#iy rin
mama-ino · 1 year
Oh brother (pt 2)
She'd turned around to the sight of bright pinks and yellows. Even more stunned when he placed two large bundles of said bright colors.
Inuyasha, whom was only turned for a moment faced his brother now. However the sight had him sputtering and cackling like a mad man. He wheezed so loudly, that little Rin tugged his sleeve wanting to know what was so funny.
"Lord Inuyasha, what's so funny? I want to know," she giggled at his antics.
"His greatness, Lord Sesshomaru has brought Lady Kagome a thousand of the sweetest buds," Jaken squaked loudly.
By now, Inuyasha was on the brink of tears and red in the face. He had not thought his brother would take what he said so literally.
Seeing the commotion, Shippo rounded his mother. His eyes immediately narrowed, his overprotective nature bubbling up.
Nervously, Kagome's eyes skittered from each of the bouquets. Dear kami, there was so many.
Hearing the continued laughter, Sesshomaru sighed his eyes nearly rolling in his skull.
If not for her, he'd have already had have beat the boy with the bouquet in his arms.
Courting your younger idiotic brother's best friend was the test of all tests.
Sorry I was gone for so long! I had a lot of things smack me all at once...😅
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Rin fanart by 금수 (@gold_water_Z)
Repost w/ permission
via Twitter
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cherisenae · 2 years
Summary: Sesshomaru appears out of the blue at the foot of Kagome's porch one morning. What could he possibly need? And why does he want her to follow? Sesskag 
Pairing: Sesshomaru x Kagome
Rating: E
My response for June ddn prompt: Aid
“Miko,” Sesshomaru bows to Kagome as she lifts up the canvas flap at her hut's entrance. She pauses, blinking at him. Stepping outside her hut, she returns the bow.  Kagome smiles at Sesshomaru as she rights her posture.
"Good Morning, Sesshomaru,” she greets, “I wasn’t expecting anyone today, I hope you weren’t waiting long.”
“I’m in need of your assistance,” Sesshomaru states. Pivoting on his heel, Sesshomaru treks his way across her lawn toward the village road. He looks back at Kagome over his shoulder, “Bring your herbs.
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elevenharbor · 8 months
asdkfjjsjsjjsksbfhjsj AHHH!! Your Kohaku x Rin is so cute!! Thank you!! Will you do another?
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hi Anon! Thank you! I wasn't expecting this kind of reception. But because you asked nicely, here's a quick & dirty sketch. I hope you likey :)
please don't repost. A reblog would be appreciated :)
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dyingroses · 7 months
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Inuyasha + text posts pt.25
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kaqura · 1 year
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【 make me choose 】               ↳ anon asked: jaken or rin both i guess
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sexbob-ombbeck · 8 months
KohRin Headcanons
Inspirations for their dynamic in order:
Nuts and Dolts (platonic soulmates/queer platonic)
Vanoe: Deeply intimate, close friendship, borderline queer romantic (tell me they aren’t in love, tell me)
Hak/Yona: I just love them and I love that Hak and Kohaku would protect their girl.
EdWin: Childhood friends who fell in love (I’m a sucker for it)
Kyoru: I can’t explain it, I just know it’s as cute as this.
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Who initiates their first kiss: Kohaku. They’re both in their teens and it’s more of a kiss that was meant to be on the cheek but Rin turned her head up to talk to him. Sesshomaru did punch him when he found out but Kohaku didn’t protest (Sango did almost beat Sesshomaru though)
Rin fell first. She’s loved him since they were children. But Kohaku fell harder.
I like the idea that they got married in their twenties and had three children.
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viva-el-belt-libre · 2 years
Ok, picture this:
You have never been a pet person. You don't really like animals in general, but dogs are specially unappealing. They are loud, have no sense of personal space, and they drool. Terrible beasts, you have no idea why anybody would choose to have one, let alone pay hundreds, if not thousands of dollars buying stuff for it.
You absolutely loathe when you are invited to a home with a dog, because they won't stop barking, might try to bite, or (even worse!) want to jump on you and lick your face. And they leave hair on your clothes. Terrible.
Anyway, one day you are walking on your neighborhood and a stray approaches you. It's a puppy. It looks so happy to see you, even though you've never seen it before. It wags its tail and runs around your legs, and now it's following you.
After a while trying to get away from the creature you realise it's hurt. Somebody has hurt the dog just because they enjoy hurting those who are weaker, and if though you usually kind of get the sentiment, you also think that hurting a baby is low, even if the baby is a dog. Sure it's a low beast, but come on, it's so innocent and fragile. So innocent, it still trusts you, even though it has been hurt by those like you before. It has no idea what it did to deserve it, and yet it believes fully hatred it won't happen again.
But you know it will. And it may not survive next encounter. Not unless somebody does something about it.
I don't know, maybe you are feeling extra generous that day, but you decide to take it with you. It's only for a little while, until you contact a shelter. It will probably be out of your house by the end of the day, and you will be free of it.
You get it home and realise you probably should give it a bath. Not because you care, but just because otherwise it's going to get your house dirty, and you don't want that. Also it looks skinny AF so you give it something to eat, because you don't want it crying of hunger, that is super annoying.
You end up not calling the shelter. Not because you like the dog, of course not. You just got busy and forgot about it. You will do it tomorrow.
Or the following week.
Or the following month.
Anyway you will totally get rid of it, ok? It's not like you are a dog lover now, it definitely needs to go.
But you know, this one is actually kind of cute. It's so stupid it's funny and endearing. You kind of enjoy watching it play with its toys (what? It's not like it's expensive or anything, you just didn't want it chewing on your stuff, and it's good enrichment anyway. Maybe it will get smarter.)
You find yourself enjoying it's company. It looks so happy and healhty now. It greets you when you get home, and having to walk it is good exercise for you too. You get it a nice leash, gets it microchiped, takes it periodically to the vet because it needs vaccines. You would never get to the point of giving it human clothes, or letting it sleep on your bed, or buying expensive fancy food, but you make sure it's always healthy and well taken care of.
You love that dog. Not like you would love another human, friend or family, but you love it even so. You know it's not going to live as long as you, and you want it to have a good life even if it's short.
Then you have to move because of work or something, and the dog can't come with you. And you feel sad, but you ask your elderly neighbour if she will take it, because she loves dogs, and you know she will take great care of it. She is delighted to take the dog, and even though you are away, she always sends you pics, and when you are in town you pay her a visit for some tea, so you can see the dog again.
Ok, so now replace "you" by "Sesshoumaru" and "puppy" by "Rin".
Rin is Sesshoumaru's pet.
I rest my case.
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sahaquiel43 · 1 year
My thoughts on IY ships:
Sesskik: OTP. objectively the best ship. best themes. Go read The Rift Between Auras. It also has the best art and the best fandom.
KogKag: Personal favorite. Love the pure unadulterated passion of it. And theres lots of good content on it. And admittedly….I think it's the sexiest relationship.
InuKag: Wonderful ship, Canon, good, nothing really to say.
MirSan EDIT nope, screw this ship, Inusan is best!: best. It makes sense. I always have some misgivings (Sango deserves better after the shit she’s been through, and Miroku’s antics get unfunny at times, and I like strong women), it sometimes feels a bit disrespectful. But I admit there's a genuine bond; they’re a decent couple. Heck, even the more sexist elements make sense. It’s feudal Japan, literally, the 1500’s even if it’s a fantasy setting. The fact they have 3 kids immediately makes sense. Not bad, but I feel like she deserves better.
EDIT: and it doesn't help that the author basically locked in mirsan from the start with not even the slightest consideration for other possibilities. It's basically a forced ship, for good or bad.
Inusan: UPDATE: I am really starting to like this ship, it suffers from having very little content, but what does exist is intriuging, and its starting grow on me. I would love to see it explored more. Its definitely moved up to one of my top ships.
InuKik: really good ship, it's deep and complex, even in canon, but personally I find it a really good pair with KogKag. Two pairs where everyone is happy!
Sesskagu: a spicy couple, the most common theme being they end up being a sassy couple of assholes, revelling in each other’s evil, but with the undertone of a deeper emotional bond.
Sesskag: I don't like it. one of the more popular ships that I actually have genuine grips with. I can’t get aboard, I don’t like it. They don’t fit well. And I get the feeling that it’s the “sesshomaru fangirl-self-insert ship”. The “badass guy going with the bubbly semi-normal girl.” They don't fit. It almost feels a bit....predatory?
Koh/rin: A really cute relationship, childhood friends.
KagSan: Love their interaction they’re really good friends, and I would love to see more interactions between them. But taking it to the romantic level also is would be great.
Kagkik: would have loved to see more interactions between them, there’s so much chemistry. I like it both as friends and even romantic partners. I just want them both to be happy and get past their angst and issues.
KaguKik: I can definitely see the dynamic, and this one would be 90% romantic. Two lost souls finding a bond with each other.
EDIT: a few extras.
AyaKag: makes no sense, but there's one tumblr Artist that makes really cute art of it. Thumbs up.
InuKog: I can respect it. full disclosure, I'm a guy, so I never was into M/M ships, but I can respect it, probably the most reasonable M/M ship.
Naraku X anymone: nah,, Naraku is "pathetic evil", he's the type that you can't even like for being a "dark badass". He's just an all-around looser, he's literally an Incel. So I don't care for it, but whatever floats your boat.
InuSess: just.....why? And all the content involves some form abuse/rape/nasty stuff.
Sessr*n: No.
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lets-wreak-havoc · 9 months
(3/3) one concept i thought was fascinating is how naraku is an entity of his own, and wants to form his own identity outside of onigumo. mirroring kagome's struggle to define herself beyond kikyo. so he is repulsed by onigumo's feelings for kikyo (even though onigumo shares a mind and body with him). but the idea of sesshomaru (who shares some similarities with kikyo) being naraku's first attempt at love, fucking it up immensely, but at the very end being affirmed to having existed as a person by the man he very much still loves, would probably get a laugh and then some bitter tears from him LOL.
Hehe dont worry sesskagu is also one of my fave sesshomaru ships and they have their own messy verse.
FORGIVE ME HOW LONG THIS HAS BEEN. i just wanted to brainworm about ideas IUGSDIYGYSDHEHEHEHE
Sorry about the wait, I'm always so tired after work.
You're right about Naraku and Kagome struggling with identity and wanting to be separate individuals from their past selves. I'd never thought about it before and its very interesting. While kagome dislikes being constantly compared to kikyo and is held to high standards/exceptions previously set by kikyo (with no training might I add), naraku wants to rid himself completely from onigumo just bc he views his feelings as a weakness and liability. It's quick the foil.
And your ending for sessnara is so bittersweet. Imagine the joy of finally have your feelings affirmed and shared by your loved one, but not being to experience the joy of finally being together bc you're fading away. It's so heart wrenching 😭🤧
And I can definitely see naraku taking it ironically and sniggering through bitter tears as he dies.
And poor sesshomaru 😰 I know he found love and comfort with rin and inuyasha, but I know it secretly pains him in the inside and there's a hole in his heart from losing naraku. It gets better with time, but still, the emptiness remains...
I'm so happy to hear you love sesskagu too! They're my fav canon iy ship and yes, they're just as messy and tragic. I most have a thing for angsty ships... slown burns too.
And do not apologize! I love hearing it! Please send your hcs 💗
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boycottyashahime · 2 years
Sessrin is so shit even general proshippers & casual Inuyasha fans hate it. Was legit talking to one of these the other day and she admitted Sessrin shipping is incredibly rare in non-IY proship circles and despite being a proshipper she herself would’ve only watched the sequel for InuKag but she immediately peaced out as soon she saw that it wasn’t going to focus on them. But sure Sessrin keep telling themselves the lie that their ship is sooo beloved, and the most popular ship of the IY fandom, meanwhile the majority were literally only here for InuKag and they’re the reason they even bothered to give Trashahime a second glance. 🤪🤭
Rumiko & Sunrise was literally sitting on a goldmine with InuKag and yet they continue to trash and shit over the ship and it’s fans when they were always the main draw to the franchise in the first place, they’re an iconic ship for a reason!
Sessrin is largely irrelevant even among the wider, general proship community. Like they’re not as popular among casuals or even the the Inuyasha fandom like Sessrinners say they are, it’s honestly soo embarrassing the way Sessrinners hype up their shit ship and try to make it sound more popular than it actually is. Nobody in the English-speaking or wider Inuyasha fandom fucking cares, as evidenced by the fact that Yashahime did so poorly it led to both it’s preemptive cancellation and Sunrise’s bankruptcy, literally the only ones who hardcore ship Sessrin is their own little raisin containment corner of crazy hags who stalk and doxx people for daring to insult their self-insert ✨QUEEN ✨Rin or have the nerve to imply Sesshomaru cared about literally anybody else. (not even just shipping him with people other than Rin, simply stating the canon fact that Rin wasn’t in fact the only one he cared about!)
Sessrinners are the Inuyasha fandom’s equivalent of those annoying middle-aged Twilight Moms.
They certainly did their best to create the illusion that S*ssR*n was a foregone conclusion, at the very least. Sunrise and the shippers worked pretty tirelessly to present the pairing as the only logical destination that Sesshoumaru and Rin's relationship could take, but it was a rather poor job done in the end. The shippers' desperation itself was a clear indication that they had spent a majority of their time shipping S*ssR*n trying to argue the same points to people who recoiled at this view of the relationship. If you find yourself insisting that your pairing is obvious and good to most other fans you meet, chances are that it's not that popular. And Sunrise, as I've explained previously, was just writing to the market they tried to create. Unfortunately for them, Inuyasha was too widely popular before the whole lolicon proliferation really took hold in anime, and they weren't able to create the demand for S*ssR*n necessary to make this pairing even a viable BASIS for their "sequel". They shouldn't have bet so heavily on their creepy little hints toward the pairing in the past.
But I do have to give them ONE tiny thing: it wasn't entirely out of nowhere that they would try to give Sesshoumaru a bigger role in a sequel they made, and I think the only reason they didn't make him the central figure was because RT asked them not to center the parents and instead the next generation. S*ssR*n may not have been as popular as either Sunrise nor shippers made it out to be, but Sesshoumaru himself was second only to Inuyasha in popularity (I say "was" because, well, turning him into a child sexual predator really bit into his popularity in the end, lol), and I could hardly find a comment section talking about the Inuyasha series without SOMEONE expressing a desire to see more of him in a spin-off. I would shake my head and laugh at this, because part of Sesshoumaru's appeal comes from his lack of concrete definition, and I knew any narrative that gave him more of a spotlight would end up exposing more of how fundamentally BORING he is.
You've at least got to hand it to Sunrise that they avoided the boring pitfall, only to get caught in the "this character is the actual WORST" pitfall instead. So, props for that, I guess.
I disagree that Yashahime led to Sunrise's bankruptcy, though. I think Yashahime was a hail mary pass at the end of a LONG ROAD of bad decisions that ended up not working out, but it was only the last ditch effort to avoid what was a much bigger fate. Sunrise no doubt had done many things, both in public and behind the scenes, to set up their domino line of a downfall. Not that it's going to mean much going forward with, what is it, Bandai? It's the same shit, different name as far as I'm concerned.
But yeah, overall, I think it's absolutely true that the people who are invested in S*ssR*n give the overall impression of being this fandom's most insufferable members. They don't really care much about any aspect to the series other than how it might be used to argue for their questionable, non-canon ship, and their insecurity is a constant eruption whenever anyone so much as hints at Sesshoumaru's relationships with others. It's absurd and sad, and I'm surprised they haven't all given themselves aneurysms in their apoplectic rage that the rest of the fandom doesn't agree with them yet.
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Inuyasha Screenshots + Twitter Posts - Part 20
[Part 19][Inuyasha 2][Part 18][Part 17][Sango 2][Miroku 2][Part 16][Rin][Part 15][Sesshomaru 2][Part 14][Part 13][Kikyo][Part 12][Kagome][Part 11][Part 10][Part 9][Sesshomaru][Koga][Naraku 2][Naraku 1][Sango][Inuyasha][Miroku][Part 8]Part 7][Part 6][Part 5][Part 4][Part 3][Part 2][Part 1]
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inu-mothership · 2 years
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Inu-Mothership Spotlight Saturday: November 12, 2022: Jinenji!
Hello everyone! We at @inu-mothership are especially pleased to bring you this week's Spotlight Saturday fic rec list. This week our members voted, and chose Jinenji!
Jinenji has a special place in many of our hearts as the kind-hearted herbalist who Inuyasha and Kagome befriend early on in the series. He's often portrayed as their friend, but Jinenji gets his share of romantic stories, too!
As always with our character rec lists, we've organized it into two groups, both listed below the cut. First is the section dedicated to Jinenji-specific ship stories (if there's another ship featured prominently, we've included that, too). Then, we present the section dedicated to Gen fics/fics where Jinenji is featured prominently, but not as part of a major ship. We had fun with this one, and hope you find some new stories to enjoy!
Jinenji Romantic Ship Stories
Good Morning, Jinenji (T; complete) by fringeperson (Ao3)
He might not have been the most attractive, physically, but to the right person, that didn't matter.
Half-Demon of Notre Dame (also InuKag; T; complete) by amaayasha (Ao3)
One soldier is called back home from the wars. Two Romani dance in the streets for coins. One judge is obsessed with finding the Court of Miracles and having a Romani all to himself. One half-demon just wants to go outside of the cathedral. What do they all have in common? Based on the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Written for Inuvember 2k15
Jinenji/Original Character(s)
Jinenji’s Promised Love (K; complete) by AmeliaBlake (FFN)
I realised no one has really mentioned Jinenji, I thought it would be nice to give him someone to love, a sort of beauty and the beast romance. With the recent death of his mother, Jinenji finds himself alone in the world, but his mother made him a promise, would she keep it? is this strangely beautiful girl be the very thing?
Where the Plum Blossoms Fall (M; ongoing) by @smmahamazing
A story in which Jinenji finally gets his own happy ending.
Selections from Diamonds in Your Eyes (M; complete) by thetroll (Ao3)/ @moon-ion
A series of Drabble one shots either unrelated or loosely related revolving around couples from the InuYasha series, written as a thank you to celebrate hitting 200 IY fics and for all the love and support I've received along the way!
Chapter 12: RinJin - Library - Rose Quartz
Chapter 48: RinJin - Bathtub - Pearl 
Drunk on You (also SessKag; E; complete) by JaceaSilas (Ao3)
In another world, another life, Kagome is the owner of a speakeasy and Sesshomaru is her supplier. Both have had their eye on one another for quite some time, but the time has come for something more.
Selections from Kiss & Tell (M; ongoing) by @sereia1313 
"There's a moment between a glance, and a kiss, where the world stops for the briefest of times."
Chapter 8: JinRin, Clerk, Ice Blue 
Chapter 21: JinRin, Nurse, Forest Green 
Chapter 36: JinRin, Botanist, Yellow 
To Smash the Walls (also SessKag; T; complete) by thetroll (Ao3)/ @moon-ion
Kagome and Sesshomaru. Both oblivious, both determined to avoid discussing their true feelings.
Well, not if Rin can help it. Rin enlists the help of her husband, Jinenji, and InuYasha in a Very Big Plot to ensure two of the people she loves most finally accept their feelings and Do Something.
Jinenji Platonic/Character Ship Stories
Eight Scars: Chapter 5: Scar 5 (InuKag; E; complete) by @fawn-eyed-girl
Inuyasha takes Kagome to see Jinenji, who is concerned about Kagome's injury. Inuyasha feels remorse; Kagome wonders if she can truly fit into the Feudal Era.
Guilty as Sin (SessKag; E; complete) by @sereia1313 
Sesshoumaru observes the behaviour of members of the miko's pack, counting off each of the seven deadly sins as he seeks to better understand her.
How Does Your Garden Grow? (InuKag; Kagome & Jinenji; M; ongoing) by @dawnrider
An Ingary-esque AU: Kagome, the newest generation of caretakers of the Higurashi House, finally starts to feel like her garden and business is thriving with the help of her friend Jinenji. Their routine is thrown off by the arrival of an injured visitor who does not want to be found…
Jin: A Story of Jinenji (K; complete) by XxMusicxKelseyxX (FFN)
If all half demons have a human period, then wouldn't Jinenji. Enter the world of Jinenji during his quarterly human nights and the secret double life he lives.
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire (InuKag; M; complete) by @mamabearcat
Inuyasha thought he had an okay life. He was a member of the Nakano Youkai Rescue Crew, a highly regarded part of the local fire force. He had friends, and he lived in an apartment block where nobody hated him. That was all anyone could expect from life, right?
Enter one Higurashi Kagome, his new neighbour. As soon as he met her, his whole concept of his place in the world went topsy turvey. And he wasn't quite sure what to do about it. Because surely a hanyou like him couldn't possibly be deserving of a true mate? But apparently her heart and his soul had their own ideas.
Night Watch (T; ongoing) by @superpixie42
Inuyasha always assumed all hanyou were like him: one human parent, one demon parent, new moon transformation, life of suffering. But during the three years the well is closed, he learns more about his fellow hanyou than he ever expected.
Seeds to Sprouts (Kagome & Jinenji; T; complete) by @lazy8blog
Jinenji, and the people who have had the biggest impact on his life.
The Sins & Virtues of the Sengoku Jidai: Chapter 4: Greed & Generosity: Villagers & Jinenji (T; complete) by @neutronstarchild
In Sengoku Jidai, everyone can be defined by the choices they make. Sometimes those choices lead them to sin, and sometimes to virtue. Here are seven vignettes, where characters’ relationships are defined by their paths. A sin for a virtue, a virtue for a sin.
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clown-cult · 2 years
Sessrin is so shit even general proshippers & casual Inuyasha fans hate it. Was legit talking to one of these the other day and she admitted Sessrin shipping is incredibly rare in non-IY proship circles and despite being a proshipper she herself would’ve only watched the sequel for InuKag but she immediately peaced out as soon she saw that it wasn’t going to focus on them. But sure Sessrin keep telling themselves the lie that their ship is sooo beloved, and the most popular ship of the IY fandom, meanwhile the majority were literally only here for InuKag and they’re the reason they even bothered to give Trashahime a second glance. 🤪🤭
Rumiko & Sunrise was literally sitting on a goldmine with InuKag and yet they continue to trash and shit over the ship and it’s fans when they were always the main draw to the franchise in the first place, they’re an iconic ship for a reason!
Sessrin is largely irrelevant even among the wider, general proship community. Like they’re not as popular among casuals or even the the Inuyasha fandom like Sessrinners say they are, it’s honestly soo embarrassing the way Sessrinners hype up their shit ship and try to make it sound more popular than it actually is. Nobody in the English-speaking or wider Inuyasha fandom fucking cares, as evidenced by the fact that Yashahime did so poorly it led to both it’s preemptive cancellation and Sunrise’s bankruptcy, literally the only ones who hardcore ship Sessrin is their own little raisin containment corner of crazy hags who stalk and doxx people for daring to insult their self-insert ✨QUEEN ✨Rin or have the nerve to imply Sesshomaru cared about literally anybody else. (not even just shipping him with people other than Rin, simply stating the canon fact that Rin wasn’t in fact the only one he cared about!)
Sessrinners are the Inuyasha fandom’s equivalent of those annoying middle-aged Twilight Moms.
Honestly I don’t have anything to add to this. Y’all laid it out beautifully.
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dyingroses · 1 year
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Inuyasha + text posts and stuff pt21
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kaqura · 7 months
I apologise for asking this if it isn't something you want to talk about but do you know why there is so much hatred for Kagura from so many S*ssr*n shippers/HnY fans? I haven't seen HnY because I don't like sequels that take away the happy ending of the original so I only know a few spoilers through the grapevine, but the Kagura hate I've seen lately from some HnY fans reminds me of anti-Kikyou Inukag shippers from twenty years ago. But Inukag shippers are more supportive of Kikyou nowadays and fandom in general is less misogynistic than it used to be, so I don't understand why another woman being important to Sesshoumaru in the original Inuyasha series is so unacceptable that Kagura gets hate now. Even if people ship S*ssr*n, love isn't a finite resource? Sesshoumaru loving and wanting to avenge Kagura doesn't mean he can't love anyone else, it doesn't diminish his other relationships—especially because Rin was a literal eight-year-old child when Kagura was alive. It's not like Kagura was a yandere type who harmed Sesshoumaru or anyone else he cared about, either, after a while Rin knew she had nothing to fear from Kagura and was squee'ing about Kagura being in love with Sesshoumaru.
Again, I apologise for how long this question was and sending it on Anon, I just didn't want to get hate from S*ssr*n shippers or HnY fans. Kagura's my favourite Inuyasha character, so it made me sad to browse the Inuyasha reddit/tumblr and see people calling her a 'manipulative bitch' and such when I went looking for fanart and fic about her. It's especially strange coming from people who praise other former villain characters like Sesshoumaru, who did worse things than Kagura when he was evil.
hello buddy sorry this is late i literally did not see it??
but since i'm obviously on the opposite end of the spectrum in this situation & have only really been involved in the tumblr iy fandom for so many years, the only thing i know about any of that drama is that she's perceived as a threat to their yucky ship bc she was really the canon love interest for sesshomaru in the og series. and kagura is obviously the polar opposite of rin in literally every aspect. like, we have a demoness that was born from the body of the main villain who comes out the gate swinging on koga's entire family & is forced to beef with the whole inugang constantly and calls sesshomaru a bitch to his face the second time they meet. versus a cute lil baby who's a complete blank slate. so for people that don't care for her bc of their ship bias it's pretty easy to misinterpret her character & motivations and draw silly conclusions lmao. i'm not gonna say kagura isn't problematic in some ways but LITERALLY WHO CARES it's not that serious?? pretty much everyone in IY has done morally questionable shit. it's a fairy tale set in feudal japan, like. and it sucks that you're coming across negative bs when you're just trying to enjoy yourself in this fandom!! that happened to me too when i first got back into iy in 2020 bc i didn't know that kagura was like severely hated until i joined an iy group on fb (owned by you-know-who, unbeknownst to me) and saw all that weird shit lmao. but there's a lot of really great creators on tumblr, at least, that are anti-sr & pro-kagura, so i hope that you could at least enjoy yourself on this blog!! <3
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