#journalism & mass communication
thishazeleyeddemon · 1 year
Survey Announcement!
"Hello, my name is Moth. I am a college student studying research. For my class, I picked information access for the d/Deaf community. Below this video is a link to my survey. If you could complete my survey, I'd be happy. Thank you."
Specifically, I'm interested in accessibility of American news organizations. For more information and to take the survey, please follow the link below. I would appreciate the help so much!
If you have any questions, please reach out to me!
This survey will close April 9th, 2023.
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connorthemaoist · 9 months
In his exemplary 1845 work of social investigation, The Condition of the Working Class in England, Friedrich Engels showed how the conditions of capitalism created a social war among the masses, where proletarians in slum conditions are pit against each other in a battle for survival. As Engels summed up,
Competition is the completest expression of the battle of all against all which rules modern civil society. This battle, a battle for life, for existence, for everything, in case of need a battle of life and death, is fought not between the different classes of society only, but also between the individual members of these classes. Each is in the way of the other, and each seeks to crowd out all who are in his way, and put himself in their place.
Today this social war continues, but with the added dimension that the bourgeoisie has learned well how to exacerbate contradictions among the masses, with deliberate policies pitting one section of the masses against another. In our efforts to bring forward a class-conscious section of the proletariat, we must understand how the battle lines of the social war among the masses are drawn and find ways to contend with the reactionary ideology and politics and the practical antagonisms they foster. Our aim must be to convince the masses to refuse to play the capitalist game of competing with each other, instead developing their understanding of the system behind that game and embracing a communist attitude towards their class sisters and brothers, here and around the world.
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psychologeek · 8 months
Political, but not in a specific way?
I think the scariest thing in the current events is the AMOUNT of misinformation and fake news and how it becomes impossible to verify anything or even just get any proper information without having a lot of knowledge about critical thinking, follow at least 3-5 completely different news -media, and have the thinking skills required for a Master's degree.
And even with ALL OF THAT, it might atill be misinformation.
Pure frustration.
(Not to mention that when someone makes a mistake, or change something, there's always someone who screenshot it and go "but you said...!")
Also bias and prejudice, also known as "I knew (x) did/didn't do it!" (Feelings aren't logic. Unfortunately, many people let the first run the show).
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tastytofusoup · 1 month
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I remember the plot of a novel, but that doesn't mean it's real
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Any of you ever have those moments of "Damn, that would've been a great sentence if my fan fic hadn't been dead for, hmmm, ten years."
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sageuniversitybpl · 6 months
Unlock Your Academic Potential: Pursue a PhD at SAGE University Bhopal
SAGE University, Bhopal is happy to share that we are going to conduct entrance exam for our upcoming PhD Batch 07 ( Spring 2023-24). Important dates and details of the entrance exam is given below. Apply Now!
More details visit website: https://sageuniversity.edu.in/
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doubletrucks · 1 year
the fact that no one prepared me for the sheer amount of possible jobs that can exist in the world is really coming back for me
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quotesfrommyreading · 11 months
Nowadays, less violence is required to misinform the public: There have been no mass arrests in Putin’s Russia on the scale used in Stalin’s Russia. Perhaps there don’t need to be, because Russian state-run television, the primary source of information for most Russians, is more entertaining, more sophisticated, more stylish than programs on the crackly radios of Stalin’s era. Social media is far more addictive and absorbing than the badly printed newspapers of that era, too. Professional trolls and influencers can shape online conversation in ways that are helpful to the Kremlin, and with far less effort than in the past.
The modern Russian state has also set the bar lower. Instead of offering its citizens a vision of utopia, it wants them to be cynical and passive; whether they actually believe what the state tells them is irrelevant. Although Soviet leaders lied, they tried to make their falsehoods seem real. They got angry when anyone accused them of lying, and they produced fake “evidence” or counterarguments. In Putin’s Russia, politicians and television personalities play a different game, one that we in America know from the political campaigns of Donald Trump. They lie constantly, blatantly, obviously. But if you accuse them of lying, they don’t bother to offer counterarguments. When Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was shot down over Ukraine in 2014, the Russian government reacted not only with a denial, but with multiple stories, plausible and implausible: The Ukrainian army was responsible, or the CIA was, or it was a nefarious plot in which 298 dead people were placed on a plane in order to fake a crash and discredit Russia. This constant stream of falsehoods produces not outrage, but apathy. Given so many explanations, how can you know whether anything is ever true? What if nothing is ever true?
Instead of promoting a Communist paradise, modern Russian propaganda has for the past decade focused on enemies. Russians are told very little about what happens in their own towns or cities. As a result, they aren’t forced, as Soviet citizens once were, to confront the gap between reality and fiction. Instead, they are told constantly about places they don’t know and have mostly never seen: America, France and Britain, Sweden and Poland—places filled with degeneracy, hypocrisy, and “Russophobia.” A study of Russian television from 2014 to 2017 found that negative news about Europe appeared on the three main Russian channels, all state-controlled, an average of 18 times a day. Some of the stories were invented (the German government is forcibly taking children away from straight families and giving them to gay couples), but even true stories were picked to support the idea that daily life in Europe is frightening and chaotic, Europeans are weak and immoral, the European Union is aggressive and interventionist.
If anything, the portrayal of America has been worse. U.S. citizens who rarely think about Russia would be stunned to learn how much time Russian state television devotes to the American people, American politics, even American culture wars. In March, the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, displayed an alarmingly intimate acquaintance with Twitter arguments about J. K. Rowling and her views on transgender rights at a press conference. It’s hard to imagine any American politician, or indeed almost any American, talking about a popular Russian political controversy with the same fluency. But that’s because no American politician lives and breathes the ups and downs of Russian partisan arguments in the same way that the Russian president lives and breathes the battles that take place on American cable networks and on social media—battles in which his professional trolls and proxies compete and take sides, promoting whatever they think will be divisive and polarizing.
Within the ever-changing drama of anger and fear that unfolds every night on the Russian evening news, Ukraine has long played a special role. In Russian propaganda, Ukraine is a fake country, one without history or legitimacy, a place that is, in the words of Putin himself, nothing more than the “southwest” of Russia, an inalienable part of Russia’s “history, culture and spiritual space.” Worse, Putin says, this fake state has been weaponized by the degenerate, dying Western powers into a hostile “anti-Russia.” The Russian president has described Ukraine as “fully controlled from the outside” and as “a colony with a puppet regime.” He invaded Ukraine, he has said, in order to defend Russia “from those who have taken Ukraine hostage and are trying to use it against our country and our people.”
In truth, Putin invaded Ukraine in order to turn it into a colony with a puppet regime himself, because he cannot conceive of it ever being anything else. His KGB-influenced imagination does not allow for the possibility of authentic politics, grassroots movements, even public opinion. In Putin’s language, and in the language of most Russian television commentators, the Ukrainians have no agency. They can’t make choices for themselves. They can’t elect a government for themselves. They aren’t even human—they are “Nazis.” And so, like the kulaks before them, they can be eliminated with no remorse.
  —  Ukraine and the Words That Lead to Mass Murder
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pinnedbishop · 9 months
i’m going to look into classes at depaul
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nraismc · 2 years
Bachelors in Journalism and Mass Communication in Delhi are a three-year full-time undergraduate programme provided by the NRAI School of Mass Communication. Candidates can register if they are interested.
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thishazeleyeddemon · 1 year
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Fairy I drew for fun.
If you follow me you might have seen my post shilling the survey I need people who are d/Deaf or hard of hearing to take for my university class. If you haven't, hi! I'm in a class on research methods and I need people to take my survey on the accessibility of American news media for class. If you like my art, would you consider giving me a few minutes of your time and filling it out! I'd appreciate it!
This survey will close April 9th, 2023.
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Bachelor of Arts - Journalism and Mass Communication (BA-JMC)
Duration: 3 Year (6 Semester)
Eligibility: 10+2 in Any Stream
Teaching Methodology : Events | Assignments | Live Presentations | Visits | Group Discussions | Guest Lectures | Survey & Research
Internship: 6 Months within Course
International Career Options: (Conditions Apply)
International Qualification with Pathway to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, UK, USA
International Study Tour (Annual) (3-4 days) to Dubai / Singapore Thailand / Malaysia / Europe
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Shaping Tomorrow's Media Leaders: BA Hons in Journalism and Mass Communication
In the dynamic world of media, the demand for skilled professionals is ever-increasing. Alliance University stands out as a beacon of excellence in nurturing future media leaders with its comprehensive BA Hons in Journalism and Mass Communication program. Known for its cutting-edge curriculum and state-of-the-art facilities, Alliance University is among the top mass communication colleges in India.
Why Choose Alliance University?
Comprehensive Curriculum
The journalism and mass communication syllabus at Alliance University is designed to cover all facets of the media industry. From traditional journalism to digital media and communication strategies, students receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for the complexities of the modern media landscape. The curriculum includes core BA mass communication and journalism subjects such as media ethics, digital journalism, media management, and broadcast journalism.
Top-Ranked Institution
Alliance University is recognized as one of the best journalism colleges in India. Its commitment to academic excellence, innovative teaching methods, and robust industry connections make it the best college for mass communication for aspiring media professionals. The university consistently ranks among the top colleges for mass communication due to its quality education and successful alumni.
Key Features of the Program
Professional Skill Development
Alliance University emphasizes hands-on learning and professional skill development. Students are trained in various media fields, including journalism, filmmaking, digital communication, and emerging media technologies. This practical approach ensures they are industry-ready upon graduation.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
The university offers state-of-the-art facilities, including modern media labs and production studios. These resources enable students to gain practical experience in creating, managing, and analyzing media content across various platforms.
Industry-Relevant Training
The BA Hons in Journalism and Mass Communication program is regularly updated to reflect the latest trends and technological advancements in the media industry. This ensures that students are well-prepared to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving field.
Career Opportunities
Graduates from Alliance University are equipped with the skills and knowledge to pursue a wide range of careers in media. Potential career paths include journalism, public relations, advertising, digital media, content creation, and media management. The university’s strong industry connections and active alumni network provide significant support in securing employment and advancing in their careers.
Strategic Location
Located in Bangalore, a hub of media and technology, Alliance University offers students numerous opportunities for internships, industry collaborations, and networking. The city is home to some of the leading media houses and tech companies, providing students with valuable real-world experience and exposure.
Specialized Learning
Alliance University offers specialized courses within the BA Hons in Journalism and Mass Communication program. These specializations allow students to focus on areas of interest and gain deeper insights into specific fields of media. 
Alliance University’s BA Hons in Journalism and Mass Communication program is designed to shape tomorrow's media leaders. With a comprehensive curriculum, state-of-the-art facilities, and a focus on professional skill development, Alliance University stands out as one of the top journalism colleges in India. Its strategic location in Bangalore and strong industry connections further enhance the learning experience, making it the ideal choice for aspiring media professionals.
Embark on your journey to becoming a media leader with Alliance University, where academic excellence meets practical experience.
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Journalism and Mass Communication at Noida International University: Shaping the Future of Media
In today fast-paced world, where information travels at the speed of light, the role of journalism and mass communication has never been more crucial. Aspiring journalists and media professionals need a strong foundation to navigate the complexities of modern media. Noida International University (NIU) stands out as a premier institution offering cutting-edge programs in journalism and mass communication, designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in this dynamic field.
Why Choose Noida International University?
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure
NIU boasts state-of-the-art infrastructure that provides students with an immersive learning experience. The campus is equipped with modern studios, advanced editing suites, and a comprehensive library with access to a wide range of digital and print resources. This ensures that students have everything they need to develop their technical skills and stay updated with the latest industry trends.
Experienced Faculty
The faculty at NIU comprises seasoned professionals and academicians who bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the classroom. Their industry insights, coupled with academic rigor, help bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. This blend of instruction ensures that students are well-prepared for the challenges of the media landscape.
Comprehensive Curriculum
The journalism and mass communication program at NIU covers a broad spectrum of subjects, including print journalism, broadcast journalism, digital media, public relations, and advertising. The curriculum is designed to provide a holistic understanding of the media industry, ensuring that graduates are versatile and adaptable to various roles.
Hands-On Training and Internships
At NIU, emphasis is placed on hands-on training and real-world experience. Students have the opportunity to work on live projects, participate in internships with leading media organizations, and engage in practical workshops. This exposure is invaluable in helping them build a strong portfolio and gain practical insights into the workings of the industry.
Unique Features of the Program
Multimedia Training
In an era where multimedia storytelling is paramount, NIU's program ensures that students are proficient in using various media platforms. From traditional print and broadcast to digital and social media, students learn to create compelling content that resonates with diverse audiences.
Ethical Journalism
With the proliferation of fake news and misinformation, ethical journalism is more important than ever. NIU instills strong ethical values in its students, emphasizing the importance of accuracy, fairness, and integrity in reporting. This commitment to ethical journalism helps cultivate responsible media professionals.
Networking Opportunities
NIU provides numerous networking opportunities through seminars, guest lectures, and industry events. These interactions with media professionals and alumni help students build valuable connections that can aid in their career advancement.
Focus on Innovation
The media landscape is constantly evolving, and innovation is key to staying relevant. NIU encourages students to think creatively and embrace new technologies and methodologies. Whether it's exploring the potential of virtual reality in storytelling or understanding the impact of artificial intelligence on media consumption, students are encouraged to be at the forefront of innovation.
Success Stories
NIU takes pride in its alumni who have made significant strides in the media industry. Graduates of the journalism and mass communication program have secured positions in leading news organizations, advertising agencies, public relations firms, and digital media companies. Their success is a testament to the quality of education and training provided by NIU.
Noida International University stands as a beacon of excellence in journalism and mass communication education. With its comprehensive curriculum, experienced faculty, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and focus on ethical and innovative practices, NIU is the ideal place for aspiring media professionals to hone their skills and launch successful careers. If you are passionate about making a difference in the world through media, NIU is the perfect place to start your journey.
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mahindrauniversity · 14 days
The Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication offered by Mahindra University provides comprehensive training in media studies, journalism, and communication. Students gain practical reporting, writing, editing, and digital media production skills, preparing them for diverse careers in the media industry. Visit the official website to learn more.
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bfitgroup · 15 days
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