#janet dacal
arsphotographica · 8 months
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mthguy · 1 year
Lin-Manuel Miranda and the original Broadway cast of In the Heights perform at the 2008 Tony Awards.
“Lights up on Washington Heights, up at the break of day I wake up and I got this little punk I gotta chase away Pop the grate at the crack of dawn, sing While I wipe down the awning Hey ya'll good morning!”
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felizusnavidad · 8 months
IN THE HEIGHTS countdown: 18 DAYS!
song for today:
bueno you didn’t hear it from me but some little birdie told me usnavi had sex with yolanda... ¡NO ME DIGA!
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I'm a sucker for angst 😭 I saw ur Quinceañera post and I wa wondering if you could do another part of "Taking it all in" where Pedro and Daughter!reader are planning for it or Daughter!reader is having the most fun she'd had in a while and then estranged mother comes in and things get angsty (with fluff in the end of it)
Taking It All In (Pedro Pascal x Daughter!Reader)
Pt. IV
Word Count: 3,404
A/N: Some of this I got the idea from One Day At a Time, but I was writing this already when I saw your request! Thank you for requesting it!! Hope you enjoy!!
Pedro Pascal Masterlist
Song: De Nina A Mujer by Janet Dacal
Warnings: Mentions of abandonment and mildly edited fic...
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A Quinceanera, it was the last thing you wanted to think about, but it was one of the main things you were looking forward to this year. For years you had imagined your quinceanera, what kind of dress you would have, and the theme too. For years, you were excited for this day, the day you get to begin planning. Yet, it all came crumbling down. Instead of the excitement of the event, it felt more like a distraction from the real situation. 
Over the past three months, your mother had been on a rampage, determined to take your dad to court over custody. After your little run-in, your dad mentioned how he had run into her as well. He never kept anything from you and with the threat she had made that day, he wasn’t going to start. He let you in on everything that was going on and you appreciated him being honest with you, even if sometimes you didn’t want to hear it. 
You didn’t understand your mother's motive, why she suddenly had an interest in your life after all these years. You thought that if it were to ever happen if your mom ever came back into your life, you would be happy. Now, knowing what you know now, you couldn’t help but feel angry. 
Somehow, your mother managed to get supervised visits on the weekends. They were couple-hour visits on Saturdays and Sundays, your dad wasn’t allowed to be in the area during that time, so you opted to have your aunt join. It was either her or the lawyers and you wanted someone you knew to be around. 
At first, the visits were spent in silence, your mother asking questions and you responding in as few words as possible. Then she began to make luxurious promises. A nice vacation with the family as a whole on a cruise, Disneyworld vacation as a family, or even Cancun as a family. It was always ‘as a family’ and you didn’t know if she was including or excluding your dad in the phrase. 
“I liked singing as a kid, did you like singing?” Your mother asked. You glanced at your phone for the fifth time in ten minutes. Only an hour left and you can go home. 
You shrugged, “I was in the school choir in middle school,” you responded. 
She cleared her throat, “So, you’re fourteen, that means we should be planning your quince soon,” she said with a big smile. 
“Already am,” you stated. “Dad began planning a little before I turned fourteen, sometimes I think he’s a bit more excited than I am.” 
Your mother’s face fell for a second, but she was quick to put a smile on her face, “Well, quince planning is no place for a dad. Maybe it should be our thing,” she began. “You know, to try and reconnect?” 
Your tia could sense your uneasiness, “well, it’d be difficult to do, since it’s only a month away,” she commented. 
“Only a month away? It can’t be that soon already,” your mother said as she pondered about it. She looked at her phone, “wow, I guess it is,” she commented. “So, um, that means you probably already sent your invitations out.” 
You gave her a nod, “Sent them out last week.” 
She nods, “That’s great.” 
You sighed, you knew what she was trying to get at. Was it the right thing to invite her? Would that mean you would have to invite her family too? You hadn’t even met your siblings yet, let alone her husband. “Um, did you want to go?” 
She smiled, “What mother wouldn’t want to go?” 
You shrugged, “I mean, I’d have to talk to Dad about it.” 
“Of course,” she smiled, “I just would hate to miss another big event in your life.” 
You gave her another nod, “Honesty, I just don’t know how comfortable I’d be with… you know, your kids being there since I’ve never even met them.”
She scoffed, “But they’re your brother and sister.” 
“Yeah, but, I’ve never met them and I don’t think I’m ready to meet them.” 
She let out a dry chuckle, “They’ve been dying to meet you, Y/N, they’re your brother and sister after all.” 
You sighed, “I know they’re my brother and sister,” you snapped. “I’m just not ready, okay?” You looked over at Javiera, who just gave you a nod. 
She glanced at her watch, “We should get going,” she began. “Y/N, you have a big essay that you need to work on, remember?” You nodded, understanding what she meant. There was no essay, but your mother didn’t need to know that. 
Your mother cleared her throat, “I’ll see you next week?” She said with a smile. 
“Yeah,” you said as you got up from the picnic bench and walked over to the car. 
Your mother looked over at Javiera with pleading eyes. Javiera, even though she didn’t like Gabriela, felt a little sorry for her, “Give her time,” she suggested. 
Gabriela sighed, “How much more time does she need?” 
“More than you can give her,” Javiera muttered. 
“I know you don’t like me.” 
“No shit,” Javiera stopped herself, “I can’t deal with this right now, I’ll see you next week.” Javiera got into the car, she was half expecting you to say something to her but wasn’t surprised when you remained quiet. 
You continued to remain quiet for the duration of the drive, your mind wandering into an abyss that Javiera didn’t want to interrupt. Maybe you needed time to think about everything that had just happened and you were thankful for that time. For some odd reason, car rides were just the best time to just think. But, like all car rides, they come to an end. 
Walking into the apartment, your dad engulfed you in a hug, it was routine at this point. He would bombard you with hugs as soon as you got home from a visit as if you had been deprived of it for the past few hours. 
“How’d it go?” your dad asked as soon as Javiera walked into the apartment.
You gave him a shrug as you tossed your things onto the couch, “Gabriela wants to be invited to the Quince,” your aunt answered for you. 
“What?” Pedro looked over at his sister in disbelief, “What did you tell her?” he looked over at you. 
“I told her I’d talk to you,” you finally responded, taking a seat on the couch.
“Well, what do you think?” Pedro asked as he sat beside you, “Do you want to invite her?” 
You shrugged, “I feel obligated to.” 
He shook his head, “you’re not obligated to invite anyone you’re not comfortable inviting.” 
You sighed, “I know, I just… I don’t know. If I invite her then I feel like she’d be upset because I wouldn’t want her… family to come along.” 
Pedro took in a deep breath, “It’s up to you, Mija. You call the shots when it comes to your Quince.” 
“What do you think?” 
Pedro looked over at his sister, who stood nearby, she gave him a shrug. He then looked back over at you, “I think if she really wants to be a part of your life, she’d be fine with any decision you make. Whether that’s not inviting her or inviting her but not her… family. Whatever you decide to do, I support you.” 
“Even if it’s a dumb decision?” 
He kissed your forehead, “Even if it’s a dumb decision.” 
You didn’t make your decision right away, as a matter of fact, you didn’t make a decision until two weeks before the event. Deciding was hard, but you decided that if she was really wanting to make the effort then she’d respect your decisions. 
“You can come,” you said as you got up from the same picnic bench you had been meeting at over the past few months. 
Her eyes lit up like a kid at a candy store, “Really?” She took a step forward, and you took a step back. 
“But only you,” you continued. 
“I’m just not comfortable with the idea of them being there… It’s an important day for me-” 
“And you should want to share it with them,” she pleaded. 
You were beginning to think it was a mistake, “I should if I had known them for a longer period of time… but I don’t. I only know their names and whatever stories you told me about them. I need you to respect my decision.” 
She sighed, “Alright.” 
You dug through your bag, pulling out an invitation. “Here’s the invitation,” you said handing her the invitation. 
She took the invitation, giving you a small smile. “See you next week?” You nodded, before walking back to the car. 
The day of your Quinceñera was everything you could imagine. Your dress was Y/F/C, it wasn’t as big as most girls’ Quinceñera dresses, mostly because you felt like you wouldn’t be able to do anything if it were. You wore a tiara that your dad had specifically picked out. 
You made your grand entrance right after your Quince court did, you had a good friend from school to be your chambelan. Your Tia had teased you about it, but he was only a friend. Shortly after the entrance, some of your family members, including your padrinos (Godparents) which were Oscar and his wife, took the opportunity to say a few words. 
Your dad announced that he would say something after the father-daughter dance, mentioning how he didn’t want to get emotional too early in the night. Even though he had been emotional throughout the day. 
After your tia said a few words, it was time for dinner. You frantically looked around for your mom, you felt horrible that she wasn’t included for a good amount of the reception.
You spotted her at a table off to the side, “You look so beautiful!” she greeted you with a hug. 
“Thank you!” you smiled. “I was thinking, I feel bad you’re being left out of-” 
“Don’t worry about that, Y/N,” she smiled, “I get it, I wasn’t part of the planning committee, so doing things last minute would make things difficult.” 
“Well, not all things are that difficult, I was gonna ask you if you wanted to do like a mother-daughter dance? Dad said he’s willing to give up the spotlight for a few minutes,” you looked over at your dad who was, in his terms, killing it on the dance floor. You couldn’t help but chuckle at his moves. 
She sighed, “That’s sweet,” she wanted to feel happy about it, she really did. “Alright.” 
“Great!” you grinned from ear to ear. “Also, I was thinking, maybe next week we can talk about maybe… um…” you let out a dry chuckle, “Maybe taking the kids to the park or something?” 
Gabriela looked at you in disbelief, “really?” 
“Let’s talk about it next week?” She gave you a nod before you walked off. Why couldn’t she feel happy about this? It was what she wanted, what she begged for, but now it was in her hands and she was having trouble feeling happy with all the guilt she felt. 
“Fuck,” she muttered to herself. 
Pedro, on the other hand, was slowly coming to terms with the situation. He saw how happy you were today and he allowed himself to be happy too. He walked away from the dance floor, looking over at Gabriela, she paced around by the exit. He wondered what she was doing, she had to be on the dance floor in a few minutes. 
He looked around for you, easily spotting you at one of the tables talking to a family member. He let out a sigh, walking over to Gabriela, “Gabriela?” She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. 
“Fuck,” she muttered again, as she made her way out of the banquet hall. 
“Gabriela!” Pedro exclaimed, following her out. “Que te pasa?” 
She couldn’t help but chuckle, “You remember the night I told you I was pregnant?” Pedro nodded, “you asked me the same thing.” 
“What’s going on?” 
“I don’t know if I can do this,” she whispered. 
He shook his head, “No,” he hissed. “Don’t do this to her.” 
“I’m sorry, Pedro, I really am.” 
“Don’t do this, Gabriela!” He said louder, “Do you have any idea how happy she is right now and you’re just gonna tear that down!” 
“I know, I know!” 
“No, you don’t, because you won’t be the one picking up the pieces!” Gabriela let out a sob, “If you leave, don’t expect a welcoming party.” 
“Pedro, please.” 
“Don’t ‘Pedro, please’ me! You’re tearing my daughter apart, Gabriela. No puedo mirar la asi, (I can’t see her like that) you don’t know how bad she got because of you. You don’t know what I had to do just to see her smile again! I told you I didn’t want to see you do more damage to my little girl and I was naive to think you could have changed.” 
“I deserve a chance to get to know her-” 
“You had your chance Fifteen years ago and you gave it up.” Gabriela wiped away her tears, “Why did you even come back, huh?” 
Gabriela crossed her arms in front of her chest, “My husband, he’s um, he’s running for Governor-” 
“But I swear, that wasn’t the only reas-” 
“But it’s the main reason!” Pedro looked at Gabriela with disgust, he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. 
“I really wanted to get to know her and to-” 
Pedro shook his head, “It’s a little hard to believe that right now, Gabriela.” Pedro could hear the announcement of the Mother-Daughter dance, “If you want to prove me wrong, you’d walk inside right now and dance with our daughter.” 
“Pedro,” she pleaded. 
“Demostrar que estoy equivocado, Gabriela.” (Prove me wrong). 
She shook her head, “No puedo, Pedro. Necesito tiempo.” (I need time). 
“Gabriela, has tenido tiempo.” (You’ve had time) Pedro watched as Gabriela turned around, pulling out keys from her purse, “Gabriela,” he called out, but she didn’t stop. “Gabriela, Don’t do this!” She got in her car and drove off. 
The announcement had been made five minutes ago, and everyone had gotten off the dance floor so you could have the spotlight. The DJ announced the dance again, and you smiled as you looked around. Your heart dropped when you couldn’t spot her. Was it too good to be true? to think she would ever want to stay a part of your life. The intro of the song slowly began to fade in, and tears began to well up in your eyes. All you wanted was for your mother to finally step up and be a part of your life, but just when you thought you could forgive her she leaves you. 
You spotted your dad walking back into the banquet hall, his heart ached as he saw you standing alone on the dance floor. You looked at him with hopeful eyes, but he shook his head walking over to where you stood in the middle of the dance floor. He noticed tears begin to well up in your eyes, “Hey, hey, hey, I got you,” he whispered as he took your hand and began slowly leading you into the dance. 
He led the dance, slowly swaying from side to side, “Papi, she-” 
“I know, Mija, I know,” he whispered, you leaned your head on his chest as he settled his gently on top of yours. “Don’t worry, Cariño, I won’t let anything happen to you,” he said softly. “Let’s just forget about it for the night,” he said in a hopeful manner. 
It was hard to just forget about it, it was your mother. The woman who was so desperate to have you in her life threatened to take full custody of you, and now she was nowhere in sight. You let out a shaky sigh, “You know, you used to dance to this song when you were little,” your dad began to say. The song was close to an end, “telling me about how you wanted to dance with me to this song at your quince,” he let out a dry chuckle. “Now here we are,” he pulled away, taking your hand to give you a twirl, “De Nina a Mujer,” he commented. 
For a moment, you forgot what had just happened, all of the anger and sadness vanished. You remembered the memories you had with your father and even though something was always missing, it was always filled with his efforts in trying to be both parents for you. The song slowly faded to an end and everyone began to clap, your dad pulled you in for an embrace, “Ya no eres un nina,” (You're no longer a little girl) his voice shook, “pero siempre seras mi bebe.” (but you'll always be my baby)He placed a kiss on your forehead. 
The night continued on as planned, your court did an amazing surprise dance and your dad cried a handful of times throughout the other planned events. Finally, your dad took a hold of the mic, and the music slowly faded out as people made their way off the dance floor. 
“I just want to come on here and say a few words,” he began to say. “I’ve been avoiding it because my baby girl is no longer a baby,” his voice shook. “I am extremely proud of everything she has accomplished in her life so far and I am proud to say that I am her father. She makes me proud every single day,” He looked over at you. “Mija, you’re gonna do wonderful things in life, you are my biggest blessing in life and I a grateful for you every single day.” Tears welling up in your eyes, “Soon enough you’ll think you won’t need your old dad anymore, but just know I will be here no matter what. I can’t wait to see what you’ll do in life. Feliz Cumpleaños, Cariño.” 
You let the tears fall from your cheeks, you walked up to your dad and wrapped your arms around him. People began clapping and the music slowly began to fade in again. 
“Bailamos!” your dad yelled into the mic. The Dj played Cupid Shuffle, which made your dad grin from ear to ear, “Come on, Mija! This is our time to show our moves!” you rolled your eyes, “Come on!” he groaned. 
You laughed as you followed your dad's steps throughout the song, other people had joined in too. Soon enough it was a full dance floor, you danced with your friends and danced a few songs with your dad.
"What kind of dance moves are those?" You questioned your dad, as he did a little jump with his butt in the air.
"Am I not twerking?" You and those surrounding you laughed at his attempt, "Am I not doing it right?"
You shook your head, "No! God please, just stop!" And just for a night, you felt at peace. Everything that had happened was in the past or it was tomorrow's problem. Today, you are fifteen and enjoying your day with the people you loved. 
Your Quince didn’t end until past midnight and you knew it was a successful Quince when it went past midnight. You said your goodbyes to your guests and friends. 
You didn’t see your mother over the weekend, nor did you pick up her phone calls. Your dad told you what had happened and what had been said. Part of you felt stupid for even thinking that starting a relationship with your mom was a good idea. 
When Monday arrived, you wanted to just forget about everything, and act like the past few months never existed. Your dad had enough to win the custody battle, the lawyers were confident in the win. 
“Don’t forget tomorrow we’re doing a study group at the library after school,” One of your friends mentioned as you all walked out of the building. 
“I know,” you muttered. “See you guys tomorrow!” you said as you began walking down the sidewalk. 
“Y/N?” You heard a familiar voice call out.
You stopped in your tracks, your heart beating fast as you turned around, “What are you doing here?” you asked your mother. 
“Can we talk?” 
Pedro Pascal Taglist:   @cilliansangel  @change-the-world-someday  @graciegoeskrazy @oggystine93 @t-stark35 @twkobii @picklehat3r @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @white-wolf-buckaroo @steadydragongalaxy @rooting4theantihero @soupinasock @tracysnook @Ilovehotdadsandshit @dzaga890 @marantha @emmasauger @marysucks-blog @pcotato @scrappybear89 @dlwrish @what-ever-man213
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andrewlloydwebber · 2 years
Quite random selection audios from my recent theatregoing experiences. I don’t know if anyone is interested but I figured it’s better than hoarding them. Reblog if you download, gift to anyone if requested.
WICKED 2nd National “Munchkinland” Tour / June 29th, 2022 / Boston, MA, USA / Lissa deGuzman (Elphaba), Jennafer Newberry (Glinda), Jordan Litz (Fiyero), John Bolton (The Wizard), Lisa Howard (Madame Morrible), Kimberly Immanuel (Nessarose), Jake Pedersen (Boq), Michael Genet (Doctor Dillamond) / Note: A cellphone went off during the Fiyero reveal. 
Google Drive (2 untracked M4A files)
THE BAND’S VISIT 1st National Tour / June 16th, 2022 / Worcester, MA, USA / Janet Dacal (Dina), Sasson Gabay (Tewfiq), Ramin Doostdar (u/s Haled), Ali Louis Bourzgui (u/s Itzik), Coby Getzug (Papi), Hannah Shankman (u/s Iris), Yoni Avi Battat (Camal), Joshua Grosso (Telephone Guy), David Studwell (Avrum), Billy Cohen (Zelger), Dana Saleh Omar (u/s Julia), Marc Ginsburg (Sammy) 
Google Drive (1 untracked M4A file)
1776, Pre-Broadway / May 28th, 2022 / Cambridge, MA, USA / Gisela Adisa as Robert Livingston, Nancy Anderson (George Read), Becca Ayers (Col. Thomas McKean), Tiffani Barbour (Andrew McNair), Allison Briner Dardenne (Stephen Hopkins), Allyson Kaye Daniel (Abigail Adams/Rev. Jonathan Witherspoon), Elizabeth A. Davis (Thomas Jefferson) , Rose Van Dyne (u/s Charles Thomson), Joanna Glushak (John Dickinson), Grace Stockdale (u/s Richard Henry Lee), Eryn LeCroy (Martha Jefferson/Dr. Lyman Hall), Crystal Lucas-Perry (John Adams), Liz Mikel (John Hancock), Patrena Murray (Benjamin Franklin), Oneika Phillips (Joseph Hewes), Lulu Picart (Samuel Chase), Sara Porkalob (Edward Rutledge), Sushma Saha (Judge James Wilson), Brooke Simpson (Roger Sherman), Salome Smith (Courier), Sav Souza (Dr. Josiah Bartlett), Imani Pearl Williams ( u/s Caesar Rodney) /
Google Drive (2 untracked M4A files)
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anglerflsh · 2 years
name every witch that’s been hunted, I’ll wait /j
Veronika of Desenice d. 1425 Theoris of Lemnos before 323 BC Liu Ju d. 91 BC Petronilla de Meath c. 1300–1324 Stedelen d. c. 1400 Kolgrim c. d. 1407 Matteuccia de Francesco d. 1428 Agnes Bernauer c. 1410–1435 Guirandana de Lay d. 1461 Gentile Budrioli d. 14 July 1498 Narbona Dacal d. 1498 Janet, Lady Glamis d. 1537 Gyde Spandemager d. 1543 Lasses Birgitta d. 1550 Agnes Waterhouse c. 1503–1566 Polissena of San Macario d. 1571 Janet Boyman d. 1572 Gilles Garnier d. 1573 Soulmother of Küssnacht d. 1577 Violet Mar d. 1577 Thomas Doughty d. 1578 Ursula Kemp c. 1525–1582 Elisabeth Plainacher 1513–1583 Walpurga Hausmannin d. 1587 Anna Koldings d. 1590 Rebecca Lemp d. 1590 Anne Pedersdotter d. 1590 Kerstin Gabrielsdotter d. 1590 Agnes Sampson d. 1591 Marigje Arriens c. 1520–1591 Witches of Warboys d. 1593 Allison Balfour d. 1594 Jean Delvaux d. 1595 Andrew Man d. 1598 Pappenheimer Family d. 1600 Mary Pannal d.1603 Merga Bien 1560s–1603 Mechteld ten Ham d. 1605 Nyzette Cheveron d. 1605 Franziska Soder d. 1606 Elin i Horsnäs d. 1611 Alice Nutter 1612 Pendle witches d. 1612 Evaline Gill d. 1616 Elspeth Reoch d. 1616 Margaret Cubbon (or Ine Quaine) d. 1617 Witches of Belvoir d. 1618 Sidonia von Borcke 1548–1620 Christenze Kruckow 1558–1621 Anne de Chantraine 1601–1622 Jón Rögnvaldsson d. 1625 Katharina Henot 1570–1627 Johannes Junius 1573–1628 Urbain Grandier 1590–1634 Johann Albrecht Adelgrief d. 1636 Maren Spliid c. 1600–1641 Elizabeth Clarke c. 1565–1645 Adrienne d'Heur 1585–1646 Alse Young c. 1600–1647 Margaret Jones 1648 Mary Johnson c. 1648 Alice Lake[13] 1620 – c. 1650 Mrs. Kendall[13] c. 1650 Jeane Gardiner d. 1651 Michée Chauderon d. 1652 Goodwife Knapp[15] d. 1653 Ann Hibbins 1656 Marketta Punasuomalainen 1600s–1658 Daniel Vuil d. 1661 Anna Roleffes c. 1600-1663 Goodwife Greensmith[13] d. 1663 Isabella Rigby d. 1666 Steven Maurer d. 1666 Lisbeth Nypan c. 1610–1670 Thomas Weir 1599–1670 Märet Jonsdotter 1644–1672 Anna Zippel d. 1676 Brita Zippel d. 1676 Malin Matsdotter 1613–1676 Anne Løset d. 1679 Peronne Goguillon d. 1679 Catherine Deshayes c. 1640–1680 Antti Tokoi d.1682 Ann Glover d. 1688 Jacob Distelzweig d. 1690 Alice Parker d. 1692 Ann Pudeator d. 1692 Bridget Bishop c. 1632–1692 Elizabeth Howe 1635–1692 George Burroughs c. 1650–1692 George Jacobs 1620–1692 Giles Corey c. 1611–1692 John Proctor c. 1632–1692 John Willard c. 1672–1692 Margaret Scott d. 1692 Martha Carrier d. 1692 Martha Corey 1620s–1692 Mary Eastey 1634–1692 Mary Parker d. 1692 Mima Renard d. 1692 Rebecca Nurse 1621–1692 Sarah Good 1655–1692 Sarah Wildes 1627–1692 Susannah Martin 1621–1692 Wilmot Redd 1600s–1692 Anne Palles 1619–1693 Viola Cantini 1668–1693 Paisley witches d. 1697 Elspeth McEwen d. 1698 Anna Eriksdotter 1624–1704 Laurien Magee 1689-1710 Mary Hicks 1716 Janet Horne d. 1727 Catherine Repond 1662–1731 Helena Curtens 1722–1738 Bertrand Guilladot d. 1742 Maria Renata Saenger von Mossau 1680–1749 Maria Pauer 1730s–1750 Ruth Osborne 1680–1751 Ursulina de Jesus d. 1754 Anna Göldi d. 1782 Maria da Conceição d. 1798 Leatherlips 1732–1810 Barbara Zdunk 1769–1811 Ama Hemmah d. 2010 Amina bint Abdulhalim Nassar d. 2011 Muree bin Ali Al Asiri d. 2012 Ahmed Kusane Hassan d. 2020
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the storyteller trio - playlists for celia, urania, and nasira for @bombawife‘s OC week (album art by @thedragonchilde)
01. alice alone - joby talbot | 02. spark of creation - nikki renée daniels | 03. down the hole - molly gordon, colton ryan, wesley taylor, z infante, nkeki obi-melekwe, heath saunders, catherine ricafort, andrew kober, grace mclean, and noah galvin | 04. on the steps of the palace - denée benton | 05. someone to say - haley bennett | 06. snöfall - a cerulean state | 07. the whole of the moon - fiona apple | 08. moving - kate bush | 09. u - kylie mcneil | 10. the weekly volcano press - sutton foster, maureen mcgovern, jenny powers, danny gurwin, john hickok, amy mcalexander, robert stattel, and janet carroll | 11. impromptu op. 5 no. 5 - jean sibelius | 12. follow the light - pomplamoose | 13. stop - shoba narayan | 14. the maiden and the selkie - heather dale | 15. rêverie - duved’s transatlantic five x tatiana eva-marie | 16. what is a youth - joanna wang | 17. i am my own invention - darren ritchie and janet dacal | 18. op. 66a, th. 234 - II. pas d'action: rose adagio - petyr tchaikovsky | 19. fly me to the moon - the macarons project [listen]
01. magic to do - patina miller and the players | 02. takk… - sigur rós | 03. new constellations - ryn weaver | 04. fairytale - sara bareilles | 05. the projectionist - sleeping at last | 06. zephyrus - the oh hellos | 07. set el habayib - fayza ahmed | 08. parachutes - hans zimmer and richard harvey | 09. whenever i call you friend - kenny loggins and stevie nicks | 10. the life of the party - zoe jensen | 11. digital ripples - ludvig forssell | 12. rainbow veins - owl city | 13. moon river - audrey hepburn | 14. sky woman - anachnid | 15. platonic love song #1 - lauren bird | 16. dear moon - jehwi | 17. the lost words blessing - seckou keita, bethany porter, kerry andrew, jim molyneux, karine polwart, rachel newton, kris drever, and julie fowlis | 18. i’m going to go back there someday - dave goelz | 19. 14.3 Billion Years - andrew prahlow [listen]
01. milk cassette x.mp3 - analog_mannequin | 02. turnaround - camille and hans zimmer | 03. who am i - harolyn blackwell | 04. stay gold - first aid kit | 05. bookstore girl - charlie burg | 06. the wind is changing - howard harper-barnes | 07. take me home, country roads (whisper of the heart) - chelle | 08. trying something again (again) - lullatone | 09. snowflake - kate bush | 10. oh, what a world - kacey musgraves | 11. keep breathing - shoba narayan | 12. rainbow - dodie | 13. the romantic - lauryn marie | 14. quiet resource - evelyn stein | 15. helwa el hayah - carizma feat. bmd | 16. halfway - audrey brisson-jutras | 17. snow in venice - elizaveta | 18. pocketful of sunshine - natasha bedingfield | 19. rise up - andra day [listen]
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theonlyadawong · 1 year
also. casting non-Black women (janet dacal and lea salonga) as erzulie is especially nefarious
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top  5  song  associations,       
share  the  top  songs  in  your  playlist  that  most  inspire / represent  your  muses  the  most.    bonus  points  if  you  include  lyrics  to  go  along  with  it.
going to do this for my best girlies,
Losing my Religion, R.E.M
Beautiful Trauma, Pink 
Complicated Girl, The Bangles 
Cold as Ice, Foreigner 
Vigilante Shit, Taylor Swift
This’ll Be My Year, Train
Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time, Panic! At The Disco
I’m Still Standing, Elton John
Because of You, Kelly Clarkson 
Once More I Can See, Janet Dacal - Wonderland
Primadonna, Marina and the Diamonds
These Palace Walls, Courtney Reed - Aladdin on Broadway 
Learn to let go (for when she’s a bit older and more self aware), Kesha 
Oh No!, Marina and the Diamonds
I Need more, Haley Bennett - Cyrano
tagged by: @ellana-lavellan-rp
tagging: @westerosiqueens , @handful-of-muses , @targaryenprinces , @dream-dove , @flawed---by---design , @damselledove , @chaotiicgoods
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squipdop · 5 months
#17 - Wonderland - Welcome to Wonderland
THE start of my "get in the mood for our DnD sessions" playlist :] since we are playing a feywild adventure, this just felt appropriate
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moonmoonthecrabking · 8 months
Music to play next time you get lost in the maze
this is a bit more *vibes to me* based than *totality* based or *general vibes* based yk??
look it slaps
so bc it's next time
bop to motivate you outta there
obligatory vague minotaur reference
lost but Trying Your Best (feat. high school musical)
inspiring yourself
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carlysonenclarnews · 1 year
Carly Rose Sonenclar, Janet Dacal and Darren Ritchie Photo (2011-01-20) - Broadway World
Carly Rose Sonenclar, Janet Dacal and Darren Ritchie Photo (2011-01-20)  Broadway World http://dlvr.it/SpMTQ7
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timesofunited · 2 years
The Band's Visit enters the Kennedy Center after winning 10 Tony Awards on Broadway
The Band’s Visit enters the Kennedy Center after winning 10 Tony Awards on Broadway
Jason Fraley of WTOP gives a preview of “The Band’s Visit” at the Kennedy Center (Part 1) In 2018, it took home a whopping 10 Tony Awards, including Best Musical. The Kennedy Center is currently hosting “The Band’s Visitnational “‘s tour through July 17. According to actress Janet Dacal, “It’s one of the plays that won the most Tony Awards in musical theater history (two short of the record).”…
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boho-days · 2 years
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Janet Dacal and Andréa Burns in In The Heights, Broadway 2008
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sxnyarostova · 3 years
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do it 😠😠😠
(i’m referring to vanessa as a character in the pic, i know that karen uses they/them pronouns)
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wadinginthevelvet · 2 years
If you like In the Heights, please check out my Redbubble shop!
I uploaded a few pieces of hand drawn In the Heights text art that I thought would be fun as stickers or other merch! It's never too late to get yourself a holiday present lol
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