#jou x sora x yamato
imaginedigimon · 8 months
Hello Gen!! I hope you're having a wonderful day/night right now! I wanted to ask you: are you interested in sharing some jourato (Jyou, Sora, and Yamato) headcanons? It can be platonic or romantic. Please don't rush, and you don't have to share any if you aren't interested! Thank you, and I wish you the best!
Hello there! I'm so sorry this is so late, and I hope you get to see this, Anon! You seem very sweet, and I thank you very much for how delightful it is to read this request!
As I have done several times on this blog, I'm perfectly happy writing both platonic and romantic headcanons. It's a joy to see the similarities and differences, hehe.
Jourato (Jou x Sora x Yamato) Headcanons
They are Dad friend, Mom friend, and Tired friend. Together, they are EXHAUSTION. They are so done with everyone else, they need a nap.
There's a rule among the Adventure kids. If you desperately need something, call Yamato first. If he doesn't pick up, THEN call Sora. If she's not picking up, THEN call Jou. DO NOT CALL JOU FIRST.
I know Sora should be first in that tree, but Yamato is like. The "fielding" call. If what you want is stupid, he'll tell you. We love him for that.
Even though Jou claims he doesn't need it, Sora and Yamato show up for weekly Break Time. They drink tea and just sit and enjoy each other's company. It's very soothing.
Jou often falls asleep on one of their shoulders during the Adventure gang meetings, they don't mind in the least. Takeru thinks it's unfair that he can't do that with Yamato.
Sora and Yamato are the first ones Jou calls when he's super stressed about his schoolwork or residency or what have you. They assure him he'll do fine, and they'll take him out for dinner afterwards.
As they get older, Break Time turns into Weekly Dinner, and it's very sweet because even though they're all super busy they always make some sort of time for each other.
Taichi is so pouty in the corner about this but that's the funniest part of this trio. (So is Takeru honestly.)
EXHAUSTION turned into being there for each other. Being there for each other turned into a romantic relationship. None of the three can quite explain how this happened.
All of a sudden, they just knew they were together. Sora was holding Yamato's hand on the school, Yamato was reaching for Jou's when they were doing homework, Jou would sleepily cuddle Sora when he was exhausted. It was just... the way it was.
Jou is the littlest spoon, Yamato is the little spoon, and Sora is the big spoon. I will accept no criticism.
Jou stops by the high school to walk with Yamato and Sora and so many underclassmen are like "omg who's he waiting for" and of course it's YAMATO AND SORA, EVERYONE'S FAVORITE UPPERCLASSMEN. There is jealousy abound. The three of them sparkle in everyone's worldview.
This is quickly shattered the moment Jou whines and drapes himself over Yamato while Sora giggles.
They seem to communicate telepathically when trying to figure out how to handle the Taichi Problem. (i.e. Taichi is causing trouble again, what should we do.) Taichi says this is unfair, he's being ganged up on. Yes. Yes, he is.
When Yamato is upset about something, it's Jou who goes over and just sits silently until he tells him what's wrong. Then they call Sora and have a nice movie night. This calms our blondie down like nothing else.
Sora will have a bad day and without even seeing her, Yamato and Jou show up and say "want a hug?" and suddenly everything is better now.
Anon, I hope these were alright! I love the dynamic between these three; it's adorable! Again, so sorry these came so late <3
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ahiddenpath · 5 months
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This is all the art I shared in 2023! There are a few really cute ones in here, but I remember I had the most fun drawing Ningyomon (the mermaid). I like my human Palmon design a lot, too. And of course the Sorato art for the party!! I love Sora's dress and hair.
Digimon fics that these artworks are from: Puits d'Amour, Tri Integrity Lens
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uniarycode · 14 days
Digimon Adventure Cross Over Couples
In order to try and get myself to write more, an idea I've been trying to get myself to do over a year and to try and stretch my horizions.
little Oneshot fics focusing on the adventure cast paired with member of another Digimon anime.
Rebagel for sample size if you please
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ashxketchum · 3 months
Lots of Digimon news today!!
But for me the most important bits are all the new merch content I can turn into graphics! (Poll at the bottom of the post)
We get new Paint War themed art (Previously had a similar theme for Tri)
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A bigger Taichi solo version.
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And a vertical version!
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A3 GraffArt style featuring the kids in party wear.
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And most importantly, we now have a decent quality of full sized version of the previously released Food Sharing art!
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Icons, lock screens, Tumblr headers, I’m about to go crazy on the weekend 🥰
Please vote for otp content you want to see (my own otps will be featured regardless, top voted will get featured based on the number of images i need to complete a set)
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dnofsunshine · 2 years
wholesome headcanons (digimon edition)
i’m doing this for haikyuu on my kagehina blog and after reading Onee-chan by @patamon, i’ve been inspired to do it for my chosen bbys so here it goes:
daisuke teaches ken how to cook; you’d think it’d be the other way around, but if his mother isn’t around, ken resorts to depression meals. this becomes daisuke teaching the rest of the 02 kids cos hikari can barely boil water, miyako relies on her family’s convenience store snacks, takeru’s diet consists of mainly tv dinners unless he goes to yamato’s, and iori just wants to learn to help out his family
takeru starts calling sora Nee-san at like 12—it’s an accident at first but then he just continues to call her that and sora’s secretly warmed by it
you can’t tell me koushiro doesn’t game on like Steam or something, he really enjoys puzzle games. he’s secretly competitive and loves online play.
the chosen share acct info for many active subscriptions/streaming services and it’s kind of the perfect set up:
youtube? somebody has premium, there’s only 5 or 6 profiles available so they share
taichi prbly pays for crunchyroll
amazon prime? hahah yep many addresses are saved
netflix? hulu? mimi prbly pays for that
if someone is having trouble financially or they’re like “hey guys sorry we’re gonna have to skip this month for [x subscription], money’s tight” someone else is like “nah fam i gotchu, don’t worry abt it” 
food delivery services for groceries and/or dining?? yamato prbly pays for that specifically to ensure his little bro gets some nutrients when he’s not available to cook 💙💛 (also he supports daisuke teaching takeru learning how to cook but requests frequent updates and pictures so he knows takeru isn’t getting hurt)
nintendo switch online? xbox game pass? someone has something; takeru prbly spends a lot of time gaming with hikari and taichi/yamato like to make bets on mario kart
also pirating galore 
the chosen have a discord server that started for digital world-related things but evolved into a chaotic mess of digimon/pet pics, tv show/book/anime/manga/music recs, memes, school/homework help, advice, and other random shenanigans
so many memes. yamato & jou are tired
koushiro gets a dog. yes i know i wrote abt this already but i can’t stop thinking abt koushiro being a lonely kiddo and his mom knows
food is a great way to bribe someone—jou with coffee, takeru & hikari with sweets, koushiro with tea, etc.
hikari has a massive sticker collection, she hoards them the way taichi hoards video games
miyako is not above commissioning fanfics from takeru; she writes them herself too but gets a lot of writing pointers from takeru
mimi has a big following on social media and she pulls a lot of the other chosen into it, including an exasperated jou, a very confused koushiro, and ofc famous rock icon Ishida Yamato
after (prbly accidentally) learning that ken suffers from depression, the older chosen create a separate chat for mental health <333 they’re always finding ways to spend time together so nobody is lonely (lookin at you, takeru)
should i do a part 2?? any requests for certain characters or relationships (platonic or otherwise)?? please let me know, this was fun!! 
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higuchimon · 2 years
[fanfic] Spilled Words
His wings are gorgeous. Taichi wanted to keep his eyes off of them, but it wasn’t easy. Bright gold feathers shone in the sun every bit as much as Yamato’s hair did. The feathers were edged faintly in blue as well, matching his eyes. That sort of coloring wasn’t unusual. But he was pretty convinced that Yamato’s wings would be magnificent no matter what.
He couldn’t decide if he wanted to touch those golden wings or the golden hair more. He’d so seldom seen either of those. It wouldn’t be possible to touch both at the same time. Yamato was just a bit taller than he was, which made it a lot more difficult.
And he’d probably punch me in the face if I tried. Taichi held himself back no matter how much he wanted to do otherwise. Just because his trait was Courage didn’t mean he should be stupid about it - he’d learned that the hard way. He refused to hurt Agumon like that just to get a feel of feathers.
“What are you doing?” Yamato glanced at him and Taichi jerked. Had he stared a little too long? He thought he’d kept himself under control. But now Yamato stared at him and he could feel himself blushing.
“Uh, looking for firewood?” Taichi wasn’t often one to come close to lying, mostly because it was too annoying to keep track of, but all the rules seemed to go out the window when it concerned Yamato. He bent down and picked up a piece of wood, waving it in self-defense. “We need some, right?”
Yamato snorted briefly before spreading his wings and leaping up above the trees. Taichi followed him with his eyes, gripping the stick he’d picked up until he could feel it cracking.
I am an idiot. An absolute idiot. Other people had mentioned that to him before - Yamato among them, and probably more than almost anyone else - but it had never felt so true as it did now. Yamato probably wouldn’t just consider him an idiot but wouldn’t want to talk to him if he could get out of it.
He sighed to himself and started walking, roughly in the same direction that Yamato flew in. He could still see the blond, who hadn’t vanished out of sight but remained just above the trees. Taichi peered a bit more closely and saw him pointing somewhere ahead. He hurried along and found a small clearing with a fallen tree in the center of it.
“There’s dry firewood under there,” Yamato told him, dropping down a little, a few stray leaves and tiny branches spinning by in the wind stirred up by his wings. Taichi admired his control. Most people couldn’t fly that well at the age of eleven. But there he was, doing it. Mostly because he and Sora and Jou - those who had wings - had to make sure their wings didn’t hold them back when they had to flee from rampaging Digimon.
Yamato had learned those lessons quickly, thoroughly, and well. None of them had forgotten the experience with Devimon - he’d not quite broken Yamato’s wings but they’d been wrenched for days, and that was when Yamato really started to properly learn how to fly. Back home Flyers weren’t allowed to do more than take lessons under strictly controlled circumstances at this age.
I bet he could ace all of those classes right now. Taichi let out a deep mental sigh and started to gather up what would be their firewood for the night and morning.
Yamato dropped down next to him and started to pick up wood as well. Taichi’s heart beat a little faster and he hurried to get it all gathered. “So, what are we having for dinner tonight?” At least that was probably a question that wouldn’t get him into trouble. He hoped.
“Fish, if we can get enough,” Yamato said with a wrinkle of his nose. “Fried fish.”
Of course. They ate more fish than just about anything else. Why normal fish existed in this world when almost no other animals they knew of did, he had no idea. But at least it was something they could eat.
The Digital World provided food of some kind just about anywhere they went. If it wasn’t fish, then something grew from the trees or could be found hanging from vines on the ground, and none of them would forget the refrigerator full of eggs. Taichi kind of missed those. Especially if a few days passed and all they had to eat were the leftovers from the last time they stopped somewhere. That didn’t happen too often, but often enough to make it a real pain.
“I think I saw some fruit over there,” Yamato said, nodding towards the trees he’d flown over and Taichi walked through. “They were kind of yellow, but they weren’t bananas.”
Taichi glanced that way and thought he spied something in the trees as well. Bright yellow, that was all he could be sure of, so he headed over there, Yamato following, but higher up in the air. He only came back down when Taichi arrived at the tree that he’d missed on the way in.
The yellow fruit looked a lot like a bunch of grapes, but it didn’t give off a smell of being unripe. After these last few months, it was a lot easier to tell what could and couldn’t be eaten. Agumon and the others had assured them that there wasn’t anything in the area that would poison them - though he hoped that the Digimon knew what being poisoned was. Sometimes you just didn’t know with them.
While the two of them gathered firewood, Gabumon and AGumon were busy scouting the area to make sure there wasn’t anyone around to cause trouble. If they’d found anything, they would have come running at once, and Taichi made a point to gather some of these yellow grapes to share with his partner. Truthfully being without Agumon made him a lot more nervous than just staring at Yamato’s wings. The Digital World was more than a little dangerous on one's own, and he was pretty sure that regardless of how fast Yamato could fly, the blond couldn’t carry Taichi out of there if there were troubles.
He plucked a few of the grapes and popped them into his mouth, before he tossed some towards Yamato. He winced a second later as all of the wood Yamato carried hit the ground and ferocious blue eyes glared at him.
“Sorry? I thought you’d want some?” He really had. He just hadn’t thought it all the way through to the part about Yamato having his arms full.
“It’s fine,” Yamato grumbled, getting the grapes from where they’d fallen and blowing off the dust before eating them himself. “These are good, though.” He started to gather up the wood and Taichi helped, getting a bit more of the wood in an attempt to make up for what he’d done. “You know, you have nice eyes, Taichi.”
Taichi froze the second those words sounded. He turned to look at Yamato, who stood there staring back, as if he’d just heard his own words.
“What?” That was what he wanted to say. What came out was something else entirely. What came out was, “Your wings are really pretty. I keep wanting to pet them but I know you wouldn’t like that.”
Yamato flushed a deep red, and started to open his mouth again before he slammed his lips together as hard as he could, wings spreading wide. “If it was you - I mean, I’m going back to camp. We should probably talk to the others before we eat any more of these.”
Taichi nodded quickly and hurried his way through the woods. Part way back they crossed paths with Gabumon and Agumon. Agumon sniffed some at the yellow grapes.
“Those smell good!” He started to reach for them, but Taichi kept them out of his reach. The look on his face almost made Taichi regret doing so, but once again words spilled out.
“These do something strange to you when you eat them. We’re going to see if Koushiro can figure it out before anyone else eats some.”
Agumon blinked briefly before he lowered his claws. “What do you mean strange?”
Taichi tried to think of how to answer it. The best he could manage was, “I just keep talking. Whatever’s on my mind - like about how nice Yamato’s wings are and how I’d like to touch them. He said that he liked my eyes.”
“That’s enough, Taichi.” Yamato declared, having landed on a tree branch above. “You guys don’t know anything about this, do you?”
Gabumon peered at the fruit but shook his head. “They’re not like anything I’ve seen before. What did they taste like?”
“A little citrus-y,” Yamato reported, and Taichi agreed. “But with a bit of a sweet aftertaste.” He wrinkled his nose. “I’d eat more if they didn’t do whatever this is to us.”
They kept on heading back to where the others remained. Takeru and Jou had managed to pull in a very good haul of fish, which Sora had made significant inroads on cleaning them. Taichi and Yamato set the firewood down before taking the grapes over to Koushiro, who had his laptop out as usual.
“We ate some of these, and now we don’t seem to be able to hold anything back,” Taichi reported. “I told Yamato how I want to pet his wings, and he said -”
“Something I’d rather I hadn’t,” Yamato interrupted. “Can you figure out what these are and what they’re doing to us?”
“And how long they’re going to last,” Taichi added. “I’d rather not keep saying what’s on my mind.”
“It surprises me that you’ve got things on your mind,” Yamato retorted. “And keep your hands off of my wings.”
Taichi glowered at him with as much annoyance as he could muster. “I told you. I know you wouldn’t like it so I’m not going to.”
Yamato just turned away and Taichi wasn’t surprised any more to find more words spilling out. “What is your problem? What makes you think I’m going to do something you don’t want me to? If you tell me not to, I’m going to listen to you! I have some manners!”
“But what if I want you to?” Yamato snapped, whirling back around. “No one’s ever touched them before! No one who wasn’t my mom or dad or Takeru anyway. I don’t know what it would feel like and it’s weird and I shouldn’t want it, and I do!”
Taichi blinked several times. That wasn’t at all what he’d expected to hear. It took him a few moments to work out an answer. Whatever that weird fruit did, it didn’t seem to make him say anything. But when he spoke, he said exactly what was on his mind.
“I’d still wait until you said I could. They’re your wings. Why would I do that without you saying it was okay?”
Yamato’s cheeks flared as red as Koushiro’s hair. The younger Chosen had spent all of this time examining the fruit, scanning it with his laptop, and checking with the other Digimon. Only when he checked into a specific file that had been a gift from Gennai did he have an answer.
“They don’t specifically have a name. They’re harmless for Digimon to eat, but for humans it seems they have a secondary effect - I think you’ve noticed it.”
A quick look flickered between brown and blue eyes. Taichi pressed his lips together before he asked, “How long will it last?”
“It depends on how many you ate. The more you ate, the longer it will last. If you’d rather have secrets, my advice is to not talk to anyone until morning. It should have passed by then.” Koushiro suggested. He eyed the fruit a bit curiously but shook his head.
Yamato nodded, picked up Gabumon, and leaepd into the skies, soaring away until he reached the top of the hill they’d camped underneath. He clearly had no intentions of spilling any more secrets, at least not to anyone who wasn’t Gabumon.
Taichi considered doing something like that, but shrugged to himself and settled next to the fire. Whatever happened was going to happen and he couldn’t think of anything that would be too ridiculous to talk about to anyone who wasn’t Yamato.
At least Hikari wasn’t here. She wouldn’t hesitate to ask him the nosiest questions that she could think of. But that was the right of little sisters, and he really didn’t want her in the Digital World at all.
He saw Yamato sitting up there, Gabumon next to him, and it looked as if they were talking about something. “Wonder what it is,” he muttered to himself, and winced when he realized what he’d said. At least he hadn’t eaten that many - but he knew he’d still have to deal with what he’d said already, once morning came.
Maybe, he hoped just the tiniest bit, he and Yamato would be able to work this out. Maybe.
The End
Notes: One day Yamato will allow it. Just not today.
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
DigiAdvs tri Merch (Compilation)/List
Tri: - DigiFes 2016 Merch List - Artemis Kings Collab {2016} - Limited Base P'Parco {Parts 1~5} -- Official Arts -- Part 3 -- Part 4 (+Gomamon Bowl) -- Part 5 (Announcement) - Animate Cafe Kitchen Car (Drinks) -- Hoodie Set - Kiddy Land collab set{s} - Digital Monster Card Game Digimon Adventure Tri First Memorial Set (TCG) {2017} - Anime Japan Event {2017} (Agumon + Gabumon, etc) - Tri Keychains {2017} - Soushitsu Theater Goods (Various Products) {2017} - Soushitsu ×OUTDOOR PRODUCTS collaboration [2] - DigiFes 2017 Merch List -- Can Badges Set - Ani-On Station the 2nd {2017} (Announcement) [Menu] - Ani-On Station Final Party! {2018} (Announcement) -- Merch List - Megane Ichiba x Digimon Adventure Tri. Collaboration {2018} (Glasses Collaboration) {Bokura no Mirai} - Complete Selection Animation DIGIVICE tri. Memorial (+Omegamon) (relevant BNM spoiler) {You probably already know it by now...} - Tri Script Covers for all 6 Parts (Minor Spoilers)
(More to be added) [(Eternal?) Work-in-Progress] {DO NOT Copy the formatting of any of my Posts Please!} (Some links go back to my own blog, feel free to follow them to any official sources!)
[This post is marked as 'no re-blog' but I won't mind 'Likes' if you can respect my Blog rules!]
(P.S.: If anyone has spare Tri!Koushiro merch they're looking to sell, please feel free to ping me!!) (I don't have a ton of funds to spare lately, but if I can manage to indulge just a bit, I do like to collect Koushiro items where I can. My 2nd~etc. choices usually include: Hikari, Taichi (depending); then Mimi, Sora or Meiko, {in that order} also depending on how much I liked their merch/arts featured, but I usually don't go for them right away. Jou can also depend on the merch item. I usually don't go for Yamato or Takeru at all, but if they were included in a set I wouldn't complain {I really appreciate when I can buy in bulk/lots}.) (I missed out on being able to get basically any of this merch, so again, if anyone's selling, feel free to contact! Please have a link to your feedback ready/available if you do.) [This list is mainly being compiled for my own reference as I track any Koushiro relevant items as well as items of other Favorites, but I won't mind if others find it useful.]
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koumi-blog · 2 years
Digimon Adventure: Awaken - Primal - Chapter 6
by Silverwolf6266
The last chapter of Primal has arrived! Hope you guys all enjoy and see you in the next part: Evolution.
Words: 10480, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 11 of Digimon Adventure: Awaken
Fandoms: Digimon - All Media Types, Digimon Adventure, Digimon Adventure tri.
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Yagami Taichi | Tai Kamiya, Agumon (Adventure), Ishida Yamato | Matt Ishida, Gabumon (Adventure), Takenouchi Sora, Piyomon | Biyomon (Adventure), Izumi Koushirou | Izzy Izumi, Tentomon (Adventure), Tachikawa Mimi, Palmon (Adventure), Kido Jou | Joe Kido, Gomamon (Adventure), Takaishi Takeru | T.K. Takaishi, Patamon (Adventure), Yagami Hikari | Kari Kamiya, Tailmon | Gatomon (Adventure), Wallace | Willis, Terriermon (Adventure), Lopmon (Adventure), Mochizuki Meiko, Meicoomon, Motomiya Daisuke | Davis Motomiya, V-mon | Veemon (Adventure), Ichijouji Ken, Wormmon (Adventure), Hida Iori | Cody Hida, Armadimon | Armadillomon (Adventure), Inoue Miyako | Yolei Inoue, Hawkmon (Adventure), Huckmon | Hackmon, Dorumon (Digimon), Alphamon (Digimon), Jesmon (Digimon), Seraphimon (Adventure), Ofanimon | Ophanimon (Digimon), Holydramon | Magnadramon, Pegasmon | Pegasusmon (Digimon), Nefertimon (Digimon), Rapidmon Armor (X-Antibody) | Rapidmon Armor X (Digimon), Cherubimon | Kerpymon (Digimon), Imperialdramon (Digimon), BlackTailmon | BlackGatomon (Digimon), Elecmon (Adventure), Ogremon (Digimon), Leomon (Adventure), Eaglemon, Tigervespamon, Kuwagamon (Digimon), Dark Gennai | Mysterious Man, Gennai (Digimon), Homeostasis (Digimon), Gesomon (Digimon), Slayerdramon, Lotosmon, Catherine Deneuve
Relationships: Mochizuki Meiko/Yagami Taichi | Tai Kamiya, Ishida Yamato | Matt Ishida/Takenouchi Sora, Izumi Koushirou | Izzy Izumi/Tachikawa Mimi, Ichijouji Ken/Inoue Miyako | Yolei Inoue, Patamon/Tailmon | Gatomon, Agumon/Meicoomon
Additional Tags: Violence, Drowning, Fighting, Character Death, Blood, Crying, Concussions, Fan Characters, Aegismon
from AO3 works tagged 'Izumi Koushirou | Izzy Izumi/Tachikawa Mimi' https://archiveofourown.org/works/41004078
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reliablejoukido · 2 years
I know this is weirdly specific but have you ever seen any Jou x Mimi x Sora x Yamato fics? They are at the top of my list of two couples that should become a quad.
Sadly I have not seen anything like that, but I'd imagine it would be a lot of fun to write. I don't have the capability of doing so, but best of luck to you in finding it! (also the fact that I ship Jou with all three of them makes me adore this) ((also also what would that initial conversation be like omg)).
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shinkoxyagami · 3 years
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Who will be the next sacrifice?
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digitaldreams0801 · 4 years
Digimon Adventure x Fire Emblem Three Houses AU
AKA the AU in which I plop the cast of Digimon Adventure in to Three Houses and watch what happens. Neat. 
First of all, shoutout to my pal Ashley who schemed this whole thing up with me one night when we got bored. She proceeded to watch the entirety of Tri. with me in under twenty-six hours, so she’s one of the real ones. 
Second of all, none of the parents are in this. Why? Three Houses relies on parental angst, and all of the Digimon parents are too good to be involved with shit like that (yes I know we don’t know Jou, Daisuke, or Miyako’s parents shh it still applies). The exception to this rule is Hiroki (Iori’s father). 
Third of all, I’m adding daggers to this AU. Why? Because I said so. 
With that said, let’s get into this. 
First House: Crimson Lizards
The first house of this universe replaces the Black Eagles. It covers the region on the southern area of the continent known as the Adrestian Empire. Its leading family is the Yagami line. 
Taichi Yagami - House Leader - Minor Crest of Seiros Taichi is an axe fighter with a Crest of Seiros. He’s the leader of the Crimson Leaders and the future ruler of the Empire. He’s confident and optimistic, easily earning the respect of those around him thanks to his natural charm. However, this hides a few dark secrets involving the Yagami line.  Taichi’s courage is unmatched, and he fights with a bold battle style to prove this. He relies on axes and gauntlets as his main weapons. He has an advantage in both as well as authority. Meanwhile, his skills with faith and reason magic are poor, and he’s not great when it comes to flying either. He has the potential to be good at armor as well when trained. Taichi is fast with high strength, able to obliterate most of his foes easily, though he suffers from poor magical resistance.  Taichi was one of many children born between the emperor and his many consorts. He had a variety of older and younger siblings, but he was the only one born with a Crest, prompting him to be named as heir to the house. One by one, the rest of his siblings disappeared, and none of them resurfaced saved for his younger half sister, Hikari. He has grown incredibly protective of her as a result. Taichi also grew up as a close companion of Sora, and the two are close friends even years later. 
Sora Takenouchi - Noble Student - Minor Crest of Cichol Sora is Taichi’s childhood friend and heir to House Takenouchi, a powerful house within the Empire. One day, she will grow up to become the prime minister of the Empire, but she is far from being a typical noble given her personality. She’s Taichi’s primary confidant as well since they grew up together. Sora is a mercenary, fighting with swords and gauntlets a good chunk of the time. She is also good with lances, and she has a budding talent in both faith magic and flying. However, Sora struggles when it comes to heavy armor or horseback riding, and she’s poor with daggers as well. She relies primarily on skill and speed when fighting, though her strength and defense are also strong. She’s well-rounded, but she fails to excel in a given area.  Sora grew up with the expectations of the world on her shoulders, and she grew to loathe the way others ignored her feelings in favor of their own opinions. Taichi was the main person to listen to her when they were growing up, and the two became mutually supportive of one another. Despite this, Sora could sense that Taichi was struggling with other things, prompting her to start bottling her emotions from a young age. She has become so numb to her own suffering that she believes herself to be incapable of love. 
Koushiro Izumi - Commoner Student - No Crest Koushiro is the adopted son of two merchants within Adrestia, and he is the only commoner student in the Black Eagles this year. He is known for being incredibly inquisitive and curious when it comes to Crests. Koushiro admires all of his classmates, wanting to become closer to them after years of struggling to reach out to others.  Koushiro’s class is wyvern rider, meaning he has strengths in lances, axes, and flying. He’s not as strong in dagger, gauntlet, or horseback riding, but he does have potential in archery. Koushiro is a tankier member of the group, maintaining strong defenses and incredible strength. He is on the slower side though, and he is far from being strong in magic.  Koushiro’s birth parents were Crest researchers who stumbled upon a few things they shouldn’t have shortly after his birth. As such, they were killed by unknown figures who would later be revealed to have ties to the church. Koushiro was taken in by a few distant relatives, too young to remember his birth parents. He remained curious on the subject of Crests like his parents were, and he still tries to find out more about them despite not knowing of his true heritage. 
Hikari Yagami - Noble Student - Major Crest of Fraldarius Hikari is the younger of the two surviving Yagami children, though she is not set to inherit the Empire like her brother. She is on the shy side, but she is still known for her empathy and kindness. Hikari lived a rather sheltered life, so she is simultaneously curious about and afraid of the world at large. She hates the dark greatly due to her past.  Hikari acts as the healer of the class, specializing in faith and reason magic. Her skills with a bow aren’t bad either. However, she is poor in the categories of heavy armor, axes, and gauntlets, leaving her as the opposite of her brother. Hikari’s weaker constitution contributes to her being stronger in the magical fields, and she’s highly lucky as well, but her defense from physical attacks is very low.  Hikari was born without a Crest as a child of the emperor and one of his consorts. As the years passed by, her siblings started to go missing, and Hikari was one victim of such. She was taken away from the palace where she was experimented on by Crest researchers involved with the Church of Seiros. Hikari was the only person to survive the horrors, and she wound up with a Major Crest of Fraldarius despite not being great with physical weapons. Only Taichi is aware of the truth behind what happened to her, as he was the only one she told after returning from the experimentation. Hikari tends to avoid using physical weapons most of the time, claiming instead that she doesn’t have a Crest unless she is forced to reveal the truth. 
Second House: Azure Wolves
The second house is known as the Azure Wolves, and it consists of students from the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. The ruling family of Faerghus is the Ishida line. 
Yamato Ishida - House Leader - Minor Crest of Blaiddyd Yamato is the somewhat stony and closed-off leader of the Azure Wolves. He isn’t a bad person in the slightest, instead being an incredible person to rely on when he gets to know someone, but he fears reaching out to others. Yamato is very defensive of his younger brother, Takeru, and such can drive him to extreme lengths at times.  Yamato’s class is soldier, meaning he is skilled with lances. He is strong with swords and authority as well, but he is far from being a mage, possessing poor skills in faith and reason magic. Yamato also suffers when it comes to flying, but he does show potential with daggers. He has high strength, speed, skill, and defense, but his luck and resistance are far from being the best.  Yamato’s life began with him living alongside his brother, Takeru, in the palace of Faerghus. This all came crashing down when his parents split in a bloody divide. His mother and Takeru moved away, and the two brothers didn’t see each other again for years. Yamato made friends with one of his guards, a young man named Kyukichi. Yamato found himself falling in love with Kyukichi, and the two became incredibly close over the years. However, Kyukichi was defeated in battle, leaving Yamato paranoid about reaching out to others in case they died as a result. Shortly after Kyukichi’s death, news reached the Ishida household of a tragedy in a nearby territory: Yamato’s mother had been assassinated, and Takeru was gravely injured in the attack. This was the first time the brothers saw each other after their family split, and Yamato was far from being happy. Yamato was dragged back to the palace without Takeru, but his concern for his brother only grew. The two were apart until they came to attend classes at the Officers Academy together a few months later. 
Mimi Tachikawa - Noble Student - Minor Crest of Daphnel Mimi is a kind, empathetic young woman with a strong distaste for violence. She is a firm pacifist even in the face of bloodshed, never wanting anyone around her to get hurt. She is prone to being overwhelmed by her emotions, causing occasional outbursts on her end, but she has good intentions. She is set to lead a noble family upon coming of age.  Mimi’s class is the pegasus knight. She is strong in lances, flying, and faith magic with a budding talent in reason magic. She isn’t anywhere near as strong where axes, horseback riding, or armor are concerned though. Her fighting style is reliant on skill and speed in particular, but she is otherwise rather well-rounded.  Mimi grew up in a life of danger, always fearing what could lurk around the corner. She knew that she was set to inherit a noble house, and the dangers of such became apparent to her from a young age. Many guards of her family’s estate were forced to sacrifice their lives for Mimi, and in some cases, she witnessed their demises. She grew to detest violence, wishing that she could give up her status if it would stop people from giving up their lives for her. She only fights because she knows that there is no other option. Unlike how Sora grew up as friends with Taichi, Mimi and Yamato were separated throughout their early lives since neither wished to reach out. 
Jou Kido - Commoner Student - No Crest Jou acts as the somewhat anxious over thinker of the Azure Wolves, always trying to think seven steps ahead. He can get panicky at times, allowing his fear to control him, and he is far from being a social butterfly. Jou still attempts to take responsibility as the oldest member of the house despite this. He comes from a family of merchants.  Jou is an archer. He has strengths in bows, faith magic, and daggers. He lacks prowess in heavy armor, flying, and authority, though he does have potential in lances. Jou is a bit of a glass cannon, relying on high critical chances and speed rather than his defenses. In particular, he is vulnerable to attacks from enemy mages.  Jou’s family is known for being a prominent line of merchants in Faerghus, but since Jou has older siblings (Shin and Shuu) to take up the family business, his parents wanted him to become a knight. Jou didn’t want this path for himself in the slightest though, instead wanting to heal others. He kept this idea private though, not wanting to let anyone down if he diverged from the path set before him. Jou takes up faith magic in private, and he secretly brews medical potions, though not even his fellow classmates are aware of such. Mimi is the first one to find out, but he swears her to secrecy. 
Takeru Takaishi - Noble Student - Major Crest of Dominic Takeru is Yamato’s younger brother and a noble of Faerghus. He grew up apart from his brother, explaining the difference between them. Where Yamato is dark and quiet, Takeru is optimistic and hopeful, making friends easily. He’s a bit of a flirt as well, though he primarily uses his skills on Hikari, Daisuke, and Ken. Much like Sora though, he has a nasty habit of bottling his emotions.  Takeru is a mage, and he has strengths in faith magic, reason magic, and lances. He’s weaker in the departments of heavy armor, gauntlets, and axes. He has budding talents in both bows and daggers. He has high magic, skill, speed, and resistance, but his physical strength, defense, and luck are rather poor to contrast such.  Takeru, much like Yamato, was born to the king of Faerghus and a noble of a nearby house. Following a sudden divorce, Takeru went to live with his mother, who chose to use her maiden surname. He began to develop attachment issues, not wanting to lose anybody the way that he lost contact with his father and brother. These came to a head shortly after the death of Kyukichi when an assassin snuck into the Takaishi estate. Takeru witnessed the murder of his mother before being attacked himself. He received an awful wound to his stomach, leaving him struggling to get by for quite some time. Yamato visited briefly, and the two vowed to become close since they never had the chance to beforehand. Yamato was forced to return to Ishida lands, leaving Takeru alone to recover for the next few weeks. When the two met up at the Officers Academy a few months after the assassination, they were practically inseparable. Takeru’s unhealthy issues with losing people have remained though, and he would do anything to defend the newfound connections he has formed with both Yamato and the other ten students. 
Third House: Golden Dragons
The third and final house is the Golden Dragons. It consists of students from the Leicester Alliance. The Alliance itself is led by the Motomiya family, and the house’s leader is Daisuke. 
Daisuke Motomiya - House Leader - Minor Crest of Riegan Daisuke acts as the eternally loyal and upbeat house leader of the Golden Dragons. He is kind almost to a fault, believing everyone has good within them somewhere. He has a special way of drawing people out of their shells with his infectious nature. Daisuke greatly admires Taichi and Yamato from afar, though the former is the primary subject of his affection. Daisuke is a brawler, fighting primarily with gauntlets and axes. He is strong with authority as well, and he has a budding talent in sword usage. On the other hand, he is poor with lances, reason magic, and faith magic. Daisuke relies on high critical chances and his overwhelming natural strength, but his defenses are poor, especially where magic is concerned.  Daisuke is the younger of two siblings within the Motomiya household. His older sister, Jun, was not born with a Crest, meaning he was left as the heir to the family. Jun married another nobleman within the Alliance, so the two didn’t interact much and as such have a rather rocky relationship. Daisuke’s father was from Almyra, so both Daisuke and Jun are half Almyran. Daisuke has suffered under common misconceptions regarding Almyran people throughout his life, leading to him hiding his heritage. He doesn’t wish to be abandoned or left alone by those who he would otherwise be friends with, so he keeps the secret close to his chest always. 
Miyako Inoue - Commoner Student - No Crest Miyako is a passionate spirit from Leicester, one of the few commoners at the academy for the year. She is talkative and open, always loyal to herself above all else. She can get a bit carried away at times, not thinking before she speaks in her worst of moments. Miyako comes from a prominent merchant family within the Alliance, but much like Jou, she is not set to inherit much of anything.  Miyako’s class is the thief, leaving her strong with swords and daggers. However, she has a strength in reason magic as well, contributing to her ability to become a dancer further down the line. She isn’t the best in faith magic, horseback riding, or axes, but she does have potential to get better in faith. Miyako has high resistance, skill, and speed, but she suffers from poor defense and being squishy where HP is concerned.  Miyako is the youngest of four children within her family, and she has always been regarded as the black sheep of the group, never quite living up to the expectations of others. Since there was never enough inherent trust for her to decide her future on her own, she was pushed into becoming a knight for the Motomiya family against her will. Miyako hates that her future has already been determined for her and longs to take back a sense of agency. Some find her to be abrasive and blunt, but this is truly a defense mechanism she uses to keep people from controlling her. Luckily for her, Daisuke has no wishes to completely manipulate her, leaving Miyako feeling most open and home around the other Golden Dragons. 
Iori Hida - Commoner Student - No Crest Iori is the quiet, introverted son of a knight from Leicester. His father was a fighter for the Motomiya family, but following his death, the Hida family was left feeling somewhat empty. Iori is distant and perceives most situations to be black and white. He is rather stoic as well, keeping to himself unless he is otherwise called upon.  Iori is a cavalier with strengths in lances, swords, and horseback riding. He has a budding talent in axes, but he lacks aptitude in daggers, faith magic, and flying. Iori is well-rounded with an inclination towards skill and strength. He never misses his target and is known to critical hit rather often, but his luck is somewhat on the lacking side.  Iori’s father was once a renowned knight for Daisuke’s father, but he lost his life when defending the archduke of the Alliance. Grief came to be too much for the family, and Iori’s mother and grandfather moved far from the capital as a result. This string of events caused Iori to become somewhat distanced from his emotions for better or for worse. Daisuke’s family offered Iori a place at the Officers Academy as a way of paying back the Hida family for the sacrifice of Iori’s father, and he accepted it. He wishes to become a fighter for the sake of defending the weak. Iori can unfortunately be prone to polarized thinking, believing that all things are either good or bad with no middle ground. 
Ken Ichijouji - Noble Student - Major Crest of Gloucester Ken is the son of a prominent family within Leicester, and his line is second only to the Motomiya family as far as power is concerned. Ken is kind and caring, putting the wellbeing of all others above himself. He is endlessly empathetic, but he can tend to keep his feelings inside at times. Ken is shy and requires patience to get to know, but he is a great supportive voice when he gets close with others. Ken is a dark mage, possessing primarily dark magic spells rather than elemental ones. He’s talented with daggers, reason magic, and authority with a budding talent in faith. He struggles with horseback riding and heavy armor, and he’s not great with gauntlets either. Ken is a glass cannon with high offensive stats, but he can easily be defeated between his lack of evasion and low defenses.  Ken is in truth the younger of two children within the Ichijouji family. His older brother, Osamu, had a Minor Crest of Gloucester and was regarded as a genius by many. Ken felt neglected when compared to Osamu, and the only thing he really had over his brother was having a Major Crest. Osamu gained renown as a knight, but he was defeated in battle after an unfortunate accident. Ken blamed himself immediately, feeling that somehow his inferiority issues had manifested in Osamu’s fall. When his parents were overcome with grief, Ken began to mold himself to be more like Osamu as a way of becoming the person his parents truly longed for. They didn’t notice a difference in his behavior, instead applauding the shift. Ken began to feel insecure in his true nature since he thought it wasn’t enough to be thought of as worthy by his family and people, and until he went to the academy, he made attempts to shove his true personality aside on multiple occasions. 
Church of Seiros
The church is the primary religious institution of the continent, and it is led by an archbishop. There are teachers at the church as well, and they are meant to preside over each individual class. 
Homeostasis - Archbishop - Major Crest of Seiros Homeostasis is the archbishop of the church, and she is known for being a kind, benevolent figure cared for by all. Her sweet nature is beloved by everyone. In truth, she is a child of Sothis and partially a dragon as a result. Homeostasis has ruled over the continent from afar for generations and has gained a perfect reputation over the decades. She has changed in recent years, becoming far darker because of the influences of...
Yggdrasil - ??? - Major Crest of Seiros Yggdrasil was once the ruler of the continent through the church, but he was forcefully usurped by Homeostasis nearly a thousand years before the current year at the academy. He spent countless decades attempting to regain his footing before getting rid of Homeostasis entirely. Thanks to his special abilities, he was able to seamlessly place himself in Homeostasis’ position, changing his appearance to match hers. In truth, Yggdrasil is Homeostasis’ sibling and one of the children of the goddess, Sothis. Yggdrasil took over after the death of the goddess, but he was a corrupt ruler. Homeostasis took over after usurping him from power, leaving him alive as an act of mercy. Yggdrasil took this as a chance to scheme for the future when he would return, and that time has finally come. 
Gennai - Archbishop’s Assistant - Major Crest of Seiros Gennai is an artificial being who was created by Homeostasis to act as her assistant in keeping the peace. He shares her blood since she crafted him. Gennai has kept the truth of his heritage secret for countless years, and as far as any history books are aware, he simply appeared from nowhere one day and has been serving Homeostasis ever since. He has grown nervous around Homeostasis as of late though, recognizing that something is wrong but not realizing it is Yggdrasil. 
Daigo Nishijima - Crimson Lizards Teacher - Minor Crest of Indech Daigo is the teacher of the Crimson Leaders. He was once a noble of a house within the Empire, but he stepped down after seeing how corrupted the system of nobles had become over the years. He is relaxed and laid back, caring greatly for his students. In particular, he has a close relationship with Taichi, who comes to him for advice whenever he is feeling nervous or unsteady.  Daigo is an armored knight with strengths in axes, gauntlets, and heavy armor. He has a budding talent in authority while he struggles in flying, horseback riding, and faith magic. He isn’t too fast, but his strength, skill, and defense more than make up for such a weakness.  Daigo was raised to be a noble for most of his life, but all of that came crumbling down shortly after he graduated from the Officers Academy himself. He realized after entering the world of nobility how corrupt the system was and knew that he couldn’t contribute to such in good conscience. He stepped away from his post and became a teacher. Daigo has grown increasingly suspicious of Homeostasis (now replaced by Yggdrasil), knowing that something has changed within her. 
Maki Himekawa - Azure Wolves Teacher - Minor Crest of Lamine Maki is the Azure Wolves teacher who hails from Faerghus. She was born as the youngest of many children, and she was not given the chance to rule over her house. She went to the academy alongside Daigo and wound up following him in becoming a professor at the monastery. She is known for being blunt and somewhat harsh, but Maki does ultimately care for those around her in her own way. Maki is a myrmidon, known for her speed and skill. She has immense strength with swords and daggers along with authority. However, she is lacking in faith magic, axes, and heavy armor. Maki has potential in gauntlets. She is difficult to hit and often criticals between her high strength and evasion, but she suffers from poor defenses as well.  Maki was once Daigo’s classmate at the Officers Academy, but seeing the horrors of war firsthand caused her to grow dark and pragmatic. She wasn’t sure of what to do with her life, not wanting to fight but not having a noble title to take up either. In the end, she followed Daigo back to the monastery to become a teacher. She and Daigo have a positive relationship, though the true depths of how close they are remains unknown. 
Yukio Oikawa - Golden Dragons Teacher - No Crest Yukio acts as the teacher of the Golden Dragons. He is a longtime friend of the Hida family, having once acted as a knight alongside Hiroki. He comes off as rather kind and positive, but he hides a secret dark side. All others know Yukio as a rather bright individual looking to the future in the name of progress, unaware of how scarily accurate this is.  Yukio is a dark mage much like Ken, having benefits in reason magic, daggers, and bows while struggling in heavy armor, axes, and swords. He has potential to get better in swords. He deals heavy damage but is rather slow and at risk of dying if he takes too many hits, especially from physical weapons.  Yukio was close with Hiroki leading up to his death, as the two attended classes at the Officers Academy years before Maki and Daigo did the same. They became knights for the Motomiya line together, but Hiroki fell while doing his job. This started to push Yukio off the edge when he couldn’t move past his grief, and he became obsessed with the idea of resurrecting Hiroki somehow. Yukio turned to dark magic, and he was eventually noticed by Yggdrasil, who said that such was possible if Yukio joined forces with him. Out of desperation, Yukio followed him, unaware that Yggdrasil had lied in order to manipulate him. Yggdrasil promoted Yukio to professor of the Golden Dragons as soon as he managed to take the place of Homeostasis. 
Meiko Mochizuki - Monastery Assistant - Minor Crest of Cethleann Meiko is an assistant at the monastery who has taken shelter at Garreg Mach ever since a tragic incident left her an orphan. She is introverted and shy, hesitating to reach out to others due to her own awkwardness and paranoia. Meiko hates feeling alone despite her aversion to reaching out to others, leaving her a bit of an anxious wreck a strong majority of the time.  Meiko’s class is the dark knight. She has strengths with reason magic, faith magic, and horseback riding with budding talents in lances and swords. She is weaker in authority, heavy armor, and dagger usage. Meiko boasts high resistance, skill, and magic, but she can be rather slow and suffers from poor physical stats.  Meiko’s parents were killed in what seems to be a tragic accident at face value. In truth, they were killed by agents of Yggdrasil who were trying to get at her. Meiko was taken in by the church after the incident with Homeostasis treating her kindly. However, this was all a mask, as Yggdrasil had already replaced his sister as the archbishop. Meiko was essentially gaslit into staying at the monastery by Yggdrasil, who said that nobody would believe her if she spoke out. Gennai took particular interest in her, taking her under his wing unofficially. In truth, Yggdrasil was planning on using her for her skills with magic. She showed signs of being a prodigy from a young age, and Yggdrasil was planning on shifting such to fit his plans. However, Meiko wound up turning against Yggdrasil at the encouragement of Gennai when the moment of fate came. 
Yggdrasil’s Crimes Yggdrasil was responsible for the deaths of Koushiro’s parents. They were getting too close to realizing the truth behind his plans, so he had them killed and covered it up as an accident. In that way, Koushiro is rather similar to Meiko. Yggdrasil was also the one who sent the assassin to kill Yamato and Takeru’s mother. The plan was also to kill Takeru along the way, but he never got the chance to do so when Takeru unexpectedly survived the attack. Security was too high in the months afterwards for him to make any further attempts.  He also had the Crest experimentation performed on the Yagami children aside from Taichi. He spared Taichi only since he already had a Crest. Hikari was never meant to be rescued, and she was instead planned to be yet another powerful soldier as Meiko was. Empire soldiers saved her before she could fall to such a fate though.  Osamu did not die in battle as was explained initially. Instead, Yggdrasil kidnapped him and reached out, intending to use Osamu for his own purposes. However, Osamu lashed out and attempted to escape, prompting Yukio to kill him. At the time, Yukio was already under Yggdrasil’s thumb and willing to do his bidding. The truth behind Osamu’s death was covered up immediately under the guise of an accident during combat. 
Kyukichi Kyukichi did not die as was once expected. In truth, he was born to a few firm followers of Yggdrasil, causing him to be raised under the idea that Yggdrasil had to rule the world. He was told to become Yamato’s friend to eventually stab him in the back, but Kyukichi was given orders to retreat before the full betrayal could play out, prompting his death to be faked as Yamato fell into despair. Kyukichi continued to work for Yggdrasil afterwards, though his faith began to waver after his next mission. He was told to infiltrate the Takaishi household as an assassin, meaning he was the one who killed Yamato and Takeru’s mother. After he nearly killed Takeru, he began to grow unsteady in his confidence, but he hid such for a while longer.  Kyukichi acts as a figure similar to the Flame Emperor, appearing somewhat often throughout the Academy Phase as an enemy before being unmasked shortly before the War Phase begins. He escapes only to return after time skip. 
Academy Phase
Throughout the Academy Phase, the students do things that walk the fine line between helpful and harmful to Yggdrasil, not doing any serious harm to either Homeostasis or Yggdrasil to not draw too much attention to Yggdrasil while not damaging his schemes. Kyukichi appears a few times as a masked figure who seems to be neither friend nor foe, but he does cause some serious harm later on when given instructions to finish his previous mission of killing Takeru. While he doesn’t succeed in killing Takeru, the boy is once again horribly hurt. Yamato finds him soon after, and Kyukichi is unmasked in the struggle. Yamato goes into shock as Kyukichi escapes and Hikari heals Takeru’s injuries. Taichi wonders how Kyukichi was able to invade the monastery, and Yukio reveals his betrayal as well. Soon after, Yggdrasil arrives and reveals his true plans to the group, prompting them to scatter and go into hiding. The three nations are told their heirs are dead shortly before Yggdrasil’s forces lead a widespread invasion of the continent. 
War Phase It isn’t until five years later that Daigo and Maki bring the students back together alongside Gennai and Meiko with plans of defeating Yggdrasil once and for all. The twelve students come together after spending years running from Yggdrasil’s forces and decide to help Homeostasis. In the end, they succeed, and Homeostasis is once again honored as the archbishop. Yggdrasil and Yukio are killed in battle, and Kyukichi is defeated at Yamato’s hands as well. Peace reigns over Fodlan at long last, and the lost heirs take over their thrones at long last. The rest of the students stand by them as well. Meiko and Gennai work with Homeostasis to properly reform the church with the former becoming the professor of the Golden Dragons in Yukio’s stead. 
Ending Thoughts
I hope you enjoyed this big old tangent from me! If you’d like more from this AU, feel free to say so, and I can try to whip up a solid plot structure for it in the future! Now, I’m going to sleep since it’s 4:30 AM. I hope you liked this mess of a rant!
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cultofpokeshipping · 3 years
Stuck in rarepair hell.....send help!!
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ashxketchum · 2 years
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DIGIDESTINED X MHA QUIRKS ( ► read more here ◀︎)
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dnofsunshine · 2 years
ridiculously specific headcanons (digimon edition)
written for day 3 of @digiweek: "humor"
yamato cannot stay up past 11pm. he can hardly make it to 10:30pm. he's tried, but it's just so hard for him, he's perpetually tired. he doesn't understand how his father works so late when he goes in so early. he's the only one in his family that needs 8-10 hours of sleep to function. he'll be cranky without them.
(takeru functions on 3-6 hrs daily. he prbly didn't sleep much as a baby, while yamato always slept like a rock. this followed them into adolescence. inspiration: me vs my sister's sleep schedule)
mimi loves being called on in class simply cos she likes to put on a show. the dramatics are so fun for her, and if she doesn't know the answer at least she can have a good time about it and she loves entertaining her peers.
iori's socks always have to match. always. he can't leave if they don't match.
you know those kids in school who are like... completely clueless but super cheerful abt it? like they have absolutely no idea what they're doing but it's all goofy smiles & peace signs? confident dumbass energy? that's taichi, and prbly daisuke too. they're very confident in their answers even though they're almost always wrong. swoon. such himbos.
daisuke likes beatboxing. he's not the best at it but his number one fan is chibomon. the rest of the 02 kiddos indulge him. much like everyone indulges takeru's disaster fashion sense.
miyako is so bad at spoiling things in media. she doesn't even mean to, it just comes out, like "did you know character a is finally with character b? i thought for sure they'd pick character c!! oh it was so romantic--" or "i'm so sad they killed of x characterrrrr"
and then "i have not seen it miyako why did you do this to me"
mario kart = a fight to the death. jou always ends up in last place. he's so bad at gaming that it's hilarious to everyone. he can even work out strategies in his head but they don't work in practice.
ken has such a dry, dark sense of humor but he's so shy that it only comes out on accident or if he's super comfortable. this part of his personality usually only surfaces in a group-chat format, cos it's easier to be open in chat but anxiety-inducing in-person
takeru is a total prankster in the sense that he knows what's going on with everyone. like he knows when to stop, he knows how much is too much, and he's respectful, but he also notices all the little things. we've seen this in canon. he's all innocence & sunshine on the outside but a secret mischievous imp on the inside. he's very observant.
like cmon this kid is a writer, he knows things, he can read body language, he notices little details others don't.
imagine yamato going through his google search history, like if he borrows his phone to search something up and all these suspicious things come up
"how much blood can you lose before it's fatal?"
"how to tell if an arm is broken"
"at what point does a person experience hypothermia"
"how to put out a fire quickly"
"can you die from a four-story drop"
yamato is very alarmed & concerned by this discovery. takeru starts searching things on incognito mode.
sora's very meticulous with cleaning. like imagine if, at some point, she & mimi live together
(and they were roommates)
two different kinds of people. one person leaves all the cabinets open. one person makes sure they're all shut. one person uses coasters, and the other doesn't and there are water/soda rings everywhere. one leaves the used blanket on the sofa and the other folds it and puts it away.
needless to say sora has the patience of a saint
i'm on mobile so i'm not gonna link the others rn but all of them are under the tag "my headcanons" on my blog!! the aux cord/among us hcs are coming, i just got swept up in digiweek haha. thanks for the comments & reblogs!! :D requests open!
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Digimon Adventure{s} (+Adv ~ Tri + {Side} / {A.U.} Adventure: [2020 Reboot]) ~ AMV [Anime Music Video] - Tomodachi no Uta {Song of Friends} (sung by: Nanami Kashiyama) {from originating series: Kagerou Project} featuring DUO/O.T.P/Poly-ships: - {Main} KouTaiMi / TaiKouMi (Mimi x Koushiro x Taichi); - (Heavily Implied) KouTai (Koushiro x Taichi)
PAST AMVS / VIDEO EDITS IN THIS SERIES: Kagerou Daze (Heat-Haze Daze) / Children Record [+Adv Chosen] / RED / Additional Memory and Imaginary Reload music edits for KageDaze / Days (short edit) / Lost Time Memory / Yesterday Evening / Summertime Record / Shounen Brave [+Jou] / Outer Science [+Villains] / Headphone Actor (short edit) / DAZE (short version / TV Size OP) / KOUSHIROS ? CYBER JOURNEY [+Maki] / Brave Heart x Kaien Panzermast [+Chosen Children] / Night Tales Deceive [Yobanashi Deceive] / [KOUSHIRO’S] Imaginary World / Mekakushi Code [Blindfold Code] [+Yamato&Sora&Adv Chosen] / Ultramarine Rain [+Mrs Yoshie Izumi; Izumis] / Imagination Forest [+Mimi&Jou] / Transparent Answer [TaiKou+Meiko] / Jinzou Enemy [Artificial Enemy] / DEAD and SEEK (short edit) / Headphone Actor (Full version Preview) / Otsukimi Recital [TaiKou+Chosen] / Shissou Word [Never-Lost Word] [(Yamatox)Sora(xMimi)(xJou)]+[TaiKou]+[Chosen] / My Funny Weekend [Mimi+Hikari+Chosen] / Kusanagi Attention [(Ken x)Miyako(x Hikari) (xDaisuke)+Mimi+02 Chosen+Advs Chosen (+TaiKou)] / Shinigami Record (Short Edit) [(+2020!)TaiKou] / [KSHRO’s]? Theory of Happiness [Adv~Tri TaiKou + Special Appearance] / Imaginary Reload (Music Edit Ver. 2) [Adv Chosen+2020 Chosen] / Children Record Re:Boot (Music Edit) / Children Record (Nijisanji Cover version)
Digimon Adventure{s} Franchise © Toei Animation & Bandai
Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon. This is FAN-MADE. No $$$ is being made off this fan-work * Please do not re-post, re-distribute, edit, or use my specific editing of any work in this series without asking my Permission! I do not allow my works to be re-produced for any usage, including A.I.!
There are some spoilers for Tri (mainly Ketsui); {as well as a much smaller ‘moment’ of Mimi & Sora from “Kyousei”}; a scenery spoiler from the very opening moments of “Kizuna” also included (No character is shown!), as well as scenes from DigiAdv 2020 Eps 49~50, which feature an important mid-end series (second-to-last big) battle. The 2nd to final scene included has audio left in (though I still have to add in subs); of that battle’s aftermath; {the enemy itself is not seen in this}
This A.M.V. is part of the “A.M.V.s Route” of my Digimon Adventures Koushiro Izumi-centric, semi canon compliant A.U.s series; REPEAT?_VERSE (Please note all notes on that series if you choose to view it!) This one is an A.U. spin-off of sorts, with a pretty, “calm” song, and can easily be watched as a stand-alone!
A fan-translation for the song (not by me) can be found here! You may want to read the lyrics first before watching!
Side ships, AMV specific notes, & Lyrics/Translation under ‘read more‘!
also featuring - {as Poly, Friendship or Side-shipping}: -- Michi / TaiMimi (Taichi x Mimi); -- JouMi (Jou x Mimi); -- YamaMimi (Yamato x Mimi); -- MimiSora (Mimi x Sora); -- MiMei (Mimi x Meiko); -- Yamato x Jou x Mimi x Sora (YamaJouraMi); {as canon-compliant!} - (so long as KouTai is still included somewhere, regardless of combinations above involved)
{Other Original Notes}:
This A.M.V. is currently technically incomplete; I’m aiming to see if I can add in a few finishing touches; (as well as sub-titles!) However, as this has already taken me 1 hour and 45 min or so of editing, along with another full hour of simply previewing; (And this was made during in-betweens of a large storm near my area on top of that!!); Those finishing touches may have to wait just a bit longer, so hopefully this pre-view can suffice!!
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I walk home alone in this transparent city.
In the depths of these tearful eyes, my vision blurs, and I can’t see.
Within this scenery that never changes, I found something precious to me.
I don’t want to lose it, so I’ll carry it with me forever.
Ever since I met you, so many radiant and gentle words have piled up over TIME.
They’ll always be here.
I look back on today, that was full of smiles and dreams, while holding your hand.
Yeah, I fell down and cried yesterday, even if it’s embarrassing to remember…
This “LIGHT” is so small, so blurry.
Yet it SHINES so softly, so KINDLY.
- Mimi, about Mimi’s Friends {in this A.U.}
{Additional note: this post is mainly intended AS [SPECIFIC] SHIP/O.T.P (KouTai/Taishiro); [along with] (this work) KouTaiMi / TaiKouMi and etc. listed Poly-ships; please remember + respect this when interacting please tag only while including ship names and DO NOT tag as only “brotp” or the like only*, thank you! } (*It is ok if you tag as “friendship” or the like along WITH the ship names!!)
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[Note: Tags/replies that are Positive/respectful are OK!]
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higuchimon · 2 years
[fanfic] Under The Gloves
Gloves weren’t just a fashion statement. Not only could they keep one’s hands warm and dry in bad weather, but they prevented unwanted skin contact - and in a world where touching someone could reveal if said person was or wasn’t one’s soulmate, not everyone wanted skin contact with just anyone. With family members it was fine - with extremely rare exceptions that very few spoke about - but when it came to other people, well, Yamato found himself very glad of his gloves on a regular basis.
Not that he was one to touch people very much even if that hadn’t been an issue. He avoided people whenever he could; he usually had too much to do to worry about people anyway.
I don’t want a soulmate anyway, he told himself on a regular basis. What would he even do with one? It was all he could do to keep himself and his dad taken care of. Plus, his parents hadn’t been soulmates and they’d - managed, for a while, at least. Neither of them seemed interested in finding anyone else, so if they even had soulmates, they didn’t know about it.
So he decided as young as possible that he didn’t want to bother with a soulmate. He hadn’t even decided if he wanted to date at all. What would it do for him? There wasn’t anyone who even interested him. Most people had a tendency to annoy him more than they didn’t.
Which was one reason when he found himself in an entirely different world with a strange creature all but attached to him and a bunch of other kids, including his brother, Yamato wanted to facepalm until he broke something. Exactly what, he wasn’t sure. Just something.
At least no one seemed eager to grab onto anyone else where skin could touch. Not that touch didn’t happen - especially when it came to Taichi. The two of them ended up exchanging blows as much as they did words and sharing bits of dinner - Taichi would and did eat pretty much everything, and Yamato wondered about his taste buds and what he’d done to them.
But at least Taichi listened when Yamato did his best to teach him the basics of cooking. Sometimes. Mostly. When he wasn’t getting distracted by something else and running off to deal with that. Which happened quite a bit more than Yamato would have wanted it to.
“Stir it like this,” he instructed one evening. They’d happened upon an unexpected bounty of ingredients and Yamato wanted to make one of his favorite dishes. There was enough there for all of them once put together, Digimon included, and as much as Yamato hadn’t wanted to actually like people, he found himself doing so regardless. That meant they got food.
He didn’t want to hear hungry stomachs rumbling, he told himself, watching as Taichi stirred the pot. He wasn’t sure if they should trust everything around here, but all the Digimon assured their partners that there wasn’t anyone else around. Not a hint of other Digimon or humans. Yamato wasn’t going to turn down the chance to have a decent meal.
Taichi stirred, staring down at the pot, but Yamato could already see his attention starting to flick to the sides. Jou was meant to have first turn on guard duty while Taichi and Yamato dealt with dinner, Koushiro got caught up on getting information sorted, and Mimi and Sora gathered more firewood and any other fruit they might find in the trees. Takeru was already half-asleep underneath a tree, Gabumon and Patamon snuggled up close to him.
So for right now, it was just the two of them here, and Taichi’s attention kept wandering off. Yamato growled lightly and shook his head.
“Watch what you’re doing. You don’t want to burn your gloves.” Or any other part of him, but Yamato refused to think about that. Injuries didn’t seem as bad in this weird world as they were back home, but better safe than sorry. They certainly got as hungry as they did back home, if not more so.
Taichi scrunched his nose. “I’ve got more gloves. Mom always made sure we had plenty.”
Yamato crossed his arms and stared down at the brunet. “You have more gloves at home. We’re not at home. You don’t have more here. No burning.”
“What, are you afraid I might find a soulmate?” Taichi grinned up at him, eyes glittering in the starlight and firelight. “Would it be that scary?”
Yamato pressed his lips together and looked away. “That’s not the point.” He really didn’t want to get into this, especially not with Taichi.
“Oh, come on. Don’t you think that’s more of an old story than anything else? We’ve got real weird things going on and you want to be afraid of touching someone else just because you and they might be soulmates?” Taichi scoffed at the whole idea. “I’ve touched people before and nothing happened!”
Yamato heaved a sigh. “Because they weren’t your soulmate. It only happens when the people are right.” His dad had explained this to him many times, and advised that it was a good idea not to rush into any sort of relationships. So far Yamato agreed with him.
Taichi kept on stirring. Yamato could tell that by the sound. He wasn’t ready to look at him right now. He’d never met someone who considered the possibility of a soulmate - someone you’d be bound to in some fashion for a whole lifetime - so trivial. Who treated it like a joke.
“What if it were you?” Taichi laughed again and Yamato’s shoulders tensed. “Oh, come on. I dare you. What’s it going to hurt if we hold hands and nothing happens?”
What if we do and it does? Yamato wanted to snap and held the words back by sheer force of will only. Taichi stopped stirring - which wasn’t so bad, the food was almost done - and moved closer.
“Are you afraid?” Taichi teased in just that way that got right up Yamato’s back. He whirled around, eyes flashing.
“I’m not afraid of touching you - I just think I’m going to need to scrub up afterwards and I don’t know if we’re going to have enough hot water,” Yamato snapped. “But if it’s going to shut you up, then here!”
He stripped his glove off in a second and slammed his palm onto Taichi’s as soon as the brunet had his own off. For a few seconds nothing happened, and he could see Taichi about to say something else, probably something involving how it had been just like he’d said, nothing at all.
But then - everything was different. A rush of energy swept through the two of them. Yamato could see Taichi’s eyes widen and his own did as well. It was harder to breathe and he shuddered, fingers tightening around Taichi’s. He didn’t want to let go. Letting go meant he wouldn’t be touching Taichi anymore. He couldn’t let go. He couldn’t let that happen.
Taichi felt the same way. Yamato knew it. He wasn’t sure of everything Taichi felt right now, but he knew that as much as he knew what he himself felt.
“Big brother?” It was Takeru. He stood there staring at them, drawn in by the scent of food and the fact the two of them were just staring at each other while hand in hand. “Is everything all right?”
Yamato forced himself to pull his hand away from Taichi’s and yanked his glove back on. “Yeah. Fine. Everything’s fine.”
Takeru stared harder at the two of them, then broke out into a wide smile. “You two are soulmates!”
“Is that so?” Mimi piped up as she and Sora entered the clearing they’d set up camp in. “That’s adorable!”
Yamato pressed his lips together and took a few steps back to the fire to check on dinner. Once the first rush had passed, he could think better about all of this. He wasn’t even sure what to think about it. He’d never wanted a soulmate. He certainly hadn’t ever wanted Taichi as one.
But that was what he had to deal with. Someone out there would have to answer to this. And even worse, he’d have to put up with Taichi.
He smiled a little, though, as he looked back at Taichi. Now that he thought about it, there was only one thing to say.
“I told you so.”
The End
Notes: Now imagine what could happen when Ken and Daisuke first touch…
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