#it's why i handsew
badassindistress · 1 month
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5 pm, time to finish the bag!
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alullinchaos · 2 months
wait off topic if I change Cinder's semblance for my rwby canon-adjacent au.... would this be controversial editing to warn people that the tags are novel length but that i love them and also @graythegreyt pls read them when u have a chance
#wick lore#i have asked myself this question with almost every character but for cinder i was thinking abt her dustweave (?) clothing#dustweave. dust infused. something like that#her v1 outfit that has the design on the sleeves that lights up when she sends out fire. that's her using fire dust that's in the cloth#but as far as i know this is a detail that literally never comes up again like we never see anyone else with clothing like this#so i asked myself. what if that was her semblance instead. that she had the ability to sew dust into cloth#how hard would it be for the girl modelled after cinderella to know that her semblance required her to do domestic labor to be used#thus explaining why it doesn't show up in later volumes because once she gets the maiden powers she thinks she doesn't need it#idk i think making her semblance be 'she can heat stuff up' and thus making her semblance indistinguishable from maiden powers#for the entirety of the series. is a bit of a waste. bc semblances say a lot about characters right#i know there's a point to be made about like. it manifested as that at that time because cinder has always been angry etc etc#but wouldn't it hurt from a different narrative angle. to have her semblance be dustweaving. when she doesn't have any money#no money to buy dust with but a semblance that makes her a skilled and incredibly rare craftsperson but can she bear to sell her skills#when they've been used against her for so long? when all she's known is hard work and grit and sweat? when it's probably dangerous?#anyway i think im about to hit the limit for tags but. lmfao. the possibilities!!! also the association between handsewing and the HOME!#something she's always wanted but never had. a safe place to sit by a fire that she doesn't have to tend and do her work...#also like the possible tension with mercury bc she's wishing her semblance was more offensive + merc's like BE GRATEFUL YOU HAVE ONE???#i headcanon that mercury has a semblance though. that he has silver eyes and his dad took those from him by making him hate the world#...anyway#goodnight
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rosenfieids · 2 months
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future ribbon master talfanel!
i've been inspired by sir toasty toes' posts showcasing irl ribbons for his ribbon master toast to make a plushie of my future ribbon master, talfanel! talf will be a soft reset shiny hunt for the gift eevee in celadon in pokemon firered!
talfanel has 2 magnets on his forehead, 1 on his mouth, 1 in each hand (opposite), and 1 on his neck!
plush and embroidery patterns are from the free sitting eeveelution pack by cholyknight!
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no-luscinia-no-amore · 4 months
frame project fun!
can I get from THIS
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in ten days??
And still get all my 2nd year tenure docs in AND go to ECCC (yes I have sewing to finish for that too, Aziraphale-as-Crowley plaid collar I am getting to you!!) AND not fall completely behind at my uhh job?
also, the paper wrapping Aziraphale's hair remnant features this text
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sheliesshattered · 1 year
me: I’m going to get started on this project 7+ months before it needs to be done so that I can take my time and do things right, no cutting corners or feeling pressured to get it done faster
also me: but why is it taking so loooooonnnggggg ;_;
#cosplay plans#my cosplay#my sewing#RRD cosplay#do I want to magically be at the point of trying it on and seeing all the pieces together? oh absolutely#but weirdly what I'm more excited for is getting a point where I have stuff to handsew#there are lots of circumstances when running the sewing machine isn't possible#and when I don't have time to start in on something huge like handwashing the red silk or completely clearing my table#so that I can lay out fabric to trace the next pieces out#(trying to do this all in a ~850sqft apartment where my sewing machine is ~10' from Jack's computer and directly behind my computer#is honestly less than ideal. gotta clean up my sewing table any time I have a work meeting on-screen and keep quiet when Jack is on mic)#but hey I knew it would be slow going bc of work and THAT'S WHY I STARTED THIS EARLY#but ugh the snail's pace is killing me#once I get to the point where I have bits that need sewn by hand then I'll be able to make quiet incremental progress without a huge mess#but really it's gonna be awhile#I'm going to hand-baste some of the curves on the underdress#but after that I'll need to sew all the seams by machine before I'll have any hemming/finishing to do by hand#then ditto for the red overdress -- but once the seams are sewn and finished there will be a LOT of handsewing to do#all the black-and-gold trim over the seamlines will need tacked down by hand#the edges of the sleeve and all the closures#the neckline trim and then all the beads that go over that#the decorative lacing dragon claw things at the front and the beads and trim on the ends of the sleeves#and then the hem I suppose#and I might end up making the lacing cords out of leftover bits of the red silk fabric wrapped around some crochet cord#and that will DEFINITELY need to be handsewn if I end up going that way#so like. plenty of hours ahead of me when I can just sit comfortably on the couch with a needle in hand and my headphones on#but most of it will happen after both the underdress and the dress are actually dress-shaped#sigh#gonna keep going slow and steady and know I'll get there eventually
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finefeatheredfriend · 2 years
someone start whittling a wooden finger for me, i jammed a needle into my middle finger when i was sewing last night and now it's swollen and hurts :( truly feel like lucius rn
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fanstuffrantings · 10 days
So fun fact about me, this outfit was the first one I ever made by hand for cosplay back in 2012.
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I handsewed the whole thing and wore it at every con I went to between 2012-2013. Not a lot of them but I was proud. It's why I have such a massive soft spot for the outfit and drew a version of it in my gajevy sketches.
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seahagart · 5 months
inserting the housewife application for my girl marha....
she's a big ol scary looking orc priestess but she is the definition of weird autistic girl with a fascination with death and death doulaship. she's a cleric of the orcish goddess of mothers/the circle of life too so you KNOW she'd light up meeting driftas son. she can make them both good traditional orc meals....
she'd handsew her son fantasy amongus clothing despite not knowing what it is and it ends up like that powwow dancer sporting a traditional among us medallion. she's so nervous he won't like it she cries to drifta for like an hour the night before.
This is beautiful. I think they would get along SPLENDIDLY, and drífa has a similar reverance towards mothers/children/circle of life, her's being more about survival etc, so I think they would have a lot to talk about and tbh if you feed her, you're in good.
the among us clothing HAHAAHAHA i think drífa would be the 'that is hilarious, why are you crying- this is great he will love it'
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badassindistress · 8 months
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More walking skirt progress! I redid a sideseam, evened up and shortened the hem and finished the back panel. I'm binding the hem with velvet ribbon as a trial with dust ruffles. A friend gave me leftovers from a lampshade maker last week, so perfect timing for this skirt.
All that's left is 3 metres of handsewing (why yes i was going to use the machine for this, but invisible stitches got to me again) and figuring out how I want the closures to go. I made it a split skirt, but there's no waistband, so probably buttons? But loops or normal buttonholes or even experimenting with bound buttonholes... i don't know yet
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fchsadfa · 7 months
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Curved needle, my beloved
To think that last week I stapled my globe together because I didn't want to hand sew 6 seams. And this week I'm willingly handsewing twice that number. We call that growth!
To be clear, the brown whip stitch is what's holding the fabric to my cardboard squares and the sewing-together is invisible ladder stitch. You can see the one unattached square to the right.
And the black fabric behind the cube is my abandoned Doomsday Clock idea, which I will revisit later. Maybe this afternoon if I get the mystery cube finished early, tho I also need to write an artist statement about the piece.
The cube started out of frustration but I'm Thinking Thoughts as I sew and I think I really like it, both conceptually (which I will expand on when I've got the artist statement out of my head onto paper) and aesthetically. The collab black pigment of everyone dumping their paint into one pot turned out to be a lovely pine green, and the random painting I did on canvas reminds me of a dappled forest sunlight. The random embroidery honestly has no conceptual purpose but the green echoes evergreen needles and the blue spiral on top is watery.
The real concept is the slip of paper that I'm putting inside (folded into one of those kawaii stars) that I wrote "hey. Fuck off" on. That was my reaction to needing to make a piece about myself and defend why my story is important and why people in 50-200 years would care. It doesn't matter, and I don't want to be perceived.
I realize the conflict of making a statement about not making a statement. It is what it is (hopefully finished by the deadline)
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discountalien-pancake · 10 months
Wanted to let you know that after your post about it I finally caved and ironed my damned fabric before doing anything with it and am devastated to admit that it makes all next steps so much easier. As I can't afford a sewing machine I found my fabric stash super daunting but for handsewing the ironed fabric is a game changer!!!!! Jfc why am I this stubborn.
Hehehe 😈 ironing seems like such a boring, menial task, but it really makes a huge difference. And honestly it doesn’t take that long, especially compared to having to trace and cut everything a second time if you fuck it up in the beginning. It’s so worth the tiny bit of extra effort, bc whatever you make will be that much nicer and you will feel that much better wearing/using it.
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fagcrisis · 1 year
tell me why (aint nothing but a heartache) i started HANDSEWING this edge (aint nothing but a miistake) just cos i was like, well its flat felled (i never wanna hear you say) and thats easier to do by hand (i want it that way)
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freyscraftcorner · 23 days
Why must keeping the right tension while handsewing be so hard??
Another progress pic for Harald the bag:
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Just finished sewing down the edges of one of the side seams, just the other side and the top seams left and then I'll have to worry about the shoulder strap before I can worry about much more on this bit.
Sewing in linen is just as fun as I remembered it to be😁 it's the best🤩
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darkandstormydolls · 2 months
Another new costume: historical this time!
I’ve wanted to get into historical costuming for a long long time, it’s just taken a while to a. figure out the skills and knowledge needed and b. get all of the pieces done (because of course I had to pick a complicated dress from a complicated decade). I’ve technically been working on this outfit since last fall; I made the chemise and corset back in August or September of last year, I don’t exactly remember, for another costume. I know undergarments are pretty much the most important thing for historical costuming, but MY GOODNESS do they take a while. In addition to the ones mentioned above, I also made a bustle, a detachable ruffled overlay, and a petticoat (the bustle overlay is made out of Halloween fabrics with bats and skeletons and things because of the theory of “no one’s gonna see it, so why not make it wildly anachronistic and fun?”)
The dress itself has three parts: a base skirt with three layers of trim (which took and eternity and a half to pleat), and overskirts with all the floofy fabric (there are tapes inside to hold it into those puffs in the front) and the bodice. That one I don’t think took the longest, but it was definitely the most complicated; interlining, boning at the seams, handsewing of bias tape hems at the top and bottom, a million seams, and so much trim, and that’s not even counting the fact that I had to take it apart and resew it after the first attempt. The buttons down the from were supposed to be velvet to match the ribbons, but the velvet was too thick and didn’t fit in the button coverer, so I went with the same fabric as the dress, a plain black cotton (I got a 25 yard bolt of this and must have used around 15 on this dress between all the parts and all the pleated trim).
I did not make it all in a historical way; inner seams are almost all overlocked (I zigzagged around the edges of the bodice fabric and interlining rather than basting them together so that I didn’t have to finish those seams inside of the bodice) . After all, it’s historical costuming, not recreation. I’m not trying to be 100% accurate, I’m trying to make a cute dress.
I also made a chemisette and cuffs to fill in the neckline and to add some visual depth to an otherwise all black dress (I’m planning to make all my historical clothes at least close to my normal clothing style, so that I feel more comfortable in them). The collar ended up a bit bigger than I would have liked, and I think it looks a little puritanical, but oh well. It is what it is. I can always make a new one in the future if it’s still bothering me.
I made this dress to be 1873, right in the middle of the first bustle era (my favorite era of Victorian womenswear).
The hat was an endeavor. I think I cut the pattern wrong, so it ended up way too tall, so I just kind of folded the sides under and now it’s fine. I’m kind of regretting adding the flowers, but they’re hot glued in (the one time I used hot glue on this hat rather than sewing. Of course.) and I don’t really care enough to fuss around with trying to get them off. I guess I can also always wear it without a hat if it keeps bugging me. At least my hair turned out cute!
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All in all, I love this costume. It’s cute, I think it’s flattering, it’s fairly comfy (and shockingly easy to move in; the skirts are a bit heavy, but not too much, the corset and boning don’t actually stop my from bending over if I have to, and the bustle folds up quite easily when I need to sit down). I think I could easily see myself wearing this for hours at an event. It’s a smidge long, but that’s not too much of a problem, and the petticoat pokes out a thing bit at the bottom, but that only serves to keep the skirt hem cleaner. The only real issue I came across with this was stairs, but even then, is was mostly only after I had taken off my shoes and the hem was a few inches too long.
I guess this dress is properly victorian goth, rather than just Victorian-inspired like most of my clothes
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silent-dragon · 1 year
TWST OC Profiles ~ Ruka,Tén,Daisuke
I may have a thing for onis...maybe..
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Art isn't in order of accurate heights
Three Person Bio Post so long post cut here
Ruka | Tén | Daisuke
All from homeland made by @/multydoodles
Name: Ruka
Nickname: Azure Oni
Friend Group: The Great Taka Gang
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Species: Half Blue Oni
Birthday: September/??
Zodiac: ?
Height: 195cm/6ft'5in
Orientation: Pansexual
Eye Color: Sea Blue
Hair Color: Dark Blue
Homeland: The Land Of Tainted Souls
Twist of Takuya from Genshin Impact
School: Hourglass Station Academy
Dorm: KowaiNyan
School Year: 4th
Occupation: Retail Part-Time Worker
Club: Baseball
Best Subject: Magic History & Literature
Dominant Hand: Left
Favorite Food: Miso Soup
Likes: Handcrafts,Blue Color Things,Seeing Others Be Kind,Wishing to not feel so Sad
Talents: Handsewing/beading clothing,Swing Strength,Memorization,Being a supportive friend
Personality: In a state of Melancholia…no matter what she does she is always sad,depressed,and moving at a slow pace. Can't be helped,it is her fate but she can find some happiness while dealing with this.
Bio: A half oni with a missing memory due to her condition. She suffers from a constant state of melancholy as long as she can remember and feels it's why she was abandoned. Often struggles with daily life, more so social as tends to just sit and sew or nap never talking to anyone for days. Tends to hang around other KowaiNyan students or Taka but it's sometimes hard to tell she is there. She yearns to get out of this way of life but knows it's her fate as a half oni of blue. Though probably never will be finished she works on an app that will give motivation quotes daily to others..it's mainly for her but know others could use it too.
Name: Tén
Nickname: Wreckful Oni
Friend Group: The Great Taka Gang
Gender: Male
Physical Age: 20
Species: Shadow Oni
Birthday: ??
Zodiac: ??
Height: 259cm/8ft'6in 
Orientation: Pansexual
Eye Color: Vibrant Red
Hair Color: Blood Red
Homeland: The Land Of Tainted Souls
Twist of Shutendoji from Yo-kai Watch Shadowside: The Return of the Oni-King
School: Hourglass Station Academy
Dorm: KowaiNyan
School Year: 4th
Occupation: Pomologist,Kurabito,Mixologist
Club: Botany
Best Subject: Botany & Herbal
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Plums,Sake
Likes: Fruit,Sake,Causing Mischief,Mixology Videos,Hovering over short humans,Playing pranks on staff,Wrestling with Taka,Pulling feline beasthumans tails,Sweets with Fruit
Talents: Super Strength,Toper,Pomology,Fire Magic,Logic Challenger
Unique Magic: Sketchy Exhale - His spicy breath can magically blow away text or art on any surface so long as it was placed there by someone. Computer printed stuff is not affected by this.
Personality: Reckless,Troublemaker,Loud,Loyal,Sometimes compassionate,Manipulative,Proud.
Bio: The bane of some around hsa. An oni known for pulling pranks on staff,bullying students…just the worse. Yet some say this isn't who he truly is as seen him being kind and helpful. He is a man that lost something he is struggling to come to terms he will never have again..this makes him act out to give cause for others to leave him alone when he needs others to start healing. Is addicted to sake but turned this into a business where he makes recipes,cups,grows his own rice all to give the information to others. Known to make short recipe videos of making drinks or crafting cupware from scratch on a social media video sharing app. Is learning video editing to make better videos.
Name: Daisuke
Nickname: Solitude Giant
Gender: Male
Physical Age: 20
Species: Blue Oni
Birthday: ??
Zodiac: ?
Height: 400cm/13ft
Orientation: Pansexual
Eye Color: Deep Blue
Hair Color: Natural Black
Homeland: The Land Of Tainted Souls
Twist of Shuten Doji from Warriors Orochi Series
School: Hourglass Station Academy
Dorm: KowaiNyan
School Year: 4th
Occupation: Mortician
Club: Baseball
Best Subject: Physical Education
Dominant Hand: Left
Favorite Food: Grilled Fish
Likes: Solitude,Animals,Haikus,His Gourd,People not being afraid of him,Literature on understanding Purpose,Giving Praise to friends for achieving goals or proving strength
Talents: Enhanced Strength,Sense of Smell,Mortician Skills
Unique Magic: Record Sense - While his nose is already powerful his tongue has the ability to tell various health info of someone from him licking them briefly.
Personality: Upon seeing him often gets judged as being rude or angry but that is far off. He is so calm and polite that it can scare some people. Do not take his kindness for granted as he can get angry but it must build over time or if he is growing weak and is scared.
Bio: A gentle giant of an oni. Often searching for a purpose never feeling very useful. He rather be left alone but knows he needs friends and companionship to perhaps find a temporary purpose. Reborn from a foul of a human that has left him an enormous size,vampiric,and feeling empty inside. He struggles daily with these things and dislikes burdening others with them. Surprisingly he is very smart and with his knowledge on blood and inner body he has a nearly finished app game that you play as a vampire doctor. It teaches health info weaved into the story.
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myalchod · 1 year
Meet the Writer
Tagged By: @junkshop-disco, @veritaserum07, @unreliablenarratorink, and @lustrouswhite
Rules: Use this Picrew and make yourself and answer the questions below.
(I am disappointed in how the Picrew handles grey, but I tried.)
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Three fun facts about me: why are these things always so hard? Especially since I can think of plenty of facts, but I'm not sure they count as fun ...
There has never been another person with my name. This is true even without involving my middle name.
I got myself ordained some years back to officiate for the wedding of one of my dearest friends, a sister not by blood. Since then, I have officiated twice more, once for my brother and once for one of my un-brothers. When I say I’ve basically teched more weddings than I’ve attended as a guest, I’m not at all joking.
I ended up with De Quervain's tenosynovitis at one point thanks to too much work and an excess of handsewing. They solved it with a cortisone injection, but told me I couldn't do any crafts for six months. I took up trufflemaking in the interim instead. (They were delicious.)
Favourite season: Winter, hands-down. I’ve no particular preference between spring and fall, but summer is dead last. Store your Charis in cool temperatures, please and thank you.
Continent where I live: North America
How I spend my time: working (probably to excess), writing, reading, procrastinating, cooking, gardening when the season is right, being distracted from a variety of crafts, and singing along off-key with all sorts of music.
Are you published? when I was far younger, but not in any way worth note.
Introvert or extrovert? exceedingly introverted, despite occasionally doing a reasonably good job of lying about it.
Favourite meal? to cook or to have someone plop down in front of me?
Tagging: anyone who wants to do this?
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