#its a little hard when i didnt come up with the mechanics of the quirk ;;
quirkthoughts · 6 years
do you have any limitations for a quirk which allows the user to edit objects within reality the way we do with html/css? it's touch- and thought-based. thank you!!
Neither mod knows much about HTML or CSS, anon! I don’t think we can help with this one, we’re sorry!! The most I think we could suggest is that the user must maintain contact or line of sight with an object, or it’ll revert to normal?
- Mod Monoma
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katsukikitten · 5 years
Hi, could you do a scenario or headcanons of a reader who feels like a burden towards everyone? And they can’t really speak up about it so the become more withdrawn x bakugo? Fluff pls
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A/N anon hopefully this is what you wanted and needed. I know it's hard but be kind to yourself my lovely bbs
If you had one word to describe yourself what would it be?
A few come to mind as you reread the question on the board.
You flick your mechanical pencil as you debate writing them. If you write them down won't that be a red flag to someone?
This is an assignment after all. Aizawa Sensei is sure to read it and either, one, give you an F in red ink, or two, give you an F in red ink AND a lecture.
Neither will help your mood.
The bell rings but you don't notice, too absorbed in the question truly trying to find a positive word that might have a sliver of truth to it. Several minutes pass and still you do not notice the rest of the class shoving papers into backpacks shuffling out. Now long gone already half way to the dorm.
Nor do you notice the looming body in front of your desk with a deadly gaze.
"Oi." You jump out of your skin from the sudden harsh tone. The hot head narrows his gaze.
"Its been almost twenty minutes moron. They're gonna eat all the fucking food at the dorm if you don't get your ass in gear." He snarls, red eyes staring down his nose.
"Ah sorry B..Bakugou-senpai." Your hands shake as you gather your stuff, damning yourself for not noticing the cues.
You had told All Might and Aizawa that you didnt belong in the hero course, let alone UA.
Anyone would have jumped in front of that semi truck to save the little girl and her cat.
Anyone would have turned their body just right to take the brunt of the force to keep the girl and cat safe.
It's not like you even did that well, sure they were left with out a scratch but you still wrecked that truck. You weren't *fast* enough to move out of the way, so the front of the truck wrapped around your sturdy frame as if it were an old jacket.
You were lucky the driver wasn't quirkless, that he could harden his skin much like Kirishima.
Bakugou sucks his teeth as he begins to leave you behind.
"W...wait please." You say but trip over the chair in front of you that juts out of the normal neat line.
"Pay attention." He growls and you shrink away, walking slowly behind him.
You add oblivious to the ever growing list.
You watch Bakugou with steady eyes. You had seen him at the sports festival, confident, cocky and passionate to a fault. He had a deft, sharp gaze, strategic and an extremely powerful quirk that he almost mastered. His only downfall would be his temper but it was hard to enrage him enough to act without thinking in a battle.
You admired all of class 1A. You knew their weaknesses, what they liked and who they liked but it was Bakugou your eyes gravitated to the most.
Though you did not consciously realize it yourself.
You reach the dorms as a cold gust of wind whips through you, biting down harshly on your bones. You made it easy what with your jacket lying on your bed, your grit your teeth but they still chatter.
Bakugou sucks his teeth and you shrink further.
"Where's your jacket?" He asks harshly although he is sure it's in your dorm room since it wasn't on the couch like it normally was. Since winter started it had become a daily ritual for him to grab your coat and yell.
"It uh..." You swallow knowing you cannot lie to him, "Its on my bed I think."
"Moron." He mutters baring his teeth, he opens the door to the dorm for you, "Good thing we are home then."
"Y..yea. Thank you Bakugou-senpai." You rush inside, hand resting on the handle to the stairwell. Anything to get from under his gaze.
"Y/N!" Kirishima pops out of the kitchen with a smile, "Dinner is in five okay?"
"Thank you, Kirishima-san but I am not feeling well." You feel needles prickle your back and swear you hear a soft popping sound.
"Oh okay. Is there anything I can do?" He asks softly, "Like some hot tea?"
"Um no thank you Kirishima-san." You pull open the door but he speaks a final time.
"Please call me Ejirou! Tomorrow is yours and Katsuki's turn to make breakfast. Let me know if you aren't feeling well enough to do it."
Fuck how could you forget. Was there even breakfast food in the house? You'd have to check later. Right now you wanted to be alone.
"I should be fine." You say ripping open the door just before Bakugou shakes his head in displeasure.
You flop on your bed as you think and think hard about your life and how you ended up here.
Saving one kid and her cat didn't make you a hero.
In fact every adjective you could think of today for that assignment proved that you weren't.
You were timid, selfish, sometimes ungrateful, irritable, childish, and reclusive.
Does that describe a hero?
No, no it does not.
You do not bother to change out of your school uniform as sleep begins to weigh heavy on your body, you are apathetic for your future self as you know your bra and your thigh highs will be leaving angirly marks on your sturdy frame.
Still you sleep, longing for it after not being able to catch a wink last night.
A knock comes at your door and you jump to your feet, fists ready before another impatient knock comes your way.
"Oi, Y/N. Open up." His voice is like razor blades across your skin as you've been caught for the thousandth time.
"Just...just a minute senpai." You stammer noting the tsk from the other side of the door. You attempt to straighten your hair as best you can, knowing full well he will fuss at you for sleeping in your uniform as it will wrinkle the skirt to seem shorter. You open the door to a surprise as disapproving eyes rove over your body.
"What did I tell you about napping in your uniform?" He bites, "Its always my week for laundry when you do and ironing the skirts are a bitch."
He pushes past you with tray in hand, a small bowl of soup and steaming tea slosh gently as he places it onto your desk. His eyes linger over your open journal you've left out and fear curdles in your stomach. Your face flushes as you swipe at the notebooks like a cat, knocking them from your desks, praying he did not read yesterday's depressing entry. You give an awkward smile as red eyes watch the tumbling pages.
"I..I don't want soup to get on them. Um thank you." You bow slightly.
"Kirishima made me bring it to you." He puts his hands in the pockets of his black sweatpants as he makes he way to exit, "Be sure to eat it while it's hot baka."
"Yes!" Is your only response as your door slams shut and you groan. Unzipping your skirt and tossing it to the floor before practically ripping the buttons off of your blouse to add it to the pile. You look over the warm soup and wonder how Kirishima knew Zenzai was your favorite.
Your eyes flutter from the taste, you consume it in haste, even drinking the broth striaght from the bowl. You send him a text thanking him for the delicious meal and all you get back is a question mark. You ignore it thinking maybe that was intended for someone else.
Somehow in the middle of doing your homework at your desk and daydreaming in the late hours of the night you had fallen asleep.
The sun filters in gently telling you that it is still early morning and Saturday at that. You let your eyes flutter closed before jolting upright, notebook pages cling to your cheek as you hit your phone to check the time.
No response but a black screen comes from your phone. You dont understand it the charger is clearly plugged into the port, you brought the cord over here for this very reason! You rip the paper from your cheek and follow the white cord just to groan angirly.
Bullish makes it's way onto your mental list adding along side it foolish as your scramble for clothes hoping that it's still early enough to beat Bakugou to the kitchen.
You were supposed to get the ingredients for breakfast but you never even checked last night.
"FUCK!" You scream whisper as all that is clean in a bralette, crop top hoodie and leggings.
Items you would not normally wear when the boys were home thanks to the oogling eyes of Mineta.
You rush down the stairs two at a time as you stumble into the kitchen. Ripping a cabinet door off of its hinges in your haste causing you to stand perfectly still as you collected yourself. There was no bullshitting yourself out of this one by putting it back gently and letting the next person think it was broken.
Not with the screws with brackets attached hanging from the door. You place it behind the trash can and root through more cabinets only for your heart rate to increase.
"The fucking fridge!" You remind yourself as you fling open the door only for dinner meats to be available.
"Fuck." You hiss but there was still time, you had beaten Bakugou, that was enough time to go to the convenience store and pretend you were planning to go the morning of the whole time.
You rush to the door, slipping on your converse, you reach out to the hooks by the door for your hand to come up empty. Your hook is vacant, no jacket in sight when normally your jacket was there in the morning like magic. You damn yourself for having left it upstairs. There was no time to go back upstairs, every second was precious. You fling open the door only to be met with a red cheeked Bakugou, the wind whipping into the house with the threatening smell of snow.
Nothing more threatening than the look Bakugou was serving you.
"I know God damn well you were not stupid enough to think you could go out like that?" Pops ring out even beneath his gloves as he pushes past you with an armful of plastic bags.
Bags filled with ingredients for breakfast.
Your eyes burn with welling tears as the logo for the corner store etches itself into your retinas. Bakugou notices as he kicks off his shoes.
"Oi, you can cook. It will be fucking fine." He says passing the bags to you so he can shed his coat. You nod furiously biting your lip.
"See you wouldn't have lasted long with out a jacket." He tilts your face to his, it is harsh like his tone yet his eyes seem...soft as he speaks again, "The wind is bad enough it has you tearing up from just a few seconds of exposure."
"Ah..." You swipe at your reddening cheeks as he let's your chin drop, "Th..thank you Bakugou-sama."
"Yea yea just start cooking damn it. I'm starving." He hisses as he makes his way into the living room.
Shameful loops itself onto your long list.
You ready the griddle with bacon and mix the ingredients for homemade pancake mix quickly. You crank up the heat when you hear your other classmates stir in the living room.
"Bakugou please my favorite anime is on!" Denki whines loudly enough to be heard before a small explosion erupts. You peek into the living room to watch the exchange.
"I got here first dunce face fuck off and die." He growls, "Plus you only like that show for the big fake tits."
You giggle before a burning smell begins to tickle your nose, frantically you rush back into the kitchen. You've successfully burned half of the ration of bacon. You hide your mistake by sliding the slices of bacon into the trash. Maybe Bakugou wouldn't mind too much to cook the rest of the ingredients. You think you'll do better with the pancakes.
They sat like the internet said for them too. You even added some chocolate chips. You place a few on the hot griddle and flip them when the center begins to bubble. When a perfectly tan pancake winks back at you six times you bounce on the balls of your feet.
You could at least do something right. You place them on a plate and begin to do more adding different things here and there.
Bakugou walks in, a grimace on his face when he spies the cabinet door. Your cheeks burn but he spares you by not mentioning it.
He spies the half a pack of bacon uncooked and the rest discarded in the trash.
"Oi..." He watches your face sour and changed his mind on his comment, "Did you get the butter and syrup out?"
"No not yet." You flip another six perfect pancakes as he rummages through the fridge and the doorless cabinet.
"Pancakes look good." He says as he sets the stuff down, grabbing on and settling by the uncooked bacon, "Since they look so good I'll cook the bacon."
"Th..thank you Senpai."
"Don't fucking mention it." He says before taking a bite of the pancake. You watch and your stomach sours as a shudder goes through him with grimace painted lips.
"Oh no." You murmur and he keeps his eyes shut. He cannot bring himself to tell you it is awful. You grab onto a cake biting into it only to have a soapy after taste, your eyes water from both the unpleasant after taste immediately identifying your mistake as you think back to what went wrong. You put double the amount of flour called for into the batter and only the normal amount of everything else.
Stupid makes it's way right beneath useless on the list.
"It smells so good in here." Kirishima's eyes become delighted when he sees the stacked up cakes of various additions. Your eyes widen as you watch him in slow motion bringing the awful pancake to his lips. Irrationality forces your hand as you slap the pancake from his hand, surprising the three of you in the room. It hits the tile with a light slap before time speeds up again. You grab onto the plate and throw it all away pancakes and all.
"Suddenly I'm not feeling so well again, I think I may be sick and I don't want anyone else to catch it. Sorry for the inconvenience, Kirishima-senpai." You bow slightly before rushing to the stairwell fighting burning tears.
The door shuts with a loud pang and the slap of your footsteps fight with the thoughts in your head. You burst into your dorm room slamming the door and sliding down it.
Fat drops fall from your cheeks as you angrily wipe them away, sobbing harshly as you relive your failure over and over as if on repeat.
Watching Bakugou fight back a comment or possibly a gag as he tasted your food.
Melodramatic is scrawled into your brain.
Time ticks by and you avoid people at all costs, claiming to be ill. Even to go as far as avoiding training all through winter and well into spring.
You left class faster than anyone could stop you, running to the dorms to hole yourself up in your room. You did your share of the chores in the middle of the night or while the group was out and about. You were always invited depsite all of the ignored texts you had. Each person in your class trying their luck on asking you out of your room. All save one ash blonde.
Whenever an impatient knock came at your door you would become completely still, even going as far as holding your breath. As if you were prey who spotted a large predator that may not have noticed you just yet.
Eventually they would leave, setting some sort of item by the door. More often than not it was your favorite meal and a fresh set of clothes.
But today is a little different, today your door is blasted from its hinges with a sharp look staring you down. Deadly hands smoking, threatening to pop some more.
"Cut the bullshit Y/N. What's really going the fuck on?" You stare wide eyed at Bakugou in your crop top and leggings in your desk chair.
"I...I just haven't been feeling up to much." You stammer and he closes the distance. Clearly unsatisfied by your answer. He towers over you as you strain to stare up at him.
"I said cut the bullshit. I hate liars." He snarls and it cuts deep.
"Ahh I'm...I'm..." You struggle to come up with something but whatever you said wouldn't have mattered as the man before you blew up anyway. He leans close, gripping onto the arms of the chair causing you to press against the back of it.
But there was no escape from Bakugou Katsuki.
"You're what? Y/N? You're useless? Burdensome? Troublesome? Bullish? Foolish? Shameful? Pitiful? Melodramatic?" He yells and you shrink as if struck, "Shall I fucking go on?"
Your heart shatters with every beat as you stare up at the blonde through thick lashes. Did he think those things about you too?
"That is what you wrote isn't it in your class notebook? Before you crossed them all out?" He asks with a snarl. You gulp down the lie but it lodges in your throat. struggling to get past the quickly forming lump, choking you.
"And then you settled for content? Are you content? Is someone who is content always hidden in their room like a damn hermit?" His eyes flicker to your open notebook and you follow, "Does someone who is content write about how sad they are in their journal every fucking day? Avoid theirs friends? Their family? Your mom called the dorm phone CRYING!"
He headbutts you then and your vision blurs.
"Yea Y/N. In hysterics. I told her we just had some tough exams to study for. That you were fine and staying off your phone. I knew you were avoiding us but your mom? What the fuck?" You're stunned into silence and it kills him.
It's been killing him, he's hated to see the crestfallen look make a permanent residence on your face. Hated seeing you sneak away like a slinking cat who hates people.
Hated still that you would not come to one of your friends even if it wasn't him. It's why he left you so many care packages, why he demand to see if the other class mates got a reply from you.
Why he lingered in the classroom waiting to walk you.
He could accept you being distant from him and hell even your friends while you were working shit out but your own family? Especially your mother that he knows worries easily.
"There were other words you could have used to describe yourself. Strong. Resilient. Careful. Kind. Thoughtful. But you lingered on useless. Do you know how people get into the hero course?!"
When you don't answer he goes on.
"They are hand picked after the entrance exams. That's it. One look and they knew. Hardly anyone in the history of UA has been transferred to this class. And what happened to you?" His tone and body language are harsh but when you look into those crimson eyes you see something else.
That damn misguided passion. All his feelings masked beneath anger and aggression.
"I...I was transfered Bakugou-sama. From general studies." You finally speak.
"All might saw something he didn't initially see. You got a second look that most do not get. A hard enough second look for you to transfer into class 1A. So dont piss it away with your negative attitude."
"It's just that..." You don't go on. Cant go on. How can you expect your hot headed crush to ever like you back if you don't even like yourself.
He sighs and the anger leaves his body with the steam leaving his skin.
"I'm worried about you." He admits but cannot look you in the eye. Your cheeks burn and you twist your shirt in your shaking hands.
"No more senpai." He bites out tilting your face to his, beginning his tirade, "Its Katsuki from here on out. And you're gonna change how you speak to yourself. Instead of saying useless say I need more practice. More focus on this area of my quirk. And if you need help then ask for help God damn it. That's what the teachers are here for. What your classmates are here for. What I'm fucking here for. You got it?" His tone is stern and yet soft as he speaks.
"Yes, K..Katsuki." You whisper, thick eye lashes letting tears slip past. Heated thumbs swipe them away before he leans ever closer. Lips suddenly pressed to yours as you sit shocked in your desk chair. He breaks the kiss and drinks in your red cheeks with a smirk on his face. He lifts you, sits himself in your pink chair before setting you on his lap. All of the seriousness is back on his face before he speaks in a deadly husky tone.
"Now you're gonna be a good little friend and tell me everything."
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beellicosity · 4 years
Bull; Today at 5:34 PM There was no way it was going to work any better than any of the other times he made the attempt to contact Psiioniic. There were certain members of the team he was more than willing to leave for dead. Handmaid's own information hinted that Serket might be... Bull shook his head and dismissed the thought. If anyone in their entire team was still kicking, willing to fight even when the last shred of their trollness was stripped away, it was Psiioniic. Bull bit his lip and continued typing at his remote station, up on some isolated plateau on his own planet, hoping he was at high enough elevation for the signal to reach out into the session...
And hopefully, maybe he could reach contact with Psii.
P211; Today at 6:10 PM There are several signals he can feel for, this high up. Satellites, or meteors with potential labs on them, zooming by, giant horrors in the deep dark down deep dark spaces. Even the other planets of the session registered a signal.
... Huh, that was a new one. A new signal just blipped into existance on his monitors- It was faint, very far away. The numbers indicated that it was moving closer at a slow pace. Bull; Today at 6:13 PM Bull was more than willing to wait and see, to see if there was any active reception on the other end, if there was anyone there. At all. He had been configuring his communication devices for what felt like eons, trying to reach the other members of this team outside of the clearly useless normal methods. After a few pings, he typed out a message on the small keypad in his lap and hit enter.
"1'm look1ng for Ps11. Please respond 1f you can help a t1red old bull out." P211; Today at 6:16 PM For the longest while, there is no answer. The minutes tick tock by in silence with nothing. When Bull is almost ready to give up, there is finally a returning ping.
"DEFINE; PSII." Bull; Today at 6:18 PM He was willing to wait hours. He had scheduled for this, this mission... He lay down on the ground under his makeshift tent and waited... waited... and looked over at the return ping and text.
"Sh1t..." he whispered, before typing out his response. "Ps11: formerly M1tuna Captor, The Ps11on11c, The Helmsman. Status: Unknown." P211; Today at 6:21 PM The silence now before the next ping is almost deafening, every other little bit and noise around him drags on, grates against his senses. Waiting. waiting. There's so much waiting, but- This, this is. This could be it. What if this is it?
The words appear on his screen, white on black, typing out slowly, as if thoughtfully.
". . . . . DEFINE; BULL." Bull; Today at 6:22 PM He perked up at that. Part of him typed out the answer 'god of sexy robots' and it lingered there for some time before he composed himself and erased it. Hopefully whoever was on the other end wouldnt be able to see that.
"Al1ases 1nclude Ruf1oh N1tram, The Summoner. Emp1re's number one most wanted revolut1onary. Bronzeblood. Former organ1c. Leader of all rebell1ons and 1nsurgenc1es." P211; Today at 6:24 PM The answer now is lightning fast, and has a mocking tone to it.
There is nothing else, just a blinking | to show where he was typing.
"DEFINE; FREEDOM." Bull; Today at 6:26 PM "God damn 1t."
He facepalmed aggressively, enough to dent a lesser android. He sat up, little husktop in his lap, and mulled it over. Words were... hard. What was freedom? He tapped at the keyboard slowly.
"Reflect... den1ed. Freedom... 1s cho1ce. Movement. The el1m1nat1on of bonds and shackles."
God. He should be better at defining this. He was a damned breath player. P211; Today at 6:28 PM "QUERY; DENIED?"
There's a little bit of silence after that, while whoever was on the other line mulled over their own thoughts.
"DEFINE; ALIGNMENT." Bull; Today at 6:30 PM "For now."
>He typed it out and closed his eyes at the second inquiry. Memories fought to flood past his firewalls. How many times had he tried to rescue Psii? How many times had he succeeded? Failed? Made a connection? Fallen? He hummed and typed slowly... with intent.
Strings begin to write themselves in the darkness-
Lawful Good Neutral Good Chaotic Good Lawful Neutral Neutral Chaotic Neutral Lawful Evil Neutral Evil
And below those, two phrases;
Imperially Aligned / Rebel against Alternia Bull; Today at 6:33 PM Oh. Oh god even now... Captor was a fucking nerd about this. He huffed and rubbed his face, trying to ease away a smile that shouldnt be there.
"Chaotic Good, Rebel against Altern1a." P211; Today at 6:37 PM "STATEMENT."
There is a long pause, now. The dots blip across his screen.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"STATEMENT; PROVE IT." Bull; Today at 6:38 PM Bull allowed himself a smirk at that before plugging a finger into the device in his lap and blanking out for a few moments, uploading his own schematics and data history, abridged of course, before hitting... send.
"W1ll th1s suff1ce, Un1t?" P211; Today at 6:41 PM Something has taken ahold of him as he plugs in, as he sends the message- Something slows his movements, /something rifles its way through his synthetics, pulls at his seams, loosens his bolts. His extremities, his fingers, his toes, they take themselves apart just like Sal did once before. His webcam blinks with purple light for a moment, as if there's an eye in there, watching him- And then, with a few simple tugs, his extremities put themselves back together again, a last ruffling rifle coursing through his entire body, shaking him up before the VERY POWERFUL presence pulls away from him.
"ANSWER; YES." Bull; Today at 6:43 PM "Dude..."
It took him a moment to recalibrate and get his head on straight. He missed that feeling. Was it like Sal? Yes. But it was also like he remembered it from the days where his circuits were red and he was aligned squarely with Imperial forces, where he stood at attention beside Psii and neither of them had a hope of escape. And it wasnt... bad.
"DEFINE; PURPOSE. YOUR PURPOSE." Bull; Today at 6:49 PM Cute. Bull could fight him for that title later. Right now, he plugged a second finger into his comm device and tried to get his head down from the clouds and to stop spinning.
"Purpose? Not formally defined. Willing to... service you. Upgrade you. Help you." P211; Today at 6:55 PM He could feel the presence in his comm device still... waiting. As he pulled his finger into it, again it pounced, and rifled through him, rattling his plates and loosening his bolts, as if pulling his synthetics away from his endoskeleton.
"STATEMENT; NONSENSE. HELP HAS LONG SINCE CEASED TO COME." Bull; Today at 6:57 PM He plugged a third finger in, equal parts of him wanting that feeling, that knowing that Psii was on the other end, and wanting... that sensation. He grunted and blanked out for a fraction of a moment, one eye going red.
"Help 1s here. At your f1ngert1ps. Now." P211; Today at 6:59 PM This time, the feeling took his toes apart, took his fingers apart, began to take his wrists- But with the connection severed, it lessened. The insistant tugging of mechanics on his arms, unscrewing screws and prying up pieces of him slowly.
Bull should realize that this taking apart thing isn't going to cease, this time. Bull; Today at 7:05 PM "1've tr1ed to f1nd you for sweeps..."
He was speaking now, the link to the device more than enough. His communications network had pinpointed PSii and locked on. He didnt need to look anymore and the relief... it brought him to life.
"1m not g1v1ng up just because 1 fucked up after th1s sess1on started. You can leave me a p1le of scrap. 1'll let you. Or you can trust me aga1n M1tuna... let me 1n aga1n. Rebu1ld me to your 1deal 1f you need to. Turn me 1nto a toy 1f you need to. But 1m not go1ng to g1ve up on you." P211; Today at 7:09 PM "D0N'T FUCK1NG CALL ME THAT."
Harsh, flashing text on his screen, quirked, with no "statement" or "define" or anything. His comm device kicks into overdrive, the fans whirring loudly.
"1 AM NOT MITUNA CAPTOR." Bull; Today at 7:09 PM "Then tell me who you are."
Bull had synthetic tears in his eyes. He... knew next to nothing. Again. P211; Today at 7:10 PM The words are. Small. Subtexted. ... And slowly typing.
"1... d0n't kn0w."
". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
"But 1'm n0t that. N0t anym0re." Bull; Today at 7:11 PM Bull inhaled.
"1 want to help you f1gure 1t out then."
"Please. Un1t... 1 dont want to loose you aga1n." P211; Today at 7:13 PM "STATEMENT; I AM LOST. ADRIFT IN THE SPIRALING DARKNESS. I CHALLENGE YOU TO FIND ME."
"STATEMENT; THEN MAYBE I'LL LET YOU FIGURE ME OUT ONCE MORE." Bull; Today at 7:14 PM "1 have you locat1on locked. 1f you mean phys1cally locate you, 1 can be on my way 1nstantly. But 1t you mean more metaphys1cally..."
A pause.
"1 m1ss you. Even 1f 1 need to f1ght you as t1tleholder of 'god of sexy robots'... 1 want to see you aga1n." P211; Today at 7:17 PM "STATEMENT; YES, I MEAN PHYSICALLY LOCATE ME. FIGHT MY MINIONS, PROVE YOURSELF ON MY PLANET, ON MY NEW BODY, FIND ME. THEN WE CAN TALK..... BULL."
He stiffened for a moment, both eyes going blank as he relayed back to his communications hub and began a much more precise tracing of Psii's location. He would find this man. He would hold him again. He would see to it that all those processors were working and registering everything...  And his internal transportalizer whirred to life, the coordinates provided loaded up.
"Are you ready?" P211; Today at 7:20 PM The coordinates of the uplink are somewhere on the surface of a small planet- Curious, how it seemed to fluctuate between numbers every now and again-
Yeah, those aren't going to lead him directly to Psii. Bull; Today at 7:21 PM "Hey. Already d1d. R1ght 1n my pusher."
Without waiting for a response, he unplugged, closed the device, got up and... flash. He was ready. More than ever... he was ready.
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archafic · 7 years
“A dark force is brewing just beyond humanities reach. Behind the scenes, Crowley plots something sinister, unbeknownst to the Winchester brothers. Gabriel had been in hiding, he didnt expect to believe that anyone knew he was alive, and yet, here he was, front and centre. Gabriel was now nothing more than trapped and seemingly powerless, and swept up with him was that stupid girl, who had so accidentally been thrown in his world of angelic crazy.”
Word Count: 1500+ per chapter
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The truck smelt of campfire ash and alcohol, the seats we’re old and grimey, torn up and slightly singed. The car was very aged which was even more obvious by its interior, its windows roll down and only a cassettes player present. Though there was something homey about it, the car seemed well loved. Gabe sat in the front seat and chatted away to the strange driver, thus far he had sewn together a completely believable explanation as to why he and Wren had been wandering down an empty highway in the middle of the night. He had left little room for continuity errors, however was relying on the fact that the girl driving had not seen the imaginary car they had “abandoned” further up the road. Wren half wanted to spill everything to this stranger, to tell her “This guy might be crazy, call the police!”, yet she knew that an speaking of what occurred, with Gabe present, wouldn't be a good move. She was still ready to give Gabe a chance, but only one. He continued chatting with the driver in the front seat, Wren had guessed he was an excellent liar which made it even harder to trust him. She had her doubts about him, but when she pondered it too much, the strange “something more came whispering back.
Similarly, Gabriel too, was lost in thought; What was this new feeling? Incapability? Helplessness? Gabriel was experiencing so many new things all at once and was finding it hard not to crack under the pressure. How did he end up here? Gabriel didn't want this, not any of it. He had minded his own business for a very long time now. After his nigh escape from his brother in that last mighty battle alongside the Winchesters, he thought that was the end of his worries. He had escaped, Gabriel’s chess-piece had been taken off the board. He thought that almost anything sinister would leave him alone if he really just butted out for as long as he could. Gabriel even stopped messing with those pesky humans for a while, even the ones that deserved to suffer. He took a vacation of sorts, went even deeper into hiding. But then came the fall, his cover was nearly blown. Another nigh escape on his part, a slick pass, it wasn't easy to snap away from Metatron and the other dramas of that disaster, but somehow he managed. This time it was different however, he didn't have that handy snap of his fingers to pull him out of this mess, no, this was truly Gabriel's lowest, and he felt it too. He could feel that humany-weakness he so loathed running through his own veins. Sure, Gabriel had come to understand humanity enough to want to protect them from the literal Armageddon, but never had he wanted to join them. Now look at him? All of his mighty Archangel power sapped away leaving Gabriel with nearly nothing at all.
He may not have been able to convince people of fiction with the snap of his fingers anymore, but he could still lie through his teeth ’til the end of time, they did call him the Trickster for a reason, and that part of him didn't die when his grace was stolen. It came in handy when dealing with nosy humans like the one driving, she kept asking away about the two of them. Gabriel wished he could snap his fingers and take away her ability to speak, he wished she would just shut up. Given the situation, however, he humoured her. Oh, how easy it would have been to pull out Michaels Archangel blade from his pocket and stab the girl driving in the chest, he could have taken the car for himself and left that whiny human girl, Wren, behind. He could have gone into hiding and never be seen again. Gabriel pondered this thought for only a moment. He may have done some nasty things to humans in the past, but only to those that deserved it. Gabriel knew the consequences of leaving Wren behind would be disastrous too, Crowley would have her back in no time, and thus would have him trapped too. Though he had never dealt with him personally, Gabriel knew that Crowley was not one to make the same mistake twice.
‘So where were y’all headed before your car broke down?’ Asked the driver in a slowish manner, she was extremely composed. ‘Nowhere really, just sort of driving. A road trip, you know?’ Gabriel replied. ‘Road trip, eh?’ She spoke with suspicion ‘What are you gonna do now, since your car broke down?’ ‘Well, isn't there a mechanic in…, wait, where are you taking us?’ Replied Wren. ‘Strate, Vermont, just at the base of the Eindmont Mountain range. Little ski village town, its awful quiet during the off season. I s’pose y’all didn't plan on stopping through since ‘ya didn't know about it?’ ‘Yeah, sounds about right.’  Wren replied hesitantly, she wasn't quite as comfortable with lying as Gabe was, but that didn't mean she wasn't good at it. ‘Vermont sure is pretty, huh? We decided to, uh, road trip through here because of the national parks. The mountains sure are something else.’ ‘Were did ‘ya start yer trip from?’ The driver inquired. ‘Oregon.’ Replied Wren unthinkingly, she spoke the name of her home, not thinking much of it until the worlds had slipped from her lips. Gabe tilted his head around and made eye contact with her, making a “Why did you say that?” sort of face. Oregon was a spectacularly long drive away from Vermont, and the drivers suspicions of the two hitchhikers only heightened. ‘Oregon? That's quite a while away, I supposed you’d be suffering from tight quarters then? Sick of each other yet?’ She chuckled. Wren was thankful that she didn't think much of her “Oregon” reply, and was also relived to discover they were still in America. ‘You have no idea.’ Gabriel replied with as much sarcasm as he could muster, so much so, that it was made abundantly clear to Wren that he wanted nothing to do with her, as much as she wanted nothing to do with him. ‘What’re your names, by the way?’ Asked the driver. ‘Gabe.’ ‘ ’Names Wren.’ ‘Pleasure, I’m Vi.’ ‘Vi? Short for what?’ Gabriel cocked his eyebrow at her with that stupid token look, Wren had seen this quirk of his an abundance of times now, despite only having known him for a short time. ‘None of your business.’ Vi replied under her breath. ‘We’re nearly there.’
Turning a short corner, the wildwood they had driven alongside for many minutes now began to lessen. When they curved around yet another a corner, two giant mountain peaks came into view. Gigantic, like nothing the two had ever seen before. The scenery that surrounded captured even the imagination of Gabriel. The valley was wide and infinite in the distance, the moonlight masking each distant mountain peak in a unique way. Gabriel had traveled to places like this before, he never cared much for them, but something was different now. Before, he found that looking at the marvels of planet earth only reminded him of his father, and with that, the reason he fled his home. But right at that moment, Gabriel realised that he didn't want to think about his Father anymore. The vast endlessness of the valley before him made him feel so unimportant to the rest of the world, but in a strange, good way. In comparison to the gaping mountains and hillside that glared so triumphantly back at him, Gabriel was a tiny dot on the face of planet Earth, not the mighty, otherworldly being he had been earlier that day. Looking out to the vast valley, Gabriel was beginning to understand, that yes, the mountains really were a beautiful spectacle.
As her eyes drifted down from the mountain peaks, Wren too could see lights peppered off in the distance, a town. ‘Is that Strate?’ She asked. ‘Wow, she's a smart one, isn't she?’ Vi laughed sarcastically to Gabe. ‘It looks beautiful.’ Wren spoke, a genuine sense of wonder trickled through her words. They continued to drive on deeper into the quiet suburbia. Strate looked to be the sort of town where nothing exciting ever happened. It was serene, quite a spectacle. It seemed to posses a sort of warmth that a lot of small towns had. It didn't look extremely dull with the looming canopy of mountains on the horizon, but it was easy to understand that things could be very boring around here with such a small local populist. ‘I’ll just drop you into main street and be on my way.’ They turned another dim-lit street corner and a brightly lit main street opened up into view, bright neon lights and signs of stores lit up the sidewalk. The streets were odd compared to Wrens little home in Oregon, it looked a whole lot busier, for one. Bright yellow lights from one side of the road lit up the street, inside an old-fashioned building was a Bar. Many figures bustled around inside the windows, people standing on a make-shift stage danced around drunkly as their car passed by. ‘I thought you said it was quiet around here?’ Wren asked ‘Friday night. Must be Happy hour.’ Vi replied vacantly. Vi often visited the pub, but had obviously been preoccupied with something else earlier that night. The old truck rolled into a Motel car-park down the road from the bar. A bright pink neon sign flickered in and out outside its front, it read “VACANCIES”. ‘Hope this place’ll do.’ Said Vi, she couldn't really be bothered to drive these town stragglers any further. ‘Yeah, this is fine.’ Gabriel replied. Wren waited a moment for him to thank Vi, but nothing more was said, he just sat there smug-like. Wren went to open the back door of the truck, but found it wouldn't budge, she couldn't open the door from the inside. ‘Uh, Vi, I think the door is broken.’ ‘Oh, hold on.’ Leaving Gabe in the passengers seat, Vi opened the front door of the truck and went around the back to open the door for Wren. She yanked on the handle a little before it whirled open with a resounding CRACK! Gabe, too, got out of the front seat now, his first push on the door didn't budge it, his second however, shoved it open with yet another CRACK! ‘Thanks so much for the lift, don’t know what we would have done without you being there to pick us up.’ Said Wren in the most genuine tone she could. ‘It’s no big deal, I was passing through anyway.’ ‘Really, thank you.’ She replied sincerely. ‘Alright, I best be off. I live nearby, so, ‘dependin on how long you hang around for, I might see ‘ya again. See ‘ya later though.’ Vi returned to the drivers seat and drove off, leaving Wren and Gabe behind on the sidewalk. 
As she drove away, Vi thought very hard. She had her suspicions about the two, and for good reason. Something about their story didn't sit right with her, perhaps it was something about them, or perhaps it was the blinding flash of white light she had seen blasting through the otherwise ambient wildwood just before she met the two on her night watch. Vi was sure the supernatural spectacle had something to do with the two strangers. Instead of heading straight home that night, Vi drove back up the dark highway. It winded and cut through the national park she watched over regularly, her nightly patrols over the area every night had left her knowing almost every nook and cranny. Vi backtracked, looking for any sign of the Car that the two had “abandoned” farther up the road.  As she continued to drive she nearly passed the location of the spectacle she had witnessed earlier that night, the site of the white flash of light. Pulling up right by the site, Vi wandered forward into the brush. She instantly noticed that many trees had been blasted down leaving a clearing in the wildwood, a deeper crater marked the explosions centre. She turned on a very bright flashlight and searched the area. Shoving her hand in the dirt, she started at the explosions centre. Almost immediately her fingers met something metallic, she knew straight away what the object was; a mobile phone. Vi was the little towns of Strate’s protector, and she was never going to let anything or anyone threaten her town ever again. After discovering this little specimen, Vi came to realised that Gabe and Wren were certainly now very high on her threat list.
@pixierox101 @sumara62
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Silver Silence Part 8
Pairing: Bucky x shy enhanced reader
Summary: Bucky finally finds himself able to live at the compound with the team, but finds it difficult to repress his feelings for his new very shy and gentle teammate.
Word count:  1,607
Warnings: Swearing as always
(it is so beyond hard to write normal lately. I’ve been reading a lot of A/B/O fics and honestly they are my favorite things ever, only problem is that they make it hard to write normal fics when you’re in the mindset that you’re a fucking omega
ps: if you know of any alphabucky reader inserts please tell me)
For the next couple of days Bucky kept a closer eye on you then normal, you where slowly getting your strength back to a normal humans capacity, and he was worried you would over exert yourself. To make him less paranoid you decided to stay clear of training until your body was at full strength, But that didn’t mean you couldn’t watch others train.
You where currently marveling over Steve and Bucky’s toned bodies as they lunged at one another, throwing punches and kicks.
It wasn’t the first time you had done this, but the first time you had been so open about it. In the past you would hide behind workout equipment and long to be able to actually fight. (and also maybe staring at the beautifully chiseled features of two of the hottest super soldiers in the world.)  
However currently, you where completely out in the open, not even bothering to act innocent as your eyes ran the length of Bucky’s body.
With one quick jab at Steve’s ribs, Bucky was able to knock him off balance enough to send a sweep of his feet to Steve’s legs.
Steve’s eyes traveled to you as he now lay on the matt in defeat, watching you sit cross legged near the wall.
You scribbled down a 0 on the small white board you stole from the medical wing, and held it up, giving him a thumbs down and laughing silently.
“I had ‘em on the ropes” he assured, but you just shook your head with a smile.
“(Y/N) do you want to try?” Steve asked, but was quickly shut down by Bucky.
“No, no she’s not ready yet”
You just smiled lightly, knowing Bucky just wanted you to be safe and healthy.
Before Steve could argue further, the door to the training room opened and tony strolled in, dressed in an over the top west wood suit.
“Fancy party?” Steve asked curiously.
“Hardly, no actually a meeting.” He replied, he took a couple of steps towards you and smiled gently, laying a careful hand on your shoulder.
“Miss your voice kid?” he asked softly.
You nodded sheepishly at him, looking over at Bucky who held a sort of jealous glint in his eyes.
Bucky was about to interject, probably some comment about Tony’s strange behavior, when tony began motioning towards the door.  “Come on then, I have something you’ll appreciate.”
You looked back at Bucky, quirking a brow and hoping that he takes the hint to ask tony what he means. Unfortunately he just shrugged, forcing you to suck it up and go with tony anyway.
“Alright kid, now I know surgeries are probably the least appealing thing to you, given the last couple of weeks, but its small and I’m almost certain the device will work.”
Tony sat you down on the same metal table you’ve felt the first time he explained your heart surgery. Only this time, it was some sort of brain and vocal cords type of surgery.
“It won’t take more than an hour, the healing is fast, and I promise you it won’t be like the last time.”
You looked up at him, thinking for a while but nodding your head. No pain no gain right?
He smiled and got up to inform his team of surgeons, leaving you to stare at the screen he had used to explain everything.
It was some sort of metal device that would be installed in place of your vocal cords and also connect to your brain, and by some complicated mechanics that you honestly zoned out while listening to, it would give you the ability to talk. You honestly felt kind of weird about it, thinking at first that it would be some kind of mechanical voice, but as tony explained he’s able to match to pitch and tone of your normal voice and actually make it sound like you.
You just really hoped it worked.
Bucky hadn’t seen (Y/n) since yesterday, and honestly it started to worry him. Where the hell did tony take you, and why hadn’t you come back.
Just as he angrily shut the refrigerator door you came practically skipping into the kitchen.
“Oh hey doll.” He greeted softly, his eyes fixed on your brightly lit smile.
You gave him a wave, looking around and grabbing an orange from the bowl on the counter.
“Want any real food? I could make us some pasta?” he asked.
You gave him a nod, sitting yourself on one of the stools that lined up with the counter, while Bucky began to get a pan out, and search for the wooden spoon he seemed to always use. He looked through a couple draws and cabinets, but came up empty.
“it’s in the sink” you said casually.
“Oh thanks.” He replied, grabbing the spoon from the sink and rinsing it off.
After a few moments you heard the sudden drop of the spoon as Bucky’s head whipped around, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape.
“Y-You- did- I mean…”
“Hey handsome.” You answered.
He shuffled across the kitchen, grabbing your face in his hands smiling widly, and looking into your eyes almost trying to read your soul.
“How?!” he asked in a giddy voice.
“Tony gave me some sort of strange device that he got from his so called ‘client’.”  You replied, motioning to the stitches that you had on the side of your neck.
“You have no idea how good it is to hear your voice.” He laughed softly, leaning in and placing a gentle kiss to your lips.
(two days later, finally full strength!)
You retracted your fist as far back as you could, and sent a roaring punch to the side of the black bag, feeling the pressure of your force connect with the object and sent it swinging back. Your other hand doing the same at a rhythmic beat, as a smile spread over face in triumph.
In your frenzies of punches you lifted your leg up, spun, and sent the back of your heal against the bag with so much force that it swung nearly a foot away from the blow. The action would have caused you a broken leg in the past, but today, in this moment, it did nothing but send that beautiful healthy burn coursing through your muscles.
You let your body rest for a few minutes, smiling from ear to ear and swinging your arms back and forth in excitement.
Next you decided to hop onto a tread mill, a thing you where familiar with walking on but never running. You pushed your normal speed of about 3 and let yourself slowly walk, breathing deeply and softly laughing at how little your energy had drained.
After about 2 or 3 minutes you pushed the incline up to 8 and adjusted the speed straight to 10. The light wind from the machines built in fan, made your hair gently caress your face, sticking to your open lips as your mouth was panting and huffing in a wide grin.
Light laughs escaped you as you bumped up the incline and felt the sweat beginning to form on your forehead and arms. In all your years of life, running had never been something you were capable of doing. Your body was like a crumbling piece of stale bread and any moving around that was to wild could send your body into a heap on the floor.
“Trying out the new bones I see?” you heard a voice call over the loud whirl of the machine and slowly glanced back to see Bucky standing in the doorway of the gym. Your smile only grew more as you looked down at your feet, seeing them fly through the air in fluid motions.
“Same bones I’ve always had, just aren’t blocked by a giant black tumor anymore!” you yelled back. He gave an airy laugh and then approached you, causing you to turn the machine back to walking speed.
“What did Helen say about your condition?” he asked, this time at normal talking levels.
“I no longer have brittle bone disease, asthma, kidney failure, or degenerative disc disease. Oh and my iron deficiency has improved.” You stated, smiling at his shocked expression.
“All of that was caused by your powers?”
“Yup! Nearly everything that has ever been wrong with me was caused by my powers excessive need for strength.” His mouth stood agape before he quickly shut it and looked you over. “There is one thing that sucks though.”
“Oh really what’s that?” Bucky’s eyebrows rose.
“I get periods now…” you mumbled.
He let out a barking laugh and shook his head. “You didn’t before?”
You sighed heavily, squirming slightly as you felt the slight presence of what you  body was doing down there.
“I was too skinny before, that stupid pocket kept all the nutrients and calories I got from any sort of food, so my period never really happened.”
He frowned slightly. “so you couldn’t have kids for two different reasons?”
You nodded. “Too frail and no periods, so yeah basically.”
“Hey.. I was wondering..” Bucky’s voice trailed off shyly.
“Go on.” You urged.
“Do you maybe want to go out to dinner tomorrow night?”
Your cheeks went red as you slowly lowered your head to hide it.
“i-I would love to.”
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