#jacob x roth
yesiplaygamez · 1 year
Evie: Jacob, why does Roth call you baby girl?
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Jacob: How about we stop talking for a little while.
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yasashii-leaf · 4 months
Hear me out, maxwell roth or jacob frye and a thespian y/n
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I didn't really know how to represent the scene...
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maxkennedy24 · 8 months
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Some vapmire Assassin's Creed Syndicate AU for the Witches Month <3
You can find fullsize image on my Patreon
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dirtyasscreedsecrets · 9 months
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'You just KNOW Jacob was having sex with every other character. Pearl? That carriage got desecrated. Roth? I guarantee they fucked at least once backstage at the Alhambra. The way he looks at Pearl’s body after the assassination cutscene is so sexually charged I was caught off-guard. A shame he keeps having to kill his fuckbuddies… I guess that’s where I come in!'
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cryptidwlw69 · 2 years
I also redid chapter 8, I'm planning on redoing some others cause god damn it hurts to read
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xreader-obsessions · 4 months
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Summary: The story of how you find out your best friend is an assassin. Jacob Frye x Reader Part 1 Part 2
Finding out that Jacob was involved in a fighting ring just made you more curious about your friend and who he was. Based on his skill in fighting and the money he made off of it, you wondered if it was his full time job.
Come to think of it, you met his twin sister before, who you got alone wonderfully with, but no one else from his family. And evertime you offered to visit, he always canceled so you never got to know where he lived. You never pushed too hard for answers to respect his boundaries, but your curiosity was starting to drive you mad.
Your determination and confusion was only fuled when you found a mysterious letter on your doorstep one morning.
"You've never seen the real Jacob Frye. If you truly wish to know who he is, you must see him in the town. Go to the alley between the housing and factory on Jackson street at 8:00 pm if you want to see his true colors."
A carriage waited for you on the main street outside of your house hidden away from curious eyes. Then when you felt it was time, you made your way behind the industrial building. It was the loud shady area of town that you last visited with Jacob. This place was dirty, loud and frightening. Dark shadows fell on every corner and the deafening clanking sounds from the working factory kept you on edge. Maybe that was why you paid no attention to the first figure that scrambled and stumbled into the alley ahead of you.
He was afraid and held his hands up in defense and fear. You paid him little attention until someone you knew stepped into the flickering light of the gas lamps. Jacob.
Jacob gripped the pleading man by the front of his shirt and light reflected off the brass knuckles Jacob wore as he raised his fist to him. Logically you knew you did not have the full picture, that there must have been something else going on to justify what you were witnessing, but your heart said otherwise.
"Jacob?" You called out to him in a weak, questioning voice and hoped he did not react. You wanted it to be a case of mistaken identity, but it was not.
"(y/n)!" Jacob looked up at you in shock, his mouth was hung open and his eyes were wide. The expression immediately vanished when the man he attacked bolted down the alley. Jacob froze, unable to decide whether he should stay and face you or catch his target.
"Who sent you here?" He demanded then immediately changed the subject, "You can get in a lot of trouble for being seen here with me. Please, just leave." Worry seeped into his voice when he asked you to leave, but before you could make your decision, he himself ran off into the maze of alleyways.
Jacob avoided you for days after the incident. You patiently waited on him to feel ready to confront the topic, but your patience wore thin. This went on for three days until you became determined to see the man who wrote you the letter. His name was Maxwell Roth,the owner of one of the nearby factory districts. You recalled hearing Jacob talk about him before to Evie and from what you over heard, he was Jacob's business partner.
Maxwell Roth's office sat on the top floor of his manufacturing factory. Since you were never invited to the factory, you worried over how your unwelcomed arrival would stand with the man of questionable character. So you stood outside the carriage that was parked in the docking area of the factory. It seemed appropriate since all the carriages carrying shipments to and from this building stayed there. You took a deep breath, asked the driver to wait on you for a half hour at most and proceed towards the front door.
It was actually a sliding bay door that was as large as a wall and, thanks to the wheels that were attached to it, slid open when you pushed it. Beyond the wall was a mess of fire, smoke and sweat.
The ringing and clanging sound of iron striking iron was so loud workers had to shout to each other just to be heard. Strong men covered in sweat labored over shaping metal with heavy hammers and sparks flew at them with every hit.
Small children with soot covered faces ran around the factory floor to complete their assigned tasks. Others shoveled piles of dark coal into furnaces that belched out dark pillars of smoke. Metal rafters criss-crossed high above your head and added to the massive size of the building. The ceiling and rafters were so high above your head, you had to look up to even notice them.
You wandered up a set of narrow, but massively tall stairs that ran along the front of the left wall. They lead up to a small looking office that had windows covering the upper half of every wall so the manager could always keep an eye on his workers. Even though it seemed impossible for anyone to notice you among the chaos of the floor, you quickly ascended the stairs and was spotted.
The boss resided in the office, sitting behind a large desk with a smug smile as he waited on you to enter the room. He obviously knew you were coming after all.
"Mr. Roth" you politely greeted from the doorway before stepping in, "I came here regarding the letter you sent me a few days ago. I did not expect you to manage your workers so poorly."
He stood and chuckled at your naive expectations and your guts for having your opening statement be so rude and rejecting. His lack of communication angered you and you chose to speak for him in an attempt to get him to talk.
"Jacob. He works against you doesn't he?" You questioned bluntly after piecing everything together. Maybe Jacob worked with this man at one point in time, but there was no way he would tolerate this type of business.
"Yes he does. He attacks my industry, kills my best men. All to sabotage our work. "
"Based off what I've seen here. It seems he's doing the right thing. You make children slaves, create deadly work spaces for your people and ignore their needs and further the poverty in this town. You need to be stopped."
"I work against Starrick just like him. We should be partners!" He objected, "but simple people like you and that rat don't seem to understand that. Besides, if Jacob was doing such good work, why would he hide it? We all know he doesn't want you or anyone to know about his work. I must say he's done quite well at keeping the two separate. You're the only person he knows that I've been able to track down after all. Besides his sister."
"That's why you sent me the letter? To expose him and have me betray him? To make me believe he is as evil as you?"
"Oh, I had more in mind than just that." He said with a smile as he drummed his fingers along the desk. "It lured you out of his safety, which is more than I could have asked for." Alarm bells went off in your head as you realized this whole conversation was made to stall and distract you. By the time you turned around there was already a large figure blocking the doorway.
He reached for your arm, but you quickly moved it away and punched the hulking man right in the throat. Out of breath and confused by the sudden turn of events, he became an easy guard to slip past.
Your dress was restrictive enough to slow you down as you raced to the carriage, but not enough to let you get caught. Due to the extra fabric that fell in front of your feet, it was also very easy to trip on if you miss stepped as you weaved your way through the active working floor.
Thankfully, your driver was alert and sped off the moment you were in the carriage. The momentum caused you to fall in your seat and everything jostled from side to side. You were successfully out pacing the goons when your driver was attacked. He fell off the stand and tumbled down the road as the horses charged on from fear. The carriage was now out of control.
Immediately you leaned out of the carriage and gripped the ledge that was above the door way and found footholds along the bottom of it. While gripping onto the jerking vehicle with every ounce of strength you had, you shimmied along the carriage till you were up front. You refused to look down while moving, for the blurring ground was only a reminder of how fast you were moving and even though it was not at the speed of a train, it was terrifying.
You placed yourself behind the reigns and pulled on them while talking softly to the animals. They slowed but were still panicked and uncontrollable as they whined and pulled from the direction you guided them in. Soon, they calmed down with the help of your soft voice, and once you regained control, you pulled the whole carriage around towards the fight.
You placed the carriage protectively in front of your driver and jumped down from the bench. His leg was wounded, and his body was bruised from the fall. Scratches lined the sides of his arms, and blood ran down them as he used them to protect himself. Slinging his arm around your neck, you helped him into the carriage as your enemies surged forward.
You jumped back into your carriage before the enemy could grab you and sped down the road once again. It still felt impossible for you to have full control over the carriage's movements and you had to remind yourself that you were controlling animals, not a machine. It was overwhelming with the wind in your face and sounds you could not tune out.
You swerved as a carriage collided with the back side of your own. You struggled to keep straight and avoid hitting pedestrians while you were pushed further and further towards the building walls along the right edge of the road. At this point, it was almost too late to fight back since there was no wiggle room, but you tried.
You pulled your reigns harshly to the left, the horses whined in surprise and your carriage jerked left with enough force to move your opponent. Then you repeated your actions without giving them time to recover, causing a wheel to break under the stress and immobilizing the enemy vehicle. The victory was short lived as two other carriages replaced the decommissioned one.
Since they could easily wedge you between each other and make sandwich you, you decided to run. The horses darted forward at your command and kept a fast pace. You locked your eyes on the road ahead and refused to look back as the thugs gloating and yells plagued you. They were closing in, and it was a reality you did not want to witness until you heard a figure fall onto your carriage's roof.
You did your best to steady your breath and remain calm as the hijacker only came closer to you. The fear only increased as he sat next to you and revealed himself to be your missing friend. You were not ready to face him after everything you just learned, and the anger etched in his handsome features was not helping ease your worry.
He seemed to take his anger out on his environment. He took the reigns from you and slammed the side of your carriage into one of the enemy's until they were driven off the road. Then, you heard the sound of gunshots and instinctively bowed your head. Jacob did not though. He went rigid then looked over his shoulder to see where they were coming from.
He studied the figures behind him, then spotted a passenger on the last carriage that was running them down. He threw the reigns back into your hands, giving you control over the carriage once again, and order you to steady it along the other.
Without question you did as he asked as he returned to the roof. With a running leap, he landed on the other cart, pulled one man from his seat to throw him to the road and stabbed the driver so he too fell. The carriage began to swerve now under the frightened horses' control. Instead of taking it over, he returned to the carriage you steadied, took the reigns, and sat in silence as he drove.
You had never been so afraid of the man's calm and calculated rage. He never gave you a reason to fear him before. But now that you did, tension and fright weighed down on you as you sat next to him in silence the whole ride home. You did not dare say a word as he was left quiet and stewing in his own anger. Thinking over everything he was going to say to you the whole ride. He felt his anger and frustration keep building onto itself until you arrived at the train hideout where he would let loose.
"I told you!" Jacob cut himself off feeling overcome with anger, "I told you to leave this alone."
"Don't you dare blame this on me," you shot back with just as much venom in your voice, "The only reason I was even there tonight was because you just left and it worried me," your words quieted Jacob's anger as he absorbed the meaning of your words. "I was looking for some type of rational explanation for what I saw you do in that alley. So sorry if my actions seemed a little rash, but at least he was offering to help."
"Help? You didn't even know who he really was!" You fell silent, feeling hurt by him calling you ignorant. "You just looked for your answers, not caring who you were trusting to get them."
"What's going on over here?" Evie questioned as she entered the train car. You took her distracting entrance as an opportunity to wipe tears from your eyes and calm your beating heart.
"She knows." Jacob replied simply with annoyance lining his voice.
"About what?"
"About us...Evie. This whole thing. Roth told her everything."
"Technically, I don't know everything. Just that you've been killing blighters and other men." You stated then whisper to the side, "which I am not entirely against since they're mad men."
Evie just shook her head in sane disappointment and gestured for you to sit down by pointing to a booth seat. You listened, arms still crossed and your body still tense. You glared at Jacob like a pouty child. Maybe you would feel ashamed if he was not doing the same thing to you.
"Both of you need to stop your bickering first off and figure out what really happened." Jacob attempted to cut off his sister but was quickly shut down, "Why don't you start (y/n). Seeing Jacob here cannot hold his tongue."
"Well, Evie. I started getting mysterious letters that I now know were from Maxwell Roth. I knew I should have ignored them, but they promised me answers to things about you and Jacob I had to know....then one came with an address on it."
"So you just start trusting to meet any stranger on the street?"
"Jacob!" Evie barked at him sharply, causing the young man to pull back. Evie then changed her tone to address you, "Roth manipulated you then. Used your curiosity against you?"
"Yes," you admitted in shame, "I came across Jacob fighting men in an alley. I left before I saw too much and didn't want to believe what I saw. I knew there was more to the situation, but Jacob disappeared on me. And Roth promised to tell me what happened that night, and I was desperate to clear his name." Jacob's eyes shot up towards you in surprise, and his guard lowered. Not many people gave a ruff looking man like him a second chance.
"He wanted to meet me at his factory today. So I went. He told me Jacob was killing his 'innocent' workers and tried to turn me on him. When I wouldn't, he sent men to kidnap me or worse. I ran, then Jacob appeared and....saved me."
"And Jacob, what did you see?" Evie asked.
"I saw her at the factory grounds. Getting into a fight she didn't belong in just because she was curious and too trusting." Anger still resonated in his voice and his arms tensed as he clenched his fists. "I saw her commandeer a run away carriage with men chasing after her."
"So you're upset at him for ignoring you and you're upset at her for being in danger. But it seems to me if you were honest to her, she wouldn't be in danger." An odd sense of pride washed over you as she supported your side of the story, "but (y/n) you shouldn't have been so foolish to fall for this trap."
"It's not like I knew I was getting into something this risky." You fought back. Jacob stood to his feet and paced as he mumbled curses, annoyed by your insolence.
"I'll tell you everything. Jacob and even I are a part of a clandestine organization. We're assassins. Our purpose is to restore peace, order, and freedom to this city's people. We are working with the Rooks and other officials and our work has changed this place more than you know."
"So you kill bad people in order to help change the oppressive hold or influence corrupt people might have on the city?"
"Yes. And the man you met tonight, Maxwell is an ex-Templar and one of our main enemies."
"He mentioned someone named Starrick. Said you both worked against him. Is he a Templar as well?"
"Yes. We can go over more in the morning if you want to stay the night."
"I'll make sure the Rooks know she's on our side," Jacob stated before quickly leaving the train car and entering the next one.
Evie was much more caring about being a good host to you. She grabbed extra blankets and a pillow from compartments that were hidden through the train and made a temporary bed for you on one of the plush train seats. She also gave you a tour and showed you where to grab some food if you got hungry. She also advised you on which cars to avoid, as they were used as bedrooms for herself and one for her brother.
The train felt endless as you walked from car to car, making you realize the scale at which the two assassins are working at to own so much. To put it simply, they were rich and earned that money through their grim deeds.
You decided to turn in early for the night, your mind swimming in new information that maybe you would be better prepared to understand in the morning.
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spaceistheplaceart · 1 year
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i was playing splatoon and thinking about motorcity... and u know what happens when you think of two things at the same time lol take these messy sketches!
Summarized ID: Multiple sketches of Motorcity characters as if they were in the splatoon universe, most are octolings but others are different species
First image has Mike Chilton, here named "Mike Chilfin" with his back to the camera, smirking over his shoulder. He's an octoling, with his canon hairstyle except instead of two little hair tufts at the top, it's a tentacle sucker. There's an ink tank on his back and he's holding a staff with two Splatana Stampers on the ends. It's modified and held together by tape. Beside him is his octopus form, with a square head and brown ink.
Next to him, weilding a five pronged Tri-Stringer, is Chuck. Here named "Muck". His ink colour is yellow and his octopus form has long, curling, tentacles.
On the left side of the page is two drawings. One of a Salmonid with one eye missing, and another of a Sanitized Octocopter (Green Octarian with flying device on head) with one eye. Notes beside it say: "Reef?" "Salmonid Roth or Octo Roth?"
Second image shows a bust of Kane. He's an Inkling, and here named "Abalone Kane." His squid form has two long tentacles in the back and two short ones in the front. His rattail is a tentacle with a sucker on the inside.
There's a bust of Julie. Her hair is long tentacles. She's an inkling. Her Squid form has two long tentacles and then slightly shorter ones in the front. There's a note beside her that says "uses dualies"
Then an almost full body of Mike Chilfin but in Octoling armour. He's wearing goggles, a black crop top with silver plates over it, black shorts, black elbow-length fingerless gloves, and is holding an Octoshot. Seaweed is placed behind his ears and curves upwards above his head.
A headshot of Dutch, with the Octoling Afro hairstyle. And a headshot of Claire, who is an Inkling. Her square bun is now a tentacle tied around itself and she has earrings in her triangular ears.
Third image shows Jacob as a shrimp much like Crusty Sean. He has two claws instead of hands and six little arms in the front of his fried-looking shrimp body. Hard to explain. Imagine a shrimp fried in breadcrumbs. That's his body. Two legs on the bottom.
There's a half finished drawing of Texas but as a Inkling Salmonid hybrid. He's got a connected eyemask, fins for ears, and a tail. There's a red X next to him. Then a small drawing of a Texas starfish with a hat on it.
On the left of the page is Texas as a Mussel. His body is how it looks in the show, humanoid and muscular, but his head is a clam with cartoony eyes and a little hat on top. His mouth is open. There's a green checkmark next to him and an arrow pointing to him labelled "Mussel!" Above him is the Mussel Texas but in a sexy "paint me like your french girls pose". He's wearing a black speedo.
Fourth image shows the Duke of Detroit, here named "The Duke of Detrout" in the right hand corner is a turnaround of The Duke of Detroit in the show, and below it is a picture of a Lionfish. Scattered around the page are Duke as a Lionfish. His hair is striped and prongs stick out of him, mimicking his cape and the Lionfish's fins. His arms are elongated fins and his eyes are black. Instead of facial hair, there are stripes on his face mimicking the goatee and mustache.
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compneuropapers · 7 months
Interesting Papers for Week 46, 2023
Spatiotemporal bias of the human gaze toward hierarchical visual features during natural scene viewing. Akamatsu, K., Nishino, T., & Miyawaki, Y. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 8104.
Goal-oriented representations in the human hippocampus during planning and navigation. Crivelli-Decker, J., Clarke, A., Park, S. A., Huffman, D. J., Boorman, E. D., & Ranganath, C. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 2946.
A Measure of the Complexity of Neural Representations based on Partial Information Decomposition. Ehrlich, D. A., Schneider, A. C., Priesemann, V., Wibral, M., & Makkeh, A. (2023). Transactions on Machine Learning Research. Retrieved from
Cortico-cortical feedback engages active dendrites in visual cortex. Fişek, M., Herrmann, D., Egea-Weiss, A., Cloves, M., Bauer, L., Lee, T.-Y., … Häusser, M. (2023). Nature, 617(7962), 769–776.
Perceptual History Biases Are Predicted by Early Visual-Evoked Activity. Fornaciai, M., Togoli, I., & Bueti, D. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(21), 3860–3875.
From Prediction to Action: Dissociable Roles of Ventral Tegmental Area and Substantia Nigra Dopamine Neurons in Instrumental Reinforcement. Fraser, K. M., Pribut, H. J., Janak, P. H., & Keiflin, R. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(21), 3895–3908.
How overconfidence bias influences suboptimality in perceptual decision making. Hainguerlot, M., Gajdos, T., Vergnaud, J.-C., & de Gardelle, V. (2023). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 49(4), 537–548.
A rapid theta network mechanism for flexible information encoding. Johnson, E. L., Lin, J. J., King-Stephens, D., Weber, P. B., Laxer, K. D., Saez, I., … Badre, D. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 2872.
Neither Enhanced Nor Lost: The Unique Role of Attention in Children’s Neural Representations. Jung, Y., Forest, T. A., Walther, D. B., & Finn, A. S. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(21), 3849–3859.
Human-Like Modulation Sensitivity Emerging through Optimization to Natural Sound Recognition. Koumura, T., Terashima, H., & Furukawa, S. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(21), 3876–3894.
Silencing hippocampal CA2 reduces behavioral flexibility in spatial learning. Lehr, A. B., Hitti, F. L., Deibel, S. H., & Stöber, T. M. (2023). Hippocampus, 33(6), 759–768.
Functional specialization and interaction in the amygdala-hippocampus circuit during working memory processing. Li, J., Cao, D., Yu, S., Xiao, X., Imbach, L., Stieglitz, L., … Jiang, T. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 2921.
Multi-scale goal distance representations in human hippocampus during virtual spatial navigation. Liu, J., Chen, D., Xiao, X., Zhang, H., Zhou, W., Liang, S., … Wang, L. (2023). Current Biology, 33(10), 2024-2033.e3.
Making memories last using the peripheral effect of direct current stimulation. Luckey, A. M., McLeod, L. S., Huang, Y., Mohan, A., & Vanneste, S. (2023). eLife, 12, e75586.
Multisensory learning binds neurons into a cross-modal memory engram. Okray, Z., Jacob, P. F., Stern, C., Desmond, K., Otto, N., Talbot, C. B., … Waddell, S. (2023). Nature, 617(7962), 777–784.
Neural dynamics underlying self-control in the primate subthalamic nucleus. Pasquereau, B., & Turner, R. S. (2023). eLife, 12, e83971.
Attention biases preferential choice by enhancing an option’s value. Pleskac, T. J., Yu, S., Grunevski, S., & Liu, T. (2023). Journal of Experimental Psychology. General, 152(4), 993–1010.
Impaired perception of temporal contiguity between action and effect is associated with disorders of agency in schizophrenia. Roth, M. J., Lindner, A., Hesse, K., Wildgruber, D., Wong, H. Y., & Buehner, M. J. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(21), e2214327120.
Dynamic prospect theory: Two core decision theories coexist in the gambling behavior of monkeys and humans. Tymula, A., Wang, X., Imaizumi, Y., Kawai, T., Kunimatsu, J., Matsumoto, M., & Yamada, H. (2023). Science Advances, 9(20).
Uncertainty aversion predicts the neural expansion of semantic representations. Vives, M.-L., de Bruin, D., van Baar, J. M., FeldmanHall, O., & Bhandari, A. (2023). Nature Human Behaviour, 7(5), 765–775.
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Ships that have already qualified (read before submitting):
Jude Lizowski/Jonesy Garcia
Tyler Kennedy "TK" Strand/Carlos Reyes
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Gwen Stacey
Willow Rosenberg/Winifred "Fred" Burkle
Francine Frensky/Muffy Crosswire
Susan Ivanova/Marcus Cole
Kate Kane (Batwoman)/Renee Montoya
Barry B. Benson/Vanessa Bloome
Jake Peralta/Amy Santiago
Willow Rosenberg/Tara Maclay
Jack Zimmermann/Eric "Bitty" Bittle
Justin "Ransom" Oluransi/Adam "Holster" Birkholtz
Larissa "Lara" Bogdan/Jasmine
Kelsey Pokly/Isabella "Stacks" Alvarado
Rebecca Bunch/Audra Levine
Rebecca Bunch/Greg Serrano
Rebecca Bunch/Nathaniel Plimpton
Samantha "Sam" Manson/Danniel "Danny" Fenton
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Selina Kyla (Catwoman)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Clark Kent (Superman)
Clark Kent (Superman)/Lois Lane
Harley Quinn/Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy)
Barney Guttman/Logan Nguyen
Shay Goldstein/Dominic Yun
Trina/Mendel Weisenbachfeld
Monica Gellar/Chandler Bing
Molly McGee/Libby Stein Torres
Rachel Berry/Noah Puckerman
Fiddleford McGucket/Stanford Pines
Cristina Yang/Owen Hunt
Cristina Yang/Preston Burke
Levi Schmidt/Nico Kim
Rose Lalonde/Kanaya Maryam
James Wilson/Gregory House
The Baker and/The Baker's Wife
Kim Possible/Ron Stoppable
The Jewish People/The Shabbat Bride
Alec Hardison/Parker
Max Eisenhardt (Magneto)/Charles Xavier (Professor X)
Steve Rogers (Captain America)/James "Bucky" Barnes
Arnold "Arnie" Roth/Michael Bech
Arnold "Arnie" Roth/Steve Rogers (Captain America)
Billy Kaplan (Wiccan)/Teddy Altman (Hulkling)
Bobby Drake (Iceman)/Hank McCoy (Beast)
Bobby Drake (Iceman)/Johnny Storm (The Human Torch)
Layla El Faouly/Mark Spector (Moon Knight)
Matthew Hawk (Two-Gun Kid II)/Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Betty Brant
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Eugene "Flash" Thompson
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/ Felicia Hardy
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/ Harry Osborn
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Katherine Anne "Kitty" Pryde
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Mary Jane "MJ" Watson
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Wade Wilson (Deadpool)
Steve Rogers/Bernadette "Bernie" Rosenthal
Wanda Maximoff/The Vision
Midge Maisel/Susie Myerson
Hal Emmerich (Otacon)/Solid Snake
Casey Goldberg-Calderon/Lunella Lafayette
Fran Fine/Max Sheffield
Ben Gross/Devi Vishwakumar
Winston Schmidt/Cece Parekh
David Jacobs/Jack Kelly
Seth Cohen/Summer Roberts
Scout Touzani/Elias Wyrick
KJ Brandman/Mac Coyle
Lavinia Asimov/Poison Oak
Phineas Flynn/Isabella Garcia-Shapiro
Anon's Mom/Dad
The person reading this & their partner
Jerry Seinfeld/Cosmo Kramer
Simon Lewis/Isabel Lightwood
Bram Greenfeld/Simon Spier
Miryem Mandelstam/The Staryk King
David Rose/Patrick Brewer
James T Kirk/S'chn T'gai Spock
Worf Rozhenko/Jadzia Dax
Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla
Brian Jeeter/Krejjh
Bobby Singer/Rufus Turner
Jonah Simms/Amy Sosa
Reish Lakish/Rabbi Yochanen
King David/Yonatan
Yaakov/The Angel
Rowan Roth/Neil Mcnair
Klaus Hargreeves/Dave Katz
Cecil Palmer/Carlos The Scientist
Josh Lyman/Donna Moss
Little Ash/Uriel
Lucille "Lucy" Kensington/Dr. Edison "Ed" Tucker
Fox Mulder/Dana Scully
Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer
Wanda Maximoff (The Scarlet Witch)/Jericho Drumm
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Shondra Kinsolving
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Talia Al Ghul
Ben Grimm (The Thing)/Alicia Masters
Velma Dinkley/Daphne Blake
Velma Dinkley/Marcie Fleach
Didi Pickles/Stu Pickles
Velma Dinkley/Coco Diablo
Babushka (Tatiana)/Dedushka (Ivan)
Kitty Pryde/Illyana Rasputin
Natasha Romanoff/Wanda Maximoff
Marc Spector (Moon Knight)/Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
S'chn T'gai Spock/James T Kirk/Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy
S'chn T'gai Spock/Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Frankie Bergstein/Grace Hanson
Annie Edison/Jeff Winger
Maxine Myers/Paula Cohen
Baby Houseman/Johnny Castle
Michael "Mike" Wazowski/Celia Mae
Talmudic couple having gay sex in the attic
Tim Drake/Kon El (Conner Kent)
Violet Baudelaire/Quigley Quagmire
Reuben Kent/Feliks Kaufmann
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yesiplaygamez · 1 year
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Bloody kiss @chelleecume @xxthefatherofunderstandingxx
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tamtam-go92 · 9 months
The Stories of Riverblossom View and Pleasanthills
This post on @katatty's Strangeswap AU reminded me on a stupid idea I once had after reading that Riverblossom Hills might be a spoof on Pleasantview, but of course I didn't have the time/guts/interest/thrive to actually realize it as a 'hood (though I still might!). I basically gives every (except for two) Pleasantview an Riverblossom Hill character as counterpart and is really funny and interesting for me to thing about:
The Broke family <--> the Ottomas family:
Samantha was left to raise two boys alone following her husband's suspicious pool ladder accident. With David acting out, can Samantha teach young Tommy to make the right choices in life?
Large families have a lot of love to share, but also require a lot of work - especially with more children on the way! Will grandma's help be enough to keep this family strong? -> Basically everyone is swapped, so Peter is dead, Samantha is pregnant with his third baby, Flo Broke lives with her son Skip and his family, Brandi is pregnant with twins. Sharla becomes a Broke and gets to be a blend of Skip and Brandi.
The Caliente family <--> the Wan household:
Was it just coincidence that those girlfriends arrived in the eve of Stella's disappearance? And is their interest in Morty physical... or fiscal?
Dina and Nina moved to town when their uncle, Tango, offered them his old home - which they just finished remodeling. Will they find excitement in this quiet town after the dust has cleares? Will Nina and Daniel make a life together? -> I think it was the Wan households description on the wiki that make me first think about this AU. Though I can't find the comment about the Wans being a spoof of the Calientes anymore. Very little is interesting about this swap, Nina is Patricia, Dina is Cleo and vice versa
The Dreamer family <--> the Martin family:
Andrew is pursuing his dream of being a professional gamer, while his son Jacob hits the books. And Andrew may have found his muse, but will his creativity be enough to win Sandra's affection? -> So basically this one is a bit creepy since it makes Jacob's canon (now adult) girlfriend his dad's love interest. xD And Jules O'Mackey is back to being Jacob's girlfriend - yay!
The Goth family <--> the Roth family:
Sandra is ready to start a family of her own, but can she tame the town Casanova? And can Morty bounce back after the disappearance of his wife Stella?
Having recently moved to Pleasanthills has had a wondeful effect on the Goths! Cassandra and Alexander are doing great in school, Mortimer found a great job, but Bella seems a bit restless... -> This might be the most obvious and gifts us with the amazing couple Cassandra Goth x Dirk Dreamer! Isn't it lovely??? Sandra would be about to marry Leod McGreggor and well that's the only interesting switch imo.
The Lothario family <--> the McGreggor family:
Who is Leod McGreggor? Is his engagement to Sandra Roth genuine? And what about the rumor that her mother, Stella, was last seen scaling the deck of his condo?
Don Lothario has a farm... and an orchard. Will he be so focused on gardening that he forgets to cultivate friendships? -> This is such a fun pair imo! The dishonesty in the McGreggor/Roth engagement would probably be more about his sexuality in this case though... And Don as a farmer in a kilt? A+!
The Pleasant family <--> the O'Mackey family
On the surface, Gabe and Alexandra O'Mackey seem to have the perfect life, but is their love a flimsy facade? And can Angela and Jules make the right choices when it comes to love?
After being caught cheating, it took Daniel some time to start dating again. Is his relationship with Nina meant to last? Will Nina and Lillith be able to work out their problems and realize how similar they really are?
Mary-Sue succumbed to the call of pottery and left her family to pursue her dream. Will living the Artist life be enough to keep her afloat? -> I was about to let Daniel live alone but then I remembered that Gabe and Jason Greenman are siblings, and Daniel and Jennifer Burb are siblings so this aligns nicely so Lilith gets to live with her dad. Angela now is an O'Mackey and looks like Jules and she gets to date David Ottomas, yay! Jules is with Jacob, as the universe intended and Lilith once was Dirk's girlfriend. =( I don't like DanielxNina much but it's the logical result. And Mary-Sue as bisexual potter living in a hut is just top-notch!
The Burb family <--> the Greenman family
Rose, Jason and young Daisy have decided to trade the fast-paced city life for some fresh air, and hope to make a nice home in Riverblossom View.
Jennifer gave up her name for the love of her green-skinned god. Despite the love that they share, will they be able to raise a happy, healthy child? Can John adjust to living in a town instead of the great outdoors? -> The biggest changes would be that Daisy now is Jason and Rose's biological child and thus a mixture of them both and of course her and Rose aren't plant-sims anymore. So John and Lucy are plant-sims and Lucy is John's plant-baby.
The Oldie family <--> the Ramaswami family
The Ramaswamis are simply one of the nicest families around. Their years together through good and bad have made them into the wonderful parents, and grandparents, they are today.
Herb and Coral are ready to settle down and start their life together! Will they settle in the beautiful town of Pleasanthills or find a new place to make their happy home? -> This would be so fun because it would make (elder) Sanjay and Priya Alexandra O'Mackey's adoptive parents! I know we have Alexandra's parents in her family tree, but this would be so cool, wouldn't it? And seeing a young Herb and Coral start the family they always wanted together? *chef's kiss*
The Caliente-Goth-Dreamer household:
Can Tango and Frieda cope with the loss of their close friend and face their own imminent mortality or will they find a way to cheat death? Will Darren and Dirk fina a way to fulfill their dreams in the great game of life? -> I love this the most as is gives the opportunity to explore sims that usually are already decreased. Of course that means we don't have Catherine and Betty. But isn't it just too perfect that Nina and Dina have an uncle (just like Cleo Shikibu is Catherine's niece) and Morty has unmarried aunt (just like Mortimer)? Those are a little too many coincidences, aren't they? So I see where the Riverblossom Hills is a Pleasantview spoof comes from!
Aesthetic-wise I would imagine it to be like that: Every Sim gets the age of their counterpart (I mean of course) and also their outfit. But otherwise they keep their looks (except it's stated otherwise) like hair-do, face, skin-color, makeup etc. The maps are switched, but everyone lived in their counterpart's house, so for ex. Samantha, David and Tommy Ottomas live in the Broke trailer but the trailer is on the Riverblossom Hills map (if this makes sense xD). I really wanna do this but I know that I don't have the time or the patience or the skills to do this as it would mean massive editing of relationships and memories etc. But if somebody feels inspired, feel free to create! Just please share the end result with me <3
Wow, this is long xD Which 'hood would you swap like this? Maybe Veronaville and Strangetown would work together (with everyone being related with each other). Belladonna has so many sims it would probably require two hoods to do the deed so both Desiderata Valley and Bluewater Village?
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 9 months
Hey Crowie i wanted to ask what you think of the Jacob x maxwell ship
I personally dont like it AT ALL (for probably obvious reasons)
The ship gives me the biggest ick when i see it
I mean i get it when people ship these two i mean they had chemistry im not gonna deny that
But after Maxwell try to take this chemistry and blow children up with it
kinda went down the drain for me
Hey nonnie, sorry for not getting back to you sooner, but there's so much I have to process with this ship, that it took some time to get my thoughts together in a cohesive manner.
(I am also going to warn anyone who chooses to read this; this response will be long, peppered with some likely unpopular opinions, and deal with the subject of mental/emotional manipulation and abuse. So, please read at your own discretion.)
Anyway, to answer your question, I'll get right to the point:
I don't like this ship.
While I can see the appeal of it at the beginning for some people - two charismatic men with a similar style of how to deal with things tearing through London with the claims of how free from society they are - for me, the appeal just never fully clicked.
In truth, Roth struck me as manipulative, controlling, and kind of creepy from the start.
Why, you ask? Let us examine the various situations, so I can explain.
The signs are there, if you look. One of the most obvious examples of this is the baby rook in the cage that Roth fawns over, obviously symbolizing young, impressionable Jacob and how Roth wants to keep a leash on him.
In other words: Roth promises freedom, but on HIS terms.
Which begs the question, were Jacob to continue his partnership with Roth after the incident with the children, and even enter into a romantic relationship with him, what would that mean for the young man?
Take a look at every single mission with have with Roth; he's the one calling all the shots and telling Jacob what to do, and Jacob, barely knowing anything about the man, goes along with it, swept up in Roth's charming persona, flattering words, and freedom dogma like a moth drawn to a bright flame. (So much for learning his lesson after dealing with someone who had a similar appeal; namely one Pearl Attaway, am I right?)
Additionally, just think of what all Roth wants Jacob to do for him:
Destroy explosives in a train station and steal a train engine? Done.
Kidnap a bunch of random people? No problem.
Plant dynamite around a workhouse? Sure thing.
All in the name of putting a dent into Starrick's empire - the main goal Jacob is obsessed with achieving, and what drives a good chunk of his personal story.
And with that knowledge, Roth has Jacob, hook, line and sinker. The boy is now Roth's to use as he damn well pleases.
And Jacob, finally getting positive attention, for a change, is willing to do as he was asked of Roth. Anything to keep that constantly bruised ego stroked. However, we all also know Jacob doesn't take well to being told what to do or have to follow rules - you only need to look to his interactions with Evie to see that - so how long would he stand for having to follow what Roth says before starting to push back? This is the very thing we see play out when the time comes for the duo to blow up the workhouse with the children inside.
In a moment of newfound maturity, and realizing the weight his previous actions have brought and what his future ones could bring, Jacob finally wakes up, listens to his moral compass ("But not like this!"), and does the one thing that's sure to put him on Roth's bad side: defy him.
And what comes of this daring action?
The partnership is immediately dissolved.
Roth sends Jacob a final letter and his "invitation" to the theatrical performance to be put on later that evening. But while the letter drips with a cordial air and sounds normal and civil, what's enclosed in the accompanying box is anything but; lying in there is the same baby rook Jacob saw Roth fawning over a while back, now dead, its neck snapped. (Could he have been fantasizing about snapping Jacob's neck when he did that? Who knows?)
Now, if that doesn't scream "you're dead to me" from Roth, I don't know what does.
However, that is only the beginning of true show of the cruelty Roth is capable of.
Soon comes the next step: blame.
Lewis tells Jacob after delivering the box with the dead bird, "You should be warned, Mr. Frye, when Roth is angry with one, he generally brings suffering the many."
This is only further re-enforced by Roth's dialogue in the Alhambra theatre that's clearly directed towards Jacob:
"Tonight's performance immortalizes and is for the benefit of a young fellow very near and dear to my heart. Any concerns or complaints may be addressed to him. Jacob, dear boy, tonight is for you!"
"Oh, my! Are your principles drifting, dear?"
"Are you trying to repent, my dear? It is not too late to join me in my grand finale."
"Go on, toast them! Your move, Jacob, my dear! Burn, burn, BURN!"
Address concerns to Jacob? Him needing to repent? As you can see, Roth is blaming Jacob for the theatre burning and all the deaths that could come from it, despite the fact it was Roth who started the fire out of anger towards the young man. In the situation with the children and the workhouse, Jacob did nothing wrong, yet Roth tries to frame the scenario as if the young man did. Why? Because Jacob went against Roth's wishes.
Hmm, Person A doing something terrible and blaming Person B for the action, usually with the claims of "You made me do this. This is your fault"? Sounds an awful lot like an abusive relationship, does it not?
Roth feels betrayed, but in actuality, it was Jacob who was.
And unless you've been in a relationship, romantic or otherwise, where someone appears like they have your best interests in mind at the beginning but then suddenly turn on you when you don't do what they want ("disobey them", if you will), the horrible consequences of that may not be something some (not all) of those who ship Jacob and Roth fully understand. I myself, dealt with exactly this sort of thing ironically around the time I first picked up Syndicate, so being fresh off of my godawful experience and seeing what I dealt with reflected in Jacob and Roth's relationship only turned me off of the idea of them being involved romantically even more.
Speaking of romantically, another unpopular opinion I honestly have is, I never picked up on anything of the sort from Jacob's side. With Roth, the attraction was obvious, but I didn't know there was intended to be some from Jacob's end until I started seeing posts with comments from the game's lead writer about it. (Which, from a technical standpoint, I think is piss poor writing on their end, if you had fans arguing about it. If you wanted it to be clear, make it clear. Don't dance around the subject and then get mad when people don't interpret the piece of media the way you want.)
Even if they were to start a relationship, I believe it would never be equal; Roth is just too narcissistic and self-serving for that. He would want constant control - something we've already seen displayed in the game. So, I imagine that Jacob would quickly begin to feel suffocated by it and want out. Again, if he couldn't stand his sister telling him what he can and can't do, why would he choose to remain with a lover who does the same thing, just in a different manner?
But going back to how I saw their interactions; to me, I always interpreted Jacob as viewing Roth more as a mentor or father figure that he never had, but always wanted. Someone who would not chide or disprove of Jacob's more chaotic and unconventional methods the way his own father and sister did.
And before anyone comes after me, this is not me attempting to erase Jacob's sexual orientation or saying that he can't have a healthy relationship with a man. But that's the key word there: healthy.
What little Jacob and Roth had was not healthy, and at this point, I don't care how much the lead writer tried to spin it into a love story, because there was no love involved. Lust, maybe, but not much more than that. Also, again, if they wanted to up the ante on Jacob's journey in his sexuality, they should've portrayed it in a more positive light, not had his first kiss with a man be a negative experience with a non-empathetic narcissist who only did things because "why not?" (Besides, wouldn't an experience like that actually frighten Jacob away from exploring that side of his orientation for some time, because he is afraid of getting hurt again? Just some food for thought.)
So, to wrap things up, I will never understand why people would want Jacob to be in a relationship where he wouldn't be properly respected and taken care of, when he really deserves that. Now, I'm aware that there are people who are aware of the canon depiction of Jacob's and Roth's relationship and instead place the RothFrye relationship in an AU where Roth isn't a psychopathic asshole, and he and Jacob have a successful partnership, and to each his own. I indulge in AUs all the time, so I will not judge others for doing so. I just cannot, in good conscience, partake in those ones for RothFrye myself. It's just too personal, too legitimately triggering, and just rubs me the wrong way.
My apologies for the lengthiness of this post, but honestly, I have a lot of thoughts on this ship and this vent, if you will, was a long time coming. If you got this far in reading this, thank you for taking the time to do so, and to the anon who asked, I do hope this answered your question on my opinion of this ship. Also, to those who ship it, please do not read this post as a personal attack; that was not the intention of this post. I merely gave my opinion based on what presented in the game, and if yours is different, you do you.
After all, at the end of the day, it's just fiction.
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cryptidwlw69 · 2 years
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darknessawaits28 · 7 months
Maxwell Roth x Jacob Frye Love Story; Soothing Syrup~
Hello my peeps! So I see that everyone enjoyed my first post of Jacob and Roth love story, so here's part 2, a even more delicious outcome for this part if I do say so myself. Hope yall enjoy! Don't forget to like, follow, and obey! :3 :3 Love yal!
Another breezy night in London, the Rooks train speeding down the tracks ever so slightly. A soft groan came from Jacob as he felt the train turn slightly to the right, nearly jolting him off the couch. "Argh, what time is it?" He asked himself, sitting up and looking out at the windows. "Hmm, not too late to catch up on conquering the last bits of London," he yawned, standing up on his own two feet and heading off the train. Jacob soon arrived at Southwark, deciding to take a mission on the secrets of the soothing syrup, and where in the world was its production line? "You're ruining my husband's life with your syrup!" "Look at him, he can barely walk and talk for heavens sake!" "Why don't you bugger off you old coop, you're scaring my customers away!" The vender yelled, trying to scare off the woman. "You can't talk to me like that you little guttling-" "What's all this then?" Jacob questioned, waving to the woman to relax and indicating to her that he would take care of this. "Sod off!" The vendor growled as he pulled out a dagger. With quick movements, Jacob slapped the dagger out of the man's hand, instantly making him run off, "If you'll excuse me madam" Jacob smiled cunningly and rushed off to catch the man. "Get back here you blundering idiot!" Jacob yelled, climbing various wooden fences and wooden poles just to catch this vendor. "Ugh the sewers, honestly?!" Jacob growled in frustration as he rushed within, trying to chase down the man. With luck, he was able to tackle the man when he appeared on the other side of the sewer. "Now that I've caught your attention, tell me where the syrup originates?!" "Okay, okay, all I know is that they make a run each day, between the gasometers and the asylum....I told you all that I know please don't hurt me!" The man was lucky was Jacob left him to find the distributer; man this was so easy! Within a few minutes, Jacob grabbed a carriage and headed off to find this distributer, his mind suddenly becoming cloudy. Roth's voice abruptly appeared in his head, "Jacob my dear boy, how does it feel to have my hand wrap around your cock?" "Fuck....it feels....so good Roth....more please!" A whimper echoed along Jacob's ear. His mind quickly returned to reality when he nearly hit another carriage on the way to finding the distributer, "Sorry!!" Jacob called back to the other carriage. "What in God's name is wrong with me" Jacob sighed in annoyance, feeling his pants already tightening at the thought of Roth. He couldn't let him distract him, he couldn't and won't be distracted like his dear sister gets when she sees Greenie. "I've got to focus, can't let Roth distract me." Using his assassin vision, Jacob found a bunch of blighters heading towards somewhere that might help him find where this soothing syrup was headed. "Let's follow them" he smirked, slapping the reigns on the horse and making it follow closely behind the blighter carriage. Once they arrived at a factory, Jacob parked the carriage a bit behind and got off; taking off his hat and pulling on his assassin hood. "Time to get information" Jacob whispered to himself, quickly sneaking towards the man that had the plan. "Oh sir didn't expect you too soon...uh..." A worker gulped worriedly as he stared into the dark eyes of the blighter. "I am here now, how is the production going?" The blighter growled as he crossed his arms. During their conversation, Jacob mysteriously snuck behind the oblivious blighter and stole the plans; getting away from the area as quickly as possible. "Huh, the man in charge of the syrup distribution runs a fighting club at the foundry...". Within minutes, Jacob had arrived at the foundry, "There he is" Jacob muttered, finding the big boss with his assassin vision. "Time to get creative" a snicker came from Jacob's lips as he grabbed an unsuspecting blighter to help him walk into the foundry unnoticed. "Hey what's ya deal, let go of me!" "Shh, we're good friends now, don't try anything or I'll make sure you'll pay with your life" Jacob warned the guard.
The two quickly entered the foundry with zero hassle, "Ah, there he is." "Who are you even looking for?" The blighter asked worriedly, gasping for air when he felt Jacob choke him out. "That's right, time to take a long nap" Jacob smirked, quickly pushing past the crowds of people looking at the fight until he grabbed the big boss. "Hey what's gong on here, let go!" "Hello, why don't we take a short walk for a bit, how does that sound?" "Unhand me you fiend!" The blighter boss yelled, but ultimately followed Jacob to the outside. "Now that we are in a quiet place, where is the syrup made, speak now or forever hold you-" "The distillery, it's the large building beside the brewery!" "Now to stop Soothing Syrup production once and for all." After the long night, Jacob decided to visit his blighter friend, Roth. "Hello Louis, lovely night isn't it?" "Mr. Roth wasn't expecting you, do you have an appointment?" "No but...I thought I was able to come and go as I please?" "Hmm" Louis grumbled as he opened the door for Jacob. "Thank you....I guess" Jacob huffed, not understanding why Louis was actin so strangely? "Yes this show will be amazing, I assure you, there will be fire, daggers flying across the stage and-" Roth's eyes soon lit up in excitement when he saw Jacob. "HA, my, my, it has been a while since you've visited Jacob, it is good to see you my dear." "Please excuse us" Roth smiled to his actors as he rushed to Jacob. "What brings you back here my boy?" "Well I wanted to see how the plans were going regarding Starrick." "The two quickly entered the foundry with zero hassle, "Ah, there he is." "Who are you even looking for?" The blighter asked worriedly, gasping for air when he felt Jacob choke him out. "That's right, time to take a long nap" Jacob smirked, quickly pushing past the crowds of people looking at the fight until he grabbed the big boss. "Hey what's gong on here, let go!" "Hello, why don't we take a short walk for a bit, how does that sound?" "Unhand me you fiend!" The blighter boss yelled, but ultimately followed Jacob to the outside. "Now that we are in a quiet place, where is the syrup made, speak now or forever hold you-" "The distillery, it's the large building beside the brewery!" "Now to stop Soothing Syrup production once and for all." After the long night, Jacob decided to visit his blighter friend, Roth. "Hello Louis, lovely night isn't it?" "Mr. Roth wasn't expecting you, do you have an appointment?" "No but...I thought I was able to come and go as I please?" "Hmm" Louis grumbled as he opened the door for Jacob. "Thank you....I guess" Jacob huffed, not understanding why Louis was actin so strangely? "Yes this show will be amazing, I assure you, there will be fire, daggers flying across the stage and-" Roth's eyes soon lit up in excitement when he saw Jacob. "HA, my, my, it has been a while since you've visited Jacob, it is good to see you my dear." "Please excuse us" Roth smiled to his actors as he rushed to Jacob. "What brings you back here my boy?" "Well I wanted to see how the plans were going regarding Starrick." "I'm still compiling it my dear, I'll let you know when they are ready." "Oh" Jacob lowly whispered. "Even so, I know you Jacob, you did not just come here to check on the plans did you?" Roth smirked, approaching the glooming assassin. "Yes I did, I do not know what you are referring t-" Jacob quickly went silent when Roth pulled him into a hungry kiss. "R-Roth" Jacob moaned, placing both his hands on his chest. "Don't let yourself get distracted Jacob, you know what we have to do" A voice ringed inside Jacob's head, instantly making him push Roth back violently. Roth, confused by this sudden gesture, fixed his suit a bit and reproached the assassin, "Are you alright my dear?" Jacob stood there, looking into Roth's eyes with confusion and anger, his cheeks instantly becoming bright red........
Couldn't fit more, come check it out here :3
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motorcityarchive · 2 years
Hello, I’m not entirely new around here but this blog is!
As you may be able to tell from the name it’s a Titmouse/Disney Motorcity archive blog, meaning I will be rebloging everything* related to the show and organizing it in order to make certain posts easier to find. Please feel free to send me any old or un tagged posts to archive and please understand that this will be a slow and lengthy process, I am a full time student and as much as I love it organizing motorcity posts is not my only hobby :)
*This includes posts that I may not personally agree with or like
Below are the current Tags I have/will use for posts, it’s LONG:
Warning Tags:
- Potentially NSFW
This tag will house content that has suggestive themes and/or characters lacking appropriate** clothing (**appropriate for the scenario presented ex. burners in bathing suits hanging out at the beach will not be tagged, single burner in a bathing suit without any other context will be tagged. I am being overly conservative on purpose, I’m sorry, this MAY change in the future)
Sexually explicit material: Obvious pin ups of characters/Characters in sexual contexts
- TW Flashing
For videos that contain flashing
- Potentially Triggering
Suicide or self harm mentions as well as generally disturbing material, sorry it’s vague for now I’ll make it more specific if the need comes
- Death
- Implied Death
- Major Injury
- Age gap relationship
- Adult/minor relationships
I am likely as displeased as you that I have to make those a tag
General tags:
- Motorcity
- Headcannon
- Cannon
- Fan work
- Fanart
- Fan edit
- Fan fiction
- Contained Fan fiction
- Video edit
- Image edit
- Screenshot
- Video game recreation
- Digital art
- Traditional art
- comic
- Meme
- Music
- Playlist
- Ask
- Ask game
- Crossover
- Other fandoms
- Written work
- Theory
Gang/Territory tags:
- Burners
- Motorcitizen
- Deluxian
- The Amazons
- Mama’s boys
- Larpers
- The Duke’s men
- Terra dwellers
- The Skylarks
- Fan gang
- Electroblades
- Cablers
- Weekend Warriors
- The Dude Bros
- Outsiders
Character Tags:
- Mike Chilton
- Julie Kane
- Julie Kapulsky
- Chuck
- Texas
- Texas Yang
- Dutch Gordy
- Claire
- Tennie
- Roth
- Jacob
- Hudson
- Kaia
- Rall
- The Duke of Detroit
- Cyborg Dan
- Babs
- Thurman
- Thurman the Magnificent
- Ruby
- Ruby the Darkslayer
- Lord Vanquisher
- The Oracle
- Sam
- Philip
- Rayon
- Red
- Junior
- Foxy
- Lizzie
- Bracket
- Antonio
- Abraham Kane
- Kane
- Crater
- AJ
- Jenzen
- Tooley
- Capri Chilton
- Mike’s Mom
- Mike’s Dad
- Mr. Gordy
- Mrs. Gordy
- Darr Gordy
- Sue Ellen
- Utilitons
- Background Character
- Crossover Character
- [name of crossover character]
- [ship] fankid
- [character] fankid
- [name] oc
- Bots
Ship tags:
- ship
- Implied ship
- Multi ship
- Poly ship
- Cannon x oc
- [character]/[oc]
- MikeTex
- Mike/Texas
- Jukebox
- Julie/Mike
- Muck
- Mike/Chuck
- Dutch/Mike
- Dennie
- DutchTennie
- Dutch/Tennie
- DutchTex
- Dutch/Texas
- Dutch/Chuck
- Dutch/Julie
- Texie
- Texas/Julie
- Clulie
- Claire/Julie
- Chuck/Julie
- Chuxas
- Chexmix
- Texas/Chuck
- Cluck
- Claire/Chuck
- Poly burners
- Jacob/Hudson
- Claire/Foxy
- Flaire
- Red/Mike
- Rulie
- Red/Julie
- Rayon/The Duke
- Babs/The Duke
- Kane/The Duke
I will eventually add more but I either don’t know the ship or do not want to think about the tags of some of the ships I know are on here, I’ll deal with it when I get to it
Au Tags, This is a list that I assume will be ever growing but so far we have:
- Au
- Fantasy Au
- No burners Au
- Galaxies Beyond Au
- Wings au
- Meant au
- And many more to come
All aus will have Au at the end
Idk what to call these but they’re kinda like aus:
- trans!burners
- baby! Burners
- spider! Chuck
- motorcitizen! Chuck
Misc. Tags
Fashion, for outfits other than cannon ones
All posters will have their own tags as well to search by artist/creator
More Tags will be added as I see fit
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11 and 14 on the salty ask game eeeee
11.the EP hood sims!! we stan gamer dad (andrew martin), rural highschool drama teens (jules o'mackey, sandra roth and jacob martin) the riley and cho family (Vivian x Timothy are so cute togheter), tara debateau and the clevelands and the cordial sisters and literally everyone else in rbh and bdc!!! 14. If you only care about the ep hoods and won't try anything else dni with my blog. it's 100% ok to be obsessed with them but sometimes you care about other the ep hood premades and other people's sims or sometimes your own!!! it's ok you can care about more than like 30 characters!
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