#its ok sans got them ice cream or something im sure
superbecky · 7 months
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ScrapbookTale: Story 4 - Jump Scare - Page1/1
Seems that it was Frisk all along who would end up being scared to death... 💀
So I had the idea for this comic months ago, but ultimately decided to just wait until around October/when the FNAF movie would be coming out. Then the time finally came around and I have been super busy working my new job, working on a cosplay and playing a little too much Animal Crossing. I actually will be seeing the FNAF movie in like 2 days from now so I am hyped for that! :D
Side note, I am very sad that this isn't story 5. Missed opportunity! :V
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>Please do not re-post or use my work in any way without my permission! Reblogging is ok. Thanks!<
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression, Ep 41 - 'Antique' displayed in showcase. Its true identity is..
K: Hi, this is Dir en grey's Kaoru with this week's episode of The Freedom of Expression. Joe san, Tasai san, welcome again. Ok, should we get straight on with it?
J: Yeh, shall we?
T: Yeah.
J: Just get started quickly.
K: Ok, Ojikyun... (*see last episode*)
T: Yeh, Ojikyun.
J: I'll try my hardest.
T: Ojikyun Joe.
J: Ok, well, this is today's news. 'Antique displayed in showcase, its real identity is..?' A photo posted to Twitter of a shop's showcase is getting reactions like, 'I had to look twice!', and 'I was fooled!'. The person who posted the photo was walking the streets, when suddenly they saw a shop with a showcase containing numerous pots. But when this person had a closer look, they were amazed. They read the explanation card and discovered the pots were actually Baumkuchen! The pots, made in various sizes, resemble the real finish and shape of an actual flower vase. The shop, named Villon, is a patisserie located in Sakura Shinmachi in Tokyo, and was established in 1965. These Baumkuchen made in the shape of pottery go by the name of 'Grand Villion', and the shop owner says they were born out of an idea to express the beauty of pottery though cakes. The shop also sells many other products, but people who have seen the photos online have been mistaking the cakes for real pots one after another.
So I think if you have a search online, you'll be able to find the images, but it really is Baumkuchen which looks exactly like a pot.
T: Absolutely.
K: Yeh, for sure.
J: What do you think about this?
K: Its incredible.
T: It is, yeh.
J: Yeh, it is.
T: It is amazing.
J: Yeah. I wonder if they sell a lot of these?
K: Can you buy these online?
J: I wonder if you can?
K: Just by looking, it seems like you order it in store.
J: These look like they are probably difficult to deliver.
K: Right.
J: I feel like it would break during delivery.
T: Yeah. But peope are buying these and taking them home as souvenirs.
J: Yeh, using Baumkuchen to make a pot...
T: Won't it become really well-known?
J: Yeah, it will. Its like making curry into the shape of poo as a kid...What? Didn't you do that?
T: Haha
T, K: No
J: Didn't you ever make curry into the shape of poo and offer it to your friends in elementary school?
K: Haha, no.
J: Its only me?? I bet some people did *points to camera*
T: They didn't, I'm sure they didn't, haha. No-one's gonna fall for you with that.
K: Haha
J: Im not Ojikyun material?
T: Not at all.
K: I thought everyone did that.
T: Hahaha
J: Isn't it a good trick? Making poo with curry? This is the same, just making a pot with Baumkuchen.
K: ??? *1
J: Is that a bit rude of me? Don't you make piled up poo with curry?
T: No! Haha.
K: How do you even make that with curry??
J: Its like, if the curry is left for a while, it congeals a bit, right?
K: The roux.
J: Yeah, kinda like the roux. I did it with that when i was a kid.
T: You did it with that? haha
J: I got into trouble with my parents for it.
K: Well, yeh.
T: Yeah, you would..playing with food.
J: ???*2
K: So thats why you're like this now.
J: No no no, ???*3. But anyway, its like an extension of that, what Villon is doing.
K: Its amazing. The cake at the bottom looks exactly like a real pot.
T: Yeah.
J: Yeh, they have uploaded the pics, but at a glance the Grand Villlon seems to cost close to twenty thousand yen.
T: Yeh, twenty thousand.
K: The big one, right?
J: Yeah, the big one.
T: Oh, the medium sized one costs ¥14,500.
J: Yeh, the big one is about ¥20,000. It would make someone very happy if you gave it as a gift.
T: Well, I wanna try it once.
J: Yeh, me too. Though it probably just tastes like regular Baumkuchen.
T: Of course, yeh.
J: So like, curry in the shape of poo tastes like curry, haha.
T: Hahaha
K: It reminds me of that thing, poo flavoured curry or curry flavoured poo?
J: The ultimate decision, right?
T: Oh, I remember that.
K: Which would you choose?
T: Probably curry flavoured..
K: Poo flavoured is impossible.
J: But the poo flavored one is still just curry.
K: Its ok to eat?
J: Yeah. 
K: So if its curry flavored poo, and you eat it will it have an  ???*4 influence?
J:..Yeh. It might be something sent from above. But anyhow, it tastes like curry.
K: So, its poo that doesn't harm your body?
J: No, well, the taste. The taste is curry...What are we talking about?? haha.
T: Right? haha
J, K: hahaha.
K: So for this, its like, is it a real pot?
T: Haha
K: Like, a pot that looks like Baumkuchen, or a Baumkuchen that looks like a pot?
J: I feel like this convo is getting off track.
K: That was your fault.
T: You went off on a tangent all of a sudden, haha.
J: Was it my fault? Im so sorry.
K: Should we buy one of these Baumkuchen?
J: Yeah, lets buy one.
K: Haha
T: Lets buy one.
K: We could eat it together.
J: Yeh, we could each put ¥5000 towards it or something.
T: Well, something like that.
K: Yeah.
T: It looks like this store is well established, I bet its delicious.
J: Its great though, established in 1965. The shop is older than me. Its been there for 55 years.
T: Thats amazing.
J: Definitively, lets try it as the TFoE team.
T: Should we ask Kami?
J: Ok. Kami?
Kami: Yes?
J: Oh, he's there, thats good.
T: Yeh, thats good. I thought he might be asleep.
Kami: Did you guys eat Baumkuchen as kids?
J: Well, honestly I was quite poor as a kid. We had a business in our house, but we suddenly went bankrupt and became poor very quickly. My Dad had a car, and he had about a million yen in debts with it, or fines.
T: When was this?
J: Oh, when I was in elementary school, so about forty years ago. So we didn't really eat fancy sweets like Baumkuchen...not that I can remember anyway.
T: Hm, as a small kid..
Kami: Um, I spent a lot of time in Nishinari in Osaka..Baumkuchen in not common there. (*Nishinari is know as a bit of a slum*)
K: Haha.
T: Im sure you can eat it there.
Kami: No, there didn't used to be any there.
T, K, J: Hahaha
J: So, you were in Nishinari, Kami?
Kami: For quite a long time actually.
J: Oh, really?
Kami: In Nishinari they really work hard making ocotopuses with sausages.
T: Haha
J: Haha. Octopuses with sausages?
T: You can buy that in the supermarket.
J: But its the same kind of idea right? Like making pots with Baumkuchen.
Kami: Also using carrots to make flowers.
J,T: Ahh, yeh, I see.
J: Kami, as soon as you enter, the conversion suddenly gets really common.
T: Yeah
Kami: It is the same idea.
K, T, J: Haha
J: Kami, you are pretty interesting.
T: Have you seen those things that are like deep fried Baumkuchen on skewers?
K: Oh yeh, I have.
T: Have you tried them?
J: I've seen deep fried ice cream, or fruit and stuff on a skewer, but not Baumkuchen.
T: Oh, there is that too.
K: Yeah, there is.
J: Ehh.
T: They definitely did this in Nishinari, right Kami?
K: Yeh, they did.
Kami: No, they didn't.
T: Haha
K: He's sure about that.
J: Yeh, he's certain.
T: He doesn't want to lose on this one.
J: But Kami, do you want to eat these pots made from Baumkuchen?
Kami: Well, yeh, to look at them, they look delicious.
J, T, K: Haha.
T: By the way Kami, how old were you when you first tried Baumkuchen?
Kami: I don't really want to tell you that.
J: Haha, its that much of a secret?
K: Maybe he doesn't remember?
J: Yeah, maybe.
Kami: But first, I want to try one of thier basic Baumkuchen.
J: Ah, more basic than this?
J: Ok, I got it. They do sell regular Baumkuchen too, so we'll get one of those for Kami, and we'll get one of the pot Baumkuchen for us.
T: Yeh, I'll eat that. 
Kami: You still have to share it though.
J, K: Hahaha
J: So you do want to eat it?
Kami: Yeah, I do.
J: You do? You should have been honest from the start. Well, I learned something today...that there is no Baumkuchen in Nishinari.
T: No, there is, there is. Will he get mad at me? There definitely is.
J: There definitely is? Well, we got to learn a bit about Kami's history.
T: You can kinda tell he probably lives in the west.
K: Well, he has a Kansai accent.
J: Yeh, he definitely has a Kansai accent. But now we know specifically about Nishinari.
T: I get the feeling he was just lurking there, as opposed to living.
K: He does seem kinda low class.
T: Yeh, he does.
J: Like, the kinda guy you want to avoid if at all possible, haha.
K: Ok, so, is that it?
J: So, we'll have to go and buy this sometime. Within the year?
T: Lets go asap.
K: Well, if they have to be reserved, we'll make a reservation.
J: Oh, yeah. Well, Kami wants to try a piece too.
K: Will Kami come down to join us then?
Kami: I do want to eat it.
J: No, well, what should we do? How can we give you it, Kami?
T: Right?
J: Kami?
Kami: Yes?
J: Yes?
K: hahaha
J: He doesn't know how to answer that, haha. Clearly, haha. He obviously doesn't know what to say! You're in the sky, right, Kami?
Kami: Thats right.
J: Yeh, so how can we get the cake to you?
Kami: Yeh, Im not sure, how could we? haha
J, K, T: Hahaha
J: He is totally stuck with this unexpected question.
T: What should we do then?
K: How about we look forward to what happens at that time?
J: Certainly!
K: Haha. Ok, well, Lets finish here for this week. Please subscribe. Thank you very much.
*1,2,3,4,5,6 Couldn't make out, usually due to too much background laughing.
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whootwhoot · 3 years
»»—— 𝘛𝘛𝘛𝘊 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 2: "𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘵𝘦𝘹𝘵𝘴" ——««
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Akaashi Keiji x Fem! Reader
author’s notes: holy shit im so sorry for the not posting in such a long time ;-; i had stuff i needed to clean up + i was lazy- anyways this is the second chapter for my first long fic “Third Times The Charm” sorry for the delay ^^ compared to the previous one this one involves more conversations since im not good at writing movements lmAO enjoy uwu
☕ synopsis: Iwaizumi Y/n, a student who goes to Aoba Johsai as well as the second year manager for the school’s male volleyball team. What happens when she sets eyes on the cute setter from Fukurodani?
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[ CHAPTER 2 - First texts ] 
“Oh shit.” 
Your phone screen fades to black as you sit there biting your lip. Baffled by how stupid you were, you slam your face into the pillow next to you.
“You had one chance, one chance and you did what? You forgot about it, your stupid brain forgot about it. Are you kidding me?”
You let out a loud groan as you sit back up, the bed sheet wrinkles while you release that breath of air you’ve been holding. Your hands wandered around your phone’s keyboard, too nervous to reply but too anxious not to. 
Akaashi seems like a genuine guy, he doesn’t show off or boast about himself. He’s just always there, the way he smiles when he successfully makes a perfect set, the way his delicate hands toss the ball, his eyes only focusing on you…
“Y/n! Get a grip! What are you even thinking?!” a couple more groans and turns on your bed and you are more awake than before. 
Honestly you never expected a reply from him at all. Sure, the idea of that crossed your mind, maybe more than several times but the thought of it actually happening? There’s no way.  
“It’s like my brain short circuited somehow.” you whisper while sitting up, leaning against the headboard of your mattress. 
Maybe the impression of you from your previous lover affected you more than you want to admit. “You’re annoying.” “Undeserving of love.” “No one can even stand a clingy person like you.” 
Your vision turns blurry as you feel cold tears gently running down your face. You wipe them away, hoping to erase the emotions bubbling up inside of you away too. 
The insecurities you try to push away seem to have formed a wall, a never ending wall that just stacks higher and higher. Just when you thought you have gotten over it, the tiniest shard of the most fragile moment can make you fall back down again.
The creaking sound of your room door makes you jump as your brother peeks his head inside your room. 
“Haji? It’s 2am you, you should be sleeping!” 
“You didn’t close the lights in your room so I thought I’d check up on you.”
“Your eyes look reddish, are you okay?” 
You lift your shoulders in a shrug, Hajime comes into your room and stands right in front of you and folds his arms. 
“Is this the older brother's lecturing time?” you ask while raising your eyebrow
“And for the record, I’m fine. You don’t have to-”
“I think I do.” Hajime stares at you intensely 
“You should've gotten over that jerk ages ago.”
“I know, I know” you release your breath and repeat the sentence he once told you  “The first love cuts the deepest, but not every cut leaves a scar.” 
“Well, I don’t know but just… what makes you think I deserve love?”
“Iwaizumi Y/n, you are my sister. No one knows you better than I-”
You laugh in amusement while Hajime licks his lips as his mouth forms a small smile. 
“Ok but the point is, you’ll find someone who’ll love you as much as you love them eventually. No one in the world is undeserving of love.”
You rest your chin on your palm while eyeing and slyly grinning towards your brother.
“Eww since when have you learned to be so cheesy?” 
“It’s called quality love advice, you should try them sometime.”
He ducks just in time to avoid the pillow you flung at him. 
“Stop yelling or the neighbours are going to hear you!”
He continues to laugh while rushing to the door. He stands at your door and gestures his hand at the light switch.
You grab your blanket and nod your head while laying down, the bed softly creaking causing him to chuckle. Hajime closes the lights and leaves your room quietly.
His warm words hang around  in the cold room as you slowly drift off to sleep. 
“Thanks Haiji-nisan.” 
╔═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
Hello, it’s me  😓
The girl who was randomly texting you last night 
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
No reply
You furiously type on your phone while staring at the screen intensely in hopes that he sees your messages. 
╔═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
I forgot about that photo 😓 😓 , I'm sorry if it seemed weird or uh rude
And uh i just hope that maybe we can get to know each other
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
Okaayyy he replied,  so that’s a good sign… right? 
Biting your lips, you place your thumb on the phone to prevent the screen from fading and eventually closing. 
╔═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
Soooooooo I’m Iwaizumi Y/n  😇 😇
Akaashi Keiji.
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
“God damn it, he’s such a conversation killer.” you mumble under your breath 
╔═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
I’m from Aoba Johsai!! 
You’re the spikers younger sister? Iwaizumi?
Well duh  😂
Where are you from? 
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
You ran your hand through your hair, cringing at how hard you're trying. 
Maybe you could just tell him, you know like “Hey hot stuff, I think you attracted me with your stunning good looks so I want to date you.” you mock while pointing finger guns at the mirror. 
Just then, the familiar ringtone of your phone notification rings and you scramble to see who it was. 
╔═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
El is best girl:
Heyyyyy, you got the text yet? 
El is best girl:
Daaaaaaamn I take it you're disappointed that it wasn't him who appeared on your notification?  😔 😔
I love texting you  😘
El is best girl:
Awhh save it lmAO 
Did you text him back?
😤 He’s not giving anything to work with here 
El is best girl: 
Pshhh I mean just ask him how his day was or like 
At least try to keep the conversation going 
El is best girl:
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
You hurriedly press into your chat with Akaashi
╔═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
I’m from Fukurodani.
Isn’t that just a few minutes away from my school 😮 ?
I think so.
Um how was your day?
“Akaashi is typing”
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
“I can’t decide if he’s typing really slow or he’s sending a long text…” You decide to place your phone down and doodle on your papers while waiting for his reply. 
“Bokuto-san, she asked me how my day went.”
“Don’t reply to her anymore! Let her wait for you to text back, it builds a sense of mystery.” 
Bokuto suggests while winking. 
“Bokuto-san it’s not really nice to leave people on read.”
“Akaashi, I’m the ladies man, listen to me and your love life this time wouldn’t end like the last two.”
Akaashi can’t help but grin at his confident “wingman”, it’s no secret his past relationships were… well not that good, but to ask for Bokuto for help? 
“Hey you were the one who asked for help when a girl texted you.” “Plus, didn’t you find her cute too? The short girl manager watched our match at camp.”
“You were staring when she wasn’t looking, and after the first time you saw her from the bus you were trying to get to know which school bus it was.”
Akaashi’s jaw almost drops at his friend's observant nature that he didn’t know existed, apparently when it comes to love Bokuto isn’t as… well, dumb, as he seems. He tries to form words to deny Bokuto’s accusation but he can’t seem to find a reason to do so. 
“Also just play hard to get, girls love a challenge.”
“...” “Maybe I’ll wait a little longer before I reply to her.”
╔═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
Um Akaashi?  😅
Uh  😅 😅
You know, if you’re not interested in talking to me you could’ve just said so
Sorry I was busy, I had volleyball practice.
I didn’t know you have practice on weekends ;-; 
It’s all right.
Anyways how’s practice^^ was it fun?
Yeah, it was like usual.
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
You scream inside your head while holding yourself back from banging your head on the table. 
╔═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
Do you think we can maybe, meet up?  👉 👈
Uh  😶
NO NO  😲 
I mean we never met of course not haahahahaha 
Meeting up just to get to know each other then?
Ah yes that’s it, like a gathering
If you don’t mind 
I’ll see if I’m available. 
Cool! Is next Sunday fine?
We’ll see. 
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
╔═════ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ══════╗
El is best girl:
Wowww playing hard to get huh 
He sure is a tricky one
I don’t think I like where this is going
El is best girl:
It lowkey kinda ruins the impression you have of him huh 
Ah well 
It’s probably his first time or something
Have a little hope  😔  
I have one week to prepare 
El is best girl:
Hell yeah 
Any thoughts on where you’re taking him 
If you don’t I mayyyyy have suggestionsssssssss 
God damn it El 
We’ll just be talking okay 
I do have a place in mind though
El is best girl:
Go on
You know the ice cream shop? At the street? 
El to is best girl:
Ohh an ice cream shop 
Very intriguing  🥺
Don’t tell me it’s because of that article 
I mean
El is best girl:
LMAO you 
You seriously believe you can tell someone’s personality by their favourite ice cream flavour?
Grow a brain Y/n 
You’re one to talk  🙄 🙄
Anyways I’m off to prepare dinner for tonight
El is best girl:
Owh Iwaizumi-kun teaching you to cook again
Let’s hope you don’t bring the kitchen down with you okay dear
Sometimes I wonder how we’re friends
El is best girl:
Nah it’s simple really
You looooooooove me uwu
Go away 
El is best girl:
😳 😳 😳
╚═════ ∘◦ ❉ ◦∘ ══════╝
- end of chapter 2 -
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(author’s end notes: i hope yall enjoyed this lmAO its pretty long ^^ anyways im writing their texts from y/n’s POV so the nicknames she gives her contacts might change owo)
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fcllenflowers · 7 years
Continued from x
It’d been a little over a week before Kather got the chance to respond. His black eye had healed quickly, like so many of Kather’s injuries did, but the scars from the glass were still evident on his hands. When his mother saw them she was far less then pleased. She informed him to keep his hands covered and that if it weren’t for the fact that they were going to have company over that week she’d have left him down there longer. But she needed him out of there so he could clean himself up and look presentable for their guests.
His phone was returned to him after he’d showered and changed his clothes. He let himself fall onto his bed with it and opened the messages his heart feeling light to see what Steel had been texting him only for it to fall again when he actually read the messages. He didn’t fully understand why she was apologizing at first but then it seemed like she wanted to see him. But now with this other apology and the way the texts were reading it almost sounded like she didn’t want to see him again. His heart sank further and he almost felt like he was going to start crying again. He thought they were friends… They were friends, right?
[TXT: Ishmael]: Hey. Sorry it took me so long to reply, I didn’t have any reception on the yacht lol.
Way to sound pretentious Kather. She’ll totally want to talk to you after that.
[TXT: Ishmael]: You have no reason to apologize. You didn’t do anything wrong. [TXT: Ishmael]: And I’m sorry. I mean maybe we could try going out sometime but I just don’t think that’d be right for now…
Or ever. She’d learn sooner or later that she wouldn’t want to date him. It’d be wrong of him to try and force her to date him now. He tried not to scoff or laugh at the ‘Peps will be lucky to be your friend’ comment. But it almost stung because it made him realize he’d completely tricked her into believing that he was a good friend. He debated ending the texts there but just couldn’t let himself do that.
[TXT: Ishmael]: But I still want to be your friend! I’d still like to see you and go get slushies sometime. I think that’d be really nice. Because you seem really nice and really cool. I want to see you still and hang out with you and be your friend
How selfish of him. He knew he was a bad friend yet he was still trying to convince her to be his friend? It made him sick. Yet he couldn’t stop himself. He wanted so desperatly to keep her as a friend that even if he knew she’d be better off without him he still wanted to keep her as his friend. Hell he almost added a ‘Please don’t leave me.’ at the end of the texts but that’d be way too desperate, clingy and not to mention creepy. So instead he ended the texts with
[TXT: Ishmael]: Text me when you get these okay? Sorry for me spamming you now
 Of course the greyfaces would have lied to her. They specifically mentioned he’d be out in two days and Steel had been expecting his texts almost as much as the day that ice cream shop down the street had its opening (free ice-cones had been handed out and Steel for a few minutes thought she could be happy). But it had been a little over a week and Steel had stopped expecting him to respond at this point -even if she hadn’t really forgotten about it. So when the texts arrived she’d been tending to the plants around the house, watering them and checking the humidity in their pots as well as their leaves for any sign of distress. At some point when she’d reached her room she thought of putting some music on to keep her focus and it was then that she saw the spam of new texts.
 Reading over them once had her frozen into place, while the second time had her slowly placing the jug she’d used to water the pots on the floor, lest she drop it. Finally she mechanically made her way to her mattress and sat atop a pile of clothes waiting for laundry day with a blank expression, thumb hovering over her phone screen and eye slightly widened.
 Did he just...had he just...turned her down? He texted her after a week just to turn her down? He wanted to be ‘friends’?
 Now granted, Steel hadn’t made her mind up on whether she wanted to be anything more than his friend to begin with. She didn’t even know what ‘dating’ was supposed to entail and was still in denial about having a crush. But when he put it that way it sounded like he was rejecting her in a nice and friendly manner... And that for some reason brought up a feeling she hadn’t experienced in a while; true, bitter anger.
 Now sure Steel got angry sometimes. But it was mostly annoyance. It wasn’t extreme and she hadn’t erupted due to it ever since she could remember herself. But this kind of anger she felt at that moment was different. It was bitter and resembled the one she’d felt whilst fighting Toriel or Sans for the most part. It was as if he was betraying her and shoving it in her face even though part of her knew she should have no expectations of a stranger and she normally wouldn’t have. Perhaps that anger was also directed at herself for putting so much faith and thought and trust into a stranger and making a fool of herself when she should’ve known better.
 Steel inhaled slowly, through her nose. She counted to three slowly in her head;
 1... 2.... 3....
And then that anger died down with a long exhalation. At least the surface of it did. The grudge was still there and Steel slowly leaned back against her mattress, holding the phone up. Her small, croaky voice was oddly relaxed -almost eerie for someone who had seen her expression a few seconds prior.
“...What do you think we should do, Bananabrains?” she mused out loud. It would be unclear to whom that was directed, save for the presence of her body size bright yellow banana shaped pillow by her side. Steel paused, almost as if she had received some sort of response from the pillow and then slowly nodded her head in agreement. “I think we should teach him a lesson too.”
[TXT: babyface] Its ok sweets. did u have fun on the boat? u should send me a picture or two :)
=>ACT: *Flirt
=> *Compliment   =>  *Pun  => *Ask on a date  => *Send cute selfie
[TXT: babyface] we should get that slushie. or a dessert in general. hey im sorry if i ‘crepe’d u out before though. i didnt mean to ;)
“This is gonna be good, Bananabrains. You’ll see.” She chuckled, pressing send once more and tossing the phone by her side on the mattress. She turned to the pillow and made a worried expression as if she’d just heard something from it that displeased her. “...What if I get invested? Pth. That never happens. Sure, it wasn’t nice to be turned down like that...but in a few weeks he’ll be crying and wishing he could take that text back. Trust me.”
*Your thirst for revenge FILLS you with DETERMINATION.
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