#just cos i feel like it's relevant lmao
ingridnixie · 8 months
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been doing some concepting about a drag character for myself - she has no name and i have no makeup skills but she's still very cute!!!
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hxlcyon · 2 years
omniscient reader's viewpoint x league of legends LEAKED new collaboration (totally real)
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dragongirltongue · 6 months
New Pinned post <3
Hi there, the name is Zelda, or one of like, 20 other names that may or may not be listed somewhere around here. If you know a name I go by that isn't findable here don't use it. <3
I'm bigender which is made up of girl and fem6oy, as such I use she/her and sometimes he/him pronouns when I'm feeling fem6oy enough <3
I'm in my 30s, not getting more specific than that until I decide it's not true enough to change it, don't try to find my exact age as I don't like sharing that information publicly, I don't even update it on my birthday <3
I'm a polyamorous bisexual voraphile freak and if you're over 18 you're welcome to talk to me about how much of a freak I am. I love to flirt and encourage it. Also happy to share my Other Blog with anyone interested, again as long as you're of age. <3
I'm a film graduate and currently working on doing something with that experience as well as working on a superhero comic and a 2D zelda style game. Feel free to bug me about any of those I love to discuss writing and media and want to encourage media literacy. <3
I'm also an ex-jehovahs witness and as a result I'm hugely into the holiday season in a very against my old god kinda way. Also big into sinning <3
Also I'm like, a dragon in probably an otherkin/thetadelta kinda way, like, it's core to who I am and how I understand myself so yeah. Despite this my fursona is a fox, the dragon in my icon is literally me <3
I also draw sometimes and when I do it'll be posted to @dragongirldrawings but always reblogged here too.
Also I'm a member of a plural system, feel free to check out the rest of the system over here @haven-sys <3
Further on the identity weirdness I'm an imaginary friend for the person who used to inhabit this body, they've been gone for like, over 20 years so it's not really relevant but I have started embracing my nature as a fictional creation, it's comforting.
Btw, if one of my posts containing my typing quirk ends up on your dash I take no responsibility for it. I use it in posts that are for me only and if they happen to resonate with others that's their choice to reblog.
I had intended to set tipping up on my blog for a while but adhd caused me to never get around to it sooo, homebrew tip button on my original posts. Feel free and outright encouraged to steal this idea <3
So yeah that's me, hiii I love you all <3
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this post is specifically a6out tum6lr user Zelda dragongirltongue
DNI list under the read more.
lmao imagine if I actually made one of those finally, that's how you'd know I've been replaced with an evil clone or something.
That being said if you're looking at my blog to send me an ask or dm about what someone gets off to please understand unless they're actively hurting someone I rly don't care. I have a lot of ignored and blocked anons about this.
This goes double if the person you're trying to alert me to is trans femme, we don't play that game here, especially given that I know I've been targetted for things as simple as engaging in vore the wrong way for some people or whatever.
Like, I just want to make it clear I rly don't give a fuck what another adult does in the bedroom, I rly don't care if the bedroom happens to include their blog and I rly don't care if they like to flirt about it with other adults on this website.
Also if your pinned post is a callout for anyone about anything it's likely to set off my paranoia around you, which is to say I will not be able to trust you if this is the case even if it's for someone who's actually a danger to a community, like, actively.
Like, this ain't a moral stance or anything, it's a mental health thing. I see that you want to make your first point of contact into a crosshair on someone else I'm gonna be scared you're gonna aim at me next even if it's completely reasonable that you'd never find anything objectionable with me. It scares me and I'm gonna spend every interaction walking on egg shells around you cos what if you're digging for dirt, like, I got no way of knowing.
Anyway as the opening joke implies I don't see any worth in having a list of things to not interact with me over cos the lived experience on this planet is so full of nuance and I've formed deem friendships with people who'd probably have avoided me if I had a DNI and they cared about it.
I think DNIs are dumb but this feels like a space to talk about some general limits on what I'm gonna put up with on this website. I'm just here for a good time with other freaks, anything else is optional. If you want to drag me into your discourse at this point then I guess this is whre I ask you to Do Not Interact. To anyone else, I love yall <3
If you've been directed here after sending an ask my way please apologize for wasting my time [here]
tl;dr DNIs are dumb but don't drag me into your personal grievances with others.
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this post is still specifically a6out tum6lr user Zelda dragongirltongue [tip]
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riddler-green · 1 year
I fell in love with your writing omgg:0 so Edward finds out that the person he likes (with whom he is obsessed lmao) is a fan of riddler and even has a crush on him 9v9
Te observo.
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Summary: Edward discovers that you are a follower of his alter ego.
A/n: hheeeeeeeey hi! how are you?? after a long pause I'm back! in Mexico it's semana santa holidays! sooo I finally have time to catch up with the requests! besides, yesterday I sprained my ankle but that gives me more time to write and I'll be better soon. (´ ε ` )♡
by the way i hope you like it! and thank you very much for the request! I think I got carried away so I'm sorry if it's not what you expected. (*^.^*)
warning: swearing, obsessive behavior, Fluff!
Words: 3,800
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Edward played with one of his feathers, pressing the feather spring to relax from his growing anxiety. He knows that looking at you for a long time is strange but he can't stop doing it. From the first time he saw you, he was completely immobile with wonder, every day he delighted in seeing you. He thought you never knew of his existence, because despite being co-workers and practically working in similar jobs, he was too shy to even speak to you, so he assumed you never even glanced at him. In his mind, he had these innocent little fantasies that someday you would pay attention to him and he would gladly see you without guilt or looking like a freak. But he is a coward, a man who fears what he already knows will happen at some point.
That's why he doesn't try, he doesn't want to face that rejection that already hangs on his forehead, yet he still thinks of you, even in his dreams you appear as a sweet reminder of his memory. He sighs with love for the mere fact that you existed. 
"Hey, I need this document by Monday" Zach interrupts his admiration with an authoritative voice, Edward coughs falsely to distract himself from the fact that he was watching you instead of working "yeah, um, of course" he replies to Zach and the man in the blue suit out of his sight without saying goodbye.
Edward contemplates the files in his hands, sheets after sheets of payrolls that in a couple of hours, he would solve all, back in his mind he wonders if you like numbers too, well, it's not like he could ask you, he arranged the files in alphabetical order and before he started working a scream stops him.
"It's official!" a voice Edward doesn't know speaks again, when he turns to see who it is he looks at a human rights employee pasting a sign on the bulletin board "It is officially forbidden to talk about The Riddler and The Batman!" The employee speaks loudly drawing the attention of the other employees, others ignore him but saw the sign, and others stared at him still processing the news.
Edward gasped, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry, did they just ban them from his office? He does not know how to take it, is he considered a danger to the company? His face does not reflect the emotion he keeps inside, Batman and he have taken relevance in the city, as new icons of justice, although the Riddler remains a sensitive issue for many.
"May I know the reason?" he flinched at the sound of your voice, he saw your figure approach the statement already taped to the board and you examined it completely, uh, that surprised Edward, as far as he remembers you were always a model employee, you don't generate problems, your sign in and out sheet is flawless (it's not like he's seen it) your documents are just as good, but seeing you now he worries, why are you angry?
Edward watches as you chat with the human resources employee, apparently not a pleasant chat, as you return to your seat with an angry look on your face. He can't take his eyes off your scowl until you turn up to type something on your computer.
Edward sighs, so many repressed things he has inside his being and unfortunately, it's not something he can get it out, the love he has for you is one of those things he can't undo (he doesn't want to), as for him, it feels like a small stain on his office.
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"Damn KMTJ, don't they know they are doing them a favor?" you whisper to yourself angrily, abruptly typing the last report of the day, there was no need to forbid talking about a certain topic, you stopped typing for a moment. 
Remember the first time you saw him, your idol, yes, that's right, your idol. If someone found out that you were part of that select radical group of Riddler's followers they would probably send you on an all-expense paid trip straight to Arkham, but do you care? No, honestly no, the admiration you have for the masked man is something genuine and devoted. In the past you only engaged with him, you only had ears to hear about events happening in the city and you couldn't agree more, his speeches moved you so much that you never missed any of his videos, and you even participated in some clandestine demonstrations with the significant question mark sign.
Until one day he unknowingly broke your heart.
You stared at the monitor screen as you remembered the precise moment when your heart broke in two, those seconds when The Riddler declared in one of his lives, that he fell in love.
You cried that day and the day after that, and the day after that, your life turned into a mess for the simple fact that you Riddler already set your eyes on someone else. In your darkest thoughts, you wanted that person to reject him or disappear from his life, even though you wouldn't stand a chance anyway.
But then came another problem named Edward Nashton.
The first thing you saw in him was his sad eyes covered by the lenses of his glasses, such melancholic eyes that you only wanted to give him affection and love. But then you notice that glow in his person, a shy and helpful glow that at all costs wants to help others, a caring soul that does his job excellently and brilliantly since then Edward flits through your mind as a reassurer of the suffering that the Riddler left you.
But still, you didn't dare to talk to him, when you watched him walk in the door in the mornings you shrank back in cowardice, you didn't want to suffer another brutal rejection from someone else, oh please Edward must already have a bunch of suitors, you crudely think starting to work again to distract yourself from your frustrating love life.
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One day, Edward received a message from his computer specially made for his other job, a homemade laptop with other computer parts, and a private message from his forum as it happened every day.
>> Hi! This, um, Mr.Riddler I admire your mission and your vision of what you want for this city, I know you probably don't know me but I just want to say that I want to be a part of your mission toward a safer Gotham for the future.
Edward's first impression from you is a, mmhm, another message from a random supportive follower, he noticed another message in the inbox.
>> Extraclassified Documents.zip 
>> I got this information for you, I don't doubt you are a great hacker to find this information on your own, but um, I just want to help you.
>>I swear, this is official information.
>>From KMTJ.
Edward was puzzled when he read the final message. Maybe it was his imagination playing a joke on him, maybe he was too tired from the hours he hasn't slept but he was sure he read it right.
>>From KMTJ.
>>From KMTJ.
>>From KMTJ.
Fuck, is that what he thinks it is? He opens the document and it is what the file name says, it's not a virus as he expected, it's case files that have to do with the renovation, signed by Mr. stone, his fucking boss.
Edward turns away from the screen extremely surprised and puts his hands to his head touching his hair, a mole, there's a mole in his company and damn it, he's helping him.
He tries to figure out who it could be from his colleagues, these files are only possessed by the accountants in his section, which is almost a dozen people including you. He thinks of random names and shakes his head, no one in his office has shown empathy for his alter ego, so, it probably must have been another hacker who wants to help him.
He scratches his neck nervously, this puts him on edge because when he looks at the documents his follower gave him he notices the signatures of all his classmates, including his and yours.
Ha, ironically he thinks how nice your signature and his would look on a marriage certificate.
He leans back in the seat re-reading the documents, should he take this as a threat to his identity? No, he protects all his data like gold, this is probably a coincidence. But then an uncomfortable feeling arises in him, you are also included in these files, and your identity could be at risk.
He types heavily on his computer trying to find out the data of the follower who gave him all this, but he found nothing, a fake VPN, fake data, his follower is smart, mmm, not bad.
How did you get this?
His follower responded at that instant.
>> I...
>>I work there.
Holy cow, his head explodes with anxiety, but little by little he becomes proud of the influence his words have on others, he is not as alone as he expected. 
>>? who are you?
He didn't think when he wrote that, silly Edward, do you think he will answer you, obviously his follower didn't answer.
Edward started printing the newly discovered files while contemplating the board above him, so many things were put on that board it was hard to concentrate on one, he saw the pictures of the corrupt he killed and the next ones on his list, he sees the pictures of Batman and he also sees your pictures, he put them in his work center to calm down when he had seizures. 
Oh, he doubts you'll notice him someday, but dreaming is free.
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Mr. Stone kept a straight face stroking his beard and looking at the leaves in front of him, Zach, Edward, and you waited patiently for him to say his next orders, Edward started sweating from nerves and shyness, as he stood next to you the whole moment he was almost sure he could smell you and god, you smell so good.
"The Riddler has been a kick in the ass for this company" stated Mr.Stone rudely turning his eyes away from the sheets to focus on the three standing behind his large desk "You are the best accountants we have in the section, tell me how the Riddler could have so much information on the renovation?" Mr. Stone asked the air and Edward swore he was already shaking, easily excused but all this overwhelmed him, the hard look of his boss, you being so close to him, he can't stand it.
"Thank you for your confidence sir, but believe me I have no idea how that happened" Zach opines smoothing his blue suit, and Mr.Stone does not respond.
"The Riddler is smart sir" you started to speak and Edward turned around surprised by what you said "I fully understand that you think there is a mole in our company, but most likely the mole has infiltrated our system" you explain formally and Edward gawks at what you say You think The Riddler is smart? That strokes his ego.
Mr. Stone takes a moment to respond, he sighs tiredly leaning back in his chair "Yeah that's the same thing I thought, I just wanted to know what you guys think" Mr.stone started to speak again but Edward had already disconnected from reality by then, you flattered him, well, you flattered the Riddler and that makes his cheeks heat up. 
Edward knows he's getting closer and closer to the mole, it's not Zach, he barely knows it's a prime number, however you...
Hahahaha, no.
You came out of your thoughts when you heard Mr. stone say goodbye to the three of you, Zach came out of the office first with phone in hand to call someone as soon as he left, the second to leave was you, with your head held high and making Edward admire you closely, you turned to see him when he closed the door of Mr. stone's office.
"Hey, Edward, right?" you raise your hand in greeting and he quickly accepts "um, yeah, it's me" he clarifies nervously but was glad he didn't look stupid when you spoke to him.
"Do you have any idea who it could be? You know..." you start walking and Edward follows your step listening carefully to what you are going to say "the mole?" you finish your question going down step by step towards the first floor, the glasses man takes his moment to answer "I don't know who it is" he finds it very intriguing as with Mr. Stone you said it was probably someone else in the company but now you ask him this and it only confuses him more.
"Me neither but" you chuckle, maybe lying to your office crush is harder than your boss, you stop looking at Edward, "I think it's a one-time thing" you assure returning to your seat before waving goodbye to him "See ya, Eddie."
He doesn't say anything, but it's impossible not to hear how his heart beats, he was probably having a heart attack or he gets nervous next to you, but hey! You don't think he's a freak.
That's fine with him.
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Edward doubted what he is doing right now, he knows it is wrong, and he knows that anyone could come and catch him looking at the file history in his own office. But really, his curiosity gnaws at him, that feeling that won't let him sleep, there is a follower near him but he doesn't know him nor he follower him, if only he could know, who is helping him?
With the lamp on his phone, he lit up the file history sheet, on that sheet he saw all the company's files, who requests them, what documents were requested, and when they are requested in the pile of file cabinets that are used to store information for generations, he managed to find with a little effort, he saw the last person who entered and left the file room.
It was you.
He almost dropped the phone in shock, he laughed with hesitation, this couldn't happen, you, the mole?
No, this cannot be true.
He read your name again and even saw your signature. You came to that place the same day the information was sent to him. He took a picture of the sheet and quickly started saving evidence that he was there.
It has a lot to think about.
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Edward slammed his door shut, his raincoat barely left him dry as his hair got wet from the rain, he didn't mind the wet feeling on his body, living in Gotham has gotten him used to rainwater not bothering him, he must admit he is in a state of euphoria still, all the way from KMTJ he kept stopping at what he discovered, he kept repeating himself and it didn't tire him, this was better than winning the lottery in his opinion. He could easily shout from the rooftops that he knows he exists and not only that, you also support The Riddler. He had no idea how to continue, yes, you want him, but do you want Edward Nasthon, the other half of him?
It frustrates him, it frustrates him too much when he doesn't know the missing piece of his mental puzzle, in this instance what do you think of him. should he move forward as Edward? should he move forward as The Riddler? He doesn't know what to decide.
He could go on for hours thinking about those little details so he won't end up ruining anything, he took off his blue raincoat and placed it on his chair, he needs to work, someday he will come up with an answer but he needs to get organized. 
You are one of his followers, you, the person he admires from afar every day and feels fulfilled when you smile, you understand it too, you are smarter than many think.
He wrote down everything he had in mind on a whiteboard, brainstorming helps him decide on something.
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You yawned as you took a seat in your work cubicle, it was the first hour of the day and you wanted to go home, to re-watch the recent video of the Riddler, but you need to work, those donations you make are not free.
but before you could start working a card appeared in your files, a green card, you grabbed the card and picked it out, and hid it in your lap to read the contents.
I know who you are, I know you helped me, find me and you will know who I am.
My goodness gracious, it's a miracle you didn't feel a heart attack from whatever is going on, there is no doubt this letter is from your Riddler, you hold the urge to scream from the rooftops that he will deem you worthy of his attention, he wants you to meet him!!!! 
What has hands, but can't clap?
You read the riddle in the letter, written in the same alphabet he invented, and left messages to his followers with that same code.
On the other hand, Edward spies on you from his cubicle covering his smile with his clasped hands, he didn't know how to tell you that he knew, so he planned to let you know with riddles, his specialty. watch you get up from your seat to look for the object of the riddle.
Let the treasure hunt begin!
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There were many clocks in the office, and you inspect them all, from the receptionist's clock to the desk clock your cubicle neighbor has, until you find a new clue on the second-floor clock, the one outside Mr. Stone's entrance. you looked behind the clock and found a note.
 What kind of mail can a mouse send?
You laughed at the response. You grabbed the note and ran back to your desk, went to your work email, and found a new message from an unknown email address.
I am close to you
but I know you don't know the truth
I am among your coworkers
and I know you can solve my clue
you look around for anyone looking at you, but everyone seems absorbed in whatever it is they're working on, you go back to focusing on the message.
What can you catch, but not throw?
this riddle is a little hard for you to figure out, what it has to do with the office, until the light bulb in your head goes on, from afar Edward sees you approaching the cubicle of the coworker who missed today because he has a cold.
you are happy to see another note under your co-worker's keyboard, you take the note and go back to your desk, you thought that this search will be more difficult or more dramatic, but you are having a lot of fun, even though you may be in a state of danger.
last riddle, but I haven't finished
look for me where the cleaning is located, even if it's narrow I keep a lot of things.
You raise an eyebrow - the cleaning room? Is that what he means? Without a doubt the answer, you quietly make your way to the elevator, looking for the cleaning room.
Edward gets up from his seat and heads for the elevator as well, waiting until you've already left to look for you.
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Edward clenched his hands looking at the door of the cleaning room, he was almost a minute daring to come in to see you, but he is still anxious, too nervous to even be surprised, you love the riddler, but will you be disappointed if he were him? would you tell on him and leave him alone? would you be ashamed?
In his mind, he convinces himself that you are not like that, that you will love him as he is.
but he doubts it.
On the other side of the door you are in complete darkness, standing in the middle of brooms and mops, with your nerves on edge you wait patiently for the person who sent you all those riddles, you smile remembering all the adventures you had to do to get here, you look for the light switch but with so much darkness you can't find it.
They open the door and you are instantly startled, you look at the person who opened the door, the light from outside made Edward look like an angel, someone so beautiful that you were fascinated to behold him. 
"Edward?" you ask confused but at the same time ecstatic, he gives you a nervous smile entering the small room and turning on the light switch. the room gave a yellowish glow and the light from the bulb is not that strong, but the warmth in the place made you more nervous. 
Edward stood at the other end of the room, across from you, as the room is small there is little space that separates you "umm... surprise!" Edward gives an unconvincing laugh, his already hot cheeks coy him, his cowardice starts to work and he doesn't know what to say. 
"you are?..." you don't finish your question, you slowly approach the bespectacled man, Edward starts sweating, feeling cornered he looks at the door he came through but you are so close to him that he can see the details of your face "It's you right?" you want to clarify one last time, he nods his head slowly and looking at you appreciatively.
you shout in joy, and in a fit of euphoria, you hug Edward "oh! it's you! it's you!" you repeat and move closer to him with the hug, the brown-haired man receives the hug in disbelief. 
"It's me!" he smiles accepting your affection, clinging in your arms to feel your presence and soothe him, but before he can get used to it you pull away from him to look him in the eyes "you did all that?" he didn't know what you meant but he agrees with you anyway "yes, I did".
"Oh, Edward!" you close your eyes hugging yourself again "I'm such a fool!" you exclaim with annoyance.
"Why do you say that?" he asks you surprised, for the first time he is so close to someone he is so comfortable in your arms. you laugh softly hugging him "there is a lot I have to tell you" you murmur to him, this was like winning the lottery, you dreamed of razing the riddler to death and then you started dreaming about Edward, but now you are with both of them, you feel that gratification of life.
"Okay" speaks Edward happily, the two continue to function, it doesn't matter that they are both in the small cleaning room, you forget everything else when you are with Edward, this situation feels so intimate and sweet that you just want to hug Edward.
It was worth the treasure hunt.
Edward closes his eyes to calm down and just focus on your touch, the insecurities that plagued him gone.
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Thank you very much for reading! And sorry for the mistakes! *:・゚✧*:・゚✧.
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thelunastusco · 4 months
Also, like,
Regarding the whole "I'm not saying you shouldn't exist but I am saying you should be ashamed you do and your system should actively strive to make sure your existence is closeted so that it doesn't spread to other people because god knows fictives can't stop talking about themselves" kind of attitude,
We're not a popular system. We don't have a lot of friends, systems or singlets. We don't have biological family. We don't have co-workers and we don't really engage with community meetups or anything like that. We don't talk about ourselves all that much on our social media or in private. There's maybe five people (bodily) we'd consider good friends, and only two in our lives currently who we'd say know us intimately, one who isn't even part of the people-we-consider-friends group, lmao.
This isn't a poor me thing. Would we like more friends? Sure! Would we like to be more involved in the community? Yeah! Have we accepted things as they are? Pretty much. It is a "so where's this planet where fictives get to be seen for who they are?" thing.
We feel like most people, even systems, don't and wouldn't accept us as we are. We're older, we're reclusive, we're mostly fictives and a solid majority of those fictives are villains or grey moral types, we're adamantly proship/profic, we don't care what people do within their own system as long as no one is being harmed, and overall we just refuse to give a shit about origins or dx labels. It's just not a thrilling combination of traits for an increasingly younger + more sanitized community.
And usually, that's okay. But it does mean that once we pass from this world, there will likely be no one left who remembers us as we really were. It's a bit of a saddening thought, especially considering we're ALIVE and PRESENT on tumblr and people already get us so, so wrong sometimes, lol. (If we see one more "well they're endogenic in denial of their trauma" thing we're gonna start biting people.) We wish we could leave some little (positive) thumbprints, but also we're a system of over 700 people. And eventually, most people in history are more or less forgotten, we're not special in that regards.
But it also really goes against the idea that systems with fictives just can't stop talking about themselves or their sources. Even the people who know us better than anyone else in this world, don't know about everyone here. We just don't talk about things or people or sources unless it seems relevant. And even the people they know well, hate talking about themselves more than necessary.
We already closet our own existences.
And we shouldn't have to. No one we care about is forcing us to, but society as a whole tells us to shut up, keep your head down, don't share too much about yourselves. Pretend you don't exist. Don't be open, certainly not loud, about who you really are. And we're not the only system in the world like this. Some systems are bold and brave enough to be super open about who they are, and what they're about. We admire them. But if we had to guess, most systems are more like us, where we have maybe a handful of people who know us well.
Shame is a given as it is. The world as a whole doesn't even accept us as real. Most systems with fictives couldn't get MORE in the closet if they tried. Like, even if fictives turn to fandom spaces where they might be recognized most, (a) most fictives are different from canon and fandom perception, (b) some singlet people in fandom can get eerily entitled to a fictive's time and attention or get super creepy/intrusive with it, and (c) fandom is ultimately a sandbox where people play with their fictional Barbie dolls as a means of coping/escape and the presence of fictives can, sometimes, make things really uncomfortable for people. Valid. We, ourselves, don't want to take that away from people.
But fictives are then left to hide themselves and their identity. It's still a heavy, isolating feeling. The only time fictives really get to open up are to understanding friends, or systems who accept fictives; sometimes there's still this chasm because not all friendly singlets or systems will understand who a specific fictive is, where they're from, and who they are as a separate entity from their canon source. (And most don't have the time to sit and consume the source media + ask follow-up questions just to get a better idea, though hands down that's one of the most romantic things someone can do for a fictive in our opinion, lmao.) It's a lot harder to manage than some people seem to think. Especially in this age where there's so much disconnect and a lot of people in general are struggling to make/maintain deeper connections.
So where is this idea coming from that fictives talk about themselves so much? That they just can't help BUT talk about their source/s? That they have SUCH pull that they should be held responsible for the spread of the media source they're from?
Because as far as we can tell, it simply isn't a thing.
Why would it be, when most of the world isn't listening?
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cosmokyrin · 1 year
"loving penny polendia is suffering" yeah this is true
Also, this is coming from someone who is an avid Penny 3.0 Theorist: Do you think Penny will be resurrected once more in V10 (if it gets greenlit), and if so, how do you think they'll go about it?
lmao my blog title remaining relevant 2 years after I changed it is something I'd never expect out of V9 honestly
and HELLO fellow Penny 3.0 theorist!!
I know I will sound crazy and mad and insane for this probably but yes, I do highly believe that Penny will actually come back. No matter how many times I read why she won't, I have to disagree simply from the reading of her overall arc as a character. What I'm not certain is whether she will be fully resurrected in a body in V10, or just given hints (or something like, where she can talk with RWBY, Pietro and co. but still shares a body with Winter, like the Oscar/Ozma situation). AND HERE'S TO HOPING V10 DOES GET GREENLIT, WE NEED CONCLUSIONS TO THE ENTIRETY OF RWBY.
And to answer your question as to how they'll go about it? Idk really. There are many ways that the fandom (particularly the nnd and Penny cult fandom) have come up regarding Penny's third return. The most popular and arguably the most backed theory would be the Aura Transfer Machine theory, because from the two times it was relevant in the show (V3 and V7), it was never fully nor successfully used. And funny enough, the ATM was always about transferring Maiden powers, and it was always somehow connected to Atlas technology, so you can see where the narrative connects Winter, Penny and the ATM.
With V9's ending and showing no signs of Penny's body being around, that's where I'm personally kinda in the dark regarding of what they're going to do with her now. With Pietro around they could be going for another Penny robo body, but they'd have to address issues again of the possibility of Penny getting hacked, etc. Narratively speaking, I've always been on the idea that Penny will return not as human nor robot, but a mix of both (yeah, a cyborg!). Penny's weaknesses (and strengths / benefits??) as both human and robot have been expounded in the show that I feel like the most sensible conclusion is to give her the best of both worlds --- an enhanced human per se (like in the recent Terminator movies). But how they'll do that without Penny's human body, unless Ambrosius and the Staff of Creation gets involved again, kinda points me back to Penny being put back in a robot body (and from there they could probably just cover it up with some in-world explanation on why Penny is no longer hackable lmao). I like the idea that Winter will be heavily involved in it especially when it's been pointed out how Winter could allude to Pinocchio's Blue Fairy (who gave the boy his wishes). I could try to come up with any other way but it will always come back to Winter, Pietro and Ruby lmao
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ww2yaoi · 1 month
twenty questions for fic writers
tagged by @oatflatwhite thank you for tagging me <3
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
50 fics so far
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
252,448 words
3. what fandoms do you write for?
I tend to migrate from fandom to fandom. write a bunch for one then move on then write a bunch for another then move on lol. currently masters of the air and working on a band of brothers fic but I've written for succession, mindhunter, better call saul
4. top five fics by kudos
you go to my head (and you linger like a haunting refrain (mota)
have you forgotten what we were like then (succession)
bomber's moon (mota)
my breath reaches for the back of your neck (succession)
good men die too/oh, I’d rather be with you (mota)
5. do you respond to comments?
pretty much every single one lol
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
probably my most recent one actually: if I could give you the moon (I would give you the moon)
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
my mindhunter long fic ends pretty happily: the same deep water as you
8. do you get hate on fics?
no, I never have. I think the most critical thing someone said about one of my fics was it wasn't realistic to canon which is whatever who cares
9. do you write smut?
yup, if I feel it's relevant to the characters and their relationship
10. craziest crossover
never written one and probably will never write one
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope and I don't think I would I'm too much of a control freak with my writing I would go insane
14. all time favorite ship?
god who even knows. I bounce around a lot. kenstewy will always have a special place in my heart but I've moved on so probably winnix but I don't write for them
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
a creature likes the cold my cobra kai kreese/terry vietnam war fic oh boy I just do not have it in me lmao
16. what are your writing strengths?
setting the mood and the atmosphere and the scene. at least that's what people tell me
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
probably plot as well lmao
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
currently doing this for the first time with german in my webgott fic and we'll see how it turns out. I've done research and try to find good sources for it, but if there are any egregious mistakes I can probably just say joe and web aren't native speakers and their german isn't very good (which isn't out of the question canonically)
19. first fandom you wrote in?
chronicles of narnia I think. when I was like 12
20. favorite fic you've written?
GOD WHO KNOWS I'm really critical of my fics and I kind of feel ambivalent about them once they're published. but my breath reaches for the back of your neck is probably pretty close to the top and maybe bomber’s moon
anyways, thanks for the tag! I tag whoever wants to do this I never remember who writes fic so if you want to do this say I tagged you <3 mwah
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littlespoonevan · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thank you @sibylsleaves for the tag!! 🥰
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count? 1,205,924
What fandoms do you write for?
Currently just 911 but previously all for the game, skam, shameless, and teen wolf
Top five fics by kudos:
Buy Back the Secrets 
i want your midnights
come out to the sea, my love 
Things Look Different in the Morning
a touch of someone else (to save me from myself)
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! i feel mean when i don't lmao but i currently have some to catch up on
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
ohh, i mean by nature i am a very un-angsty person???? tbh i don't think i've ever written a sad ending before?????
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
well, as evidenced by my previous response, every fic i write has a happy ending lol but maybe Say Anything...As Long As It's I Love You just because that fic was pure self-indulgent fluff on my part askdjfh
Do you get hate on fics?
no, thankfully!! i've gotten one or two not so nice comments before but it was in a previous fandom a v long time ago
Do you write smut?
i've written allusions to smut lmao but never anything heavily explicit
Craziest crossover:
I've never written a crossover before but i do love me a good au based on a movie if you want to count any of those aksdjhf
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah, a few! I don't tend to give permission for it anymore though since i decided to lock my fics to ao3
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes!! one of my first ever fics was co-written with a fandom friend back in the teen wolf days :')
All time favorite ship?
my all time favourite ship is whatever ship is currently altering my brain chemistry the most so right now it's buddie 💕
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
listen, i would loVE to, but i genuinely do not think i will ever write that buddie royalty au. the worldbuilding is just so much effort rip aksdjhf
What are your writing strengths?
mm i think i'm pretty good at emotional development and i enjoy writing dialogue a lot!! but i will say every time someone compliments my characterisation an angel gets its wings 🥰
What are your writing weaknesses?
plot lmao. i am Not creative enough for plot-driven stories at all. she's a character-driven story girl all the way
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I don't really???? have any thoughts?????? if it's relevant for the story? cool, sure, go for it!! but unless the character is a fluent irish speaker it's not something i'll be writing any time soon lmao
First fandom you wrote in?
Glee and those fics do not exist on the internet anymore lol
Favorite fic you've written?
for 911 i'd say i'm someone you maybe might love,  Say Anything...As Long As It's I Love You, nobody knows you, baby, the way i do and Close Enough for Comfort are my personal faves just in terms of emotion/love confessions/descriptions/characterisation etc.
but a special shoutout to my andreil band au And We'll Be Running  bc i will literally never write anything that good ever again in my entire life askdjhf
Tagging: @mellaithwen @fcntasmas @buckactuallys @homerforsure @hattalove @capseycartwright @finduilasclln @bucktommys @hmslusitania and anyone else who feels like it!!! 🩷
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bylertruther · 10 months
That comment was so true, I was just thinking the same way. Old bylers were more open to criticizing the show's bad aspects and writing choices instead od trying to bend the whole thing to come up with excuses and explanations. Nowadays when you criticize a writing choice or something done by the Duffers you automatically get accused as if you've just committed a crime because how dare you think the Duffers aren't perfect genius writers that put everything intentionally without any mistake.
yeah! nowadays, in this corner, criticism is seen as a bad thing that you would never do to something you enjoy, and it's like... huh? it's okay to not enjoy something 100%. the duffers and co are not infallible and people don't have to like every decision they've ever made. that shouldn't even be something that someone on the internet has to say—existing as a human being in the world should've taught everyone that back when they were a baby.
even beyond that, as others have mentioned in other conversations, you can understand someone else's viewpoint just fine and still not feel as though there's enough relevant evidence to back it up, and feel hesitant because of how the duffers have consistently handled other plots.
like, personally... i struggle to be one of those #believers, because of how present the show's racism is in my mind. also, season three and season four are right there, alongside the show's misogyny and classism, too. and don't forget the little inconsistencies and anachronisms either! there's A Lot that i don't like and that i feel could've been corrected or reworked more effectively had they had a more diverse writing room or consulted others during the writing process. i like the general direction of the show, but there are a lot of details or ways they went about it where i'm like ://// man..
and.... controversial perhaps... but i feel that behavior is especially rampant in the byIer fandom and it manifests as the fanon that we can't seem to shake off.
mike does pay acute attention to will in some ways, but he's not the obvious lovesick, clingy, forever doting, golden retriever bf that people make him out to be [shout out to s2 mike tho he was built different 💔]. that fanon!mike is fans overcompensating for canon mike's behavior and presentation, which honestly has not been that fucking great as of late, purposely because he can't balance having both will and el in his life, among other mike-specific reasons, and because the duffers changed the way they wrote him post-s2. he does care about and love will, but not like many fans suggest, at least not yet.
but if you say that around here, you're seen as a freak weirdo mike hater talking about some ooc mike even though the show is right there and i could point to the 9384038049 times that mike forgot about will, brushed him off, was mean to him, or explicitly chose someone else over him. purposely! of his own volition!
and it also shows in how they babygirlified him, even though mike doesn't act like or look like that at all in the show, nor has he ever been described that way by anyone, whether in-universe or by the people that bring him to life.
And Don't Even Get Me Started On Will. Zon't.........
they had to recreate these new characters with mike and will's names and faces, because they didn't like what was on the screen. simple as that. but will they ever admit it? lmao.
as a fan of the show, and a fan of these characters and the stories they're representing, it's really weird to witness. there has been a distinct shift in the way in-fandom bylers talk about byler and the show and it started post-s2 when things started happening that they felt they had to correct. if they want to engage with the material in a way that best suits their tastes, fine. whatever. literally everyone does that. but to insist that the things that they say that go directly against canon or don't even exist within it .... are canon? and that everyone else using direct lines from the text are the ones projecting or twisting it or otherwise not appreciating the material? i have to laugh.
it's the same with other serious criticisms. if they can't create something to justify it, then they just brush you off as a hater because that's easier than acknowledging that maybe their precious bloated ensemble show isn't entirely perfect.
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halucynator · 7 months
@catastrxblues I will kms I'm so sorry I lost the ask somehow so I'm just gonna work off memory bc I'm an idiot 😭
If I miss anything please tell me!!!! I'm once again really sorry and will defenestrate myself once I'm done with this! (How tf did I lose AN ASKKK??? ITS NOT EVEN A PHYSICAL THING!?) I made this into a review bc yes
It contains like spoilers ig? It's actually not even spoilers I don't think I'd call it one because it doesn't ruin the show for anyone at all just unnecessary info provided ahead
Lockwood and Co: Worth watching?
Ok so, Lockwood and Co. I'm so glad you're liking it so far!! It's honestly such a good series you need to finish it ! However, if you want more context/info (because let's be fair books have more information than shows because obvi it contains thoughts of the characters that can't be said aloud in the shows) i definitely recommend reading through the books first!!! The books are from Lucy's perspective as far as I can remember and the sarcasm not only of her but every single other character is SO IMMENSE. Like all of them are so sarcastic at the most unexpected time it's actually hilarious. It's like they are meant for each other and became besties the moment they met like it's SO CUTE. it's banter and if you don't know me I'm an absolute banter girly LMAO
it's (in my absolutely correct opinion jkjk) one of THE best book series. I'm very picky when it comes to books (especially series where you have to spend quite a bit of money) but lemme tell you, this book was an absolute 1000000000000000000/10 for me. The way the book is presented, the characters are presented isn't a drag which is my problem with most books. it's a thriller right at the start. It provides relevant information, never digressing (unlike me LMAO) and never steering off-topic. Stroud knows how to capture it's readers and once you've made past the starting bit of the first book (the only bit that seems like a drag to me and it isn't really it's introducing characters so ykyk) you will absolute enjoy it if you love thriller books. Needless to say, it's one of my absolute favourite series for that exact reason. Thriller books to me are the equivalent to heaven because of how there's always something happening. There is a mystery and it's solved. You just need to be patient enough to reach the end of the books and WOOHOO! you've just finished a thriller book! and you loved it (ofc bc why wouldn't you)
The thing with me is that i hate anything that isn't a sick twisted mystery with a bajillion plot twists, supernatural things and contains people that yield weapons.
Favourite Lockwood and Co book?
Yes there are 5 books in the series! I got gifted the first two Lockwood and Co books buy a friend and lemme tell you I thought I wouldn't like them at all. Boy was I wrong. I feel like it takes ages to find some book that you actually like. Finding a book/movie genre is similar to finding a music taste! It's all subjective. All opinion based (well apart from the fact that Lockwood and Co is the best book series to ever exist. That's completely objective). If you like supernatural stuff, books that keep you on the edge of your seat etc then Lockwood and Co is very much recommended.
My favourite book is either 4 or 5. 4 is the creeping shadow and if I remember correctly it contains info about Lockwood's past. It gives insight on him and his character and everything else so I love it! If you're wanting to read book 4 however, I definitely recommend reading the earlier books first because they are in order and it's just better that way ykyk. 5 is the empty grave (I read that book by borrowing it from the library LMAO). I love it because well first of all it's the last book in the series: kinda bittersweet but ykyk. And secondly, because it's such an immersive book. I mean that the case with every single book in the series but 5 specially.
You didn't ask this but my favourite character is definitely the skull! I love his absolutely sarcastic nature he's just absolutely hilarious. And he helps but in such an indirect way it's hard to tell! And he's sarcastic all the time to the point that you can't tell when he isn't!!!
Locklyle Romance
You are absolutely right in that the romance is a major part of the series unlike the books. The book contains quite a bit of tension but sometimes that tension can be felt better when you're watching then when you're reading. Also, lockwood and co is about supernatural ghost hunting saving the world sorta thing. So, while the books explore some romantic themes, it isn't solely about romance. Nowadays, almost all shows contain romance: doesn't matter if it's comedy, horror, thriller, mystery and whatnot. Romance has become such a recurring theme in shows, movies etc it's hard to find shows without romance. Lockwood and Co as a netflix show and book ofc doesn't contain STRONG romantic themes. This allows it to be a show for comparatively younger kids. Not like super super young but like not 15+ either. It's a well balanced show: contains a bit of everything. The tension however leaves people wanting to see Locklyle be a thing.
In my opinion, the romance and tension makes the people want to watch more for more than one reason which I think is a start move from the creators side. I LOVE Locklyle and I am the #1 Locklyle shipper because they're so cute (poor George). And they're both so oblivious it actually makes me want to kms because JUST KISS ALREADY!! My favourite Locklyle scene is either the toast one or when she's calming him down outside (I don't want to spoil it for you or anyone so I'll be very vague) I also love the bandage one but like Lucy calming him down one is so CUTE! I'm not sure if you've already seen that it might be in later episodes so I'll be really vague. Also the toast scene>>>>!! get yourself a man who looks proud after giving you a buttered toast it's actually so cute I love Lockwood smmmm
If netflix doesn't change it's mind, I will find out where the person who cancelled it lives and make them be a ghost in a new Lockwood and Co book written by me which will be based on a true story 😇
Anyways, I had SO MUCH FUN. TYSM NADINE (also is it okay if I call you that?) ILYSM and sorry about the stupid ask disappearing without my consent 😭
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4dkellysworld · 10 months
Thoughts on reading the books
To be honest, while I've been reading Ada's top 2 books, I feel like there's a LOT of unnecessary chapters debating about all these damn concepts (like the current chapter I'm on for I Am That, the questioners are arguing about sin & virtue??) and how it's possible/relevant to Self. Sooo many unnecessary questions that do not help one bit!! They pretty much all stem from the questioners who are having ego meltdowns and are trying to grasp onto reason lmao (okay not saying that's not valid from a person who doesn't understand anything yet but it feels like the books are cluttered too much with these sort of debates instead of focusing on the practical side of applying so it gets exhausting to read)
Maybe it will help for people who are new to non-duality and consciousness and need more information to understand but as someone coming from learning from Ada and having a good understanding from that already and then reading these books, from the chapters I've already read, there wasn't a lot that was enlightening or gave me new insight or understanding. Reading the rest of the books now feels like it would be overconsumption and a waste of time to read when I could just be practicing being and observing the mind as the pure witness 😅 I feel like you could just distill all the genuinely helpful information and guidance in each book into a few chapters (and a lot of the helpful information is the same thing being repeated in different ways/wording: it always comes back to letting go of thoughts/ego and realising Self) and do away with the rest (there IS valuable information there, and after all Ada did quote and share many excerpts from these books so gotta credit her founding fathers but there's also a lot of annoyingly unnecessary information imo).
Just cut straight to the chase and go within, drop the thoughts and focus on I AM until you realise Self and you will naturally know the answers - it's really that simple. Everything else is unnecessary and just the ego seeking reassurance...
Peace and silence, silence and peace — this is the way beyond. Stop asking questions. Words can bring you only unto their own limit; to go beyond, you must abandon them. Remain as the silent witness only. Before you can say: ‘I am’, you must be there to say it. Being need not be self-conscious. You need not know to be, but you must be to know. - I Am That, Nisargadatta Maharaj
I might just skim the rest or even stop reading at this point cos it feels like I don't need to know anything more. Or rather, there isn't anything more to learn intellectually and I just want to put this all into practice. This makes me realise just how good of a teacher Ada was and I'm so grateful that I learned from her 💖
And I think this is a sign that I'm now ready to stop looking for answers from outer teachers and go to my inner teacher 😌
Your own self is your ultimate teacher, the outer teacher is merely a milestone. It is only your inner teacher that will walk with you to the goal, because he is the goal. - Nisargadatta Maharaj
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lottiecrabie · 8 months
Thinking about pmfs 5 and wondering if those two will use protection cuz reader is vv freaky and Matty just does whatever she says😭
Like, feeling Matty raw or being scared about teen pregnancy the whole time 😭
you guys will just have to wait and see what lottiecrabie is cooking😁😁 in general though i will say i don’t rly try to write realistic smut scenes like i will have characters hitting it raw cos i think it’s hot. i will bring in a Condom if i think it’s plot relevant (the last time bc it signifies they’ve been with other people therefore adds to the Angst). (i think the only time i’ve chosen No condom for Plot reasons and not Horny reasons was galatea just so she could have the moment of ‘it’s okay he’s only been with me…. and delilah’) (not me rambling about my condom choices lmao u can’t get lottiecrabie started on her writing process she’ll Find something to say☝️)
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nokaru · 1 year
For the AnS asks: 13, 15, 16, 23, and 32 pleaseee.
(I'll answer yours too soon, I promise!!)
Lmao no worries hun I will be waiting patientally :) ty for the ask! I let my toxic side out 💀
13. Favorite scene or line
ohh definitely this Obi line when he was talking to Torou about Zen and Co.:
Tumblr media
If we're talking scenes my favs are whenever the OT3 or OT5 are just vibing together and living their wholesome and silly slice of life all together (OT3 Lyrias date, OT5 sleepover before coronation ect ect...)
15. Your controversial take
Lyrias👏arc👏wasn't👏that👏good👏 it was quite boring in fact IM ENDING MY SILENCE
It will never be as good as the other arcs no matter how cool the winter aesthetic is and no matter how cute and fun the new characters are. The plot itself was ehhh and the pandemic and OT3 date was probably the most interesting thing that had happened there. It will never be Tanbarun or Bergatt arc and that's on that 💅
AND ANOTHER THING! omg I just remembered. Shirayuki leaving her patient in the Perfume arc just like that (girlie was traumatized and recovering still) and going with Obi and Eisetsu to rescue Ryuu and Kageya was quite pointless imo (and bit ooc for Shirayuki? Is it just me??) Like I understand it was about Ryuu so ofc she came but I don't think she played that crucial part in the rescuing (she noticed the secret msg from Ryuu and knew about the herbs effects so she was a good addition but I just can't get over 'leaving your sick and very traumatized patient moments after the accident' move) 🤷🏻‍♀️
16. Something that you had wished had happened
I wish we got to explore more of the characters pasts and backstories. AND BRING TOROU AND MIHAYA BACK! Torou could have been a great fuel for Obi and his character development....a missed opportunity man 😭 I think sensei makes the mistake of making interesting and appealing side characters just to forget about them later a lot (?), even when they are relevant to the plot or not. It's a shame, really. But I can't blame her I suppose.
Like you also mentioned before: wishing the separation arcs weren't as long. AMEN! OT5 should get more time to spend all together. That much of a separation was just ...??? uknow
23. Favorite fancontent that you've created
You guys should appreciate me for this masterpiece and I'm super proud of this one and this one from the early stages of my art :)
and this zenyuki cause I even suprised myself with that.
32. The best part of the fandom
yall my darlings <33 everyone in the discord server made my fandom experience so much more enjoyable so thanks yall for that <3
also ppl who are big fans of side characters are the real ones i know we've got quite lot of these. I also feel like we have so many talented writers, artists, editors and creators! and ppl who post ans news, manga panels and analysis are so amazing too!
Ohhh plus I think our fandom has a great attention to detail (just like sensei!) and just seeing ppl pinpoint stuff I otherwise wouldn't notice myself is pretty cool.
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sircarolyn · 2 months
tagged by my friends @meluisart and @riversofmars
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
i have 181!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
cabin pressure and doctor who mostly in the niche of gallifrey
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Somewhere in Space (199)
this is how i see you (178)
An (Un)expected Meeting (96)
the spark before the dark (come a little closer) (70)
Beneath the Milky Twilight (69)
5. Do you respond to comments?
i try my very best to but sometimes they fall through the cracks and i forget
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
idk, i do a lot of hurt and varying degrees of comfort. probably these would be my top three:
and you, my love, are gone
my heart is returned to sister winter (or any of the horrible hercolyn advent)
all of these bones, they get stacked so high
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
honestly don't know haha maybe the zurich au fic? maybe some of my early CP works? man, i just write melancholic, introspective one-shots. idk
8. Do you get hate on fics?
put it this way, i have fics with 0 hits so, no. i am in no way writing fics in fandoms that are popular and that is fine by me
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
write, yes. post, no. usually whatever my pairing of the week is, which is usually femslash
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
not really, i'm not really one for them. i've written a couple in my time but nothing recently that i can remember
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i refer you back to point 8. i am not even remotely relevant enough, nor do i write ling enough fics that anyone would ever consider stealing them
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nah, i'm too much of a control freak to not do it all myself. the closest i get is the vrcu <3
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
herc/carolyn. they are and always will be my everything. they are and always will be there for me. vaduz will always and forever be burned line for line into my brain
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
my fantasy CP au - that was so fun and lovely but i think it's lost to time alas
16. What are your writing strengths?
character. i feel i can get a good grasp on characters and write them convincingly
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
repetition, and in fic, editing (bc i never do). i think i have a tendency to get too introspective too
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
eh, whatever. i wouldn't do it myself
19. First fandom you wrote for?
warrior cats probably, or doctor who. i think warriors though lmao
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
can i give multiple?
the first one i think of is woke from a dream in which you'd left me, which is a post-canon counter-measures fic which turned into a beast. and literally no-one has read it and if i'm campaigning for you to listen to the series and you don't want spoilers, don't read it, but yeah. i like it. i acheived all my aims with it
the second is it's a wonder we keep going without you, which is a unity fic, though honestly looking at it my flowers for tardises series rocks and all those fics are great, especially the last two as well
i also have a fondness for hold me to the light, which is an arthur shappey fic and fits a lot of truths that i hold to be true about him in it
tagging @magicofthepen @theresa-of-liechtenstein @malcolm-f-tucker @stoppablethetramstory <3
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wackymaci · 6 months
I guess I’m using this as a casual oc posting blog now too?? cause this is from priv twt and I don’t necessarily wanna put it on the big blog since it’s an unorganized mess lmao
but so long as I’m posting convo snippets and related moments. allow me to transfer over a thread i’d made re:,, Eisa and Einmyria, Tory’s oopsie twins with Loki — if you don’t know from my twt (dm me for circumstances if you’re really curious and nosy lmfao) the elysiumverse IS undergoing some minor restructuring over the past few months & still now for.,,,, reasons. some of which involves some retconning to completely delete some obscure characters from the common consciousness & massively overhauling others -
THATS not super important but you’ll see why that’s sort of relevant, anyway for preservation purposes I am going to!! copy and paste a specific twitter thread as bullet points and it’s attached OOOO CANON CLIPS underneath the cut bc :-)))))) this is all about Loki obviously mwah
fuckin hello if I write lokikid Tobias out of existence that means the first of Loki’s children that HE didn’t carry HIMSELF like — EVER beforehand - were Eisa&Einmyria with Tory? he was a basketcase at the time for other reasons (accident babies, Maci was not happy,🤪) but if I retcon now it’s so much worse🤩
due to the series of tragic events befalling his first six children Loki has ALWAYS been highly anxious and cagey every time he’s been pregnant anyway and havin to trust someone else now w them was. oh god let me go back in time I feel like I didn’t give that enough wEIGHT AAHHHH
saying this wholeheartedly with the knowledge that even with or without *deliberately* devoting the proper amount of gravity to this Loki canonically was still so stressed out at the time he literally triggered the beginning of Ragnarok but, like, lmao meh,, EDIT to add that whole series of events with Thanatos happened DURING Tory’s pregnancy w them so that’s like. Loki: no i’m not psychologically affected from how that all went down at all :-) -*THE END OF THE WORLD ACCIDENTALLY BEGINS*
haha did I ever discuss how Eisa and Einmyria were conceived. well:
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and of course; the follow up part 8 (Bel and Ty were like,, idk age 6?)—
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kicky feet lmao reading this whooooole chain of events is so wild, just some of the most utterly delightfully vicious behavior cycling between Maci and Loki and Tory this was SO much scream fighting on and on, would get resolved and then exploded again, just SO unhinged—
so reading this now 10 years later where - Maci & Loki & Tory do successfully co-parent Eisa and Einmyria with zero issues lmao and. where lately Loki’s made a complete 180 re: Maci and Tory in.,,, an insanely nsfw domesticated way is so. wow the difference a decade makes,, SCREAM
at this point in this twitter thread, a brief several day interlude takes place during which the l0ki show finale premieres and pisses me off enough for me to return to this thread in a slightly different direction lmfao??? the following;
BACK 2 ELYSIUM. Ty & Bel when they were kiddos were obsessed with Loki - god whose every word out of his mouth is a lie VS mindreading “children” who could literally see all of his actual thoughts & deep insecurities, especially when Drama Occurred & Loki refused to fuckin talk to anyone—
when goin thru that Eisa Einmyria plot collection I found yet another huge scene tht Loki’d caused with Tory & Maci (dont forget this timeframe was SOOO VICIOUS) & found afterwards Bel finding him & talking to him with, quote—
“They can't understand that you wreck things when you're nervous”
ssso um, elysiumLoki thesis statement, oh hh,hhhHHHHH— 🥺🥺🥺
Yknow what I went back and retrieved that exact section again an d it’s. so. I think Bel was like age 6 here lmfao:
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collapses. just think this thread was recorded BEFORE I plunged myself into the 2012 section of the archives during Loki’s first entrance into Elysium so. honestly all these convo snippets I may or may not post MAY or MAY NOT be E!L related AAAHHHHHH— anyway. thoughts..,,,, thots…….,,
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darlinguistics · 5 months
head scrambled full of thoughts about korean tenses and wishing i paid more attention in my pragmatics class
this was stream of consciousness and became longer than i expected so ill put it under a read more cuz not everyone cares about korean lol~
ik im a linguistics major but these are not well-researched intellectual sounding thoughts so forgive me if im unclear or just straight up wrong lol but- i feel like there is something morphologically and semantically significant about the verb endings in korean that include -ㄹ/을 vs the ones that keep the stem vs the ones that use -어/아/해 vs the ones that use -야 but im only smart enough to notice it and not smart enough to really understand it, and too lazy to fully investigate it lmao
but like it makes sense to me that 거예요, 게요, 까요, 래요, etc all use the ㄹ. 할 거예요, 할 게요, 할까요.. like semantically, that makes sense to me somehow. maybe im projecting patterns where there arent any but they all seem similar in being like,, i dont know conjectural? subjunctive? i actually dont know how id categorize them. but kinda like the way that 'ㄹ 거예요' is more accurately a 'probability' form than a 'future' form, thats how i view all of these tbh. they all are used for kinda abstract concepts. do you want to, do you think, will you do this- those types of sentiments. it makes sense that they go together to me. are those endings not compatible with past tense, is that what im picking up on maybe? maybe the ㄹ is just related to the 를 object marker and im overthinking that too. idk. sometimes i think thats it but then we just learned future non modifiers and those ALSO use ㄹ -- 먹을 음식. idk IDK
and then what else is there, you use 어/아/해 for 주다, 드리다, a lot of compound verbs in general. that also just makes sense. and the 어서/아서 makes sense too (but now that i think of it do both the sequential and causal uses of that not include tense? i know sequential doesnt but is the rule different if its causal? i forget). only in the final main verb tense gets marked, like 주다. and the 'helper' verbs i guess are tenseless.
you do mark tense in things like -지만, -겠-, -���, -네, -지 though. which is weird. i dont see the similarities in those as much so maybe thats just,, random-ish lol. but those endings do get added to the main verb of a clause and the main verb needs to have a tense i guess, is that the rule, omg did i figure it out lmao?? omg and i forgot about 면 and 면서 but i am NOT confident in that yet lol
해 줘 - you wouldnt mark tense in 하다 because its only a helper, the crucial part is 줘 which would take on a tense
일어나서 학교에 갔어요 - you dont mark tense in 일어나다 even if it would be a past event, because its not the main verb (idk if theres a proper term for what im trying to say i havent done syntax in a while lol but main verb will do i guess). iiii dont trust myself to accurately remember the differences between complements and adjunct phrases rn syntactically but i feel like that might be relevant here...
so if its a helper verb 어/아/해서 (sequential at least), 어/아/해 주/드리다/compounds if applicable ig (i havent studied compound verbs much yet sorry lol) -> stays in present tense and tense is only marked in the main verb that comes later (like 주다)
and if its,, i'll call them the 'probablity and co.' forms lol, or maybe the 'ㄹ forms', -ㄹ + 거, 게, 까, etc. -> tense isnt marked because,, i mean tense is just past tense really and these dont really happen in past tense, theyre kinda their own tense? idk this shits complicated.
and then the other ones, i call them the 'stem ones' in my head because they use their stem form plus the ending, 지, 지만, 겠, 네 -> idk. these are still throwing me. something about them preserving the verb stem makes me want to also think they dont mark tense but thats not always true. present tense is 하지만 but you can do past tense 했지만. i dont know why that throws me off as much as it does. 겠 can mark past tense after it too, thats not that complicated, same with 네 i think? i actually forget woops. i need to review my notes lol.
i dont know man, idk how many of my followers also study korean but i wanna talk more about it like this cuz it helps me internalize how things work if i over analyze them like this lol but i dont just wanna be an echo chamber, so if fellow beginners wanna chime in or more advanced speakers want to correct me or explain things, i am more than open <3 but ill keep rambling anyway lol
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