imaginedigimon · 8 months
Hello Gen!! I hope you're having a wonderful day/night right now! I wanted to ask you: are you interested in sharing some jourato (Jyou, Sora, and Yamato) headcanons? It can be platonic or romantic. Please don't rush, and you don't have to share any if you aren't interested! Thank you, and I wish you the best!
Hello there! I'm so sorry this is so late, and I hope you get to see this, Anon! You seem very sweet, and I thank you very much for how delightful it is to read this request!
As I have done several times on this blog, I'm perfectly happy writing both platonic and romantic headcanons. It's a joy to see the similarities and differences, hehe.
Jourato (Jou x Sora x Yamato) Headcanons
They are Dad friend, Mom friend, and Tired friend. Together, they are EXHAUSTION. They are so done with everyone else, they need a nap.
There's a rule among the Adventure kids. If you desperately need something, call Yamato first. If he doesn't pick up, THEN call Sora. If she's not picking up, THEN call Jou. DO NOT CALL JOU FIRST.
I know Sora should be first in that tree, but Yamato is like. The "fielding" call. If what you want is stupid, he'll tell you. We love him for that.
Even though Jou claims he doesn't need it, Sora and Yamato show up for weekly Break Time. They drink tea and just sit and enjoy each other's company. It's very soothing.
Jou often falls asleep on one of their shoulders during the Adventure gang meetings, they don't mind in the least. Takeru thinks it's unfair that he can't do that with Yamato.
Sora and Yamato are the first ones Jou calls when he's super stressed about his schoolwork or residency or what have you. They assure him he'll do fine, and they'll take him out for dinner afterwards.
As they get older, Break Time turns into Weekly Dinner, and it's very sweet because even though they're all super busy they always make some sort of time for each other.
Taichi is so pouty in the corner about this but that's the funniest part of this trio. (So is Takeru honestly.)
EXHAUSTION turned into being there for each other. Being there for each other turned into a romantic relationship. None of the three can quite explain how this happened.
All of a sudden, they just knew they were together. Sora was holding Yamato's hand on the school, Yamato was reaching for Jou's when they were doing homework, Jou would sleepily cuddle Sora when he was exhausted. It was just... the way it was.
Jou is the littlest spoon, Yamato is the little spoon, and Sora is the big spoon. I will accept no criticism.
Jou stops by the high school to walk with Yamato and Sora and so many underclassmen are like "omg who's he waiting for" and of course it's YAMATO AND SORA, EVERYONE'S FAVORITE UPPERCLASSMEN. There is jealousy abound. The three of them sparkle in everyone's worldview.
This is quickly shattered the moment Jou whines and drapes himself over Yamato while Sora giggles.
They seem to communicate telepathically when trying to figure out how to handle the Taichi Problem. (i.e. Taichi is causing trouble again, what should we do.) Taichi says this is unfair, he's being ganged up on. Yes. Yes, he is.
When Yamato is upset about something, it's Jou who goes over and just sits silently until he tells him what's wrong. Then they call Sora and have a nice movie night. This calms our blondie down like nothing else.
Sora will have a bad day and without even seeing her, Yamato and Jou show up and say "want a hug?" and suddenly everything is better now.
Anon, I hope these were alright! I love the dynamic between these three; it's adorable! Again, so sorry these came so late <3
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sluggybasson107 · 2 years
I think it’s super funny that I’ve been in a “appreciate-my-friends” mood even though Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, and personally, I see no problem with that.
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sorato-fan · 2 years
Sora Week - Day 7
Days: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] So, for day 7, I decided to write a Jourato one-shot based on one of @stoppingtosmelltheflowers's Jourato headcanons. She said it was okay for me to write it, so here it is! I hope she likes it. “What are you doing?” Yamato glanced over Sora’s shoulder to see what she was writing down so enthusiastically. “I’m just sending a text to Taichi to make sure he doesn’t forget about his math assignment tomorrow.” “How do you even know he has a math assignment to hand in?” “Because he told me?” Sora looked at Yamato with the most obvious expression and knew right away he didn’t believe a word she had said. “Sora.” “Okay, I heard him saying it to a classmate.” “Sora.” Yamato repeated and looked at her with intensity. “Alright, fine.” She rolled her eyes. “I keep track of some of their activities to make sure they won’t forget about it.” “Their? Who?” “You know… they.” “Eh… no, I don’t. Them who?” “All of… us.” The last word came out so low it was almost inaudible to him, but he was still able to hear it. “Us as in all of the Chosen Children?” Keep reading in on FF.net or AO3.
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askyamatoandsora · 9 years
Yamato... did you know that Jyou asked the bakemon to eat Sora?!
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