#jessica s. olson
darklinaforever · 6 months
Sing me forgotten by jessica s. olson is a rewrite of a phantom of the opera that I hesitate to read, even if the context seems interesting, simply because I know that the ending is also a tragedy and that the characters do not end up together... (Damn, memory wiping is something that annoys me) So, I don't know about you, but when we rewrite something, is it a bit so that the ending is also different ? No ? Because just transposing this into fantasy mode and swapping the sexes isn't enough for me. But the book still looks really good, so I'll read it.
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I'm going to end up rewriting The Phantom of the Opera myself with a happy ending... (Because no rewrites seem to do it ?) Between my own story ideas, rewrites of classic tales / novels, and fanfictions... My list of things to write is only growing lie down...
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After a rewrite that I recommend is Phantom by Susan Kay which is good, and even if Christine ends up with Raoul and Erik die, it is clear that she loved Erik more and even had a child with (only) him, in addition to have recover his cat back, which Raoul fully accepted. (Even if he was not at all a fan of the cat with whom the hatred seemed mutual) But in any case, Phantom by Susan Kay is another variation on Erikstine's tragic love story.
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moondustbooks · 9 months
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August JOMP Day 31 - Read in August
Fingers crossed next month is less chaotic, because summer has been brutal. At least the only one I managed this month was a decent one. Enjoyed the characters, made me cry, loved the magic.
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just0nemorepage · 1 year
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Sing Me Forgotten || Jessica S. Olson || 336 pages Top 3 Genres: Fantasy / Young Adult / Retellings
Synopsis: Isda does not exist. At least not beyond the opulent walls of the opera house.
Cast into a well at birth for being one of the magical few who can manipulate memories when people sing, she was saved by Cyril, the opera house's owner. Since that day, he has given her sanctuary from the murderous world outside. All he asks in return is that she use her power to keep ticket sales high–and that she stay out of sight. For if anyone discovers she survived, Isda and Cyril would pay with their lives.
But Isda breaks Cyril's cardinal rule when she meets Emeric Rodin, a charming boy who throws her quiet, solitary life out of balance. His voice is unlike any she's ever heard, but the real shock comes when she finds in his memories hints of a way to finally break free of her gilded prison.
Haunted by this possibility, Isda spends more and more time with Emeric, searching for answers in his music and his past. But the price of freedom is steeper than Isda could ever know. For even as she struggles with her growing feelings for Emeric, she learns that in order to take charge of her own destiny, she must become the monster the world tried to drown in the first place.
Publication Date: March 2021. / Average Rating: 3.81. / Number of Ratings: ~2960.
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the-final-sentence · 2 years
You have my word on that.
Jessica S. Olson, from A Forgery of Roses
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max-imumbooks · 5 months
A Forgery of Roses, by Jessica S. Olson
A Forgery of Roses centers on main character Myra, a painter known as a Prodigy-- an artist with the ability to manifest what she paints. With a stroke of her brush, she can change a person's hair color or even heal injuries. The only problem is that Prodigies are disappearing, targeted for exploitation of their abilities, outright imprisonment, or worse.
Destitute, Myra reluctantly accepts an unexpected job, offered by the wife of an anti-Prodigy politican: to paint the woman's dead son back to life. She doesn't even know if it's possible, but when the alternative is being revealed as a Prodigy, Myra plunges herself into the task at hand-- and the sinister circumstances of the boy's death.
This novel barely kept my interest. The premise is interesting, but as the murder/mystery it presents itself to be, the crime itself becomes muddled in the mess of plot around it. The premise is fantastical, but Olson does a little too much to explain how the Prodigy gift works, making it more anatomical than magic (despite being called magic throughout the novel). Layers are introduced to the plot, but never adequately explored. It even toys with a couple of tropes, but doesn't fully lean into any of them.
Myra and her supporting cast read as a little too perfect-- everyone is a virtuoso, despite being eighteen or younger. Side characters are poorly developed and show only minimal growth, including Myra.
Overall the novel doesn't have much of an identity, and as a result I wouldn't recommend this novel to anyone in particular. It fell flat, and wasn't particularly satisfying.
Rating: 2.0 stars
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songedunenuitdete · 2 years
A Forgery of Roses de Jessica S. Olson
☃️J'ai lu A Forgery of Roses de Jessica S. Olson / @BragelonneFR 🍂Ce fut un bon roman que j’ai pris plaisir à lire malgré ses imperfections. J’aurais aimé plus de peps mais franchement, ça reste du pinaillage. Au fond, j’ai passé un bon moment !
Mon avis : Dans l’ensemble, je ressors satisfaite de cette lecture ! J’ai aimé l’enquête policière pour élucider le meurtre du frère d’August (l’un des deux héros), la romance toute en filigrane qui s’installe entre lui et Myra, l’héroïne, mais également la manière dont la magie est créée dans ce monde. Certains ont un don provenant de l’Artiste, celui qui a créé ce monde à partir d’une…
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bookcoversonly · 2 years
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Title: A Forgery of Roses | Author: Jessica S. Olson | Publisher: Inkyard Press (2022)
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~ books read in 2023 ~
#11: A Forgery of Roses by Jessica S. Olson
When ladyroses burn, they bleed.
Rating: 4/5
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annelisreadingroom · 11 months
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Hello, it's been a very long time time. What have you all been up to? My family was just visiting me in Poland this weekend.
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jsalim-art · 1 year
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For the latest read I am endeavoring now is the last of my Owlcrate books before I ended my subscription. It's basically a Gothic fantasy style murder mystery involving art which I think is a cool concept reading the synopsis
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Title: Sing Me Forgotten
Author: Jessica S. Olson
Series or standalone: standalone
Publication year: 2021
Genres: fiction, fantasy, retelling, romance, historical fiction
Blurb: Isda does not exist...at least, not beyond the opulent walls of the opera house. Cast into a well at birth for being one of the magical few who can manipulate memories when people sing, she was saved by Cyril, the opera house’s owner. Since that day, he has given her sanctuary from the murderous world outside. All he asks in return is that she use her power to keep ticket sales high...and that she stay out of sight. If anyone discovers she survived, Isda and Cyril would pay with their lives. But Isda breaks Cyril’s cardinal rule when she meets Emeric Rodin - a charming boy who throws her quiet, solitary life out of balance. His voice is unlike any she’s ever heard, but the real shock comes when she finds in his memories hints of a way to finally break free of her gilded prison. Haunted by this possibility, Isda spends more and more time with Emeric, searching for answers in his music and his past...but the price of freedom is steeper than Isda could ever know. Even as she struggles with her growing feelings for Emeric, she learns that in order to take charge of her own destiny, she must become the monster the world tried to drown in the first place.
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paperback-binch · 2 years
A Forgery of Roses - Review
by Jessica S. Olson Hardback $19.99 – Paperback $10.99 ~368 pages – Audiobook: 11 hours YA Fantasy/Romance/Historical Fiction (personally I’d call it a Thriller too)
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Myra has a gift many would kidnap, blackmail, and worse to control: she’s a portrait artist whose paintings alter people’s bodies. Guarding that secret is the only way to keep her younger sister safe now that their parents are gone. But one frigid night, the governor’s wife discovers the truth and threatens to expose Myra if she does not complete a special portrait that would resurrect the governor's dead son.
Once she arrives at the legendary stone mansion, however, it becomes clear the boy’s death was no accident. A killer stalks these halls—one disturbingly obsessed with portrait magic. Desperate to get out of the manor as quickly as possible, Myra turns to the governor’s older son for help completing the painting before the secret she spent her life concealing makes her the killer’s next victim.
Themes: Grief and Loss, Anxiety, Coping with Illness, Learning to Embrace Your Flaws, Disability and Ableism
Tropes: Dead parents, overbearing high-society parents, the vague attempt at a love triangle (thankfully unrealized), plot armor ignorance, chronic illness, ambiguous time period
Warnings: Graphic descriptions of violence and injury, along with a healthy dose of emotional manipulation. Mentions of an accidental pregnancy and stillbirth.
I have to say, this premise intrigued me from the synopsis. Painting magic? Altering reality with paintings? As a lover of art and fantasy, sign me up. I’ll start by cutting to the chase – I really liked this one! There was a point where I was, admittedly, disappointed in what I consider to be a plot hole, but I’m willing to forgive it because oh my god, the twist on this one is insane! I was pleasantly surprised to be very, very wrong about my suspicions. For the first time in a while, a thriller wasn’t predictable to me. Normally, I end up disappointed that the reveals feel obvious, as if the author can’t distinguish between foreshadowing and telegraphing. Olson has no such issue – her writing is engaging and has you turning the pages (or in my case, playing the audio) for hours at a time, but masterfully weaves the clues and crumbs into the story in a way that keep you wondering up until the final chapters.
I do have a few complaints, minor ones for me but I find they’re often important to others. This book is set in a fantasy realm, not anywhere in our reality, with its own geography and history and religion – they worship someone called the Artist, a god with his very own creation mythos, even. But I have no clear understanding of the time period here. They have photography, but portrait painting is still heavily present. They use horse-drawn carriage and lantern light, but there are also elevators and the characters’ speech is very modern. Their money system seems to be coin-based, but overall we see very little worldbuilding here. We may or may not see more of it, since the ending leaves this book primarily resolved, but the final line implies more could come. As it is, the plot is enough of a focus for me that I was willing to overlook the somewhat hastily penned-in world.
As a protagonist, I enjoyed Myra for the majority of the book. Her flaws were believable, and she had realistic motivations. She could be a bit self-centered at times, but I kind of forgive her for it since her primary focus is trying to save her slowly dying sister and keep herself alive to do it. For the most part she was sensible, behaved appropriately to the situation, and didn’t fall into the standard traps of most YA leads. In fact, the one piece of “plot armor” in the story especially infuriated me because it was so out of her character as we had seen it in the book previously.
Avoiding spoilers as best I can, there is a point where Myra encounters someone dying after they were attacked. The victim tells her their attacker also claimed to have killed the governor’s son and is also after Myra – but they die before they can reveal the attacker’s identity. My immediate thought was that Myra, who knows the dead can be restored through her paintings if she knows the cause of their death, would be able to paint this victim back to life and discover who the killer is. My heart sank when I realized we were only halfway through the book, so there was no way that could be the case. Sure enough, rather than resolving things, Myra has a small breakdown over the death and flees the scene, grieving. Of course, I know we can’t have it so easily resolved; that would be no fun at all. But all I ask is a believable reason she couldn’t paint them back to life. Maybe someone coming to investigate the commotion, or even the attacker returning to the scene. Grieving a death that you can undo just doesn’t cut it for me, and this was my one big gripe with the story. As things go, it could’ve been much worse, but it definitely spoiled the mood for a bit.
I see one particular complaint coming up in other reviews, which is the representation of disabilities in this book and how it’s handled. Personally, I found it incredibly refreshing that disabilities both mental and physical were a heavy focus of this story, since we rarely see it, but I do have to agree that some of it was handled… not poorly, per se, but awkwardly might be a good adjective here. August has anxiety, and Lucy has what I suspect to be Crohn’s disease, though we don’t get a confirmation on that.
Lucy is shown to be extremely precocious, as if compensating for her illness through sheer force of adorable will, which I understand seems unrealistic to most. But I’ve met sick kids – I grew up with one – and I can attest that willful pig-headedness is a trait a lot of them use to cope. I felt like Lucy was sweet, and a much-needed sunbeam in Myra’s life, and we do get to see the heavier side of her illness as well. A lot of people felt August had “convenient” anxiety, since we only see it flare up at certain times, but I personally felt it was pretty realistic to what I’ve experienced in my own life. My cousin has anxiety, and when she’s in a situation that overwhelms her, can have similar reactions to August – panic, trembling, inability to speak, etc. But in a comfortable situation, you wouldn’t even guess it.
I think as a whole, the characters stood apart from each other and while some were maybe a bit one-note (Governor Harris is almost more caricature than character, playing essentially a stereotype of a racist politician) I felt they all had their roles in the story and were done well. There was a moment when we almost had a love triangle – a very loose attempt at one, and personally I felt that it wasn’t a proper love triangle because one leg of it was very one-sided. If anything, I kinda thought it was refreshing that Myra only seemed to have eyes for August, even though Vincent was trying hard to woo her.
Final Thoughts
Overall, I really liked this one, and taking my few complaints into consideration, I’d give it a 4/5. I’m actually hoping we do get a sequel, but at the same time I wouldn’t be upset if we don’t. This one feels pretty complete in the end, but I’d definitely pick up another – or other books by this author.
If you like gothic horror but you’re not quite prepared for the full darkness of a horror novel, this is a great compromise. There’s real edge to the gore, genuine stakes and lives on the line, but it’s tempered and well-paced. If you’re a stickler for worldbuilding I can’t recommend it, but I think if you like Nathalie D. Richards and want a fantasy spin on her brand of thriller, this is a good choice.
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esf-art-and-design · 5 months
Comprehensive list of Queer Pop Artists (wether through themes in songs or through confirmed ID) you could be supporting instead of throwing a fit over the fact that Swift is not gay and would really like if y’all stopped speculating (because it’s wrong to boil someone down to who they bone, and dangerous and harmful to out someone, thought we knew this as the queer community, but I digress)
List was created by a now deleted account on Reddit, so I can’t credit the exact person who created it
A Comprehensive List of LGBTQ+ Pop Music Act’s
additional reference: /u/[**frogaranaman**](https://www.reddit.com/user/frogaranaman/)**'s list divided by identity:** [**https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/comments/c3rpga/happy\_pride\_in\_honor\_of\_the\_month\_here\_is\_a\_list/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/comments/c3rpga/happy_pride_in_honor_of_the_month_here_is_a_list/)
^(i divided by genre, so some people appear on multiple lists. I am not a musicologist; please do not ask me why i categorized an artist in one genre, but not the other. if the grammys never even get it right, how can i?)
**methodology**: i included artists who give a clear answer being a part of the community, have had it verified being queer and/or queerness some tangible way, have passed, and/or discuss queer themes in the first person in a moderate or significant part of their body of work. ^(i did not include comedy artists, so you will not see too many camp acts or drag queens here.)
* *\** = person and/or representation of color, mostly black
* *(+)* = noticeably problematic
* *(#)* \- uses queer themes or narrators often, but not verified
if I missed someone, or misidentified someone, post a response with their name and genre. i will edit & include them.
# adult contemporary
* ben abraham *\**
* jennifer knapp
* will young
* sam smith
* billy porter *\**
* michaela jai *\**
# alternative folk & country
* orville peck
* adeem the artist
* tj osborne / brothers osbourne
* angel olson
* joy oladokun *\**
* sufjan stevens (#)
* evil *\**
* kd lang
* izzy heltai
* trixie mattel
* steve grand
* adrianne lenker (of big thief)
# alternative hip-hop & rap
* taylor bennett *\**
* snow tha product *\**
* zebra katz *\**
* shygirl *\**
* rob.b *\**
* tiger goods *\**
* naeem ***(formerly spank rock)*** *\**
* mykki blanco *\**
* princess nokia *\**
* mahawam *\**
* heems *\**
* saul williams *\**
* kalifa ***(formerly le1f)*** *\**
* omar apollo *\**
* keanan *(drill) \**
* drebae *\**
* cuee *\**
* junglepussy *\**
* angel haze *\**
* mista strange *(drill) \**
* the last artful, dogdr *\**
* dizzy fae *\**
* kelechi\*\*\*
* ilovemakonnen *\**
* kamaiyah *\**
* kidd kenn *(drill) \**
* leikeli47 *\**
* isaiah rashad *\**
* dai burger *\**
* azealia banks ***(+)*** *\**
* chicka *\**
* jaboukie *\**
* dapper dan midas *\**
* baby tate *\**
* kevin abstract / brockhampton *\**
* cakes da killa *\**
* iamjakehill / ur pretty
* cazwell
* lil lotus
* lil aaron
# alternative pop
* purple crush
* aurora
* st. vincent
* black dresses
* anohni
* maggie lindemann
* scott matthew
* oscar and the wolf
* steve lacy *\**
* dreamer isioma *\**
* vaultboy
* coco & clair clair *\**
* shamir *\**
* empress of *\**
* cat burns *\**
* kučka
* king mala
* lava la rue *\**
* devonte hynes / blood orange *\**
* jessica 6 *\**
* naeem ***(formerly spank rock)****\**
* adore delano / danny noriega *\**
* orion sun *\**
* dizzy fae *\**
* pvris
* japanese breakfast *\**
* dorian electra
* yeule
* kevin abstract / brockhampton *\**
* christine & the queens
* davy boi *\**
* declan mckenna
* yungblud
* jazmin bean
# alternative r&b
* durand bernarr *\**
* keiynan lonsdale\*
* frank ocean *\**
* noah davis
* serpentwithfeet \*
* joy oladokun *\**
* isaac dunbar *\**
* kwaye *\**
* steve lacy *\**
* kelechi *\**
* ray laurel *\**
* mac ayres
* orion sun *\**
* kyle dion *\**
* janelle monae *\**
* kelela *\**
* jeremy pope *\**
* syd / the internet *\**
* jamila woods *\**
* kehlani *\**
* mahawam *\**
* 070 shake *\**
* davy boi *\**
* destin conrad *\**
* michelle (band) *\**
* cat burns *\**
* coco & breezy *\**
* arlo parks *\**
* devonte hynes / blood orange *\**
* bartees strange *\**
* brayton bowman *\**
* bronze avery *\**
* cain culto ***(formerly ecclesia)*** *\**
* olivia o'brien
# SPOTLIGHT: arab, persian, & desi / south-asian artists
* the muslims *\**
* hamed sinno / mashrou’ leila *\**
* wafia *\**
* remi wolf *\**
* rostam / vampire weekend \*
* heems \*
* freddy mercury / queen *\**
* leo kalyan *\**
* lil darkie ***(+)*** *\**
* dounia *\**
* dua saleh *\**
* raveena *\**
* mavi phoenix *\**
* ray laurel\*
# black & urban contemporary gospel
* kevin terry \*
* mo heart \*
* resistance revival chorus \*
* james cleveland \*
* sister rosetta tharpe \*
* tonex / b.slade \*
* donnie mcclurkin \*
# blues / jazz / spoken word
* billy wright \*
* bessie smith \*
* frankie "half pint" jaxon \*
* big mama thorton \*
* johnny mathis \*
* ethel waters \*
* billie holiday \*
* little richard \*
* ma rainey \*
* billy strayhorn \*
* langston hughes\*
# camp
* iamjakehill / ur pretty
* jaboukie \*
* qaadir howard \*
# contemporary r&b
* whitney houston \*
* monifah \*
* iman jordan\*
* 070 shake\*
* bree runway\*
* coco & breezy\*
* dreamer isioma\*
# christian & worship
* william matthews\*
* semler
* ecclesia ***(now known as cain culto) \****
* sufjan stevens **(#)**
* jennifer knapp
* vicky beeching
* dion davis\*
* joy oladokun\*
* ethel cain
* julien baker
* dan haseltine / jars of clay
* ray boltz
# djs / producers
* kaytranda \*
* amorphous \*
* sophie
* mnek \*
* mike q \*
# electronic / disco / industrial
* woodkid
* robert alfons / tr/st
* bright light bright lights
* k flay
* beth ditto
* midnight pool party \*
* sylvester \*
* eartheater
* christine & the queens
* zee machine
* yves tumor \*
* passion pit
* the sound of arrows
* peaches
* fever ray / the knife
* hercules and love affair
* jessica 6 \*
* kele okereke / bloc party\*
* shura
* madison rose\*
* michael medrano
* shamir \*
* shygirl \*
# house / ballroom house
* little louie vega / masters at work\*
* azealia banks ***(+)*** \*
* tt the artist\*
* cake da killa\*
* kevin jz prodigy\*
* purple crush
* miss jay\*
* kevin aviance \*
* rupaul \*
# hyper / power pop
* 100 gecs
* that kid \*
* dorian electra
* mika \*
# indie & progressive pop
* mickey darling (#)
* fhat \*
* cub sport
* moses sumney \*
* kele okereke / bloc party\*
* minute taker
* morgxn
* shamir \*
* muna (\*)
* tawnted
* the aces
* rostam / vampire weekend \*
* this japanese house
* tinashe \*
* angel olson
* mothica
* peter thomas
* japanese breakfast \*
* lava la rue \*
* royal & the serpent
* michelle (band) \*
* semler
* pale waves
* perfume genius
* gabriel garzon montano \*
* declan mckenna
* the sound of arrows
* fever ray / the knife
* kali
* lava la rue
* girl in red
* bartees strange \*
* jake shears / scissor sisters
* ethel cain
* devonte hynes / blood orange \*
* purple crush
* tegan & sara
* oliver sim / the xx
* ssion
# indie rock
* kele okereke / bloc party \*
* cosmo jarvis ***(#)***
* oliver sim / the xx
* car seat headrest
* big thief
* now, now
* lucy dacus / boygenius
* rostam / vampire weekend \*
* boyish
* julien baker
* black belt eagle scout \*
* ethel cain
* courtney barnett
* pale waves
* joe talbot / idles
* le tigre
* john grant / the czars
* lava la rue \*
# SPOTLIGHT: indigenous artists
* black belt eagle scout \*
* keiynan lonsdale\*
* trixie mattel \*
# k-pop
* mrshll\*
* holland\*
* lionesses\*
* jiae / wa$$up\*
* wonho\*
# SPOTLIGHT: latinidad & latine artists
* arca \*
* ricky martin\*
* villano antillano \*
* cain culto (formerly ecclesia) \*
* tokischa \*
* mad tsai \*
* snow tha product \*
* 070 shake \*
* anitta \*
* kali uchis \*
* blue rojo \*
* pablo vittar \*
* maria becerra\*
* kaytranda \*
* omar rudberg \*
* empress of \*
* michaela jai \*
* willie gomez \*
* jessica 6 *\**
* mabiland \*
* princess nokia \*
* omar apollo \*
* adore delano / danny noriega \*
* omar rudberg \*
* adriano cintra / css \*
* young m.a \*
* gabriel garzon montano \*
* pablo alborán
* bentley robles \*
Also adding in general (not pop necessarily)
Elton John
Queen/Freddie Mercury
Lzzy Hale/ Halestorm
Taylor Momsen/ The Pretty Reckless
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elisaintime · 6 months
Are there any books were The Phantom is portrayed as another gender, trans or non binary?
The non-self-published ones I know of are: Sing Me Forgotten by Jessica S. Olson: https://amzn.to/48aARJA Midnight Duet by Jen Comfort: https://amzn.to/3t9s9MP
They're both fairly recent releases, with straightforward cis gender swapping--lady Phantoms and male Christines. The first is serious and a magical/fantasy young adult/teenager retelling. The second one is humorous and a real-world adult version. The reviews called it "charmingly bonkers." I own both but haven't had the chance to read either yet.
Of course there are eighty quadrillion self published Phantom of the Opera novels on Amazon and elsewhere that I'm sure must have some gender variety, but I haven't heard of any ever mentioned specifically.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 6 months
Me going through my current library loans:
Forgery of Roses by Jessica S. Olson , 11hrs>> That's reasonable
Mists of Avalon Book 1 by Marion Zimmer Bradley, 14hrs>> still doable.
Romanov by Nadine Bradley, 11hrs>> again not bad.
Blitz by Daniel O'Mall--THIRTY NINE HOURS
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bubblesandpages · 1 year
This is the tentative “active” tbr for the year. I’m sure much will happen to upset it. 
Ordinary Monsters by J M Miro
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin DNF
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
City of Last Chances by Adrian Tchaikovsky DNF
All Systems Red by Martha Wells
Aquanaut by Rick Stanton
Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson DNF
Book of Night by Holly Black
The Stolen Heir by Holly Black
Maresi Red Mantle by Maria Turtschaninoff
The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents by Terry Pratchett
Bramble Fox by Kathrin Tordasi DNF
The Inheritance of Orquidea Divina by Zoraida Cordova
The Fellowship of the Ring by J R R Tolkien
The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman
Howl’s Moving Castle, Castle in the Air and the House of Many Ways by Diana Wynne Jones
A Forgery of Roses by Jessica S Olson
Witch Hat Atelier by Kamome Shirahama
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo DNF
The Goblin Emperor by Kathrine Addison
A Conspiracy of Kings by Megan Whalen Turner
Persuasion by Jane Austen
How to Survive Your Murder by Danielle Valentine DNF
House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland
Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir
Hearts of Gold by Jackie French
Platypus Matters by Jack Ashby
The Painted Veil by W Somerset Maugham
A House of Pomegranates and The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde
Mother Carey’s Chickens by Kate Douglas Wiggin
Caraval by Stephanie Garber 
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke 
A Dragon of a Different Color, and Last Dragon Standing by Rachel Aaron
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