#its awful truly
pokemon-teacology · 9 months
Is there Pokehistory classes? Asking for future reference, I’m on a personal journey to try and prove the Ruinous Pokémon exist, and I feel this may help. Or if you know any possible info, that’d be appreciated too! (@Poketablet-venturer)
There are! Paldea's Naranja-Uva Academy (Ive picked up that the younger students will pick a fruit based on their assigned section and stick with it, but us older uni level students hav been calling it Naruva for a while now) has history lessons at all levels!
Though it depends on your level, really. If you're enrolled in the school at a younger age (11-17) for standard school time, you'll be going over more general history, while only briefly touching on Pokémon specifically. However, once you reach 18 and you start degree level work, you can definitely specify!
I've got a buddy doing a degree in Pokémon History at the moment! I've asked them and done a bit of research, and last year their modules were as follows:
• An Introduction to History
• Hands-on History: Sources and their Historians
(both classes are shared between general history and Pokémon history students)
• Pokémon Myths and Legends (a class focused on legendary Pokémon and mythicals)
• Pokémon Legends and Myths (a hilariously similar name, this module is about stories based around Pokémon and how they affect and shape cultures, for example the Darkest Day in Galar and how the energies created by this ancient powerful creature made Pokémon massive and the rightful king of Galar vanquished the creature and harnessed its power into energy so that Pokémon could continue being massive, just only in certain places and only for a little bit, as a treat.)
• The Basics of Archaeology: Preserving the Past
• An introduction to Pokémon biology
Side note: we also had a class with this name in the Pokéology degree scheme, but it has a different module code (BR-16320 for us and HY-86520 for the history guys) and teachers. While ours went in-depth about how Pokémon biological systems work, such as breathing, diets, evolution methods, and slow-evolution, it's my understanding that the module in the history department goes over the basics in terms of historical findings.
This includes but is not limited to: how different types of Pokémon are preserved, the basics of evolution and how it was seen by ancient cultures, and slow-evolution, since having a basic idea of how to recognise and research past ancestors of the Pokémon we have today is important to knowing what sorts of Pokémon were important to past cultures.
I've got to say, I'm fascinated by your theory of the ruinous Pokémon being real! I've not really thought about it myself, but I'm curious as to what you plan on doing if you find them! The stories are about how human selfishness and cruelty brought them to life, and how they're suffering because it's all that they know, and they think the humanity is cruel and unkind always, so I'd hope that your mission after finding them is to teach them that that isn't the case :)
From what I've heard, they're sealed away using some ancient chain? There's a couple sets of ruins out of the way in paldea that nobody can get into, not with the usual methods or by Pokémon means. I've heard not even teleporting Pokémon can get inside. The story states that the king who sealed them away hid the keys to the seals all throughout the region. Since there were four Pokémon, there are four chambers, and four sets of seals, I dunno how many seals there are, but it's a start to go off of! The history teacher here who's name I can never remember is very scary, but she loves this shit from what I can recall. If you come here, definitely speak to her about it.
All in all, I really recommend this place! Naruva is genuinely such a fun environment when you're doing your degree here, the staff in the school are lovely, and Mesagoza is a really nice city to live in for that first year. I'm in a little house just in the outskirts this year, so I get the best of both worlds in terms of walking distance and peace and quiet.
But anyway!! I hope this gave you a bit of insight into what you might be studying here if you choose to take your degree in Pokémon history!
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never change, man !
#phantom of the paradise#potp#swan potp#nightmaretheater#65 layers and about 24 hours . Eeeyyuppp#Look into my beautiful mind boy#Its a bit unusual to what i usually draw#but i had to push a specific look for this piece#hopefully you all are picking up on the corperate look . the advertisment look#Sneeze. Anyways my point is industry destroys creative people. This includes swan#I feel like phrases like these ; how he was put on a pedistal…. it lead him to be Like That#as awful as he is he desperately needed help#it might seem like vanity on the surface#but i think its… more than that#long story short: we need to destroy the beauty industry. the skincare industry. the anti-aging industry#It ruined his psyche forever and he cant let go of the ideal version of himself he will never truly be again#i dont think he can at this point. hes in too deep and hes suffering for it no matter how much he feels hes fixed his problems#he cant accept a version of himself that isnt that perfect young man. because he never confronted his problems. he just ran away#anyways . Hi swath *punches him**kicks him*#i dont care if nobody gets me lalalalla my truths and headcanons are awesome forever and i live in my own reality lallaallal#sorry i think im gonna be posting about swan alot for a few months hes making me sick#i wass gonna post this earlier but my internet was real bad#*lays down in my pile of pillows* eat up boys. haha#sidenote: drawing white blond people is horrifiying. Boy your skin and hair are the same color. Introduce some contrast to yourself. Please#adding on: its inportant to note this focuses on him looking st himself in the mirror alot on purpouse#to remind himself what he ‘’’’really’’’’ looks like#the 4 middle pannels all represent that too . u have to be in my brain ri get this#sorry for unleashijg another swan essay in my tags. will happen again lol
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onlyifyoubadd · 3 months
not only did we get the rj reveal and them talking about their SON, but we also got them talking about michonne's branding and how she had to kill her friend, how she almost died getting to him, michonne carressing rick's amputation, rick crying while their making love, michonne's processing guilt over leaving her kids, bickering while killing walkers then killing walkers as a team while kissing intermittently, michonne being like "i dont give a fuck if this building comes down around us, sit yo ass down!", rick crying about how the crm took carl away from him, rick saying he wouldnt survive without her, they started in the apartment fighting and returned to it to make up, then riding off into the sunset with rick taking off his uniform!!!!
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tequiilasunriise · 5 months
Possible nicknames Lenore called Annabel in life go:
"Anniebell": Sometimes the smallest changes are the cutest, okay? Anniebell Lee sounds adorable as hell and I'll stick by it. Imagine Annabel trying to admonish Lenore for saying some wild shit at a Rich Persons Gala™️ or smth but she keeps breaking out into giggles like, "You- you can't just say that pet!" and Lenore playfully replying, "Oh whatever do you mean, Anniebell Lee?" like UGH I hate them somebody throw hammers at em already 💥💥🔨🔨🔨
“My moon”: in relation to the Annabel Lee poem (‘for the moon never beams/Without bringing me dreams/Of the wonderful Annabel Lee’) and also there’s smth so flavorful of the character with a color palette more akin to the Sun (long shiny blonde hair, warm colored eyes, seemingly more outwardly personality, etc) being called the moon like I loveee contrasting design choices‼️‼️
“Angel”: Also a reference to the poem (but like, worse because it was the angels that separated em) and can be easily pulled from Annabel’s name
“Petal”: Or some other variation of a flower based nickname because imma sad, sad bisexual who loves ✨flower motifs✨ just a bit too much
Anything in Dutch: This can be like common ones like “liefje” (darling) or the previous entries but in Dutch idk go crazy go stupid
“Locket”: An unconventional pick pulled from Annabel’s last name Whitlock + lockets containing pieces of hair from your other half being T H E romantic gesture of the century back then, so, like. Idk. Hear me out like okay I think Lenore could be the unconventional route (I mean girly already faked her death via arson and pulled a Mulan to get the girl soooo you see what I’m putting down?) and like like LIKKEEE⁉️⁉️⁉️ Imagine with me Lenore telling her girl, “You’re the locket I keep nearest to my heart” (many necklaces back then had a chain just long enough for the locket to rest above the wearer’s heart) and it evolves to Lenore calling Annabel smth like “my dearest, my locket” LIKE YOU HAVE TO IMAGINE WITH ME!!! GUYS MY VISION IS VISIONING!!! 🦅🗣️🌈🗣️🗣️🦅🦅🌈🗣️🦅🦅
@incorrect-nevermore cmere and witness my madness
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blangyouredead · 1 year
Can i just say that quinta's writing of the janine/gregory slowburn is fucking masterful? Like its not being pushed on for no reason, the characters are still growing, they're communicating with each other about their feelings, and ultimately janine says that she's not ready for him. Its not a miscommunication trope. Its not anyone being mean to each other. Its adults realizing that they still need to grow and care for themselves to be the people they want to be for someone they love. and yeah, it fucking hurts, and i nearly wept real tears when gregory went to jacob and hugged him and cried, but you also?? dont get to see women in that role of determining their readiness and have it be respected. on top of gregory expressing his emotions and seeking comfort from jacob?? theres catharsis and there's growth and its not Done Yet.
its beautiful and i cant wait to see what quinta has in store for next season
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lunar-wandering · 10 months
I genuinely think so many people have forgotten the fact of "there are no toxic fandoms, only toxic people".
When fandoms get big, of course the amount of people u want nothing to do with is also gonna get bigger.
Youre not meant to combat them. Youre not meant to talk about them and expose others to them.
Youre meant to block them at the first signs and continue to enjoy your experience interacting with other people.
Kill the weeds, don't let the seeds spread, reap your wheat and enjoy your bread.
#this post brought to you by#me yet again seeing a 'x fandom is awful and toxic'#whilst ive experienced nothing but joy + made most of my current friends through said fandom#im part of that fandom. youre part of that fandom. that fandom brought us together.#you would insult something that created something so beautiful?#just because theres some assholes ALSO in it???#i just. i cant STAND it#its such a fucking generalization#im so fucking tired of 'fandoms are bad' mentalities#yes theres some assholes. most of us dont want them here either#yes theres people being 'cringey'. leave them alone theyre just having fub#fun#fandoms are a COMMUNITY#of people brought together via a common love of one thing#we praise fanfic and fanart for being so creative#but those only truly exist because fandom does#u cant love one and then blatantly insult the other#jeez#im just. i get so depressed when i see those takes#its like. sometimes some of these takes really just give 'people cant have fun anymore'#and other times i see a 'fandom bad!!' take and im just like#u do understand fandom is a community that YOU are meant to build right?#its like how people tell people to curate their dashboard. fandom is the same#block the people u dont like. dont engage with drama. dont make callout posts.#(if u must u can PRIVATELY inform your mutuals if theres some asshole in the community)#fandom is meant to be FUN. A discussion of what people love and an exchange of arts#not continuous arguing over what hcs are correct and stuff#just. god. fandoms arent awful. thats like saying all humans are bad.#just block the assholes. let people have fun. and enjoy yourself.#those are the three rules of fandom.
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makinations · 5 months
Truly amazing how ao3 user norio predicted bokuaka’s dynamics on 2013-2014 wayyy before akaashi’s flashback chapter in the manga. How does it feel to just GET the characters like that omg
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hybrix-hijinx · 4 months
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Day 6 - Nostalgia
I think this counts. An alternative title for this entry could probably be "Leo and Takumi are two very different types of older brothers".
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ibrokeeverything · 3 months
I may have cried at the last frieren episode, but I am more than willing to be embarrassed when we meet again if it means we're getting a second season 😭
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kurokrisps · 2 months
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kingofattolia · 5 months
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Okay. I have been haunted by this exchange from Clone Wars Gambit: Siege for years. This implies that Anakin always wins at sabacc against Obi-Wan. Call me brainrotted by derivative fanon, but I would have guessed Obi-Wan to be the better sabacc player. Like, strategy and bluffing? So there must be something I'm not taking into account.
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In this context Obi-Wan is distracted because of Taria Damsen's impending death. But both these excerpts strongly imply that Anakin usually wins at other times too.
Is Anakin just that clever at sabacc? Does he have great card counting skills or strategic cunning? Does he beat everyone, not just Obi-Wan? Of course Anakin is incredibly smart, a quick learner, a genius at mechanical things, and a brilliant strategist in the war, so it's not that outlandish to think so.
Or is it something specific to them? Does Anakin just know Obi-Wan THAT well? Is Obi-Wan just terrible at sabacc? I need to hear other people's takes on this extremely vital issue.
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beckiboos · 11 months
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"Forgive me Tally for I have sinned"
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"Is that your new favourite joke?"
"Ok my little Breton what sin is it today? Pride? Greed?... Lust😏?"
"I drank all of the Alto Wine"
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Heh heh heh
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the sylph of light has been waiting a very very long time to meet you.
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twoheartbeatss · 1 month
because the doctor was so confused about why he was scared of the bogeyman. he told ruby: i dont get scared like that. i don’t run.
and in the literal very next episode with an apparent 6 month timeskip, he’s scared. he runs. and ruby says: you’re never scared. you don’t run.
and obviously in space babies he saved the day by being brave. but it wouldve served the narrative a lot more to show him being brave for a whole episode. being the doctor. (not that he’s not being the doctor—he very much is.) but a buffer! show us them leaning into the bestieism!
and i hate hate hate comparing eras but this is their third episode… they’re meant to still be in a learning curve. we’re meant to see them get closer and learn each other. it was an issue w chibs that a lot of things reached the point where they had to happen offscreen or never and i reaaallly dont want rtd to land there too. i just super wish there was at least one buffer episode between space babies and the devil’s chord. still loved it tho.
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deaddcas · 7 months
just popping in to say if you're using this character choice to be ableist and/or transphobic I think you're disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself.
tal made a character choice for ashton that was sketchy, and yeah it hurt our girl fearne, that doesn't excuse letting your own misguided anger turn into callous hatred of minorities.
be careful how you're taking about them, you don't have to like ashton and I know plenty dont like them because they feel like he got in the way of their ship, but that doesnt mean you get to sink to such heights.
and a quick reminder. tal has chronic pain. if you're making jokes about it you're also making jokes at his expense.
do better.
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mihrsuri · 1 month
I keep trying to write an update and then being embarrassed about it and feeling like I’m trauma dumping on people by updating and I just..I know it’s on me to manage my crap, I know. I am trying (not very well but I’m trying) and it’s just…I don’t know. I don’t even know.
#please know i have thought about hospital but hospital would#genuinely make it worse (like I cannot even tell you how much worse)#i think I’m legitimately just…having a trauma reaction on top#of a jewish trauma spike#and dentists and having to move (I may have cleaned till I shook today also my arm#does not look great#i feel like i don’t actually verbally have the words#(i have tried not engaging i have tried engaging they both feel awful)#(hashem i don’t know would you even embrace me would you…)#(it’s not a meds thing (I take meds for mdd and I know what that looks like and this isn’t it)#(it’s hard to explain the difference between CPTSD and like a panic attack or a depression)#(except that I feel like I’m so so tainted and not in my body or if I’m in my body I’m in my body somewhere else#abuse cw#i didn’t ask for this cptsd and no tshirt was offered#this will disappear probably#UGH#(i am seeing my therapist tomorrow i just..i know i need to reach out to)#(to like my current landlords and ask if I could just pay for a cleaning service to come in)#(i know i need to be like ‘unfortunately my CPTSD is Fucking Terrible Right Now and I need)#(just a bit of grace apologies)#(i do not want my parents to know i do not want that)#(aside from the fact that I am already a burden to them anyway)#a stupid flop of a person i am crying thinking about how i had plans for kids and a wife and travel and…I’m nothing#(everyone else is something I’m not I don’t deserve grace lbr)#it keeps running through my head how many people i thought loved me want me dead#and it’s like I can fake it so well#(i don’t know I may be like sending words to people)#to run through the steps of not being alone#i’m truly sorry i am always not taking accountability and playing the victim and clinging to people#to get reassurance i don’t deserve that its a good person it isn’t it isn’t a person
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