#its so nice to hear him talk againn
1980ssunflower · 1 year
feeling so happy to hear my ryans voice again 🥺💖💖
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bambisfuneral · 4 years
Hii its me againn! Sorry, but Can I request an headcanon for Oikawa, Kuroo, and Bokuto of their reaction to their s/o who’s also their ex where she’s a musician and performer and she wrote a song about them during their relationship as a gift but unfortunately was only able to release it after they broke up. Thank you in advance! Have a nice dayy! 💜
He had seen your performance on YouTube
Oikawa still followed you on all social media platforms after your break up
It didn’t hit him so hard at first
Yeah he was hurt but after the first couple of day it had hit him in waves
He had really lost you, all because he couldn’t control his wandering eyes and smart mouth
And now he’s watching you through his phone screen with a look of awe on his face
“That’s my girl”
That’s what he would’ve said
He was sad that he lost you but it was his own fault so he understood why you wanted to leave
But maybe he was just holding you back
Because now you’re performing live in front of thousands of people
Oikawa knew just because the two of you had broken up didn’t mean he couldn’t be happy for you
But you never made amends
Whenever you saw each other in the hall you’d just walk right passed each other like strangers
He had began using that song as inspiration to better himself as a person
And eventually, he had the courage to walk up to you
“Hey....... I saw your performance and-...... I am so... sorry. I know I screwed up pretty badly and I understand if you don’t wanna talk to me again but I just wanted to let you know that I’m proud of you and that I am happy for you..... and I’m sorry for holding you back from what you wanted to do”
Kuroo knew for the longest that you were talented
Especially in the singing department
Random moments he’d just ask for you to sing to him
But for whatever reason, lately the two of you had been arguing lately
And most of it was over nothing
You two were arguing one time and he just got up and left
He went to eat dinner with Kenma and he told him everything
Kuroo may or may not have had too many cans of Chuhai😗
And he broke up with you over text
So anywho, a couple months passed and your song was playing all over on the local radio and then soon began to spread
“There’s no way.... that sounds like Y/N?”
You and Kuroo haven’t talked in person since that night he broke up with you but you’d text each other every once in a while and BRIEFLY talk on the phone
One night you were getting ready to lay down and you heard loud taps at your window
May have been pebbles and may have been Kuroos fingers🧐
“Y/N? Y/N I know you hear me, let me in sweetheart”
“You know I love you right?”
“So I heard your song on the radio and.... I’m sorry for acting like a such a child for the past couple of months”
Bokuto had taken your voice for granted
You always had tried to talk to him and show him your song covers
He was always so busy with volleyball though he just ended up pushing you aside as he made the sport his number one priority
You had been staying at his house for a while until one day he came home from practice and both you and your belongings were gone
He was angry, angry with himself and angry with you for not coming to him about it
Bokuto overheard about your performance when he was walking passed a group of people from his school
“Oh yeah, she goes to this school. She had performed at the cafe down in ______. I’m pretty sure her name is um.... it’s Y/N”
As soon as he got to his class he sat down and pulled up your Instagram and luckily for him he you had posted your performance there
The video had left him with his jaw slacked open and he just let his head drop down on his desk
Listening to the lyrics flow so smoothly out from your lips hit him in the face like Akaashi head butting him
“I fucked up...” *cough*ohyouthink*cough*
It made him realize how shit he had been treating you and caused him to avoid you and your friends
Even his teammates since you were mutual friends
He would listen to that one specific song when he’s going through his little episodes, especially when he can’t sleep at night
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