augustmourn · 6 months
For the spotify top 100 fic, how about John/Augustine and your #4 song? Or a different song on your list if that one doesn't fit well :)
For spotify top 100 fic meme! (Still taking these!) A little under 500 words. Warning for mentions of suicide, alcohol.
Hum Hallelujah by Fall Out Boy
And one day we'll get nostalgic for disaster
Augustine finds him on the roof, standing near the edge and humming a song he can't make out.
They're still adapting to living under this… dome of flesh and bone. There's not much to see outside, so he didn't expect him to be out here, in the dark that stinks like a slaughterhouse. When Augustine realized, sometime past midnight—so they'd been drinking for at least twelve hours—that he couldn't see John, he'd gotten worried. He'd looked everywhere in the facility, his beer-hazy panic growing slowly, until he tried the roof.
John turns around slowly as Augustine walks in his direction. His hummed song ends abruptly as Augustine gets closer, and Augustine stops with a few metres between them.
Even in the dark, John's eyes are bright.
"I needed some air," he says, before Augustine can say anything. Augustine exhales.
"I thought you might've fallen off," he says. "How much were you drinking?"
"Not enough for that." John takes his hands out of the pockets of his sweats, and puts them back in, a nervous gesture. "Did you think I was going to jump?"
It hadn't even occurred to him. John bringing it up himself sends a bolt of fear through Augustine, but he just forces a smile. "No. Who knows what would happen if you died? Maybe this would dissolve and we'd all end up arrested. You wouldn't do that."
"No, I wouldn't," John agrees. He turns away, looking at the wall again. It's lit up by the floodlights outside the facility, but only from the bottom. Tall shadows are cast on the wall. It's creepy.
Augustine knows he shouldn't—knows it's a pointless question—but he still asks it. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," John says, exactly as Augustine expected. He pauses for a long moment. "Did I fuck this up?"
"Fuck what up?"
He gestures broadly enough to encompass the meat wall and the facility. "All of this."
Augustine has had about three too many beers and nowhere near enough sleep. He's not in his right mind for this conversation. "What's done is done, man."
John laughs softly. "That's a diplomatic answer." He turns around and walks past Augustine, their shoulders brushing on John's way to the door back to the facility. The brief touch leaves Augustine wanting more. John stops, his hand on the door handle, and Augustine just looks at him.
"I know we can't go back," he says, "but I'm nostalgic, I guess."
Augustine thinks of a lot of things at once when he says that. The first discovery of John's powers. The early days of their work together. Their late nights in college. The taste of John's mouth, seasoned with beer and cigarettes.
There was a time when he thought he was in love.
"Go to bed," Augustine says through numb lips.
John smiles. "Goodnight." He resumes his humming, and vanishes.
It takes four cigarettes for Augustine to feel human enough to go back inside.
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fox-mulder-gets-pegged · 11 months
Hello I happened to see that someone I follow reblogged a post from you and I'm just here to say I love your URL. He absolutely does.
Hi I'm so sorry idk how long this was sitting in my inbox for bc I straight up didn't notice the notif but YES he does!
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glitterarygetsit · 2 years
book, candle, and hand for the WIP guessing game!
Ooh, I've got two out of three! I'll give you short paragraphs, because that's more fun:
Book, from my Izzy Hands hanahaki WIP:
Stede fucking Bonnet’s stupid fucking boat is full of stupid fucking frivolous shit. Fuckin’ paintings and marmalade and unnecessary little trinkets and books. Izzy’s sure that’s why his damn cough has gotten worse; that shit gathers dust.
And hand, from my smutty Ed/Stede roleplay WIP:
Ed’s hand is on its way to his collar when he remembers he’s meant to be a prudish lordling, not an experienced pirate with his cock already at half-mast. He clutches his shirt to his chest. “No, I—I think I’ll keep it on. Captain.” He lets himself shrink back against the bales, eyes wide and vulnerable.
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sybilius · 24 days
I was talking about this to @jaimehwatson the other day but the Heathers musical really does have a beautiful grasp of irony in its writing. Here specifically I'm thinking about "Candy Store" where Heather Chandler mocks Veronica's unwillingness to bully her friend as juvenile, "playing dolls" "sesame street", "mommy making you a snack -- and yet the whole song "Candy Store" really makes pointed that the Heathers are just as immature, play-acting at growing up by being bullies who get into drugs/alcohol. They're kids in the candy store, gorging on the shitty behavior (a lot of which they learned from their parents)
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scyllas-revenge · 3 months
Trope ranking!
Thanks @sotwk and @hobbitwrangler for tagging me!
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yes ok i like the fuck or die fics leave me alone XD
Tagging @the-girl-with-the-algebra-book @jaimehwatson @trenko-heart and anyone else who wants to play
Link to the game!
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darka-art · 1 year
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commission for @jaimehwatson
Best ship in the canon (❁´◡`❁)
© 2023 Warhammer 40K belong to Game workshop
Art is mine, do not trace/edit, clams as your own
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fang-revives · 10 months
Sunday Six
Bit I am working on for the Finjay fic! Tagging @nagdabbit @perchtdont @elphantasmo @shinakkyo @jaimehwatson if you feel like sharing some stuff!
Finlay leans against the wall, his sometimes tag partner Kushida cocking his head inquisitively behind him.  “Your friend?” Kushida says in accented English. “Yeah.” Finlay replies. Just that. Not his girlfriend, like Jay likes to joke, not even his tag partner except for a few staggered trios, these days.  Finlay swallows the morose bitterness that wells up in his throat. Tagging with Kushida is good for him, probably. Even though it makes him feel young, clumsy on the syllables of Japanese he tries to meet Kushida in the middle with. He is young as a tag wrestler, and he shouldn’t forget it.  Young as a singles wrestler too, even though his record for that isn’t much.  The bell rings, and with it come cheers of Jay’s name, shaking Finlay out of his reverie. A smile finds Finlay’s face in spite of himself, seeing how quick and serious Jay is going for the lockup.  Omega brays, "I thought you were good, Jay!" Raggety and obnoxious as he slaps, and something stirs in Finlay’s chest. Jay is fucking good. Omega better know it.  Jay gets a slap on him, and Finlay laughs. That’s right. That’s fucking right. Worth the obnoxious spit Omega does in his face. 
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bleak-nomads · 2 years
Watched Mikey and Nickey (1976) with @jaimehwatson to check out influences from Goncharov (1973)...here are my notes!
Clock motif going strong in this film for SURE. I'm not sure it has quite the urgency of "the trouble is you think you have time" but features more of a looking back / loss of the memories that shaped you / holding on to what little you have of that.
The good news is it's as gay as advertised. The bad news (or good news if that's what you want!) is the gay is incredibly toxic. Nicky is such a shit guy that by the end I was rooting for a convenience store clerk to shoot him and be done with it.
There's a ton of subtle stuff being done with regret and familial relationships. In addition to the gay, this is a film about when the person who knows you most in the world (and perhaps you love most in the world) is also a no good piece of shit, and how hard that is. Also tbh if you zoom out for a minute Mikey is kinda no picnic himself, but that adds to the charm.
The ending scene fucks so much and the scene before it does a ton of narrative work. Definitely recommend this film especially if you like well paced interpersonal drama and a good grounding in realistic dialogue. Content warnings for some quite uncomfortable treatment of women servicing the purpose of telling you the lead guys just suck a whole lot.
The film is free to watch on YouTube, just search Mikey and Nicky. For after works this fix it fic from the tag is pitch perfect and this canon outtake hits the right notes for me.
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morrak · 2 years
Untitled Wednesday Library Series, Part 86
So John Robert Gregg, right? His shorthand, right? Pen stenography used to be something of a big deal, and in the US Gregg’s system was (and is, if it can still be called popular or widely disseminated) the most popular and widely disseminated. A bevy of editions and modifications were published from 1888–1988, sometimes serving a few million users, but most compact — and most cheaply reprinted, as far as I’ve found — is from 1916. That’s this, weirdly printed in Coppell, TX on 2022-06-01. Small run publishing is a strange world.
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The How
So @jaimehwatson, right? His fault that I considered it at all, and this book was bought to (kind of, slowly) follow along with his progress in learning the system.
The Text
I can’t speak to other Gregg editions, but this one is pretty clipped. Functional in its teaching progression, and probably pretty well conceived — I’m only about halfway through the lessons — but it can’t escape the quick pace. It doesn’t always explain why it does what it does until after it’s several tricks deep, but for the goals of this edition, namely personal and classroom use, I think that’s maybe for the best. Takes the load off learning it as a linguistic thing and makes it simpler to waddle along with.
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Each chapter introduces some new phenomena, then gives ‘general exercises’ that incorporate them, then has some reading and writing practice. I like it when things come in blocks and units and slices. Modular chunk type species.
The Object
This printing is a scan from an older one. Usually it’s pretty good quality — the type is still readable, is what I mostly mean — but the margins are wonky as the paper doesn’t match the original’s ratio. Sometimes the script portions are crispy and lose details, but they’re not hard to reconstruct if you’re tracking with the lessons. Not a nice book, but if you’re trying to learn Gregg shorthand in the third decade of the twenty-first century, it’s about the right vibe.
The Why, Though?
I’m trying to learn Gregg shorthand in the third decade of the twenty-first century, right? It’s been slow going but a decent occasional nighttime pursuit. Ideally I’ll be good enough to scratch out a proper rejoinder to Jaime’s postcards before too long, but in the meantime it satisfies my desire to learn new codes and scripts and shit. After this it’s back to Sütterlin.
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augustmourn · 7 months
3 and 38!
3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
Ooh, I'm discovering I'm not really a rewatch person, so this is kind of a hard question! The first three that came to me off the top of my head: The Handmaiden, Glass Onion, Freaky.
fave song at the moment?
The top of my On Repeat is 27 by Fall Out Boy so let's go with that!
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gohoubi · 1 year
i got tagged by @jaimehwatson to “expose your fictional crushes: post 9 of your favourite characters and let people guess your type,” and eek i am just now getting around to it!
Richard Sharpe from Sharpe
Patrick Harper from Sharpe
Francis Crozier from the Terror
Morse from the Endeavour series
Fred Thursday from the Endeavour series
General Brigham from Edge of Tomorrow (yeah i know he has like 15 mins of screentime shhhh)
Max DeBryn from the Endeavour series
Joseph Wilford from Snowpiercer (i nearly forgot him whoops)
Javert from 2012 les mis
pls don't look too closely...tagging @werewiire @some-cold-and-some-violence @seaglassandeelgrass and anyone else who wants 2 do it (no pressure)
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sybilius · 3 months
Tagged by @norfkid to post 5 songs I'm really into lately! In no particular order:
Losing My Religion, by R.E.M. Oh silt verses we are really in it now...
make me thomas, by supercooper. Whatever you think this song is....I promise you're wrong. Alternatively it's exactly what's on the tin.
Young Blood, by Angus and Julia Stone. Oh orange-catsidy takeover playlist we are really in it now...
Rule #27: Drunk on Pride, by Fish in a Birdcage. I am not immune to a wicked narrative sea song. Boy does the line "you might find the skull of a ship that was breached" rattle in my brain.
Trumpet Sketches, by Janko Nilovic, a recommend from @girlfriendsofthegalaxy 's Spotify wrapped 2023.
Tagging @orange-catsidy, @girlfriendsofthegalaxy, @shiny-good-rock, @jaimehwatson, @morrak, @believerindaydreams if you fancy sharing!
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roqueamadi · 3 years
what did i do with my night? wrote a step-by-step guide to undressing boromir, of course 😆
(i wish i could tag this nsfw but the most skin you're getting here is a forearm)
so many layers... top to bottom:
Top half:
Shield: strap goes over head
Cloak (first one lasts to Moria, second one from Lorien onwards): untie at collar or lift over head
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Belt (sword may or may not be attached): Untie at loop
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Surcoat (navy blue, shin-length): 3 large clasps, comes off over arms
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Tunic (royal red, short sleeves, shin-length): 8 small clasps down to ~navel, pull over head
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Vambraces (these trap the remaining top layers) - 2 layers of these: the top layer has 2 buckles under the wrist, the second layer unlaces like a shoelace (or just tug them I guess)
Gloves (he only sometimes wears these): remove with teeth @trenko-heart @jaimehwatson @scyllas-revenge @the-girl-with-the-algebra-book
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(Useless) chainmail shirt: untie cord at centre of chest, comes off over head
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Undershirt (assumedly... otherwise, chafing??) - the cuffs ARE visible but it must be VERY low cut because it's not visible in the above... maybe something like this 😆 Pull over head!
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Bottom half:
Boots - knee-high: slide off
Breeches (we sadly never see how they do up - I'm going to hazard a guess at another small clasp?): honestly by this point? just pull them down
...drawers? (or maybe not??) 😲
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darka-art · 1 year
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Like the tittle said, Valentines day is here very soon, and I though I could a lil special event where I can draw your OC dancing or kissing for the occasion.
There will be 4 slot open for now! OK, I'll add 1 more spot!
💕- @rowscara -DONE
💕-@2lim3rz -DONE
Ps: If you wish other type of commish, my other commission are also available but don't have the discount .
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bleak-nomads · 2 years
@jaimehwatson​ did a deep dive on James Bond and gave me the context I needed to understand this part of bleeding across state lines: 
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Baker speaking to / about Blondie. @jaimehwatson​ described the difference between Moore and Connery to me as:
Moore is silly and best if you want to watch some absolutely insane bullshit in a movie like Moonraker where he goes to space, Connery is better at more serious ones and probably more genuinely believable in the role but also comes across a lot meaner, especially to women
Which tracks so hard as Baker “one breath away from an incel / super in love with his hypercool coworker”, and Blondie “In love with Tuco and just wants to have a cool explosion moment”. Anyways we chatted a bit and I figured that if available, 70s sweaterboy Angel would actually be a Daniel Craig Bond fan but considering the well...70s au of it all, he probably lightly prefers Connery heh. 
Anyways it’s a killer line and as always love your work @believerindaydreams​ and think about this collab very fondly
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morrak · 3 years
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Courtesy of the indomitable @jaimehwatson, who knows me too well.
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