#jill Churchill
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Tell it like it is Ted Lieu! 
Indeed, President Zelensky seems to have just been following a tradition of wartime national leaders. 
And you could not have a better role model than Churchill when it comes to leadership (and proper attire) during a war.
Gif is an edit of a section of the video that went with this tweet.
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Forensic Psychiatrists Carole Lieberman
Psychiatrist Dr Carole Lieberman was right in her Sussex analysis. Dr Carole blames Meghan's behavior for the Queen's' untimely death.
It's not about "age" it is encroaching dementia. She's right about Biden's Dementia & she's right again about American's apathy. Dr Carole even invited Biden to take a cognitive test.
Churchill felt misunderstood. He believed he had to fight fire with fire. He believed he had to be strong& hard, in the face of monsters.
Churchill on Hitler: "Hitler is a monster of wickedness, insatiable in his lust for blood and plunder. Not content with having all Europe under his heel, or else terrorized into various forms of abject submission, he must now carry his work of butchery and desolation among the vast multitudes of Russia and of Asia. The terrible military machine, which we and the rest of the civilized world so foolishly, so supinely, so insensately allowed the Nazi gangsters to build up year by year from almost nothing, cannot stand idle lest it rust or fall to pieces. It must be in continual motion, grinding up human lives and trampling down the homes and the rights of hundreds of millions of men. Moreover it must be fed, not only with flesh but with oil."
Every physician that speaks out about Biden's illness is smeared and at risk of losing their medical license because America is now a Banana Republic.
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En Route
May 14-15, 2024
We thought this day would never arrive…..wheels up! Hurrah, we’re on our way!
It’s not clear who was more relieved to be done with all of the trip prep, Jillebob or Sebbie. The worst of it, of course, was making sure our respective jobs were fully covered while we are gone. For Seb, that meant finding coverage for her clients, whether in the middle of a real estate transaction or not. Because in real estate, things happen all the time so being ready at the drop of a hat is the name of the game. Updating and collecting records, passing relevant information to the colleagues backing her up, making introductions, ugh - it’s a lot! For Jill, it meant spending a year working extra time to offset a full month of flexible time off (the new policy of non-accruing leave her company imposed, just as we finalized plans for the trip) and making sure her various tasks were at a point where she did not feel too bad walking away and leaving them in the very capable hands of her terrific colleagues.
But that’s just the beginning. Yikes, the packing! Our most restrictive weight limit is 33 lbs, luggage and carry-on together. We managed to coordinate some electronic stuff, to eliminate redundancy of things we could share. But even so, the priority items are heavy so 33 lbs adds up quickly: cameras, binoculars, iPad and keyboard, sunscreen, bug spray, etc. And even though we plan to use the soap and shampoo provided, there are still personal toiletries that are a must. And all that’s before clothing. Sarah was talking about this packing dilemma to (her neighbor) Lauren’s friend, Ken, to which he replied, “oh, so it’s a clothing optional trip, huh?” Indeed, if not truly clothing optional, it was extra shirts, packing cubes, a few extra socks and such that went into the reject pile. Pack-weigh-remove a few items and repeat… and repeat… and repeat. And a lot of commiserating and consulting with each other. You get the idea. In the end, we’re each pretty close to 33 lbs. No major shopping on this trip! Well, until the very end.
After a few days of Sarah spending time with her housemate for the summer, Elizabeth, to get her situated and Fergie passed to Kim’s loving care for a month, Sarah jumped into an Uber with duffel and carry-on, and headed toward Jill’s place. Jill was waiting at the door and onward we went to Dulles. Richard, our Uber driver, was delightfully chatty. We were giddy with anticipation and it made the journey fast. Jill found it quite therapeutic to wave at her office building as the Uber drove by. We were super early, plenty of time for a glass of wine and catch up on our last preparations and excitement over the trip. We found ourselves pondering what if we never took that first trip to Ireland when we barely knew each other. Would either of had made the trips we’ve done — India, China/Tibet, South Africa/Botswana/Rwanda/Kenya, Churchill, and Galapagos/Costa Rica? We could agree… maybe we would have, but we would have missed out the best travel buddy thing going, and it wouldn’t have been as fun.
Man, it’s a long way to Johannesburg, South Africa! Seven hours across the pond to Amsterdam and another ten going south. When one factors in transportation on either side, it’s over 24 hours door-to-door. We each slept very little on the first flight and more on the second, seemingly more comfortable flight. The layover in Amsterdam was easy - such a nice airport and good opportunity to get at least a little walking in! As our pilot walked up to the gate to board our flight to Johannesburg, a flight attendant asked everyone to give him a hand for his last flight before retirement! We were clearly in good, experienced hands! Movies to entertain, a few magazines, pretty good food, and we made it to the other side.
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kwebtv · 5 months
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The First Churchills - BBC Two - Septembr 27, 1969 - December 13, 1969
Period Drama (12 Episodes)
Running Time: 60 minutes
Susan Hampshire as Sarah Jennings Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough
John Neville as John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough
James Villiers as King Charles II
John Westbrook as King James II
Sheila Gish as Queen Mary, wife to James II
Alan Rowe as King William III
Lisa Daniely as Queen Mary II
Margaret Tyzack as Queen Anne
Roger Mutton as Prince George of Denmark
Robert Robinson as King Louis XIV
John Standing as Sidney Godolphin
Frederick Peisley as Lord Shaftesbury
Job Stewart as Lord Shrewsbury
James Kerry as James, Duke of Monmouth
Richard Pearson as Robert Harley
Moira Redmond as Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland
Richard Warwick as Francis Godolphin
Polly Adams as Henrietta Churchill
Graham Armitage as John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester
Colin Bean as Lord Russell
Consuela Chapman as Duchess of Portsmouth
Michael Culver as Charles Churchill
Andria Lawrence as Nell Gwyn
Michael Lynch as D'Artagnan:
Kay Patrick as Henrietta Wentworth
Arthur Pentelow as Marquess of Carmarthen
Bruce Purchase as Duke of Buckingham
John Ringham as Laurence Hyde, 1st Earl of Rochester
Nicholas Smith as Titus Oates
Michael Attwell as Henry St John
Jill Balcon as Abigail Masham
Freddie Wilson as James Stuart, the Old Pretender
Yvonne Antrobus as Anne Churchill
Robert Mill as Charles Spencer, 3rd Earl of Sunderland
William Job as Adam de Cardonnel
Bernard Taylor as William Cadogan
Francis Wallis as John Churchill, Marquess of Blandford
The First Churchills was the first series telecast by PBS under the title of Masterpiece Theatre from January 10, 1971 - March 28, 1971
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Hear me out:
Anika Hansen (7of9) is really Henrik Hanssen’s great something or other daughter. The spelling changed at some intergalactic version of Ellis Island.
Admiral Janeway in one of her never ending time paradox attempt to save Seven from anything and everything decides she needs to pick him up.
Voyager or whatever she’s commanding this time appears in synchronized orbit around the hospital in Leeds.
Janeway in an attempt to acquire Hanssen gets Serena Campbell as well who was visiting at Hanssen’s request to consult on a vascular patient.
Underground UNIT notes the alien incursion and goes to investigate.
Kate Stewart or maybe Osgood happens to be part of the team investigating because frankly like everyone post Covid, they are short staffed.
Osgood discovers Bernie who is notably upset that Serena has disappeared. Osgood thinks Kate definitely has to meet this one.
Kate and Bernie do the Spider-Man pointing thing.
Meanwhile - Admiral Janeway is making her second stop. A visit to the Churchill War Rooms.
At the war rooms, Janeway tries to slip in casually. She’s after something that’s still there and has decided it’s easier to get in 2022 than in 1942 because yadayada short staffed.
I’m not sure why but go with me on this. Maybe some piece of the Daleks that eventually gets incorporated into the Borg Collective.
While trying to surreptitiously acquire the McGuffin, Janeway is clocked by a retired mi6 agent, Kate Lethbridge (played here by Kate Mulgrew) who happens to be visiting the War Rooms today honoring some family anniversary related to her father (the Brig’s dad too).
Because being a retired MI6 agent is boring, she tails Janeway around only to eventually confront her. Janeway and Lethbridge do the Spider-Man pointy thing.
Janeway feels compelled to confess her full plan to Lethbridge, who recognizing true love and being a softy herself, decides to help.
But the McGuffin actually isn’t in the 2022 War Rooms. No, it turns out it went missing at Chequers one night in 1942.
Janeway says I have a timemachine sort of. Lethbridge says let’s go!
Meanwhile, Osgood comes running. There are odd time paradoxes happening around the War Rooms and Chequers now and in 1942. The War Rooms and Chequers 1939-1945 being specially monitored for time travel for obvious reasons.
Right then 13 shows up in the TARDIS - has a great laugh at Kate and Bernie. Says they can find Serena later. They have to go save Winnie or everything will go kerfluey. Just as the TARDIS fades out we see Jill Raymond on special duty to Leeds HQ pull up.
The TARDIS rematerializes at Chequers in 1942. Thirteen in tux with short pants, Yaz in appropriate WREN attire, Kate still in her suit and red shoes, and Bernie having been outfitted in waistcoat, wool slacks, and for some reason a pair of wellies emerge and fan out across the large gathering.
The Doctor finds Churchill first and asks if he’s experienced any anomalies. He has not, but when he sees Bernie in her wellies and Kate in her red shoes he guffaws and nearly chokes on his whiskey.
Clementine comes over to check on him - only to come face to face with Kate and Bernie. The three of them do the Spider-Man pointy thing.
Just then there’s a kerfuffle nearby. Yaz, ever the police officer, has apprehended two remarkably similar looking women climbing into the house through a window.
Kate is stunned to see her aunt. Much discussion explaining the caper and the McGuffin.
Meanwhile, Bernie’s caught sight of Serena. Somehow here in 1942.
Wellies hampering her run just a bit. She comes face to face with Serena Campbell. She rushes forward, takes her in her arms and kisses her. Serena is shell-shocked, but the uniformed woman - who is among those ambulance drivers being honored for bravery tonight - takes a full on swing at Bernie and knocks her to the ground.
Rachel Cazelet has never looked more stunned nor more lovingly at Sid in her entire life.
Bernie nursing a cut lip and a bruised ego limps back to the team. Janeway says “I think the one you’re looking for is actually over there.” She points to another Serena lookalike. This one’s talking animatedly with a gaggle of women in uniform.
“I’m not falling for that twice,” Bernie says. “That’s the one I brought with me,” Janeway says. She said something about having a thing for women in uniform and wondering if they had Shiraz at Chequers during the war. Bernie, wellies and all, was already on the way as she yells “That’s my girl!”
McGuffin found. Everyone including Janeway and Lethbridge return to the TARDIS.
Henrik still cooling his jets alone in Janeway’s ship looks out a port window impatiently.
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“Non esiste una ricetta per diventare una madre perfetta, ma ci sono mille e un modo per essere una buona madre. Jill Churchill”
Passi di: Anne-Laure Buffet. “Madri che feriscono”.
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digitaltariq · 2 months
Kentucky Derby x Kendall-Jackson 'one hundred and fiftieth Operating' Wines
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Kendall-Jackson Wines Most individuals take pleasure in ingesting a Mint Julep whereas watching the Kentucky Derby, also referred to as 'The Quickest Two Minutes in Sports activities.' This yr the Most popular Wine of the one hundred and fiftieth Kentucky Derby is Kendall-Jackson. Recognized for producing America's #1 Chardonnay, the beloved vineyard launched two completely different limited-edition, commemorative wines. They're perfect to serve at your individual Derby viewing get together. Each the Kentucky Derby x Kendall-Jackson 2022 '150th Running' Mendocino County Chardonnay and the Sonoma Valley Kentucky Derby x Kendall-Jackson 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon wines function a particular label. It is an ode to the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the 'Run for The Roses', and the horse featured on the label is retired American Thoroughbred racehorse Rachel Alexandra of Stonestreet Stables. The Derby is named "The Run for the Roses" because the profitable horse is draped in a blanket of gorgeous roses. Stonestreet Stables is the Jackson household's Thoroughbred horse breeding and racing farm and facility within the well-known Bluegrass Hills of Lexington, Kentucky. Jess Jackson's beloved racehorse Rachel Alexandra was the winner of many races, together with probably the most sought-after races at Churchill Downs, Belmont Park and Saratoga Racecourse.
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Kendall-Jackson 'one hundred and fiftieth Operating' Picture Jill Weinlein This Chardonnay wine is made with grapes sourced from a number of AVA's inside Mendocino County. Every glass provides pleasing vanilla notes with shiny flavors of tropical fruit and tangerine. Meals pairing options with this wine embody: Deviled Eggs, Fried Rooster, Baked Bourbon Rooster and Pimento Cheese Unfold with Crudites. Serve at 50° F in a Burgundy form glass. Winemaking notes: Crafted in small winery heaps and small oak barrels to offer Kendall-Jackson's signature velvety texture and creaminess. The unique Kendall Jackson Cabernet Sauvignon is mixed with 87% Cabernet grapes, 7% Petit Verdot, and three% Cabernet Franc for supple tannins and enhanced mouthfeel. The winemaker provides 2% Merlot to boost the wine's softness and roundness. It is a fruit ahead crimson wine providing shiny aromas of ripe cherries, crimson currants, cassis and a touch of pomegranate. On the palate there may be an essence of baking spices and darkish chocolate. Different flavors comparable to blueberries and caramel linger on the end. Winemaking notes: Aged for 23 months in 74% French Oak and 26% American Oak. Meals pairing consists of Pulled Pork Sliders and Oysters Rockefeller with Pimento cheese. Serve at 65° F in a Burgundy glass. The wines are actually obtainable for buy online and in choose retailers nationwide. Read the full article
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dollycas · 10 months
Sunday Salon / Sunday Post - A Week in the Life of Dollycas (Rest in Peace Jill Churchill) – Weekly Rewind – New Arrivals
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The Sunday Post ~ It’s a chance to share news~ Read the full article
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mightyflamethrower · 11 months
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We can fight about who the nominee should be and we will until the convention, when people who actually care about the country and put beating the Democrat communists ahead of their petty prejudices and feuds will unite to get our GOP nominee elected in November. But what then? Well, here is a plan for any of the serious candidates – sorry Asa and that governor of East Dakota guy – for his/her first day in office.
January 20, 2025, Inauguration Day, will be seriously lit.
Our next president will awaken and I suggest some good, strong coffee and a light breakfast. It’s going to be a big day of kicking Dem tail.
By tradition, our new president will ride to the Capitol with outgoing President-In-Name-Only Biden. That should be a stimulating conversation. Don’t be rude and bring up his midnight pardons of Hunter and the rest of his crime family. I suggest watching a couple episodes of “Matlock” so you have something to talk about. Be sure not to laugh when addressing Jill as “Doctor.” Also, if Hunter gets edgy when approaching Capitol security and hands over a baggie and says “Be cool and hold this for me,” take a hard pass.
On the platform, be gracious. Greet the Obamas and ask how their beach front mansion is faring with all that climate change. George Bush will likely offer to give you advice; politely smile, then crumple his number up and drop it to the floor when no one is looking. Say “Hi” to Jimmy Carter – second worst president in a century, but damn, he just refuses to quit.
Keep your speech short and meaty so the regime media cannot avoid showing something on the news that you want the people to see. Explain how you intend to keep your promises. That should terrify the pinkos. And when you finish and walk off, suppress the urge to ask the Bidens “Are you still here?
There will be lots of protesters getting riled up about the peaceful transition of power – communists, weirdos, angry wine women in nasty hats. Make it known to federal law enforcement that insurrection will not be tolerated and you expect anyone getting frisky to get frisked, hooked up, and locked up. The dual track justice days are over. 
In the car on the way back to your new pad, get out your official cell phone and dial Chris Wray. When he answers, tell him, “Pack your Schiff. You’re fired.”
Back at the Oval Office, you will admire the busts of Winston Churchill, Abe Lincoln, and Ronald Reagan that you ordered be displayed. However, you may have to get the cleaning staff to wipe up the weird white dusty stuff someone left on the top of the Resolute desk. Also, have someone delete the browser history on the presidential computer – just in case.
There will be a pile of papers on the desk. Your staff has had its orders for today since you won and you were very clear – “I want the following executive orders to sign day one.” And you handed them a list. Now, some of your people misunderstood and thought this was a suggestion and slow-walked some of your more controversial initiatives. They are now polishing up their resumes and looking for jobs.
You will use the stray voltage tactic – lots of initiatives released all at once so the regime media cannot focus on all of them. By the time they whip up a frenzy about, say, the repeal of JFK’s Executive Order 10988 allowing federal employee unions, you have signed more orders including banning the ATF from enforcing anti-gun regulations to reauthorizing the Keystone pipeline to ending any asylum applications from people illegally entering the United States. Of course, there is one stopping all federal government payments to NGOs that facilitate illegal alien infiltration. And for fun, you sign one ending birthright citizenship – that will lose in the courts someday, but it will make the bad guys vapor lock.
Do not forget the order requiring the preservation of all materials from the last administration – you want a solid basis for obstruction of justice charges for any bureaucrat trying to cover up Biden administration crimes and corruption. You will also issue an order reserving for yourself the authority to authorize any investigation or prosecution of any member of your administration. You recognize that the DOJ is not independent, that it answers to the elected chief executive – you. And that it has flushed away any entitlement to the benefit of the doubt. Oh, and your order reminds federal law enforcement that expending government resources on unauthorized activities – like those you just unauthorized – is a federal crime, which your new, power-washed Department of Justice will prosecute.
You also inform the agency handling security clearances that you are granting security clearances to your entire administration effective in seven days, but you will consider specific evidence disqualifying certain individuals. The hoary “Let’s slow walk clearances” game to hamstring your administration will not work.
Now come the pardons. There’s a big pile of them on your desk. J6 political prisoners, Republican victims of Democrat frame jobs, and other conservative recipients of double standards all walk. You make it known you expect them to be processed out of prison by midnight – and that you will fire those insubordinate federal employees who fail to obey. In fact, you execute a memo that directs that insubordinate federal employees will be fired immediately – there’s some technical reclassification language in there, but the bottom line is that if you play stupid bureaucratic games, you will win stupid bureaucratic prizes. Let them sue; the civil service laws insulating executive branch employees from chief executive oversight and control are unconstitutional anyway.
Next are the calls to our international friends, starting with Israel. It’s important to rebuild the relationships shattered by the Democrats. But there are also calls to enemies and the message is simple – this is a potential fresh start, but if you cross this administration, we will mess you up. Choose wisely! 
Time to meet the Joint Chiefs of Staff! Bring them into the Oval Office and tell them that their business is warfighting and all the DEI/trans woke crap, climate change nonsense and other frivolous baloney is done. Over. Finished. Anyone uncomfortable with that can leave his stars on the desk. You know that out of any group of officers, one is not going to get the message. When he fails to do exactly what you commanded, he will be your first head on a pike. Well, not the first. Your staff has already reviewed every flag officer and has prepared a list of those you will order relieved and direct to immediately retire. Flag officer idiots on Twitter, nitwits in viral videos, anyone with a job description including the word “diversity.” The head of every military academy and war college is on it, as are the ones in charge of advertising. You will expect nominees for replacements within 48 hours – and they better jibe with your expressed intent about warfighting. “I need a four-star example to show I’m not playing,” you tell the chiefs. “Don’t be him. Dismissed.”
The inauguration balls and such are coming up and you need to get ready. Conservative minstrel Kid Rock is playing, hopefully duetting with right-curious Morrissey, and don’t forget based ex-Sex Pistol Johnny Rotten – maybe he can modify his classic and play it as “Anarchy in the USA.” Yes, it’s good to celebrate the transfer of power from America-hating incompetents to Republican patriots, so make sure you do. But get to bed early – you have a busy four years ahead of you.
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nedsecondline · 1 year
A Place No One Can Take | snapshotsincursive
“There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.” ~ Jill Churchill Source: A Place No One Can Take | snapshotsincursive
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beatriz-garrido · 1 year
El corazón de una madre ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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"El amor de una madre es paciente y perdona cuando todos los demás abandonan, no falla o flaquea, incluso cuando el corazón está roto" (Helen Rice).
"Cuando miras a tu madre estas mirando el amor más puro que jamás conocerás" (Mitch Albom).
"El corazón de una madre es un abismo profundo en cuyo fondo siempre encontrarás el perdón" (Honore de Balzac).
"No hay forma de ser una madre perfecta y hay un millón de formas de ser una buena" (Jill Churchill)
Faltaban todavía algunos días para la celebración del día de la madre en nuestro país, cuando uno de mis hijos me apareció a comer y me trajo un precioso regalo, bellísimo para mí. Sus ojos brillaban y los míos lloraban de agradecimiento, desconozco la razón por la que hizo esto antes de tiempo; pero hubo algo que me emocionó profundamente, me envió privadamente  una postal como yo sé que le gusta, lo he parido…. Y metió dentro las preciosas palabras que iban en el regalo en nuestra lengua gallega. Aquellas palabras decían:
  “Nai, non hai máis que unha: é coma ti… ¡¡Ningunha!!
Me pareció tan precioso y en realidad es tan bonito, que lo quité de su lugar y lo guardé dentro de mi Biblia, allí donde guardo con mucho cariño mis recuerdos más preciosos y queridos.
Y hoy sí llegamos a ese día tan bonito y especial para una madre- No hace demasiado que perdí a la mía, y todavía no me acostumbro a estar sin ella, por mucho que sepa que está gozando del Señor, y mis sentimientos van y vienen continuamente; tal vez por eso, este año sea muy especial para mí el día de hoy, y quiero cobijar a toda mi prole bajo mis alas  como cuando eran chiquitos.
Me parecen preciosas las frases que os deje al principio de este escrito, los brazos de una madre siempre están dispuestos para amar, cobijar, intentar comprender, perdonar… y ¡por supuesto! No hay forma humana de llegar a ser una madre perfecta; pero el caso es que, salvo en unas cuantas, contadas y tristes ocasiones, ponemos todo el empeño del mundo en encontrar un millón de formas de ser una buena madre.
Es frecuente que la Biblia hebrea hable del amor de Dios con el adjetivo «entrañable» [raµûm] o con el sustantivo «amor entrañable» [raµ¦mîm]. En ambos casos los textos están describiendo una forma de amar que hunde sus raíces en la forma de querer que una buena madre tiene hacia el hijo que lleva en sus entrañas. De hecho ambas expresiones están relacionadas con la palabra que traducimos por útero materno [reµem], comparten la misma raíz. Dios ama con un amor entrañable, misericordioso, compasivo. Mejor aún: «Él es amor entrañable» (Sal 78,38). Javier Velasco Arias.
Llevo días pensando en la faceta de Dios como madre , y es aquí cuando pienso en algunos textos de la Escritura que me ayudan de modo muy especial:
Pero Sión dijo: «El Señor me ha abandonado;    el Señor se ha olvidado de mí».
«¿Puede una madre olvidar a su niño de pecho,    y dejar de amar al hijo que ha dado a luz? Aun cuando ella lo olvidara,    ¡yo no te olvidaré!
Grabada te llevo en las palmas de mis manos;    tus muros siempre los tengo presentes. Is 49,14 .
Hoy, en un especial y precioso día, que además coincide con el día del Señor, extraño muchísimo a mi madre, quisiera abrazar muy fuerte a mis tres hijos  y apretarlos contra mi pecho como cuando eran chiquitos, y le hago un huequecito muy especial a mi único nieto…….. ¡¡Prolongación de mi vida y herencia preciosa del Señor!!
Tal vez me esté leyendo alguna mujer a la que el Señor no le ha concedido la bendición de ser madre, Dios  tiene también una palabra para ti:
“Grita de júbilo, oh estéril, la que no ha dado a luz; prorrumpe en gritos de júbilo y clama en alta voz, la que no ha estado de parto; porque son más los hijos de la desolada que los hijos de la casada --dice el SEÑOR”. Isaías 54:1.
Quiero terminar este pequeño artículo con agradecimiento, con gozo y con alabanza al Rey de reyes y Señor de señores, por haberme amado tanto, por concederme la bendición deliciosa de haber sido madre, y muy por encima de todo… por su amor maravilloso e inagotable que me ama como padre, y como madre también. Y cuando me siento triste o necesito de su amor o perdón los tengo por siempre de forma incondicional .
¡¡Nadie como él!!
Beatriz Garrido ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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isshinotasuke · 1 year
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andyradga · 2 years
All the world's leaders at QEII funeral
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  By Ishaan Tharoor
with Sammy Westfall
The queen’s funeral becomes its own U.N. assembly
President Biden, accompanied by first lady Jill Biden, are welcomed by Master of the Household Sir Tony Johnstone-Burt at Buckingham Palace in London on Sept. 18. (Markus Schreiber/Pool/Reuters)
In a redux of a bygone age, Buckingham Palace was at the apex of global power — if just for a day. Hundreds of world leaders and dignitaries called on King Charles III at the chief London residence of Britain’s royal family ahead of the funeral of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, on Monday. Top-level representatives from close to 200 countries and territories are expected to attend the funeral, including President Biden and first lady Jill Biden, heads of government and state from near and far, and a diverse cast of kings and queens from other nations.
Authorities in London believe around 1 million mourners will come to the central areas of the city, packing the streets in an attempt to watch the queen’s coffin progress on a gun carriage to Westminster Abbey, before later reaching its final resting spot at St. George’s Chapel in Windsor. Britain hasn’t hosted proceedings like this since the 1965 state funeral of Winston Churchill. The world hasn’t witnessed a commemoration of this scale likely since December 2013, when tens of thousands of people packed a stadium in Johannesburg to celebrate the life and legacy of anti-apartheid hero and former South African president Nelson Mandela.
The uniqueness of the moment is compounded by its timing. Many of the world leaders gathering in London have had to scramble originally planned travel to New York, where the annual high-level session of the U.N. General Assembly is about to get underway. The throngs of VIPs are creating all sorts of headaches for palace protocol staffers and those at the U.K. Foreign Office fielding requests from the delegations of nearly 500 visiting foreign dignitaries. They have been compelled to place eminent figures like the emperor of Japan in shuttle buses to the funeral amid severe logistical constraints.
“All the world leaders are on a field trip,” British comedian Jimmy Carr joked to my colleagues. “And you know who is actually in charge? For that 45 minutes, the leader of the world is the bus driver. ‘My bus, my rules! Sit down in the back. North Korea, get along with South Korea. Sit down! China, what are you doing in the back? Sit down!’”
In reality, North Korea was not invited, while China is sending Vice President Wang Qishan, not President Xi Jinping, to the funeral. There are some other notable, if not unsurprising, absences: Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov were not invited to the funeral, yet another mark of the Kremlin’s isolation since launching its major invasion of Ukraine. The Russian Foreign Ministry described the lack of invitation for Putin as “deeply immoral.”
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman appears to have opted not to attend amid a backlash from activists over the royal’s checkered human rights record. But for those who have made the trip, the gathering — not unlike Mandela’s funeral when former president Barack Obama shook hands with his Cuban counterpart — may prove fertile ground for geopolitical encounters.
Already, some leaders have landed in hot water for their lack of decorum or for skipping the much-valorized queue to pay their respects to the queen lying in state. Armenian President Vahagn Khachaturyan roiled the British tabloids when he was seen posing for a photo taken by one of his associates in front of the queen’s coffin. The right-wing Daily Mail scoffed at Antigua and Barbuda’s “rebellious” Prime Minister Gaston Browne, who shook hands with the king in Buckingham Palace days after reviving plans for a referendum to decide whether to convert his nation into a republic.
For Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, the event offered the far-right firebrand an opportunity to strut on the world stage in the last weeks of a deeply divisive and heated election campaign. Bolsonaro has previously rebuked Charles for the latter’s environmental campaigning. On Sunday, Bolsonaro addressed local supporters from a balcony in Mayfair about the evils of abortion and “gender ideology.” Domestic politics will also shadow his use of the bully pulpit in New York later in the week.
For British Prime Minister Liz Truss, the moment has offered her something of a reprieve. The queen died just two days after appointing Truss as prime minister and the national outpouring of grief at her passing has subsumed what may have been an unforgiving first few weeks in power, amid an inflation-driven cost-of-living crisis and looming industrial action.
Truss used the weekend before the funeral to quietly host a number of visiting world leaders at 10 Downing Street, kick-starting her prime ministerial turn at geopolitics. That included a somewhat encouraging sit-down with the prime minister of Ireland, which is locked in tense discussions with Britain’s Tory government over their differences surrounding the post-Brexit agreement that governs conditions in Northern Ireland.
“The fact that so many leaders from around the world … are flooding to London gives the new prime minister ample time for soft diplomacy, those quiet conversations before and after the funeral, which will help her achieve her objective — if it is achievable — of ‘global Britain,’” British political historian Anthony Seldon told the Associated Press.
The funeral did force Truss and Biden to defer a planned meeting this weekend to later in the week as world leaders make the trip across the Atlantic to the United Nations. The world’s preeminent international organization did its part honoring the queen as well with a day of speeches and remembrance at a General Assembly session last Thursday.
Secretary General António Guterres described Elizabeth as a figure who “defied geopolitical gravity” and “a pillar without peer on the world stage” for seven decades.
“When our institution and Queen Elizabeth were both young, she stood at this very podium and called on leaders to demonstrate their devotion to the ideals of the United Nations Charter,” said Guterres, before citing her last speech to this body in 2010 where she urged that, “in tomorrow’s world, we must work together as hard as ever if we are truly to be United Nations.”
A version of that now assembles itself at her funeral. “Even in death, she’s still working, isn’t she?” mused Christopher Matthews, a taxicab driver in Edinburgh, to my colleagues.
1,000 Words
Vehicles on and around a damaged bridge in Kupiansk. (Heidi Levine for The Washington Post)
Liza Udovik, 26, holds her cat while speaking to a volunteer helping evacuees. (Heidi Levine for The Washington Post)
The front line is now a river, the Oskil, that runs through the middle of the eastern Ukrainian town of Kupiansk. On one side are the charging Ukrainian forces who have pushed their Russian enemies almost entirely out of the Kharkiv region.
From her bedroom window, Liza Udovik, 26, has a view of the other side, to where the Russians have retreated. The sound of outgoing fire from the Ukrainians rocked her apartment these past few days, when the Ukrainian military moved into her town and made it a battleground. Russian tanks and armored vehicles still patrol the streets, but it’s the Ukrainians driving them, using the Russians’ own abandoned weapons against them.
Talking Points
• My colleague David J. Lynch reports on worries that a hard economic landing in the United States may take the weakening global economy with it. While analysts say the U.S. economy grew in the third quarter, signs of trouble are multiplying, here and abroad, he writes.
• The European Commission proposed the suspension of roughly $7.5 billion in funding for Hungary over concerns about corruption. If it goes ahead, the move would be a first-of-its kind action aimed at protecting the E.U. budget by making funding conditional on certain standards. 
• The messy war that Russian President Vladimir Putin started is now being fought directly on his doorstep. Artillery strikes are hitting military targets in Russia, and Russian officials in cities and towns along the border ordering hasty evacuations.
• Queen Elizabeth II's state funeral is happening on Monday. My colleagues William Booth, Anthony Faiola and Karla Adam try to answer the question: Why is the world so fascinated by Queen Elizabeth II? Maybe it's because her long life allows people to pick which memories they want to embrace. Or because she never quit. Or because “all royal ‘work’ is a staged photo opportunity,” one expert told them. Or nostalgia or fantasy.
• House Speaker Nancy Pelosi this weekend visited Armenia, where a fragile cease-fire has temporarily halted border fighting with neighboring Azerbaijan that killed more than 200 soldiers in recent days. There, she accused Azerbaijan of “illegal and deadly” attacks that led to the clashes.
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Recounting torture
Military and police investigators start the exhumation of a mass grave site in Izyum, Ukraine. (Wojciech Grzedzinski/For The Washington Post)
IZYUM, Ukraine — Witnesses and victims this week recounted the torture, killings and forced disappearances that Russian soldiers carried out during their six-month occupation of Izyum in northeast Ukraine. And Ukrainian officials now back in control of the city are working to unearth evidence of those potential war crimes.
Investigators on Friday started to exhume the bodies of more than 400 civilians buried in a makeshift cemetery and as many as 17 Ukrainian soldiers buried in a mass grave at the same site.
Officials said they had quickly identified some signs of torture. At least one had a rope around his neck, they said.
About 100 investigators stoically dug up the graves — each marked with a simple wooden cross and number — and took notes on the condition of the decomposing bodies. The stench of death filled the air.
Several investigators in white jumpsuits and gloves stood in the large pit. They put each body in a white plastic bag. Nearby, one worker then unzipped each bag to closely examine its contents. The soldiers’ identities were unknown — their faces so damaged or decayed from the time underground that they were no longer recognizable.
Clothes were searched for any clues of names. In one man’s pockets was only nasal spray and medicine. Another soldier carried a silver cellphone, a wall plug, a metal spoon, headphones and two painkillers.
In the next body bag, there was a man whose left leg was crumpled high under his left arm. He was shirtless and covered in sand, wearing two yellow and blue bracelets on his left wrist. Bit by bit, the investigator wiped away the sand to reveal several tattoos, including the name “Alina” with small hearts dotted around it on his arm.
Evidence uncovered at the burial site is part of a much larger story of horrors that unfolded in this city after Russian forces took control in March. 
One woman Anna Kobets, 38, described how her husband was found by Russian soldiers and returned with enormous welts on his scalp and could only open his eyes by rolling back his head. She described psychological torment during an interrogation, where Russian soldiers told her they were holding her father in another room and would beat him if she didn't give them information about collaborators. 
Another woman said three soldiers burst into her home in March and raped her for three hours. “They were drunk and had those strange [drugged] eyes,” she told The Post. “Blood was pouring out of me afterward. I couldn’t leave my house for a week.”
She tried to protect her daughters, ages 15 and 22, from the same fate. But desperate for money, the sisters went out one day to look for work as cleaners, she said. Russian soldiers brought the younger one back home — alone.
“I don’t know where she is,” the mother said Friday, crying for her older daughter. “I don’t know!” – Siobhán O'Grady, Anastacia Galouchka and Wojciech Grzedzinski
Read more: Torture, killings, abductions: Russian retreat from Izyum reveals horrors
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