#jane doesn’t like him
coachbeards · 2 months
the funniest thing to me about beard after hours is just how EVERYONE is hating his vibe lmao
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sandwichsapphic · 3 days
“an exceedingly pleasant and amiable young gentleman but… mentally he is negligible - quite negligible” is the Jeeves and Wooster equivalent of “she is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me”
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How often do you think Jesse thinks ab how he killed an innocent man in cold blood to save the life of the man who, unbeknownst to him, watched his girlfriend choke to death on her own vomit and then left her corpse for him to find laying next to him in the morning? Do y’all think he ever fully came to grips with that bc I sure as shit don’t… What the FUCK Walter
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theshadowrealmitself · 6 months
I think it’d be funny if Aaron met Peter and his friends (like MJ and Harry) after he starts mentoring Miles, and realizes that somehow he’s the most well-adjusted out of all them
Especially funnier if he’s the Prowler in that situation
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hey-its-sybarite · 8 months
The immortal beings who Crowley created the universe with: Hey, remember me?
Crowley: And you are? Oh, I’ve worked with a lot of people. Please don’t make this more embarrassing than it has to be.
Jane Austen: (deceased)
Crowley: well of course I remember her…
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a-shadowedvales · 2 months
so… in the additional media of stranger things (specifically the comics i’m mentioning), it was initially brenner’s idea/plan to kill off the other test subjects because they weren’t performing as well as eleven was. it was his best solution because that way, all the resources, time, and money could instead be placed only to her. and i just…. sure henry is a fine character and the massacre makes a lot of sense to me, but i think i am once again gonna change up my canon to actually fit this potential narrative instead.
i genuinely think the comic canon of the lab and brenner is far more intriguing than the show. everything with 9/9.5, ricky, and francine. eleven being the only one who grew up completely in the lab. those other kids were either volunteers, well into their teens, or had some semblance of a home life. eleven was the only one practically moulded from the womb. and they all had such a range of interesting powers. i firmly stand with the idea that jane is the only one who can contact the void.
brenner’s entire point of view on the lab subjects changed the second he found out terry was pregnant. he discovered he could steal this baby and make her his own. there would be no convincing the child because it’s all she would have ever known. because of this, i would not put it past a man like brenner to kill the other subjects for the sake of the “greater good” in this case, eleven.
eleven’s gifts just continue thriving beyond his wildest expectations. brenner would never dare assume that having moulded her from the womb, she would still be able to grow into her own person, her own mind, and one day be able to see him for exactly who he was.
back before season four aired, it was obvious there were other test subjects because jane was 011. so there were at least ten kids before her. but i always liked the idea/assumed that she was the last experiment because she was the most successful. that they didn’t need anyone after her because she was fulfilling everything they set out for her to do. with flying colours.
i just think the whole rainbow room idea, pitting the kids against each other thing… been there, done that. boring and predictable. i think at this point my portrayal of her time in hawkins lab really stems from the complete isolation she endured. where having the rainbow room, although eleven was obviously the most isolated out of the kids, brings that sense of community and sister/brotherhood. albeit extremely warped and toxic. knowing that she wasn’t alone in that experience just. doesn’t sit well with me. i think it’s important to note that she was alone, physically and mentally. which is why kali is also so important to her growth. i thought a lot of the flashbacks of her time in the lab during season four was really boring, repetitive, and just very predictable. although peter becoming vecna was a surprise to me, and was a nice little twist, the idea of her having an ally on the inside was really interesting.
maybe they did get as far as they do in canon, peter ballad was telling the truth about everything, about some of the workers there being prisoners like him, and he really wanted to get her out and to safety. but before they can escape through the pipes, they’re caught. peter is shot on the spot, and eleven is put into the isolation room for a few days as punishment. in this timeline, henry would be vecna, but henry would not be peter ballad.
when eleven turned seven, and was already showing extreme promise, where the other children were average at best, brenner had the eight children killed. kali had already escaped. this was the main cause for peter to gain eleven’s trust and try to get her out. because if brenner could murder his “children” in cold blood, there’s no way eleven was safe even in spite of her power.
when eleven is allowed out of the isolation room, her testing becomes more rigorous in attempt to distance and make her forget about what she attempted to do with peter. brenner begins gaslighting her, saying that there was never a peter, that she must have been dreaming. eleven does ask “papa” about “mama”, given peter told her of the day terry broke in the lab, but brenner is convincing enough to make eleven believe it was all in her head. say she is around eight years old, meaning the same timeline of season fours canon flashbacks.
i still do wanna keep the henry creel canon, and keep him as 001. brenner didn’t have him killed alongside the other test subjects, because who knows, one day he could become an even better asset than 011. brenner definitely wants to be able to control henry, but keeps the chip in him because, for the moment, doesn’t know how. killing him would be too big of a loss.
when eleven is ten years old, henry’s concealed powers break free and he manages to get the chip out himself, and unleashes hell onto hawkins lab. he almost kills brenner by snapping his bones, but eleven manages to stop him. her extreme abilities are unleashed, and she sends henry to the upside down. she does fall into a coma due to the extremity of the situation, but she does not forget what happened. brenner believes she’s the perfect weapon as she stepped in to save him without a second thought, was able to defeat henry, and opened a door to something he never thought possible. eleven is rewarded for her efforts. although she remembers the entire battle / confrontation, her memories regarding the portal are very hazy.
brenner decides not to focus on the portal straight away, instead gets her training harder and harder to see what else she can accomplish. also loved the idea of brenner sending her into the void to “look for him” so that will definitely be kept.
by the time she escapes and season one begins, her knowledge of the upside down is basically what we see in canon. because she passed out the moment after she sent henry away, she was once again gaslighted into believing she merely threw him through the glass and killed him. for two years she believed this, until making contact with the demogorgan, and those memories return completely.
due to her saving brenner’s life, (it was pure instinct. she happened to be there. saw her “papa” hurt and knew she had to make him better.) brenner constantly thanks her. but in a very condescending way. tells her: “you saved me so i can continue saving you.” aka, harness your abilities and see what else i can achieve from you. despite the fact that she saved his life, these words and phrases make her feel indebted to him. that she owes him something further.
i don't realistically see her thriving with her speech improvement until she's well into her twenties at least. her slowed development, sensory and social deprivation causes a serious delay in language. surrounded by other children she would have overheard conversations, some would have spoken to her. her conveniently forgetting her upbringing pre the battle with henry just isn't good enough for me anymore. it makes more sense for her to have been raised alone.
it also helps indicate why she gravitated towards the boys when they found her in the woods. they would have been the first people her age she ever remembered seeing. as far as she knew, during the lab there was no one like her. everyone was much older, they were adults-- although she stayed with benny, i'm not sure if she would have stuck around very long. where she followed the boys home without thought.
also it's important to note that after time, jane does understand that peter ballad was a real person, and was truly the first person (aside from terry) who wanted the best for her. when she remembers him, knows that brenner was lying, she deals with immense guilt regarding his death. he was shot right in front of her eyes, because he was trying to help her. this is another catalyst as to why after season two, jane never refers to brenner as papa. she does not give him that sort of credit.
#study‚ in my dreams it's all real and my heart has so much to reveal.#THINKING THOUGHTS. i have had this concept in mind for a while but i THINK i’ve fleshed it out properly now.#will write this up properly one day (never).#although henry offering eleven a place at his side wouldn’t be canon#he would definitely still look at her as an enemy for basically stopping his revenge.#AND the whole speech between he and jane never sat right with me.#saying brenner made him what he was / that it wasnt his fault etc. Like. No? henry was a sociopath. he killed his family.#brenner didn’t do anything to make him who he is. so jane always saw him for exactly what he was#and there’s absolutely no sympathy there.#and then regarding my season four canon as her regaining her powers by remembering the massacre/the fight. i am changing that to her#regaining her powers by simply confronting her past. understanding what she went through. finding ways to cope with it physically and#mentally. getting coping mechanisms from her therapist. seeking help. not needing to know WHY this happened to her (because there is not.#and will never be a reason.) but finding ways to accept it and move on. how to move on from eleven and become janessa ives.#also just because in this case henry doesn’t massacre a bunch of kids? It doesn’t make him any less evil. in this instance i am following#the idea that some of the workers were prisoners there in hawkins lab. and henry killed a bunch of the workers. so would definitely have#killed some innocent people.#just because i am separating peter from henry. does NOT mean i am excusing anything from henry/vecna.#in this case they are two completely different people. although i highkey wanna use jcb as peter because he just did the role SO WELL and#was SO BELIEVABLE i’m not sure about it yet. because i don’t want anyone to get the impression that i’m making excuses for henry.#BUT YES.#this be the new canon. <3#idc brenner is such a good fuckin villain he’s disgusting but so intriguing.
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Emotional roller coaster of an episode. Just a few random thoughts.
Love any and every scene we get of Jeng and Jaab. And Jaab comforting Jeng was so sweet.
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Pat’s parents are so cute. But Pat’s stepdad doesn’t come to visit with his mom?
Your chef dad was at your house cooking, Pat, so where was the chef’s hat?
They really had me worried something bad was going to happen to Ae and Kanun’s baby there. But then they kept cutting to the two jokers on the bike.
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Everyone looking at the photo Ae posted and having their own issues they’re going through, but congratulating her and being awed by new life was poignant.
But they just threw us into the end of her pregnancy. I’m not clear about when the time skip happened. But did they also get married for real? Because I think they also referred to each other as wife/hubby in ep. 1.
Jeng has such attractive friends.
I loved Tiger going to timeout because of Jeng.
Does Pat have a heart-shaped birthmark?
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I hope Krit tells his family about Chot eventually 🥺
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Did not like all the Jeng tears. Or Pat's. But Jeng's were more unexpected.
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whenthegoldrays · 17 days
I don’t know what it is about the Jane Austen adaptations I’ve seen recently, but they just have so much trouble sticking the landing.
#i mean#ANY mansfield park adaptation??#especially 1999 but that one has a whole bunch of other stuff wrong with it too#and I almost GET IT because in the book the conclusion *is* very quick#but isn’t the point of an adaptation to expand on what is missing in the book?#also Emma and p&p#both of those books have such good rich things happen after the accepted proposals but the major adaptations just totally gloss over that??#Harriet and Robert meeting again in London! where’s my Emma adaptation that gives me that?!#Lizzy and Darcy being all cute after she accepts him!!!#I really feel like#in a miniseries ideally Darcy’s proposal and knightley’s proposal would both be at the *beginning* of the last episode#not almost at the end of it#because let! the other! things! happen!#let Austen’s storytelling shine!!!#can’t speak for the book in s&s discourse because I never finished it but like. 1995 and 2008 both had lovely endings#it’s not too hard in that sense#but it also is??? apparently? if we’re going by the 1981#need to watch the 70s one too#AND D O N ‘ T get me started on mansfield park#where ?! WHERE?!?! is my adaptation where we actually get to see Edmund slowly falling for Fanny at the end????#(I do not see 1999 it doesn’t exist)#like no. because in that one they paint Edmund like he’s been in love with Fanny forever and. no????#and then 2007 with him just having this random epiphany- what? two weeks after he breaks up with Mary?#and then he just runs out and kdrama-arm-grabs Fanny in the garden and kisses her??? HATE IT THANKS#at least when kdramas do it it’s kind of romantic#this Edmund was just creepy#and since we’re back on this discussion PLEASE I’VE BEEN ON MY KNEES give us a likeable Edmund!!!!!#I just used up my tag limit so I’m gonna tag this for my files and shut up and go to bed :) <3#elly's posts#jane austen
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caterpillarinacave · 8 months
I’m sure I’ll be crucified for this, but way some people in fandoms like The Tudors talk about people like Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boylen and Jane Seymour a) is disappointing, b) gross, and c) reeks of internalized misogyny 
#Gonna go on a rant here but before I start: I love The Tudors and I love Anne Boylen. Also ignore the spelling mistakes it’s fine it’s intag#It’s just the rampant vilinaizing of Jane Seymour and the need to set it up like Anne did nothing to Catherine is just#Sigh#You know the fact that she was horrible to Catherine of Aragon doesn’t mean she deserved her fate right?#None of those women deserved their fate they were abused by a lunatic on power#And despite that people automatically even in these fandoms see blame on the woman#There’s is someone to blame!#king henry viii!! He’s to blame! Literally all him#Jane Seymour wasn’t an awful witch her lured Henry away from Anne and Anne wasn’t an awful witch who lured Henry from COA#Henry was an awful man who took pleasure in chasing women#Also the way people get so caught up on whether Henry liked Anne best???#Why the duck does it matter??? Didn’t Anne deserve so much more?#I’m not sad they didn’t stay together I’m sad anne had the misfortune of crossing his path#“They were endgame 😔” He was an abusive lunatic#There’s no one to blame but him#Also news didn’t travel the same way#And I’m really sick of all the “Jane Seymour could have saved anne”#Like duck she could#“She had hold over Henry” girl she literally didn’t#Which we know because she did once fall to her knees and beg him not to do something#And he made it very clear if she ever did that again she was done for and#And it was medival England#It was the kings word or nothing#Katherine Howard likely didn’t even know her cousin had been beheade#To try and fight the king#for Anne#who was so controversial and harshly tempered#who the king had decreed to be traitorous?#That would literally be impossible#And yeah WE know that Anne was obviously innocent
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thestarsarecool · 2 years
Jane Asher picking a McCartney-penned song in her 1988 Desert Island Discs episode:
LAWLEY: I’m quite sure you want to take a record from that era [the 60s]. You must.
JANE ASHER: Yes, I do. My dear brother was very much involved in the rock scene at that time with his partner Gordon. Peter and Gordon had a lot of hits and had terrific fun and there’s one of theirs I particularly like, called “Woman.”
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coachbeards · 2 months
imagine telling your boyfriend that you don’t trust his boy best friend and you don’t like how close they are and then you find out he still hangs out with him and also wears a little apron to cook him and his son breakfast 💀
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folkorae · 4 months
Also praise the dialogue where Annabeth says that there are things she doesn’t know becAUSE IT WAS ABOUT FUCKING TIME WE ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THERE ARE THINGS EVEN A VERY SMART PERSON (like Annabeth) DOESNT KNOW!!!!!!
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edwardnashtiddies · 1 year
i finished breaking bad…
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jesse my little baby boy what have they done to you
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ziracona · 1 year
I know I say this every time I read my own work, but Speak for the Dead really is the best chapter in ILM.
“Well, you know for the first time in a long time this actually feels like fall?”
Jane Romero was smiling at him, sitting propped up against a tree in what had sort of become her usual ‘therapy’ corner in the past almost two weeks. And she was right, it did feel like fall. The air wasn’t as sharply cold as normal, and honestly ‘sharply’ cold was a nice break in and of itself when it happened—usually the weather here was somehow just cold—cold with no adjectives attached. But today it was nicer. It was the kind of waiting fall cold that came when it wasn’t biting outside yet, and it was almost pleasant. A promise of a change in the seasons. Tapp wondered why.
The trees hadn’t started to change color with it, or fall in piles, and as far as he’d gathered there weren’t seasons in here. Everything looked the same. Tall, thick woods, undergrowth and moss and rocks and fallen logs, a slight breeze on and off. Dark sky overhead, full moon, at this point long since throwing off everyone’s idea of what day and night were supposed to mean. All the usual. Except, somehow, the kind of cold in the weather. Who knew, maybe nothing had changed. Maybe they had just started to feel better.
LIKE. Those opening lines mean nothing but environmental flavor when you read them. But they’re a lead in for the thesis of the entire chapter.
“Well, you know for the first time in a long time this actually feels like fall?” - A promise of a change in the seasons. - Who knew, maybe nothing had changed. Maybe they had just started to feel better.
Like that’s it. Speak for the Dead is about a lot of things, but at its heart it’s about healing. It’s about forgiveness and healing, that exists between the living and the dead. It’s about how you can only speak for them, by speaking for them. Not how you want to punish yourself or live for them, but by how you know they would forgive you, or would ask you to live. Very little other than exchanges of information happen, but so much happens at the same time. All of it significant. It’s hope. It’s about how Tapp (and Meg) have spent every day here fighting in their own way to cope with the agony and failure of their lives, and the loss of people they couldn’t save, and have only dug their wounds deeper. About love. About nothing stoping the lambs from screaming except accepting that they want to let you go.
#god I love this chapter so much. literally I can start reading ANY part of it and get hooked. Me every time I re-read the one time in my#life I hit script perfection for an entire chapter straight: 💕💕💕💕💕#in living memory#in living memory (fic)#Speak for the Dead#I’ll never write something that good again maybe and that’s ok. perfection is perfection god I love that chapter#there so much said and so much unsaid. the way he buries Mandy. Adam trying to help. the fact literally never after in the story /does/ Meg#find out that she almsot died in a Jigsaw trap because she was judged for cutting? never. not post fic either. Ace and Tapp silently both#decide to never tell and she /never/ has to know. the way Meg asks if Michael knew Tapp loved him more than the job and that question is#not answered. she just says ‘he loved you’ and accepts that as a more significant one. the whole Jane discussiom. the way Tapp says ‘yes’#/only/ to ‘did it haunt you?’ when asked serious questions and usually just says ‘I don’t know’ if it’s probably true? the way he talks#about himself? the Saw references??? the dead people’s actions existing like ghosts in the script helping charcaters on a meta textual level#bc I only wrote Tapp surviving with a pen tracheotomy bc Peter Strahm did it? the The Silence of the Lambs thing?#all the ethical discussions that are so conceptual and simultaneously concrete in different ways. even the ethics are the dead and the#living mixing together. the way Tapp’s argument the only thing you can do for the dead is to finish their story for them-to do what they’d#been trying to do—doesn’t change? just what that means to him does. the way the entirety of In Living Memory itself is Philip finishing#Vigo’s story because Vigo is dead? and ILM literally /is/ Vigo’s ghost in the void chronicling these events to watch over and to tell this#story about how Philip is a good man. in which he is fulfilling Philip’s goals for him when Philip no longer can. the entire book is about#love and loss and no chapter in as deep a way as Speak for the Dead captures that on such a literal level#the book is the living speaking for the dead. and the dead speaking for the living. & a hope from that. a promise of a change in the seasons#literally. when they make it in V.S. from the eternal october. to finally November.
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uniiiquehecrt · 2 months
It’s a sad day when you want you favorite character to just die already 😔
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6ebe · 6 months
does anybody remember when I accurately predicted how game of thrones tv show would end bc I had a basic understanding of how the Tudor dynasty ended. lol.
#like genuinely the parallels in the book aren’t even slick#<-although again let’s hope the book series doesn’t end same as the show LOL#Robert = Henry viii#Joffrey and tommen as Edward vi (boy prince who dies young)#dare I say stannis = Mary I bc religious extremism#Cersei as lady Jane grey probably#or if you want the whole ‘named someone their successor in their will and got killed very quickly’ you could say that she’s Ned#although then succession order would be wrong#that does leave us without an Elizabeth though. renly is my Elizabeth I though 😞#and THEN you get James I coming down from#Scotland to sort out everyone’s mess 🥴#<- and that’s why I guessed a stark. and an unimportant one at that who hadn’t been involved in the fighting I argued. it’s funny that I was#except he was gay and everyone hated him and he set in motion what led to the civil war so 🤷‍♀️#anyway as a girlie with a history degree nothing in those books is insanely#shocking to ME personally. although it’s interesting to see how my opinions have shifted in the last 4 years#early modern U.K. isn’t even rly my era and I still know this sndjdkfkf#also I know#in theory everyone says the books are based on war of the roses but imho robs rebellion works better in that sense than anything else#so then I use the Tudors as my framing for what goes on during the timeline#but again it’s all circular bc you have the war of the roses and not too much later you get the English civil war so#anyway dynasties I actually studied at uni are like. the Carolingians and Capetians and Hohenstaufen’s / Holy Roman Empire#and then tang song and Sui . which all give me a lot of perspective on how these processes work#election based succession no look at Holy Roman Empire#‘best amongst brothers’ succession yes look at dynastic China#my conclusion here is that renly was correct rip 🫡#<- although I would be remiss to not highlight that several Chinese dynasties did practise primogeniture. but many of the most successful#ones didn’t#like I still can’t believe so many fans still think renly was insane like blood tanistry literally was such a thing historically that it#even has a silly sounding name. it was widely practised#him wanting to call an older brother is also what dany did and no one shits on her for that 🥴
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