#it's so terrible and Tink and I really love it
Haven’t done one of these for a while, but here’s Escape to Peet’s Castle screenshot post number, uh *checks* seven!
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“I am Peet.”
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“And Peet is one who hurts those he wants to help.” nooooo sweetie nooooo D:
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“Best to help by never helping.” DD: ;-;
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I have this^ image saved under the name “The kids are shooketh” because it’s right after Peet said something cryptic and ran off and shook the bridge and I think I’m funny xD
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“Who knows what Sockman hands might do to hurt to him to her? Yes, by myself is best.” NO IT IS NOT YOU ARE NOT OKAY SIR also Janner in the background going “?!?! dude are you okay??”
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More coming sometime! As always feel free to use my screenshots for your own ends!
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stevebabey · 1 year
ruby hi!!! massive congrats on your milestone, i can't think of anyone more deserving of love than you my dear <33 i'm loving the sights and scenes of hawkins so far, may i request a trip down to lover's lake ❤️‍🔥 "i've had a terrible day at work so just kiss me" from list five with mr loverboy steve harrington? thank you so much love uu and congrats again!!
KAIT HI!!!!! i'm so glad ur enjoying hawkins m'dear and lover's lake with mr. steve harrington? that one's a dreamboat you're a lucky lady hehe <3 thank u thank u im literally giving u a big KISS rn ur so nice to me- i really hope u like this ! i manipulated the prompt a bit & omg accidentally used loverboy u got into my head this so is written for u
Robin's been keeping count of how many times Keith will ask Steve, in a single shift, to re-organise the front display due to inadequacy. That's the word Keith uses. Says it in that terrible drawl in his throat and with those lifeless eyes that don't seem to care when Steve's eye twitches after he's been asked for the third time.
Steve seriously thinks about kicking the entire display to shit.
He nearly does, just to stick it to Keith and permanently his cheeto-dusted fingertips and greasy mop for hair. God, Keith brings out the worst in him. Steve's honestly just stalling at this point, considering he's got about 15 minutes left of this shift. He busies his hands. Doesn't give the perpetually lurking Keith a chance to drag him into some other mindless job.
The 15 minutes crawl by. He's shrugging off his vest 2 mins out, specifically avoiding Keith's gaze as he maneuvers into the break room quickly.
"You're not finished yet, Harrington!" Keith's grating voice follows him in. Steve doesn't let it phase him, gathering his personal items from the employee room without a pause. He can sense Keith behind him in the doorway like a fucking vampire, some villainous presence hovering nearby.
"I could write you up for that, you know that." A crispy crunch. He's still snacking, even as he berates Steve in that bored tone; Steve wonders if today's the day to pick this fight with him. Really considers it. He ends up just clenching his jaw and watching the clock as it ticks over into sweet, sweet free time.
"Sure, Keith. Whatever you say." He grinds out, not even attempting pleasantries. There's a tight smile on his face but it might be a grimace for all Steve cares. He pushes past him and heads for the door.
"Hey Buckley," There it is again, that drawl that drives Steve nuts. "Can you check the front display? Undoubtedly, your Neanderthal friend will have found a way to mess it up and I'm not staying behind to fix it again."
Steve doesn't need to know what Neanderthal means to know when someone's calling him an idiot. He catches the start of Robin's furious glare, whipping towards her manager, but it disappears from view as he pushes out the door. Too hard. It slams against its hinges with a bang.
The steps rush up to meet his feet as he dashes down them. It's all muscle memory, opening the car door, turning the ignition, reversing out of the Family Video parking lot. The road gets swallowed beneath the car as he drives, a titch too fast than the speed limit warrants. Doesn't matter, Steve knows there's a remedy for his bad mood waiting at home.
You're in the kitchen when he gets in the door. He can tell from your shoes, left strewn halfway across the hall and outside the door to the kitchen, like you'd remembered to take them off at the last second. He toes them to the side with a small smile.
You must be in the middle of fixing a cup of something as there's something in your hand that tinks! gently, a teaspoon against porcelain.
Steve leans against the door frame and drinks his fill of love. Watching you be content as ever in his home, haloed in the setting sunlight through the windows, is a special sort of soothe on his soul. He's not sure he'll ever get used to it; or that he wants to.
Steve takes a breath in, thinks back to when you said love? well, love smells like your shampoo to me once, and thinks now that love must smell like the hot chocolate cradled in your hands. Love smells like you in the kitchen, waiting for him to come home.
You turn, catching sight of him. "Steve!"
His chest turns that bit lighter at your excited voice. He smiles and it comes easy. "Hi, sweetheart."
You cross the room to him, abandoning your steaming mug and Steve's arms are already open by the time you reach him. You slide up onto your toes, arms circling his neck, and you're pleasantly surprised when Steve ducks down and buries himself in your neck, his arms around your waist.
"Missed you," He mumbles and releases a sigh. His arms tighten, pulling you closer.
"Missed you too, Steve." You tell him truthfully, running your hand over the back of his head soothingly. You're like a balm to scorched skin, any fleeting bad feelings scampering at your reassuring touches. "Everything okay?"
Steve dredges his head out of his hiding place, staying close. His nose nuzzles against the length of your own, his eyes tired and affectionate.
"Mm." is the non-committal answer he gives you. He presses forward, lips seeking yours but you dodge them and give him a little frown.
"Everything okay?" You check, repeating the question. Steve can't be mad at your insistence, even though you're depriving him of kisses at the current moment. His thumb swipes along your ribcage impatiently.
"I've just... had a terrible day at work," he admits with a sigh. "So, just kiss me? Please."
And how could deny such a sweet request like that? Not when he sounds like your kisses could cure all his ails, could make any bad day a good one.
"Of course, loverboy," you breathe with a grin, eyes searching his face for the usual blush that arises at the pet name. He doesn't disappoint. Cheeks pink and lips even pinker, you tighten your arms around his neck and kiss him warmly. Steve gleefully tastes chocolate on your lips.
"Any time," you murmur when you pull back, and you mean it. Steve takes you up on that without a moment's hesitation.
join the celebration!
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vivispec · 2 months
happy friday!! for garret and mariam from the sibling prompts:
"Do you ever want to talk about that childhood event that fundamentally shaped us as people?" "No."
happy writing!!
Thank you!! A bit of post getting-Marian-out-of-the-Fade conversation between the twins, after three years of avoiding one another. And thank you to @nirikeehan for asking for it as well, right as I was about to post this one xD
@dadrunkwriting Marian & Garrett words: 647
“You promised you’d catch me up with what you’ve been up to, once I made it out,” Marian pressed as her drink met the bartop, warmth blooming down her throat to tingle the tips of her fingers. “Well, here I am, brother. I’m listening.”
Garrett squirmed on his stool, as if one of its legs were uneven. “Do I have to? It’s not like I’ve done much, really.”
“Bullshit, I don’t believe that for a second.”
“Why not?” His words held no heat, only cool resignation. He lifted his own mug to his lips, muttering into it. “Doing fuck-all was always my specialty. You were the wave-maker, you know that.” 
A guilty pang ran through her, familiar and bitter tasting. “You were the Champion as much as I was, what I did was just…above-ground, is all. That doesn’t mean you weren’t fighting just as hard, for things that were just as important.” Between her fingers wrapping tight the dented metal, she watched flickering light play off amber drink, as if dancing to Maryden’s tune. It was familiar, something she’d heard in Lothering what seemed a lifetime ago, before…everything. All of it. “...I wonder if Father knew just what it was he was setting us up for.”
“I’m afraid I haven’t the foggiest what you mean, sister.”
“Establishing me as the head to our merry crew of siblings,” she clarified. “It made sense back then, asking me to look out for you three when we were kids, and I was the ‘mostly responsible’ one—dragging you back for supper, stopping you and Bethany from teasing Carver too much—but once we got older, and he passed…” She mulled over her thoughts, trying to form words from them. They didn’t give in easily. “We should’ve been on equal grounds from the start, you and I, and maybe if we had been…do you think things could’ve gone differently?”
“What I think is that that’s quite the heavy topic for our first flagon.” Without missing a beat her mug slid across the grain, tinking gently as it bumped into his own. “Ah, lovely,” he sighed, “Well, that solves that, doesn’t it?”
“You can’t get out of it that easily.” Pausing just long enough for him to down the entire pint, she thought about letting the question pass; but then, there was so much they’d lost in letting their feelings fester. Looking back to her thumbs as they turned over one another, she pushed herself to continue past the hesitance. “I don’t know. Me taking on too much, you feeling worthless—I can’t help but think there might’ve been a better way, had he treated us the same. Maybe we could have stood together and not apart, if we’d felt on equal footing.”
“Maybe. Or, we could’ve been just as miserable, but in different ways,” he sniffed, studying the dregs of his drink to no doubt save himself from eye contact. “Look, it’s the kind of problem you can’t just throw a fireball at, which means I’m bloody useless with it, but…it’s not all terrible, is it? We found each other again, and I’m quite fond of the little family we patched together along the way.” Then, he shrugged, gesturing his mug towards her. “Whatever the case, I’m too drunk now to think about it. Whoever was it that thought drinking an entire flagon in one go was a good way to loosen up for a deep discussion on our shared trauma, sister?”
She snorted, and shoved his shoulder. “Ass.” As he splayed his hands in mock defeat, she shook her head, smiling. “Well, what does ‘not terrible’ look like for you, then? Daring rebel mage rescues? Battles with droves of rogue templars?”
“And we’re back to the top,” he noted. “Somehow, I feel as though I’ve been tricked.” 
“It’s one or the other, brother,” she said as Cabot served them another round. “Your choice.”
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freedomfireflies · 2 months
ooooh I love a grumpy x grumpy vibe!! I don't think ive seen that done yet!! but I could be wrong.
but they're just constantly bullying each other bc neither of them know how to show emotions?? that kind of grumpy or a different kind of grumpy??
!!! I don't think it's too terribly common but I do love it and think it can be fun from time to time!! I feel like 404rry and Tink are kind of grumpy x grumpy adjacent HAHAH
BUT!!! I do think it could be so fun if they're both really closed off and maybe a bit rude or snippy and they almost bond over that?? HAHAH OR THEY JUST TRY TO OUT-BITCH EACH OTHER
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Is Elvis ever gonna find out about Elaine’s affair with Marlon? And I have to say that I read ur House of Dragon fic and 5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ xoxo
Ah this. No, he won’t. Or rather more specifically, he never wants to. I think the man suspects something but for his own sanity that’s not something he’s gonna have a confrontation about. From what we know of him he dealt with cheating in an extremely possessive way, instead of spurning his woman, so even if he suspects I think it comes out merely in a bit more possessiveness and into the 80’s a keen awareness of his own role in leaving a cold place in the bed, I’d you will. It doesn’t fit his picture of his Tink and so he’s not having it, it’s over, that’s good enough for him. And Elaine was obviously not massively emotionally compromised by Brando so, moving on.
Also, eeeeek, thank you SO much, I don’t know why it’s all a tad embarrassing to toss out stuff for a batshit insane fandom (and I mean that with the greatest of love) when I’ve been chilling, working on domestic little universes here but my inner medieval gremlin must come out. I credit the Elvis fandom for giving me any bravery to actually post writings I’ve been dabbling in for over a decade now, and interacting, too. I used to be a Tumblr lurker and everyone’s kindness really did so much to bolster me, I appreciate y’all immensely.
So happy to have a crossover buddy with shared and varied interest. I’m terribly afraid there’s more of that HotD insanity inside my brain, you’ll see it before too long, ha.
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15 and 16?
It took me awhile to think about how I wanted to answer these because they’re pretty deep questions.
(Content warning: Mentions of violence/torture, though nothing super graphic.)
15. Worst thing they’ve ever done
Okay, don’t kill me for this one but…as much as I love Hook, even Disney’s Hook has done some TERRIBLE things. We may not see it all play out on-screen, but within minutes of his first appearance, when Hook is contemplating how to get Tiger Lily to give up Peter’s hideout, he mentions some pretty gruesome possibilities—“boiling in oil…keelhauling…marooning!” If you’ve ever been burned by hot cooking oil, you can imagine how bad BOILING in it might be. As for keelhauling…it involved basically tying a person to ropes and dragging them under the bottom of the ship so that they would scrape against any sharp barnacles there, slicing open their skin. A person who was keelhauled might eventually die from blood loss or infection, assuming they didn’t drown first. A marooned person might starve to death or die of thirst if the little spot of sand they were dropped off on didn’t have much in the way of food or fresh water. And Hook is talking about doing these things to A CHILD. Presumably, if he’s considering such things, he has likely done something similar before. And then, of course, we DO actively see him trying to leave Tiger Lily to drown in the first film and tying Peter to an anchor to be sunk to the bottom of the sea in the sequel. Considering all of that, I suspect Hook has done many terrible things in his past and probably got creative with his torture methods. One of the worst I’ve heard of in legend (and one appropriate for someone with a flying nemesis) is the Blood Eagle of Norse mythology. I won’t describe it here because it’s pretty bad. But you can look it up for yourself. I wouldn’t put it past Hook to do something like that in his villain days…
16. Deepest, darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves
This one depends on where we are in his story. Pre-redemption arc, I think the biggest thing he wouldn’t admit to himself was likely how much he actually NEEDED Peter to give his life a purpose and meaning. If he had actually ever managed to kill Peter…then what? If it happened before Tink dusted the ship, they might not even be able to leave the island. It would likely be more peaceful but I have a feeling the crew would have gotten extremely restless. And even if they COULD leave the island…after a certain point, they would no longer have a place in society. Pirates on wooden ships don’t belong in Wendy’s world. They’re a relic. A bedtime story. Nothing more. A modern ship of the time could have taken them out easily. He would have been happy for awhile but with no real friends or family aside from Smee and nowhere to go…his life would have still been miserable without Pan and he’d have even less of a reason to get up in the morning.
Post-redemption arc, I think the thing he doesn’t want to voice aloud but which really gets to him is the fact that he still struggles with his “old self.” He’d love to say that villain in him is dead and he’s a totally new man, but it doesn’t entirely work that way. The “old self” is still there, dormant but still lurking in the darkest parts of his heart and mind. And what legitimately scares him the most is the question, “What if the better me is just a fraud? What if the REAL me IS that man and I’m just lying to everyone…including myself…that I can be a better man?”
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Time for me to ramble about The Wingfeather Saga to try and distract myself from my depression and the fact that I’m sick and miserable!
~*Spoilers*~ for all the books
Okie so in the 3rd Wingfeather show episode Tink calls Peet old and I just. I just wanna address that for a second because it’s been poking around in my mind ever since. xD
So here’s what I think the ages of the adults in the Wingfeather Saga are as based on the kid’s ages, how long it’s been since Anniera fell and logic:
Let’s start with Esben and Nia. Since their kiddos were very little when Anniera fell (Janner was only three) it follows that they were also quite young, I’m gonna say mid-20′s, around 24-25. Nine years later that’d make them 33-34 years old, which seems logical.
I headcanon that Artham and Esben have the same age gap as Janner and Kal, so assuming Artham is only a year older than his brother that’d put him at about 25-26 (my age ;-;) when Anniera fell and 34-35 during the events of the series. That’s. That’s not old. Even if you headcanon him as several years older than Esben (say 3 or so) he’d still be in his 30′s.
(I’m not knocking Tink btw, he’s 11 and everyone’s old when you’re a little kid, especially weird guys with whitish gray hair that you don’t know are related to you.)
I don’t have any concrete idea of how old Podo is and it bothers me, Leeli in book 4 keeps saying he’s like, really old, but she’s also 9 so that’s probably not reliable. Assuming Nia’s in her 30′s during the books Podo is probably(?) in his mid-late 60′s. (Especially since we know he did a LOT when he was young, he ran with the Stranders, he was a pirate, and when he came to the Hollows he said he never sailed again until he traveled to Anniera for Nia’s wedding). I feel like Wendolyn was younger than him by maybe 5-6 years since she isn’t married when they meet, despite being an attractive and well-to-do young woman.
Mentioning grandparents, has anyone else ever wondered where the HECK Artham and Esben’s parents are? Like, they’re barely even mentioned in the books, I think we actually learn their names from a genealogy Janner gets from Oskar/the Great Library. And this is especially weird when you consider that Podo and Wendolyn are actively helping Nia and the kids escape when Anniera falls. That, and Esben is king already when Anniera falls and unless their parents had kids when they were older (which is possible) they won’t be that old and Idk why his dad wouldn’t still be ruling. Like, why pass the throne off to your 20-something son if you don’t have to? Why not train him more?
So here’s what I think happened to Jru and Nala Wingfeather: I think Bonifer killed them. Not Bonifer himself, of course, but I think he arranged their deaths in some way. It would be pretty easy, tbh, to have an “accident” where they died. All you’d need to do would be hire some pirates to attack a ship they’re sailing on, or sabotage the ship so that it sank once it set sail.
Bonifer would have several good motives for this, I think. First and foremost, it’s going to be much easier for him to trick Esben, a brand-new, very young, king into believing his lies than an older, more experienced, king and queen. Not that I think Esben (or Artham) was an idiot, but Bonifer has had a really long time to learn how to lie and be a terrible person, and the younger you are the more likely you are to fall for stuff like that (generally speaking, there are always exceptions. like, I don’t think Maraly would have been easily tricked by Bonifer’s shenanigans because she grew up with the Stranders who are a bunch of lying tricksters. Meanwhile, Janner was tricked because he grew up among trustworthy and loving adults. Same thing with Esben and Artham).
Second, it’s possible that Jru and/or Nala had learned something that made them suspicious of Bonifer or were close to finding something about Gnag/the Fangs that would have ruined their plans, so Bonifer had them killed. Again, it’s really easy to set up an “accident”, especially when sailing is involved.
And finally, Bonifer just. really hates the Wingfeathers. Because he’s got issues. So of course he’d try to cause them all the suffering he could.
So, yeah, that’s why I think Esben and Artham’s parents aren’t around/aren’t mentioned in the books. Also my headcanons about ages.
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mystical-flute · 2 years
Take My Hand and Whisper 'Run!' (Swanfire Month Day 17)
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Foster Home AU or Neverland AU
AO3 || FFN
The day Baelfire had been waiting for had finally arrived: the day he escaped from Neverland. Before he can enact his plan though, Tink informs him of a new arrival in the realm - one who is just as desperate to escape as he was.
“Dammit,” Baelfire hissed as the chalk he’d been using snapped. “Just a bit more and I’ve got it…”
He didn’t know how long he’d been in Neverland - it must have been decades at this point. Centuries, maybe. He shuddered to think that the Darlings might all be dead. He just hoped they hadn’t forgotten about him, no matter how long it had been, or if they were already… gone.
Baelfire grit his teeth and shook his head. He couldn’t let the hopeless thoughts consume him, as difficult as it was, considering the nature of Neverland. If he let Pan win… well, he didn’t know what he was going to do.
He just wanted to get back to London, to the Darlings’. He’d been so happy there. So free from the magic that had ruined his life in The Enchanted Forest.
This place was just a never ending nightmare.
Letting out another sigh, he abandoned the drawing and moved over to the star map he’d created, carefully flicking it on and looking at the stars that twinkled above him. One of them would point home, and then he’d figure out a way to get there.
He had to.
In the distance, he could hear the Lost Ones whooping and cheering again. They did it every day, but there was something… different about this one.
Bae shivered and tried to focus on the stars again. “Come on Hook… you wouldn’t have lied to me about this, right?”
No. He knew Hook wouldn’t have steered him wrong about this - despite Baelfire’s anger toward him, He and Hook really did have a good relationship before everything came out about his mother.
His mother. She’d abandoned him, he was willing to believe it now. There had been a heaviness in Hook’s eyes when he’d explained it to him. As angry as he’d been, he did accept that Milah had run off - she hadn’t loved his father, and had made that quite obvious, even if she’d been trying to keep her vicious language away from his ears.
But why would she have left him behind? That’s what he still didn’t understand. Was he such a terrible kid that he deserved to be abandoned by both his parents?
He felt a tear roll down his cheek, but ignored it and let it drop to the ground. Instead, he frowned as he stared up at the stars. Something in the star chart was missing, but what? It looked identical to the one Hook had taught him to make, but yet something didn’t look right.
“Dammit, what am I missing?”
He jumped, nearly dropping the star chart, but relaxed when he saw a familiar green dot slide through a simple crack in the makeshift door of his cave.
“Tink,” he breathed, his heart rate dropping to a normal speed. “What is it? You sound worried.”
Tinker Bell went into her human form, green wings fluttering quickly, like a beating heart. Her face was twisted in worry. “Pan’s got a new Lost One.”
“And?” he questioned with a frown. It explained the cheering, but Pan seemed to gain a new Lost One every other day. Although there had been a few days (or weeks, or months…) where Neverland had been unusually quiet, without the sound of new arrivals.
“This one has magic. She’s a girl from The Land Without Magic and she has some,” Tink explained. “I fear Pan wants to use her for something.”
“Yeah, well, Pan always wants to use someone for something. If he brought her here, it’s because she wanted to be here.” Even though he’d had fun dancing with the Lost Ones, he’d still had Papa at the time. If this girl chose to come here… she likely didn’t have anything.
“No,” Tink said with a firm shake of her head. “She doesn’t want to be here. I’ve heard her wish, but you know my magic is too weak to do anything against Pan.”
Right. Otherwise she would have been able to grant his wish and get him back to the Darlings.
He sighed. “And you think I can somehow help her?”
Tink looked up at the stars on the ceiling. “Last time we spoke, you said there was a star missing. Which one was it?”
Bae followed her gaze. “Home. The star that will take me home.”
“Hm. Funny how that’s exactly where the new Lost One wants to go,” Tink mused. “Besides, I know you, Baelfire. I know you wouldn’t leave someone here that didn’t want to be here.”
Bae sighed and glanced at the small cache of weapons he’d managed to forge for himself. “Okay. Where is she?”
This wasn't Neverland. This was Hell.
Emma Swan curled herself into a tighter ball, ignoring all the whoops and cheers around her. Peter Pan was evil. That was a plot twist she hadn't been expecting.
When she'd made that wish, that stupid, stupid wish made in a fit of anger, she hadn't expected the shadow to come to her in the middle of the night, weaving a tale of grandeur and fun, where she could be away from adults.
Well, she was away from adults, but she was away from everything else that was familiar, and the worst part was, she couldn't leave. No matter how much she begged and pleaded, Pan wouldn't let her go.
How long had she been here? She couldn't even keep track of time. She'd tried to, but even if she went with her sleep cycle, the Lost Ones kept interrupting her, so she doubted she had been sleeping a full night. Or day. Whatever the hell it was here.
Whenever she asked about Wendy, John, or Michael Darling, the Lost Ones had just laughed, or looked at her in confusion, depending on which one she’d asked. This was such a weird version of Peter Pan that was apparently very, very, real.
The only thing about it that had made sense was the apparently antagonistic relationship Peter Pan had with Captain Hook. She’d never met the man, but the disgust on Pan’s face had been enough to tell her he didn’t like the pirate captain.
At least it was something correct from her old childhood stories.
“Hey Emma!” one of the Lost Ones called. “Come on! Don’t you want to join the fun today? We’re celebrating your arrival!”
“You can celebrate my leaving once I figure out a way off this island!” she snapped back.
The Lost One rolled his eyes. “Are you still on that? This is everything you ever wished for, isn’t it? Why would you want to go home, where adults treat you like trash and you have to grow up?”
“Because I miss the sun! I miss TV, music, and art!” She missed changing clothes, and washing machines, especially for her baby blanket, which Pan had oh-so graciously allowed her to keep. But it kept getting dirty as she kept getting dirty on the island, and Emma wished for a washer to actually get it clean.
She hated being an orphan. Hated the adults that made her life a living Hell including the unknown parents who had abandoned her. But somehow, despite all that stuff, she wanted to go back to it instead of being stuck in this world where nothing made sense and everything was chaos.
Peter Pan was real, which meant fairytales were real and that was just something too mind-boggling for Emma to comprehend.
“Come on, Devin,” Pan’s silky voice suddenly said, grinning but not bothering to hide the malice in it. “Emma just needs some more time to adjust to Neverland, that’s all. Tinker Bell is on the move, so why don’t we go play a game of catch?”
“Don’t hurt her!” Emma blurted when Devin rose to follow Pan.
“Oh come now, Emma, it’s just a game! We aren’t going to hurt Tinker Bell at all!” Pan said, malice still glinting in his smile. “Devin, let’s go. Maybe by the time we get back, Emma will want to join us! And then you can show her how we play catch!”
The way his voice went from pure evil to innocent child wanting to play a game was absolutely terrifying, and apparently, hypnotic to everyone except her, judging by the way every Lost One followed Pan out of the camp, whooping and cheering as they rose their weapons into the air to chase after the elusive fairy.
At least Tinker Bell didn’t seem to be on Pan’s side.
Emma shuddered and curled back into her ball, clutching her baby blanket tighter to her chest. Her parents may have abandoned her on a highway, but at least they’d given her a name and a blanket. She would have hated to have been named something terrible like Mildred by a stuffy old nun.
Her parents had loved her at some point. They must have. That’s why she needed to find them - she needed to know what happened.
She needed to get out of here if she ever had a chance of finding them. But how?
Emma jumped to her feet, fists raised and poised to strike. “I told you I don’t want to play your stupid game!”
Though, as she got a closer look at the boy, she realized he didn’t look anything like the other Lost Ones, or like Pan. He had a cloak, like them, but the clothing underneath looked more familiar. Vintage, something out of a Charles Dickens novel, but at least they didn’t look like they were made out of leaves or animal skin. She also didn’t recognize his face.
“Who are you?” she questioned softly. “Are you a new Lost One?”
“No. I’m an old one. But I escaped the camp. I’ve been on the run for a while now. Tink told me you want to go home, right?”
Emma nodded warily. Strange that this boy needed to be told - she’d have thought it was common knowledge on the island at this point.
“I do too. And I’m close to figuring out a way… but I need your help.”
“Me? How?”
“I think we’re going to the same place… the Land Without Magic?”
Emma frowned. What the hell did that mean? “If you mean planet Earth, then yes, that’s where I’m going.”
“Earth. Yeah, that’s it, that’s where I’m going too!” he agreed with a nod. “Come on, I’ve got a hideout that Pan doesn’t know about. We can talk more there.”
A hideout? Away from Pan and the Lost Ones? As much as her gut told her to not trust anything anyone said in this world, Emma scrambled for the backpack that had come with her to Neverland, sighing with relief when she realized it was still the same weight it had been when she’d landed. No one had messed with it then. Good.
“Okay,” she whispered. “Let’s go.”
The boy took her hand, and they ran. Faster than she’d ever run when she was shoplifting food, or travel sized toothpaste and mouthwash. Faster than she’d run to get away from the Edwards family, faster than she’d ever run away from anything.
And finally, they were able to stop running as they burst into a cave she didn’t recognize, with white chalk drawings on the walls alongside a frightening number of tally marks. How long had this boy been here?
“I should have asked earlier,” she panted, dropping to the ground with a soft groan. “But who are you?”
“My name is Baelfire… what’s yours?” the boy replied, joining her on the ground and discarding his cloak.
“Emma. So… how did you find out about me? I haven’t seen you at the camp.”
“Tinker Bell told me,” he explained. “She thinks the reason my getaway plan is missing something is because of you. And if we’re both going to the same planet, I think she was right. We’re the two people here who really want to get out.”
Emma supposed she couldn’t argue with that logic. “Okay, so… how do we do this then? How do we escape?”
“We need The Shadow. It’s the only way.”
Emma paled. “What? Seriously? We can’t trust that thing won’t try to take us to… I don’t know, Duloc or something!”
“It won’t take us there, I promise. Besides, after the way Farquaad was running it, I doubt it’s even still standing,” Baelfire said with a shrug.
“... Are you telling me Shrek is real?”
“What’s Shrek?”
“You don’t know what Shrek is? It’s only one of the best movies of all time!” When Baelfire seemed even more confused, Emma shook her head. “Never mind. It doesn’t matter. Are you sure we can trust this Shadow after it dragged the two of us here?”
He nodded. “I’m positive. Tink’s magic isn’t powerful enough to get us out of here, and there aren’t any more magic beans.”
Because of course magic beans were real too.
Emma finally sighed. “Alright, fine. How do we catch this stupid shadow then?”
“We need to use light… I think trapping it in my star map will sort of reset it and force it to go where we need it to,” Baelfire explained, holding out a halved coconut with a bunch of holes in the top. “I don’t like this plan either, but it’s the only chance we have.”
“I get it… it seems hopeless otherwise,” she agreed, glancing around at all of the drawings (and the frightening number of tally marks) on the wall. “Did you draw all these?”
He nodded.
Emma paused at one, at the familiar clock she’d seen so often in movies and pictures. “Is this Big Ben? The famous clock in London?”
“Yeah,” he said, face brightening. “I lived there for a few months, with the Darlings.”
There were too many questions running through her mind, but she knew she didn’t have a lot of time to ask them. “So you’re from, what, the early 1900s?”
“It was 1904, last I checked, yeah. Why? What year are you from? I noticed you don’t have a dress like Wendy and Mrs. Darling.”
Oh. Oh no. If Peter Pan and all the characters were real, and Baelfire was from Earth, like her, but from 1904…
“Baelfire, I’m so sorry, but it was 1996 when I left.”
His eyes glazed over with tears for a brief moment. “It’s okay. I - I sort of expected that it had been decades. I expected they’d be gone.”
“What are you going to do when we get home?” she asked softly.
He shrugged. “I figured it out before and I can do it again.”
She nodded slowly. “But… maybe it’ll be easier if we do it together.”
Baelfire nodded and smiled. “Together. Now come on, let’s get home.”
They traveled away from the hideout, just in case the plan failed. Emma held the coconut in her hands, clutching it tight to make sure it didn’t fall. They hadn’t lit the candle yet, and they only had one match, so they had to make it count.
Tink had joined them, hiding in her small form in Emma’s backpack.
“How do we draw out the shadow?” she whispered.
“You don’t have to. I know everything that happens in Neverland…” a voice suddenly hissed from behind them.
Emma jumped and tried not to scream, but Baelfire was quicker, launching himself at the shadow. She opened the coconut with a shaking hand and tried to light the match with the other, but the shadow struggling against him caused it to go out immediately.
“No! No! Please, I need you to light up!” Emma cried, staring at the candle in horror. “Light, dammit!”
And to her great surprise, it did, and began dragging the shadow into it.
“Dammit, fine Baelfire, Emma! What is it you want?” the Shadow hissed, only just hanging on.
“You’re taking us out of here,” Baelfire said. “We’re going back to the Land Without Magic.”
“And if I refuse?”
“Then I put this lid on the coconut and trap you in there forever!”
The threat was enough for the Shadow to comply, dragging them back through time and space or whatever the hell it was they warped through. They were dropped on a sunny dirt road, and the Shadow retreated back to Neverland without a word, leaving them alone, before Tink popped out of the backpack, looking like a fully grown adult, but missing her wings.
“I can’t believe that worked,” Tink said with a wide smile. “All those years, she banished me to Neverland, and now I’m free. Stinks I can’t use what was left of my magic, but… hey Emma, are you okay?”
“What time is it?” she whispered, still trying to gather her bearings. “What year is it? And where are we?”
Baelfire squinted at the sun. “Judging by the position of the sun in the sky, I’d say it’s about ten, ten-thirty in the morning. And it looks like there’s a sign up ahead. Maybe it’ll tell us where we are.”
Emma nodded and followed him to the sign.
Welcome to Storybrooke.
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hotpocketpena · 1 year
You don’t get to walk out on me again
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Notes: Please be v patient w me. I have not written anything since Dionsaurs were alive so I’m very rusty!
OK so I’m obvi obsessed with Mr sexy Pena so I had to make my first about him. He is the loml and i have frequent dreams about this dreamy man that will eventually turn into posts so oopsie. 
I hope ya’ll enjoy n lemme know what u tink ;)
ps. I am terrible with Spanish (ltrlly just used google translate pls no attack)
Overview - Reader x Javier were in a long term relationship, but things got messy and the relationship ended. Reader has now moved on but can’t completely move on because Javi wont let her go. 
Use of Y/N
Word Count - 2.8k+
Warnings - Swearing
You sit at your desk, using the useless files as a makeshift fan. The Colombian heat has not been kind to any of you in the office today. It also didn’t help that he had been staring you down for the majority of the day. 
Javier couldn’t take his eyes off you. He was like a moth to a very, sweaty but beautiful flame. He watched with such awe as you fanned yourself with files that are useless to your investigation with Escobar. 
Things didn’t end well between you both. 
There were underlining problems with Javi’s commitment issues, you knew this before getting involved with him. You really tired to not be another notch in his beat. But my lord, that man is irresistible. It only took 4 days for him to have his way with you. 
4 days of little flirtatious winks here and there. 4 days of wearing extremely tight pants just so you would look at his ass. Even though they made him the most uncomfortable he’s ever been, he didn't care. He wanted you, and he was willing to go to circulation-cutting lengths to have you. 
Aside from the blood cutting off in his legs and a few remarks from his partner Steve, it was nothing. He’d done much worse for girls with much less beauty than you. But was it all worth it?
Why did he make a fool out of himself for someone that just threw him away like a piece of trash? He asks himself this question everyday since you left him standing alone in his apartment. He thought about running after you and demanding to know why you were doing this to him. Why after him opening up to you about his past, would you just run out when things got a little tough?
“Will you just go over and talk to her Pena?” Javi was snapped out of the thoughs running around in his head. His blonde haired partner decided to but in on his private life once again. 
Javier wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead and grunted. “Will you just shut the fuck up Murphy. I don’t need to have this conversation with you again.” He certainly didn’t want to even think about you, never mind talk to his loved up partner about how shitty his love life had been. 
Steve sighed. “I hate seeing you two like this Pena. You two were so goo-”
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence.” Javi stood up from his chair. 
Steve had pissed him off too much over the last two weeks. Constantly pestering him to go over and speak to you. Just ask you the simple question of why? 
But, Javier Pena was the most stubborn man in the whole of Colombia.
He was glad Steve pissed him off so much. He finally had an excuse to leave the office and not waste another look at you. He needed to bury himself deep in something. Drink or whores. Or her. 
He shook that last thought away and went to the bathroom to splash some water over his face. It calmed him down, but he wish he stayed in there longer. His fists clenched and his eyes were seeing red. 
He saw you, and your new boyfriend of three weeks, Marizio from intelligence, leaning over your desk and whispering something in your ear. 
That used to be him. He was the one that would whisper all the dirty things he’d want to do to you while you were working. He was the one that would make you blush like that. Make you feel things you’ve never felt before in your life. 
Javier couldn’t move. He was like stone, his eyes locked on the small boy leaning on your desk. 
You laughed and held onto Marizio’s shoulder as you stood up. You were done with work for the weekend, hoping to leave the troubles of the DEA behind and enjoy a relaxing weekend with your new boyfriend. 
The honeymoon stage was in full swing. You never wanted to come out of it with Maritzio. If only it could stay like this forever. It’s only been a few weeks since he first asked you out, but you’re glad he did. 
You were a nervous wreck on your first date. You hadn’t been out with another man since him. But Maritzio wasn’t like him. 
He was kind, sweet and caring. 
He never treated you in a harsh way like someone else did. After your first date, he walked you back to your apartment complex and gave you a light kiss on the cheek goodnight. 
You were used to the night ending in yours or his bed, screaming each others names until you lost your voices. But with Maritzio, he was a gentleman. 
So when the time came around for his birthday, you thought he would decline the invitation from Steve to go to their favourite bar after work. And to your surprise, he said yes. 
If Steve was going to be there, you knew he was going to be there. Any mention of alcohol he was always going to be there. 
Maritzio knew about your past relationship struggles. He didn’t know exactly who with, but he knew it was someone within the DEA. He was very calm about it, not in the slightest concerned about anything happening while you were together. 
A few days after your second date, you got very drunk and called Maritzio. You meant to dial someone else's number to help you with the pain of heartbreak, but he was the one that broke it. So when Maritzio came rushing over, you spilled your guts. 
You told him how the last relationship you were in, you were completely in love with a person who wasn’t real. They were a mask. And behind the mask was a harsh monster. That monster came out the longer you two were together. You’d put up with the monster for so long, it got too much, so you left. 
Maritzio held you for the rest of the night, and offered to sleep on the couch so you wouldn’t be alone. This was one of the best nights sleep you had since you left him.
You and Martizio decided to go to the bar straight after work, to start the celebrations early. A few of the other agents had the same idea. It was about two hours before anyone else arrived, and you were pretty hammered. 
You and two other agents were engrossed in conversation when a large cheer erupted from the bar. 
Murphy and he walked into the bar with cases of beers and balloons. 
Maritzio headed over to thank them. Murphy pulled him in for a hug, but Pena gave him a clipped nod and made a dart for the bar. 
You mingled some more and decided on another drink. You needed to have as much as possible if you were to be in a different environment other than work with HIM. 
You ordered 2 shots of Tequila and a jack and coke. Once your drinks were ready, you took the two shots one after the other and headed to your seat.
“Tequila makes you sick y’know.” Pena muttered while drinking the last of his whiskey. 
Sober you, would just ignore him. Sober you. would walk over to your caring boyfriend and spend time with him. 
Sober you wouldn’t be stupid. 
But sober you, is locked in a cage and drunk you has swallowed the key. 
You spun dramatically on your heel, and look Javier in the eyes for the first time in what feels like forever.
“It doesn’t actually make me sick anymore. It makes me more fun.” You giggled, taking your seat back at the bar and ordering another two shots. 
“Bebita, the only thing that makes you more fun is water.” He chuckled, ordering a bottle of water. 
“Hey!” You pointed a finger at him as serious as you could. Your finger couldn’t exactly stay on Pena, but you put all your focus into it. “Don’t use Spanish on me. You k-know I don’t know t-those funky words.” Hiccups were the worst for you when you were drunk. 
Javi’s eyes softened, just loving the sound of your voice. He somehow forgot what it sounded like. And now he remembers, it sounds like sweet honey. 
“Matitzio i-is teaching me! So s-say that word to me again in t-three months and I’ll know it all!” You cheered, sliding one of the shots over to Javier to take with you. 
Javier’s eyes hardened at the mention of his name. He didn’t want to hear another mans name come out of your lips, other than his. 
He hated Tequila, but if this is the only way for you to keep talking to him, he will do this. 
You both took the shot. Javier’s face creased with disgust at the liquid. You laughed at his expression. He had a small droplet of Tequila in the corner of his mouth. Out of habit, you leaned over and swiped your thumb over the bead. 
You froze when you realised what you were doing, and so did he. 
You shouldn’t be doing this. You shouldn’t even be near him. 
Sober you had broken free from her cage, and she was ready to run. “I u-uh, need to go to the bathroom.” You stuttered, carefully jumping from the barstool and making a quick escape to the bathroom. 
How could you be so stupid! You knew what talking to him would lead to! You are happy with Javier! You mean Maritzio!
Even your brain was thinking of him. This needed to stop. 
You run quickly into the bathroom, the Tequila finally hitting you. It feels like hours but you make it to the bathroom, hurling up the contents of your stomach. 
“Y/n? Are you in there?” You hear Javier banging on the door for the ladies bathroom. 
“Go away” you mutter loud enough so he could hear you. “I don’t want to see you,”
A few seconds go by and nothing. You continue to be sick, and feel someone holding your hair back. 
This, this is why you should not have Tequila. But you just couldn’t help yourself. It’s the only drink that makes you the drunkest, the quickest. You skip past all of the other stages, like the awkward dancing stage, the overly loud and wants to talk to everyone stage, and jump straight to the confident & sassy stage. But, the quicker you get to that stage, the big final stages edges closer than you want. The vomiting in the bathroom and feeling violently ill stage. Everybody wishes that stage did not exist. 
“It’s okay baby, let it all out.” A soft voice sooths your nerves and a hand rubs small circles on your back, coxing you to get everything out. “Shhhh, I’m here. I did tell you that Tequila makes you throw up.” The voice chuckles at the end, making you very aware who is holding you. 
You slowly sit up from the floor and walk out from the enclosed stall. Your head is spinning at a million miles an hour. Why did he follow you? 
You don’t look at Javier. You can’t. There’s too much pain, too much history between you. You will never be able to recover from him. Never be able to fully move on. 
“You need to stop this. You need to leave me alone.” You whisper, the liquid courage taking a step back. 
“I was not going to leave you to choke on your own vomit Y/n. I’m a lot of things, but letting you suffer alone? Nah, that’s not something I’m ok with.” He huffs, pacing the bathroom area. 
“Oh, that’s not something you’re ok with? Right, well I’m just slightly confused.”
“How’s that?” He asks, raising his brows. 
“Well I mean, you’re very ok with causing me pain and suffer the last time I checked.” Liquid courage is back and ready to put up a fight. 
You cross your arms and lean against the wall near the door. Keeping as much difference between you as possible. This fight has been brewing inside the both of you since the day you both parted ways. 
The huffs and puffs in the office when you both got assigned to the same case. The clear protest from Pena when the ambassador gave you praise for the missions and he got little. The looks of lust and love when the other one of you wasn’t looking. 
It needed to all end here. It was now or never. 
“I think it’s the other way around Bebita.” Javier sighed, leaning one leg behind him and balancing himself on the wall in front of you. “You were the one that left me to suffer alone in my apartment.” 
“I cannot believe you are bringing this up now!” You shout, loud enough to get some attention from the party goers. But you don’t care. 
“When else was I supposed to bring it up huh? I’m sorry did I miss our regularly scheduled morning feelings meetings!” He holds his hands to his mouth. “Oh my god I can’t believe I missed those! I’ll have to get Steve to fill me in later!” The sarcasm was dripping from his mouth, clearly taking this whole conversation as a joke. 
“Fuck you Pena.” That’s all you could say. He was always like this. Never took anything seriously, only cared about his job and beer. 
You push yourself off the wall and reach for the door handle. Javier grabs your waist and spins you, pushing you back up against the wall again. “You do not get to walk out on me again.” Your foreheads almost touch. If you leaned in, your lips would be touching. 
You breathe in and take in his scent. Beer and nicotine is the smell you’ve been craving the most. Maritzio smells like lavender. Which is not a bad thing at all. You actually like the smell of Lavender. But what you miss is the smell of Javier. You miss everything about him. 
“I can’t do this Javi.” You squeak. “I’m with Marit-”
“Please don’t say his name. I only want you to say my name.” 
His words shock you. “I don’t want to hurt him Javi. Please.”
He takes a small step forward, closing the gap between your chests. The tension is thick in the air, just gasping for some relief. 
“But you want to hurt me baby? Do you want to put me through all that pain again?” he whispers, moving his head to rest in the crook of your neck. 
“I never intended to hurt you Javi, but you hurt me by not being there. He is there for me. You weren’t.” You sigh. 
He plants faint kisses on your neck which send tingles into places that haven’t tingled for a while. You close your eyes and rest your head against the wall, allowing him more access. He moves from your neck up to the shell of your ear. 
“But I will be.” He whispers, the pain clear in his voice. “I will be there for you until you want me. And even if you don't want me baby, I will be waiting until you do. These last few months have been the worst of my life. I have made the biggest mistake of my life by choosing work over you my sweat girl. I promise, if you leave that boy and give me another chance, I will promise to love you until the end of time.”
A tear runs from your eyes and Javi is quick to wipe them away. “Please don’t cry baby. I don’t want to upset you, again.” He pouts, not knowing how else to fix the situation. 
“Javi, that’s all I’ve ever wanted you to say. Just that you acknowledge that I’m here and that you have something else in your life other than work. I hated myself when I left you, but I’m glad I did. Because if Id’ve stayed, you would not be standing here telling me all of this.” You said, looking him in the eyes for the first time in what feels like years. 
“Well, we wouldn’t be standing in a bathroom you just threw your guts up in because you drank too much tequila.” He rolls his eyes and tuts. 
You lean forward and shove him back playfully, earning a cheeky grin from him. 
“You’re right. If you didn’t leave me, I wouldn’t have realise how special you are Mi Amore. And I want to be yours again, if you’ll have me.” His big brown doe eyes look softly into yours. 
Another tear slips from your eyes, but this time, they're tears of joy. “And I want to be your-” He swoops you up in his arms and plants peck and peck all over your face. You giggle until he puts you down. 
“I promise to cherish you until the end of time my angel. I will always love you.” 
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pickled-fics · 2 years
Your Favorite
A snuggly night in with the tsundere (ex)boss himself. [old fic] [ao3 reupload]
After closing the apartment door behind you, it doesn't take long for you to smell something incredible coming from the kitchen. Your exhausted body dragging itself towards your small, but workable kitchen, you hear some quiet music in the room. Coming around the corner to find your boyfriend standing at the stove cooking something, unable to see past him to see what exactly smells so good. “Hey Smartass, set your stuff down and take a seat. I’ll bring you your food in a minute, it's almost done cooking.” 
“Well, if you would sit down and wait a minute, you would have your answer. I’m aware you’re not exactly one for patience, but I know you’re at least capable of it.”
“Oh shut up and sit down already. Let me surprise you for once.”
You watch as Aaron turns the stove off and removes something from the heat, making sure to keep it hidden from you. He really wasn’t giving you any hints on this one. He pauses, turning his head to look at you and smirks a little.
“Close your eyes.” “...”
“Please? Trust me on this one okay? I want this to be a true surprise for you.”
Begrudgingly, you close your eyes, hearing the clanks and tinks of dishware and silverware, the mystery scent still hanging in the air. In the moments of waiting in your chair, you realize how tense you are. Your job had been going great, and it still is, things have just recently picked up around there. A lot more deadlines than you were used to and a lot more work being piled onto you. You still loved your coworkers and the job itself but all in all it was still a job, a job that was in a busy season. This little surprise of Aaron’s feeling like a much needed break from it all. Hearing the dishware clink onto the table in front of you, your thoughts of work stopped. 
“Okay, go ahead and open your eyes.” Eyes opening, you look down immediately and upon seeing the food in front of you, you were thrown into a memory from not too long ago. A memory of Aaron asking what your favorite food was. A memory of showing him how to make it exactly how you liked it and spending a night in the kitchen with him. A smile immediately dawning your face. 
“I know I’m not the greatest chef and that you usually do a lot of the cooking, but this seemed like a fitting addition to your shitty sounding day.” His eyes serious, awaiting your response. 
“Of course I remembered! We had a whole night dedicated to this, of course I remembered. You told me about your terrible day at work on your lunch break and with the way you look it doesn’t seem like it got any better.”
“I didn’t think so. Now, could you try your food? I want to make sure I did it correctly.”
A laugh and nod on your end and you pick up the silverware, excited to eat a good dinner after a hard day. The taste hitting your tongue and it was exactly as you remembered, just how you loved. Your feelings towards it apparent on your face earning a laugh from Aaron.
“So I’m going to say that you like it?”
“Good, I'm glad, you deserve something good in this long day. I was thinking after dinner you could take a shower and I could set up a show or a movie for us? Something to help you unwind.”
“Alright, perfect. It sounds like a plan, Smartass.”
After finishing your dinner, you left Aaron to clean up the kitchen, after much argument of why you should be able to help him with that. Leaving him to get the dishes cleaned up and get your show set up on the tv. The warm shower only helping to remind you of the pent up tightness in your shoulders from the week.
Getting out of the shower, you find yourself in the living room staring at the coffee table. A few of your favorite drinks and snacks laid out on it, your favorite show queued up on the tv, and your boyfriend. Your boyfriend sitting on the couch, blanket at the ready, ready to cuddle with you. A very welcome sight. 
“Are you going to stand there and gawk in surprise all night or come sit down with me?” 
His lips pulling up into a teasing smile making your love for him deepen just a little bit. Curling up into him on the couch, taking him in as he wrapped the blanket around the two of you. Settling in, eyes coming to rest on the tv as he clicked the play button. His arm around you, holding you close. It doesn’t take long for him to shift his arm on your shoulders though.
“Jesus, it’s like I’m holding a brick wall right now.”
“Yes, a brick wall, you’re still so tense. Turn sideways.”
“Just do it, I'm going to rub your shoulders for you. Maybe after that you won’t feel so rigid and I can properly hold you.”
His hands carefully digging into your shoulder and neck, quickly pinpointing the exact locations of the pain. Pain you didn’t even realize was there anymore, it had just become a dull ache in the back of your head. His thumbs pressing into spots that shot pain straight to your skull but in the best way possible. Feeling the pressure from his hands loosen the muscles in your shoulders and neck slowly. Your quiet hums of relief making him laugh to himself. After a long few minutes, his hands come to a stop, resting on your shoulders.
“Is that feeling any better?”
“...” A laugh from him, his hands dragging down your back and rubbing softly as he pulled down and away.
“I’m glad it’s feeling better for you, you feel a lot less like a wall and a lot more like a person.”
His arms looping around your waist and pulling you close to him again. Your head now resting on his chest, faintly hearing his heartbeat as he pressed play on your show again. Your body and eyes now even more tired than before you tried to focus on the show. Your attention soon shifting to the repetitive sound of his heartbeat. The sound slowly bringing your eyes shut and leading you into a peaceful sleep against Aaron.
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never-rpg · 1 year
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Welcome to NEVER RPG! Please send in your url within 48 hours. Be sure to look over our checklist. We hope you enjoy, or at least survive, your time on the island!
Since this is our first wave of acceptance and we are not officially open for roleplaying yet, just a few reminders before we get to the acceptances. Our discord server won’t be sent out until a little closer to our second wave of acceptances. Once you’ve sent in your blog and we’ve posted here on main, you are good to start doing anything your heart desires on your character’s blog except for actual roleplay threads. Plot it up, share character development memes, post your edits and headcanons! Go wild and have fun! :D
Welcome to the island, CHARLOTTE! You been accepted as TINKER BELL with the faceclaim of Tamzin Merchant.
Tinker Bell is one of those characters who can so easily be portrayed as a caricature, but you have given her such dimension and depth! ‘- but as misfortune loves orphans and fire loves innocence, Tinker Bell loves Peter - and it was her that he needed to pull him out of the depths of his mind and bring the island out of its eternal winter. She is the ocean and he is the sand. She loves him continuously but with increasing apprehension and decreasing hope.’ Tragic and lovely, I can’t wait to see more! And have I listened to Tink’s playlist an unhealthy number of times? Yes, yes I have. No regrets!
Welcome to the island, DRYNNE! You been accepted as ISADORA BOOTH with the faceclaim of Ruby Cruz.
My heart aches for Isadora and all that she’s been through but also, damn, what a badass! As soon as I started reading your app, I knew we’d found our Isadora. ‘Fighting was far easier than being inside a cage of meekness’ that really is her in a nutshell and I’m so here for it! While Isadora’s violence is blunt and brutal, your writing painted her in intricate lines that interlaced with one another to create a full and dynamic character who I can’t wait to stalk the threads of on the dash!
Welcome to the island, ELLE! You been accepted as IANTHE with the faceclaim of Ayça Ayşin Turan.
First of all, your writing style is hauntingly beautiful! I might have audibly squealed in delight when reading about Ianthe’s tail because it’s just so good and suits her so well! You have spun such an intimidating and compelling character. I mean, ‘We all know intrinsically that the terrible and the terrific bleed into each other, that all life’s greatest pleasures lie on the other side of pain, that paltry is the passion that never makes us shudder. Ianthe is this thesis made flesh: Bone-chillingly horrifying and all the lovelier for it’. I’m equal parts enchanted and terrified and I absolutely love it!
Welcome to the island, LIOT! You been accepted as HOLLY with the faceclaim of Amandla Stenberg.
I am so invested in this puppeteering Small Folk already! There’s just something so wonderfully horrifying about the idea of Holly setting traps for unsuspecting Lost Boys so she can crawl into their minds. Should this line, ‘Holly had chomped at the bit to see Peter toss Charlie to the Many-Eyed, ghastly beasts that Holly had called their friends’, have made me go ‘aww!’ because I love seeing these exterminated beasties be appreciated? Probably not, but here we are. You’ve created an OC who feels like they were always meant to be a part of the group. We needed Holly and I cannot wait to see what antics they get it up to!
Welcome to the island, MADS! You been accepted as WENDY DARLING with the faceclaim of Kristine Froseth.
Gothic romance is my catnip and you gave it to me in spades with your application! As soon as I read ‘Peter would never give Wendy what she craved. She was so lovingly devoted to him, but he couldn’t love her back when he was too busy loving how she made him feel: adored, righteous, powerful.’ I got so excited to read more. And the more I read, more and more your depiction of Wendy just right clicked into place with every aspect of this roleplay! Wendy makes for such a lovely gothic heroine. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for her!
Welcome to the island, MAREK! You been accepted as NOD with the faceclaim of Leo Suter.
I loved that throughout your app, I could clearly see the rambunctious Lost Boy underneath and how the tragedies Nod underwent shaped him into the man he is now. ‘Nod never imagined a possibility of losing his brother, his twin, his other half - he swears to this day that when the shot tore through his brother’s body he felt it too’. This is truly gothic horror gold and I felt it in my soul! 
Welcome to the island, NYX! You been accepted as CECCO with the faceclaim of Aidan Turner.
My heartstrings feel abused after reading your app and I am not at all mad about it. There’s so much pirate romanticism here to revel in! For example: ‘Whenever a new ship finds its way to the shores and raise their white flag, they will ask for them to take their letters, tossing them into the sea as they sail away from the isle’. And I don’t want to spoil all of your headcanons, but I really hope the sketch they keep in the sheath of their sword finds its way into our discord server someday...Just sayin’.
Welcome to the island, SID! You been accepted as SAWYER with the faceclaim of Omar Rudberg.
You nailed every aspect of Sawyer’s skeleton bio and fleshed them out with such intention! I can’t imagine any other take on Sawyer because yours is so well-crafted. There are so many lines from your app I could have chosen to highlight but, 'So you run and scream and fight and play, all the while plastering a smile to your face and trying to lose yourself to the wildness that thrums through Neverland like a second heartbeat, that you want so desperately to course through you too’, feels like the perfect summarization of this Lost Boy!
Many people applied for Pan’s wanted connection concerning the ‘kiss’, it was a difficult choice, but we’ve decided to give this connection to Ianthe. Also, as a side note since a couple of apps referenced it, while J.M. Barrie could exist in our rpg’s universe, the plays and stories he wrote about Neverland and Peter Pan do not. 
All important pages on the main will be updated in the next several minutes to reflect these acceptances. Thank you so much to everyone who applied!! Our second wave of acceptances will be held on December 31st. Opening day, January 1st, can’t come soon enough! I can’t wait to write with every one of you!
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.25--Episodes 8-9
I have watched through S3E9; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—So, Rumplestiltskin’s father didn’t just abandon him, he yeeted him into another realm. Way to understate the facts, Rump.
—In the span of two episodes, I got to see straight-up Rumplestiltskin and Mr. Gold. And Mr. Gold was wearing a particularly *fine* double-breasted suit.
—And Dr. Hopper! And not only that, Dr. Hopper talking about his dog, and wearing a scarf, and carrying his iconic umbrella, and being all psychological, and smiling, and…well, I could go on forever. And even better, we’re going back to Storybrooke, so I might get to see him more regularly!
—Baby Henry was so chubby!
—It kinda sucks that if Rump didn’t have a potential cure for David, they probably never would’ve let him out of Pandora’s Box. Although, if they bothered taking the Box back to Storybrooke in that scenario, I’m sure Belle would’ve convinced them to release him eventually.
—It’s also very Rump to immediately investigate the poison that almost killed him. And of course a guy as smart as he is could come up with a cure.
—Skull Rock looks pretty cool. The skulls inside were a nice touch, particularly the gold ones.
—I’m no expert, but it feels like more of the Lost Boys besides Jimmy (idk what his actual name is) should’ve stuck with Peter, especially when he had Henry’s heart. These kids have been held in Neverland for possibly centuries, and they’re basically brainwashed. It seems unrealistic that there would only be one Lost Boy to stick with Peter the way Jimmy did. Maybe when they all get to Storybrooke, Peter will start recruiting them again.
—He’s been playing a pretty long game here. Having the Darlings show up at the adoption center was unexpected.
—I knew something bad was going to happen. I assumed it would involve David or Rump, but half right isn’t terrible. Everybody was happy, of course there had to be a twist. (I’m not discounting the idea of something bad happening to David yet.)
—I almost expected Hook to end up dead. It would’ve been interesting if he died, and Baelfire had to pilot the Jolly Roger home, but don’t get me wrong, I’m very glad that Hook is alright.
—I’m also happy that Bae and Rump seem to be getting on better. Once the happiness of nobody having died (yet) wears off, they might revert to being all prickly with each other, but for now a hug is enough.
—And the trust! Yes, Regina, Emma, and Bae went chasing after Rump as soon as they could, but Bae trusted him enough to send him in for Henry on his own in the first place. That’s a pretty significant step.
—I love that Wendy told Tink she believed in her. I’ve always hated their dynamic in the original story, because A) it’s stupid, and B) Peter Pan so isn’t worth it. But if they were going to get a single interaction in OUAT, I’m very pleased it was such a nice one.
—I hope the Blue Fairy gets the stick out of her butt and helps Tink get back into the fairy club. Frankly, the Blue Fairy is a bit of a pill; as a person, I can’t stand her.
—I adore that Regina’s superpower at this point is being evil. That’s hilarious.
—Also, somebody is the special effects department really fell in love with the fireball effect this season, didn’t they. Regina almost never does magic without one, and even Rump has summoned a fireball or two.
—Okay, even if Regina and Emma blocked out the light from the moon, there were other lights around them. It’s impossible that their shadows would be completely obliterated.
—Speaking of shadows, Peter’s shadow being a preexisting entity is an interesting take. I should like to know more about it, because there’s no way these writer just threw that out there with no plans for an origin story.
—Still speaking of shadows, Rump’s is still running around out there. As is his magical dagger. That’s going to be a problem, I can feel it in my jellies.
—I’m extremely relieved and proud that Rump did the right thing. It wouldn’t have been in character for him to kill Henry now, but I was worried it would happen anyway (for the DRAMA). But not only did he not hurt Henry, he also tried to contain Peter in the box.
—Unfortunately, he got Henry instead, but that’s not his fault….And, now I get to wonder if somebody is going to believe that he was in on that plan—and if that somebody is Regina, Rump is going to die.
—Ik it’s serious, but now that Peter and Henry’s souls have switched, it’s finally happened. Henry is his own great-grandfather.
—I really hate Peter Pan. Not only is he source of trauma for my fave, but he’s also just a really crappy person. And so far, he isn’t even that interesting or complex. Not that he’s badly-written; he’s actually an exceptionally good piece of writing. He’s manipulative and he’s smart and intuitive enough to do it well. He’s also been working on his Truest Believer project for a very long time, and he’s persistent enough to keep going, and powerful and scary enough to build to power needed to carry out his plans. But I still loathe him.
—At least the loml is not A) dead or B) still in the Box. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but ecstatic.
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cepheusgalaxy · 5 months
I... something's weird
My mom started using the pronouns I asked her to a while ago... and it doesn't feel right? Like, probably it is because I'm not that used to it so I need a period of adaptation... but what if it's not? Like, my disphoria did't come that much from pronouns but I still don't wanna use she/her... or do I? Do I really wanna use he/him or I'm just going along with the "boy = he/him" logic??? I've tried they/them some times too... but it felt so bad. But thinking of it now, it may be becaude I always heard it with sarcasm? As a joke. As an insult. I also love my mom, and I know she's trying to help... but she keeps reminding me that its hard to keep up when I change pronouns and it makes me feel guilty... I've kept he/him for now because I thought that's what I wanted? But I'm not sure anymore. And regarding my name... I know I've chosen Heron but is it really the right one? Like... I didn't mind it much but lately i've been feeling so annoyed at it... It's a fine name and I liked it even but not anymore. I guess that's normal? I kind of hate it when certain people use it. And i like these people, a lot. But then theres my dad... He calls me by this name with such affection and I don't feel uncorfotable at all. Every time he calls me I think of that. Should I really change my name at all? I don't wanna hear that hesitation my mom has when she calls me a he. I still like it when my dad calls me by my birthname. Should I change names and have just him call me by that? Should I give up on Heron? Maybe I shouldn't even be worrying about that. I only figured that I was trans a few months ago... it hasn't even been a year. People take a lot of time to figure out that. But I don't wanna wait.
I know I'm trans, but am I in the way I thought I was? I usually have a first thought regarding a thing but then I dismiss it. And all the time I end up coming to that same first conclusion. When I first started questioning I went with lots of "complex" nonbinary genders, what if I was right? Maybe I'm more genderfucked than I first thought.
But I guess I'm afraid too. I'm afraid of labelling myself and exploring because people won't get it. And I know I shouldn't be tinking about anyone but ME when it comes to that but I can't... I'm not exactly out in school. Some of my friends know I have something going on and i "look" kinda queer but I just left things with a "yea im a little bit gay maybe" and I can't help but think that if I label myself with a weird gender nobody will get it and ill just feel even more misunderstood.
I know I'm masc. But how much?
Where does my disphoria comes from? Where does my euphoria comes from? I wish I had the answers and why is it so hard to choose a name
Perhaps I should go with something longer. I also kinda like "international" names. Maybe something with 'a'? To match my birthname. I still like it. Even tho I hate it.
Avalon? Idk what kind of name is this but it sounds great. Amy? Amelie? Is it fine by me if I go by a gendered name? Why is it so hard?
I wish I knew more people like me. Personally. I just feel so lonely. I like to be alone a lot of the time but sometimes I just feel like im never with anyone that gets it. Sometimes I feel like im kind of a bad friend because--along other reasons (im terrible at comforting people or helping when theyre upset...)--sometimes i don't really wanna hang out with them because we barely share any interests. I have this one friend i love to hang out wit because we share the same passions and can do nothing or anythimg together but with my other friends-i like them sm but we don't really connect. They keep saying im gifted or somethinf cuz i can draw, they never shut up about how im oh-so great with art and i do a doodle and theyre like "OH wow what a masterpiece" and im doing an illustration for the sake of it, to feel good for making art, to make my world a little prettier with the colors i chose, decorating my homework or whatever and they all "woah you didn't have to humiliate us" every time! Its annoying! I hate it! We don't share anything, they like doing things that are not completely my thing-i mostly do them for the sake of hanging out with them because i always have such a great time-they have lifes completely different from mine and available at different times. Do you know that "you didn't really have a childhood if you didn't do x or y" meme? I HATE it. Cuz i didn't do x or y. It makes me feel so dismissed. So different. And most of my friends DID do x and y so i don't share that with them. I'm just so tired of being different all the time. I wish I was surrounded by more people like me. Maybe this will sound really gen z but idk what i'd do without social media. I'd prob feel even worse.
And my friends have struggles so different from mine. They don't have nice homes. They had such a troubled childhood. They had different joys too. They had sleepovers, childhood friends they grew up close to and still are close friends to this day and are so comfortable around each other and always went to the same school. I didn't really have this kind of friend because my mom didn't know in what school to put me at the time so i never stayed in one school for more than one year. My most was 2. And they're all cishet. They're all allo-i mean, exept from one. And i am so afraid for her. She goes around using she/her, once she told she'd like to go by he/him, we talked about gender sometimes and we saw that she liked the bigender label but her family is super religious and her therapist is also from her church and does "spiritual healing as well as mental" and she said she was over being bi because christians shouldn' be bi and--anyways i... and i don't know how to help my friends and they have so many problems and they don't know how to help me and i don't really talk about my problems with them and i don't know if i trust then enough to... share it all and i just wish i had more queer friends and people who understood me because i always feel so unseen ;( and lonely. And miserable.
And my mom-i just, and my dad, they are divorced but they keep bringing each other up and long story short theyre driving ne crazy they don't like each other but they can never get along and they keep dragging me and my siblings to their long ENDLESS conversations about the other one and im SO DONE I JUST WISH THEY COULD IGNORE EACH OTHER AND COLABORATE
And were traveling-my siblings me and my mom and everytime we do she always plans out everything but she doesnt really gives us freedom to have free chill time when we're there because everything is just so tightly scheduled planned and thats something really minor but i really need free chill MY tine EVERY DAY to recharge, even if it is from fun, to write, draw, read, do whatever i want-and me and my mom have ideas of fun so different and UGH
And she keeps calling me he and she is technically being supportive and avoiding misgendering me but WHY DO I FEEL SO UNCONFORTABLE?? And i shouldn't be mad at her because she is technically doing the right thing but :( i need to figure things out for myelf, find a support group because I REALLY need to surround with my kind and then tell her how it turns out for me.
I just-it's so hard being fourteen, when will this stop?
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butchdonne · 7 months
bat for that send me a fandom thing!
the first character i ever fell in love with: STRAT
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: i was super obsessed with tink at first and now i still adore him but a little less ig? none of them really tho
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: uhh probably blake/ledoux because they are utterly platonic to me. bestest of buddies. blake is the only person ledoux wouldn't fuck
my ultimate favorite character™: strat...........
prettiest character: JAGWIREEEE (i would say strat but he's so much more than pretty so)
my most hated character: none of them.........even falco is fun <3
my OTP: straven!!!!
my NOTP: tink/strat. listen tink deserved way better and that better is NOT strat they'd be terrible for each other
favorite episode scene: probably strat's soliloquy at the start, all revved up/wasted youth or paradise by the dashboard light <33
saddest death: TINK :(
favorite season: does not have those 👍 my fav cast is all the originals tho. sorry for being basic
least favorite season: i may get shot for this but i physically cannot watch anyone other than andrew polec play strat . like that's not a reflection on their acting or anything im just insane sorry
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: none of them <3
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: FALCOOOOO
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: all of them?
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: none of them :D
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: maybe valkyrie/sloane?
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danikatze · 5 years
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Heyy I’m late, but here’s a tiny valentines comic anyway <3 I’ve been talking and thinking about IchiMatsuMasa much more than usual the past few days so this was inevitable.
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lovesanmotion · 3 years
Precious - Song Mingi
💌 This is: Requested
Summary: in which PeterPan!Mingi finally confesses his true feelings for Tinkerbell!Reader
"I can't believe you would ever hurt Wendy like that!......When did you become so violent, y/n?" Mingi spoke with so much venom in his voice but the venom melted into a tone of sadness at the last question.
Partly you blamed yourself for being carried away by your emotions. You only ever wanted to save Mingi from being eaten by the sharks with chains and shackles on his wrists and ankles, but a wretched Wendy attempts to do the same but got herself thrown over the water. You only ever wanted to save Mingi and leave Wendy behind. Besides, it was her own fault for doing something so reckless and stupid without thinking.
"Don't you know you could have killed her?" Mingi's question made you imagine how the crocodiles or the giant red octopus would swallow Wendy whole, inside feeling sorry for her, a sinister smile painted your lips and a tinking sound echoes as you nodded your head.
"Y/N! I hereby banish you forever." Mingi declares, the rest of the lost boys gasp at the sudden declaration. It would always be Mingi and you going to numerous adventures along with the boys, but to vanish you. You stomped your foot and flied away to your own little room inside the willow tree that Mingi made for you some years ago. On your way, you were sure to catch Wendy say something to Mingi.
"Forever? Do you really have the heart to banish y/n forever?" She asked in a solemn tone.
"Well...maybe you're right. Maybe a week then!"
Too angry to even think and listen more at what they could be talking about, you shut your leaf curtain behind you.
And Mingi did keep his word. You were banished for a week, nothing what and where could they be doing without you. And all you could do is sit down miserably on the edge of the leaf, waiting for them to come back. But while waiting, a rustling sound was made from behind you, and suddenly, a purple bag enveloped you, a thread of tinking sounds resonated as you tried to rip the bag apart and dragging you away from Peter's home.
"I beg your pardon, ms y/n. But Captain Hook would love to have a chat with you." You noticed that grumbly old man's voice. It was Mr. Smee who had captured you and eventually take you to Hook's ship.
Once you were set free, you looked around the room, but there was only a wooden table with a fruit bowl and wine on top and a wooden piano that was being played by none other than Captain Hook himself. You sat on top of the untouched wine cork with your back turned against them. Would Mingi ever come for you?
"Ms. Y/N, you would be so delighted to hear that I will admit my defeat" you crossed your arms over your chest and huffed, a tinking noise was made.
"And that's why I took you here, Ms Y/N. To tell you that I have no ill feelings with Mingi." You slowly turned around and watched as Hook's fingers smoothly glides from key to key.
"But what about you and Mingi who brough that Wendy girl?" A devilish grin crosses his face as he leans closer to you. A tinking noises coming from you as you stomped both of your feet on the wine bottle and turned your back away from them again. You could feel the sinister look on Hook's face as he echoed the G key.
"Word around the island is that she came between you and Mingi." Hook's fingers continued to dance around the white and black keys of the piano. Aimlessly creating random melodies that seemed like a harmony.
You frowned and hung your head low, sniffing.
"What's this? Tears?! Then it is true!" Hook leaned his face closer to you, watching you bring your small hand over your eyes to wipe your tears. A tinking sound echoes as you nodded your head.
"How dare Mingi act like a man to a maid? Casting her aside just like that? Like an old glove!" Your lower lip trembled and you couldn't help but bury your face in your hands, sobbing.
"Now now, Ms Y/N. Just as promised. I will be leaving the island with no ill feelings with Mingi." Hook took your little form in his hand and brought you outside of his ship. You leant close to his face before departing.
"Not harm Mingi?" Hook repeated what you last said. "Madame, I will keep your word. Not to lay a finger on Mingi." You arched your pointing finger at him.
"Or a hook on Mingi." Hook repeated. And Hook brought his hand down with you, setting you free.
As you flied towards to Mingi's home, you passed by a mirror and stared at your reflection. The golden glow around you looked like it was fading, you huffed out a breath and trudgingly made your way back to your room.
And day by day, Mingi, the lost boys nor even that wretched Wendy came back to the house. You felt like a thousand needles were piercing through you and they hurted terribly. You could no longer fly nor walk properly, only crawl. The golden glow around you was no longer golden as they start to fade out. Finally, you gave in and your golden glow died out, with a last breath, you closed your eyes.
"Mingi...why is Y/N not moving anymore?" One of the lost boys asked as they took a peak at the little hole in the willow tree.
"Y/N looks...kinda bad" One said as they observed you. Unbeknownst to them that you have "lost your touch" while they are away.
"Kinda bad? kinda bad?" One lost boy repeated as tears started to brim in his eyes until the tears flowed out of his eyes. "This is hopeless. Poor little y/n!" He sobbed.
Mingi felt terrible as he watched your unmoving and lightless figure on your little bed.
"Can you guys go to wherever Wendy is? Make sure she's alright. I'll just talk to y/n alone." Mingi said as he turns to face the six lost boys before him, scrambling out of the room together. When they were all gone, Mingi turns back to face you, sighing.
"Y/N...I'm..I-I," Mingi sighed once more, huffing a breath. "I'm sorry for being so harsh on you, Y/N....I admit that it was my fault, and I didn't really intend to banish you forever. You know its always been me and you since the beginning right? Us two until the end." Mingi extended his hand out and took your little figure in the palm of his hand. But you still laid unmoving and your light still down.
"Remember when we once defeated Hook in Blindman's Tree and had the giant red octopus chase him? I still remember that day very vividly. Oh, and do you also remember when we first met the tribe and had a feast and danced around with them? I know you got jealous when their princess was being too close to me. I know I never said anything, but you looked really cute when you were jealous." Mingi chuckles as if he was talking to you like you were alive. And the next thing, Mingi sniffled as a tear falled out of his eye.
"I miss you, Y/N. We...the boys, we made Hook and his men leave the island." He choked, gulping his own saliva before releasing a breath. "But everytime I was battling Hook, I keep looking for a little golden figure around the ship. It...it-it....it isn't the same without you, y/n." He sobbed.
"Do you remember how we met in Fairy Town? That was the happiest memory I have in my head." He continued to sob over your unmoving and lightless figure. "I'm sorry and I love you, y/n."
Suddenly, a ray of golden light gleamed around you that made Mingi stop from crying, he watched as you slowly blink your eyes and regain your wings back. A smile replaced his frown and almost immediately, Mingi took your little figure and hugged you tightly.
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