#jk love you Yamato
the-writer-mao · 1 year
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mamamittens · 5 months
How would Smoker, Zoro, Yamato, Boa and Nami react to you using their lap as a pillow? PS they are all yanderes
You know, some of these asks confuse me a little cause like.... What answer are you really expecting me to give here? Like... They're yandere (presumably for you/reader) so of course they'd be all for positive attention? You expecting me to say the crazy-for-you-version of already unhinged characters would hate physical contact of any nature, let alone soft and intimate???
It might be more of a question without the yandere aspect, but here it's more like, who'd be more into it. Hot take, they'd all hate it cause you should be on your knees, jk, that be more Zoro, Smoker, Nami, and Boa's thing lol
So I guess the most interesting answer I could give is that out of all of them, Zoro would act the most chill about it. He's not usually super expressive to begin with, so he's not actively losing his shit when you do it. Loves it even if he pretends to not notice. May tuck your hair out of your face or something when you're passed tf out.
Nami would be pretty damn flattered and soft but also pretty chill cause she doesn't want to disturb you. Maybe braid your hair or otherwise play with it.
Yamato would be losing his shit but internally because he doesn't want to ruin the moment. You'd definitely notice if you looked at his face though. Absolutely living for it.
Boa would very nearly knock you off because she'd react very physically in her excitement but would quickly compose herself and apologize, encouraging you to return to your previous position. Likely make something up like being startled by a pesky fly or something.
Smoker isn't losing his shit really, but he does act put out. Definitely not telling you to get off though, even if he has shit to do. He can make time for a nice nap between the two of you, though he'd likely prefer to hold you. Best time to pull this is if he's reading reports. He's liable to give you head pats absentmindedly or pet your hair/head in general.
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mera-k1 · 2 months
aaaaaaa omg nsfw paralive reader inserts i cant thank you enough youre the best 😭😭💜💜 may i request nsfw headcanons for kei and shogo? if this is too vague then maybe something about the reader's first time? 🥹🥹 (separately... but if you have any ideas about them together with the reader... haha jk unless...) (NO PRESSURE AT ALL TJANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR WORK 😭😭😭😭💜💜💜💜💜💜
HEY!! so sorry i don't write for kei (or 1nm8 in general..) just can't seem to grasp the personalities all that well... but i'll gladly do shogo!! maybe in the future i'll write some kei~
Smut Hcs
Shogo Yamato x gn!reader
-smut, praise, oral, mostly vanilla stuff
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-shogo is a switch to me. he doesn't mind being on top or bottom, whatever you prefer is alright with him but he does come off more subby than anything.
-very ready to listen to your every demand when it comes to sex. you want him to give you oral? sure, he's still new to this but he'll try! it's all very new to him but he's willing to try.
-marking is very iffy to him. he's an idol after all and needs to be in top physical shape so there's absolutely no marking on him allowed! (at least... in visible places...)
-shogo's a very vanilla guy over all. he doesn't like anything too over the top when it comes to kinky stuff in general. he's very soft and loving towards his partner!
-praise is very common. it seems to just fall from his mouth whenever you both have sex. he just can't seem to stop himself from telling you how pretty or attractive you look and how good you're making him feel.
-absolute mess whenever you suck him off. it's like he doesn't expect it to feel so good and is shocked when your warm mouth wraps around his cock... it's way too good for him not to want more.
-he gets embarrassed very easily by sex honestly. mentioning something you want to try with him has his face turning red as he thinks about it. it's kinda cute!
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aajjks · 3 months
“i know, i know bub. give mommy a second okay?” you say to jinseoul as you put the 1-month infant in his bassinet before pulling your dress down to unveil your breast for him to eat from. motherhood has definitely taken its toll on you and the weight of it all is showing in your exhausted demeanor. you’ve been more forgetful lately and since you aren’t likable amongst both the governors and consorts, you aren’t treated so nicely.
despite your exhaustion, isuel has been very helpful since she agreed to stay in the palace and help nurse jinseoul. you still are overprotective of little ‘seoul but you don’t feel so overwhelmed when you know your son is in the care of someone entrusted by your husband of all people. speaking of your husband, you find yourself missing him.
you wonder if he knows how bad you are at being the queen of goryeo but because he loves you, he keeps his comments to himself. or maybe he doesn’t know at all.
your thoughts are interrupted when jinseoul finishes feeding from you and after a good few pats, he lets out a loud burp and some yummy acid reflux. because he loves you so much, he throws up on your pretty blue dress and don’t feel guilty about it.
“gross, seoul~” you whine as you take a baby wipe from your dresser and use it to clean the white spit from your dress. like his father, jinseoul is fast asleep in your arms with his mouth ajar, snoring away. quietly, you lay jinseoul in his bassinet and pat him back to sleep when he starts to whine.
nearly ten minutes later, jungkook walks inside the bedroom unannounced but you know it’s him. you stand from the bed and bow to show your respect but jungkook just takes you in his arms and pulls you in for a tight hug.
eventually you do relax in his strong arms and take in his scent: *inhale* God, he smells so good. you could scent him forever but you’ll settle for reciprocating his hug; appreciating the comfort.
“Is ‘Seoul sleeping?”
you both pull away but only enough for jungkook to look at your glowing face, his arms still wrapped securely around you. when he lets out a sigh, you raise one of your eyebrows expressing both your curiosity and concern for his sighing.
“what’s wrong?”
“Yn I got a letter today from the Yamato Empress, and she has invited me to come to Yamato for a supposed promise that I was supposed to fulfill….”
you already know where this going: he wants you to come. it’s not often that you travel beyond the palace walls. ever since you’ve began working as a maid you’ve never left the walls, so being offered to travel to another country sounds like fun until you realize you’ll both be in enemy territory.
“a promise to fulfill? in yamato?? i don’t know” you say but since ‘you’re the queen’ you should come. you’re pretty sure that’s jungkook’s way of bribing you into going with him but you’re uncertain. what promise is he to fulfill anyways?
“trust me, if the empress knows my background she won’t like me at all” you sigh “i don’t think i can go. i’m still breastfeeding, jinseoul so i have to stay. why don’t you just go on your own?”
He shakes his head, “yn my sweetheart… you are my queen now. Where I go, you go.” he looks into your eyes, and he uses one of his hands to caress the skin of your cheek. There’s definitely improvement in your physical appearance because you had been so exhausted and depressed. He feels some happiness radiating off of you.
“and if the empress won’t like you I’ll kill her- or announce a war.” He looks imho your eyes and you should definitely know that he’s not kidding.
No one should even think of disrespecting you. You are the Kings lawfully wedded wife and the mother to his only heir to the throne- plus you’re the Queen.
“of course I’m going to take you with me to Yamato. What am I supposed to do without you there?” He asks you lovingly, you just make him so soft. And don’t think that he’s not aware of your struggle in the court.
He’s going to make sure that no one disrespects you ever again. “Baby… we will be taking him along, but maybe he could be under the care of Iseul?” he knows you’re really attached to your one month old and he is too, but is he going to be comfortable throughout a journey so complicated?
That’s going to be your decision and he will do whatever you want about that. “ the invitation was for me and mine so you are mine… you will be accompanying me yn.” He declares and you know better than to try to convince him not to take you because that’s not gonna happen.
Jungkook looks at you before pressing a kiss at the corner of your mouth. “Okay?”
It’s been seven days and you both have been traveling by the ship of Goryeo, it has been really comfortable in the ship, because there are chambers made exclusively for the king, but still, it’s not easy.
Of course, Jungkook declined the offer to travel by the Yamato ship to the country, because… he doesn’t have the nicest feelings towards the country.
In 2 to 3 hours you’ll be in a different territory, which is Yamato. So Jungkook is busy looking at you as you prepare yourself to meet the empress.
“oh, sweetheart, don’t worry about her-you are the queen of the strongest empire in the world. She’s going to love you.” of course you’re looking radiant in the blue red dress you have adorned on you, it is a little different, however, because it is tailored in the traditional hanbok style.
Jungkook is wearing black, your outfit Colors definitely represent Goryeo. And he loves his country so much.
“relax We will be there in two hours.” He looks at you, getting up from the bed to help you with your crown.
“Here let me fix your crown.”
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ashxketchum · 11 months
is there a limit to how many asks i can send for this okay jk pulling them on their lap onegaishimasu 😚
I love how you don't even need to mention the OTP 🤣💙💚
AND DID I SAY 500 THIS IS ALMOST 2K ASKSLFKLFKF Do not put Yamato and Mimi in my hands, I will not be able to control myself 🤥
So this is a canon verse, young adult-ish scenario that you prefer, just another one in a million ways for Yama and Mimi to run into each other and become closer off screen 😌 Hope you like it 💕✨
[send a prompt + usual otp ]
As if the loud pop music blasting through the speakers wasn't enough, people had now started to do impromptu karaoke while standing on top of tables so Yamato knew, now was a good time to get out of this party. He lowered his gaze in an attempt to avoid making eye contact with anyone who would try to convince him to stay and began to make his way towards the door. The house the party was being hosted at was huge and he was currently on the first floor which meant leaving involved navigating through a flight of stairs crowded with people who didn't know anything about him other than his name, but still wanted to stop him for a chat. It wasn't easy manoeuvring through the crowd by passing monosyllabic replies whenever someone called out his name, but Yamato managed it in a matter of minutes. He could almost taste the fresh air on his tongue as the door of the house came into view but a familiar voice reached his ears and he stopped in his tracks.
There was a possibility that he had just imagined a sound, after all, he had downed more than a few bottles of beers through the night himself, but then he heard it again, the high pitched yet melodically sweet laugh he knew all too well.
He did a double take and scanned the ground floor of the house, all the people currently swarming around him were faces he knew from his new college in New York, where he had arrived just a month ago for a summer research programme. In such a big city, it would be too much of a coincidence, too cliched for real life that he'd run into her of all people. And yet the sound of her laugh rang through the halls again and all Yamato could do was move back further into the house, the very place he had just been trying to escape from.
He couldn't even remember the last time she was in Tokyo, the last time he had seen her face in person or talked to her, but his heart began to beat faster as her voice became clearer and louder the further inside the house he went. Finally, Yamato reached the arched entrance of the main hall, which also happened to be the most crowded spot in the entire party. People stood scattered across the hall talking in groups of threes or fours, some had sat down in a circle on the floor and were playing card games while some had made their way out to the patio, the music was the loudest in this room and so was the smell of the cheap beer. Yamato scrunched up his nose in disgust and scanned the entire room as quickly as possible.
When his eyes found her, however, his heart dropped to his stomach. She was sitting with a group of people at the centre of the room. They'd all squeezed in together snugly on the slightly battered sofa set that donned the space. There was a can of beer in her hand which she waved around without a care as she spoke and laughed. Her hair, now back to its original shade of brown was tied into a high pony that bounced about as she moved her head from one side to the other. The pink dress she was wearing clung tightly to her frame, the length of which barely even covered her thighs. Her cheeks were flushed bright pink, though because of the alcohol or make-up was something Yamato couldn't tell from where he stood.
It was when he looked at her bright caramel eyes that it truly registered in his mind. After a month of bustling about in New York, he'd finally run into Mimi Tachikawa.
But one look at her current state made him realise that he didn't quite like the idea of their first reunion in months happening at a college party. She was sitting in the centre of the couch and on her each side was a guy that looked like he didn't deserve to be in the same room as Mimi. As Yamato made his way towards the group, he clenched and then unclenched his fists a few times to keep himself calm. Even from afar, he could see the leering look in the eyes of the two men as they sat dangerously close to Mimi. How she had not managed to figure out their intentions yet was beyond him, but Yamato hoped that once she saw him, he would be able to convince her to leave the party and head home safely with him.
When he came to a stop near the group and was contemplating how loudly he should speak to get Mimi's attention, to his utter relief she noticed him before he called out to her.
"Yamato san?"
Even in a drunken state, seeing someone from back home automatically made her Japanese accent slip out, which earned her a few confused looks from her American friends. Mimi sprung to her feet and Yamato had to stifle a relieved sigh as she took a step forward, moving away from the couch and the faces of the two men fell immediately.
"Hey, fancy seeing you here," he replied coolly, smiling at her.
"I don't believe this! When did you even get here?" Mimi asked, her eyes filling with excitement as she took in his appearance.
"Just last month. I'm here for a research internship," Yamato said, taking a moment to look away from her and instead get a good look at her friends' faces.
The group was filled with both men and women, and most of them looked decent enough but somehow, he couldn't bring himself to trust the look of the two guys on the couch. They were definitely looking for something from Mimi and he didn't trust them to be nice to her in case she rejected them.
"Oh my god, I'm gonna need a minute to process this. We haven't seen each other in so long!" Her speech was slightly slurred but it was hard to miss the whimsical tone in it and that boosted Yamato's confidence for what he was about to suggest next.
"I didn't think I'd run into you at all either, do you want to get out of here and catch up?"
They'd switched to Japanese the minute she'd recognised him so he was sure her friends wouldn't understand what they were talking about, but it seemed that most of them had caught on to the tone of the conversation. Disgruntled murmurs passed around the circle as Mimi spent more time standing and talking to him, instead of rejoining their conversation. He'd always known that she was the life of every party, but he didn't expect her friends to feel this possessive about her. Not that he could chide them for it, since Yamato himself felt annoyed that they wouldn't let him and Mimi talk in peace.
"Mimi, are you done yet?"
One of the guys from the couch spoke up and while Yamato wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, the demanding tone that guy had taken made him ball up his fists as he tried to keep his temper at bay.
"In a minute," Mimi responded to him, while still keeping her attention on Yamato, which didn't sit well with the dark haired douchebag. "I'd love to catch up too, but do you mind waiting here with me for a little while? I'll be done here in about half an hour."
"Sure." Yamato nodded at her, feeling relieved that she'd invited him to stay with her, giving him a chance to keep an eye on her so called friends.
"Guys, my friend from Japan will be joining us for a little while, do you mind making some space for him?" She turned around and faced her friends, smiling sweetly at them and gesturing for them to move around so Yamato could sit down with them too.
Two girls sitting on the couch opposite to Mimi didn't waste any time in shuffling around so Yamato could sit in the middle but to his surprise, Mimi turned her eyes away from them and looked at one of the guys sitting on her couch, pleading with him to move by batting her eyelashes at him. While he did squirm under her gaze, the dark haired guy who had spoken up earlier kicked at his shins and passed a sharp look in his direction, one that clearly said don't move.
Now that really annoyed Yamato.
Did these people really think that they could get rid of him that easily, that Mimi would choose them over him?
The two of them had known each other since they were kids, they'd been through some of the most harrowing experiences of life together, hell they'd even saved the world together many times. If there was anyone who deserved Mimi's attention and time among the people present, it was Yamato, and he was going to make sure that the others understood it well too.
Maybe it was the effect of the alcohol he'd consumed finally kicking in, or maybe it was just his immaturity bursting out after a month of struggling alone in this new city, but his hands moved on their own accord and his actions surprised even him.
He grabbed Mimi by the wrist and passed the dark haired guy a cold smirk as he pulled her away from the couch, stepping forward himself instead.
"No need to trouble your friends, Mimi. There's plenty of space right here."
Yamato spoke in the best English accent he could manage, gesturing towards the empty spot in the middle of the couch that she had been occupying before his arrival. Mimi met his eyes with a confused look, but she didn't have much time to think about his words. In the next moment, Yamato promptly sat down in the middle of the two annoying guys, and with a gentle tug, pulled Mimi onto his lap, wrapping one arm around her waist protectively.
All of her friends stared at him with eyes bulging wide, completely taken aback by his brash behaviour. The two idiotic guys on either side of him were staring at the sight of him and Mimi with their mouths hanging open. The one who Mimi had tried to convince earlier, quietly got up and moved to sit somewhere else, and the arrogant, dark haired one just shifted further towards the edge of the couch, putting some distance between them as he seethed with disappointment.
Yamato was satisfied with their reactions and he was about to tell Mimi to move to the empty spot next to him but it was his turn to be left dumbstruck as instead, she looped one arm across his neck and turned to look at him with a coy smile playing on her lips. Their faces were now levelled, their noses touching tips, if either of them moved slightly even by accident, the distance between their lips would almost become negligible. Yamato tried to swallow a gulp as Mimi's caramel eyes bore into him, making it impossible for him to look away.
"Well, well Yamato san, you've certainly changed a lot since the last time I saw you. Looks like catching up will be more than fun usual after all."
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the4thaccepter · 2 years
Hello! I'm tired and did an analysis/my thoughts for fun. I want to talk about this artwork!
(Every DRA character mentioned below, incase you blacklist)
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I have so much to say about this artwork! Positive things only here! They're all together! And all wearing their tags that glow (lol). So this is going to be a rant! I love all these characters sm.
I'm going through this left to right.
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so many FEELINGS
I got so much to say about this.
Okay first of MIKAKO. SHE LOOKS AMAZING! She's smiling! SHE'S HAPPY! I was so used to official art of her with the bags so looking at this Mikako brings me so much joy. She looks a lot more mature, it's great! Love her purple colour! I also like how her hair is similar to Kokoro, I think that's fun! I just love her. And she's next to YAMATO!
(amazing transition)
OKAY YAMATO. Looking as dramatic as ever (how big is his coat??). Even his tie is dramatic! AND HIS HAND IS ON TSURUGI DNMSKSKSKDJDN. Damn that's so sweet, oml. Look at his smile, he's so happy. And his blue is a very nice shade too! It's really rare for Yamato to have artwork cause he's the spoiler character, so seeing him finally get some along side others is so nice! And now.
TSURUGI! TSURUGI! He gets to be coloured in. Good for him. AND HE'S SMILING! it's so rare for SDRA2 Tsurugi to smile. This is so nice. (Also he's surrounding by his most popular ships lol-)
NOW KINJI! Walking by Tsurugi's side! Which makes a lot of sense, as I believe it's canon that Kinji was the one who helped Kinjo the most with his morals in his school life, so seeing them next to each other is so sweet. (I'm going to say sweet a lot, aren't I?) AND LOOK HIS DESIGNNN. HIS HAIR! (Ponytail Kinji we stan- jk jk) But still! He doesn't look like an old man lol. And he's still carrying his Bible. (Which makes sense, being a priest is a 24/7 job afterall, and he looks like he's still wearing his priest clothing underneath, which a priest is required to wear all the time, at least in western countries.) The white for him makes sense! I like it a lot! He just looks so good in this.
AND YUKI "UTSURO" MAEDA! Now I'm 90% sure this is Utsuro living as Yuki if the Chapter IF ending means anything (and his lack of ahoge) WHICH IS SO IMPORTANT IN THIS PIC CAUSE LOOK! Tsurugi is in his wheelchair (an outdated wheelchair, definitely will redesign that personally) and he can definitely push himself around if he wanted but he's letting YUKI of all people push him. Like I believe Tsurugi would easily push himself, he's still very capable, but I think that fact that Yuki is pushing him shows growth in Kinjo. Like the Kinjo at the end of Chapter IF did not like Utsuro, and literally tried to shoot him down. But the fact that he must have grown, developed as a person and not have his black white view, him letting yuki, aka utsuro the man who almost got his friends killed, being right behind him shows trust in my opinion. It's also a reference to how in Canon Yuki and Tsurugi were close (before all of chapter 6 happened). I just find it so so sweet. Yuki looks so boring in design but that fits him well. Also brown oddly suits him!
These four are so cute in this image. I might add more if I feel necessary later.
Now next part!
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Ready for Kizuna, Mitch and Kiyoka!
(I know Kizuna and Mitch make people uncomfortable so you can skip these two paragraphs)
KIZUNA! She looks like her Mum! Similar to how Mikako looks a bit like hers. But I love the fact that it seems she is arguing with Mitch or something, that so funny. I love her design here, it's so nice, and this shade of pink is really fitting! Love the stars! And the small scarf. She looks great here!
And now MITCH! He such a character oml. Mitch has always had one of my favourite designs, I found his design really shows his personality along his facial expressions (they're so funny, I love them so much). And he looks great here! His new hairstyle, while still similar to his previous and the added addition of sunglasses are so good. And his current expression says it all. The fact that he must have annoyed Kizuna in some way is so funny. Hands in pockets and looking away. And his outfit is one of my favourite in this line up, it's nice that LINJU gave him a good design here, and it's also matching Kiyoka! Meaning they probably work together in the same division! The Blue obviously suits him well here.
KIYOKA MAKIIIII! LOOK AT HERRR!!! THE SHORT HAIRRRR. She look so good in shirt hair. Honestly when I first saw this last year it took me a while to figure out that this was Kiyoka haha. I really didn't expect the haircut! It looks so good on her! And I have a lot to say! Firstly! The way she holds her gun! She looks happy, content and confident! Which probably means that after Chapter IF she learn to appreciate her talent as it helped her friends! DJJSKSKK. Super sweet! And the faded red! Not the colour I expect for her but looks really really good! She looks so good!
And now for-
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Okay it's the trio and I have so much to say!
Well actually first off, not much about Teruya, as I want to talk about him more later. But an interesting detail is that Haruhiko's goggles are cut off, or simply not there. Which I mean, makes sense, in Chapter IF he has no reason to wear them here. (But it's sad his dad is still dead here). But yeah, I going to talk more about him later.
And now HARUHIKO! Goodness his design is so good here. Definitely my favourite redesign here. His new goggles, his scarf, fingerless gloves, everything he is wearing! It's really unique, and I believe it implies his talent is important to the foundation here. Which I'll go on later when talking about other stuff. His arm around Teruya, dksmksndkd. And the yellow is great!
IT'S SATSUKI TIME! She looks adorable here! She so happy here! Her hair is really fitting, it looks bouncy. Her design is simple but her personality in her pose makes her stand out! She and Haruhiko seem to be saying something to Teruya together. Which is sweet! Also! I only noticed recently but Satsuki and Haruhiko are wearing rings! They're married! (Which means they're probably mid to late-20s, cause getting married earlier then that is a bit early for most people, but then again, I can see them doing that. But that also means that Traffic Light Group are probably mid 20s. (Meaning that it's been almost a decade since their killing game, which lines up with the Chap 6.5 timeline)). But hey, a win for Haruhiko and Satsuki shippers (teruhiko Saddness lol). But ay, still sweet! The pink is lovely! Very soft!
They're all together! So sweet! I love this! Snksndksndnd
And now finally!
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But first Ayame!
Her design is sooo good here too! Her hair in a ponytail is a so expressive and a nice change! She is also wearing a scarf! So many scarves here lol. She looks so sweet here! The red is brilliant too! She looks so good here! She looks so happy talking about whatever she's talking about! So good! And she's a next to Akane djjskdnsksm. I also think her arm is behind her head, making her look really relax, and it's nice to see her like that!
Akaneeeeee! I oddly really like her maid like design here. It oddly looks more mature, maybe because it's just apron! And I love her hair, with it tied down at the very end. She looks really content here. It's so sweet. Like she's really happy for once! She just looks so calm, and looks like she belongs. Also her cream (?) Colour is so nice, reminds me of Sora slightly. A very nice colour for her! I love all her bows too! And she's not only next to Ayame but next to Rei! (Who she got like, stabbed for in canon, and I know that doesn't happen in IF, it's still a nice reference).
Now Rei! Not much to say! But she's happy and smiling! Ayyyyy! I really loved Rei redesign, always have, it shows professionalism while still a lot of personality. Goodness she looks great! But not much else to say!
But I have a lot to say about THEM! Chapter 3 victims my beloved!
KANATA! She didn't get a growth spurt like Teruya haha, she's still so smolll. But she grew out her hair! I like how hair shows change here. She looks so happy, talking about whatever and seems so happy while doing so! The cyan looks so good for her too! She deserves so much. Her coat looks good too! And she's next to KAKERU!
Finally Kakeru! Look at him! He's blushing! He's happy! His hair looks great haha. I like how he's helping my carrying who knows what. But he looks so much more like a lawyer here haha. The black obviously suits him well. And I oddly like his glasses a lot. He looks so good here too! Him and Kanata together is so sweet.
Goodness this all so good. I love all of this
And now some extra notes!
So something interesting is how there is definitely a difference in jobs,
Mitch, Kiyoka, Haruhiko and Ayame seem to have more hands on jobs, with their Kisaragi emblem sewed on their clothing. The first two seem to be similar to Ryutaro and Keisuke, Haruhiko is probably with planes, and not too sure about Ayame (I'm going to need to find that list of their occupations in Chapter IF).
Everyone else has a tag instead, and implied more paper work. Lol.
Okay and now. I want to talk about the two (imo) saddest things about this piece. First the second saddest thing.
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(Haruhiko move this isn't about you)
Damn his character always brings me on the verge of tears. But yeah, he's coloured green, cause we know what happens in Sdra2 (crys) and yeah.
But a detail that struck me odd is that out of everyone in this lineup (besides Kizuna and Mitch who are arguing) he's the only one not smiling. Now he looks suprise and all but honestly I would have expected him to be smiling alongside Haruhiko and Satsuki. But he isn't. He looks, not really surprised but almost confused. Like what just happened was unexpected, and not like oh wow that surprised me but like what is going on/this isn't meant to be happening. Which I think is meant to reference that he had only died recently. Like he even has a sweat drop! Which means a lot in this sort of artstyle. Teruya it's okay, you are with your friends now. Like this is so sad to me. Maybe not to you all but it's sad to me
And now the saddest thing about this piece of art.
The existence of the second piece.
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This is so sad oh my goodness. Djjdksksksk
Yeah I don't need to explain this. You all get this.
This was barely an analysis, more like my thoughts. But damn these pieces are definitely some of my favourite ones.
Welp, thank you for coming to my ted talk. Not going to proof read this. May reblog with more info later!
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purghhappenings · 2 years
Hi! Just loving absolutely all you have write about poly mugiwaras. And I was wondering is you would write about when Yamato joins the crew? I just love him so much. And I think he would be amazing with you ideas. Sorry at this point I am rambling. Love your work 🥰🥰🥺
Bro Yamato joining the poly!hats??
Law hasn’t slept in days and honestly he’s afraid to shut his eyes.
Luffy is ecstatic at all times that there’s someone there to match his energy but was opposed at first bc he did not understand Yamato
Zoro is always adaptable and someone else who uses swords and beefy??? Sign him the fuck up
Sanji, he’s a ride or die at this point but he’s always wary of new comers! Yamato likes his food which is to be expected but Sanji is slow to warm to him. Of course Yamato loves hearing about Soba Mask
Nami has slept so well and she’s completely fine with it. Yamato keeps everyone busy and listens really well!(his problem solving abilities need some work like no we can’t beat up every problem)
Usopp was intimidated because Yamato is a man’s man and Usopp really likes that. But Yamato thinks Usopp is cool and well, Usopp really likes that
Robin thinks he’s interesting at first but he’s got his perks 🥴😏 jk he’s super smart and gives her a shit ton of history lessons!
Franky likes him! He likes Franky! It’s kind of a “we look up to one another bc Jesus how is everyone so cool on the crew and how does Luffy find cool people so easily”
Brook thinks he’s neat, he always fears in the beginning he’s being replaced but Yamato isn’t replacing a puzzle piece but adding to it! Yamato loves describing music to Brook and Brook loves trying to guess it!
Vivi reads about it first and then Nami calls and vivi loves her new boyfriend just from hearing about him! She can’t wait to meet him properly
Marco *sigh* another one(sad DJ Khalid voice)jk Marco likes adventure and with adding more people the adventure gets better!
Jinbei all these youngsters running around make him feel old and young. But Yamato is another part of the family and if Luffy accepts him so does Jinbei
Carrot she’s with Nami and Yamato can stay so long as the girls can get a rest. But also Yamato really likes learning about Minks and carrot thinks that’s super cool!!
All in all Yamato would be accepted into the chaos of the Strawhats and if he wanted the Poly!hats! Logistically and politically it would be a god forsaken nightmare but the strawhats persevere!
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varichina · 7 years
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personal charger 
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dutchforstrangers · 3 years
Sway with me [Taiora fanfic]
A/N: I wanted to stock up all the writing inspiration for the upcoming Digiweek in a month, but I found myself today with an idea stuck in my head and I had to get it out. This weekend I was back in the theatre after all the Covid struggles, being proud of my dance students performing on stage, seeing all other kinds of choreographies from my colleagues and the vibe was so... alive and together and fun! It inspired me to write another fic including dance, because it’s one of my faves to write. Plus I LOVE to write about Taichi sweeping Sora off of her feet, because the guy can be like that! 
I might continue this one-shot, making it a short multi-chapter romance fanfic... Not sure yet but for now let’s say this is chapter [1/?].  
To give you some salsa-esque latin vibes, here’s my background playlist: Sway with me Mixtape. 
Last but not least, an important note: this is Taiora-teasing! Because, believe it or not, there is established Sorato in this one-shot/chapter...
Under read more, happy readings! <3 
Characters: Taichi (POV), Sora, Yamato mentioned (established Sorato, Taiora teasing)
Genre: DANCE! Jk, it’s friendship/hinted romance
Rating: K+
Words: 1800-ish
With summer approaching the school’s annual summer dance night was here. The floor was filled with students dancing. In groups, in duo’s, girls together, boys together or mixed. The floor was surrounded by long tables and seats for everyone who needed a rest or simply didn’t feel like dancing. It was the place where Taichi found himself standing, but not because he needed rest or didn’t felt like dancing. Spotting someone familiar leaning against the tables too, he excused himself from his friends and made his way to her.  
“Hey, why the sad face? What’s the matter?”
“I’m not sad…” Came the response from the redheaded girl. Her eyes directed away from her, arms folded across her chest. As her best friend, Taichi immediately knew something was bothering Sora.
“Oh come one Takenouchi, you look like your mom made you do Ikebana against your will.”
“Yes exactly.”
“That’s what happened?” Taichi asked out loud, surprised he had it right the first time guessing.
“No…” Sora said in return, “that would make me feel frustrated… Taichi, I’m not sad. I’m frustrated.” Her eyes shifted to his, a sigh escaping her lips. Taichi laughed seeing her like that, his head radiply shaking no.
“How could you be frustrated on a night like this?” His gaze moved from her to the dancing crowd, one hand pointing to the dance floor for her eyes to follow. “Everybody’s happy and dancing!”
However Sora’s eyes never followed and were instead still glued to him. He looked back at her, her arms still crossed, but her stance now more sassy. “You’re not dancing.” Sora teased.
“True, because I’m here talking to you.” Taichi fired back. “But you aren’t dancing either… What, is Yamato not the dancer you expected him to be?”
With that Sora quickly fell back into annoyance, leaning against the table a little bit slumped away. Her eyes were back at scanning the ground, her teeth biting her bottom lip. To Taichi it looked like he had hit a nerve by asking Sora about her boyfriend’s dancing skills. Or better said, his lack of dancing skills.
Failed to get an answer out of her or catching her eyes with his own, he threw a look at Yamato who was standing a little further away with some classmates. Stiffly moving, while the music absolutely asked for a more looser kind of dancing. Taichi sighed to himself, diverting his attention back to Sora.
“Okay, I see, you are frustrated because of Yamato… I know the guy can move when he’s on stage or the music is slow...”
“… But he’s not a dancer when it comes to this upbeat kind of music. I know.” Sora interrupted him finishing his thoughts and sentence. “Though I had kind of hoped he would be a little bit better at this. Or at least try to get better. He’s so sulky tonight.”
“He can’t be that bad, can he?” He knew it was a little lie, knowing this wasn’t Yamato’s music or dancing, to try to lift her mood and simultaneously defend the blonde.
Sora gave Taichi a low chuckle in response. “Can you say someone is good at dancing like that on this music when he stepped on your foot and almost made you trip at least ten times in only three minutes?”
Taichi had to hold a chuckle himself, his lips unable to hide a grin. “I… er…”
“No. Don’t think so.” Sora filled in Taichi’s stammering. “Damn it, Taichi, we even followed a few classes and he still can’t do it right— What?”
In the meantime Taichi had made his way to stand in front of Sora, one hand extended to her for her to take. He knew she wanted to dance and if Yamato couldn’t give that to her, maybe Taichi could. “Take my hand.”
“Why?” Her face looked like she couldn’t believe him, an eyebrow raised, her head drawn back a tad. “Because you ‘can’ dance?”
Taichi couldn’t help but to laugh at her insult, once again shaking his head. “Don’t you even dare to underestimate my dancing skills. Come on, Sora! Sway with me, really, I’m not that bad. No stepping on your toes, I’ll promise..!” He said, extending his hand even more so she couldn’t reject a dance with him. Slowly her arms finally unfolded, her body not leaning against the table anymore, her feet making one step towards him to cautiously place her right hand in his left.
“… Fine.”
One pull for Taichi was enough to get her body close to his, her face immediately heating up. Catching her other hand with his free hand, he dragged Sora to the dancefloor before he made his first dance steps. Stepping forward with his left foot, making her step backwards with her right. With his hands guiding her into stepping forward with her left while stepping backward with his own right. Introducing her to the rhythm and beat of the music first, get her familiar with the swaying sounds. Eventually leading her to make steps to left and right as well as back and front, switching every now and then.
Taichi was surprised seeing Sora following so easily. Getting a little bold, he made her spin before catching her in his arms again. A little closer than before. His left hand now holding her right but their underarms touching as well. His right arm scooped under her left, his right hand gently placed on her back somewhere between her waist and shoulder blade.
The music made his hips loosening up more, his feet speeding up as well, his arms guiding and leading Sora with him. Their chests so close that their noses almost touched. Her cheeks red, the corners of her mouth curled up into a smile, lips slightly parted to breathe. Taichi felt her hips move along with his, totally in sync, signaling him she was now loosened up too. He laughed to himself, enjoying this close and intimate moment with Sora while she wasn’t one for this kind of closeness in public. Making a little show out if it, he made her make some more spins ending in a dip to the side before closing the not existing gap between them even more by placing one leg between hers. His hips making her hips move, making little steps, their cheeks against each other’s, hearing each other breathe. Feeling each other’s heartbeat through their chests, fast but steady, pounding as one.
“Impressed?” Taichi asked in Sora’s ear.
“Where’d you learn to dance like that?” Her flustered voice tickled in his ear before she drew her head back a little to look him in the eye, creating more space between them. Her hands moving to his shoulders as they still swayed to the music together.  
“Eh.” Taichi shrugged his shoulders to tease her a little. His own hands now placed on her waist respecting the created space between them.
One of her hands slapped him on his shrugging shoulder. “Taichi!”
“Fine, fine,” he laughed already caving in, “Hikari dragged me to a workshop with her when Takeru wasn’t available.”
“Just one workshop?!” Sora’s eyes grew bigger in disbelieve.
“Sor, you’re killing the magic.” Taichi waved away. Though he couldn’t resist Sora’s bright and genuine smiling.
“But I’m curious! And in awe…”
“It’s just… I had fun that workshop, so Hikari and I signed up for a short course.” Taichi scanned her face, still in a state of awe, disbelieve, surprise and happiness. He smirked back at here. “There I learned how to lead in freestyle. Still in awe?”
She nodded heavily, the wide smile on her face only growing bigger. “Absolutely yes. I’m already jealous of your future life partner. We’re actually talking while we’re still dancing!”
That implication made Taichi actually blush. A future life partner… he would love to have a partner like Sora who could dance with him like that. Or maybe for Sora- he stopped his thoughts before they would go too far and quickly changed his facial expression to hide his blush. “You really think that low of me huh?”
“No!” Came Sora’s immediate response. “You just never struck me as the dancing type. It’s a welcoming surprise. And it’s…” She stopped herself, a new blush creeping in as she shifted her gaze away from his. “Ah never mind. 
“It’s what Sora? Don’t look away so shy all of the sudden, spill it!”
“I-I think it’s…,” with the blush on her cheeks intensifying she stammered, “… kind of… sexy…?”
Taichi couldn’t hide another smirk, his cheeks mimicking hers with a blush of his own. “Is Sora Takenouchi calling me sexy? Wow, I had never thought I would actually hear that out of your mouth.” He said taking advantage of the moment, bobbing his eyebrows at her, making her blush turn into a deep red, her lips pouting a little.
“I was calling the dancing sexy. Not you.”
“Sure. But I’m still taking the compliment.” In a swift motion he took both of her hands leading her into another single spin. One of his hand sliding down from her upper to her lower back, his other hand still holding hers, making her bend her back into one last dip, he bending over her with a respectable distant between their upper bodies, but their legs intertwined and hips quite close.
“I think it’s working though…” He could hear her say as he placed her back standing straight. Taichi looked passed her taking a step back. The lopsided grin marking his expression.
“You have some nerve to use me to make your boyfriend jealous.”
“As if you mind.”
“Heh.” He let out a small chuckle, because even though he didn’t like admitting it at first she was right. “I’ll gladly let you use me.” He looked at her as she straightened her clothes.
“That’s what I thought.” Placing one hand on one cheek and reaching up to plant a peck on his other cheek Sora winked, before she spoke in her most sultry voice. “Thank you, Taichi.” Making him shiver a little.
“You’re welcome.” He quickly recovered, his hands moving by themselves to her hair to style it to its original coupe the best he could. After helping her, Taichi gave her a small kiss on her forehead to return the peck she gave him, then turning her around so she could face Yamato.
It felt a little like all those Christmases ago, when he pushed her in the blonde’s direction for her to start dating Yamato. Back then it was the right thing and tonight wouldn’t be any different. Sora was Yamato’s, and Taichi just her friend. And that was right. So he lightly, and with unwanted doubt, pushed her in his direction tonight as well. Catching a glimpse of his unwanted doubt in her eyes as she turned around to look at him one more time.
“Go teach that boyfriend of yours how to properly dance.”
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son-of-beast · 3 years
come have a seat with kittu
Okay okay so there’s been so much going on about Yamato between anime debut coming up and the upcoming chapter being about some of his backstory and I just need I NEED to rant about him because the Yamato disrespect has been REAL. Nah I never have or even use a twitter cause it’s awful (is tumblr any better thou-), but I hear things from my friends coming from that site that fill me with rage. So I am going to throw headcanons at you and you WILL read it. (jk you dont have to i love you guys)
1. ‘Kaido forced the male identity on Yamato so that he would succeed as shogun’. This is one such statement that filled me with spite. Look, you think KAIDO gives a single flying FUCK about Wano’s laws and traditions??? Nah. Kaido DID force his son to grow up faster, Yamato never would experience a true proper childhood. HOWEVER, the ‘maleness’ of his identity is entirely Yamato’s choice and Kaido/the rest of the BPs acknowledge that. I do like to headcanon it took some time for all of them to acknowledge that, but it wasn’t because of him claiming to be a male, it was more about him claiming to be Kozuki Oden in particular that they were scrutinizing about. This is also why I tend to write Yamato having so much ‘childish wonder’. I am reminded of my own mom when I think of him because she didn’t have much of a childhood either, and she still experiences this kind of childhood wonder with things that seem so simple as blowing bubbles and such. He is a very endearing character to me in this way.
2. When Yamato inevitably joins the Straw Hats (which I swear he will by the end of this), he will sleep in the boy’s cabin quarters with the rest of the guys. Luffy insisted as such to his crew as well. Has to share Chopper with Zoro, you know they sleeping buddies sometimes. And he can indulge in more ‘feminine’ things with Nami and Robin, but still be entirely a man for it. That part of him is not changing. The truth of the matter is, he never got to experience such simple pleasures while growing up on Onigashima, and he’ll enjoy any new experience he can have with his new crewmates!
3. While Yamato’s male identity originated from his desire to be Oden, he will grow beyond that identity and be able to shape his own as his own man without being weighed down by connections to his father or Wano responsibilities. Perhaps one day he will shed the Oden persona, but being a man is who he is and who he has wanted to be the majority of his life. He’s so confident in this, he makes no effort to make himself presenting as a man because he knows who he is and no one’s going to tell him twice. He is a samurai. (Not that woman can’t be samurai too, but he is a samurai man!!!)
4. The take-away from all of this is twitter is terrible and Yamato was probably better off being raised by wolves honestly.
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kondo-hijikata · 3 years
My most knowledgeable Kondou knower, can I ask you what makes a Kondou RP blog an actual decent Kondou RP blog? What does it take to get this man on paper correctly? What are your tips (if you'd not mind to share!)
*blush blush* you flatter me. D: I can rattle off some info but it’s important for me to toss out the disclaimer: writing is based on interpretation so if anyone happens to disagree with what I lay out here, please go on with how you want to write and ignore me. Why am I saying that? I know how easy it is to see some random post on writing or characterization and feel demotivated. I’m majorly MAJORLY salty about how modern media snubs him and pushes him aside, so if you’re interested in writing Kondo’s character, I’m already supporting you.
As with any character, it depends on what universe/series you’re writing for but I think all the Kat-chans I’ve encountered can fit into some of the same qualities and share the same historical background.
- He is an ideal samurai through and through. That means he’s loyal to the core of his very soul to the Tokugawa regime and sticks to his convictions. He will die for the shogunate. He will send his soldiers to die for the shogunate. Protecting the Tokugawa is his number one priority.
- He has great pride in being a samurai and honoring what it means to really be one because of his roots. Though his father was well-off, he still hailed from a farming family which was the lowest societal class. Before the Edo era, shogun Toyotomi Hideyoshi banned the ownership of swords and other weapons from anyone who wasn’t a samurai. When you’re living in rural areas though, the government can’t protect you from thieves and the like, so farmers studied kenjutsu to look after their own lands and possessions. Kondo was dedicated in his practice and while his father was away, he (as a teenager) and his brothers stopped thieves from raiding their house. His talents were noticed by Kondo Shusuke from the Shieikan, who was looking for an heir. Shusuke went on to adopt him and therefore taking him from the lowest class to the highest. Amazing, incredible. You’re doing great, sweetie!
- At this point in the Edo era, samurai were said to have become lazy as there were no wars to fight in. Kondo rejected this and was dedicated to being what he believed was the ideal spirit of bushi. He was respectful in how he spoke to superiors and other samurai.
- He went through several name changes throughout his life. He was born as Miyagawa Katsugoro. Upon adoption, he took the name Shimazaki Katsuta. When he succeeded in taking over the Shieikan, he was known as Kondo Isami. Toward the end of his life when the Shinsengumi returned to Edo, he was known by the aliases Okubo Tsuyoshi and Okubo Yamato to protect his identity from Shinsengumi enemies quickly closing in on the east.
- He could be good-natured around his friends and had a sense of humor (yes, I’m talking about the good old fist in the mouth) but don’t mistake this for stupidity or naivety. He was extremely knowledgeable about politics and current events. He could debate and wasn’t intimidated to call out anyone on their bullshit. He had the ear of Matsudaira Katamori and even the shogun at one point.
- He was a born leader with magnetism who was capable of inspiring and commanding the respect of those around him. The first members of the Shinsengumi had sworn loyalty to him as their teacher at the Shieikan and stayed at his side for most of the war. Even after Nagakura split from the group much later citing disapproval of Kondo and Hijikata’s “egos”, he went on to build a grave to honor them.
- Speaking of Hijikata, a lot of media today portrays him as the main decision maker with Kondo as some frivolous figurehead who doesn’t know left from right. Pshhh, no. If Hijikata somehow could know his popularity succeeds Kondo’s in this age, I wager he’d be ridiculously upset. Kondo lived to serve and protect the shogunate as Hijikata lived to serve and protect Kondo. He was instrumental in forming the Shinsengumi and absolutely had say in many things, but that didn’t make Kondo irrelevant or incompetent.
- Kondo was a warrior. He killed his enemies, and a lot of them. I can sit here and romanticize about how he was a nerd as a kid who loved reading or how he practiced calligraphy at night in Kyoto, but it can’t be forgotten that he was a soldier fighting a war. He’d seen some shit. He’d done some shit.
- Let’s talk about the Roshigumi! Hundreds of ronin were rounded up in the east by Kiyokawa Hachiro. They would march to Kyoto to stop anti-Tokugawa forces (lookin at u, Choshu) in their tracks. Upon arriving in the west though, Kiyokawa was like “lmao jk yall. we’re actually opposing Tokugawa and now we all have to walk back to the east and have a battle in Yokohama.” Kondo, ever loyal to Tokugawa, refused. He and his Shieikan men stayed behind and troublesome Serizawa did too since he had no place to go. Serizawa refused to acknowledge Kondo as the leader, so they compromised on having both of them lead. We all know what happened there, Serizawa did a lot of terrible things. Kondo had to clean up his messes and make excuses for his behavior, while trying to make a name for the Roshigumi and gain enough rep to be noticed by Matsudaira. Eventually, he did gain that attention and from there, Matsudaira went on to rely on Kondo’s expertise and his men to keep Choshu down. Like his adoption into the samurai class, this was no easy feat and I’m immensely impressed that he managed to do this.
- HE’S NOT AN OLD MAN. ffs, another thing most modern media would have us believe is that he’s a decade or more older than Hijikata. Kondo was born in November 1834. Hijikata was born in May 1835.
- He was said to be average height (around 5′4/167-ish cm iirc?) with a very athletic build from all the training.
- The last Tokugawa shogun Yoshinobu (*HISS*) and naval commander Katsu Kaishu (*DOUBLE HISS*) expected Kondo and his Shinsengumi to either die off or disband after they fled Kyoto. When he showed up with his men in the east, they didn’t know what to do with them. Katsu then ordered Kondo to change the group name from Shinsengumi to Kouyo-Chinbutai and take Kofu castle where they were severely outnumbered. Basically, he was giving them all a place to die. They’d managed to get some promises of recruits which never showed up, lost the battle, and needed to retreat. The group then settled temporarily in Nagareyama.
- Though there’s no official confirmation, he was executed for a crime he very likely didn’t commit: the assassination of Sakamoto. A member of the Mimawarigumi claimed responsibility for it years later. Sakamoto was a legend in his home of Tosa and people were understandably infuriated at his murder. Kondo was the scapegoat for it. He surrendered himself at Nagareyama to allow the remaining soldiers to escape. Hijikata wanted to surrender himself at the same time so he would die with Kondo, but Kondo insisted he keep carrying their banner and leading the group. I’m not crying, you’re crying.
- His sexuality and relationships are wide open to your interpretation. His marriage to Tsune was arranged, like many were in that time period. He had concubines in Kyoto, Miyuki being the most famous. These are broad statements I’m making here that can’t speak for every person but.... Same sex relationships (marriage/procreation) weren’t accepted because the point of that was to produce children...but same sex relations (physical and emotional connection) among men were rampant. There’s historical evidence from a letter Kondo wrote that he was perfectly aware it was going on in the Shinsengumi. Shinsengumi members went on to say Kondo and Hijikata were two halves of one whole. Again, Nagakura built them a joint grave. You decide. I already have. lmao
- Whether you romantically pair them together or not though, Kondo was the most important person in Hijikata’s life and vice versa. They had an indestructible bond, not even severed by Kondo’s execution. Hijikata fought on to clear Kondo’s name after his death.
The tl;dr here is, if I were writing Kondo in rp, these are the qualities I would give him: committed to living his life under bushi code (which has likely been overly romanticized compared to reality but hey), committed to serving the Tokugawa, can be friendly with his closest friends but a little colder with soldiers/others he isn’t close to, knows how to fight, knows politics, knows how to debate and hold his own. Genuinely likeable by nature, has the respect of his followers, has the respect of Matsudaira after proving himself. Has fierce loyalty from his men and even after some leave the group, they won’t let anyone drag his name. Strong-willed and stubborn on political issues he backs. Reflective and thoughtful in down time. Reliable to those who depend on him. Quiet and calculating in groups but absolutely willing to speak up when he disagrees. And never ever ever forgiving of the Satcho coup, or anyone who supports it.
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redthreadoffate · 3 years
For @gruviyasharuto for my milestone thing!! thank you so much for sending them in! i super appreciate it!
👋 - aha! i am a massive shipper. like, it’s so hard for me NOT to find a ship. i dunno why, maybe because i aspire to have romance in my life? HAHAHAHA. jk. i dunno. ask the mall guy (i’m still waiting for that ask…HAHAHA jk) but really, if you need ship recommendations, i’m your girl! i love fandoms that can give you a lot of ships, which is why shipping in the power rangers fandom is heaven. i made a ships video for their 25th anniversary i think 2 years back, if anyone wants to see….
💞 - you can send me any fandom (that I hopefully know hehe) 😁 but if in general i’d go with OTP: arthur/ariadne (inception), takeru/hikari (digimon); BROTP: arthur/eames (inception); NOTP: yamato/sora (digimon)
💖 - hehe, i apologize but i don’t see it on the list 😅😞 but feel free to send in another one!!
thank you so much!! i super duper appreciate you sending these in 🥰🥰🥰
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fizzingwizard · 3 years
Episode 32 arrives! It’s, I gotta say, quite an improvement on what we’ve had lately. Quite an improvement. Even so, it’s nothing that’s gonna rock the world... but hey, I was so desperate for something different to happen that y’know what, I’ll take it.
Pic of the week:
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A Digimon who just wants to roll around in the grass. Go’way, baddies.
More below!
So as you probably gather... we start with Takeru this week! Haha! Good riddance Taichi! I luv ya but I’ve had enough of ya! Take a break!
jk I totally missed him the whole thirty seconds he wasn’t on screen
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Takeru and Patamon are running for their lives, of course! Patamon makes a valiant effort to evolve to protect Takeru but...
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... Poor baby. He gave it the ol’ college try but he just ain’t as young as he used to be.
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Things look grim until Komondomon shows up with a creepy disembodied hand sticking out of his fur!
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Phew, it’s just Sora. Her brilliant plan to rescue Takeru is to grab his arm and drag him along with them... I mean... sure... Whiplash has been proven Not A Thing in this universe so...
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After getting rid of their pursuer, the group checks in with the others. I’m reminded of how silly separations feel when you can just communicate with each other by walkie-talkie. Yamato’s been riding Garurumon for a long time now lol. At least we got to see him...
He sweetly encourages Takeru and tells him the best thing he can do to help Patamon with his evolution issues is be there to support him. Then he tells Taichi “I leave Takeru in your case.” Ok sure, like Sora’s not right there...
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Taichi: In my care? Should I point out that I already lost one little sibling to the dark side? Nah...
Seriously, though... that’s the current situation. Taichi is actively going over SkullKnightmon to get Hikari back. If Takeru stays with him that just means Takeru gets to go into danger again too. Of course, it seems that the dark side is suddenly uninterested in Takeru and Patamon so... I guess it’s okay 9_9
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We then check in with Mimi! Who is being her awesome Mimi-tastic self. Ugh I love her.
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Wondered what happened to Golemon. Turns out there was nothing much to worry about because no one loves a macho boxing match like Tachikawa Mimi. If there’s ever a season where these kids grow up, I hope Mimi is like, a big fan of sumo or something.
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Taichi: O... kay... well... Mimi sure is... an intersting person...
Agumon: Hey you should make her your girlfriend!
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Meanwhile, the situation with Jou is, um, questionable to say the least...
(how is keeping that towel on)
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Taichi: ... you didn’t hear anything, did you? Me neither. *closes link*
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Finally we check in with Koushirou. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you what he says. -__-;
At least we see him get bombed a bit. He’s okay though.
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Meanwhile unconscious Patamon gets a visitor from baby angel Lopmon, who tells him about hist lost memories.
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He adds that the other legendary warriors have lost their power and it’s up to Patamon and his bond with Takeru to save the world more or less.
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He encourages Patamon to find his hope.
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Patamon: Who am I? What am I? All before me is dark. I know not what path to take.
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The others, having nothing better to do, peep on Patamon’s crisis of faith.
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Takeru relates a story about learning to swim and being scared of the water, but Yamato stayed with him so eventually he was able to learn to do it. Aww. Not quite comparable to Hikari’s “I wet the bed and Taichi changed the sheets and then told our parents that he was the one that did it” from the 99 series but still pretty good.
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The sweet moment is interrupted by a flash of light! Then dark! Then light! Then dark!
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It’s another scary Digimon! Oh dear. It’s Kerberomon. A three-headed Cerberus as I’m sure you figured out. Once again, this show does not how to convey what the stakes are. After everything we’ve been through, it’s hard to take random nobody Digimon as serious as each episode wants us to take them... but it’s obvious from the build up here that Kerberomon’s going to be tough to beat for Reasons.
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Greymon gets hit and says, “I let down my guard!” MAYBE DON’T DO THAT THEN
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Also it is very windy.
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Le ouch. This is the Digimon from earlier whose name I forgot to take down. He’s come back with his friend...
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... Scarier-in-the-dark-mon.
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They’re surrounded~ Oh noes and whatnot.
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Taichi is a bit cool here, clinging to Komondomon’s helmet and directing the battle like a war general. Mostly he’s telling them how to avoid getting hit by Kerberomon’s powerful attacks but I like that we get to see him using his head like this.
What I think is happening here is, Komondomon isn’t as fast as the kids could be if they were on their own, so their speed is hampered and that plus the number of assailants makes this battle tough. I am sure we’re supposed to assume that the reason WarGreymon doesn’t appear is because it takes a lot of energy to bring him out, even though last time he appeared twice in the same episode -.-;
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Sora decides to be useful and goes to help Takeru get to safety.
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... She is immediately struck by an attack and collapses, badly hurt somehow. This is so dumb. First of all, they don’t even animate her getting hit. There’s a flash and then she’s down. She should at least get to throw herself over Takeru protectively or something. Geez. 90s anime did it so much better. She’s just standing there and gets hit. What, did she forget there was a battle raging around her?
Second, WE ALREADY HAD DAMSEL IN DISTRESS SORA. It was Jou’s motivation to be cool way back when this show was rather more interesting than it has been of late. Why do the boys need Sora to get SERIOUSLY INJURED to be able to fight?? WHY?? Like, Taichi gets caught in the line of fire ALL THE TIME, but he never gets injured to the point where he can’t continue on. (Except for that one time with Devimon but those were exceptional circumstances!)
Like, why are we making Sora so weak?? This is so unnecessary.
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I guess Yamato was right by entrusting Takeru to Taichi instead of Sora though...
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... Uhhh.... never mind X’D
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Taichi: Whew... m-maybe no one saw that...
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Our be-bibbed god reappears to offer sage advice.
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Patamon recalls his final moments as Seraphimon... being enveloped into darkness.
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This is cool - we see his angelic wings turn to demon ones briefly before he slides back to lower levels. Not sure if it means anything but we have been theorizing that Patamon could still be infected by the evil that wounded him in the past.
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Patamon then recalls things that happened after he was reborn and I’m reminded for the billionth time how much harder the emotions around Angemon’s death hit in the 99 show...
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Suddenly Patamon realizes - his hope is Takeru, and he is Takeru’s hope.
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The boys put on their game faces. This is what I mean by Sora really didn’t need to get hurt here. I get that it gives Takeru a reason to be protective, but the thing that evolves Patamon is Patamon’s feelings, the same way Agumon’s feelings were what rescued them from Devimon etc. That’s an interesting thing about this show - the Digimon’s feelings seem as important to evolution as, if not more than, the kids’.
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Patamon evolves!! Very creepily! But... not to Angemon!
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He becomes Pegasusmon! Who... looks a lot bigger than I remember, even considering Takeru is very small... xD
So this is pretty cool! I’ve been wondering how on earth the show was gonna keep introducing evolutions after already using up so many key players, especially for Taichi. But it looks like Armor Digimon can appear, and that makes me think that we could see all kinds of evolutions for the entire team that we’ve never seen before. I like that idea, but I don’t really know if this show has time for it. Maybe it will just be Pegasusmon and Nefertimon who are available to Takeru and Hikari so the writers can preserve the angels for the most epic moments only. That seems the most likely way things will go here, and the only qualm I have with it is, they’ve played all of Taichi’s cards already, and he’s the main character. He has to have something else in the future...
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He attac!!!!
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Kerberomon doesn’t last long, although why is wholly inexplicable. What about Pegasusmon gives him the edge when MetalGreymon and Garudamon couldn’t handle it? Is it because he’s an Armor Digimon? That may be it but the show doesn’t bother to explain.
Another thing I’d love to see, if there are gonna be more than just one evolutionary tree for the partners, is the kids actually strategizing when they decide which evolution to use. One of the cool parts of Tamers was the kids actively supporting their partner with skill as well as heart. I don’t think that’s gonna happen in this season, but you know, a girl can dream.
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Takeru: Hurray for murder!
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The three Digimon work together to put the lid on Kerberomon. Garudamon has the coolest moment. Squash.
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Taichi checks on Sora who seems fine now. Grrrrrrrrrrrr.
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Aw, but these two really are adorable.
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What a sweet ending card T_T I want more of these.
Okay so yeah, this episode was a much needed upper after the stream of “watch Taichi fight random forgettable monsters” episodes we’ve had lately. I’m glad we got it. I still, just, like, why can’t they get the emotional build up right?? I wouldn’t say 99 Adventure did anything insanely unusual in how it treated the various crises the kids faced, but it def did a better job than this show. In 99, they understood the importance of moments of reflection, of talking about things, of showing expressions and how other characters react... And I still feel like this reboot DID do that, at least somewhat better, in the beginning. Like what went down between Yamato and Taichi after Ogremon was killed. That was pretty good.
They’ve totally lost what makes Digimon great. I hope this episode is a sign that they’re gonna take it back, but, my heart just hearts y’all.
Next episode... I’m rather surprised since we are REALLY overdue some face time with Yamato, not to mention Mimi and Jou, but apparently we’re sticking with Taichi. At least it looks lke we’ll get some new plot stuff related to Hikari.
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If this all leads up to something that makes sense, I will retract all my complaints, I swear. Except about the gratuitous nonstop fighting. But the rest, I will take back.
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Taichi’s determined!! This is Digimon Adventure! Let’s go on a freaking adventure!!
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aajjks · 3 months
it’s a warm day in goryeo, corea.
the coolness of spring begins to make way for the heat of summer and yours and jungkook’s son is officially a month old. his voice fills your shared chamber with jungkook when he coos or cries in the middle of the night for food or skin contact. you and jungkook make a great time because you both look out for each other when it comes to jinseoul. when you’re too tired to deal with him, your husband swoops in and caters to the 1-month old and vice versa.
ever since you found out the color palette of your aura, it’s as if jungkook knows you a little better. he’s always finding ways to make you happy whether it’s swinging you around in the royal garden, relaxing with you while bathing, or reading books with you in the library, jungkook meant what he said when he promised he would be both a better husband and a better father.
you wonder, if jungkook keeps this up will you really fall in love with him? even after all he’s done to you? you often have epiphanies or dilemmas about how you life could pan out with the ruthless king. should you sneak out with jinseoul and run away before you approach a pothole? or should you stay and face it all together? you don’t know.
you’re still figuring out how to be a proper queen and you can feel it in your gut that a pothole is approaching and once again the progress you both made in building the relationship will go sour.
the royal guards make a box shape around the man in the middle. because he is an enemy, the royal guards stay on high alert and made sure to remove all weapons the man may have possessed before heading in the king’s direction. the guards that patrolled around the large palace increase in number, ready to report any sudden ambushes the man could committed.
the guards enter the extravagant throne room where jungkook sits with one of his legs thrown over and fist to his cheek; he’s seemingly in deep thought until the guard announces a man from yamato with a letter.
“왕께 영광을 돌리다!” the young man exclaims as he bows his head to show his respect. although his korean isn’t the best, he uses what he knows to communicate the message to the king. “hello sir, my name is junko isayama and i present you this letter from empress ayame of kyoto” the guard takes the letter from the man and passes it to the jungkook, so he doesn’t get too close.
“전정���왕님 안녕하세요,
my name is ayame and i write this letter to invite you for a conference regarding an offer made some time ago. i know our countries are not allies at the moment, but i simply wish to converse with you about a promise you were supposed to fulfill. i will ensure your stay in kyoto is safe and no harm will be done onto you or those you bring alongside you.
we have a ship customized just for you and yours if you desire to have your travel provided. please write me back as soon as you can. please know that i only wish you converse and not fight with you. i look forward to your response, your highness.
Who is this empress and what Is she talking about? Jungkook stares at the letter all confused because he doesn’t remember making any offer to the Yamato empire, because everyone is aware of the history between Goryeo and Yamato empire.
What kind of a promise was he supposed to fulfill because he doesn’t even remember having a conversation with the Yamato empress.
“what is your empress talking about?” he asks because she’s even offering for the travel expenses and convince. “I don’t remember making an offer to her and what kind of a promise am I supposed to fulfill?” Jungkook taps his chin as he waits for the servants answer, but it’s not really any use because he is not aware of it either.
So Jungkook nods his head.
“Fine. You may leave and I shall discuss this with my governors and my queen and then I will decide.” The servant bows and takes his leave under the watch of the goryeo soldiers.
After a few hours after he’s done with asking for the advice of the governors, and he’s confused as to why they are advising him to go to Yamato and meet the Empress.
They are really sure about this, so maybe he should just go to Yamato. “Yn… what about her..?” He asks himself as he’s on his way to his chamber where you and his now one month old son reside.
Jungkook has a huge smile on his face, and immediately as he enters his chamber, and you get up and respect to bow to him, but he stops you.
“Is ‘Seoul sleeping?” He asks you, greeting you with a tight hug, yes he loves to show you physical affection and ever since he got to know that you have the desire to be loved and he’s going to make sure that you are.
When you nod he just sighs. “Yn I got a letter today from the Yamato Empress, and she has invited me to come to Yamato for a supposed promise that I was supposed to fulfill.. and I was wondering if you would come with me because my governor have advised me to go to Yamato.”
He asks you, looking into your eyes and it’s really nice to see that your health has improved, and you seem a little happier. “would you like to come with me?”
It would be hard for him to go without you and his son because he’s grown so attached to you two and he’s always worrying about you to two
“I mean as my queen you should come- maybe the empress will get to meet you and maybe you two could be friends and maybe the relationship between Yamato and Goryeo could improve.”
“I will have my people write a letter to the Yamato empire if you agree, so we can let them know of our arrival”
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ashxketchum · 1 year
I’m starting to think if rewriting Animania from start to finish with a better plot, better characterisation and a better writing style might be the best way for me to get the hang of things once again.
Lol, jk jk. I’ve been re-reading it recently and Idk why I so truly enjoy that story despite the hot mess it is (it barely has ANY Mimato in it, can’t believe I wrote it, there’s literally more Kai x Yamato bromance in it than Mimato interactions 🤣) . It’s just the way Ash ties everyone together , the way he becomes the glue that makes the group stick is what gets to me and I want to be able to experience that again.
I dunno maybe I’ll rewrite certain scenes and post snippets here (because where else would I drop by with this crazy) and see how it goes. I definitely need to rework the plot however, because I can’t imagine myself writing Yamato without Mimi now so yeah. But also I just love the opening scene of that fic so so so much, maybe I’ll post it here tonight 👀🫣
Anyway random incoherent PokeDigiBey rant over!! Just in case you don’t want to see the crossover content, you can blacklist: #pokedigibey posting
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jippy-kandi · 4 years
Digimon Adventure 02 Blood Types (+ Astrology)
The Chosen Children (DigiDestined) in Digimon Adventure and 02 do not have official birthdays. However, Toei Animation officially gave Miyako the star sign Gemini and the blood type AB. But I’ve always focused on the astrology aspect of their source of inspiration -- and completely disregarded their blood types.
That was wrong of me. Their blood types are almost as important as their Western zodiac signs, no matter how ridiculous I think the idea is.
Taichi ‘Tai Kamiya’ Yagami: Aries Sun, Blood Type O
Hikari ‘Kari Kamiya’ Yagami: Taurus Sun, Blood Type A
Miyako ‘Yolei’ Inoue: Gemini Sun, Blood Type AB
Mimi Tachikawa: Cancer Sun, Blood Type B
Daisuke ‘Davis’ Motomiya: Leo Sun, Blood Type O
Jou ‘Joe’ Kido: Virgo Sun, Blood Type A
Ken Ichijouji: Libra Sun, Blood Type AB
Sora Takenouchi: Scorpio Sun, Blood Type O
Takeru ‘T.K.’ Takaishi: Sagittarius Sun, Blood Type B
Iori ‘Cody’ Hida: Capricorn Sun, Blood Type A
Koushirou ‘Izzy’ Izumi: Aquarius Sun, Blood Type AB
Yamato ‘Matt’ Ishida: Pisces Sun, Blood Type AB
Blood types are even more popular than astrology in Japan. And, more importantly, every single anime character with an official birthday is always listed with both their star sign and their blood type. Because it matters. The blood type is there to either offset or complement the Sun sign.
I’ve recently fallen into a bit of a Sailor Moon hole (nostalgia at its finest!), and noticed that the main character, Serena (Usagi), was officially a Cancer with blood type O.
So I actually decided to look up what blood type O meant -- and it gave Serena an outgoing, friendly disposition with leadership skills.
Ah. That’s cheating! XD;
So, yeah, it only took me 20 years to really acknowledge that Miyako was given an official blood type, and that it might actually mean something, lol.
Apparently, only around 30% of people in the US know their blood types, whereas at least 90% of people in Japan know their blood types.
Yeah. Blood types are a MASSIVE DEAL in Japan (and South Korea and Taiwan . . .). Even bigger than astrology, apparently.
I still find the whole thing utterly ridiculous, but I forced myself to read up on it because I’m interested in the “origins” of the Chosen Children (character trivia is interesting to me!). Because, as Sailor Moon showed me, their blood types should either complement or offset their Sun signs.
I’ve also never thought about the “impact” of their blood types because I’ve never had an issue with identifying a character’s Sun sign. Whether an anime character with a Sun sign was introverted or extroverted was never an issue to me because, well, if you’re really knowledgeable in astrology, it’s really easy to see “through” that and see the “core” of their character anyway.
Mimi being an extroverted Cancer, for example, was never a barrier to me -- because all Sun signs can be introverted or extroverted, especially in an anime series created by writers who can do whatever they want with their characters. It’s the “skeleton” of the character that lets you know exactly which Sun sign inspired them. So I’ve always just accepted, “oh, the writer wanted to create an extroverted Cancer”, for example.
I just didn’t know that the writers actually gave a reason for their characters’ extroversion or introversion -- via their blood types.
It’s been in front of me this whole time . . . but I just ignored Miyako’s blood type because I personally think the whole blood type thing is ridiculous. I still think it is, but it was wrong of me to ignore it -- and I think anyone who is actually interested in figuring out the origin of the characters would be wrong to keep ignoring their blood types, too. It goes hand-in-hand with astrology.
Fortunately, there are only four blood types, so reading up on it was pretty easy. But, as there are only four, it’s a lot more restrictive than astrology -- and a lot of traits are contradictory, especially when you give one character a blood type, as parts of it will fit and parts of it won’t.
(This blood type system is just as bad as the Hogwarts Houses. Honestly, I never understood its popularity -- it never made sense to me and is such a terrible system. Hermione is a Gryffindor because she’s brave? So . . . all Ravenclaws are cowardly intellectuals? And not one Slytherin stayed to fight in the final battle, so all Slytherins are pure evil? OK, I’ll stop. I’ve just been disappointed in JK Rowling recently.)
Here’s one summary of the four blood types (note: there are tonnes . . . so I recommend googling for some more to get a better idea!):
Type A -- “The Farmer” Best traits: Warmest, reserved, sensible, patient, responsible, perfectionists, wise, and cautious. Worst traits: Fastidious, over-earnest, obsessive, stubborn, the least temperate, inconsiderate, jealous, cold, angry.
Type B -- “The Hunter” Best traits: Passionate, active, creative, animal-loving, flexible, cheerful, friendly and optimistic, vocalizing personality Worst traits: Irresponsible, forgetful, selfish, lazy, impatient, unreliable and "going own way".
Type AB -- “The Humanist” Best traits: Creative, calm, rational, sociable, intelligent and adaptable. Worst traits: Critical, indecisive, unforgiving, aloof and not trustable
Type O -- “The Warrior” Best traits: Confident, self-determined, ambitious, strong-willed, intuitive, agreeable, competitive and athletic. Worst traits: Unpredictable, spiteful, self-centered, cold, aggressive, arrogant, envious and ruthless.
(Source: Wikipedia)
The Japanese population consists of approximately 40% blood type As, 30% Os, 20% Bs and 10% ABs. This is actually important because the As and Os are considered the more “popular” (”socially accepted”) blood types, whereas people really consider the minority, ABs, as “weird” . . .
The associated traits are also kind of all over the place, depending on which source you’re reading. And there are a lot of them . . . so it can get pretty confusing! But I found it a lot easier and simpler to break them down into groups of introverts and extroverts:
Type A: Introverted
Type B: Extroverted
Type AB: Introverted or Extroverted (AB is A + B combined, hence, AB!)
Type O: Extroverted
I also read some anecdotal descriptions from Japanese people or people who have lived in Japan -- and what their Japanese peers think of the blood types (so a “real world” impression of them). Because it gives me a better idea of the “general opinion” from actual people (therefore a reflection of “common knowledge”), which gives me more context and understanding than just reading a set of traits.
For example, guys with blood type B are considered playboys -- so a lot of women (who believe in this crazy blood type personality indicator) generally avoid dating them. Blood Type As are considered the “stereotypical” quiet Japanese personality, blood type Os are considered the best people in general to be around, and blood type ABs are considered “weird” and social outcasts.
I even read someone saying that they’ve never seen people in Japan being discriminated against due to their star sign, but that they have seen people being discriminated against due to their blood type (usually AB). Apparently ABs don’t “play well with others” to the extent that some Japanese companies avoid hiring them. Some Japanese politician even exploded angrily at work, subsequently resigned, and his apology was, “Sorry, I’m blood type AB” . . .
Yeah. Crazy. But it gives me a really good idea of what the blood types “mean” (no, I do not believe in blood types -- I’m just seeing what the “rules” about it says!).
Because I like to be thorough, I also wanted to see the blood types “in practice” -- with Sun signs, too. So I looked up the Sun signs and blood types of some official anime examples to give me a better idea and understanding of how anime creators/writers use and execute star signs and blood types together. I think these characters are popular enough that most people would be familiar with a few of them, too.
Sailor Moon: Cancer Sun, Blood Type O
Sailor Mercury: Virgo Sun, Blood Type A
Sailor Mars: Aries Sun, Blood Type AB
Sailor Jupiter: Sagittarius Sun, Blood Type O
Sailor Venus: Libra Sun, Blood Type B
Tuxedo Mask: Leo Sun, Blood Type A
One Piece’s Luffy: Taurus Sun, Blood Type B
One Piece’s Usopp: Aries Sun, Blood Type O
One Piece’s Nami: Cancer Sun, Blood Type A
One Piece’s Zoro: Scorpio Sun, Blood Type AB
One Piece’s Sanji: Pisces Sun, Blood Type O
Naruto’s Naruto: Libra Sun, Blood Type O
Naruto’s Sasuke: Leo Sun, Blood Type AB
Naruto’s Sakura: Aries Sun, Blood Type O
Gravitation’s Yuki: Pisces Sun, Blood Type AB
Gravitation’s Shuichi: Aries Sun, Blood Type AB
I definitely understand it a lot better now. But it’s clear that they do “cheat” and just take certain aspects of a blood type to go with a zodiac sign. For example, while Sanji is an outgoing, silly Pisces, he’s not the leader of the Straw Hats.
Also, most of the ABs are the typical “dark” characters with tragic pasts . . . so social outcast is spot on.
Now let’s finally get to the Digimon characters!
I want to be clear that I am not trying to “assign” blood types to the Digimon characters. This is about determining what the Digimon Adventure/02 staff actually used as a blueprint for the characters.
For example, if I were to “assign” a blood type to Yamato in Digimon Adventure tri., I would definitely give him blood type O (for leadership abilities -- while ignoring the outgoing aspect . . . I guess his Pisces Sun “dims” it!).
But I don’t think the original staff for Adventure/02 “used” that blood type for him. I really don’t see Adventure/02 Yamato as a capable leader (but I do in tri., where he is 1000% the better leader for most of the series, over tri. Taichi).
This is about the actual source of inspiration for Yamato’s character by the original Adventure/02 staff, and not the tri. staff (who I don’t think knew that the characters were based on signs/blood types), so tri. Yamato’s personality is irrelevant to this particular discussion.
Because Toei Animation gave Miyako both a star sign and blood type (as do the majority of anime writers for their characters), and it’s 100% clear they gave star signs to all the Chosen, then they gave all the characters blood types, too. Because star signs and blood types go hand-in-hand in Japanese anime.
Taichi ‘Tai Kamiya’ Yagami: Aries Sun, Blood Type O
I think they kept it super simple with Taichi, their main character and protagonist of the entire series. Aries Sun for leadership, blood type O for leadership as well. I don’t think his Aries Sun needed to be “offset” -- he’s an outgoing person and a “warrior”, and blood type O just complements that.
Hikari ‘Kari Kamiya’ Yagami: Taurus Sun, Blood Type A
I think blood type A for her because it just complements her Taurus Sun. Type A is really the Earth equivalent in astrology, and there’s nothing about Hikari that suggests to me that she’s more than Earth (well, except when she’s taken over . . . which I think has nothing to do with her).
Miyako ‘Yolei’ Inoue: Gemini Sun, Blood Type AB
Official. Note that the blood type here just complements her Sun sign as well. Blood type AB is actually considered the equivalent to Gemini in its duality . . . so the writers here just doubled down on her duality. She’s also the more extroverted version of an AB, where they can be both.
Mimi Tachikawa: Cancer Sun, Blood Type B
She needs an extroverted blood type to offset her introverted Cancer Sun, like Sailor Moon, who is a Cancer Sun with blood type O. So B or O for Mimi -- I lean more towards B, because Mimi doesn’t have leadership qualities. And I think of her outgoing, cheerful nature as more similar to that of Takeru, rather than Taichi.
Daisuke ‘Davis’ Motomiya: Leo Sun, Blood Type O
Like Taichi, I think they went super simple with him and just gave him the leadership blood type. There’s nothing about his personality that sways away from being a stereotypical Leo -- this includes the fact that quite a few anime makes the Leo the “mean” character. Daisuke is not that mean, but compared to the others, he’s definitely the most “obnoxious, jerk”-type amongst them. (Examples of mean Leos: Sasuke in Naruto, Tuxedo Mask in Sailor Moon.)
Jou ‘Joe’ Kido: Virgo Sun, Blood Type A
I just think all the Earth signs are blood type A, lol. It just complements their boring Earth sign . . . again, I am not insulting Earth signs, it’s just textbook astrology! (I swear. I’m a boring Earth sign . . . lol) Jou is such a Virgo to me that I think his personality is the Earth equivalent in blood types.
Ken Ichijouji: Libra Sun, Blood Type AB
I’m the most confident with Ken’s blood type. AB can give you an introverted, social outcast character -- which offsets his Libra Sun’s extroversion. Done. (Sasuke in Naruto, for example, is a Leo Sun who should be outgoing -- instead, he’s an introverted, social outcast because he’s blood type AB. Also, I just noticed that Ken and Daisuke are Naruto and Sasuke, but with swapped blood types. Neat.)
Sora Takenouchi: Scorpio Sun, Blood Type O
I view Sora as an “extroverted introvert”. She’s definitely an introvert, but she plays well at being an extrovert. Because her Scorpio Sun is introverted, I think her blood type offsets it to make her a little bit more extroverted than usual for a Scorpio. So I think O or B both works for her -- I lean towards O, because it’s called “The Warrior” and she has that meaning in her surname. Plus, O would make her the same blood type as Taichi, giving exactly the same “connection” as being Mars-ruled does. (The exact same connection . . . competitiveness, sports, etc.)
Takeru ‘T.K.’ Takaishi: Sagittarius Sun, Blood Type B
This also just complements his Sun. Also, I know I’m supposed to disregard his tri. personality, but I do also think that Adventure/02 Takeru has the ingredients to grow up to be a charming playboy, so . . . lol. Blood type B it is!
Iori ‘Cody’ Hida: Capricorn Sun, Blood Type A
Again, this blood type just complements his Sun. I think the blood type is complementary when the character is so like their Sun sign -- and Iori is incredibly Capricorn. So much so talking about him bores me, lol. (I don’t hate him! I swear! He’s just SO MUCH Capricorn!)
Koushirou ‘Izzy’ Izumi: Aquarius Sun, Blood Type AB
Blood type AB are said to be “geniuses” or “talented”. Koushirou is Adventure’s genius, seen as a bit of an outsider just because of his intellect. I think AB is being expressed in a similar way to Miyako’s AB here; the more positive aspects of it (”genius”), as opposed to the negative aspects of it in Ken and Yamato (social outcast). I also view Koushirou as an “introverted extrovert” -- I think he’s actually an extrovert; if you put him in a room full of intellectuals, he’d stay there forever talking to everyone.
Yamato ‘Matt’ Ishida: Pisces Sun, Blood Type AB
Similar reasoning to Ken -- I think the writers set out to make Yamato the “social outcast”-type character in Adventure (when Ken didn’t exist). I consider Yamato the blueprint for Ken’s character in a lot of ways, actually. They used Yamato to be the “outsider” (troublemaker, doesn’t really fit in) in Adventure, to turn against his friends -- and then upped it a few hundred notches for Ken in 02, who also has blood type AB. ABs are also blood types A and B combined (who are opposites); see the contradiction? Yamato can be both shy and confident; he can be cool, calm and collected one minute, then off-the-rails emotionally the next. AB! Actually, I’m just as confident about his as I am Ken’s. ABs are the easiest to spot in anime! They just turn every Sun sign dark, lol.
And that’s my current list!
The blood types are subject to change, as I’m not an expert on them by any means. I literally just looked the whole thing up a few days ago, so my knowledge on it is very, very basic compared to the years I spent reading about astrology from multiple different sources (and thus why I’m 100% certain on those).
This was a lot harder than their Sun signs. With astrology, I could fact-check myself with their character designs, Crests, digimon partners, name meanings and roles in the plot -- but with blood types? Nope.
This is just me guessing with what I think was being done with their Sun signs (to complement or offset) -- where most of them do seem to just complement their signs. But I can’t grasp on to any “evidence” like I can with astrology, unfortunately. I’m pretty confident with Ken and Yamato’s blood types, though.
What do you guys think? What blood types do you think the kids were given in Adventure/02? Please disregard anything you saw in tri., as that’s an entirely different staff (who interpreted and expressed the characters as they saw fit). Just focus on the characterisations from Adventure/02.
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