#jiang lin feng
kdram-chjh · 2 months
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Cdrama: Legend of Lin Ye (2023)
Legend of Lin Ye 临���传 Lin Ye Chuan (今生之前 Before this life)
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qY4GeueAgxI
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stuffguy · 1 year
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two honourable men kindly in love with each other
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imsorryandthankyou · 1 month
I have been in a love/hate relationship with this video for 2 years, making sure it was perfect, but I'm so happy and proud of how it turned out. This is my first Nirvana In Fire video, and hopefully, I will be making more.
This video is dedicated to @not-saying-revolution-but after she made me a gifset from Guardian.
Drama: Nirvana In Fire (琅琊榜) Song: This is War Artist: Thirty Seconds to Mars Edit: imsorryandthankyou
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dilebe06 · 1 year
I Am The Years You Are The Stars
sono confusa...
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Mai come oggi sono costretta ad usare il modus operandi del " cosa mi è piaciuto e cosa no" per scrivere un commento. Questa serie mi ha lasciato troppo perplessa... confusa dalle mie emozioni contrastanti. Ci sono state cose che ho apprezzato molto e altre che mi hanno lasciato davvero basita e altre ancora dove l'indifferenza ha regnato sovrana.
Partiamo dall'inizio: Liu Hai Kuan è stato la motivazione principale della visione di questo drama. Essendo una fan di the Untamed, come potevo perdermi una serie con uno degli attori di quel capolavoro?! Non potevo. E devo dire che è stato bello vederlo in questo ruolo. Qualcosa di diverso insomma. Cerco sempre di vedere attori che apprezzo in altri ruoli!
Ma sarebbe ingiusto dare a Liu Hai tutto il merito: anche la trama mi aveva affascinata. Quel mixer tra romantico/commedia e Sci Fi con un pizzico di mistero che a me piace tanto.
Solo che... è stato troppo. La serie spazia dalla leggerezza alla serietà in modo troppo casuale per me, con il risultato che certe volte ho percepito le scene comiche, quelle dove doveva esserci la leggerezza, come fuori contesto: se a voi fa sorridere l'idea di William e quell'altro che rinchiudono la lead con il protagonista in modalità serial killer, che la può uccidere a occhi chiusi, mentre commentano la probabile e agognata dipartita della lead mentre bevono thè...buon per voi. A me non faceva ridere ma solo incazzare.
Non solo: alcune tematiche della serie erano pesanti e importanti ( donazione degli organi, droghe, sperimentazione illegale... ). Ma appunto, essendo così impegnative e considerevoli, avere di mezzo queste scene comiche/leggere mi spezzava tutta la profondità lasciandomi un po' interdetta.
Detto questo, andiamo allo schema:
Cose che mi sono piaciute
Il Second Lead
Lin Nuo Yan è stato un buon second lead. Anzi, uno dei migliori. Prima di tutto perché rappresentava perfettamente il cliché del secondo: buono, bello, gentile, affascinante, colto ecc ecc... insomma il classico second lead.
Ma poi, la scoperta del suo ruolo come cattivo è stato un ottimo colpo di scena. Soprattutto perché non l'avevo visto arrivare! C'è stato solo un momento verso il finale dove ho sospettato di lui ma ancora è stata una piacevole sorpresa.
Anche le sue motivazioni ( condivisibili o meno ) hanno avuto un senso e non è stato un cattivo che ha fatto cose malvagie perché lo avevano scritto così! [CIT]
L'amicizia tra i tre dell'Ave Maria + uno
Anche se non ho ben capito perché il protagonista avesse bisogno di Guardiani, le scene tra i tre - più il fratello di William, mio vero eroe - sono state divertenti e carine da guardare. Mi è piaciuto come si guardassero le spalle a vicenda e tutte le loro scenette mezze BL mi hanno fatto sorridere più e più volte. Molto carini.
Il tema della morte
Se c'è una tematica che la serie ha mostrato bene è quella della morte. Con un lead immortale e una lead prossima a scegliersi la bara, il drama si prende del tempo per sviscerare questa tematica, usando spesso i due lead come esempi. Se lui anela alla morte poiché stufo della lunga vita, lei vuole vivere e godersela più che può. Una bella contrapposizione che permette la riflessione. A dare manforte a questa tematica c'è anche il lavoro della lead, particolare ma adatto a questo argomento.
La donazione degli organi
Altra bella tematica è quella della donazione degli organi che è presente per tutta la serie e che permette una meditazione sull'argomento. Una seconda vita per chi riceve l'organo e che viene trattato dalla serie con serietà e impegno. Anche se poi risulta inutile ai fini della trama.
L'assenza di Second Lead rompicoglioni
Ringraziando gli dei ci siamo salvati dai second lead che si mettono di traverso e complottano per far litigare e far lasciare i due protagonisti. E' un cliché vecchio come il mondo che mi fa alzare spesso gli occhi al cielo per la poca originalità degli sceneggiatori. In IATYYATS non c'è questo accumulo di bile e rancore grazie anche al fatto che Lin Nuo Yan era sì innamorato di Jin Xiao Yu, ma sin dall'inizio di capiva che mai e poi mai avrebbe compicciato nulla.
Cheng Wei Lan e Qian Tu
Più che i due lead, ad aver preso il mio cuore, sono stati questi due personaggi secondari. L'amica della lead - che all'inizio non amavo - si dimostra con il passare degli episodi più tosta e divertente di quello che sembrava e ho amato come tenesse a bada William e la sua innamorata di vecchia data con un atteggiamento di assoluta superiorità.
Qian Tu d'altra parte, mi è piaciuto perché si vedeva come tenesse a suo fratello e che non aveva con il lead quell'atteggiamento servile e ammirato che tutti i personaggi maschili che gli giravano intorno possedevano. Certo, lavorava per lui ecc ecc ma senza venerarlo o trattarlo come un Dio.
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La storia
Al di là della scrittura non propriamente perfetta, ho apprezzato la storia in sé. L'idea non era male per niente. Certo l'esecuzione ha lasciato un po' a desiderare - soprattutto nel finale - ma lo spunto era interessante: la parte Sci Fi mi ha intrattenuto insomma. Capire perché lui fosse immortale, perché solo lei riusciva a fargli da antidolorifico, il motivo per cui la lead sarebbe dovuta morire di una malattia rara... è stato interessante.
La lead
Con la protagonista inizia la discesa verso le " cose che non mi sono piaciute". Infatti Jin Xiao Yu è stato un personaggio che da una parte ho apprezzato e dall'altra mi ha lasciata basita. Ho gradito la sua spensieratezza, maliziosità e ottimismo perché portava gioia e leggerezza alla storia.
Ma di contro, sono rimasta spiazzata: sta tizia è orfana. La madre è morta di parto e il padre è andato a comprare le sigarette e ciao ciao con la manina. Ad una certa le diagnosticano una malattia rara che la porterà alla tomba prima dei trent'anni e lei... sorride felice alla vita. Allegra, socievole, sempre sorridente e simpatica. Rare sono le volte in cui si ferma a pensare a che vita di merda ha avuto e che non avrà mai.
E quando ci pensa anziché farsi prendere dallo sconforto e dalla depressione - come è giusto e umano che sia - lo trasforma in un motivo per affrontare la vita con ancora più spirito. E per carità, è un bel messaggio...ma è anche tanto irrealistico. Posso accettare zombi e rocce radioattive in una storia, ma dai personaggi, dalla loro caratterizzazione e personalità, pretendo realismo.
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Cose che non mi sono piaciute
Oltre alle cose scritte all'inizio, sul mixer di roba e generi che non ho apprezzato particolarmente, voglio aggiungere altro:
William e Qian Cheng VS La lead
Per buona parte della storia i due " amici" del lead tormentano la povera Jin Xiao Yu rendendole la vita difficile. come se non avesse già abbastanza sfighe rischiando anche di ammazzarla una o due volte.
Allora, prima di tutto non ho capito il perché di questo odio considerando che la Nonna l'ha assunta ed è l'unica che fa stare meglio l'uomo lo zombi che entrambi venerano. La risposta a tutto questo rancore è semplice: sono gelosi e sospettosi. Il sospetto posso anche accettarlo ma la gelosia...dai, da due adulti che hanno passato la pubertà da anni?! Ma poi, non solo la trattano male ma cercano proprio di farla fuori, di ferirla. E la cosa che mi ha lasciato ancora più basita è che quando viene fuori la loro colpevolezza anziché prendere un badile per spaccargli le gengive ad entrambi, i personaggi fanno tutti finta che non sia successo nulla! La sera complotti per accoppare la protagonista e la mattina tutti a colazione assieme a lanciarsi frecciatine. Io Boh... O_O
Il Piano Malefico della Nonna
Questa arzilla signora in realtà è Satana sotto mentite spoglie. Il suo piano di assumere la lead come antidolorifico per il protagonista nasconde un piano omicida senza precedenti che forse la love story ha nascosto troppo bene.
La Nonna infatti assume Jin Xiao Yu con la consapevolezza che se qualcosa andasse storto, la ragazza morirebbe malissimo. Ma siccome è già in punto di morte perché non farla direttamente Guardiana così se crepa si può dire che tanto era il suo destino?! Meglio che muoia lei che tanto è a un passo dalla morte che uno dei suoi parenti/amici. La lead rischia la vita ogni notte... però la Nonna si tiene tutti gli onori di avere il lead come Signore. E per non farci mancare nulla, facciamole anche fare le pulizie del mega villone. Sia mai che a qualcuno venisse in mente che è una malata terminale e che si dovrebbe riposare!
La strana malattia della lead
Io lo sapevo. Da quando hanno detto all'inizio, che la protagonista aveva un TOT di tempo prima di lasciare questa valle di lacrime, pensavo a quale incredibile escamotage avrebbero escogitato gli sceneggiatori per salvarla. Sia mai che un personaggio che deve morì, muoia. C'è sempre una pillola, un medicinale, un libro antico, una cazzata megagalattica che salva il culo al morto certificato di turno.
E più andava avanti la serie e più mi preoccupavo: di sta malattia nulla si sapeva oltre che i sintomi erano il sanguinare il naso e lo svenire. E si sa: meno si conosce di una malattia e più si trovano modi per sfangarla.
I Am The years ecc ecc travalica questo problema per spingersi oltre i confini dello sti cazzi. Non è che esiste una cura alla malattia della protagonista. scema io che ci ho pensato E' che la serie si chiude dicendoci che lei adesso sta bene e stop.
S. T. O. P.
Finito tutto.
Passiamo direttamente al matrimonio, auguri e figli maschi!
Ma come?! mi caghi il cazzo per 24 puntate sulla malattia incurabile della lead, mi tormenti dicendomi che solo il cattivo ha una cura per lei, mi assilli con tutte quelle paturnie su " quando io morirò tu devi vivere felice ecc ecc " e poi...si salva ma non si sa bene come?!
Questo odio degli sceneggiatori che fanno così. Hanno chiaramente costruito un personaggio pietoso con cui empatizzare ma non hanno poi avuto le palle per andare fino in fondo, dimostrando di aver voluto provocare la lacrima facile. Che poi fa ridere che sul finale abbiano portato la lead - malata terminale lo ricordo, che sviene e perde sangue dal naso - a scalare una montagna, in posti pericolosi e impervi. Giusto per non stancarla.
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Il finale
La puntata ambientata nella montagna è un concentrato meraviglioso di cose a cazzum.
Tra William e Qian Cheng che trovano gli altri nei boschi manco avessero un GPS iniettato nelle vene, quando persino loro si sono persi... a bombe piazzate strategicamente sotto i piedi dei personaggi per ammazzarli tutti e seppellirli tra i detriti. E qui però non posso dire nulla perché d'altronde Qian Cheng lavora per la Nonna e si sa...chi si somiglia si piglia! Non mi sorprende che abbia cercato di ammazzarli tutti. E come non parlare della Barriera che protegge il meteorite e che permette di entrare ma NON di uscire! E per finire, come non mandare un pensiero agli accompagnatori del nostro gruppetto che sono magicamente spariti nel nulla? sono morti? che Qian Cheng li abbia uccisi non mi stupirebbe.
La "ex" di Qian Cheng
La chiamo ex anche se non stavano assieme. Ma il suo ruolo era pressoché quello del passato amore che torna all'improvviso - nel vero senso della parola - motivo per il quale si è beccata questa mia investitura.
L'idea della ex che torna e si scopre essere disturbata mentalmente e cattiva non era male. Mi è piaciuto il fatto che il trauma del passato di Qian Cheng fosse in realtà tutto un barbatrucco della donzella che arriva a mentire sul suo rapimento e stupro per avere i soldi. Peccato che poi la serie faccia come sempre un mischione dicendoci che prima voleva il denaro - anche se è ricca sfondata - per drogasse e poi che stava facendo tutte quelle cose cattive per motivi scientifici. Ha proprio la faccia di una che ama la ricerca e le scienze Che è un po' come nella scena della lead che va a pranzo con il second lead e si becca una scenata di gelosia dal protagonista senza apparente motivo, visto che lui aveva rifiutato di essere il suo fidanzato e che quindi lei era libera di fare quello che voleva.
Ma la ex una cosa positiva me l'ha donata: la sua candidatura a peggior attrice per il quiz di fine anno. Raramente ho visto una recitazione così pessima. Occhi strabuzzati, interpretazione troppo caricata, risata falsa, discorsi senza senso... na' roba da incubo.
Conclusione: tutto sommato è stata una visione divertente che non mi ha mai pesato per tutte le 24 puntate che anzi ho visto con piacere. skippando qua e là Merito dei misteri e della storia di base che trascinano il drama assieme alle tematiche più intense e drammatiche. Non male i personaggi anche se nessuno mi rimarrà nel cuore per via di una scrittura che certe volte mi ha lasciato perplessa. La serie nonostante il suo apprezzabile impegno nello sviscerare temi importanti, tratta alcune parti con troppa superficialità con il risultato che quello che ne esce più che piacermi o non piacermi, mi ha lasciato confusa.
Voto: 7.4
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( mi fa tagliare dalle risate questa scena sul finale. Il cattivo che riemerge dal baratro e gli altri che se lo guardano come se fossero in gita e NON AVESSERO RISCHIATO DI CREPARE TUTTI FINO A DUE SECONDI PRIMA.)
PS: sto disperatamente cercando la canzone che il lead ascolta dal grammofono. E' una canzone stupenda, romantica e cantata da una voce così particolare che me ne sono innamorata...qualcuno sa il titolo o dove trovarla???!!!
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twstrhythm · 2 years
Autumn Moon Festival - Chapter 2
Chapter 2 - Where to?
"Hey prefect!" A voice calls to him, "Come over here!"
Yunru looks around until he spots the source of the voice. "Huh? Jian-Yu and Xue Long? What are they up to?"
"Ugh... they're probably going to mess with us. Let's ignore them." Grim scowls.
"No. I think we should see what they want first." Yunru shakes his head. He heads over to the two third years and pauses when he notices some other students gathered. "Huh? What are you all doing here?"
Before them stands Jiao-Long Feng, Longwei Jiang, Li Feng Jiang, Haoyu Yang, Chenxi Huang, Jiawen Zhang, and Ziwei Lin.
Longwei smiles and waves to the Ramshackle prefect. "We're all preparing to head to the mirror hall for the Autumn Moon Festival, but we have to make sure we have everything we need first."
"The Autumn Moon Festival? What's that?" Grim asks.
"Ah... I can't explain it as well as my seniors would..." Longwei sighs. "Sorry about that."
"Then allow me!" Xue Long says, stepping forward.
"Thank you..." Longwei looks away.
"Where we come from, it is a celebration of the great harvest to come because the full moon is upon us." Xue Long smiles. "We usually make and eat special pastries called mooncakes. During the celebration we light lanterns to act as a beacon that will light people's path to prosperity and good fortune."
"Shixiong sure knows his stuff!" Chenxi laughs.
"Whoa! We should go too, servant! It sounds like a lot of fun!" Grim says excitedly.
Yunru hums and nods. "Alright, but only if that is alright with you guys."
"Of course! The more the merrier!" Jian-Yu laughs, poking Grim's forehead. "Since most of our families have already finished preparations, we'll all be headed to Xiaoshi's place to help him out. He left ahead of us."
"Where exactly are we headed?" Yunru asks.
"Our hometown, Xiangling Zhigong." Jian-Yu grins.
To be continued…
*Disclaimer, this is just a fake event story in celebration of the Mid Autumn Festival
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Chenxi Huang, Jiawen Zhang, and Ziwei Lin belong to @twstwhisper
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romchat · 7 months
Story of Kunning Palace Ep. 18: Observing you observing me
When you've always seen yourself as the villain, is it harder to accept kindness or accept that others see kindness within you?
Hands down my favorite parts of Episode 18 were these two back-to-back scenes with You Fangyin, Jiang Xuening, and Xie Wei. For our two deeply scarred leads, the ability to find someone who truly sees them for who they are and what they could be feels unattainable, and yet in this episode they both find that.
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The day after being attacked by a delirious Xie Wei, Xuening goes to visit You Fangyin in prison. Feeling guilty about not being able to stop Yan Lin from being exiled, Xuening also expresses guilt about keeping Fangyin in "another prison" to protect her from her family. Like Xie Wei with Yan Lin, she believes her scheming has shackled Fangyin to an even worse fate.
But Fangyin just smiles and gently corrects her, arguing that Xuening has actually made her life better. She also notes that while "death is the end of everyone's life, the process could have thousands of possibilities." The conversation is a good reminder for Xuening that not only is Yan Lin's disastrous fate not locked into place, but also that perhaps Xie Wei's actions, like her own towards Fangyin, might not be as nefarious as she had originally assumed.
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I think that's why when Xie Wei confronts her outside the prison, she's angry but it's more from feeling betrayed than anything else.
Side Note #1: This woman though. Xuening literally saw Xie Wei murder a man and almost gets stabbed/strangled herself, but she's more upset that he kept his plan to protect Yan Lin a secret from her. She might idolize and be attracted to Zhang Zhe's virtuousness but she and Xie Wei are two peas in a pod when it comes to embracing the idea that sometimes the ends justify the (bloody) means.
Side Note #2: I love how Xie Wei is wary enough of Xuening's reaction that he keeps his distance but the moment his guard, Qing Feng, starts criticizing her he moves to her side.
Side Note #3: Zhang Linghe's profile is magnificent. That jawline is sharper than the dagger Xie Wei used to kill Gongyi Cheng.
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Xie Wei is an excellent people reader, and when she accepts his invitation back to his home, he knows she's angry. So it takes him aback when she extends a bit of kindness despite that.
The beginning of this scene has such lovely subtle acting by Zhang Linghe. Xuening sees Xie Wei struggle with setting down the qin because of his injured hand so she reaches over and gently places it on the table for him. That cautious lift of Xie Wei's head and the wonderous look on his face like he can't believe she'd offer care after witnessing his violence...that broke me. It says so much about his character and the low expectations he has for the people around him to care.
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But when it comes to Xuening, Xie Wei doesn't want her to have those same low expectations of him. He tells her not to trust him, that he's not a good person, and yet he
Risked his life to take pills that would treat his delirium enough that he could approach her the morning after he attacked her;
Is willing to risk his revenge plan by explaining parts of his strategy to someone with links to the Ministry of Justice just so that she doesn't turn away from him;
Gets visibly frustrated when she assumes he just wants to shut her up about the murder rather than explain about Yan Li.
And he tucks it away in his heart that she admits to observing him like he observes her. Although his identity is an illusion, it is enough for him that he is an illusion she truly sees and can be kind to.
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Look at that boyish smile.
How she is so oblivious about his feelings at this point is beyond me but Minister of Justice and Cheekbones is pretty distracting so I guess I get it.
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clara-maybe-ontheroad · 11 months
The impact of toxic family dynamics in Till the End of the Moon (长月烬明)
A bit random and I have never done character analysis posts so it might not be as good as some other posts on here but bear with me.
I'm watching Till the End of the Moon (ep 25) and the recent development of Ye Bingchang's character into a full blown villain has made me hate her, but also empathize with her in ways I didn't expect.
To contextualise, Ye Bingchang 叶冰裳 is the second child and first daughter of the Ye family, and she is basically the perfect daughter of a noble Chinese family. She's sweet and kind, beautiful but not attention seeking, smart but not a smart ass, dutiful and filial, delicate and thoughtful. She shares a beautiful love story with Prince Xiao Lin 萧凛, the 6th son of the Emperor, so she's going to marry in the Imperial Family and no doubt bring honor to the Ye Clan. She seems to be doing everything exactly right.
And yet she's a second class citizen in her own family, who openly favours her younger sister Ye Xiwu 叶夕雾.
Now there are two levels to this.
1) They're openly and unabashedly favouring one child over the 3 others, but then still ranking the other kids, and somehow Ye Bingchang ranks lower than her brother who is a lazy and stupid gambler. Her family simply doesn't see her, she's completely forgettable to them, like her existence only matters because sure, she's their blood, but she's a complete afterthought.
2) The daughter they favour over her is Ye Xiwu, and Ye Xiwu is a monster of a golden child. She's completely selfish and narcissistic, she explicitly abuses her husband, she schemes again and again to seduce and try to rape Prince Xiao Lin, her sister's one true love and fiancé, and when this doesn't work she becomes physically violent towards Ye Bingchang as well.
Ye Xiwu is an extremely abusive and horrible person, straight up. And her family continuously makes excuses for her violent behaviour, dotes on her, spoils her, and barely has a look for Ye Bingchang, expecting her to forgive and turn the other cheek. The golden child / black sheep dynamic is at its peak.
I find it quite rare that in this type of situation, a show will have the golden child as our hero ; almost always, if there are complicated family relationships, the main character is the one who's rejected, underestimated, and who has to rise through those challenges (which applies to our main male character Tantai Jin 澹台烬 btw, and I think we could say a lot of the parallels between Tantai Jin and Ye Bingchang).
I can think of other cases where the child who was favoured is the main character over the child who is rejected (Jiang Cheng 江澄 in The Untamed 陈情令, Feng Chang 丰苌 in Who Rules the World 且试天下) but they're not as clear cut as this (Jiang Cheng being his mom's favorite and the only actual son of the family while Wei Wuxian 魏无羡 is also a black sheep on many levels, Feng Chang's more favoured brother Feng Lanxi 丰兰息 being fairly rejected as well and having to fight not to be poisoned).
The golden child as a main character works here because it isn't actually Ye Xiwu : we discover her character and the situation when the spirit of Li Susu 黎苏苏 travels back in time and takes possession of Ye Xiwu's body. Our main character is really Li Susu, and like the audience she's horrified to learn everything Ye Xiwu has been doing, disgusted by her abusive behaviour towards her sister and her husband, and at first disapproves of how much the Ye family favours her over Ye Bingchang. But she also comes to love the Ye family as her own, and the fact that they would neglect one of their daughters so much doesn't impact her affection for them.
We only learn about Ye Xiwu's abuse through flashbacks, so it doesn't have the same emotional impact for us as an audience, and we only brief moments of those memories so we don't have to confront the full magnitude of how horrible she was, including to Ye Bingchang. Again, Ye Xiwu tried to rape her sister's one true love and fiancé, and even after getting married herself she continued to throw herself at him, and when it didn't work she turned to actual physical violence on Ye Bingchang.
And throughout this, the Ye family excuses it all away, and even Ye Bingchang excuses it away. She forgives before Ye Xiwu even apologizes, because she knows that's what's expected of her, and she just tries her best to be a kind soul still defending her sister from people spreading rumors about her. In a way, she's a victim of domestic violence who forgives an abuser and thinks she just needs to be softer, sweeter, weaker, so maybe they don't feel like bullying her anymore.
So when Ye Bingchang tries to use the affection of men to get protection, to feel love and be sheltered from her condition, it's very understandable and to me resembles a lot of things I've seen in real life. And when she turns to resentment over her condition and decides she needs to gain control over her situation through getting some amount of power so she can protect herself, it's an arc we could expect from a main character.
She only becomes a villain after the arc of Bo're Life, in which our four main characters Tantai Jin, Ye Xiwu/Li Susu, Xiao Lin and Ye Bingchang are absorbed into a dragon's dreams of its past as a War God centuries ago. Ye Bingchang is "reincarnated" in this dream as a powerful immortal, a scorned lover but who has the power to actually be vengeful over the woman who steals the man she loves. The object of her ire being Ye Xiwu, reincarnated in a very sweet clam spirit woman, Ye Bingchang gets a taste of what power feels like, of what manipulation feels like, and of what revenge over Ye Xiwu would feel like. And when even in this dream life, Ye Xiwu is preferred over her and she ends up dying, she comes back to herself determined to change and not let others control her life anymore.
Every character (except Xiao Lin really) seems deeply influenced by what they lived in Bo're Life, having identity crises of sorts over who they actually are now. As an aside, it works as a pretty good plot device to suddenly get Tantai Jin a lot more open to Ye Xiwu/Li Susu and move their romance along, it almost feels like cheating but I'll allow it.
Anyway, Ye Bingchang has now slowly become as manipulative and cruel as her counterpart in Bo're Life, and it's easy to just see it as that counterpart taking over her body in a way.
But this manipulative and cruel streak is born out of the profound reality that she can not count on her family to protect her, and that the people who were supposed to love her unconditionally preferred her literal abuser over her.
She did everything right and it was never enough, so now it's time for her to claim her life back.
And again, in another show (like the Story of Yanxi Palace 延禧攻略 for example), this urge to climb to power so no one can hurt you anymore and take revenge on the people who ruined your life along the way, it would make you the hero.
But here, Ye Bingchang still can't win, and she actually turns into a villain.
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aptericia · 11 hours
You are very welcome!! Just for fun, here’s my masterlist of Thunderbolt Fantasy birthdays:
January 20 - Diao Ming
February 22 - Lang Wu-Yao
February 23 - Xie Yingluo
March 7 - Xiao Kuang-Juan
May 20 - Azibelpher
June 1 - Dan Fei & Lie Mei
June 4 - Zhou Xun-Yin/Ling Mo-Yan
June 19 - Zhao Jun-Lin
June 25 - Juan Can-Yun & Huo Shi Ming Huang
July 2 - Wan Jun-Po
July 10 - Sha Wu-Sheng
July 20 - Shou Yun-Xiao
July 23 - Yi Piaomiao
August 8 - Dan Heng
August 19 - Lian Qi
September 23 - Shang Bu-Huan
September 24 - Xing Hai
October 3 - Di Kong/Lou Zhen-Jie
October 19 - Tian Gong Gui Jiang
November 5 - Can Xiong
November 9 - Mu Tian-Ming & Chao Feng
December 6 - Mie Tian-Hai
December 10 - Gui Duo Tian Gong
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kdram-chjh · 1 year
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Cdrama: Legend of Lin Ye (2023)
Legend of Lin Ye 临夜传 #cdrama #lifei #lijunchen #chinesedrama
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/NAm6_ULeglw
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web-novel-polls · 7 days
WN Women Tourney - Images & Propaganda
[Last Updated: May 23rd, 2024]
The submissions post has been updated with all the current propaganda/submissions. I'll try and add propaganda to some of the characters, but here's a list of the current characters without any propaganda whatsoever:
No Propaganda List
Christelle de Sarnez from Third Wheel Strikes Back
Jang Hayoung from ORV
Jung Heewon from ORV
Lang Qiao from Mo Du / Silent Reading 
Lee Sookyung from ORV
Ling Wen from TGCF
Lin Jingshu from Can Ci Pin
Nagsi Jiya from JWQS
Nangong Jingnu from JWQS
Nangong Shunu from JWQS
Olivia Lanze from DPA / Demon Prince Goes to the Academy
Qiyan Agula from JWQS
Qiyan Nomin/A-Die from JWQS
Su Qingluan from Lord Seventh
Su Xiyan from SVSSS
Uriel from ORV 
If you'd like to submit propaganda (for characters without propaganda or characters with), feel free to send an ask at any point during the tournament. The following are characters that I couldn't find an image of but will be represented with an image of the cover of their novel unless someone sends in an image:
No Image of Character / Image of Novel
Fu Wanqing from The Beauty’s Blade
Li Yanru from JWQS
Manman from Itinerant Doctor*
Mansha from FGEP
Nagsi Jiya from JWQS
Qiyan Nomin from JWQS
Qu Qing Ju from To Be a Virtuous Wife
Ryu Seol from Best Teacher Baek*
Su Qingluan from Lord Seventh 
Wei Chengxiang from Tai Sui*
Youqin from FGEP
Zhao Qindan from Tai Sui*
*Suspected to have no canon image
Full Character List
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A-Qing from MDZS
Baili Qingmiao from Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
Bai Rong from Thousand Autumns
*Carynne Heier from Resetting Lady (Dealer’s Choice)
Christelle de Sarnez from When the Third Wheel Strikes Back
Chu Yue from QQGK
Consort Jing from Langya Bang / Langya List / Nirvana in Fire
Feng Xiaoshu/Princess Jing’an from Lord Seventh
Frédérique Riester from When the Third Wheel Strikes Back
Fu Wanqing from The Beauty’s Blade
Grand Princess Liyang from Nirvana in Fire
Gu Xiang from TYK
Hannah from LCF/TCF
Han Sooyoung from ORV
Hua Xiangyi from QJJ
*Isella Evans from Resetting Lady (Dealer’s Choice)
*Iseol Yu from Return of the Blossoming Blade (Dealer’s Choice)
*Jang Hayoung from ORV (Dealer’s Choice)
Jiang Yanli from MDZS
Jian Lan from TGCF
*Jung Heewon from ORV (Dealer’s Choice)
*Kim Seyun from My School Life Pretending to be a Worthless Person (Dealer’s Choice)
Lang Qiao from Mo Du 
Lee Jihye from ORV
*Lee Sookyung from ORV (Dealer’s Choice)
Ling Wen from TGCF
Lin Jingshu from Can Ci Pin
Lin Wanyue from FGEP
Liu Mingyan from SVSSS
Liu Qianqiao from TYK
Li Xian from FGEP
Li Yanru from JWQS 
Luo Qingyang / Mianmian from MDZS
Manman from Itinerant Doctor
Mansha from FGEP
Mary from LCF/TCF
Mu Nihuang from Nirvana in Fire
Murong Mengze from Yuwu
Nagsi Jiya from JWQS
Nangong Jingnu from JWQS
Nangong Shunu from JWQS
Ning Yingying from SVSSS
*Olivia Lanze from DPA (Dealer’s Choice)
Qiu Congxue from DVAWTK
Qiyan Agula from JWQS
Qiyan Nomin/A-Die from JWQS
Qi Zhuyin from QJJ
Qu Qing Ju from To Be a Virtuous Wife
Ryu Seol from Best Teacher Baek
Sha Hualing from SVSSS
Shu Yanyan from DVAWTK
Song Qiutong from 2ha
Son Moa from I Stole the Number One Ranker’s Soul
Su Qingluan from Lord Seventh
Su Xiyan from SVSSS
*Uriel from ORV (Dealer’s Choice)
Wei Chengxiang from Tai Sui
Wen Qing from MDZS
Ye Wangxi from 2ha
Yoo Sangah from ORV
Youqin from FGEP
Yushi Huang from TGCF
Zhao Qindan from Tai Sui
Zhou Fei from Bandits/Legend of Fei 
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supernovaae · 26 days
List of all 80 Espers still in the running for Hottest Esper (05/01/24 | Alphabetized)
Abigail (Frigga)
Adrina (Chantico)
Ahmed (Geb)
Alice (Gullveig)
Anna (Persphone)
Archibald (Mictlantecutli)
Asenath (Nefertem)
Ashley (Heimdall)
Brewster (Garmr)
Camille (Hati)
Catherine (Hela)
Cecilia (Isis)
Chloe (Medea)
Chu Yao (Tai Yi)
Clara (Hera)
Drew (Anubis)
Eira (Freya)
Elaine (Nyx)
Embla (Ymir)
Ethan (Pan)
Everett (Tyr)
Farrah | Aminah (Tiamat | Abzu)
Fatum Sisters (Nornir)
Feng Nuxi (Nuwa)
Feng Xun (Fu Xi)
Fu Shi (Suan Ni)
Fumitsuki (Kaguya-hime)
Gabrielle (Njord)
Gaius (Zeus)
Ginny (Hestia)
Hailey (Hephaestus)
Heng Yue (Chang’e)
Hilda (Hypnos)
Hyde (Hades)
Ife (Meretseger)
Ikki (Tsukuyomi)
Intisar (Kauket)
Javid (Shamash)
Jiang Jiuli (Chiyou)
Jiang Man (Meng Po)
Jin Qiu (Ru SHou)
Jin Yuyao (Queen Mother)
Leora (Athena)
Li Guang (Vermilion Bird)
Li Ling (Nezha)
Liam (Xolotl)
Lian (Jiao Tu)
Lin Xiao (White Tiger)
Long Mian (Ao Bing)
Lucas (Apollo)
Mateo (Prometheus)
Mavis (Mictecacihuatl)
Nicole (Nephthys)
Norah (The Muses)
Ollie (Osiris)
Ophelia (Thanatos)
Parmi (Ninsun)
Raven (Odin)
Sachiko (Hare of Inaba)
Sally (Sif)
Sander (Set)
Sienna (Gaia)
Su Jue (Daji)
Tang Xuan (Sun Wukong)
Tevor (Sphinx)
Tiye (Nut)
Toland (Tezcatlipoca)
Triki (Loki)
Uday (Sopdet)
Unas (Shu)
Valeria (Quetzalcoatl)
Wu You (Dijiang)
Xiao Yin (Azure Dragon)
Xuan Pin (Jiutian Xuannu)
Yamato (Izanagi)
Yu Ran (Bai Ze)
Yu Xu (Jing Wei)
Yun Chuan (Yang Jian)
Yuuhime (Izanami)
Zora (Amunet)
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the-monkey-ruler · 20 days
The Legends of Changing Destiny (2023) 凌云志
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Director : Huang Junwen / Li Dachao / Lan Zhiwei / Li Weiji Screenwriter: Yuan Shuai / Xu Hui Starring: Lin Feng / Jiang Mengjie / Wu Kequn / Akanishi Ren / Cheng Yanqiu / Wang Ziyun / Yue Yueli / Jiang Yiyi / Liu Hui / Zong Fengyan / Li Yanan / Song Xi / Wu Diwen / Gao Yuan / Yang Jinhua Genre: Drama / Fantasy / Costume Country/Region of Production: Mainland China Language: Mandarin Chinese Date: 2023-04-13 (Mainland China) Number of episodes: 43 Single episode length: 45 minutes Also known as: 大泼猴 / The Legends of Monkey King IMDb: tt6422442 Type: Reimaging
When the heavens split, Rock (played by Lin Feng) transformed into a monster by chance, and became close friends with Canary (played by Jiang Yiyi). Their identities as monsters have caused them to encounter a lot of cold eyes and prejudice since their formation. He dreams of being a hero but has nothing to gain. After going through many hardships, he finally becomes a disciple of Patriarch Yaoguangdong Jie Kong. Fortunately, he is taken care of by his innocent fellow disciple Feng Ling (played by Cheng Yanqiu). Rock practiced hard day and night, during which he and the aloof and aloof Yang Lan (played by Jiang Mengjie) became confidants and jointly built Qilai Mountain.
The heavenly soldiers led by Marshal Beichen (played by Wu Kequn) in the heavens drove all the demons to death, and the demon world rose up to resist. However, all this was actually secretly controlled by the Wuji Shengzun (played by Yue Yueli) after the invasion of Hongmeng's inner demons. Rock led the demon world and the heavens in a bloody battle and became a hero protecting the weak monsters. At this time, Wuji Shengzun's purpose of causing trouble to the three realms is about to be achieved. At the time of crisis, in order to revive the way of heaven and protect the common people, Rock rushes to the Tiandao Stone without hesitation, trying to smash the conspiracy of Wuji Shengzun...
The play is adapted from the novel A Turtle Is Not a Turtle.
Source: https://tv-1.chinesemov.com/tv/2023/The-Legends-of-Changing-Destiny
Link: N/A
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Costume Cdramas I watched in 2023
This was my first year in Dramaland (both Chinese and Korean). And I have to say that for the most part I have enjoyed my journey in discovering the dramas. This list includes dramas that were released before 2023 as well.
7. Starry Love
It is a story of twin sisters - the gentle and kind Liguang Qing Kui and the smart and cunning Liguang Ye Tan. Qing Kui is betrothed to the heveanly prince and Ye Tan is betrothed to the demon prince however mistakenly they switch places and have to navigate the heavenly realm and demon realm alone relying on their wits. For me the strongest aspect of the drama was the bond between the sisters. It focuses more on the romance of Ye Tan and Xuan Shang and the heavenly realm which I was not much interested in so I skipped through a lot of it. However, I did enjoy the romance of Qing Kui and Chao Feng and the demon realm story which was unfortunately not given enough screen time. As the heavenly realm part of the drama failed to get me invested in both its characters and story, I didn't enjoy this drama a lot.
6. Love you Seven Times
Xiang Yun, a fairy working in the marriage pavilion and Chu Kong, the God of War are accidentally entangled by the red thread of fate and go through love tribulations. I enjoyed their romance and the story was also good. However, I feel it would have turned out better if the drama had more episodes so that the tribulations could be more immersive and impactful. Also, it had less action than I expected from a Xianxia. It was still a fun watch for me.
5. Ancient Love Poetry
This is an epic story of gods and love spanning thousands of years. I will not even attempt to give a primer for its story. The romance, story, action everything is great and it also has really good secondary romances and friendships are also good. The problem I had with this drama is that I enjoyed the first God realm arc a lot however in the second arc I couldn't get fully invested in Houchi and Qing Mu. Also, as a novice to xianxias I had some trouble following the story from the second arc onwards which meant I couldn't enjoy it as much. I still consider it a must watch for xianxia fans but its not for newbies that's for sure.
P.S.- I was devastated with Yue Mi's death so I'm happy that we'll be getting the continuation of her story with Moonlight Mystique.
4. Love between Fairy and Devil
It is a drama about Orchid, a low ranking fairy and Dongfang Qing Cang, the Moon Supreme of the Moon Tribe who are enemies of the immortal fairies, and their forbidden romance. The romance (of both the main and second couple) is really good, the story is compelling and the dynamic between the main and secondary cast is enjoyable. I found the action somewhat lacking. This is a really enjoyable drama especially for those getting into xianxias as the story while not simple, is easy to follow.
3. Romance between Tiger and Rose
In this drama, Chen Xiao Qian, a screenwriter transported into her own story, becoming the Third Princess Chen Qian Qian, a side character. Armed with the knowledge of her own script in which her character is soon to be killed in the third episode by Prince Han Shuo, the male lead, Xiao Qian is determined to stay alive and return to her own world. It is an excellent romcom with great chemistry and fun bickering between the main leads. While the story is straight forward for the most part, it does offer some commentary on gender discrimination and gender norms. It is a really fun and a must watch and has great rewatch value.
2. Story of Kunning Palace
Jiang Xuening is the selfish and ambitious daughter of a court official who ruthlessly uses her charm and cunning for becoming empress. Her schemes lead to the downfall of the royal family and the ruin of both her childhood sweetheart Yan Lin and the once incorruptible Zhang Zhe. Desperate and full of regret, she pleads to exchange her life for the freedom of Zhang Zhe. She awakens in her 18-year old self, who has yet to enter the palace with a chance to do better this time. Even though she vows to steer clear of the palace and its court intrigues, she becomes entangled in them anyways. Apart from Jiang Xue Ning the main cast includes : Xie Wei - JXN's teacher and a ruthless political mastermind, Zhang Zhe - an upright and dedicated officer in the Ministry of Justice, Yan Lin - loyal heir of the Yan family who is in love with JXN, Shen Zhi Yi - the optimistic and resilient princess. It’s so rare for a drama to combine so many great things - a competent and smart female lead, gripping script, top tier looks, chemistry (with the male lead and the secondary leads), steady pace, no childishness, very happy ending. All the actors did an amazing job, in particular Bai Lu who embodied JXN and depicted her thoughts and feelings in a way that the audience could connect with JXN and root for her. The character arcs for the entire main cast were satisfying and done beautifully. I only wished that they showed the past life in one go and with some more scenes for JXN's character growth to be more impactful and that they removed the bright spotlight aimed directly at the camera which took me out of those scenes. This is definitely a must watch for costumed cdrama lovers.
1. Till the end of the moon
Li Susu, an immortal time travels 500 years into the past to prevent the ascension of the Devil god, who goes on to destroy the world in the future. It's a story of love and hate, good and evil, redemption and damnation. The characters are very well conceptualized and depicted beautifully by talented actors, stunning costumes, really good hair and makeup, and great cinematography. The amazing production and set design along with impressive visual effects and CGI really immerse the audience in the world of TTEOTM. Their romance is my ultimate enemies to lovers pairing. It has just the right amount of fighting, messiness, animosity and angst for me. Their visuals, their chemistry, their acting and the story everything was so great. Who else has three epic weddings in one drama? For the most part the story was gripping, progressed at a good pace and conveyed many themes that become apparent on rewatches. While some were disappointed by the ending to me it was clear that they reunite once again and live happily. I am still not able to move on from this couple and drama.
Full Review of Till the end of the moon here.
You can also check out my modern cdrama rankings.
As I'm still a newbie to cdramas, I welcome your recommendations.
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twstrhythm · 2 years
Autumn Moon Festival - Chapter 15
Chapter 15 - Lantern Lights
"I didn't think making lanterns would be this hard..." Grim sighs.
"And it only took you five tries." Yunru scoffs.
"Don't make fun of me!" Grim growls.
"I'm only pointing things out. Don't yell at me." Yunru rolls his eyes.
Xiaoshi approaches the two and examines Grim's lantern. He turns it around in his hands and carefully pokes at the edges. Then he hands it back to the little monster. "Not bad. You didn't waste more materials than necessary."
"Why you!" Grim starts.
"Xiaoshi, we should get moving." Xue Long interrupts. "Everyone is ready now."
"We're coming. Head out first and let the others know I am on the way." Xiaoshi says.
Xue Long nods before disappearing out the door. Grim sighs and walks out, wanting to avoid another round of teasing from Xiaoshi. Yunru picks up his lantern and walks out after the little monster. He could hear a door close behind him before Xiaoshi walked right past him.
'These guys are taking this really seriously...'
Once outside, Yunru can see everyone gathered up. Jian-Yu, Jiawen, Xue Long, and Ziwei were all talking among themselves about something. While he had wanted to know what they were discussing, he decided to approach the group of underclassmen instead.
"Hey guys." He says as he approaches.
"Hi, Yunru!" Haoyu and Chenxi say, waving.
"Are you ready to go?" Jiao-Long asks.
"As ready as I'll ever be." Yunru sighs. "Has Xiaoshi always been this strict?"
"Only sometimes." Jiao-Long says.
"He's just taking this seriously because his family was asked to lead it this year." Haoyu says.
"It's a real big deal! He has to make sure he doesn't mess up for his family's honor." Jiao-Long says.
"Honor must be upholded or your ancestors will forsake you." Chenxi adds.
"You're always talking about that..." Longwei sighs.
"Cause it is necessary!" Chenxi argues.
"I know... You don't need to tell me again." Longwei sighs.
"Don't argue now..." Li Feng sighs. "Xiaoshi will get annoyed if you guys do that."
"Sorry..." Chenxi and Longwei say.
"Speaking of Xiaoshi, where did he go?" Yunru asks.
"He is checking with his parents." Li Feng says. "At least that is what I think... You could try asking the third years. They might know."
"Thanks. I'll see about that." Yunru nods. He walks over to where Jian-Yu, Jiawen, Xue Long, and Ziwei were. "Hey guys. Do you know where Xiaoshi went?"
"Xiaoshi?" Jiawen asks. "Why are you looking for him?"
"The others asked." Yunru says.
"He went up ahead." Ziwei says.
"He's up front!" Jian-Yu smiles. "I'm sure he will shine brightly."
"Not as bright as you!~" Ziwei teases.
"Now is not the time for this..." Xue Long sighs.
"Just let them have some fun." Jiawen says. "It won't hurt anyone."
"Just this one..." Xue Long says defeated.
Jian-Yu claps his hands together. "Alright everyone! It's time to light the lanterns!"
Yunru watches as each of his classmates light their lanterns. He sighs when he realizes that he had no way of lighting it himself.
"Here, let me help you." Jiawen says, lighting the candle for Yunru.
"Thank you." Yunru says.
"Come on everyone, let's get moving." Xiaoshi says approaching them.
"Yeah! Hurry up you slowpokes!" Grim says.
“We’re coming... Don’t rush us.” Yunru sighs. He follows after the group as the walk down the path.
As the evening progressed, lanterns lined the streets. The once dark pathways were soon lit up.
"Happy Autumn Moon Festival, everyone."
The End
*Disclaimer, this is just a fake event story in celebration of the Mid Autumn Festival
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Chenxi Huang, Jiawen Zhang, and Ziwei Lin belong to @twstwhisper
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gravitydefyingtears · 2 years
Audio Drama: 天官赐福 | Tian Guan Ci Fu | Heaven Official’s Blessing
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It’s coming!!! 
You might recognize most of the production team as the people who worked on the MDZS audio drama, so I’m very assured that they will only have grown more experienced. Tbh I’m a little surprised by the lead VAs...excited to hear what their performances will be like!
Even more exciting: apparently the audio drama has been adapted from the revised edition of TGCF which includes 100k extra words!!!
Below is a quick translation of the season one details.
S1 Details
Link: www.missevan.com/mdrama/52400
Length: 19 episodes
Airing Schedule: Fridays, beginning July 15, 2022
Cost: 319 diamonds. For two months starting from July 15, this drama will be free to listen. Regular paid listening will resume on September 16.
Production Team
Original Novel: MXTX
Planning/Executive Producer: Kuo Hao Jun 括号君
Scriptwriter: Liu Yin 六音
Post-Production: Xin Tong 新桐
Assistants: Er Ji 二吉 , Yu Chen 鱼宸 
Original BGM: Li Da Bai 李大白
Instrumental Recording: International Master Philharmonic Orchestra 国际首席爱乐乐团 IMPO
Art/Video: ARThorizon 绘享视界
Voice Team
Voice Acting Team: Jing Yun Kai Ge 鲸韵凯歌
Voice Director: Zhang Kai 张凯
Recording Engineers: Liu Yaxue 刘雅雪, Li Mian 李冕, Jiang Cong 姜聪
... ... ... 
Narrator: Zhang Yaohan 张遥函
Xie Lian: Su Shangqing 苏尚卿@西呱双
Hua Cheng: Chenzhang Taikang 陈张太康
Fu Yao/Mu Qing: Liu Sicen 刘思岑
Feng Xin/Nan Feng: Guo Haoran 郭浩然
Ling Wen: Ji Guanlin 季冠霖
Ming Yi: Peng Yao (San Tu Bi An) 彭尧@彭尧-三途彼岸
Pei Ming: Chen Guang (Chen Jiaheng) 陈光@陈光家恒
Pei Xiu: Wu Tao (Dao Mei Si Le) 吴韬 @倒霉死勒
Jun Wu: Chen Hao 陈浩
Ban Yue: Shan Xin 山新
Lang Qianqiu: Li Xin 李昕
Ke Mo: Tute Hameng 图特哈蒙
Xuan Ji: Qiu Qiu 邱邱
Shi Qingxuan: Qian Wenqing 钱文青
Other Participating Voice Actors: Cai Jie (蔡杰@CJCDD-), Li Wangsong (李望松@摩羯-阿松松松松), Shao Chenliang (邵晨亮@c位不出道), Zhang Zhen/Lin Feng (张振@在下林风), Liu Zheng (刘峥@斗珂), Zhang Jiaqi (张加麒@张如麟), Liu Yiming (刘一鸣@痞人姓刘), Xu Kai (许凯@山己几X), Li Jiaxiang (李嘉祥@优叉UX), Lin Boqing (林柏青@詹永兵的好朋友), Li Haojia (李昊甲@最后的都灵人), Li Jiasi (李佳思@光的岸面), Li Yemeng (李叶萌@肆鸢), Yu Minglu (于鸣鹿@火不土), Su La (苏拉@亲爱的苏), Zhang Yuwei (张宇微@夕棠-就是喜糖啊), Xie Ziwei (谢子溦@Viona嘴嘴), Liu Yuanyuan (刘媛媛@画大染), Gao Yixue (高一雪@思凡吧喳嘿), Yu Mengci (余梦慈@晶玉瑪瑙)
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reinaka42 · 5 months
Wang Chuan Feng Hua Lu (忘川风华录) Masterpost
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Wang Chuan Feng Hua Lu (忘川风华录) is a Vocal synth (Vocaloid and SynthV) music project. It consists of songs themed around different figures throughout Chinese history. The project is a collaboration between different artists and creatives, with music and videos featuring prominent traditional Chinese elements. The project's title translates to "The Records of Magnificence of the Wangchuan" - In Chinese mythology, "Wangchuan" (or River of Forgetting) is a river in the Underworld that can rid one of their past life's memories, similar to the river Lethe.
A mobile game adaptation has also been developed by NetEast. Unfortunately, I haven't played it so I can't give much insight on it. However, I assume that its premise is similar to that of the idea behind the project as a whole: all these historical figures meeting each other in the Underworld after they died. Maybe.
You can find all the songs on Bilibili. The official Weibo can be found here. The game's website, which includes all characters appearing so far in the game, can be found here, and its Weibo can be found here.
(If you prefer YouTube, I've also put together a handy playlist. Please know that most of these videos are reposts though, so please watch the original Bilibili MVs if you can!)
This blog is where I will be posting everything I feel like I need to say about the songs in this project. A lot of it is lifted from my Twitter account but will be in much more detail. Note that I probably won't touch collab songs, or songs that don't focus solely on the project's own characters.
Disclaimer: I do not speak Chinese, nor am I an expert on Chinese history. Therefore, I cannot reliably translate the lyrics to these songs, nor my words should be taken as gospel. I am merely a nerd gushing about my hyperfixation.
多情岸 【Duo Qing An】 ➼ B link
洛阳怀 【Luo Yang Huai】 ➼ B link
易水诀 【Yi Shui Jue】 ➼ B link
山河令 【Shan He Ling】 ➼ B link
簪花人间 【Zhan Hua Ren Jian】 ➼ B link
栖凰 【Qi Huang】 ➼ B link
心上秋 【Xin Shang Qiu】 ➼ B link
祖龙吟 【Zu Long Yin】 ➼ B link
如见青山 【Ru Jian Qing Shan】 ➼ B link
竹林间 【Zhu Lin Jian】 ➼ B link
天下局 【Tian Xia Ju】 ➼ B link
青鸟衔风 【Qing Niao Xian Feng】 ➼ B link
木兰行 【Mu Lan Xing】 ➼ B link
好字唯之 【Hao Zi Wei Zhi】 ➼ B link
不可道 【Bu Ke Dao】 ➼ B link
水叙湖风 【Shui Xu Hu Feng】 (collab) ➼ B link
是非 【Shi Fei】 ➼ B link
风起甘露 【Feng Qi Gan Lu】 (collab) ➼ B link
谓剑 【Wei Jian】 ➼ B link
万象霜天 【Wan Xiang Shuang Tian】 (New Year event song) ➼ B link
千秋梦 【Qian Qiu Meng】 ➼ B link
易安难安 【Yi An Nan An】 ➼ B link
惊鹊 【Jing Que】 ➼ B link
高歌破阵 【Gao Ge Po Zhen】 (collab) ➼ B link
不赴 【Bu Fu】 ➼ B link
西行 【Xi Xing】 ➼ B link
大航海家 【Da Hang Hai Jia】 ➼ B link
牡丹乱 【Mu Dan Luan】 (collab) ➼ B link
倾国 【Qing Guo】 (collab) ➼ B link
相虎 【Xiang Hu】 ➼ B link
补天裂 【Bu Tian Lie】 ➼ B link
此期盈期 【Ci Qi Ying Qi】 (1st anniversary song) ➼ B link
破云来 【Po Yun Lai】 ➼ B link
归钓吟 【Gui Diao Yin】 ➼ B link
始见千秋 【Shi Jian Qian Qiu】 ➼ B link
临川浮梦 【Lin Chuan Fu Meng】 ➼ B link
将军行 【Jiang Jun Xing】 ➼ B link
妄语人间 【Wang Yu Ren Jian】 ➼ B link
数风流 【Shu Feng Liu】 (2nd anniversary song) ➼ B link
问剑春秋 【Wen Jian Chun Qiu】 ➼ B link
起战令 【Qi Zhan Ling】 ➼ B link
人间应又雪 【Ren Jian Ying You Xue】 ➼ B link
旷古回响 【Kuang Gu Hui Xiang】 ➼ B link
墨隐侠声 【Mo Yin Xia Sheng】 ➼ B link
桃源故人 【Tao Yuan Gu Ren】 (3rd anniversary song) ➼ B link
*Note: The anniversary songs are probably for the game's anniversaries, as the project itself is more than 5 years old.
Vol 1: 溯洄 【Su Hui】 Includes character songs from Duo Qing An to Zhu Lin Jian. Features human vocals.
Vol 2: 踏浪 【Ta Lang】 Includes character songs from Tian Xia Ju to Jing Que.
Vol 3: 数风流 【Shu Feng Liu】 Includes character songs from Bu Fu to Wang Yu Ren Jian, an unreleased song titled 燕双归 【Yan Shuang Gui】, and the two anniversary songs.
Visual character guide:
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