#janine would agree with me
signet should have called grand mag a little bitch boy during the feast of patina
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iamnotoriginalphil · 7 months
Tied Up (Melissa Schemmenti x f!Reader)
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Synopsis: You really like it when Melissa ties her hair up.
Words: 1.7k
Warning: mentions of bondage and marking
You were trying to pay attention. You really were. You could see Melissa’s lips moving and you could hear her voice but the words weren’t forming. Instead, you felt frozen, just staring at her, nodding along when it felt appropriate.
“Don’t you agree?” managed to break through the fog in your brain.
“Yup,” you said nodding, “mmhm.”
“You weren’t listening to me at all were you?” She raised an eyebrow at you.
“Course I was.” Your eyes traced over her face again, lingering on the line of her neck, “I was totally listening.”
“What’d I say then?” she asked.
You were frozen again.
“Alright, no I wasn’t listening,” you admitted.
She looked over you before turning on her heels and walking away. All you could do was watch her ponytail swing in time with her steps. Your mouth turned dry and you felt your heart beat harder in your throat.
Your best days were the ones where Melissa wore her hair up.
Perhaps she began to pick up on it, as from that day on she began wearing her hair up more often. Which left you to not able to concentrate any time you were in the same room with her. Making Janine begin trying to investigating what was going on with you. So you began avoiding Melissa as much as possible. And eating alone in your classroom every lunch.
It was your way of maintaining your sanity. Without Janine asking you constant questions about your inability to concentrate and without Melissa in visible eye line, you were able to relax and not turn up to teach with your thoughts muddled. You were getting ahead on work by not taking a proper lunch break too, so you had to look at the positives.
The negatives were not seeing Melissa.
It all came to a head on a Tuesday. The last bell had rung and you’d dismissed your fourth graders. You fell back in your seat, letting out a long breath. It had been a long day, your kids unable to settle. Some days were a slog to get through.
“You avoiding me?”
You jumped, almost falling from your chair. In your doorway, Melissa was glaring at you. Your words dried up. A strand of hair curled against the skin of her neck and you wondered what that skin would taste like.
“Are ya?” she demanded.
You floundered for a moment before a no burst from you.
“Then what’s going on?” she asked, closing the door to your classroom behind her.
“Janine… asks questions,” you said.
“Look, no one’s gonna deny that but none of the rest of us are hiding out from her, so what’s really going on?”
“Nothing,” you said.
Your eyes drifted down her body again before you had to look away. You were so aware of her, every step she was taking towards you, every shift in the air. A finger tilted your chin up, your breath catching as you looked into her face, her bare skin touching yours.
“Have I done something?” she asked, looking genuinely concerned by the answer.
The thing was, before the whole tying hair up thing you’d been friends with Melissa. Friends but you found her beautiful and interesting and funny and definitely had a crush on her. But it was manageable since there was no possibility of her returning your feelings.
It had just gotten out of control as of late.
“No,” you said, not quite able to bring yourself to pull out of her grip on your chin.
“You leave a room when I enter it,” she said, “you’ve been avoiding me.”
“It’s not… I haven’t been… it’s not what you think,” you managed to land on.
“Then what is it?” she asked, “talk to me, hon.”
“It’s nothing. I’ll fix it,” you said, “I’ll fix it.”
She raised an eyebrow at you.
“Please don’t make me say it,” you begged her.
Her fingers trailed from your chin, down your neck until it brushed over your pulse point. You shivered, averting your eyes from her again. Her touch continued to move, until her fingers were tangled in the hair at the nape of your neck, tugging on it until you were looking up at her again. Her eyes moved down your body before meeting yours again.
“You got a crush on me or something?”
Your cheeks heated.
“You think I haven’t noticed how you look at me? How you don’t pay attention when I wear a low cut top? How you can’t even look at me when I wear my hair in a ponytail?” She tugged on your hair again, “I noticed.”
“Then you know why I’ve been avoiding you.” You internally cursed, “not avoiding you. Keeping my distance.”
“No, I don’t know why so how’s about you explain it to me,” she said.
“Well, obviously you don’t feel the same way so I have to get over you. And that’s really hard when you’re here looking all…” Your eyes slid over her body, lingering on the long line of her neck you’d like to leave your mark on, “I know we’re friends but I can’t get over you if I’m drooling over you everyday.”
“Hey, hey who says I don’t feel the same way?” she said, interrupting before you could continue rambling, “don’t go putting words in my mouth.”
“Course you don’t because you’re you and I’m… me,” you said.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” she demanded.
“Well, you’re so strong and confident and smart. Like you take no shit. You’re so impressive. And funny. You make me laugh all the time. And then there’s me who’s just kind of a mess with nothing to offer someone as amazing as you,” rushed out of you.
“What’re you talking about?” Her hand slipped from your hair to cup your cheek, so soft and gentle it could make you cry.
“It’s fine,” you said, the embarrassment continuing to build, “I’m working on it.”
“Working on what, hon?” she asked.
“Getting over you,” you said, “and then this will just be a funny story we can reminisce on later.”
“And what if I don’t want you getting over me?”
“Well then I’ll-“ You paused as your brain caught up to her words, “what?”
“Hon, I’ve been tying my hair up like this since I noticed the effect it had on you. You think I’m doing that for my own amusement?” she said, “well, I am but it’s because you get this cute lil look on your face when you’re flustered. Point is, I’ve been doing it for your benefit.”
She sighed, the way you’d heard her do a million times, and squeezed her eyes closed for a moment. When she opened them again, there was a smoulder to them that made your breath catch. You’d spend countless hours with her but she’d never looked at you like that.
“Do I have to hit you over the head with it? I got feelings for you too, sweetheart,” she said, “I happen to like that you’re you.”
She pressed a finger to your lips, effectively silencing you.
“But nothing. I know I look hotter with my hair down but you like it like this. So I make the sacrifice to make your day better. You think I’m doing that for someone I don’t like? C’mon, I ain’t no sucker,” she said, “I was hoping you’d tell me without having to hunt you down even if I like the thought of tying you up.”
You choked on nothing, spluttering at her words. She gave you one of those smiles that said she was indulging you.
“Sorry, I just- you- bondage? Really?”
“That’s all you got from that?”
Her head tilted to the side and your eyes drifted back to her neck, so distracted with thoughts of marking her and being tied up by her. She chuckled, tilting your chin up.
“The point is, I like you too. And unless you’re going to run away again, I’m gong to kiss you now,” she said.
“I won’t run,” you breathed.
She lent towards you, slow as if worried you might still change your mind and run. Her forefinger was still tilting your face towards her, skin against skin enough to drive you crazy. The first brush of lips was soft, as if testing the waters. You gasped, surging up from your chair, pressing her against the edge of your desk as you kissed her deeper. Her tongue stroked along yours and your entire mind emptied of anything but her.
Her fingers buried themselves in your hair, tangling in it as you pinned her to the desk, needing her more than you needed air. You trailed your lips down, finally living out the fantasy that had been living in your head for so long. Your tongue darted out, tasting her skin. Her moan was delicious, pressing you closer when your teeth nipped at her.
She sighed your name, tightening her fingers in your hair. You hummed against her throat, knowing you’d found heaven. You could spend hours right there, buried in her neck, listening to the noises she was making.
“Hon, as much as I’m enjoying that mouth of yours, if you keep up with that I won’t be responsible for my actions and we’re still on school premises,” she said, gently pushing you away, “how about you pack up and I’ll make you dinner?”
“I’m not even worth taking somewhere?” you asked.
“I ain’t promising to keep my hands off you,” she said, causing your cheeks to heat up, “I’d rather have you on my table than somewhere anyone else can see you. All that’s for me. No one else gets to see that.”
“Yeah that sounds good.”
“Good, get your coat,” she said, “I’ve spent enough time waiting for you I’m not waiting another moment.”
You snatched up your coat from the back of your chair and your bag from under your desk. She chuckled at your enthusiasm, slinging an arm around your shoulders. You reached up, turning her face towards yours. It was quick, the kiss you pressed to her lips, but her smile lasted a lot longer than that.
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morgana-larkin · 5 days
Hi hi! I wanna request for everyone’s favorite redhead, Melissa! (I definitely did not have a hot and steamy dream about this scenario at all) I have an idea of where after a hard week and the start of Abbott’s winter break, everyone goes to a strip club to let off some steam. At the strip club, our reader is a stripper that has a firefighter schtick, and Melissa’s attention is fully on her. Ava notices this and as an early Christmas gift, she gifts Melissa a private dance with the firefighter stripper, and maybe a few “extras” 😉. During the private dance, the reader reveals that they’re an actual firefighter which causes Melissa to get excited and starts talking about fire trucks before the reader shushes her and asks her if she’d like a tour of the firehouse someday, implying future smut.
and then maybe a part 2 of the firehouse smut where the reader has the firehouse empty for a night and invites Melissa over to give her that “special tour” which involves our stripper reader coming out in her full firefighter gear and having Melissa take it off of her, before revealing fire red lingerie under all that gear, along with using the fire pole as a stripper pole and then some smut inside the fire truck which I know Melissa would love
Anon, the next time you have a dream like this, please, invite me to your dream! Lol. But for real, this was a great prompt and of course I’ll write a part 2 with smut! Here’s part 1 of a little tease. Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: I’m trying to write Worth It but I just did 12 hours on a set for a movie and was able to write this quickly. I’ll get through your prompts while trying to write Worth It. I love how 2 prompts are for drunk Mel! And I haven’t forgotten about Mine and Cool Your Fire!
Calling 911
Warnings: references to smut
Words: 1.9k
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It was the end of the day at Abbott and now the beginning of a well deserved Christmas break. The Abbott crew decided to go on together before having 2 weeks off. Due to it being a stressful week full of grading, kids not paying attention as they were excited for the break and just the usual craziness as usual, they agreed with Ava’s suggestion to go to a strip club together.
They got to the club while there was a stripper doing an angel theme strip dance. They got a table near the front and Ava got the first round of drinks for everyone. They were talking and enjoying their drinks when you came on and the song started. “Somebody better call 911, shawty fire burning on the dance floor, whoa!” The song flooded through the club and Melissa turned to face the dancer just as it started and she froze.
There you were in firefighter looking overalls with the suspenders, a red bra and a fake firefighter helmet. Melissa watched you, entranced, while you swung around the pole, dancing to the rhythm of the song.
Everyone saw Melissa so taken by the stripper and just watched her watch you. They were smiling as they always had a feeling that Melissa might play for both teams. But Ava being Ava, she of course had to meddle.
By the time the song was over and you walked off stage, Melissa turned her attention back to the table. “What?” She asked them all as they were all staring at her.
“You seem taken by that stripper.” Janine said with a smirk.
“She was doing a firefighter set, you know how much I love things about firefighters.” Melissa tries to defend herself.
“So it was only the fact that she was doing a firefighter set and nothing to do with the woman herself?” Barb asked her, already knowing the answer and knowing the lie that Melissa will say.
“So you wouldn’t be interested in the fact that I got you a private dance with her then?” Ava says and Melissa chokes and starts coughing on the sip she took.
“You what? When did you even do that?” Melissa asks in shock.
“When you were ogling her for like 3 minutes.” Ava says with a grin. “But hey, if you don’t want it then I’ll take it.” Ava says and goes to get up. Melissa reacts before thinking and grabs Ava’s wrist and pulls her back down.
“I- I didn’t say no, I was just surprised.” Melissa says. Surprised by her own actions.
“Then go get that dance.” Ava says and Melissa gets up with a sigh.
“Alright alright, I’m going.” Melissa tells her.
“Merry Christmas Schemmenti.” Ava tells her with a wave and Melissa flips her off.
Melissa walks to the room that Ava told her to go too and walks in. It was an average size room with a couch, a pole, a speaker and low lighting. She crosses the room to the couch and before she sits, you walk in.
“Well this is a nice surprise.” You say and she turns around. “Oh, very nice surprise.” You say when you see her face and you were able to make out the red hair when you entered. You see a small smile on her face at your compliment and she shook her head.
“I bet you say that to everyone.” She says to you.
“I actually don’t. In my defence though, it’s usually men.” You tell her and you see her tilt her head. You can’t see much else in the low lighting.
“You don’t like doing private dances for men.” She asks and you have to admit, talking with her is really nice.
“Not really, it’s the women that catch my interest.” You tell her. “Do you mind if I turn up the light a bit? I would like to see you.” You ask her.
“Ok, but I’ll warn you, I’m not young.” She tells you and you turn it up a bit and you’re finally able to see her face clearly.
“Wow.” You say a bit breathless. “You’re stunning.” You tell her and you can make out a blush in the lighting. She sees you in a short black dress and she takes a breath to cool herself down.
“Th-thank you. U-um my f-friend paid for me to have a private dance because I liked your firefighter set.” She stutters out and tries to change the subject.
“Really? A woman who is attracted to firefighters? That’s rare.” You tell her and walk closer to her.
“Y-ya, I love everything about it.” She tells you and sees you coming closer to her and she walks back. She hits the couch and falls on it. She looks up at you with wide eyes and her mouth open in shock.
You giggle at her reaction and you then lean down to her ear. “Did you not want a private dance?” You whisper in her ear then pull back. “I can do a lap dance or a pole dance. Whichever you prefer.” You ask her and she’s frozen in place.
“You- you can choose.” She squeaks out and you’re confused. Well that was new.
“What? No one has asked me to choose.” You tell her and she gulps. Normally you prefer the pole because it means you don’t have to be near them, but something about this woman piques your interest. Is it because she’s exactly your type or because she seems nervous or something else? You’ll never know.
You hit play from the remote in your hand that you grabbed when you walked in and a song starts to play. It’s the song Buttons by the Pussycat Dolls, a great burlesque group. You start at the pole but then make your way over to her lap. When the song is over, you’re straddling her lap and she’s panting heavily under you with wide eyes.
“You know, I’m actually a firefighter, that’s why I like doing a firefighter set.” You tell her and you think she stopped breathing.
“You are?” She asks you and you nod. You see her breathing even out quickly and a smile forms on her lips. “You know I wanted to be a firefighter, if I wasn’t a teacher then I would have been a firefighter. It runs in my family actually, I know all about it, I mean the Schemmenti’s love beating fires. And also-” She rambles and you put a finger over her mouth to stop her.
“You’re a Schemmenti?” You ask her and she nods. “Wow, your family is a legend.” You tell her and she blushes. “You know you’re cute.” You tell her and she smiles and looks down. “I don’t ever do this but how about we continue this private dance at the fire station another night?” You ask her and she beams.
“Really?” She asks and you nod.
“I can give you a private tour.” You tell her and she gets so excited that she hugs you.
“I would love that, both things.” She says and then remembers you’re only wearing a bra and underwear and she pulls back. “Sorry. But I would love a tour, and to continue the private dance.” She says and you laugh.
“Of course.” You tell her then you get off of her and put your dress back on. “I’ll see you later.” You tell her with a wink and then leave.
Melissa then thinks you never settled on a date or got your number and she frowns, was she played? She then gets up and exits the room. She sees her group of friends are still here and she makes a stop at the bar first. She’s waiting on her drink when a piece of paper slides to her. She looks over and sees it’s you.
At the table, Ava saw you approach Melissa and shushes everyone and then points. Everyone looks over to see what caught her interest and their jaws drop.
“Thought you might need this.” You tell her and she blushes and smiles before taking the piece of paper.
“Go Melissa!” Ava yells and you look over and see someone grab the woman who yelled and pulled her back down.
“Melissa Schemmenti?” You say and she nods.
“That’s me.” She says and you smile.
“What a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. Mine’s y/n y/l/n. Pleasure to formally meet you.” You tell her and you shake hands. Before letting go of her hand, you pull her hand a bit and kiss her cheek and then you leave. You turn around to see her stunned. “Don’t be a stranger.” You say and then go to the back of the club.
Melissa smiles then touches where you kissed her cheek. She has a second of content and peace and then she gets ambushed by the crew. They bombard her with questions and she doesn’t give either of them an answer. She just looks at the paper: for that tour xo . You wrote, followed by your number. Melissa smiles the entire time at the strip club after that.
“Did you hit it?” Ava asks and Melissa snaps her head to her and glared briefly before smiling again.
“Nope.” She says and Ava sighs. “Better, got a firefighter’s number.” She says and Jacob squeals.
“OMG you should text her! Like right now!” Jacob says with excitement.
“What? She just gave me her number half an hour ago. That’s way too soon.” Melissa says.
“I don’t know, it looked like she really wanted a text from you immediately.” Janine says and everyone agrees. They then try and push her to text you.
“Ok ok, I’ll text her.” Melissa finally gives in and gets her phone out. She puts in your number and then freezes. “What do I text her?” She says aloud and Barb hides a snicker, Melissa is rarely nervous and she’s nervous right now.
“You could do a simple hi and your name so she knows who it is.” Gregory suggests casually.
No no, u gotta flirt girl.” Ava pipes up with a smile.
“And say what Ava?” Janine asks, and then the group discusses what Melissa should say.
Melissa was half listening to what everyone was saying, but she trusts her gut and sends you a message.
Melissa: Hey, it’s Melissa. From what I’ve already seen, that private tour is gonna be great 😉
Melissa sends it then waits for a reply, it doesn’t take long until her phone chimes with a notification.
You: Hey Melissa! Oh you know it! I'm just as good with a hose as I am with a pole
You: wait a minute, that doesn’t sound right
You: that sounded much better in my head
Melissa: 😆
Melissa: I know what you meant. Flirting is not your strong suit is it?
You: not really
You: much better at taming fires…
Melissa: can’t wait for you to tame me
You: I think you’re probably one fire I can never fully tame
Melissa: that’s true
Melissa smiles from her phone as she has a conversation with you. Unknown to her, everyone stopped arguing and was just watching her blush and smile while texting you.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
Let me know if you want to be added!
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schemmentis · 2 months
Like I Can - Pt. 3
Pt. 1 / Pt. 2
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.7k
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You see more of Melissa in the weeks after your one night stand. Not quite as much as the beginning of your friendship, when you saw her without fail every weeknd. Still, more than the near nothing you’d been growing reluctantly used to.
You still spend more time with Barbara than your favorite redhead, but you’re pleasantly surprised on the evenings that she joins both of you. It’s one of those surprise evenings where she surprises you further.
You’re already at a table at one of your favorite restaurants across from Barb when Melissa strides to the table, apologizing for being late. Like every other time she’s suddenly joined you, you only smile and say you’re glad she’s there. You are. It’s been much nicer to see her and know what’s going on from her than through Barbara.
Occasionally, you feel the knife stab you a little deeper beneath your chest. When she’s laughing. When she’s loose and carefree in a way you know she only really is with you and Barb. Still, you’re never upset to see her and you aren’t disappointed by her appearance tonight.
You’re all nearly through your meals when Melissa snaps her fingers like she’s forgotten something. “Barb, the kids mentioned game night next weekend. You think Gerald will forgive you for missing one Saturday night?”
Good-naturedly, Barbara’s eyes are rolling. “It is a Saturday night tonight.” She points out with a look your way that is meant to convey exasperation. Except you know Barb is very rarely actually so fed up with Melissa. You’re the same way. “I assume you’re hosting?”
“Well, I ain’t goin’ to Janine’s, that’s for sure.”
“Oh, the other teachers.” You laugh slightly. “You said kids. I thought you were going to have all your little students running around for a second.”
“Oh god, no. You know I love my little eagles but they ain’t comin’ to my house that’s for sure. Janine is lucky she gets to.”
“Melissa!” Barbara chastises. Or, she tries to. Except you’re laughing and Melissa is smiling at you. It doesn’t really land. 
“Hey, you should come, Y/N.”
“Me?” You scoff, waving Melissa’s invitation off. “Come on, I’m not going to get in the way of your teacher bonding time.”
“You wouldn’t be in the way. ‘Sides they’d like you.”
“You just want me there so you can have me on your team and guarantee you win.”
“Maybe! It ain’t my fault Barb has us on a losing streak!”
“I do not!” Barbara protests from across the table. 
You sigh, pretending to think it over. You are tempted. More time with Melissa is hardly anything you’d say no to. Still, you’re hesitant. These are the people she sees every day. You’ve heard a little when Melissa tells you about her days and what’s gone on but that’s hardly the same as meeting these people. And then spending an evening in Melissa’s living room with them. In competitive mode over games on top.
“Alright, I’ll come but Barb has to be on our team, too. She’s better at trivia than you, Mel.”
Melissa pretends to be offended, a hand to her chest at your trivia comment. “I won trivial pursuit the last game night we had, thank you very much.”
“Did you sneak in extra sports questions?”
“No! I did win on one though…”
“Of course you did, Mel. Just text me when to be there.”
By the time Melissa texts you about game night and what time; you’d nearly forgotten you agreed to go. You don’t panic though. For some reason, knowing both Melissa and Barbara will be there, you aren’t nervous to meet the others. It might help that you know Melissa doesn’t just let people into her house. Not easily at any rate.
Once you’re stepping into Melissa’s living room, Barb has already beaten you there. Not the others. You would guess having those she’s most comfortable around here first makes inviting the others a touch easier. You barely say hello before she’s handing you a cold beer from the fridge.
The others trickle in over the next half hour. You understand now all the little comments Melissa has made about them as you meet them and the small chit chat that ensues as each of them arrive. Janine is sweet but definitely too peppy for Melissa. You suddenly understand each time Melissa said she would keep coffee as far away from the younger teacher as possible.
“Traitor!” Melissa teases when you pair up with Barb one game. You merely roll your eyes at her, it’s a two person team rule and she’d been claimed by Jacob for that game. Otherwise you probably would have picked her yourself.
You find yourself sprawled across Melissa’s couch. Barb had been the first to leave that night, as you expected. She wasn’t one for late nights in the entire time you’d known her. The others had stuck around a bit longer. Now, it’s just you and Melissa.
The two of you had mostly cleaned up her living room, ignoring some of the empty bottles and other drinks. Now, her television is on. It’s playing one of the reality shows Melissa loves that you don’t pay much attention to. Though you’re learning them and the drama in them through osmosis. 
You’re next to Melissa, your legs stretched over her lap. Your thighs rest in her lap more than your legs or feet. One of her hands is idly messing with your hair as she watches the screen. You don’t remember how this is how you two ended up but you aren’t complaining at all. It’s perhaps the most content and safe you’ve felt in a long time. You struggle to remember when you last did.
Melissa’s soft voice calling to you has you blinking. You’re almost worried you fell asleep. You may be on your way but as your eyes refocus on the television screen you realize it’s still the scene you last remember so you couldn’t have fallen asleep just yet. You likely won’t be awake much longer though.
“Hm?” You wordlessly answer her. Her fingers are gently rubbing a mindless pattern at your temple.
“You gonna see that woman again? The one from a couple weeks ago?”
You blink at the television set, your half awake brain slowly turning over her question. “No.” You finally answer. You’re too tired to be worried about what the right thing to say is. Too tired to be worried about how you sound, or accidentally saying something will tip the redhead off to your feelings.
“You didn’t like her?”
“She was fine.”
Melissa laughs, just a little. “Fine. Yeah, that’s how you said she was in bed, too.”
“Mel…” You groan. You trail off, letting your tone and the following silence convey your plead for her to not get started on that again.
“You just…deserve better is all.” Melissa finally says softly.
“Yeah, and you deserve better than Gary.” You grumble in response.
Her fingers stop their movement against your temple. You feel her freeze beneath your thighs still draped over her lap. You go to sit up but her hand presses lightly to your shoulder to keep you in place.
“What’d you say?”
“No, no. Say it again. What you said.” Melissa urges. Her hand is still lightly pressing into your shoulder still. 
“I said you deserve better than Gary.” You repeat quietly.
“You never liked him.” She says. Definitively. Just like she did after you first met him. She knew then. She knows now.
“He’s fine.”
Melissa laughs. Enough that her head throws back against the back of the couch. She tips her head forward again. Her smile touches her eyes when they refocus on you. “Fine is what you say when you’re tryin’ to be polite, ain’t it? Gary is fine. Your girl from a few weeks ago is fine. You really wanna say they kind of suck, don’t you?”
“No! She really was fine. I told you I’m not really interested in the one night stands and all.”
“And Gary?”
“Gary is…you like him.”
“He’s fine.” Melissa says with a small smirk down at you. “How do you feel ‘bout him though? Don’t worry about sparing my feelings, Hon. I wanna know.”
“He’s nice enough. I might like him if he weren’t dating you.”
“What’s him dating me got to do with it?”
You sigh. “Melissa. You could do better than Gary. You could have any guy you wanted, in a heartbeat. I know Joe, bein’ Joe, made you think differently. I watched him hurt you plenty of times while you tried to work things out, and then through the divorce process. You don’t have to settle for just a….nice enough guy.”
“Any guy I wanted, huh?”
“In a heartbeat.” You repeat.
“What if I didn’t want a guy?”
You blink up at Melissa. In the time you’d known her she’d ever spoken about men, gone out with men. You hadn’t even considered her with a woman. Even though that little bit of hope in your heart for it still lived on with your feelings for her. Still, you’d never even entertained it being possible with how much you’d seen her with men. 
“I…wouldn’t have expected you to be into women, I guess.” You finally stammer out. 
“Why not?”
“You never talk about women. I’ve seen you pick up plenty of guys at the bar. Then of course Joe and Gary.”
“I experimented in college. Like a lot of people do.” Melissa shrugs. “I lean toward men, usually heavily, but I wouldn’t call myself straight.”
“You did once tell me if Barb wasn’t with Gerald you’d make her a Schemmenti.”
She laughs again, nodding. “In another life, absolutely.” Melissa doesn’t hesitate in backing up that drunken comment she made to you forever ago. “So, you think I could get a woman?”
“In a heartbeat.” You breathe out the repetition. You know for certain Melissa could land a woman just as easily as she could a man; or anyone for that matter.
“And if I had a specific woman in mind?”
“Do you? Have a specific woman in mind?”
Melissa only looks at you for a long, drawn out moment. You have half a mind she’s memorizing your face for some reason you don’t know. “I think it would take a specific one, for me, personally, y’know? Like you said…no secret I like men but if a certain woman got to my heart and all…”
“What are you saying, Melissa?”
“I’m saying…I’m saying we both deserve better, Y/N. We both deserve better and I…I wanna be the better you deserve.” Her fingers brush at the small hair near your temple tenderly. “You’re the woman I want.”
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asolitaryrose3 · 5 months
Are you jealous?
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Melissa schemmenti x fem!reader
Summary: Reader is shy and feels like Melissa is too far out of their league, but with enough nagging from Ava, and the presence of Gary, they finally tell Melissa how they feel.
Warnings: fluff, minor angst, jealous reader, comfort, Gary (for the plot only), my failed attempt at humour, Ava and readers are besties, Most of this was wrote at 3am, first time posting my fics on here, I’m trying my best.
“I think you should tell her” Ava suggested, “why, so she can laugh in my face and ruin the perfectly good relationship we have? Yeah, No thanks.” You joked slumping further into your chair.
When you had joined Abbott you had instantly fell in love with the people there, janine, although she could sometimes be annoying at times, you know she means well by it all. Jacob was like a brother to you, he was nerdy and sometimes ruined a joke or two, but for the most part he was caring. Gregory took some time to open to you, but when he finally did, he was surprisingly funny and good to be around. Barbara was one of the kindest people you had met in your life, you saw how she mothers the younger teachers, Janine mostly, and it was sweet and admittedly wholesome to be around.
Melissa was at first cold and icy toward you, which you later learned that was normal for her, but eventually she warmed up to you. After some time she started to bring in cannolis from your favourite bakery, more recently though she started to even bring in home cooked lunches for you. She was sweet and you admired her, but eventually you realised after a while, that you had developed a crush on her. You knew she wouldn’t like you like that though, You were quiet and awkward, while she was strong and confident, not to mention gorgeous, and so you figured a woman like her, a woman who deserves the best, wouldn’t settle for a person like you. But that was fine, if friendship was all you could have, you were fine with that but, a date or two would be nice though.
Ava was your best friend at Abbott and the only person that knew about your little crush on the second grade teacher. When you first met Ava she thought you were like Jacob or janine, more on the awkward side, but when she ran into you one night clubbing, she found that you weren’t at all like you were at school.
That was why you were currently sat in Ava’s office sulking in the chair across from her desk. “But what if she feels the same though? I mean, your hot, so I don’t see why she wouldn’t” Ava said putting her feet onto her desk. “How could Melissa Schemmenti like me?” You questioned. “Oh come on? What are you gonna wait till someone else swipes her up? Girl c’mon live a little, you can’t avoid her forever” Ava asked, her face now serious. “Cause have you seen that vending machine guy? he’s been makin’ moves on your lady” she continued. “He has?” You turned to her with wide eyes, normally you would be in the break room at lunch but since your realisation you’ve been staying in your classroom as of late, not that you don’t want to be near Melissa, but you thought that if you distanced yourself, your feelings would eventually go away.
“But what if she doesn’t feel the same?” You questioned, concern filling your face. “But what if she does though?” Ava countered, The bell rang as she finished. Letting out a sigh you finally agreed with Ava, “alright, we’ll I’ve got to go get my kids from the gym” You pushed yourself up from your chair and walked out of your friends office.
The next period ran over quicker than you thought it would. You were dreading going to lunch. You knew Melissa would never like you and yet after talking to Ava you somehow gained this false hope that if you asked Melissa out before Gary did, then maybe, you had a chance.
Finally, after many minutes of persuasion you went into the break room, you only saw Barbara at first, but then you saw…him. You had forgot Gary stocked the vending machine today, you saw the questioning look sent your way from Barbara, you walked straight over to the counter and grabbed your cup out of the cupboard and started to make a coffee, as you waited for the drink to finish you began overthinking everything, you knew you should have never thought you had a chance, it was obvious that Gary liked Melissa and of course she would like him back, he was good looking and he was sweet and thoughtful. Barbara had said it herself a while back, even she saw that they would be perfect together, and how could Barbara Howard be wrong?
The beep of the machine in front of you rang through your ears as you broke out of your thoughts. Grabbing the cup you tried to get out of the room as fast as you could. Opening the door you almost bumped into someone, it was Melissa.
“hey hon, slow down, your gonna trip over someone-” The second grade teacher hushed, “hon, are you alright?” She continued. The care in her voice sent a pang of pain to your heart, you didn’t want to avoid her anymore, but you knew it was for the best. “Yeah Mel, I’m fine” you rushed past her, practically running to your classroom.
You slammed the door behind you and slumped down in your chair. You threw your head back and let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding. Not long after, you heard a knock on your door and you groaned at having to talk to someone when you were on the verge of tears.
“Go away Ava” you murmured, with your eyes closed. You heard the door open and you began to speak again “Ava I’m not in the mood-” when you opened your eyes you had realised your mistake. “Oh- Um, hey Mel, sorry I thought you were Ava coming to talk about one of the student’s dad or whatever” you half laughed trying to seem alright in front of the redhead. Mel perched herself on the side of your desk, crossing her arms. “care to tell me why you haven’t been coming to lunch?” She questioned with a raised brow. “I- I’m just catching up on marking”
You weren’t necessarily lying when you said that. Most off your time was actually spent grading papers, while the rest was spent either sleeping or wallowing in your own self pity. “For two weeks straight?” She frowned at your petty excuse. “Tell me what’s wrong Hon, please” she pleaded with you, but you couldn’t look at her, “why do you care, shouldn’t you be with Gary” the words left your tongue like venom, the very Mention of the man made your fist clench and your heart ache. “Why would I be with Gary?” She questioned, confused at the relevance he had in all of this. “I don’t know, maybe because you always are.” You mumbled, jealousy taking over your words. “Oh c’mon that’s not true and you know it” She reasoned. “Oh please, every time he’s here, you only talk to him.” You retorted.
Melissa grew silent after that, as she re shifted her focus to your face. You felt you face flush beat red under her unrelenting gaze. After a while, her furrowed brow raised as a smirk grew on her face. Melissa stood from her seated position on the side of your desk and sauntered her way toward you. As she stopped in front of you, she lent down and grabbed both of the arms on the chair. With her arms trapping you and her legs either sides of your now closed knees, you were practically unable to move.
“Are you jealous, hun?” She asked, the humour in her voice evident. “I-uh…No, why would I be?” You stuttered out, knowing you did not seem convincing at all, as you looked down and away from the woman. You felt one of her hands grasp your chin in her hand and forced you to look her in the eyes, “I want your eyes on me, sweetheart” she practically growled, “now, are you jealous of Gary?” She asked again, her voice significantly lower than before. You contemplated on lying to her again, but as you stared into her piecing eyes, you felt you brain go foggy from her close proximity.
“Well, I- uh…maybe, yes” you mumbled as you stared at her with an anxious look, “I- I like you Melissa, like really like you” Melissa’s eyes softened, as she smiled. “That’s good to know” she chuckled. Suddenly you felt Melissa’s lips meet yours, you froze at the sudden action but melted in to her soft touch shortly after. You whined as she pulled away with a smirk. “I like you too by the way” she laughed again at seeing the adoring look on your features. “Wait but I thought you liked Gary?” You questioned. “Oh please, sure he’s nice, but you? Your amazing hun, I’ve practically liked you ever since you got here” Melissa smiled sweetly at you. “I’ve like you since you got here too” you grinned back at her.
“I was thinking, how bout this weekend you could come over to mine and we can have dinner?” She asked, sounding very small as she spoke. You smiled at her hoping to comfort her, “I would love to Mel." She rose to a standing position, she kissed the top of your head as she did so. “I’ll see you later, hun” You watched as she left and you smiled to yourself at the feeling of lips that still lingered on both the top of your head and your own lips. You spun in your chair at the thought of dinner with Melissa.
Once you turned to the direction of the door, you saw Ava’s head appear from around the doorframe. As she walked in to the room you the look she was giving you, “tell me everything” she gasped with shared excitement.
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theowlwrites · 4 months
Shall we dance? // Bailamos?
Melissa Schemmenti x F!Reader
Cariño: Term of endearment, can be translated as honey/ dear/ darling.
~Just want to clarify that I love Mexican and Italian culture. 🫶🏽
Warnings: no physical description of reader, it is mention that her nationality is Mexican en 2 occasions, consumption of alcohol. Angst, fluff, and a little smut at the end?
Summary: Reader is the new Spanish teacher at Abbott, she goes to a celebration of 5 de Mayo at Barb’s house, were things turn interesting with Melissa.
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“Come on!” Janine was trying for the hundred time to convince you to go to this little get together at Barbara's house “It will be fun!”
Today was 5 de Mayo, and for some reason, in the States, they celebrated it. You have nothing against it, but back in México it goes like any other normal day. Despite that, seeing all the decorations with Mexican themes made you miss your home.
“I've already told you” You close the folder you were working on a look at her “I can't go, I already made some other plans”
The truth was that you didn't have any plans, you just don't feel part of the teacher group just yet. You are the new Spanish teacher at Abbot, just entered this year. Everyone has been nice to you, especially Janine and Jacob. You also have a good relationship with Gregory, but you aren´t really close. When it came to the older teachers, you have no issue talking to Barbara, she is really nice, she sometimes even asks you to help her with her Spanish. But Melissa, she was a different story, she isn´t exactly mean, but she likes to make clear that she preferred anything Italian over Spanish, and that Italian cuisine was better than the Mexican. You never argue, mostly because Melissa intimidates you, but not for the reason she intimidates the other younger teachers, but because you have the biggest crush on her.
So going to this 5 de Mayo party to Barbara's house looks like the perfect place for Melissa to tell you over and over again how Italians do it better. Not really something you are looking forward to.
“Leave the booze to me Barb, I know a guy that can get me the best tequila” At that moment Melissa and Barbara were entering the teacher’s room, interrupting you and Janine.
Barb looks directly to you, ignoring Melissa “Oh good, I was looking for you dear” She takes a sit next to you. “Please can you take care of the music? Maybe you can play some Spanish bangers in that Walkman of yours” She meant your Spotify. All eyes were on you know, making you feel the pressure. “You are coming… right?”
“You know Barbara… I… I don´t think I can make it, I have to...” You were avoiding looking at her, you couldn´t lie to her face, actually you couldn´t lie to anyone’s face, you were a terrible liar.
“Okay, what is it?” Melissa´s voice came from behind you, then she walked to your side and took a sit in front of you. “Why don´t you want to spend time with us?”  She had her glasses over her head, leaving a few strands of hair free next to her face, she was raising an eyebrow. She was looking hot.
“It´s not that” Your voice comes out weaker that you expected. “I don´t know, it makes me feel a little… homesick, I guess” It wasn´t entirely a lie, but you couldn´t tell the redhead that she makes you nervous to the point of almost forgetting how to speak English.
“Oh darling” You felt Barbs arm wrap your shoulders. Melissa was still looking at you, but this time with more gentle eyes that before “I can imagine how you feel, but I think this could do you good. You can show us a little bit more of your traditions, I would love to hear about that”
“Yeah girl… we can get to know each other a little bit more” Melissa winked and eye at you, which made your heart beat faster.
With a big sigh, you finally agree “Okay then, I´ll be there at five o´clock”
“You won´t regret it, amigo!” Janine says
“Amiga… with an a” You laugh.
“See you at five o clock then, dear. Don´t forget the music.” Barbara smiles, pleased that she convinced you to go and leaves the room with Janine. Leaving you with Melissa, who was still looking at you.
She stood up and grab her bag, carrying it on her shoulder. “See you soon… cariño” You were so glad that Melissa left immediately after saying those words, otherwise, she would have noticed how your face turned red as a tomato.
Later that day you were at home, putting together a playlist of spanish music. You added some ballads, some more mariachi music, and algo some dancing music, like salsa, cumbia and some bachata, just for fun.
At 5:15 pm you were standing outside Barbara´s house, you have already knocked twice and nobody answered. Maybe you had the location wrong, so you decided to call Janine, but just as you were going to press the call button, a voice from behind called you.
“Hey, cariño, it´s over here” Melissa was standing next to her car on the sidewalk, holding some bags that you assumed contained the tequila bottles. “This way”
You followed her to the back of the house, everyone was there, at the patio. No one was inside the house, that’s way nobody heard you knocking.
“Look what I found in your front door Barb” Melissa was referring to you, as she went straight to the table to settle the bottles. All eyes went to you, for second time in the day. Everyone was there already, with the exception of Ava, that preferred to stay at home watching Desperate Housewives than “going to that lame party” (her words). 
“I forgot to tell you we will be at the back. Anway, I´m very glad you came. You bring the music?” 
“Of course,” You proceed to connect you phone to the speaker and start reproducing your playlist.
“Now this is a fiesta!” Said Janine while trying to dance at the bit of one song.
You were standing next to the speaker, watching everyone enjoy the party. Barbara has offered you a plate of mini taquitos, that were actually really good. It was probably the music, the Mexican decoration and even the taquitos that made you feel nostalgic, so your mind started wondering through your childhood memories. All those parties with your family, how your father had taught you to dance in those parties, how you mom food tasted. You were so immersed in you thought that didn´t notice when the redhead went to stand right next to you.
“Penny for your thoughts” Her voice snapping you out from your own mind.
“I was just remembering some childhood stuff, that all” You didn’t dare to look at her eyes. And she noticed it, actually she had always notice it, how you would avoid looking directly at her. She always took those moments as opportunities to look at you with more detail. Melissa hadn´t admitted this to anyone, not even Barbara. but she thinks that you are very beautiful, she´s intrigued by you. She likes it when you speak Spanish, you make everything sound better. But she has no idea how to approach those feelings, so she decides to keep her distance too, by not being the nicest or most accessible teacher at Abott.   She wanted that to change, and she was going to start working in that today. 
“You know… I sometimes feel nostalgic of my home as well.” She drank from the plastic cup she was holding. “I have always lived in Philly, but I don´t see my family as often anymore, and we haven´t had a reunion or a party in so long… I miss that” You looked at Melissa. She was actually telling you something personal, without sarcasm. “But of course, it must be harder for you, being away from your country” She then looked you in the eyes.
“It´s not too bad” You were actually looking at Melissa´s eyes, for mor than 1 second, for the first time, and God they were beautiful, just as her. “I visit them once a year, and they sometimes come visit” There was a silence, both of you looking at everyone else enjoying the party.
“Would you like a paloma?” Melissa asked, with a mischievous grin.
“That´s what you are having?” She nodded. “Yeah, please”
Melissa served you a paloma (soda with tequila), and from that moment you never parted her side. Both of you kept talking, laughing, at some point you teaching her some Spanish, and she teaching you some Italian. It was probably the booze, but you started feeling how Melissa was getting more comfortable around you. She was being handsy, placing her hand around your arm, sometimes over your hand, and some other times around your waist. Soon she started leaning against you, caressing your hair, holding your waist longer. She was flirting. Neither of you were drunk drunk, you were still perfectly conscious and in you five senses, which made you very anxious but excited about this sudden change in Melissa´s attitude.
It was already 9:00 pm, Janine, Gregory and Jacob had already left, tomorrow was school day. Barbara, Melissa and you were sitting around the folding table in the middle of the patio. Your music still playing. The three of you has stop drinking like an hour ago, to sober up, and were just chatting. And even without the effects of the alcohol, Melissa was still being nice to you, maybe a little less handsy, but still very friendly.
Barbara excuse herself to go to the bathroom. A comfortable silence between Melissa and you, when a salsa began to play at the background.
“God, I love that salsa, I used to dance it all the times at parties, with anyone, even alone, I just wanted to dance it” You smile as you remember. Unconsciously you closed your eyes and started moving in your chair, humming the song. Unaware of the way Melissa was looking at you.
“Shall we dance?” You snap your eyes open. She offers you her hand to you, already standing up next to you.
“Bailamos?” She repeats, and this time you nodded. She holds her hand until you are standing next to her. She places her free hand on your waist, keeping you close to her, while her other hand holds yours at the level of her face. And you start dancing.
It´s a slow salsa, so it is easy to dance, but you have the feeling that even if it was a faster rhythm, Melissa would dance like if she had done it all her life.
You feel Melissa´s eyes on you, she´s smiling. She moves her arm, so it surrounds your waist. The sudden closeness makes you lose your balance a little, Melissa holds you tighter, preventing you for falling. You both laugh.
Her face inches away from yours, her eyes going from your eyes to your lips. She caressed your cheek with her other hand, and pulls you closer, closing the space between you.
The kiss is sweet, slow. You both take your time to feel it, you enjoy it. Your arms around Melissa´s neck, keeping her close to you. Soon the kiss turns a little more heated, Melissa´s tongue asking for permission to pass your lips, to which you happily submit.
You still can taste a little bit the alcohol from earlier, and you taste the sweetness of Melissa.  Really there is no other way to describe it, it feels and taste sweet to be kissing her like this.
You break the kiss until you realize you need to take a breath, but not breaking the embrace. You are still so close to each other Melissa can basically fell how your heart is beating fast.
“I never thought Italians were this good at salsa dancing” That´s all you said, making Melissa laugh.
“We are good at everything darling, but you do it amazing yourself, cariño, give yourself some credit.” She kissed you again. “Let me drive you home.” Melisas whispered to your ear, you just nodded.
You both said goodbye to Barbara, not without offering to help her clean, to which she refused. Once inside Melisa´s car she couldn’t stop eyeing you, she kept a hand in your thigh. You couldn’t stop looking at her either, and honestly, if it wasn´t for the seatbelt, you would be on top of her long time ago.
You arrive home, Melissa opens your door, helping you out. And before she could say anything, you were kissing her. This time was passionate, full of desire and lust. Melissa was against the car, her hands on your hips. You were leaning on her, your hand on her hair.
“Come inside, please” You didn’t mean to sound do needy, but you couldn´t hide it.
“I would absolutely love it cariño, but tomorrow is school day, and I need another change if clothes. I just wanted to make sure you arrive safe and sound.” She was keeping her hands on your hips, but this time with a stronger grip, trying to create a little more space between you tow.
“Please” You took Melissa´s hands away from your hips, letting you lean to her once again. “Por favor” (please) You whispered to her ear. Now her arms were surrounding you shole waist. You started kissing her earlobe, descending to her neck. Melissa was in a trance. “Te necesito” (I need you)
“You are making this very difficult for me, cariño” Now it was Melissa´s voice the one that came out shaky, which made you feel proud.
“It doesn´t have to be difficult, you can just come in”.
“Let´s make a deal, hon… I promise that tomorrow I will be here, with a bottle of wine, and we can do whatever you want, but you have to promise to speak I little more Spanish to my ear, deal?” That mischievous grin was back on Melissa´s face, and you loved it.
“¿Te gusta cuando hablo español?” (Do you like when I speak Spanish?) You said as innocent as you could.
“I have no idea of what you just said, but keep doing that you will pay the price tomorrow”
“Trato… deal” You agreed. She kissed you once again, this time keeping it less heated and shorter. You took a few steps away from Melissa, trying to pull yourself together, and trying to ignore you soaked underwear. If Melissa wasn´t going to spend this night with you, you had some plans before going to bed, and as if she could read your mind, she added…
“Oh, and cariño… don´t touch yourself tonight, It will make tomorrow more fun” She winked her eye to you. It wasn’t a question; it was an order. “You can do that for me, right hon?” You really wanted to release all this tension tonight, but you couldn´t say no to Melissa.
“I promise” you said
“Good girl” She went inside her car. “See you tomorrow cariño, sleep tight” She left, leaving you horny as hell.
God, you couldn’t wait for tomorrow…
Okay, so this idea pop into my mind while I was watching Shall we dance?, I really love that movie, and I love Lisa’s character. 🥹
Hope you like it, and let me know if you want a second part 🫣
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gwennybriggs · 1 month
Link if you want it:
Or! You can read it here :)
Word count: 1,475
Inspired by a line from a Chappell Roan song that’s been stuck in my head for weeks.
It’s a little spicy, but not too spicy! I’m not super comfortable writing smut, but decided to try it out again since it’s been a few years. Enjoy, cuties!
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The birds were chirping and the sun was shining bright when you woke up that morning; you knew it was going to be a wonderful day. You rolled out of bed, pulled on your skirt and blouse, and waltzed out the door to make a stop at the coffee shop down the street. It had become your normal Friday routine to stop and grab a hot chocolate for yourself, and a coffee for your favorite coworker, Melissa Schemmenti. In turn, Melissa would bring a danish for you and a muffin for herself. You weren’t exactly sure when or how it happened, but you looked forward to it every week.
It had been a bit of a stressful week with state testing and the kids were over it just as much as the teachers were. Janine convinced Ava to allow her to set up a talent show as a ‘carrot’ for the end of testing week.
“Carrot? What the hell you mean, carrot? Ain’t nobody lookin’ for a vegetable, girl.”
Janine rubbed her temples, “You know, like when you put a carrot in front of a horse to keep them moving. It’s a little motivation to get people through the week.”
“Whatever. You can have a talent show, just make sure Melissa stays off the stage with her horrific impressions. I simply cannot listen to her butcher The Godfather again.”
You prepared all week to share your magic tricks with the school. Jacob caught wind and asked if you would like to join him in his magic act, claiming that your combined expertise would win you more applause. You reluctantly agreed and spent all of Thursday evening with him at Melissa’s house practicing. It wouldn’t have been so bad if the redhead had been there, but she spent the evening with Barbara instead.
You could smell Melissa’s perfume before you even stepped foot in the lounge and it made you smile. During your first year at Abbott you developed the tiniest crush on her, but at this point, you were flat out in love with the woman. You didn’t exactly hide the fact that you liked her that way, but you never said it out loud either. Melissa had told you she was bisexual but leaned more towards men fairly early on in your friendship when you told her you were a lesbian. After sharing a bottle of wine together you asked her what her type was.
“Big burly men with beards who can take care of me or pretty little ladies who with let me take care of them. What about you? So I know what to look out for for ya,” she responded with a chuckle.
You fought yourself not to reply with a simple ‘you’ and gave her a vague description of herself instead. She raised an eyebrow but didn’t push. The two of you shared some casual flirting over time, but you just chalked it up to her treating you like a close friend.
The lounge was already buzzing when you walked in, everyone talking about what their students were doing for their acts or which teachers signed up. You crossed the room to set your things down before walking over to Melissa to exchange goods. She beamed up at you when you placed your hand on her shoulder and her cup on the table in front of her.
“I’ve been looking forward to this all week, thanks doll face,” she sipped her coffee and handed you a raspberry danish.
“Likewise! Thanks, pumpkin.” You winked at her and took your seat across the room with Janine, Gregory and Jacob, completely missing Melissa’s coy smile in response to the nickname.
The bell rang and everyone gathered their belongings to start the day. You and Melissa were the last ones in the room as you moved things in the fridge to fit your lunch. She came up behind you, resting her hand on your hip for balance as she leaned into the fridge with you to move her containers. You froze at the contact and mentally begged yourself not to blush. As she leaned further down, her hand slid over to your ass. Your eyes were glued to her cleavage, beautifully illuminated by the refrigerator light. You quickly turned your head when she caught you staring.
She stood up, her hand still slightly splayed your ass. Your face was beet red. “No need to steal glances hon, all you gotta do is ask,” she clicked her tongue and made her way out the door, swaying her hips dramatically. She knew you were watching.
More than a little flustered, you splashed cold water on your face and left to tend to your students. The hours ticked by and you struggled to focus on anything other than the feeling of Melissa’s hand on your backside. You were looking forward to spending lunch with her and Barbara, but Jacob insisted you practice with him one more time before the talent show. Between bites of pasta you made coins disappear and reappear from behind Jacob’s ear and cheered him on as he mastered revealing the chosen card.
The entire school gathered to watch the staff and students perform at the end of the day. You took a seat next to Melissa, waiting for your turn.
“You got any hidden talents you’re gonna share with us, red?” You poked at her side.
“Nah, can’t share my talents here kid. I wouldn’t be allowed back on school grounds,” she smirked. “Just joshin’, Ava forbade me from doing impressions so I’m stuck in the crowd. I’m excited to see what youse cooked up for your act though, Jacob hasn’t shut up about it.”
“Ha, I’m sure he hasn’t.”
Janine introduced your act and you followed Jacob onto the stage. The two of you played off of each other’s tricks with the crowd ooh-ing and aww-ing. You had always enjoyed tricking people with sleight of hand, but you enjoyed it even more when you were able to fool an entire auditorium. When the four minutes of fame were over you returned to your seat next to Melissa. She nodded her approval and continued to watch the show.
A few minutes later you excused yourself to use to restroom. The bathroom was empty and you did your business quickly. As you opened your stall door you jumped at the sight of Melissa sitting on the counter. You hadn’t even heard her come in.
“Oh Jesus!”
“It’s actually Melissa, but I get that one a lot.” She slid off the counter to stand next to you as you washed your hands.
“Very funny,” you rolled your eyes.
She moved closer, her breasts brushing your arm. “Yeah, but you like it when I’m cheesy like that.”
Your breathing hitched. “I d-do,” you stuttered and melting at the close proximity.
“So, tell me what else you like, gorgeous.” She was nearly straddling your right leg. Her eyes filled with fire as she brought her hand up to your cheek and traced a finger along your jaw line.
You stifled a whimper and bit your lip, unable to speak without making a fool of yourself. She moved even closer, now actually straddling your leg, you could feel the warmth of her. You placed your hands on the counter to keep yourself upright.
“I know you like magic.” She nuzzled her face into your hair and lowered her voice to a whisper, “I’ve got a wand and a rabbit.” She punctuated her sentence with a light nibble to your earlobe. You gasped; a cold chill ran up your spine and you couldn’t hide the shiver. Her hand on your left hip pulled you in between her legs so that her core was pressed firmly against your thigh.
You squeezed your eyes shut, you wanted her to ruin you right then and there, but the school day wasn’t over and the talent show was about to let out.
“Mel, I want this,” you whined and guided her free hand down to your soaked panties, wanting her to feel exactly how bad you wanted, needed, her. “But we can’t do that here, not now at least. Like you said, we wouldn’t be allowed back on a school grounds.”
She lifted your skirt so you could feel her own wetness through her leggings against your bare skin. “My house, eight o’clock.” Melissa kissed you with such fervor that it made you want to go back on your words. “Bring whatever other magic tricks you have up your sleeve, or in your nightstand drawer,” she winked and playfully smacked your ass as she walked away.
You tried desperately to gather your thoughts and some semblance of composure, your mind racing with the image of Melissa playing with her toys- and you. The redhead was going to be the death of you yet.
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milfjuulpod · 6 months
Guidance, Ch III
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A/N: hiii sorry this took so long, all the chapters are posted on my AO3, same username. hopefully the next update will be better, i’m not too proud of this one :,(
previous chapters are on AO3 and my master list, here
You and Melissa had agreed on meeting after school for coffee on Thursday, giving you each time to prepare some work. One of her students was showing signs of dyslexia, and after a one-on-one meeting with the student, the redhead decided to take action. Via email, she gave you some information to get started and make an IEP for her. It was quite early in the year, and with it being your first year doing this job, you were quite nervous. Nonetheless, you put your best foot forward and got to work nearly immediately. 
Of course, your habit of drowning yourself in work caught the attention of others. A knock at your door pulled you away from the research in front of you. “Hey you! I feel like you’ve been here for weeks and we’ve barely bonded,” Janine announced herself, entering the room. The younger teacher was sweet, and even though her overzealous personality could be a bit much, you knew it was coming from a good heart. 
“Sorry, Janine. I get wrapped up in work pretty easily. How’s your Tuesday going? Kids treating you right?” You asked, minimizing the tabs on your computer. 
“Oh my students are great, right now we’re working on fractions and it’s actually going good!” She said enthusiastically. “I’m glad to hear, can I help you with anything?” You continued. 
“Uh, yeah! Jacob and I are going out for trivia on Thursday, you should totally join us! I heard you went to a great university and we would love to spend some time together after school. Have you met Jacob? He’s so sweet you’ll love him, you know actually-” You cut off Janine before she could start one of her infamous rants, which you heard lots about and we’re lucky to avoid until this point. 
“Actually, I can’t Thursday. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to get to know you guys but, I’m actually meeting with Ms. Schemmenti to help one of her students out.”
Janine’s face dropped, and just as quick as it did, she returned to her peppy demeanor. It reminded you of what she previously said about Melissa, and you silently wondered if there was any truth to it. “Oh, no worries. I’m sure we’ll figure something out soon,” Seemingly wanting to avoid more rejection, Janine gathered her things. “Wait, Friday is our half day, right? Maybe we could go grab lunch or something after school? Make up for me missing trivia?” You offered, not wanting to make her feel bad. 
It seemed like you made the right choice, as Janine immediately bounced back. “That would be awesome! I’ll tell Jacob right now, see you around!” 
The rest of the week passed by rather quickly, filled with new paperwork and projects that you continued to work on. Thursday came before you knew it, and with the final bell, the plans you had put most of your attention to were gathered, on their way with you to meet Melissa for coffee. 
Opus was gorgeous inside, filled with neutral colors and artwork from the team and local artists. Plants covered the walls and even decorated some tables. It was nice, you were happy to meet the redhead in a place like this. Upon seeing her, you felt your breath catch and couldn’t take your eyes away. Sure, it was right after school so she was wearing the same pink sweater and tight jeans, but something about seeing her more relaxed, outside of the school walls, it made your heart beat a little bit faster. 
“Hey hon, thanks for meeting with me after school. I brought some stuff to brainstorm with…” She trailed off, picking a table for the two of you and immediately covering it with papers and binders. Janine’s voice rang in your head again, and you began to feel insecure about where you stood with Melissa. Maybe even stupid, for thinking she would find a friend in you. 
“That’s fine, I’m gonna grab our coffees, macchiato?” You asked, but Melissa was quick to turn down the offer. “Absolutely not, you buy me coffee all the time. It’s my turn,” she walked past you, gently pushing you to the side with a hand on your back. Just as quickly as you remembered the infamous words about the older teacher, you forgot them. 
The rest of the afternoon was that way. One moment, completely entranced by the woman across the table from you, unable to pull your attention away. The next, avoiding eye contact and feeling uncomfortable and used. Something told you Melissa noticed your switch in behaviors almost every time, the way she would mimic your actions. It was impossible to read her. Maybe she wanted it that way, maybe you just couldn’t read her. 
After a couple of hours of this back and forth, the two of you decided to call it. “Thank you, again, for helping me. It means a lot,” Melissa said outside of the cafe, wind blowing her hair ever so slightly. “Oh…It’s no problem, I’ll see you tomorrow,” You smiled and turned to take your leave, anxiety bubbling at the surface, until a hand grabbed your wrist to face its owner yet again. “Hey, what’s goin’ on with you today? Usually you’re more…I don’t know…upbeat and engaged. Is everything okay?” 
“Yeah, I’m fine, sorry. I just…I mentioned to Janine the lunch you shared with me earlier and she said something that made me a little nervous,” You answered. As much as you didn’t want to tell the truth, you figured lying would be even worse. Instead of replying, Melissa motioned for you to continue. “She said she hoped you weren’t buttering me up for something and why else would you be nice to me?” 
Wrong choice. Melissa’s eyes widened and you could see all the rage she had in her expression. “Oh, so I can’t be nice to the newbie for one day? I gotta get somethin’ out of it? And you believed her…This whole time? Whole time you’ve been buying me coffee and offering to help, what are you trying to get out of it?” She yelled, and didn’t give you any time to retaliate as she got in her car and left you on the steps. 
Defeated, you stood alone for a moment, trying to collect your thoughts. You felt like an idiot, again. For believing what Janine said, and for treating Melissa poorly. You threw your work into the passenger seat of the car and drove to trivia. 
“Oh my god! I thought you weren’t coming? Weren’t you going to meet Melissa today?” Janine nearly yelled as she ran from her booth of friends up to you. “Yeah…I did. It didn’t go too well actually so I wanted to come here and at least have a good night. I hope that’s okay?” 
“Of course it is, here come sit with all of us.” Janine led you back to the booth with Jacob and Gregory, happy to be in the company of new friends. “Alright, trivia doesn’t start for another thirty minutes, what happened?” Janine asked, which was followed by Jacob interrogating you as well, and Gregory listening attentively. You explained the entire afternoon to the three of them, hoping to at least get it out of your system. All three of them had something different to say, but you took Gregory’s advice to heart. 
“Listen, Melissa’s a bit tough on the outside, but she always means well. Just apologize to her for reacting that way and, with time, I’m sure things will be fine.”
Thankfully, trivia started shortly after the advice dump you received, and you were happy to be done talking about it. Hopefully tomorrow morning, with a macchiato and an apology, you could make it up to Melissa. 
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egonspenglerishot · 2 months
i have another idea !!
could you possibly do an egon x reader where egon is trying to fix a radio (reader's radio) and they later find out it's possessed, which is how they figure out there's some radio demon possessing all the radios in the city
(this might be inspired by a fic i'm writing with my oc so 👀 i just need the muse)
Oooooo hehehehehe
“Radio static”
Warnings: slight angst, mentions of possession etc
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Egon let out a huff of annoyance at the static coming from your radio. He’d offered to fix it but you just said it was the bad connection in the old Firehouse. As the radio cut out all together you let out a whine and pouted. “Spengieeeee”
He rolled us eyes at the pet name and went over “yes my dove? What seems to be the problem?” You pouted and huffed pointing to your radio “it just completely cut out!” He chuckled and sat beside you with his tools as he took the radio apart. Everything was perfect though, the wiring the boards everything was in order. Egon frowned and hummed gently, putting it back together.
“So what’s wrong with it? Do you think it’s just tired? Or maybe the wiring inside the wax coat is faulty?” You asked tilting your head. He shook his head and an idea popped into his head. He grabbed the P.K.E meter and held it up to the radio. It beeped like crazy the two antennae lifted almost all the way “I think we found our problem…but…this could be serious.”
You tilted your head confused as Egon left the room and went to consult Ray, after he’d been gone for thirty minutes or so you looked back at the radio as it began crackling again, a strained voice spoke out, “free…me” You backed away from it as the radio began moving…actually moving across the work desk. You called out for Egon, softly at first before the moving grew aggressive and the yelling more and more high pitched.
Egon and Ray ran in covering their ears, they dragged you out and Egon rubbed his ears in pain “whatever this is, it’s not just your radio. It’s..most the radios in New York..and if it’s what me and Ray think it is well we need to find the source and quickly.”
You hummed and and tilted your head in thought. Maybe this would be a good time as any to use your connections. You left the room and headed to the Reception Area, asking Janine if you could use the phone. She shrugged and you called up an old friend of yours that worked in the radio station.
“Have all radio stations checked and shut down for a few hours..the Ghostbusters need to run an investigation” your friend was surprised but agreed. Shortly after you hung up there was announcement on the radio telling listeners that radio would be offline while maintenance was carried out. You pressed the button to alarm the boys to come down and briefed them on what you’d done.
“if Egon and Ray are concerned we need to act fast. And don’t try stop me, I’m coming along” You looked at Venkman in particular as you suited up. Luckily Egon was at ease sharing his jumpsuit with you, plus he found out it helped keep you calm. Once you all arrived at the major radio station you headed in and did a full sweep. The P.K.E meter went crazy the moment you stopped outside the biggest radio studio door. You looked at Egon as he nodded and you slowly pushed the door open.
Inside was a tall, thin and pale entity, his breathing was raspy and sounded like static. You both readied your neutron wands and Egon radioed the other three to get upstairs immediately. Once they were all there, you opened the door fully, shooting your blast, holding the entity in place. It struggled against you until Egon shot his blast, securing it while Ray rolled the trap in. As he counted down, you prepared yourself for the opening of the trap, he gave the signal and the trap opened as you and Egon pulled the beams off and the spirit was sucked into the trap. You looked at the closed trap and a grin spread across your face.
“Well..that was…wow” you’d never actually done any of the catching. You’d been the one rolling the trap out or holding the P.K.E meter. This was the first time of many. You grabbed the trap and headed out along with the others where a hoard of news reporters and journalist were waiting. Peter gave an over dramatic speech of sorts and you rolled your eyes “What Dr Venkman means is, radio is coming back soon and we have a very important job to do” you shoved Venkman into the car and got in after him.
The way home was sleepy but peaceful. Once the trap was emptied and everyone all cleaned up and such, you flopped on Egons double bed still in his jumpsuit, minus the boots gloves and other accessories. You were so…worn out but Egon helped you change into one of his tshirts and some jogging bottoms. He kissed your forehead and you dragged him down into bed with you clinging like a koala “Radio static is annoying…” you mumbled sleepily and Egon rubbed your back “agreed” he mumbled and smiled as your soft snores filled the room. “Goodnight my dove”
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jeridandridge · 11 months
Field Trip
You and the staff take the kids bowling.
“Come on, y’all get excited!”
You sit at the table with Barb and Melissa nursing your second cup of coffee when Ava bolts in tossing tshirt at everyone. The sleeve of the black shirt tossed at you almost lands in your coffee making you roll your eyes.
“I didn’t peg you for a matching shirt kinda person let alone a bowling shirt.” You laugh.
“Girl these ones are sharp.” She smiles modeling the black shirt with gold writing. “And of course I’m number one.”
“There’s no way I’m wearin this,” Melissa shakes her head.
“I don’t blame you,” you agree holding it up showing the back. “How’s a ten supposed to wear a two?” You smirk at the older woman.
“You’re gonna be ridiculous all day aren’t ya, hon?” She challenges you with a blush on her cheeks.
You’d been crushing on the older teacher for a while, even openly flirting and teasing her. She would always give it right back and you were having too much fun with it.
Today, the kindergarten through third grade classes were being taken to a bowling alley while the older kids do testing.
A little while later you’re holding the door open shuffling all the kids in.
“Cmon guys, I have French fries to eat and butt to kick.” You clap your hands shuffling them in.
“Y/n you know you’re not gonna win on our lane.” Melissa smirks as she stands by Barb.
“Bring it on, Schemmenti.” You grin helping the kids with their shoes.
Once all the kids are settled at their lanes with the bumpers and the correct bowling balls, the teachers roam and check in with them before you, Melissa, Barb, Gregory and Janine find yourselves on two lanes near the end of the alley.
A game starts, and you’re actually surprised and how good Gregory is at bowling. The sounds of the kids laughing and pins falling makes you smile as you watch everything going on, you miss Barbara giving her friend a knowing look.
“Y/n you’re up!” Janine beams.
Hopping down to the floor you grin going to the machine to grab the ball before you turn back around.
“Hey Mel, what do you say to a little wager?”
“Oh yeah?” The woman quirks a brow smiling.
“If I get a strike right now, you go on a date with me this weekend.” You grin holding the bowling ball up.
Barbara smirks from her seat sipping her drink. “She’ll do it!” She tells you.
“Barb!” Melissa scolds the woman. “You seem pretty confident, hon.” She holds her hand out to you. “Deal.”
Gregory and Janine stop what they’re doing to watch, and you think Janine might explode with excitement.
“Woohoo! Go, y/n!” She encourages you.
You were about to show your colleagues one of your hidden talents. You were very good at bowling for some reason, and now you were gonna use it to your advantage. You walk up the waxed floor and step forward getting real low throwing the black glittery ball with a spin.
Before you see the ball hit you spin around and go back to the others with a smirk.
“It didn’t hit ye-“ Janine stops as the ball hits the pins knocking them all down.
The red head meets your eyes with a smile. “Pick me up at seven.”
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spenglersweetheart · 2 months
In the second movie, reader joins the ghostbusters again after they disbanded in the first movie and it seems everyone forgot how capable they actually are and the attitude they can have when catching ghosts
:0 oooh i can do this
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You Forgot How Capable I Was
there's definitely a reader but this is all platonic!
WARNINGS : none!
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YOU WERE MORE THAN HAPPY TO BE BACK WITH YOUR buddies working again. You were happy that the Ghostbusters were officially back together, back to working and catching ghosts. You were getting sick and tired of the teaching job that you had. You didn't mind teaching kids, you loved it. But sometimes, that was exhausting. So much more exhausting than catching ghosts.
But, there was something definitely off when you started back. You could barely help anyone. Or, the others wouldn't let you help them.
Whenever there was a call, they wanted you to stay behind. You didn't know the reason for this. The first time they banded, you were allowed to call on calls with them. Well, at least you could file the samples. Until that was pretty much taken away. So, sometimes you were stuck with Janine. And that wasn't a bad thing.
But you missed the adrenaline of ghostbusting. So why wouldn't they let you go with them?
There had been a call somewhere on 42nd. They four were pretty much three now. Peter had caught the flu and he couldn't go out on the bust with them. The fact that you had to beg and plead for you to join them kind of hurt, but at least you got to go on this one.
It was a bookstore. It was closed for the day because of the weird things that had been going on in there. It was pretty huge, and you had suggested to split up so that you guys could cover more ground. They pretty much looked at you like you were crazy, but they eventually agreed.
You covered one part of the bookstore. You happened to sense something on your PKE meter when you passed a bookshelf. You check in between the horror section. There it was.
"Guys," you say into your radio, "I found it, I'm gonna hold it off."
"Wait until we get there," Egon told you.
"By the time you guys get here it'll go away," you sigh, turning on the proton back.
"Y / N ..."
"Egon, I got it," you grumble, before shooting the ghost.
You weren't listening to them. Not after they pretty much forgot that you used to be a Ghostbuster, too. You keep the ghost stunned. You manage to glance behind the steam, spotting Ray on the other side of the aisle.
"Ray, I got it," you told him, bring the trap over.
You're calm. It's the three others that are slightly freaking out over you. You couldn't believe that they did that. You didn't know what had gotten into them. So, you had to prove to them.
Ray slides the ghost trap over, and you actually put it in the trap. All by yourself. Without any of the others' help.
Egon and Winston made it over to you not too long after you put the ghost in.
"You did it," Winston said to you.
You look behind you. "Yeah, of course I did," you replied, "I've known how to do this. You guys just forgot how capable I was."
You pretty much push past them, knowing that this would probably be your last bust in a while.
"We're sorry," you hear Egon's voice say.
You turn back around. "Why did you guys keep me from helping?" You ask, "I've done this just as long as you guys have. I was so happy to finally be together again as a brand. As a family. And you guys just ... I dunno."
"We were worried," Ray admitted, "Because we know how much you liked that job as a teacher. We didn't want something to happen to you. Especially because those kids love you."
You frowned. That was actually a sweet gesture. And you knew that you couldn't be mad at them forever. "Wait ... Really?"
"Really," Winston told you, "We didn't want their favorite teacher getting hurt."
"Well, that's very sweet of you guys. But, I will be fine. I have you guys. You wouldn't let anything happen to me," you explain to them, "And I wouldn't let anything happen to myself."
The other three were quiet for a while. Maybe keeping you from doing this kind of job was the wrong decision for them. You were actually a great addition to the team, and they loved having you.
"So, am I back on the team?" You ask.
Ray gives you a nod. "Welcome back to the team, Y / N."
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morgana-larkin · 2 months
okay okay okay, this is silly but i just need a fic where mel goes all silly and awkward when r is around, abbott staff notices and so does the camera crew where sometimes they caught / filmed when mel is being like all goof around the girl, and when the crew interviews her about it she threatens them and tries to make them wipe off the tape but r pops up to the interview and was like "no, no, you're too cute in there mi cariña, and once again, Melissa who's always in her so tough bravado, immediately folds in live action and makes a fool out of herself and r thinks it's cute. I just need a fic where Melissa loses her sht and melt because of a girl lol bahsjjajaja
Ask and receive 😉. I really liked this prompt and had a lot of fun with the fic so thank you for suggesting it. As always, not edited at all and I hope you like it!
And just so everyone knows, I’m working on another prompt. And for all the Worth It fans, I am working on chapter 7 so don’t worry, it’s not abandoned or forgotten. Everyone feel free to send in any prompts you want.
Caught on Camera
Warnings: none
Words: 2.1k
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Melissa is leaning against the wall looking at the camera, arms folded, getting interviewed. She was getting asked a question when you walked by and smiled at her. Melissa looked at you and smiled back, then she lost her balance and stumbled for a second before immediately correcting herself. “Melissa?” The interview person said, getting her attention. Melissa turned to look at them. “Sorry, what was the question again?” Melissa says and continues with the interview.
Melissa was walking down the hall with Barb when you walked by. “Good morning girls!” You told them as you walked by them and Melissa looks at you and turns her body a bit. “Hi sweetheart!” Barb says “hi y/n” Melissa says to you with a smile. As you walk away in the opposite direction, Melissa stares at you while still walking and accidentally walks right into a wall. “You ok Melissa?” Barb asks and tries to hide a snicker. She knows her best friend has a little crush on you. “Ya I’m fine.” Melissa tells her. Unknown to Melissa, the camera caught it.
“I’m telling you it’s true!” Jacob says to Melissa one day in the break room. “No it isn’t.” Melissa tells him, she wasn’t going to change her mind no matter what he says to her. “Y/n, back me up here.” Jacob says as you enter and Melissa whips her head around to see you. “Back you up about what?” You ask. “That Misty Quigley is totally into girls.” He says and you laugh. “Oh she definitely is, even if they don’t outright say it.” You say. “Melissa doesn’t think she is.” Jacob says and you look at Melissa. “Wel-well I guess she could be. I-I just, well they would need to confirm it for it to be 100%.” Melissa stutters and everyone looks at her. “Melissa, she totally is, like she was so obsessed with Natalie and even asked her to go to the reunion with her, basically as her date.” You tell her. And just like that, Melissa switched sides. Everyone looks at each other, wondering why Melissa switched so easily and quickly as soon as you said your opinion. The cameras on the other side of the room caught the entire conversation.
All the teachers are gathering in the gym for a meeting before school. Melissa is sitting next to Barb in the middle aisle at the end, with the trio right behind them. She has her arms crossed and feet out , and half on the chair. You walk by and smile at her and give her a wink. Melissa stares at you and proceeds to slip forward and falls off the chair. All 4 of them asking if she’s ok while they all try to hide a laugh. One of the cameras caught the exchange.
Melissa was getting interviewed out in the hall about the read-a-thon. “Oh I still got this, Janine’s class is going down.” She says and you walk by. One of the cameraman asks if you could be a part of the interview. You agree and are told to stand right beside Melissa. You get asked about the read-a-thon and who you think will win. “Oh Melissa’s class for sure. Her class wins every year.” You said confidently and Melissa blushes and has a goofy smile that she tries to hide, but the camera caught it.
On another day, Melissa is getting interviewed again, you walk by and get asked to be a part of it again. When Melissa gets asked to speak again she doesn’t know what to say. All her brain processes is that your arm is touching hers and all that comes out of her is a stuttering mess. The interviewer smiles after you two left to continue the day, he sees that Melissa acts differently only around you.
The next day, Melissa is interviewed again. This time she gets asked about you. “What about y/n?” She asked. The interviewer smiles “we have a bunch of moments where you act differently when she’s around.” Melissa blushes. You heard the question as you were walking by to the bathroom and you stop to listen. Melissa glares at them, “delete all that footage or I know a guy that will make you.” She tells them sternly. “Delete it? Melissa no, you’re too cute in them mia carino.” You say and she freezes, her mouth open and eyes wide in shock as she processes what you just said. Then her cheeks go red and closes her mouth as it goes dry. “Oh, ok, ya..of course, ya, they should keep the footage.” Melissa says, stuttering and stumbling through the entire sentence.
After the camera crew figured out that Melissa likes y/n, and her entire tough bravado falls when she’s around, they try and get moments of them together on camera and try and interview both of you together as much as possible. And every time, without fail, Melissa blushes and smiles, and her tough Philly girl act is basically non existent. While they know Melissa’s feelings about you, they don’t know how you feel about Melissa.
“How do I feel about Melissa?” You say the question they asked. “Oh, well she’s nice and very passionate about what she does, it’s kinda cute.” You say, trying to hide a smile, the camera catches it.
The rest of the Abbott crew caught on to Melissa’s feelings, and they have fun whenever Melissa’s personality completely changes when you’re around, which is every time.
Then the PECSA weekend comes. When you get there, you find out the hotel accidentally overbooked and they don’t have a room for you. You sighed, disappointed and defeated, you turn and go to walk out. You walk right into Melissa as soon as you turn around.
“Oh Melissa! I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings.” You tell her.
“Y/n, hi, oh it’s fine, it happens. Shouldn’t you be heading the other way though to bring your stuff to your room?” Melissa says to you with a blush.
“Oh actually they overbooked and I don’t have a room. So I’m gonna go see if another hotel close by has a room I could stay in.” You tell her.
“What? Nonsense, just stay with me.” She says and your face goes red.
“What? Really? Are you sure?” You ask her and Melissa’s brain catches up with what she just said. She isn’t going to back out now though, especially when she sees the hope on your face.
“Ya, ya of course. Let me just check in and then we can go up.” She tells you and you accept her offer with a huge smile. The camera in the lobby caught you two.
After she checks in, and gets 2 keycards, you and her go to the room and you freeze when you see only one bed.
“I promise I don’t bite. But I do want the right side.” She tells you. And on the inside, she’s freaking out, the fact that she’ll get to share a bed with you for a whole night…she feels a rush of happiness run through her whole body.
Once you two get settled in, you go downstairs to where all the teachers in Philly are and the convention booths and Barb is there waiting.
“Hey Barb.” Melissa greets her. “Sorry I’m late. They overbooked and y/n here didn’t have a room, so she’s staying with me now.” Melissa says with a grin, and Barb gives her a look then looks to you.
“Oh, sorry that happened sweetheart. I’m glad Melissa was able to help you out.” She tells you.
“Ya I’m glad she was too. I won’t get in your way though. I’ll let you two do your thing.” You say as you go to walk around by yourself.
“You can always join us sweetheart.” Barb says and Melissa snaps her head to Barb as Barb gives her a smirk.
“Ya of course, just join us, more fun when you’re with other people.” Melissa says and smiles at you.
You smile and accept their offer. You stay close to Melissa the entire time and vice versa. They don’t stay long though, they go to leave after they run into Janine. The smile on your face falls when you realise she’s leaving to go to the pool, and are about to ask Janine and Jacob to walk around with them when Melissa grabs your shoulders with her hands.
“You can come with us hun.” Melissa says and she lights up when you accept. You’re glad you packed a bathing suit, you knew there was a pool and packed one just in case you get time to swim.
You come out of the bathroom in your bikini but with a little beach dress covering you. You two walk down to the pool and meet Barb there. They find some lounge chairs and order drinks. You put your towel on your chair and take your dress off, revealing your body in a bikini. Melissa is sipping on her drink when she sees you take your dress off and she chokes and starts coughing. You go and gently pat her upper back and rub and Melissa’s face goes red and her breath hitched. Melissa has a hell of a time trying to keep it together and try not to stare too much when you’re swimming in the pool. She feels like life is testing her when you climb out with the ladder, with your hair and body all wet and you walk towards where they are to get your towel. Melissa can’t help but stare at your body as you dry your hair with the towel. Barb had to give her a small nudge to snap her out of it.
It only got worse for Melissa when it was the big party time. You come out with a black dress on that stops mid thigh and has a revealing neckline that shows off your chest amazingly. Melissa stares at you as you walk out of the bathroom, and if she was paying any attention, she would have noticed you staring at her. Melissa stares at you almost the entire night. At one point they were going to sit down until Melissa’s sister comes and sits down and they get up to leave.
“Hey guys, are you leaving? I was just about to come join you at the table.” You say as you make your way over. Melissa immediately sits back down again.
“No we were just going to walk around a bit but that can wait, come sit.” She says and gets a look from her sister and Melissa sends her a glare. You look and see that there isn't another chair around and before you do or say anything, Melissa grabs your waist and pulls you down to sit on her lap. You freeze and Melissa wraps her hands around your waist and smiles.
The more into the night it gets, the more drunk you and her get. At one point you guys are walking to get drinks and you stumble a bit and crash right into Melissa, and she’s tipsy too and she stumbles back into a wall. She freezes and blushes like crazy when she sees that she’s trapped between you and a wall. You look up at her to apologise but freeze when she’s already looking at you and she licks her lips when she looks down at yours. You lean in and kiss her and her whole brain freezes. You go to pull away when you realise she isn’t kissing back, but then she pulls you back in and kisses you back. The cameras caught all of it.
The next morning you, Melissa and Barb are sipping energy drinks to help ease the hangover. When you all step out of the elevator, Melissa wraps her arm around your waist and pulls you to her and kisses the side of your head and you smile at her. The entire Abbott crew saw as you catch up with them.
“Um, what was that?” Janine asks you both.
“What was what?” Melissa asks. And they all know not to question it further, but they still all smile at the two of you. As you guys walk out, you pass by a camera and Melissa looks up at it and smiles. She got her girl.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
If you wish to be added then let me know!
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𝙷𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝙵𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 - 𝙴𝚐𝚘𝚗 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚕𝚎𝚛
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Warnings - None Word count - 1.1k Genre - Fluff Summary - Both Lily and Egon secretly develop feelings for each other. However the both of them are totally oblivious to each others feelings, the other ghostbusters not so much. A/n - This is a part of my friend's self insert storyline, and I offered to write it up for her, so that's why this isn't reader x Egon. She is awesome btw (go follow her 🔫) @lilysketchingsth
Egon's POV
It all started on what I thought was gonna be another normal friday. I woke up at my normal time, had my normal breakfast, and wore my normal outfit. Nothing out of the ordinary. After finishing my breakfast, i headed up to the lab to work on the proton packs or study some pyschomagnetic slime Ray had gotten a sample of. I started working, but soon after, i had Lily and her ghost pet, Pucca, walked in and took a seat. Pucca is a labrador spectre that Winston found in a basement one time, Pucca didn't show signs of aggression, so Winston chose to leave her alone. Pucca had other ideas and decided to follow him all the way back to the firehouse, where Lily eventually saw her and claimed the pup as her own.
Lily started asking me questions about where things were whilst looking round the lab for Pucca's ball. Eventually, she made her way over to my desk and leaned over my lap nonchantlantly. I blinked in surprise , and before i could move my chair back so she could look properly, she jumped up, holding the dog ball. "Ah hah, got it Pucc!" I looked up at Lily to see her smiling widely at Pucca then at me. "Thanks for the help, Dr. Spengler." Her voice almost sounded laced with seduction as she walked off, leaving me silent and flustered in my lab chair.
Then, later on in the day, I was in the kitchen, sipping a cup of coffee whilst reading through my Spirits guide. Nice and undisturbed. But not for long. Soon, I had Venkman coming out of nowhere and snatching the book out of my hand. "Come on, Spengs, me and Lily wanna go get some lunch, and it's Ray's day off, so we need someone to drive us." I raised my eyebrow at him."What about Winston?" Peter looked slightly worried before answering."He's busy helping Janine." I sighed and silently agreed by finishing my coffee and grabbing my jacket.
I drove them into the city where they grabbed some food ,Lily insisted on bringing some back for me, so i ended up with some fries and a drink. On the way back, I kept glancing at Lily in the mirror without really knowing why. Unfortunately, when we were just around the corner from the firehouse, she locked eyes with me. I quickly looked away, and my hands gripped the wheel tighter as I mentally insulted myself. Once back at the firehouse, i grabbed my food and quickly headed up to the lab, not wanting to be frther embarrassed.
However, a little bit later, it became evident that Lily hadn't been the only one to catch my staring. I had just finished fixing up one of the proton packs when Peter walked in and took a seat. "Hey there, Spengs. i got a question for ya?" I glanced up at him, silently acknowledging his question. "Do you have a thing for Lily?" My eyes widened and darted up at him from the pack. "What?! Why the hell would you even think that Venkman?" He smirked, sitting back in his seat. "Don't deny it, I saw how you were looking at her in the car! And not to mention you've never agreed to drive me round until I mentioned Lily's name today." I sighed. There was no way i could lie to him about something like this.
"She's gorgeous, Peter, and she's so caring. She's a hard worker. she's smart, i mean, what isn't there to like about her? But i just, im too busy to be in a relationship Peter, maybe after i stop being a ghostbuster, but not now." Peter ,for once, was actually speechless. He clearly didn't expect me to open up. After a few seconds of silence, Peter spoke. "You don't need to wait spengs, if you do you might never find love, Lily might lose intrest and youll have lost a great oppurtunity." I narrowed my eyes at him. "Lily might do what?" Peter went pale white as the realisation hit him. "Uh, you know what i think. i just heard Winston call me." Before i could say anything, Peter had run off, leaving me to soak in thought.
By the end i was ready for some rest, i started shutting the lab up when there was a faint knock at the door. I turned round to see Lily stood in the doorway. She looked quite shy and almost nervous? "Lily, hello, is there something i can do for you?" She meekly shook her head before speaking up. "Those things that you said to Venkman earlier, about me, were they true?" I just looked at her before sitting back down on my chair. I silently nodded my head before replying "And is it true that you might feel the same way?" I watched Lily, she hesitated before nodding her head again. I smiled sligthly before making my way over to her. "Then how does a date sound? Tomorrow night ,I'll take you out to a nice restaurant?" Lily gasped softly and looked up at me before nodding quickly. "Oh yes, Egon, yes!"
I chuckled before slowly leaning down, I held her hand gently and softly pressed my lips against hers. They were soft and plump, perfect, like every other inch of her. I pulled back soon after looking into her eyes. There was a moment of silence before Lily spoke up "Ive been waiting months for you to do that." I chuckled and clutched her hand as we left the lab. However, after i took a single step out of the lab, there was a sudden burst of cheering. I turned to see the other 3 guys and Janine smiling and cherring. I simply raised an eyebrow at them before they all went quiet. Lily and I bypassed them ,heading up to our rooms.
The next morning, i found out that Lily had confessed to Janine a while back that she liked me, the Janine passe that on to the guys. They then made it their mission to get me and lily together, which became a lot easier when i suddenly and obviously caught feelings for Lily. So peter had lied about Ray being off and Winston helping Janine, it all so that Lily and I would spend time together. Although it's annoying to admit they're right, without the guys, I most likely wouldn't have ended up with the beautiful woman i now call my wife, Mrs Lily Spengler.
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wosowrites · 1 year
I can be your New Home Part 3 (Jessie Fleming x Reader)
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warnings: ⚠️blood⚠️
a/n: Long ass fic part one and two can be found on my masterlist.
prompt: in which jessie and the reader tell their club team and national teams they’re dating after a while but things don’t exactly go as planned
For the first month, you and Jessie kept your relationship on the dow low. The team loved Jessie and felt as though they had known her forever but she was still a new player who was still finding her footing with the squad. You had always assumed that you would be the one to ask Jessie if you could tell people. Hiding your love for Jessie was hard. You loved your team and had known them for years. You wanted them to know. You wanted your dutch teammates to know as well. And that’s exactly what happened.
Jessie brought up the subject to you right before international break as you drove home to your apartment. She was basically living there at this point.
"Y/n," she said, turning her head to look at you. "Mhm," you said, concentrating hard on the road as it was raining so hard it was hard to see in front of you. "I can see how hard it is for you not to tell people about us. And honestly it’s hard for me too. Janine keeps trying to set me up with people and all I want to do is tell her that I’m with you," Jessie said, fiddling with her fingers. "Where are you going with this?" you asked, furrowing your eyebrows. "We should tell people. I want people to know about us. Maybe just our teammates first though," the Canadian suggested. "Yes. Yes yes yes. Viv won’t stop trying to set me up with Williamson," you laughed, making Jessie smile. "If you’re turning down the english captain you must either be insane or in love with me," Jessie said.
It just slipped out.
Her heart dropped and she froze in her seat. It definitely took you by surprise, but her words weren’t wrong. "Why would I want the english captain when I have the future canadian captain? And yeah, Jess. I love you. And maybe I’m also a little insane," you told her.
The day after, Jessie left for spain for international break while you went to norway. It was your first time being apart but you had agreed to tell your national teammates about your relationship during the break, and then tell the Chelsea girls after. Canada was set to play Spain and then Germany, and Netherlands were set to face Norway followed by Portugal.
You took the plane to Norway with Vivianne, excited to see your national teammates again. You loved Chelsea, and it did feel like home, but it was nothing compared to the feeling of being with the dutch girls. You had your headphones in, and so did Viv. Sat side by side, you thought of the best way to tell your team. You soon realized that your perfect test run was right beside you. You could tell Viv about Jessie, hitting three birds with one stone. Tell her about your girlfriend, clear up why you weren’t interested in Leah, and practice how you would tell the bigger group.
You tapped Viv’s shoulder gently, pulling her out of the trance her music had created. "What’s up?" she said, taking her headphones off. "Um… I feel like I owe you- or maybe not owe but i want you to know why I won’t go out with Leah," you said, making her frown. "Okay. Go ahead," she said. "I’m seeing someone. For a month now. And before that it’s because I was interested in her," you started saying before being cut off. "What! Who is it?!" she basically yelled, slapping her hand down onto your thigh in excitement, making you yelp. "Ow!" Viv ignored you. "Wait. Let me guess. Is it Cuthbert? Or… Kerr? Wait is it Guro Reiten? No you cannot let your play be affected by the fact that you’re dating Guro-" Viv spiralled. "What? No! I’m not dating Guro. Im dating Jessie Fleming," you said.
Viv stared at you for a second. "The shy little freckled girl who doesn’t talk and has gotten like… one yellow card in her whole life?" Viv said. "Hey! You know who she is! And she does talk. And it’s a good thing she doesn’t get booked a lot," you said, pouting at you friends words. "Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean for it to seem like I was judging you. She’s really cute, and she’s really good. I just didn’t think she was your type," Viv said. "Well she is. And I really really like her," you told the older woman. "Well if you love her, then so do I. As long as she treats you good," the woman said. "She does," you answered with a small smile. "A Canadian. Huh," she teased.
You laughed and hit her playfully, laughing at her comment.
You arrived in Oslo two hours later, and you were at the training ground two more hours after that. You jumped into Dan’s arms, having missed her as she played for Lyon and you didn’t see her often. You hugged Jill hard, having missed your best friend more than you could put into words. You had told Viv in the car about your plan to tell the girls about you and Jessie, deciding to tell them during team bonding that night.
You ate supper with the girls, settled into the room you were sharing with Jill, and then headed to the common room for team bonding after having called Jessie.
The girls all talked, you caught up with them, had a drink (sparkling cider, you had training tomorrow after all) and then played games. You did a few rounds of twister, which you quickly realized you were horrible at, and then you decided to play never have I ever.
And why not have fun with it?
"Never have I ever scored a bicycle kick," Dan said, only you and Jackie put your fingers down. "Never have I ever… hooked up with a teammate…" Lieke said. People let out 'ooo’s'. "Wait do you mean hook up like no strings attacked or hook up like hooked up and are now dating?" you asked Lieke. "What does it matter to you? You’re single. But for the sake of the game… hooked up with no strings attached," she answered.
You smiled cheekily, knowing her words were wrong and then put a finger down. "Who?!" Jill yelled, pushing you. "Not saying. We made a deal," you shrugged. "But i’m your best friend!" Jill yelled. "Precisely," you teased. "Okay. My turn. Never have I ever secretly dated your teammate named Jessie Fleming for a month and told your national teammates about it during a game of never have I ever," you said.
You dramatically put a finger down and grinned at the girls.
"MAAK JE EEN GRAPJE??" Jill yelled pushing you to the floor and climbing on top of you, hitting you in the stomach and making you yell and laugh at the same time. "You’re joking! Fleming? The shy small little Canadian?" Dan asked as Jill kept her attack going on you. "Yes! Get off of me, Jill!" you squealed. "No!" she yelled. "Jill! Off," Dan’s voice said strictly. Jill eyed you and you smiled at her, knowing she wouldn’t say no to Dan.
The girl reluctantly climbed off you and sat down with her arms crossed. "How?" Sherida asked you. "I’m happy for you but she doesn’t seem like your type," the captain added. "I don’t even know really. She came here and she was really homesick and we just clicked instantly and then soon enough… I don’t know she has me in a chokehold that you wouldn’t expect from her," you said.
Everyone smiled and nodded, scattered words of happiness for you here and there. "Who knew little Jessie Fleming could get you all flustered," Lynn said, making you blush harder.
Barcelona, with the CANWNT
Saying that Jessie was shy was an understatement. She came out of her shell the most with the Canada girls, and was only now starting to actually start conversations with the Chelsea girls. But for some reason, she just couldn’t get herself to manage to stand up in front of her team and talk about her love life. It just felt unnatural. If she could, she would have sent a message to their group chat and left it there. But she knew that wasn’t the way to do it.
You called Jessie the night you told the team, and asked her if she had told the girls. She felt guilty when she said no, but you made it clear that she could take her time, and she appreciated and loved you for it. But suddenly training had started and it was intense, and no time felt like the right time. And then out of nowhere, it was the fourth day of the training camp and the sessions were done for the day. The entirety of the Canadian team was sitting in the common room, getting ready to watch the Netherlands take on Norway.
Jessie sat with Janine and Sincy on each of her sides, watching the TV intensely. "Okay girls. Just a friendly but who we rooting for?" Alysha Chapman asked the group. "Netherlands," Jessie said right away, pretty absentmindedly. "Okay then. But don’t like… three of your teammates play for Norway. Only one plays for the dutch," Janine said. "Yeah but Y/n is my girl- close friend. She’s my close friend," Jessie said, cursing herself for almost giving the secret, that shouldn’t be a secret anymore, away.
"Okay then, Netherlands it is. Everyone agree?" Sophie asked the group. "Let’s go oranges," Julia cheered, making Jessie give her a 'really?' look. "What? What’s their cheer?" She laughed. "It’s in dutch. Kickoff is starting. Watch," Jessie said sternly.
The game was strong off the bat. Players were engaging in hard tackles and making risky plays. But at the 30th minute, it was still 0-0.
"That’s bullshit what the hell!" Jessie yelled, lifting her arms up in frustration at the TV. "That was not a yellow," she groaned as she watched you walk back to your position, shaking your head at the supposed yellow card. "Agreed. That was all ball. The ref has it out for her she’s gotta be careful," Christine said, leaning backwards into the couch and shaking her head in annoyance.
And then, it finally happened. A goal, yes, but also the moment that made Jessie tell her team.
As a corner came in, you made a run towards the near post. You jumped into the air, Guro trying to defend you. You got your head on the ball and flicked it back. But the Norwegian keeper’s reaction was late. As your head hit the ball, her gloves hit your face a solid two seconds later.
Your head went flying to the side, the contact of the gloved fists into your nose making you yell. Your body fell onto the grass with a thump.
All you could do was bury your head into the grass, but it hurt to do so. There was blood everywhere and you turned over, sitting up and lifting your hands in the air. Blood was pouring down your face, smudged on your cheeks and dripping from your chin into your jersey.
"Oh my god," Jessie breathed, her heart racing at the sight of you on the TV. You barely flinched, standing up and trying to get to the referee who was acting as though nothing had happened. Jessie watched you yell at the man, and watched as Vivianne and Dan held you back, Jill trying to examine your face and telling you to stop before you hurt yourself more.
"What is the ref doing is he crazy? Her nose is broke oh my god!" Jessie muttered, tears pooling in her eyes. She knew you would be okay but the fact that the referee was purposely out for you made her angry. And the pressure of telling her team something so so personal was getting to her too.
"Hey, hey. She’ll be okay, Jess," Janine said, turning her attention it Jessie as the whole team and the freckled midfielder stared at you slowly bowl your head and rest your hands on your thighs, medics at your side. "Jess… are you crying? What’s going on?" Vanessa asked, standing up and putting her hand on Jessie’s shoulder. "The ref is being an asshole, i’m stressed out and my girlfriend is hurt! I’m aloud to cry!" Jessie said, her words spilling out of her mouth as though they tasted bad.
Everyone froze, the sound of the commentator saying "…and that definitely looks broken, that’s the most blood i’ve ever seen in a game of football…" echoing in the back. "Jessie…" Jordyn said, a small smile on her face eve though Jessie was crying. "You’re dating y/n?" She said. "Yeah," Jessie sniffled.
"Jeff that’s great! And she’ll be okay. That girl gets pushed and punched and tackled every game. She’s a fighter," Steph said, rubbing her hand on their baby Canada’s back. "I know. Shit I didn’t want to tell you guys this way," Jessie said. "It doesn’t matter. Do your Chelsea teammates know?" Kailen asked. "No. Oh look she’s going off," Jessie said.
Back in Norway
You cursed loudly at the referee, but she didn’t give you a yellow, knowing you would be sent off the field anyways due to your broke nose. Your team yelled at the referee, trying to get them to understand that the Norwegian keeper needed a yellow. Even Guro had to call out her keeper.
You walked off the field, holding a towel to your nose, your head throbbing with pain.
It was clear quickly that your nose was broken. But the Netherlands won 3-0 over Norway, so you were happy enough.
So, after getting fitted for a nose brace, you got told to go back to England and rest up. Theoretically, you could play, but your coach wanted to take no chances.
You had told Jessie over the phone that you were okay, and that you were going back to London. You had wanted to go to Spain to watch Jessie, but with the Champions league quarter finals coming up, Emma said absolutely not. And that it was better for you not to gain any jet lag. So, filled with announce, you went home.
You watched Jessie play over the TV, gaining a 3-1 win against Spain and an annoying 2-1 loss over Germany.
She came back home, as in your apartment, two days after the Germany game.
You drove to the airport, even though it was 11:00 pm, and walked inside the luggage pick up area to wait for her. Once you saw her, your face broke into a smile. She ran towards you and jumped into your arms, careful not to hit your face as you were still wearing a nose plaster. She hugged you tightly, whispering words of how much she missed you into your ear. "How am I supposed to go over a week every few months without you?" you said to her as she looked into your eyes. She leaned in and kissed you sweetly. "I don’t know. But I don’t want to think about being away from you for a long long time," she answered as you put her down.
You got her luggage and then walked towards the car. "Tomorrow, we tell the Chelsea girls?" you asked. "Tomorrow," she said.
You arrived to training the next day, greeted by apologies from Maren and Guro on behalf of the Norwegian keeper, and cries of 'dude there was so much blood' from LJ and Sam. But before you went onto the field, you stood up, having decided you would tell the girls. "Listen. I want to say something quickly but let’s not make a big deal out of it. Me and Jess are dating. Jess as in Jessie. Fleming. Her. Shit," you said, awkwardly pointing towards Jessie. "Doing great," she said, giving you a thumbs up.
You rolled your eyes at her before noticing your teams reactions were all different. Some had their eyes wide open, others were smiling and Magda and P looked like they were trying not to cry. "Are you two weirdos about to cry?" you asked the blondes. "Yeah! Kinda! Our children are dating," she smiled. "Magda that sounds really weird…" you laughed.
She took a while to notice.
"Oh! No! No not like that! I just mean I see you both as mnt kids. Like. Urgh! Im happy for you guys. That’s it," Magda said, standing up and hugging you and then placing a kiss on Jessie’s head. "Okay. Training," you said, clapping your hands together.
"Her children are dating," Sam scoffed, shaking her head. "Where do you get this shit, Mags?" the aussie teased.
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patchouliauthor · 9 months
Head Over Heels | Shawn Spencer X F!Reader
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Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI. Oral sex (M! receiving), unprotected p in v, sort of subby Shawn.
Word Count: 3060
A/N: This took me so long because I've been busy with school and work but it is finally here. Hope you guys love it!
Summary: You meet Shawn at a bar and hit it off quickly.
Finally, you were done with your thesis and the research needed to graduate with your masters in behavioral analysis. To celebrate, your friends brought you out to your favorite karaoke club.
You had the best friends in the world; Janine, Mikki, and their boyfriends Larry and Garrett. Janine and Mikki were your roommates in undergrad. 
Mikki brought many guys back to your dorm room during the years you lived together, and not one of them were good enough for her and you made sure they knew. Then one day she brought home Garrett, and you just smiled at him as he left. Janine however stayed with the first guy she dated, Larry. He worshiped the ground that Janine walked on, and so you were cool with him too.
The karaoke bar was packed, but you had a perfect seat to watch people go up there and try their hand at the karaoke machine. One poor, very drunk, guy walked up and started singing “Wheel in the Sky” by Journey, and you were afraid you were going to watch this man’s soul leave his body with the amount of force he was putting into it. 
“Why don’t you get up there and sing?” Larry asked you.
“No thanks!” You scoffed. You could carry a tune but you were not much of a singer, plus you had not nearly had enough alcohol to give you the confidence to go up there.
“Leave her alone Larry, we’re here to celebrate!” Mikki said.
You all took a shot of… something. It didn’t taste good but it wasn’t really supposed to. It burnt going down and you made a slight face, but it started to do the job almost instantly.
“So now that you’ve got your degree, are you looking to settle down?” Janine asked.
“Any cute boys?” Mikki followed up.
“Not at the moment, no.” You giggled. “Oh come on, there must be someone.” Mikki said.
“When the right guy comes around, you will be the first to know.” You said.
“Let’s drink to that.” Garrett said and you all took swigs of the drinks in front of you.
After about a half an hour of mediocre singing and too many drinks, they finally convinced you to go up there. You took a few seconds to pick the song until you found it. Head Over Heels by Tears for Fears. It was perfect. You pressed play and the familiar intro played. You heard the door open and you watched as two men walked in. One was bald, wearing a button up shirt tucked into khaki colored dress pants and nice shoes. The other had brown hair and a leather jacket on, and they both lit up as they heard what song was playing. Quickly, it was your turn to sing.
“I wanted to be with you alone…” You started. The men looked up at you in amazement. Maybe you were a better singer than you thought, or maybe you were just incredibly drunk. Either way, this song was going to get sung and it was going to be by you.
You kept singing, and the brunette man never took his steely gaze off of you.
“Something happens and I’m head over heels. I never find out, ‘til I’m head over heels.” You sang loud and clear. He smiled.
When the song wrapped up, not only your table of friends applauded loudly, but so did many others in the bar, including the leather jacket wearing mystery man.
When you came down from the stage, you saw the man watching you the whole way to your table. You knew you had to talk to him, and as soon as your friends saw who you were looking at, they agreed.
“Go over there!” Janine said.
“I swear Y/N if you don’t go over there I will.” Mikki said, much to the dismay of Garrett.
You giggled and then walked towards him just to go past him and go to the bar; you do not chase men. Luckily, he apparently does the chasing and meets you at the bar.
“You sounded great up there. You a big Tears for Fears fan?” He asked.
“Oh I love them. I would play their CD’s while studying all the time. My favorite CD is Songs from the Big Chair.” You answer. 
“Mine too. My name is Shawn. Shawn Spencer.” He said.
“My name is Y/N. Nice to meet you.” You said.
You small-talked for a while, finding out the man with him is named Gus, despite Shawn attempting to give him a fake name. You also found out they work for and run a psychic detective agency. That made you laugh.
“What’s so funny?” He asked.
“You? You’re a psychic?” You asked.
“Is that so hard to believe?” He asked back.
“I mean, you don’t strike me as the ‘psychic’ type.” You said with air quotes.
“Here let me show you.” He said.
“You just finished your masters degree… that’s why you're here… you’re celebrating.” He said.
“Not bad.” You said, not quite impressed yet. “What’s my degree in?” You asked.
“My first assumption is being drop dead gorgeous, because it seems like you are an expert in that field. My second guess however, behavioral analysis.” He said.
“Wow. Color me impressed.” You said back. “One final question. Are you an Aries?” You asked.
“I am. How did you know?” He asked.
“You tell me. Maybe I’m a little psychic. Or maybe it’s hyper-observation, my masters degree, and a lucky guess.” You said.
He laughed. “Could I perhaps get your number?”
You looked over at your table to see Mikki and Janine staring at you. You held back a giggle as you wrote it down on a napkin and handed it over.
You strutted away to your table with your drink in hand. Your friends could barely hold back their excitement when you sat down and started smiling at them.
“So?” Janine asked.
“Are we the ‘first to know?’” Mikki asked, quoting you from earlier.
“You may just be.” You said.
Meeting up with Shawn became a pass-time. He often ran into you, claiming it was “fate” or “psychic abilities.” You still weren’t sold on the idea of being psychic. Everything you learned for your degree told you that he was probably just hyper-observant, but his skills prove to be almost superhuman sometimes. Maybe he was a lab experiment gone wrong. Or maybe it had something to do with his dad that he never talks about fondly. 
You learned a lot about him and he learned a lot about you too, and you found yourself falling for him. He was funny, quick-witted, had amazing but also questionable music taste, and was unfortunately incredibly good-looking.
He did seem to be sort of a womanizer, but you couldn’t blame him. You were also a sort of player, when you had time to be. In undergrad you broke many hearts, but once grad school started you didn’t have time for games, and you hoped that those days were over. You had a feeling that the games were just started now that you are getting involved with Shawn Spencer, but you still wanted to give it a try.
You got a call from Shawn while you were watching the channel 8 news.
“Hello?” You picked up.
“The owner did it.” He said. You were watching a report about a robbery at a local store. How he knew that you were watching the news, you didn’t know, but you had gotten used to that.
“Did the eye contact avoidance give it away to you too?” You asked him.
“You are good. Almost as good as me.” He said.
“Well I do have a degree.” You joked.
“You do indeed. Now, what would you say to a ride on my motorcycle and dinner under the stars?” He asked.
“I’d say that’s too good to be true. When do I need to be ready?” You asked back.
“Um, now?” He said.
You looked out your window and saw Shawn parked by your apartment building with a bouquet of flowers. 
“Be right out.” You said.
Shawn drove you to a beautiful clearing a bit out of the city on his bike. The sun was just setting and it made the whole area golden, including Shawn. He grabbed your hand and began walking towards the center of the clearing. Once you were past some of the higher grass, you saw a picnic basket and a big blanket, complete with two glasses and a big bottle of rosé.You chuckled thinking about Shawn buying what appeared to be an expensive bottle, and immediately realized it was probably with the help of Gus and his credit card. You made a mental note to get Gus a gift in return for Shawn spending his money.
Shawn led you to the blanket and then sat down, opening the picnic basket and pulling out all of your favorite picnic foods. You try to recall telling him your favorite foods, but you can’t. He’s either a really good psychic or an incredibly good stalker. You didn’t think too hard on that last thought as he looked up at you smiling. He took the glasses and poured you some of the champagne. You took a sip and let the alcohol burn your throat.
You didn’t talk much, just occasionally cracking jokes, taking sips, and picking at the food he brought. You rarely ever felt as content as you did in Shawn’s presence.
“You are so beautiful.” Shawn said, barely above a whisper while you were looking at the stars that recently became visible.
You turned to look him in the eyes to find he was looking at your lips. You hadn’t kissed him yet but god did you want to. It’s not that he hadn’t tried to before, because he had, you just wanted to play hard to get. You knew that tonight that you didn’t have that resolve.
He smiled as he lifted his eyes to meet yours. You were suddenly aware of how close he was; you could smell the mint toothpaste and rosé on his breath. 
“Please.” Is all he could muster to say, and with that single syllable your lips were on his. It was a sweet kiss, so sweet you wished it was your first kiss ever. His lips brushed over yours so gently you were afraid he was going to pull away. Instead, he leaned in further and deepened the kiss. His hand reached up to the back of your head to pull you even closer to him. You obliged, scooting closer on the picnic blanket and knocking over your half full champagne glasses onto the grass.
You reached up to place your hand on the back of his head. You couldn’t help yourself and you tugged lightly on the short hairs on the nape of his neck. At the feeling, he whimpered the slightest bit. To try and cover it up he lightly pushed you until you were on your back and he was hovering above you.
“That was a dirty move.” He said as his lips moved down to your neck teasingly. You tried to keep your composure but his words made you squirm a little and you felt him smile against the skin of your neck.
Things quickly picked up speed, and as he feverishly kissed your lips he put his knee in between your legs at the perfect spot. You did your best to rub against his knee without him noticing, but you failed. He pulled away from you.
“Tsk. Naughty, naughty.” He said, smirking.
“Shawn, please.” You said, frustration evident.
“Oh, poor thing. Do you want to fuck you right here in the field?” He said, mocking you. You moaned at his words. 
“No. I want our first time to be special. Get up.” He said and quickly got off of you. You just blinked at him in surprise and didn’t move. He reached a hand out to you. “Come on, I’ll take you back to my place.”
You reached up to grab his hand and he pulled you to your feet. He kept hold of your hand and started walking towards his bike.
“What about the picnic stuff?” You asked.
“Do you really care about that right now?” He asked back.
You smiled at him before shaking your head no. He smiled back and started pulling you towards his bike. You weren’t certain in the dark, but when he turned it looked like his jeans were becoming a little too tight for his comfort. 
Once you were both on the bike, he began flying towards his apartment. It was so fast but not fast enough, and you were needing more friction to soothe the problem Shawn had started. You tried to secretly grind down on the motorcycle seat. It was helping but not enough, so you began to pick up speed. Your breath was getting funny at the contact, and it was moments before Shawn noticed.
He didn’t stop you. Something about you getting off on his bike was making him go feral. He even fantasized about fucking you over top of it while you wore his leather jacket. He needed you as much as you needed him. It was then you both looked over and realized you were about to pass the Psych office. As much as he wanted to make your first time special, he had to have you right then and there, so he pulled over and hurried to the door, leaving you on the bike. You followed right behind him as he fiddled with the key to the door. 
He unlocked the door and pushed you inside, immediately finding your mouth with his in the darkness. He shut and locked the door behind him without ever leaving your skin. Your lips never left his as you both walked back until your knees hit the leather couch by the window and you sat back onto it. His lips left yours and he yanked his shirt over his head swiftly before returning to you. As you kissed him you fiddled with his belt until you were able to pull his pants down, showing off the tent in his boxers. You didn’t give him time to think before you yanked his boxers down, showing off his large cock.
“Woah, slow down.” He whined. “You’re still fully clothed.” 
You didn’t care, and you reached to grab his length, pumping him up and down. He threw his head back. You loved to see him like this, and while he was blissed out from the pleasure your hand was giving him, you put your mouth on him. 
“Oh Jesus, doll. You’re gonna kill me.” He said.
You bobbed up and down on his length, and what you couldn’t fit you stoked with your hand. He grabbed your hair back into a ponytail while you pleasured him, reaching your other hand down to rub yourself through your jeans.
“You feel so good.” He choked out. You could tell that he was resisting the urge to fuck your mouth. You released him with a pop and pumped him with your hand, feeling the wetness from your mouth and the precum leaking from his tip.
“I need you so bad.” He said, pupils blown out with lust.
“Come and get me.” You said back.
Wrong thing to say.
You had never had your clothes taken off of you so fast in your life. In seconds you were completely naked, on your back with him hovering over top of you. He lined himself up with your entrance before looking into your eyes.
“Tell me to stop.” He said.
“I can’t.” You said back. He gave you a swift kiss and then rested his forehead on yours as he pushed himself into you. You moaned in harmony with him. He waited for you to adjust to him before he moved.
“Just tell me when, sweetheart.” He said. You couldn’t make out words so you kissed him to signal you were ready.
He pushed in and out of you slowly, filling you up with each stoke. He was taking his time with you, savoring the moment of you under him on the leather couch. Everytime he comes back to work he's going to think of you taking his cock right here.
He started to speed up and you moaned. “Kiss me.” You said and he obliged. As he filled you up below, his tongue explored every inch of your mouth. Both of you were sweating, moaning messes.
You could feel yourself getting so precariously close to the edge. You knew you only needed a little bit more to get you there. It was at this moment that Shawn reached down and starting rubbing circles on your clit, adding just the right amount of pressure. How did he know that was what you wanted so badly? Maybe he is psychic. The way he touched you exactly where you wanted without you having to say a word made you think he just might be.
You were thrown headfirst over the edge. The feeling was so good you thought you might cry. His hips faltered as he pulled out of you clumsily, releasing all over your stomach. Before he got too soft, he shoved himself back into you and rested his head on your shoulder. You both panted as you came down from your highs.
“I’ve wanted to do that since I saw you at the karaoke bar.” He said, still out of breath.
“Well after tonight, I think you’ll have many more chances to do it again.” You said and smiled. He returned your smile.
“Do you think we should probably leave now so we don’t forget to by the time Gus comes in in the morning?” You asked.
“That is the first time someone has mentioned Gus right after having sex.” He said.
“Shawn.” You said laughing.
He laughed too and got up to find something to clean you off with. After he cleaned you up, you both got dressed and rode back to his apartment, where he got to go at you all over again. You knew that no matter what, you would never forget your time with Shawn in the Psych office, mostly because he’d always be there to remind you of it.
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jflemings · 4 months
jessie introducing you to all her friends<3 meeting the chelsea girls and eventually taking you to meet the canada team when she’s on national duty and you are so nervous about making a good impression but she knows you’ll be fine
the chelsea girls have spotted you a few times in the stands wearing jessie’s jersey but don’t really think anything of it until niamh walks straight up to you and starts a conversation (bc she’d obviously be the first to know aside from ashley and kadeisha)
sam and millie immediately knowing that you’re not just some random and becoming so curious that they can’t help but talk to erin and guro about it, which means that soon enough the whole team knows about the girl in the stands wearing jessie’s jersey.
jessie is oblivious to it until you bring it up
“i got stared down by sam kerr today”
“you what”
she then knows that she’s just gotta bite the bullet because they all obviously know about you and you’ve been dating for a little while so it probably is time for you to meet them. she brings up the idea and of course you agree, because jessie spends most of her time with these girls and she absolutely adores them, but you’re so nervous and intimidated to meet them all at once. she’d probably start off by having you meet a few of them after a game, just casually introducing you
“this is y/n, my girlfriend”
“so you’re the girl jessie’s been hiding from us”
(because they knew something was up but no one except niamh knew what it was)
you get so embarrassed bc hello??? 😭😭😭 but once you meet them all jess takes you out to hang out with them at a bar and you end up fitting right in. you do get bombarded with questions the whole night though
“did jessie con you into dating her?”
“how did you meet?”
“i feel like you support arsenal, are you a gunner?”
some questions are SOOOOO out of pocket when the girls are a few rounds in and jessie’s face is bright red the whole time, especially if you guys are out after a big win
“that’s a huuuge hickey, didn’t realise jess was into that”
meeting the canada squad is so much more tame because unlike the chelsea girls, they all kind of knew who you were. i can imagine jess being more loose lipped around them because of how long she’s known them (and also bc janine totally got that shit out of her)
they’d probably be a little bit less overwhelming but you’d still be just as intimidated because jessie has been playing for canada since she was fifteen. some of these women have known her for almost half her life and you want nothing more then to prove you’re good enough to date jess.
“what if they don’t like me?”
“y/n, they’re gonna love you”
“…okay but what if they don’t! what then?”
she thinks you’re being absolutely fucking ridiculous but she also knows that you’re only doubting yourself because you want to make a good impression.
you pick jess up after training because the two of you wanted to go out for dinner and she pulls you in to meet the squad. she very confidently introduces you whilst holding your hand tight and they all give you the warmest reception, eager to finally meet you after all that jessie had said about you.
when the two of you finally leave jess gets a text from janine. it says canada approved with a selfie of all of them smiling and giving a thumbs up.
jessie smiles because she just knew that both her teams would adore you.
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