamino finale, the Gregor episode, nor the Bracca/Rex episode.) (in fact i think the Roland Durand/infested mines episode is the only one i ever consider skipping in rewatches.)
* (admittedly i've rewatched Crosshair's episodes with Cody and Mayday. and also Tipping Point because of the Crosshair and related stuff AND the super rad scene of Echo et al. storming that Imp cruiser to rescue Howzer et al.)
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stars-n-spice · 4 months
Holy FUCK I was not prepared for this.
As soon as I saw the trailer posted on Instagram, I grabbed my laptop and casted the trailer on the TV and stood in front of the TV like an old asian man; hands behind the back, spine bent, feet planted shoulder width apart.
Cannot believe it's finally here and I've got a lot of thoughts that I'm going to put under the cut because holy shit, this trailer hit me like a brick.
Idk if they will be comprehensive honestly but I'm writing them down as I rewatch the trailer.
In summary though? This season is going to absolutely wreck me and I will never recover from it emotionally and probably financially too if we get a new wave of merch and shit with it too.
Anyways, thoughts and reactions under the cut-
What the fuck are they doing with that transport? They stealing something? Retrieving something? Is it a tank? Hello, where is Echo??? IS THAT FUCKING CROSSHAIR?! IN S1 ARMOR???
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PHEE GENOA!! so fucking great to see her again, I'm going to be absolutely devastated if they show us her reaction to Tech's supposed death.
CAPTAIN REX MY LOVE YOU'VE COME HOME!! "I thought the end of the war would mean the end to losing more of our brothers" <- that better be about Tech and not about Cody, so help me god-
OMEGA'S NEW HAIRCUT :( she looks so much older now :((
STOP CROSSHAIR LOOKS SO FUCKING SAD. I feel terrible actually... this is like,, this is a shell of a man,, like,, this is a man who's got like,, nothing. He looks awful and I swear if he doesn't get some peace of mind I'm going to lose my mind.
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"Omega's been waiting for us a long time." NO NO NO DON'T FUCKING DO THIS TO ME. I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD IF YOU DO A TIMESKIP, ANY MEASURE OF TIME THAT OMEGA HAD TO BE WITHOUT HER BROTHERS AND WONDERING WHEN THEY WERE GOING TO COME AND GET HER IT'S GOING TO BREAK ME. I fucking hate timeskips so much, I swear if she's been by herself for more than a year, or even just a year, I'm going to be PISSED. If she doesn't get the chance to be a kid like she deserves I'm going to fucking lose it.
PALPATINE?! "There is nothing of greater importance to secure the purpose of this Empire" <- y'all talking about cloning? About cloning Palpatine because you have to explain why "somehow Palpatine returned"???
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Holy shit the animation is really good. Like that whole fighting montage?? The fucking scene on the bridge looks like,, fucking live action to me. Idk how to describe it but the animation is fuckng beautiful and I wish Star Wars did more animation because this is gorgeous.
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"They are coming, for all of you." <- who is this. do not come for me but I cannot for the life of me figure out who this is. It's not Cody, I don't see the scar. Someone help me out here-
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HUNTER ON PABU! Thinking they probably went back after everything and I want to see how they've adjusted and settled in, please, I am begging.
My baby, my angel, myivida, the light of my life. Fuck it's so good to see and hear you again. If anything happens to you I swear to god-
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There are two clips that allude to the fact that they get Crosshair out of there before they get Omega and I'm going feral over it. If this means we get them reuniting with Crosshair sooner than later I'm fucking ecstatic. Like because,, that's Crosshair's rifle and they clearly cropped the screen for the sake of the trailer, right? Right??
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Hey where is the zillo beast?
ASAJJ VENTRESS??!?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! You're telling me,, I get a season,, with Wrecker, Wolffe, Fennec, AND Asajj? Oh be still my beating heart. Anyone hear something meowing?
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Also I know in the trailer it seems like she's facing off with TBB but the backgrounds don't really seem to line up so I'm hoping they don't actually face off with each other.
Tech literally only being indirectly mentioned and showing his death scene again but recolored and shit makes me feel all kinds of things.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
3 EPISODE PREMIERE?!?!?!?!?!?! fuck me.
Echo wasn't in this trailer enough and where the FUCK was Cody?!?!?!?!
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twinsunstars · 1 month
Thoughts on The Bad Batch Episode 12 - Juggernaut - A Discussion Post
This episode had a lot of action, feelings, and a very unexpected return. Let's return to this week's episode filled with exciting moments and moments filled with worry!
(SPOILERS AHEAD IF YOU HAVE NOT SEE THE EPISODE YET! all screencaps from www.cap-that.com! https://www.cap-that.com/starwars/the-bad-batch/312/)
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CX-2 returns to Mount Tantiss with Omega, Hemlock coming by to pick her up. He tells Omega to follow him, and CX-2 lets her go of her handcuffs, returning to his ship.
I'm being so serious, we have three episodes left. If CX-2 doesn't get unmasked by the next episode I'm going to lose it. If it ends up happening near finale or even in the finale, it's gotta be a character that's so important to the plot (*cough* Tech) that we had to wait so long for this. But I also feel like if this is Tech, shouldn't it have happened by now at least? I'm so confused.
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I saw someone post about this and I didn't notice it at first, but if you zoom in on this shot above, you can see that Hemlock's glove is missing, showing both of his hands clearly. I rewatched the episode and noticed the error, but the second they go back into Tantiss he has it back on.
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Hemlock immediately takes Omega to Emerie, wanting her to keep testing Omega to make sure she has the whole M-count thing. Emerie seems reluctant for a bit, but keeps doing her job. Omega tells her that she doesn't have to do this, but Emerie says she has to. But she is happy her sister is safe at least. Omega questions if she is truly safe, and she really isn't. Emerie likely knows this too, but she's still trying to open her eyes more to all the wrongs around her.
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Hunter (with Batcher) gets back to Crosshair and a now awake Wrecker, feeling better after getting knocked out in the explosion from last week. Wrecker is upset Crosshair let Omega go, but Crosshair understood her choice and the fact that she let the Empire stop hurting the locals of Pabu.
I got so sad when Crosshair's hand started shaking again, he's so terrified of Mount Tantiss and what he went through. He tells his brothers that there is a way of trying to find Tantiss, and that is through the former Vice Admiral Rampart.
Phee shows up with AZI, having gotten here secretly away from the Empire's eyes. She finally meets Crosshair, and tells him that Tech has told her about him. My heart-
I would have loved to see all of the off-screen interactions Tech and Phee had, he really liked to talk with her, and she loved listening. Lula and Tech's goggles being visible behind Phee and AZI made me even more sad.
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Phee goes with the boys to the Imperial labor camp on Erebus, making her ship fall to sneak into the planet undetected. Girl was over here driving in heels; she's such an icon. Wrecker and Crosshair were struggling in the back, and Hunter was worried. His helmet just flying freely when the ship is falling was so funny. Tech would adore Phee's flying since she drives like him. Phee manages to get them in and drops them off to access the prison and find Rampart.
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The boys manage to obtain control of a tank transporting prisoners, which Rampart is in. I was not expecting to see him again after what happened in Season 2, as I kinda just left the character behind ever since he got arrested and Hemlock replaced him as the new reappearing villain a few episodes later last season. Someone joked that they Agent Kallus'd him because they added more hair to Rampart, which is just funny. Rampart manages to recognize Crosshair under his armor, and Crosshair was so sassy with him too, I loved it.
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The Imperials on the prison base notice something wrong with the tank the Batch stole and go after it, leading to an action-packed chase. (And Hunter drives insanely.) Phee manages to rescue them just in time, shooting down one of the Imperial ships chasing them. Rampart had gotten stunned after trying to shoot the boys, and it was hilarious how they were just throwing him around like a potato sack.
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The Batch ask Rampart where Tantiss is, but not even he knows. He says it was designed like that so it wouldn't be found. I was spending some of my free time on Wookiepedia and I wish we could send the Batch the information that Mount Tantiss is on the planet Wayland. It's not coordinates, but it's something.
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Meanwhile, Emerie continues to test Omega's blood, and it comes out positive again. She looks at Omega, seeming deeply worried. She doesn't say anything, but Emerie has something on her mind. Hemlock comes back and Emerie tells him about the results, and he wants Omega to come with him. Omega goes to the same place he took Nala Se and Emerie previously, taking her down to The Vault. Omega asks questions about the M-count situation, to which Hemlock gives her vague answers and direct answers about what the Empire has been doing with M-count subjects.
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Omega sees the kids in The Vault, frowning. Eva sees Omega and lifts her head from her game, and I just know that she and Omega will be besties. Omega asks who the kids are, and Hemlock replies that they are the pieces of the puzzle that they are trying to solve.
He says, "...this is your new home", and the doors immediately shut behind Omega. The chills I got; and Omega looked scared. The episode ends there, and Omega is locked up again with no direct escape yet.
There wasn't much that I wanted to discuss from this episode, but there are only 3 episodes left, so we are now truly in a big anxious countdown. How will Omega escape this time? Will the Batch manage to obtain coordinates to locate Tantiss? Where's Echo when you need him? Will Emerie wake up soon? Will CX-2 unmask himself soon? There's still so much to unpack, and so little time.
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Bad Batch Season 3 Episode 4 thoughts (scattered) and initial reactions (rambling)
Nothing is even proof read and my brain is faster than my fingers so
Also I have very long nails and often click the wrong button
Spoilers below the cut
(Update I rewatched and had more thoughts)
God I was so stressed now I need to rewatch because I know how it goes and I don’t need to be anxious
Batcher kicking crosshair’s seat lmaoooo
Needing to change outfits “isn’t this better?🥰” “No” 😂😂 we officially have ray of sunshine and grumpy black cloud dynamic (my favorite)
Also only being able to see his eyes 🔥🔥🔥 (even if it looks like he’s wearing a toilet seat- seriously what is that thing)
I love that omega’s pony tail has a little bump at the back, thinking about when I was little and trying to put my hair up by myself god it was such a lumpy and bumpy mess. I doubt anyone would have shown her how on tantiss only telling her she needs to keep her hair out of her face. She’s just a little girl who had to take care of herself all those months. Like the kaminoans were bald, the other clones were men. Where would she have even learned how to do a pony? Emrie? (Hunter? 🤭)
“I can take half of them out before they know what’s happening” “how about we try not killing everyone in sight? 🥰🤗” “booooooooo”
I just know Cross is secretly proud of his gambling sister kicking ass and hustling money
The captain gave me such gross vibes I just know he smells bad
Crosshair clicking his tongue at batcher idk it did something to me it was so cute
And then her licking him later like sorry crossy you’re a dog dad now
Speaking of dads: “I’ve never seen you or your dad before” *nick miller screams.* CROSSDAD! CROSSDAD!!! 🥰🥰🥰
I know Dee is the voice of Batcher- do you think he made all the animals sounds? Is he just in a sound booth making animal noises
Ugh sobbing at the reunion 😭😭😭 literally water works
Noooo what is this face off at the end everyone put your eyebrows back up in a relaxed position and unclench those jaws and fists
Does Omega’s glove have a bottle opener on it?
I can’t wait for the reaction to the new puppy 😄
Also guys, omega kept saying we need to contact Hunter and Wrecker (sad she doesn’t say echo :/) so I think Crosshair knows about Tech. Either she told him while she visited him or perhaps Hemlock told him as another form of torture, that his brother fell trying to rescue him (maybe that’s why he look soooo terrible in the hallway on ep 1) I’m sure omega confirmed it also
Also I was expecting the clone cadets to pop out, I know they said they were taking them to pabu but still
Imagine omega does meet them and gets a lil crush on one omg Hunter would lose it lmaoooo
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nonhumanhottie · 11 months
The bad batch season 2 rewatch
I love Phee she is perfect
'Impressive for a pirate' why would a pirate not know the smell of poison though???
Tech playing against himself and announcing that he's doing just that is so iconic
Phee suggesting Omega get to do something normal and the batch getting so defensive oh my god
I do love that Phee has a soft spot for them though
Phee rescuing cultural artifacts for refuges is so beautiful I love
Wrecker is so excited about the food what a king
I love that Tech starts taking an interest in Phee when he realises how cool she is
This episode is so sweet it melts my heart
'As a father' STOP IT
I really like the way Phee is coaching Hunter and the others into letting Omega be a child
I'm glad that they didn't go with a story plot of the empire finding Pabu
I also like how they showed community; no one was shoving, they were helping each other
and the people who grab Wrecker to help Shep up my heart
Okay but Tech smiling at Phee is sweet he's finally learning empathy lmao
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I just... rewatched "Pabu" over and over this last week and kinda realize something...
I don't know if it's supposed to be subtle or not, but it seems to me that, when Omega and Lyanna are in danger, Omega is like, more... "prepared" (? for lack of a better word) for the literal life-threatening situation. (We know why, but bare with me)
She is, no doubt, scared out of her mind the entire time, but, she's the one who keeps Lyana running, she's the one keeping a cool enough head to comm Hunter, she's innately more prepared for these kinds of things because she has a comm in the first place
The reason why I bring this up because I wonder if it was intentional.
Initially, when I watched the episode, I literally thought, "Omega is a tiny bit heroic" which makes sense, because she's deadass a protagonist.
But then I started wondering, were those little things meant to show that, even when Omega is out, being a kid, she's still different? Made different by her experiences that Lyana doesn't have, didn't need to have. That Omega is always going to have had been in situations that called for her to learn all these survival skills?
Like, a whole separate thing that I could talk about, is the fact that Lyana is literally the first "normal" kid she's befriended this season. If not for Sheha and Jek, Lyana would have been Omega's first normal friend, period.
Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but, just... food for thought, I guess
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lightwise · 1 year
Serious question about potential plot hole in Tech’s “sacrifice”
Okay. I had this thought grab hold of me this evening and I have to know the answer (and I’m too scared to go back and rewatch the episode multiple times to try and figure it out right now).
When I first watched Plan 99, and have kept mulling it over these last few weeks, there have always been a number of alternate decisions that could have been made that might have gotten Tech back up on the cable car in time, in my opinion (in universe, I’m not talking about story writing here). One of the others using a magnetic line like Crosshair did in rescuing Omega, Tech having a magnetic line of his own instead of his grappling hook, someone just yanking him up, etc.
But I just remembered, why was Tech trying to climb up the line by hand (which he was too exhausted to do), when we know both in general and for Tech specifically that those rappelling lines are supposed to be able to retract automatically? We saw it when Tech pulled Phee up with him over the boundary walls on Pabu. And we saw it in the Summit right before, when he has to get up to the electrical tower to get them onto a rail car in the first place? So why is his grappling hook suddenly unable to be automatically retracted and pull him up to safety in time?
Am I missing something from the episode that explains, or is this a serious plot hole? (And I don’t really mean in terms of everyone’s theories as to why he is still alive, but more this particular component and how they handled it).
Anyone, anyone? 🙏🏻🤗
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littlesoka7567 · 13 days
My Thoughts on The Bad Batch Finale
spoilers for The Bad Batch finale.
First: I loved it!!!! That was so epic, I absolutely loved pretty much every second of that episode.
I loved all the action in this episode, and I thought it was very well done. I didn't feel like there was any unnecessary action or violence, I thought every scene was well thought out and needed in order to get to the end result.
I loved all of the character development we got and all the stories that were wrapped up, and not just the main characters!
I loved seeing Hemlock go, in real time, from the mastermind playing chess he's always been to a desperate, terrified person. Just a guy, desperate to find a way out of the situation he was in. He was terrified, he was at a loss at what to do, and he was completely out of his element. He looked like it. It was amazing!
I loved the extremely satisfying ways in which Hemlock and Rampart died. Rampart dying to his own hubris was fantastic. If he hadn't tried to get the upper hand, and instead followed the clones to the escape shuttle, he would have been fine. But he wanted to go back to the empire and be a prominent figure, and that directly caused his death. And then Hunter, Crosshair, and Omega working together to kill Hemlock was more than I could have ever hoped for. It was epic!
The whole thing with that one guy having a helmet resembling Tech's was very mean, and I loved it. Because it was a decision made for one of two reasons: A red herring, which meant nothing but served to make us think about Tech again; or that was actually Tech. And the Batch came heart shattering-ly close to getting their brother back. Either way, it worked to get me thinking and emotional, and I loved it!
Finally, I LOVED that end scene/epilogue. It was lovely!!! I hope it means they're going to do a spin off where we see Omega in the rebellion, but I also think it's just a lovely little end to their story. The Batch retired to Pabu, where they will live the rest of their lives. Omega joined the rebellion as a pilot. That's the end of their story, they're happy and doing what they want to do.
Anyway. I loved it, and I'm gonna rewatch the whole series soon.
Also, look out for a mini fic soon. I got a really angsty idea I can't wait to share!
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bisexual-coala · 2 months
alksksksjksksksjjs Mina my love I finished Legend of Korra 😭 FIMALLY- it was so worth the hype. 9/10 (Meelo’s fart jokes got just a little bit tedious by the second season, but like the rest of the series made up for that!) Would totally watch again, plus like, the characters, the arc, the gorgeous animation, the time era aesthetics, the soundtrack, the voice acting, the bisexuality, the ADORABLE LITTLE ANIMALS AND SPIRITS (istg I kept looking at Pabu and Naga plushies on Etsy as soon as I finished the last episode lol)
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Lol tell me about it, I found those jokes tedious too.
YESS! I wish we could have watched it together!! I recently finished rewatching it with my friend and I'd have loved to watch with you. Did you find anything worth on etsy? Also, did you notice the bisexual colors on the mountains near the ending scene?
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Oh....I am NOT okay right now. This is definitely the one Bad Batch episode that's made me flat out cry. The episode where Echo left had me tear up a bit, but nothing like how Plan 99 had me going.
I wasn’t aware that this was the season finale until this morning and was concerned/intrigued as to why they had two episodes this week.
Well, I can see why now. That railcar fight was pretty heart pounding, everything went from 0 to 100 fast, and I could just feel the tension throughout the whole thing.
And... God fuckn Tech man. I was holding out some hope that he, by some dumb, Star Wars miracle he managed to survive and maybe was captured just like Crosshair was, then they basically shattered that hope showing us his broken goggles and I was just in a emotional daze after that, I had to rewatch the last half to it because of that.
We all basically called it with Cid calling the Empire on them, but it still got me pretty fuming, knowing she did it as soon as they came back and were recovering. But I'm happy that AZI is now with them, tho. I was worried about him after the Pabu episode
Ugh... it's too early for all these damn emotions
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im-no-jedi · 1 year
writing down my thoughts as I rewatch “Pabu”, this is the most incoherent I’ve ever been, be prepared ROFL
what planet are they on in the opening scene? how long have they been hanging out with Phee? has she been in regular contact with them ever since “Entombed”? I NEED TO KNOW
love that Omega was at the table with Phee the whole time, and Phee used the excuse that she was teaching Omega her trade, we love to see it 🥰
Phee handing that poisoned drink to Omega was really funny to me for some reason LOL
Hunter and Wrecker. HUNTER AND WRECKER. LORDY HELP ME. as if I wasn’t already in love with those two... D A M N 😍😍😍
nah fr Hunter flinging his blade at that worm was LITERALLY SOMETHING I WROTE IN MLWTBB OVER A YEAR AGO WTF
I just need that entire fight sequence embedded behind my eyelids plz, it was SO good \o/
all of Phee’s comments about Omega, gurl knows what’s up (and Hunter totally agreed with her)
why was that message from Cid so freaking ominous??? ma’am??? where did this animosity come from all of a sudden??? srsly I feel like the “Cid is a villain now” thing came out of nowhere (despite what happened in “Faster” but I digress... idk it just doesn’t sit right with me ok lskjdfgklfdkj)
they’ve been away for THREE WEEKS doing what exactly???? hanging out with Phee??? traveling to nowhere in particular???? I NEED ANSWERS PLZ
I can NOT believe Pabu is literally just Palma Flora (a city in Wildemount that I set my DnD campaign in 2 years ago). literally the events that happened in this episode were VERY similar to that adventure from the Wildemount guide, and I am cackling about it haha
Phee literally being female space Indiana Jones was not on my bingo card, but I’m not complaining about it, good for her \o/
the way Tech stopped when Phee started walking to the museum.... BRUH. DOES YOU HAVE A CRUSH MAYHAPS 👀
Omega immediately befriending Lyana made me SO happy, she finally has a friend her age (which I KNOW Phee thought of on purpose, she brought them all there for OMEGA’S sake, I KNOW IT) 🥰
“do you know everyone here?” “of course! we’re all like family!” YOU DON’T SAY 👀👀👀
THE MONKEYS. they’re so cute and I want 20 of them thanks 🥰
“I... have not heard her laugh like that in some time” *SCREAMS INTO MY HANDS*
to no one’s surprise, I’ve been monitoring Hunter like a HAWK, and I’m pretty sure that man never stopped smiling from the moment they landed on Pabu OMFG. I know everyone is talking about Omega’s happiness, but HUNTER WAS HAPPY TOO. FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER. AAAAAAAAAAAAA
speaking of...
“as a father, you couldn’t ask for a better place to raise a child”
literally I was SHAKING after that line, I am a WRECK and I will NEVER RECOVER
“a little stability might do you all some good“ I HAVE LITERALLY BEEN SAYING THAT THE ENTIRE TIME THANK YOU PHEE
it’s not just for Omega, they ALL need this, they ALL need a safe place where they can just live life and not have to worry about anything, PLEASE they need it so bad 😭
space sushi is canon. SPACE SUSHI IS CANON. HALLELUJAH \o/
the way Hunter told Omega to “have fun”... MY DADGUM HEART. SIR. I’M ALREADY IN LOVE WITH YOU PLZ 🥺😭💙
“I’m full! I am NEVER full!” STOOOOOOOP. this poor man has never had a decent meal in his LIFE, I am SOBBINGGGGGGG
and then Tech “I will note the date and time to commemorate such a momentous occasion” PLZ SLKFJGHGLFKDJS
crying actual tears at Omega out on the boat, smelling the ocean, feeling the sun on her face, and reminiscing about Kamino... MY SWEET BABY 🥺🥺🥺💙💙💙
and then Lyana with “doesn’t that get lonely” after hearing that they’ve never stayed in one place for very long... GURL. I FELT THAT. I LIVED THAT. O O F 💔
Phee practically dragging Tech over to the corner to see the lights; she even grabbed his wrist, the menace. she’s got it BAD for him, and he totally feels the same way, I LOVE THEM 🥰
Hunter noticed the monkeys were acting weird, but I KNOW he also felt the vibrations in the earth before anyone else. my man is just that good ok 😌
are tremors common for islands like that? I have no knowledge on the subject. my initial thought was OMG THE ISLAND IS ACTUALLY A DORMANT VOLCANO because of the shape of it?? idk LOL
Hunter ABSOLUTELY could feel the vibrations. “I don’t think it’s over yet” HE KNEW. HE COULD FEEL IT. HE’S THAT GOOD 😤
the fact that it’s been 30 YEARS since the last sea surge, and another one just so happened on the same day TBB showed up. @jam-n-ham and I joked that they brought a curse to the island ROFL
the warning alarm sounding like a foghorn was a nice touch 👌🏻
all of that water receding so quickly was TERRIFYING 😰
Hunter quickly taking charge and telling everyone what to do in his usual calm demeanor, my GOSH I love this man 😩💙
Wrecker sticking with Shep while Phee stuck with Tech, no surprise there 🤗
Omega sounded so scared when she called Hunter, oh my poor baby 😭💔
Tech and Phee with the grappling hook 👀😏
Wrecker immediately picking up the old guy and running off with him, I love him so much 😂
this episode marked the THIRD time we got pilot Hunter, and I am LIVING for it. Tech, please give him the wheel more often 😍🥰
also, I am suddenly reminded of “why is Omega hanging off the ship?!” after rescuing the girls; how’s that for an unscheduled study break? 😝
Wrecker putting the old guy on his back and climbing up the ladder like it was NOTHING 🥵
honestly, one of the most heartwarming things was seeing all the people helping each other during this crisis. when Wrecker came up the ladder, several people grabbed the old guy and helped him up, then several more grabbed Wrecker when Shep was about to fall. Shep was right, the whole island is like one big family 🥺💙
that shot of the island from the following day was devastating 💔
Tech and Phee still hanging out; he literally is just following her around now 😁
absolutely OBSESSED with that moment between Tech and Phee when she stops him, what am I saying, I’m obsessed with all the moments between them, I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS IS CANON FR LDKFJGHJUIGOFLDK
Hunter wanting to stay so they can help rebuild the damaged homes 🥺 as if he needed another excuse to stay amiright 😜
“I had the same idea” “did’ya now?” SLDFJGHIOHGLFDKSJHD
the fact that Shep reiterated that they’re welcome there... y’all they finally have a HOME 😭😭💙💙
and that’s it! end of the episode. man. just pure serotonin from start to finish 💙
and yeah, I know we all have the same thought. “it’s not gonna last!!” WELL MAYBE THIS TIME THINGS WILL BE DIFFERENT HUH, EVER THINK OF THAT???
I honestly think we’re meant to assume the worst, but it’ll end up being ok. sure, Omega getting captured by the Empire is absolutely still going to happen. but I think Pabu overall is going to remain a safe spot for them to return to, similar to Ord Mantell. they’ll finally have a real home. and it would be completely dissatisfying to have that all taken away just for the sake of ✨drama✨. let this show be the ONE time everything turns out ok in the end, please Jen and Brad, I am BEGGING you 😫🙏🏻
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snippy-tano · 1 year
for the batcher asks: 2, 31 and 50 please :D
2. Which Batcher would you most want to be trapped in an elevator with?
Well, if I want to get out of there quickly, Tech. But if we’re talking about any other reason to not get out of there….any of them. Idk. Make it happen. 👀
31. What is your favorite episode?
Oh man that’s a tough one. I go back and rewatch the series all the time when I just miss them, so I love all the episodes. But if I had to pick, I’d probably pick the episode where Tech discovers his blossoming racing career. There’s so many funny moments, like when TAY0 gets Regina George’d, and just hot snarky Tech, Wrecker also having some great one liners, the fact that Echo and Hunter are the only impulse control the Batch has and spend the entire episode fucking off being space uber-eats drivers. Iconic honestly. Ah. It’s just all so good and so fun. I love it.
50. How do you hope the series will end (as basic or as detailed as you want)?
I feel like this is a tough question to answer because in an ideal world, they all (Hunter, Omega, Wrecker, Echo, Crosshair, TECH, and all the other clones) live happily ever after on Pabu and nothing bad ever happens to them again. :)
But idk if that’ll happen. This is Star Wars. Which is a wonderful thing, but also horrible at the same time. I really hope things work out well. I guess even if they don’t live happily ever after on Pabu that’s fine, as long as they’re together and (relatively) happy. I’d be satisfied.
So we’ll have to see. I’m not going to keep my hopes up, but hope kind of is Star Wars’ whole thing. So maybe, just maybe, we’ll get that happy ending. 💜
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rosewilsonworth · 7 years
Completely random but I just rewatched lok and I feel like Jessica Cruz would totally loved this show. Some headcanons: -Her favorite season is the fourth season because it helps cope with her trauma. -At the same time she still can’t watch the final episodes of season three because it triggers her. -When things are bad she can’t even watch s4 so she watches compilations of funny moments on youtube. -She loves Bolin, she feels like they have similar sense of humor. -Her favorite animal is Pabu. -She has a list with her favorite spirits and which of them she’d adopt. When she’s finally making structures she animates some of them… -She sometimes calls her ring Tenzin when she’s not wearing it. -She’s happy that mak.korra is not endgame because she feels they’d be forced. -She made Simon watch, at first he was skeptical because it was just a ‘show for kids’ but he ends up loving it after a few episodes. -Her favorite character is Korra, before Jessica became gl Korra was everything she was inspired to be. After becoming gl she feels inspired by her and the compassion she had for her enemies. -She uses the ring to pretend she’s waterbending. Sometimes Simon joins her who pretends to be firebending. -Somehow the rest of the human green lanterns find out. Guy starts making fun of them until Kyle shows a picture of Guy acting like a firebender too, looking a lot like Zuko… -It soon becomes an open secret within the human green lanterns that they all love atla/lok. John Stewart is the only reasonable adult and he’s tired
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im-no-jedi · 11 months
I’ve been pondering why writing has gotten so difficult for me over the past few months, and I think I can break it down into several factors at this point
the first (and potentially biggest reason) is definitely burnout. or I guess betrayal. idk what term to use. but TBB season 2 literally stomped out the drive and passion I previously had while writing MLWTBB. not only did I become consumed with new ideas from all the new content, but Plan 99 straight up crushed me to the point where it’s been hard to return to the series in general. I used to rewatch an episode of the show at least once or twice a week. I rewatched the first season at least 7-8 times. the show was my entire life, literally. and now… I can honestly say, I haven’t rewatched most of season 2. outside of the first five episodes, “Retrieval”, and “Pabu”, I haven’t rewatched any other episodes. I’ve rewatched certain scenes for gif purposes, but that’s it. quite sad, really. I’m disappointed in myself 😞
another reason is loss of a proofreader for my stories. not gonna get into it, but there's currently only (1) person in the entire world who I trust to proofread my work, and they basically wanted a break from the position. and that hurt me more than I thought it would. I had someone regularly reading my stories and giving me feedback, which I needed. not because I had a ton of errors (although sometimes that's true LOL), but because I had a regular reader. someone who was frequently commenting and discussing my stories with me. and I sorely need that. as far as I know, I don't have any regular readers. I've discussed elements of my stories with other friends but... it's not the same. it's like infodumping about a TV show to someone who's never seen it. sure, I'm getting the info out, but when the other person has seen the content too, it's a much more satisfying feeling. I very much desire both validation and interaction in regard to my stories. I've gotten a few nice comments on some of my work before, but... nothing regular. I don't have any "fans" or anything like that. and... it genuinely sucks 💔
which leads me into my next point. which is something I used to tell myself, and I need to start telling myself again. at the end of the day, nobody will ever be as big of a fan of my stories as myself. I originally wrote MLWTBB for me and me exclusively. I literally only started sharing it publicly because Skylar asked LOL. it's easily become one of the highest achievements of my life, and it's nowhere near finished yet. I realized I started becoming more self-conscious about how I write since posting the series publicly, and I can see it in how I currently write compared to back then. that needs to stop. I'm never gonna get anything finished with that mentality. so I seriously need to adjust my mentality about it. I need to go back to August 2021 when I first started writing it and tell myself "idc if anyone else in the world sees this, I'm writing this story for me". so while I strongly desire (and in some cases, need) the engagement and validation from others... nobody else's opinion matters more than my own. and I too often forget that...
so how do I fix all this? well, the last point is pretty self-explanatory. the solution for that is simply to just write. doesn't matter if the quality is "good enough", I just need to get these dadgum stories out of my head and into concrete words. I think that'll help with the first point as well. writing out more of my interpretations of the characters I hold so dear should help deter from any negative thoughts about the current state of the canon (and hold me off until season 3 comes LOL). as for the middle point, I don't think there's much I can do about that, at least when it comes to MLWTBB. however, I've been planning on opening writing requests for literally weeks now, and I think now might be the time to actually do it. that way, I can at least get that feeling of validation for my writing that I so desperately desire.
one other point I think I need to address is entirely on my part, and it's in relation to the engagement factor. I fully acknowledge that more often than not, engagement on fiction is a two-way street. several of my friends and followers are writers themselves, and I see all the content they put out. but to be perfectly honest, I'm more of a writer than a reader. I'm extremely picky about all the content I consume, which means I don't often have the capacity to engage with fanfiction, no matter who's written it. heck, Ham's had a story I've been meaning to read for months now, and I just haven't ever been able to bring myself to doing it. it's nothing personal!! whoever the author is has literally nothing to do with whether or not I engage with something!! I just honestly, really and truly, am not much of a reader. I enjoy rereading my own stuff... and that's about it. although, I've been gifted stories before, and OMG I treasure those so much. but I think that's because those stories were written for me, as a gift, and all gifts are precious to me. so I guess I need to accept the fact that I probably won't get much engagement on my work simply because I don't engage with others. and that's ok. I'm not hurting anyone by doing this (although if this is a problem for you, please let me know, I don't wanna unintentionally insult or hurt anyone 🥺). and maybe someday, I'll actually get the bug up my butt to finally read the things I promised to read haha
so! all this to say, an attempt will be made to relight the writing spark within me so I can continue my beloved MLWTBB and potentially write some fun stuff for the people who request something from me. I've actually already written a thing for a friend as a test for my upcoming requests, and I can't wait to share that one 😁
writers block be damned!! I'm going to write and continue to write until my brain stops functioning. deal with it, Palpatine 😤
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