#jiheon fromis 9
sseulr1n · 6 months
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            ( ⑅ ˘ ˑ ˘ )        ◌⃘           🧺    ⁺
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                                                                 𓈒∿        🌼     ⁺
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tsuki-web · 12 days
give me credits! : tsuki-web dsg
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𑈴     ꒰͡⠀🦋⠀͡꒱      𝆬 ⠀ ˖ 𖹭ू 𝗅⃘ִּ𝗈꯭ׅ𝗏ּ֗𝖾 𝅦𝗈ׅ࣪𝗇 ּ𝗆ׅ࣪ᧉִֶָ ꣑𓍢
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graveroom · 3 months
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✦✧ ♫ ♥︎ 㘣第 heart of poet.
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sukisng · 16 days
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. ☆ . paparazzi . ༄ .
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elryuse · 14 days
Thanks for taking the time to create my request the Jihyo fic and the Karina fic were so wonderful? another request from me?
Yandere mentor Jiheon? Jiheon is your university mentor?
My Obsessive Female Mentor
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Jiheon traced delicate patterns on the lecture notes, her crimson nails clicking a steady rhythm against the smooth paper. Her gaze, usually warm and engaging, held a vacant stillness as she scanned the classroom. Every Tuesday and Thursday, it was the same routine – the hum of fluorescent lights, the murmur of students settling in, and then, there he was – Y/n.
Y/n, her favorite student. He was always early, his eyes sparkling with a genuine thirst for knowledge. He’d participate actively, his answers thoughtful and insightful. He was a beacon of sunshine in the often-dreary world of academia. But today, that sunshine was missing.
A prickle of unease crawled up Jiheon’s spine. Y/n’s absence was a stark anomaly. Dismissing the class early, Jiheon marched straight to the faculty lounge. There, she found Y/n, fidgeting in a corner, a sickly pallor replacing his usual vibrancy. Beside him, a striking woman, Yuna, a new hire in the English department, was talking animatedly, her laughter echoing strangely in the sterile room.
Jiheon felt a cold twist in her gut. Y/n interacted with Yuna, his responses halting and awkward. Yet, there was a hint of something… more, a hesitant connection that sent a tremor of jealousy through Jiheon. Her smile, practiced and perfect for the classroom, remained fixed on her face, but her eyes narrowed to slits.
Later that week, Y/n returned to Jiheon’s class. Relief washed over her, quickly curdling into a chilling unease as Jiheon’s gaze lingered on him a beat too long. After class, Y/n lingered hesitantly, waiting for other students to leave.
“Professor Jiheon,” he mumbled, his voice barely a whisper.
Jiheon’s smile widened, genuine this time. “Yes, Y/n? Did you have a question about the lecture?”
He hesitated, fiddling with his backpack strap. “A-actually, it’s more… personal.”
Jiheon’s curiosity piqued. Personal questions from students weren’t unusual, but the tremor in his voice sent a shiver down her spine. She ushered him towards her office, a private haven adorned with awards and framed photos – testaments to her academic achievements.
The moment the door clicked shut, Jiheon’s demeanor shifted. The warmth in her eyes vanished, replaced by a chilling intensity. She leaned forward, her voice a low murmur.
“Tell me, Y/n,” she began, her gaze pinning him in place. “How well do you know Professor Yuna?”
Y/n’s eyes widened in alarm. His breaths grew shallow, his gaze darting around the room like a trapped animal seeking escape. The air grew thick, charged with a sudden fear.
Jiheon’s smile returned, but it didn’t reach her eyes. It was a predator’s grin, devoid of warmth. The realization dawned on Y/n, chilling him to the bone. This wasn’t the gentle mentor he knew. this was someone else entirely.
“I-I don’t know her well,” he stammered, his voice barely audible.
Jiheon leaned in further, her voice a seductive whisper. “But you find her interesting, wouldn’t you say? Perhaps… charming?”
Y/n shook his head vehemently. “No, no, not at all! It’s just… she was helping me with something.”
Panic flickered in his eyes, a stark contrast to the chilling calmness in Jiheon’s. Seeing his terror, a strange pang of… pity? Regret? No, it couldn’t be. A possessive growl rose from the depths of Jiheon’s being. Y/n belonged to her, only her.
“Helping you, you say?” Jiheon’s voice sharpened. “With what exactly?”
Y/N’s voice hitched. “It’s… it’s nothing important, Professor.”
Jiheon’s smile faltered. The room plunged into an unsettling silence, broken only by Y/N’s ragged breaths. He tried to step back, but Jiheon’s hand shot out, grabbing his wrist like a vice.
“Don’t be afraid, Y/Nn” Jiheon cooed, her voice laced with a dangerous sweetness. “We can talk about this… calmly.”
Her eyes, once warm and inviting, now held a terrifying emptiness. Y/n recoiled, the truth dawning on him in horrifying clarity. But before he could utter a word, Jiheon leaned forward and silenced him with a kiss.
It wasn’t a kiss of passion, but of ownership, a chilling claim that sent a jolt of terror through Y/n. He tried to pull away, but Jiheon’s grip tightened. As Y/n struggled against Jiheon's hold, the metallic tang of blood filled his mouth. Jiheon had bitten his lip, a cruel smile twisting her features. "Don't worry, Y/n," she whispered, her voice a chilling caress. "You won't need Professor Yuna anymore."
The weight of her words sank in, heavy and suffocating. Yuna... Yuna was gone? A cold dread gripped Y/n's heart. Images of Yuna's vibrant laughter in the faculty lounge morphed into a horrifying picture of her lifeless body. The realization sent a wave of nausea crashing over him.
Jiheon, oblivious to his internal turmoil, continued, her voice laced with a terrifying serenity. "We can have a wonderful life together, you and I. No distractions, no interruptions."
Y/n finally managed to break free, stumbling backward until he hit the bookshelf, sending a cascade of textbooks clattering to the floor. Tears welled up in his eyes, blurring his vision. He couldn't stay here. He had to get away.
"Professor, please," he pleaded, his voice cracking. "Let me go. I don't want any trouble."
Jiheon's smile vanished, replaced by a chilling glare. "Trouble? You think this is trouble, Y/N? This is love. A love that transcends boundaries."
She took a menacing step forward, the office suddenly feeling suffocatingly small. Y/n's back hit the bookshelf again, the wood digging into his spine. He darted his eyes around the room, searching for an escape, but the only exit was the door Jiheon stood guard over.
Just as Jiheon closed the distance, a bloodcurdling scream pierced the air. It wasn't Y/n's. It came from the hallway outside, a chilling high-pitched shriek that sent shivers down both their spines.
Jiheon froze, her head snapping towards the door. A flicker of fear, a genuine flicker of fear, momentarily replaced the obsessive glint in her eyes. Y/n saw his chance.
With a surge of adrenaline, he lunged forward, shoving Jiheon aside. He stumbled past her, his heart hammering like a drum against his ribs. He didn't dare look back, the echo of the scream propelling him forward.
He burst out of the office and into the hallway, his lungs burning. He didn't know where he was going, only that he needed to put as much distance between him and Jiheon as possible. The deserted hallway stretched before him, the silence broken only by his ragged gasps.
As he rounded a corner, he slammed into a security guard, sending them both sprawling. The guard, a burly man with a gruff demeanor, stared at him in surprise.
Y/n scrambled to his feet, a single word escaping his lips. "Help!"
The guard's expression hardened. He had heard the scream too. "What's going on? Where's that noise coming from?"
Y/n, his voice trembling, pointed back towards Jiheon's office. "Professor Jiheon… she… she's dangerous!"
The guard, his suspicions piqued, followed Y/n's gaze toward the closed door. A flicker of recognition crossed his face. "Professor Jiheon? But she's…"
He didn't finish the sentence. Instead, he grabbed his walkie-talkie, his voice gruff as he alerted security headquarters to a potential emergency in Professor Jiheon's office.
Y/n leaned against the wall, his legs shaking. He had no idea what he had just walked into, but he knew one thing for sure – Jiheon was far more dangerous than he ever could have imagined. The gentle, encouraging mentor he knew was a carefully crafted facade, hiding a monster beneath the surface.
The sound of approaching footsteps sent shivers down his spine. He turned to see a team of security guards rushing towards Jiheon's office. The door swung open, revealing Jiheon standing calmly in the center of the room, her usual smile back in place.
"Professor Jiheon," the lead guard began, his voice laced with suspicion. "We received a report of a scream coming from your office."
Jiheon tilted her head, her smile widening ever so slightly. "A scream? How odd. I must have been listening to a particularly dramatic opera piece."
The guards exchanged uneasy glances. Jiheon seemed perfectly composed, the only sign of disarray a single crimson stain marring her pristine white blouse. Yet, the chilling emptiness in her eyes sent a tremor of unease through them.
"Perhaps we should check it out, just to be safe," one of the guards finally said, stepping cautiously towards the room.
Jheon didn't resist. She simply stepped aside, her smile unwavering. As the lead guard entered the office, Y/n held his breath. Fear choked him, a metallic tang lingering on his tongue from Jiheon's earlier bite. He watched, heart pounding a frantic rhythm against his ribs, as the guard scanned the room.
The silence stretched, broken only by the rasp of the guard's heavy breathing. Then, a strangled gasp escaped the guard's throat. He stumbled back, his face contorting in a mixture of horror and disbelief.
"What is it?" another guard pressed, apprehension edging into his voice.
But the lead guard couldn't speak. He simply pointed a trembling finger towards the corner of the room. Y/n, unable to bear the suspense, peeked past the doorway. His stomach lurched, and a strangled cry clawed its way up his throat.
There, slumped against the bookshelf, lay Professor Yuna. Her eyes were wide open, vacant and lifeless, a grotesque smile frozen on her face. A single crimson rose, its stem dripping with a dark liquid that stained the otherwise pristine floor, lay clutched in her hand.
The sight hit Y/n like a physical blow. He felt a wave of nausea roll over him, the horrifying truth hammering into his skull. Jiheon had eliminated the competition, and the rose – a macabre calling card, a chilling symbol of Jiheon's twisted affection.
The guards reacted with a flurry of activity. Alarms blared, and shouts filled the hallway as they secured the scene and apprehended Jiheon. Her perfect facade crumbled, replaced by a cold fury. Yet, even in the face of arrest, her gaze remained fixed on Y/n, a possessive glint flickering in its depths.
"This isn't over, Y/N," she hissed, her voice low and dangerous. "You are mine."
The words sent a shiver down Y/n's spine. He knew this wasn't the end. Escaping Jiheon's twisted love had only just begun. As he was ushered away by a security guard, Y/n glanced back at the scene. Jiheon, her face devoid of emotion, was being led away. But in her eyes, a terrifying promise burned – a promise to claim him, no matter the cost.
The university descended into chaos. The news of Professor Yuna's murder and Professor Jiheon's arrest sent shockwaves through the campus. Y/n, traumatized and shaken, found himself under the watchful eye of security and the police. He recounted the chilling events, the predatory glint in Jiheon's eyes, the fear that had choked him in her office.
Days turned into weeks, then months. Jiheon's trial became a media spectacle. The once esteemed professor was revealed to be a meticulous planner, a cunning manipulator who had meticulously concealed her dark side. Though evidence linked her to Yuna's murder, the lack of a clear motive remained a lingering puzzle.
Y/n, though free from Jiheon's physical grasp, remained a prisoner of his terrifying experience. He couldn't escape the haunting image of Professor Yuna, the chilling possessiveness in Jiheon's eyes. He struggled with nightmares, the memory of the metallic tang of blood on his tongue replaying in his mind like a broken record.
One day, as Y/n walked through the bustling campus, sunlight filtering through the leaves of the old oak trees, a crimson rose landed at his feet. Panic welled up within him, his gaze darting around frantically. But there was no sign of Jiheon.
The rose lay there, an unsettling reminder of the darkness he had escaped. It was a chilling message, a promise whispered on the wind. Jiheon might be gone, but her twisted love story wasn't over. The final chapter, Y/n knew with a sickening certainty, was yet to be written.
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sugarstasia · 5 months
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♡  ☕️  ⁺  ♩  @aftersana
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julieheartt · 3 months
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៹᮫⿻⠀ ׁׁ ᥎᥆ᥴᥱׅ۪̂ ᥱ́ ᥲ᮫᥉ׄ᥉ı𝗆 ᥙ᮫𝗆 ᥉᥆᪾᮫ᥒ𝗁ׄ᥆ 𝗉ɾᥲ 𝗆ı꯭𝗆⠀۪ׅ𓇼𝆬 ໑⠀
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࿙࿚۪⠀📜⃨ ׄ⠀𝗊ᥙᥱ᪾r᥆ 𝗍᮫ᥱ ᥱᥒ࣪ᥴ𝗁ᥱr 𝖽ᥱʾ ᮫𝖻ᥱı𝗃 ⃘ᬂ꯭᥉⠀⠆ 𝗃ᥙ᪾ᥣıᥱ᤹࣪
𝘓𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗀𝗂𝗏𝖾 𝗆𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 credits.
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vntual · 5 months
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤstop! 출입 금지야 ㅤnow, it's only for us!
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mqrsxph · 4 months
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yoyojoy · 1 year
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✤  🚬 ﹐ (⁰∽⁰)
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bbeomyy · 1 year
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— you draw stars, around my scars ★☆
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kanaonao · 7 months
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𝖨𝗍'𝗌 𝗆𝖾, 𝖩𝗂𝗁𝖾𝗈𝗇!
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kpop-girlsworld · 3 months
Baek Jiheon
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chaeryeos · 12 days
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          happy bday jiheon ! apr 17
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k-alu · 1 year
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   sunrise   ♡   🏡  ⌣
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elzoui · 1 year
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﹙♡﹚hi elf's!! you can like or reblog ,, please dont repost without permission && cr!!﹙♡﹚
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