#j2 x y/n
dreamerbouquet · 1 month
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Dean Winchester x Sister reader, Sam Winchester x Sister reader
SUMMARY: Y/n, returns to the bunker from school upset. Sam notices this and the brothers talk to her.
Word Count: 1.900
You sadly walked into the shelter and started down the stairs. Sam and Dean found a school near the shelter and enrolled you there to complete your high school education. School went on summer vacation today and you took your report card and returned to the shelter. You were distracted and didn't see your brothers sitting in the library until they greeted you.
Dean gave you a quick glance and a nod, then went back to work. Sam continued to look at you, "Hey kiddo," he said, and then noticing you were sluggish, he put down his book and sat up straighter.
"Hey." You gave a short greeting and moved to go to your room, but Sam's voice stopped you. "Y/n? Can you come here," you sighed heavily and slowly turned and started walking towards the library. Dean looked at the two of you carefully when he heard Sam's question.
Sam gave you his full attention, “are you okay, honey?” asked.
"Yes I'm fine Sam, I'm just tired I'm going to go to my room." you said quickly and when you turned to go back to your room, Sam stood up and gently grabbed you by the arm, stopping you from leaving. "Wait, you didn't even have class today kid, what's the problem?"
You looked down at the ground briefly before looking at Sam, "I'm really fine Sam, like I said, I feel tired." You said and hoped he wouldn't push you further. You didn't want to talk right now because you felt like you would cry right away if you started talking.
Dean said from where he was sitting, "Luckily you're on summer vacation bunny, you can rest as much as you want." said.
You looked at him, smiled slightly and fixed your bag, which was about to fall off your shoulder, and went to your room.
Sam rolled his eyes at Dean's attitude and watched you walk away. Dean looked at Sam who was standing there, "Come on Sam, we have to finish this, come here." say it, bored with research.
Sam sat down and picked up his book, "There's something wrong with her, Dean."
"She said he was tired," Dean replied, glaring at Sam.
"So you believed that too? Dean, you know she's hiding his feelings." Sam snapped.
Dean leaned back in his chair and started to look towards the hallway where your bedrooms were, "What could have happened? She was looking forward to summer vacation. Did you ask her about her report card? Maybe it wasn't what she expected." he asked Sam.
Sam, "Maybe, I'll go try and talk to her." said and stood up and walked away.
You entered your room, threw your bag on the floor and sat on your bed. You looked around blankly for a while and thought about what your friends had told you. They talked about the things they planned to do with their families during summer vacation and looked very happy. Unlike you, they all had mothers and fathers. You also had a family, not a family consisting of parents and children, but you had brothers who loved you and always protected you. You still wanted your parents to be alive, to be a normal family.
You were pulled out of your thoughts by a knock on the door and pulled yourself together. "Y/n, can I come?" When you heard Sam's voice, you realized you couldn't avoid this any longer and reluctantly answered him. "Yes."
Sam slowly opened the door and walked in with a smile and sat next to her. "You didn't show us your report card, so if it's not what you expected, that's okay, we can handle that. It's not that big of a deal." he told you gently. When you looked at him, you saw that he was looking at you with affection. You smiled at the fact that he thought it was your report card that you were upset about, and you took it out of your bag and handed it to him.
Sam took the report card you handed him and his eyebrows slowly rose when he saw your grades, “Y/n, this is great,” he said in a lively tone, but then when he saw you were still upset and your gaze was on the floor, he realized that wasn't the problem and placed the report card on the bed. He tucked your hair behind your ear and tilted his head so he could see your face. "Honey, why are you upset? Whatever it is, you can tell me about it. It's okay." He said it with understanding and kindness.
You knew he didn't like you keeping your feelings to yourself, but you didn't want to upset them either. When you turned your gaze to your brother, you saw him looking at you with an expression on his face waiting for you to speak, and you began to speak slowly. “You know we went on vacation today and,” you paused and turned your gaze back to the floor. As always, Sam put his hand on your back and started patting you to express that he understood you. You continued talking without looking at him. "My friends talked about things they would do with their families this summer, places they would go with their parents, etc." When you felt like crying, you remained silent and swallowed hard to relieve the pain in your throat.
"I'm sorry, honey," Sam said as he continued to rub your back. He knew you were still very sensitive about this. You caught the sadness in his voice and quickly looked at him, "No Sammy please don't be upset, I didn't mean to upset you-" Sam cut you off, afraid you would shut down, "Okay it's okay Y/n, I'm fine just keep explaining." he said and smiled softly at you.
Meanwhile, when Dean came towards your room to check on you when Sam didn't return, he overheard your conversation and started eavesdropping on you in the hallway.
“You know, we never went on vacation with them,” you laughed bitterly, “My friends at school always talk about things they did with their families, and I can't even remember their faces without a picture. Sam, they're so absent from my memories that I can't even miss them. I just feel their absence, that's all." You looked at Sam with tear filled eyes, “This hurts.” you said quietly. You couldn't stand the urge to cry anymore and turned your head to your lap and started crying.
Sam's heart broke when he heard you say "Come here," and he pulled you closer. You let him hug you and continued to cry. “It's okay darling, just let it go.”
Dean, after listening to you talk, slowly walked into your room when he heard you crying. You felt the empty side of your bed tilt slightly and you turned to see Dean sitting there. You wiped your tears and sniffled, trying to compose yourself. They have never left you alone until this age, they have always been more than a brother to you. Now you felt guilty for doing this. "I am sorry." You said and bowed your head.
"Hey," Dean said gently and took his hand. “What are you apologizing for, Y/n?”
"I upset you, you didn't spend enough time with them and now I have no right to do this to you." You said without looking at your siblings.
"Darling, can you look at me?" Dean asked. You swallowed and slowly lifted your head to look at him. "You are not hurting us by saying these things, don't think like that. On the contrary, we are happy that you talked to us, you don't need to keep these things to yourself. We are your family, Y/n, if there is a problem, we will solve it together as always." Dean held your face in his handsand continued speaking, "Mom and dad couldn't be part of our lives, but we will never leave each other, Y/n. Yes, we can never replace a mom and dad, but we are always with you." Your eyes filled with tears and you nodded. When he smiled at you gently, you saw his eyes fill with tears and you hugged him tightly. "Thank you."
“It's okay kiddo, it's okay,” Dean said, returning your hug.
You turned to Sam and thanked him too. He looked at you and, “No need to apologize or thank you Y/n, you can talk to us about anything, no matter what.” said. You smiled, "I'm usually the one explaining things, you never talk about your feelings." you said.
Dean, "Well, I guess we've grown up a bit." he said in a playful tone.
You made a face, "What's the point, we can talk about our feelings no matter what age we are, right Sam?"
Sam, looked at Dean with an approving expression, then turned to you and, "You're so right, bunny." he replied.
You knew that Dean was the one who hid his feelings the most out of all of you. You thought that he had made this a habit when he was protecting Sam and you when he was little. While he was taking care of you, someone had to take care of him, too. Like every child, he needed attention and protection. When such topics came up, he always changed the subject. He quickly stood up and extended his hand towards you, "Now, can I see this report card?" he said, more like a father than a brother.
Instead, Sam picked up the report card from where he had put it and handed it to her. When Dean continued to stare at your report card strangely for more than moment, you realized he wasn't understanding anything and started laughing. Sam rolled his eyes and got up from the bed, taking the report card from Dean's hand. "Hey! I was still examining it." Dean snapped.
"Dean, it's obvious that you don't understand anything, you don't need to examine it that much. In summary, she did well and her report card is fine." he said, giving you a proud look.
Dean smiled proudly and ruffled your hair, "Good my girl." he said.
You quickly pushed his hand away, "Dean! What am I, a dog?" you said, irritated by his action. He continues to tease you, "Oh, you're not just a dog, you're a puppy." said.
You kicked his leg with your foot and he started groaning in pain and rubbing his leg. "Hey! I taught you how to kick like that, you can't use it on me!"
"You're going to get hurt worse if you keep messing with me, Dean Winchester." You said with victory.
Sam looked at you and nodded to himself. "C'mon, stop it," he interrupted, "How about we go out and eat something? I think we should celebrate Y/n's success."
Your eyes lit up when you heard the offer and you jumped up and down and, "Let's eat cake, let's eat cake!" You started to say.
“Okay, today is your day and it will be whatever you say it will be,” Sam said. "Let's go." He put his arm around your shoulder and started walking out of your room with you. Once you left the room, Dean paused for a moment, thinking about what you said about your parents and swallowing hard.
"DEAN, COME ON!" He pulled himself together when he heard your voice and as he walked out of your room, a lively voice called out, "I'M COMING, PUPPY!" he replied.
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Jensen Ackles Masterlist
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Worth The Wait: Part Two
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~900
Warnings: fluff
Request by anon: Hey can i request a J2 x reader imagine where the reader is actress and singer that was nominated for a Oscar or something like that and became one of the few people that have a EGOT (the achievement of having won all four of the major American entertainment awards (i.e. an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar, and a Tony) and obviously everyone is so happy for her, spn fans, her fans, her friends, famous people, her family, spn cast and especially her boyfriends that they weren’t with her for some reason?
Summary: You've been working endlessly to put your own album out, and now you've been nominated for a Grammy... the only award that keeps you from being an EGOT winner. Will you win tonight? Will you finally be out on that prestigious award list that only nineteen people have ever been on?
Square Filled: pie (2022) for @spndeanbingo
Author’s Note: the asks says jensen and jared to be the love interest for the reader, but i only made it for jensen
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This is it. This is the moment I’ve been working my ass off for. I can do this. Even if I don’t win, it’s an honor to be nominated.
After working on Batman vs. Superman, you worked tirelessly on putting out your own album, your very first. Your fans have been asking for one since they’ve heard you sing in movies and on Broadway. You’re just giving the people what they want. Well, they loved it so much that you’re nominated for some of the categories for the Grammys.
If you win just one category, you’ll be an EGOT winner. Only nineteen people have earned that prestigious award in history, and you can be one of them if all goes well tonight.
“I know you’re nervous but you’re going to do great. I’m going to be right here next to you. Even if you don’t win tonight, you’re still a winner in my eyes,” Jensen smiles.
“Thank you,” you smile and kiss him just as the limo arrives at the Grammys.
The cameras are on you the second you get out of the limo. There is a staging area before the area where the pictures are taken, so you and Jensen take the chance to touch up your makeup and both your outfits. 
There are millions of people watching on their TVs at home so you make sure to put your best smile on when you go out there. As soon as the press sees you, they call your name in hopes you pose for their cameras. Jensen makes sure you get some good solo ones before joining your side.
You pull Jensen close and kiss him quickly which will make for a good photo. You spend ten minutes smiling at a bunch of different cameras before moving past them to the section where celebrities like to hang out before being seated inside.
Two reporters are off to the side interviewing anyone who wants to talk to them, and they spot you and Jensen easily.
“Mr. and Mrs. Ackles. Wow, you two look stunning,” one of them says.
“Thank you.”
“Do you have a bit of time for us?”
“Actually, we do,” you smile and step forward.
There is a camera pointed at the mini stage you’re on so that viewers at home can watch this.
“We are here with the lovely Jensen and Y/N Ackles. I have to say, you two look amazing.”
“Thank you. I love both your dresses as well,” you smile.
You four talk about being nominated, who you’re wearing, what it means to be here, and anything else they want to know.
“I’m just excited for tonight. It doesn't matter if I leave with an award or not. Everyone here is a winner in my eyes.”
“Thank you for coming out. That was, again, Y/N and Jensen Ackles.”
You and your husband leave them to go find your seats inside. You’re pretty nervous so you’re glad that Jensen is here with you. That, and alcohol usually clams your nerves. A few of the people who are nominated are performing but you’re not one of them. You’d love to be performing one of your songs from your new album but they didn’t ask you to do it.
Nonetheless, you enjoy the performances that everyone else puts on.
Mariah Carey walks on stage to give out the award for Best Pop Vocal Album and you start to bounce your leg. This is the first category that you’re nominated for so you’re extremely nervous.
“You’re going to do great,” Jensen says against your hair as he kisses your head.
“Thanks,” you whisper back.
“I am so honored to present this award for Best Pop Vocal Album. The nominees are Chemistry by Kelly Clarkson.” They play a snippet of one of her songs before moving on to the next nominee. “Endless Summer Vacation by Miley Cyrus.” You love Flowers. She did such a good job on the song. “GUTS by Olivia Rodrigo.” You’re not a fan of hers but you can see how she’s successful. “Midnights by Taylor Swift.” Now there’s an album you can get behind. You love her so much and hope you can collaborate with her one day. “Finally Free by Y/N.” Jensen grabs your hand when she mentions your name. “And the Grammy goes to…” She takes her time opening the letter and smiles when she reads the name on it. “Finally Free by Y/N!”
Tears immediately come to your eyes when your hit single starts playing over the loudspeakers. The cameras are on you to gauge your reaction but you don’t pay them any attention. Jensen kisses you and encourages you to go up there on your own.
You leave him at the table and join Mariah Carey on stage who hands you the award with pride.
“Thank you so much,” you try not to cry. “I can’t believe this is happening. Words cannot express how grateful I am not only to my fans but to my husband who has stood by my side through thick and thin. He is my rock and my biggest supporter. I also thank my team for putting this amazing album together so effortlessly.
“I have been striving for this award since I won my second Emmy. By winning this award, I have managed to make it onto the EGOT list which is the biggest achievement I could have ever gotten. I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.”
Tears fall freely but you’re grateful for winning this award. Everyone cheers for your win even as you’re walking off stage. Jensen meets you backstage and pulls you into his arms.
“God, I am so proud of you!” he smiles happily. “You did it!”
“I can’t believe this is happening right now.”
“As soon as this is over, why don’t we get celebratory pie?”
“Yeah, I’d like that,” you grin and kiss him. 
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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deangirlsstuff67 · 1 year
It worked
Jensen Ackles x Reader
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Warnings: none
Summary: You decide to surprise Jensen at a convention with the help of Jared and Cliff.
You told him you couldn't make it to the VanCon this year. Said you were busy with work and just couldn't afford to have the time off. Building your company from the ground up was hard but rewarding, though it took sacrifices.
Jensen understood like the amazing man he was. You couldn't be happier to call him your man.
He understood but you could still see the sadness in his beautiful green eyes. It had been 2 months since you'd last scene each other. Your business and his acting career made it hard to be together.
Phone calls and texting just weren't enough.
Thank to Jared and the rest of the cast of supernatural you hatched a plan. You were going to surprise your baby at the convention.
Of course, the staff were thrilled to help you. Got you in line for questions in the J2 afternoon panel.
You just had to stay out of sight before then.
Hey baby I know you must be busy bur I just wanted to say I love you and I can't wait to see you soon.
The message made you smile. It was torture to stay in the convention center but not go see him.
Large hands grab your shoulder from behind. Turning you come face to face with Cliff, the boys Bodyguard.
"You ready sweetheart?" The older man smiling at you. Cliff and you have had a father daughter relationship from the very beginning. He always looked out for you and made sure to check in a couple times a week.
Returning his smile you nod your head before following him to the hall they were going to be occupying.
Cliff made sure to place you close to the front but out of sight. A couple of the fans in line recognized you and asked for a photo. You'll never get use to people wanting to know you just because of who your boyfriend was.
Robby came on stage with Rich and you laughed along with the crowd at their jokes and act. Before long your man waltzes on stage with Jared not far behind.
Man, he looked better than the last time you'd seen each other if that was even possible.
You watched on as the boys answered question after question. A couple times Jared had to answer them because Jensen was staring at a spot on the floor in front of him and not listening.
Three fans later and you were up next. Jared seen you and winked. Jensen was head down again.
Time for your grand entrance.
"Yeah, I was just wondering if Jensen knows I secretly recording him falling off my horse the last time he was home?"
You could have fallen over just by the look of shock and awe Jensen had when he whipped his head in your direction. No words could describe the love you saw shining in his eyes.
"Yeah Jensen. Do you know this? And y/n I'd like to see this footage." Jared laughed into his mic.
"Over my dead body that ever gets out." Jensen grumbled into his microphone before getting up and making his way to the end of the stage.
"You just going to stand there beautiful or are you going to come see me."
You go running into your man's awaiting arms. His cologne hits you like a brick wall and you feel at home again. You knew he was the one a month after you began dating but this just confirms it.
He takes you hand and leads you back to the seat he was occupying moments ago, "I hope ya'll don't mind if this pretty lady joins our panel."
The crowd goes nuts. Everyone showing their love for us. The smile beaming on your face couldn't be wider.
Fan after fan ask the boys questions and shower them in love. You now know why Jensen loves coming to these. It's truly amazing to witness.
The next girl comes up to the microphone and asks her question, shockingly it's for me, "y/n I was wondering what your version of the story goes when it comes to how you and jensen started dating?"
On cue both the men on stage with me burst into laughter remembering the story. Jared hands me his microphone so I can answer.
"I'm not sure what he told you guys, but I know he left out the embarrassing parts. I was out with some friends in Austin on a mini vacation. We were dancing and drinking the night away. As you know I'm a country girl and horse lover so of course I was dressed in jeans, a flannel, and a ball cap. I was at the bar getting another round when I felt someone take my ball cap off my head and replace it with a tan cowboy hat. I whipped around to start yelling at this stupid guy when I came face to face with those gorgeous green eyes."
I look over at the 2 guys with me and they are smiling ear to ear listening to me talk.
"Well hot texan actor or not I wasn't going to put up with it. So I looked him dead in the eyes and told him if he didn't give back my hat I was going to lay him out. Luckily Donna taught him right and I was given back my hat. He told me to keep his, I wore it better. And he wasn't wrong haha. Anyways, the night goes on and we take a smoke break outside. Wouldn't you know this one..." you point back your boyfriend.
"Comes out with some buddies. He walks straight up to me and wraps his arms around my waist. Tells me I can lay him out anyway I desire to so long as I agree to have him take me on a date. Then the guy plants a kiss on my lips."
The crowd is crying from laughing so hard at this point. Who can blame them. Between Jensen and I, we weren't acting in any sense of rational that night.
"Stunned into silence. I agree to this date. When in Texas right. Plus, come on, it's Jensen freaking Ackles. But that's not the best part. These goofs hang with us the rest of the night. At some point Jensen got it in his mind him and I should have a drinking contest. Whoever drinks every shot of whiskey gets to kiss the other. Classy. I win and totally wipe the floor with him, collect my prize. This dumb dumb then proceeded to get on his knees in front of me and ask me to marry him with a ring he had on. No joke. This rest the night he referred to me as his wife."
Everyone is laughing at this point. My boyfriend is red in the face from embarrassment and joy as he remembers our first night together, "hey it worked didn't it."
"Yeah baby it did. Ever since I've been with this crazy wonderful man and I haven't regretted a minute of accepting the drunk proposal."
Just then Rob and Rich come back on stage woth tears in their eyes. Rob gets on his mic, "I've never heard the story told that way before."
Laughing I smile over at my dear friend, "that's because he barely remembers it after all the whiskey."
"Hey I remember. How could I forget. Jared showed me the video the next morning. I was so embarrassed, like great now she thinks I'm some creeper."
"Do you still have it?"
You hold up the hand that Jensen's ring sits proudly on your finger, "never taken it off. I didn't know fully, but I had an idea that he was going to be the one."
Jensen comes up beside you and kisses you softly. When you break apart he leans in close so only you can hear, "Oh baby girl, you're getting it good and hard tonight."
"Promise daddy."
Part 2 coming...
@syrma-sensei @nancymcl @yvonneeeee @foxyjwls007 @lessons-of-red @senjoritanana @leigh70 @tristanrosspada-ackles @maggiegirl17 @neii3n
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jawritter · 2 years
Yes Sir Kinktober 2022, ep. 3
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Summary: A little alone time with your boss...
Warnings: 18 + Only, NSFW, Sir Kink, Oral (Male receiving), P & V, light hairpulling, Rough Smut. (It’s pretty much p*rn with a plot, so Mature audiences only.)
Word Count: 404
Pairing: Beau Arlen x Reader
A/N: This is completely unbeta’d, so all mistakes are mine! Please do not copy my work! Feedback is golden. Sorry this one is posted a day behind schedule; work doesn’t like me lmao. 
Kinktober Masterlist
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“Fucking Beautiful,” Beau praised, and Y/N hummed happily around his cock as he trusts deep into her mouth and down her throat, causing her to gag slightly and for him to groan as her throat contracted around his swollen head. 
“You like that don’t,” he continued, gripping her hair tightly, holding it back out of her face for her. “Choking on my cock like that.”
She hummed again and he groaned as his hips stammered before he pulled himself away from her harshly, and she whined at the loss. 
“On your feet,” he growled as he stood sharply and kicked the chair out of the way. 
She scrambled to her feet, and Beau roughly manhandled her around, before learning her over the desk and ripping her dress up to her waist and her panties to the side, rubbing his throbbing length against her dripping cunt, and she moaned pathetically as he grabbed a handful of her hair again, turning her face to the side. 
“Want me to fuck you sweetheart, right here, on this desk, where anyone could walk in and see you stretched out all pretty and needy on my cock like this?” Beau questioned, and all she could do was moan in response as he slapped her ass hard enough to echo through the small office. 
“Use your words baby girl,” he demanded, “or else I’m gonna leave you all wet and horny to go out there and finish the book, only one of us is gonna cum if you don’t learn to use your words, and it ain’t gonna be you.”
“Yes,” she squeaked as his fingers round her swollen clit, rubbing harshly before he slapped her pussy, sending a wet swatting sound throughout the room, and her pussy contracting and releasing around nothing. 
“Excuse me? Yes, what? Where are your manners Darlin’?”
“Yes Sir,” she corrected, knowing exactly what he wanted to hear, and knowing he would absolutely send her back out there a mess without fucking her, and God, she needed him to fuck her. 
“Good girl,” he growled, slamming his full length into her clinching heat in one swift thrust, his hand coming over to cover her mouth to stop the scream from echoing through the room as she damn near fell apart on just his intrusion. “Now, be a good girl and be quiet for me. It'd be a shame if we got caught in here.”
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Jensen and Dean’s Babes
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postsofbabel · 3 months
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Accidentally In Love
Summary: Dean and Y/n are finally moving forward in life
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 431
Warnings: None
Author’s Note: A good ol' fashioned rom-com happy ending! Thanks for reading this one xo Alex
Catch up with the series masterlist and check out Alexandra’s Library for more works by yours truly!
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The early morning light had begun to filter through the curtains, highlighting the specks of dust floating in the air. Dean had climbed out of his empty bed, her side still warm when he had groggily felt around in hopes of pulling the architect into his arms. 
Soft music was playing from his record player as he made his way downstairs. He followed the smell of cooking bacon toward the kitchen, finding Y/n mixing something in a bowl. The engineer smiled to himself as he watched her quietly singing along to the Zeppelin song. Dean snuck up behind her, peaking on the tips of his toes to see she was mixing a batter before he reached over her shoulder, dipping his finger into the bowl and depositing the glob of batter onto Y/n’s nose. 
“Dean?!” she turned her head towards the man, a laugh erupting from deep in her belly. He smiled back, unable to contain himself as he let her joy light him up from the inside out. 
“Good morning,” he smiled down at her as she wiped the food from her nose. He leaned in and kissed her forehead, his lips lingering against her skin as he rubbed his knuckles against the swell of her abdomen. “How are my girls doing?”
“Well one of us couldn’t sleep so the other decided to make daddy breakfast,” Y/n explained with a roll of her eyes. She wasn’t getting much sleep these days as their baby doubled in size. 
“That was unnecessary,” Dean offered.
“So you are saying you don’t want any of this bacon? Cause I’d be happy to keep it all to myself…” she trailed off as returned to the counter to grab the meat. 
“Nuh, uh, no way you are keeping me away from the bacon,” Dean tsked as he also reached for his favorite treat. Y/n giggled as Dean beat her to the bacon, plucking a few crispy strips from the plate before she could stop him. 
“Fine,” Y/n relented. “You can eat your bacon, but only because I love you.”
“I love you too,” Dean agreed before continuing. “Both of you.” 
The woman grinned at her boyfriend, contentment written across their features as Dean met his lips with hers in a gentle caress. If someone had told him a year ago this is where his life would be, he certainly would have never believed them. And while he hadn’t meant to fall in love with his best friend, there was no escaping her. And he couldn’t imagine anything better than her love.
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Forevers: @440mxs-wife @akshi8278 @anathewierdo @atc74 @austin-winchester67 @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @briagallen @callmekda @dawnie1988 @deandreamernp @deanwanddamons​ @ellewritesfix05 @emoryhemsworth @foxyjwls007 @heartsaved​ @hobby27​ @janicho88​ @jarpad24​ @jbsgirl4ever11​ @jensengirl83​ @katbratsupernaturalwhore​ @leigh70​ @littlewhiterose​ @lunarmoon8361​ @lyarr24​ @maggiegirl17 @maliburenee​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @msmarvelouswinchester​ @polina-93​ @roseblue373​ @sexyvixen7​ @siospins2​ @sleepylunarwolf​ @spnbaby-67​ @spnwoman​ @squirrelnotsam​ @stiles-stilinski-24-dylan​ @stoneyggirl​ @suckmyapplejacks​ @supernatural3002​ @supraveng​ @tatted-trina6​ @thoughts-and-funnies​ @traceyaudette​ @tranquility-or-chaos​ @watermelonlipstick​ @waywardbeanie @wayward-dreamer @winchest09​ @woodworthti666​
Accidentally In Love: @deans-baby-momma​ @hoboal87​ @jenniferr0323​ @katelyn-renee @kenzieam​ @redbarn1995​ @samsgirl93​ @sexysirius​ @smellingofpoetry​ @spnfamily-j2​ @starryeyeseunbyul​ @that-one-gay-girl​ @tvdspngirl314​ @vicmc624​ @xhannahbananax03​
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moosekateer13 · 2 years
Hell on Heels
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Jared Padalecki x Reader
For @supernatural-jackles tell me a story bingo
Square filled: Against the Wall
Warnings: Smut, Unprotected Sex, One Night Stand , Angst
Summary: Y/N and two ships passing in the night. They shared one night. Jared thought he'd never see her again. One year later at another con in the same city. They meet again. This time she's not alone.
Inspired by Pistol Annies Hell on Heels.
I'm hell on heels. Say what you will.
I've done made the devil a deal. He made me pretty.
He made me smart. And I'm going to break me a million hearts.
I'm hell on heels, baby I'm comin' for you.
 This isn't right the paparazzi could catch us. We've both got reputations that could get ruined. After all, I'm the CEO of Y/N Productions and he's an actor from Supernatural, Walker and Gilmore Girls.
I can't bring myself to care though as we tear each other's clothes off in the back alley of the hotel. 
Jared thoroughly claiming me as his. And me reciprocating his actions. After he can't fill me anymore we quickly pull apart and redress. No doubt my underwear is soaked with cum. My red dress was severely rumpled and my Y/H/C dishevelled. Jared and I part ways never looking back.
I am known as the ice queen for a reason. Only people in my inner circle have seen my soft side. I don't get attached and few guys like to handle females with an alpha personality. Not that I care. I never see myself settling down. I've lived out my fantasy time to move on.
1 year later…
Westin Harbour Castle Hotel
Waiting in this photo op line is making me anxious. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to bring Elise. There's no turning back now. I shift back and forth with her in line and the moment of truth my turn. Jared just smiles at me without saying a single word. Once we all get into position we take the photo. It's over in a few seconds. Jared tries to speak to me but Cole, his manager shakes her head at him. So he doesn't go after me thank the universe for that.
Finally, it's time for the panel. One of my favourite parts of the weekend was the J2 panel. Seems like Elise likes it too; she's so engrossed in listening to them talk.
I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. 
This is Cole Jared's manager. He would like to speak to you after the panel. He'll be in the meeting room just across from the main auditorium.
I feel my palms sweat after seeing that. I immediately text my friend Chelsea to come get Elise. Chelsea, her sister and I all came to town together. They are at a concert nearby and it's finished by now. It was at noon. Without even asking a reason because we both knew this was coming.
After the panel, she's right outside the room and she takes Elise from me to bring her to her hotel room. Once she leaves Jared comes barrelling around the corner and tugs me into the meeting room. His stunning multi-spectrum hazel eyes filled with fury.
"How dare you not tell me about Elise? Don't you dare deny she's not mine. She looks exactly like me." Jared growled.
 "I didn't want to burden you because I knew I could handle it on my own. If you think you are going to intimidate me you are sorely mistaken." I retorted.
"Burden me for god's sake you are talking about her like she's a plant. Elise is my daughter too!!!" Jared yelled. Sick of his tone I shut him up with a kiss. He hungrily kisses me back while I snake my hand into his hair and his arm snakes around my waist. 
Just like before, we waste no time taking each other's clothes off. I wrap my legs around his waist. Jared shoves me onto the table, rutting into me over and over. Unlike, last time though I got an IUD put in not wanting to risk getting pregnant by another guy. Elise is enough for me. He possessively marks me just like last time. This time though I mark him where it isn't visible. We wouldn't want to be the talk of the convention. His notification goes off signalling it's almost time for the next event. We reluctantly pull apart and make quick work of the shower. 
Jared suddenly has clothes in his hands for me. No doubt from Cole.
He doesn't even bother turning around; he just watches me get dressed. I wouldn't expect anything less from his behaviour today. Not that I care though nothing he hasn't already seen.
" I want to meet Elise later beautiful. My number is already in your phone, " Jared said. He places a kiss on my forehead. At the gesture, I feel the heat in my cheeks. I am a stranger to these types of romantic gestures from guys. I watch him exit damn does he look good in that black dress shirt and blue jeans. Then the realization hits me like a ton of bricks Cole purposely picked my clothes to match his. 
Even with my stubborn personality, I think maybe he and I can make this work. It would be great to have Elise grow up with both of her parents. I pick up my clothes and shove them into my bag and make my way to the next event. Everyone has their kryptonite and an ice queen like me. I think Jared may be mine. Now the big question is can he handle me?
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little-diable · 2 years
When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love. <3
Oh boy, that's a good question, thank you! <3
Like Red Wine Being Spilled on a Piece of Linen (smut)
The reader can’t sleep, so she asks Tommy Shelby to help her out.
God Stood Me Up (smut, angst, character death; Tom Hiddleston)
Death is supposed to collect the reader’s soul, but what happens if he falls in love with her? Within a few moments the immortal being finds himself drawn to the young woman that invites him in, to find shelter while the sky is crying for her nearing death.
Happy Birthday Jensen (J2 x reader x JJ from Kaleo, foursome, incest, smut)
Strange things are bound to happen at her brother’s birthday party, but (y/n) certainly didn’t expect to find herself hidden away in a bathroom, lips locked with her celebrity crush. Nor did she think she’d end up getting punished by her brother for ever touching a man besides him, inviting Jared and JJ in on the fun.
Waves, cover up what I’ve done (angst/smut with Jasper Hale)
The Cullens are always right there to protect their loved ones, even if the reader begs them for help to cover up what she has done. And sometimes - just sometimes - even Charlie Swan will break the law for the ones he loves.
A dance with the devil (Negan dark!smut)
It’s been years since she had last seen her trainer, the man that had touched her behind closed doors - all for a good grade she had been desperately needing. And now, as she had just joined Rick’s group, the devil comes back to haunt her.
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myprogrammingsolver · 4 months
HW 5: GPU Programming
Given a set of n points in a plane, you need to determine the distance between the closest pair of points. Distance between points p =(x , y ) and p =(x , y ) is computed as i i =i √( −j )j2 +j ( − )2 You are provided with a program nbody.cu that has the following capability: The code generates coordinates for n points on the host; The coordinates are copied to the device memory; An incomplete…
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444namesplus · 8 months
0C-z 0h-X 0MDny67-z 0P-SL 0U 0xv4-6 07 1b 1Dj3U4 1m 1R532dY 1v-YSQRvY-Cm 2d 2C 2FwAe1 2g-h 2Gqu8 3I-pCqomI 3J 3k-0L8-5 3n 3Q 3q-hy 4D-F 4G-oV 4L 4Xw7-0mMpq 4z 5jl9E9 5LnMp5s6b 5slL0y 6F 6L 6t-mQjw 7dO 7g-cKQc 7K7X 7M-03 7N 7S-Xj 7Sfsj51-4n 8a-o 8G-fF4 8GygIZ 8h-rmE-rDPx 8J-1RdRXN6-7 8KPewn-phU4-Q 8M-2geyOt 8oH 8ozC 8pQR 8r-C 8S-R9N 8y-WL 9b 9e-Wv43p 9MipvaQY-8 9T 9zt5 10ziJ-qV 21G2O02dY-HO 21X 26-uw 44Z5-LCLr 54-f 77-1 78-rgwx7Y 86 99NW A1Sss1i a2TZmo3b AbsYBNc-w acoAVo aF AfO59MU Afx84ahEuC AGBt-o ah-N6 aj7ViP-I Aj-U AK AKLsuaH-P aPlvr-ymjx Au-ma aX3M B2tzo7 B3-AH1IORa b6 BAvp BElf-b BfuE Bg-klhC-qH9IK2 bHTS BLeWoiYO BO-YGjyYkUX bsI buFH BWmn bY-vzC0IrcM-Kj BYKRXAY C5KwmRf C9 Cbe CEcH ch ChphDs cHyBe-ORl6 CjZVUC Co-U1 CP cP cQ cqyD4KID0 D1E5-i414 d3-WI4nzes-eq d9ygAr-I DAJbxH-C dBbtenp ddtYBoCM-7 DFxH-4XDn dH-fJlN dh-ysPT dI-0Mzk3 dj-3i dlC7F8wv doZGf-y dp-nE Dq Dx-2zDp e1Zh E8-OQ e9nTCV EC3MdyyBuS edlQ-D Ee-Zdm eF8S5m eh ek2 el eLTbKPJ5 em-FuI eO ESp Eufkye-hj F0 f1-Z F3 fA fCOKM1De fFS9GNz-rQ FhbkS3 fK-2nJ-cEFj Fn-8 Fo FR-J8lRkzcV FS fTLTtV fuMp fZuO-j g1YN Gd-a GeI1 Gp GQ gS-M GU32iu GzMq-wKUBaz H1xo H2 h3 h7 h9qlDS Hd Hd4 hD-JC Hf hh hI-J HirXYKZ7D HpkpSNr hu hU4C hup7ik-KLi HW Hw hX-paKIX I1RAS-0Ls i3LNpU-5U I8 IAHD-v Id If-8n3w-ZNrc Ih-AROuw iK-2NUF-WQu IU iXaO-G6 iy iY-U J0dZKw-F j2 j6coejZ7t jczm-OOG Jg jm JnuT JqJB-KA jR jx JYAyaI-It K1-G K4 KayxK-3yj Ke-rFk-Zf83-iY ki-3h KiYDg8-FL KMRG-AicX KpjH-m Kq krGr Ks-1jAtPT kVvb-HYz kw-Rv l6Cq-V LC lc LE-j Lf-y LI lIJaKq Lp Lx-3RfKBU lYz LzKW m8 m9 mATV mF-mCbO-NmSxLR MfhK-km mgPu-Q mhQMf-XvJ3 MiwDZWmU-o MJ-CM mS mTFdup mwt09 MY-luj-6PgK mz42XKAoRE n9Ay-JA n9ycDGo-l Nc Nc1e-oZfv NF ng-5 nI NInh-EWn nJ NN-j NQ-pULhpq Ns nt Nu-C O1sm o5U O5XGY-q o8w7 Oa-SW Od-Km oE oe1M-2m oH-0 Osiu3eXD Ov-sJK oww9-w9 oyI69-1UF p3Svr pBrG Pc ph8W-m pI-l44 piiw pj-CrQ-bYFJ-X pk-6p PL pL PNAs pOF5bA posE-Jj PPONy7 pQ5 PS PT PW-N7 Py q6 Q32SP1-T4cGX Qa QC Qd-5ydXt qejwqR-x Qez Qgdz QL9Ukv QmbKY1uS2 QnGUy2LI6z qO QP-Fw5MB qr qT-BpJp-w QU qW qX-Z QXv5xYW qz1 qZTf RC RD9yZV rDC RDJlP-zn RhXRK6 rK-M RmXD1 RO8E-Y1 rRCcD RRN Ru ruCHvjxp RXnGgB rY-oH RYNA2P3 rzvIwz8 s3 S4f S5oj s8 SAYTqo SD5oru6O Se sIhD sk-9 SN So-2 Ss Sv6hiZ8 swLl-GUZfXh SwwT SXB syCXAx t1Vy9pU-B T3YLAa-TA t7TbsM1g T8 t46J Tc-jXxI tE TG TkUi TQ-yVa TR TYCzmW-JJO8 TzGf17eO tzJFxuT U3 u5-9g u7 UE-8 uf-m3 ui uj3g UM-p uo UP uQb uV v8U9Vi-z va VB vC-RKl5-5 vc-Wmf VG7 Vi-btI8 VK vlobV1M4 vR VRhdWne vW Vy w9 WA wA WA-X76OA-zk wb-r wC-Z Wk-R WK-ttFJiDE wN-sZ wPi0lO Wu WV Wv X7-N xHqmhXEC-ii XId1SBUgu6 xIN xk-yh xLk6z xmQ9s XN4 xn-Wlt-xSs6 Xs xt Y8-rXn Y72m YACU yc-Xmt yF5c YfEz0o Yfu4Y YG yhfY yJJD-1ycA ynIO-0 Yp-m yPcg YS YV-KTj Yz-N2tW-KX z3 Z6Gi ZC ZESPwyPQ Zg-nULFTX-k7 ZgQO zk Zlrwcb-C Zm ZmAg znxg8j zS2 zTv3hd2-i zVB1 zw4CNkDJ Zxcd zZ zZMbmj
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hybrid-in-progress · 3 years
jarpad24 - Hi Bestie, could you write me a J2 X Reader where the reader is a young actress and she wears herself down by working too hard, and she becomes completely exhausted. The boys tell her to take it easy but she wont and collapses. J2 take care of her, letting her rest. 😊
I’ve never written anything like this before, hopefully it’s what you imagined and not off-the-rails-garbage! And hopefully I wrote J2 well 
p.s. Just a warning to anyone, I don’t take requests or anything because I'm crap at keeping a schedule and my memory is like quicksand (seriously, you could tell me something and I’d instantly forget everything a minute later, it’s a real problem) so I don’t want to forget to write and disappoint people :( sorry if this sounded rude.
tagging - @jarpad24 
warnings - a little angst?; exhausted reader; mentions of mean people on the internet; prop knife mention; brief fight description; reader gets kicked and falls into a table; Reader passes out; J2 being sweethearts and taking care of reader; food mention; fluff - please let me know if I missed any warnings and I’ll add them :)
you had been working on the tv show Supernatural for three years now
having joined the SPNFamily to play the role of a Wayward Sister
the fans fell in love with you and your character, and you fell in love with the job and the community
but then one day while looking through social media, you stumbled upon a negative review 
despite the huge amount of positive feedback you’d gotten, this one review hit you hard
Jared told you not to focus on it and let it consume you
Jensen said the same
Misha immediately tried distracting you by proposing a prank war on J2
all hell broke loose after the war was initiated
like, for real, it was pure carnage
someone became temporarily blind after being hit in the face with a pie type of carnage
but even with the prank war, work had to be done
and you were working your arse off double time
no scene that you did felt good enough
you were constantly spotting flaws in your acting
“The take was brilliant-”
“-No, I’m not standing straight enough. Let’s do another one,”
“Y/N, it’s fine, honestly.”
“I’m holding the knife in the wrong hand, my character’s left handed not right!”
your brain was working overtime with every scene
were you standing in the right place?
were holding props correctly?
were you saying every word clearly enough?
the boys took notice of your new workaholic attitude and decided to talk to you about it
but you would barely give them five minutes
there was always something that had to be done
memorise the script? 
no harm in looking at it for the twenty-eighth time that day
rehearse stunts? 
the bruise on your shoulder hardly hurt anymore, you could do another one
lunch break?
nah, you’ll just grab a sandwich on your way to make-up
you could only push yourself so far, however
one day while practising the choreography for a fight scene you dodge too late
the boot of the stunt man hits you in the stomach and you’re sent flying backwards
you fall into a table and then to the floor
your not badly hurt, but your whole body is screaming with exhaustion
“Y/N! Y/N are you ok?!”
“Are you hurt!?”
J2 are by your side in an instant helping you to your wobbly legs
your hip is killing you from where you whacked it on the table
the stunt man is blubbering apologies
“It’s fine, it’s fine,” you say, “I’m fine,”
you're not fine
the second you try to take a step forward your body just straight up refuses to function
the definition of ‘ight, I’mma head out’
your exhaustion finally gets the better of you and you collapse in either Jared or Jensen’s arms, you can’t tell which
when you wake up you’re in your trailer lying on the sofa
Jared is sitting at the table opposite looking at his phone
he snaps his head up when you speak and comes over, kneeling next to the sofa
he’s still a freaking giant even kneeling next to you
“How’re you feeling, kiddo?”
“Like I weigh as much as the amount of food you eat,”
he laughs just as the trailer door opens
“Speaking of food,”
Jensen enters with packs of food stacked in his hands
the smell makes your stomach growl
“Hey there, sleepy head,” Jensen says, “hungry?”
“Starving,” you admit.
The boys fill you in on what happened as you eat
neither of them comment on how you all but wolf your food down
no one could blame you, you hadn’t let yourself eat properly in ages
filming has been cancelled for the rest of the day
which means you have plenty of time to rest and look after yourself
you couldn’t get out of it even if you wanted, though
Jared and Jensen insist of staying by your side
they make sure you eat and drink, even going as far as offering you their own food when you finish yours
they don’t let you do anything or go anywhere (besides the bathroom, obviously)
seriously, they turn into your butlers for the day by their own free will
even despite your protests, they continue to tend to you, hand and foot
“You’ve been working your ass off for the past week, you need to rest,”
“Don’t worry ‘bout anything, just get some shut eye,”
“God, Moms, leave me alone,”
eventually, you give into their mollycoddling 
you get yourself comfortable on the sofa and bury your head into the pillow you’ve been (forcefully) given
“Thanks, guys,”
you’re fast asleep mere seconds after closing your eyes
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A Supernatural Love Masterlist
Fanfic masterlist
Summary:  Y/N, a nurse working towards medical school living with her roommate and best friend Genevieve Cortese, meets Jensen Ackles while visiting the set of Supernatural one day.  Is this chance encounter a coincidence or fate?  And if it is fate, do they have what it takes to make it through separations and hardships?
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Chapter 1: A Beginning 
Chapter 2: A Meeting
Chapter 3: A Meal
Chapter 4: A Girl
Chapter 5: A Bar
Chapter 6: A Doctor
Chapter 7: An Apology
Chapter 8: A Dinner
Chapter 9: A Date
Chapter 10: An Accident
Chapter 11: An Explanation
Chapter 12: A Discharge
Chapter 13: A Vacation
Chapter 14: A Movie
Chapter 15: A Confession
Chapter 16: A Holiday
Chapter 17: A Decision
Chapter 18: A New Life
Chapter 19: A New Relationship
Chapter 20: A Reunion
Chapter 21:  A Pool Party
Chapter 22: An Engagement
Chapter 23: A Breakup
Chapter 24: A Wedding
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jawritter · 2 years
Can you do a story based on this gif please it's always been my favorite
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Prove It
Warning: Dom!Jensen, Sub!Reader, prelude to smut, hints of ‘punishment’, bratty reader. 
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Word Count: 404
Jens3kcelebration   Masterlist    
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“I don’t have to do shit you tell me to do,” Y/N sassed him as she crossed the floor in front of him, an extra saw in her hips and her head held high. 
“Is that so?” Jensen countered, lifting one perfect eyebrow. His voice was deep and velvet smooth, danger dripping from the tip of his tongue that was tucked just behind his beautiful white teeth. 
She knew what she was doing, she knew it would get her ass punished. Which is exactly WHY she was doing it. She just loved to push his buttons and rile him up. 
She couldn’t conceal the smirk on her face as she leaned over, exaggeratedly stretching her ass in the air, almost as if she was tempting him with a piece of meat, while she bent to grab a bottle of water from the bottom shelf of the fridge. 
“Oh, it’s so,” she pressed him, turning to face him while twisting the top off of the water bottle, taking half of it down in one swig as she leaned against the counter, doing every damn thing she could to hide the smirk, but even with something in her mouth, she found in impossible to hide the mischievous glint in her eye. 
Jensen nodded as he stood, his teeth sank deep into his lower lip as his fingers slowly unbuckled his leather belt from his pants, pulling it free from its loops with an ominous swooshing sound. 
“Well,” Jensen continued, crossing the floor to her, making a paddle of the belt and slapping it across his free hand, a deep seeded, dominant smirk on that pretty mouth of his, and she had to repress the shiver at what she knew was sure to come. “Guess I’m just gonna have to remind you who’s boss then ain’t I little girl?
That was all it took for her resolve to crumble, and her panties to be ruined in one gush of anticipation and excitement. She openly shivered as he pinned her against the counter with his sheer body weight, making a leash of his belt around her neck, pure, unadulterated filth in his smile as he looked at her daringly as she drove the final nail in her coffin, looking at him with as much dominance as she could muster, and as much sass as she had left in her lust-soaked brain with the words, “Prove it.”
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Forever Tags:
Jensen and Dean’s Babes
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postsofbabel · 6 months
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hannahcoursey · 4 years
Wrong Place, Wrong Time Part 1
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Author: Hannahc56
Word Count: 2,099
Request: The reader who lives in a small town called Wellings in Nebraska, her best friend dies and Sam and Dean go to interview her as FBI agents and she doesn’t believe they’re FBI so she follows them one day and gets caught by the Djinn they’re hunting. 
The day was winding to a close. Your feet ached from being on them all day at work. The life of a reporter in such a small town wasn’t always exciting, but the lack of headline news forced you to work to get the details as quick as they happened. Recently a bunch of people in the town, kids and adults, had gone missing. You’d been working to uncover dirt on the circumstances of the disappearances when it took a personal turn. A few nights ago, your best friend Liz was the newest missing victim. Her face was plastered on every telephone pole and bulletin board in the area. You had already been assigned the case by the time she turned up missing, but you insisted on staying on the project. You’d spent all day interviewing her mom and dad, as well as some of the people that you’d gone to high school with. The black and white picture of her had stained the back of your eyelids and all you could see was her smile whenever you shut your eyes. Mentally, you were drained. 
You shut the front door to your apartment behind you, using all of your self-control to not slide down the back of it in a mess of tears. As you kicked off your shoes, you rubbed at your temples and headed to the living room to gather yourself before making a microwave dinner, your thoughts only focused on the sleep you were in desperate need for. Just as you pulled your hair back in a low pony, headlights flooded through the front window and remained. Your apartment was right off of a busy street, but the way your stomach dropped when the headlights remained stationary gave you the feeling that they were coming for you. 
You walked through your cramped living room to the sheer curtains that hardly blocked out the halogen lights and peered out. A deep rumble filled your ears, before cutting off abruptly along with the lights. You turned and looked at the clock across the room. It’s almost midnight. Who would be coming here now? You crossed the room in a few hurried steps, carefully reaching for the pepper spray that you had hidden in your cabinet for scenarios like this. As your fingers wrapped around the small cylinder tube, the doorbell rang, effectively causing your heart to beat louder in your ears. You took a breath and walked to the door, staring out the peephole. Two men whose heads almost were out of eyesight because they were so tall stood in front of your door. The taller one had shaggy hair and a distinct nose and the other one, who was only a few inches shorter at best, had short spiked hair. Both men were dressed in cheap suits. You leaned away from the door, your mind going a thousand miles a minute. The doorbell rang again and a scream almost escaped your lips. You shook it off and slowly unlocked the door, opening it only a crack. The men, who were both looking away off into the distance, quickly redirected their attention to you, their faces plain and straight.
“Uh, Ms. Y/N?” The taller one leaned a little closer and cleared his throat. You hesitated and looked between the two of them. The shorter one reached down and fished around in his pocket, before pulling out a wallet that revealed a nice shiny badge that read FBI in royal blue letters. The taller man did the same. 
“We just have a few questions for you regarding the disappearance of Elizabeth Freddings.” The shorter one with the spiked hair said, his voice drastically deeper than the other man’s. You stayed where you were and hesitated. You could shut the door on them and tell them to come back another time, and a part of you found that option tempting. But the other part of you knew you wouldn’t be sleeping much because in all honesty, you hadn’t since Liz had been gone. Despite your better judgment, you opened the door and stuck a hand out to them. The taller man gave a kind smile and returned the handshake, then the shorter one, his handshake firm and lingering. You opened the door wide and motioned for them to come in.
“I’m Agent Clapton and this is Agent Harrison,” The taller one, Clapton, said as he stood awkwardly in your small hallway. He was tall, taller than your average height type of tall. But the way he carried himself was far from intimidating and you found yourself letting out a long breath. With everyone disappearing, and your reputation of sticking your nose in everyone’s business, it wasn’t the worst feeling to have two authoritative men with their watchful eye on you for a minute. You slid the pepper spray into your pocket for safe keeping.
“Hi, I’m-” You hesitated before replying, your wheels still turning, “Did you say that you’re Agent ‘Clapton’ and he’s Agent ‘Harrison’?” You eyed them up, a smile crossing your lips, “What, are you gonna tell me your name’s Eric and his is George?” You let a small laugh, your nerves taking over the chuckle that escaped your lips. The men looked at each other nervously, swallowing hard. The smile faded off your face and color rose to your cheeks. “I-I was just kidding,” You turned and walked them to the living room, “You guys just have some ironic names for partners.” You shrugged, trying to play off the tension that was in the air. You motioned for them to sit on the only couch that was in the living room and you walked to the kitchen to grab them glasses of water. “I’m really glad you’re looking into Lizzie,” You yelled from the kitchen as you pulled the cups from the cabinet and filled them with water. 
“Yeah, we asked around and heard the two of you were close,” The one with the deeper voice replied. You put in a few ice cubes and walked back to the living room with their refreshments in hand. Agent Clapton was sitting politely, while Agent Harrison slowly made his way around the room, inspecting the nook and crannies that the room had to offer. You walked up to him and handed him the glass and then the other one to Clapton. They both gave you a small nod of thanks and continued on with their questions. 
“We were the closest - She’s my best friend.” You stated as you leaned on the small arched entryway between the kitchen and living room. You looked down at your hands and tried your hardest to calm your anxious mind. Harrison was looking at you when you moved your gaze back up. 
“Was she acting weird before her disappearance? Or talking to anyone new, that you knew of?” Harrison asked, his eyes in this lighting now a bright green. You shrugged, thinking about the last time the two of you spoke.
“Nope. Nothing like that.” You said simply. Harrison nodded slow as if he was mentally recording it to remind himself of later. Neither of the men were writing notes or taking your direct quotes. Maybe it was different for the FBI. 
“And when was the last time you saw her?” Clapton asked from his spot on the couch.
“I-I think it was 5 days ago or something like that. It was Saturday night, we’d just left this hole in the wall biker bar outside of town. It wasn’t really her thing but, of course, I dragged her along,” You sighed and played with the hem of your shirt, “Anyhow, I got into it with a guy I’d been interviewing at the bar about something on his record I’d dug up on him and she slipped out the door.” You recalled the night, remembering how she texted you her goodbye. “Last I heard from her, she texted me saying she’d gone home and caught a cab back to her house.” You finished as you wiped your clammy hands on your high-waisted work slacks and crossed your arms in front of you, the conversation making you increasingly uncomfortable. I can forget about sleeping tonight. 
“And is that something she’d usually do? Just sneak off and go home by herself?” This time it was Harrison asking. You shrugged lightly.
“I mean, not really? But I also get a little in over my head when I get the ball rolling.” You admitted, “So it’s not that far off that she got tired of waiting and booked it.” 
“What do you mean by getting in over your head? Why were you interviewing him?” Harrison asked, his voice suspicious. 
“I-I’m a journalist,” You put your hands up in the air, “God, I should’ve led with that,” You said more to yourself than to the men in front of you, “Hence the deadbolt on the door and the jumpiness. The guy had run his bike off the road more times than I could count and I’m a naturally curious person, I just had some questions for him.” You informed them. The men looked at one another, silence filling the room. You cleared your throat. “Listen, I had my eyes on that guy the entire night, he’s clean in terms coming in contact with Lizzie. He came nowhere near her, it was just me.” You reassured them. The taller one stood up and straightened his jacket.
“And you’re sure that there wasn’t anything strange?” He inquired, his brows crunching.
“I-I’m not so sure what you mean by strange, I talk to strange people all the time and Lizzie wasn’t anything out of the ordinary as far as I noticed and I could read her like a book.” You replied, trying to satisfy his question.
“Strange as in, weird cold spots or anything that smells like sulfur,” Harrison butted in, now standing next to Clapton, “Just strange.” He stated, as if he asked something as usual as the weather. You looked between them and shook your head slow.
“U-Uh no, nothing sulfurs related.” You answered, your mind starting to turn. Clapton took a small white card out from his pocket and handed it over,
“Alright, well, thank you for your time, if you hear anything please don’t hesitate to reach out, alright?” He offered with a tight-lipped smile. You returned one hesitantly and shook each of their hands. You followed them closely as they walked through the front door and shut it slightly, just enough to see out of. 
You watched as they walked right past the Ford Explorer and the Crown Victoria parked in the lot and slid into the front seat of what looked to be a beautifully kept Chevrolet. An Impala, maybe? They started it up, the engine rumbling to life and surely waking some of the neighbors, as it pulled out and drove off. You could hear the engine’s hum as it drove down the road and out of sight. You closed the door the rest of the way and locked it. No way in hell does a FBI Agent drive a classic car like that.
You turned the lights off and walked to your bedroom, stripping as you made your way to your dresser to change into something to sleep in. Once you were situated, you pulled your laptop out and checked the time. It was past midnight now. So much for sleep. You looked at the card that Clapton had given you that you’d set on the table next to your bed and inspected it. The number looked peculiar, the area code was unfamiliar to you, starting with 785. You popped the code into your browser and “Lebanon, Kansas” came up in large, bold letters. The last time you checked, there weren’t FBI offices running outside of Kansas. Could these be undercover cops? You thought about it. No, that wouldn’t make sense. They still wouldn’t issue a mint condition Impala like that for an undercover case. You grazed over every fact you could think of in your exhausted state. Their cheap suits. The Impala. The late night visit. You sat back in your bed and pushed your laptop off to the side and shut your eyes in an attempt to focus. 
Then it hit you.
They weren’t FBI Agents.
Part 2 here.
Hope you enjoyed!
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