#italizations to my posts but.......... that day is not today.
velvetineblue · 7 months
What do you think the fandom for your character would be like? Are they a fan favorite, a love to hate villain, derided for whatever reason, or something else?
By contrast, what would their haters dislike about your character? Is it a petty complaint? A mischaracterization of the character or their intentions? Are they just a woman in a largely male-centric series?
What is the quote between your character and their love interest/whoever they might be shipped with that their fans would latch onto? ( i am here...for taiquinn content any day :DDD )
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What do you think the fandom for your character would be like? Are they a fan favorite, a love to hate villain, derided for whatever reason, or something else? This is tough; I don't really know how other people see him ! But to me . . . I know that I do not see Tai as being the 'main character' or fan fave in a potential narrative. I know if I were ever going to pitch a show using my OC's, he wouldn't be the main character: not in a bad way, like it's not that I don't think he can carry that role!! It's just that I think his best and most natural position is ... as part of a duo. Or part of a group. I think he's the type of character who may not nessecarily be the fan favorite, but if you took him out of the cast . . . the group would suddenly feel very off. The chemistry would be off, and it feels a lot emptier without him. He contributes a lot to the 'heart' of the group -- perhaps more than anyone realizes, until he's not there, and his absense is suddenly felt very strongly. I think he is a glue or essential member that most people like, but only a rare niche part of the fandom LOVES to the point of like, caring enough to write fic about or make fanworks that focus on him, heh. but those niche people who do obsess over him individually are super cool ; ) bahahah By contrast, what would their haters dislike about your character? Is it a petty complaint? A mischaracterization of the character or their intentions? Hmm... well, the way he experiences love can be very intense. Obsessive. All-consuming. Unhealthy; problematic, sometimes. I know from feedback I've seen & gotten before that some people understandably don't like that... and that's fine ! His personality is the result of trauma that manifested in a variety of ways: some of it unfolded in a positive way, into healthy coping mechanisms, but a lot of it . . . very much did not. But ... I'm not the kind of writer who cares about giving all my characters positive character devolpment that makes them their 'best', healthiest self. Some people say that's romantasizing or 'normalizing' unhealthy attachments, but, idk ... I think it's a 'to each their own' thing. Because for myself, I prefer seeing characters/relationships I can relate to in media, rather than characters/relationships I aspire to be/have? I hope that makes some sense... But tbh, I really wouldn't care if anyone dislikes him, for any reason— whether it's a valid reason or not. ( Excluding racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. Then ur a lil bitch baby. ) But other than that... not every character is for everyone ???? And I mean that both in the sense that you can't possibly expect everyone to like your characters, but also literally: not every character is written for ME to like. There are characters out there that I LOATHE or feel absolutely nothing for: but they reach their intended audiennce: other people in the fandom will feel represented by that same character, and/or that character brings them great comfort/entertainment... so yeah. I truly do not care when someone hates my characters JASJAJ. It doesn't offend or bother me at all; I will simply tip my hat to them and suggest they seek out other characters who do speak to them!! : D
What is the quote between your character and their love interest/whoever they might be shipped with that their fans would latch onto? ( i am here…for taiquinn content any day :DDD ) BLESS U, FERRE, for I too am here for Taiquinn content any day !! I have no idea what quotes potential shippers would latch onto ( if there's one thing I learned from answering these asks, it's that I actually have no idea what fandoms like & how they perceive things??? ksksksk WHY DID I EVEN REBLOG THIS MEME???????? ) , but to give this an answer, I went through their threads and found many quotes from Lynnie's replies that I love, hehe. THERE'S MANY I COULD PICK, but I think I'll say this one 'cause it summarizes/depicts many things about them that I love &lt;3 “I missed that. This. Us, doing what we do best.” Trouble? Violence? She means being side by side, connected, looking after each other - what was taken away from them when they were apart. “I said something earlier. Something that I know hurt you. I keep on thinking and… I don’t know if it’s you I’m truly mad at. I believe I’m mad at.. This world. This world that rejects us, that rejects the life we’re living in a way we’re never safe to exist together. A life that’s made of This. Of having to run away.” She pauses. Each one of her pause leaves her voice suspended in the atmosphere, with a thought, a look, a caress on his hand. “But… I wouldn’t trade it for anything else.” I think this shows the duality of why they are so good together. Taiquinn work so well together because they have shared ideals, a shared goal, and shared interests. They both want to fix the world, because they consider it broken and unjust. They both enjoy thrills, action; they like playing games and challenging others. It's easy to see how they were drawn to each other and why they make a good team: they have very obvious compatibilities right there on the surface, which anyone with eyes can see asjajj But Quinn also mentions their more private inner world together, which is not necessarily apparent to others: their relationship is not all about how fun it is being rebellious and revolutionary and beating people up together; it's also about them looking after each other. (The 'something' that hurt Tai was her saying he had 'abandoned' her. And that hurt him deeply because... ) Another thing that bonds and glues Taiquinn to each other on a more intimate level is that they became each other's safe place. The safe, warm, loving home that neither of them experienced before they found each other. Both of them grew up in unstable homes without ever feeling safe, without ever feeling truly seen or heard, and without a family they could rely on... and so they did for each other what nobody else did for them. They protect each other. They can trust each other completely. They understand each other. They built the home and family that never had, with each other. So they have these two very strong reasons they are bonded together, and sometimes those two things are even at odds !! For example, they both want to change the world for the better: but it's hard to 'look after each other' when you're always making yourselves targets... 🤔 But despite how complicated that dilemma is, they make it work, because yes their lives are constantly full of chaos and things blowing up and unpredictability... but THEY remain always there for each other: the one stable, reliable, trustworthy, dependable thing you can always count on is that Tai will be there for Quinn and vice versa. IS WHAT I'M SAYING MAKING ANY SENSE IDK I feel like I just rambled a lot, but basically. tl;dr: they are chaos gremlins with a cause, and they love it, and wouldn't have it any other way............ but the one constant, reliable, faithful thing in each others live is their love and trust in one another. and they also wouldn't have that any other way, either. so it's like they get the best of both worlds: the revolution, AND the comfort of each other < 3
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sturniluvr · 17 days
meet my girlfriend
Matt sturniolo x fem!reader
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word count: 2,294
warnings: couple spelling mistakes, a couple swear words, lots of fluff (a bit cheesy😅), italics = flashbacks
summary: Matt and childhood friend Y/N announce their relationship on his personal channel.
A/N: Matt is 18 in this fic and reader is 17 as said in fic!
❗️semi proof read❗️
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Matt sets up the camera on the dashboard, his best friend of 12 years and girlfriend of 2 years in the car seat next to him. Matt hears Y/N let out a sigh, he looked to his side and saw Y/N looking nervous. 
“It’ll be fine my love. The fans already love you, announcing that you're my girlfriend won’t change that, I promise.” Matt says, grabbing her hand and rubbing his thumb across her knuckles in a comforting manner. “We don’t have to tell the fans if you don’t want to darling. It’s completely up to you.” He added on as he lifts her hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. 
“No, I want to do it. Just some silly nerves that’s all.” She replied, intertwining their hands and smiling at Matt. 
“You ready?” He asks. 
“Yeah, press record.” 
Matt hits record and started to talk to the camera, his hand still intertwined with Y/N’s. 
“Hey guys, welcome to my personal channel, where I will be posting content without Nick and Chris. I won’t post as often on here, but I will try my best.” Matt starts with a little laugh before continuing.  
“For my first video on this channel, as you could probably guess by the title, I’m going to introduce you to my girlfriend, she’s a girl that many of you will be familiar with and if not then she’s about to introduce herself.” He added on, Matt gestures for Y/N to introduce herself, she gives a little wave and smile to the camera. 
“Hi everyone, most of you already know me but for those of you who don’t, hi, my name is Y/N and as Matt said, I am his girlfriend. I’m 17 years old, unfortunately I’m still in high school unlike Matthew here” she points to Matt and he lets out a little laugh at her dislike for high school before she carried on introducing herself.
“I just started my senior year, and like the triplets, I am from originally from Boston and I have known the triplets since I was in second grade and they were in third grade I think, is that right?” She looked over to Matt for confirmation to which he nodded. 
“Yep. She’s been in our lives since we were 8 and she was 7. She’s known us longer than Trevor!” He jokes, the couple chuckled together at his random fact. 
“Anyway, today, in honour of announcing our relationship, we’ve decided to answer some questions. I posted a question box on my Instagram story and we’re just going to scroll through and answer some of them.” Matt states. 
He pulled his phone out of his pocket and opened up Instagram and clicked on his story to see the questions. He read out the first question. 
“Okay, first question is ‘how did you guys meet?’ you wanna answer it Y/N/N?” she nodded before answering.  
“So, I actually met Nick first out of the triplets, mine and Nick’s science classes got merged one day because my teacher was sick and me and Nick got paired for a project together. Me and Nick became friends and one day he invited me to his house after school, and that’s how I met Matt and Chris, and we were all inseparable ever since. I constantly got them mixed up until they were about 14.” she replies, Matt and Y/N both smiling at the memory of how many times she got the triplets mixed up. Matt handed his phone to Y/N to read out the next question. 
“Okay next question is ‘who made the first move?’ Matt surprisingly, made the first move, I’ll let him tell the story of how it happened.”  
“So, it’s a pretty cliche story, but we were at a party for our high school’s sports teams and cheerleaders which we both had to be at since she’s a cheerleader and I was on the lacrosse team. Me, Chris, Nick, Y/N and a few other people were playing spin the bottle and it was my turn to spin and it landed on Y/N. At this point I’d had a crush on Y/N since we were in middle school, but I just never ‘had the balls to do anything about it’ as Chris would always say to me.” He rolls his eyes, remembering all the times Chris had tried to get Matt to tell Y/N how he felt. He carried on telling the story.
“So obviously, me and Y/N kissed and then the day after at school, I left a note in her locker asking her out on a date, obviously, she said yes to the date and low and behold, 2 years later, here we are. Pretty cheesy but, hey, what can you do about a man in love?” He shrugged his shoulders with a small smirk on his face. 
“Fun fact, I still have the note to this day.” Y/N stated proudly, looking at the camera. Matt looked over at her shocked. 
“You do?” He asked, looking at his girl in pure adoration. She looked at Matt and nodded her head, smiling at him. She handed him his phone back so he could read the next question. 
“Okay, next question ‘what are you lockscreens on your phones? and what is the story behind them if there is one’”  
Y/N pulled out her own phone and Matt locked his so that he was ready to show his lockscreen. She turned her phone around and showed her lockscreen. (a/n: pretend it’s Matt😭)
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“Mine is a picture of Matt from a couple weeks ago. Me and the triplets went to the safari park, and I got this picture of Matt looking at the map and trying to figure out where one of the rides were and thought it was cute.” she smiled at her lockscreen before turning off her phone. 
*flashback to safari park* 
Y/N giggled as Matt looked at the map in his hands, confusion evident on his face. The four of them were stood in the middle of the path, Matt trying to figure out how to get to the log flume. 
“Matt c’mon mannnn” Chris complained. Nick rolled his eyes at his younger brother.  
“Baby, do you need help?” Y/N asked. Matt shook his head. 
“Really? Cause you’ve been looking at the map longer than Nick was looking at the elephants.” she chuckled, and Chris laughed along with her, Nick had spent ten minutes staring at the elephants earlier that day. She walked over to him and looked at the map, trying to help him.  
“I got it, I got it, gimme a second.” Matt said. Another minute passed of Matt looking at the map, looking adorably confused with a little smile on his face, Y/N thought he looked absolutely adorable and quickly took a picture before Matt laughed to himself and smiled as he looked at his brothers and girlfriend.  
“I got it! It’s this way.” he pointed in the direction of the log flume, and they all made their way to the ride. 
*end of flashback* 
Matt turned on his phone and showed his lockscreen to the camera. (a/n: again, pretend it’s y/n and Matt😭)
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“Mine is a picture that Nick took of us in the car about a month or so ago. We were going on our annual family trip and as always, Y/N came along with us, and we were parked at the gas station and I noticed Y/N had fell asleep on me and Nick saw and took a picture of us and sent it to me and it’s one of my favourite photos ever” Matt spoke. 
*flashback to the family trip* 
Y/N and Matt were currently sat in the very back on the car with Nick. Chris, Trevor and Justin sat in front of them, and Marylou and Jimmy were sat in the front seats. They were parked at a gas station filling up the car and Y/N was falling asleep with her head in Matt’s lap, sharing headphones with him and Nick was sat on his phone. 
“You tired baby?” Matt whispered, looking down at the sleepy girl in his lap. She let out an incoherent mumbled reply. 
“Look at this TikTok!” Chris said loudly, turning around to face Matt and Nick. Matt shushed him.  
“Y/N’s asleep Chris be quiet!”  
“Shit! sorry, look at this TikTok though” Chris repeated, much quieter. The boys collectively laughed quietly at the TikTok he’d shown them, Chris turned back around and showed Justin the same TikTok. 
Matt moved a piece of hair out of Y/N’s face, smiling at his sleeping girl. Matt was unaware of Nick looking at the couple with a soft smile of his own on his face, he’d always been their biggest supporter ever since they told him about their relationship. Nick quickly opened his camera on his phone and snapped a picture of the couple and immediately sent it to Matt, the younger brother opened the message and a grin automatically grew on his face. 
“Thanks man, I love this photo” Matt spoke as he set the picture as his wallpaper and sending it to Y/N, so she also had a copy of the photo. Nick smiled.  
“Of course, I’m your personal photographer.” He joked and the brothers softly laughed before going back to doing their own thing waiting for Jimmy to get back in the car after filling it up. 
*end of flashback* 
Y/N put her phone back in her pocket and Matt passed her his phone to read the next question.  
“Aww this one is cute ‘what is your favourite memory with one another?’ I love this question” she smiled.
“my favourite memory with Matt is probably last Christmas when Matt woke me up around 4 in the morning because it was snowing so much and he just couldn’t wait to go build a snowman, this kid literally had a jacket and coat and my shoes ready for me and just woke me up.” They both started laughing at the memory from last Christmas and Matt hit his head on the steering wheel as he leaned forward laughing, causing Y/N to laugh even more as Matt held his head in his hand.
“Laughing at my pain, I see how it is missy.” Matt exclaimed, he reached over the center console of his car and started tickling her sides causing the younger girl to yelp out and tears started streaming down her face as he continued to tickle her. 
“Okay I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Y/N shouted, out of breath, softly chuckling as she held her hands up in surrender. She passed Matt’s phone back to him.  
The couple continued to answer questions and laugh with each other replaying memories from as early as their childhood to as recent as last week.  
“Okay, final question, this was asked by quite a few people ‘what is your favourite thing about each other?’ We’ll do one physical aspect and then one personality trait, okay?” Matt spoke and Y/N nodded in agreement before Matt continued. 
“My favourite physical thing about Y/N has gotta be her freckles, I’ll admit that I have caught myself counting the freckles on her face before while she’s been asleep” he admitted with a slight blush creeping up on his cheeks.
“My favourite thing about her personality wise is how persistent she is. I’ve seen her get into heated debates with Nick over the most random things and most of the time she’ll win, and I could honestly sit there for hours watching them argue back and forth, it’s so funny” Matt adds with a laugh and he smiles in Y/N’s direction. 
“It’s true, I’ll never let up if I think my opinion is right.” She said laughing with him. “Anyway, my favourite physical thing about Matt is probably his smile, his has got to be my favourite smile ever!” She said proudly, the blue eyed boy next to her stared at her with a soft expression and a wide smile on his face as she carried on talking.
“My favourite personality trait of Matt’s is how attentive and kind hearted he is, like I remember before he made this channel, we were sat on the couch together and he said he wanted to make this channel to help people who may be struggling with mental health like him and to make it a safe space for everyone. And he’s just such a genuinely great guy and nowadays, that’s pretty hard to come by and I couldn’t be more thankful for him. I can confidently say, I can see Matt being the guy I marry when I’m older.” she finished talking. He smiled at her for what felt like the millionth time this video, his cheeks started to hurt from how much she made him smile. 
“I love you baby” Matt spoke, planting a kiss on her cheek, her cheeks flushed.  
“I love you too Matt. So much.” She replied, smiling at the boy she’d been in love with for as long as she could remember. 
“I hope you enjoyed this video guys, we both enjoyed filming it. We love you. Stay happy and stay smiling.” Matt smiled at the camera and Y/N blew a kiss to the camera before he stopped recording. He put the camera down and looked over to Y/N 
“Did you mean that baby? About me being the guy you’d marry?” He asked her, his eyes full of love. She nodded with a smile on her face. 
“Of course, my love. You’re the best person I’ve ever known. You’re my person” she replied. 
He stretched over the center console and placed a kiss on her lips, both of them smiling into the kiss. 
“You’re my person too darling. I’ll marry you one day I promise.” 
And he did.
They got married a few years later.  
A/N: Lowkey was inspired by @imwetforyourmom one shot that was like this. Hope you don’t mind me stealing your idea ahah🫶🏻😅
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l-e-e-woso · 8 months
Movin’ - Alexia Putellas
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Italics = Spanish
2x Ballon D’or winner Alexia Putellas is set to move to Chelsea from Barcelona.
Fans are shocked to find out that Alexia Putellas is leaving Barcelona after 10 years.
Chelsea signed Alexia Putellas for a world record transfer fee of £700,000.
Alexia Putellas Instagram Post
“To all the fans, I will always love Barcelona with my whole heart but I need a new challenge. I was at Barca from a young age being there shaped who I am today, I would not be where I am today without the coaches and players of Barca. Especially the fans without you none of this would be possible.
To my Barca family, just know that I will always support you. You have my full support as long as you are not playing against Chelsea. I am only a phone call or text away, I will always be there for you all. You are all my family and I love you.
To Chelsea, I look forward to playing in blue, I’m told it brings out the colour in my eyes. I’m excited to win more trophies and have a new challenge. I cannot wait to meet my new teammates and training staff.
Thank you! Forca Barca! Forca Chelsea!”
Hear what Chelsea manager Emma Hayes has to say…
“I never thought the day where I would be able to sign Alexia Putellas would ever exist. Everyone knows how amazing of a player and person she is, she will fit in perfectly with all of the girls.
The way that she plays and how confident she is on the pitch is what we need in the team right now.
From what I know Alexia had a lot of teams trying to sign her but she chose Chelsea for a reason. To win trophies, to be challenged in a new way and she was really intrigued with the WSL. The WSL usually has about three or four teams that are very close on the table which no other country has. I think the fact that the result could change at any moment makes Alexia ecstatic to play here at Chelsea.”
Alexia was very nervous when she got to the entrance of Chelsea’s womens training centre but she saw you leaning against the side of the building making her smile widely as she hadn’t seen you in awhile. She walked over to you wrapping you in a hug and kissed you passionately.
“I missed you.” Alexia says as a tear or two fell down her face as you held her against you. “I missed you too. Don’t cry!! You’ll make me cry and I won’t be able to stop cause of these stupid hormones!” You say as you wipe Alexia’s tears with the pads of your thumbs.
“How is my cariño?” Alexia says as she rubs her hand slowly over your stomach which was rather big since you were now 8 and a half months pregnant, you could literally go into labour at any moment.
The way that Alexia treated you now that you were pregnant made you fall in love with her even more than before, it made you even more excited to see how she was going to be with your daughter. You saw how little kids looked up to Alexia as a footballer and how she treated them like the most precious people in the world.
“Oh y’know apart from constantly pressing on my bladder making me need to go to the toilet every five seconds, she is all good!” You said as you lent into Alexia’s side as the two of you caught up before you would both have to go inside so Alexia could meet the rest of the Chelsea girls.
“I’m glad. I never thought we would finally get to start our family. I am so excited to meet her.” Alexia smiled at the thought of finally meeting the little girl that you were currently growing in your womb.
Alexia knew that her mother, Eli and her sister, Alba could not wait to meet the baby girl either. Eli had been waiting for a grandchild since you and Alexia got married three years ago which you understood in a way because you knew that Eli thought that she may never have a grandchild so when you told her you were pregnant she was ecstatic. Alba was also over the moon when she found out you were pregnant, she looked up to both you and Alexia so much so having a mini version of the two of you combined was amazing to her.
“Ale, you know you are going to have to speak English around the girls? None of them know a word of Spanish. I tried to teach them some but they found it too complicated. I think the only people you may need help understanding is Erin and possibly Sam but other than those two you should be fine. Plus I find it hot when you speak English, I love your accent.” You say to Alexia as you start to pull her into the training building by her hand and wink at her which makes her blush. It wasn’t that she couldn’t speak English she just preferred speaking Spanish because it made her less nervous, she also knew that she was more likely to fumble her words in English.
“Yes I know, mi amor. You have told me many times, almost everyday…Good to know maybe I’ll talk to you in English more often.” Alexia smirks as she sees you turn towards her and you glare at her playfully before continuing down the hallway.
Eventually, you arrive at what everyone likes to call the team bonding room and you look at Alexia, she has a never expression as she grips your hand tightly.
“They will love you okay? I’ll be there the entire time. We most likely won’t have much time before you go to training.” You tell Alexia as she takes a deep breath to calm herself down which helps a lot.
“Okay thank you, mi amor. Vamos!” Alexia smiles at you, giving you a quick kiss before you open the door to the team bonding room which is filled with most of the Chelsea players.
Some of the girls looked up from their conversations, giving the both of you a quick smile before returning to their conversations. They didn’t want to overwhelm Alexia because they knew that she was nervous about meeting them due to you talking to them before Alexia had arrived.
The first person to come up and talk to Alexia was Magda. “Welcome to the team! It’s about time we get a Spanish person on this team.” Magda tries to lighten the situation which had clearly made Alexia really nervous, she hadn’t been to a new club in ten years so she had forgotten how it felt until now.
“Thank you. I’m excited to be here, not so excited about the weather though, it’s a big change from the weather in Spain.” Alexia says as she catches a glimpse of the rain through the window and grimaces slightly at the thought of training in that weather.
“I bet.” Millie laughs from where she was sitting talking to Sam and turns to look at Alexia. “Guess it’s time to get to know you, Alexia.” Magda says as she gestures for the both of you to sit down and you quickly do as you sigh in relief.
“Jesus, I swear this baby is gonna be the size of Bigfoot by the time she comes out.” You mutter unaware that Fran who was sitting next to you had heard you and she bursts out laughing. “Did you just call your child Bigfoot?” Fran chuckles as you glare at her before playfully hitting her arm and she goes to playfully hit you back when you grab her hand. “Feel this.” You mutter as you unzip your jacket and place Fran’s hand on your stomach where the baby was kicking like mad, making her eyes go wide in amazement.
Alexia watches you with a loving gaze as she talks with a few of the girls who wanted to know more about her. “How come you choose Chelsea? From what I understand you had a lot of offers.” Sam asks Alexia with curiosity and everyone wants to know the answer.
“The main reason is that we are about to start a family and I wanted to be here for all of it, I didn’t want to miss more than I already have. I also need to get out of Spain to have a new challenge and I’m sure that will happen here. I want to push myself as much as I can to help to win more trophies.” Alexia explains to everyone as they all nod along to her answer while smiling at her. Then Alexia looks over to you like she was asking permission to tell the team something to which you nodded.
“Also…after my contract ends in four years time, I’m going to be retiring. Dios mio, I will never get used to saying that..” Alexia mutters the last sentence while her new teammates looked at each other in shock that Alexia would be retiring and she chose Chelsea to be her last team. “Your going to retire?” Erin said kinda shocked, it isn’t everyday that a world class player announces that she will finish her career in four years. “Si, I have been thinking about retiring for quite a long time but that's not for a while.” Alexia said with a smile on her face as you held her hand to comfort her.
“Time for training!” You shout, scaring a couple of your teammates and everyone starts moving to the training field. Alexia grabbed your hand to help you up from your seat and walk with you slowly to a seat on the sidelines of the training pitch.
Alexia was doing really well while training with her new teammates at Chelsea and was having fun, joking around with them and getting to know them.
She was laughing with Magda and Pernille when she heard her name being shouted by you on the sidelines making her face drop because it sounded like you were in pain, which you were since you were now in labour. She looked to Emma who just nodded and motioned her to go with you, she sprinted over to you.
It didn’t take long to get to the hospital, you weren’t sure that she went the speed limit but at that precise moment in time you didn’t care much about that you just wanted to get this baby out of you.
It was surprisingly quite a quick birth, at 7:48pm you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl called Elena Putellas Segura.
Taglist:   @sofakingwoso @xxforeverinadayxx
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wlwprker · 2 months
your little things- tom!peter parker x reader
a/n: I have a lot of old stuff that was posted on my old Tumblr, and this was one of them :)
warnings: brief mentions of anxiety, not proofread a lot so I apologize for grammar or spelling mistakes! italics indicate a flashback.
w/c: 1,847
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-Peter Parker-
Peter was aware that you didn't think he noticed or paid attention to the little things that you do but he does, he always pays attention to you.
He notices the way that you love to sit by the window reading a book when it rains because the sound of the rain hitting the window makes you feel calm. He admires how you can get so caught up in your books and how your face lights up with different emotions depending on what was happening in the books you always got lost in.
Your little things that make you so wonderful, he notices them all and he loves them all because they're what makes you so beautiful and he loves everything about you.
Peter loves to look at you and he adores all of your little things, especially the ones that you're insecure about but he doesn't know why because everything you do is beautiful to him.
He picks up on things that you didn't even know he knew about or took note of. He knows when you're anxious because of the way you always bounce your legs repeatedly and how you nervously play with the rings on your fingers. He notices it all. Peter notices that when you're incredibly anxious, you draw patterns on yourself to attempt to calm yourself down, but it doesn't always work, which makes you more anxious.
When he senses that you're having one of your really rougher days, he is there to help you because Peter loves and supports you... Always.
Today you were having a hard day, nothing seemed to be making you feel better. Peter knew instantly because when he took peaks at you every so often, he saw the way that you couldn't stop bouncing your legs and the fact that your hair had been messed up from the number of times that you pulled at it in frustration. He takes note of a simple fact: you cannot sit still. Peter worries for your poor lips that you've bitten down on many times throughout the night.
Peter wasn't even doing anything productive if he's being honest, he was just writing out a study guide for a test that wasn't for another 3 weeks. He put his pencil down and walked over to you and sat down on his bed next to you, you were so caught up in your own thoughts that you didn't even know he left his desk. He softly touched your thigh to remind you of his presence because he knew that you were a million miles away.
"Oh! I'm sorry Peter, did I interrupt your work?" Peter's heart stung with pain as he heard the hurt in your voice because you were genuinely worried that you distracted Peter from his work. You turned your head slowly to look at him and his heart swelled because every time that you look at him, it's as if he's looking at you for the first time. Peter took your shaky hands in his and intertwined your fingers with his and placed a soft kiss on your knuckles.
"I don't care about my work; I care about you. What's got you so anxious today, sweetie?" Peter asked while he rubbed comforting circles on the back of your hand, your hands had stopped shaking. He watched as you sighed deeply and laid your head down in his lap.
"There's just so much happening and it's happening so fast, it's nothing particular, it's just well...everything. I don't know but it's breaking me down, Pete." He visibly frowns when he could hear the genuine suffering in your voice, and he knows how much it sucks to be anxious. He took the hair-tie that was practically falling out anyways and let your hair fall down onto his lap.
"Baby, I'm so sorry that you're dealing with this, but you don't have to deal with this alone." Peter played with your hair, and he could physically feel that your rapid heartbeat was returning back to its normal pace, he knows how the simplest gestures can ease your anxiety. Peter used his free hand to draw patterns on your arms because he knows how you try to do that when you want to relax.
Peter easily sensed that you are starting to finally relax, and he can feel the way your entire body is visibly softening just by the touches from your favorite person, Peter Parker.
Peter always knows how to make you feel safe, he's made mental notes of things he does that makes you feel safe, loved and at peace.
You love random displays of affection, which is completely fine with Peter because he loves to be affectionate with you. You love when he is affectionate with you because it reminds you of how lucky you are to have such a lovely person in your life.
You'd never admit it to him but he knows how much you love the pet names and compliments he gives you so he will compliment you any and every chance that he can.
Peter knows how you're not very open to talking about your feelings, but he always feels a sense of pride and love when he realizes that despite you not being open to share your feelings, he's made you feel safe and comfortable enough to share those parts of yourself with him.
Peter always loved to give you small kisses here and there just to let you know he appreciates you, but he had no idea how much those meant to you. He smiles to himself as he remembers the day that you told him how much you like his small kisses and ever since that day, he gives you random kisses throughout the day...every.single.day.
Peter was coming home from his nightly patrolling duties and he climbed through the window that led into your room, you always left the window open for him, he'd always have a place here. Peter watched in adoration as he caught the sight of you lying in your bed, with glasses perched on top of your head and a book lying face down on your stomach as you slept peacefully. He quietly removed your glasses from the top of your head and marked your place in your book (he knew how mad you'd be if he didn't) and placed them both carefully on the bedside table. He removed his suit, took a shower and changed into the spare clothes he left at your place and calmly climbed into the bed next to you.
You were a very light sleeper so no matter how hard he tried to be quiet, you were very aware of his presence. "Peter? Is that you?" He almost laughed at the sound of your sleepy voice. He moved a piece of hair away from your face and smiled to himself at the sight of your half-closed eyes and eyebrows scrunched in confusion.
God, you are absolutely gorgeous.
"Shh, love, it's okay. Go back to sleep." Peter whispered as he watched you drift back to sleep and he pulled you closer to him as you wrapped your arms around his body and he held you close. Peter kissed your forehead and whispered goodnight into your ear and you're a light sleeper so you stirred in your sleep.
"Mmm. I like when you do that, Pete". You mumbled in your sleep-like haze.
If it was anybody else, they would not even knew that you said anything but Peter being who he was and hanging onto every word you said, he heard you. Peter knew you were very sleepy and had very little energy to fight him back which was the perfect chance for Peter to use this to his advantage.
"Do what, pretty girl?" Peter watched as you hid your face in his chest and he laughed, he knew what he was doing, it was funny though because you are just too cute to not mess with. "Don't hide from me!" You begrudgingly lifted your face from his chest and snuggled closer to him.
"I like when you give me random kisses like that, it makes me feel loved and really happy." You sighed happily and began drifting off into the world of dreams.
"Oh how I love you, Y/n." Peter confessed for the first time. The corners of your lips twitched upwards as you started to feel sleep overtake you for the millionth time that night.
"I love you too, Peter." Peter placed a gentle kiss to your hairline, and he fell asleep.
You love kissing Peter; you really do but Peter discovered that you also love other kinds of things that he does to show you how much he adores you. To other people, it may seem small but to you, it was everything which meant that Peter continued to do them. You love when Peter locks his pinky finger with yours and places a soft kiss to your pinky, it's such a mundane gesture but it reminds you of how safe you feel with Peter, and he does it with so much love and devotion that you can't help but fall even harder for the brown eyed boy.
Peter can go on and on about all the things he loves about you. Whenever someone asks him if he has a favorite little thing that you do, his answer is always the same.
His favorite little thing that you do is loving him.
Peter never really had a way with words, when he really cared for someone, he would get starstruck and the words would escape him. He always felt bad about it because he has so much love to give and he wants to share it, but the words never left his lips, he would stutter because his emotions clouded his senses, and the words would dissolve into thin air. You changed that for him. When people would ask him what being loved by you is like, the words poured out of him easily as if it was as easy as breathing, he didn't have to think too hard.
Your love is so warm and comforting and being loved by you is like falling asleep next to a fireplace, on a freezing winter day while drinking a cup of hot chocolate. The feeling of your love is so special, he could talk forever about it but he knows that there aren't enough words in the entire universe to fully express how much you mean to him.
You would so call him super cheesy and a romantic, but he means it. He only became all mushy and lovey dovey because of you.
It's the feeling of his knees going weak as he locks eyes with you from across the room. It's the feeling of safety when he holds you close to him in bed at night.
That is what it's like to be loved by you.
The little things you do remind him of what being loved feels like and maybe one day, there will be a ring on your finger, a forever one.
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undercoverpena · 6 months
stockings and stars
javier peña x f!reader
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summary: Still need the star putting on the top of the tree. ive got other plans for you Because I’m the star? yeah you're my star and youre not going anywhere but on your back
from the late night texts world - but can still be enjoyed on its own. chapter warnings: allusion to/mentions of smut. no actual smut. javi undresses you, though. flirting. fluff. reader wears red lingerie and a dressing gown. javi flirting. sexy talk, romcom vibes ofc ✨ wordcount: 3k
an: to @goodwithcheese merry christmas from me, to you. thank you for everything, for the tuesday fun we have - i wanted nothing more than to have this out sooner, but life, you know? but, i adore you. and I'm so glad we found one another. ahuge thanks to @thetriumphantpanda who cheerleaded for me throughout.
text key: bold is you/reader | italics is javi
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Will I be seeing Santa Javi today? I want to decorate my tree.
one time I come to yours in a red shirt
You also had the tree under your arm and a bag of baubles, I’d class those as gifts.
keep talking baby and you can decorate your tree alone
Think I’m gonna wear that shirt you left here while I do it. Make sure I have to get up on my tip toes. Hope it doesn't rise up...
you don’t play fair
I think I’ll be in stockings too…
youre killing me
Maybe they’re white and red, and…
baby if i wasn’t putting this thing up for Pop, i’d be driving over right now
Hope you hurry up, I need someone tall to put the star on top of the tree.
how am I gonna eat you out when youre perched on the tree baby
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The last thing on his to-do list from his Pop is to hang the front porch garland.
He had learnt there had been a huge difference in the front and the back porch garlands. A fifteen-minute-long difference when he'd timed the response given to his sarcastic answer.
Javi learnt there was not only one for the back porch and the front, but one which sat across the fireplace and one on the staircase.
He learnt that after he'd made a joke about mixing them up—earning himself a very pointed glare, and the task of the front porch.
Now, it’s a battle he’s losing.
Tremendously so.
While he’d never want his Pop to do the more challenging tasks, he did rather hate he hadn’t thought to trade this one in for the back porch at the very least—because that had looked fucking easy.
Holding the garland in hand, he’s suddenly hit with a second wave of nostalgia, the first having arrived when he'd pulled down the box and peered into it.
It did the same thing as it had done then, all but rushed over him, layering itself on his shoulders, sitting, nothing short of a comfortable weight on him. Letting his gaze fall out over it, he smiles at the tuffs of fabric, all the bows tied by hand, all in an array of sizes and shades.
Over time, he can see how they've become sun-dyed, remembering the first year they'd been sewn into the faux greenery by his mamá, memories of her all hunched over, humming carols.
Smiling, he rolls his lips, letting out a heavier sigh than he intended as he drags it to the post he’d begin at.
But, all he wonders is whether in the years he wasn’t here, whether it was occasionally hung—or if this year is just that special.
The mere hint that he was going to ask if you wished to spend Christmas at the ranch had sent his Pop into overdrive. Practically yanked him out of his chair like he’d been electrified, a bunch of orders being flung from under his white, wiry moustache that they needed to get ready.
He wasn't sure he'd get the image of his Pop suddenly scrambling around like a man half his age, to drag the decorations out from the cupboard, would ever be erased from his mind. Least of all the sound you'd made aww'ing down the phone when he'd given you a condensed version of the story.
Because he hasn't asked you yet, not properly.
Even though he's spent the last two days at the back of barns and spending a ridiculous amount of time at the hardware store—because we need to make sure the lights stay up, Jav.
He just hasn't found the right time to ask you. A promise each time he goes to see you left in the air. Not that his Pop remembers that, instead he's just busy thinking up ways to make it special: one of which includes decorating the trees at the entrance to the ranch.
An idea having sprouted with the newest ranch hand—one which, if Javi overheard correctly, involves rope acting like tinsel and a cowboy hat being the star on the top of the trees.
Feeling his phone vibrate, he temporarily ignores it as he begins to weave the beginning of the garland around the wood—already knowing, before he tries to move it around the spindles, that it isn’t going to be easy.
Because nothing ever fucking is.
Least of all when you’re waiting for him.
His mind begins to concoct images of you in bows and sheer material, lips painted, sat waiting, smelling nothing short of heavenly as you call out for—
“Fuck,” he shouts, dropping the garland to the ground.
It had pricked him, stabbed him right in the skin—hand shaking the pain out, face likely all scrunched. And, if it didn't have sentimental value, he's sure he'd have kicked its protesting ass with everything he had. Instead, he just narrows his eyes more than he had done moments ago as he begins again.
He feels his nostrils flare when it begins to undo itself. The sound of faux bristles on wood grates him before it will even attempt to do what he needs it to.
And it makes him want to quit, to throw it back into the box and tell his Pop it isn’t worth it. But he knows it is. Knows that his mama didn’t spend hours bent over under flickering light for it not to be seen.
Javi also strongly suspects you’d love it. Likely run your fingers over several bows asking who made it. He can even imagine the look of joy on your face when he tells you.
It’s why, if he didn’t already suspect it anyway, he’s pretty sure his Pop loves you more than him. Because even the first Christmas he was back, there weren’t this many decorations; not nearly as much need to have them all out, either.
Not that Javi really minds—or blames him.
There’s a notable shift in energy when you stay over. Even more so in him. He can see there’s a cheer and a glow to the place—one Javi hates watching vanish when he takes you back to your place.
It's why, when—and where—he can, he fights for you to be here. Practically finds convincing ways to do so, including, crossword puzzles, dinner, and two-person showers. But, at some stage, your clothing dwindles, underwear runs low, and he has to make the painful drive into town to return you to your place.
Your fingers in his hair, practically clambered into his lap as you whisper that you’ll be back before he knows it. His fingers on your chin, thumb stroking out the words he says right back—that he’ll miss you all the same.
Javier Peña. Texan softie—what will the world think?
He only thinks one thing when he drives back—a response which had been there on his lips. Guess they’ll see just how much I love you. A thing you know, comment on, say back to him first thing in the morning and last thing at night. An array of promises there, sometimes spoken at a normal level and sometimes whispered.
You always keep them, just like the one that you are always back before he knows it.
He likes it when you are. Enjoys it when you’re nestled beside him, arm across his chest, hand close to his ribs—strumming them, tracing lines and words he tries to understand before sleep takes him.
He still always sleeps better when you’re beside him. When his breathing can mirror yours, when he can feel for you in the night when he’s awoken with nightmares and things he knows won’t ever come true.
Now, he’s fighting a different battle. One to get to you.
Halted in his path to freedom by the garland which refused to be hung, and could be labelled as giving him more grief than the horses which had banded together. A phrase he never thought he’d admit out loud, never mind think.
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You still fighting with the garland?
baby its torturing me on purpose
Do you want me to come and help?
will you come in the stockings
No!! Your dad is there.
then stay there actually lie down, but do not begin without me
Still need the star putting on the top of the tree.
ive got other plans for you
Because I’m the star?
yeah you're my star and youre not going anywhere but on your back
Hurry then.
i’m hurrying
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He does hurry—practically scratched up by the time he’s parking his truck outside your place.
As he takes the step up to your door, Javi realises how much he misses it here when he doesn’t visit. A place less frequent and often spent time in, even under your insistence of renting it.
It is always usually a stopping point, him parking up, letting you go in and grab what you need before you're back in his truck, heading back to his.
He does like your place though, likes how small it is, how cosy. Plus, it has all the things which make you, you. A thing his place is currently missing.
Although, as he steps through the door, and calls your name, he does have to admit it currently looks fucking ridiculous.
On a good day, he’d describe your place as crowded, but right now, it’s claustrophobic.
The tree you’d forced him to get is shoved into a corner, branches fluffed out, surrounded by the piles of unpacked boxes you’ve tried to discreetly hide. Your remaining floorspace is overtaken by a bit of rug, several piles of books (you have no room for, but continue to buy) and odd bits of furniture you find and attempt to restore.
For the most part, you’ve decorated. A thing you did inform him of.
You’ll be pleased to know when you get here your only job is the star. managed it all yourself, did you I’m a very competent woman, Javi. oh i know baby ive seen you with a crossword Does that do it for you? Me finishing a crossword. does something to me Get over here. im leaving now
There’s a warm, comforting glow spread out across the place from the fairy lights you’ve hung and the array of mismatched decorations—both bought and handmade—hanging from branches.
He breathes in the scent of orange which hangs in the air, his eyes finding the culprit on your fireplace, a garland—one not dissimilar to the one he’d been battled with—places there, mocking him due to the ease of which had been laid, with oranges and little beads all entwined within it.
Snorting, he glances back at your tree, spotting the things he's been with you when you've bought. And, as promised—and informed him through text—there’s nothing at the top of your tree.
“You finally made it!”
Spinning on his heel, he comes face to face with you, and fuck if the sight of you doesn’t make it all worth it.
Dressed in a red, silky dressing gown, all tied in the middle, you're a vision. Then, there's the fact your lips are painted a shade he’d now famously dub Christmas red, a colour he wants nothing more than to be stained with. A path of it from his mouth down to the space where his jeans meet his hips. A thought which seems to only make how tight his jeans are even more uncomfortable.
“Cariño, you’re…”
You sway a little, letting the fabric move—allowing his gaze to land on the stockings. The ones he’s been thinking about all afternoon. The ones he can’t wait to feel under his palm and know whether they’ll create friction when wrapped around his waist.
“Fuck me.”
“I’m kinda banking on it,” you say, biting your red-painted lip. “But first…”
His hand crawls around your waist, feeling the smooth, soft texture under his hand—swallowing, dragging his eyes up and down you, unsure how he could ever be so lucky—how something so good could ever be here for him to unwrap.
“I need you to hang the star,” you continue.
“Right now?”
Nodding, you ghost your lips over his. “I’ve been so good waiting for you.”
“You're never good. You, baby, are a menace.”
“I’m your menace.”
Snorting, he presses a kiss to your lips. “Damn right, you are.”
Moving from you, reluctantly, only to pick up the gold star he assumes you want to hang, getting a nod from you that he’s right.
“Need to ask you something too.”
And even though he’s only taken a mere short step from you, he’s floored all over again about what a picture you look like when he glances back. That you’re standing all for him, dressed in nothing but cheer and ribbons all for him.
“Go on.”
Turning to your tree, he flattens his hand to the wall for stability. “I wanted…”
His concentration slides in—suddenly aware he doesn’t want to knock anything from the branches. Doesn’t want to force things to be misplaced from where they were expertly hung.
He’s also sure he’s wanting to swallow the question. A part of him, all the way deep inside of him, having been bracing—and waiting—to hear you’d be apart for the holidays. A thing the two of you have rarely been since you moved here, not a day going by he hasn’t seen you for at least an hour.
“Wanted to know if you—shit—” the star almost sitting atop, before at the last minute protesting. “I wanted to know if you wanted to spend Christmas with me—with us, me and Pop. At the ranch.”
The star slides into place, sitting more comfortably with another shove, more branch supporting it.
But he doesn’t turn, not immediately. Not as the question hums around him, swirls in the silence of you not immediately saying yes. So much so, that it takes him a second to move on his heels, to face you—to read the answer before it’s delivered.
What he sees is something his heart couldn’t have ever prepared for.
You, grinning—a silly, almost goofy, smile spreading out as you bite down on your lip, forehead slightly crinkled.
“You… you want me to spend the holidays with you?”
“Of course—cariño, I want nothing more than for you to be with me.”
It all quick to leave his mouth, mirroring the movement to be back in front of you, fingers under your chin, lifting your eyes—those beautiful, fucking eyes—to his.
“Do… do you—wanna spend it with me?”
You pull a different face before you’re nodding. One more excited, one which begins to expel out over a smile and a bunch of escaping phrases such as I can’t believe you want me with you and of course.
“Why wouldn’t I want to be with you?”
Shrugging, you scrunch your nose—an act he finds just as cute as the first time he saw it. “Guess it’s a big deal. It’s… a thing people do with families.”
Pulling you close by your hips, your hand lands flat on his chest. “You are my family.”
“Javi,” you whisper, making each letter feel so individual the way you say it, that it makes his heart double.
“It’s true. You’re it for me, cariño. All I’ve wished for.”
Eyes widening, your eyes shimmer under the lights—more so than normal. Taking a deep breath, you lift your chin before pressing a kiss to his mouth. One which turns hungry, desperate—your mouth searing, a thing he’s craved since he woke up before the sun even rose.
“Baby,” you whisper.
And he hums.
It vibrates out, able to feel it from the way his fingers cup your cheek.
“Undo me.”
Releasing your lips with a pop, he opens his eyes, studying your eyes, moving from one to the other.
“Go on,” you urge in a whisper, more breathless, more tinged with something that makes his skin hot.
Sliding his fingers over the knot, he barely has to tug before it comes undone—unveiling you, like a curtain which wishes to part. If he’d thought you’d looked good before, he’s sure every bit of you is a sin now—a Christmas sin.
Red and lace. It’s all he sees. It sitting there, against you, hugging your breasts—sitting on your hips. His mouth is suddenly dry at the thought of running his tongue over the place it meets your skin before pulling it down.
Your fingers follow his eyes, sliding between the valley to land on the bow in the centre, twisting the edge of the tie around your index finger—palm skating over your stomach, allowing him more chance to take in how you’re stood before him in see-through fabric and promises.
“How’d I get so lucky?” he asks, more to no one, than to you.
His fingers teasing the fabric sat on your hip—marvelling, unsure how to think straight until you clear your throat, forcing his eyes to meet yours.
“Hey,” you whisper, tightening your hold on his hands, bringing his arms more around your waist, pressing your front to him, feeling the heat from your skin through your clothes. “You’re all I wished for too.”
Smiling, he looks at your tree, before landing back on you. “You look so good.”
“I know. Could look better though?” His brow arches as you slowly begin to smile, the tip of your tongue sliding over your upper lip. “Everything is held in place by bows.”
Groaning, he closes his eyes, letting his hand slide down your lower back, over sheer material before his fingers find the ribbon on your hip.
“All for you.”
“Mine,” he answers, slotting his mouth over yours—staining the four letters to your lips.
His fingers slide around, brushing over soft skin, until he finds the first bow. Undoing it with ease, licking into your mouth, only to grunt against you when you whimper as the fabric falls to your feet.
“Yours,” you say back, your own hands beginning to undo him.
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an: merry christmas, love you
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ahonice · 1 year
lucky; pt.2
part one
luke hughes x fem reader
word count: 8.4k
warnings: cursing, drinking, implications of sex/sexual jokes & situations, slight hate towards business majors, probably definitely incorrect knowledge about pre med shit.
note: since so many people asked for a part two (literally only fifteen but still) i finally got over the grudge i have against series/part twos and i'm here to relieve you all. this is the opposite of planned out, i am writing this as i go along so i hope it doesn’t suck too badly (actually scared no one will like this because of how much love part one got). anyways enjoy, leave feedback, have a great day, love y’all babes <3
italics are flashbacks
you and luke didn’t arrive back at the house until past midnight. neither of you expected anyone to be awake when you entered through the front door, but the sound of multiple voices proved that theory to be wrong.
“i think my brother’s friends got here a little earlier than we anticipated.” luke told you as he opened the door, going unnoticed by the small crowd in the living room. “let’s just get to my room and go to sleep, we need some rest.” you nodded at luke’s words as he moved himself behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, you knew he was subconsciously attempting to protect you from the group of guys, more specifically his brothers.
we didn’t make it far though, only a few moments later a voice called out at luke, causing everyone else to focus their attention on us. sighing, luke let go of you and moved forward to greet everybody, muttering an apology as he passed by you. 
you stood there awkwardly, trying to decide if you should wait for luke to finish with his tiny game of catch up or if you should just go up into his room and wait for him there. after what happened today luke asked his mother if the two of you could stay in the same room today, she agreed after a little bit of begging on luke’s behalf. before you could make your own decision the room’s attention was no longer on luke.
“who is the girl luke?” 
your head shot up at the mention of you, instantly becoming a bit self conscious because of the number of eyes on you. you made eye contact with quinn for a split second before tears started to build up again, seeing him just reminded you of everything that you had been through in the past twenty four hours.
“that’s my girlfriend, y/n.” luke said, making his way back to your side and attempting to block you from the eyes that were visibly making you uncomfortable. “-and if you don’t mind we would like to get to bed, it’s been a long day. you can all be properly introduced in the morning.” without letting anybody else get a word in, he turned around and guided you up to his room with his hands around your waist.
you woke relatively early, the sun was just beginning to rise so you took this as your opportunity to go outside and spend some time on your own, you needed it. it took a little bit to get luke’s death grip on you loose enough for you to wiggle out of bed, but after you were successfully free you grabbed one of his hoodies to throw on over your pjs and pulled your hair out of your face with a claw clip. 
you silently made your way out of the house and took a seat out on the dock, taking a quick picture of the view as the sky turned shades of pink and orange. you dipped your feet into the water before grabbing your journal, deciding it was best to write your feelings down on paper just for your better understanding of everything that has happened.
as you finished up your journal entry you noticed the sun was now peaking over the tree line, you took a picture of the view, as well as a picture of your legs with your feet in the water and the pink journal in your lap. you opened up instagram and put all the pictures you took this morning and posted them to your private instagram account, captioning it “yesterday was one of the worst days of my life, can only hope today and each day after will be better.” 
you spent a few more minutes in silence, enjoying the fresh air you were getting. your trance was broken by the sound of footsteps on the dock.
“hey dear, what are you doing up so early?” you turned around to look at the man speaking.
“hi jim.” you smiled as he sat down next to you. “i’m just spending some time outside. i felt like i needed some fresh air.” 
jim nodded before speaking, “i’m sorry about everything. i had no idea any of this was going on, and i am sorry that i didn’t pick up on it earlier.” 
“it’s okay, don’t feel bad for not noticing it earlier. i should’ve spoken up when it first started happening.” you told him, giving him a reassuring smile. 
“would you like to join me and ellen today? we’re just running some errands but it could be fun, help you escape the sausage party that has become the lake house.” jim offered, causing you to laugh at his use of the phrase “sausage party”.
“yeah i would love to.”
you had gotten ready for the day without waking up your boyfriend, so you decided to continue to let him sleep. you went to your room and began packing your bags because you would be leaving in two days and you needed to begin getting ready for your departure back home. once the room was all sorted and looked like nobody was staying in it, you put your luggage back into the closet and made your way downstairs, cleaning had always been a way for you to relieve stress. 
“sorry to keep you guys waiting, i wanted to clean up my room.” you told ellen and jim as you made your way downstairs.
“no need for apologies sweetie, let’s go. our first stop is breakfast.” 
you had gone to breakfast with luke’s parents and told them about your plans for after college.
“right now i’m planning on becoming a medical examiner.” you explained as you waited for your orders. “i just have to see if i made it into the pre-med program before i can begin properly planning my future.” ellen and jim nodded, and continued to ask some questions about how your first year of university was going and other school related topics. 
after breakfast they took you to the local farmers/flea market, you were excited as you had been meaning to ask luke to come along with you. as you were browsing your options you saw a couple booths near each other with fabric for sale, you quickly made your way over and began looking at what was all there. after a few moments you found the colors you were looking for. 
you purchased your rolls of cloth as well as some embroidery floss in an assortment of colors because you had been meaning to stock up on it and some yarn for one of your experiments. after getting everything you made your way back towards ellen and jim, telling them what you got. 
the next stop was the grocery store, with jack’s friends arriving early the house wasn’t stocked up for everybody staying over. during your morning with luke’s parents the topic of what happened the day before didn’t come up until your last stop of the day. 
you were looking around a local garden shop, looking for a new plant to bring home, when ellen came up to you.
“i just want to apologize again for what happened yesterday. i am beyond embarrassed for how my sons have been treating you. you mean a lot to me, jim, and luke, and after the talk i had with them yesterday i’m hoping jack and quinn will come around as well.” you smiled at ellen, a couple tears were brought to surface when she said that you meant a lot to her. 
once you and luke were gone ellen walked up to her oldest sons and they immediately knew what was coming.
“mom, please don’t-”
“no quinn! i am going to.” she sighed, “y/n means so much to luke, and for you guys to be so rude and disrespectful towards her is unacceptable. has she ever done anything to make you guys feel that way? or were these assumptions completely based on snap judgements?” ellen took her son’s silence as an answer. “y/n is good for luke, i’ve never seen him happier. he loves her enough to introduce us and allow us to spend time with her, and this is how you pay him back? you two need to figure out a way to fix this, i suggest you start with opening up the presents that y/n spent hours making for you two that you guys never had the common decency to be appreciative about, i think you’ll like what they are.” after giving them one more look of disappointment she walked back into the house to find jim and explain to him what was going on.
“i think they want to open up the gifts you made, but i never got to properly ask because their friends showed up.” you smiled at her. them opening up the gifts wasn’t going to fix everything, ellen knew this, but it was a start. 
it was only eleven when you returned back to the lake house, with how late everybody stayed up last night you didn’t expect anyone to awake yet, you were wrong. ellen and jim had some more places to go but didn’t want to take up your whole day so they dropped you back off at the house before continuing their list of things to do. when you got up to the front porch you heard the voices of multiple people, one being your boyfriend, and they were all yelling.
“this is all your guys’ fault! my girlfriend left because of you two and how you’ve been treating her.” you heard luke shout. you quickly realized you never informed luke of your last minute plans with his parents, you kind of expected ellen to send a message to him or to any of the boys to explain her and jim’s absence when they woke up. 
“luke calm the fuck down. her car is still out front, she obviously didn’t leave.” jack’s voice was heard as you tried to open the front door, of course it was fucking locked. 
“her luggage is gone, her room is spotless, it looks like nobody has stayed in it for weeks.” luke voice was breaking. you quickly knocked, more pounded, on the door needing someone to let you in. shortly after your began hitting the door it was opened, you didn’t recognize who it was so you knew it had to be one of quinn or jack’s guests.
“found her.”
you pushed past him and made your way to the living room where everyone was at, dropping your bags and wrapping luke into a hug. he noticeably relaxed under your touch, he grabbed onto you like his life depended on it and you heard muffled sobs against your neck where his face was buried into.
“i thought you left me.” he said, you were the only one that heard it he was that quiet. 
“i’m so sorry luke, i–” you were going to explain what happened but you were cut off before you could continue.
“where the hell did you go?” you weren’t expecting that question, especially from who it came from. jack looked at you, anticipating your answer. you stood shocked, the genuine worry in his tone was enough to throw you off balance and leave you unable to speak. your silence seemed to just agitate him. “luke was worried sick. i get that you’re upset with me and with quinn, i do, we have been treating you horribly, but pulling this shit, causing us all to worry for you and your safety, just to get back at us is not okay.” 
you felt bad, until he said that. “jack i didn’t run away as a form of revenge, i didn’t even run away, i went out with your parents. they thought i could use a break from everything going on here, and they were right.” you detached yourself from luke, your heart cracking a little bit when he whimpered at the loss of touch, and went to grab your bags from earlier. once they were in your hands again you walked up the stairs, grabbing Luke's wrist in the process. “i don’t owe either of you assholes any further explanations.”
“i thought you left me because of how my brothers were treating you.” once you and luke made it into his room he broke down again, causing the guilt in you to bubble up.
“i’m so sorry baby, i would never leave you. your dad invited me to spend the morning with him and your mom and i thought it would be good to spend some time away from the house.” you said, rubbing his back as you sat in his lap, chest to chest.
after a few more minutes and a couple more apologies luke stopped crying, his sadness replaced with a slight amount of anger.
“don’t you ever do that again. i am your boyfriend, you are my guest in this house, i don’t want this to come off as insanely possessive, but i have a right to know where you are.” you could only nod at his words.
“i’m sorry luke, it didn’t even cross my mind. i wrongly assumed your mom would tell you, or that you would still be sleeping by the time i got back.”
“hey i’m not that lazy.” his joking nature allowed you to further calm down, you both got what you needed to off our chests.
“i can’t believe i called your brothers assholes.” you groaned, knowing that would probably make them dislike you even more.
“they deserved it.” luke said, giving you a kiss right after. “anyways, it was hot.” 
“oh really?” you giggled, a blush forming on your cheeks as his hands began wandering.
“it’s a good thing i locked the door when we walked in.”
it wasn’t for a couple more hours that you and luke went back downstairs, he thought it was time that you were actually introduced to the guests that joined you at the house.
“y/n this is trevor, cole, and alex, guys this is my girlfriend. y/n.” you smiled at them and said a faint hello, they all smiled back except for one. it was the one who asked luke who i was last night and opened the door for me earlier, the one who was now identified as trevor. he quickly went up to me and hugged me, taking me by surprise, i hesitantly brought my arms around him and gave him a slight pat on the back.
“it’s nice to finally meet you, i’ve heard many different things about you but i can already tell most of them were full of shit.” you smiled, knowing exactly what he was referring to. “well we were all planning on going out on the lake for a bit, eat dinner, watch the sunset, you two in?” you and luke both nodded before heading back upstairs to get ready.
the tension on the boat was very evident, you felt bad for the three boys who probably had no idea what had happened just a day before, you’d probably feel even worse if they did know.
luke was quick to gain your attention, talking to you about the most random things. you kept up with his conversation before you noticed that jack and his friends were huddled up and whispering on the other side of the boat, you wouldn’t have been bothered if it weren’t for them constantly looking up at you before going back to their gossip session. you began to feel a little self conscious, you made an effort to cover yourself as much as you could with the one towel you could find near you. luke noticed the shift in your focus.
“is everything okay? you seem distracted, i’m sorry if you didn’t want to be near them so soon.”
“no luke it’s fine, i just feel like they’re talking about me.” you tried to subtly motion towards jack and his friends. luke just glared at them, seeing what you were seeing.
“here come sit on my lap, i’ll wrap my arms around you and protect you from them.” you giggled at his joking tone.
“anything to touch me huh hughes?” you poked at him once you were in his lap.
dinner was served, an assortment of caprisuns and beers as well as uncrustables were on the menu for tonight. you moved up to grab some for you and luke when you got into a conversation with cole.
“so how long have you and luke been together?” 
“ten months, our one year is in september.” you smiled, already excited for whatever the two of you would have planned for that night. 
soon you were whisked away into a conversation, more like interrogation, about your relationship. trevor and cole sat next to you while jack, alex, and quinn sat in front of you. the oldest hughes put your boyfriend on wheel duty so he was on the other side of the boat, shooting you a worried glance each time you made eye contact with him. 
“how did you meet?”
“we were in the same orientation group, we got paired together for this water balloon game.” you smiled at the memory, remembering how horrible luke was at simply catching the balloon.
“what are you studying?” quinn’s question caught you off guard, seemingly since for the past ten minutes all you’ve been asked about was his brother.
“i’m currently hoping to go pre-med, i will find out if i made it into the program in the next couple days hopefully.” you told him with a smile.
“so you wanna be a nurse or something?” trevor asked.
“no. if i wanted to be a nurse i would be in the nursing program.” you told him, taking a sip of the beer you were holding before continuing. “i’m planning on being a medical examiner, conducting autopsies, figuring out the time and cause of death of a person.” you could tell the topic of dead bodies made your small q/a crowd uncomfortable which caused you to giggle. “any more questions? or can i return to my boyfriend now?” the boys just shook their heads in response, so you got up and sat on luke’s lap.
“so how did that go? you don’t seem too tense anymore.” luke asked once you were both situated.
“it went decent, i think, they just asked about us the whole time.” he nodded at your answer. “-oh, but quinn did ask me a question about myself and just myself, nothing that had to do with you.” luke looked over at his oldest brother with a small smile, who returned it before you, unknowingly, interrupted the moment by asking luke to take some pictures of you.
you spent the night in luke’s room again, the boys needed a room to stay in anyways, so you had convinced ellen and jim that staying with luke for two nights wasn’t the worst thing in the world.
“i don’t want you to leave.” luke said quietly, stealing your attention away from the tv screen.
“i don’t want to leave.” you replied, shifting to face him.
“then don’t. i can guarantee my parents wouldn’t have any problems with you staying for another week or two.” 
“luke i can’t, my sewing machine and all my other clothing stuff is back at my house and i’ve honestly gone a little insane just going five days without it–” luke rolled his eyes at your reasoning, giving you a look of disbelief.
“seriously, a machine is the reason you don’t wanna spend more time with your boyfriend?”
“-also i get my pre-med acceptance letter soon, if i get in, and i want to be with my parent’s when that happens and i know that they’re gonna want to celebrate with a party.”
“i think if you want to get closer to my brothers, or at least have them get to know you, you should stay here an extra week or two. they mean just as much to me as you do and i’m not saying you need to be best friends with them, but it would be nice if you guys got to know each other more and spend more time together.”
silence, and eventually sleep, consumed the two of you. both knowing an argument would only start if you continued to talk about it.
you woke up in an empty bed, frowning you got up and looked around the room to see if he was at least still in his bedroom, he wasn’t. you got up and began getting ready, throwing a pink bikini and some jean shorts before braiding your hair.
once you were downstairs your boyfriend was still nowhere to be found, you made your way outside where you saw his brothers and friends, luke was not with them.
“hey guys, do you know where luke is?” you asked the group, hoping one of them had an answer for you.
“he left like two hours ago, didn’t mention where he was going though.” jack answered, you nodded. “if you would like to join us, we were planning on going wakesurfing today, i don’t want you getting bored in the house by yourself.” you smiled at his offer and accepted, telling the group to give you a few minutes so you could grab some things for the boat, sending luke a text on your way back into the house.
to: luke <3
hey, where are you?
to: luke <3
i’m going on the boat with your brothers and friends so wish me luck lol
you packed your bag and joined the boys outside who were already on the boat waiting for you.
an hour later you still hadn’t received a response from luke and you were getting worried.
to: luke <3
are you okay?
to: luke <3
i find it funny that yesterday when i did this exact thing you said you had a right to know where i was at all times, do i not have that right either? 
“y/n do you wanna try it?” my attention was drawn away from my phone to look at cole.
“sure, i don’t know what i’m doing though.” you replied, moving to take off your shorts and put on the life vest.
“didn’t do it before we got here?” alex asked.
“no, i had other things distracting me.” i glanced over at quinn who gave me an embarrassed smile before speaking.
“i’m sorry for that, i really am, it was uncalled for.” you just nodded in response, not really wanting to talk about it in front of everybody.
you sucked at wakesurfing. you were able to keep your balance for thirty seconds at most before you slipped, or the one time trevor tackled you into the water. which of course was filmed and posted onto trevor’s story, the embarrassing scream you had let out was now viewable to his thousands of followers
once you guys got off the boat you quickly made your way inside to see if luke had shown up yet, he still hadn’t. you quickly opened your phone to call him but got no response, now you were mad. you two had talked about the importance of communication and the risks of not knowing where the other was yesterday, and here he was doing the opposite of everything he asked of you yesterday. 
to: luke <3
idk what the hell you’re doing right now but it has now been six hours since i’ve woken up and you’re still nowhere to be found and no one has heard from you. 
to: luke <3
i’m going to dinner with your brothers, so wish me luck, and if i don’t hear back from you by the time it’s dark i will send in a missing persons report.
to: luke <3
just lmk you’re safe.
you weren’t planning on leaving for dinner for a couple more hours so you spent some time getting the proper measurements for some clothes you would be working on, as well as studying up on how to knit a sweater since you would be trying that for the first time when you went back home. 
you didn’t change for dinner, just throwing one of luke’s michigan shirts on top of your swimsuit and putting your shorts back on. soon you made your way downstairs where it was just quinn waiting, everyone else apparently still getting ready. when you saw it was just him you quickly tried to make a run for it and go back to your room.
“you know you don’t have to avoid me, i think it’s about time we talked anyways.” quinn’s voice stopped you from going up the stairs. you wanted to keep walking away, you really did, but you knew you needed to have the discussion. you made your way back into the living room and sat on the couch seat furthest away from quinn. 
“ok let’s talk.” you started once you sat down. “can you tell me why you did what you did?” 
you got straight to the point, not wanting to spare any time. 
“i was just looking out for my little brother, i didn’t know you.”
“-you still don’t know me. the only information you know about me is my name and that i’m an aspiring pre-med student at michigan.” you interrupted quinn, earning a glare in your direction.
“yes. i still don’t know you, but i’m hoping that in the next two weeks that you’re staying here i can get to know you.” he finished speaking with a sigh, like it almost pained him to say those words. 
“wait what? i’m leaving tomorrow to go home, i’m not staying for an extra two weeks.” you were confused, your parents were expecting you home in the next twenty four hours.
“luke told me this morning that there was a change of plans and that you were going to be staying an extra two weeks.” quinn said, equally as confused. “did you not know this?”
you could only shake your head as an answer while you pulled your phone out to text luke.
to: luke <3
i don’t know if you were trying to surprise me with an extra two weeks at the lake house but i told you i couldn’t do that, my parents wont allow it.
from: luke <3
i’m with your parents right now, they said it’s okay. i’m at dinner with them though so i’ll talk to you later, but please wait to yell at me until i’m back at the lake house tonight. i’m gonna hit the road soon.
“that little shit.” you muttered, making quinn laugh.
“what did he do?”
“he has been ignoring my texts and calls all day, which is a problem on its own especially because of what happened yesterday, and now he is at dinner with my parents five hours away in my hometown convincing them to let me stay here longer than what was planned.”
“you don’t want to stay here longer? is it because of me and jack? because i meant what i said on the boat, i really am sorry. no matter what the circumstances were, i took it too far. i’m shocked it took you so long to call us assholes.” quinn’s last comment makes you laugh.
“i’m not gonna lie, you two are partially why i want to leave, but also because i know that next week more of your guys’ friends will be here and that ellen and jim are leaving, i just don’t want to intrude.” quinn nodded at your reasons.
“well if you do stay i think it would be a good time for me to properly get to know you, i would say that we could just start over and forget everything that happened…” he trailed off waiting for an answer from you.
“-not a chance. what you, and jack, did was not okay. i forgive, but i don’t forget.” before quinn could say anything in response the rest of the boys came downstairs and we all headed out to the cars to go to dinner.
dinner was another interrogation, but this time it was almost all questions about you.
“so what do you do for fun?” that can be a loaded question, alex asked you it in hopes to be able to spark more conversations about things that might tie to your answers.
“well i like to design and create clothing, or add things to a boring sweatshirt from the thrift. i do lots of upcycling with things i find at goodwill.” you answered, not knowing how they would respond.
“do you have any pictures of things you have made in the past?” cole asked this time, you nodded and got out your phone. showing them some pullovers you had embroidered things onto, the swimsuits you had made from scratch for you and luke, the apron and hand towels that were gifted to ellen, as well as the ties and matching pocket squares that you made for the hughes boys.
“oh that’s the set you made for my dad.” jack said before pausing, noticing the embroidered initials and numbers on the ties next to the one his father owned. “were those our gifts?” he had gotten so quiet you were shocked you were able to hear it.
“yeah they were, still are if you want them, luke told me the colors of your teams and i went from there to make them.” you told jack before looking at quinn who had a matching look as his brothers.
“can’t believe you ever made gifts for them after how they had treated you.” trevor’s joke made you wince, it seems like they don’t know the full story. 
“well i didn’t do it to get on their good side, i did it just because i thought this would be something they would enjoy, something personal to wear before games or at events, and creating things for people is something i really enjoy.” you kept your head down while talking, not wanting anyone to see the emotion in your face. the waitress soon brought everyone’s food out, you thanked anything and everything that lived up above as something was there to distract everybody for the time being.
once back from dinner you went to hangout by the docks and watch the sunset, the boys had dropped you off per your request because you desperately needed some alone time. after the sun had fully set and you were pleased with the photos you had taken, you decided to go for a swim, stripping off your shirt and shorts, shivering as the cold breeze of the night came over you. you didn’t give yourself time to rethink your actions and jumped into the lake, you were freezing but it felt good. the cold being exactly what you needed.
you don’t know how long you were out there before you heard the sliding door open.
“babe are you out here?” luke’s voice brought immense comfort over you, it felt like it had been days since you’d last seen him. slowly swimming towards the steps you made yourself known.
“yes” you shouted, stepping out of the water and onto the dock. luke quickly made his way towards you, stopping once he was at the end of the dock and could see what you were wearing.
“you look really hot in that swimsuit.” you blushed at his compliment, and at the way his eyes were raking over your body. “you shouldn’t be able to look this hot babe.”
“oh really?” you said stepping closer to him, looking at his lower half to see if he had anything in his pockets, he didn’t. “well, we should do something about that then.” you reached out to grab his shoulders and turn him around, leaning in for a kiss, but before your lips could touch you shoved him into the water. “that’s what you get for ignoring me all day.” 
you jumped into the water a few moments later, luke’s shocked face making you laugh harder. 
“what the hell y/n.” luke asked once the shock from the cold died down in him.
“it seemed like you needed some cooling down, also you spent the whole day ignoring me and then went behind my back to get me to stay an extra two weeks.” you replied, swimming up closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“i have a surprise for you when we get back inside to make up for it.” luke’s arms instinctively wrapped around your waist. 
you stayed like that for quite some time, luke filling you in on his day and vice versa.
“so quinn apologized to you and said he wanted to get to know you during the rest of your stay?” you nodded at his question, making luke’s smile grow wider than it already was. “that is so great y/n.”
as you were about to add something to what luke had said the sound of footsteps made you close your mouth.
“yeah mom they’re out here.” jack yelled back in the direction of the house. “you two are in trouble, get inside.” 
“so luke, do you see you and y/n lasting? like once you start in the NHL?” 
you weren’t sure when you fell asleep, but you knew that you had woken up while luke’s brothers were grilling him about our relationship. you didn’t open your eyes, you knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but they should know the risks of talking loudly while someone sleeps a few inches away from them.
“i do see us lasting, for a long time. i know you guys might think this is premature but i can see myself spending the rest of my life with her.” luke’s words made your heart rate pick up, “i want her to come to new jersey, but after she has completed all her schooling. i can’t ask her to give up her education for me, it means too much to her.” 
“but if she goes pre-med she will have a lot more years of school, it’s an extra four years and usually more. could you wait about ten years for her? is she worth it?”
“y/n is absolutely worth it, i don’t care how long it takes for her to finish school she is it for me.” tears had started to well up in your eyes, you couldn’t pretend to be asleep anymore. 
you shot up from your spot on the couch and tackled luke in a hug, you had never doubted luke’s commitment for you, but to hear him say it, especially to people who aren’t the biggest fan of you meant a lot.
“i love you luke.” you whispered, a few tears spilling out. 
“i love you too baby.” 
you both missed the look his brothers gave each other, a look that said “maybe she isn’t so bad”
 you didn’t make it into the pre-med program. your parents had opened the letter with you over facetime, you were crushed. yes you could apply next year, and every year after that until you got accepted, but you didn’t want to do that, you wanted to get into the program after one try and that didn’t happen. 
luke was there for you, he held you while you cried, comforted you when trevor accidentally got you a congratulations balloon thinking you were accepted, and stayed with you during the days even though you knew he wanted to spend time with people that weren’t you.
one day you did force him to go out on the lake, dylan and mackie had arrived that morning and you know he wanted to hang out with them, even though he told you he was happy to spend the day with you. you spent a lot of the day cleaning, with ellen gone the house started to look like only teenage boys were staying there. once you were done with that you made lunch and headed back upstairs to finish your next task. after plenty of talks with your parents, and a few emails with your advisor, you decided to change your major to business. all your life you’d been making clothes, you thought you might just make a career out of it because you enjoy doing it so much. you hadn’t told anyone other than your parents, you were scared to. you didn’t want anyone, more specifically luke, to think you were giving up on becoming a medical examiner just because you got one rejection letter. and you did what you did best when you were anxious about something, you made clothes and cleaned. when luke went back to your hometown last week he grabbed your storage tote full of all the essentials, your sewing machine, the brand new embroidery machine your parents bought you to celebrate completing your first year of university, and way too many fabrics. while you’ve been bunkered up in luke’s room, not wanting to face the world just yet you’ve made lots of items. ties for jim, a sweater for ellen, another bathing suit for luke, and today you were determined to make matching shirts for you and luke. you started with making basic white tee, you could’ve easily bought them but there is no fun in that, and then you decided to do a heat transfer of the design you picked out.
they were gonna be gag gifts, every year one of the frats hosts a “twin” party where you and your date show up in matching outfits and this year you and luke were going together. your shirt would say “i 🩷 my boyfriend” with an image of the two of you on the back, and his would be the exact same but with girlfriend instead of boyfriend. the creation of the shirts didn’t take as long as you thought it would, so now you were looking for more things to do, you weren’t able to make a decision as luke’s door was opened by jack. 
“hey me and quinn are going to get ice cream, would you like to come?” you accepted their offer, knowing that you needed to get out of the house. 
it didn’t hit you that this would be the first time you would be alone with luke’s brothers, ever. sure you had your conversation with quinn the other night, but now that jack was here it made you just as fearful, a bit more even.
“so what did you do today? i know that luke went out with dylan and mackie, we haven’t been seeing you much.” jack said once you all sat down for ice cream.
“well i assume you guys heard that i did not make it into the pre-med program so i’ve just been in a small slump lately–” you were cut off by quinn.
“we actually didn’t know, but that makes sense why trevor felt so guilty about the balloon he got you.” 
“yeah, but today i actually switched my major. i’m gonna study business now, possibly entrepreneurship, i decided to pursue a career more based on starting my own clothing company.” you told the boys, who glanced at each other.
“well that is amazing, congratulations. have you told luke yet?” jack asked, beating quinn to speaking.
“no, you guys are actually the first people i’ve told, trying to avoid others thinking i’m giving up on pre-med.” the boys nodded at your reasoning, quinn decided to fill the silence this time.
“luke told us he brought up your clothing stuff, have you made anything?”
“yeah, i’ve made a couple ties, some shirts, a sweater, and a swimsuit.” you laughed at their shocked faces. “i’ve had a lot of free time since i haven’t been leaving the house.”
it had now been five days since you switched your major and you still hadn’t told luke, even if you wanted to tell him you probably wouldn’t have the time to since he has been with dylan, mackie, and the couple other michigan players that have arrived at the house. this is one of the reasons why you didn’t want to stay any longer than a week, you knew luke was going to become distant when his friends showed up.
waking up to an empty bed became normal, luke and the other boys would do some training in the mornings. so like you did yesterday, and the day before, and the day before, you got up and made your way downstairs to make breakfast. quickly distracted by the mess that had been made from what you assumed were smoothies or homemade protein shakes. you silently cursed whoever made the mess while you cleaned it up, then moving on to do some laundry. towels and swimsuits had been piling up in a very overfilled basket and you knew none of the boys were gonna do it. once the load was in you moved on to tidy up the living room, folding blankets, fluffing pillows, vacuuming. 
“stress cleaning?” you whipped your head around to see jack sitting on top of a freshly fluffed pillow and unfolding a blanket.
“no, why would you think that?” you said, while walking over to get him off of the loveseat to make it presentable again.
“because you still haven’t told luke about switching majors and the more you hold off the worse you think he is going to react.” jack stated, “also, you just kicked me out of my seat to do whatever the hell that is.” pointing to you as he sat down on the floor.
you scoffed and stopped karate chopping the throw pillow once it looked nice enough. “you don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
 “just tell him y/n, i’m serious. he is only going to be more hurt the longer you take to tell him, and you don’t wanna hurt my brother, i’ve just started to like you.” he smirked when you glared at him.
“haha very funny jack.” 
“what’s got you so scared to tell him anyways?” jack asked in a much softer tone of voice, patting the spot on the carpet next to him. 
you sat before sighing. “i don’t want him to think i’m giving up on something just because of one small hardship. all the time i hear him bragging to his teammates and friends about how his girlfriend is super smart and is gonna be the best doctor for the dead in the world one day, i’m scared to disappoint him.” you felt a couple tears in your eyes before you continued to speak. “i’ve seen him researching med schools near newark, one’s that have the best program for medical examiners. he believes in me, he knows i could do this even if i don’t, and i don’t want him to think i’m dumbing myself down to a bachelors in the most basic study field ever.” by the end of your small rant the tears had begun falling, they weren’t sobs but they were there.
“y/n, luke loves you so much. you getting a four year degree in business is not going to change that, yes he is your number one supporter when it comes to you becoming a medical examiner, but that doesn’t mean he won’t be your number one supporter when it comes to you being a fashion designer, or whatever it is you want to do i’m a little confused.” you laughed as jack continued. “do you know how much shit me and the guys have given him for some of the things he wears, we don’t even call him luke anymore he is just “simp” to us now, but he doesn’t care about that, he cares about you and your happiness, and if getting made fun of for wearing matching swimsuits with you or wearing a hat with your initials on it means making you happy, he is going to do it. he will be there for you no matter what because he loves you, and i can see why he does. you’re an amazing person y/n, and i’m so sorry for how i have been treating you over the past ten months. i know that sorrys aren’t enough to make up for what we did to you, but i hope it can be a start to us becoming friends because i need more people to bother luke with me.” you smiled and pulled jack into a hug, thanking him for the apology and kind words as well as forgiving him.
“one more thing, did he really refer to you as a future doctor for the dead?” jack asked, laughing a little.
“yes, it was so funny.” 
you and jack decided to watch a movie while you waited for luke to come back from training, quinn soon joined you two on the floor after he had woken up. it was nice, there was no awkward tension, no glares being thrown in your direction, you felt like you were all getting along for the first time and that made you smile.
“um why are you all on the floor?” dylan’s voice cut the peacefulness that had come over the three of you, all three of you quickly looked away from the tv to see the boys all back from training. you made eye contact with luke who was looking at you with a shocked, but very happy, expression. you just smiled and gave him two thumbs up, before turning towards jack and quinn to excuse yourself. you made your way to luke and gave him a kiss and grabbed his hand to take him upstairs, but not before telling jack to switch the laundry loads for you.
once you were in luke’s room he began asking you questions about what he had just walked in on.
“well i was stress cleaning and jack walked in on me doing it and somehow got me to tell him about all my problems, if hockey doesn’t work out for him you should tell him to join the counseling field, but after i went a mini rant about what i’ve been fixated on lately he apologized and we talked everything out and i think we are officially on good terms.” you said in one breath, smiling as luke wrapped you up in a hug.
“what about quinn? is everything okay between you two?” you nodded and explained that you had talked it out with him a couple days ago. 
you and luke started getting ready for the dinner party that the hughes brothers were invited to and you were going as luke’s plus one, you didn’t fully understand what it was for but all you knew was that it was a semi-formal event, making it the perfect opportunity to have luke wear the tie you made him a few days prior, the one that matched your soft pink dress. 
as you were doing your makeup luke spoke up again, going back to your conversation from before.
“wait babe, you said that you were stress cleaning. what are you stressed about?” luke asked, walking into the bathroom and leaning against the counter. you looked at him through the mirror and continued applying mascara as you told him.
“about a week ago, after i got the rejection letter, i switched my major to business and entrepreneurship, to pursue a career in fashion. i didn’t tell you because i was nervous on how you would react, and the longer i kept it from you the more stressed out i got. i’m sorry i didn’t tell you sooner, i know how excited you were to be dating a genius and now i’ve let you down.” you looked at his face to see his reaction, but his face wasn’t telling you anything. 
silence took over the bathroom as luke tried to find the right words to say.
“you could never let me down y/n, yes i am a little upset that it took you so long to tell me, but i understand why you did it. i am proud of you and everything you have accomplished so far. so med school isn’t for you? you are going to kick ass in the fashion industry babe, they won’t know what hit them.” he smiled at you before wrapping his arms around your waist and placing his head on your shoulder. “i love you y/n, never doubt that.” 
“i love you too luke.” 
you and luke sat in the living room waiting for his brothers to come downstairs, you began to get a little antsy as you feared you would be late if you didn’t leave in the next five minutes.
“would you two hurry up! y/n is pacing back and forth cursing you guys for making us late.” luke yelled up to his brothers, who quickly made their way downstairs.
“sorry we weren’t sure how to tie these ties.” quinn said once they were both at the bottom of the steps.
you looked up at them and instantly began smiling. “you’re wearing them.”
jack and quinn looked at you, both with huge grins on their faces, before pulling you into a hug. they were wearing the ties you had made them for the holidays, nearly a year ago. 
“we love our gifts.” and “better late than never” were said but you weren’t sure who said which.
you quickly called for luke to stand with his brother so you could take a photo of the three of them. 
“you better post that on your main y/n, show the world you have the coolest future brother in-laws ever.” jack shouted as he raced luke for shotgun. 
you don’t know how you got so lucky.
note: OMG it’s done. this was a bit hard to write because the whole time i was horrified it would flop or people wouldn’t like it, and i’m still horrified lols (the ending is so rushed i don't like it). anyways i hope you enjoyed, feedback is so greatly appreciated. it lets me know what i’m doing that people like and what i could be changing about my writing. just hoping this one does number like lucky did. have a great day, love y’all babes <3!!
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olderthannetfic · 1 month
Maybe it's bc I never got into Star Wars bc I'm not a big fan of sci-fi, but I'm fairly certain that Reylo was the cishettiest cis het ship to ever set sail in the cis sea, riding the het waves of the cishetero straights.
Like, that ship seems to be a staple with cishet hetero-cis young adult YA authors. I've probably seen more rewritten cishet Reylo fanfics with the serial number filled off to become #original works than any other fanfic cishet ship in a long time. Last one was Twilight Edward Bella I think.
Like that ship seems to be the staple of the cishetero foundation of todays cishetero YA market for better or for much worse. It's like the bodice ripper Fabio trashy romance, but for women under 35-50 year old. That ship was probably the most cishet coded ship I've seen in some time with any notoriety, with how it basically falls into every classic and rigid cishet romance trope, and seems to blossom in that garden of straightness. I mean, I don't think all the writers are cishet, but with that ship you you can try to take it out of its cishet story and try and make it queer, but you can't take the actual cishetness out of the it. The rainbow don't shine on them, to say it nicely, no matter how much it rains.
Yeah, it's a quintessential Wattpad ship of a certain type.
A lot of the pull-to-publish ventures I've seen in recent years are run by Reylos girlbossing their way to a writing career. (Like, not just individuals pulling to publish but people trying to start their own presses or apps or whatever.)
I saw TFA in the theater because friends wanted to go. I like fake death and Finn and Poe were hella hot, so I was marginally interested, but I really don't care that much about Star Wars. I only ended up in the fandom because 1. Finn and Poe are hot, as I said and 2. I got pissed about some bullying.
Anyway, we got to the scene where Kylo is leaning over Rey in all his uninspiring... uh... glory. And my friend hears this tween girl in the row ahead of us let out an "Ohhhh."
In the words of my friend: "Someone just became a woman today!"
That little girl and her audible italics are what I associate with Reylo to this day.
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f1letters · 2 years
the great war | dr3
"my hand was the one you reached for all throughout the Great War"
summary: after the media was filled with cheating rumours involving her husband, she faced hard times trying to rebuild what was left of their relationship
warning: angst, mentions of cheating allegations, the other woman involved has a name (Skylar James is a fictional character), lack of trust, temporary separation between a married couple, fluff ending
pairing: daniel ricciardo x reader
word count: 3.9k
note: everything in bold are song references and in italic are thoughts, which includes memories from the past, and a public statement.
I'm sorry I took this long to post it, but I'm so happy I was still able to finish this today as I initially promised! hope you enjoy this one!
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My knuckles were bruised like violets
Sucker punching walls, cursed you as I sleep-talked
Spineless in my tomb of silence
Tore your banners down, took the battle underground
And maybe it was egos swinging
Maybe it was her
Flashes of the battle come back to me in a blur
Isn't it sad how in a blink of an eye one single person can destroy your entire world?
Y/N felt exactly like at that moment. Her floor had collapsed, the walls around her had caved in, her roof had fallen on top of her.
She couldn't believe what her eyes were reading on the small screen she held in her hands. A thousand unanswered questions, a thousand unexplained feelings, a thousand screams trapped in her throat.
I might be sleeping still, this is a nightmare, it has to be, she thought as she looked for an excuse. 
After all, it all started when she woke up in the middle of the night and decided to pick up her phone, expecting to see a message from her husband that should be on his way home after a week of work. 
What she didn't expect was to have so many texts from her friends and family, and complete radio silence from the person who held all the answers she was looking for.
"Daniel Ricciardo caught in 'cheating' storm after an eventful night in Miami"
"McLaren's Daniel Ricciardo packs on the PDA with American model amid divorce rumours"
"SINGLE HONEYBADGER: everything we know about the Australian driver's wild night behind his wife's back"
"Divorce? Ricciardo seen with woman in Miami club... Spoiler alert: it wasn't Y/N Ricciardo"
It was everywhere.
In every magazine, every gossip page, every social media platform.
They were photos of her husband at a nightclub, clear as day. She couldn't deny it. She could recognize the distinctive curls of his hair, the characteristic smile that was always plastered on his face, and the shape of his body that she knew as if it were her own.
There was something that she couldn't recognize though. Maybe it was her. 
Model body, long red hair, short white dress that reflected the purple lights of the bar. And especially Daniel's arms wrapped around a body that wasn't hers, but some other girl who was grabbing her husband's neck, with one hand straying through his hair, just as she had done dozens of times before.
She never felt like this. Somewhere in the haze of the media, she could only get a sense that she'd been betrayed.
She stayed like that for hours. Reading all the news, seeing all the photos, looking at all the comments. It wasn't at all what she needed at that moment. But in an act of masochism and in the absence of the man she loved, she stayed there, seated against the headboard of their king-sized bed, in the cold of dawn, all alone in the house the couple had called home for so many years.
Completely destroyed from the inside out.
All that bloodshed, crimson clover
Uh-huh, sweet dream was over
My hand was the one you reached for
All throughout the Great War
What a fool, her mind kept repeating. But what to expect from a relationship that has advanced at lightning speed?
She still remembered the day they met as if it were yesterday, and she was perfectly aware that it was a moment she would never forget, no matter what happened.
No matter how much of the world she might travel, Canada was always going to be her home, right next to the people she loved.
One of them being her childhood best friend Chloe Stroll, with all her craziness and her giant heart. No one in the world understood Y/N better than the singer, and it had always been that way from the moment they became friends at the young age of 7.
The two of them were sitting on the terrace of Y/N's favourite Italian restaurant in the beautiful city of Montreal. 
It all started when Chloe wanted to introduce her new boyfriend to her best friend. No relationship lasted without the seal of approval from the other half of the duo, so they both knew the importance of this meeting.
However, the two girls were taken by surprise when Scotty had the same idea and didn't show up alone, seeking the approval of his fellow Aussie friend. And what a surprise. Daniel simply stood out in the crowd, radiating from all sides like the star he was.
And without even realizing it, a casual lunch to celebrate the beginning of a relationship became a double date that symbolized the start of a whirlwind romance.
She had spent all day glued to Daniel, her eyes almost unable to remove themselves from his image. But the same thing happened on the other side: the driver couldn't have been more fascinated by her, something that provoked an exchange of suspicious glances between Chloe and Scotty, aware of the chemistry between their two friends.
And as crazy as it might sound to the people around them, in the space of nine months, the two of them were walking out of a church in Perth, hand in hand, wedding bands on their ring fingers, her in a long white dress, him in his best navy blue suit.
They couldn't care less about others' opinions and fears about their relationship. They were head over heels in love with each other and that was enough to be sure they were making the right decision.
However, at that moment, the young woman did not know if this was true.
She couldn't stop thinking about the countless times she'd been warned about the playboy fame her now-husband had before he met her. 
Did he really cheat on me? Had he done it other times before? Was it the end of us? Their dream love story was over.
The sound of the apartment's front door opening and closing brought her back to reality. 
It was him.
Always remember
Uh-huh, tears on the lеtter
I vowed not to cry anymore
If wе survived the Great War
Her body stayed still as she heard the sound of keys being placed on the kitchen counter and the suitcase being dropped on the floor in a hurry. But she just stood there, almost as if she was frozen in fear of facing reality.
The wooden door to their bedroom was opened and she immediately noticed Daniel standing at the bottom of the bed. His eyes were on his wife who, in return, couldn't even look in his direction, her gaze drawn to the white sheets that covered her body instead.
"Baby?" He broke the silence, his voice trembling.
She kept silent on the outside, but on the inside, her thoughts spoke too much. She searched for words to say, but sentences seemed impossible to form in the state she was in.
"I didn't do anything, I swear." He said, in a pleading tone. Y/N felt the mattress drop with the weight of Daniel's knee on it as he tried to get closer to her.
As soon as she felt his icy hand touch her thigh, she unconsciously reacted, pulling her body away from his touch, as if it burned like fire.
"Please." Daniel pleaded, revealing the pain her action had caused him. "Trust me, baby. Please. I didn't do anything." He repeated.
"It didn't look like that." The coldness in her voice was everything he didn't want to hear after the torture that had been the hours of silence during his flight from the United States to Monaco.
"She was trying to talk to me and I didn't think too much of it because she came with some of Lando's friends. You have nothing to worry about." He tried to justify himself. "The media is just exaggerating to sell some non-existent drama stories."
"Just exaggerating?!" She replied, with a louder volume than she perhaps intended, as she allowed herself to look at him for the first time. "Have you seen the photos? Can you imagine what people are saying about you? About me? I look like a fucking idiot."
"And so what they think like that?" His shoulders shrugged, in complete disinterest. "Let them talk. What matters here is that you and I know that these things are nothing more than ridiculous rumours."
"And do I know that?" He was sure he could hear his own heart break at the words coming out of his wife's mouth. "The issue here isn't what people say or don't say. What about me? What about my fucking feelings?!"
"You don't believe me. Is that what you're saying?" Daniel kept up with Y/N's change in tone and now also spoke angrily in his words.
"You've been playing with fire and now you expect me to sit here, watch this shit everywhere and still trust you blindly. How do you want me to believe that nothing happened when there's a bunch of photos of you clinging to some other woman?!" She rose from the bed, placing herself directly in front of him.
"Because we're married! Because I took a vow that I would be loyal to you until death do us part!" He yelled, taking a step closer to her, outraged at the lack of trust in him she was showing. "Because I fucking love you… That should be enough for you." He whispered, realizing they were walking a thin line.
You drew up some good faith treaties
I drew curtains closed, drank my poison all alone
You said I have to trust more freely
But diesel is desire, you were playing with fire
And maybe it's the past that's talking
Screaming from the crypt
Telling me to punish you for things you never did
So I justified it
As soon as the last sentence left the driver's mouth, he left the room and walked at a fast pace to the room, with Y/N following his path right behind him.
This is it, she thought when she saw him reach again for the suitcase he was carrying before. This is the end of us, right here.
"Where are you going?" Her voice cracked as tears threatened to escape her eyes.
"I'd better not spend the night here. If I stay, things will only escalate and I can't risk losing you because I said shit I shouldn't since I'm upset about this whole situation." Daniel admitted with his eyes mirroring hers, also in tears. Both were surrounded by fear and anger, even if it was for different reasons.
Her body physically ached when she saw his figure disappear through the door. She let her back lean against the hallway wall and descend until she sat on the tiled floor.
The only thing left for her to do was cry. And she did just that. For hours, she stayed there, crying uncontrollably, releasing all the hurt and heartbreak that consumed her.
Eventually, she gained enough courage to get up and walked over to their bed, trying to get some sleep. However, as exhausted as she felt, she spent the rest of the night awake, with the numbers on her nightstand's clock tormenting her, seeming to go slower and slower as time advanced.
She didn't even know where he was. Was he with Max? With Lando? With ... her? She didn't even want to think about that awful scenario, but God, it was hard not to wander in painful thoughts without him there to reassure her.
As soon as the woman saw "6 A.M." displayed on the alarm clock, she decided it was a waste of time to stay there, so she got up, sat on one of the benches on the marble kitchen island and prepared herself a bowl of cereal to eat.
She picked up her phone for the first time since her husband left the apartment and hadn't even unlocked it when she read two words: I'm sorry.
Two words from Chloe, not Daniel. And followed by a link from TMZ.
When she thought she couldn't get out of this with her soul more crushed, she read the title in very big and bold letters.
"EXCLUSIVE: Skylar James reveals all about scandalous affair with Daniel Ricciardo, model claims he cheated on his wife with her multiple times before"
That was the last nail in the coffin.
In a matter of minutes, Y/N packed a suitcase with some of her clothes and her essentials and was ready to leave that house towards her real home in Canada.
But not before she took off her engagement ring and her wedding band and left them both behind on the entryway table.
All that bloodshed, crimson clover
Uh-huh, the bombs were closer
My hand was the one you reached for
All throughout the Great War
Later that day, Daniel mustered up the courage to return to his wife, motivated by his friend, Max, with whom he had stayed overnight.
Such was his surprise and shock when he immediately sensed the silence that filled the house, her abandoned rings only confirming his greatest fear.
She was gone.
That silence lasted for weeks. Both were at extreme ends of the world, on different continents.
Daniel had to restrain himself from catching the next plane to Montreal, something he thought about doing dozens of times during those agonizing days of separation. But Scotty had been in contact with him, telling him that he and his fiancée Chloe were with the driver's partner and that he just needed to give her some time.
Until then, he could only dedicate himself to his career and racing as an escape from the real world.
The girl's absence from the paddock was not missed, especially by the media, who continued to sell stories on top of stories about the most scandalous topic of the moment in the motorsport world's gossip.
It was torture trying to avoid that subject day after day, knowing he had lost the love of his life to greedy people who were trying to make a career out of lies. It turned into something bigger unnecessarily, and he could only blame himself for being in that situation, even though he was also a victim of the whole thing.
That's how Daniel decided there was only one chance to work this out and try to win back his girl. And against the orders of the McLaren's PR team, he sat in his hotel room and released a statement about the false case on his social media, not knowing the consequences that could bring him.
They couldn't be worse than losing her.
For the first time in weeks, Y/N was able to breathe when she opened his Instagram story and read the words he wrote.
"Over the last few weeks, there have been a lot of rumours and lies spread around about my marriage and my alleged involvement with another woman.
I come here to clarify that I don't know that woman and that I have never cheated on my wife with her, or with any woman.
From the moment I met my partner, my life was completely dedicated to her. She is the most special woman in the world and I thank God every day that I was the lucky one chosen to be by her side.
I am the first to admit that the photographs published in the media look wrong and that I shouldn't have even let myself be put in that position. But not everything that appears to be true is true and I need to make clear again that all the claims made by the other person involved are pure fabrications.
My body and soul belong to my incredible, beautiful wife and I couldn't live another day without publicly asking for her forgiveness for the terrible position she was placed in through no fault of her own."
Reading that, she couldn't help but wonder if she shouldn't have trusted him more freely, if she hadn't punished him for things he never did.
At that moment she made the decision to return to Monaco. She wasn't ready to give up on their love just yet and to be defeated by this Great War.
Always remember
Uh-huh, the burning embers
I vowed not to fight anymore
If we survived the Great War
After 10 agonizing hours of travelling from Montreal to Monaco, Y/N finally found herself in front of the familiar door of the apartment where she had lived over the past years.
I was so unfair, this is my home, come what may, she thought.
She let herself in silently and walked slowly to the open room at the end of the hall, coming face to face with the image of Daniel, sitting on the foot of the bed, elbows on his knees, head in his hands.
He looked so distraught and so tired. It was evident he hadn't even heard her come in. The girl approached him cautiously and ran her hand gently through the brown curls of his hair as she crouched in front of him.
As soon as he felt her touch, a touch he could recognize anywhere in the world blindfolded, he looked at his wife. His eyes told her everything he was thinking about: the fear of losing her, the despair of someone who didn't know what else to do, the maddening love he felt for her and only her.
"You're here." He said, more to himself than to her. "You're really here."
"I am, baby." She gave him a weak smile, trying to reassure him that she'd come to make amends, not to fight anymore.
"I swear to you that I don't even know her, she showed up at that nightclub in Miami with some of Lando's friends. Everything that woman said is a lie. I never cheated on you, I could never do such a thing." He reached for her hand. "I am completely and truly obsessed with you. No person makes me feel the way you make me feel, and I would never put what we have at risk for anything in the world."
"I know, Danny." She leaned her forehead against his chest as they embraced each other. "I'm sorry I didn't trust you from the start. I don't care what she's been saying to the magazines. I know the man that you really are and that you would never do anything to hurt me on purpose."
"But that's the problem, Y/N. I still hurt you, even if I didn't mean to." Her husband grabbed her face with both of his hands, making her look him in the eye. "I'm the one who has to apologize to you."
"She was trying to say something to me at the club and she walked over to me so I could hear her. When I realized, she suddenly leaned over me and put her arms around my neck and I only had the reflex to grab her around the waist because I honestly thought she had lost her balance or something." He explained what really happened that night. "What I didn't realize was that she had a whole plan to spread those images on the internet in search of her five minutes of fame."
It turned into something bigger
Somewhere in the haze, got a sense I'd been betrayed
Your finger on my hairpin triggers
Soldier down on that icy ground
Looked up at me with honor and truth
Broken and blue, so I called off the troops
That was the night I nearly lost you
I really thought I'd lost you
"We are going to be okay, baby." She said. He had looked at her with such a sense of honour and truth. There wasn't a shadow of a doubt in her head that he was being sincere.
Simultaneously, seeking each other's touch, Daniel and Y/N got up on their feet and hugged each other, making sure their bodies were as close as possible.
And they spent the rest of the afternoon like that, in each other's arms, in comfortable silence, just cherishing each other's presence, at peace at last.
We can plant a memory garden
Say a solemn prayer, place a poppy in my hair
There's no morning glory, it was war, it wasn't fair
And we will never go back
When dinner time came, the couple ordered their usual Chinese takeaway, as they did every Friday when they were both at home, and sat on the sofa on their balcony while they ate under the beaming light of the sunset.
The only difference to the other Fridays was their phones. Instead of being a part of their conversation as they showed each other videos or photos from their week, this time they chose to turn them off and leave them in their dresser drawer so they couldn't be distracted by the outside world.
These were the moments that made it all worthwhile. These moments of peace, comfort and love all outweighed the war.
"I really thought I'd lost you, you know." She said, as she put her head on his shoulder, sighing. "I've never been so afraid in my life."
To that bloodshed, crimson clover
Uh-huh, the worst was over
My hand was the one you reached for
All throughout the Great War
He looked at her, appreciating every little detail on her face, from the small scar she had above her eyebrow to the delicate mole she had on her chin.
After experiencing the world without her, Daniel knew that life would never be as colourful as with his lover by his side.
"You could never lose me, baby." He placed a small kiss on her lips. "It's me and you against the world, forever and always."
Always remember
Uh-huh, we're burned for better
I vowed I would always be yours
'Cause we survived the Great War
Although they didn't need validation from others to make them feel good about their decision to stay together, after a few weeks, the truth eventually came out.
Y/N was getting out of the shower when she got a call from her best friend.
"Hey, Chloe!" The girl said excitedly.
"Y/N, you're not going to believe what just happened." Chloe was always up to date with everything that was going on, but Y/N couldn't help but fear what was coming, especially after the painful weeks she had thanks to digital rumours.
"Skylar was just exposed on Instagram by a 'friend'. She leaked some audios that show it was all a set-up to take advantage of Daniel." Y/N couldn't believe karma worked so fast. "She apparently joined Lando's friends to get into the club but she didn't even know them at all! Can you believe the audacity of this girl?"
Without warning, Y/N disconnected the call, wrapped a towel around her body and ran to Daniel who was in the living room playing PlayStation. 
She quickly told him everything that had happened and it was possible to see the driver breathe a sigh of relief when he realized that his reputation was clean again.
Time had stopped when his lips found hers, making her knees go weak. Everything about him consumed her. Her focus was only on him and how he invaded her every sense.
"I vowed I would always be yours." He reminded her, as he leaned his forehead against hers, both of them with their eyes closed in a gesture of calm and tranquillity. "I love you more than anything in this world. You know that, right? We survived the Great War, Y/N Ricciardo."
I will always be yours
'Cause we survived the Great War
I vow I will always be yours
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taglist: @dan3avacado @starxqt @roseinnej @spiidergirlsworld @ccloaned @hotpigeon22 @dr3lover @lovelytsunoda @primadonnasdream @luxebeautystyle @wallfloweriism @ilivefortheleague @gwynethhberdara @satellitelh @adavenus @audreyscodes @wifeoflucyboynton @th6ccnsp6cyy @classifiedsblog @flyingmushroomss @motylekrozi @claramllera @gabrielamaex @handsupforamiracle @pierre-gasssllyy @lorenaloveslewis
@idkiwantchocolatee @simpforsunwoo @kissatelier @xweirdxsceletton @micksmidnights @miniminescapist @inchidentwithmax @hopelesslyromantics-world @alwaysclassyeagle @indieclarke @capela-miranda @okokoksblog @pulpfixion @sins-only33 @sainzclerc @allisonxf1 @honethatty12 @amsofftrack @flannel-cures @junkiespromise @loudoperahumanoidpanda @honeyric3 @holy-macncheese-balls @ricciardosheart @pierreverstapkin @ravenqueen27 @majkaftorek @home-of-disaster @buendiabebeta @itgirlofnowhere @roses-of-eden @thewintersunset @rubychocolatechips @darlingapologize @l0st-exe @wintergilmore3
thank you to everyone that asked to be tagged! please let me know if you want to be added to the next stories! 💌
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3 Billion Divorce - Lloyd Hansen Series (Completed)
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Character: Lloyd HansenxFem!Richreader
Summary: Reader became a rich heiress after her grandfather chose her as his successor. This reason was enough to make her relatives want her gone. Our reader is a fighter; when she finds a chance, she offers a fake marriage proposal to a sociopath mercenary. 
Words Count: 1750
A/N: Finally, I'm back. Never thought that I could make a post with Lloyd. It's been a while since the last time I posted. Hope you like it. Feedback and Reblogged are appreciated. Thank you!!!
The Italic font shows a flashback scene.
Series Masterlist || Main Masterlist
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Sometimes, simple things like waking up from a good sleep and having a coffee in the morning sound easy. To you, it sounds impossible. 
Because of everyday… 
Dangers always come to you. You must pay this price when you accept your grandfather's will. 
Four years ago,
Your grandfather wrote your name on his will to become his successor and owner of all his assets. But you have to be 35 years old before you get everything.
After the lawyer revealed the will, your relatives wanted you dead, so the grandfather's money would go to charity, and they could use it. 
Since then, your quiet life has turned to hell. 
Your relatives have hired multiple killers and assassins to kill you or make it look like a suicide. It's been four years of living like this. 
And there's only one more year left, the chasing getting more intense that you can't bear it anymore. 
Like today, you’ve been hiding in the back seat inside your car because a black Cadillac has been chasing you all day.
“I had enough with everyone who wanted me to die. What a family huh? They were born as elites but they’re monsters.”
Your old bodyguard Jimmy, an ex-Navy hired to protect you who was busy shooting the other car, said, "Y/N. To beat a monster, you have to make yourself a monster."
His words got you thinking. You want revenge on your relatives, but you don't have the ability since they have already bribed the police and judges. You are already powerless; the only person who always stays beside you is your old bodyguard. 
Before you could even get any idea, another car appeared from nowhere and hit yours.
“Jimmy!” You screamed the name that protected you before you lost consciousness.  
When you woke up, you already being tied down on the chair.
You look at your surrounding where you got kidnapped. It’s different than usual. Usually, it’s a dark basement with a horrible smell. 
But right now, you’re inside a nice room with a marble floor and Roman pillar. There’s also Renaissance painting and sculpture.  It seems like you’re in a mansion or something like that. 
The door suddenly opens, making you nervous because you are mentally unprepared to meet someone who will kill you. 
A group of men who wear bulletproof come inside the room. Lastly, a man who wears a black turtleneck and light brown pants. But you can see everything he wears is from a luxury brand. 
He leaned down and smiled at you. 
"Hello Princess, my name is Lloyd Hansen. Welcome to my home”. His voice was low and deep. 
‘His mustache looks ridiculous.’ You thought. 
His hand grabbed a screen tablet to show you the money that had been transferred.
“Someone really wants you dead. Look at the money they gave me. This is the biggest payment that I have received." You could feel the joy when he explained while you have a life crisis.
You wonder how much your relatives pay to make you go. When you saw the number… 
Ooh, it made you fume with rage. 
40 Million Dollars?!
Your life is only worth 40 Million?! 
With all the money you will get from your grandfather, your life is worth more than 40 Million. 
‘You have to make yourself a monster.’ You remembered those sentences from Jimmy. 
That gave you an idea. 
This man Lloyd Hansen, you could use him to be the monster to finish all relatives that want you dead.
"Mr. Hansen, I  don't want to die."
He nodded. "Me too sweetheart. But I've already got the money. They really want you to be gone quickly. Such a shame."
"If I gave you a proposal to make you richer, would you listen to my offer?"
Lloyd tapped his watch. "You have 3 minutes, sunshine."
“First of all, are you single Mr.Hansen?”
Lloyd let out a big laugh. 
But you didn’t laugh; you studied his character. After spending time with your bodyguard Jimmy, he taught you how to read people. You figure this man Lloyd is a sociopath, and seeing him acting childish like this, you take a bet that he is still single. 
With this, you took a chance and gathered your confidence. “I assume you are, that made my plan easier.”
You took a moment before offering the proposal because he would end your life if he didn’t like it.
"3 Billion Dollars."
'WHAT!' His soldier gasped when they heard the number.
Your offer got the attention, "I will give you 3 billion, but I want you to do something for me."
Even Lloyd never expected that. He did a background check on you. 
You’ve been trying to stay alive for 4 years. That's when he knew you're an extraordinary woman.  
One of his soldiers steps in, "I volunteer Miss Y/N."
Before you could see who it was, Lloyd had already shot him.
He smiled. "I could swim in that money, what can I do for you?"
"Marry me."
Lloyd's brain circuit stopped for a second. He laughed again, but he stopped when he saw you being serious.
"I didn't expect I would get proposed like this."
"You know I'm a rich heiress, and I will get my money next year. While waiting, I need someone to protect me and keep me alive. After that we will get a divorce and you will get other 2 billions. Right now, I could give you 1 billion. What do you think?"
There was a moment of silence. You could only hear the clock ticking. After he hears your offer, Lloyd turns his back and looks at the big French window. You couldn't see his expression. 
Suddenly he turns around and walks towards you. Lloyd got on his knees and grabbed your hand. "You got yourself a husband, Mrs. Hansen."
'Yeah, you caught a monster.'
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-One year later-
Lloyd arrived at your company and saw your bodyguard, Jimmy. Lloyd clicked his tongue. “Where’s my wife?” Jimmy pointed to the door behind him.
Lloyd pushed the door and saw you look busy signing some documents, not glancing at him. 
He told your secretary, who was already scared, "Get out shithead."
After your secretary left, he turned around and saw you had crossed your arms while looking at him. Ooh, so you’ve been waiting. 
He always loves your confidence. This trait must be one reason your grandfather chose you as the successor. 
Lloyd smashed a piece of paper on your table. "What the fuck is this?"
"It's a divorce paper."
"Yeah, and you didn't even think to discuss it with me first ?"
"It's been a year Lloyd, we made a deal. Remember?"
It made Lloyd silent. 
Of course, he remembered. 
Lloyd wishes he could stop the time.
After he agreed to marry you, his life became more exciting. 
Lloyd always dealt with different hitmen, politicians who wanted to steal your assets, assassins, and taking revenge on your relatives who wished you were dead. 
With the 1 billion, he could get all the resources and finish his job quickly and quietly. He got new clients every day. 
But most of all, Lloyd cherished the time spent with you. He loves every moment. You have a sharp mouth, don't take No for an answer; he likes it when you act like a boss to him. He wants to obey your order. 
The sex was also excellent. You weren't tempted at first. But who can't resist the charm of Lloyd Hansen? At first, it was just pretending to act like husband and wife. Give each other kisses on the cheeks, then move to the next step because of the alcohol effect that leads to sleeping together. 
When you fell asleep on his chest, his fingers brushed your hair. You gave him a soft kiss on his forehead; it made him like a teenager who was drunk in love. 
You were there every time he got hurt. You hired the best doctor to treat him. No one ever does that to him. He knew because you needed him to stay alive. But when he saw you holding his hand while he was bleeding, Lloyd knew you cared for him. 
He likes having you near him and can't bear letting you go. 
Lloyd realised his feelings when Jimmy came and gave him the brown envelope. 
Lloyd knew what was inside the paper, so he ignored it. But that damn envelope keeps coming after you get the inheritance and you have left the house that you two shared.  He felt like a used rag that you could just throw away. 
He can’t imagine seeing you being single, and another man will try to pursue you. 
"If you sign it today, the other 2 billion will be transferred to your account."
"I don't want to."
"6 billion then."
Lloyd's hand touches his left chest.
"What hurts me more is that you have the money and could finish this as soon as possible."
Then both of you will be strangers; NO, he didn't want that. 
"After you use my body, you throw me away? You hurt my feelings sunshine."
You walk away from your table to stand in front of him. 
"Lloyd, that's part of our deal. You protect me and I owe you one.” 
You couldn’t believe he’s the same man who wants to kill you, and now he’s begging you not to leave him.
“And I paid my debt with money that I promised."
He sighed and said, "I do love money."
Lloyd held your hand that still wore the wedding ring; he rubbed it gently. 
"But my dear wife, I love you more."
Your breath hitched when you heard his sudden confession. You were stunned to speak. 
Lloyd grabbed your chin and gave you a passionate kiss. "I won't let this marriage end with divorce." 
Lloyd kissed your forehead before he left you. Before he reached the door, he saw from the mirror your reflection. Your fingers touch your lips. At that moment, he knew you shared the same feelings. He will give you an offer that you can’t resist. 
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A/N : This Series has Completed.
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acewritesfics · 6 months
Call Me Tommy | TOMMY SHELBY
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Fic Type: Imagine.
Request: No.
Warnings: There's a little swearing. Rose is the name of Tommy and Reader's daughter, Caroline is the name of Rose's daughter (Tommy's and Reader's granddaughter) and Jennifer is the name of Caroline's Daughter (Tommy and Reader's great-granddaughter), hopefully that all makes sense. Grace and Charlie did happen but Lizzie and Ruby didn't because that would have added more confusion for me. There is also names for Reader's siblings. This isn't meant to be cannon in any way, shape, or form. ITALICS ARE FLASHBACK'S TO 1925 
Word Count: 1,969
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Jennifer walks into her elderly grandmother's room at the rest home. Though the 92 year old doesn't remember much from the last 60 years, Jennifer still loved visiting her Grandma Rose. She enjoys listening to the stories Rose tells her, ever since the young 30 year old woman was a child. Her Grandma Rose told the best stories and in the best way. And Rose never forgot telling them to her. It was one of her memories that refuses to fade. 
"Good morning, Grandma Rose," The young woman greets her grandmother with a warm smile and kiss to her cheek.  
"Good morning, Jenny," the elderly woman smiles, her eyes lighting up seeing her youngest grandchild, the one she's always been closest too and the only one who name hasn't left her mind. All her other grandchildren were familiar faces that didn't visit her as often as Jenny does. 
"How are you feeling today?" Jenny asks taking a seat across from her at the small table in her room. 
"About the same," she replies. "How's your mother?"  
Jenny's mother, Caroline, is Rose's second child and her first daughter. Her uncle, Rose's oldest and only son, died a few years ago from an illness and her younger daughter died when she was just a baby. 
"She's good, she's hoping to come see you next week," she informs her though she knows she won't remember it by time tomorrow comes. "She found something for me to show you," she reaches into her handbag, pulling out an envelope. Opening the envelope, she takes out the three photos that are inside and lays them on the table facing Grandma Rose. "Mum found these in the attic and thought you might like them." 
A smile graces Rose's lips as tears build up in her eyes looking at the photos with so much love that it makes Jenny feel emotional.  
The first photo was of a young woman who couldn't be much older than Jenny is now. The second photo is the same woman with a handsome man, on what looked to be their wedding day, instead of looking at the camera. They were gazing at each other with so much love and adoration it makes Jenny's heart melt. The third photo was the same couple, a little older, with a baby girl sitting on the woman's knee, and a boy who couldn't be more than 10 standing beside her as the man stood behind her with one hands on her shoulder and the other on the boys shoulder. 
"This was my mother, Y/N," Rose tells Jenny as she picks up the photo of the woman. "This was before she met my father. Her first husband died in the war. She was only 23. They weren't married more than 6 months. It took her a long time to want to love again and then my father came along. He was a widow himself, with a son, my half-brother Charlie. Do you remember your Uncle Charlie?" 
Jenny smiles fondly remember the elderly man that always snuck her treats as she grew up. He had passed five years ago. "He was a lovely man. You both never spoke much of your parents. How did they meet?" 
"My mother always said it was fate," She says, her eyes moving to the photo of the married couple as she picks it up. "They met back in 1925..." 
Y/N was growing frustrated with Adam, her older brother, as she stands in the only suit shop there is in Small Heath, Birmingham. The 34-year-old didn't want to be here in the first place but of course Adam needed a woman's opinion on the suit that was currently being tailored for him. She doesn't understand why he needed a new suit when he has plenty at home. He told her he didn't have a date or that he wasn't going any where fancy, that he just needs one and that should be enough of an explanation. 
Leaving Adam to be tailored, she looks around the ready made suits to see if she could find one she likes for him. Nothing in particular catches her eye. They all looked the same to her but she was no expert on fashion. If it hadn't been for their older sister, Edith, growing up, she wouldn't know how to dress herself appropriately, let alone someone else.  
"You would have been better off bringing Edith instead of me," she calls to Adam moving the suits along the rack, "Or better yet that girl you fancy. That's why you want the suit, isn't it?" 
"You really thought you were my first choice to bring with me?" he teases and winces after the tailor purposely pokes him with a needle. "Edith was busy with her children." 
Edith is almost forty and pregnant with her and her husband's 8th child. Y/N is lost on how Edith could do it, popping out babies all the time. Edith's oldest child, a boy who's 17-years-old, the youngest, a daughter, is 2-years-old. She's due to have her 8th baby in two months.  
"And the girl I fancy, is out of town for the week," Adam continues. "I know you don't understand this because you haven't put yourself out there in 10 years, but this suit is going to help me finally ask her on a date." 
"Is the suit going to ask her for you?" she teases her brother, earning a chuckle from the tailor.  
"For your information my dear little sister, suits give a man a certain confidence like a woman with a beautiful dress that was made just for her," he states confidently. "And at least I'm trying to date. You're almost 35, with no husband and no children, you're a spinster." He winces again as the tailor pokes him even harder this time. 
"I'm a widow actually. You're the one who's never been married," she growls at him coming to where he's standing. "Why is it okay for you men to sleep with any woman you want and not have to consider marriage or having a family? But when a woman my age isn't married with children, we're spinsters and unlovable?" She ignores the smirk on the tailor's face as she directs her glare at her brother. "You know what, you're on your own." 
She turns on her heel and goes to storm out the door when she bumps right into another person, almost knocking herself back on her bottom. Lucky for her, the person's hands find her waist stopping her from falling backwards. "I am so so-" 
She is cut off when her eyes connect with eyes so vividly blue that she could drown in them.  
"Sorry," she finishes barely above a whisper, as though the air in her lungs have gone.  
"Don't apologise," he tells her. "Are you all right?" 
She nods unable to find her voice. She's never met a man with such beautiful eyes. She feels herself enchanted by them. When he removes his hands from her, a coldness settles over her. It wasn't until then that she noticed how warmth she felt when he was touching her.  
Finding her voice, she decides to introduce herself, holding her hand out towards him. "My name is Y/N L/N." 
"Thomas Shelby," he introduces himself taking her hand in his, the warm feeling returning to her. "Call me Tommy." 
"Mr Shelby!" the tailor calls to the man in front of her. "I won't be a minute." 
Tommy nods towards the man, before looking back at Y/N. "It was lovely to meet you, Ms. L/N."  
"It was lovely to meet you too, Mr Shelby," she agrees. 
He gives her a small polite smile and moves past her to go towards the tailor. She watches him for a moment, taking him all in, from the way he walks to how he stands, to his mannerisms when he speaks and listens. She didn't know him at all but there was something about him that drew her in, and it wasn't just his beautiful ocean blue eyes. She finds herself wanting to know him and everything about him. Little did she know that he was feeling the same about her. 
It was at this moment, her brother, fully dressed joins her. "I'm sorry for what I said. I'm just worried for you, sister. I don't want you to end up like mother when father died. I don't want you to end up alone." 
"You don't need to worry about me," she tells him as Tommy's eyes connect with her own. She feels her heart skip a bit and her breath catch in her lungs but manages to look away from the handsome man, with his high cheek bones, plump lips and beautiful eyes. 
Her brother notices what's happening and lets out a small groan as he pulls her out of the suit shop "Of course the first man to take your fancy after 10 years is none other than Thomas Fuckin' Shelby." 
"You know him?" her gaze snaps to Adam as they walk towards their shared home.  
"How do you not know who he is?" he answers with his own question, looking at her like she's grown three heads. "Everyone from Birmingham knows who he is."  
"We're not from Birmingham, are we?" she scoffs. "So who is he?" 
"He's the fuckin' King of Birmingham. Leader of the Peaky Blinders."  
"Well, that just makes him even more interesting," she mumbles more to herself as she gazes back towards the shop, hoping to see another glimpse of the handsome gangster. 
"Your Great-Grandfather had quite the reputation in Birmingham, even in London. A lot of people would say he was ruthless, cold, demeaning and a lot of other bad words and he was those things but he was also very smart, caring, loyal and he loved my mother completely. She was his Queen and he treated her like one. Everything he did was for us and the rest of his family," Grandma Rose explains after telling the story of how her parents met. "You look him up on that computer thing you have, but don't believe everything you read. The coppers had it out for him and tried to make him out to be the worst human being they had met. But there was also someone out there much worse than him." 
"Do you think about them often?" Jenny asks her. 
She nods, "All the time, more so now since I'll be joining them and Charlie soon." 
"Hopefully not too soon," Jenny smiles sadly. The thought of losing her Grandma Rose breaks her heart. 
Rose reaches out to hold her granddaughter's hand. "I want you to keep the photos. They would love for you to have them. You look just like her." 
"My mother? I know." She gives her hand a gentle squeeze, hearing the words Rose always told her, more so now that she was losing her mind. 
"No, not Caroline. My mother, Y/N. You look just like her but you have my father's eyes. Those beautiful blue ones that could drown someone in them," Rose smiles and stands up from her chair. "I love you Jennifer, don't ever forget that." 
"I won't," Jenny says as she helps the elderly woman into her bed. "I love you too, Grandma Rose." She places a kiss to her cheek and goes back to the table, looking at the photos once more as she picks them up and puts them back inside the envelope.  
Jenny looks back to her grandmother who's already drifted off to sleep and smiles. She goes back over to her and places a kiss on her forehead before leaving the room, closing the door behind her. The first she decides to do as she leaves the rest home is to look up Thomas Shelby, her great-grandfather. 
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CREDIT: Razorblade and dots dividers made by me. Peaky Blinders divider made by @/firefly-graphics. Support divider made by @/cafekitsune.
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TAGGED: @forgottenpeakywriter | @rainydayteacups | @bernelflo
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eywathemother · 1 year
Fish Lips Chapter 9
Ship: Aonung x Kiri's twin sister!Reader
Warnings: Language, bullying, gore, fighting, talk of war, injury and blood, slow burn, enemies to lovers (not really a warning just some people don't like that trope), death of (a) character(s), not proofread, mentions of reader being depressed
Words: 1,901 (kinda short sorry)
Keys: (y/n) = your name,,(y/i/n) = your Ikran's name,, Neural Queue= the braid extension of a Navi's nervous system that allows them to link up to animals and Eywa,, (y/n/n) = your nickname),, Bold is English,, Italic is sign language,,Bold italics is when you're communicating with Kiri,,
Chapters; Introduction || Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 || Part 8 || Part 9 || Part 10 ||
My taglist is wack ass hell so I won't be doing taglist requests anymore. It takes me about half an hour to update the taglist as well, so it's more time consuming then I originally thought.
Spoilers for Avatar: The Way of Water A whole ass lot.
Special dt: @k1rislov3r
This is mainly a filler chapter so apologies if it's a bit dry, I'm trying to go into as much detail with the reader and her life so that the plot makes more sense. Also, I FINALLY CAUGHT UP TO MY CLASSES SO I CAN FOLLOW MY POSTING SCHEDULE, YAYYYY!!!! Thank you guys for your patience, I really appreciate it.
I did delete the original chapter for this so the sneak peek I posted was for the old chapter, this is the final cut for the chapter so it's completely different than what I posted. The reason why It took so long for me to post today was because I was editing mama Neytiri *smirking intensely*. Also, my brain is still fried, and I start more classes tomorrow so....I'm crying internally.
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You hadn't gone to sleep until an hour before sunrise, so you were exhausted to say the least. Jake was okay with you sleeping in some more for rest, but Neytiri countered, you needed to do your chores and you had said the night before you would watch Tuk. Kiri was going to assist Ronal and Neytiri in Tsahik-training and the brothers were joining a hunt with Aonung and Rotxo earlier in the morning.
Neytiri was upset with your reckless decision to stay up so late but she had promised Kiri would be done by lunch so you could take a nap. You had been struggling with nightmares, you had no idea what they meant, and you refused to talk about them. Even Kiri was clueless to your nightmares.
Kiri didn't think you'd hide anything from her, as you both promised to always share everything, and it was very difficult to hide anything from each other. You held your end of the promise... somewhat, you didn't want to worry her or anyone, so you hid it.
You couldn't even turn to Eywa for help, as you couldn't even properly connect to the tree. Mo'at thought it was a sign from Eywa for some greater purpose for you in life, but Norm thought it was something to do with the malfunctioning of your Neural Queue. He explained that the Avatar's body is not as fully functioning as a Na'vi body at times, and you could've unluckily gotten some sort of mutant gene from the human DNA that didn't allow your Neural Queue to work the same as others. It was odd though, you had no issue connecting to animals, just connecting to any trees related to Eywa.
You had tried before, the farthest you had gotten to connecting to Eywa was a white room of sorts. Nothing but you, the brightness of the white around you, and the echos of your voice begging for someone to respond.
That was the day the nightmares had begun, depicting war and violence, filling you with nothing but anger and hatred towards the sky people. On occasions even towards Jake, who you had lashed out at saying to him he was nothing but ' a disgusting alien bringing violence and war wherever he went.' Of course, you apologized and got heavily grounded afterwards, but Neytiri was beginning to worry that the lack of connection you had with Eywa was starting to affect you.
You tried not to let it affect you too much, you tried not to stress over things way beyond your control.
As of now you had your head rested in your hands, sitting crisscross with your elbow resting on your knee. Tuk was playing in the water, looking at surrounding coral and observing the fish.
You tail wagged a bit, moving lazily over the rock you were sitting on. You hear footsteps next to you, several people calling out your name.
" (y/n)!!" Lo'ak was the first to make his way to you, Tuk turning to him with." Hi Lo'ak!" She smiled before a yellow-ish green fish caught her attention; she immediately went back to observing the waters.
" Where's Neteyam?" You asked, your ears perked up at his presence, watching as he plopped himself next to you. He pointed towards the beach." He, Rotxo, and Aonung were right behind me, I don't know where they went though. Don't really care either." He shrugged, placing his feet in the water.
"Oh." You yawned, you were trying your best to stay awake but you knew you'd pass out soon." Hey, do you mind watching Tuk for a little bit?" You asked Lo'ak and he gave you a side eye. He wasn't happy about it but he knew something was bothering you and keeping you up so of course he wasn't going to be apathic towards you and keep you from sleep.
" Yeah sure, be here before dinner though. Mom will be upset if you're not back by then." You nodded and stood up, stretching your body from being in the same position for almost half an hour.
Normally your napping routine included flying (y/i/n) to a random and secluded area and napping together until it was time to head back. That or you let her fly freely through the air as you napped on her back.
This time you wanted to be alone, you currently didn't want to be around anyone or anything. You just wanted to lie down someplace and just sleep. Hopefully dreamless.
You made your way into the woods, not bothering to really watch where you're going, just trying to stay on your feet. You wanted to lay yourself on the ground floor of Pandora and just listen to the heartbeat that echoed from within the empty-feeling heart of Eywa. Your true mother, you may not be able to connect to her with your braid, but you didn't need to.
You could hear her silent comforting words within the wind, whispering in your ear words of encouragement that had never left your parents lips. Your feet carried you across the Earthy flooring of the walkway towards the denser part of the forest. The mother trees, the children, all of their silent voices being carried by the cool breeze.
The sound of the ocean's waves hitting the beach slowly vanished as your ears focused on listening to the birds and rustling of the trees. The longer you listened the more you tried to think of it as the Jungle's trees rustling or the animals singing.
You missed your home, and you will miss it as long as you remained on this planet. You were slowly falling into a depression, missing your home, your people... your family. It wasn't the type of sadness to make you cry, but the sadness that put a hole in your chest and made you feel empty. The Jungle was a part of you, and you missed it terribly.
You laid down on a patch of grass, running your hand over the blades of grass. Feeling the edges of the plant tickle your palm and the tips of your fingers. A comforting warmth drifted over you, the wind dying down as you closed your eyes and listened to the breath of the planet. You slowly began to drift, finally being able to rest.
Red. Orange. Yellow. Fire.
Surrounding you, ingulfing you but it didn't burn. It was like the rage of the flames understood you and you understood it. War almost feeling natural and like your second nature. You felt nothing as you cut through the humans like their life meant nothing to you.
It didn't, you could care less about these murderous and destructive aliens from afar. You wanted them dead, you wanted all of them to disappear. You weren't just angry, or rageful, you were vengeful. You were going to give them what they had given you, you were going to make them feel how you felt as you watched your friends and loved ones die for a fight that would never have happened if it weren't for them.
If it weren't for Jake Sully, HE started this, HE is the reason you are all on the run. Why didn't he just kill them all, why did he let them go back home in one piece. You would've shredded them until they weren't even recognizable, showed them to Eywa, your beloved mother that you would protect her at all costs.
These weren't your thoughts; you would never think this way of your father. What was this dream, who was this unrecognizable being?
You jolted awake, beads of sweat running down your face and tears sprung to your eyes. You hated these feelings, they were so foreign like they weren't even yours, but in a way comforting. You wanted to deny them but, on some level, you knew that you agreed with them.
You stood up and headed your way to a small stream nearby. You splashed water onto your face, wiping the tears from your eyes and staring at your reflection in the water.
You stood up, looking around realizing how late it was. It was way past Eclipse. You ran hand through your hair and drew a breath preparing to be grounded again. This was what? Your third or fourth time breaking a rule or causing trouble. Honestly you didn't care, at this point it'll happen at least every week.
You heard footsteps approaching you and you spun around on your feet in alert. Aonung appeared, he blinked a bit in surprise and then grinned." You have some awesome hearing, I thought I was being sneaky."
You rolled your eyes." You stomp, there's no way you could survive in the woods with those." You pointed at his feet, and he grumbled under his breath." My feet are not that big." He protested, placing a hand on his hip, his ears back in annoyance.
A small silence broke out, and you tried your best to keep your normal aggravating smirk placed on your lips. Aonung could see past it though, he paid enough attention to tell that you were not doing so well. He didn't watch you or anything, he was just very aware and constantly read people. Maybe at times he would watch you with someone and pick up on your mannerisms more than he would with anyone else, but so what you were his friend.
Well...friends a stretch still.
" What's wrong?" He asked, he might not be the best at comforting, but he was willing to try. You brushed him off." Your presence always seems to dampen my mood, have you not noticed?" You teased but he didn't return your teasing.
" I'm serious, whatever's bothering you, you can tell me." Aonung placed himself in front of you and placed a kind hand on your shoulder. Your shoulders tensed and your jaw tightened, the smirk falling off your face for a split second.
" Now what's got you all tinder hearted your big teddy bear!" You pinched the side of his ribs lightly and he instinctively pulled away." What? What is a t-eddy barer??" You slapped a hand over your mouth giggling at his terrible English." Did you just insult me? It is one of those human insults, isn't it?"
Your worries and bad dreams disappeared instantly, Aonung unintentionally brightened your day-or rather night. Speaking of night, you needed to hurry and get back to your families Marui. You looked towards the path that led you back to the beach.
" Don't worry, it's not as late as it seems, just after dinner. Lo'ak and I covered for you so you're fine." He gave you his charming smile, the calmest you've ever seen him be. You grinned, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and dragging him closer to you." You know...I kinda like you a bit now."
" Just a bit?" He teased and he placed a hand on your other shoulder. You put your other hand up and put your pointer finger and thumb almost touching." Just a smidge."
" So does that mean I've finally won you over?" He asked, his tone was light and teasing but he was asking an actual question he's been dying to bring up." Won me over? Hell no!" You shook your head." I'm not gonna be friends with you that easily, you have to do something biiiig." You exaggerated and he rolled his eyes, he should've known he wasn't going to get a real answer out of you.
Taglist; @akinatrix , @willowbrookesblog , @lovesickbtch , @ao-sleepy , @elli-aesthetics , @ducks118 , @aeclark04 , @audigay ,@lola-bunn1 , @curlszx88 , @kidwithaheavystick , @weridpersonhelp , @yeosxxx , @tsamiaxoo , @shartnart1 , @tsukette , @daphne000 , @amarillyssnowdrop , @neteyamsmate4life , @stitch-lele , @purplefsh , @dumb-fawkin-bitch , @goodiesinthecloset21 , @theghostofshadows , @aonungs-tsahik , @simpliheavenli , @bob-the-ikran , @littleshybunbun , @werelosingdaylight , @ijwsbdinp , @xoxovienna , @findingourtreasure , @yogirlfriend , @pussymode , @wilmalovegood , @valentineheartzz , @lovekeeho , @isnt-itstrange , @ifevilwhyhot , @dngnmtr-blog , @yuzxi18 , @cupidddd-d , @emilia-the-artist , @essiemolololol , @aisselasstuff , @kitkat1690 , @howlerwolfmax , @bottleofsoju , @galaxyfruits , @sunwayx , @hana-1235 , @mad-simp420 , @jakesullys-bitch , @rinizitos , @zilena9 , @sakurayuki8655-blog , @artistodilflord , @fucksnow , @Icrimsons ,
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wososage · 11 months
One Step at a Time: USWNT x Reader
Summary: Y/N plays in the opening match of the world cup but it isn’t sunshine and fairy tales. Y/N does everything they can to hold their shit together and help the team. 
Warnings: sorry this is very very sad because i need to write out my sad emotions and this is a little bit me writing my life into an imagine… italics are Y/N’s internal monologue
Word count: 1234
Step One: get to the lobby of the hotel before the bus is supposed to leave
Just put one foot in front of the other. Take the elevator, not the stairs. Save your energy for the game you are going to need it. Are my headphones on? Are my sun glasses on? Follow the team out of the hotel. Ignore the fans. Ignore the media. Get on the bus and sit in your seat.
Step Two: Get to the start of the game without crying
Chill playlist only. Focus on good deep breaths. Keep your eyes closed. Imagine today being a better day. Your family is in the stands. They can’t wait to watch you do what you love. They are so proud of all of the hard work it took you to get here. They will go crazy if you score a goal today. Do the same routine you always do. Take the picture frame out of your bag. Remember that you are playing for those who can no longer be here. Take the necklace off and put it on the picture frame. Get dressed. Warm up. How do the muscles feel? How do the joints feel? Is blood sugar okay? Are electrolyte levels okay?
Step Three: Be the player that the team needs you to be
We all line up. The whistle blows. 
Time to push forward. I am open. The ball is at my feet. The keeper is off their line. Chip the keeper Y/N. Holy shit. It worked. I just scored. Everyone is running to me.
“That was amazing Y/N!” Alex yells in my ear.
“Y/N you are the best!” Lindsey says joining the swarm of people hugging me.
I look up to the sky with tears in my eyes.
This is for you. It's always for you.
“Come on guys,” I say. “There is a lot of game left to be played.”
Line up for the corner. Have a plan to lose the defender. Never lose sight of the ball. Run towards it. Jump high. Redirect to the back post. 
“Fuck yeah!”
“That's two Y/N!”
“Y/N is unstoppable!”
Don’t get cocky. Stay humble. Stay true to yourself.
“Y/N! Push forward.”
I can see what is about to happen. Stay on side Y/N and everything will work out. Run. Get your ass there. Just get a toe on the ball. The keeper can’t stop you. Redirect. Don’t add any power.
“Hat trick! Hat trick! Hat trick!”
“Y/N! You are the love of my life!”
The whistle blows and I just sit on the ground and cry. I should be happy right now, but instead I am so sad. 
This is not how the world cup was supposed to go.
Step 4: Put on a happy face until the public can’t see you
“That was an amazing way to start the world cup,” Vlatko says to all of us in the huddle. “I am proud of all of you. Y/N, congrats on the hat trick. Everyone, enjoy this moment. The rest of the world cup starts tomorrow.”
“One more thing before everyone starts to look for their family,” Pinoe says. “Y/N get in the middle. You know how birthdays work on this team.”
Everyone sings happy birthday to me and then we head over to the friends and family section. 
Seeing everyone so excited that their family is here makes me happy. It’s great to see everyone in such good moods.
“Y/N where is your family?” Sonnett asks. “I wanna say hi to them!”
“They’re in America,” I tell her quietly, trying to not cry. “They aren’t coming to any of the games.”
“That’s okay,” Sonnett whispers in my ear while giving me a hug. “All of our families will support you and be your family during the tournament.”
“Thanks Sonny”
Step 5: Get through media as quickly as possible
Heif takes me to the mixed zone, where I am presented with the player of the match trophy.
“Y/N,” A reporter says, getting my attention. “After your goals and after the game you seemed emotional. Could you speak on what emotions you are feeling and what has been going through your head throughout the game?”
Do I lie or do I tell the truth?
Truth. The truth will come out eventually so there is no point in lying now.
“Yeah, there definitely are a lot of emotions when it comes to playing in the world cup. Most of the game I kept telling myself to be that player that my teammates need me to be. Every goal was such a whirlwind. They were all split second decisions that worked out in the team's favor. Before every game, I remind myself of all the people I play this sport for. All of the people who would be proud of me for fighting for my dreams. After the goals, I was thinking who I was scoring for. The ones who would be going crazy if they were able to watch this game. I am sure if you were to ask anyone on the team, they would say that they compartmentalize during games and tournaments. I am no different. But once that final whistle blew, I let myself think about the things I’ve been blocking out during the game. I let myself sit in the emotions I was putting aside in order to be the player the team needs me to be.”
“Y/N, is there anything you would like to say to your family right now?”
It’s okay to cry. Everyone will understand.
“Yes. Unfortunately, my family was not able to make it out to the world cup, so they are back home watching this on TV. Before… Before we left the hotel I got a call from my family. There was a family emergency. So to my family: I am very sorry that I am not able to be there to support you right now. I know what you are going through feels unreal and unimaginable. I love each and everyone of you. Please take time for yourself and make sure you are doing okay. And I hope that watching the world cup brings you a little bit of light in this very dark time. Those goals were for Reagan, Chase, and Cole. I will fight to win this world cup for you and for them. And I will be back in a month to give all of you hugs.”
Step 6: Let the team in. Let the team support you.
I am sobbing by the time I get back to the locker room. Almost everyone is either in the showers or the ice bath. I get to my locker and suddenly I am filled with rage. I punch my locker over and over again until I am pulled away by Aubrey and Naeher. I collapse in their arms and just sob.
Nothing in the world feels okay.
By the time I have calmed down, the entire team is sitting in their lockers silently. Patiently waiting for me to talk to them.
“My brothers died today,” I say, my voice raw. “I found out right before we got on the bus. I am staying for the rest of the world cup. My family will be staying in America. I need to win this for them.”
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theje0ngs · 2 years
JJH | Honesty Hour: The Fubu
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“One was ready, one was not.” Have you ever wondered what it’s like to settle on a situationship such as F*ck Buddies? Watch this video and get to know Jaehyun and Y/N’s story and how they ended their relationship and discover the truths about it.
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PAIRING/CHARACTERS • jaehyun x fem!reader, some appearances of haechan because he’s the producer lol
GENRE • angst, smut, fubu!au
CONTENT WARNINGS • 18+ theme, profanities, fubu set-up, multiple orgasms, oral (f receiving), spanking, raw sex, protected sex (reader is on the pill)
GELA SAYS • this was the fic i enjoyed editing the header lol, lately, i’ve been enjoying watching the content of a specific youtube channel and thought of this fic. anyway ! enjoy reading~ sungchan has his own honesty hour scenario that will be uploaded soon! 
BOLD SENTENCES: Producer | ITALIC: Flashback
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You were scrolling on your Instagram search page a week ago, trying to find something interesting to keep you awake during your break when you came across a promoted ad from a known YouTube account called: The Ask Box. The account was famously known for its content that is usually about life and its lessons, focusing on strangers, friends, and family mostly. In the post, it mentioned that they have a new segment called Honesty Hour wherein two people are given a chance to reunite through a video and talk about their lives. You didn’t really think much about it, you even thought that you had no one you wanted to reunite with as of the moment, so you brushed it all off and exited the app to continue your shift.
Until you heard your laptop receive a notification, indicating that you’ve received an email. You thought it was your boss, immediately opened the tab for the email. You noticed that the mail wasn’t from your boss but came from a different person.
“Greetings, Ms. Y/N Y/L/N!
I am Lee Haechan, a producer from The Ask Box. Could we take a moment of your time to talk to you this week, regarding an application on our new segment on our YouTube channel? Below is the link of a Zoom meeting that will be used during the short meeting. Prior to that, you can reply to this email for inquiries.
You can also reply to this mail to let us know if you could meet us as soon as you can.
Lee Haechan.”
What the hell? You thought, frowning as you reread the email again, thinking it was supposed to be sent to a different person. But you realized that your whole name was actually stated, so it wasn’t a mistake. Quickly, you typed in your reply that you were available today after work at 6 p.m. for the meeting. You wondered who in your friend group has set you up, considering that they know your history with a few guys that you met in parties and on dating apps.
And it was during the meeting with the production team when you found out that it wasn’t one of your friends who sent an application, but one of the guys you had a history with. The person you’ve, well, settled on a fuck buddy relationship with for almost two years, none other than Jeong Jaehyun himself.
“So will you be available next week, Friday at 2 p.m.?” Producer-director Haechan asked, as the meeting came to an end.
“Yeah, it’s my day-off.”
“Great! We’ll send you the details and the address, we’re excited to see you there Ms. Y/L/N! Thank you so much for agreeing to do this.”
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And here you are now, sitting on a chair as you wait for Jaehyun to arrive. You didn’t know why you were so nervous; you could feel your palms sweat that you had to wipe them off your pants. The staff who was assigned to help you out on the mic noticed that you were uncomfortable and kept on taking deep breaths.
You nod your head, “It’ll be the first time I’ll see him after a year.”
“It’s okay, if you feel uncomfortable during the shoot, you can tell us, and we’ll immediately stop.”
“Thank you, but I think I can handle it- hopefully I can.”
Once the staff walked away, Jaehyun walked in on the set. Damn, he looks much more handsome than the last time you saw him. Much manlier. His hair was styled down, he was wearing a simple knitted sweater and jeans. How could someone be this attractive? It’s like he was sculpted by the gods. You shook your head, trying to compose yourself and focus on other things on the set and not to him. On the side of your eye, you saw him smile as the staff helped him put a mic.
“Ready?” Haechan, the producer-director asked before sitting down behind the camera. You and Jaehyun nod your heads, one staff member clapped the slate. This was the part that got you really nervous.
“Please introduce yourself and tell us when was the last time you saw or talked to each other before today.”
“My name is Y/N, I’m 24 and I work in the field of advertising. The last time I talked to Jaehyun was over a year ago.”
“I’m Jaehyun, I’m 25 and I’m an architect. The answer is the same, a year has passed since our last contact with each other. We haven’t talked to each other after ending things.”
“How did you two know each other?”
You opened your mouth, but then hesitated to answer. “We’re-”
“We were fuck buddies.” He answered, causing you to feel your cheeks burn. The whole video isn’t out yet, but it feels like the whole world knows you’ve had sex tons of times with this man. Oh god, those people might include my parents. You thought, cupping your cheeks. “Are you getting shy, Y/N?”
“Ah, no… please, continue.”
“You answered ‘we were fuck buddies’, enunciating the word ‘were’. What is your relationship right now?”
“Nothing. We just… we’re strangers again, I think.” This time, you answer.
“We’re strangers with history.”
“Damn,” you chuckle, “but yeah, we haven’t talked or seen each other in a year so I guess that makes us strangers.”
“What was your first encounter? Like how did you meet?”
“We met at a mutual friend’s party.” You start, “I think I was in junior year of university when we met, I was 21.”
Jaehyun nods his head, “Johnny’s party, right? His farewell party.”
“Yeah, Johnny is a senior of mine. We shared a few classes together and immediately clicked like siblings. So, the night we met, I was… I was… the story’s actually really embarrassing.” You laughed, “I was really drunk that night and I, well, vomited on him.”
The people behind the camera laughed, even the producer who was asking the questions laughed.
“She vomited on my new Prada shoes that night.”
“Who wears branded shoes at a college party where people vomit, like 95 percent of the time?” You roll your eyes, “Anyway, even if I did vomit on him, he was nice enough to bring me to the nearest diner to make me feel better.”
Jaehyun nods his head, letting you tell the story. “After that, I passed out. Jaehyun didn’t know where I lived so he brought me home. The morning after, I kind of panicked because I woke up in a stranger’s house. My brain automatically told me that I’ve slept with him, so I started screaming.”
“I wasn’t even next to her when she woke up,” Jaehyun added, “I slept on my couch that night. I’m not the type of guy who takes advantage of a drunk girl.”
“What happened after that? Did you two see each other again?”
“Mhm, we did. She offered to treat me to breakfast the next day and even offered to pay for the cleaning of my shoes.” Jaehyun answered, “She was really interesting to me, so after that breakfast, I asked her out on a date right away. Unfortunately, she kind of turned me down.”
“Yeah, because I told you, I just got out of a really bad relationship that time and I thought I was moving too fast to go out with someone after being single for like 8 months.” You cleared up, “But in the end, I still said yes. I thought maybe it was time for me to go out on dates because my ex was already seeing someone at the time.”
“We did date, we were not exclusive, just casually dating. I would wait for her after classes and we’d go out for coffee runs, study dates or drives to McDonald’s at 3 in the morning. She wasn’t ready to commit yet, so we settled on a fuck buddy situationship.”
“I enjoyed our small dates, really. I enjoyed riding his big bike every 3 a.m. And those dates stopped after we agreed that we’re nothing but fuck buddies.” You chuckle, “Mom, if you’re watching this, I know you told me not to ride motorcycles, but I did have fun riding them and I’m still alive!”
“Oh, speaking of your mom. Remember when you introduced me to your parents when they visited your dorm?”
“God yes! We were fuck buddies for a year that time because we were already graduating. Another confession mom, Jaehyun wasn’t really my boyfriend at the time!”
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“Oh, oh! Fuck, Jaehyun- I’m cumming again!” You moaned, grinding your hips on his face as you felt your high. He has been eating you out for the past 20 minutes and on different surfaces of your dorm. Your roommate just moved out and you’ve got the whole place to yourself until someone rents it again.
The moment you texted Jaehyun that you were alone in your dorm and wearing new lingerie, he dropped his pencil on his drafting table and left his unfinished plate. A few minutes later, a loud knock on the door was heard and the next thing you know, you were bent over on the small kitchen counter while he licked long stripes on your wet slit. It all started on the kitchen counter, to the small ottoman you had at the foot of your bed, and now on your bed. You gave him a blowjob in between, but he wanted to eat you out more than he wants you to blow him. You could feel a knot form on your stomach as you whimper, gripping on your sheets and toes curling as you cum. Jaehyun pulls away, licking his lips that’s covered with your cum. You turn to your side, your legs shaking after the fifth time you came.
You felt the bed sink, the small space letting your bodies warm each other. Jaehyun started planting kisses on your bare shoulder as you calmed down from your high. It was always on the neck, collarbones, and shoulder where he would kiss you, but never on the lips. His hands were caressing your skin, squeezing your hips before giving your ass a quick slap.
“Aren’t you gonna fuck me now?” You asked, a bit tired from the orgasm, yet have the urge to have his dick inside of you.
“Hmm, I would but aren’t you tired? You just came five times and I’m pretty sure your next-door neighbor is angry with all the moaning and shit.”
“I’m good, I can handle it. Besides, any day now someone’s gonna move in here. Might as well enjoy the little time we have left.”
“Sometimes I like what goes on inside your head.” He laughs, flipping you over and starts to suck your nipples. “Condom?”
“Raw.” You said, “I’m not ovulating right now, it’s safe and I always take my pills.”
Since you and Jaehyun started this whole fuck buddy thing, you went to the doctor’s and started taking contraceptives just to be safe. Jaehyun also had your back whenever it comes to buying plan b’s just to be safer. All of it came from Jaehyun – the pills and the ‘dates’ from before. According to Johnny, Jaehyun’s family is loaded (which explains why he was wearing Prada the night you met. Sometimes it makes you feel bad. Your family isn’t definitely loaded like his, but you were doing good and are financially stable. There was a time where you talked to Jaehyun about this matter, and his response was ‘don’t think of it that way, think of it as a friend who’s just looking after you’.
“Damn, a really good girl.” He smirks, planting a kiss on your neck. “Gonna fuck you so good today for being such a good girl.”
Jaehyun adjusts your legs, pushing them towards your breasts and onto his shoulders. You were on the hook position. You feel goosebumps as he runs his cock along your pussy, teasing you by pushing the tip in and pulling it out again. As this was the first time in a few weeks that you two have sex again, you were desperate.
“Holy f-fuck…” You moaned, adjusting to his size as he pushed his dick inside of you wholly. “Why does it feel like you’re getting bigger every time we fuck?”
He smirks at the remark, his hips starting to move at a slow pace. It wasn’t the first time you did this position, but his face was so close to yours and somehow it felt really… intimate. You were so lost in his lips; they were pink and so soft. You wonder what it feels like to kiss them. You shake your head, closing your eyes in pleasure.
As he continues to thrust, you clench around him, feeling yet another orgasm builds up as he moves fast. You covered your mouth, trying to suppress another loud noise, thinking that if you let out another one, the landlord would kick you out.
“Remove that fucking hand, pretty. Or else, I’m putting a halt to this. Let me hear you moan.” He whispered against your ear.
Fuck, why was that so hot? You remove your hand from your mouth and hold onto the headboard instead and let out a moan, burying your head against the soft pillow, giving him access to your throat. You could feel your legs hurt; the muscles were tensing as you could feel his weight on them. Your eyes roll in pleasure again, but something just had to put an end to it. Your phone, lying on the side table, started ringing. Groaning, you told Jaehyun to stop and reached for it. If it was your best friend, or Johnny, you would ignore it. But somehow the universe probably got fed up with you moaning and screaming your lungs out, your phone displays your mother’s contact.
“S-shit, don’t move… I have to take this.”
“Seriously? Right now?”
“Yeah, I know; my mom’s such a cockblocker.”
“Oh, it’s your mom… yeah, go ahead.”
You swipe the answer button, with Jaehyun’s dick inside of you. With a breathy voice you say, “Hello?”
“Sweetie, sorry for calling. Are you busy studying right now?” She asked, you hum in response. “Anyway, I was just wondering if you wanted to join us for dinner. Your father and I are in town for some business, we can pick you up at your dormitory. What do you say?”
Jaehyun is a jerk. A teasing jerk who just had to start moving his hips again, causing you to let out a whine. “Sweetheart, are you okay?”
“Oh- um, yeah, sorry. I can do that, when are you arriving?”
“In fifteen minutes.” Jaehyun’s thrusts were starting to fasten.
“What?!” You exclaimed, covering your mouth. “I- um, okay, okay. Okay.”
After the call, you toss your phone aside. “I’m close, pretty. Where do you want it?”
“I-inside-” You choked, “God, Jaehyun…”
“Filthy girl, answering her mom’s call while having sex…” Jaehyun’s cock was hitting all the right places, “Oh, Y/N…”
Jaehyun’s cum felt warm inside of you, and he actually stayed in the same position for a few seconds before pulling out. Which reminds you that you have to start moving as your parents will arrive anytime now. As jelly as your legs were after multiple orgasms, you managed to walk to the bathroom and clean. You asked Jaehyun to spray some febreze inside the whole dorm to make it seem like you two just didn’t have sex there (just in case your mother walks in, you didn’t need her to point out that the room reeks sex).
Just in time, you exit your room with Jaehyun as if nothing had happened. Dressed in a simple blouse and jeans. Jaehyun was guiding you, after what happened today, you were sure you’re not able to walk straight for the whole night or two. Just when you were about to enter the elevator, you were greeted by your parents.
“Oh, and who is this fine young man, Y/N?”
“Hello, I’m Jaehyun. I’m Y/N’s uh…”
What were you two really? Jaehyun had no answer to your mother’s questions. Hurriedly, you answered, “Boyfriend, he’s my boyfriend.”
Her mouth forms an ‘o’, shocked yet satisfied with the answer, she nodded her head. “Well, Jaehyun, you should join us for dinner then! I’d like to get to know my daughter’s boyfriend more.”
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“Did you address the other person to people as your significant other?”
“Yeah,” You answered, “It was much easier, especially to our parents. Our situation, as fuck buddies, were taboo for people their age. I think it all started because of me, because I introduced him to my parents as my boyfriend.”
“And I introduced her to my folks as my girlfriend.”
“But we weren’t in a relationship. It felt like it was much easier to say that instead of explaining our situation to them. We didn’t put any label on our relationship until the very end. We’re just boyfriend-girlfriend in the eyes of strangers, parents, and acquaintances, but to us and our friends, we were fuck buddies.” You added.
“It was also convincing for them.”
“One last question before we proceed to the next segment, the real event.” The producer said, flipping his script to the next page. “If things were going on so well between the two of you and you were satisfied with what you have, why did you end it?”
“The truth is, we really didn’t end things like adults. We just… kind of went our separate ways. We just let it speak for itself. We stopped talking to each other because the last time we did, I kind of fucked up.” Jaehyun confessed, “At the time, I was 24. I’ve been working for a year in the same company. Now that I recall the events of last year, I realize how stupid it is of me to ask her that.”
“What was the question?”
“Something really personal…”
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Jaehyun called you tonight, asking if you were available. After a whole day of meetings and pitching new ideas for a specific product, you just wanted to lie down and relax. But somehow, he has convinced you to make a U-turn on the next stop. Jaehyun said that he’s been having a rough day. His favorite shoes got stained with cement when he visited the site, his coffee fell on the passenger seat of his car when he passed through a pothole resulting a hole in his tire. Everything was a mess, and he needed a release. An adult release with you.
The moment he opened the door for you, Jaehyun had his lips on your neck, sucking the skin and leaving marks. You may have knocked over a few furniture in his living room before you got inside the room, but that was the last thing you two could think of – the two of you badly needed to release the tension and the stress you’ve been feeling.
You lost count of how many rounds you’ve done, how many orgasms you’ve experienced, and how many condoms used. At that moment, you and Jaehyun were focused on making each other feel good, and not keeping track of your orgasms.
“Fuck, Y/N, I’m cumming again…” He moaned, throwing his head back to the pillow as you rode him. “Ah, shit.”
Tired, you remove yourself from him and throw yourself on the space next to him. The two of you were quiet, there was not enough energy to make conversation. You just laid there catching your breaths and staring blankly at the ceiling.
“I have a question for you.” He breaks the silence yet still staring at the ceiling.
“Will you marry me?”
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“After the deed?”
Jaehyun nods his head in embarrassment while you just sat there awkwardly, taking the water bottle next to your feet to wash your parched throat.
“But I didn’t do it just because my mom told me that I should marry her. I… I knew my feelings for her were genuine and I was aware of it, I was certain I was in love with her. I fell in love with her, I mean, who wouldn’t?”
The staff gasps, some raised their eyebrows and shook their heads. “Broke the first rule we established: Don’t fall in love.” You chuckle, “I told him why he would ask something like that after we had sex and, well, while we’re naked. He tried to explain himself to me while I dressed up, I ran away. I didn’t contact him after that, blocked him on all social media accounts I have and his number. I moved to a different neighborhood so he wouldn’t find me. I thought he’ll get tired and forget about me eventually.”
Haechan nods his head and signals the staff to put a lie detector machine on the table between the two of you. “Now, you mentioned that you stopped your contact with each other after ‘ending’ your situationship. This is a chance for the two of you to ask questions you’ve always wanted to ask to the other. Sky’s the limit. You can answer their questions and you may not if you feel uncomfortable.”
You couldn’t help but let out a nervous chuckle, they mentioned this beforehand, they gave you a chance to think of the questions you’ve wanted to ask Jaehyun, and you did. You had it listed in your head confidently, but now that you’re in front of him, your mind went blank, and you couldn’t think of one.
“Y/N, do you want to start?”
“O-oh, um… he can go first. I’m trying to remember my questions.” You replied, turning the lie detector toy in front of you and placed your hand on it.
Jaehyun nods his head and clears his throat as if he was about to give a big speech to the crowd, “Have you been good?”
Haechan snorts, even Jaehyun laughed at his own question. It was so random yet genuine.
“Well, yeah. I’m happy with my work, it’s stressful most of the time, but I get to do what I want and I’m in a really happy place right now.”
The small machine makes a small noise as it analyzes your answer. If it senses that your answer is true, you’re good to go. If not, then you’ll get electrocuted for a second. It was probably the longest five seconds you’ve ever experienced and there was a part of you that was relieved that your answer was accepted as true. It is true, you weren’t lying.
“Y/N, go ahead.”
Fuck, “Did you… did you date someone after we ended it?” What a dumb question, Y/N.
“Casual dates, yeah. Serious dating, committing, or making it official, no.”
Ping! Jaehyun’s answer was true. You didn’t know why, but you were relieved after hearing that. The conversation deepens that the whole production team was immersed in the whole thing. They were all ears as the two of you talked and confessed the truth to each other. His questions were related to the person you were before, the person you were when you were still in contact. It was fun, it was like cleaning the things you’ve swept under the rug as the two of you talk and clear up the things you should’ve talked about before parting ways. The conversations you avoided and the truths you’ve learned.
Until he dropped a bomb.
“Did you feel something towards me, or did you really just see me as someone you get to have sex with?” That was the question that struck you. What do you answer?
“Naked truth?” You asked, he nodded his head. “Jaehyun, you know how scared I am of commitment. You, of all people, should know that because you were the only person I’ve told you about it. I made it extra clear for you that I wasn’t ready to commit to someone, but that doesn’t mean I only used you for sex. You were my friend. After I introduced you to my parents as my boyfriend, I had thoughts about it. I reconsidered our relationship before, but it felt like you were happy with what we had so I brushed it all off. There were instances that we were intimate with each other whenever we see each other’s parents for something, and I think about my feelings over and over again whenever that happens. Truth be told, yes. I did have feelings for you, and I didn’t use you as someone who I can run to when I need an adult stress release.”
As you wait for the small machine to reveal whether you were telling the truth or not, you stare deep in Jaehyun’s eyes. It was the truth; the truth was finally out. It felt like a thorn was pulled out of your chest. Ping! Jaehyun, satisfied yet disappointed, nodded his head and accepted your answer. He then places his hand on the machine, ready to hear your question.
“If you were certain of your feelings for me, why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“Naked truth?” He asked, you nodded. “We were in that part of the ‘relationship’ where everything was intact. If I told you that I was in love with you before, the things we’ve established will be wrecked. I was… I was scared. I was scared to lose you. One wrong move and it’ll ruin everything. I knew you didn’t want to be with someone yet at the time, so I respected you. You, running away from me was enough reason to make me realize that it was probably right that I didn’t confess my feelings even before I had asked you to marry me.”
Ping! Jaehyun’s answer was true. The atmosphere inside the room felt so heavy as the staff removed the toy in front of you. You were so honest; you didn’t even realize you could be that honest. You broke eye contact with Jaehyun, grabbing the water bottle again as you feel your mouth dry.
“Damn, I am really honest today. I’ve never been that honest my whole life.” You joked, “But you know, we could’ve worked if I was really ready at that time.”
“We could’ve?”
“I think so. Or maybe I was ready, but a part of me didn’t want to or couldn’t accept what we had. We tried dating but ended up only being fuck buddies. Nothing more, nothing less. I didn’t know what I wanted nor what I didn’t want. I got scared when you asked me to marry you, I got scared that it happened after we had sex.” You explained, “I got scared because I was so sure of what I felt towards you, but the truth scared me and the first thing I thought was to run away from you. So, if you thought that I only used you for pleasure, please now that the two years we became fuck buddies, half of those years, I was hopelessly in love with you. You made me feel things that even I couldn’t believe I could still feel towards a guy like you. I was just scared of how things will change between us.”
Jaehyun agrees with you, “I was so ready to commit to you, but I guess I was also scared to lose you. If the two of us weren’t cowards and just faced the truth… we’re probably on a very different path right now.” He said, “Damn, that’s kind of sad. But that’s just how life is. The things you want? You either get them or lose them. The decision really depends on you, whether you were willing to take the risk or regret.”
The scene ends with the two of you smiling at each other as the video fades into black.
One was ready, one was not.
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wlwprker · 10 days
coffee + post it notes- s.r. x barista! reader
a/n: I am so bad with titles omg sorry! I literally had a dream about this so I'm turning it into a little blurb! I have never written for Spencer before so i hope this is okay haha :) this was longer than i expected omg lol
warnings: minimal proofreading, use of bold and italics, I apologize for grammar or spelling mistakes
wc: 1,126
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Spencer was not having a great morning, he was not anticipating the rain to be as heavy as it was and just as luck would have it, his umbrella got stuck and was not helping to protect him from the downpour. Spencer sighed in annoyance as he bolted and nearly lost balance as he got on the train, the ride was not bad but there was one thing he needed more than anything:
Spencer is not a coffee drinker at all, he drowns his coffee in lots of sugar that Derek teases him for which is ridiculous, he needs the sugar! He was early enough, he usually is one of the first people to enter the building, but he didn't want to wait for coffee, he needed the caffeine as soon as possible. Spencer stops in his tracks when he sees a quiet coffee shop that is very close to work, and he has no idea how he has never seen it before. Spencer pushes open the door to The Thinking Cup Cafe and the smell of coffee and pastries hits him all at once but there's a third smell that hits him that most people don't pick up on, but Spencer picks up on it immediately.
The smell of books.
Spencer sighed happily, his bad morning long forgotten as he took in the shelves of books that lined the walls and the quiet bustle of the morning rush of people getting their caffeine to start their day. Spencer walked up to the counter to place an order, but he almost tripped over himself when he made eye contact with you. You were really pretty, it made him extremely nervous.
"Hi! What can I get for you today?", you ask with a smile on your face and that smile warmed him instantly and he hasn't even had a sip of coffee yet.
"Oh- I'd just like a medium black coffee with lots of sugar, please", Spencer hated the way he nearly forgot how to speak because of you. You were just a barista at a coffee shop, and he could barely get a full sentence out without stuttering.
"What's your name?"
You smiled softly as you made his order, and your friend eyed you curiously as she watched you write out a little note on a post it note and folded it and tucked it behind the order receipt that you attached to the cup. Spencer thanked you for the coffee and headed to the office, he sat down at his desk and took a sip of his drink, but he caught sight of the post it and his eyebrows furrowed as he took the note and opened it and read:
I hope you have a good day :)
Spencer smiled and folded the note and tucked it away from prying eyes, he wanted to keep this a secret even if it meant nothing.
You looked forward to seeing Spencer even if he never came regularly which made you develop a tiny crush on him, you missed him when he didn't come in, you swore to never get hung up on a guy like this, but he felt...different.
Two weeks went by, and he had finally returned to your coffee shop and your coworkers took note of how you visibly glowed and they thought it was hilarious.
"You are a lost cause", your friend had whispered to you between handling customers, and you ignored her. Spencer scanned the shelves of the books, picked up two books and walked to the counter.
"Hi! welcome back! What can I get for you?", you felt like a little girl with a crush, but you couldn't help yourself, he just radiated kindness and he piqued your interest probably because you barely knew anything about him.
"My usual, and these two books, please", Spencer said shyly, and you found him incredibly adorable. You got his coffee for him and wrote out another note and stuck it one of the books, you decided to make it your thing with Spencer even if it never went anywhere, you enjoyed your little fantasy.
Spencer got back to his desk and opened one of the books and saw another note which made him feel warm inside, he liked that it was your own way of communicating with him, he felt special.
You are starting to become one of my favorite customers but don't tell anyone!
The smile on Spencer's face was huge and being a profiler surrounded by profilers, they were curious. JJ was the first one to make the step to approach Spencer because he rarely smiles like...that. She was intrigued.
"What is making you smile so much?" JJ asked and Spencer frantically packed his things away and stuttered out an excuse that was not believable at all.
"I'm betting it's a girl" Derek said as he watched Spencer at his desk for the fourth week in a row smiling brightly with a faint blush painting his cheeks. Emily nodded in agreement as she pondered what to do next. Penelope left her office to see what the huddled group was discussing, and her face lit up at the mere thought that Spencer had found someone.
"When can we meet her?"
Spencer nearly fell out of his chair as he busied himself with paperwork, but he knew he couldn't not answer her because she is persistent especially when it comes to her friends love life.
"It's nothing like that, I don't even know her name! She's just nice and very pretty", Spencer mumbled as he avoided Penelope's eyes. Spencer adored Penelope so he couldn't not spill the details to her.
Despite his best efforts, he walked into the coffee shop with Penelope, Emily, JJ, and Derek. He found himself looking at you while you were talking to a coworker, he just wanted to know you more than just the barista who gave him his coffee and slipped in notes.
"Spencer, hi!", you said as you smiled at him, and Spencer waved back with a goofy smile on his face. Spencer felt his face heat up at all the words of his friends praising you, he wanted to hide.
Spencer left his friends and walked up to you and you both fell into easy conversation as if you were friends for years and soon enough you both had to go back to your jobs, but you didn't want this connection with Spencer you had to end.
As if he read your mind, he scratched the back of his neck before speaking. "I don't want this to be over"
"It doesn't have to be, do you want my number?"
Spencer was grinning ear to ear as he pondered what the future held for the two of you.
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undercoverpena · 10 months
xi. hold her, and tell her everything's gonna be fine
javier peña x f!reader | chapter eleven of late night texts
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summary: It's the year 2000. Javi is minding his own business on the porch of his pop's ranch when a text from an unknown number vibrates his phone. The only problem is, no one knows he has a phone and no one has his number.
chapter warnings: sad!reader, talks of jobloss, comforting!javi, two idiots pining for one another. fluff. flirting. continuous romcom vibes. falling in love. idiots in love ✨ wordcount: 3.3k. an: i know, when will jo stop changing the banner, but I love this so much and feel it encompasses everything for these two.
text key: bold is you/reader | italics is javi
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I have one last thing to research and then I’m all yours.
have you eaten
There is a piece of fruit in my hand, as I research.
you said you were gonna order
In my defence, I’m not super hungry.
if I was there id hide your notebook and make you eat tamales my mama taught me to make
Make me, ay?
oh baby normally i would be so down to talk dirty with you and make you blush but only when youve eaten
I really want this job, baby.
i know but i really want you to not be ill
Because you really really really like me?
i heard that in your voice and yes because I really like you
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In the last few days, the two of you have managed to complete three crosswords. Something he’s impressed with and you’re disappointed in.
“So, another one—I’m still unsure what this even means.”
Laughing, he hears you crunch another piece of fruit—thankful to hear you eating. “What’s the clue, baby?”
He’ll never tire of it, hearing you call him that. A sweet sound, all wrapped in kindness—floating down the phone line all the way to his ear.
“‘Not a company man’, six letters,” he says, fingers rolling the bridge of his nose.
“Hermit,” you say, calm, casual. “Or, you know, me if I don’t get the job.”
“Baby,” he warns, pen scratching the paper as you try to laugh.
Then you asked to change the conversation. Something he was more than happy to oblige, capping the pen, shoving the book away, leaning on the counter as you tell him about a new recipe you like. Talking fast, busy—almost far too energetic, but he knows why.
It’s all because of today.
The interview—the things he’s heard you jump through hoops for—arriving sooner than he could have relaxed you for.
You’d practised elements of your presentation and called him more than you usually would. Something he liked, enjoyed. The feeling of being needed. That his opinion mattered. It all weaving within him, stitching the parts of him that had weakened since the goodbye, since the drive home—alone and without you.
After a quick text in the morning, Javi had known not to expect to hear from you for a while. Likely not even immediately post your interview, probably needing a coffee—a breather.
If he lived there, where you were, you’d likely need him. Meet him outside, coffee in hand to give to you, a comforting hug, your breath on his neck as you let the tension out.
But he wasn’t there.
And he had thought he might have heard from you an hour later.
let me know how it’s gone baby
Javi tries not to be needy.
A battle he finds easy to lose when it comes to you. Digging his phone out the back pocket of his jeans periodically, ignoring the animals nuzzling their noses at him for food as he checks his battery, texts, calls…
Then the hour bled into two. Your interview was two-hundred and thirty-nine minutes ago, to be precise.
By now, he’s expected to have heard something, anything.
you still want me to call tonight
He tries not to worry. Even as his tasks dwindled, the sun beating down, his stomach growling and sweat building in parts of him that he should shower off.
But a part of him thinks if he goes inside, it’ll layer on top of him: the loneliness. The thing he feels, but pretends isn’t there.
Because normally, he’d have heard from you at lunch—if not more frequently throughout your day. The silence expected, very out of character. Which turns some cogs in him that twist and tighten, forcing his throat to burn and his stomach to flutter with a nervousness he can’t explain, except that:
Javi wants you.
Not just in the sense that he wants to run his fingers up and down your side, to crush his lips over yours, to bury himself inside of you as he feels himself falling, freely, and happily. But more that he wants to wake next to you, see you smile and laugh amongst the field, show you the water’s edge—feel some contentment there rather than boiling anger at the boats.
You could wear your jacket as the weather cools, and spread your warmth from the photo strip to the rest of the ranch.
youre doing that thing where you make me worry, baby
Eventually, after much internal fighting, he heads in and showers.
Hands washing the day as he hopes the water will take away his worries too. Pressing his palm flat to the tiles, he allows the water to beat down on him—eyes occasionally glancing to the phone on the windowsill, willing it to light up.
He suspects it’s why he stays in a bit longer.
Allows the soap suds to have long since vanished down the plug hole, letting the water begin to go cold as he uses all of the water up.
It’s only when he’s dried off, thrown some comfier clothes on—sunk into his usual chair, does he rotate the phone in his hand. His fingers slid along the underside of his chin, eyes fixated on a photo of him and his parents—their faces beaming, smiling, his hands in theirs.
even got me using punctuation and everything
Please, he whispers.
To no one. Not his Pop in the next room, some show bleeding into the air. Just to himself, as he works the spot on his forehead.
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You don’t text him back, but you do call bang on time.
He’s spent the last half an hour pretending he wasn’t loitering, while his pop pretended he wasn’t coming in to make drinks to check on him. Giving him that look, the one Javi had seen so often when he’d first come back from Cali.
All concern, all deep lines embedded with worries as he ticks, tick, ticked.
This was different. Something in his gut telling him that you weren’t okay, a need inside of him to get to you—pack a bag, head to the airport and hope there was a flight or something.
He only hadn’t because a part of him, small—but loud—hummed that it could be him. He could be the reason, the cause. It all too good to be true. His fingers pressing keys to read back his texts, see if he can find the cause—the moment it all began to spoil and undo.
The last hour of investigation led him to nothing. Irritation threading into his muscles until he heard the phone ring—loud, punching holes with its noise into his unravelling.
Smirking, he wipes his hands on his jeans, cocking his head around the doorway—checking for the flickering television and no lurking pop, before he unhooks the ringing phone from its place.
“Took you long enough, was about to ring you and ruin—”
Sniffle. A sob. The beginnings of you splitting in two.
That’s what he hears—clear as anything. It cuts straight through his attempt at teasing and slices through him as though the sound was laced with the edge of a knife.
It’s instant, barely explainable, the way his stomach falls to his feet. His smile vanishes, stolen and robbed, as another sob expands in the space of your two’s silence, making his throat dry, and the phone crunches a little under his grip.
“Baby. Talk to me, what’s happened?”
You swallow, all thick, as though it's a struggle. “I… I—I didn’t g-get the job-b.”
Slowly, his eyes close. Hearing you cry again, louder, less restrained and more freely, them rolling and rolling from you like a wave. The depth of it travels freely down the phone, in the same way, he usually craves when it’s your voice, noise, or presence.
“I’m… cariño, I’m so—”
“—I’m s-sorry, Javi. I’m so sorry…”
Frowning, he slides the fingers down his nose as you continue to apologise—them merging with your hiccups and tears.
“Cariño, wait. Stop.”
And you do. Your sniffles all of a sudden ceasing, more restrained—practically swallowing another one back. Trying to keep it on your tongue, rather than let it escape.
“Why are you apologising to me?”
You’re quiet for a moment, a second. Then you seem to let out a strange noise, before clearing your throat. “The job… I… we’d have been seeing each other more, and I’ve ruined it—I ruined-d it all.”
Frowning, he opens his mouth. Confusion there, all evident and brimming. Because he hasn’t got a fucking clue what you’re talking about. His brain runs, dashing through the notes it’s been making, the snippets here and there you’d spill about your day and your work.
“It was-s in Houston. I’d have been able t-to move. We’d have been c-closer.”
And then it lands.
The realisation. What it would have meant.
It appears in front of him before it slams straight into him. Forced his head to drop, sight lowering to a mark on the wall as his chest tightens. His eyes fixated, unable to tear his eye from the stain on the off-yellow wall—one likely made from him sitting on a stool or chair, maybe even his knee when he’s stretched, when minutes have quickly tumbled into an hour.
Even if he’s reeling, your ramblings have continued. They’re all in various pitches, spluttered and painted in painful cries and strangled sniffs.
“—I—I didn’t want to tell you at first, in case we didn’t, you know, get on.” You continue, some words slamming into the next as you try to level out your cries. “Then I didn’t want to tell you in case you got excited, and I fucked it up—and I did, didn’t I? I fucked it up. And now we won’t live closer, and—“
But you’re tumbling, rolling right off the emotional cliff you’d been on the edge of. Thick, horrid sobs that shake his foundation and dart cracks through all of him continue to travel from you.
And it hurts. Makes him feel both horrid and weak—helpless. Unsure what he can say, do.
So he offers, “They’ll be other jobs.”
And as soon as it unfurls from his tongue, he wants to drag it back. Swallow each syllable, and letter, and never let you hear them again.
Because he’s sure you cry harder, louder. Even if it appears like you pull the phone away so he can’t hear how deep they go.
And you keep trying to spill out his name, a sentence here and there, trying to form as he pushes the phone against his ear, palm flattening against the wall—balling his fingers up—
“There won’t be…”
Sighing, he lets you take a breath. “Baby, of course, there will be. You’re good, I can tell, alright? And you’re brilliant and just cause those fuckin’ idiots can’t see—“
“I quit, Javi.”
The words he’d been about to say, fizz out on his tongue, die, fade. And it seems to only make you cry harder. His mind trying to catch up, to follow on with what is happening as you explain, in broken sobs, how your entire life seems to crumble apart all around you.
“I… I couldn’t take it. The reason, the explanation. How they gave it to the new guy, the one who doesn’t even know how Houston operates—and I just saw red, Javi. And I quit. Me? I… I just packed my desk up, left….”
He bites the inside of his cheek, listening as you take a breath—it sounds so much like defeat has replaced your sorrow.
“Then I just wandered. A box under my arm… and… I wanted to reply, but I didn’t know where to start. Like, ‘I miss you so much, but by the way, I didn’t get that promotion, and I snapped because they treat me like shit, so I quit. That my best friend is so excited because they’re paying for her to move this month for her new job, and my lease on my apartment is coming up’ and…”
“And what?”
It’s your turn to sigh, it more shaky and still embezzled with sniffles—fluttering down to his ear. “And…” you pause, his pulse suddenly quickening, waiting, mouth opening and then closing. “And, the person who would make me feel better isn’t even in the same State as me—because, I know this sounds crazy, but as soon as I heard why I didn’t get that job, all I wanted… well, all I wanted was you.”
His lips curl, sliding up into his cheek. His eyes look up, dancing around the marks on the wall as he straightens his spine, and swallows back whatever lump had been forming.
“I just…” you continue, “wanted to be back in that hotel room. Curled up in your arms.”
“You….” Clearing his throat, he tries again. “You know how we could solve that? You could come here—clear your head… just for a minute. Get all the hugs you want.”
You let out a noise, low, shifting it from it to a breath in record time. “Well, I wouldn’t be much fun. I’d just spend it in your bed.”
“That doesn’t sound all that bad, baby.”
“Sleeping and crying, do it for you, charmer?”
He grins, before rolling his lips. “Not if it’s not from how good I make you feel, no. But. I just—want you to have options.”
You go silent, far too quiet for his liking, until he hears the sound of movement, shuffling. His ears honing in, trying to work out what it is you’re doing, could be doing.
“What am I actually gonna do, Javi?”
Fuck. It suddenly dawning on him how unequipped he is for this. For comfort—for being there for another person. He barely looked after himself before, never mind since he came home. He hasn’t got a fucking clue what to say to even begin to make someone feel better, never mind someone who means as much to him as you.
“I… I quit my job. Without even finding another one—that’s… that’s crazy, insane—I don’t do these things and-and—“
Rolling his head on his neck, he ran a hand over his face. Trying to buy a second or two, digging deep for an answer—something comforting that would help.
“You, baby, are gonna get some sleep, and tomorrow we’re gonna sort it.”
He hears you swallow. Loud, followed shortly after by a sigh.
You say it quietly, full of disbelief.
Because only you still wouldn’t realise how deep he is in with you. If he could, if he could risk hijacking the moment to explain, he’d tell you how worried he’s been, how he’s been obsessively checking and clicking, to the point he’s pretty sure he’s taken some life of his phone battery for it.
Swallowing, he bites his lip, nodding to himself. “It’s you and me, ain’t it, cariño? You’re not… you don’t have to figure this out alone, is all I mean.”
It’s soft—the way you reply, okay. Delicate. He’s hopeful it’s accompanied by a smile, one with a nose scrunch.
“Yeah, baby.”
“Can you… can you stay on the phone with me?”
Pulling a stool over, he sits himself down on it. The ache in his chest widened, a lump in his throat forming. “Sure, baby. You want me to talk about anything in particular?”
“Not sure…”
“What would you do if I was there?”
He swears he hears you smirk.
“I would cook you almond saffron chicken.”
Shifting on the stool, he adjusts the phone in his hand. “Yeah? How come?”
“It’s the first dish Aish taught me to make, and I think you’d like it. And, I’m quite hungry, I… I didn’t really feel up to food before. But maybe, y’know, if I came to see you, had the chance to cook, maybe over a long weekend?”
Smirking, he lets out a content breath. “I like the sound of it already…”
“Because of me cooking in your kitchen?”
Laughing, he rolls his lips. “No, because it would mean you were here, cariño.
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Morning baby, hope the cows aren’t trying to eat your shirt.
morning hermosa why are you up so early
Well, I thought of having a lie in but decided to grab a coffee, print off some CVs and not look as desperate as I feel.
if it makes you feel better im pretty sure my pop would hire you in a heartbeat
Bet I’d look real good in dungarees.
fuck baby
Could even wear your shirt, tie it so it’s a crop.
youre killing me
I’ll leave you with that, I have a list of places to beg to give me a chance.
wouldnt need to beg me
Stop, baby. Save it for later.
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He’d barely dried himself off before your text came through.
Javi had found that the one upside to you being unemployed was the amount of time you had to reply or call—something he wasn’t complaining about in the slightest.
In a way (a small, acceptable way), it felt like a taste of what it would be like if the two of you lived closer. If there weren’t towns, cities and states between the two of you. If you lived close by, or better yet, on the ranch with him.
Across the last few days, while you’d seemed upbeat through text—just as you were when the two of you were in Houston—he quickly realised how much of a mask that was when he had you on the phone.
If not for the fact that when you ended the call, you seemed more yourself than when it started, Javi would have already begged someone from a ranch or two over to help, and book a flight out to surprise you.
“Hello, charmer.”
Grinning, he runs his hand over his chin. “Someone’s in a good mood.”
“Well, I have good news.”
“What’s that then?”
“Remember when I said I had to meet with someone in Houston, from imports? Well, apparently, they’ve been trying to get hold of me at work—one of the few nice people there let me know, even passed my details on.”
It begins—right in his stomach. A nervousness, a bubble—it rising and rising, sliding into his heart as it makes it beat just that much quicker.
“He wants to meet with me… apparently, I impressed him?”
“That’s—fuck, that’s amazing, baby.”
Javi can almost hear your grin as you laugh—can even picture you hiding your face in your hand at his happiness.
“Yeah,” you say, more in a sigh than anything else. “It’s obviously just an interview—maybe even a chat, but it’s something.”
Tracing the back of the phone with his finger, he runs his fingers up his neck, up his chin—
Pulse thumping in his neck. “I could… Could always drive up, see you after?”
“Oh… um?”
Oh? He thinks. The noise suddenly on repeat. It’s all he can hear—that little surprised noise rips from your throat and punctures his ear. His own fingers scratching at his cheek.
And then you clear your throat, and he grits his jaw. “Well, if you wanted, once I’ve had my meeting with him, I was going to ask if I could come to Laredo, see the ranch… and you?”
Just as quickly as it came, the earlier shame from your ‘oh’ vanishes. It bursts, erupts into a thousand pieces of nothing as the edges of his lips begin to curl up.
“For a second, didn’t think you wanted to see me.”
You don’t laugh, don’t ridicule his confession, and if you were here, he’d imagine you’d have tilted your head in that way you do.
“Javi, of course, I want to see you. I…” you take a long pause as though battling with yourself. “Baby, I’ve been trying to find my way back to you since the moment I left you. There’s nothing I want more than to see you. I promise.”
His shoulders descend from his ears, a smile spreading across his face so large—he’s not sure anything could take it. Something inside of him shifted, sliding back together.
“So, do you mind if I come to see you on your ranch? Bother your animals, let me admire your fence work?”
If he hadn’t been sure before, he’s sure now he would have kissed you. Grip you by your cheeks and crash his mouth to yours, stealing that question mark from the air and using his lips to remind you that with him, you never need it.
But, since he can’t, he finds words. One’s that are more eloquent than ‘fuck, yes’, but are close in family to it.
Because, of course, he wants to see you. He never wanted to let you go in the first place.
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an: we have next weeks and then an epilogue, and LNT 'main story' will be done. honestly, thank you for all the love as we've gone on this journey. i never expected this for one second, and i'm so emotional right now at how well loved/supported this story has been. i'm gonna miss it, so much.
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phantomspiderr · 1 year
Not A Bad Morning
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Pairing: Steven Grant x gn!reader (ft. Marc Spector too)
Word Count: 2.5k+
Summary: Steven was just trying to have a stress free morning before his job interview but it just seems like everything’s against him
Warnings/Tags: not a lot of warnings really, it’s fluff. Steven has a little self doubt, reader has a dog, just a little meet cute in the park, Marc being soft and helping Steven
a/n: ohhhh Steven my beloved. Yes it's another Steven fic, sorrrrrrryyy. I promise I am working on other things, specifically a tlou fic if anyone is interested👀 also this is probably terrible but I hope you enjoy anyway
*(I orginally posted this last night but something kept happening to the end of the fic where it just kept deleting the last two paragraphs so we've had to make a new post and hope that works)
**any lines all in italics are Marc talking with Steven in case that isn’t clear
・☆: *.☽ .* :☆
The morning had not been kind to Steven.
It had started with him somehow snoozing his alarm without even waking up and the water in his shower had run ice cold. Then all his clothes seemed to be in the laundry pile and he had to borrow a pair of Jake’s trousers that he felt were a little too tight for his liking.
It felt like some sick joke when he’d opened the fridge and it was empty; bar some dodgy-looking carrots, out-of-date oat milk, and a single egg—why is there just one egg?? Is it really that difficult to do a food shop??— so he had no breakfast and very little time. He makes a mental note to berate Marc or Jake the next time they show up on body sharing etiquette and making sure there’s bloody food in the fridge.
Steven was slowly losing hope for the day and it wasn't even 10am. He'd tried his hardest to plan the day to the tee. It’s been all he’s been able to think about since he saw the ad for his dream job and had been lucky enough to get an interview for it. He had wanted to make sure it was the least stressful it could've been but it was as if the universe wasn't on his side today.
Now he’s impatiently waiting in line at a local coffee shop, his foot incessantly taps against the floor as he anxiously checks his watch every few seconds.
You have plenty of time.
“Shut up,” Steven mutters quietly, looking off to the side into a mirror where he can see his own—slightly disheveled—reflection. A stranger gives him an offended look as they walk past, “not you-I-sorry!” He turns around to stare at the back of the person in fronts head and tries to act somewhat normal, giving Marc a cold shoulder in the process.
Stop stressing out.
Steven rubs at his temple while willing the queue to move even a fraction of a second quicker.
You’re going to get the job.
This time Steven sighs, this is one of those times he wishes he could just stick his fingers in his ears and hum a tune to drown out Marc’s voice.
Even if you don’t, it’s not the end of the world. We can go somewhere else. It’d be their loss.
There are just two more people in front, he can ignore him just a little longer.
You can’t ignore me forever.
A little more passive-aggressively than he’d normally be, Steven, rummages in his bag for his phone. Then he theatrically pretends to make a phone call.
“Hiya just wanted to let you know I’m fine.” He glances back to the mirror to see Marc with an unamused look and his arms crossed over his chest.
Sure you are.
“No, I’m not stressed.”
“I wish you’d stop saying I was because if anything that stresses me out more yeah?”
The tone in Steven’s voice is one that says he’s on the end of his tether and this time Marc just holds his hands up, not saying a word. Steven softens a little when after a beat Marc just gives him a look that says, ‘you are stressed out and I just want to help.’
“I appreciate you trying to help. I’ll talk to you later.” He pulls the phone away from his ear and gives his alter a final look in the mirror before turning back to see there’s no one in front of him now and the barista is waving their hand at him.
Now, with a fresh cup of tea and a surprisingly good looking vegan blueberry muffin secured, he takes the shortcut through the park to get to the museum on the other side. He went to check his watch, somehow forgetting the cup of hot tea in his hand and almost spilling it on himself. There was plenty of time for him to sit on that bench at the other end of the park, near the lake, where he could calmly enjoy his breakfast before his interview.
The park seems quiet enough that Steven feels comfortable talking with Marc now without worrying about people around hearing him. “You still there?” He asks the question while simultaneously knowing the answer.
“Do you really think I’ll get the job?” Steven’s anxiety and self-doubt creep out with every word.
I already told you, if you don’t it’s their loss. Marc’s softens after a rather sad-looking Steven catches a glimpse of him in a passing puddle. You’re more knowledgeable on all that stuff than anyone else and you can do that job better than anyone.
“But what if…what if they just don’t like me, like how Donna didn’t?” Steven won’t even look at Marc as he passes another puddle, more interested in the plain-looking pathway below his feet.
Fuck Donna. And fuck them if they don’t like you.
Marc’s voice has an edge to it then before he relaxes again, remembering his goal is to soothe Steven’s anxiety, not make it worse.
Which they will…
…like you I mean!
People find your clumsy nature endearing.
Fuck, I’m not great at this.
The last sentence makes Steven chuckle just a little because Marc may not be the best with words but at least he tries.
As Steven goes to reply his thoughts are interrupted by shouting, for a second he’s so in his head he thinks it’s Marc but it sounds too far away and he looks up just in time to see a big dog bounding towards him. He doesn’t even have a second to react before the dog jumps onto him, knocking his tea completely out of his hand as he falls backward and lands on his ass with a thud. The dog continues to excitedly jump at him and tries to lick at his face despite him squirming as it does so.
“Val!” The shouting continues, this time much closer and it sounds like someone is running, “I’m so sorry! Val get off!” Suddenly the dog is pulled off of him and Steven’s a little dazed by what just happened. He blinks up at you, his eyes squinting because of the sun's brightness. Maybe that’s why he thinks you look like a literal angel standing above him. The sunlight behind you causes your silhouette to be surrounded by a ring of bright yellow light. “I am so so sorry! She’s a friend's dog and she’s just a pup. I’m just walking her while my friend’s away. I’m so sorry the lead slipped out of my hand and she just bolted.”
Either get up or talk please, this is painful to watch.
“Oh.” Steven’s head kicks into gear again and he awkwardly gets back up onto his feet, wincing slightly when he rubs a hand over his now sore lower back. “It’s okay, accidents happen.”
“I’m so sorry, I hope she didn’t hurt you. Shit, you’ve dropped your drink. Here-“ you start rummaging around in your pocket.
“Oh no, it’s okay! Don’t worry about it. It wasn’t a great cup of tea anyway.” That was a lie. It cost about £6 and was actually a pretty good tea that he only got on special occasions, like today when the world seems against him.
“I’m so sorry,” your eyes look so apologetic and Steven still feels a little dazed while looking at you. He thinks you look like you belong in a museum, amongst the marble statues and fancy oil paintings. You’re something that should be admired by everyone.
Steven, the attractive person is talking to you and you need to talk back, like now.
Steven barely has a second to form any thoughts before Marc speaks again.
Let me front.
“No!” It comes out before he even properly thinks about it and he tries his best to play it off, “no don’t be sorry. What kind of dog is it?” He tries to shift the conversation so you hopefully don’t think too much about how weird he is acting.
“Oh… she’s a rescue so they think lurcher but my friend swears she’s part collie too!” You’re fondly looking at the dog while Steven observes you for just a second more, “she usually listens really well but apparently, we need to work on not running off and jumping strangers. Huh, Valkyrie?” Both the dog and you look at each other affectionately as you scratch behind her ear.
“That’s a really nice name, it’s from Norse mythology right?” Steven likes it when you smile right at him, a quiet giggle slipping out.
“Uh, yeah. That and I think my friend is in love with the king of New Asgard.” You both laugh this time and Steven thinks it’s the nicest sound he’s heard in a long time.
Then there’s an awkward moment of silence and Steven just doesn’t know how to keep the conversation going or if you even want to keep the conversation going and now he slightly wishes he’d let Marc front. Marc’s always better at flirting with people in regular conversation, he can pick up on certain social cues Steven is blind to. Steven wants to flirt with you, he was just immediately drawn to you and he wants to get to know you so badly, he just doesn’t know how.
Ask for their name or introduce yourself.
Marc’s voice filters through Steven’s self doubting thoughts.
“I’m Steven,” it comes out quickly and forcefully before he can overthink it and his hand flies out in your direction. He can barely look at you his eyes flickering anywhere but at you. That is until your hand slips into his, your hand’s a little cold but it feels nice in his slightly clammy one and he watches your smile grow after you say your name. Quietly he repeats it to himself as a way for his brain to better remember it and he really just likes the way it sounds.
“I’m really sorry again, can I buy you another cup of tea? There’s a cart just down this path that sells hot drinks.” He thinks he’s maybe getting ahead of himself or looking too closely into it but he really likes the idea of spending more time with you. Marc catches him just before he ultimately agrees immediately without another thought.
Steven, your interview.
“Oh sh-!” He reluctantly pulls his hand from yours to check his watch only to see time has somehow run away from him. Now he suddenly has very little time to get to the museum. “I’m sorry I have an interview for this dream job of mine in like ten minutes and it’s probably going to take me that long to run there!”
“Oh.” Is that disappointment seeping into your features? “That’s okay,” just like that it’s gone and you’re smiling at him again, “I owe you a cup of tea then Steven.”
“After?” It comes out a little more like a forceful statement rather than a polite question. He just had to say it before his brain chickened out. Now you’re looking at him confused, quietly repeating the word he just uttered.
Steven, buddy, you gotta say a little more.
“I’m trying,” he quickly mumbles to the side before turning back to you and more cautiously speaking this time, “maybe we could- if you want to-maybe you’d want to-"
Steven, calm, breathe.
He pauses and takes a deep breath, his eyes falling closed for just a second. When they open you’re still there. You’re real and you’re still standing in front of him, curiously waiting on him to speak again. That beautiful smile still gracing your face and he’s lost again, lost in the calm of your eyes on him.
“Do you want to meet after?” Marc’s voice reminds him of what he was trying to say and it comes out more smoothly than he expected. Maybe that’s down to Marc being even closer to the front, almost slipping into control of the body for just a moment.
“Oh.” Steven thinks he’s misread the situation—it wouldn’t be the first time—because you look surprised. Just as he opens his mouth to rescind the offer and apologise profusely you speak again. “I-I’d love that,” Steven watches as a grin spreads across your face and he mirrors your expression.
As much as I want to see how this pans out, we’re late.
“Shi-!” Steven checks his watch just to confirm even though he already knows he’s more than late at this point, “I have to go!”
The last thing he wants to do is leave and he awkwardly moves to do so before something else inside him fights it. If this wasn’t his dream job he’d forget all about the interview and just stay here in the park with you. Maybe you could walk around the water and sit with a cup of tea on a bench, and get to know each other better.
“Go! Go!” You’re gently shooing him off so he listens, and forces his feet to move but he keeps looking back at you as he takes the first few steps. Val tugs on the end of her lead, a little cry escaping as she looks at Steven and then back to you.
Steven halts abruptly almost falling over his own feet.
Give them your number!
Frantically Steven rushes back over to you, Val now pulling you almost off your feet as she excitedly taps her paws on the ground. How did he somehow forget a crucial part?! He quickly rummages in his bag and pulls out the receipt from the coffee shop, a loose pen, and some crumbs from his forgotten, now squished muffin.
“Here,” he messily scribbles down something that resembles his phone number and quickly decides to add a little note on the end. You delicately take the note when he offers it, smiling as you glance over it before looking at Steven again. His face hurts from how much he’s smiling, “see you later then?” When you excitedly nod he adorably waves as he starts to back away again. Steven walks backward for a second longer than he probably should just so he can admire the way you’re still standing smiling at him too. Reluctantly he pulls his eyes away from you and turns, breaking into a light jog as Marc reminds him they're late once again. Steven takes one last look at you, he’s surprised you’re still standing there reading over his little note with a large smile still plastered to your face.
You did a good job back there.
The small compliment makes Steven feel good. He'd been working hard with Marc on communication. Learning to breathe and formulate his words better in conversation and it seems the hard work is paying off.
Steven takes one final look at you before he speeds into more of a run, his heart now racing for another reason. Even now when he nervously answers the interviewer's question his mind stays stuck on you. He can't stop thinking about how nice you looked or the way you smiled so brightly-
Steven, focus!
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