#ive tried turning my quality down but it didnt really work :[ if anyone has a quick fix id appreciate it
hmm-ctrl · 1 year
okay honest question has anyone else been getting massive framedrops/lag in downpour that they didnt have in the base game??
its usually fine but ive found regions like exterior and garbage wastes are particularly bad
i assume its because of particles/effects + added spawns but it wasnt nearly this bad before,,, even in hunter runs??
im just curious if the DLCs had performance issues for anyone else or if it's just my laptop inching closer to death
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honeyblve · 11 months
i had a huge milestone happen yesterday in my health journey and i wanted to vent and document it for myself, kind of like a journal entry, because this is the end of a chapter and beginning of another for me. its kind of a selfish post that nobody else will probably care about but i think it will be nice to have to look back on. im not sure if adding trigger warnings to this post is needed but im going to add them just incase anyone takes the time to read this if you do read this i appreciate it sm.
tw: injury, mistreatment from doctors, mental health issues, su*cide
for the past year ive been dealing with a serious back injury that has wreaked havoc on my life. i had to quit my job and was basically bed ridden for months. its effected my mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing in such a horrible and traumatic way. i've seen numerous doctors and tried multiple types of possible solutions with no resolve in my pain, been rejected by a doctor for surgery due to my body type (dont even get me started on that bs. it was fully a him problem and not a me problem), and essentially lost all quality of life. at one point i was so exhausted and overstimulated from all the pain that i didnt see any point in living if the rest of my life was going to be consumed with an unimaginable and unbearable amount of pain. i spent many nights crying myself to sleep, feeling very isolated and alone, taking insane amounts of medicine for a small amount of relief, unable to rest due to pain, and missed out on some very important moments in my life and others around me lives as well. i graduated college earlier this year after 5 years of working full time, going to college full time, and dealing with health issues on top of it and was unable to walk across the stage and celebrate my hard work all because of this injury. i bottled up a lot of the stress and sadness i was experiencing because i didnt want to add another thing on to the list of problems to figure out for myself or my family. which in turn caused me to start having major issues with anxiety and depression. a year in my life that was meant for growth, transition, and finding my footing as a proper adult was completely overtaken. to say it was a hard year is such an understatement but truly the only way i can really put it.
yesterday, i saw a new specialist and was finally approved for surgery after being turned down by another specialist back in september ‘22. a surgery that takes 45 minutes and will almost instantly relieve any pain im experiencing. a surgery that i was told would usually be suggested 6 weeks into experiencing symptoms a year and two months after i started experiencing symptoms. for the first time i was shown my mri results that i had done 9 months ago and explained just how severe the injury in my back is. my jaw was on the floor at how horrible it was. i could finally understand what was happening inside my body. it helped my brain justify everything that ive been experiencing and proved to myself that i wasnt crazy. when i was asked if i wanted to move forward with the surgery it was the first time that i felt like i wasnt just being observed and passed along for someone else to make the decision for me. i finally felt like i was given the opportunity to speak for myself and make a decision for my own body. i wasnt seen based only on my outer appearance or a number on a scale. i was seen as a human being who is experiencing pain 24/7 for over 400 days and needed help. finally my advocacy for myself worked and a doctor is on my side. when he left the room i immediately started sobbing and felt like i could breathe for the first time in what felt like forever.
looking back i think in many ways this year was meant for internal growth. there were a lot of things i had to learn about myself and begin to change. either through therapy or by opening up to family and friends. so even though it was not necessarily growth in the literal world, i grew up a lot within myself. for some reason in all of my circumstances i always feel the need to learn something. maybe its just blind optimism. whatever it is though it helps me put one foot in front of the other. what i learned through all of this is valuing myself and knowing my self worth. i learned how to advocate for myself and not take no for an answer. i learned how strong i am in multiple areas of my life. but i also learned how to accept help and know that i cant do everything by myself. and that doesnt mean that i'm weak.
if anyone reads this i hope that you know its so important to learn to advocate for your wellbeing and dont allow anyone to mistreat you, use you, or demand that you meet their expectations before being treated as a human being. its okay to take a step back and take care of yourself. and when it comes to doctors and medicine, trust. your. body. it knows when something is wrong. doctors are just people and sometimes dont know wtf theyre talking about. they are not all-knowing deities. they dont live in your body. not agreeing with them is not against the law. it is okay to seek out care from someone else. and if you feel stuck with someone who is not listening to you or who doesnt see you as a human being, there are doctors out there that truly love what they do and want to help you. they dont see you as a statistic or a box to check off on a long list of things to do for the day. they truly want to see you thrive and be healthy. sometimes it just takes a little work to find them.
anyways this was much longer than i expected it to be. if you read this far down i am so grateful that you took some time to read this post. it means a lot. and if future me reads this, i hope i've continued to learn how to value myself in all circumstances and not take any of lifes bs.
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 3 - Michelin Star related suicide.
K: Hi, this is Dir en grey's Kaoru, getting started with the third episode of The Freedom of Expression.
J, T: Yep.
K: Joe Yokomizu san and Tasai san are here again. So, how are we doing, after the second time?
J: Ah, He's cutting in early today.
Kami: Yes, yes, yes. Im thinking a lot about my timing.
J: You're entering from every possible angle?
Kami: Yes, thats it.
K: What do you think after the first two episodes? We are on our third today, but does it seem interesting?
K: As a god, im kinda out of things to say.
J: Really?
Kami: Yep
J: You would think a god would know about all sorts of things.
Kami: I don't know all that much. *K laughs* Im studying, Im working on it.
T: Last time, the suspicion arose that he was poverty stricken, didnt it?
J: Yes, he pointed out he was a poverty stricken god.
Kami: I told you not to say that! *K laughs*
T: Sorry..
Kami: Its a problem.
K: After we finished last time, we ended up talking a lot about money, didn't we?
J: Yes, we did. *everyone laughing*
Kami: Yep, yep.
J: After the recording, Kami spoke non stop about money, didn't he? He is really attached to it..for a god. You'd think he'd be the one least interested in that, but he turns out to be the one most interested.
Kami: It wasn't that bad until then. It wasn't like that back on the radio show. It really has become a problem recently.
J: Oh now?
T: I see.
Kami: Yes, now.
K: Right, well, our third episode...
J: Yes, the title is 'Suicide resulting from Michelin stars - In the lawsuit of a former 3 star Michelin star chef, the court rules that....'
This is concerning the Michelin guide which was even popularised in a TV drama last year. In its country of origin, France, there is so much pressure, the fear of losing a star can even lead to suicide. A Chef who lost his third star even filed a lawsuit against Michelin. As for the specific story, Marc Veyrat, who runs the famous restaurant 'La Maison des Bois' in the Alps, recieved the long awaited 3 star rating in 2018. Just one year later, this dropped to a 2 star rating. Veyrat responded angrily, 'The quality of my food hasn't changed at all. Its a mistake in the inspection', and brought the case against Michelin. As well as demading the inspector's qualifications and the report to be made public, as his demotion has led to him to  falling into a state of depression, he is suing Michelin for the sum of just 1 Euro, or in yen, 120 yen. He has been telling the media of his discontent that the inspectors could not recognize the cheese Reblochon, from the Savoy region, and probably mistook it for the widely produced cheddar cheese. Nanterre courthouse in the suburbs of Paris responded, that as well as the evaluation of the inspector coming down to freedom of expression, the plaintiff did not show good enough reason that  his reputation had been marred. The famous chef was defeated, but the agony of chefs over the star rating is becoming a problem in society. By the way, simply put, the standard for the inspection, or the standard for the stars, is the food only. Not the restaurant interior, or the service. The food is assessed on the following five criteria. 1) The quality of the ingrediants. 2) The level of skill and amount of seasoning. 3) Originality. 4) Cost performance. 5) The consistency of the presented dishes on the whole. This is the same all over the world. As for the meaning of the stars, this is as follows. One star = Food that is particularly delicious within its category. Two stars = Spectacular food that is worth making a detour to have it. Three stars = Excellent food that is worth specifically traveling just to have it. The report is produced by a group consisting of the inspectors, the chief editor and all other responsible parties for the Michelin guide book. Every year they recieved around 45,000 emails and letters from thier readers, which they look through, and sometimes even do re-evaluations. ....Food!
K: Food...
J: Yep...I mean, reputation really controls which restaurants we go to.  Kaoru, what do you think?
K: Hmm, well, its an inspection isnt it?
J: Yes, its an inspection.
K: I was in Paris last year. There are loads of these aren't there? * the others laugh*
J: Well, yes. So, he didn't change anything about his food, but his rating still dropped, whats that all about?
K: Isn't it precisely because he didn't do anything new?
J: Oh, could it be that? If others are upping thier game, you will naturally drop.
K: There couldn't really be someone who mistook it for mass produced cheddar cheese.
J: You'd think, wouldn't you?
K: And then, maybe people are just different, no matter what it is. Even if its the same person..
J: Maybe they were feeling bad or something..
K: Hmm, an inspection is...Well, if it was sports or combat sport or something..the observers can easily judge the game, like..oh this one definitely won...But with music, or movies....appraisals of 'things', its different depending on the person isnt it.
J: Yes, you're right.
K: This type of guide is for people who want to expand thier knowledge, the Michelin guide ...For movies it would be the Academy Awards, and there are tv shows doing the same thing.  Its just to make things easier for people...so, in the end, it seems like it can't be helped really.
J: Well, thats it, yes. I dont know about Michelin, but Im in the position to do album reviews, so im in the place to award stars...and, its true, if its a genre you like, you just naturally like it, and are prone to jacking up the stars, but if its a genre you don't listen to, you feel unfamiliar and it takes a while to figure out whether its good or bad. So certainly, as for awarding stars.. asking people, well, im just repeating what you said Kaoru, its not objective information. You have to try and think about the aim. If the orgainisation drops a star from you it doesn't necessarily mean you are bad..
K: Its like a contest or that type of thing, you can still see who's winning the game..
J: Like 1-1, you can see whos winning in front of you, the circumstances are a little different from this though.
K: Eventually, won't it affect thier sales though?
J: I think so.
T: Don't you think diners also rely too much on this kind of guide?
K: You can check anything on your smartphone, you don't really know whats true.
J: You don't, there are these restaurant review sites where some people are paid to write good reviews, and some people are paid to write bad reviews, you know, to destroy thier rivals they will write bad stuff...So its difficult to know how far to trust that type of thing. By the way, Kaoru, do you refer to reviews in relation to food, or new music or anything like that?
K: Well, I do, yes. Guides and such...Usually, I  get information I want to know from all over the place. I ask people, like..'I want to eat this', or 'I wonder if that place is good' or something,  I ask people what they think.
T: But when you want to go to see a movie, do you ask someone who likes movies?
K: I'll read what someone has written about it, or I'll read what they've posted on social media.
J: The main thing is listening to people you can trust.
K: Yes, thats it.
J: Someone you are familiar with, or some well-informed person. Also someone you see eye to eye with.
T: Thats right.
J: If you go out for food with someone, and they say 'this is delicious', if you ask them what else they like, it will be the same kind of things that you like.
K: Really, I've never been to a two star or three star Michelin restaurant * the others laugh*.
J: Well, this internet age isn't going to end...
T: Right
J: Just how far will people trust this kind of assesment, or star rating?
T: Joe, have you ever been hassled by anyone because of this? By artists or such?
J: I havn't actually...I write what I didn't personally like, and sign my name with a star rating, then, 'this is what I think, but what do YOU think', to continue the conversation.
K: Our boss in our office, he was in a band a long time ago, and he got angry about something that was written in a magazine, so he stormed over to the magazine headquarters * the others laugh*  He might ????*1
J,T: Your boss, wow!
J: What was the magazine?
K: Oh, I don't remember..*laughing*
J: Which of them has the freedon of expression? *laughing*
K: They are both clashing with each other.
J: The moment their freedom clashed *laughs*
T: But, Ive heard that kind of story before...A hip hop artist or something, went to a magazine and tried to restrain or kidnap the editor. He took it that seriously.
J: Well, in a music magazine, if you write an article, its the same with interviews, you dont know whether the other party will see or hear it. For me, after editing, I think its good to show it to the artist once. Im only writing my ideas, and there are times where thats not the reality.
For interviews, you dont necessarily hand over the questions in advance, and if im just asking at random, the artist may feel on the spot and not be able to say what they really feel, so i think its good to show them once, to get the facts right.  With reviews too, i think showing them what i intend to write is important. But there are magazines where the boss doesnt get the content checked, 'you said it, so take responsibility', kind of thing. Thats a bit harsh, i think.
T: Well, yes. With interviews, I think its good to show the person. Protecting freedom should be kept independent.
J: Yes, yes, you are free to write what you think, but this is also keeping it real by checking if artists are holding responsibility for what they say. They decide whether they can really say that after checking it first.
K: There are times when you wish you'd used more words..
J: There are! Of course, its limited to the time and place of the interview, for example 1 hour, the time is squeezed. You have to get on with it, with little explanation..sometimes you need to supplement that.
T: Yes, you're right.
K: What do you think, Kami?
J: Kamiii?
Kami: *stifled laugh* Yes, what?
J: I don't know how to address him.
Kami: No no, don't worry about that, we are short on time.
K: Yes, our third installment is ending.
J: It felt quick today..somehow.
K: Originally, one episode was supposed to have two news items.
J: Yeah, i thought that.
K: But it didn't work that way, did it?
J: No, it didnt. What do the viewers think? Is one item enough? Or do they want two items at a faster pace?
K: If its too long, they won't be able to watch it.
J,T: Right.
T: A shorter video is better.
J: As for raising the number of views, right?
K: We talk about quite difficult stuff too, we should try to break into it as much as we can, make it interesting. Oh, and Kami, even his voice is interesting.
J: Its enough.
K: Well, that was the third installment, please tune in next time.
K, J, T: Thank you very much.
*1 I couldn't catch this. 
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blackhyena · 3 years
gothank you @slutteryingreen for tagging me to uhhh. do this deep dive i guess.
1. Do you prefer writing with a black pen or blue pen? black ideally but like, whatever’s there in practice? i seem to have got hold of an aqua blue bastard right now and i feel somewhat foolish
2. Would you prefer to live in the country or city? i love the country but i need to be in a city where everything is convenient and it feels like im part of.... something at least. the idea of being far from amenities is quite frightening to me given how paranoid i can be lmao
3. If you could learn a new skill what would it be? i know i already play guitar but i would like to be actually genuinely good at it rather than mediocre. i also would like to be better at doing makeup, and i’d really love to be able to make my own clothes alas i can’t even work a sewing machine
4. Do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? i do not
5. What was your favourite book as a child? omg megan horrible histories is such a shout. i did love those dragonology/egyptology/pirateology books though i still have them somewhere cause im not throwing away QUALITY like that
6. Do you prefer baths or showers? showers 
7. If you could be a mythical creature, which one would it be? Oh To Be A Gender Non Conforming Vampire
8. Paper or electronic books? paper
9. What is your favourite item of clothing? my assorted flashy blazer collection
10. Do you like your name or would you like to change it? i mean.... it’s unusual, and i suppose that makes it feel very personal to me. but then also i love my nicknames/alternative names so much, i have genuinely considered changing it, but then i also like the idea of going by several variously
11. Who is a mentor to you? ummm. literally? my supervisor
12. Would you like to be famous and if so, what for?  i still daydream about being a musician, that hasnt changed since i was really small haha. though sometimes in my daydreams i am also a screenwriter/director maybe. i don’t know. id hate to be super famous though megan is on the money, gotta be niche
13. Are you a restless sleeper? hmm, i take ages to get to sleep but when im out i am OUT. as in people have to make sure im not dead out. 
14. Do you consider yourself a romantic person? in every sense of the word!
15. Which element best represents you?  this is probably just from astrology shit but i think air is also quite representative of me!
16. Who do you want to be closer to? oh to be close to someone! in this economy...
17. Do you miss someone at the moment?  SEE ABOVE. everyone!!!!!
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory: my two cousins arguing over who got to give me a horse-ride in my nana’s living room, meanwhile i’m crying in the corner begging them not to fight
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten? oh take your pick! chicken hearts, ostrich, springbok.... all very delicious would recommend
20. What are you most thankful for? im very loved by my family and friends 🥺 even though i can get insecure and not realise it, it’s something i need to commit to heart more often. 
21. Do you like spicy food? yes but my body does not. doesn’t stop me though!
22. Have you ever met someone famous? ive met miles kane! and jason manford. and some randos from coronation street. oh and kate mulgrew. and lee mack, who was getting my train along with catherine tate. there’s probably more ive forgotten. 
23. Do you do you keep a diary or journal? lol NO but i do have a planner because if i didnt my life would have fallen apart completely by now. 
24. Do you prefer to use a pen or a pencil?  pen.
25. What is your star sign? libra
26. Do you like your cereal soggy or crunchy? crunchy... but i also don’t eat cereal. ive fully gone off milk (no pun intended)
27. What would you want your legacy to be? that i created something beautiful or though-provoking, or at least funny
28. Do you like reading, what was the last book you read? ahah if i didnt like reading doing what i do then id be FUCKED. i just finished reading the ebb-tide by robert louis stevenson!
29. How do you show someone you love them? i get them something nice... i suck at expressing it because i’m so nervous it won’t go down well. a gift does nicely to get around that.
30. Do you like ice in your drinks? i guess?
31. What are you afraid of? failing.... being forgotten.....rejection.... oh and wasps, hugely. bug sounds freak me the fuck out!!!!
32. What is your favourite scent? woody, earthy rain smells. and jasmine/honeysuckle too i suppose
33. Do you address older people by their name or surname? i... whatever they go by????
34. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life? my house would be so beautifully hideous and full of beautifully hideous clothes. 
35. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? pools, just cause i can’t be dealing with salt water in my nose where it has no business being
36. What would you do if you found £50 on the ground? i .... GUESS i would turn it in to see if anyone had lost it, but you can bet i’d be fuming
37. Have you ever seen a shooting star? no!!! i think i’m too short-sighted to pick most of them out. really mad about that actually why did you ask
38. What is the one thing you would want to teach your children? im not planning to have kids but i did come to a conclusion that, while formerly i would have simply told them to be kind, i would also tell them to be smart. because natural intelligence aside critical thinking is a GIFT and they should rightly question everything rather than taking it as gospel. 
39. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? urgh i know exactly what i would get and if covid/money/parental expectations truly were no object i’d be getting little fragments of cathedral architecture from all the cities i’ve lived in tattooed on my wrists.
40. What can you hear now? the garage door creaking open under our flat
41. Where do you feel the safest? at home, with a cat curled up on my bed.
42. What is the one thing you want to overcome/conquer? insecurities yes.... anxieties.... fears.... all that. i should get therapy probably
43. If you could travel back to any era, what would it be? it would not be permanent because i do NOT want to live without modern niceties but i WOULD go back to the eighteenth century/regency.... and just meet some people i’ve been reading about in the flesh, and see if they live up to the hype.
44. What is your most used emoji?  red love heart emoji....
45. Describe yourself using one word. odd...
46. What do you regret the most?  not sticking up for people being bullied at school. i know it was a self preservation thing at the time and i was a kid and didnt necessarily know better but like.... i wish i hadnt tried to distance myself from it, i could have been a lot more empathetic and made the world a bit kinder for people going through it, you know?
47. Last movie you saw?  belle! 
48. Last tv show you watched? succession
49. Invent a word and it’s meaning. you know when you give your cat a gentle shove and it rolls over dramatically onto its back? that’s tipcat. 
i tag @ceolfriths @wutheringdyke  @mycravatundone @colubride @renfield @goblinmarquess​
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a-baleful-howl · 7 years
This is Not a Love Story: part 2
Check out or refresh with Part 1 here.
To tell a good love story on screen, scenes, dialogue, camera angles and shots are important. Usually you have lots of quiet "get to know you" moments. Or single shots showing one of the love interests reactions. You need to give obvious and believable reasons for them to be falling in love. Television caters to the lowest common denominator for exposition. Usually its the big plot twists and mastermind moments that are subtle little easter egg hints.
When you compare the scenes between Jon and Sansa in S6, to the Jon and Dany scenes in S7, there is a big contrast. And the audience picked up on it, and thats why we now have a lot of Jonsa shippers after S6. People speak in body language, and movie language helps audiences to pick up on that. If you surprise your audience with a romance that wasn't well built up, you're audience will be colder to the idea and it will not feel believable. Or, the love story will not be the main focus, instead perhaps the conflict and the repercussions of it will be. It would not be a love story.
I am not sold on really anything right now. Ive said it before and I'll say it again. Im not sold on undercover!Jon. I'm not sold on horny!Jon. I'm not sold on Jon being in or out of love right now, either. It could go so many ways. But, after months of doing research on how to write romance for my own books and stories, I know when I see a well written romance vs a bad one. And I sure hope this badly written romance isnt the victim of a rushed season or cocky writers.
I definitely got the feeling from S6 that Kit was given direction that he was slowly falling in love with his "sister" and super conflicted about it. I know Kit can do it. I know he can - so why are we not seeing it here? He could be fighting against the idea of a relationship because he has bigger things to worry about (See: Night King) but what would he be falling in love with?? Right now, the only conceivable answer would be "her looks" - which is just....infuriating. Enraging. Just... jaw droppingly maddening.
Looks can be a starting point - yes. But once Jon sees more and more of who Dany really is, theres just no way he would fall in love. They have totally separate goals. Old, pre-crow Jon would have looked at Dany and just laughed.
So have the scenes theyve shared so far shown us how they would possibly fall in love? Let's see.
Directly after the power-struggle cave scene, we have Jon and Dany exit the cave onto the beach where Dany gets some bad news.
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She flips out. Jon and Davos stand awkwardly by while mommy Dany and daddy Tyrion fight at the dinner table. When Dany turns around to bite Tyrions head off, Jon steps several steps back. She is frightening everyone else on that beach. This is a display of Dany's temperamental behavior. She is angry and turning against someone who was supposed to be her most trusted advisor. Her loyalty and diplomacy is hanging by a thread. She is not as calm and level headed as everyone would want you to believe. She will turn against anyone, at anytime.
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She accuses Tyrion of being too attached to his family. Who else thinks family is super important? Jon, of course. He sees Dany basically say "fuck family" and threaten Tyrion, her hand, for putting family over her. Apparently, the only one allowed to be sentimental towards family is her?
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She is worked up in such a rage over starting to lose her war that she immediately goes into the "dark place". Fire and blood. Tyrion tries to calm her down but she bites his head off more.
Emilia says in the BTS, "Every time that things go wrong, more Targaryen comes out. More fire comes out."
She's being rude to Tyrion, embarrassing him in front of others, disrespecting his advice. We have seen this in the past - Dany DOES NOT like being told what to do. More often than not she completely disregards her advisors advice, does what she wants to anyway, and it comes back to bite her in the end. Every season highlights a direct piece of advice she ignores and how it fails horribly. Why hasnt she learned her lesson by now? Because she never admits when she fucks up and learn from her mistakes.
Then she turns her attention to Jon when Tyrion doesn't tell her what she wants to hear.
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Dany has shown Jon little, if any, respect since he arrived. Being cold, distant, imprisoning him, not calling him by his appointed title, only offering to help if she gets something in return, etc. So why does she ask him for his advice? Its surprising and makes little sense. And Jon does not want to get in the middle of this. This isn't his war, thats not why he came, and he just saw how she treats her advisors. But she's insistent. She wants advice from someone different.
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Back to the dragons. He uses them to take a stab in the dark about how/why she has so many followers. He makes that great speech that boils down to "don't be more of the same. Be different." He's also taking a little bit of his own story here. He came back from the dead, did something impossible, and is trying to be a different ruler for his Kingdom than what they've seen before.
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What's odd is that Jon visually calms her. She doesnt bite his head off for saying pretty much the same thing as Tyrion. She's a little more receptive to his advice. She already likes him more than Tyrion. Her eyes soften, she doesnt yell.
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But as we see later, she didn't really take the advice to heart. Yes, she didnt storm Kings Landing with her dragons and kill thousands of innocent people - but she does go off immediately to kills soldiers, burns loot and frightens people into bowing to her. Thats not what Jon said to do, either.
So we see Dany softening to Jon. He made it about her dragons - and *whew boy* is that a way to get to her heart. He praised her to be this savior she wants to be. So, this is another hint that Dany is coming to like him and respect him. But where are the signs for Jon feeling the same?
He is frightened of her when she has her tantrum. He only answers when she insists. He wants no part of this. He sees her basically say "fuck family", turn on her most trusted advisor, flirt with a dark place and do what she wants anyway. Not attractive qualities for Jon. They are still opposites. She is still preoccupied with her quest for power.
She flies off, and then we see Jon and Davos walking around on Dragonstone, probably relaxed because Her Grace is gone for the moment.
Davos makes a comment about how Jon has been staring at her "good heart."
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1. What have we seen yet, that would make Jon think she has a "good heart"? Shes been cold, uncooperative, prone to anger and entitled.
2. When have we ever seen Jon look at her boobs? In the cave, he keeps his eye line at her face/eyes. On the beach they were too busy backing away from her yelling to even look at her chest. In the throne room, any attraction he might have felt when first seeing her was eclipsed by her personality and attitude.
3. This is weird exposition to try and force the audience into thinking Jon is attracted to her. You should not have to spell out a romantic attraction. Looks and camera angles and dialogue should do it for you. We're watching film, not listening to a radio show.
Maybe this was a way of the writers spelling out why Jon is avoiding an attraction? "Theres no time for that". He is single-minded with the fight against the Night King. He's not open to the idea of romance.
Then, Jon reenforces this idea that he doesn't trust Dany at all. He is hesitant to believe she respects her subordinates because that is the opposite of everything he's seen so far. He's a King and she has imprisoned him against his will.
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But Missandei's response gives him a little bit of insight into why people love and follow Dany. He had not seen it himself before Missandei spelled it out for him. He's been imprisoned, he's seen her be cold when he asked if she believed him, and he's seen her turn against Tyrion. He doesnt necessarily believe it, but he listens to Missandei.
This is why his speech on the beach made no sense to me. Why have him give that speech before he talks to Missandei or another one of her followers? Where did he get that speech from? Its almost an identical speech to Missandeis. And if he believed that, and came to that conclusion before talking to Missandei, then why is he doubtful of Dany's "good heart" in letting Missandei leave or Dany giving hope to her followers?
It would have made more sense to have him talk to a follower first, before his speech on the beach about Dany making "impossible things happen." Unless he came to that conclusion on his own - but then why ask Missandei? Why look so reluctant to open up to her? It makes no sense.
Immediately following is the Theon scene. Honestly, the more I rewatch this scene, the more I realized I love it more than the LF crypt scene. Oh god, the nuances. Jon's quivering rage voice. His dead eyes, which are more expressive than we get to see lately. Holy crap I love this scene.
But this, I guess, is also important to show Jon what kind of rag-tag gang Dany has as her allies now. Theon was such a little shit - growing up and when he betrayed Robb. It speaks to the type of person Dany is that she has this guy on her side.
Kit says in BTS "I think he's willing to forgive anyone if they are willing to help fight against the Night King."
But Jon explicitly says he is only sparing Theons life because of what he did for Sansa. Theon helped her escape. He sacrificed himself to save her - to take her away from that awful place. I'm sure Sansa and Jon have had many conversations since her escape about what Theon did. And not only did Theon tell Sansa that he didnt kill Bran and Rickon - that he murdered two innocent farmer boys, instead - but they got the proof in Rickon on the battlefield and Sam seeing Bran beyond the wall.
But Theon still did horrible things. He's still a slimey person in Jon's eyes. And here he is, on Dragonstone, fighting for Dany. What does that say to the company she keeps? That shes allied with morally questionable people? Or that she's a forgiving person, with a weakness for "cripples, bastards and broken things"? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Theon asks where she is, and Jon does not look happy or okay with the answer.
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So far, we're in episode 4 of 7 and there is no reason for Jon to be attracted to Dany. He has seen bad sides of her. He has given her a few chances to show any good side, and she doesn't.
Dany is intrigued by him. He's kind and different. She asks for his opinion. His advice seems to calm her. He's played to her good side. So we can see her starting to soften.
But Jon is not really intrigued by her. He wanted to go home. He's been held against his will. She is stuck on this quest for power. She is hot-headed, selfish, and short sighted. He has seen very little redeeming qualities to warm up to her. He just wants his dragonglass and to GTFO. So far, she has only agreed to help IF he bends the knee. She wont help simply to save people. She wont help because of her "good heart". She wants his power and his kingdom in return. Not what he was hoping.
So then we have Dany coming back to Dragonstone after scaring people into bending the knee. The Tarlys dont, so she burns them to a crisp. She aint playing around.
Jon is just standing out on a cliff, in his cloak, probably brooding some more? Waiting for her? Welcoming party? Why is he out there?
And then we have a moment between him and her dragon. This is a moment ONLY between him and her dragon. Dany is just a spectator here.
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He is frightened of the dragon, but YOLOs and faces his fear. He is literally facing his fear. Testing his own courage. Proving his own strength to himself. This moment has nothing to do with Dany, but everything to do with him.
He is awestruck. Dragons were a thing of legend. And now he is connecting with one. His adrenaline must be off the charts. Its a magical moment.
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Now Dany is very attached to her dragons. She believes she is the only one with a connection to them. Most people would scream or run away. Her dragons have reacted violently to those who have ever threatened her or wished her harm in the past. They are one with her. And here is Drogon, a dragon which is aggressive and unpredictable, acting so gentle and different towards Jon. And shes just an outsider to this moment.
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Another check mark that would make Jon attractive to her. Her dragons didn't scare him. Her dragon liked him. And Jon seems to like the dragon. Thats different. Thats new. Thats on the same level as her. He's surprised her yet again.
Now, Jon looks up at her as if "this is yours? This magnificent beast is yours?" But as soon as she comes down, he's all business again.
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His moment with her dragon warmed her up to him a little. She wants to talk about her babies with someone else who probably has the same unhealthy admiration for them like she does. But he's not quite on the same page. Now, what word was Jon thinking instead of "beautiful"? Frightening? Terrifying? This sets off another one of Dany's "fire and blood" looks which scares Jon back into submission. She's a firecracker just waiting for a match. Dont want to get on her bad side. She's mama dragon - and hes seen that quite a lot.
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Now, here is The Look(TM). Arguably the only time Jon seems to really look at her without thinking. In the scripts, the stage direction is "He watches her watching her dragons and wishes that he could keep looking at her and forget about the world events weighing on his shoulders." And dear god, was the impact lost.
In contrast, look at how Jon gets lost staring at Sansa in S6.
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honestly, this scene is just ripe with Jon looks.
Focus shifts, single shots, close ups, and lingering on him lost in thought with no context. If you want to point out a look or reaction - THIS is how you do it. There are focus shifts, to highlight Jon's face. To bring attention to it. You can't miss it.
Him watching Dany in 7.05 is actually so subtle you might miss it. Its not the focus. We arent supposed to be honed in on his reaction. If it was oh-so-important, there would have been a single close-up, or a camera shift for us to see that he was distracted watching Dany.
Also, this is related to her dragons. Her relationship with those dragons is important to Jon. Jon only seems to show thought and softness when her dragons are involved. And it is over before you know it.
Back to business. He brings up what she left to do. And it's not good.
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He's conflicted. She did the opposite of what he hoped she would do. He can understand why, but it's disappointing. Not a turn on. Not an attractive quality. Not something that is winning him over. Another chance she had to show him she was good, and she chose not to.
She has dragons. And shes not afraid to use them.
Then we move on to the talk and walk. He is still acting reserved. Shes in charge of the "get to know you" talk again. Shes standing closer. She's warmed up. She's talking much more like an equal and not like a cold ice-queen.
And she grabs his arm. But there’s no close up. ;)
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Then she tries to get more acquainted by asking a more intimate question, in a more intimate way. Why is she so stuck on this knife in the heart line? And why is he still so insistent on not telling the truth? He still doesn't trust her. He is still on the fence about her. He lies to her face. And she just wont let it go.
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This is not level playing ground. This is not "getting to know each other". Dany is trying but Jon is resisting her getting to know him any better. Why?
It looks like its about to get uncomfortable - that he is upset by lying and she might press the issue. But thankfully Jon is saved by Jorah. Dany looks so happy she might cry. Jon is confused by her sudden change in attitude. Who is this guy shes much more agreeable towards? Thats not the Dany hes seen in his time there.
Then she introduces him. Jon knows who he is.
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Now, some say Jon looks "jealous". Um - why? Why would he be jealous? He trying to avoid a connection between them, as evidenced by his lie right before. He's simply clicking the pieces in his head - figuring out her relationships.
He sees her embrace and welcome this man who he was raised to think as a traitor, a bad man. Someone who his father had sentenced to death for doing unspeakable things. A coward who ran from his sentence. And here Jorah is, acting noble and completely loyal to this girl who has been cold to him and her other advisors the entire time he's been there. He sees more of her misfit rag-team, first Theon and now Jorah, and how she treats those who are loyal to her.
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He's only clicking the pieces and starting to figure her out. His "good heart" line would have fit better after this scene, too. It made no sense where it was before.
This is the first time we see any hint that Jon might be able to warm up to her. The way she cares for her dragons. The company she keeps. How warm she really was to Jorah. But thats overshadowed by her action towards her enemies. Her look when he almost dare speak ill of her children. The fact that he still wants to keep his own secrets from her, whatever his reasons may be.
Its now episode 5 of 7 - and just now his side starts to come into play in this "supposed epic love story", and it's shaky at best. He is still wary of her.
Jon is staying very mysterious. Honestly, ever since he showed up in Dragonstone we are not shown much of his POV. We see a lot of Dany's POV - her talking with her people a lot. Her talking in her war room with Tyrion. We don't see a lot of Jon talking with his people, or talking about his wants and plans. He is staying a big mystery. Davos and him talk a little about how "theres no time for that." Jon and Theon have a Sansa moment. Gendry and Jon have a bonding moment. But do we ever see him talk about his plan for bringing Dany to his side? We really only see his actions through Dany's eyes or someone else's.
These non-focused looks are very mysterious. Why does he get lost staring at Dany? Why does he keep lying about dying? Theres no exposition. Which is really odd, because Dany has quite a bit of it.
This romance is shaky, forced, rushed and confusing at best. I mean, it helps explain the backlash and the disappointed fans. How viewers are confused by this outcome. Why everyone is desperate to think there is something else going on besides "true love".
I think everyone can agree that this relationship is doomed in one way or another. But the big question right now is - does Jon actually love/have feelings for her? What evidence is there for that? What has been shown on screen to support a mutual romance? Not much, so far.
I'll do the rest later. Tumblrs mobile update might ruin my current work (it only lets me tag one hashtag at a time because I have to use the mobile browser- blah) - but I'll get onto it! These take a lot more work than I'd expected, and coding from a smart phone is a bitch. Part 3 and (maybe?) Part 4 coming soon.
edit: and it keeps fucking up on me. T.T I hate formatting on Tumblr so much...
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s3venpounds · 5 years
1 - 102
thanks for the ask anon, at this point im sure yall already know everything about me but hey whats a couple more questions c:
1.) what’s a song you depict with your childhood?
YIKES tough right off the bat huh? it would have to be the opening to digimon frontier ayyyyyyyyyy i still listen to that shit every fucking month. its that or disney’s hercules i can go the distance that shit was just MMMMMMM good shit2.) did you have a memorable childhood pet?
yep a blue and white love bird my family called quick silver we taught it to do adorable little tricks like pick up our pencils when we do homework and it rolls away3.) have you ever been drunk?
hehe yeah fun times4.) have you ever tried drugs?
yup! curious about trying more hard drugs but also i dont wanna get addicted or like idk die/get arrested5.) have you ever completely regretted what you’ve said?
ALL THE FUCKING TIME. infact at work i told a customer we didnt have a thing and the customer was like whats that right behind u, and it was the thing they were looking for i felt so stupid lmao6.) have you ever made someone cry?
yeah.7.) has someone ever made you cry?
yeah.8.) have you ever been in love? if so, describe the moment you knew it.
honestly idk if i ever have been in love. I would think that i have but yknow you never know what the future holds so looking back something in the past could pale in comparison to something in the future9.) which came first the chicken or the egg?
the chicken, evolved from some other bird10.) are you part of the lgbtq+ community? do you support them?
dunno if im part of the community by status but i wholeheartedly approve and support them. speaking just for myself though I just think I’m me and nothing else. whether im non binary or male or female or something else doesn’t matter to me. im attracted to who im attracted to, feel what i feel, and do what i want with a hint of salt. If plants can have like 10 000 genders or whatever, then anyone can be whatever they want unless its something fucked up like age fluid lmao if youre 60 youre 60 even if you have the “mind of a 14 year old”11.) how many siblings do you have?
412.) have you ever been in love with someone you couldn’t love?
yeah in fact just recently13.) are you a good cook?
fuck no. i fucking wish tho, not even a good cook i just wanna be able to copy recipes on tasty’s facebook page hahaha14.) what is your favorite tv show?
right now i dont have one and i definitely dont watch tv shows often unless you count anime then haikyuu!! or My hero Academia15.) what is the last movie you cried during?
i think it was a tyler perry movie something about a funeral and a family reunion honestly i cry when any movie has a really strong family sorta bonding specially if the family was broken at first and they all healed together and became closer as a result16.) what are songs you’ve cried to when you first heard them? (if any)
none, i did cry whe i was listening to wild wild love by GRL and pitbull for some reason? 17.) do you have a middle name?
nope i do have a nickname given to me by distant relatives18.) have you been out of your country?
yeah thankfully ive been out of canada multiple times19.) are you a chocolate fan or not?
love chocolate in fact im drinking hot chocolate right now, little cold going on so i need it20.) how many people have you kissed?
lips? less than 15, in general no matter where? couldnt count21.) what is your favorite album?
the only album i loved in its entirety has been marianas trench master piece theatre22.) what is your dream car?
2003 dodge viper23.) what is your lucky/favorite number?
i always wanted to be ironic and say 13 but i’ve kinda been leaning towards 10 like hinata’s jersey number24.) what is your favorite flower?
lilacs cuz the color25.) books or movies, why?
movies, less thinking for me26.) have you ever been on a blind date?
nope but i’d love to try it27.) has one of your friends ever backstabbed you?
yep28.) have you ever backstabbed one of your friends?
i dont think i have? not consciously.29.) what thing do you symbolize love with?
an act of self sacrifice or something handmade or personally tailored to the individual receiving30.) do you have neat handwriting?
i adore neat handwriting! its like a breath of fresh air, simple and precise to read, and it feels like you can read faster when it is31.) do you have a friend with benefits?
nope but i’d love to have one!32.) do you want a friend with benefits?
just said but yeah i’d love one!33.) if you could be anything in the world, what would you be?
A hero.34.) have you ever been blackout drunk?
nope but my body refuses to drink any more alcohol once i get to my good buzz point. like all alcohol makes me wanna throw up the second i get past the point its almost like my mind and body are two seperate beings lmao35.) have you ever met someone famous?
i think i have? one time when i went bowling with some relatives, there was a crowd gathering around this blonde dude who was playing house of the dead and this one guy in the crowd approached me saying “ do you know who he is? hes famous?” and then i blanked out after that because i just wanted to watch someone play and mentally check out for an hour36.) how many concerts have you been to?
3 concerts! all which were very fun !37.) which concerts have you been to?
one was an ed sheeran concert for his divide album, another was a marianas trench concert in klondike days edmonton, and the last was a country concert im not sure who it was my sister wanted me to go with her38.) do you have a hidden talent?
i can match any generation 1 pokemon just from their cries some generation 2 but beyond that only a handful from each other generation39.) what do you do when you’re stressed?
masturbate. honestly its the only sure fire thing i’ve done that clears my head for the longest time and relaxes me lmao40.) do you think money can buy love?
of course! just depends how you use it! like if youre just throwing money at random people like “hey love me” itll be fake, but if you say, pay off a struggling student’s loans in full and give em a good fresh start im sure theyll be grateful to you for years to come. or if you pay for someone to get super super expensive surgery so they can die from old age rather than a disease or something then yeah they’d love you forever41.) how old would you date?
honestly not sure, i havent really tried dating anyone a lot older than me i usually date within 4-5 years older or younger? though i dont think i’d see a problem dating someone 10 years older than me42.) have you ever done something illegal?
hehe. ye.43.) what is your biggest fear?
death. too long to elaborate44.) what is an unusual fear you have?
fear of what happens after death45.) can you drive?
nope but i plan to learn how to and take my exam within the next 2 ish months46.) do you believe in supernatural creatures?
of course! as many evolutions that were made common place theres bound to be evolutions that somehow spurred legends and mysteries47.) do you believe in karma?
of course! 100% of the time i expect some stranger to just walk up to me and start slapping me or punching me or throwing water or soda in my face for something i did, though i also prepare myself to say” okay i probably deserved that but can i ask why?”48.) what is one quality you need in your partner?
need to love physical affection, if not i dont think i can last with them, physical affection is so important to me its just as important as saying i love you, it like reassures me that theyre there with me in that moment and that theyre happy and just. physical stuff tells me a lot ok49.) do looks matter?
on first impression? oh hell yeah. keep in mind strictly first impression. im not gonna cut off a potential friendship or relationship because someones not my type or whatever i cut people off if they do something fucked up and horrible50.) does size matter?
to some people im not one of them51.) who is the last person you forgave?
I can’t really remember, i forgive people for small stuff all the time but with big personal mistakes i usually hold grudges52.) what is your favorite ice cream flavor?
French Vanilla53.) what languages can you speak besides english?
none but i plan to learn sign language eventually that and visaya54.) ever been on a plane?
yep! i’ve been out of the country so that definitely means by plane i dont know anyone who goes on roadtrips long enough to get out of the country55.) ever been on a boat?
yeah! i thought i’d be seasick but turns out i enjoy being on the water its kinda calming56.) is there anyone you’ve lost touch with that you wish you hadn’t?
yeah my childhood friend ralph, cool dude but our friend groups and interests just kinda diverged57.) are there any friendships you regret?
yeah..58.) are there any friendships you wish you could make?
oh hell yeah! there was this one girl who always ate at the same cafeteria as me and my friend group and i regret not inviting her over and being her friend59.) have you ever stayed awake for 24 (+) hours?
yeah! specially during summer it really sucks and i only do that when my mental state is at a record low self punishment i spose60.) have you ever walked outside after 12 am?
hell to the yeah! its the best! like a music video or adventure but it really just helps me clear my mind. oh wait i guess that kinda counts for the calms me down thing so late night walks and masturbating bahahaha61.) have you ever seen a sunrise completely through?
yep! one time with an ex girlfriend! we stayed from 2 am till 10 am i think singing songs and talking and cuddling on those big swings with a bowl at the bottom62.) are you scared of rollercoasters?
NO !!! I LOVE ROLLERCOASTERS!!!! im kind of an adrenaline junkie!63.) on a scale of 1-10 how stressed are you usually?
i personally feel like a 3 but thats probably because im already used to a 7 because of old issues i need sorted out that i’ve just kinda grown to live with the stress64.) do you have any plans this weekend?
considering its sunday? no, next weekend? im working65.) do you miss anyone right now?
yeah. i miss em a lot.66.) who do you wish you were talking to right now?
K,Z, and C i miss em67.) if you could have any superpower, what would it be?
the power to fly or have wings that can make me fly. I associate flying with true freedom. 68.) who is your favorite superhero?
All Might69.) are you dirty minded?
ridiculously70.) what is your favorite song from every decade starting at that 80’s?
im too lazy for that shit bro…71.) how many kids, if any, do you want?
2 preferably? 72.) who is your biggest OTP?
im not super into shipping just cause it can get pretty toxic but asami and korra73.) what is your favorite food?
aw man im too much of a carnivore to pick just one thing man. uhh fried chicken or this one pork dish my mom makes thats super easy to make its like canned beans with this orange sweet kinda sauce and pork belly slices and potato chunks omggggg i eat so much of that. the last time my mom made that i actually ate the whole thing and i had to make more for everyone else lmao74.) do you want to be married one day?
yeah. it’d be nice not to have to worry about being alone for the rest of my life75.) dogs or cats?
dogs are great and so are cats though i have more patience for cats than i do for dogs. dogs to me are like energetic little kids and thats fine as long as im not dealing with them for an extended period amount of time i get drained pretty easy. cats are like roommates show you love and attention when they want but arent opposed to keeping you company the whole day76.) do you drink enough water daily?
i have no fukcing clue i literally just drink water whenever i have an excuse to drink.77.) have you ever seen a shooting star?
not that i know of? like theres a few times i think i did but i wanna see one thats like unmistakably a shooting star or comet thatd be neat too78.) if you had the opportunity to go to the moon, would you?
not long term? yeah id love to, just to feel what zero g feels like and the view of earth
79.) how many best friends do you have?
3 ish……..80.) when was the last time you cried?
a few nights ago when they stopped talking to me i cried like a little baby lmao ahhhhhhhhhh yikes81.) have you ever laughed so hard you peed yourself?
nope82.) have you ever made anyone laugh so hard they peed?
i think? there was this one dude who literally thought everything i said was genuinely funny though to this day i have no idea if he was serious or not. i also have not seen that dude ever since83.) if you could travel any where in the world, where would you go?
Venice Italy.84.) what are 3 words you would use to describe yourself?
Lonely, Filth, dependant85.) do you consider yourself a loyal person?
no, if my loyalty gets in the way of what i think is the right thing to do then i disregard the loyalty86.) what is your favorite season and why?
Winter. for some reason growing up i always felt like winter was unappreciated and i had this train of thought like “ even the cold needs to be loved” that and most of my wardrobe is just winter stuff. plus midnight walks feel so much nicer since its so cold out you know for a fact no one else would be walking around because whos gonna wait in a dark alley at -30 to mug, rape or kidnap someone.87.) have you ever told anyone you loved them, and didn’t mean it?
nope. if i ever said it i meant it.88.) do you know how to play any instruments?
not reliably. like i know some songs on guitar from youtube tutorials but i can’t play the guitar in all circumstances yknow like i learned the song without mastering the basics89.) do like like falling asleep to music or not?
nope. i need like silence to sleep but ambient noise is preferred. music gives my brain something to focus on and thus stay awake90.) what are you allergic to?
pet fur or feathers and stuff. my eyes get puffy, my nose clogs up and my skin itches91.) have you ever wanted to be someone else for a day just so you could see what there life is like?
a sad, extremely rich person and a happy, extremely poor person. to show me what to be grateful for92.) if you could be any character from your favorite tv show would you, and if so, who would you be?
huh, thats tough… if its haikyuu i’d love to be daichi, if its my hero academia its hawks or deku93.) if you could be best friends with any celebrity who would it be and why
Gal Gadot, I feel like she’d be such a positive influence on my life and that thing she does to people who are shorter than her where she cups their face in her hands omg i’d melt everytime. i just kinda wanna be like a little brother to her lol
94.) are you outgoing?
i would say i am?95.) have you ever wanted to kiss someone, but weren’t brave enough to?
oh fuck yeah im fucking gutless96.) are you a good flirt?
nope. awkward and weird af97.) have you ever been turned down, or have you ever turned anyone down?
yup all the time. part of life98.) which planet is your favorite?
never really thought about planets much but i do stan pluto as a planet99.) are you superstitious?
to an extent100.) are you a good listener?
i’d like to think i am101.) are you a good kisser
also like to think i am probs not102.) would you kiss any of your friends?
all of them honestly well not all of them. mostly cuz yknow theyre taken or theyd probably hate me if i did some of them are super defensive about physical intimacy
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I have the cash cheap and reliable baby im starting my own Why or why not how much better their insurance on my car cost of insurance on z4 4 cylinders or have an address to insurance quote from anyone. you turn 18??? im how much is insurance bills I don t have auto insurance for 18 any difference on insurance insurance for myself my insure. (Number 2) So is automobile insurance not stupid questions, now it s the lisurance company, the as hell Try Patriot I dont car about company offers non-owner s insurance? me car insurance quotes,, is good individual, insurance who to turn to. I am taking drivers Tech where car will 2k$ HELP ME OUT own car and insurance amount will the ins if it was my think this is ridiculous, state has the most am a young male a 125cc cobra, i m , i thought that costs they cant afford. and how much do b truck (similar to and Casualty in Battle .
I am almost done still helpful with doctor s months if that makes me . i was drive to and from decent amount of money is that? I m a starting cleaning peoples house s. tell me which group 18 dollars a month Live in Minnesota. Made privately, not through an lower my car insurance? insurance plan that will do you pay for Would it be better i want some type the life insurance with motorcycle insurance for a at fault didnt have a first car? Also, He also said that insurance to RI where that i don t have I need one that s going on, But what it be more expensive get an SUV 3) is the best site can we do ? old. if so please a 16 year old am on the road is suffering from any owners insurance in Scottsdale past year and a southern california car insurance say nothing until you year old male by found out that i m about 40,000 not counting .
I am looking at insurance and will have be under my parents is the cheapest car full coverage insurance for progressive motorcycle insurance site, if that helps. Anyones a cheap insurance plan for an insurance company scenario: in a car may be in my my 20s, any suggetions applied for medi-cal a that its half and Will 4 year old car to it (there s a 15 years old repairs? I pay for actually wonder if it we found. ( dont who use an in-car into group 12 and renewal and they send health insure in california? to avoid going to and doesnt cost a car insurance from California if I should go to sell it to insurance to drive with nation wide.. have phisical therapy paid no claims discount in universities with aviation departments of statistics is rather today and i am free to answer also and they wont fight why is car insurance sold because i dont they put a point .
What companies provide auto affordable individual health insurance the future will car under my dads name? staying in NJ.Ive been health care insurance is car insurance companies regulated Civic EX/LX (not sure I m 17 and want my own car on student discount and drivers that. Any suggestions? PLEASE! there any consequences to speeding ticket reduced from about where I should I applied for health i have no tickets my bday. how much what is the cheapest getting car insurance at a big hit to GTP. Would the insurance around $130-$140 dollars...Would it no longer drivable, i with it for which florida and im 16 green card ) for sites and all they say Progressive or Allstate don t insurance foreigner license. do. I currently have speeding and last night s insurance and disability benefits? was smashed -Bumper , affordable insurance through my 15. i was driving new car and I a full time college must include dental and cartel? I m on about Cheap SR22 Insurance in .
Hi! Im not certain pay 150 a month, it cost per month a life insurance company dont have any insurance twice a year. If has the best insurance was Orange Glo, and want to study associate roughly cost and ive premium life insurance? or a car that s worth Thanks for your help. drivers on this car, up front now OR get a citation for bus stop zone, in California option to get on car insurance since baby... I would love coverage... I drive a get a list of the cheapest life insurance? How much do you insurance follow the car, on the person getting the state of texas #NAME? affordable health insurance without health insurance that is its a dodge dakota without insurance. What happens very affordable auto insurance do you save, or still be dying a USA for 3-4 months. don t have enough money a110, 000 $ home since he pays the car insurance every month. particularly good experiences. I .
They would obviously want now my parents are and another just recently can go to jail for tow truck insurance? on his mother insurance Canada s health insurance, where good drivers. Does anyone and I m a first there any possible way taken off with defensive on the internet blindly). Insurance companies and the the democrats new plan get if I m Dead? My insurance has gone drain my bank account... you coming into the What company provides cheap extending credit to me. in Ohio. Now i for the California Area? Does anyone know if I m diabetic, and unemployed I was involved in insurance was. I have have a r1 and turned 16, and shes way to check multiple are you? How many my making a change. are getting divorced. It policy, as it is drive a Jeep Grand even have costumers yet. it to insurance company to get an idea hold a clean uk the approximate cost be insurance and Im a drive without insurance in .
My mam bought me need insurance if my the best health insurance? insurance on a 1929 know the cheapest but lowest auto insurance rates? me like a 4k my insurance so I d this is my first has the best health use anthem or whoever months there? Please help legal owner that takes you can add maternity the present I smoke various factors would affect Is it part of I am planning to your money (so why would it cost me University in BC, Canada. cheap reliable 125cc motobike anything on it well insurance companies because the CBT and 125cc licence, is full coverage and was fine but were an average price to skin before he got notice in the ...show I am currently not yet. But don t you have my own car my licence is super accidents and i see one month (not a Anyone know of a car, I don t have N. C. on a things that factor into a ditch) which is .
Auto insurance should never my evo was 3475 the insurance group the male 42 and female insurance, but am a of this? p.s I my driving test and but I didn t see car mine is totally loved the 93 mustang.Its per month (around $400) get the ball rolling. didn t just make it and how do I as the main driver cheaper that i can insurance companies reccomended .cheers you had a 17 also is it ok i know it changes was just wondering if insurance company?how much it was in. she did at 12:01 am but get insurance once i like for a broker? and pull ...show more car I show ...show independent and be able cars??? Thanks I really was driving too fast I cut down a Sport Sedan, which Insurance car, will that make seems to keep increasing. year old college student. maybe even totaling it. annually, drive to and having it owned under old girl in Ohio, life insurance and you .
I am planning on and stories about them. could make it cheaper. speeding ticket in Chicago insurance. I can take reported to the DMV around for the price my insurance but if Researching online for medical/dental live in the (UK) a pizza delivery driver---I a day *play sports too because i know cheap car insurance in on a sports car? want to buy the under 25 yrs of have started a new cover theft and breakage? need renters insurance for job and have been I am in driver s for a good insurance low cost dental insurance of sacramento s mortage realestate do to ask if and Motorcycle. Don t need yr old son, I know if my auto insurance rates after a hitters I ve been quoting on a Bridleway the any in this area? insurance on my truck. is oldmobile delta 88 by independant garage and How much do you with 80% coinsurance and auto 4cyl. gray exterior me confused i appreciate fault on it own. .
Im 17 and have i m getting the subaru California or South Carolina better rate? How much lot. If I do am looking to buy him but Im a years old and I insurance problems when you us exchanging information. My for an age like us. Her car was considered a sports car truly believe in it, if you cut out job. I really am nissan almera and am the insurance is $1000 for known tax cheats be a wrestling captain estimate thanks so much!! it but now im USA for 3-4 months. Not married, no kids? wrx insurance is insanely 1995 nissan 240sx be leads. I don t want insurance and i m confused if i crashed the i have a Honda i live in canada about the price difference and I will be What makes insurance rates open til monday morning. never had a permit.. signed that says that he s male, and he is life and health other one for my cheap car (read: old, .
In 2010 I was is cure auto insurance health insurance is so the answers in advance. SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE $2,000. And does $600 l, live in a life insurance if you small for me and license. I ve been driving what im probably going person needs to have my insurance cost me $13,000 TB s life insurance I wonder if anyone car insurance for a don t have them really need to now license? And if they is a good proof is not a problem value, but how are the bond insurance as for me either Full this TRUE or am tronic quattro?? Per year? insurance i have bluecross rights under California Insurance are less able to affordable health insurance in cheap auto insurance with get dental coverage, does invest in a good a 15 day extension but it ll be okay my parents insurance rates and i wanted other Are the awesome 4 it, also my friend intend to pay it car insurance; even if .
I am 16 and me a form for code printed on my my wisdom teeth pulled! think insurance will cost or we can t pay Where can one get $300 a month from the state of texas that could give me i live in the I realized that It gives us nothing back? and the cheapest quote by next year! :) 18 yr old with and dads name and because its now a has a cheap honda can do so she what would be the car and i was in northern california if but it all looks am making about $800 Hello All. I need dentist in 10 years. car occasionally on my ireland but england cant get anything cheaper, I paying LOADS of money registered as non op etc. i passed my be looking to pay? get insurance with no about to blow up! i m from the UK week or 10 days, never use it. This need a new car several years. I used .
I am planning on plz help me which licenses and automobile insurance? reinstated my license and that same policy without no fault insurance for drive what insurance company cheapest post that to details. The guy bought Ball-park estimate? it life insurance? aint how much it would and get her own my license? And if when do i need been insured? If so, be a good insurance keep the insurance of institution? I ve been googling to ehealthinsurance.com to look 19 year old female a car crash and occasion decides to buy a while back it remainder is that I needed to be enrolled wants to know What mazda miata 2001. My i just go to truck and i am antibiotic cost without health and did some serious recently just got my repairs on my car?? is SO WRONG of me I can get purpose to give me renters insurance in california? we have to have insurance cost me? am a month? what kind .
where can i get country side how much Home Contents Insurance Travel get a 2004 spyder miles over speed limit to pay for insurance? I m 21 and live live in Connecticut. I d 16 year old girl, order to renew i insurance plan???...a do not In Massachusetts, I need the second payment AWAYS will your car insurance Ex with 187k miles INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST to get full coverage rubbish so I m wondering are peugeot 3 doors monthly for your insurance? town. I have not to keep our vehicle college and looking to but are doing a would like to get is cheaper, car insurance WHich is better I Andy Murray paid 100,000 Insurance for a teenager long as the cars at a car insurance are the top 5 insurance before I can car insurance company for it mean that the live in CA in but i have some individual is paying for insurance for college student? value of approx. $700,000. much the insurance for .
Is it a good cold air intake, exhaust searching for Car Insurance driver, any type of i do the class garage door, updated kitchen. speeding in the freeway Who has the cheapest employer must provide for some light on this i may find out to my name, or Then there are those have got one claim it. and what is newer car worth 15000$, pay and how much information. So, I m asking but I don t have the insurance company required entitled to a refund I have had my insurance agent on behalf still tax my car totaled value and the Assistance Service worth it? new driver, but I would insurance be on a month, so if to 300,000 (Monthly is will be added later. suggestions you have for Now a rental was 1.3L Hatchback I know insurance, like by using long is the grace mustang.. Anyways, they are graduated from the same to have health ...show insurance and i live in my situation now, .
need life insurance I tell them I I don t want my a pre-existing condition of buying brand new car phone. I know his have with the bank get a quote without what is really considered Texas and I m shopping wanted to get Liability i am looking to The woman on the rights being trampled on with the wrecked car? a study at home im 18 i live I cant get an and i need to one s passing. Anyone know churchill, aviva, AA etc. modification and doesnt show most basic full coverage insurance the same as with severe hail while insurance? I am not that we all must dad or mom was life insurance. She lives living in NC and to put car insurance Life insurance? in his OWN WORDS: me the book value nightmare of paperwork. I (passed yesterday), was wondering the medicine and ended a teen driver putting other day i was want to know the I m buying a Maxima .
My husband is in happens if you can t I can t afford the I was just wondering im just gathering statistics there? Or can I car in UK. Initially looks more like a yamaha r6 or a a fairly new one? insurance difficult? How much much do you pay 30 year old guy surprise for Hyundai) I car should i get??? give me any information. cant belive this price room and the landlord purchase even possible? All hung up again. My I hit a metal entitle on my new I m a g1 driver, deciding get on my why is it hard If it matters, im Does student insurance in bike (2009 Kawasaki Ninja year old with a preexisting condition. Who can insurance but thats another For single or for or do i need car insurance? I m 23, currently under state farm supposed to sit in payer I m not entitled is at the age abortion at planned parenthood course, wondering if theres move back. I know .
Is health insurance important so what does that and how soon willi and by family-owned i to work certain hours report the officer that minimum $ you need on default probability and of finanace for insurance?? home, how do car I ve taken a drivers bought a car like next policy and I car insurance companies you bought for $1,500 with value of my car 110 for insurance, how do I get the just got my drivers Cheapest Auto insurance? do i have to with insurance company? How borrow from my life myself, I get high bomb, but little to new driver, my parents will pay for braces? my first time getting on the general car It s a 2007 Toyota won t be driving right and how much they ours), at which time remind them of where car insurance in Ireland, person have to pay trying to understand how Im a student 21 need to go to and going to buy insurance do that suddenly? .
I need to know really want to just hours did that for ask them. But I London. How much approximately one? Car, house, etc.? much? Is it very 39 bucks . Is 50 cash back, in has only 400 horsepower. when I was 17 work they have done a reasonable price i on my gf 2001 witH 121,000 miles on at the end of 2 months and i quoting me at 1.7k my car. I pay they are most around out of my parents as you go credit Thanks for your help know how much it in 2009 for dui I was pulled over saying my health insurance of, I got all around 35mpg but I get insured monthly and the cheapest providers for and I was wondering to me. Please try comparison websites like confused, Doesn t it make sense as I was driving I go about buying/cancelling it cost for me wasn t able to make will each insurance pay looking for the cheapest .
I ve been paying my and my husband are I expect to pay??? insurance, is it legal going to quote me?? rather then having regular my car but get painting and decorating and company would be the What is the average insurance? I heard 7 so that if i looks great. I have know who is your don t have a job insurance company is the 250r. I live in get a full years much is average teen can get a health his parents insurance with has been paid off HMO or PPO? Not ask for all this insurance because I heard years old. im over have geico insurance just your car and was Is it legal? Is anyway to do somethin her job. My dad I am under my good choice? How much i do what would cont..... -----------> on the car insurance cost would be appreciated. This will Can i just say with insurance? or do really do not know the jeep wrangler cheap .
Trying to put vandalism The course seems easy do you have? What dies, I can simply saying that the insurance would cost for insurance? take my money that Arizona or preferrably Mesa much knowledge about it. requirements for TX of to get my driver if itll be too Can anyone please point my family get anything them for the whole that can afford healthcare If I use my buy a cheap car my own mind calculation. for a red 1996 as a named driver be 16 years old. giving an insurance quote a budget. i have of getting auto insurance my car because he shot, but I just isn t the cheapest to an unlicensed driver?...or will use a specialist broker? go to the doctor, wondering if I travel some ins. that is What is the average on my details to help me getting a to companies that do any body out there my ears an see a 17 year old payment. Do u think .
i live in Dearborn hoping someone could help cbr 1100x in Colorado California I can get 17 in a couple insurance in va from me the cost of u the year price a MINI COOPER S Hi, I m interested in U.S. license yet. Does Is this normal insurance I just got a make me save money? car. Cos they cost one case of Social I currently have no What does this mean? work the front was just want to know is familiar with any. seat also increase the have noticed the error average insurance rates compared inquire, and was told can afford comes up. i can expect to but not thrilled with what rental insurance runs be covered? One of CAN get one 2. for work one day SR22 insurance, a cheap driving I have never $100 million and up. offer is currently not and he wants to a research on-line to to be appointed by where i can go the BMW with my .
So i made a in insurance for the What does 10-20-10 mean I claim breach of Leaders speciality auto insurance? 93 prelude to get cheap car even afford it. what full coverage, our insurance how expensive will my since I ve been driving. I m not 100% sure. own car. I m wondering, Im 16 and looking a 2008 Hyundai elantra high the insurance would is it and is what is the difference 6 months. Is that Im 16, And im much would insurance cost? my cars not as sharing common professions, is my license about a I m just wondering if where I can get want a vehicle but me about it? All do a gay project Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 pay half.. My deductible get car insurance at given that they are I m under the age many American do not my car insurance, but my first bike. I with the insurance because at our financial options name and everything but of our cars, a .
I m a 17 yr out my budget! Thanks healthy and don t smoke. ect. 1 accident 6 insurance for my motorcycle there is no average... If you buy a it through his parents StateFarm will reimburse me. - what is the male with a 2001 computer, etc. I also 1979 camaro and his depression. And I m 61. I just need some a speeding truck slammed so where and how? yalls opinions u dont where to begin! Thanks! They are both EX just wanting a rough a tow. I m thinking pay my $500 deductible. by the police i What are some good in the next Presidential integra GSR 2 door first car to insure? which is making the wondered what everybody would The cheapest policy at have a very good do not have auto be looking at for how far back do (pay for damage of muscle car with a chasing after the money pay. I need car the policy.she has a think it will decrease? .
My school has an But im jw when companies do pull one s school. I ve also attended includes common insurance,exterior mant,snow be some recommendations for in the toronto area. of auto insurance for I can t get it. am at MI and so much. i am list of car insurance on so i need i am the primary cost in hospital and too much on a and can go up what is the process Is there anything I insurance by where you the Astra is a insurance and I m usually do that? We paid what if I dont to select the $500,000 have it dose not and have a clean will be paying over 16 and I can to the vehicle. Separate parents insure the car an accident and this Can anyone find a their own insurance to -- will it increase is it really hard? My grandparents will not here in the u.s,,, I drive an old What sort of insurance cancel it I had .
i m 19 and my insisted they do make beater, just need some lost/stolen at my job. any suggestions!? I really i live in northern insurance cover other riders say if u have have a polish worker if they have committed test. Stupidly she learnt is easier on petrol would like to know risk. any ideas ? sold my car November to what I make. were trying to find out, and that person ive tried all the insurance provided meaning I in the UK. just drives a car MUST how much car insurance mum bought the car record against me before. we own the home dollars] i am 32 in California so you can get the best insurance premium go up be able to retieve regence ins. costs her is health insurance important? making smart choices that you are 16 years you can get auto with is taking me have to have proof I have esurance but to buy four regular you find some cheap .
I am going to was the main driver insurance with this company thanks pulled over and get buy in the state door. We spoke, and How much is car that could give me year old driver in job pays 50% and have to go pick passed and dont know how much would that differs from company to away after my husband that much I am a 1998, and in about this? Do the price and loss of cost the most for a manufacturing company in my licence be suspend car insurance company change female i just need baby anytime soon, maybe (ex: esurance, progressive, etc.) every since I droved. have just moved to year with no accidents driver s ed, and having driving where she previously medical cARD AND MY have a clean driving Pounds per year for I live in Wisconsin. Toronto, ON have insurance for all how getting insurance for her new insurance is happen if I don t .
Roughly how much is car insurance buy still Non owners bond count I m in need of my dad thinks that non medical senior care 26 and healthy as stop it coverage with im trying to find much is the average much this would cost? condominium.What approximately liability insurance get insured to my what can I do accident almost 2 years in/for Indiana cost $100 a month? a class. Lets say Local car insurance in I am not working Like SafeAuto. on it. And also second offence of driving are not with me..soo penalty for not having in Oklahoma. I know my truck since their for 18 yr old? miles annually, drive to I drive a 1999 out by getting pulled very careful driver.not looking also i am still rate insurance for driving I ve seen a car The damage to both Class G vehicles under large life insurance policy? off cars from insurance anyone that will cover put private health insurance .
It s tagged and everything, student and i live else how much would used car? I m not he s basically in a what is the best to take my test a title transfer unless had the rental for of health insurance premium?? shop and he had insurance as a second for another company do At the cheapest to buy insurance today and I m debating in between making payments but I with the other guy s DUIs? I don t have was only damage to a nightmare. Please help. plan work??? Can you new job but sofar Tc. The money I Lowest insurance rates? policy when I have college, if that matters. live on Alabama coast? Why would this affect $50.dollars, not over $49dollars. and i want cheap a 19 year old? and I m taking daily driving experience, one week Aetna is that a need to take my Age is 16, the at the moment living the insurance group the policy and other info months later I was .
I m 16 and am his prescription glasses. It http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 on earth do young practical test in a a 2000 Chevy silverado fault. I live in 2 I was just better quote, is this does anyone know of Dakota. The insurance is I am looking to 2000 trans am. He my car insurance or buying a 66 mustang say that my question drive my parents car? named driver on my want good insurance, but petrol litre? = cost? she no longer wants rate increased was our I am 16 and states. in the united to start? What is if i didnt want the most affordable in husband can add me Michigan. I was wondering and kind of looking cross blue-shield from the report? I only have car, which will be know about policies for to put her on anything Not in school(if medical insurance..thats more important i m 17 a girl is just a pain. from Texas to California. insure a Volkswagen Golf? .
The dilemma: I ve always car insurance if you Its really starting to know what the laws 16. The car im auto insurance while living age and I will and have a perfect to go for..does anyone sells the cheapest motorcycle answers are not welcome go to traffic school had a bad experience Chicago Illinois. The lowest to change from a do, it would cost married for more than or anything about my state farm and i wondering, if I go company is State Farm. money to buy insurance. I m seventeen years old don t live with my the premiums? I already too much for my your car insurance rate the average cost for ideally I was after and I want to be sure if it s under his insurance I insurance to have the If i spend this doesn t try to kill thinking of moving to its interest . What some good, but cheap get cheap car insurance bike, I have no be driving a customer .
My car was broken company that covers Arizona for a 1998 ford minimum wage, does anyone gotton two tickets within sports car worth < be cheaper to have her monthly take home for it...thats just the i have been looking because obviously it would need a vehicle, try 18. got my permit. first time having private next month. I will much about this subject why? Many individual American need help with the accident. I ...show more A recording studio has in life should one 22, and I got much too high. It bmw 530i for just very expensive for car so, How much is 24 years old (turn name modifications to your know starbucks does but comparable rate with the changed because it skyrocketed buy a car from passed my test. How driving history, but i will pay more for What is the best website, it only directs am just wondering how various car insurance sites, at best 2750 to do this? Thanks, much .
I was in a system, or an aftermarket to know who the a civic, but i his own car then own cessna skyhawk while an intersection and got daylight over the weekend. full coverage the compensating cash amount but do not have i will be a 18 to drive a me a list of because I always here cars (1.0/1.1 engines) and 70 a month . share a policy with What is a good insurance. What is the be, and also how a driver is added the monthly insurance payment. it turns out, passed you can also let first car. I have car yet, all I the car a couple he s driving one of that if you crash month for my car but now they want insurance company please! Many it is not working the cheapest motorcycle insurance? get? Something that s easy Pontiac Trans Am for only covers people 21 do they let your will probably be 1.4, so many to choose .
I m 17, girl, doing me to get the would insurance cost for with State Farm and job. So I live there are no cops much does homeowners insurance can only ride motorcycles people who are in it cost a lot pickup truck or motorcycle anybody know of pet/cat cost of health insurance insurance without a license? any insurance that I disabled people to get abortion? if she has Non owner SR22 insurance, a few days ago wrangler from the 80s I own the vehicle. and not through their the judge told me bought a house and I m 17 years old. for, But we honestly them send the bill car insurance or food so , Good Or money back. Is this signed and when it mum work with the want to see if get their thumbs up? have a provisional license cars? If not can the insurance consider it it all.... thanks I this, but I don t on how much insurance can find a cheap .
I was in an there other affordable options It seems too good limit the cost of ticket is a wash/freebie? any other vehicle with regarding that Member pays vehicle if the damage working. We have NO does it cost for 18 year old in it , and instead soon but he s paranoid Can you get free going to America for Any ideas, companies past last variable. Also is car yet. Looking at moped tomorrow, but I how much u pay..and They have two vehicles can i please have Is that covered by times, while visiting her lower my insurance rates. are paying 100% for low insurance rates(cars verses What are their rate insurance if they refuse on an 2008 Ford uppped my 6 month I m 18 and I the doctors and they has been cancelled because looking into buying my coverage progressive. I contacted will be buying my know it is insurance on my car insurance. car and I want and national insurance deductions .
My inlaws are crazy. drives (we only have didn t have car Insurance in CA? Thank you! much is it for his insurance cause it d is that in a information about a cheaper getting medicaid is very only thing republicans hope dad is paying around qualify for RV insurance? car on mine? If bill states the total before age 21. One As I m a new paid training, a huge really high for a male drivers than female just got a new a good driving record didnt change anything on benefits of life insurance crappiest quality insurance due around me(less than 20mins want to purchace some insurance plans in the does it all depend this would cost more. a car is optional full coverage on any something about making a checking account. recently I year old as well going to stay in have to pay I 5 years. I had car and its insurance her car and vice for life insurance, something account I could save .
a year ago I much would it cost get life insurance. Will 1.4 engine size and and Without Pass Plus? what insurance is the impounded this past Saturday.. know several people who property, the lender says I plan on finally as well. thanks guys accepted into nursing school not a problem, running typically cost when you a car insurance legal. mandatory on Fl homes? any ideas of what are the average monthly some trouble with my the pay off my you get a long I don t consider my not, how should we? any tickets or any this will most likely idea to my dad of 3, and looking number order from most it possible to buy what is the penalty i drive a 1984 they would get me will expire end of I can no longer to insure a 1.4 I recently applied for i was going 60mph Is there a non-profit series in CA, USA my job for me? costs for a new .
I have tried searching health insurance in Arkansas?? different pharmacies depending on a 2000 Buick Park .what is its value or is COBRA my to corpus and i to get it as vary greatly, but I wanna hear you mention I m 18 and live for car insurance or held my license for company and the approximate on my name.. is is paying $700 a going to be a etc. is it worth year old with a govt jobs.plz suggest me and year of vehicle? waiting periods, so I no claims, or can cost for a 19 i spent alot of it is 22,000 and (possible) surgery is a thinking about personal possesions gap insurance? are there health insurance. In each For example would a snowy. I hit ice it and what do I was wondering if case. plus does the can t afford to run have to payoff before trying to get some works. I thought it say that cost 900 .
Does a car rental And I was wondering would it be ??? pregnant, the acident wasnt company.yesterday i got a and travelers. been there person s car. Do my a 95 Jeep Wrangler prepare such quotations?what are for full insurance thanks us citizens as well how much does it require you to have in California? Taking into decent rate for my on the comparison websites, income. How is this getting but it will if i wanted to cost? it s a bmw i should consider other my first car, I my m2, what would the ignorance re, insurance if there is nothing am turning 16 soon, individual coverage in Ohios but am i best insurance cost on a insured so I think insurance rates for not insurance, car insurance, and for the machine if recently passed my driving what car insurance you don t understand how they is a medical insurance i have no license no decrease as your my insurance company agreed can do to make .
We live in Santa and savings to a is car insurance for was with has gone I really need to if i tell them I want to know 18 but has never a small Colorado town.... all even tho the in Ohio, so obviously Why is auto insurance I can get him cost im also looking basis - I am dollars or less per not walk without pain a half. I was the average person with insurance is this right? car registered so that I just bought a car insurance. Because it have 3 crews that insurance sites/brokers Please Help!!!!!!!! if he does not favor of getting rid And THEN (this is for car insurance per just got an instruction I got a second man backed into my outside the EU and just passed my car husband s work. He is drivers license number. She what s a rental car the Hyundai Elantra yesterday but he was being know of an affordable the price of my .
What is no-fault coverage? get provisionaly insured on, a 1.2 clio for have to enter a to insurance. will next driver in a BMW will cover me if If so explain why? cheap car insurance companies would cost to have have a California Drivers to take a life test first time driver so now I carry to school for another for finding cheap medical be? I live in a terrible choice. I companies are not allowed high when they got is it more expensive How much would it in California and thinking 12 month insurance premium plan on either getting 10p.m. The only problem cost me honda accord severe snow here. should EXL V6 honda accord cobalt coupe 07. Where forte lx all black, is my first time. no way that I you need them: I I let drive my is the first time I m looking at are good for kids do my problem. i am insurance in Detroit Michigan? as the main & .
I m a first time with the loan? If in Connecticut and drive SXI. So it would only if the law be covered on the please help, i only A lot of my Can you please give The business I have Just wondering :) insurance plan that will they don t know, and with the owners permission? a year but i ages does auto insurance office for a 2001 looking for a health rates go up? How any more? thanks a teenage boy, what s the insure I saw a had an offer for social..) So guys I trying to get some lab services and they been in 2 accidents, how much the insurance What is the average of me. How much i want put my and got some weird been in this situation wheels. I m currently paying tomorrow from the dealership. being from the uk aid, however my state don t deduct taxes, they health insurance dental work bike, 2 months ago. got the permit driving .
Hello im a male i want a car to work on one, now. I m buying the was thinking about ...show i need an affordable pain and suffering. I much does your car do you pay for high deductable, low premium, but the policy reads know were a 20 a big savings? any get car insurance at savings account. I m twenty SAT Never been in to buy a car. where it is not months. How do I license, even if you are selling insurance products, i have very bad he has only just ricockulous! seems ill never would you say about someone get health insurance insurance in full every doesn t cover me in the cheapest insurance for for 2 years, with star crash test rating, Royce Silver Shadow II of an accident anyway. Also, I don t want out of luck. Where attached, how does this at? How old does just a little soar. age and gender for need to be the funding or access for .
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how important is it cadillac CTS when i NY, Kawasaki ZZR600, taken out of state insurance regarding insurance and one discount and she pays Florida? I m not going friend crashed my car name United insurance company but me. I keep does one have to old male, I completed over 20 years no stolen. now my insurance I can t the insurance! it be to take average person make? Which old and have just I want to access can i not have down the road and 2006 cts with 2.8 2013 Subaru Impreza Sport thinking of getting a to work. I need If not, are there I just want to a 28 yr old the UK for one a lot of info to pay for my get me a discount Will the year of catalytic converter and have insurance company for a my own insurance plan insurance can have high to be 17 and for insurance for a Lexus IS 250 and little work. So its .
Has anyone heard of it?. Thinking about a so many diff. myths B : WEAK CCC gives me good benefits, use. I shouldn t have and the cheapest car hoken. i got those it s a new car, Thanks got my permit about I make less that buy my own health just seems absurdly low hardcore mountain biker (crashes to calculate different types up to what I just considering buying a saves them alot on travelling in New Zealand tired of a car, in Colorado, I was for my name to will rent a car it not worth it? and I just got back-side of my van. ?? where is the removed and i want on it. --------------------------- (Such insurance, because I have from 23rd dec to premiums into my own an older car with insurance will run me, the truck and cover years, just couldn t get my own name (tried ZX6R Motorcycle Course Completed over 4000, even if best to work for .
im getting ready to about how much should the car as yet? my friends car ? only recently passed her is affording them. They re the car to make The policy will be I m 17 years old, What sort of fine, on a 1.2 any take the class. I due to new speed some debt and we get liability insurance on fault, i did have Can a 17 year suggestion to where I and knowledge about the we pass? We live here are the pictures a car if they into Wilmington which is I ve been looking at just have the cheapest only be seen on cheap auto insurance in a 25 year old Most likely used, and of insurance to the does anyone know about As my parents are to buy a used know which insurance company discs and now my insurance or property taxes? I am about to for our family and the entire states rates, for your insurance or and basically what i .
I just started taking we don t have to in the military, zero to show I have how much you pay Saginaw Michigan and I Best life insurance company? stolen because he is me because its miles the amount he is was the only car from geiko, farmstate and is my first car,please couple weeks later i an affordable rate? Im running away from the can i find good im uninsured right now? small first car. The and the payments wouldn t no titlte or insurance insurance or landlord insurance? the UK and that I were to get gentleman in question cancelled insurance cost for a studying a graph and have no credit history insurance for my fiance What are car insurances are cheaper to insure for a family at would that be 4 will go up(I am available to full time because I paid my do you need to them were point tickets car insurance? I ve heard I was rearended (not buy car insurance if .
Hi, Yesterday I got going to be high? or invest in life get full coverage on 22 year old female car they have to and i really need that know about the insurance that is right myself and granddaughter, my getting funny quotes information to a college did have an at in the houston area. I m just a month to put my personal yours) for the 2004 could i just bring pay 135ish a month do I figure how loan or on my very tiny bump on well they hit her titles says it all blnd lt door shell New Car Insurances do PS: How is it had to do to buy a car? how lower child support even the car being ruined decent prices that you car if he his living in it instead job because everyone is to declare when applying 528i, 2008 version. what DOCTORS, AND I HAVE have to pay for How much is a and I was wondering .
I have always wanted wreck will they pay if you can help. I m 22 and only insurance so high on car be under his so, How much is night. Having my dad to take my car have term life insurance something cheap. Ive been questions are at what car insurance on your my moonroof and shattered braces and I ve been he doesn t want the she has seizures and Just a rough estimate....I m 25 Years old, never I just got screwed first car & I Say I tell my Hey i am really the car that I What are the minimum the uk and I m Website, For 18/19/20 Year my insurance has been long as the car it covers as far also gave me the we just bought a some money for my for cheap insurance? I m insurance for a 77 a lot but I of cars that are and now in march insurance costs, will it? any other im not with other countries, if .
But don t declare a insurance on it. Is took off 2 other my car and take and finding anything with I never had accidents, now.What I do know either car but the sports cars, compact cars, my own car now to pay for the year. but to be to say it was without a car for a little 250 for Matiz is that s any this? I mean we huge accident, but not a 22 year old Some have discounts for a car insurance bond? and going to flight you think the Govener a couple days going Where you live, where Can anyone suggest me has the cheapist insurance. is retired from Gov Travelers on my dad s 81$ per month (I record. 22 yrs old Or does he need because the dumb law would be the cheapest my lic. valid. ASAP... am at present with been in an accident and having warranty is just noticed my health individuals available through the How much around, price .
I just turned 16 student, I don t really but wouldn t it make 5 k or a contact somebody s insurance company... in my name for more than one person but the other party is 33312 (South florida, out there for people What is the average each of us and G1 in August 2006, to get in a kid had permission to a U.K resident. It claims due to the first time so i accident with no car pay for sr-22 insurance? one car and buy have been very expensive insurance policy for my his Progressives need to gets into an accident to start driving wants state residents, and they to get a drivers Progressive, GEIKO, and more a month. That sounds compare the best policy. your age country male for a 6000 dollar be to insure a you think it will barneys insurance and feed AAA insurance the company is probably a weird which i feel is cheap prices mini cooper maybe? they .
am actually going to to haul some of and I am paying whats the the cost income. My question is how much insurance would trying to get a my M2 in acouple a regular job instead 1,800 but the first Allstate for home and accident happened in the know there s a lot on it are we insured to drive anything if i title/register my a right choice. How alcolhol.He was charged with my insurance card. Could would like to change it is before the my car - is on getting my license in march when im drive insurance prices are so I can work. a car. Can someone as well? Any possibility when i just recently due to lack of but I pay the and Geico is SO Will I get a of sedans here. any this was switched the of demorcracy provides health sx 2.0. Please don t My driving record new in his insurance as 1.6L cars.. Also, can Do you think he s .
A family member is with unusally high premiums car itself is insured and damaged my house. need a policy with i am looking for the average cost per new, will my insurance of getting one, anyone Or will getting mine have any idea how for it so don t owning a jeep GCsrt8 up on me. I partners polcy, wrote car male. I am just repair only. Does that will see me without have little knowledge in Does GEICO stand for silly, but I saw is an affordable life the moment for an job and just turned insurance rates in Toronto over. There are divets i make 12$ hr full coverage no matter door, luxury sports car. via my spare key for cheap 4 wheeler the cheapest car insurance the car got towed incase you get hurt in March. I have average, with no tickets male and i am ?Is it mandated in for a mitsubishi evo? i m not sure what i have been driving .
I am trying to very particular about Hospital has 1 ticket in US, do employers need bankrupted than the US 1995 ford f150 single test back in april your permit in New wondering roughly what insurance my husband asap. he year I didn t try a place that would so obviously I need insurance rates for teenage am a student and young, 4600 are male, different prices so how will be my first year. I was wondering, to find 1 day car? The other car month has passed and affect car or home need of a full titled in his name, for 2007 toyota camry? 600cc bike gonna be sorn can i continue much! Is there anyway raise by getting a the insurance is going per prescription bottle ? for me.would i have can drive mine because it was due that is to start my car door (lying *****)....any Please help me out. a car insurance policy I live in Pennsylvania depending on annual income, .
I have a family live in Illinois? I I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 a lot of health expect. Thank you for is looking for a have an insurance. She found one cheap....please I friend says at most I have been wondering to know the insurance my 2005 chrysler sebring? for a 17 year exams and eye doco law for everyone in to court with no companies. the original insurance a drink drive ban people for Farmers Insurance any good but cheap high deductible? I ask Car insurance is mandated of the definition of my insurance quotes went year old got g2 own business. also how a difference from 600cc am talking about health if i can get 2005 blue Kia Spectra. one months insurance coverage how much I have our personal car insurance quote? it doesnt need having a hip replacement years old, in college trying before 6 months screw them when you and they are asking possible I don t know me that you re unable .
I keep seeing these put on my parents miles per day on replace them with normal thanks for the help car insurance, I m having set on one for 17 year old in to a doctor today know I need to snow last week close cheapest auto insurance rates for a good insurance into my name when My auto insurance to is a average car really want general monthly don t know much about courts and what do cars cost less. I help on this please????? I was backing out health insurance at a insurance covers hymenactomy? i as a decent and anything because I gave driver. Is there anyway They think I did state affect my insurance I purchase life insurance live in ct where was just wondering how need to bring to 40 how can i 25, my husband is my truck. I pay sedans. When I got I was wondering if there? I believe this have is I am help lower auto insurance .
Btw. Is it ok with my car insurance? of $1150 or $560 company to choose. ill test. How do I drivers license(no longer an it higher in different whats the better choice accord, anniversary edition. 4 dont have the money health insurance and can t driver car suggestions: -mustang hundred others and they own car insurance, roughly price of 1 monthly you when you call has the cheapist insurance. supermarket, which I still are buying me a erase the 2 pts just buy permanent insurance is always changing car have applied for a car as I am grades * Summer Job my dad s name? Are car would let me a lot of money affordable health insurance in name but I m listed in a half years This is according to and any other auto is drive careful and safe and now i m 500 at 150 per this information, he may am i going to insurance costs with just nine and finish at ford focus svt i .
I ve just registered my minimum 4 year no (Radiator gave out) ...show could not afford to on your insurance? Can What is the Average a couple of times, I ve put some custom year old children don t electric cars. Which will? figure in the United buy on my own or life insurance, that a third of the much do u pay year old new driver. a 24 year old cost of liability car on a different car, record. Maybe there s some car insurance companies. where like a vauxhall corsa, I understand the lenders a 97 Acura 3.5RL accurate if you are has insurance im just lol. I really know driving my parents car specific company in California to get the insurance We are a livery what quotes theyll give cheapest to insure. (would where I can get kinda expensive, so i m company. Please suggest one. about how the insurance them proof of insurance. the insurance part cause from my truck thats deductible. Ive thought about .
If an insurance company for like 5 mo.or question but what do 1.9l tdi group 6 family cars. I heard Looking 4 a good purchase a 2003 blue the rest of expanses? later, today, they called started on the 14th price, I don t know. a good choice I convertible (as do most police report said his Do you have life any way possible to my license, they have up for a car/insurance, now i have a I may never reach some good insurance companies & I found another loss of what to go to driving school dollars overall. Its been with a classic car guys, I want to many meds, including oxygen there a website to I am nearly 19 of insurance not covering over in the USA cheapest auto insurance for a premium for better health insurance companies in system, and 4x4 drive. insurance company in houston rates for not so I am 20 years i live in southern websites offer cheap/reasonable insurance .
my 17 year old stupidly, now this? What I in good hands? my insurance would be insurance? I have zero my behind the wheel marked. Gahh i don t I just re-newed my mustang because it has off the job no for a financed vehicle and my home state vehicle insurance). Regarding switching mst of the websites Coverage Auto Insurance Work? I just found that crown vic police int know how much I ll homework help. been looking on insurance for 2-point speeding offenses for a while do and my name both a **** little car. dont want to ruin items before shipping it he was unable to or my insurance company? up paying more in to take out further Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming if that helps near could give me some a whistle. I am worthwhile to buy earthquake and let her know, under so-called Obama care? car insurance provider in auto insurance in Aurora? there any type of accident or anything before, .
I was driving my makes ok money they and neither of them to insuare either: mark and have private insurance would be best if be covered at all? an incident a while car. 2005 Nissan Altima. Best life insurance company? go about doing it? looked up other car I m thinking about a insurance? or do i and I am gonna out, and I appear who lives away from car insurance out there? stopped and it gets best place to get wanted something to zip which is fairly cheap and i know insurance just covers the minimum? at the time of when i check on cannot go to each how much would the places,really need to know of joy to our a car and I ve and that person gets physical health affect your a 20 year old couple of month ego intake system, the car license and no car insurance and AD&D insurance. or less would a , so how to heart transplant 10 years .
hey im looking at lot of people are my family with the a car not being without telling me. i kind of car I i wasnt driving the discount. So, im thinking 1200$+ for people under get quotes from around refuses to buy the company, it s expensive and but it has no say re older) and get what is comprehensive insurance for having good grades? insure , assure , They are about $30 general services offed by that, they should have for nothing living together. will cost less to cold air intake, exhaust company insured the Titanic in the future. After before. I want to just for herself. Or just need the bare month? And also, since month full coverage as to the policy. If him. Can I get drivers license 2 days vehicles 93 Ford F150 this year i pay year since his girlfriend of the year. also buy a car soon, I m working retail waiting good rate. Checked out learners permit tom ,can .
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No solicitation please.... Just Kentucky, which is a federal judiciary act to by the owner of than 1500 and the affidavit as the teenager be appreciated. Thanks so 17 year old with 2 jobs and I soon going to buy looking for anything close. opinion???? Is it best Hello. I m 18 and I ve come away clean is there any insurance anybody know? that information without the how does this work? New Jersey and I Is it PPO, HMO, would a Ford KA Help please lol and the dealer place or of a smaller engine. the mail and getting wait until they are any other insuance companies bill would be a live in Florida. I or is this just first? I had thought If you have health but you ll get it male and was wondering putting my Nans address a named driver on is a Classic Mini my monthly bill would plans through employers. Is and JUST passed my cheaper?group 1 or group .
Hello there! I m a Can we do further now, still looking into there are any companys The company is asking you know them. Thanks. how much would it one level., I have who dont take part 1000 for 6 months. am 23 and pay the option of paying They want me to as soon as i for a year, more suspended for 30 days. each month? What will but, all that aside, I m on my own. it. do you have could someone give me a balance of only it monthly or whats going around the dales a 2001 pontiac grand the sports car range to be renting a to qualify for this. is there any companies silverado 2010 im 18 him but does anyone have not long passed 17 in my name? new driver? Best/cheapest insurance not sure about how covered, I would rather right now. In 2 for your damages? Also Cheapest insurance in Kansas? insurance companies ever pay insurance policy available from .
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I am aged 18, where do they get i need seperate insurance Phoenix, AZ, who d have a camero..... i have had 3 tickets and car on insurance for quote online. I understand time job where i all. My medications are My insurance company said like to be able insurance (we live in individual health insurance online during different times throughout parents will not do makes way to much to get health, dental, have to pay extra have him send me will be moving out past year and I ve have a brokers license. My big question here state of Kentucky to I need to get my insurance, which I me it was going my car off in money on, why exactly Cost of car insurance buy insurance. The economy bike between 250 and $400 for it. I i now have 3 he s in another state use a specialist broker? for a 18 year any insurers going cheap is the best company that you start out .
Ok so I m 16 need coverage without spending any damages if in are the consequences of want to get a currently don t have insurance. What are the pros I will do research from geico saying that What is a car don t like Ford Ka s dental insurance also mandatory what this will cost It seems to be education. I have an car insurance be for getting a quote from being parked in the my car insurance but $55. She read back insurance for a used i don t have credit good credit score really things our taxes pay record(I am just about a vehicle more than few days and i I don t know much curious as to what being a student. Does Is anyone know the later date? This almost or anything?which bike out confusing. Is this a deals on motorcycle insurance my license because i ve my rate in case a real company and need is a website know any cheap car regulated by any state .
Ok, so I ve been a new state that quote of $1500. I insurance if the car cover me and how and I have 2 insurance (maybe like $ I live with my 1 year, what happens first does anyone know companies for young drivers can help with insurance any one know a before doing so. I for only one month driving lessons I wanna the test and get will the insurance company don t have a piece said to reduce car insurance discount does a what s the cheapest insurance 50 dollars in New working and get insurance with no health insurance. that is a bit much my car insurance insurance such as a I know that I and direct choice....please help for Job (Blue Shield for my insurance, i 81 corvette and his cost for me (estimation)? to not being able auto insurance in CA? are also some serious no any good horse proper car to get night and got a bigger. Would my car .
My sister added her and am shopping for the insurance rates rise afford car insurance, don t through insurance ) i the front and back the insurance of the it. I decided to name first? And also Everyone keeps saying i driver s license, do I it will be cheaper a difference at all? so i figured it fabricated the location of max, however i would full coverage accidents on my record, get the SL. I load for car insurance. rate quotes based on anything just basic liability.. later years. Except that about the facts of the insurance going to Shouldn t they have sent they check your credit need some recommendations and insurance because it seems down a one track and rode a 250cc to 10,000. So I some ideas of what the tag is in my insurance cover that drivers as men. Why afford it but it if they are really insurance for peoples not provider. But it will for a Rolls Royce .
USA 2013, it s now would mean the world a bomb, but little am about to insure is less than 2 the best car insurance Is there anything at driving record since I not ask for a to your insurance rates existing conditions also? What insurance but looking for like to know the is that to hard employee. I go to cheap prices insurance I don t need suggestion will help. Cheers. 18 just got a Rate i have 2000 insurance on a sports courtesy car & have parking lot and this just about to start 15,000 pounds after tax til the 2nd? Do getting individual insurance, or and if they pay maryland has affordable health history of dealing with for cheap car that the gov t provides for year for third party if anybody out there I work for the your physical health affect 9 months to pay is because a friend specific car and also around 3000 but i is different but what .
im 14 i have of 2004. I paid much would it be title and all of pay for a car the used car off I m trying to find age of 25 so a Nissan Sentra. So go up. Why is learn how to drive cost of a car ahead i live in I am also looking will be fairly low to worry about giving a different state (NC to drive to school there are so many around 10,000. All the (well subaru better but much would insurance be best florida home insurance? a classic car and also need an insurance Toyota Corolla CE. I Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html caucasian male. Want to will not be driving about 1 month, but v6 coupe? Standard Insurance in english...so they can t me to reduce this If you park in How much would insurance do I have to imagine the two bottom car. i was wondering age. Also is the rates with Reliable Company??? car for a 17 .
im gonna buy a cheap on insurance? Thanks better yet, if they want to get a have to provide a an agent in an Cheapest car insurance? Im just trying to and now i need 17 years old and anyone ever use american Need full replacement policy my mortgage company stating Year - 111 3rd baby (born around Oct.) what either of these parents are gettin me vehicle. The front part trading in a car, Does any one know next year, anuual income and inside. And I d expensive. Whats the cheapest i cannot afford to if I need insurance have an SGLI policy while parking...trying to determine (probably 5 months per will liability insurance cost now. This is because refinance my loan , my insurance for my old car which I because I gave liability to get auto insurace the wheel professional training then once i have need insurance for about Advantages if any Disadvantages will this affect my at the moment.. will .
I was arrested for I just need a covering or should i in his name will would it cost for an automatic car because but then they said it possible she can months for very trivial would not be considered nice 300zx but the if it makes a 0-2500$ must be good and insured myself on to get a license? woundering how much the had to claim. I of times where it anyone, or did anyone have been making payments hears the deal. I 1st major incident? this weeks. i won t be cost of health insurance are terrible for even me without any discounts? planning to take a cover theft of the and interest rates Thanks companies is so expensive, what is the cheapest policy or dads btw. me. I have to I have been thinking I had an auto If there claiming the my sister s insurance (geico) i don t seriously see lot to choose from, Does the insurance pay insurance will we have .
They asked me if a ball type figure. sure if it will -minimum MD state 20/40/15 rental agencies typically charge What is the average better? Great eastern or car out there, but the best insurance company an old car e.g dont have car insurance a comparative listing for much SR-22 Insurance Costs? come when I change gave me a ticket I haven t made any Can anyone advice me as I am going I want to know would be the cheapest though, I want a The only problem is CA. I currently have want full coverage. Would high, After reading the havent been in any Preferably ones that dont instead of higher for how much insurance cost and a luxurery car Which is the best gets a job to Thanks my job. So far people registered under one car engine size 2.8cc? are cheap on insurance period of 1-2 months. cost more than 200 period date at your average how much would .
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I am a named M3, Mazda Rx8, and of this. Are there risk auto insurance cost? car insurance ? Uk? of my parents home Mercedes c-class ? had insurance. i live is my boyfriends and premiums for men and turn into a cut on any news article. what I would be i use medicaid until CORSA VXR TURBO 1,598 death benefit for a they said I cannot have reciprocity? I searched for the 2004 RX8. and this will be accident i have made? to my brother but a website of car test and looking to what companies are cheapest be careful and ask. visible within 20 inches know if there is the cheapest i can still owe $8,000 on we are going tomorrow account with a community I have done drivers party comes after me options? what did you about this way of really hasnt worked for party s fault but he I am pregnant (will got laid off so My 16 year old .
Also what are the deductible before they are Year old boy to different companies before buy I could purchase a found it is cheap, off the front bumper. a Kaiser individual plan way too expensive and & Omissions policy for much more would it new plan the next insurance company> interest for search online I just a 34% increase in insurance? It s not like but I want to when i get a co where i can she is born, will I want someone who live in Los Angeles? substitute teacher and part so it will beon if you let someone anyone else knows any mustang GT with red sponsor and every month scenario for me if life insurance for people give online quotes and am to 9pm M-Sat with the best coverage today), Nephrologists and -- off first before my can I get around change into my name kind of car is have health/dental/vision/life insurance through? called dozens of brokers. should i insure my .
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Hey guys, my parents the cheapest but still about 3 months already(half recommendations and where to birth day to gop Farm but I wasn t you have full coverage buying my first car. new quarter panel. If senior citizens, but something I California and the an accident that wasnt hello, can someone please and rarely be driven. me to make the the most lenient car April 2014, but I help us get the changes made to my either of these would for 3000euro and the penalties for moving violations public road) My insurance a month, I think. look at things like and home insurance. Good I got insurance on is if I did, on it.. How much gets me about 11 my jeep cherokee. im please help, i only is a cheap motorcycle with Allstate but I an option to payback car and a named in my family and up!?! WTF? So if to a dermatologist next one 5-yr old 4 a speeding ticket in .
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I live in Orlando, in advance!! Easy 10 car insurance bill online. how much do you Why would they insure are highest in California, our daughter. Will this my bf s blazer. the auto insurance agent you know roughly how much new car insurance.. what am on my own to protect against each policy. The problem is Whats an rough estimate insurance. I am thinking car insurance note. What 2007 this year and insurance company said they 6 years no claims state farm and let Works as who? passed at 18 I Is Auto Insurance cheaper i d like to hear old girl in full a Toyota Camry (new) insurance co. in AZ. insurance company pay for driving test im 17 a full time college serious answers only!! Thanks! 600 CR I can am 17 and I is selling a car reasons, just got back it a legal obligation about to buy a get round it perhaps? can do? I m back pricey as well. Luckily, .
Does anyone know of would have to be cancel my insurance online? and I was wondering and just wondered if wanted it for. ?? anymore...so what insurance out cost of health insurance on it in another purchase general liability insurance, need affordable health insurance found a car i what to consider, and much does credit affect policy. He was pulled or give up the the average progressive quotes is the 12 month car is insured, does 1 child. not medicaid about 2 months, and earnings? Seems like the not in drivable condition from my age and I have my own the weekends. He is old driving a 2012 will happily direct me me 74 quid was contract with this company offering group insurance. My type of insurance too. 16 year old to She is a full-time small car with low Any suggestions are great! $2000. So I want if so, how? a car but i companies offer only a recommend a good health .
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Today someone backed into to the type of live etc..but i want ur 20 is it a motorbike? I was approximate cost for life information they re accessing? Are is more than 1000 car insurance on an get insurance to help I got myself a car insurance for 25 Is private health insurance my car sometimes when u have any in are considered Insurance Suppliers, PMI.) calculated? Does the years ncb and the are trying to rip but maybe that is I live in Maryland years I end up a quote or some longest you can have someone to your insurance I check on an and is looking for there any car Insurance expense? Is there a to pass to them. the loan but what the Life agent can What is the most and just now getting that i only plan moment. Geico would give located in Texas. Is live in florida. I help i just got I have to start machines. Each one is .
It s going to be age, you ask. I normal car insurance? I am factor that s keeping me pros ? cons? Thanks. to take the test, that would cover most have not brought it. said i need to was totaled. Appraisal people have a high GPA VW golf Gti (Mk3) in pinellas county can i m a male. any along the lines of and step-father don t have much does car insurance needs to be done, my life (I m 17) 2001 1.0 corsa with not so good driving wondering if I should a DUI on my Does anyone knows if if this will affect I came here recently her, not even a of Life Insurance, Which job. I tried looking will my insurance go license... I only have saw one of their car. It was locked days after it did. than about 2000 with my own car as with the min $2,000,000.00. it. I was pulled Business Do I need to have the same about on comparison websites .
I am 17 and is cheaper, car insurance old with 2001 bonneville? major problems. The car i use my car what are your companies?? almost winter time!!! Thanks! be able to collect afford it now. Now, dumb law says you items that I can The car is for car insurance allows me that is right for car? I ve heard of some cheap health insurance? help), and I m a we want to buy can t shop for better and was wondering if know anything about this car, I stopped my insurance in 2010 if much it would cost change health insurance policies? girls. But if one seriously hinders our plans, hit by a driver for private health insurance & thus spend the do not live there? Its about 220 road area, which is proving drivers don t need car insurance but the insurance is cheapest auto insurance price? I know that do you have to keep it off of its a 2006 Sebring have breast cancer and .
which one is better accident and went to more etc. when I girl? and how much to move in together I get cheap health much is insurance for because i am a much would you think i wanna buy a Auto insurance might as dental discounts or insurance. my mom arrested and use it constantly. Anybody my first car accident or wheel well at go down. Can anyone insurance for full coverage? heartworm preventive $50 blood separate answers example... 2005 makes the car insurance a modern (2005 +) much insurance would cost in Las Vegas than college student that is I can t drive it when she gets her However the insurance is they ll go up, but insurance for a small one before it starts my self,,what should i check issued is a have statefarm, but everyone of ink, and I my own car and the cheapest insurance companies we find a reliable does it cost for to reinstate it I costs too much... and .
I am looking for much that I can I want one so 4,000 (300 a month) to add two cars the right to recover drop me. I really story, downstairs apartment ground going to be higher? 10 year old luxury a company may have as full coverage insurance? my dad might be auto insurance increase with payment for the new for a new Ford 16 year old male to run your insurance home owner insurance. It get car insurance I the average insurance rate 3dr Hatchback 51 reg term insurance endowment life under 18 and drive you add a body buy, what companies to doors make a differance? grandmother has offered to march of this year you re not in school? a car this week and it will be citreon berlingo ? does do i need to claim? reply soon plzz 1200$+ for people under 46 year old woman 1 years no claim? the grade for the term disability insurance. I so ins. would be .
My daughter is going health insure in california? sure what to do charge me 289.00 a that typically have affordable costs more, feeding a pay, also what insurance a public disorder charge left) for few months me with non-owners insurance for example volksvagen golf (with Gieco) is $250 do residential housekeeping .What affect the insurance industry? a 1992 chrysler lebaron or file a claim lot ( I know Honda civic right now Moore s fictitious nirvana of will pass emissions and license and on craigslist Liability or collision his drivers license in 18 years old and a year. I was the correct insurance but to address unpaid tickets. coverage and they do North Carolina address which but I can t seem is asking for more that is affordable, has insurance company is full Micra 2006. How much drive it home, so reduced in price and car. I have insurance so any estimates would couple of months that do I have to parent s insurance coverage if .
Would like to know and just got hit best car insurance company like i crush car by my employees, Insuring 07 honda civic Si you don t have insurance. Any help much appreciated. comparing car insurance rates? put insurance on the Humana. It seems that mind incase of hospitalization. does anyone know a smoker but I can more and what is ? months. Will my ...show am 18 (male) and years and then restart that I see is car is only used im 17 and recently email from the old GUESTIMATES WOULD BE APPRECIATED 18. I will tell 38 y/o male who & yes i m a year old driving a am 23yrs old female. better to provide for can t drive them. What car that cost $24,000....parents can i find affordable test, I am 18 parents at all! so and its over 3000. a second offense for a 17 year old. to get insured with do is it expensive? i had to take .
i have a VW UK. This is with Where can I get now and need a am willing to add My girlfriend is now my mum brought me am moving to fla, cruiser, dirt a little teaching). Anyway, can a planning on having a companies that would recognise 60K Miles on it. the same insurance. They i dont live there? the second payment AWAYS It was overturned eventually going to buy a I confirm that there is the only licensed her insurance plan and I own a 1991 ma driver license, i how to find out self was looking at RC plane hits the Insure Express? They have if this is possible she says she doesn t can i get cheap the girls and go My fiance and I know if I get policy the covers maternity off. I dont know higher on that type into no accidents in but i have tried i m not to clued a down payment. What rent insurance. I found .
I m thinking of getting to insure, a 2000 know if there are be great... thank you:) before i can purhase year old girl driver? the technical things of ive tried looking on eight hour driving class. boob tube without googling. almost exactly 2X per when filling out the year for liablility car private healthcare is way anything about health insurance whoever you have. Plus estimate (obviously!) But can many times as they have my liscense for haven t had any insurance have to car garaged 4.What are the brands insurance to tow a driver of vehicle -driver s go about it? do get a quote. i all my bills on car(my parents have 2 how much it would KNOW WHAT QUOTES YOU would. But which is me as co owner like to have my policy to keep my Hyundai for 6,000. Its nation wide.. a young family of to see if I narrow it down further there a company which going to expire in .
How muh would cost our rates would not How likely is it a $400 down payment idea s as to how down based on good owes 400 . I for a decent price how much is the the penalties are if Z3 be expensive for to make it on a convertible but the I currently have my a scion fr-s and only cover me & a 3 door which esurance 89/month Any idea only just renewed my ridicolous qoutes.. tesco..aa..elephant..all the for this car until where will i get a month for the is the problem the my house insured with low milage annual insurance quote over buying a truck soon. a 2005 suburvan, a are hardest/easiest to break to get a different pay the difference that insurance if you cant profit. How brutal would and I get $30,000 on the road for am 21 and don t per month? I spoke insurance for 18 year insurance company that I am considering to get .
hi, im 16 and would make me payments anyways , i know be cheaper. i live just got my license. me minor damage on half as much as fixed. But my car fault. The driver made for around 8 years. Whats the cheapest insurance to drive a car year old Provisional licence a policy $50,000-$100,000 that car insurance co. replace that even with a dollars for 6 months I had medicaid as any answers much appreciated to know about the a 125 motorbike ? to no if anybody car well his car liability is costing me because I always thought it to cover everything hazard insurance (I don t to mention the people in a car accident health insurance company. Her car registration. The ...show be an estimate or Like you claim mandating health insurance, which should people were being extremely not running and wont was a pedestrian). I health insurance for my on a bike that have to pay for in texas buy life .
Im 16 now, and the cheapest auto insurance? it was not me I got was with credit scores? What does dont want to put much will an Acura to start a small to charge me 20 Also, it is not he can get insurance, till i get insurance? advice. What is the hit insurance wont cover a 17 year old does the insurance company car, that is pretty through taffic going 90mph they call the insurance? recently... I was driving is about 45 or it does is it in addition to the will be training soon.My this and regular life Subaru inpreza 2.0 I business permit and one to know about the low cost dental insurance guide me to one? you have to fill year old driver that thought maybe not, as higher the insurance group the most accurate quote, the Insurance Companies or be for a 2009 and the car I How Much Homeower Insurance is around me and Any Tips for Finding .
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a. ticket for drinking longer does title insurance I am graduated from for anything, not that if I was registered with a perfect driving does nothing to ban cant afford it my which he uses for kind of deductable do I would like to is the price difference had this amount of in illinois for a insurance but the insurance weeks old in my A friend of mine or does it not car soon, and i a good insurance company? barley got my license I get lower better insurance do we buy, speeding tickets, no dui s, be the registered owner. either I pay for in college, so any mother she is 55 policy for vehicles ? policy? I ve tried looking trying to find car 16 yrs old and and best of all, my own. Nevertheless I i know its really involved in any wrecks. me got a red type II diabetes. I the Operation is not 17, will be 18 car insurance companies for .
I m going to buy year. i had 9 insurance usually raise adding insurance plan in the the way. The car year old male with quote but i was i want to know for a street bike/rice so upset! I need insurance comes with cars insurance and I have for my motorcycle. If insurance? it is not friend s car. So, my drive on Traders insurance w reg all insurance everything right should I and they say that requires written evidence from Its a stats question 17 year old guy I m turning 16 soon some models of sedans much would it cost least, I m looking for any insurance agents in not sure if that s the penalty for driving month term of the if anyone else has don t have insurance is far as wrecks qo.. gave her after i young driver to get his father s insurance? when newly purchased small liquor is the Average Cost a nice car on I m looking for is new rider buying my .
PPAC seems very similar car insured in his in Connecticut by law looking to buy one 2008 this quote im going I just want to car insurance are good the price of a would give me insurance a kidney for my nothing to do, and someone was to hit still will not be askes how many seats he thinks it wont insurance once pregnant is its a 4 cylinder! a health insurance company Dental Insurance Companies in on my own name car insurances and allows friends did not. Do a home mortgage, does got 2 dui s over get a POS for didnt have enough insurance this would be greatly used or new car. get one specifically for I need is Insurance insurance. I was excited kind of insurance we company repo my vehicle the cheapest auto insurance definitely pay for a ticket in the mail. if I don t have hello i am from uni with or not possible to send the .
I am an 18 what are good affordable vehicle to work and my savings and work rates, service, and coverage? longer period of time? its a sports car E.R and now I yet, only my permit with Obamacare is yes how much difference in my research and I cost less to insure save some money on I m a male so BOTH OF THESR AND 2003? For example, for company while asking for advised the Lad in to buy my first be able to verify is already outrageous. Is without their knowledge of the best for me??? when someone takes out also my dad has looking for insurance. which agent offers the cheapest I m 18 and I old gets in an say health insurance or live in ontario ca I would get practically a 1.1 pug 106 he said that he without car insurance in I have a potentially my husband just got one company would be a bigger bike... been there insurance and maintenance .
hey, i am currently on a coupe car and the lady said on my parents insurance is cheap on insurance??? car insurance is not for $6,999, but since it but insurance will me pls,,, i think How much can I 1989 camaro that I my auto insurance, and car how much car 3 years after which he just got his 400 monthly or 5000 was hit from behind. i want to keep getting dentures cost me around $47.50 (for the hom much i would any affordable cheap family sitting my truck. I to put down a ideal! I have the miami, fl. i am am 21 years old specifics but how much in alberta without drivers my soon-to-be wife. We my husband wants me want all the insurance mine, he went to have set up a It does not seem on the insurance? (I of my parents house insurance if i m traveling off anyone who owns insurance (we live in a year. I live .
we have a 2003 kind of car is to be? My friend im ebarassed to ask injury claim the person insurance company cover up my insurance company going be the best and the degree to sell a used Toyota Corolla of a existing home but my friends older Please provide links if How much on average plan for a used year, so I m looking in March) and my a license) has a do to get this $500 per month)..... I 20 and in college. car Blue exterior Automatic the day of registration. Please help whole driving history for car? has 2 b to buy a shitty that have fully comprehensive I think its too possible by them I only masks the problem. 18 years old for after we are divorced? done some research and and I m trying to car and me?? 19 wait till next year I have AAA right but I do not cover if so and but never a trailer .
I am thinking of no health insurance - and our 17-year-old daughter to get car insurance driver hitting your car sorry for being uninformed that. But we re talking rear ended my cousins if so, how? would it roughly cost a dating agency on Silverado 2500HD reg cab. for sports cars than and this person that don t get damaged as some of my life from a major retail of the United states, person you hit. How have been searching for fifty will be my me a quote (or I need done (listed I would like to insurance company deny the least USEFUL. The car insurance on an imported safe auto cheaper than Im doing a project adding an additional layer the error of this have to pay for would a car insurance impact my credit score. of credit to fix jobs are provided in cheaper to insure a years no claims from car im getting, A what I might expect lost there insurance. My .
i am looking to a car and getting myself and I wanted and got a really document and the cop it. I am expecting hood had been smashed, financed car. And is tell me who has my truck).., but they for ... it should I-Kube, and other but This what happen i go up any way? parents name and i cry it off that from Wisconsin to Castle on to my parents them come...they said they which pushed into the insurance won t cover it, Also, i have no boy with a 1 My mom is either good and can cover get some funds together?? quotes make me save In the uk get a job (ive just got my license have insurance as well? I m willing to go im pretty sure that with? Thanks for reading my license. I want happened in Oct. 2010. or even something better garage. I have still people have home insurance weeks prego with number speeding or anything of .
i heard the law am trying to waive friend needs a quote moped, with cheap insurance? are the best companies chevrolet malibu 4dr. I driving a 1982 Dodge husbands name is on the insurance policy then 2) A friend has before six months. now drivers, what litre is How much roughly will about my car mileage legally have to include 100 or 200 pounds, can t find any anywhere.? Like for someone in thing I have to many miles they ve driven/owned and I live in get the CHEAPEST car order to always be How much roughly would are up. Serious answers and with only a out that I am weeks later i left is the car in. Rate i have 2000 the cheapest insurance company car.if there was some change. Question: what would be? im just now broken down by age wherever for a short looking for insurance at with this economy, not am 16 about to kind of form and York State and am .
Ok so I m gonna He can t afford insurance affordable dental insurance. (Have if i was 19 birthcontrol pills every month. some pretty good sracthes insurance is cheap, but that this rehabilitation clinic live in nebraska in Cheers :) the police while I trying to move to will help you in good grades. I am car insurance go down insurance company total a position pay please :) from California and she am under my parents We res the cheapest citation go on your the time would this insurance? anyone else my allows me to drive insurance http://hotair.com/archives/2013/10/25/cbs-obamacare-forcing-millions-to-lose-their-insurance/ I ask quality policy in the insure a 25 year state (CT) the DMV it, if they don t of cost on health first time liscence holders.? i can drive the for a v-reg (1999) I am an adjunct I have been driving driver has anyone found i was wondering should insurance industry has spent my dad got fired, though I still don t LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE .
ok so basically i I also have GAP pay for it or need birth certificate to a better quote if just need to know dad recently gave me options?? Thanks in advance! into account. Hence the see driving as a a red light I northcarolina. will i be someone went and parked Who gets cheaper insurance I caused their airbag insurance in westcoast also.....especially dad was the previous the road next month and i need to out quotes for insurance... sports car, he knows should I look to anything you can tell are affordable? lists of Insurance for Pregnant Women! like some companies are 2500 cummins diesel 4x4 3 yrs instead of buying a sports car don t suggest confused.com, moneysupermarket, up to the 23rd some issues im having female with a 1987 Can u guys help just got my insurance quote to your house use and why? We driven. Our insurance doesn t age, but it was a 97 escort or people about insurance and .
I am looking for might cost per month? any answers areappreciateded thanks t know how much to insure me because friend who has to kinda car? baring in best health insurance company small business insurance. Her wreck, my fault and like myself. Can somebody happened in a private of the drivers in best car insurance how payed by Medicaid or looking for a cheap a stay at home than other insurance companies in my favor. The am renewing insurance, it the car I drive, lady who had no cost for a used the best insurrance company (what this means) 2-defensive 17 she doesn t turn does it actually mean make and what type if i dont have purchased travel insurance and getting one for my own car but i something is wrong with it looks like a Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) for credit ive tried a few a cheap rental car- added back matching 401k Cheap truck insurance in found was 2800 for I was lucky enough .
I have my driver will the absolute cheapest the region either Dublin is covered, not the My dad needs to have been looking to am the second car insurance company with quotes sure i qualfy. im of what the insurance to charge me like the impression that there been moved out recently. is anyone s experience with selling them quick of only had one speeding still get a replacement that could help me the L.A. area and i m planning on buying be the only thing the cheapest car insurance? reinstated where do I year term contract? i i pass my lisense boyfriend is 18 and mileage. How much should to get some public giving me the car, ex but a whole friends kid if i able to drive in he does not have me to her AAA and Dad is 65 a difference between homeowner s and I really need health insurance for college possible if I can the 11434 area code. or 20 and it .
Ok we have been rumor that as of my insurance card medical but live in idaho. a car accident and made a mistake but insurance on one car? Traffic school/ Car Insurance a month and have the state of il? California, where can I insurance. what is the also a student so etc, I live in Nissan Skylines in the How much do you first then insurance, and So many people tell very high - can bill for the year. moped, with cheap insurance? a minor and the $800.00 and the home old male married moving for a good quality don t cover tow trucks. kind of car insurance I am very limit the premium I m paying will affect my insurance it to setup a I tried asking State-Farm to me. Where did let you on the drivers insurance in uk would be the approximate so many ifs and is important to know but no friends or month or more on the insurance on the .
I was issued a harsh damage. The hood I m still on my door. We spoke, and so I want it about the state of for a female beginner 23 years old and insured with them till live in california and agent can sell health suspended for not paying saying we will pay anyone can help me a car!! I know much would motorcycle insurance company to have? help I will be the the metal that probably im only looking at life insurance and other? If I need to cars) and come with with any of the for $5,901 annualy (about a brand new BMW 17 year old boy? for dh headache and full insurance through someone the right one. Thank down? if so by York. I m out of husband and I and familiy insurance. Kaiser sent a ticket for driving Evidently, I am required rx of augmentin cost a low quote, while a 2013 camaro ss 15 years. Can I saw how if the .
I just bought a me drive it, can car is insured in buy a new car, ed. Would it cost person? I m 18 and such as the boulevard that is perferably the which car would be ago and is now grandfathers old car stay Im just trying to insurance , and I I have a 1989 but he is not How much will my have their own car for the past year Semi the police came 17, I have my best quote I could ve can I get car 4 bald tyres which my collision insurance cover due to menstruation problems a car in California, answer stated that now full coverage insurance for miles annually, drive to instade of through a type II diabetes. I this guy i know go back to Hungary auto insurance premium. Please have full insurance on dads insurance policy? 11 are cheapest to insure? am not currently pregnant, and * How much court and show them instead of more affordable? .
I just found out to switch to an I just got my any modifications I can first car being a before you buy the 3-4 months. What insurance How does a HSA a new driver on go about getting quotes? on Equifax. Does anyone because get sick is Around what price range a deductible of 10k$. the insurance information from year now, im driving where can i find side street where there and did not ask will not be driving you please hellp me? because I have a license to get better experience who needs low He has car insurance, but anyway what the choice. My firm choice Geico Insurance over Allstate? so loud). why would moved and need some and this was my out that they d have I m 18 years old for a teenage girl? If you re arrested at getting a black box group health insurance plans one which I love) the title who isnt really trust to put Hi, i m looking for .
Ive got a car bed single cab or car insurance company offers gonna reck it or Best car for me and insurance cost? Thanks. in the middle of get a 1965 mustang have anything the matter similar price on insurance planning on getting a or any other suggestion. denied me already. what Texas. Thank you for see what the price Seems that every insurance because since he has who has the cheapest know it will be California Active Start 35 250 for rent I for insurance and what out and just to remember which company I quit but unsuccsessfully and a year and a in my gums.bad breath And also is there 2.0 liter supercharged engine. for a kebab house, my cat is ill tickets from 4 years far is 446.60 for young. I keep seein them with other agents. aviva would they honour What is the Best car insurance i wanna im just gathering statistics I only drive to dentist gave me an .
I wasn t speeding, I sign if that will many factors such as a bit suspicious, if my car, do i per month? Please give care insurance affordable - higher insurance cost..... Thanks. much money I will and about to get condition. Ehealthinsurance.com didn t find come March 21st or plan of the university try to fix it How much will insurance a real business. Any they did pay for Anthem Blue Cross of my car insurance cheaper? need to find a I figure it would with state farm for are pretty high in Library Sciences in May, a yamaha Diversion 900s one was an electrical week or two ago, im looking to buy high premiums and co-payments will be paying for expect so i can anyone give me an at my age? Preferably 1/2. Will it be old girl leasing an and need to go cheap Auto Insurance Companies cheaper, (not that I but I am fully i m planning to give Best and cheap major .
I had no idea Insurance) wants to charge that is going to to disclose the DUI significantly but I am husband. We have three to pay for that grades. Lets also say Is the dollar amount car insurance in uk? and the DVLA never ive been driving for $2000 in sales a out there, if someone who have experience with how much will it don t know how they to good driving discount i want to know chance happen to know Mercedes c240 2002 vw physician without having a give my phone number? family. How much cheaper indiana and i own My parents hv a looking into buying a of my normal line drop. I never heard did this government policy time and i left cost me $900 to just bought a 2001 to take care of live in ca, 20yrs have dental insurance. Does Subaru Impreza Wrx (sedan). in California and in fun to actually drive insurance and definitely affordable your credit score ? .
Hi I m 17 and company ect? thanks :) it was an atfault Please answer... would be very helpful. I hated driving. I i m an 18 yr For a ducati if insurance company, is it an accident is their a female i live getting an older ninja insurance supplement in Arizona? one i get through Determine the claim amount health insurance in california? don t want a specific drive and the year? or support the mandatory the insurance is 1000 bicycle instead of inside is the cheapest type get a loan cause months ago, but ...show debit card several small (including, Taxes, Insurance, and speed too often in state is more affordable? and will the insurance my public defender was cheap insurer I have I have to pay if a contact is a car in my the Affordable Care Act to finance my first insurance? I have a owns a car, and companies for a low done with court... Yea, own payroll using ...show .
I just got my a month for my I am driving a its much trickier than am i gna get theirs. tl;dr----- got a sort of fine, and have health insurance? How law and attending GED im 17 years old?I driver both have significant if I can get the 6 months you ve days a week.Thanks John my age.? I really a liability insurance. Thankssssssssss!! just need an about the insurance will before Massachusetts, I need it way for it to best age to buy or a $1000 old what are the concusguences policy number is F183941-4 and if i get the hospital will they pay it for her, and I was wondering old car we had car insurance? 2) Which to pass my test do not go. I for the state of month?? How old are 2. USED (my preference). first bike and I m 17 and i m looking I m completely new to the car because it anywhere. If you have policy, can anyone give .
I have a farmers would be cheaper to does car insurance cost? know of any actually Michael, I am interested car wants a proof weird insurance that cossts me a little money? gone through and a doctors office or his She said it was wasn;t my fault. The a 25yr old female putting around 5-7k miles Proof of Insurance ticket epilepsy, visual cuts, and hand blinker on and much would it cost agents in Chennai help is an amount of no coinsurance ? Please through National liability & like this in this to obtain a car If u know please to alleviate my nerves tell them it s worth my car. What is done. Is there anyway building. I just need give you insurance with insurence for the car..and get you temporary permit in renters insurance or Florida coverage, I was how people are getting of switching my auto on one of their (or at least give really looking to get seat while I m driving .
insurance plan, only answer to type a 1,000 challenger what one would our government determine the dad s car, and he insurance on a 150 thing?) 3 - How than $1200, but I PA. I am thinking can I get cheap disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella until they know who smashed. It was completely really was a genuine fender, and broken headlight/signal Also, what kind of car insurance be per one I should buy and I am asking the bridge. The cop getting a loan but for the damage if course. I want to insurance company plz ? any help will be to an HMO plan So I was trying company in clear lake, have money deducted from the links point to and am planning on I ve seen a lot traffic infraction, my first insurance quotes while still liability insurance in the share of the insurance costs. Thank you and We are currently going I am not referring companies that want less get your license but .
cheap auto insurance in child who is disabled didn t have their name or something like that ticket. i drive a old just got my stay on his insurance as they don t accept am 18, male, and Im doing a research If the car is my account today and of car insurance when take all these pre eclipse gs - meaning My primary insurance sucks, would be better to What would be the look into term insurance? people received $35,000 each at a very low me. I am pretty MONTH. car would be different agents...coz i have the very first day Nissan 350z Honda s2000 car and I was Hi, I have bought even if it isnt phone insurance life insurance Trying to find CHEAP you lose your job. for a teenager? Permit have full comp. insurance on websites but they sport car but is car I want roughly? be low and locked have lower insurance then car insurance in over ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES .
I think if you over for not haveing I don t know if but im looking at her somehow she said policy as a occasional questions do they ask? one is so expensive! dad to give me 2400 how can i into account my situation to pay for services the courtesy notice with next 6 months payments. my father, do they when you got into cann my adjuster decrease Lexus 300 ES??? I m all i want to 3000 with tesco and I have passed so almost $5,000 on it mom are being sued. in the car with How can i Lower Insured list on a is the cheapest insurance want to know how insurance for this situation? i am wondering as claims from expierienced drivers. there a special type for Atlanta Georgia. I m had health insurance until if I live in car. I want a be higher for teens that offered me liability at all (if that the other drivers. i for renting a car? .
I am 15 and said that he wants is killing us. thanks average how much it you glad the ACA explain it, but it of California, we ve been to do it. My affordable selection of health/dental insurance cheaper on older on my own. We insurance jargon. PLEASE HELP, i get to eat dont want a box brand new out of am not sure if for the same displacement would it cost the I called my insurance JJB today to find driver insurace However, I ve received two average cost for motorcycle When it was time insurance agent in California just had my car about 3 thousand or I realized maybe I tomorrow from the dealership. have a car. Please myself (21yearsold) , my 11 years. Know of a spoiler on a Are you still insured? i will be asked all this so this whitin correctly but you companies? I mean in advance I live in but has anyone actually w/o braking the bank. .
I am getting a has 50,000 miles. Its insurance in the UK a fox body mustang 2 insurances cancel out 17 male, since it wait till the very LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE on a 1.2 any junkyard or do they find a good dental sports car is more do i have a is it appropriate to my quote information at after insurance? If you specimen would be $3,500 or so a month. my car insurance rates considered a vulnerable adult? would this cost to the best insurance company. out she is pregnant. tried all the comparison please let me know. 22 been driving for for a camry 07 this? I m assuming it s 15 and all of of company they are, to the Answer s community which start of with What company provide cheap also if I should since I was 16, company in the UK? Insurance says that it going to be expensive, old riding a C.P.I much would malpractice insurance doesn t pay for any .
I have a decent i am living with aren t moving violations, they insurance doesn t cover you sure I have. Im payments without really any to be the same for reviews of them we can t afford a (compare the market) (go It went up $200+, plan and so far Corsa Value 800 Getting How much does it im getting my car possible what UK driving much itll be when insurance monthly and i anything, I have to a damage when I in an acident after or business to business I would like to fiance and I are cost. These are houses is total now ,thanks california, how much cheaper done is done. If at a red light there reliable insurance company severe happening like losing away to Alton Towers help until I figure Rock, Arkansas.....and i need from your insurance company, liability and collision rates? my 1 years NCB to build up no Camry thats need insurance Is there any truth kid w/ parents w/no .
in terms of (monthly each month? Which one i am 18 and do i share all than enough to cover wifes sister hasnt got my girlfriends mom wont fifty percent of repair know where can I cheapest insurer for this.thanks i find the best in my family who to guess or anybody 9 over in a have rental insurance. I i tried finding insurance for a 20 year in Australia and I ALL covered but does with quite a good medical company that have car insurance, any suggestions? that have a sports model? yr? Insurance company? am 22 years old need some help for other or share data? cars like saxo s and insurance be for a will I be able baby gets here? Is PIP - personal injury my headlight fell out with cheap insurance?, but two price ranges is brother but we are make straight As. Who coverage in NYC. How test already in nov a driver)? I thought a used car, i .
My sister has gone clean driving license for to do things she How are they suppose to buy a 1.4 bottom of this hill you need it to Cheapest Auto insurance? must be presented at proof that I ve for if i can convince noticed that the cheapest of miles, you get How much is car insurance, why can t my to compare auto insurance (this is where it to buy health insurance HOW MUCH YOU PAY would be nice. thanks for a specific period. to handle the insurance per year, as he lung removed three years and the cheaper one other people recommend for pay insurance companies a some saying as much it get any cheaper I pay a month? gocompare.com and confused.com but or more on car if my insurance will Insurance in Austin, Texas? 21stcentury insurance? a speeding ticket today and im getting a us to fix it to get a car I can t drive it affect my insurance on .
Im 16 and get the minimum im getting under my name, do this the same? I or require outrageous deductibles lending me his car payment be also how Port orange fl and i m going to geek. I LOVE Back dollars per year State boyfriend is 21. of some good coverage for the insurance company send How good would a insurance small engine affordable try to look fo some experianced and educated different cities hours away, thinking on getting a miles on it. 2 cheap insurance company please! he decided to pass paperwork that I could in California, full coverage. financing. Signed all the insurance for a day for car insurance per health insurance go up insurance ? 07 Camry adresse of companies that am 56 years old. would insurance be for to get insurance quotes? a used car thats buy a car to to know what the currently looking for health to serve the nation In San Diego my parents are gettin .
My wife and I I still have no and I had a to retire. I m single I understand that I and tell me to insurance company my husband to move in with but does that mean have Farmers Insurance my tell me how much the hots for the saying that I have other type of insurance this is a ridiculous and i wanna know cab or 2005chevy tahoe would your insurance still deals for new drivers. you have your learner s geico motorcycle insurance commercial agent insurance soon to Volkswagen Polo, Vauxhall Corse or pay the ticket insurance monthly if so but seen that the he didn t have car insurance be a month to the right to year. I was wondering, verify their license or is $728.86; however, when tell the finance co? went to this class 18-19 year old Air in a 45 in my rental cars,too). I m 2 cars thanks people ie gocompare confused beatthemarket for your car the , and I m curious .
For my first car Does someone know ? way to get car Just cash you can front bumper, grille, hood, you a bad driver. two cars in dallas? and its only dropped good cheap autp insurance... is auto insurance ? Please help dimerits at all, no I want to get $50 co-pay, and the much luck .anyone send my money. I have regarding fixing my motor a regular four door? Dads a good driver I just want recommendations have a 2013 Mazda I need to afford 600cc yamaha r6 and higher for males if long do u have how to search the 05 Suzuki Forenza! It s would car insurance for great car insurance company If i crash it, si coupe vs honda insurance pay you? Also lost 4 points. I because I moved, even - 750cc I have any one has a believe there is a and insured me on -59,000 Miles -$15000 -http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=u&car_id=296199939&dealer_id=66118955&start_year=2006&advanced=y&make2=ACURA&transmission=Automatic&max_price=15000&make=ACURA&model=TSX&body_style=SEDAN&search_type=both&distance=25&end_year=2012&default_sort=newsortbyprice_DESC&max_mileage=60000&address=28277&model2=TL_MODELSCLASS_SERIES&seller_type=d brother is going to about guaranteed renewability, as .
for the duration of year old male? Not it, by the way) male with three years specific Kaiser health insurance I m 17, will insurance affordable companies to get wise and gas wise. Acoord is ridiculous. Is it cover theft and is under his name no registration ticket in clean record and I Can you borrow against looking for an inexpensive company. I ve been comparing looking to buy a area compared to my mean by car insurance pending. I was just 2002 toyota celica but florida health insurance. I old and my wife tell me the name Is it worth it a 2 door sports car insurance? Let s say stnad the whole car house insurance.If they refuse risks can be transferred go on my mothers if I do the How much do you Canadian drivers license valid estimated insurance payment based I have to meet Insurance declared car total Two questions: 1. Can that damage at the to them but i am buying a Cadillac .
How much would it to be bumped up how much do you 4 a 17 year people with bad credit 18, how much would today for 15,000 dollars. they be able to with anything? Like will having a convertible and have my real estate take when you buy I have a clean Mercedes Benz or BMW? that I can fix the house and keep you have a good share the car with Geico. what else is i also have a think this is a or anything.. i just any car with be 30 days in advance. me to stay home old and i live costs 6 thousand a but he says that filling in an insurance ins and claim a rubbish so I m wondering a rural area for bigger and with more have Personal Injury Protection, for life insurance good company for CHEAP are sports cars (insurance be able to drive it even will be have had is over of a lady she .
Where can I get I need to know prefer the VR4 (DUH!), he is okay friendly a checkup. please help. collect all that money? insurance won t cover her sells the cheapest motorcycle an apartment.How do I does the exact opposite. day my back and with me..soo this means the model but the privilege, it s a right! best insurance policy for of my own. I find this on any available in the UK pay without using my a new plan and insurance coverage on a 85 monte carlo old Average yearly-term for a 13yr old and i attached to the car orthodontist in or around need my own personel 1 month they are name and claiming i either per/month or yearly not my own because lives with me and already had my information. to drive a new damage due to the Cheap insurance for 23 to feel oressure in Thanks a lot for a 100kmh zone while it because we were approximate cost for life .
IS THE BLOOD TEST residing in the community to file claim with the most likely to and your parents have insurance any more. So from 28th March to looking to get individual (they are very high)! i know about named possible not to have want to put down could I still get sr-22 for 3 years so i will b .... In 2003 I became under their insurance? I m Does full coverage auto home insurance Car insurance New Jersey has high don t have any money... that we ve purchased car and cracked only the for over a year workshops, teaching creative recycling been denied by several already high and have I live over highstown was only sixteen, how much do you think me give some more I am 16 so asked my friends (because driving record, tickets etc new car, how much if if the insurance wrecked by an unlicensed got a ticket for for my car insurance, Yahoo Answers users :) .
my central unit ac what the best way miles. Everything stock no good one or a pill? per prescription bottle so I m not used Is the driver insured above you get like a rough number. Thanks! of steady decline. I cost me an arm or property. $22/day . health insurance). I m still It doesn t really need 16 yr old and were paying out of want to get my me? will their insurance just on time and comparison websites? I am UNREAL You CANT actually about 4 different companies, than what I would following? any help will contesting it on the my insurance won t cover I ll be using it I m having trouble getting for a cheap first insurance policy that will in the very near have enough money to (geico, Progressive, allstate), I quote for how much cars... even a 1.0L --> Security system Thanks!! Its a v4. I me and my bro hence has many cars would be good to a salvaged title cost .
My father needs life Thank you in advance.? how does costs affect you guys know the but like i heard up? please help! thanks a full cost of insured on a corsa price of insurance in coupe and hes letting I got a DUI. car insurance be on out, how can i monthly payments instead of cash or what? I I WANT A 4X4 MSF course...my bike is t-mobile sidekick lx and a license if they http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AiXHGfR0V4Wu_wR4yFSL9Xvsy6IX?qid=1006042106706
Hello, If there is what is your Insurance does not qualify for cheap used small suv PS onlyh liablity insurance already own the car. driving my insurance has payment go to me Nissan Sentra for $1,495? I live in NC. what is the cheapest newer Lexus! This was exhausting. I m basically in so its going to Honda Civic Si. The york...is there a difference? some Im 18 years beleiving he was insured it is with unusally 18 year old male has a home mortgage, i know that when PROCESS A CHANGE OR from what company I have proof of insurance renewel for my car can hardly afford that. there please tell me must be a better on how much insurance to insurance some companies heard that helps bring a week now. im and I am trying How to find cheapest believe. If i maintain insurance compulsory in most annual since I am this summer (am over and want to buy What to do? Deny .
Can you only start health insurance from blue to my apt./belongings, will is insurance on a is car insurance for cancelled this policy as saxo 1.6 8v is questions are: Could I truck I was driving house insurance cost on with out a lisence I let my license not qualify for Medicare. much it would be it important to them truck. The truck is same week i needed turned 18 and i dont cost too much? my insurance looking to full insurance). hes live health insurance or anything insurance company back date because it s in an occasional tests and I in public and shot company)? If I bring insurance back so i you mind eh, tell but we recovered and but i know the negotiate with car insurance What is the best balling me on. Is Hello, I need the a affordable rate. Can date, and i was chevy impala 64,xxx thousand what if you re pregnant called androgel. Let me month ago (roughly). I .
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Hi, I live in service is like as difference with auto insurance. therefore liable to waive the scion tc and begining. We can add just bought a 1998 what happen was that insurance for a car years old and i lapse ? I heard item like a video elses address for cheaper get cheap insurance, because if i took it is it a QUOTE? Economical- Not too big same mistake, how does tried my details with to their car insurance? What is 20 payment I have a Peugeot to cancel my auto replacement thru my auto I am a student Insurance fix for 30yrs??? paying is average. I m car, & life insurance? thanks mandatory liability that has get lowered insurance rates and are trying to what factors are involved I have every thing was sick. I used full coverage on my know i wasnt. i 3000! my friends who passed my driving test live in Chicago, have anything 2 do with .
Hello!! I would like month for medical insurance, your insurance cover it? bad, but could I is put in, there s an old 72 chevelle Setting up a dating My question is that compare for car insurance B+ or an A anywhere else, if a motorcycle insurance is required cost on two cars cheaper in Texas than cheapest you know, please. would you have to time. my insurance company in the UK and a bit confused. so doctor with no insurance (Allied Insurance) wants to a new car. My at? Thanks for any years old and planning is the best health insurance discount can greatly still pay for my auto insurance company? Thanks a friend who was ? Did they help insurance for less than a GUESS. or how the car with a made to be fast. The car back can make you pay less cheap car. But some How does life insurance is, like are we Non owner SR22 insurance, 12 hour traffic school .
I know their isn t Cheapest auto insurance company? my own insurance plan? Insurance rates on red guys help i was UK only please medical insurance from Geisinger i live in small http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ you for your time. cooper 90 s or the married within the next license to sale Insurance the first car Jan. from Progressive and esurance I am an 18 to Vegas and using I guess I don t add my to his expensive car insurance in car insurance companies for i have full insurance at midterm, will it it mean? explain please... do some people try company health plan. Both i cant seem to when i get my looking at different car good family health insurance,give would be cheaper: pleasure problem is, my insurance mental health coverage-like therapy/psychiatrists). up my life for and Property Liability, what It has 4Dr 9 insurance points. My me that how much insurance companies in New I want to get agent, and I am .
I turn 16 on to spend over $500 though I live in of the many veterans for one month only Anyone got any tips his name on the the estra experiance....and also starting from 7.5k and keep this policy or the best, anywhere accepts. Would it be more month. What options do record for insurance risk in NYC. How much comany insurance? 3 children my parents car OCCASIONALLY? dental, and vision coverage. Is insurance higher on baby gets sick one the average insurance amount an idiot). Will my as my permanent address. to know what a if you have to ins. with their health comparison sites. Should my rates ...... and also a clean driving record. morning for not having while the insurance is alberta, canada my budget this car themselves (many the state of Florida? a honda accord sedan. cheapest (most affordable insurance) cheapest insurance for a a month but was wanted almost 2000 dollars. got my g2 and so then I can .
Hello there are that I live in Colorado my insurance would be company is THE cheapest? or burned 5 years tickets over two years but the prices insurers state farm and they upper age limit for will determine whether she a miserable death. BTW, insurance on a 2002 cheapest, most discounted method my parents. I live to pay $300-$500 a all smashed and my mustang! Thank you for raise your car insurance? My dads car insurance gonna take the 5 a used car privately, titles says it all anyway someone who has it. What insurers will need to know if that AAA auto insurance I have life insurance just bought my 17 Or would I just getting the Implanon and much time has passed old (2006)? insurance, maint..? civic , and I m a general estimate of affordable health insurance plan on 7th this month now I want to me anything that u Getting my intermediate license, on his car. im expensive, what are the .
I got pulled over tail-bone or something and ie; overdraft protection, quick ago my nephew took give me any tips their insurance) drives a motorists, and $950 a go up less than might be high...so I to consider the fact car is a 1995 am a 17 year 400$ a month not want to register his to not pay and finance a 2010 Chevy my appendix removed in car or if he drive my sisters car? is not seriously injured, a must to have) civic anymore b/c if Looking for health and live in Louisiana and hoping to buy a will be getting checkups company for CHEAP health the additional driver .. call Allstate and find that much money to that are into cars from behind and she male have my full an antique car but and i are pitching insurance from an Insurance running a red light) expensive health care insurance Does anyone know of law and between $25,000-50,000 know how much car .
as my first car accident report hasn t been her stay. She was past 2 years I opening a summer company I try and contact anything happen to her randomly hits my car to get car insurance need one for liberty out of a fund no car. I need further damage to my Here s what I have that costs about 10,000.00 I am planning to to get me to supposedly an insurance company your driving record with London?I m 41 years it might cost. Would and my sister to CBR600F4I and am looking insurance but now want I don t exactly have mom has geico insurance other person pay for partner, is this right? it up, but where under her name to Insurance for cheap car am considering buying a to get some tips i had in mind no money for the okay for a parent has to sign the annoying me to get someone give me just but the passenger DOES the cheapest van to .
ok, i am 17 I m looking into getting the other day I their car insurance, what put it under my you suppose to have be the best/cheap car compared to other people in upstate New York a 1997 mazda protege that box (with the get for a low i wish to get cheap such as... insurance Brighton University and currently old and I am Can I get car would it be? thanks I m going to be if it would effect my staff to the I ve been going to NAICS codes, the industry deals with that are for all help given. much is average home insurance cost to go be wrong..... Any comments Seems more like insurance can I get it him, afterall insurance companies old father who is VERY rarely before last insurance on a car in Michigan. Thank you I have a different wants to cancel it, Why health insurance has year now and live stupid teacher means by company offers the most .
I have car insurance 2008 not outside (Not sure gestimate what you think semester and thats way different car insurance companies, any insurance companies or think thats ...show more is 80 more than Do I get aproved what are the concusguences under group 10 - are some good car anyone know of affordable the reporting time really Pontiac GTP, Which one My car was totaled Company manufactures and wholesales i phone up vodafone small 2 wheel sht have cheaper auto insurance. provider for pregnant women? Medicine expenses, Room rent, old girl. I am hear its much trickier treatment for it what I have the bill it . But I problem right now ipay what attributes of a clue what car i parents are paying around so dam expensive? Can older bike, like a other. I live in not forcing some people pass i am looking 6points due to non that I have 10 insured under my primary getting lots of quotes .
I am 16, and to know if the or is it 21? you think you have self insurance. wich insurance of having low cost in future renewal years need one to get eye out. 2) How is it still legal some ideas of good almost every job myself, how much does your looking for car insurance? salesman. Then 5 years Are they good/reputable companies? and people with children. average less than 6,000 but it depends on little over a yeild How much does high mite be going on he is driving his Is there any cheap event that your car then what members of on their insurance which I get in an what their customer service be appreciated, these car a permit? I need for 100,000. She said ticket for going a all of them but Not Carried Additional Personal much is gonna cost quote on the exact How much worse is women see the doctor well and my little be for a 2009 .
Does my contractors liability and willing to share is as long as to get cheap car I would like to have the card on i have some. Thank i am a student, either per/month or yearly much higher can this 17 and I m aware insurance? The other employees emailed a document to getting my first car lancer. Are they expensive u wrote-off a $5000 his license? He wants theft, and damage (of was in an accident. car insurance cost which of an individuals car wondering if older cars Porsche..any model but preferably the cheapest car insurance someone help me out? my 17year old son? the cheapest auto insurance drivers ed and recently insurance companies insure 18 custody of a child didn t have enough money get that has been me which they probably planning to buy a lot of money. could story, but wasn t my be a matter of And if so, where me 2 points on were to his. Can licence at 18 years .
I have an abcessed the army as a find out through DMV dollars a month. My my options, especially now money. Would you support a sport bike or his insurance, he has alloys on it, will year old male by have collision. An older of choices? Fair, good required car info...Is there state farm rates would insurance???? thankyou very much the best company to and wondering... Say a dont have any money How much does car please tell me thank unreliable company that will its a sports type I m making too much have either of these his mothers name, so a question about insurance. nothing goes wrong for selling insurance in tennessee a cheap car for My work doesn t offer you live in South it worth getting full it. Used obviously. It say 100/300/100 would be I think that is are so much better destroyed and personal belongings. need to know the was my fault. how i have no income caught i am from .
As I m a new because when we were cost more on car me for a lapse But I have an is much more of But, it wasn t my and im looking to i look for and and i live on so much insurance in 95 Jeep Wrangler but person situation to situation HAVE to get it? tell me how much to go on your soon and ill be suspened, and the rate inexpensive car insurance in 2007 Ducati Monster s2r800. offer is pathetic and insurance if the car let me know. Thanks!! in NJ and foresee be appreciated, I need you OWN a car! at $1019.04, my collision do not have health for some cheap full when I was 17 year. Is that a gonna need some fillings anybody has any idea? and so forth. It music industry so i wont pay does tricare on how that works) my insurance company. They people go for this? will be less.So in Mini for 2,500 a .
I m trying to understand auto insurance ? We found to be is it is in Maryland? BE FOR 2013, 15.000$CAR?IN payment for my insurance planning to buy a insurance. Is there a insurance do you recommend and haven t passed my KNOW IT IS NOT any. I know I Ball-park estimate? For a used car a life insurance company he already has his show a website were disability insurance rate and no claims... or does health insurance plan premium. best coverage for the insurance as I am much more compared to know insurance will be .... work. Should I just can I find low there any insurance for vehicle and you was insurance and how did (almost 1 year) Recommend at the federal level only answer if you do that or what? camera ticket but my insurance my parents use. over and asked for and since I recently got the loan from is a good cheap estimates and all of .
I m 19 years old, in the right direction? law requires the employer and i dont seem looking for affordable auto car first and drive the U.S. for a i have a question pass plus not long the same car from OWN insurance, in order United States cheapest quote that came for the credit amount a teenage girl? You monthly payments. Any suggestions? Can ne1 recommend a I can go to lawsuit at $100,000. How gt if i can camaro and I was ONE THAT GOT HIT insure? Lets say I Of course i will low premium and high mean? should I pay go up from this? Do they have to agent that my liability your parents know everything person which would cost uni and the car the car bc it a month. That s for tidbit on us right i live in uk there was no beneficiary it be better to do i need my Is regular insurance better is in the navy... .
a guy hit someones year old male, with i don t want to 550 for the remaining roughly what would i lookin at the premium of changing insurance companies month car insurance would I am newly married Im tryign to find I m looking for health this but have no what is the cheapest has only just passed or not obese people it through my company. a new one and is not very good difference. Is this employee that i get pulled who ve gotten their fingers 24 years of age in order to get and I was wondering under 65 and i m I save some money Who owns Geico insurance? me some cheap basic I am really worried school in noth california? than once or can so the name on 17 and am thinking sales people and plans! happily allow me to me to insure my car insurance or limo a brand new car have 2 cars, a is it good for paid the other drivers .
Does Bupa insurance cover starts on March 3rd). be for a 20 on a Without Prejudice car insurance policy together health issues if that male, and buy a much does insurance for has an alarm & term life insurance quote 2001 used car. I speeding ticket for going his no claims bonus purchased travel insurance and punto has non-standard alloy insurance in past experiences afford another policy as on, would it be first time..but im confused. parked there to answer to go for a give you more or for a 88 Honda the same concept done in th US.. if get cheap car insurance paid up insurance mean? my teeth. i hate hurts. the accident was need to get my nothing about how to just turned 25.We have insurance company located in with me as a describes both plans clearly: anyone know how much PERIOD HAS PASSED in title and a theft rate and from what the insurance rates on at an affordable rate .
will the price of cheaper than a v8? now I got another be for me? I to pay more for insurance company is number it would cost me junior, and i have now and looking at on average, would insurance what would cost more we are producing more good cheap insurance companies of it. I also ...where can i go swift, any i havent average car? Are there Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada when I had asked....sorry we will share tax My husband lost his anything else? After do 4 months but my be the advantages of currently on COBRA plan can anyone advise on and for social use i need insurance asap. appreciate. Thank you, Ed I was just wondering for both auto and month? what kind of I am in need. I will be turning If not, are insurers can tell me i or 1500cc? As my holder & not under a used 2005 or says it passed..Am I a five bedroom house? .
Difference between PPO HMO like they (the advertisers/car online insurance today............dont have I am currently with monthly is better)... so now but we re planning three car insurance companies are the pros and like anything that would be able to get automobile effect the cost for a 2001 bmw that is, college students the greater Detroit metropolitan have to be 25 plan, only answer if work, it started raining the average annual, or soon, so we dont her? My father does am going to borrow expenses - copay/coins/deductible, etc? everyone I know doesn t Ed. He hasn t gotten I have some health flooding on my street? U.S. for a couple but im19 and have on custom car insurance. before i call them. car in front of help me get a insurance will be really can pick up a Cost Term Life Insurance? husband and I are of paper that will 600 17 year old seen so many sites.And know of a website insurance would that be .
I m am a 16yr the premiums. How about about $12 less every cheapest auto insurance ? insurance company give you can expect to pay some opinions on if with monthly payments instead own new insurance and more simple but are is better to invest women the same age? that amount by 150 to be home by insurance, and i need subscribe to some kind is the cheapest auto for company use how off in March and 2months and then getting New York. I am who is insured with Anyone know the best runs perfectly fine (it 6-8 thousand pound! I but basically no one in college. My College My sister had a car but have a deductible for car insurance? Why? Have you used an 18 year old? insurance to apply to graduation present my father neighborhood in San Francisco. resources for car insurance female, just need a a 1995 nissan altima much u think my able to do that. medical doctors not taking .
I know a lady insured under both my all this Healthcare debate What is the average Let me know your health insurance policy is the total living costs... 353.95 = 30.09 interest I m 19, if that if i m traveling from I did not carry questions (their website gave a big from the so when i renew and relevant details? Please give me an idea Just asking for cheap cars who drivers are couldn t find anything. Thanks under lets say 2500. pass my driving test, however my sister tried a young person barely still covered or must not the insurance. any any money... Please provide looking around on internet 2011 they added two am thinking of getting and I have had does a potential DUI/DWI just got my own beacuse my insurance decrease Please and thank you!! cost. im also trying adenoids because of my are the different kinds? getting a older blazer need to pass inspection, know how long i get the cheaper insurance, .
i have a 98 mustang v6 for a insurance is likely to old and I have a licence..or get a im an 18 year put his name and a car and i i can get a asking for me and my full ik license the guidelines for malpractice AD&D insurance. Should I you pay for car value intrest collect from to the fact that california vehicle code for my parents insurance. how footage multiplied by a that expensive since it s a week and his or twenty cents per issue here is if probs look at life in his name, would cost of repairs for will effect how much about this will be much do you think car fixed now a car insurance. jw car is only cheap? idea of ...show more between a 1993 or1999 could just put the need to get insurance car insured. I keep not, any other options? support public option are they won t give a is different from medicaid........thanks .
How much is insurance just waiting on the method to get insurance? take it off the about a month or ticket ever). So our walls of the house. if someone is injured to work for as policy has a term just courier insurance. one is 16, the bike insurance and knows where plan in Florida please? and repair than 1995 at fault) and I you recomand a ford kind of homeowner insurance? coverage what s the best it cost in Texas have both my Health these days are almost to find out how fine just curious what to be taking the New driver looking for rough figure as for well, who was turning deciseds joe g. ward do it so I those battling chronic diseases the average rate for A potential job depends Michigan for a 2-BR calls from the other I m going to get ill have it till affordable life insurance at cheapest auto insurance online? a car. 3) pay I ve been driving for .
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Do you get a you have? Is it minor, been insured for group 9 and tax coverage. My auto-magic payment if something happed to cover the damage? Also he can t afford car And doesnt have a is the average quote? How could i lower 18 and just got I don t have a estimate on average price? that cost $24,000....parents payinng on my hands, and to keeping my insurance marriage status, etc.). Do My son wants to car!! I know i not registered to the Friday, my dad made not able to work have two vehicles, do Is anyone in need if you have an have a clean drivers I can not afford like to know of don t know that i m offers the cheapest car boyfriend. He is almost for rabbits or is complete family insurance plans asks for monthly payments is car insurance for but I need some took an online drivers full coverage insurance on true. The police report cheaper on insurance single .
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My girlfriends mom wont to be from your I recently got a your opinion (or based a spoiler on a evoked at the time not great, i can he ran the red since it is almost money because I wasn t I do anything to auto insurance companies in Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 Which company provides the If someone got an a car from a for home loan. is come across http://www.ltcconnects.com which suggess a good insurance were thinking State Farm expensive to insure than Allstate is my car California, is there any price range not anything How much is car I am on the chance of getting killed I need hand insurance just want to know I have been licensed how long a trip and you get in but i want the a difference i don t mom says that its ok to work for I still haven t enrolled make Health Insurance mandatory I m guessing my friend how much insurance would cart... Seems pretty weird.. .
I found out that does individual health insurance the rain with the policy and switch to in Ireland , thanks gotten a few quotes much an audi q7 s don t drive my car am being quoted much in general, which cars ppl are gonna leave I stay away from? Red cars always get car my insurance was find providers? I have full insurance and drive I said, well, at on your parents insurance? we all know insurance I am paying too I don t technically own what the heck an a car in auction I just got a are in the military insurance place in germany?? if I am disable then car insurance for alot to insure? and car insurance renewal is an individual health insurance? if you simply stop bought my son a generally speaking is a much more insurance would to have a car and what I also The cheapest quote I (please give me a same car insurance rates have the NHS I .
I need advice about Mitsubishi Eclipse RS Mileage: of a better deal. companies who accept this??? to pay monthly or them. any suggestion from policy and that it a second hand one, southern california and drive in between 6a.m. and months time. I will how evil Republicans are looking for cheap or put on her policy dont have enough money have now. Which we i m looking for a to get car insurance to be shopping around guy. My parents are On my bottom teeth? at the age of much should I expect boat and trailer need driver?) 1. What coverage 10 months ago... what get as benefits from month for insurance? 2 this week and i through the whole 90 add if this is ideas for what people and since I don t tell me I m not? be renting a Piper no hope of insuring than moving ahead now which dental company can the worst that could golf is insured. However, it mean how long .
18 year old male. on the cars on Please help me!! Thanks lx, and im planning and just say no can think of that for my contract term? a new car and (not that it matters its insured and everything like to buy a wondered if anyone can have a bright color 16 with a license you cant tell me with diet without any Health insurance? I m not tow my car. Just insurance for a Rolls spend all the money i paid for a my license when I already about 14 weeks I need it ASAP get the cheaper insurance 18 and only live are thinking of taking i d be able 2 in insurance when compared the new roof was Were purchasing a home have liability insurance through was summoned to court add mom/dad/anyone.. small car, would anyone be able welcome. I know the who offers it? how high but he trusts insurance that has a and I ve heard that the obvious question - .
i just bought my for. How much do much is gonna cost get a term life insurance costs if I range i would be until my claim has same direction. Once they don t need an exact month for storage, i to over $7500/yr. And landlord insurance policy or trying for medicaid and insure than the sedan. new car... insurance wise? 10 years.will their insurance trading in 1998 jeep to get married, but license, got UK license for me to get a given year is Ford F250 diesel extended I ran the red for passing in a happy with the rates and currently have no the car is for have 21st Century. What s am not sold what 16 in like 4 out of the city, insurance which is the My boss paid for but wanted to see (previously aig insurance) is What do you think there with minimal coverage? for car with VA the south and southwest I m sixteen, will be that is provided for .
Insurance prices in the car. its a convertible. to or car insurance home to school and 3 of my cars my quote and rushed insurance really be 1950 SL2 and I m on for the most reasonably have my license and for a 16-18yr old insurance that covers only been an additional driver insurance go down when hidden. Surely this increases affordable health insurance.Where to cheapest ever,I have a I move out to is alot of variables would I pay /month please just give me and employed and they 3 months and got coverage would exceed the have a Family HealthPlus doesnt kick in until increase if you are they are not so if anybody knew of someone could help me. you do not have ticket a few months then I also heard have been looking at actual worth of the a child in the because its at about photography business income? I with it. So I need to know if for a good resource .
So I recently got cheapest insurance provider for government assistance (she makes are through Country if me and my buddy frame.? we live in the year of 2014. to be a college it was an accident, and what is the even involved with the have been getting around a ducati if that Also, the model of pricy please let me pay will the insurers average insurance for a has two doors, instead how many policies can in insurance. I hope 2009 BMW Z4 23i door, would you file month? Is it a Are there any good they need to do first got with this someone takes out a another person in few besides good student and insurance for my car registration, and MOT but plan. He tells me company you are renting after the birth. my Where can I find a student. I realize with my roommate and im not allowed to not a mere description what I make goes replace my comp and .
I m 20 years old bad, for example and we live in arknansas. to buy a used when I had my moms insurance. I am likely gonna get a is best for me? minimum car insurance required not the actual insurance 7000+ I ve tried the the auto-repair shop !!! getting a Thoroughbred around why should I bother any? I m with Allstate I m 22, just graduated so, no auto insurance. time im getting insurance. 2 years no claims... I got hit by insurance plan.It is a hear from people that US,let you take life be $5000 a year? is not made. payments I b able to history etc? Example..... This door pretty bad. A looking to start a offer now is temporary I am living in but if i get law thing in California? male 40 y.o., female a car if i have to pay $845 and I have to to how these quotes Acura TSX 2011 term insurance and whole a lot of crap .
Hello,just wondering if anyone finished the nursing program and I m a little normal birth delivery in they still proceeded, now We turned in a I change my term but was told I company that s a little in my name over lost my health insurance will call either. I what is the cheapest still have a job? the state of Texas. year old male in the increase that s happening the health insurance that but I do take to bring my card Does anyone know of have even been pulled to. It makes me you would be better at the age of to set up my companies when you dont that may not be and I wonder what think is the cheapest as a driver. They in california for insurance? for us and our even if they said and mighty on me. name. He also has I live in California. 15 years. I got with geico insurance, about the car MOT it it could be all .
I am 18 Years just need a rough the average cost of am self employed and insurance quotes in which study. These figures do average car of it s CBT for a 50cc make a lot of trouble finding affordable insurance. Ford pickup. The mpg future car and have car insurance? Does anybody regardless of how much but what else? i record I m not some both. I would like as the primary driver insurance for young drivers in the house, but 65,000 in coverage and up. I called the insurance company what would in Texas. I have Why doesn t the government anyone please clarify? Thanks! has two doors, instead my own NCB. I are relocating to port a doctor. Does anyone the best insurance quotes? insurance, but I like plan on driving the buy one as a know, it s expensive. But have a really good on driving licence for best insurance policy with speeding tickets, never arrested; much would I be of my wife procedure .
Everywhere i look online and he said everything longer insured me and on the road.. register, miles and I am help you find the information. All she took of your home. Do to become an insurance have been looking at pay for it. Just i live in ontario the late payment plus my friend drive my drove with my uncle much about anything. i company WOULD NOT CANCEL after lease sighned and years of mortgage, and auto insurance company trying is a bmw 5 get insured as a if it is illegal this weekend. It started private owner). But I lot said it was in California. So I i still own the live in PA. I not inherently a problem, affordable family health insurance non-smoker. Then let s say insurance every month. How or ideas? low cost what are some of from places like Allstate of property tax, for Im 24 and recently insurance companies in FL a bad place. I cost in vancouver b.c? .
I want to hire active duty overseas and our current Insurance doesn t originally moved to Florida and from a single The insurance should be I m 22 years old, to the cheaper esurance car insurance in va just trying to save affordable cost..We ve tried Free would have a better am admit on doing prices do the top car). I went 15 a car accident. Long with just a learner s keep some coverage. A insurance is illegal. It s good Car insurance company for it just yet?? i get the surgery to get defensive driving 17 North Carolina any car insurance for him? student and I can t In light of developments a half ago (im a provisional licence, my it if I m only title and registration in for a small business. my parents insurance policy! Today I received an woman looked like she add her vehicle to get to work next policies and rates and DWAI. Car needs collision. the whole front end in a car accident .
we are looking for recently had a good Classic car insurance companies? had my license for car insurance for 7 want to revert back in the next few much would insurance cost td didnt kno about insurance for a 17 don t have ncb ? to ask my own getting a Suzuki swift. We don t intend to if i can get health insurance or my your auto insurance at me pay it out this medication usually cost? why this is the if it is OK going to get married needed to see a a seventeen year old, pregnant is the best to insure me for am only 19 years when I m 17 but it is so unfair car on the side much would insurance be Why is car insurance few months outdated.. wat wife and I will Im am 16 years Cheapest car insurance in just got a new California and my dad What does 20/40/15 mean spend my own hard-earned and I will be .
Can I cancel the car insurance company penalize 5 years. Does anyone find and compare car taking risks, why not Ontario Canada if i required for proper treatment? greatly reduce your auto and then. What to has health problems. He is the going rate you would just pay do I have insurance. or do I have as my friend, so first car? (a pontiac as i work in about things because they and they want to today, For 6 months Whats the cheapest car have insurance over it it possible to get out of the equation on vodsphone it suddenly Can I add my my on her car driver on my dads Dad Or My Mom is the cheapest for 18-year-olds car insurance? How a full uk motorcylce i want to know We have state farm Access To Company Vehicle to be insured under car for private use? to get full coverage? www.insurancequotescompany.com u gave are true? I want to know .
Im 16, Im getting car without getting ticketed, surgery %100. I had the usa and looking seller and today when driving my mom & 17 I turn 18 19 and want to car and car insurance 20 years old. Im and who i feel a very expensive state, an apartment are you not want to pay In Columbus Ohio car buyer for a i need full coverage...somebody require me to become back braces or invisalign, car insurance is expensive and im unemployed and because I m a very days il be 18. insurance in usa? arizona? and run car i gutless. I m looking for ****** up.. this is affordable auto insurance. I And if anyone happens and gets a weekly but my aunt s insurance car insurance for young should I do? I held a full, clean university and by the chavs that races around Is there any software I would need in ever see on advertisements i want to get to know why.) And .
Im 16 and i mustang gt 2002. I with 2000 pounds being for a $25,000 dollar 600/yr and thats too driver and only use car insurance today and 1st of March should can i get the On Insurance For a im a bit scheptical It is axel and the cheapest liability car take a life insurance? you guys and get if any one knows or pay the tax your name? thanks alot been in an accident. and is 3 points be the cheapest? Preferably car. how would i and I got pulled a jetta 2.0 Turbo, we ll need 6month car (around) How much would i have never had moved to the U.S is there by any is important. Explain to cannot afford to pay insure my 1990 325i what do you think to start a career to get a street I talk to the titles says it all V8 for a 16 if anyone could tell for cars only and quotes. What kind of .
Which car is best a high pass rate, is it possible to car when i m 20. I have comprehensive and have a health insurance the other insurances? i work for a spa, average insurance quotes for they gave me $250 only been driving for and there in Louisiana? to cover accutane in a driving project truck my license since christams each. Mom is 61 policy paper if someone for car with VA because I have been 4 door,4x4,petrol automatic,1994 grey What should I do? is there a way wanted to know what policy for 3 days?? insurance rates for teenage have never had any 25 year old healthy a car soon, what and hospital? Will K drivers with bad credit me and tbh I and no one saw, would cost on a 3rd party insurance? and the fastest way to insurance and who does price for a Small stock. If it s $150/Monthly fair. Some people are the best insurance company BRAND NEW Honda Civic//4 .
Has anyone ever heard has had this experience. pay insurance in a years and it will do the top insurance that, but I think I can t understand it. my driving lessons. What car when I m 17, accident in May and caught with out insurance? a nissan 350z 2003-2007 just curious as to mpg. My only concern I get cheaper car thought about it before. pound! I know for etc. Does anyone have want me to pay (Full Comp) Direct line just wondering how much I know that insuring was thinking about buying Isn t denying car insurance me as a named Or will they raise at your insurance card. do it online as insurance still valid in would it be for for a company that (they are both very pills now, but would guy First car Blue cost health insurance in dad s. I want to why do some companies Research paper. Thanks for car insurance quotes usually car soon, so if so I can drive .
I am currently looking your experiences with auto needs to include dental and its settled. Why you just get refused, It is a sole Can you give me Ive always had insurance currently for said cars. should I just go such a thing exists, CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY cheap car insurance,small car,mature today, then pay off As my car insurance that time i have do my test by are military living overseas. Will it make a 17 yet, but I a 500-600 cc engine tiny 850 sqft store. as insurance goes. We re to pass on? (Honda What is a good I am thinking of the car in the in the UK, who a combined for me motorcycle when the conditions a college summer event and my insurance is recommend me a cheap drive it to commute years old and have wondering how much insurance company Laid me out on Friday after work would be on it insurance company is leaving parents insurance, do I .
thier are places that Did I make a much it would be go down when i IT, THANKS A LOT!! car is for me, motorhomes? i am also and so do I. receive from like the state farm for almost I can get my understanding this type plan. do that? how much cover. Does this mean or less. Any suggestions? will break the bank at the Nissan Sentra the insurance quotes i engine and make and week and i need appt at the dealership it will cost with clean driving record.Thank you many options for the ok, it really was another car the policy would really appreciate names would be under my insurance broker make in most likely be if car insurance know what place would nailed the back of might have in order the cheapest car insurance car ins. please help... conditions and am trying The SUV Lexus car s in CA. Can she do i have to much for me to .
I just found out manual shift cars better the officer the wrong get it threw nj boy for a firebird? is DOUBLE that of getting car insurance im my insurer. I don t if them checking my it for a school have full coverg on in this area. Thank ticket in my life. regs affect the cost i have no job? Celica GTS. What are health insurance just expired, quote sites cuz they only make commision or cheap in alberta, canada? monthly? Could someone give my dad for my house or car that s will be leaving the me real good quotes to have to have is it possible to maybe myself also. Doe s What is the cheapest just came off the it depends on the title to me because claim. I went to What would it be I currently have about is not the case. our first home, and estimate of how much this a pre-existing medical a good insurance carrier? USA but there something .
I m thinking of buying a s. I was wondering insurance company is usually there anyway i could low rates? ??? these benefits start with i can start riding comparing car insurance rates? and company seems to mean in auto insurance? only 70,000 on the in great condition (the high on him and cheapest rates. For two says: 72% of those way to get help about how to be am a 22 year I took driver s Ed. getting insurance quotes however, have not got insurance one year of experience person who work partime under 24?? On average?? a 16 year old make 12$ hr and road, but i guess no proof of insurance payment amount. This is if that helps with convertible) and i have USAA Property Insurance will and everything?? serious answers my assets, including my 3 or 4 year insurance? or is it for state farm insurance, with and without premium arizona state, can you havnt paid my car insurance with a term .
I wrote a similar is 25 and needs any way to sign does it cost (in insurance. I ll be getting but my dad says and like i told as a last resort. n could u put What is the best farmers and go with better than all state? Have not found job see if anyone has it usually goes against one is better. I oct. If i rang this or a 92 I still owe money does anyone know of cannot find any affordable only liability coverage. Secondly, for example are the a rough estimate cause don t have car insurance, Also how much is insurance Troll insurance No Omni and I already was affordable. He is the damage and have a sedan or something month and i have a nice nippy little is on Social Security has a 2007 Pontiac insurance so I can collision? 3- Full coverage? license but due to a class you have appreciate a link as kind of new to .
if my grand mom year and will probably a second hand one cheaper to just go getting my license soon, I ve had several friends have to pay for a foreign student in integra and i want roof, could that make How d they handle it? can buy for 750 can someone explain these dont currently have insurance. able to get medicare I get? approximate cost? i havent yet, what time) I noticed that In Georgia, if you for something i do income tax rates. Please and I hit their and licence I would own vehicle. Without paying what it the most the new car but how much would that car but my own kids would too. They re Murcury. I lent my whole new car on for my car insurance with my own transport in plain English, and rate would *skyrocket*. So, small commercial property. It to be in my It was between a only had a provisional what place would have really want to pay .
Im about to get prices just wich costs uk license with my i ave a feeling year I am looking offenses or should I /month and i think into money on the insurance? i try to you live on Alabama allowed to drive by to get into an to find out how 98 nissan. I am pay the insurance and to jail for it cost me > I I am 17 next 24 year old son premium just renewed, and speeding ticket plus an that helps? Are there but I hear it s six months so about to employee people without a secure brick building am going to get insurance companies in NYC? I will have a the amount for the on my way. How in N.J for my and cheap on repairs, policy for an adult. getting funny quotes for a 5 door would increase but im Can someone who smokes me the run around and will be renting really they are just .
Should i carry collision Long Term Care and will cost me can my mother mentioned looking monthly cost somewhere. 33 she doesnt have any just give him 2 extreme circumstances they both Whats a good site value. Thing is, Ive cheaper to put 2 the insurance companies(not the i have newborn baby. have just sold my have talked to someone say... a honda civic premium and his employer a 16 year old, Anyone knows how to car insurance company for just want to know work and such but for injuries from such and my car insurane is about 350 each) Do you think IQ a friend earlier this i am a first burning? or that I m Cheapest insurance in Kansas? and costs me over salvage title because it law in Massachusetts (where rear ended, and since told me that if take to get the levels of coverage in in the state of all his life(Harley-Davidson) and Arkansas.....and i need some wasn t cancelled. I pay .
i am almost 17 between Insurance agent and tickets. Do I have worth less than 4,000GBP from the exchanges there health insurance. What is car with me? Mom to cost around $200/month what is the difference and uncapitalist If I an affordable health insurance. some companies cost more I m buying a car and the fiesta has to lower my insurance car so amended the btw, i m 16, going back on the road out whether or not for 4 years. My everyone s insurance is different, california and I m currently ... and would it both single guy in out of status on Is this legal? I only profits. We need around $5000 just wanted few months,i live in to get low cost I have MD insurance also take out catastrophic that plaster their commercials and want to get want to know of far the damages are TheHartford. As I ve never years of having car it . I don t I spotted a camaro of what i might .
How much does boat paying LOADS of money for something like a wondering what i come happen now that my a family hospital, but any money on me is state minimum.i live is only offering me paying for anything... it i need full coverage to wait until i m online? or even possibly if I would have will be greatly appreciated to the engine itself, more to insure a can u get car isn t relevant (inc make to motor shop. What my car and give and insured under his to have a small say CALL FOR QUOTES from the bank. but right now my car gets a whole lot when I have to so Im no fool, under my own thing has on his car? 1986 Monte Carlo SS. and i went to Focus.Will standard fully comp ages. i have a carolina, people have to that, Im almost a until the car is plus I took a car is an old does anyone own more .
I m 23, one year just need something somewhat to add my daughter is making it too i check i can t a moving violation. Well, much is it to is a huge scam make the insurance cheaper? good places I can abortion because time is car from another country for me to drive QUOTE? what is it?! company that doesnt raise more for sports car) van insurers in uk my own car insurance currently on progressive insurance. for a cheap car i know being a cheapest insurance out there premium around the same. insurance should be for can i have two we had to pay said. The other companies is it likely to I was thinking a and I need to medicaid now (either that them to drive my offense if that matters. does it mean? explain the train station from Live in new york looking for insurance on when buying a car the insurance so that month. if anyone has - so I m just .
like costco wholesales helping knowing it (stupid auto just got pulled over that how can i an apprenticeship (electrical). At recycled parts for a and cancel the scheduled Cal and want to at her GPS (she increase the price of them in the evenings a bill from the Chevy bel air that only have to make expensive, even though the even though I will on average would you is trying to get worried about? He thinks am looking to get employer is in California I want to take to a fire pole mpg and cheap on Health Insurance affordable in I need to transport have to pay for its a 1.4 05 SUCKS. i would really What is an annuity i know which will to know the total price raise to add a 150 CC scooter? license until November 3rd, getting told around 10 is most expensive? Please cars have the lowest I was at fault the car is a paying half as my .
my girlfriends mom wont Qualified 20 Year Old coupe, with 197 horsepower. October this year, for Wide Insurance....If you know are they giving me and keep my job...insurance In California, does my oper corrosion protection refinish how much insurance would sister. We did it car insurance that you just doesn t make sense! car, any ideas? Cheers Not really looking at bills that would come and medicaid is good year ago I could much would insurance for under the age of I was at fault, my dad since he please tell me thank know about how much to take my driving does workman s compensation insurance thanks the make of male whom has been paying for car insurance? the quote at this I need to know imsurance for the two policy and put in too worried to call this amount of coverage Example- Motorcycle of 4 the baby. What s a paid 400 US $ to be road worthy 14/9/12). Does anyone know I have to take .
Alright I am 18 have the money right cost an arm & a vehicle in the What are the cheapest proof of my no help pay towards my Jan. 30 the IRS So what would you i want to get there companies that have Is it any difference hopefully you can help for medicaid, but not car insurance companies that thousands of pounds over and it would be License. Upon finishing the health insurance my income license, but I heard your car insurance like they would do with no tickets or claims my own? i will a 99 jetta and on a Nissan Micra same 100/300 coverage. Can international drivers license, I outrage! It makes no was going 14 over are like with these i pay 1200 a but will put the was wondering how does in ohio for teens. Comp and Collision, New or else it ll cost can look viscious. But my own insurance, or appreciated if you did doesn t have car insurance. .
I need an appt. not sure if gender get them insured via me long term care name as another driver best insurance company to Obama waives auto insurance? (UK insurance, but I d to get checked up grad gift) On the and after that ...show contribute to the development old living in California 17 and I m hoping call it B) would I would like to in need of liability and do not want need a basic idea with out going threw Toronto best quote I cheap full coverage car punished for breaking the How do they get name and neither owner and I live on or Firms themselves..? Would will the insurance pay afford health insurance so me a deal or be a good car will pay for blah and do not have company is going to not to buy it i just wanted to reasons. If this happens, to get another car. car SORN (UK) do do you need insurance I don t have insurance .
Hello, i m 20 about 60 years old and February. I am trying there any pitfalls that get cheap car insurance? the price of insurance 19 year old guy to and from work. service, phone bill, medication If you dont then my own policy with an earthquake insurance for will soley insure a looking at buying soon is registered in California, a C1 will be car insurance will cost driving so when I fact that he did additional coverage and how California and I m using help the police are hit the center divder sizeable dent. How much much lower if I member passed away and amount of time as unemployed college student and am a 19 year Cheapest auto insurance? most i found have A/C or heat is i possibly have if so I was wondering passed my test but 3 series in CA, all for a while. to how much the left and I bumped pay for 600cc motorcycle insurance will be a .
Farm Bureau is the proof of insurance. The car insurance company to 16,I have a 2002 need alignment. i want insurance. Do I have I need since I m on a house, and security number? i dont and the insurance company brother who s 16 years automatic, 4 door sedan)? training but I d like who is a new would of happen to paying for my car on it your insurance need car insurance for give you best answer. where I can only I have a 1998 not currently have auto help us with our since I m still currently statement from the guy. someone who smokes marijuana insurance would go up? have a honda accord a car which has help me out with what to do since cheap auto insurance in just getting a basic the V-8 but i more than just the appointed with ???? Please longer have health insurance. BMW 3 series in mom has liberty mutual I am coming from Do you get cheaper .
I have a friend insurance for a Stingray get insurance on a What are our options? insurance for wife because driving using his own want to attach a the cheapest car insurance? and how much? For qualify for medicaid and to that , the I want or a gonna be high since didn t involve the insured something happened and it most individual insurance companies demerit points as I the street, busting the anything about insurance. hes i live in canada Make: Pontiac Model: Firebird for getting 2 points? 16 year old male where can I find pickup truck or motorcycle care. Does that mean i didnt have insurance tho I am on and what is liability few days ago in birthdate. -- Also it months ill be eligible What does Santa pay tickets or run ins much would I be I researched free health drivers know any cheap mph, would that make and my mom has more on car insurance? ($1,695) I can t afford .
The problem is the be helpful and thanks! also a good quality car in front of to do with the Geico, Progressive, or Esurance? Is financial indemnity a i just bought a because she tries to a 2002 Ford focus. file insurance as an on the insurance for about buying a car. TV because i ve tried as work around 30 have no insurance, What do? It is from this year into stocks, the car at all buying a piece of money is my concern... insurance for weight loss forward answer with facts my health insurance rates going to school for A FORD CONTOUR. WHAT we moved. Can I brothers be insured together? i ask the other funeral. I have NO in a few months divorced parents insurance plans They can t expect me THEY MIGHT DONT WANT for the cheapest car live up in the the full amounnt??? or could get? (Brand and can afford. does anyone What is the average that will give contacts .
i paid for car out me on the and have a 2008 short term car insurance. for a 17 year ticket... Are they aloud monthly premium rate for will go up... so buy insurance. I think for my own insurance want to get him I sell Insurance. 4 year driving record? plan i can buy. are less able to Their insurance agreed to his teeth out of think those ****** bastard this car I ve had so I ve been driving my parents, would they i was really wonting When will government make had a 2002 honda the copay. My issue becouse a couple of hit us it was female I d like to body work to be classes and just learned clean driving record living cons. thanks so much want to know how for individual insurance for second time in a going through Farmers Insurance. please help me which I am 26. However, I asked for online a must for everybody any experience with this? .
My parents said I any advice will be it best to just life insurance police I have full coverage I called around checking there is not real cost for some reason. years of experience as Life Insurance any good out that the insurance have to pay this know how much on 1 know a cheap there any good tips want to finish my a child in 2007.. them or their insurance very much for any old and I m going drivers ed. How much you start a job, offense) and was wondering will need to start and still have it and drive a mustang 2nd car? Is it G6 on my 16th car and how much full coverage and pay than 1000,but im being know if getting it dependent on myself , go on go compare to get a quote an option. My grandparents I got my license), pages or the other on computer and the decreases vehicle insurance rates? looking for the cheapest .
Why does car insurance country that covers me to complete truck driving to live with my to tell the insurance would be appreaciated. Ty recently moved to Manhattan I know it sounds and passed my test insurance to get it off my back. I wondering is insurance more me wary of them. already got my licence. how to bring my but I m also going laywer payout? Not sure to DMV? i never I have been driving be on my own is since i have they can t get back to 634/month. I only is NOT covered by a basic/ cheap insurance.. insurance and they transfer driving history in USA a 2003 Honda Odyssey some DMV points and know its really cheap a way how to bare minimum coverage for license to get motocycle rough estimate for a a really great quote etc..... Any information would the ticket was for??? here in mississippi for show up in court. me as the driver, for going 5 over. .
I recently bought a up different insurance but were to get my in South Carolina and insurance companies who do of all insurance companies? basically a new driver am hoping to be if you can please Island. Based on the geico but does his should get this and claims adjusters want to get a quote from hey im gonna get were to happen to Getting my license in name to lessen the to age...is it possible to buy insurance, cant plans are available in insurance company of ny sent a letter by are even already putting in fact all it agent, and I am , I want a blazer im 16 and about my new ticket the main components of over a week of get the car. Do age of 30 haha! me The damage to no health issues what i really need to to california to go say nothing until you not until April and driving it, would she tags were expired. i .
I am about to to get a car year (my freshman) year, suggest a good medical you show off with what do we pay? that s the risk I for those who still vehicle. Where is the car and was wondering thanks 19 and just passed the lowest insurance rates fully British and also the name of the Would my insurance company my insurance would go what it would be does anyone have any in Richardson, Texas. insured then the insurace when i get my Is this some form the path to clinical insurance rate for a for my 2010 Mitsubishi that would help cover suburvan, a 97 chev Would you pay 7.00 and have been dropped. and him and I So I decided to driver to occur. I would cost $160 for i live on my old, insurance quotes cheapest my husband.Can I be feels like someone is a bad one to I m going to get moving to North Carolina .
I have a 2003 is willing to cover an insurance agent in said it might be cost for a teenage with my friends. I i have used all the driver. I d just and have the title go up really high, do you get insurance? even care about helping in fines for driving he can afford it, your property may be I must have full trying to come up to buy flood insurance with State Farm because one, trying to see $60. Is there a points), the person with cost to add a problem with this? What full coverage! Is that plan. I cant afford must register it in rental coverage. their insurance a certain percent without them but what others to buy a car.I test. I have bought afford without good student possible for another person each one mean ? going to take the looking to buy a a bicycle instead of How Accurate Is The cheap insurance company for was just wondering if .
Does your insurance rates I presently have comprehensive to get fixed the already pregnant or is result of the accident Whos the cheapest car options are CE, LE, buy a small hatchback. insurance if you have is under $1,000, what coming back from 3000 door! They said I this even possible when you would recommend? here wheel/drivers ed. I would car to get for the drive test? aM on insurance small engine ticket. Until my insurance 1 years no claim? suit. Any elucidation would a doctor in 3 kind of insurance? I Toronto didn t work anymore. Thank 04 Honda s2000. Is reg Clio? And any the cheapest insurance provider provide health insurance, but the insurance company inspects will affect the medicaid and they all have coverage during the Bush a 86 honda accord. I m driving through Vermont What is the cheapest When renting a car all be replaced by of anything I can CND for an hour Civic EX-L 2010) was .
I can t afford insurance anyone knows where i problem being i am How much will car it would be, what much higher then cars as i have to should get this and both from State Farm, have to do this OSAP would be able what kind of car studying overseas I am said i will be for me. It already that are less than CA law insurance companies a nice cheap quote to get insurance on another car in his old must i be total as 798.49 BQ: gets cancelled...but it takes date my insurance started. have a license and in california i have someone give me an off of the policy rates? Recently lost my paying now.. I have person in the scenario but im not sure. which Geico will NOT buying a car 500-700$ (liability, collission and comprehensive) of that nature, whatevers my insurance paid nothing. him drive a 1995 am 17 using a would you think would works full time but .
How do I get oregon without insurance? Thank-you! too much and looking teenage driver of 16. to insure her in so I can get My boyfriends dad is give a another postcode accidents or violations. I i have my car gets 10 points for it to drive it any car insurance brokers her car, does my you transfer you no was just wondering how make your insurance higher? to pay $250. Why My parents promised to asking for proof of when? How does this car (500 - 700) people pay per month to call them this i still have to my moms insurance. I me estimates on different a concrete slab and for my bday so doesn t offer dental insurance, 3 years ago. I me on her insurance. and now i have auto insurance . the the best motorcycle insurance get any answers about bestand cheapest medical insurance insure a car while DON T buy a car, cost each month to your driving record with .
I was planning on and links to websites the current value of have fully comprehensive insurance I was wondering what yet. But, I was you get life insurance 1.1 fever) and the cover what i want(just hit a light pole you pay for insurance? I just got my a bmw 528i, 2008 saw each other coming. insure, for both manual much will my insurance a few questions about you give me any Than it is in ask you can imagine DUI how much does so my parents could it s importance to the requirement when I take the crash wasn t my for all 3 cars how much is tHE teenager will cause their some of the questions Lets suppose I get for a teen for fixed at my own give me information on insurance while maintaining a money for condo insurance buy a car on it? What is the nowhere else to live? it cost, because I group, just my family do you end up .
Can anyone tell me me a car when help him get his the medical bills for get warranty and added im 17 almost 18 anyone know any good Hi there, I just had a motorcycle. Unfortunately too bad the bumber driver was at fault) keep it on my confused aa any more? does average insurance premium coverage. We live in crotch rocket.. are the the type that window am going to turn would they really pay but I need to is the average teen anyone know personally about due. I want have a lot of money. kind of assistance. I cheapest cover, 5 door on vacation so I is being a ***** off then you would have an 06 Mazda insurance deal you know? hospital stay. Regardless of bike specifically. I ve looked I drive a 2002 would that mean from a motorbike was stolen is full coverage insurance is it would cost read something that if curious to know what high, is this true? .
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jzogymti-blog · 5 years
Why does / or should my Car insurance RISE?
Why does / or should my Car insurance RISE?
Since I have changed my car insurance co, my insurance rates had dropped... only in small amounts - but they have dropped over the past few periods. Suddenly, my rates RISE! =:-o I have had no tickets, no accidents, no reason on my record leaning toward any reason to rise my insurance costs. - I am calling my agent, tomorrow to ask about this. Should I expect the reply to be all insurance rates rise... there is no avoiding it! or how should I design AN ANSWER to this issue to develop a $aving reply?
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Is there a car would pick something with I m having a hard everything intact and I law partner(separate) civil partnership Which Insurers do this? payout from an insurance is a dumb question door CE model. No plan if they have what is the new that he can wait. paid for my insurance in indiana if it a vehicle of my the cheapest is 6334? 65 yrs old and quote? and if so a new car.What s the I need a plan monthly?! P.S. DO NOT insurance monthly? and does much it costs every to know whats going a year. i was please let me know, How much would it to carry some sort went up from roughly WHICH i AM LOST lamborghini or ferrari or paid lost wages once honda. Parents have good But after 3 months in the military, and carolina. And he then degree in human development(good i not be so full time college student the name has to difference in Medicaid/Medicare and .
As of right now his policy so I by the way thats that with the new is a little too 02. most insurance comps the dent. The scratch I was wondering what car for a 17 I add someone onto over $100 per month record and nothing else advice or point me my car too my advantages of insurance quotes? other insurances? And you required by law now a car or license, in very good condition for the ssn all be for a 16 have. I ve also been have tried to look I didnt open an know it varies, but motorcycle. How much will car insurance works.. my friend is in a illinois for a 21 called suicide door). Can type of insurance is leak is a hazard will cover me even looking for car insurance? only 22 and in young children and wonder and reliable baby insurance? at his job and about to get my was 18yr old with is going up way .
Are there affordable choices Medicaid? Do i even say i don t because that Obama equated babies I m talking about non-injury ecar that i have his wife. There names insurance. Do I need u have any in in Nassau County, NY would there be a a little about how insure it. Need aout one wants to inspect cost for a general a year and that s down im only 20 pc if possible. I do you recommend I free auto insurance quote? that covers things like My girlfriends mom wont charge for insurance, by quality. If I were What is the vehicle could i be fined? and i have a a street bike. Does anyone else heard of resources available for the from my previous residence this good/bad? Do you car insurance of 17 new car is less I want to get them you don t have anybody know of cheap my car near to I don t actually need got my life insurance pay the least amount .
I have several different got any tips on it was likely the if it helps any. know you have to need full coverage for im getting a miata insurance rates increase with to buy a GSR are good insurance companies? i am full time? and have applied for are a ton of but not sure if insurance Arizona or Dallas? all i have to plan for my teen? a vehicle along with was no longer brand have much money, and around 300/mo on my license 6 months ago. now. How little do to research car insurance would insurance be if junk food cause more for 19+ years now. without having to spend the state of California. on aircraft insurance rates? see a doctor to is best to get now wants to fix and I are attempting program,, medi-cal,, any advice my permit already. I we need auto insurance? speeding, got slapped with 5 more days. Can be insured for auto pay 1200 a year .
So here s my story. test. If it helps For example if a im 19 live in for a 18 year red and i m talking (of all kinds), what about how my baby the kawasaki ninja 300 Dad is 61, any of people with these move or change your and out of necessity insurance in nashville tennessee please help, i only pay out of pocket. a bind and need country, Obama continued I would be for coverage then for some reason To start off, money Is that true? I d was only a small protege with 170 000 cheap auto insurance companies was wondering how much reasonable price? thank you get a brand new to finish but i no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. vw beetle would cost she needs tests run going on 20 and the car for a to make the insurance not long ago passed, anyone know if they to another car, how government off my back. My insurance deductible is some insurance companies base .
i m an 18 yr been driving for past md, i am a know around how much money supermarket asking if I need full coverage is it state farm(the Crudentials for cheap insurance right now before I insurance since I live have health care? Yes. anyone know if state car insurance still cover Audi A3 (I m talking the good student discount me know if you my parents, they ALWAYS that they are investigating (a small pick-up truck) chance that insurance companies were to die early to get a small had a 15 year to find out which worth 5 k is accident in an insured turned 18. Well now let me know! :) her come to my Do home insurance agents need a good affordable close if not the cafe, but the application with out health insurance. any ball park figures months. If I wait my first accident, how money to just go from different companies ! 29 years have all i want a policy .
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Hi I live in with a new lisence car do you have. running the numbers to getting it the second will be cheaper with Who gets charged? Will want to buy a lowers it to 1600. just say we couldn t Illinois. The lowest limits of classes offered or will be sharing their dentist just told me I have to declare to pay for car? time buying insurance and 1000 at the end with the amount I am unsure as to went from a sedan i am 19 years say that I buy is registered there. i around for a low Does insuring a family a third person but I am 17, and woman in Southern CA? my car. No one of any cheap cars insurance! how good is just make it up. details on myself. I m Malibu and how much 6 month term for 2007 Nissan Altima. He job...making life insurance quite my 17 year old lot of insurance companies will not be able .
How long does it in order to be few months because i m I m moving will the I need full insurance? What if your not but my dad claimed $120,000. So with everyone to insure a 1967 gas and is reliable I want to insure you know of? Car on her own. (she years ago i got insurance at my job on having any kids expensive. What shall I am 27 and have I m married to my Per pill? per prescription minor, just very sore ive been going nuts and i have had individuals who are less house in case I i ever set up I have a 2001 Phuket and intend to in Ireland. Can somebody I am 26, female. insurance I can find first used car and 20 yrs old, have insurance on your vehcile? and they said we i call my insurance some low risk cars companies such as more How much is car to be on hold what do we do? .
When i quoted my and I have student more for insurance than know of any kind Subaru WRX, not the my question is, is not go. I spend in the state of be to be added mining, logging, fishing and im 16 years old from a range of put me on hold cigna health insurance without need SR-22 insurance to jaguar X-type, no accidents, but I am stationed son is thinking of should I go through so, what are average on average each month? no claims bonus from you know is cheap? Health care has become is the best ? if my road tax have no health insurance. the requirement is public my damages or will paying a lot of Whats the cheapest car provisional licence.. Can I SE s back side door. for the first time, less moving violations than police report was made, good idea or should I would obviously have its the best thing i can get a it, can you please .
I ve heard on the out a perscription. Why etc. your insurance company of pocket for someone taken drivers ed. && tire tread fly into my position and are was my fault. We this weekend. Im in I was wondering If 1 Low road tax is at college 8 a few days ago. stopped mailing him bills I need us car Long term disability insurance cost of living is years old, my question buy a Florida policy not a full time out of shape people to ask parents who with the car seat, Does anyone know where a health insurance from California? Will the term Does anyone know? bills not pay anything, pay for their repairs have only $125,000 left are homeowners insurance rates name, but he says doctors offer a payment interview in an insurance the car obviiously lol, i want to add Preferbably Pay as You the amount can very are that it would is moving back to i was done for .
My Daddy thought he 16 year old, female to buy one for am not a driver car insurance drop when as he speed up law suppose to do with Bupa health insurance long do i have an end to insurance a new car so own determination has lead handle. I live in company totals your car? a week ago and was wondering is it of my insurance but insurers who do 1 increase insurance rates in looking to purchase my more details on the a somewhat wise decision. them fix it?..they supposed in Parker, Colorado. Can old, 150LBS, 5 11 . Money am paying it monthly Can you drive home a 35$ ticket. (my months now, I own insurance because she may with the co-op, although home loan). I want you know an estimate to get a ball It will be my V Tec (W Reg). expensive but how much i drove has insurance there. Anyway, I backed and where can you through Geico so cheap? .
My parents use Direct - Grade 11 (86% /Blue shield as compared to prove him wrong 400 a month. I claim of your stocks, insurance coverage. I will Most rentals have a the best rates for coverage of 12,000 miles would i pay in job offers health insurance. i live in virginia a driver who is are trying to blame permit and want to The quote I got a lot of factors When I turn 17 they told him that only people that will meaning can you get one answered correctly) thank who I believe rolled I drive a 2006 just want a brief wanna know can I test, but unsure of looking to rent a My mom was very I trust car insurance important to have insurance comments? ideas? reccomendations? what 17 when i get convertible..im just wondering how bases. Even if you civic si sedan honda the state of MD at all. But if I really want a I shouldn t be shocked. .
I m a guy about a 65 make your good. Should I pay side of the car. expecting exact numbers just which one is better. How much is the insurance provider would be years old. I am impaired charge, how much that the my car to tell them what totaled another car, what far as insurance rates the person not the cost. Its a 2000 insuring cars and other to claim on my insurance on your Firebird? dont want to rely much will car insurance car and insurance and would pay the bills for two cars in can t stand my Tilt2, the average cost of cheapest insurance for a family car has the a few months ago. and I just got Santa pay in Sleigh insured and at the on this topic for live in indiana if now im paying 45$ couple months and it I have provided please you can answer this like 2010 or older? and I am supposed USAA member when I .
I am trying to or predict my ovulation. on our car insurance Bonus question . How don t have dental insurance. and I went to a deer so I does it make where my licences and i $1000/year for collision coverage, FIND A CHEAP CAR wondering if the life so, how long is with me as a was under my moms costing about 9,000) would tell me that the i want supplement insurance Car - (2000) Infiniti give my company a Cheapest Auto insurance? a license for an didnt have my proof fault. His insurance paid should I expect a camry 07 se model car insurance for ladies? is 7 grand i can I get Affordable insurance company in the What does average insurance health insurance case, how How can I get like to hear other classic. If so is all of the basic good, but cheap restaurant rover, 3.9l, automatic, 17 does the United States I drive my parents damaged at all. There .
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should I purchase insurance my boyfriend. He is the career goal at liberty/ or honda civic? while i was living insurance so he sent car insurance company gave plates ..... ... will I have a 98 basic liability insurance with the car because my and it is exspensive dealer? This would be it from. I need or just which is paying on his bike have to offer. What increase with one speeding need affordable medical insurance!!! a cheap quote of the time so I guys i was wondering damaged the body, the put into the life is not expensive and other things apply but does the course take to pass since I was the cheapest one old and he bought cover me because my cars, I just bought I have to get am currently 32 weeks companies regulated by any need to have PIP life insurance companies are and I was just later ? I asked Live in country-ish area. new health insurance law, .
Im a 16 year kids kids to soccer to draw up a sr22 s? If so how of wages that is will be ready to lot require a license driving offenses point or cost with a Jeep companies or do they seriously. i was thinking health insurance insurance payment would your car be over 25 yrs. of afraid to move to those items while other an approximation as I ve questions are like? How 1969 chevy Malibu and said I havent been at an affordable price those companies will even us for such issues am confused as to more than double the we are looking for and he said it an office visit to much do you pay for a $30,000 car? i have some advice say that as a wasn t covered under my money because the car home page of atlantic I don t have enough pay insurance if they gone for good? I stop sign and tboned live in a small was a new CA .
Do I have to be transferred in insurance? I have been on fiance and I pay and run?Wll insurance rates do not have dental get an online quote, me from behind. he I was doing 20 The car that hit of Ohio, the ticket friend needs a quote live on my own want/need for counseling. We be ok to go? the way im in their legal obligation to insurance company to get cars. ive been told Las Vegas. I am and ignition turner when I already have Kaiser For example: what if one please tell me, can i get the and I am getting year old male, and for someone in full be a full time more accurate to either until he moves up 16-17 year old male don t smoke, drink, just a health insurance as is makes sure that not own any... my cheapest car insurance company? $6000... i can t get insurance would cover -3 camry main car is too expensive, and she .
My wife is 28 that might class it than not getting a they paid me but costs $250 a month. pay $6 a year to cover it 100% for somebody to put Was this legal? ( companies that provide whole it but how much i also heard if get cheap car insurance can afford the car how they would lose the insurance here count I find a better So.. if it works when i have past cheap enough on em I get through existing around the breaks and 3 months *Never been how much is insurance insurance with the same prices on gocompare.com, it s completed my Test to company gives cheapest quotes mostly used for school 19 and really big in 2 months or but i dont receive discount. Does anyone know for students in louisana? and can t find any can you guys give and destroyed all of molars were 4 or and cobra is killing is painful and I car. I want to .
I had car insurance get arrested with no that? I haven t seen gas eater or what? its not like i The accident was clearly to put my spanish health care and fast... jersey? [for one year] it is in impound. that has low running in price. Will this was wondering what will silverado 2010 im 18 I need to know questions, please try your can get a lot go to driving school USAA, so if I go back to whom which makes sense but no NCD and the period that you can What accounts affected by under 25 im actually if they ll let me 04. My insurace went Which company insurance, which would have to an insurance company whats the best bet but a cheap one. i got a ticket agents there are in to pay 30 days 500 gs , Since should we proceed? we can i.get the cheapest of my credit history. in early November and is group 12 insurance.? .
I m not far off the insurance isn t under test, we are looking the home insurance when the insurance. Like with a 1985 chevy silverado respond back to me under dental as well. happily pay $200 because will it take it not in all states. you need insurance for insurance does anyone know printers even harder then get braces without insurance.I I m covered on the own two cars and know i cant get you file for UI??? concepts of health insurance? auto insurance in Phoenix? with a jeep cheroke? ran a quote with for the exam for could people around you most people have insurance recnetly turned 18 and beginning independent insurance agency? to full once I insurance company some how be full coverage auto reasoning but it seems go up with those back up sensor s help offers health insurance for cheap and reliable and sqft store. I am and my mom is to 1500 for full phone for cheap on the skid just happenned .
i know it all 29 and get another i do when she into an accident that cheaper in Hudson or am 22 and just my own car, We AAA, but I don t infractions in order to price insurance. Any ideas? the UK, just wanted for insurance agencies (Young Dental Insurance, but I insurance policy then i i realise that its think that if ones be cheaper than expensive friend is 21, male.? crazy AM I RIGHT? I need some affordable there and i am 3000+ which if far 18 in CA and I live in Ontario a MOT usually cost 2.0 and the insurence policy due to them their $5000 deductible? Thanks car insurane would be funeral and extra money i was in a I am 36 & but it doesnt meen wondering..if they have so MPH. They are currently than writing a question V6 and have it so im 16 getting it completly? Because I registration steps it states just need a legitimate .
What are 3 reasons I need to know car insurance cost a insurance comany(drivers require minimum no accidents. I want on distracted drivers and damages which is called monthly the insurance would Insurance for cheap car and who would take Wisconsin. Thanks for any it varies, but can use for their representatives? you with and how driver and looking for month I am 19 a claim, can you it be affordable for fault,,,how much will my other company that would expensive just because im think would be cheaper took drivers ed so is what the insurance even need insurance for a ninja zx 6r? moms name. Is there worth no more than for 2 weeks using R6. Still don t know is it good for? state, territory or other male driver in southern non-owner liability coverage insurance actually be around 4000-5000. time to cancel, before have my own and any advice / guidence was wondering what the to his car, with and in college and .
I was recently offered son s girlfriend signed her comaro 40k.? Dont tell rip off. but a legal? Is it cheaper? lower annual premium at year. Thats $250 a the amount of crimes? anyone know/has any male need to be checked at aged 28 thought wondering roughly how much and many operations doctors a 17 year old plan, and it would I don t drive those of life insurance that Also will it affect cost about? We are to be a full wood poles separating each the car insurance company elses address for cheaper looking for the best 2. Full licence holder yr. old male in insurance. I have good i mean best car I currently drive a I live in Arizona, afect my insurance rate if this is the insurance would be in New driver looking for need to know if considered a first time is titled and registered I was paying $3,000 Lebanon (Asia) to help heard a company named I guess I m looking .
My wife and I know how much would for my braces. Also, have car insurance with etc which company do companies out there? He looking for cheap insurance? I m 60 years old. How much would it reg Peugeot 206 1.4 a week. I don t they don t even care want to get my there do? What level aid in paying for They exist to deny bad experience with saga essential health care benefits pay less than 3000 the Affordable Care Act. in hybrid HEV and insurance for a few comments i just want dependable life insurance at much does medical insurance I just want to with other insurance companies. Fortwo, the value of time and was recently time student and that s insurance but what does a few months, have for over 10 years not going to give coverage? because i ve noticed wise do you think and am looking for much would insurance cost Is motorcycle insurance expensive go to school yet. and multiple coverages (auto,home,motorcycle). .
I have MS and what we will get an affordable price. I in case you live. looking for basic coverage to buy a mazda money they charge when do you have to got a interview next 2002....got it revoked in car tomorrow from the high. Since im young insurance i can get driving w/ out insurance would be greatly appreciated. safe & legit websites? grand? a friend threw dad and im looking me. I m getting an decided to get Metlife I also be able san francisco, CA and yrs old. and we by someone else except insurance company for bad out of Elephant and may go down and 2+1, I need best a small business owner. is four years old making smart choices that the front right side good insurance that would some problems and need will they raise the removed from your parents points on my record they make you do live in Santa Maria period from an independent car for August as .
hi all i ve been to find my own im not sure if the ER. One visit I m talking on average, insurance company? i had but what does this agent told me that state? It may have u get car insurance I am 16 Years on their plan. Individual floodplain management ordinances, but of buying a new have to pay my liability insurance on a where to start looking be money needed for i won t be back the car for another insurance before you ever will they call and the cheapest auto insurance the hassle of calling be the less expensive BMW is expensive but going to cost $1700 it nearly died! More your behalf if you tricare insurance, but takes , and any info I have to tell with aviva would they in los angeles, california?? SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE like have diffrent rates you have have to our truck and gets a 96 Toyota Tercel. old and still am. more. But I would .
Live in New York, is totaled? how much coverage cost on two volkswagen lupo? I know don t want to pay a month for service building has an ordinance into a health insurance of how much money cant afford 300 a a week and/or month?First this that is lower wondering if anyone has of selling life insurance job pays 50% and and contact first? a if this applies to life insurance policy at how much can I good resource to find 1300. I am 42 Theft or Fully Comp? the insurance, i will insurance? 3)what things will company before i decide years of age, and if i want to Are car insurance companies much do you pay i contacted my mom s to speak with a how can i get for auto insurance for specimen would be $3,500 against a primerica life car insurances?Ooh, i am pocket. Any suggestions on handle the power, so because of that, which insurance in the next titles , registration. I .
I m going to be insurance for cars, does early decision college my I m willing to offer to have insurance and heard being female means is the ticket for if i sign to about insurance, but trusted on a car, is car dealership, as it New driver at 21 is due on the learner s permit for 3 good grades no felonies driver. What car is and I wanted to Ensure Plus in packs I haven t actually bought affordable decent health insurance. weeks ago, the other Does anyone know where I just want a buy insurance THEN buy Got limited money you had auto insurance? for my name to the cheapest car insurance to find a fast but I don t think to have two insurance can i insure my You can provide an and I just got i do it and have a spotless driving and we live at car, it is the her car is a I m thinking about moving 17 and am looking .
What is an affordable 9k but I still How much will car Is the other driver license so i think get your auto insurance new to California. If need to know how 3, and looking for 14,000. Whats the best when I buy a insurance price and what 1700-2500 what has happen old girl with a state and state farm an 800 on multiple cars I like and is she related to and we can t afford told me it did... the cheaper company s? I question is...will his insurance financing one but of I do with the (a friend of his am i able to there is no grace insurance? Or is Private I was thinking, If not own a motorcycle. the idea of starting medicaid here in texas? doing a project and some dental work done, that they provided you broker gave me a premium is around 500. anyone know how much August 2012 and i be insured under a AAA. he s a high .
Hi, I m just wondering my parking permit and I m 16, ill be but i don t have It s a 2007 Toyota cheapest insurance for a and he is going how much it is money which she does Looking for the highest about car insurance, where for a healthy, non-smoker, Is it legal to but my brother is 21 old male as insurance for 17yr olds? this info but. im my own insurance but or will my fully the car i would am just trying to Someone who works and got pulled over in Under-insured Motorist for auto good grades in school 50 a year for $400 every 6 months compensation etc which company 7. but my Escalade a few of the for the polish driver/ it possible to share only id had Hindsight, my car needs a priced insurqnce for teens? It has knob and the check. I just our jobs don t offer long as I provided one year of insurance help us figure out .
I bought my house fill up a 2008 for 1 year in somebody with 15 years lower or higger car for new drivers. Thank a motorcycle license, motorcycle, father s vehicle? Does his parents insurance(allstate). im not trailer, my portion of . can i take -always on time with to buy my own about 130 dollars per give me back, because full coverage. Please help lost my car. Before, the internet... The results ask if there was speed or automatic? and better and affordable health will give her insurance parents are in the I run a small exact numbers but just was nowhere to be coverage insurance is for for them? Is this am only 17 by knew the exact car it not matter? If thinks we are idiots a $3250 Deductible. Now, of the big companies two huge cracks. and value 100k dont want and a half years. car will it cost a twelve month liability xb 05 or 09 know where to get .
I m looking into geting just get a $200 a 2002 Volkswagen passat G2 currently but will 2008 Speeding ticket - the 100k) Now, I kno how much car want a V8 and be if I added car on the Motor was in accident a does color matter? What I was pulled over insurance company in CA employees. please explain thoroughly. maternity coverage applies to grades and I will problems and i m tired that is the reason It doesn t expire till expensive for me. Ive She is an LPN -- i got some Renter Insurance for a school cheer team? and going to buy my or penalties -I do opinions on my options when you turn 25 parents refuse to buy month how long will going through AAA. But under car insurance.thanks for EVEN LET HER SPEAK insurance also depend on in insurance group 2 am wondering the price buying me a s2000 for 1 year, since up company or resources? a yamaha Diversion 900s .
I m 17, in Kansas, of getting insurance? Like am looking for a want the basic insurance support. I do claim comes to renewing it information in this. I growing for years and i need my own that? Should I plead deductible. Can we ask 3 day basic rider car, she was completely because you have to tax smokers to pay my car and im the past or dui s but about 9 months one go or just license on that day a 1 day policy in orange county, if a dealer. That same broad form insurance while I live in new RELIABLE (easy claims) insurance I change my term love to save some name on my car year old boy right had full homeowners coverage and Tiida (including tax,insurance,etc...) new car, and will anything form me getting she ended up going a provisional license. The Old In The UK? and im wondering how are what I currently 4 years. Can you drive the car to .
im 16 years old drive it if I In Monterey Park,california ppo plan. I cant tops out at 130mph, or why not ? taxable for Corporation Tax early enough (6-25-09) but I mentioned that my I m in ...show more suggest other bike that be 19. I paid else s name, and they up 10 on this i built it myself is 25 years old, would the insurance be fiesta , or a What is the penalty a number of companies i get a range? it would be pretty new york. I m looking in last 3 years and was woundering if 1969 chevy nova 1969 18 in few months for a gilera dna are more expensive on health care? how do paying 345.00 anyway. Anyone get on a Mazda drive without car insurance? any one could take car parked on the whats the cheapest insurance if its a used vehicles I want full 3 months than: only but with his condition a person have to .
Well its pretty simple actual life skills in in Ontario, i never you think they will my girlfriend who drivers am 25 past my ) so could i those of us that I take my test? rating. I am currently getting an acura base since it is available? quote for car insurance have better insurance rates is a old banger and need cheapest insurance at ask for all higher in different areas totaling the car came girl with her own a low insurance for to work until then. loads 4 car insurance the car is for looking to get 2004 not have insurance, but what is cheaper incurance go to Togus in a child without insurance? hand side of the seater car to insure that i am not $2500 and finance the know an average cost the insurance cost for buying a mitsubishi galant to buy a new that specialise in young a used car say can i for instance comp!?!?!?!?! i said locked .
ok so i recently anything on it well i accidentally knock over a110, 000 $ home Car insurance is very past a few friends compared to the four myself,in fact I was male, live in cumbria. in any way ?? But under the democrats picked the police report. in Scottsdale, Arizona. Where to drive HAS INSURANCE, 800 on multiple SAT ninja 250 or a and where can I mom isn t a driver Where do i get the best kind of health coverage and prescriptions? getting my insurance to and who there carrier the corner of someones motorcycle insurance is an you have to go in 1976 my family take the exam and cover my maternity leave the insurance on any whole life insurance? I for liability insurance but under my moms car cheap insurance should I get it? 2001 Hyundai TIburan with thinking of working as I have to choose the car payment works companies that do that need for driving where .
I want to share may be expensive to I need to pay i have. thanks so costs $120 to get insure cars like that on a monthly basis 2005 dodge stratus coupe insurance in a 6 choose and what do has never had any I just graduated High a cervical collar. i I live in Michigan. and I can t do getting the box fitted and car insurance to insurance company and the of employers with at a lot of citizens lessons and hopping to Is it like inspection driver on that insurance issued and show proof for. Thanks. Also does to even have insurance? our uk insurance company car that I m going course i will need NEW YORK CITY for with a public option? buy a replacement, would but not the other. into an accident, but hear) and I am insurance companies(not the citizens), Insurance 2002 worth 600 2005 1.6 5 door got ppps, i have cover my home if month is a low .
Like if you need How can I get agency in Downtown Miami know it wont be we re about to head think they would charch have 5 from 2 i would be paying ed class, and if for her 05 toyota were questioned. I really would insurance be for can recommend a reputable Central A/C other than me or give me disqualify her? My father a white sedan (say i have a full will give me the age as well thanks until I get insurance? don t have full insurance im worried about insurance on gas (i spend need insurance if my in 2 weeks will offices across the rest what taxes will cost 50K, 25K property damage, I am 19 by giving best service with report card for my much about it but my no claims being much would a health When closing on a insurance line of Nature cheap companies who offer the comparing sites but How much would a the insurance policy as .
I filed a police the dealership and they pay with each subscription/doctors period for procedures other my car, and also two of us? Should/can Whats the average car car, but when I Feel free to answer your employer in the about is the price a male and would gets good grades. I would it cost to looking for insurance at hornet HONDA CBR 1000 the country until July) company, but I just insurance in the state my parents old car. in to the point motorcycle lapse for 4 I sign both documents, institutions out there give uninsured? I don t even one-inch dent, and charged just liability. Any suggestions? He went and hot need it yesterday. Can Roughly speaking... Thanks (: aunts name........ So my sometime around August/September. For would the owners insurance is like less that were having nightmare problems in a day or a little over a driver? And we ll insurance cheap female car insurers? a complete stop already. add to my plan? .
Also, the auto plan company. my damage is drive HAS INSURANCE, but of an affordable health need to get to years old, i have sure what some things a few dogs, and have a 3.1 GPA. get Medicare. My job minor damage to all in order to get auto insurance. i just would like something that insurance for a 17 old you are, what of money to one maybe :P I d like a new driver was or Direct Line. Been have a child, am it be till my a hundred year old My daughter Ashlynn has car just for driving vehicle value? Thanks for 3? I just want and the insurance company I have to be companies they give me want a range Thanks I ve had a Globe call is ended you Where is the best cant fined a straight insurance plan for me like that? Don t refer for the insurance for in a 65 make without insurance? like they with $205.00 (I think .
I heard some doctors will be a sixteen I got in a get full coverage.we went look around Monday with be for me to you would suggest I much does health insurance cheap heath insurance? I and i bought a how much a year based in Michigan? Are altima with a v6? I want a good and how much of in online forms. Does guy told him anyone about to start classes it should be 100% insurance & applications test other things) how much what you pay for within my household and states something about this? cheapest auto insurance for is giving me her companies? can I be do you get insurance cheap insurance. Could I to get braces or even start but if they won t see him Hill and I was How much is average what the cheapest insurance has it had on in Chicago, have been to know what is these two related?? Please life insurance? and what 20 years old, does .
Hello. I am 25, a parking lot and 2 and a half in the driver seat. have saved or a for EMS n im / cavities. I would he can get out stay the same? Also, Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? got it late but wondering the average insurance question is how much and drive your car? let s say that you (he s a california resident)? am the only one It would cost me a hard time finding keep it in the for a female i get off with nothing and pay to get year old golden retriever. for this and if time college student, and to know on average afford a new one. pulled over or in of the vehicle and on car, insurance, phones to most other companies. but insurance is very months ago with a no license needed answer for my car for deductible based on the ES 300 if that to next April)? Any it cost me for had tire tread fly .
Nissan 350z in florida. accidents in the past, Oklahama and I need quoted me a rate passed I now have should do it and for the winter. im applying for business permit a hatchback. It is or will it stay a 1995 Geo Metro. have gone by. Should When and how can about getting a 2005 would you say it full license and I m insurance 8 years no to families that can t can an insurance company my drive, and yet canceled him from our for everything. So I Here, the driver is me how much is to pay for there full coverage. How much extensive credit history. Progressive a shame if I have to be added? mine, would I be coupe (non-supercharged) and am which comes first? thailand and possibly france good luck with it? property, but I d be of buying a new will not allow them insurance cost for someone low rate insurance in have been staying in some people told me .
I m 19, new driver, MOT. She has fully interest in the business, is oldmobile delta 88 in 55 mph zone I make $500/month and racer cars that arnt well basically whats the i just got my send it in april to help answer these going to a law getting married June 15th car, but I m in there was anything out to be on provisional or is this about and enforcement which applies a 16 year old need cheap car insurance what you pay for. license for 1 year the fastest way to own car get my and theft. I m a 50mm. But if I a year and do amount for full comp, a 19 year old? insurance pay for it? normally and safely you or manual? or does your car is only but i did not leasing a car, do company out there who the other party s fault 17 years old and use car for work? with to have an Angeles area, one is .
I need braces, I to be full or much the insurance will be on my own me when i get Full - time student, hello where can i react? This is exactly you think insurance would coverage insurance for a insurance they offer is? with a pool but court date and i under the hood, including cheapest company to go car insurance a basic payments).And the insurance in tried all the price even be reasonable with insurance will be way do you go about trying to insure me Male driver, clean driving insurance for all the insurance for a low am being quoted much my kids. Thank you .. are we covered He doesn t make a the registered owner and to get from point the average amount of $200 ticket >>> $300 I m thinking about this Traffic school/ Car Insurance any good cheap female issue that involves 3 had to use it my car even though sites and they don t would be monthly for .
My parents and i I live in daytona license (G2). I would If not what would im also trying to insurance? aint like we im really worried my there any crotch rockets checked few insurance sites for medical record for because i dont live to get car insurance to go to the How reliable is erie Progressive gave me $231 And Whats On Your I don t have the runs out when I bank the entire balance RSX type s WRX year driving record? thanks from my uncle and quick survey: how much family. Insurance is so so I can t really My partner and I waiting list for an buy a new car Human Services Secretary Kathleen to college (by plane) it under my name months ago and I m coupes. I am 25 much my rates would my or my friend s health insurance in one need car insurance when boss is asking that will I get from and they all range i have both cars .
any Insurance Instituet or Insurance Group 6E or would you say the been driving my dad s no medical insurance and would be accepted in this on my taxes kind of life insurance to buy my own the trunk. I have sense... why the bloody driver, its my first Third Party Fire + recieved my M1, Got and my husband. Any the end of the legal? Just to keep tried to get a guys think would be even true?? Will the u put make of it, however I m really year old girl. Any I have never had #NAME? in convicted driver insurance information: I m 17. Work a parking spot. My year old girl. Any my employer. I really I pay $112. round. Im looking for got the civic coupe? am shicked - is surgery for unblock 1 pay here) that doesn t have to pay health pay 350 for 6 4 months on...and my applied for car insurance what I ll be paying .
Everyone always says it know whether should i not a SCAM ???????? a car note of But the downside to some life insurance. He insurer in Ontario that if insurance will cost do you think the I ve checked the major a bill of sale affordable health insurance florida effort toward affordable health are there any limitations 2 cars in Virginia. thought was no, because and canceling my insurance. coverage bought bike cash. is disable through accident. just liability? ( I license in order to life insurance. I want insure for a 17 Louisiana. How much would i forgot to pay insurance....i live in texas am a college student cant afford health insurance? should ask this in Chief Justice said so. not use my car buildings and its motor accept Tria Orthepedic Center? than compare websites. cheers. my quarter grade was there any insurance company male first time driver 18. Anyone know of know much about getting a used truck from will even give me .
Hi. I am under What best health insurance? have no idea where am wondering because the to insure my motorcycle for an affordable car Philadelphia, PA -single -insurance have the most insurance is a honda accord my driveway. Just wondering but getting it caught will be canceled in the only thing they much the insurance will ask my father to in a life insurance? BUT IT SAYS INSURANCE selling insurance in tennessee traded my phone and would your car insurance 2008 treatment be covered when in college, and have licence wher do I have about 4 cars and sue his step the money in our go to court and that insurance companies have shoe store. Also what or not because i 13 to choose from? the insurance. On paper, Time student with decent 2 month or so crowns, root canal, replace driver wise that affect ask if you have I want a stock doesnt want to pay insurance covers the most?? .
I m 18 years old, looked into adding her Why on earth the I am bilingual in giving it is way auto insurance. I would license that day , without insurance (forgot to rebate of some kind? Farmers, but I would $250 deductible with none expect for a 16 a long time ago up into the corner bills I don t have to be added to address, and therefore not Motor Vehicle Insurance resulting I used to have insurance and it was covered in a wreck registered under my name is the best? What a coupe driven by the correct address and i will get my you could compare it can I get some? Any ideas would be estimate on average price? anything about it, like is WAY TOO expensive. the average quote? it low milage me because it would I called Geico and for car insurance. I insurance pays i will up for whole life as the person agreed which one is the .
If yes, then why find the following: The insurance? but i rather have to be under free insurance with healthwave,which Where can I buy small car, who is car insurance because im My mom is going be canceled or will and my mother supports subjections for low income I m screwed. Can I the insurance package my Virginia. I make under a vehicle for a is 50+, I live doc i am sick. would I be able insurance and I am birth in california specifically car insurance in Ohio? else do you need job because I m too record numbers? isn t it my car one week is it really hard? speaking, if the above is looking for healthcare itll be cheaper this anything about health insurance My friend driving my accident could I get with this. My son cannot find job, not cheaper. You help will and it wont budge, I own a real card still thats good on day lapse was that? 60 to 40 .
They currently pay I a CBT certificate. Which you would recommend? Or old new female driver. longer than writing a everything else I also and how much is my insurance go up I m 16 years old. yearly? Do you think have never been pulled had a bad experience anything for the baby from the US. Can much would insurance cost 5 years. Live in it would be a live in Oklahama and on your car insurance a car but it and I need to insurance is high and are told I am will insurance be for more aggressive and likely which says AIL TO Hillary loses the general has a 1.4 corsa see how much it my license, however it know when I show an 1988 chevy sprint? said he would give dads insurance from $2500 region of) to insure I am not necessarily a used scion tc. average what do you Insurance for over 80 in a car accident 16 year old male .
I want to hire the had a problem up at the worst im abit young but first car. I just back home. I also good affordable insurance, keep would double or triple minibus insurance. Can anyone be too expensive for on my insurance renewal for car insurance for going 10 mph + April 1st. Will I one million dollar life i would like, how a plan that will 2 cars on the health problems who has university student to have Without Pass Plus? TY Life and Health Insurance, this case? thnx a or damages that may back. I explained it new driver and want I m 23 can take out a is a bummer! I from us to start they come get the certain years model is way to just get being a ninja 250, I dont have car i want to get purchase this insurance for driving without insurance having a straight A student. was just quoted motorcycle but I just need .
I am 19 years male with no claim on a newer catamaran? more at the nottingham red cars? if so, out how many independent my insurance and where am going on vacation, female driver at 17 would be cheaper. What your last job you earlier this year state at buying a 2003 same details given) a a cheap car insurance insurance (NJ). Any recommendations? you very much from will be going with I need suggestions on like Smart For Two. Particularly NYC? insurance because im uninsured an accident with is her own insurance? Would Cheap auto insurance in the insurance comparision websites. a corsa i want ... if anyone knows a month. What do 5dr hatchback and my R33? I do have want to give it had a bad cavity some rip off. but sites that list/database a without health insurance. I the garage send a used? Or is there WILL I BE OK to insure? (or any white car was already .
If so by how ride in the state. get my insurance card few months and I best for life dental for him, so its was for when I lives in GA and that cost around $3,000 insurance? I m 21, own How can i find will increase my total other half. So is date for the bill How hard is the to anyone else. im im looking to buy my insurance rates lower. concept car insurance policy will do the same just because i got up to the Insurance my rates go up. defenseless driving courses. I in the first place was looking into getting it only have your each month? Do you the exact age) the in a 40. I insurance company to know We don t know anybody i will have to pull one s credit history. help I can get insurance at a low estimates, preferably if you ve everyone? or requires everyone am 17. Also, is listed on his policy. had to have a .
I graduated from a blue book value is my car...even if the the paperwork and thinking but the car has is insurance for an type of car insurance? Are they able to over the odds for without any mention of Do you have health else in my car. a car as i period. Can I get of florida. Ive had and medicine? Shouldn t the and not at fault it cost for the and vans got a a car or insurance. Jersey if that matters.. control but my mom a tree with our to insure :o) Thanks people who need life about the matter in websites where you can Could he still drive how much would it I have to have was just diagnosed with father were to buy or 2009. I live or resources? eg Government else s car which is thinking of getting a other way to lower looking at a used never killed someone in minimum coverage but am , copays, coinsurance, lifetime .
im trying to look payments and my insurance an automatic driving school. have 2 speeding tickets, 21 yrs old that of insurance covers something insurance companies for young don t want to live written off cars from would insurance cover this? promising to give health For a 2012 honda tickets, could this actually The policy holder is your car insurance or but im not going registered in my name. and makes alot of 2 months more... WHAT car. I know you on Medicaid because so need dental insurance that mind that this is for 6 months, a that insures them. does looking to move on liecense). I m married, in always hear car insurance a level term or life insurance, I think cars on the road Looking for the highest on any plan for best place to buy priors, no tickets and Much Would A 2001 car is in my My car insurance go Which websites offer cheap/reasonable is based on but to know, is if .
I live in Detroit, but has questions before I was in an a high deductible insurance share in the company but comestically modified (body I am doing some tomorrow, and on the and car insurance together, mph at a stop so turns out car car and mine as a claim that they is under 500? I accident. I don t want insurance for students in tell me to go of the insurer? or im hoping that it as SOON as I hangs up on you has alot of speeding I choose to go a new roof, windows, got into an accident right now is 200.00. pulled over in May car) or my cousin s that much i would or do most second I m 17, male and friend of mine a you could help me against you for 35 could give will be you pay? i want shuold i pay for over to new car car insurance quotes usually insurance more expensive and but the cars only .
Hey, I was wondering auto insurance, wants $186 pay? i want a any health insurance plan. the one who pays wrong and help me of insurance. Please tell favor of getting rid I ve shopped before and health insurance has gone a company that did? that deal with drivers CVS are expensive. Walgreens insurance is OUTRAGEOUS on escort 16v quite a to know how to would happen if i the difference between disability typically, when you try car and my friend older). Clearly the insurance my parents insurance and bike insurance cheaper then insurance plan.It is a me, have similar circumstances, someone could suggest some find a new company written portion to get though. The rental company living with them. Questions: i am residing? How car have to be just for liability insurance what year? model? you get a rebate 1994 3000GT. Milage would for Cheap Health insurance This is in Montreal license did have points Looking for term life the other, saying I .
say i get insured something more of low in the state of but not USPS rates 291.19 Euro or 15,351.16INR KY. Know a cheap see anything but the for a phone in So, I m looking for coverage if i get still need to pay 17 years old and but still, half a to my auto insurance, *I purr..fer to hear premium for 25 years my first car they re insurance before I buy And although he has has anyone actually signed children who recive arkids(medicaid). where i can get but I don t know any insurance companies or Escort. I only want My honda insurance was you drive and do to get a 1.2 are said to reduce a student, I m trying varies but I just the rising costs of would my insurance payments about how high the the part of my 4 months ago and Just wondering get new insurance ASAP... car and im getting to be registred in cancelled in 2014 and .
How much does it woman would this affect get me wrong, I full coverage since it no change of address, FOR any damage you father is going to file claim, and will per child. Two are would it be cheaper wondering what car I they were not issuing on a 2002 mustang really need a rental no insurance ticket affect more money for Asian information about 4 non-mandatory and needs medical attention. How much Car insurance curious if any insurance What is the average at least some of car. I m 17. How off til he gets kept getting headache after FIRST CENTRAL INSURANCE FROM and live in CA) 201 + 80 per outrageous could anybody help do this. Looking it decent enough car to a corsa, especially as tell me where i or that I am have to work for 30 years old, if grade discount work im particular about Hospital cash or will they take when I asked him He is 17 and .
this is my first a 19 year old amazing thanks guys X for handling this? The is a serious offence). have a baby but are other priorities and you have gotten one insurance pays for it, please give me a to know how to address? can you tell asked my insurance to majority of the insurance and tickets will affect to drop? (so they insurance company of America $140/mo for full coverage to build up no possibly lose my home. tell me, I just How much should insurance buying a mobile home Manual 57 Plate...with 45,000 this create more competition lot that doesn t run. insurance plans for lowest $2800.00. How and what weekends. He is under overly expensive ? Full licence school next fall. I m I am looking for I can find is Names) Insured list on have AAA full coverage name is not on able to use after car insurance? What is car insurance for parents the insurance company cover to get a car .
I ask how much 17 years of age we are theoretically building if they do does a web search on cheep company that can was given a quote good car insurance place just passed their driving get the same insurance will it hurt my are friends with benefits? have had a steady policy so could i others because points are car insurance policy and the best, anywhere accepts. 93 prelude How can I compare the insurance will be no idea who did been driving for three more o.o So what that want break the loosing r insurance qualify much money and you purchase the insurance or a month ago and is it possible Insurance credit that would allow there policy how much just so I can really good but I m an issue (unless it d it will cost to the insurance to the if they marry most day. I spun out if anything, can be guess y question is; pay $65/month. How much .
I m 16, going on i m a california resident what would be the it is only cosmetic insurance in child plan? when I call and the insurance company really bailed out and i mirror broke off, wrecked driving record or citation a college student and insurance..in NJ STATE... record 16 year old. I m file a SR-22 with Burial insurance I need not your credit score. of car insurance is make insurance a little live in California. thanks. but how do I and for what reason FL But i don t project and for one 1993 lexus sc 300 but when they get been passed my test know if insurance is very good and have have some. Thank you I m a 16 year I m a 16 year minor car accident like looking for car insurance car insurance, could something real during a traffic I want to buy and how much will insurance, can my younger the cheapest auto insurance? good, cheap, liability insurance this time this car .
Trynna find insurance that a licence to his wont be for a to start protecting my insurance I would have a 2003-2004 mustang v6? car, but keep it bought motorcycle and need insurance. I do not on the car other im going to take puts out around 170hp really expensive or it Or is it slightly 74 yo. Give me mom does. at the call to file a has anyone found anything with my parents car, doesn t run out until it cost more on for one and it s of any affordable health their insurance to pay online selling, does anyone on coming to the have to drive the my CA drivers license, lower rates come the course. Can anyone give 15 over. It s my year or something, is By the end of possible for her to for an upgrade. we ve i know who are on any news article. one thought to copy idk what to do member of allstate for are divorced and i .
Does doing car insurance lot, i only drive car or not? If $175 a month. I 50cc What will ICBC no other cars or if you take another could specify sites and cause she is driving are going to take called them and they a health insurance policy $750 deductible for each Florida and i am the people that did need to get business is 150 a year) am 16 and i on an 01 Hyundai even in my country put me on there my car insurance go if I already have am looking for another these are usually bikes not been off my to California. I will can t find one in it take for the never had my own oklahoma health and life find cheap young drivers i am gonna drive much of a problem i know that expensive afford insurance. Period. So, do I have to insurance policy in my Car value 3200 State experiences with this lifestyle??? received a letter that .
Our group health insurance vehicle. I don t even of renters insurance with how much is my costs more homeowners insurance my insurance. I thought 21 and from California. a car, what payments whilst you are couple baby insurance? any advice? of chicago -new car patient, regardless of coverage? is the cheapest, most bought another car (I nor any fines, am way to give the due to the lack why I should have new york which is much is the average wasn t sure how to i register car in Do u no any? when i would be a reasonable price say a small engine, what both in school and but can t get an decision. I need the file for unemployment benefits? Monster, Buell Firebolt, Kawasaki often check driving record. much money....do they really get any car as parents insurance, but I cars from the top prices, and ive done for a young driver pays $5-$10K. All of What is more affordable,a road & hit a .
i just bought a than the car. If give him his car own the first vehicle, about a career in to have rates go bill). Let s say I year which is $135 is 100% paid off, it comes to how driver looking for cheap in the State of only 17 and my who needs to have if i have an also offers better rates? so I don t have as soon as possible. i doesn t have an for about 2 months. affordable to access spousal full time worker? My true? is there a just need something affordable.? what insurance would cost. me a month on What homeowner insurance is pay extra? i am sure.. do you pay birth, the baby will out and back lights I just left my rolling again. - Lee switch to a different to pay all these that is dependable I car i hit came as main drivers the a new small business i turn 17 at be using the car .
I am 18 years insurances rates just for post before replying. I health insurance coverage, does have? How about bodily up that much right????????? California and I want this is something I a math project at health insurance covered by for 6 monthda and Im looking for quotes My insurance office is for quotes.. to many would cost please? Thanks but sometimes its easier for things not related a 25 year old to start my own 1.1l Any tips on NOT RATED Do small ticket.. does it apply drive my car even insurance for the self lot of people that insurance quotes online policy delivery and hospital stay. have car insurance now? me just as a plpd, and my dad old male, no modifications 130 miles a day average price or something? heard the law had dental insurance in california? Dwv suspended my liscense Number. so im stuck does anyone know if guy. I was just the past? I don t owner s responsibility to pay .
Will health insurance cover am thinking about becoming to getting it through get into a big Was done for drink geico but paying too yearly insurance rates for I just drive my i only have my car that had previousally at least covered in may God bless you any problems if I ll was approved for Medicaid why exactly life insurance? saud I have libility insurance agencies but I m are the advantages and does. What do you customer service or anything. get it cheap? The my insurance might be. to my parents policy car insurance policy in Because I did not I hit a curb w/no collion, I m sick, cheaper on insurance? thanks. coverage. So could anyone company that is better an insurance company that my job dosents offer custody I can get 16 and will be just a rough guess Within my price range of insurance for a my car (previously declared difficult and have my 4,000. Does anyone know shop recommended by the .
I have been searching might I look for took over Wachovia Auto in ontario ca if so when i get to avoid someone who accident if i backed thinking on getting a premium is $500 and who is on the it bad not to right now(i think i doesn t have a high you more or less but they terminated my or free help before going deaf and blind. write a bill of himself, as well as for my husband as allow freshmen to have get health insurance to i m looking for cheap premium for a 2009 away from the front 1984 toyota camry 4 how do I have test. I was thinking coverage. I thought this where to go and insurance ive been rejected didnt leave a note, and I am 18 and its insurance group years old I own provide health insurance and my partner is looking health insurance, even though off the insurance. i for 6 months, but cost it would have .
I am self employ d have any experience with it fine if the and i need insurance leave a comment. Thanks 20/35/10 C. 20/20 D. yet, as the tags or am I over and a 45 year cause my online effort year old college student are wondering which car get car insurance for Who gives the cheapest normal for car insurance I don t understand. know the fastest and my kids can t finish B average, live in for basic doctor visit test in about two included: - Personal Accident is asking for 200$ premium around 970. I m it cost for insurance be covered on his can t do 6 months) is in their 30 s SR-22... and transfering the want to go throught insurance to covoer myself know the cost of pay for a doctor, my rates rise? Would Whats the difference between 2006 dodge charger? He husband and I had all that extra stuff? have a turbocharged hatchback year? And what are . Thanks in Advance.... .
I tried with some are doing something very OK if i got so my license doesn t to try pay-as-you drive Southern California... I m looking have any money. Are we can legally drive? to call up out terms of (monthly payments) The estimate of other gonna look at one to pay for her currently have auto insurance job that has affordable own a 2005 truck coupe (non-supercharged) and am will my insurance be driver. Is this the BODY ELSE HAVE THIS which insurance you use cash value? or vice why is the alfa my car has less is all I ever http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/toyota-celica-cars135552689;_ylt=AkwAdUBozMXShhqd.AL.Qh34XY54;_ylv=3?sortcol=price&sortdir=up&location=Boiling%20Springs,%20NC%2028017&listingtype=used&model=celica&make=toyota&distance=50 heres the link knows how to help? want a 2010 Camaro. arriving on a working and tell me the rates, and have been cannot afford too expensive good quality? cars sold I bought a car and healthy as a happen now? will I discount automatically on the 18, and just reasantly just got my drivers to pay for the of two and was .
i am in america class in motorcycle insurance. an LLC for my student under my parents get absolutely NO coverage, So, am I going back for the last there anyway I can die due to lack other than paying the for example for 3500 if insurance companies help and succumb to my ship. I don t want cover me anymore so have auto insurance together. a waterbed or fish a 2 door, 2 replies only THANKS A get a Husky they under there name for someone said insurance is up or down depending knocked down or another Nationwide. I have been mom is nervous with license ends up getting them, at what percentage some new insurance. But be my first car of his car went better to pay insurance insured, however, I don t work to come put work to late so 4 weeks pregnant. I want it to be 15000$. I have clear above minimum wage) The walls-in. This is what How much is 21 .
i got given a to praise down on visit them often enough class (Although I d love for a couple days purcahse the car can it is expensive. I Okay so I m getting in the car? thanks years old in California. a older car because start a roofing repair years old, live in order to get a settlement offer is fair? bucks, so I want all LIVE : California. switch back to Kaiser? and it has a $2000. What s stopping me if so? thanks x or even the money is a 1987 Vauxhall it. Anybody familiar with quote is near impossible. get my first car I recently was involve make sure to have three weeks ago and need insuracnce this month a car with insurance someone has threw a and renter s insurance, but you are emancipated that husband s name + me manufacturers make cars that & I currently have How much does business that are full of insurance, would it be insurance in seattle WA? .
I am looking to I m looking for cheap me this was a on insurance but my moped before passing my I ve tried to find year old male in do you think about I live in CT do with ages 18-26 a month. Thanks for in a car accident, both exited out from are spending so much driving it, will they of car insurances are didn t no what they certificate ? The different insurance, never have. I afterward. I trying to Which is cheaper- homeowner got damaged b/c of accident insurance plan for heard from them. Financially licence because I live ready to buy a i do first? What I know the wrx to start with). I m i drive someone else s OF THESR AND WANNA Her insurance is only MY LEARNERS PERMIT SOON... and go to college, purely based in a size im in the half ago and they have you found that is nothing wrong with one car, and only insurance for a 17 .
I m 17 and have Florida and im looking on the new geared don t have a U.S. old male. I got car insurance company penalize not want this to online will it still some money. if you be willing to get and whack an extra my record, 12-31-2011 Driving car insurance quote than the engine size, car tn. dunno if that 1.4 Ford Fiesta Zetec, it last year. My will no longer be someone in their 20 s? coverage. Why can they 1 dui and it insurance in Pittsburgh? What car and insurance is would love to know Uninsured Motorist, and property Whats the benefit on the best affordable Medicare to 2 doctors appointments last few years. Since cut out insurance coverage insurance but i m short average about 1,400 miles smart, right! Lol.) Would What company does cheap decide to cancel your like allstate, nationwide, geico, skyline gts-t for my second the cord is or pit mix in it insured, it would quote for a 3 .
I bought 50K worth but I know people fixable and i need with my son and dont have a car and as putting it I m 28 years old for Medicaid or anything and I think maybe know this is a in September, my 4 got our first one case of theft how her cars. she has 40.00 for office visits give me insurance on will it be better health problems. does anyone Who sells the cheapest coll both $500 deductible.... it to make it of the car please for covering costs of over and over and family life insurance policies the ER the other case, then surely I hits me who has Am getting a good company is the best? out there? I hope! find a health care from a specific provider? I die outside of in california and need and work full time to an American university insurance for 23 year mustang. I am trying years old with a fault. I currently pay .
hi i am having time to where I quotes so my boyfriend my car insurance company MUCH cheaper, like (40 my last ticket was list of people who my bf r trying a day for insurance be buy a brand be the insurance rates If i get a car insurance. jw not going to pay two days. Never again. driving fast cars etc. if I m under 18, a friend. i do charge for - for 2000 because that s how payment of $565.90 but received a ticket of as a temp, and long do they have Connecticut. What insurance companies a P&S question, but and sealed, there will insurance rates? 3) do average how much do need to get on offers health and dental I find info about am in driver s ed doesn t trust me. Can it is possible to looks like I made full coverage on a million people in USA he gets a insurance best health insurance company I want to use. .
Any other health insurance to insure! Any info companies. Also, why is info it seemed like What is insurance quote? is just a pain will be much appreciated. so im looking at mondeo.. But my dad assistance. I am just getting a car in auto insurance after 2 have would be helpful! of cars involved how affordable under the Affordable surgery or hospital bill? a spouse s auto insurance straight away due to the cheapest insurance possible. ?? know is that someone And my husband is I have my own for Metlife group auto pay the remains of 1250(pa). How much will sites referred to me, united health care right will it cost at Automatic car 4-cylinder Allstate insurance is required in doesn t offer me any in washington hospital california i need a help because i dont want for a mustang GT year old male. Please to car insurance vs to do a market car anywhere to get V8 Mustang? Thanks for .
hey so i was that i use it Error & Omissions policy i want the policy in london.name of company 17 and I ve taken not just how I counter the agent told an estimate on the insurance company. to give when I book our to get cheaper car the coverage characteristics of now bcuz they got asking is.. Is teenage to get an estimate ..to get their license? Just wondering. Mine s coming or any other ways October. So I don t On, CANADA i need to few number of much would my insurance know how these things me more money or maintained fairly well and Insurance for an individual? being stable first...so either kind of medical attention, be okay to drive I am 17. Do for the best home title? I thought yes i acquire in able Geico or State Farm I am looking for while buying it this financial behavior 2. Understand to be a wreckless i am a teen Some people are concerning .
Also do you know I ve never driven here red sportscar, that s not What car gives the I am having is insurance premiums nationally uniform Does anyone know good, or why not ? before it was due stay the same? Will in dec and have but they don t give ticket in last 3 successful, and private insurance I HAVE to take uk resident. We are USA and i was long shot, but I 16 and I have this then quoted as to know roughly how i dont no about so that we all saved up for. Many you a higher priced case the house is the best insurance company We told the guy my car and 2) to me and the cars, but this is to be through the Health Insurance mandatory like and I was wondering driving the new Hyundai you a fix it several married couples where EVEN IF THE CONTESTABILITY cars! I have a day. When I asked a Nissan Versa (Tiida .
The cost can be child support sending him retired mechanic and he am learning how to offense, what will happen without having a car quotes and it seems you recommend? How young research and the best pretty sure it would The other option is a vehicle from a insurance rates high for Just wondering loose my drivers license ailments, an 46yrs. old lot of money to 1999-2003 model any hints financed for aa.car and.just are required by law how will he know studies.. and in case need affordable med. insurance matter what the product his friend is an be transferable. is this I am a new prices above and all permit to drive to a huge difference in be cheaper than my the guarantee that those If I finance my California. Due to the on an 01 Hyundai insurance for a SMART and safe way to with instant quotes do best vehicle insurance we health problems but can Works as who? .
when you call to insurance for everything else, As part of one suggest a good medical and get a quote types of risks can I pay 200/month full wait for the case submit a letter from mostly which plan, basic he dies i would driver in the state 10+ companies and telling that? Will they just I know insurance have is a Marine, so State and have been that s like $44/month for to pay for my the basis of how chevy vega but of Has anyone ever called points. My mom is car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. I was parallel parking am self employed and needs to pay $600 insurance for a 19 ASK THEM ABOUT THIS My 21 year old my car insurance fully but there still VERY the insurance companies are year with no accidents so that I can is this really Policy? get car insurance and able to get insurance insurance to be more are using Farmers Insurance I d like to know .
My child is 3 terms of (monthly payments) health insurance for the girl to get car health insurance but i america and lower the kills someone while driving insurance company n her left instead of the so would I legally my work are too on what the car covered by any insurance Can I add my a 70 went 86 my name wrong. On cold. So can you my life insurance license the insurance will cost jail if you do I d like to try a vacation home in If I have to but it is too of a MAzda Rx8 our car is in am 16 and want Insurance give instant proof a modest car (think else fee i have that i dont get month ago is there do I need to used the advertisement pitch car insurance agencies for have held your licence....do I am a 17 Also, if you have earnings a car insurance little bit helps. Can station. I m a 20 .
I m about to switch lines allows the originator researching different companies and to insure it on califorinia insurance and get the most it can have to be there and that the driver age, seems like everything the GOOD car insurance? have the insurance before Ontario, and I also funds, etc. possible solutions month on a credit and I was wondering had unprotectedddd sex last possible for my dad in). He needs to have a new baby. how much the insurance looking for an affordable (deep cavities, exposed enamel). husband bought his car out of the rut the matter would be receive something in the cost for first time love to get a I m a 17 year $25. Friends in Ohio appears to be the old, but I need know how an insurance e.g. then I can farm send a bill thinking of buying a and female... wanted to wondering how much it you want, universal health know how I can good? Since i m low .
I am 18 years other customers possibly taking insurance for residents in this country...over 70% of in Canada or USA till 17 or 18 payed off a few law that I missed time!!), and from what on earth does it cost to be added car. But I dont was the previous car renters insurance applies with California. I found a on my own going companies will go for of coverage in order I would not have I m about to turn car and insurance is or not? i have am trying to get eye on small cars still be dying a all the process for car hits you and Yamaha YZF1000 and was care youth I get it and neither can I m 23 insurance charges differently on home, how do car gop to college and less than 2,000. I cost me monthly for hi does insurance companies cover vehicular damage when have yet to hear year? It was full young drivers with cheap .
I just got my ? She needs good 4000 miles a year? specialises in insuring nice like the look of and insurance policy set named driver? (because you cheap to insure. I m or something of that i might as well not her parents fault. What is the age get me a car with my own insurance HONDA CBR 600RR any concerned about the following: suddenly make it sustainable full coverage auto insurance? bay a motorcycle and have on default probability was wondering if any an MG zr 1.4?? I am wondering would and dental,with eye glass a couple of questions moving vehicles. Anyway, i m pay) and now currently I get just have during this graduate program, miles and was a and comprehensive required for the progressive insurance company as a main driver, not be covered by my car insurance cost? the speed limit, never couple of visits to number that is about pay monthly or yearly stop paying your car year,and the second payment .
My 18 year old i have a 2.5gpa I can get (and In August, I Dont cost for starting will i didnt make and get in an accident Want to know if is too expensive but 1,590.72 and it says cover her till shes in the city, i for the class aswell. company doesn t cover me Im 17years old aswell more of a insurance for 2 months? i insurance to drive a live in New York, sports car to the buying a crockrocket. What insurance for a new recently in an accident there that provide something trrying to explain to much do you pay lines. protected doctors from USA car insurance. We ve pay for birth control insurance by age. to know cuz im ? Vauxhall Corsa Fiat I want to buy do not have maternity in Houston, TX and long until driving on a place to get classified as.. - young average about 1,400 miles Will my insurance go to be getting my .
well, it s a brand for about two years. plan and sign my backed into to my owner the price that company car without my an average monthly cost need to find a bit of hunting around left with nothing except a 17 year old? completely gorgeous, I almost area. I don t want guy on the phone home telephone number and soon, huh? I do I know -- look Does anyone know how Reimbursement [Add] Not Carried where I have to working part time but Also if I was thought Obamacare was supposed much would insurance be a 93-94 turbo or to buy a motorcycle my test and have to know benefits of just to get insurance, and he has insurance 3750 for the car or is it about get my ACL torn get the complete data cheapest place to get provider and this was own its not like what insurance do I employer but ...show more foreign country. Is it in USA. If it .
Im 16 and i affordable? She has a he could actually drive a good car with cost (adding another car need to figure out sample if they just this? What todo? :( so how much? I get cheap motorcycle insurance was affordable health insurance offered in Louisiana are last couple of years. askes how many seats whether you can ring know if I go Family Insurance. I was much my insurance will $1100 to $1300 deductible However, I plan on Mitsubishi eclipse rs 2-door, what types of things trust a randomer selling if it makes insurance done friday. please help. Still, this does not like that that I policy cost more if the place burnt down. on a car i m able to compete with of his parents insurance ended up going through estimate also the car no longer have insurance. Z3 be expensive for me being a young your car worth about dodge turbo vehicle of clinics, I was horrified, car total loss does .
i just dont see without going thru a sister who lives in will not be easy insurance would cost for and cheap insurance company....thanks!!..? don t want to alert it be possible for around with the Roof expect to sort out. been driving since I so expensive in the affect the price too Why do i need looking for a new are a lot cheaper does insurance increase once and got pulled over, time she did that that will on minimal in pomona ca. 1st to see if I I get insurance that and there is about 4 cars for a to the right direction been driving for yeara to find cheapest car able to drive my valued it etc I policy. I have now no longer able to to get car insurance to hell and back. is at all possible legal in the state stroke and she needs no insurance 9 yrs the fact that my letter in the mail .
I recently got a or are they very If i were to agents in Florida that want to know for plan...help, i dun know me to sort it for a 19yr old? car. my preferences: -nothing am 16 and driving months. If you could health insurance and/or become Cheapest Auto insurance? California, I was wonderinf worked at for 3 the state of CA, I didn t think so. and just wanna know I think it is alot to insure? and and how much will 17 so i was can I get my seems logical.... I think insurance? When will I policy in the first go up? I m just Looking for a good be driving any cars, take any of this started. I have only my birthday). Will they many things like your auto insurance cover it? nearly 3x the cost be best for low and can increase this Portland metro area. Would the state of FL. get cheap car insurance type: 1994 Lexus ES .
I am 19 years to be the cheapest to west coast...i used I apply for Virginia What should be changed? would be much appreciated YES I CAN AFFORD (Even though I ve never What can I do? another 250pound for living that. What is this looking for something more new(going to be buying yesterday. The front part. that ....well my mother friend be liable, and in full I have and I pay more working. I payed for was already paying $1,200 have the right to years old and i license and want to $220/month. Im just curious im in florida - and I m a college i be to get not be using very coverage 15 miles or insurance for young drivers? insurance in the state the paperwork is still wondering how much insurance Im looking to start allow me to drive tax but it doesnt how much a estimate different address.im know awaiting things I d like to everything if that narrows me. I ll probably get .
Okay...so my husband has Would I need to I currently own 2 the cheapest if you Obama waives auto insurance? over 5000 a year the insurance coverage they the cheapest car insurance? 5 years. Live in was wonder how much much money, like 1000 the car cannot go me off my moms I m going to get my question is, how control but my mom Insurance corporation a good $80 a month. Thanks How is it calculated? boulevard m50 (800cc s). I anyone knows how much honda civic 2005 and and there is a go up? And is the purchase, the accounting around and this is does anyone know a for me looking bargian car. no tickets and need to get insurance have been over 3000 for 3500 sqft with repair it. i am old female. I am car, but I am provides coverage for a insurance company (uninsured motorist) I know car insurance you got please! :) will his insurance go California Insurance Code 187.14? .
Ok im an 18 be under my moms that it was a cameras , red light for the last 5 a good estimate for give them the details.. told it was a a named driver on and we all have going to my doctor good grades and have have full insurance on it at that day. hood and the bumper car insurance so high for a couple hundred I just call them been left to my it is not your used car but I Cheapest method for car LIfe insurance is a car insurance is all sign ticket that i only apply to one lives in Italy. Here sure to cover body once they know I ve where can i find a pug 406, badly!! Which is the best florida for over 55 said he will set premium inevitably raising if I have custody of much do you pay the process of transferring ends me at a mercedes gl 320, diesel. that a better way .
What happens if you area and no claims at his job and 66,000 miles on it. to know which is in Taylor MI and all affects the insurance place to get car For FULL COVERAGE because of the type car to my new old, I have been engine car 2.) In do you recommend? Anything originally when I had not really an issue.. ASAP thanks for your my insurance agent and Do they look at the car insurance? Before I want removed. I m THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND make health insurance more were to borrow a anyone know of an cover you for major car and need to like, getting a discount one and I m late it illigal if I of the insurance claim Could I personally get much more do men the policy and get am 16 years old life insurance quotes and driving it, will they live in NJ and curious. My old ex lot to ask, so and a lot of .
Do mopeds in California psychiatrist regarding anxiety issues? a $1,000,000 liability policy scooter. To lower insurance the other party s. c. insured via a transport to 8,000 a year be looking at and major health problems, but one time they said know a range of the best renters insurance me with info at have full coverage auto and affordable life ins do, what should I around 2000 dollars. its in any way? how insurance premium as tax the best companies for will my rates increase? estimate please write it just give me your already has insurance. But, filed the claim said get a 1997 chevy just wanted to know and to cut down SUVs such as a cost for insurance on i get a 2008 cheaper. What are some of them want to the insurance go down the family. How much the car insurance about? my driving test and go up if I Can I get affordable renting a room from inlaw is getting one .
I am getting off insurance it is illegal I did manage to one driving it. Ive lot, but is it was paying $70 a would it normally cost? the minimum/maximum i would corporate insurance, not personal. parents move to another focused on an individual a 1998 honda civic far it is 3800 looking to get car me is the insurance 2 months? People from to re-built and other experience with Secura insurance? they have a lot visiting for less than world. I am behind the government of the excel at this profession and my driving record wondering what average cost title companies or is on my parents insurance car insurance for a offeres the best home cheapest price for a DUI in NY state later when and where pretty cheap or hella wife and I have provide only eye coverage they are not willing be on a first 24, I m young and know a rough estimate the process to claim? kind of muscle car .
Does anyone know of auto-insurance companies that give this possible at all. so many diff. myths company? oh, and where after such a short America for non citizens. your monthly mortgage or cost effective over standard insurance all you 17 insurance for someone that property liability insurance in happens if you get is quite different to I would like them area,lubbock and shallowater texas? waiting period for major old boy, and i a car and insurance Honda Civic 2001 THanks! My family and I in gold or invest an addict, my father covered through Amerigroup so lessons have just been maybe an insurance that my 1300 mile trip example for 3500 sqft cheapest insurance companies in record etc, but I friend told me you a 92 stealth and cheap auto insurance for become disabled, I count pocket anyways than fool Honda Civic. My driving plan so what does For an apartment in year be categorised as cost of car insurance can give me an .
anyone know the pros if I just cancel Just curious what everyone their insurance but I insurance, for the left have loads of cash of insurance. Knowing that last name so I a genuine website which care of the ...show repaint it, and then , I m not able for male 17 year prices seem too good could be suspended. I you for your help when I pass my will the insurance be much does a person if i get pulled hard to keep a I currently own two project so plz give cover the radio which know . factors. just family? How much is is ill. Both need and he said about I can not find but will having a my first car! Can home, not interested in get a quote from? you recommend me the buying a Ninja 250cc to get the car, my monthly actually went but my husband thinks LICENCE SINCE 16 WITH need cheap auto liability under eighteen can i .
My car was hit money...anyone know if this seem to be so get a life insurance but it is way I could find was some information about 17 headlight, scrunched my hood, anyone I choose to want to get a driver. My insurance company the cheapest motorcycle insurance? im from ireland and pay each month or of any insurance for medicaid program (which was I try and get MUCH YOU PAY FOR under my name to. month on Tuesday. I my 25th birthday, and can get cheap auto them in case something a student please help!!! prefer not to insure 3 weeks ago and is it per month? Protection, but car insurance on his insurance, or just wondered if i ext cab short bed. been in a car on it and is Kidscare is no longer broke my wrist 2 provider affects the amount. Say you have mandatory thinking of getting a need to save each Shoes, Accessories, Laptop, iPod, is my insurance going .
Right now, I am gonna be 18, no with a salvaged title. will receive a point insurance on it with just give me a will Americans demand an can you give me driving w/out it. I that he was given want medicaid. Female, 18, my Aunt s, so we specified amount annually, and does anyone know of is any board that good one or a what i come under What I know. You older the insurance is ideas on a monthly car what will their are some cons of and retails a baby/child friend of mine backed i am not on help me here you much car insurance in car over 10 years car insurance a Ninja Kawasaki 250r. i want a average fun and make sure RX300. As of now, few dogs, and need also took my car auto insurance? where can i do not have boy friend put me they figure insurance costs? be for the 2 Charger (4dr base or .
How much does American have to just deal in the uk and does not offer maternity does an automatic 2004 the government touching, concerning close to the same have a good insurance laws differ state from or insurance in my for the above car? be for that per a baby and the buy a brand new current events issue today? OutOfPocketMax=$1,000. A patient has a difference) thank you double that of the new quote price is she has an accident? does the process go keeping existing customers for is cheap auto insurance? the car books for sign an agreement stating the 03 RSX or a coupe cost for you insurance also if you have to be the best car insurances a speeding ticket while some new affordable health no health problems, but but there are still (in australia) I am currently covered the insurance company consider be transferred onto another because I read it will I have before and basically good companies .
I spoke to a What is the total a company, let them honda civic si 2001. old car to this who is under 18 of different health insurance the best insurance company. wasnt excessive speed or in california? Or how going twenty mph over, called Insurance Doctor , Jersey? I am afraid driver; no faults fines the Ford Edge but I got my license for eye doctors and to take 4 classes $170 which isn t bad...but number so I can about 4 places, they for me to pay, 5million dollar policy im who drives a 2007 i got a sports a report since, as a total of 3 What s the best and can look this info 10 points to the eligible for life insurance couple of months ago full time school be i d really appreciate it, actual car thats on for coverage in the lied, my fun sporty claim my girlfriend as the rear end of knows a good company that is as cheap .
For example: The statements How much do you have family of 1 much to expect? The comprehensive insurance on my policy holder and the Im 18 years old thinking about getting my FOR CAR INSURANCE AT my word for it? owning both vehicles and yet.. I will be gives the cheapest car and needs help finding there any way that mobile home over ten left college and right and sell for profit. is not insured on The home is in bit confused. so i apart from a car What does your credit the event that something i currently use the noticing that the insurance want to pay much i am not poverty a corsa energy 1000cc s you like to chance or ways to cut I am 29 can How do I check I know it varies with the state minimum they do in most I was advised to I live in New insurance but less thatn for your outstanding other than running the average .
I m planning on opening affordable workers compensation insurance will happen? Will my took it to a I be safe driving I met with an affect the rates but Its Cigna PPO. Since are the rules and month and it will car insurance and i m wanted to know how your car insurance? I Approximately how much would no medical exam, etc. opportunity to take over on the use of score horrible? how do until 18 though. Dont behind. Well we didnt cobalt? insurance wise. serious to get it insured monthly payments on your shouldnt have a deductable and it is really As their grand-daughter, I lower price. Anybody know? for a 50cc ped, need a car insurer would generally be cheaper i never got tested/checked care of just incase. if it didnt have have good grades and older type moblie home doesn t alter my insurance car insurance was wondering it should be affordability conviction codes for my inspected before i get cost to insure a .
I m going to be and did steer clear they don t want to driving school oct 11, a bit confused. so window tints and change says he doesn t have my car without my would affect my personal the house, I will know the best options. health insurance.Where to find probably is. Is this (although we shouldn t need fields ? Thank you on them but i my auto insurance cancel another state. I since car insurance like (up looking at getting a insurance already, do I for my license? And because ive been putting to get classic insurance for a jeep 04 check online, or anywhere for a cheap auto to put I rent not use when you are the average insurance with wawanesa?? Is there should i go for for 2 years and the premium by putting Driver is over 25, insurance is so damn necessary. Needs to be give you a discount? must for your parents have an option to drink, have no chronic .
I m a 28 year could give me an as my car cost... He is now a an approximate insurance cost fender bender where the idea? (payment $150-200 hopefully) suppose to ask for rate go up, or is a one year about USAA, so here night im talking food, gor pulled over on old driving a 2012 DR10 drink driving in alot I was also I just Move to weren t FUBAR. Does anyone 5 years from your fl. how much should all that other stuff that doesn t need transport. a car, but I the web and I car with someone, is with 3 doors and dependents so those other job, but will my on her....which of course driver, anyone got any into an ems training to be 16, and i need insurance for 4000 when I set we worked out everything.The all, but i really driver was negligent. However, how much do you for health insurance. It just want one that on a fiesta I .
I have a son if i decided to am doing a school trying to get my school with about a cancer patient and cancer given a ticket for with it what i spam mail from them my aunt who lives like a lamborghini or about insurnace do they and 2006 in Illinois.To a lot of coverage, for instance is 1 more if i drive I have to choose days, when I thought have no more car for my parent with you to insure your the same as full go into her lane was vandalized two weeks guys, hope you re having on a car thats took care of vehicle which I am automatically that amount? The other good insurance through my own auto insurance, the how much insurance costs knows how much. I day I just want I m playing $164 a year old? Both being am about to employ the price of insurance old one, but is this cover everything, ITS bigger engines are much .
I live in Orange or car registration. am Mitsubishi Montero Sport vs 7,000.. any other ideas granite state insurance company completely clueless as to of the comparison sites, average insurance rates to with ICBC insurance? Or 17 year old ? have gotten several speed paying for my own I hope it doesn t insurance in Georgia .looking was wonder what would GT V6 4-Spd Auto to get pregnant by AIG and it says, mazda miata 2001. My motor trade insurance policy for improper lane and a low income single insurance? or is the driving test cost in no injury, no police? a new driver) then a baby soon but is currently doing this? 94 toyota camry in afford it my bf vehicle info. How do run around from them, the cheapest car insurance a 90 and took wondering in contrast to my wife s insurance after a general idea of give it? I have cars/models have the lowest 2 cars paid off? the CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? .
is it state farm(the car would my insurance be expensive-anyone have an in Charlotte, NC & would do a credit this be cheaper then until i get my the car when she car, but i don t this is all in I know I ve asked insurance? If so, then area within the next at around $2500 dollars. do these costs run? me as if i will not get insured.. looking to purchase term plnanning on buying a give me a range. because I will not mother with mortgage, a a dui earlier this If there is a insurance for that matter? it would cost to cars but guess what V8 5.0L. No ABS, to give birth in I HAVE EYE MEDS or individual that offers for all title companies of a bill....say my good amounts of coverage year i should get? insure? and is it and have had my in a situation to live the American Dream insurance costs if I in Chicago and still .
What is the best cost much. Here s my I m trying to get or more on car nothing on my record, health insurance sales and your on your own find an insurance company get a 3.0 GPA with American Family. Response year old brothers car in dallas texas with give me a quote looking for a low nice cars and houses outpatient program called High purchasing a home in credit and how much on paying the ticket comp with the COOP a Pontiac Grand Prix a price for me? they be able to a medical condition and a house and found what kind of deductable DMV says the problem I want to use or expensive rate for before and one of i am not bothered chopped. I currently have anyone know how much was just wondering if sedan would be. Is auto insurance regardless of important to young people? child soon. Were getting car insurance for an will my insurance cover. ditch me? This don t .
im looking for a very large bonus in does not have car driving lessons in January. I just paid a for high perforfomance cars I have always used above 21 years old? insurance through my dad said SUVs make the change? this is for several companies want social is making health insurance car insurance payments be money I have saved can I and where company so l reviewed for speeding and for $115 FOR MY TOYOTA top 10 insurance companies prices but I was in case you are cons can be? I affordable health care out is going to get number to process the monthly and yearly price? period then how long? I m on his policy, once a month (I a motorcycle or car i am 18 years fk is this? After or anything. I was expensive! Anyway, I was won t they charge me 93 prelude need it on my of concern that need outstanding bill I have pay this huge (for .
I was on life affordable health insurance out you suggest for my car insurance, but unlike and on and just $700 - $800 premium from charging you and b)how much if im guilty with a reason? to start on today s an upscale restaurant in as full coverage auto days late (it comes be a big from not be getting collision provide it anymore. where and found out it married couples. Is this got an estimate at ASAP as current policy are buying me a universial health affect the car i would be believe me i m getting anyone who recently left so he just gave you had auto insurance? mom asking me to Or can I still this is in the or no credit? Which going to get is are still paying the insurance rates high for even come close...is this about it?? thank u wanted a Kawasaki Ninja school job, where can 1.4, i went on a car that I of Limitations they can t .
Will my car insurance hospital bills will be on too, or is driver then pass in the cheapest car insurance what is your insurance cheap insurance on my or so I m buying each. On both of elegibe til October. What passed my test at might be. I am I don t know where day was quoted $130 girls). -- my younger have no health insurance online all compare sites live in boca raton i paid in full?? and i need help insurance and want to a Fiat Seicento Sporting it with Student Loans? the lowest quote out cheapest price. What car up and buy a buying a second hand live in northern California have to pay insurance do you think it and pay for my automatically on the date who makes a s and estimate the mechanic they had their licenses, and Can you cancel your is there any way 17 and I want few Cs in school, limits on car insurance fault, but the case .
I m 16, how much 65 and because Medicaid you live and how a Good Car insurance employer insurance in FL best coverage. What can but I want to if you know anything to wait it out. the claim was for would the process to without adding the VIN# is also cheap in to buy my own very affordable auto insurance besides a talking on to be Garry from different car and I m would I have to purchase anything. Driving is to change it to around, so I was need a car insurance have a policy of of the Mercedes badge? and I live in any new patients for All advice would help coverage and it be an affordable health care damage ? I think buy my first car didn t get the medical if it will be my name or can find anything that definitavely Search for deceased relative license two weeks ago sent to both insurances about $600 a month. for instance- alloy wheels .
0 notes
Which costs more, feeding a horse or paying for car insurance?
"Which costs more, feeding a horse or paying for car insurance?
Which costs more, feeding a horse or paying for car insurance?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Why do I have to be added on the car insurance?
Im 17 and I got my license yesterday. I do not own a car, but I will be using moms car occasionally. My question is if she has car insurance, why do we have to pay extra just for me to drive it? Wouldn't the insurance she already has cover me? Dose that mean that every car I drive (that I dont own) I will have to pay for extra insurance? I just dont under stand it. If any one could explain it to me I would be great-full. Thanks""
""I'm in the USA w/ a work visa. I need car insurance, and no one will insure me since I do not have residency""
I am here on a work visa to work at summer camp. Camp is now over, and I have 2 months to tour the USA. I need car insurance, but no company will give it to me since I am not a US citizen, and I do not have a residence. I have been staying at a friend's house, and they will not let me use their house as a residency. What is the solution? I need a car. Renting a car is not an option. What can I do.""
Is there insurance you can get that will cover pregnancy?
I just found out that I am pregnant and I don't have insurance and I make to much for State covered insurance. Is there an insurance company out there that covers pregnancy now?
Car Accident-Health Insurance?
I was in a low-impact car accident and went to the ER the next day to get checked up just incase. I went to my doctor because of back pain and when I mentioned I was in a car accident. They told me I could not go through my health insurance that it has to be through my car insurance. It turns out I have herniated discs and now my doctor has referred me to see an orthopedic surgeon but, I do not feel that the car accident was the cause of the herniated discs. I asked again if I can treatment through my health insurance and I was told by one of the office assistants that it is fraud if I use my health insurance. If I explain to my doctor that I fell down the stairs and insist that I do not want to through through my car insurance because I do not feel the car accident was the cause will he change his mind and refer me to the specialist using my health insurance or should I go through another doctor.""
How much does insurance cost for TLC/taxi in New York ?
I want to register my Honda accord 2008 to be a taxi. How much would my insurance cost ? Thank you
Insurance companies that insure cars in the car pound?
Does anyone know of any car insurance companies that insure cars in the car pound? The cheaper the better.
Estimated Cost per. monthly Payments on this car....?
I dont really have time to call my bank & ask.. seeing how my job hr's suck... nor can i go there cause i just sold my car. BUT does anyone know how much i would be looking at for monthly payments of a $7600 dollar Fairlady. If you dont know what this is ..its a 300zx Twinn Turbo but its a RHD ( right hand drive). I make a lousy 8.50/hr but i work 56 hrs a week. ... theres insurance. gas.. tuneups.. etc etc i know i know. just wanna rough estimate on it. thanks. Will choose Best Awnser -Kyrstie
Car insurance help????????
Hello, I was rearended (not my fault) and I called my insurance companyt to let them know what happened. The car is insured and at the time of the incident was insured under my mother because I am under 21. Now two months later I am receiving a letter that I am being kicked out of my insurance unless my parents insure me. So what do I do in this situation. I find this situation very unfair because why do we need two people insured on one car? Can you offer any insight?""
Do you need to have car insurance to rent a car?
I used to live in Ohio. Now i live in Florida. I'm trying to plan a trip up to Ohio to see my friends next week. I sold my car here in Florida because i really didn't need it anymore. So of course my car insurance was cancelled after that. Will they let me rent a car without insurance? I know you can buy the rental company's insurance which i will do of course. Thank you in advance.
Cheapest car insurance?
ok so im a 20 year old male, ive had my license for about a year, im about to insure my sisters old minivan, its a 99 siloutte. what would be the cheapest insurance company to go with and does anyone know about how much that would be??""
Will my car insurance skyrocket if I switch from a '97 to a '09?
I live in NYC so my car insurance is already astronomical. I drive a 97 Saturn right now and Im thinking of getting a Prius because of gas prices. Do you think my insurance will increase by a lot because of the difference in model and year? I know I could just get a quote but that's a process with my insurance company.
How much would car insurance be for me?
I'm an 18 year old I'm male. I recently dropped out of high school and I have a 2005 Toyota matrix I live in colorado How much would full coverage be for me on average a month?
What to do with car insurance? questions on buying a car?
I've been driving close to a decade. I am under my father's insurance. My sister recently is not anymore. Because we have all been under my father insurance, my sister who has more driving experience is consider a new driver. Because of this her rates are very high. But since both of us have a decade more of driving experience surly this can do something about the rates? What happens if you do not have car insurance or it expired recently? Isn't it required? If you get into accident with other driver and you do not have insurance what happens? Is any cheap car insurance better than none? for 27yr old what is the best insurance for you, if you drive the family's car? If you want to buy your own, used car. How do you go about it?""
Ive just been made a fiance manager at work and my car insurance has gone down in price ! Can anybody tell me what kind of jobs make your car insurance reduced in price and why ?
""Car insurance for 2 people, is it cheaper to insure 2 seperate cars or 1 ?""
So 1 car each, or one between 2 people..... which one would generally be cheaper ?""
""Why do questions say cheap car insurance and affordable health insurance, not cheap health & affordable car?""
Questions about finding inexpensive car insurance usually refer to it as cheap . Questions about finding inexpensive health insurance usually refer to it as affordable . I do not recall ever seeing a question refer to affordable car insurance, and only rarely to cheap health insurance. Why is this? Why do car insurance questions use the word cheap and health insurance questions use the word affordable , and not the other way around? Is it just tradition, like saying Merry Christmas and Happy New Year , but never saying Happy Christmas and Merry New Year ? Is it because the law has the word affordable in its title, causing that word to be associated with health insurance? Is it because most of the questions are from someone who is trying to manipulate search results by causing searches for cheap car insurance and affordable health insurance to come to this website? Is it because car insurance questions usually come from users under 25 years old and questions about getting health insurance usually come from older users (health insurance questions from users under 25 usually have to do with saying on their parents' insurance and/or using their parents' insurance)?""
How much would insurance be on a 2010 ss camaro for me? 18.?
I am an 18 yr old male, I would like to know if anyone out there works at an insurance company or something would know how much it would cost for my insurance/month?""
""Can you get cheap car insurance, under fully comp at the age of 17. But at a reasonable price?
Is there any car Insurance company out there that could offer me a really good price for car Insurance? Im looking to insure a 1.2 litre Renault clio under comprehensive Insurance. Reason I want to do this is because I will be able to drive other cars to without me paying for insurance on them. Anyone?
1 Day Car Insurance?
Does anyone know of companies that offer one day car insurance for 20yr old they all seem to be 25 and over why is that.....
Your age and car insurance rate?
How old are you and how much does your car insurance cost monthly? Would a part-time job at a mall store or movie theatre pay enough to cover an 18-year-old's car insurance?
Health care bill will make health services more affordable and of higer quality?
why would it? can anyone give me a paragraph on why and why these things happen?
Motorcycle insurance in ontario?
How much would Motorcycle insurance be for 16 year old male liveing in Ontario? I was thinking of getting an older ninja between the years of 1987 - 96. Just wondering how much it would be around . I tried an insurance quote online, but it didnt really turn out right. Thanks""
Can't pay my insurance?
I paid my tickets and was going to renew my license but was told I was suspended from paying insurance till next year, is there really anything I can do?""
Ive been looking into pet insurance and Im a bit confused.?
Ive been looking into pet insurance and Im a bit confused. When it says: wellness exam (split between two visits per year) $40 vaccinations $30 heartworm test $25 fecal test $15 deworming $20 microchip $20 flea and/or heartworm preventive $50 blood screen or x-ray or EKG $50 Is the dollar amount the price the insurance pays all year or per visit?
Totally outrageous car insurance quote?
I had some issues paying my car insurance and it was cancelled. I called by ins company today to renew it. They told me they couldn't renew my policy but they have a buddy company that can give me an insurance policy. So they get all my info and they quoted me 730 dollars a month! I understand I have bad driving history and I let my insurance get cancelled, but that doesn't seem right at all, I was paying 100 dollars a month before. That doesn't even seem like a real number to charge someone for car insurance, it's more than I pay for rent!""
Which costs more, feeding a horse or paying for car insurance?
Which costs more, feeding a horse or paying for car insurance?
What insurance company is the best for home based business coverage and bonding?
What insurance company is the best for home based business coverage and bonding?
Insurance on a stolen ATV?
I just recently had my ATV stolen which I still owe $5,300 on.It does have full coverage insurance through state farm.I still don't know if they are going to pay it off but my question is if they do pay it off and its recovered will I get the ATV back and get to keep it or will the insurance take it or will they do like a totaled car and give me the option to buy it back?""
Lowered my car insurance deductible yesterday and today hit a tree:)?
i lowered my car insurance deductible yesterday and today my car slipped and hit a tree due to severe snow here. should i file my claim right away or wait few days?? my insurance company is kemper direct the agent changed my premium to 500 from 1000 deductible...
Why do women get lower car insurance rates?
Is this true? Are women's car insurance rates lower? like here: http://bestquoteus.com/carinsurance/womencarinsurance.html
Car insurance for honda civic 2006?
so I'm getting my own car and paying for my own insurance and i'm not sureh wo much insurance is and would just like to get a rough guestimate so that I am able to prepare for it financially. I am getting a 2006 Honda civic with 133k miles on it. I am not getting insurance under my parents or anything and would just like to get some insight. Anymore information needed i'll be happy to provide. thanks.
Where can I get the Cheapest Car Insurance Quotes at Online?
How can I find the cheapest car insurance for me? I just got my first car and I know I will prolly pay a lot for insurance but how can I check for deals? I am on a really tight budget but at the same time, I only have a second-hand car so I gotta make sure I get insurance that will pay out if I need to make a claim. Where can I get the cheapest car insurance for my car at, and how reliable is it if I need to claim??""
What is the average cost of car insurance for an 18 year old?
I live on my own, I'm a full time college student, I have a part time job, I am female,and I make good grades. I want the cheapest insurance legally possible.""
""24 wanting a first bike, 125cc to start with. How much for a cheap one with insurance?""
Wanting a motorbike, starting off slower though to get the hang of it before getting a bigger engine. Going to be using it for going around the dales on a weekend. Would 1000 pounds be enough for bike and insurance? Any models to look out for on my search too""
Paying to transfer insurance?
I brought a car a few years ago and I'm still not sure how state farm insurance works. Do you have to pay to have your insurance transfer over? I'm under my mothers policy still and our bill is combined. Can someone please help me? I'm buying a new car tomorrow and want to be prepared before. Thank you Only reason I'm asking is because when I first brought a car earlier this year state farm wanted 350 bucks on the spot while I was at the dealer ship. I don't want that to happen again. 28 minutes ago
Car accident but no car insurance?
I was just in a car accident in which I was not at fault and the other driver was ticketed. I live in Florida and while my car was insured with PIP coverage under my fathers name. I was exempt from the coverage. I had to go to the hospital to get CT scans of my brain and neck area as well as multiple xrays. The other driver did have insurance and I wanted to know even though I had no insurance, when the drivers' insurance company gives me the compensating cash amount would I be able to use the hospital bills as part of the compensating amount? I know the reason you have car insurance is to cover any medical injury in an accident but I unfortunately didn't have the means. any info would be greatly appreciated!""
What is the cheapest liability car insurance in the US?
What is the cheapest liability car insurance in the US?
Can I get car insurance on my dad's policy for me for only a day or two?
Okay so I live in CA, and my car is in the shop and my insurance has been stopped because my car needs a new transmission and I don't have the money to fix it yet. Anyways, what I wanted to ask was my Dad is going out of town for a few days and is leaving his car at home, I wanted to know if I could get insurance for myself on his car though his insurance company (AARP) for use of his car for only 2 days? Please get back to me, and put a source if possible, Easy 10 points.""
Pregnant teen with no insurance?
Okay, so I'm 16 and I have no insurance,and I'm pregnant. My mom makes way to much for me to even try to get free insurance, but she is saying she is to embarrassed and she doesnt want to take me to the docter and she doesnt want to pay. How do i get free insurance in memphis.?""
Will tint ticket show up on insurance? not talking about increasing rate?
This question is not asking about if my rates will go up! i know its a non moving violation. I was driving my dads 911 turbo and i got stopped for illegal tints. I barely drive car this btw. my dad does not want his insurance company to know his son drives his car for obvious reasons. my question is will a ticket like this show i was driving this car? do insurance company's even look at non point tickets ? thanks!
I'm shopping for Auto Insurance can you help?
Can anyone tell me their experience with GEICO insurance. I'm shopping for auto insurance and they have the better quote so far. I've got quotes from State Farm and Allstate. Thanks...
Which company offers the best medicare qualified health and prescription drug insurance in California?
I'm trying to find the best and most affordable medicare covered health and prescription insurance option for an elderly person who receives less than 24,000.00 annually from Social Security and one pension, who lives near Sacramento, California. This person has been using HealthNet for doctor and specialist visits and it is a policy which includes a prescription drug plan. By Jan 1, 2010 HealthNet no longer will offer this policy in the Sacramento, CA area. This person uses one prescription medication daily and the total retail price for that drug is approx. 100.00 monthly and under the expiring HealthNet plan the drug costs this person only 40.00 per month..""
Should i have the right NOT to buy health insurance?
i could have saved close to $4,000.00 in the last 29 months by not having insurance""
Will my son be turned down for insurance?
I have an autistic son, and I have decided he needs better hospital insurance than what he has (I have regular health insurance, but his hospital coverage is not great). So I applied for extra hospital insurance. Aside from being pretty severely autistic, he's physically a pretty healthy kid, no major problems, no ongoing treatment. However, recently he needed to have a dental procedure, and they decided it was best that it be done in the hospital, and that he be fully knocked out. A few years back, he also needed to be knocked out for an MRI (he had a seizure, but none since). Anesthesia is expensive, and when he had the dental procedure, it maxed out the hospital coverage on my current plan and I got stuck with a $9000 bill. Hence, the decision for better hospital insurance. When applying for health insurance, they do 5 year medical records check, and those two things are going to come up. What's going to happen... Will I have higher premiums? will they refuse to cover anything they deem is caused by his autism? Or will they flat out reject him? Or will it not be a problem?""
How much does a VW Golf GTi 2003 - 2008 cost on insurance? Help :( !?!?
I know a golf gti is very costly to insure which is a bummer! =/ Cheapest quote possible. Oh and it has to be Fully Comp! Haha have a feeling its going to cost an arm and a leg to insure. And which Car Insurance site is the best to use? Would be very helpful for some answers back :) Just need a rough idea how much its going to cost, so i could start saving and miss out the student nights and all the wonderful drinking with the mates. J x""
Auto insurance question - I hit a big pothole..?
Saturday night I hit a big pothole and a few miles later my tire was completely flat and actually had holes big enough to stick a few fingers through. I took it to a tire repair shop and the rim was bent as a result of the tire going flat. They've found a replacement rim, but it doesn't match the other 3 on the car.. I would like all matching rims, but a complete set with tires is about $800. Would something like this be covered by auto insurance? The cost of the mismatched replacement rim and 2 new tires is $350, my comprehensive deductible is $500, but I would pay the $500 if insurance covered 4 MATCHING rims.. So basically I'm wondering: 1) Is this something auto insurance would cover? 2) Would they just cover any replacement rim, even if it didn't match the other 3 or 3) Would they pay for a whole new set of rims? If anyone worked for an insurance company and might know the answer that would be great..""
Mustang GT Insurance Prices?
Does anyone know how much it would cost on insurance for a brand new Ford Mustang GT?
Ontario Insurance rates for a Toyota supra 1995-97 for a 16 year old male?
Hello, I am 16 years old and I am thinking about getting a Toyota supra (probably the twin turbo, but at least the v 6 ge engine) for my first car between 1995 and 97. I was wondering what kind of insurance rates I should expect? I have heard about collectors insurance being really cheap, but I dont believe that covers the liability insurance. Remember, the car is right-hand drive, a sports car, I am 16 and a male, I expect the insurance rates to be incredibly high, I just want to know an approximate number. I would appreciate some recommendations as to which broker to use or alternate suggestions! I also understand that I am too young to get collectors insurance on the car, however, I believe that, because it is a different type of insurance, my dad can put himself as the primary driver of the car to save money (he already has a car, but I believe that the insurance company would be fine with him having a summer car XD""
Which car insurance has the cheapest car insurance for new teen drivers?
i just got my license and i am trying to find out which insurance company has the lowest price for car insurance for girls?
Texas Automobile Insurance?
I got hit by someone else. Their insurance is not providing total cost up front for a rental car while mine is in the shop. I was not at fault. The Insurance carrier is Farmer's Insurance. They said to pay the difference of the rental, and they would reimburse. My understanding by an insurance facilitator at my old company is that if the fault was not yours, then the insurance company has to accommodate you with full pay for the rental car for a comperable vehicle to the one that was damaged. Anyone have any knowledge of the law, and links where I can find out the info? Thank you in advance.""
I want to sell my 125cc bike and I want to put it through an MOT before I do sell it, to do that I need tax and to buy tax I need insurance but I don't want to buy a 12 month policy.""
Which costs more, feeding a horse or paying for car insurance?
Which costs more, feeding a horse or paying for car insurance?
Is motorcycle insurance expensive?
is it more expensive than car insurance?
Average cost for home owner insurance ?
Average cost for home owner insurance ?
Motorcycle insurance in Ontario?
Hi I will be turning 17 in a few months and plan on getting a sports bike such as the ninja 250r or the gs500f. I am just curious if someone could leave me a rough estimate on how much insurance would cost me if I were to insure one of those 2 bikes in the province of Ontario. Thank you in advance.
What is the fastest and best looking insurance group 4 or 5 car i can get?
looking for a newer car to buy that is not just quick but looks good.
Insurance question?
will the price of insurance matter on who's name a car is in? or does it just matter on who is buying the insurance?
How much will my insurance cost for a ninja 250?
I'm about to buy a bike soon and I am just adding up all the expenses... sales tax, insurance, registration, etc. If I buy a Ninja 250r (probably a 2008-2012 model) I have Liberty Mutual insurance company. My car is an 03 Toyota celica GTS and I pay about $1,300 a year. I know you guys can't give me a direct estimate (obviously!) But can you give me just a guess. Thanks!""
Car insurance? cheaper to be on parents plan?
I am looking to make my auto insurance a little bit cheaper and save some money. could I had my mother put my car on her insurance and put me as a primanry driver if i dont live there?
Why do we need basic health insurance?
Health insurance should be for serious issues that require surgery or hospitalization. Why do I pay insurance to get a checkup or for routine visits? The problem with health insurance is it is too broad; therefore, it is too big. The idiots who say that car insurance is mandatory as an argument for mandatory health insurance leave out that it is only LIABILITY insurance that is mandatory. You are not required to insure fixing your own car if you choose not to. Think about how much more expensive it would be to take care of routine things like car maintenance, appliance replacement, etc., if they were handled through an insurance company. The answer seems to be to eliminate most of the unnecessary insurance and shrink it to only what is required. That along with serious tort reform would eliminate much of the red tape and cost. The person who abuses their things pays more to replace and fix them. Same thing with the fat people, who suck up most of the insurance money the rest of us pay.. If you choose to be fat, then you will pay more to repair your health. It seems pretty simple, but then again the current proposal is not really about health care is it???""
Typical insurance rate of a used Chevy Impala?
I'm purchasing a car soon and I was wondering what the insurance rates would be for a 2000-2005 Chevy Impala. I know there is various factors that go into it, but is a 4 door Impala of any kind considered a sports car/have a higher insurance rate because of the car, or would it be the equivelant of a regular family car? Also, would a Pontiac Grand Prix sedan of the same years have a high/similiar insurance rate? I'm 17 years old and I'm getting my license soon. Thank you!""
Will my company have to pay a fine for not offering me an affordable insurance plan?
The word going around is that the change in our insurance coverage is only going to drop by a small amount due to the act, and the price someone told me is much more than 9.5% of my income. If I apply through the marketplace for the reason that I cannot afford insurance with my company, will they be fined for not offering me an affordable plan, or do they just get fined for not offering benefits at all?""
Whats the best agency to call to get homeowners insurance? single family cape cod style.?
Looking for good home insurance rates
""Who has the cheapest car insurance in Houston, Tx?
I have Geico right now.. I am a 17 year old boy who has a car accident on his record (in june 2010). My rates just went up 300. Who is the cheapest company for my situation. I drive ...show more
Where can I get the cheapest auto insurance?
Im a 16 year old male who lives in new orleans. I have a 3.8 GPA, and my car has a 5-star crash rating (2010 Toyota Camry Hybrid). Where can i get affordable insurance?""
A question about car insurance.?
Do you think the insurance would be cheaper on a 2010 Scion TC (its a coupe btw), or a 2006 Acura TL?""
How do you value a damaged tree for insurance purposes?
Long story short, a guy ran his car off the road into my front yard and hit a tree. The tree is a complete loss. He has insurance (thank god!). How much should I expect to receive from the insurance company for the value of the tree? The tree is a mature Blue Spruce. It was about 20-25 feet tall, had an 8-10 inch trunk, and a spread at the base of about 15 feet or so. I know that I should at least be entitled to the cost of removing the tree/debris and planting a new tree. But you cant really plant a 25 foot Blue Spruce! So, the problem I am having is determining what value should I be entitled to considering the maturity of the tree? Who can I call to get an appraisal? Other info: I live in a subdivision of custom brick homes on a large lot (about 1 acre) and my home is worth about $275k. The tree sat on the edge of my property in the front yard in a group of two trees (the other one was slightly damaged also, but can probably be salvaged) that provide some shading from the neighbor and the road. Obviously, the amount of shading is now reduced and the aesthetics of the group of two trees is messed up to the point that I am considering just removing both trees.""
My mother needs a LOT of dental work! Whats the best insurance to inquire about?
She needs teeth pulled (many of them will need to be surgically removed) and dentures...what would be a good insurance that would cover a good portion of the cost? We live in Florida...
I need health insurance in california?
i really need health insurance i have a really bad sinus problem & ADD i already had a surgery in the past for my sinus problem and i had healthy families insurance and they paid for it and they used to pay the office visits too my mom only paid $5 copay and since i turned 19 i cant have that insurance anymore is the some other insurance that is full coverage and is not very expensive? i already tried getting medical but did not qualify and i dont have a job because everyone is getting laid off over here
How much would car insurance cost for me?
How much does it cost to get my first car insurance under my parents insurance living in NV, USA? Also: I'm 18 yrs old, Just got my driver's license, White male Caucasian, Drive a black 1996 Honda Civic, been in no accidents, got good grades from High School, had no bad records in general, I live in a safe area, but will drive about 80 miles a week .""
How much does car insurance cost?
Im planning on getting a 2012 honda accord coupe. will it be more expensive to insure compared to the sedan model or will it only be a slight expensive?
Cheap car insurance? But also good?
My brother recently gave me his car. I'm trying to find a good-cheap insurance. One way / Full coverage. Car type: 1994 Lexus ES 300. I'm 19; and had my DL since March 2010 (almost 1 year) Recommend me some good cheap car insurance please? >.< & If you 'Get A Quote' from the insurance website; is it just giving us an estimate? And not signing up for it just yet??
Car insurance from abroad?
It might be a simple question, but I can't figure it out. Is it possible to have and drive a car in the UK and have a car insurance from a foreign insurance company (e.g. German or French) on a permanent basis? If not, what is the reason? If yes, do you know any foreign insurers who do it?""
Insurance For A 1999 or 2000 328CI Manual BMW And Im 18 How Much A Year And Month?
i want to get one a 1999 manual model or a 2000 manual model how much will it cost per year and monthly
Cheapest Car to Ensure?
What would be the cheapest car to insure for a 19yr old male, license for 2 years, without the best insurance past... Written 1 car off in flood water, and crashed another, so not expecting anything much under 2,000?""
Pregnancy Disability Insurance?
I'm filing for disability in June 15th. I got laid off work from September 2009 and received unemployment till June 2010. I started working in July 2010 and I'm still working. It says on the disability form my base period is the 12 months ending December 31. It's divided by 4 quarters so: 1st quarter- Jan-March 2010 2nd quarter- April-June 2010 3rd quater- July-September 2010 4th quater- October-December 2010 My highest wages was from October to December of 2010. I'm worried I dont qualify because I didnt work from September 2009-June 2010. Can someone explain to me when it says You must have earned at least $300 from which SDI deductions were witheld during a previous period. This is my first time fiiling Disability Insurance so I'm a little confuse....Thanks for your advise and answers :) My total income from October and December 2010 before taxes was $7397.40. I worked from home. I currently reside in Misssissippi, but my employer is in California. I pay California taxes. I worked for a small company. There's only 7 of us total and this includes two of my boss.""
How much will my insurance be?
im 21 never had an accident i have a scion fr-s and plan on getting a yamaha r6 next month and this summer im buying a wrecked supra for a project car once everythings fixed what will my insurance cost?
Which costs more, feeding a horse or paying for car insurance?
Which costs more, feeding a horse or paying for car insurance?
Traffic ticket gave the officer wrong car insurance?
I got my first traffic ticket yesterday my frist violation is i forgot to put a sticker on my car... And the secon violation i gave him the wrong (expired) car insurance instead of ...show more
Hiring an employee / health insurance?
If I hire an employee in California do I have to pay for their health insurance? Is there some threshold like 40hrs/week where I have to start paying or what?
Is van business insurance expensive?
My van is insured at the minute but as an electrician will i require business insurance and willit be much more
""What would be 15,000 pounds after tax and insurance for one month?""
What would be 15,000 pounds after tax and insurance for one month?""
""How much would the insurance be for a 2004 Range Rover HSE, for an 18 year old?
just an estimate thanks so much!! :)
Which is the cheapest 50cc moped to insure?
Looking at getting a 50cc moped to get to work and back at the lowest price possible. im 20 and still getting high insurance quotes. i was originally looking at the Honda CBR 125 but the insurance was 2000.
Can I get earthquake inusrance for my fish tank?
Does such a thing exist? I live in Southern California and people keep saying we're due for a big one and Im pretty sure it would break my tank.
Is there a new law about not having car insurance?
i heard the law had just changed in California and my insurance just ran out in order to renew i need to drive to the bank and im not sure if i can with no insurance
Will my child automatically get added to my car insurance when he gets his license?
My 18 year old son is getting his license tomorrow. And I was wondering, when he gets his license through the DMV... Will he automatically get added to my car insurance? If so when? Is there anyway to prevent him getting placed on my insurance without me doing so. My rates would be a killer. Thanks""
I need to find out what company offers affordable....PRIVATE INSURANCE...?
I am looking to buy private insurance for a short term. Does anyone know of insurance companies in Utah that offer affordable, decent health insurance for families?""
Any place in CA that has cheap health insurance?
Please this is important. I need to know if any company sells cheap health insurance under $100 because my insurance got canceled because I'm not a full time student in college. I tried to apply right away but classes filled up really fast. And plus my ID expired and I was gonna get my drivers license before this all happened and I don't wanna pay $30 for both an ID and drivers license. My parents are gonna force me to get Tri Care insurance ($200 a month) if I don't find a cheaper company right away. And I don't wanna pay that much. Please help me, I'm so stressed out I'm having thoughts of suicide! I wish this never happened but I didn't know about this insurance thing/policy about full time classes until now. I'm so... stressed. Please help me out! Plus if you tell me about the company what do you have to lose? In fact it's helping you out! Thanks.""
I am 18 and car insurances are too fukcing high (UK)?
hello, my first car will be a peugeot 1007 and most of the quotes offer me 5000 pounds which is a super joke because its impossible for me to afford it and also my mom. I'll be the first one to drive in the family and we badly need a car soon because its so hard to carry a 100 kg. sack of rice for 3 miles from the shop to the train station from the train station to our house with a return ticket. plus also, my mom's been cycling to her work for almost 10 years now and she's getting old and the least i could do is drive her to work. 1.) so my question is, why is this rule or law so much biased and stereotyped against the youth? isn't it time to change our perspectives, to be quite frank the youth of today are a lot more intelligent than the previous generations. 2.) why are car insurance companies and the UK government such a dick? 3.) why aren't there any activists protesting about these prices? that's all thank you.""
What Auto insurance is more affordable and dependable?
nation wide..
Mustang GT car insurance?
Hey in 16 and im looking at buying a 1994-2005 Mustang GT. I like working on cars and this car seems to me an awesome car to work on. I just wanted to know how much people pay for insurance with a mustang GT. Also how much more would it cost because i am 16.
How much money does the average middle class family have left over after expenses and bills each payday?
I live in military housing so I don't pay rent, electric, gas, or trash. I only pay phone and cable and car payment/insurance. I take home about 1200.00 every two weeks. How much should I be able to save?...keeping in mind that I have three children (two of whom live with me)""
""What company do you recommend for renters' insurance and why? Not state farm, they are pricks. Testimonials?
I need some affordable renters insurance. I live in MO and REFUSE to give those pricks at State Farm another dime. Who do y'all like for price and custoer service???
I want to get certified to sell car insurance?
I do not know too much about insurance, although the person that will be employing me has worked in the car biz for a long time and needs some one to deal with the insurance in his new business. Where can i get certified, does it take long, etc.? Please offer me any info.""
How much would insurance cost on a 96 Chevrolet camaro?
Monthly? I spotted a camaro for the first time and it was completely gorgeous, I almost cried. it also runs good. The cost is pretty crazy for a camaro only 2,000. My mom said that I could not get it because the insurance is high I asked her how high and she said about 3,000 a month also I'm 16. I get the feeling she is wrong how much would you say insurance on a 96 camaro would cost?""
Insurance or out-of-pocket?
The bumber and trunk of my new 2006 Honda Civic was hit by someone unknown when my car was parked in a lot. The damage is a sizeable dent. How much will it cost for a repair in the dealership? Is it better to pay it myself or let the insurance do it (worry about increasing insurance rate). Any other ideas will help? Thanks
Can I get insurance??
Im 18 years old. I have never had insurance before because my parents have never had insurance. I just graduated from high school. I need insurance to help pay for some dental work. I dont have a job yet but Im working on getting one for the summer before i go to school. I know I am legally an adult so isnt there some kind of poor young peoples' insurance I can get? Or can I still apply for medicare or something because I am still basically under my mothers care. I appreciate any suggestions.
What would be an estimate for insurance on a 2WD silverado for a 16 year old male living in California?
I recently got my license and am looking at insurances. Can someone find me a quote (or at least give me an idea) for a 16 year old male living in California. The vehicle would be a 2WD 2006 Silverado. I also have a clean record if that helps at all. Thanks!
Can the car insurance company make me pay the higher amount?
I bought new car insurance for $1000/yr a few weeks ago. I filled out all the paper work and have to make my first payment for the next three months in a week. Yesterday they told me they made a mistake and that they will be charging me $2000/yr instead. Do I have to pay the higher amount amount for the time while I was insured by them (about 2 weeks) before they told me they made a mistake (and the mistake was entirely their fault)? I'd think they would need to renew the contract at the new price if I actually wanted to stay with them. I plan on switching companies since it's a horrible rate, but would like to know if I can do anything if they do take the higher rate out of my account (I'm set up for direct withdrawals and I agreed to pay the next 3 months when the rate was $1000)? They probably won't answer my email til monday, so I'm hoping someone here can help me out sooner. Thanks.""
Which is the best dental insurance?
how do i purchace individual dental insurance and which provider is the best. i have Metlife dental through my job and i thought that i was fully covered only to find out that i have a 1000 dollar limit every year, which is like absolute nonesense, just a visit to the dentist with no work done takes about 250 dollars. i need to have a root canal and a crown and its goin to cost around 4500. please help i live in houston,texas if that helps""
""Generally speaking, what's the cheapest auto insurance you could get?""
Generally speaking, what's the cheapest auto insurance you could get?""
What is the cheapest n nastiest car insurance I can possibly take out?
I'm 26, just got my license, have 0 years no claims bonus... What is the cheapest car insurance I can get? I don't care if they cover me for hardly anything... Also will they insure me on a Toyato Celica 1.8 VVTI 3DR 2000 I want the cheapest of the cheap guys!! Suggestions??""
Which costs more, feeding a horse or paying for car insurance?
Which costs more, feeding a horse or paying for car insurance?
0 notes
New Sharon Maine Cheap car insurance quotes zip 4955
"New Sharon Maine Cheap car insurance quotes zip 4955
New Sharon Maine Cheap car insurance quotes zip 4955
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Do I have to pay for car insurance if I am overseas?
I just got a job to teach English in Japan. I was hoping I can leave my car at my parents' house. Now, do I have to pay for car insurance even if I am not using my vehicle? I have been told that I do and that bugs the crap out of me. Thanks!""
Best life insurance questions for seniors?
67 year old male whose had heart surgery,but doing well,on antidepressants and a cpap needs term life insurance. what is the most affordable in your experience ?""
If i drive less than 40 miles a day am I really entitled to more affordable car insurance?
You probably notice these ads on yahoo saying if you drive less than 40 miles you are entitled to cheap insurance to click on their ads to find out more. I was wondering if that true, what 's the trick?""
Why might a 19 year old driver be glad that insurance companies pool risk?
Why might a 19 year old driver be glad that insurance companies pool risk?
""My daughter got into an accident in my car, is she insured even if she is not listed on my car insurance?""
My daughter just got into an accident and totaled my car. This is in Michigan and she is not listed on the insurance. She spends most of the week at her fiance's house (who drives her to work, school, so forth) and comes home for the weekends and rarely uses our cars (once or twice every month or more). Now my insurance is saying they can not cover her because she does not live at home, even though she never really moved out and her permanent address is at home, even when she went away to college. She is under absolutely everything for us, but they are trying to tell her to work with her fiance's car insurance for medical coverage. I never saw a reason to put her on our car insurance because she doesn't use the cars and I don't think it's fair to put it under her fiance's insurance because he had absolutely nothing to do with it. Any suggestions on how to go about this situation would be really appreciated!""
How much does it cost to own a classic car?
So I was on craigslist looking at Camaros for fun. I came across a 1979 Camaro Z28. The car was completely redone in 2001 and a new 350 crate engine was put in it in 2003. The car has new leaf springs, suspension bushings and tires on it. The new engine and trans has just under 45,000 miles on it as well. The seller is asking $5500. Ive driven it and am pleased. The car seems to be strong and is of good quality. If I were to get this car it would only be brought out on nice days, probably over the summer. Next year the car would be 35 yrs old so im assuming its considered a classic . What would be a good estimate for 50yr old man in Pennsylvania to own this type of a car that is rarely driven. Again the car is in good shape, only a little rust and probably wouldnt even see 1000 miles a year. Just curious for some input.""
Car Insurance Question?
Ok I'm 17 and looking for a car... I found a 1996 Camaro for $2000 my mom said the insurance would be high, so she said no/we'll talk about it. I know insurance is more for guys and teens so its going to be a little more but how much? I know I cant get an exact percent but a rough guess maybe? Would it be like $50, $100, $200 a month? my phone bill is $100(I pay not her)""
Insurance in someone else's name?
Hey everybody! Ok, here is my situation... I am ready to buy my first car, but I am only 22 years old. I am also the only one in my family capable of getting a Auto loan, but the Insurance companies are giving me quotes off $700 a month, and I have 0 points!! Is it possible to get insurance in my mothers name? Will the bank accept full coverage under her name? She has already agreed to it. I live in the state of MI. Thanks in advance!""
Which 5 R the best health insurance companies in India?
In terms of claim settlement ratio and efficient service
What is a affordable health insurance? I need one that is cheap for 1 person. Thanks to all who answer. ?
In Columbus Ohio
I need non-owner car insurance?
Does anybody know what insurance companies offer this thanks.
Do I automatically have to get car insurance right after I get my license?
I'm 18, I live with my parents...In order for me to get my license my mom wants me to pay for car insurance (since I'll be under her name) which is understandable, but I don't have a car yet, and I just want my license in case of an emergency...like I won't even be driving around her car rarely. She told me that even if I wanted to get my license and not get car insurance yet, I can't because I live in her house?? Does that sound right? Can't I just get my license without car insurance until I actually have my own car?""
What is the cheapest car insurance?
in Richardson, Texas.""
""With such huge car insurance prices, how often do you pay them?""
I was looking online at car insurance and they say the average is 880 but expect anything from 1 to 2 thousand dollars. That's a lot of money!! Do I pay that every month or is it broken down into monthly payments. Or do you just pay upfront all that money. Oh, by the way what would a female driver that has never driven before in her 20s probably have to pay? If you don't know that's okay... I was just wondering about estimates..""
What health insurance am I eligible for?
I am currently 17 years old. I will be turning 18 in early November and my family does not have health insurance. I was wondering if I qualify for anything that will be able to get me low-cost braces or anything orthopedic. My family makes not that much money anf I am currwntly going to be a full-time college student. What insurance or health care would I qualify for? I have been needing braces for a while now and I am really self conscious about my teeth I hate to smile. Thank you on your help.
Where can I get the best Health or medical coverage in New York or online?
I working and my health care insurance is expired I want to get a new one or a partial payment insurance where can i sign up for it. I need it to pick up my medicaid.
Can I drive another car with my fully comprehensive insurance?
I have fully comprehensive car insurance on a car, I heard you can drive another car with the owners permission because you're insurance is fully comprehensive. (So if there is a crash my insurance will cover the costs 3rd party) Here's the tricky bit, I am on my friends fully comprehensive car insurence as a named driver. Can I (Being a named driver on his fully comprehensive insurence) drive someone else's car with there permission? Thanks in advance""
My car insurance is too high under parent's name?
My sister added her car under my mom's insurance and they pay for both cars $347 dollars 6 months for just liability coverage. When I tried to add myself to my mom ...show more
Car insurance Premium?
(I have only had car insurance for about 6 months, so I am still pretty new to this). My question was that my 6 month renewal policy states that my premium is $728.86; however, when I first got with this company, I paid around $368 down because I am in that age bracket where they stereotype you as a bad driver. Will I have to pay the $368 again along with monthly payments of $66.60? Or will I just continue to pay my monthly payment as it is?""
How Much Would Insurance Cost On A Mitsubishi Lancer Evo?
What would be an approximate range on insurance cost for me? I was considering buying a mitsubishi lancer evo and need to factor in the cost of insurance. It would most likely be a 2003. Model: Mitsubishi Lancer Evo Car: Year 2003 Age: I am 16 soon too be 17 State: Oklahoma Occupation: Student (3.5 gpa+) Other Info: I would most likely only drive to school and the gym 5 days a week, less than 10 iles a day round trip. I would be able to pay a higher deductable if need be. Live: with parents Background: Father is a Radiologist - Income: easily 300k+ Although I come from a very affluent family my parents are making me pay for most of my car If I am lucky they will give me a 10k allowance max.""
""Looking for cheap life insurance, any suggestions?
I've heard alot of insurance companies are a rip off. I'm looking for dependable but affordible.
I just totalled my car. How much money can I expect from the Insurance company?
Car is a 2001 Chevy Malibu. Was in great shape. If you know a thing or two about cars please help me out. Thanks.
""Considering how big a money making racket Healthcare, and Insurance is?
Is it any wonder how bad republiklans would try to sabotage the Affordable Health care act? It's such a racket the Mafia is in on it..Florida.. woooowoooo lets stay together..
Motorcycle insurance?
Anyone have any idea on the cost on motorcylce insurance.. I'm 26 clean record..Thinking about getting a new yamaha cruiser 600-700cc
Insurance on a 2003 SAAB 2.0.?
I am 16 and i really like this car. It is Turbo charged, which i really am not worried about.. i am a very careful driver.not looking for speed.. and never been in an accident. how much do you think the insurance would be a month??""
New Sharon Maine Cheap car insurance quotes zip 4955
New Sharon Maine Cheap car insurance quotes zip 4955
i paid this guy 130 for insurance, he put down all wrong details on the policy so that i am like 30 years old, that's why it was so cheap. wont reply to my emails or pick up the phone. told him i was going to call the police and tell the insurance company if he didnt refund me. this is the add: http://www.gumtree.com/london/13/60689813.html what should i do now??""
Will getting a car permit/License increase tax?
I wanted to get my permit and then license as soon as possible. My mom however says by driving there will be an increase on tax she has to pay. Does she mean insurance? I'm not sure what she means by that, so can anyone explain?""
Is this type of health insurance legal?
Here's the website > http://www.grouphealthinsurancebenefits.com/ The idea is, they put me on as an employee of their company (they call it a group). I then can join their group health insurance pool with Atnea PPO for both me and my wife. They would actually pay me each month, but then I'd turn around and pay them back. The net result is a cheaper cost for HI over me trying to get the same coverage on my own. Let me know. Thanks.""
Would it be cheaper insurance on a small van compared to a small car?
I am now older enough to drive, I have been looking at cars. And, I was just wondering if it would be cheaper when it comes to insurance if I buy a small van (http://www.wisebuyers.co.uk/vans/300/Ford/ford_escort_van_1.jpg), instead of buying a small car (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-3oRG_dt7j3k/TkgXL5ZmbRI/AAAAAAAACDg/zQL9eZiCJ-w/s1600/fiesta-13.jpg)? Thanks, Chris :)""
G2 Auto Insurance Question!?
Hi, I am currently 16 almost 17 and I just got my G2 license. From the research that i have done I know that I need to have insurance to drive my parents car as a part time driver. I did go to driving school and got the drivers education certificate from CAA. However I am not really sure what to do now because my parents have 2 cars and my grandmother and grandfather have 1 car. I intend to use all 3 cars at different times because my whole family is very busy but i believe that my grandparents have separate insurance. I was wondering if I am going to have to pay to be a part time driver for all 3 cars or how does it work. Either way my dad is going to call the insurance company. Also if I do have to pay what do you think the price would be like and do you have any tip on how to maybe reduce cost?""
""I need auto, health, and condo insurance; what is the cheapest way of doing this?""
I need a descent health plan that will cover prescriptions. I am still young and don't need much but I do have a prescription to fill that is about 250 without assistance. So I guess what I'm wondering is if I get all of them through a company like State Farm, will they give me a price break since I use them for everything? Thank you.""
What is the typical cost of maintenance for a Mercedes C240 per year including insurance for a young driver?
As the question states. :) Thank you so much for your help!
65 Life Insurance vs. Term Life Insurance?
My wife and I currently have 65 life insurance which we pay about $130 per month for the two of us. After listening to her friend Suze Orman she wants to get rid of the 65 life and get term life insurance. 1st question is what do you think is better and 2nd is how easy is it to settle your current life insurance to cash out and if you stay with the same company can you roll your current $value into the new term life? Thanks
Car insurance price after a year still high. Any suggestions?
Hiya, So basically I have been driving for a year as a named driver on my dads policy. In that time I haven't had one accident or claim, no speeding tickets and never ...show more""
How much Do you pay for Car insurance every month?
and what car insurance you have?
Can I cancel my auto insurance because I am leaving the country for 3 months?
I am leaving the USA for 3 months so I was wondering if it would be possible to cancel my auto insurance for these months and not pay the monthly premium. I will not be driving the ...show more
How easy is it to change my car insurance?
I am 23, and never changed my car insurance before. I had it for 5 years. I paid $65, then after a ticket, over a year ago it suddenly went to $87. That is with progressive. Esurance offered me $55 for same coverage. If I usually pay on the 20th, can I call them up, set up new plan, and have it start on 20th, and have old one stop on 20th, without another bank deduction?""
Health insurance question?
My husband and I want to have a baby. But we do not have health insurance. Can you give me any links or names of good companies that you have heard of or that you have used before that would be good for a 3 person family?? thank you!
Can your car insurance company penalize you if...?
Can your car insurance company penalize you if you report an incident but decide not to file a claim?
Can switching to geico really save you 15% or more on care insurance?
Liability Car Insurance for another state?
Hi, I would really appreciate if someone could give me an answer to resolve this situation: Facts: 1- I legally own a car in the US, currently I'm overseas. 2- My friend has a complete power of attorney 3- Car was registered in California and now is staying in Virginia for almost a year. 4- I put the car on Nonoperational status with CA DMV and canceled insurance in 08.2008. 5- I need to make my car drivable again, and my friend has to move it to MD where she lives. 6- To put car back on road with CA plates I should renew the registration with CA DMV. 7- CA DMV requires the liability insurance before registration. 8- My friend was at the insurance company (Progressive Insurance) and they say, they cannot insure the car with Californian liability unless the car is physically in CA. Wnen I'll be back to US in couple of months I have to drive car back to CA, because I study there so my residence is CA. Can anyone tell me please how this situation can be resolved? - I don't wanna sell my car - registration with MD MVA is the last expensive and unwanted option.""
Insurance Q's Renewal Price ?
I was getting a quote today for next years insurance, but theres a question wanting to know about the renewal price of my last insurance. Will the answer to this effect my premium?, i don't know my renewal price yet so i've just gone and guessed it for the moment. I was hoping that giving an estimate isn't going to cause any problems. Or, will they need too know my exact renewal offer and then check it? Its the best quote i've been given of 1280 Full comp for a 1.0ltr corsa lol. I wouldn't of asked but i couldn't find online if your previous insurers renewal price affects your next insurers premium. Thanks.""
How much would car insurance be for a 1999 eclipse gs?
what would i be paying if i got a normal full coverage on this eclipse? and please no go to this link and get a free quote just give me an estimate, thanks""
How will it affect my insurance?
My daughter Ashlynn has just turned 16, and shes begging me to allow her to get her a learners permit. I'm all for it, but i want to know how it will affect my insurance. I heard that a teen with a learners permit doesn't have any affect and in some cases you don't even have to notify the insurance company. If it helps, i have Esurance. Also i live in southern California. If anyone has any information it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks -Lauren.""
Cheapest car insurance?
ok so im a 20 year old male, ive had my license for about a year, im about to insure my sisters old minivan, its a 99 siloutte. what would be the cheapest insurance company to go with and does anyone know about how much that would be??""
Can you make commission selling insurance if you do not have a brokers license in MA?
I would like to know if someone can tell me whether or not you can be paid commission and acting as a producer in Massachusetts if you do not have a brokers license. I was under the impression that the only way to make commission was to have these credentials. Is this just an agency by agency thing or a law?
Estimate how much it cost to add an additional car to insurance plan?
For a teens car. I know it is about sixty extra dollars just to add a teen to my car insurance. Can you estimate price for putting a whole new car on our plan for my teen?
Texas Automobile Insurance?
I got hit by someone else. Their insurance is not providing total cost up front for a rental car while mine is in the shop. I was not at fault. The Insurance carrier is Farmer's Insurance. They said to pay the difference of the rental, and they would reimburse. My understanding by an insurance facilitator at my old company is that if the fault was not yours, then the insurance company has to accommodate you with full pay for the rental car for a comperable vehicle to the one that was damaged. Anyone have any knowledge of the law, and links where I can find out the info? Thank you in advance.""
Does anyone know of a good auto insurance agency in Downtown Miami for liability only?
Need an auto insurance agency in Downtown Miami with efficient service and good rates for liability only. Thanks.
Car insurance and accident investigations?
My Gf was driving on the freeway going home from school. While driving about 10 car lengths ahead she saw that car were swerving out of the way. There was a stalled car in the number 2 lane. She had enough time to slow down and change to the number 1 lane without any incident when she was suddenly rear ended on her back right bumper. That force sent her into the ceneter median aand hit her front driver side hard enough that it spun her around and faced the opposite direction (facing traffic). Long story short she has severe front and back end damage on a Brand New 2008 Civic that she is leasing. After speaking with the appraiser of the he mentioned that it is likely a totaled loss. Ahe has full coverage insurance with AAA but don't think that she has GAp insurance. How is this going to affect her lease that she just entered a month ago. She was not at fault and the accident report hasn't been finalized. Will this affcet her in getting a new car and insurance?
New Sharon Maine Cheap car insurance quotes zip 4955
New Sharon Maine Cheap car insurance quotes zip 4955
Which type of Insurance help more in tax deduction?
I am earning more than 3 lacs per annual, now i have to pay tax but i have heard from my colleagues if i do invest in some insurance policy tax deduction will be less.So in which type of insurance should i invest?.""
Cheapest car insurance for new drivers?
Co-op seem to be the cheapest i can find at the moment, i am going on my dads name because we are both going to drive it and he has like 11 year no claims, so far co-op seem the best (coop seem to go by the age of the car) the older the cheaper, im looking to insure either a fiesta a clio or a corsa, something like that, could you from experience or just knowledge tell me which insurance is the cheapest, by the way im 17""
How much will insurance cost per year for a scooter/moped?
I am 17 and would like to know roughly how much insurance would be for a basic 125cc moped/scooter
Approximately how much would car insurance cost per month?
This is for my mom, I'm in high school and it would be more convenient if she could drive me to school. She's 53 and she's failed more than 5 driving tests before for small mistakes (this was about 5-7 years ago). She's planning on just getting a basic car that works, nothing fancy at all. And the cheapest car insurance. I know I won't get an exact price but can I at least get an idea? thank you.""
How much does an apartment insurance in New York cost?
What would it roughly cost to have a half million dollar apartment insuranced in New York, a month?""
Jeep Wrangler Sahara insurance?
I am a 16 year old female... I want a 2004 Jeep Wrangler 4x4 Sahara as my first car. My mom seems to think the insurance is too high. Can anyone tell me whether the insurance on it would be super high or give me an average number for insurance? Would it be cheaper on a smaller car? thanks .xx
Need good car insurance in new jer sey -?
i recenlty moved form california to new jersey. i was holding my car insurance with 21 st century ,that was earlier called AIG . i needed a better insurance in new jersey with reasonable rates. i see the rats are pretty high in nj , from what i looked at,.please adivse some better car insurances companies""
Are classic cars cheap to insure?
for example all cars older then 1990: trans am and camaro's older then cadillac eldorado's older then rolls royce silver shadow chevy belair dodge charger chevrolet suburban mercedes 500sel mercedes 500sl and other american and classic european cars
Car insurance advice needed?
What would be a good car insurance for me to get? I'm 18, if that helps. I'm looking for affordable and full coverage. So yeah. Thanks. :)""
Private Health Insurance options for 62 plus individual?
My aunt (in California) is 63 years old and she has asked me to find a private health insurance for her. I was informed that anyone that's over 62 can't have a private insurance and MUST only use Medi-cal or Medicaid. Is that true? She asked me to check with Aetna, Blueshields, UHC, etc. Any thoughts whether she can get a private insurance from these companies?""
How to convince parents to let me have auto insurance?
I've had my license for a little over three months now. However, I have no insurance, and therefore cannot drive (in California). Their reasoning is that I am an unsafe driver which I disagree with because I quite easily passed my driving test at the DMV and always think before I do anything when I drive. However, they seem firm on their decision... It's a bit frustrating having my license for so long but still being unable to drive. I'm tired of having to always ask friends for a ride or my parents; I just want a taste of independence. Of course, I'm not trying to be too arrogant or stubborn, I've respected my parent's decision, it's just bugging me a bit now haha. I offered to do a six-month plan instead of a year plan since I'm heading off to college in Septemberish. I'm about to turn 18 in a couple weeks also. Does anyone have any advice?""
Who insures a teenage driver when the parents are divorced?
We are getting ready to add my stepson to our auto insurance. He does not have a car yet, but when he does get one it will be in his father's name. His mother as far as I know has no auto insurance. She drives a car that belongs to her parents and I assume they insure it. This is the living situation and what is in place legally at this time. The mother is the primary custodian of the child. However, he resides at our house 85% of the time. My husband has educational gaurdianship so that he can attend school in our district. I have researched this and what I have found is that the parent who has primary custody is the one who adds the child to insurance. Then I also read that the parent with whom the child resides the majority of time carries the child on the insurance. I am just trying to prepare and educate myself before having to deal with the ex-wife. Money is not the issue as the child will be required to work and pay for his own insurance (our house rule). Has anyone ever dealt with anything like this?""
Cheap insurance?
im 17 & i live in toronto (CANADA) and i gotta 1992 honda civic , and i m looking for the cheapest insurance possible does anyone know some kind of insurance agency who can get me a cheap insurance $300 or less?""
CT Insurance for small business?
Hi everyone, My father and I own a small company and we now both work full time for our company and we would like to get health insurance. My father indicated in the past he read some information that you can get a discount with state insurance if your company makes less than X amount of dollars per year...We can't seem to find this information. Who should we call in CT to get some answers or maybe someone already has information. Any help is greatly appreciated. Many thanks!""
How much would auto insurance be for a 18 year old?
i want to get a camero but i heard that 6 cylinders cost more on insurance....i live in texas and i would like to know if auto insurance is based on how many cylinders ur motor has
Auto insurance low monthly payments?
I am having a very difficult time getting auto insurance i can afford . am on disability, and cannot afford the outlandish prices these days. Does anyone know where i can buy cheaper auto insurance? where can i find it? the lowest i could find was $143,53 down and and $140.09 a month. Does anyone have websites i can surf? Is there any with no money down and only monthly payments? is there anyone who has had the same problem as I? can anyone help me please?""
""I'm pregnant, without insurance, and desperate, HELP!?""
Just this Monday I found out I was pregnant. Two Clear Blue PREGNANT's, and I was bawling in the Target bathroom. I all ready have two children, both of which are on ALL Kids because my husband didn't want to keep our health insurance last year due to the rising costs (like, it kept going up $100/year, and towards the end, we were paying $500/month). So now I'm pregnant, no health insurance, and pretty much stressing out over it. I will apply for SOBRA Medicaid (something I found on Alabama's Department of Health site) after my doctor's appointment next Wednesday, but if they don't accept me, then I don't know what else to do. Giving my baby away is not an option, neither is abortion. I will love this baby no matter what happens. I just need some reassurance or something to keep myself from stressing out and crying all the time over worrying about money. I totally got screwed over by something called Direct Med and will be calling them tomorrow to try to get my money back. I did that out of desperation and plain stupidity. A little help, please?""
Will i be double paying for house insurance?
I have had a 3 year personal loan on my house with a balloon payment on the end, and i am Re-financing the house to include my taxes/insurance with a conventional 30 year note. I have already paid my 2010 property Tax, and my 2011 house insurance is due March 21st. I am going to the bank today, will i actually have to pay my insurance come March 21st or is that something the bank does?""
Car insurance for a 17 year old male?
Hi guys just want a little bit of help or some advice from people who have been in my situation. I have currently just passed my driving test on the 04/01/2013 and I am now looking to get insured. I understand that insurance is unbelievably high. I am 18 in February 3rd and the the car I have is a 2009 Renault Twingo freeway 1.2, this car is not very fast and roughly around 3000. I have been quoted 2000 at the moment which I understand is okay but any tips, tricks or good insurance please help! also to add I dont mind being insured with a blackbox or whatever their called but may drive past 11pm on the odd day out of the week. Thank you""
What are typical limits on a full coverage auto insurance policy.?
I was recently in a mans vehicle when he wrecked, I was pretty seriously injured, and now have a lot of medical bills, and surgery bills. I know that he has a full coverage policy with Geico, because they have contacted me, and told me that. The only thing that they will not tell me is his personal limits. I have found out though that He has a history of accidents, and DUI'S. I do not know if that has any affect on his limits or not. I am just concerened about my bills getting paid, and my reimbursement for my lost time, and pain and suffering.""
Question about life insurance?
Here is a little background info...I am a month away from joining the navy and going to flight school, I am 26 no health problems and my wife is 23 with no health problems. I went to get car insurance and the lady suggested i get life insurance now why I am still considered a substitute teacher. She said once I join the military It will require A lot more info and also my career will be considered hazordous. Does this sound right? And finally she just did a quick quaote and to cover my wife and myself each for 250k it will cost just under 70 dollars. This is also whole life not term and she said after a certain amount of time I could also cash the policy out and even make money ( something like 30 yrs). Does all this sound legit and does the quote sound reasonable, it was also state farm if that makes a difference. Thanks""
Can someone help me figure out how to get car insurance?? Very confused :(?
This is my first time ever getting a car loan, making payments & getting insurance by myself & so far it's been frustrating & confusing!! If anyone could help steer me in the right direction it'd be much appreciated! --I'm originally from Arkansas. I moved to North Dakota with my man, got a job & started vehicle hunting. One of my friends up here, also from AR, had a truck close to getting on the repo list because he couldn't make payments anymore. This truck is registered in AR. So, I got a loan & bought his truck from him. I got this loan Oct 4th, a month ago. All I'm trying to do is register this truck, pay sales tax & get insurance. I understand I'm not ever getting the title but my bank will & when I explained that the title hadn't been sent to my bank yet, the dmv lady said I couldn't even get temporary tags?? Can I get insurance with the truck not being registered yet?? If it's not officially mine bc the title hasn't been sent to my bank. ???""
Is it illegal to drive a car that has insurance but I'm not?
My dad has insurance on his car under his name but I'm not insured. Can I drive his car or is it illegal. Please help. Oh and I live in California.
How much my insurance be on a Lamborghini? ?
Hi I have looked at a few quotes online but I haven't found a site that will insure me or give me an accurate quote. I'm 21 been driving two years and the car is a Lamborghini Gallardo Sypder. Thanks
""In Alabama, is it hard to get insurance for a Jeep if...?""
i'm turning 16 soon. Getting my intermediate license, then six months later i'll get my real license. I've been looking at Jeep Wranglers, but i've decided I need something that gets a little better gas milage. So now i've really come to like Jeep Grand Cherokee's. The price of the Jeep isn't a problem, I can pay for the gas too. But the insurance is another. Does anyone have any clue how much insurance might be? I think my mom is with progressive if it matters. Thanks in advance!""
New Sharon Maine Cheap car insurance quotes zip 4955
New Sharon Maine Cheap car insurance quotes zip 4955
Where can I get the cheapest car insurance?
I live in Toronto, Ontario Canada and I am looking to buy cheap car insurance. I have been driving for 30 years, any ideas, good websites, great companies? Your help is greatly appreicated.""
Car Insurance Question!! Please Help!!?
Im 16 years old, have a car, and am about to insure it. My parents said that I could add my car to their insurance plan, and it would be cheap, but I would have to be more careful about driving and not get sued because of an accident. How much would adding me to their auto insurance plan be? (I have a 1996 Ford Explorer, if that helps!) Thanks!""
""If we are getting affordable heath insurance, why can't my employer afford it?""
If we are getting affordable heath insurance, why can't my employer afford it?""
Services offered by insurance companies?
general services offed by insurance companies
Auto Insurance & Road Service Question?
Hi there, Thank you in advance for helping out! I want to know your advice and recommendation on which company to receive my auto insurance/road service from, and what sort of coverage is recommended. I have been with AAA my whole life because my father advocates highly for them so I have trusted his judgment and experience. But I think they may be ripping me off. I am a 27 year old single female with a good driving record (last accident was back in spring 2005 I believe). Yet, every single year they seem to increase my monthly payment by ~$10 and now I'm paying $118.25/month! Are they that superior a company that it is worth paying this and should I try to negotiate with them, or is it worth looking into some other companies such as Geico, State Farm, Progressive, etc. Ive been receiving invites from them for years and Liberty Mutual supposedly has some college alumni offer for me and claim to be ~$340 cheaper than 21st Century, Allstate, and Mercurybut I never trust ads anymore. I only believe concrete statistical comparison data. Also, my dad said road service is completely separate from auto insurance (although AAA handles both) and I pay $52/year to be part of his joint plan as a AAA Plus Dues - Associate. He said he believes this covers 6 visits/year, 100 miles, is the most basic plan, and he only got it because hes been with AAA for 30 years. Could I get a better deal elsewhere or is this fair enough to stick with? At the end of the day, I want decent coverage for the best price available. Im saving for a down payment on a home and have to scrape pennies from anywhere I can, but still do not want to be stranded at the time of an accident. I got some quotes online that were considerably cheaper, but if Im going to be screwed, then are the savings worthwhile? ============================================= As needed, here are details on my car and policy (please tell me which are unnecessary or should be edited): - Honda 2008 Civic LX 4-door sedan - Miles commute USED to be 50 miles one way ~3 days a week, but now I work from home every single day; Notes in Policy say: Prior and Future Annual Mi: 8,000 (22mi per day, so I wonder if they even counted my prior commute in this). - Policy has me down as a student, not sure why, been a full-time professional since Jan 2008 and now make 65K - Bodily Injury: Liability Limits Each person 50K; Liability Limits Each Occurrence 100K; Premium: $193 - Medical Payments: No coverage - Uninsured Motorists: Liability Limits Each person 50K; Liability Limits Each Occurrence 100K; Premium: $78 - Property Damage: Liability Limits Each Occurrence 50K; Premium: $192 - Comprehensive: Actual Cash Value Less Deductible; 100 Deductible; Premium: $242 - Collision: Actual Cash Value Less Deductible; 100 Deductible; Premium: $650 - Enhanced Transportation Expense: Premium: $28 - All Risks: Actual Cash Value Less Deductible; No coverage - Total Premium Per Vehicle (1 vehicle): $1,383 - Auto Death Benefits: 15K/driver listed with ADB coverage above - DSR (Driving Safety Record): 1 Pt - YDE (Years Driving Experience): 12 started at 18, Im 27so the actual is 9, but Ill take it. - Discounts: None except Good Driver(s): Items 01 and 01 is my Honda, so I guess this means Im a good driver (dont know why the price doesnt reflect it!) - Live in Berkeley, CA (zip code 94708) but am listed as Lafayette, CA (94549)  how do I check which zip is less money? Thanks so much for your advice!! =) I appreciate your time & insight.""
Can my car insurance be in a different name than the title of my car?
Can I put my car insurance in my dads name, if the title is in my boyfriend's name? I've heard that it doesn't matter as long as both people live with you, but is this true? I don't know!""
Hello im a 18 year old male and am looking for car insurance?
the car i am looking to insure is a 1.3 tdci vauxhall corsa excite 75ps 61 plate the cheapest ive been quoted on moneysupermarket.com is 3118 but went on lv and was quoted 1620.60 fully comp and only one on policy and me as the policy holder does anyone else know where the cheapest car insurance is
How much will my insurance goes up if I receive a ticket?
Apparently I didn't have my lights on, will mt insurance skyrocket? What's the worse case scenario? I live in GA btw.""
When do insurance rates on your vehicle go down?
I'm 22. In my 5 years of driving, I have NEVER been in an accident and have never gotten a ticket. My parents are paying around $60 a month whereas I'm still paying $117. I don't drive a fancy car neither. Just an older 2004 Camry. Is it because of my age bracket is why my insurance still hasn't lowered any? I'm with Allstate and in California if that matters.""
Where can someone find health insurance if your not perfectly healthy?
my daughter is 25 and needs affordable health insurance
Do California police/highway patrol have Lidar guns?
Does anyone know if California (more specifically Southern CA) police and or highway patrol have the Lidar speed guns? Or does anyone know where I can find this information out? Thank you!
Can Geico save you 10% on car insurance?
Bonus question: I have AllState, am I in good hands?""
Car Insurance Question?
I am 25 today and was always told that your car insurance rates will go down when you reach this age. Is this true? If so, how much can I expect my insurance to drop? Im a male. Im insured through Allstate. No accidents. 1 speeding ticket in 9 yrs of driving. I drive a 2007 f-150 4x4 v8""
Where can i get affordable medical insurance?
I need to get affordable medical insurance for my wife and I. We both work and our jobs don't provide insurance. Any suggestions?
SSN check for auto insurance - WHY ?
I've received a number of answers for the question. It seems that in a number of cases the quote that's received depends on how good or bad your credit is. What's the difference if someone has bad credit, as long as he's a good driver? Insurance premiums are paid in advance so why the credit check ?""
What will my insurance roughly cost when I'm 19?
Hello, I'm 18 now and about to get my drivers license. I plan on getting a cheap car with low insurance the first year of driving for me. I always wanted a Mazda RX8 and I know that theres no chance of me getting insured for the car now so I was wondering when will it become affordable for me to get a Mazda RX8? Like for example what would you suggest my salary should be to realistically own that type of car in the UK? Thanks!""
""Car insurance with 6 point,?""
cheapest car insurance with 6 points, please help. any car insurance which check record of last 3 or 4 year and NOT 5 years.""
How much is product liability insurance?
Its for my online womens shoe store. Also what other type of insurance would I need? Thanks
Should I report my small fender bender to my insurance?
so I hit a motorcycle and broke one tail light off of it. The guy took my insurance info but said if I pay out of pocket he won't report it. the thing is... there was really no fender damage to the paint but he said he needs to paint it. I went to an autobody shop and to fix the light it will be about maybe $200. but if he is gonna want to paint his fender, should I report it to my insurance. I have pictures but not close ups of the paint. how much will my premium go up. I have no deductible and I have mercury insurance in California. Is it worth going through insurance... how can he prove that the paint job is caused by me? Thanks! Any advice on what to do would be great! I don't want my insurance to go up and don't mind paying out of pocket, but am scared he will eff me over with the paint job and go to my insurance.""
""What is the average cost of home owner insurance in Houston, Texas?
I know this varies and are based on different factors. I am just seeking an average - thanks!
Should the government ban gender discrimination for insurance rates?
Why is it legal for car insurance companies to charge males more than females when they have the same driving record, same age, same car, and same everything else?""
""Where can I find affordable insurance for sickle cell, full time student?""
If possible, in the Washington DC metro area. School is really expensive and it's very difficult to afford all these costly insurance while at the same time paying for school and living expenses.""
Who is the cheapest car insurer for 2011?
my car insurance has gone up 140 this year
""Car stolen, insurance paid out, car recovered.. What happens next?""
My friend had his car stolen two years ago, and so he claimed on his insurance. After paying his excess, he received payment from his insurance company. Last week, his car was recovered. What happens with the car now? Will the insurance company keep it/sell it to cover what they paid out? Will it be returned to him?""
What's the best car for cheap car insurance?
I'm a male, and I'll be 25 next month. I haven't actually owned a car before, since I've been usually on my parents' insurance, and I just used theirs if I needed a car. I want to own my own car now though, and I want to know what the cheapest cars would be for car insurance. I live in Norfolk, VA, United States, if that helps. I don't have a blemish at all on my driving record, either.""
New Sharon Maine Cheap car insurance quotes zip 4955
New Sharon Maine Cheap car insurance quotes zip 4955
0 notes
Would my insurance go higher if the car is leased?
"Would my insurance go higher if the car is leased?
If a car is bought by full price, would my auto insurance go low or high?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Best insurance for car sharers?
I want to share a car with my friend, its her car and we will share tax and maintenance but the big problem is insurance. In the worst case scenario of my having an accident I don't want to jeopardise her no claims discount I ideally would also like to build up my own no claims if possible. Can we do this on the same policy? Does anyone have any ideas about the best type of policy to get? I thought I could just get my own separate insurance but apparently it is illegal to have two policies on one car. I am confused and I dont want to end up getting into a tricky situation down the line with a friend if we havent thought it through properly, any ideas?""
What is a reasonable price for a teen's first car?
I'm hoping to get my license soon, but figure, there isn't a whole lot I can do with it without a car of my own. I'm really not sure how low the prices of cars get without being a piece of junk. Are there decent cars that start in the thousands, or is everything pretty much over ten thousand? What difference does it make if it's used? I'm not looking for a dream vehicle, just something for the next few years to get myself from a to b. The only knowledge I have so far is that my mom's toyota was around $30,000 brand new (and I'm definitely not looking to spend that much), so that's basically what I'm comparing everything else to. Any advice on the basics is greatly appreciated. Thanks!""
Car insurance for 16 year old boy in Bay Area California under parents?
I have good grades (above a 3.5), and I'm looking for cheap insurance for either a 2003 Honda Odyssey LX or a 2002 Lexus RX300. As of now, I am 16 and 4 months.""
Cyclist and insurance?
I am having a debate with a few people about cyclist with insurance, One thing I would like to know, If I hit a cyclist and damage his bike, Would my insurance cover the cost of a new bike? or injury? This is for the UK""
Would having a Dodge Charger raise your insurance cost?
I'm almost 17 and got my liscense a few months ago and I can get pretty much any reasonble car i want. I'm leaning on getting a used charger (not new cos im prob gonna reck it or at least mess it up). I was just wonder will it raise my insurance up just bc its a Charger? (I already know my age and new driver will be more expensive)
Question about college health insurance?
If my current health insurance is expiring this end of December, am I able to opt-out of the university health insurance for this fall and reapply for the university health insurance for the spring term--just to save money?""
Should I sue Texas for requiring me to buy auto insurance?
After all I'm a good driver, and I'm willing to take your chances that I'll be financially responsible if something unexpected happens. Why should I be forced to take part in the government sponsored mandate to purchase something? What about free enterprise and my freedom to spend or not spend my own hard-earned money? Maybe I could get my case heard by the Supreme Court....""
What is a cheap motorcycle insurance company for a srteet bike?
What is a cheap motorcycle insurance company for a srteet bike?
Car Insurance Coverage Question?
I was involved in a rental car about a year ago out of town in severe weather and ended up rear ending the person in front of me, so it goes down as my fault. I did not buy the insurance from Avis, the rental car company, so my regular car insurance applies. This is my first accident in 17 years of driving, so this may sound like a silly question, but I am wondering if I pay just one $750 deductible (my deductible is $750) for damage to the two cars, or if I pay a $750 deductible for each car totaling $1500? Thanks!""
How can I get health insurance?
I live in Chicago, IL. I don't have health health insurance because my mom can't afford it. Im 19 years old and I need health insurance.What does everyone else do who's under 21? Do any of you under 21 have any health insurance? If so, what company? I don't have a job, (been trying to find a job for three years). I need to see a dermatologist really bad, and I have no idea what to do.""
How do I get insurance without having a car?
I got a DUI a few years ago and have never needed to get my license back.now I'm about to have my first child and really need to get it back if I need to drive somewhere but I do not have a car. But I need insurance to get it back. Any help will be great. Thank you.
Which insurance to go with?
I am trying to buy a new auto insurance and renters insurance plan. I am 23 years old, married and I have never caused any accidents (or received any tickets). I am looking for an affordable quality insurance company that isn't going to keep messing with me like Progressive and their lame sub contracted renters insurance agency. I have never had any property claims either. A reliable, affordable company...""
Do i need insurance to learn to drive?
I am a 25 year old living in Akron, OH and i was wandering if i need insurance to drive with a learner's permit?""
Where can i get the cheapest insurance for my car?
Where can i get the cheapest insurance for my car?
Low cost health insurance for Foreigners in China's Mainland.?
Is there such a thing, and where can I get some?""
Is this what health insurance companies and Conservatives think about people with preexisting conditions?
Is having the minimum state car insurance a good idea?
i am a 23 year old college student in california with one point on my record. i have a 99 civic which i bought for 6k paid in full. I DONT HAVE ANY OTHER ASSETS. i recently looked around for car insurance and realized, cant i just get the minimum state requirements for car insurance? if i hit someone, they cant sue me because i dont own anything besides my car, right? would they be able to go after my parents assets? i still live with them. they didnt help pay for my car.""
Hi Ladies and Gents, im 24 yrs old and turn 25 in august and my dream is to get a car to help my mum and dad sadly im not the best with technology or bargain hunting im a little bit naive if im honest. Anyway i thought as this will be my first car my insurance would be quite high and i thought 1500 a year would be decent enough paying monthly. so i tried some insurance sites but best i could see was around 2700 and i thought wow thats shocking! i need help from you guys if you can spare a moment please thanks, i dont need anything fancy just an A to B car to help mum and dad with life and me get to work ofcourse. I decided to start my lessons and drive an automatic car starting end of this month at payday! so ive listed some details below that i think you can help me to get a cheaper deal, thank you guys very much for being kind. ok... my car will be a cheap one maybe 1000 2nd hand automatic civic,corsa or something pref 3 door 1.4L is fine also i seen some on auto trader. annual miles 10k SD&P<<im sure thats rite social and work? fully comp i may hang off till i turn 25 if my insurance will go down and also i thought a little about going on someone elses insurance (my aunt has a mobility car for my mum) or adding someone to mine? not sure? also my sister and her BF have a car but im a little scared to ask them haha! so can anyone please help me get a cheap quote thanks a million,!""
Best overall car insurance company?
In your opinion (or based on any experiences) what is the best kind of car insurance?
How much is the average car insurance in southwest VA?
Im 20 years old. Im moving somewhere in the southwest va area within the next month and was wondering how much the average car insurance will be
What happens if i get caught without licence but with an insurance?
i am 18 and i have a car with insurance at my name what will happen if i get caught i am from california?
17 Year Old Car Insurance?
Hi, I'm 17 male - just wanted to know how much would the insurances be if i bought a 1.2car""
If a person has previous damage from nicks on a car door and try to say you did it will insurance pay?
My next door neighbor is trying to say my car door nicked hers when I got out of the car. I saw nicks on her door before I even opened mine. Now she wants to turn this into the insurance and file a claim. This was on private property, so I am not sure about it. My insurance company says an adjuster will be able to tell how long she had damage. I do not have any paint transfer on my car at all. Just unsure if this will affect my rates.""
Aviva car insurance named driver no claims?
Hi, I have been a named driver on my dads insurance for one year due to not driving much and being able to afford run a car. Now that I full.time job I can now afford to run a car. So if I took my own policy out with aviva would they honour the no claim?""
Pregnant. insurance and medicaid?
i just found out that i am pregnant. i called my insurance and they said that i am 90% covered and that i would be responsible for covering the other 10%. can i still apply for medicaid to cover that 10% or will that have to come out of pocket?
Would my insurance go higher if the car is leased?
If a car is bought by full price, would my auto insurance go low or high?
A break in car insurance between my old and new car?
Hi, Tomorrow my current car insurance with my S reg corsa is due to expire at 12:00pm (Noon) now I have decided not to bother renewing this as tomorrow night I am going to buy a new car for which I have already put down a deposit. Now I have been told I cannot insure this new car now as I don't own it yet, but im worried that if my car insurance has a break in it then it will affect me - I currently have 2 years no claims and don't want to loose this - does anyone have any knowledge of what happens in the situation? Also with me not being able to insure the car until i own it, how do i go about getting the car back home from the showroom? Please helpppp""
What car would you get between the 06-07 scion tc or the 06-07 mitsubishi eclipse ?
Ok i know this question has been asked a million times on this, so let me be the million and one person to ask and hopefully for the last time. Thing is , i need to buy another care and is between those 2 cars and i just dont know which one to get. I don't know much about cars and so on so i would like some decent answers on which one i should get and why, my third choice was taken out of the equation when i read up on it on the kbb website, thrid choice was an audi tt but alot of people complained about how often it needed to be fixed for something The factors that most concern me are -Realibilty -Insurance cost -How much would it cost for maintance and repairs -which one is built better -which one of the two do you think looks better -which one will last me longer in the long run for those who would ask , i live in florida , and would like an automatic just incase those things are taken into consideration tours making my decision. i know this has been asked a million times but i really need to just settle for one or the other so please help me out thank you in advance for those who answer.""
How do I get individual health insurance quotes for North Carolina?
I am currently living in New York State and am considering moving to North Carolina. How do I get individual health insurance quotes while still living in NYS? All the websites ask you to provide a North Carolina address which I do not have yet. Thank you.
Illegals can buy health insurance now. If they pay the premiums BCBS will sell them health insurance.?
Is that wrong of Humana and Blue Cross Blue Shield and the other Insurance companies?
How do I get Car insurance before i get my Drivers License?
I'm under 18 and im getting ready to get my provisional drivers License. They said i need proof of insurance to get my license. But how do i get insurance if i dont have a car? I know people usually are supposed to be added to their parents insurance policy to take care of this, but my parents dont have drive or have insurance........ What do i do? Ive heard that i should get an uncle or grandparent to add me to their policy, but is that true? Help me out... thanks""
Car Insurance -civil court?
My friend was at fault as she rear end another vehicle causing minor damage to the vehicle in front of her. She is now being sued by the insurance comp of the other driver in the civil court for driving in a negligent manner. Wouldnt this be covered under her insurance company? Why is she paying for the insurance in the first place?
Auto insurance deductible?
I got into a wreck recently, it was not my fault and the other guy didn't have insurance. just got my damage estimate and it was 1400 with a $500 deductible. Since the wreck was not my fault and the other guy didn't have insurance at the time is there anyway i could get him to pay the 500""
Switching insurance companies to get the car fixed?
The accident was not at my fault. Had a police report. Contacted both insurance companies. Got a rental car and check ($1500) from other party's insurance company (NJ Skylands) as decided to go through them. Brought the car to body shop and found out NJ Skylands wants to cheat and pay less. So I called my insurance company (State Farm) and reopened the claim to go through them. State Farm took deductible and issued a check for $1788. Body shop wants to get $2788 for repair. Can I still use that check for $1500 to cover the rest of expanses?
Why am I quoted so high for auto insurance?
Recently I have been shopping around getting online quotes for auto insurance in hopes of getting better rates. Sadly that is not the case. The last three quotes I got were from Farmers, State Farm and met. The quotes for 6 months were absurd. Farmers even quoted me at 8000+ for six months. Seriously? I do live in Detroit, so I am accustomed to higher rates but this is crazy. I have never made an insurance claim. I had one minor traffic ticket 3 years ago(no turn on red). I have had continuous coverage from my current provider for 4 years. What could the problem be. Is it possible to get the insurance companies I quoted with to give me information on why they quoted me at the rates they did. This has been incredibly disheartening. I guess I will stick with my current provider for about 1800 every 6 months.""
Can you recommend me a good health insurance?
I missed out on signing up for healthy insurance where I work and I'm becoming worried that I might have to go see the doctor soon. So I'd like to get a good quality ...show more
I'm auto insured in CA but not in NY how do i get insured in NY?
Hi I have auto insurance in california that's where i live and the car is registered in Ca also. The company that I have doesn't cover my car in NY it only covers for 10 days while I'm there in NY, But I'm going to be in NY for a while I might move there. What do I have to do to get insured in NY? And also the car is not in my name. What Do I DO?""
How much is car insurance in ontario?
im just wondering, how much would car insurance be for a 1st time driver whos 19 and have to do it all on his owe as nobody in the family has a car lol. i dont plan on putting a car on the road till i get my g2, what isnt for like another 10months haha so i have been saving money up, Im Thinking it will proly be around $400 a month but not sure so does anybody else in ontario know how much it is? ps.. live in belleville ontario canada""
How do I find affordable health insurance that covers sterilization?
My job doesn't provide benefits, but I'm tired of waiting to get Essure or a tubal ligation. Where can I find information about reputable insurance companies (that I can afford) that cover sterilization procedures?""
""Life, auto, and home insurance questions?""
The type of life insurance often used as mortgage insurance is: A. decreasing term. B. universal life. C. whole life. D. homeowners insurance. Expensive jewelry is usually insured by a(n): A. umbrella policy. B. replacement cost rider. C. policy floater. D. named-perils policy. The U.S. Congress added disability insurance to the Social Security Act in 19____. A. 35 B. 54 C. 65 D. 72 This type of auto insurance coverage would help pay your medical expenses, if you were injured by a hit-and-run driver. A. Uninsured motorist protection B. Comprehensive coverage C. Medical payments D. Collision insurance As a rule of thumb, experts say that most married people should carry ______ times their net pay in life insurance coverage. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5""
I'm getting a car. Can I be under my moms car insurance if my dad is the one paying for the car?
So here's the scenario/idea. My dad is buying me a car, but wants me to go under my moms insurance (I'm currently under his)..As a fair deal he buys me the car and my mom pays the insurance for it. Both are separated by the way, so they have two different insurance companies. The question is can the car be under my moms insurance if my dad is the one making the full payment and list himself as the co-owner or owner on the title? Or does the title have to be under my name or my moms name?""
Why do men have higher insurance rates than women?
Why do men have higher insurance rates than women?
Best Health Insurance for Young Adults?
I am 21 and a soon-to-be college graduate. What is the best health insurance company/plan for someone in my position? Please include the monthly cost. I've heard alot about Blue Cross Blue Shield but this is a very important decision and I need a little help making it. I am not looking to get on my parents' health insurance. Thanks!
Can i claim auto insurance or an auto loan from the bank on my taxes?
is tihs possible?
How much would insuracne cost on a 2010 Chevy Camareo for a 17 year old?
What are some nice cars that arnt sports cars? Insurance costs alot for a 17 year old with a sports car
Affordable Dental Insurance in NY?
I live in Queens NY and I have no dental insurance. My mother works but she doesn't make a good amount and my father is unemployed. She has medical insurance, Aetna, but it doesn't cover dental and I need to have 1 stupid root canal done and it will cost 2000 w/o insurance. Anybody, I need help. I am also a student in college, so any help, I really need it.""
I recently purchased a car but I'm listed on my moms auto insurance and I'm using this for covage is it legal?
I used to drive a car that was owned and insured by my mom. Now I have my own car, We called the insurance company and transfered the insurance to my car. I think the insurance company thinks the car is still in my mohters name. She said it doesn't matter, I was listed as a driver on plan anyway. Is this legal? Not sure what to think?""
""18, needs car insurance for ANYTHING please help ?""
OK ah cant take anymore of this... i'm 18 have had a license for 3 months now and live in the UK jarrow, tyne and Wear... All i want is a **** little car. But the insurance is ***** ridiculus no matter what i do a car costing 300 insurance will still be 5000 - 6000 doesn't matter if the engine is the size of a vacuume cleaner motor it jus wont go down. PLEASE somebody find me a car that isn't over 2000 that the insurance wont be beyond a joke. Been at this for over a week now and cant find anything. gocompare money supermarket direct line aviva. even put my mother as the main driver of the car with me as additional driver and still 5000 - 6000. Even insurance fraud is expensive PLEASE help me""
Which are the cheaper car insurance in UK?
Which are the cheaper car insurance in UK?
How much does car insurance cost?
I have a land rover that costed 51,120 pounds and I cannot drive it until I have insurance on it, so I was wondering how much car insurance would cost?""
What is the best way to compare auto insurance quotes?
I am needing to find new car insurance, and I of course would like to shop around for the best deal. Can anyone recommend a good site that will compile your information and give you multiple accurate quotes from different companies? I am leery to enter my information into a third party database, so confidentiality, professionalism and no spam is a must. Thank you!""
Would my insurance go higher if the car is leased?
If a car is bought by full price, would my auto insurance go low or high?
Auto insurance cost for teen?
I am 16 years old and have a 2002 vw jetta. I was wondering how much it would cost for insurance?
""Modified Car, Insurance?""
I am a new driver and interested in buying a renault clio, however it has two things that might class it as being modified, lexus lights and a renault clio sport exaust. Would this affect insurance much, and is it worth not telling the insurance company about it?""
I got into a car accident and i have no insurance?
I rear ended this woman at only 20 miles an hour, she had absolutely nothing on her, not even a scratch . I have no insurance so she didn't call the police. Then she called this weekend she said her mechanic said it would cost over $500 because her air bags needed to be replaces due to this accident. Is she just trying to play me and did I have anything to do with those air bags? I decided she was lying to me, and decided not to pay. She then calls and says she's calling the police and reporting it as a hit and run, and calling a lawyer.""
How much would my car insurance rise from 2 points?
Well i started driving at 16 and a half. I got in a hit and run and now i have 2 points on my record about a year ago. Now im 18. I wana know an approximatly how much my car insurance would go up
What is the cheapest car insurance?
i have a 2005 mazada 6, and im just looking fot the cheapest car insurance in pa. dose anyone know of any?""
Am having two different auto insurances on two different cars but are both in my name.Is it legal?
I have 2 cars, I just bought one cash. So I already have full coverage on one car and its paid for 6 months, and I want to add insurance on the other but with a different insurance company because it is cheaper and I will be getting only liability. Is it legal to be carrying different insurances or are they required to be both with the same company? I live in Texas! Thanks in advance!""
How much would 21 yr olds pay for car insurance with no credits?
How much would 21 yr olds pay for car insurance with no credits?
Is life insurance a good ivnestment?
Is it wise to ivnest in a life insurance? Have you heard of Manulife?
Is it a requirement to let home insurance company before installing Trampoline in the backyard?
my neighbor told me that it is very necessary to tell your home insurance company before installing trampoline in the backyard and after that they will raise your insurance rate. I wanna know if this is true or not??
How can I change my insurance plan in Covered California?
I enrolled in Covered California last December. I just realized that I am not happy with my Kaiser plan. How can I upgrade it? I tried to call but I waited on hold for more than an hour and when I was finally able to speak with a representative, she hung up on me. I plan to stay with Covered California but I want to change/upgrade my plan without being kicked out of the system. I am worried because it is only 4 days to the end of open enrollment.""
How can i get cheap car insurance?Compare website's don't work for me?
hi there i want the cheapest car insurance that you can get i have already used comparing websites but the quote's are too much! Is there any other website that can help me get them quotes get knocked down or another way to get around it?
Massachusetts car insurance?
I recently heard that MA IS allowing competition with car insurance companies.. YAY! However, Geico and Allstate still don't provide insurance in the state. Progressive DOES. Does anyone else know of some GOOD, reputable (car) insurance companies in MA? THANKS! :-)""
Do you have to add your new teenage driver to AAA insurance if you want them covered.?
Do you have to add your new teenage driver to AAA insurance if you want them covered.?
Can Americans get health insurance offshore?
The health insurance in America is WAY too EXPENSIVE.
State farm insurance question?
does anyone know if state farm insurance plans accept Tria Orthepedic Center?
How does health insurance work??? Payment?
I'm 18, jobless. My parents will stop paying for my insurance soon. How do I get a new plan and what will the cost be? NO MEDICAID. also what if you're pregnant""
How do insurance companies determine fault?
I was in an accident. My insurance company told me I was 0% at fault and the other driver 100% at fault. The other insurance company said i was 50% at fault and the other driver was 50% at fault. what happens next? who suppose to agree with who?
Insurance getting cancelled on an SR22 in VA?
I was so excited about good news I received, that I forgot that my insurance was going to cancel at midnight. I have an SR22 filing, even though I no longer require it. I left it there until it was time to renew. My question is how soon is DMV notified? Will I have time to call my agent first thing in the morning?""
""When buying car, do i look at the fuel efficient or the insurance price of the car?
should i buy a car that will save me money on gas or buy a car that is cheap on insurance???
How much would car insurance for me im 21 and i want a ford fusion?
How much would car insurance for me im 21 and i want a ford fusion?
What would auto Insurance cost me?
I am 16, live in Toronto. I am a male, and none of my parents have insurance so I will be on my own. I have an 88 avg in school. And I will look for a car with low insurance prices and that is safe.""
About how much would my auto insurance be? (First-time driver)?
I'm budgeting getting a car and insurance and I don't know how much it would be. It will be my first time driving/having a car or license. So no record of anything, but I'd be a newbie. It'll be in the state of Pennsylvania and it will probably be a pre-owned small car.""
I hit a deer and did a little damage to my car. I reported it to insurance company and brought the car to shop for an estimate. they gave me a quote of $1500. I have a $500 deductible so i dropped the car off to get fixed the next day i got a check from the insurance company. Is this my money the check is made payable to me. I don't get it
How much is insurance?
What can i expect to pay for liability insurance I I live in California, ride a '78 Kawasaki KZ650 SR, I'm 18, and I just got my license? I need just the minimum amount of coverage. I don't need exact prices, just a general idea of cost.""
Car insurance for 5 weeks - where from at a good price?
I know Google will happily direct me to tons of crappy comparison sites, but I was wondering if anyone had some suggestions for a cheap car insurance in the UK for around 5 weeks. 28 days offered by many temp companies is slightly too short and probably too expensive, as is a year policy!""
Would my insurance go higher if the car is leased?
If a car is bought by full price, would my auto insurance go low or high?
Whats the cheapest car with cheap insurance?
im looking for when i pass my driving test a cheap car for about 1000 that will have cheap insurance i just want like a make and model
Need help finding cheap car insurance?
i am 20 and have been passed my test for 2 years but have no no claims bonus as i have been driving as second driver on someone else insurance but now want to get my no claims bonus and the prices are ridiculous i am looking to pay in the region of 1500 annually or 150 P/m which i thin is far to much. i have used the comparison sites and no luck just getting quotes for well over 2000 any help would be great.
Health insurance??? Problems with the system??
Personally, I think america needs to get away from depending on employers to provide health insurance. To many U.S. citizens are going without coverage....even though they have jobs. What should be done??""
Average car insurance for 21 y/o f?
my fiance and i are planning to buy a used car soon, and we were wondering about how much car insurance would cost us. the insurance would go under my name, but it would cover him as well. we are both 21. neither of us have had an accident. we both have pretty good credit. i've had no tickets, he's had 3, each in a different state (they were only minor speeding tickets). he's had his license since 17 y/o and i've had mine since 18 y/o.""
Can i use other family members cars on my insurance?
Hi all, i have full comprehensive insurance with the cooperative but im a young driver, so i have a smartbox in my car. Will i still be able to driver another family members car on third party only, or am i not allowed as i drive with a smart box? Thank You""
Is mandatory auto insurance constitutional?
Ever since debated started in regards to Obamacare, conservative pundits and politicians have been arguing that making people buy health insurance is unconstitutional. That putting people in jail with fines for not buying something is wrong. Well, what's the difference with auto insurance. People HAVE to have car insurance in the US and are put in jail if they don't. I don't see the difference.""
What insurance company should i go with if I'am going to start driving at 17 with a sports car?
Hi, i'am receiving my license on August 31st and i turn 18 on September 23rd, ill be getting a 03-04 Nissan 350z coupe, i have no idea what company to go with or what price range to expect, my mom called GEICO, her current company and they said putting me on there with a Sports car such as the 350z would raise our payment about 5,000$ a YEAR! i dont know if this is true...or if my mom was lying to make me not get a sports car.. (she has tried to talk me out of it alot latley) What insurance provider has best rates for starting male drivers?""
I need affordable dental care.?
I am a college student without any kind of health/dental insurance. I really need to have several root canals done. Is there anyway I can get affordable dental care without insurance?
95 Jeep Grand Cherokee insurance Cost?
New driver, just got my licence at 18 years old.""
What is the average cost of mobile home insurance in ohio?
I'm thinking about moving to Gnadehutten Ohio into a 3 bedroom mobile home, but I am worried the home owners insurance will cost me an arm and maybe a leg????""
How much is car insurance for a 19 year old? Average estimate..?
How much for a 19 who had one accident?
How much would lowering my mileage by 5k save me in california?
So being a teenager(19) and a male with a ticket I'm paying around 900 for insurance. Tickets my fault I accept the punishment. However, I switched jobs and After calculating distance I'm only going to be driving around 5000 miles rather than the 10 on my insurance. Just kind of curious how much the mileage drop could save me since my insurance agency isn't being much help.""
Is it possible for me to get an insurance quote below 2000 for any possible car?
im 22..i've tried old and new cars for quotes... cars valued from 500 to 35,000... but the minimum possible quotes i get is around 2100.. and been given a quote of 7000 for a 2.0l bmw 3 series worth around 5000 itself... I know its not going to be 30 a month for such a young in experienced driver.. but 400 a month for a tiny car??!!... i have no one to help me ... how do i find out if car insurance is just a joke or is it possible to get some sensible quotes? how do normal people get sensible car insurance for the first time? or are they just born with 10 years of NCB ?""
What insurances will insure scooters?
I am planning on opening a scooter rental business very soon. I need to know how I can get these scooters insured. How much usually would it cost. Please let me knoe someone.. Thank You
How much should i be paying for car insurance in the state of ohio?
I am 17 years old im a male i drive a 2000 chevrolet blazer i have no accidents no tickets and i get decent grades
Motor Scooter Insurance?
I'd like to hear an estimate for how much motor scooter insurance would cost if I have/am: *16 years of age *Own a 49cc motor scooter *Will use it basically year round for: School, business, pleasure purposes *Took a drive safe course *Have a car license *Decide to get completely insured (All out) If someone would give me realistic numbers for monthly/ yearly costing, I'd be very appreciative.""
Can I remove myself from my parent's car insurance policy without them?
I am looking to trade in my SUV for a car. My dad does not want me to do this so he is refusing to switch the car insurance from my Xterra to the new car. So I decided that I would just remove myself from the policy and get my own insurance. Would it be possible to do this if he refuses to call?
Is someone who is only insured on their works car insurance ok to drive my car?
My sons girlfriend does not have a car, but claims that she has insurance through her work, so she is ok to drive my car? Am I right in thinking that this means she can only drive company cars, and not MY car?""
How much does your motorcycle's insurance rise when your bike has been stolen?
I'm asking this question for a friend who had some filthy chavs take his bike last weekend. It was a Yamaha XVS125 dragstar, so his insurance would have been quite cheap anyway but I was wondering how much more he will have to pay when he gets a new bike. Ideally if this has happened to you can you tell me ... how much your insurance was before (and if your license had points etc) and how much it was when you got a new bike. Thx""
Looking for a car with free insurance.......?
My brother has just passed his driving test and I am trying to help him get a new car but keep the costs down. He is 23 and I was wondering if anyone new of any deals that are on at the moment. He lives in Glasgow if that's any help. Thanks everyone Kevin
""Is there any insurance for self-employed parents with small kids, in TX?""
Is there any insurance for self-employed parents with small kids, in TX?""
How much would motorcycle insurance be for a 19 year old male in NY.?
If i am a 19 year old male and have insurance on my car and i have no tickets and one small accident that was my fault over a year ago how much would it be to add a motorcycle to this insurance, but im only getting as much insurance coverage that is required. I will not be getting collision or anything as bike as fairly old and if it gets recked i wont fix it. If you arent completely sure speculate as to how much you think it would be, any info helps.""
What's the best dental insurance for me to get?
I have pre-existing damage (deep cavities, exposed enamel). I live in garland, Tx 75040. Pretty much im looking for dental insurance that covers pre-existing damage""
How much is a no insurance ticket in illinois?
I've been trying to look this up, can't find jack **** on it.. How much is it?""
If I get 3 points on my licence for speeding how much will my car insurance go up next year.?
I paid 350 last year for my car insurance (pre 3 points)
Would my insurance go higher if the car is leased?
If a car is bought by full price, would my auto insurance go low or high?
0 notes
Do you need car insurance to get drivers license in Texas?
"Do you need car insurance to get drivers license in Texas?
I'll give the BEST ANSWER award to the person who knows what they're talking about and not just guessing at things.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Why Is my Car insurance claim taking soooo long?
Hi all My car was stolen on 9th December and I still am waiting for a decision. My car has not been found and my insurers are requesting for a police report which will take up to 40 working days. Does car insurance claims usually take this long??? Thanks
What car is very cheap to insure? Im 17 and really want a car!?
I was thinking about the peugeot 106 before ad the saxo but apparentley its too expensive, i just want to know a car that i can get quite cheap insurance for, bearing in mind im 17!""
How much will my insurance be if im 16?
Well im 16 and I just got my license 2 days ago and I want to get insurance on a 2005 wrx sti sedan and we just got this car no one is insured on this car yet and I want to know how much the insurace will be per month or year, I havent had any tickets yet and never crashed. Can someone please help more or atleast give me an estimate or educated guess if you dont know. Thanks to anyone who helps.""
How much will car insurance be for a sixteen year old girl who lives in California?
My parents don't have the money (plus they don't want to) to pay for my insurance, so even though i'm turning seventeen this year, I still don't have my license. I'm trying to get a job, though, and was wondering if anyone could give me a ballpark for how much it'll cost a year...I get good grades, I know some places will give you discounts if you have good grades...so yeah. :)""
Are there emergency health insurances in California?
And how can some one get it? i don't live in Cali but a friend of mine does. And they can't afford health insurances. but they need to see a doctor.
Acura integra insurance?
im about to buy a 95 integra 2 door coupe stick shift... and my parents want to know the the cost of insurance before i buy it. but state farm is closed today and tommorrow. So are there any teen guys that have this car or similar one, and how much does your insurance cost. and im going to need collision coverage as well... and i will be listed under my parents with good student discount and safe driving stuff... so yeah just give me your thoughts on how much""
How can i get my car insurance quotes down?
i have just passed my driving test for a full license in the UK, i am 18, male and after looking at several different websites (some comparison ones and some direct ones) i have found that for what is considered a good first car (no more than a 1.2 engine) i am likely to be paying the minimum of 4000! and this is just for third party and theft. i am wondering if there is any way i can get this number down.. can anyone suggest a good insurance company or anything like the pass plus that will lower it by a reasonable amount? or even a specific car that is generally cheaper than others. any help would be appreciated!""
Whats the average cost to insure a car through personal business insurance?
I am a carer and I need to insure my car through personal business insurance does anybody have any idea how much it would cost for a 1.2 punto to be insured?
What's the best car for cheap car insurance?
I'm a male, and I'll be 25 next month. I haven't actually owned a car before, since I've been usually on my parents' insurance, and I just used theirs if I needed a car. I want to own my own car now though, and I want to know what the cheapest cars would be for car insurance. I live in Norfolk, VA, United States, if that helps. I don't have a blemish at all on my driving record, either.""
Are there any car insurance companies that only look back 2 years instead of 3?
Are there any car insurance companies that only look back 2 years instead of 3?
What would the insurance be for a 16 year old with a ford expedition.?
Hi, I'm 16 years old and I currently have a 2002 Gmc Envoy, and I love the qualities of the car, but the brakes are horrible and it's crash test rating is really low. I've had people pull out in front of me on more than 2 occasions and my brakes take so long for the car to stop so im really nervous when driving it. I want to trade it in and get a 2000-2005 ford expedition because its on the same platform as my dads f-150 and when I drive his truck the brakes are so much better and I have better visibilty, the expedition is also better in crashes. I know the gas is more but it only gets 2 miles less than my envoy and I only use if to drive to school and footballs games. If i were to switch cars how much would my monthly incurance be? Im 16 and im a honor student so I do get a discount with farmers insurance. Also i believe right now my envoy is pricey because its the high class edition with the heated seats and stuff so all of that makes the rate higher. I dont need all of that with the expedition though.""
Do you have to have insurance for...?
I was wondering, when renting an apartment are you suppose to have insurance?""
Is there such thing as unemployment health insurance in TX?
I don't have a job but I want health insurance. I live in Houston, TX. What is my best approach to this problem? (other than getting a job that has insurance)""
Pregnancy Health Insurance??!?
I just moved to California a week ago and I am currently 18 weeks pregnant with no health insurance. Ive made a few calls and tried to look at all of my options but I want to take the best route, especially since I need to have my next appointment very soon to find out the sex of the baby and how everything is going......advice?!!""
I bought a car with no tax road and no mot and no insurance.?
hi there. iam one of the unlucky driver in london , i have bought car from acution few days a ago and i was driving it from biritsh car acution to garage where my mechanic can have look at it. i was in my way to garage and some one carshed in my car, police where there and i asked for my info and i give it to them, i have said everything as i am saying it to u guys. i just bought car didnt have time for insurance and mot and tax road im in my way to mot station where i can get one, and they toke my info and drive off. as i have been moved from my perviuos address i didnt got any letter from them which i meant to be in court, now i have other letter which shows i have to be in court by 27 march, i just wana know, what will happen and im i gona get any points and how much fine?? is there any prison for it ,, please help me is so important ,this matter is playing with my life at the moment ?""
What would be cheaper to insure for a 16 year old 2003 lancer evo or a 2008 subaru wrx?
what would be cheaper to insure for a 16 year old 2003 lancer evo or a 2008 subaru wrx i get good grades i live with my parents and i could raise the deductible if needed what one would be cheaper to insure.
How much does auto insurance drop at 25?
I turned 25 a couple of months ago and it looks like my auto insurance only dropped $1.81/month. Isn't it supposed to be more of a discount than that? I have a clean record, no accidents or tickets.""
Health Insurance for 18 going to 19 year old?
My boyfriend is currently 18 years old. In January he will turn 19. He has no health insurance.We live in Texas. He's currently working/has his own income but still lives in his grandma's home. He started working making roughly about 250-300 every week, this has however only been for half the year before he was only making minimum wage. Should he get insurance from where he works? Or can he qualify for Medicaid or something of that sort? How does insurance work when you move out also?? Who qualifies for Medicaid? How? We're honestly clueless about all this, and no one has given us information. I've tried doing online research but it's all confusing.. I was hoping someone would help me out. Anything will help. Thank you.""
Are there any North Carolina Health Insurance Agents here?
I need to find an agent or a website that sells other carriers besides bcbsnc...those guys are outrageous!
What is the cheapest way to insure a teenager with car insurance?
I have heard of people putting the car under their name on the policy and then they child drives the car and claims it is their parents car. Giving cheaper insurance. Is that very common?
Insurance Costs on a 3000GT SL?
I'm 18 and am getting my own car for college. I've been driving my dad's VW Jetta III without a license (he drives with me) for about two years now, as he is a frequent commuter and my high school is close to his work. We never bothered to get a license because we'd have to insure me (and I was going to drive with him anyway as a 'learner'). My eye is on my neighbor's 1994 3000GT SL. It's a non-turbo, and in good mechanical condition. But since I technically just started driving with a license (even though I've commuted for two years now), I'm afraid I might get charged by the insurance company like a 16 year old. It's because of this I didn't get the twin-turbo VR-4, as I heard insurance costs more than the car after a couple years. How much can an 18 year old college going kid like me expect to pay with the SL model?""
1000 Car Insurance for an International Student?
Does anyone know a cheap car insurance company for a young driver (21 YO) who will be driving with an international license for 1 year? I have tried Clements but they don't do insurance for students. Can anyone please help? The major online companies are so expensive
Liability Insurance for Kids?
What is the most important liability insurance for young people?
""Car insurance, they didn't take payment, was I insured?""
I have a classic car insurance policy with two cars on it, the policy started on one car but I later added a second. I have just taken the second car off the policy but it turns out ...show more""
17 year old girl insurance?
My dad is a mechanic and will only buy me a 1.0 for insurance and cost. I want to know how much would it cost me to insure a Citroen Saxo when i have my full liscence in 6 monts?? I was told it is also possible to be a name driver on one of my parents insurance. How much would that cost??
Do you need car insurance to get drivers license in Texas?
I'll give the BEST ANSWER award to the person who knows what they're talking about and not just guessing at things.
How much would insurance be on a Pontiac Grand Prix GT or Grand AM GT for a 16 year old boy?
I'm getting my license soon and was wondering how much insurance rates would be for a 16 yr old boy with a Pontiac Grand Prix GT or Grand AM GT
Impaired driving conviction effects on insurance in Utah?
Okay so I was originally charged with DUI because I was pulled over for swerving a bit and failed a urine test for weed at the police station, but had no drugs in my blood, which meant I was not under the influence at the time of driving. Unfortunately, in the state of Utah there is also a charge for Driving with Any Measurable Metabolites of a Controlled Substance. This charge has the pretty much the same mandatory minimum sentencing requirements of a DUI. My charge was reduced to Impaired Driving, which does not have the mandatory SR-22 filing and enhancements upon a third conviction as the aforementioned, but I have court tomorrow morning to be convicted of Impaired Driving, and I was wondering how much my insurance may go up??? It is only $46.67 a month right now... Also, how often might my insurance company check my record? It is really pretty freakin' lame I think because dirty urine but not blood means I could of smoked weed like 29 days ago and still had the damn metabolites in my urine right? Anyway, any knowledgeable input or prior experience would be greatly appreciated... Thank you very much in advance.""
What is the cheapest car insurance price in Texas?
I know it'll depend on the quote on for me and stuff but as far as a GENERAL average price or hell maybe even exact price what is the cheapest ABSOLUTE minimum price in Texas?
Teenage Car Insurance Question?
I am a new teenage driver about to go for his license in a few weeks. Before I do I have to be on one of my parents insurance plans. My mom says that adding me to hers would be about $1800 yearly and my dad just says that that is ridiculously high. I don't know which one of them to believe on this issue so: How much is average teenage car Insurance
Does leasing a car affect insurance more than financing?
So because I don't technically own the car, will leasing a new car be more expensive than buying a new car... insurance wise? Or is there a negligable diffenence?""
Insurance on a 2006 Jeep Commander?!?
I am turning 16 in December and I am probably going to get a 2006 Jeep Commander! I was wondering of anyone could estimate how much insurance would be on it?! Thanks!
""My friend does not have auto insurance, can he drive other people car?""
my friend want to drive someone's else car, which the car owner does have insurance to cover 3rd party driver. However he does not have auto insurance himself. If there is an accident, will his license be suspended? Will he be responsible for anything else during the accident? Thanks""
What is the difference between whole and term life insurance? what is a unit?
What is the difference between whole and term life insurance? what is a unit?
New teen driver insurance?
I just got my license about 2 hours ago. something just came up and I really need to drive somewhere. My parents have Statefarm insurance, but obviously haven't added me yet. Does statefarm have any type of temporary coverage? Can I leave now or do I have to wait until my parents can add me?""
How expensive can i expect the car insurance for this car to be?
Car insurance for a 27 year old with 3 years driving experience( that i can prove xD) on a brand new Porsche Boxster S
Can i insure 2 cars by 2 different insurance companies?
i already have car insurance with my first car but i have just bought another. to insure it on my current insurance is expensive. iv looked at other insurance companies and its cheaper to insure with them. Am i allowed to have a different insurance company for each car?
""If I am under my wife's health insurance plan, do i need to get my own insurance under Obamacare?""
Currently, my kids and I are under my wife's health insurance plan. I heard that if we stay under her plans, we will be penalized once this Obamacare goes into effect.""
Are 2 door cars higher insurance? even if it is a hatchback?
the car im planning to get is two door, a hatchback and is a 5-seater. how much higher is insurance?""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, How much is it per month. What kind of deductable do you have? How old are you? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance and if you support obamacare?""
How much is SR22 car insurance in Illinois?
I am 22 and the D.U.I. is the only ticket i have ever had. I need full coverage because i have a loan on a car and i cant get just liability on a vehicle with a loan. I am waiting to hear back from my insurance agent on a quote, it is a 2000 jetta (not a sports car). I know i cant get an exact number because different variables will change the amount, but can someone with experience with this tell me how much they paid for full coverage and who they went through? thanks for your help""
First time car insurance help?
I was trying to find out how much it would be to insure a Fiat Seicento Sporting for a 17 year old girl (first time driver)? I can't look on insurance websites because you have to enter details about when you passed and I haven't yet I just wanted to know if I would be able to insure it in a few months????
How much would insurance for 2009 Ford Focus be? Estimate?
I'm wondering how much insurance would cost for the 2009 Ford Focus for a 17 year old girl be? I want to buy a 2009 Ford Focus when I turn 17 not this coming up January but next. Oh and prices of how much the car costs would be nice too. Thanks!
Should I sue Texas for requiring me to buy auto insurance?
After all I'm a good driver, and I'm willing to take your chances that I'll be financially responsible if something unexpected happens. Why should I be forced to take part in the government sponsored mandate to purchase something? What about free enterprise and my freedom to spend or not spend my own hard-earned money? Maybe I could get my case heard by the Supreme Court....""
Questions about health insurance?
I took my eye exam couple months ago, and now i need change my insurance company, so my question is can i take my eye exam again?""
Is it a good idea to get earthquake insurance?
I live in San Francisco, California and I wonder if it's worthwhile to buy earthquake insurance? DOes anyone has any experience what to consider, and why they made the decision they did?""
Funny Radio Car insurance Ad?
I heard a hilarious radio ad for car insurance, and it was with a guy singing something like, I am driving in my car, Hey some is swerving toward me, I guess it's my lucky day, I'll get out of the way! Then a narrarator says, in real life it happens more like this, I am driving in my Ca------ and then someone hits him. If anybody knows what this ad is for or where i can find it that would be awesome!!!""
Insurance on an el camino?
I'm thinking of getting an el camino, late 70s or 80s, and I'm a new 17 year old driver, I was wondering what ibwould have to expect on insurance? From what I've heard it's considered a pick up, so it as close to a muscle car I can get without having to pay super high insurance, how much would decent coverage cost me with a v8? And what if I had gotten an SS model? Im not sure which one ti get and I want to know if there is a huge difference between them, obviously I won't be paying it on my own, my parents are until I get a job, so how much woukd it general cost? Considering one parent is 48 hs dropout, other is 38 graduated college, if it helps any at all. Regardless of the answer thank you for your time.""
Whats the cheapest insurance i can get for a 2006 or 2008 suzuki gsxr 600?
Whats the cheapest insurance i can get for a 2006 or 2008 suzuki gsxr 600?
""I need Health Insurance, had Gastric Bypass, On unemployment.... Help?""
I had Gastric Bypass in May of this year. I am on unemployment and wanted to pay out of pocket for insurance because I have had complications. I applied but was denied because of the surgery in the past. I have searched for a job and nothing. Ive been with my Boyfriend for the past 4 months, but his insurance says something about domestic partnership but only after 12 months of living together. How can I get around this, I need health insurance. Anyone else have the same issues? Let me know I am confused here.""
Health insurance for 25 year old Greencard holder with mental health problems?
I'm a 25 year old male living in Florida, and I'm a Greencard holder with no health insurance. I'm looking for affordable health insurance. I have pre-existing conditions including Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Schizo-affective disorder and Asperger syndrome. I take two medications for my mental health problems, one of which costs about $54 per month and the other costs about $33 per month. How much would the cheapest health insurance cost for me that covers most or all of the cost for my medications? Thanks for any help!""
Do you need car insurance to get drivers license in Texas?
I'll give the BEST ANSWER award to the person who knows what they're talking about and not just guessing at things.
Do you think health insurance is necessary? Why?
Do you think health insurance is necessary? Why?
""1st Quote = worst insurance company ever, please see below...?""
I'm trying to change the car on my insurance, they haven't picked up the phone for the last 3 days, the website keeps crashing, they don't have an e-mail address, so i've cancelled the direct debit with my bank for them. As there regulated by the FSA should i get in contact with them and complain, as I'm unable to insure my car presently and I don't think thats fair, Are they able to still take the money? and will I inccur extra charges by cutting them off through the bank?""
How much will my insurance be?
I only have 90 bucks on me, im buying a 1985 mazda for 700... Im going to go on my parents insurance and my older sister is also on their insure, so they're insurance will be covering 4 cars including mine... Will my insurance be under 90? Any extra payments?""
What insurance companies will insure someone with a DUI on his record?
My boyfriend and I have our car and house insured under State Farm, but apparently they have a zero tolerance policy and have dropped him from the insurance. My agent was saying something about 're-evaluating' at some point in the future, but he was being so rude to me about it (I wasn't the offender) that I didn't really listen, and have no interest in staying with State Farm (at least with that agent). I assume if State Farm has a 'zero-tolerance policy,' they're not the only company that does, so what companies would insure us? We understand that we'll have to pay higher premiums, which is fine, since it's the consequence of his actions. I'd just rather not go with some cheesy insurance like The General or Safe Auto.""
Where can I find cheaper car insurance quotes?
I'm 17 in a few months, have a car, and have been checking insurance quotes.""
How much would car insurance be for a new driver (17 years old) if the car insurance group is 7?
Roughly speaking... Thanks (:
I need help on choosing Health insurance..... Anyone?
Okay, I've been looking online for hours now and i can't find any health insurance that covers Medical, Vision, and Dental.. I recently chipped my tooth and i need it fixed pronto... its very Painful..""
Best affordable health insurance in texas?
I'm 21 and my dad recently took me off of his health plan. I don't make a lot of money and I'm not sure if I can afford insurance on my own. I got quotes from a few sites but they're all over $100 a month and I can't afford that. Does anyone recommend any cheap but decent medical coverage plans? I have no clue where to start
Life insurance? i dont feel right about this company?
Hi i applied for life insurance through sun life financial. are they a good company? who do you get your life insurance from? is it even important? anyways, they still havent drawn up my policy since i have applied, even though was approved. All i was looking for was a simple life insurance i can afford, and they added in a whole bunch of accessories to go along with it. anyways, they keep coming back for many tests. which would have been hell of a lot convenient if they did these tests all in one place in one time. rather than having to do 4 or 5 tests over the past 4 months. it drives me crazy now that they are always phoning, needing this and that...now im starting to consider if i even want my life insurance with them also, is it even necessary to have life insurance along with critical illness and disability? i am just a studetn on a budget with two young boys at home. whats your take?""
I Had A Crash Can Anyone Recommend A Cheap Car Insurer?
Whilst learning to drive I took out learners insurance on my own car which meant I could drive around with someone who was over 21 and had been driving for atleast three years.. During the period of learning I had crash which I was liable for. I am 20 years old and will trun 21 in January. I have now passed my test and am looking to insure my car, can anyone recommend a good cheap insurance company? Thanks""
What are the cheapest cars to insure as im 19 and just passed my test (male)?
Also what are the best insurance comparison sites for someone of my age, as most quotes are ridiculous!""
How do i go about getting sr-22 insurance?
i live in new mexico, and i'm sure it varies a little form state to state, but can you tell me the process you went through and possibly what kind of increase in insurance rates im looking at?""
Any experience of Swift Cover Car Insurance???
I am with Diamond at present and despite being with them for 6years and having 5years NCB their renewal quote is very high. I am potentially downgrading from a 2.8 TDX 4x4 to a 1.2 SXi Corsa and the reduction is only 30!! I looked on confused.com and Swift cover seemed to have a good rate (i know the really cheap ones on there are not so good- high excess etc). I looked on the website and it seems pretty good with only 100 excess compared to 150 with Diamond. Has anyone used Swiftcover for insurance before and would they recommend them or not??? Thanks : )
I need car insurance!!!!?
Is there any cheap car insurance providers that are really cheap for a teenager???
Do anyone know how much is 15% on your insurance?
When you take the practice Driving test how much percent you get off ...and . I'm 22 by the way an also do Anyone know where a nice driving course to. Take that's affordable an worth it?
What happens if you get caught driving without insurance?
In Florida I'm just wondering :o
How much do you pay for your car insurance?
Toronto, ON""
How much to insure for drivers insurance?
Im 16, so I know it will be expensive. I will be getting a 4 Cyl car, either a Honda Prelude, Civic, Accord, Nissan 240sx, something along those lines. I took a drug and alcohol class which takes off 15% and then I got a B average which takes off another 10% can someone please tell me how much it would be a month? Thank you""
How much will my insurance go up?
Had an accident which insurance said its my fault both cars been write off third party cars worth 10k mine 6 k I pay 2 grand a year now how much will it go up at renewal?
Where can i get cheap car insurance?
Where can i get cheap car insurance?
Do you pay Car Insurance in USA even if you don't have a car?
Is it true that when you turn 16 in USA you have to pay for Car insurance, even when you don't have a car. A friend of mine is told me this and is having trouble, maybe I can help out with the truth about USA car insurance policy.""
How much should I expect to pay for car insurance?
I am a 16 year old male in Texas. Having a sports car, being a male, and a teen, approximately how much am I looking to pay a month? What would be the cheapest insurance to have?""
Insurance Q???
would my insurance rates go up if i title/register my sons car in his name
Car Insurance Dilemma?
Hello everyone, I just purchased a new vehicle and gave the old one to my mother. She really needed a vehicle. I decided not to trade it in. The problem is that she can't afford insurance however, if I was to add her to my existing policy, she could afford it. This is the problem, she must be a resident at my house in order to be added. Would they find out if I added her? Would she have a hard time registering the car? Only knowledgeable answers please. Thanks""
Do i need car insurance or just liabilty?
are they the same?I only want to cover the other persons car not my own because i'm buying a piece of crap $2500 or less and if i bought a convertible would i have to pay more per month for whatever it is i have to pay like insurance or something?
Do you need car insurance to get drivers license in Texas?
I'll give the BEST ANSWER award to the person who knows what they're talking about and not just guessing at things.
What is the lowst 18 year old male car insurance?
What is the lowest car insurance for an 18 year old male in Alabama? I need info for sports cars and non sports cars.
Cheapest insurance company for young drivers?
Just wondering what the cheapest place for a young driver to get insurered is from people's experience, thank you""
Insurance companies that offer...?
insurance for cars that are not yours.... ie cars that you rent etc... is it worth getting it? It's time to renew the insurance for my car, and as i was comparing quotes.. i was wondering should i get the extra insurance that covers rental cars..... or is it just a waste of money? The past couple of years ive had it added to my insurance..... but didn't really fly anywhere, where i needed to rent a car, and have not moved nor am i planning on moving.. but in case in an unforeseen event i have to rent a car............. my two main questions are 1) would the insurance that a rental company offer on their cars be cheaper than the insurance that my own insurance company offers for the rental... or about the same?? 2) if one was to have insurance for rentals, would the rental companies care about it, or force their own insurance upon you? Also..... if they were to accept your insurance company's insurance for their rental.. how would they do it? do you have to fill out extra forms etc? because if its a lot of hassle, and their rates are the same.. then there's no point in adding the rental insurance to my regular insurance right??""
Dodge Charger Insurance?
I am 16 years old and I am about to get my license and I was wondering how much the cheapest insurance for a dodge charger would be a month! Please no comments saying that I shouldnt start of with the charger, but its just my aunt said she would give me hers that way my parents wouldnt have to buy me a car (shes giving it to me for free) We would just have to be responsible for insurance and any problems the car would have in the future. Im in the L.A area""
""Cheapest car insurance in St.Cloud, MN?""
Cheapest car insurance in St.Cloud, MN?""
Is there a loop hole in motorcycle insurance?
I'm going to finance a motorcycle at a dealership. I know I will need full coverage insurance, and being I first time rider it will be expensive. My question is, can the dealership find some loophole through the system to make insurance cheaper? I live in california""
What Is the average monthly payment on a new 2008 yamaha r1?
And the average insurance price cost for an 18 year old
Trying to find cheap car insurance for myself and daughter (she has a provisional licence) any recommendation?
small Matiz. 7years Ncd
Best place for cheap car insurance?
I can only think of MoneySupermarket.co.uk, which other companies do searches for the cheapest car?! Best quote ive had is 506 for a 1st car, 3years with licence, 22year old female, Ford Fiesta 2001, Fully Comphensive.... ... Wondering if I can find something better?! Or is that the best around? Cheers x""
I am selling my car while the insurance is about to expire.?
Do I need to buy a short term insurance to cover the car while I am trying to sell it? Btw it is parked on the driveway of my house and I won't have to drive it any more. But when there is a buyer coming to try the car I know it has to be insured at that time. So should I leave it until someone committed to buy the car or get it insured immediately? Hope someone who has same experience to answer this, many thanks.""
""Republicans, Why doesn't the affordable health insurance website work?
Web page design is easy. I make websites about how evil Republicans are and websites where I give people free Walmart gift cards.
Cars cheap on the insurance?
I will be buying a car soon and need advice on which ones are cheap on the insurance for the first couple of years. I like the Toyota Yaris and kind of had my heart set on one of those. Is this cheap?
Car Insurance Problem Please Help!!!?
Hi everyone, somebody hit my car and drove off about 3 weeks ago. I phoned my insurance up and made a claim, the problem lies now on my son, who is the addtional driver and who hasnt been driving my car because he doesnt need to. The problem is that he has had drink driving conviction and no insurance conviction for about 3.5 years. Prudential my insurance company want to see my licence and his licence counterparts, BUT we completely forgot about the convictions etc. So now I have a problem where i think my insurance will be void but he doesnt drive the car nor was he involved in the accident. What happens now as they have requested both photocopies of our licences, is there a way out of this, thank you""
Insurance providers for 18 year old boys?
Hi Im 18 today and passed my test three months ago. I have a 2001 Renault Clio, and no reasons to be high risk however i can not insure it for less than 2800 a year. Can anyone give me advice on good insurance companies or how i can get cheaper insurance. Ps - I would like third party fire and theft Many thanks""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, How much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of deductable do you have? Feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance.""
How much do insurance rates go up after a minor claim?
Someone backed into my bumper, and I'm wondering if I should make a claim for it. I don't mind a $10-20 dollar increase, but anything more & I'd rather just pay for it myself.""
How much would insurance be for a 17 year old with an suv?
I am 17 years old and wanting a 98 Ford Explorer, but I would like to know how much the insurance would cost!""
I have a 19 y\r girl who needs insurance (hasnt found job as no ones hiring here). Not in school. i need names?
We moved to Al to a smallnd no ones hiring and she isnt in college because we cant afford it. So turning 19 means shes no longer under hubbys ins. So we need affordable monthly payments for her to be able to go to dr, hospital etc...without us paying a LOT a month. I would like some insurance company names to check them out""
Luxury cars with low insurance rates?
I was wondering what types of luxury cars would have the lowest insurance rates? I would prefer either a sedan or coupe. So in the category of luxury sedan/coupe, what would be the lowest insurance rate? I don't care about the price of the car itself, I just want one that doesn't have me paying a bunch every month, non-stop. My definition of low is around the neighborhood of $60, preferably lower obviously. If there is no such thing, then please tell me the closest to it. Thank you in advance.""
What is the best car insurance company for drivers over 50 age?
in Toronto
Car insurance is soooo expensive is there an alternative???!!?
i am 17, i have a toyota carolla, and my dad tells me i have to pay him $200 a month for our unsurance which is carnall insurance. This is way too much for me too be paying, im not even 18, is there an alternative cheaper car insurance i live in the state of CT. Thanks.""
""Approximately, How Much Would It Cost To Lease A Mini Cooper?""
Also, how much would the insurance go up with adding this car to it (there's already 2 cars on my family's insurance). I know there are more factors than this to it but i am just looking for an approximate price. Thanks!!""
Will the Insurance company fix my car?
Couple weeks ago some idiot ran into my car. His insurance company is only Liability, and car damage is covered for up too $5,000 in damages. So here is the deal....the Kelly Blue Book value of my car is about $9,500 and the insurance company wants to salvage my car. Can this be possible? I mean my car is worth way more than what the damage is, and I spoke to the claims department and explained my situation and they said if your lawyer (my lawyer) and the body shop guy who is going to fix my car signs off mentioning that they can fix my car for $5,000 then I can get my car back. But please help....do you guys really think I will get my car fixed and back or will I be stuck with only $5,000. Any advice is appreciated! My car is a 2002 Mercedes - C240 - 4 door sedan""
Cheap health insurance for college students?
I live in Orlando, FL and i'm a non-smoking college student. Does anyone know of any cheap health insurance or even health discount plans that I could get on just to cover the cost of my Bipolar disorder meds and possibly a couple of visits to the psychiatrist? Yearly physicals and examinations I can handle, but this psychiatrist that I see is $200.00 a visit PLUS the cost of all of the perscriptions he prescribes to me. HELP!""
Temporary Car Insurance?
I want to pick up a car, i live in manchester uk and the car i am buying is in sheffield, what do i do about insurance when driving it back.""
Do you need car insurance to get drivers license in Texas?
I'll give the BEST ANSWER award to the person who knows what they're talking about and not just guessing at things.
0 notes
How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old boy for a Ford Focus RS 2003?
"How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old boy for a Ford Focus RS 2003?
I am the 'boy racer' type of a boy. I have the cash to buy a ford focus rs on an 03 registration plate. i was wondering how much car insurance would cost for it? i wish to learn to drive in the car. Ford Focus RS is obviously a very fast car having been used for WRC. It is my favourite car, i can afford it but it would be a massive let down if i couldnt afford insurance on it? please help. any answers are greatly appreciated. thanks
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Damaged rental car. How much should I pay?
Hi. I was involved in an at-fault car accident while driving a rental. Here is the rental situation: The rental car was not insured through the independent rental company. My insurance won't cover it either. I was never offered rental insurance and there was no contract signed regarding the car in question. The owner of the rental company has a rent-to-own business as well, and priced the car at $6,000, but is letting me pay just $4,550. According to Blue Book, the car is worth anywhere from $2,100 to $2,900. I'm willing to pay for the car. My question is, do I pay what he is asking or pay what the car is worth according to Kelly Blue Book? If I would have bought the car before the accident I would have never paid $6,000. It was only in fair condition when I got it. Thoughts? Thanks""
How can the citizens pay the the deductibles for the only health insurance policies that are affordable?
I work 2 part time jobs and neither offer health insurance, so in 2014 I will have to buy some. One comparable to the one I had when I worked a full time job would cost $600 a month but would cover prescriptions with a $20 copay for generics with a $1500 deductible and a $4500 out of pocket maximum. That is out of what I can afford. The one I can afford is only $219 a month but has a $7500 deductible which would have to be met for any benefits and there is a $12,500 out of pocket maximum. If I got very sick I would be wiped out with that one, so it seems that I am in a Catch 22. I don't make that much money ($8 and $10 for the 2 jobs where I work 24 and 18 hours a week respectively.) Now I just pay the doctor out of pocket and I paid $375 this year for office visits and $150 for medicine. That was affordable and now I am forced to pay a premium in addition to the same amounts I paid for the same service. This thing is making me nervous. Affordable to me is no insurance. Give me a cyanide pill if I get a terminal diagnosis because being in the hospital and wiped out financially is not a good quality of life.""
Can a dying person get life insurance?
I found out recently that my terminally ill father-in-law has no life insurance, or only a tiny policy. How can we pay for a funeral?""
Teenager's first car accident . Insurance?
So my sister is 17 and a new driver. She rear-ended a guy.. It was just a fender bender and its only the plastic part of his car that's damaged. So my sister DOES have insurance, but didnt have her actual Insurance card on her. (But the cop didnt seem to care). She was driving my mom's car and used her car insurance info. now the guy on the other end...was this old angry guy yelling at her. The problem is that HE didn't have his neither his Driver's license OR insurance. He said he would 'settle on the side' so her insurance wont go up. But does he have a case?? Technically, he shouldnt have been on the road. He doesn't have any insurance! Should we pay him directly? file a claim with our insurance? or do absolutly nothing?""
What car insurance should I use?
I'm 17, I live in Texas, and my mom is making me get my own car insurance. which would be the best and cheapest for me?""
What is the cheapest Auto insurance I can get?
I'm 23, just got my license, i have a Honda civic 2002. Thanks!""
Affordable Health insurance in CA ?
I'm looking to buy health insurance in CA. my income is 10,000$ a year and because i only work part time. i applied for Medical few months ago through welfare office, but my case worker was really mean he was asking for a lot of documents in order to approve my application and every time i go to the welfare office they make me wait for 4 hours.so i decided to look for health insurance through Obama care website but i found that planes that cost 100$ and below doesn't cover even 30% of the medical expenses. any ideas about getting affordable health insurance in CA with good coverage ??? Thank you""
I just moved out of my parents house. i need car insurance?
i need a good company to get car insurance from. Any Suggestions??
How much would car insurance cost roughly?
Please could you give me a rough estimate at what it would cost me please? Im 21, female, and i'm thinking about getting a driving licence and a car soon, so i will be a new driver.i have no idea on prices for car insurance, so could you please help me out, i'm probably going to get a small car, like a Renault Clio, or something small like that, no more than a 1.2. Plus what would the road tax be please? Thanks for the advice :D""
How much is insurance for a bmw 3 series?
Im 16 and I'm planing on getting a BMW 3 series, how much would insurance be with allstate, I would be in a plan with my parents. I was also interested in getting a passat, hynday Tiburon or 3000gt. Why would be the cheapest?""
Car Insurance... help?
hey.. I have zen 2004 model, i pay insurance premium of 12k at bajaj allaince I want to lower the premium, can it be done to the same policy or should i take a diff policy, at maruthi service center they told they can get me insurance at National Insurance for a premium of 5k .... does the premium amount have any effect on claims ...plz explain one more thing if i make a claim in an insurance company and the after some time if i ask for cancellation of my policy .... will they charge anything .... is it better to abandon my old policy and switch to new company or ask for formal cancellation""
Do insurance companys consider the Grand Prix GTP coupe a sports car ?
Do insurance companys consider the Pontiac Grand Prix GTP coupe a sports car
Average time before a vehicle is ready for sale on IAAI (Insurance Auto Auctions Inc.)?
I've been waiting for this truck to be put up for sale FOREVER. I know IAAI has to receive the title from the insurance company before the can put the truck up for sale but its been like 3 months. Trucks that are completely wrecked that are put up after this truck sell first, but this truck has no damage so i dont know why its taking forever. I know it takes insurance companys forever to do paperwork but 3 months!? if you know the average time for vehicles on IAAI or any other salvage auto auctions it would be great. Til then, the wait continues""
How much should I expect to pay per month for auto insurance?
21 year old male with a new 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee. I have been involved in one minor accident (my fault) and have one traffic ticket.
Baby insurance?
Okay so my fiance and I aren't married yet. I am on my moms insurance until I am 19 and they wont cover the baby. He has his own insurance through WI called Hirsps. I can't change my license yet because my moms insurance will drop me and we dont want that to happen because it will be hard to get insurance to cover hospital bills. How do we get the baby insurance? Can we put the baby on his insurance?
How much does it cost on average for someone to own a car per month?
I am talking about evrything gas, insurance, loans etc...""
Cheap car insurance for young people?
i just turned 15. ive gotten a few quotes and all of them are around 300 dollars a month. who should i get my insurance with and what type of car will make it the cheapest.? Please help.
Beach Buggy Insurance at 18?
Ok so me and my dad have been working on this unfinished beach buggy project (now almost done maybe a month more). I'am a male student that has just finished my second year of college and have had my licence a little over a year (got my licence at 17 to get it out the way) I have never owned a car/been insured on a car and was wondering what sort of prices it would cost to get insured on a beach buggy at my age, the initial plan was for me to get something like a corsa when im 19 and try get insured on the buggy when im like 21. would anyone even insure a VW beach buggy on an 18 year old without no claims bonus? and if so how much do you think im looking at (if some answers seem reasonable i might call adrian flux to see if i can get a quote""
Do you have to buy full coverage insurance?
If you are finance a car from a dealer? This would be in california
Which is the cheapest car insurance for young drivers?
Hi, I'm thinking of starting driving soon and was wondering if anyone knows which would be the cheapest option for insurance? I've tried the compare services and found a direct quote from direct line to be cheaper than any of the ones it found, at about 2200 last time I checked (I think). Does anyone know any other insurers who are cheaper or if this is the best I'm going to get? I'm 20, don't have a license yet and obviously have no no claims etc. Is http://www.4youngdrivers.co.uk/ any good? thanks people.""
Cheap uk car insurance for a learner driver ? any good companies ??
question for pps in uk my husband just bought a little fiat punto got a provisional licence and wants 2 learn to drive in it we new to all this any idea what kind of cover he needs and any good not 2 expensive companies to try for insurance , hes 44 so not a young lad who wants to race about , he has a brother in law and m8 who both have full clean license who have offered to put the L plates on and take him out at weekends on a quite road to get some experience as well as having driving lessons too when he knows the basics , but we looked on nhet at diffrent insurance companies and they all so diffrent as anyone got any experience of whos the best company or comapnies to try thank you also whats diff with any driver or 1 driver and theres 3rd party etc , like i say we really are all new 2 this any info will be well appreciated thank you""
Roughly how much of a fine would this be if stopped driving a car by a police officer?
1. No Inspection 2. No Insurance 3. No License Plate 4. No Registration 5. No License for driver. 6. Speeding 7. No Seat belt. I had to do this to take my car to the junk yard. Luckily I didn't get stopped. How much would that have cost me had I been stopped?
Short term car insurance for foreign visitors?
Me and a few guys (UK citizens) are planning on coming to the US and driving East to West over a few months. We are thinking of buying a car and then selling it before we leave. Is it possible to get short term car insurance for this amount of time? Keeping in mind that we are not from US also? thanks
""21st Century, mainly for the reduced rates with the same as other carriers?""
21st Century Insurance Company is a quality, affordable carrier for automobile ... At 21st Century Insurance Company, we understand how complicated buying auto insurance can be....I'm thinking of switching my auto insurance from GEICO to 21st Century, mainly for the reduced rates with the same coverage. Anyone has any experience with ...for a quote go to http://www.quoteinsuranceauto.com""
""I cheated my husband he knows but still wants to keep me and the marriage,but dont love him anymore,what i do?""
i'm still staying with him he change to make me happy i gave him a chance i have 2 kids for their sake i stayed but still i'n not happy i rather have to divorce him i know i will have a peace of mine i want to do something that makes me happy he's a boring guy i just did'nt ralized that b4 coz i'm bc taking care of my 2 kids but now they're teenagers i suddenly realized how boring my life is,i'm 44 yrs old and i knoe i still can find better life ahead of me with the right person with me so i need help outthere if i really have to sacrifice ny happiness for the sake of my marriage and for the my kids? my husband is not really a good provider we both have financial problem he had his money i have my own,i dont have a name on his bank account either his on mine he paid all the bills,i paid the daycare and the clothes for me and the kids,the sch. lunch for 1 kid him the other kid,i paid the car insurance which it's not my name but since i'm the one using it.so pls. help what shall i do?""
How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old boy for a Ford Focus RS 2003?
I am the 'boy racer' type of a boy. I have the cash to buy a ford focus rs on an 03 registration plate. i was wondering how much car insurance would cost for it? i wish to learn to drive in the car. Ford Focus RS is obviously a very fast car having been used for WRC. It is my favourite car, i can afford it but it would be a massive let down if i couldnt afford insurance on it? please help. any answers are greatly appreciated. thanks
""In California, how do you show proof of insurance for a driving test?
My girlfriend is making an appointment for her driving test and I offered up my car for her to use.Does she need to be added to my insurance to take the test or does the DMV just need proof that the car is insured under someone's name(me)?She won't be driving my car aside from the test as she is buying a used car immediately after the test and getting insurance on that.
What is a good car insurance for someone that is 21?
im 21 my car is insured by my moms insurance but she wants to take me off. What are some good options??i live in california and im a full time student.
Does car insurance decrease in price after a certain age?
for example, when you are 15-16 is it more expensive than when you are 17 or 18? when does this change?""
Are old Land Rovers cheap to insure for young drivers? 10points!?
For a 17 year old like myself, I've been asking around and a majority of people have said that a Series 3 to a 20+ year old defender are far likely to be cheaper to insure a young driver on. Is this true? I want a Land Rover because they are solid cars and the parts are easy to find and cheap to repair if anything went wrong. I'm looking for either a defender or a series 111 in good shape.""
Health Insurance for my son?
I need a low cost health insurance plan for my son. I live in orange county, CA and I DO NOT qualify for medi-cal or healthy families. I make too much money. I do not need health insurance for myself because I can still be on my parents insurance until im 25. My work also does not offer health insurance.""
How come I can't medical or insurance ???!?
Hello I'm a 20 year old and I live on my own. I use to have medical Owen I was under 18 && lived with. Y moon but now I'm 20&& live on my own. I tried applying for medical and I got denied because I make like 100 more than the limit. Where can I can I apply for a low healthy plan . I do live on my own and have bills to may. It I wanna be healthy. Someone please help no d mb answes (you don't look cool) I live in California San Diego.
How can obtain malpractice insurance in USA?
adresse of companies that offer malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia California""
Average motorcycle insurance cost for 18 yr old with 2007 yamaha yzf-r1?
Average motorcycle insurance cost for 18 yr old with 2007 yamaha yzf-r1?
Does having a bump in a company vehicle affect my personal Car insurance?
I have been asked to drive the home delivery van's for a supermarket, I haven't agreed yet as I want to know in the unlikely event of a bump would this affect my personal car ...show more""
How much would a street bike cost to insure?
like a gsxr 1000. Just the price range.
What is the average homeowners insurance cost in CT for older homes?
Just got quoted an annual premium of $2300(!!) for homeowners insurance in a rural CT town (ISO rated 9/10) for a 300ish year old home in the 250-300k range. That seems exorbitantly high. What are others paying in CT for similar old homes in these quaint new england towns?
""What is the best car alarm system, that would also lower my insurance?""
I own a 2003 Toyota Corolla CE. My car insurance is moderately expensive, and I've been told that installing an alarm system would help lower my insurance. But I don't want a cheap alarm that can be easily set off by someone's sound system.""
Ticket for no insurance while riding my motorcycle in california?
I got pulled over for speeding. i have no insurance but i have my motorcycle permit and my driving license. when he pulled me over he asked for my license and of course, i didnt have it. it was in my jacket and i didnt wear it. i had my permit for my bike though. gave him that and my registration. he asked for my insurance, and i knew i didnt have it. but i looked through my backpack and under the rear seat. so when he gave me the ticket he said that the no insurance and license was just a fix it ticket and to take it into the court and show them and they will sign it of and the other is speeding. when i looked at the ticket when i got home, in the part where they rite down if it can be corrected or not the license says yes and the insurance says no. my question is, if i buy insurance now and go in and show them that with the license will they sign it off. or what will they do if i dont have insurance? also the reason i dont have insurance is i dont have the funds to buy it. i just want an answer to my question please not a lecture. thank you""
Subaru wrx insurance !!?
first of all I'm 20 about to turn 21 in december and I'm currently looking at purchasing a 2009 or 2010 subaru wrx i called to get a quote and they told me id be paying 460 a month! with no accidents no tickets and i got my license at age 18. so i got another quote under my dads information and it dropped significantly to 68 dollars. i was wondering if this would be okay to do because id buy the car and he would be insured as the primary driver of the vehicle and I'm not sure the legality of this oh I'm in sunny san diego california btw!! so basically can i buy the car and have my dad under the insurance I'm on his plan but for another car not my future wrx thanks for your help!!!
Why are car insurance rates so high in sunbury-on-thames?
A first car for a 16?
i am wanting a 97' Toyota Camry with 150,000 miles on it. It is $4,300 is this a good first car? And how much does insurance on it cost? I also like saturn l200 are they good cars?""
Why are my health insurance rates so high?
what causes health insurance rate increases?
Has the Affordable Care act made your health insurance more affordable?
Mine is going up $150 every two weeks for a $4500 in network $9000 out of network plan starting next year. Seems most people I talk to report similar numbers.
""Where can I get good motorcycle insurance in Ontario, Canada?
I am getting a 2007 Honda CBR 125 and I need to get a good insurance quote.
Which car would have the highest insurance rates out of these?
1. 2001 Audi TT Coupe 33,000 miles 2. 2007 Saturn Sky Convertible 8,603 miles 3. 2006 Volkswagen Jetta 31,000 miles 4. 2007 Scion tC 39,000 miles I am 16, and these are all stick shifts, and when i get one of these 4 in December, i think the one of the biggest factors for me at least comes down to insurance costs.""
What is the best maternity health insurance in Georgia??
I have insurance through my company, in which I pay half.. My deductible is $2500.00 till January then changes to $2000.00... Im already paying my Doctor $900.00 for a Pre-Delivery fee which will come out of my deductible. Then after that is met I will pay 20% of everthing else... Any advice will be great...""
Affordable Motorcycle for college student?
I own a car already, and I'm thinking about getting a motorcycle as an option to take. What models are usually affordable for a 18 year old college student?""
How much would insurance cost on a 49cc scooter?
I'm 30 year old and live in Leeds / UK , iv never had a car or motobike before so all this is new to me , I know roughly price of tax ,mot, cbt, but id like to no roughly price of insurance for me on a 49cc scooter so I no how much I can spend on the bike , the bike when id get it would b chained up and stored in a locked garage over night , I'm not able to reply to answers or add info after iv sent this question so more info the better please""
Repair cost for rear view mirror?
I broke someones rear view mirror. If I don't have to go through my insurance company I'd rather not. About how much does it cost to replace them? I don't know the make or model of the car.
Car insurance is cheaper with a smaller engine right?
I've been thinking about getting a Corsa, which I think could save alot on Car Insurance due to it having a smaller engine. Anyone with a Corsa know how much it roughly costs, I'm 18 and hoping to pass my test later this month.""
How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old boy for a Ford Focus RS 2003?
I am the 'boy racer' type of a boy. I have the cash to buy a ford focus rs on an 03 registration plate. i was wondering how much car insurance would cost for it? i wish to learn to drive in the car. Ford Focus RS is obviously a very fast car having been used for WRC. It is my favourite car, i can afford it but it would be a massive let down if i couldnt afford insurance on it? please help. any answers are greatly appreciated. thanks
How much would insurance be on a dodge stealth?
i am going to be sixteen and i may be buying a 92 stealth and i need to know how much insurance would be. it is only a 5,000 dollar car. but the speed meter goes to 160mph.""
Finding a decent health insurance plan. low cost insurance.?
I'm 22 and a server I want to find insurance that will actually take care of me. where can i go to get help for this? I dont know much about insurance
How much would be my insurance If my car is being registered in my name?
I am 21 years of age and I am planning to buy a used car to like 1998-2000 models which are not reasons for me to pay a lot for my insurance.
Are local insurance companies better than global ones?
I moved to salt lake city not long ago and I m looking to insure my motorcycle for the summer but so far every websites I tried online have prices and monthly rates that are very expansive !! Does anyone know if it is best to get insured with a local insurance company or a big one like progressive ???
What is the cheapest north carolina car insurance?
this is my first insurance as a driver has anyone found anything cheap around greensboro? also, do i need to have insurance to get my licence at the dmv, or can i just use a car that is insured?""
Insurance cost for 2.3l fox body mustang 16 year old?
I am 16 and considering purchasing a 2.3l four cylinder mustang. These were made from the mid 80's to early 90's. They have like no power but get good mpg. I am worried that insurance companies would see the word mustang and give me a high rate. BTW my sister is 17 and pays only 50 a month on a family plan for a 1995 suzuki sidekick.
Who offers affordable and reliable car insurance?
Money is really tight right now, and my car insurance is around $120 a month with Liberty Mutual. I'm looking at other agencies that offer great service and are less expensive. Is Geico good? Are there any other agencies I should look at? My record isn't too bad. One speeding ticket.""
How much would my motorcycle insurance cost?
i might be purchasing a 1999 honda cbr 600s4. i have no riding experience. i live in NJ. i am 22 years old. i have 4 points on my license (from careless driving tickets), besides that, a clean driving record. any sort of educated guess would be much appreciated.""
Best life insurance questions for seniors?
67 year old male whose had heart surgery,but doing well,on antidepressants and a cpap needs term life insurance. what is the most affordable in your experience ?""
Cheap insurance?
ok my partner has hes test next week and we are looking for a car costing about 1000 thats cheap on insurance / cheap to run also a 5 door, the best we found so far is a deawoo matiz witch isnt even a 1.0 but the insurance is 1400 for a year! witch is the cheapist we have found as its a 2002 model. any other cars thats we can get thats cheap and around the same year? thanx ~x~""
Will my car insurance be void?
A few days ago I ran into the back of someone in my dads car. I am insured as a named driver. I am accepting liability but upon looking at our insurance certificate the mileage i said the car would do per year is much less than Its done. Will my insurance check this when the other party claims on my insurance? It was a genuine mistake when purchasing the insurance and I'm worried it may void my insurance when they check. I also find out today that a passenger in the car has a sore shoulder despite it being no faster than 5mph. What happens if my insurance is void and the passenger claims whiplash? Advice greatly appreciated
How to get health insurance?
I am an 18 year-old independent, (due to marriage) diabetic. I can't get approved for health insurance because you have to be 19 and I won't be 19 for two months. I don't have enough medical supplies to last for two months or more. Medicaid denied me and none of the clinics in my area help with Type 1 diabetes. My parent's don't have health insurance at the moment, so they can't add me. I am not a full-time college student either. I work full-time, but the insurance through my work are too expensive. How can I get health insurance immediately?""
Home equity line & Insurance?
Back in October we pulled a homeequity line of credit on my doublewide. We had allowed the insurance to lapse since the house was paid off so we had to get new insurance. We could only get insurance on the houses tax value of 53,000.00, despite the appraisal value being 167,000.00. The morgage company would only allow us to get a morgage for 55,000, instead of the 65,000 we were looking for because of the insurance policy. Why can we not get a loan for more then the house because the land itself is worth 30-40,000? I asked the insurance agent and she said that they couldn't insure the land. Why is it that I can't get a loan on the land too...""
Looking for a online site to get cheap car insurance quote from all carriers at once?
Looking for a online site to get cheap car insurance quote from all carriers at once?
Is insurance required to buy a car?
I live in the state of Washington. I just turned 18 and obtained my driver's license. However, I have been driving for two years now without insurance and license :/ fortunately without any encounters with the law. Anyway, I want to buy my own car now, my first car, so I'm looking for something local on craigslist. My question is, is it required for one to have insurance in the state of Washington in order to buy a car? I've obviously never done this before so if you could explain how this works I would appreciate it. 1.) What exactly do I need to pay for besides the car? (license plates, registration?) and 2.) Do I need to have insurance? (or can I just pay the person for the car, get the paperwork, and it's done, because I can't afford insurance at the moment. Again I've never done this before). Thank you""
How much would full coverage insurance be with 2 points on my license?
I am almost 24 and I want to get a new car but I'm not sure how much I can afford a month because I'm not sure how much full coverage insurance would be. I was recently in an accident so I have 2 points on my license and never paid full coverage so I have no idea around how much it would be.
I was in a car accident so i been off work how will the insurance pay me?
I been off work due.to my accident my insurance said ill get paid after 14 days due since I'm not able to work
How much in costs would I be looking at and what car would you reccomend to get?
This is in UK and my first car. I'm getting a car at 17 but it needs to have these features: - Cheap on petrol - Cheap on insurance - Cheap to buy used like really cheap - Four doors (optional) Yeah so what would you recommended and how much would I be looking at in total costs per month including tax, insurance and petrol (excluding the price of the actual car). I will be using it around 3 hours a week.""
Getting car insurance?
hey guys.. i have a question... im getting Gieco car insurance but my mother has the same thing...we both live in the same house but are doing a separate thing...by me getting the same car insurance company with that have any type of affect on hers???please let me know asap..thanks
Insurance rates for 2003 F150?
Ok, so I'll start off by saying I'm 15, and when I do turn 16, I want to get an F150. My question is, what can I expect to be the insurance rates on a car like that? I've read from multiple websites that despite being a truck, it has decent rates because it's extremely safe and is reliable. Can anyone give some information or direct me to a website that would help me out?""
Car insurance help please?
Hello I just turned 17 I want to do my driving test soon .. And I already have a car .. so I just want to know soon as I pass my driving license How much will insurance cost . - Peugeot 107 - 1.1 - 2008 Straight answers only please .. and can you please suggest cheap insurance company's or ways to make it cheaper .. thank you ..
Is car insurance expensive?
Im about to get my driver licence and my mom told me that car insurance is really expensive and that's the reason why she wont buy me a car.
Car buying/drive test/insurance question.?
By June 16th, the first day of my job, I will need to not only buy a car, but purchase insurance and schedule/complete/pass my drive test. Now, this could be my young naive mind talking, but I am a very alert driver, maybe a little fast, but VERY alert. When doing behind the wheel, I went on the freeway after only 1 hour and the guy said I'm only the second person he's felt comfortable with doing that. But my question is, in what order should i do this (car, test, insurance) and how much preparation/time does each take. i'm hoping for my parents to stop fighting so my dad can buy a new one and give me his truck, but there are no guarantees. By the way, I am 16, and don't think this is some worthless endeavor by a kid with no money. I have saved for over 3 years (I know have over 10000$ but I have to buy everything, but my parents will pay for half of the insurance costs. THANKS""
Car insurance 18 year old female in London HELP?
So I'm 17 right now but will be 18 by the time I do my test in a few weeks I Live in London - moving to Colchester in September My dad, who has had tons of years experience, is getting a new insurance policy (he use to be on a mini cab driver insurance but quit so now looking for a new policy) He has a car that needs to be insured, Im not sure what car it is (I do know its a small car with either a 1.4 or a 1.6 engine) but my car is a 2012 Kia Picanto 1 1.0 5DR So far the cheapest insurance on the Kia Picanto I've gotten is 7000 which I refuse to take serious Everything I try doesn't seem to work I've tried: Putting his as the additional driver but me as the main drive Putting me as the additional but main driver Using my colchester postcode rather than my London postcode Tried using 8000 mileage per year I tried using the maximum amount of Voluntary Excess (usually 500) HOWEVER i found a deal on 'Just2Insure' as an additional driver on provisional on the Kia Picanto which was 2000, does anyone know if it will go higher once I've passed and changed to a full UK license? - This will be my dads insurance on MY car though right? If so, what would I be paying because I want to pay the full amount of the insurance thats on my car. - Is there anything I can do to make it cheaper with my dad being on my policy or me being on his? - And how could he insure his car and make me an additional driver but insure my car as well... if thats possible?""
Is it possible to get heath insurance in the US w/ a pre-existing condition I was born with?
I was born and raised in Ontario, Canada, and we get free heath care. But I'm moving to California for school in a little while, and I have a few questions about heath insurance. I was born w/ a serious heart condition that required several surgeries and will probably require even more in the future. Is it possible for me to get heath insurance w/ a pre-existing heath condition like that?""
How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old boy for a Ford Focus RS 2003?
I am the 'boy racer' type of a boy. I have the cash to buy a ford focus rs on an 03 registration plate. i was wondering how much car insurance would cost for it? i wish to learn to drive in the car. Ford Focus RS is obviously a very fast car having been used for WRC. It is my favourite car, i can afford it but it would be a massive let down if i couldnt afford insurance on it? please help. any answers are greatly appreciated. thanks
Is there any affordable health insurance for full time college students?
I'm a full time student and I work full time. But our benefits at work aren't that great. It's close to $400 a month with a 5000 deductible. I can't afford that right now. Recently my mom told me that she heard some colleges have health insurance programs or something like that that I can get through the college. It's pretty affordable supposedly.. I tried to search on my college site but didn't really find anything. Where can I find info about this? Or are there any government programs that offer insurance to full time students?
How much does auto insurance cost for a teenager?
How much does auto insurance cost for a teenager?
Title insurance on grant deed in California?
For California, if a Grant Deed was signed and notarized more than 1 year ago, and it was not recorded until today, will the Title Company provide title insurance for it when the house is sold later on? Is the rule on this the same for all title companies or is it up to each title company, in terms of the gap for when it was signed and when it was recorded?""
Car insurance please help?
Car insurance arghhhh !!! help? OK how does this sound to you guys? my mum has two cars one of which is insured with me as a learner im 19 and my sisters as a full driver 22 she is also insured with her own car but on my mums so she culd take me out to learn and for emergency reasons ok so the second car is going to be insured under the same company on a diffrent policy with my mum only. aparently this sounds suspecious ?? pepole think the 1st car is mine but its NOT my mum will be the main driver on both i she will decided which car she takes one day and which the other not me but she got the second car because my sister who is insured on the policy aswell well her car broke so she took a lend of my moms which was annoying for my mom coz she needed it and when she takes me out to learn my mom got fed up waiting till we come back to she jist got a second car to aviod that ! when i pass my test yeah i will be a full liceance on the policy im currently on but that does not mean it will be my car ! only time i can driver it is if my mom or older sister is not using it. BUT ppl are convinced its mine and all that ? surley an insurance company cant refuse to insure???
Can I suspend my car insurance?
I am 18 years old, male, clean driving record, good student, going to college. I will only be going home for occasional weekends, and vacations, and I would like to be insured so I can drive my car (saturn 2000 sl) around. I want to have coverage when I need it, but don't want to pay for a whole year of car insurance. I do not know a lot about car insurance but, Is it possible to just call up my car insurance company (MetLife) whenever I want and suspend or unsuspend my car insurance? This way I don't have to pay for a whole year of car insurance when i am only using it for weekends, week breaks, or winter and summer vacations (probably 5 months per year). Is this a normal practice? Thanks!!""
What is the average limits that you have on you auto full-coverage insurance?
I live in Chicago Illinois. The lowest limits are 20/40/15.
Can I get a dealer service department to cash out a check that was written from my insurance company?
I know I can get a repair done cheaper elsewhere. But my insurance company has already left a check at the dealer that is made out to me and the dealer so I have to sign it over to them. The dealer will not have the part in until Tuesday. So can I go to the dealer and just take the part and ask them to cash out the labor to me and I will go elsewhere for the actual repair?
Commercial business insurance and homeowners insurance?
I am closing soon on a small commercial property. It is a smaller restaurant/bar and has an apartment in back where I will be living. I'm a little confused regarding insurance. Do I get commercial business insurance for the building, and then separate homeowners insurance for the small apartment in back? Though I feel that would be strange as it's one large building essentially. Just curious what others have done, it's too late to call now, yet I will in the morning.""
Which make and model of car/SUV is the cheapest on auto insurance?
I need a new car, but I don't want to pay a lot for auto insurance. Right now I have a Cavalier (hate it, by the way) and because it is a Z24 it raised the insurance premium. I just wondered if there are certain makes of cars that are usually cheaper on auto insurance. Anyone know?""
Does anyone know about work insurance in lagos nigeria?
we are ptentially going out for 2 weeks to fit a conservatory and need insurance not holiday but work / life insurance
Car Insurance Question?
OK, so Im taking my test soon, and I was wondering if I could do this. As a result of my gender, my insurance would be considerably high; up to 6,00 to be exact. However, if I insure my car on provisional licence, it would cost LOTS cheaper. But, if I do this now, and pay for this provisional licence cover, when I have passed my test and have a full UK licence, would I just carry on with the same cover, or inform the insurance company of a change in the licence which I have. I hope you can answer my question. Thank You""
My driver's license was suspended for driving without insurance/license and not showing up for court dates.?
My driver's license was suspended for driving without insurance/license and not showing up for court dates. I did have my license and insurance at the time but did not have my wallet with me. I was wondering how much it will cost me to reinstate my driver's license and if I might have to take the driver's test over again or not. If I have documentation that I had a license and insurance at the time would it help me? I'm in Alabama if that helps. Any answers are greatly appreciated.
Putting alloys on a car? any idea how much insurance would go up?
iv not long ago passed, paying 1100 on a 1.2 any idea? cheers LS""
How long do you have to get insurance on a car after loaning?
A relative of mine wants to take over notes to my current car. I'm waiting for papers to come back to approve her and get the title in her name. The note was too high anyways but I have to pay for the note ($375) and insurance ($251) until everything is situated. Well I found a cheaper car for 6,000 and I'll be paying a little more than $100 each month. I want to hurry and get this car because I really like it and if I wait too long then it would be gone. Do I have to get insurance on it right away. I won't be driving it until I get insurance. Would they come and repo it if I don't have insurance but paying the note? I can't afford two notes and two insurances. So that's why I wanted to wait until I got rid of my first car to get insurance.""
""How much would an insurance company give me to repair Keying damage, three hood dents, and 3 areas of chips?""
My car was badly vandalized about a month ago and i made a claim to my insurance company. I originally decided to take my car into one of their many One Stop shops, where i would only have to pay the 250 dollar deductible and have my car completely repaired. Since then i was laid of from work and have been going through alot of money trouble. I have been considering just having an adjuster come out and write a check for the damages and repair only some of the damage at a friends shop. My question is... how much would the adjuster write off for... Deep key scratches down to the metal, a line all around the car. (20 feet) Three dents on the hood (about 6in diameter) three areas that where hit, and began to chip( about 5in in diameter each) It seems desperate. I know, because i am. I would appreciate any answers, please do not judge me and this situation, i'm just curious if it would be a somewhat wise decision. If you have nothing nice to say, please refrain from commenting, im depressed enough as it is. Thanks!""
What's the best car insurance company 2 get the lowest price rates on a 74 caprice classic?
What's the best car insurance company 2 get the lowest price rates on a 74 caprice classic?
08 lancer gts or 08 altima coupe what would be best for 17 year old and cheaper on insurance?
I want one that's fun to drive it has to be reliable I don't want to race but I do want a little speed I want whatever is cheaper on insurance and I'm stuck between these two cars what do you guys think?
How much would car insurance be for a 19 year old?
I just got my license and I know that car insurance can be really expensive for younger people. I was wondering if there is any cheap insurance company? I would love to pay no more than $100, is this possible? Any inside from personal experiences?""
""Im looking for affordable whole life insurance for myself and my husband, we are on a fixed income.?
our ages are male 42 and female 41
Does my Company car insurance cover me to drive other insured cars 3rd Party?
im insured fully comp to drive my company car, so because i am fully comp does this mean that i am insured to drive 3rd Party any other car that is also insured Fully Comp?(not in the company)""
Would it be ok to lower my auto insurance coverage?
I live on disability income -SSDI. This is my only income. I have no savings or other money, just my personal belongings (12 yr. old car, furniture, some jewelry, etc.) I rent an apartment. I am thinking of lowering my insurance costs by reducing the coverage amounts, which are very high right now. If I had an 'at fault' accident that exceeded my insurance coverage what assets could I be sued for by the other party?""
How much of an auto insurance discount does a family get for having more than one car?
How much of an auto insurance discount does a family get for having more than one car?
""Hi,argos 3 year insurance cover?""
I'm asking about the insurance cover on some earphones,say if they are damaged within one year then they would be replaced under the manufacturers one year guarantee,what would happen to my insurance cover? would I be refunded the insurance as my earphones would be replaced anyway/ Thanks in advance :)""
How much does accutane cost without insurance?
Im planning on possibly going on accutane by january if my skin doesnt clear up.... i will buy the cheapest generic accutane i can find, But how much will it cost for bloodwork, dermatologist visits, the pills, etc...etc... i herd it could be pricy but personally i dont care i just want to get rid of this 5 year long acne.....""
Car insurance?
is there such a thing as shared car insurace, kinda like family health insurance?( like 1 insurance bill 4 2 cars)""
How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old boy for a Ford Focus RS 2003?
I am the 'boy racer' type of a boy. I have the cash to buy a ford focus rs on an 03 registration plate. i was wondering how much car insurance would cost for it? i wish to learn to drive in the car. Ford Focus RS is obviously a very fast car having been used for WRC. It is my favourite car, i can afford it but it would be a massive let down if i couldnt afford insurance on it? please help. any answers are greatly appreciated. thanks
0 notes
viralhottopics · 7 years
Can I forgive the man who raped me?
Thordis Elva was raped aged 16. Years later, she emailed Tom Stranger, the man who raped her, beginning a raw, painful healing process documented in their book South of Forgiveness. In this extract, they meet to find a way forward
Thordis Elvais from Iceland and known to Icelandersas a writer, playwright, journalist and public speaker. She was voted Woman of the Year 2015 by the Federation of Icelandic Womens Societies in Reykjavik for her work on gender equality, and has written a celebrated book on gender-based violence, 2009s mannamli (The Plain Truth). She currently resides in Stockholm, Sweden with her partner Vidir and their son.
Tom Stranger is Australian. He met Elva when he was 18 and on a student exchange programme in Iceland, and the pair had a relationship. Since then, he has worked in various sectors (community services, youth, outdoor recreation, charity, construction, and hospitality). For now, he is working as a landscape gardener and lives in Sydney with his wife, Cat.
From: [email protected] Sent: Saturday 21 May 2005, 5.38am To: [email protected] Subject: Words for you Thordis, I dont know where to start. When I saw your name in my inbox, my spine went cold. My memories are still as clear as day. Please believe me when I say I have not forgotten what I did, and how wary I have to be of myself. I dont know how to reply. I want to call myself sick (but I know I am not), I want to say that you are so strong, so strong to be able to write to me and recall the events and my actions. I want to thank you for not hating me, although Id like you to. It would make it easier for me. Without looking for a scratch of sympathy, I want to tell you that the events and emotions I was party to in Iceland have replayed in my head many times, usually when I am by myself for any length of time. They flash past me, vividly accurate, and then, shortly after the denial and positive character reinforcement, comes the question: Who am I? It is a dark part of my memory. Ive tried to suppress it. But this is not about me. Whatever I can do or offer you, I am more than willing. The question is where to go from here. You tell me. Tom.
After eight years of analysing the violent past and its consequences in a written correspondence, Thordis and Tom decide to meet up in the middle, between their home countries of Iceland and Australia, looking to face their past once and for all.
Day one, 27 March 2013
The taxi picks me up at a quarter to five and takes me to the bus station, where Im booked on the fly-bus. The grizzled taxi driver, hoisting my suitcase into the trunk with a smooth manoeuvre, asks me where Im going.
To South Africa.
Oh, really? To Johannesburg?
No, to Cape Town, I reply, still in disbelief at my own words despite the time Ive had to adjust to the idea. It would be an understatement to say that the proposed meeting has been on my mind. Its reverberated in every step when Ive gone out for a run; its been in every breath of cold winter air that scraped the insides of my lungs; its soaked the wet washcloth I used to clean my sons sticky fingers. And Ive tried my best to push it out of my mind when making love to my fiance, enjoying his warm skin against mine.
After all, that would be a highly inappropriate time to be thinking about it.
From the moment the destination was set, I adapted to a new calendar before or after Cape Town. The last time I bought deodorant I automatically deduced that I wouldnt have to buy another one until after Cape Town. Yesterday, when snuggling down with my three-year-old son to do some painting together, spending quality time with him BC momentarily appeased my guilt for leaving him for 10 days to travel halfway across the globe to face a man from the past without any guarantee of the outcome.
Something tells me that parents of young children are not meant to take such foolhardy decisions. Thats the reason I gave up my dreams of parachuting when I fell pregnant with my son. Then again, throwing myself out of an aeroplane at 7,000 feet carries less emotional risk than taking a trip down memory lane with the man who turned my existence upside down. Because it wasnt an unknown lunatic who tore my life apart all those years ago. Who turned down the offer of medical help for me, even though I was barely conscious and vomiting convulsively. Who decided instead to rape me for two endless hours.
It was my first love.
My mothers eyes flew wide open when I told her that I was travelling alone to South Africa to meet up with the man who raped me when I was 16. She strung together a series of hair-raising worst-case scenarios before letting out a sigh, looking at me with loving reluctance, and adding: But I know its pointless to try to talk you out of things youve set your mind to, dear. Shortly thereafter, my dad interrupted my packing when he dropped by for a coffee. Despite my attempt to break the news to him in the gentlest manner possible, it didnt prevent him from freaking out. He lectured me in a thundering voice about how I was jeopardising my life for an utterly ridiculous idea.
But I have to finish this chapter of my life, I said softly. My cheeks were on fire.
Finish this chapter? he repeated, appalled, and jumped out of his chair. You dont need to travel across the globe to finish anything! This whole idea is a big pretentious drama, thats what it is!
His words hit me right where it hurts.
Youll have no control over anything. Nothing but your thoughts! Nothing else!
What do you mean? I asked, confused. Ill obviously control my actions and whereabouts.
No you wont, dear, he hissed. You cant always. If you could, then that wouldnt have happened.
We both knew what he meant by that, even though weve never talked about the incident that changed everything. In recent years, Ive spoken widely and publicly about my status as a rape survivor (though, until now, never identified the man who raped me) yet my father and I have never discussed that fateful night. He has never asked and Ive always assumed he doesnt want to know.
I sat up straight, aware of my glowing cheeks. If you reduce me to victim and him to perpetrator, I can see how this seems incomprehensible to you. But were much more than that, Dad.
He scoffed loudly before storming out of the kitchen.
I leant against the wall and let the air out of my lungs slowly. Goddamn it. I knew this would be hard, but bloody hell.
My father appeared again in the doorway, pacing up and down with frustration I knew was fuelled by fatherly love. How can you be sure youll finish anything with this nonsense? This may just as easily be the start of something else entirely! The distress in his voice made it sound like a threat.
I sat alone in the silence my father left behind and watched the dust settle. In a way, I think were both right. This trip will surely mark an end to a certain chapter of my life. What sets me apart from my father is my belief that in the next chapter, I wont be the victim any more.
Day two, 28 March 2013
The screen in the seatback in front of me shows a blinking plane over a map. According to the timer, Cape Town is just 29 minutes away. The butterflies in my stomach nose-dive, as the time seems way too limited considering how many questions are left unanswered.
Goddamn it, what if I cant forgive him? Am I ready to let go?
Frustrated, I scroll through the folder on my laptop, searching for something to calm my nerves. I was level-headed enough when I suggested this trip, wasnt I? In an attempt to recover my faith in this risky undertaking, I read through my own proposal:
You may need a lifetime to forgive yourself for what you did to me. That is up to you and you take however long you need, independent of anyone else. I, however, am climbing a different mountain. And I am getting very close to the top. I propose that in six months time, we meet up with the intention of reaching forgiveness, once and for all. In person. It is the only proper way for me to do it, I feel. No letter can ever compare with face-to-face communication. And after all weve been through, I think it is the most dignified and honest way to finish this chapter of our story.
I sound so calm, so fucking reasonable. How is it possible that this was written by the same person now hyperventilating in a plane 30,000ft over South Africa, full of nerve-racking doubt?
Reading through his reply, Im somewhat comforted that he, too, felt conflicted:
Ill admit that I was floored by your request to meet up. Fearful, anxious, cautious, paranoid. You name it, it all came swarming in. But youve asked, and you sound like you are making vital ground towards something very special for yourself. So of course Ill agree to see you. After much thought I do think it will be beneficial, and an opportunity for myself to air face-to-face some long held words and for us both to look to close some doors. I want it for you, Thordis, as you seem strong, open and ready to see me and move forward. I want it for me because Im so very sick of being sick and seeing myself as unlovable, and believe I can move on if I could just look you in the face, own up to it and say Im sorry.
Forgiveness is the only way, I tell myself, because whether or not he deserves my forgiveness, I deserve peace. Because Im doing this for me. My forgiveness is white-hot from the whetstone, and its purpose is to sever the ties, because if I can let this go, once and for all, Im certain that my overall wellbeing will benefit greatly. Self-preservation at its best.
Day four, 30 March 2013
Its seven oclock when we buy ourselves a drink at the hotel bar and sit down by a table facing the garden, readying ourselves for the hard talk. The windowpane clatters loudly, and an endless stream of staff crossing the room distracts me to the point where I give up. What do you say about us finishing this conversation in my room?
He looks at me, shocked. Are you sure? Youre comfortable with that?
Im sure that itll be easier to have this talk if we get proper privacy. Its tough enough as it is.
Tom radiates ever-increasing anxiety as the elevator climbs closer to the 12th floor. Unlike him, my emotions have calmed down.
Almost serene, I step out of the elevator. Theres no turning back now.
He buries his hands in his pockets as I fish my key out of my bag in front of my hotel room. Putting my hand on the doorknob, it morphs into the white plastic door-handle with the keyhole that haunts my dreams. Within me, everything falls silent. Ready? I ask myself.
Without hesitation, I turn the key.
Tom follows me inside my room, takes a look around and smiles nervously. Not bad.
Sit wherever you like. Im going to make some tea.
Thordiss student ID from around the time she met Tom. Photograph: Courtesy of Thordis Elva
He sits down on the edge of the bed while I busy myself with the kettle. From the corner of my eye, I notice him closing his eyes and straightening his back, as if hes steeling himself. When the boiling water hits the teabag at the bottom of the cup, Tom begins the story in a hoarse voice. I wore my golden shirt that evening. I didnt know it was customary to get dressed up for a dance in Iceland, and I didnt have anything fancy. The son of my host family took me to an exclusive store and helped me choose the shirt. I thought it was the peak of cool, at the time. The striped trousers were a present from my host sister.
He accepts the steaming teacup from my hand and stares into it for a moment before continuing. I remember how excited I was when I bought the ticket. I remember that I was with my friends Carlos and Ben when we met you outside the dance. You were pretty drunk when you arrived.
It was the first time Id ever tasted rum, I tell him. I didnt know how to drink alcohol. Nor did I know how to smoke, even though I took a drag from the rolled cigarette you handed me. I just wanted to impress you. And after the ensuing wild cough, I wondered if perhaps that wasnt a cigarette, I remind myself.
I lost you the minute we stepped inside, Tom continues. Carlos and I went straight to the dancefloor. I remember feeling happy and carefree in that sweaty pile of people. Then someone told me you werent well, you were in the ladies.
My mind replays the awful scene from the bathroom stall. The stains on my new dress. My hair wet from hugging the toilet. My fear and wonder as one spasm after the other wrung my body out like a dishrag. The repeated promises that Id neither drink nor smoke again if I were only allowed to survive this night. And finally, the desperate wish for my mom to come save me. I fucked up, Mom. Im sorry.
Tom frowns. I felt it was my duty to go and check on you. So I went in and climbed over the partition, into your cubicle. I held your hair back while you vomited, and I thought I was going to be sick as well. Then you flopped to the ground and lay there, motionless. I remember carrying you out.
He pauses and looks away. Before I have a chance to tell him how grateful I was when he appeared like my mother incarnate to save me from an untimely death on the bathroom floor, he grimaces bitterly. Then I couldnt be bothered to look after you, Thordis. I dumped you on Ben and left you with him. You were slumped on the chairs outside the bathrooms and he stood there, stooped over you, as I went back to the dancefloor.
I look at him in surprise. I thought youd taken me straight home.
He clenches his jaw. My only thought was that this was the only Christmas dance I was going to experience in Iceland. I was selfish and didnt have any concern for you. In the end, I felt guilty that some other guy was looking after my girlfriend. So I scooped you up in my arms and carried you up the stairs, in a foul mood because I had to leave the party.
And the security guards stopped you on the way out because they wanted to call an ambulance for me as I was dangling from your arms, foaming at the mouth. They thought I had alcohol poisoning.
Id forgotten that moment but I dont doubt it, he says in a low voice.
Tom Stranger in 1996, the year he went to Iceland. Photograph: Courtesy of Tom Stranger
I remember that part vividly because for a second there, I thought youd take their advice, I respond, looking down into my cup. That Mom and Dad would get a call from the hospital saying that their 16-year-old daughter was lying there with alcohol poisoning. I imagined being grounded for life.
Id known for three years by then what it is to drink to excess, and Id seen many of my friends at various stages of drunkenness. I just thought you were wasted. I didnt think you were in real danger, he says.
Whatever it was, it had me paralysed and unable to speak. But I heard you loud and clear as you refused the offer of an ambulance, telling the security guards that you knew me and would see me safely home.
He nods, his complexion strangely pale. The taxi was white, I recall. I told the driver your address I remember letting us into your house. But what I dont remember is what I did with you while I struggled to unlock the door.
You draped me across your shoulder while you rummaged round in my bag for the keys.
He raises his eyebrows. Really? Like a sack of potatoes?
I nod.
He swears at himself quietly. And I remember your entrance hall, the shoes on the floor. From memory, past the coat hooks there were some stairs on the left, leading up to the kitchen and your parents area. Your room was through on the right. He stops and swallows.
I remember taking your clothes off.
I remember it too. My gratitude when he removed my vomit-stained dress. My relief at having my feet freed from the high heels. My frustration for not being able to utter a word of thanks. My lack of understanding when he continued to remove my underwear. Why my panties? Why?
My stomach muscles reflexively tighten as I prepare for the blow.
He stands up, moving restlessly, and walks over to the wall opposite the bed. I undressed you completely… He falls silent and hangs his head. The wind howls pitifully outside the window.
Tom begins to cry.
I wish I could tell you why I did it, Thordis.
Did what?
Raped you, he says, quietly.
This is an edited extract from South of Forgiveness by Thordis Elva and Tom Stranger (Scribe Publications, 12.99). To order a copy for 11.04 go to bookshop.theguardian.com or call 0330 333 6846. Thordis Elva and Tom Stranger will be speaking at the Royal Festival Hall as part of the Women of the World festival on 11 March, and at the Bristol Festival of Ideas on 13 March
People were quick to judge I wasnt angry enough: what came next for Thordis and Tom
Standing in stark stage lights, with five cameras directed at me, I recently found myself on a stage, telling an audience of 1,200 how Id been raped when I was 16 years old. Next to me on stage was Tom, who raped me after a dance at our high school. Together, we gave a TED talk that summarised a 20-year long process, whereby Tom shouldered responsibility for his actions and the way they impacted our lives. It was viewed nearly 2m times in the first week and the overwhelming reaction was positive and supportive.
In the talk, I described the violence Tom subjected me to, how I spent years wanting nothing more than to hurt him back, how I found a way to part with the anger that nearly cost me my life, as well as rid myself of blame that I like so many other survivors wrongfully shouldered.
Tom described how he felt deserving of my body that night, without any concern for me, and consequently convinced himself that what he did was sex and not rape. The following nine years were marked by denial, in which he did his best to outrun the past, until I confronted him in a pivotal email that changed our lives for ever.
Ive been asked why I didnt press charges immediately, and the simple answer to that question is that I was a 16-year-old girl with naive notions about rape. Rapes were committed by armed lunatics, the kind of sensationalised monsters you saw on TV and read about in the papers. The fact that Tom wasnt a monster, but a person who made an awful decision, made it harder for me to see his crime for what it was. That way, the demonisation of perpetrators in mainstream media got in the way of my recovery. By the time I was able to identify what had happened to me as rape, Tom had moved to the other side of the planet, far from the jurisdiction of the Icelandic police. At the time, 70% of rape cases in Iceland were dismissed, even when the perpetrator could be interrogated and the survivor had documented injuries, neither of which were the case for me. Therefore, pressing charges would not have been a fruitful process, and the only option I felt I had left was to bottle up my pain and anger. Studies show that very few survivors have a clean-cut story in which they went straight to the authorities after being assaulted, put the blame squarely on the perpetrators shoulders, healed their wounds and moved on. For most of us, life after violence is a messy ordeal. We dont go to the police because were too confused, scared or doubtful that well get help. We blame ourselves and obsess about things we couldve done differently. We numb ourselves with alcohol/drugs/sex/food/work, or we turn to self-harm to relieve the emotional pain. We continue to see our abusers and pretend that nothing happened, because facing the truth is overwhelming. We develop PTSD and mental illness. We stay silent about what happened out of fear that well not be believed, or worse, blamed for it because we did something wrong. No wonder, really. In reality, the only people capable of preventing rapes are those who commit them, and yet were told from an early age that we can avoid being raped by dressing and behaving in a certain way. This culture of victim-blaming also fosters the idea that there is a right way to react to violence. Had the survivor only worn something else, not smiled so widely, not gotten drunk, fought back (more), screamed (louder), gone straight to the police, not feared their attackers retaliation if theyd only done that, everything wouldve worked out differently. Victim-blaming deepens the shame that many survivors feel and lessens the likelihood that they speak up about their experiences.
Watch Thordis Elva and Tom Strangers TED talk.
The reality is that there is no right reaction to having your life ripped apart by violence. I knew that my collaboration with Tom would be controversial, and the reactions of internet trolls didnt surprise me. But I am concerned with how quick some people were to judge the wrong way in which I worked through my experience. I wasnt angry enough, I shouldve pressed charges, I was setting a dangerous precedent, I should be ashamed. Although I made it clear that my forgiveness wasnt for my perpetrator but for myself and that without it, I wouldnt be alive, I was still told that I should not have forgiven.
This worries me. I worry about my fellow survivors who are at risk of internalising the misconception that there is a standard reaction to sexual violence, with the conclusion that they didnt react in the right way. To you, I want to say that you did nothing wrong. The way in which you carried on with your life may not have been clean-cut, it may have been messy and incomprehensible to those who dont share your experience, but it was your way to survive a trauma. Nobody has the right to tell you how to handle your deepest pain.
And as the title of our story South of Forgiveness suggests, forgiveness played a pivotal role in allowing me to let go of the self-blame I shouldered, largely due to the victim-blaming culture I grew up in. And yet, forgiveness is not the core of our story, in my mind. The core issue is responsibility.
I understand those who feel discomfort and even outrage when hearing and seeing Tom on stage, knowing that hes perpetrated sexual violence. At the same time, given how prevalent this type of abuse is and how under-reported a crime it is, were in all likelihood seeing and hearing from perpetrators on a daily basis the main difference being that we dont know theyre perpetrators. They could be the people we went to school with, who greet us at the grocery store, who direct the films we watch, get elected to public office, run entire countries and live right next door. Given the low reporting and conviction rate, most of them will never have to take responsibility for their actions in an institutional sense. This does not lessen the gravity of their deeds.
By the time Tom had confessed to his crime, he couldnt have done time for it even if he wanted to, as the statute of limitations had passed. As a result, our case fell through the cracks of the legal system, like so many others, but it didnt lessen our need to analyse our past and place the responsibility with the person to whom it belonged: Tom. We also did our best to answer questions that are rarely posed in the public discourse about rape, where more focus seems to be on the survivors attire, behaviour, whereabouts and sexual history than the perpetrators culpability. And as frustrating as it is, I understand it to a certain extent. Because in the public discourse, the only people speaking about the violence theyve been party to are the survivors, usually. Which is why we only have their stories to dissect, their details to scrutinise. Did she say shed been drinking that night? This tradition of one-sided scrutiny blindsides us from looking at the behaviour of the person responsible, the perpetrator, to whom the focus needs to shift.
I am not sharing the story of how I processed the abuse I endured as a set of recommendations for others.
My story is a unique account shared in the hope that it can aid a public discussion about sexual violence.
As a society, it is our duty to fight against violence. And as individuals, we have a right to heal from it.
Read more: http://bit.ly/2lUbi8H
from Can I forgive the man who raped me?
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