#it's really sweet the idea resonated with so many people though!
my book reccs for the regression book club! i saw the post and began thinking of the books i read as a child and then fell into a google spiral of finding more (both to find reccs for the club and also for my own personal regressed reading lol)
most if not all of the series are not actual series that need to be read chronologically, i just didnt know what other word to describe them lol
i tried to keep the books in the same age range of the books that you mentioned in the post but some of them are a little younger age range and a few might be a little older
•my father’s dragon
•the miraculous journey of edward tulane
•junie b. jones series
•cam jansen series
•geronimo stilton series
•judy moody series
•flat stanley series
•fly guy series
•mr putter & tabby series
•clementine series
•bad kitty series
•amelia bedelia series
•frog and toad series
•little bear series
•sisters grimm series
•curious george series
•little critter series
•the bearenstein bears series
•poppelton series
These are great suggestions!
I'm especially partial to Mr. Putters and Tabby (it's a SERIOUSLY cute series I suggest everyone check out)
I personally found Edward Tulane a little sad when I read it, but I'm just really really sensitive to toys w/ feelings stuff...
I will say though, I wasn't anticipating Early Readers like Little Critter, Berenstain Bears, or Fly Guy to be recommended and had my mind more on chapter books like Junie B. Jones and some of the others mentioned. With that being said, they're all great stories that are definitely worth a read!
I'll check out some of the other ones and see if my library has access to them!
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concreteparasite · 5 months
I didn't BSH for a while because though I knew it was a VN, I didn't know it was a yandere romance one...
I regret my decision to finally play it greatly. It's been 5 days since I've completed the game and I may have seen all the Ray fanworks there are online.
My thoughts every waking hour have been plagued by your game. I am beginning to grow desperate. The lack of fanfiction for this game should be illegal.
This is so sweet to hear 🥲💕 thankyou.
Tbh I get this feedback fairly often, people tended to put off playing BSH because hero theme may not be super interesting, or they didn't know that mc gender isn't specified, or that they didn't know it was a yandere game, or that the art style wasn't intriguing to them.
But in the end, a lot of the feeback I got was 'I had no idea this game would be as good as it was' and there are no words to describe how that sentiment warms my little heart lol.
I feel very lucky that this game resonates with so many people. And I hope more people are able to engage in it the way they want to. I tried to leave a lot of background and mc descriptions vague in the game so that people can engage in it the way they want to, so that fanfics and fan art can be unbridled and not limited by strict lore 💕
I'm really glad everyone seems to have had a lot of fun with it 🥰
thank you, everyone who gave bsh a chance 🥲 💖
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tuliptic · 1 year
How To Overcome Your Fears
Thank you to @bichou-angel​ for suggesting this PAC idea. Know that I love it a lot.
Piles go from left to right, up to down. Memos and notes used here are by me, everything is literally by me. And I do not consent my work being used by third parties in other websites as well.
Now. Breathe in with me, and then breathe out. Picked your pile? Let’s scroll down to see what are the messages for you.
Disclaimer: This is solely for my entertainment purposes. Take only whatever you feel like it. If it doesn’t resonate, it’s okay to just drop it.
Decks used: Linestrider Tarot Deck, Luna Cat Tarot Deck (Major Arcana), Flower Petals Oracle Deck, Sweet Dreams Oracle Deck, Starcodes Astro Oracle Deck, self made lyrics deck.
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Pile 1:
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How to overcome your fears? By letting go of what no longer serves you and by embracing your inner child. See, you’re prolly the type of person who loves to take things up upon yourself because you don’t trust others, or you are not comfortable with letting others to do tasks that will affect you (something like group assignment isn’t your forte cuz you tend to do 90% of the scope). It’s not easy to let go, but you have to accept your own flaws as well as the flaws of others. After that, you’ll need to learn to reconstruct the thoughts in your head where flaws are failures. Cuz you see them as something that doesn’t align with you, but sometimes (or most of the time), others may see your method as authoritarian and whatever you do doesn’t align with them. Acceptance is difficult, but it’s necessary, and that’s one of your biggest challenges to overcome. Be here at the present with willing hands and heart.
You may have a lot of nurturing to do, starting with yourself. However, instead of the feminine energy of nurturing, there's more of a… Divine sense to it. Along with some judgement that you really couldn’t help. Lemme give an example. 
You came across this PAC. Though your heart tells you to believe it, your brain couldn’t help but to be critical and just tries to deny some random people on the internet telling you that these are your fears and how you can overcome them. Someone online who doesn’t know you personally? Telling you your fears? Overcoming it just by “embracing your inner child”? Hello?
Yeah this kind of divine sense and judgement is what I’m talking about. It is not easy to let go of what you’ve been taught, which is good. But sometimes, you’re called to listen to your heart, only then you’ll be able to obtain a different sense of mental clarity, something that will be able to help you in the near future.
That aside, going back to the nurturing part. You’re called to nurture your inner child and to try again the things you’ve used to enjoy. For example, if you’ve used to enjoy drawing and arts, try going back into it again. If you’ve used to playing a musical instrument or composing music, try going back into it again. If you’ve enjoyed doing algebra equations and all, try going back into it again. It never hurts to do things you’ve enjoyed. Reconnect with your inner child through fun and play, nurture them, help them, heal them. Your life has been filled with a lot of confrontations, so try soothing them a little with some fun.
Pile 2:
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Walking away from the past is what you need to do. There’s still so many fears in you because you’re still staying in the place that caused you the most hurt. You couldn’t control the things that have happened, so the better option towards it is to leave. But of course, to leave requires a lot of strength and courage, and it’s gonna be worse if you don't have proper financial assistance to leave. Either ways, you’ll find the courage and the opportunity to get out. There’s The Sun in this pile, but instead of seeing things will turn bright, I’m seeing it as a chance to get out. Toxic situations won’t turn nice cuz it’s already fermented and bad there for so freaking long. 
I’m also seeing fears of disappointing others in this pile? Which is why y’all tend to take up a lot of responsibilities and burn yourself out in the process. You have this innate uhh… Expression in you. It’s like deep inside you, you want to shine, you want the eyes of people to be on you. That’s why you took up a lot of tasks, even tasks that should be other people’s responsibility. You want to be liked. Thing is, you need to accept that your inner peace is more important than the visibility and fame you want to gain. Some people can have both, but are you one of them? If you’re not, you need to weigh which is more important, or you need to find a point of balance between these two. Sometimes, a quiet time for yourself, with yourself would be good for some introspection, where you welcome some comfort into your life, allow your guides to show up and send you any messages.
Treat yourself with care, give yourself the kindness that you'd want to receive. Letting go of self-criticism is your main task for now and know that your guides have been trying to send you so many powerful messages. Let yourself be free from your past. Know that your past doesn’t define you and you have a whole lot of abundance waiting for you in the future. It’s difficult to see it right now, it’s difficult to believe in it too. But know that it’s real. You’ve gone through so much, and it only makes sense when the Universe wants to reward you for all you’ve been through.
Take a deep breath, and let it all out. Do it a couple of times. Pat yourself on the shoulder for me. You’ve done well and you’ll continue to do your best of the day every single day. Expect a new you coming out bit by bit. Have some tea and welcome them.
Pile 3:
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To all who picked this pile, I feel you a lot, because this is the pile I’ve picked and if it sounds personal, it’s mainly because I prolly subconsciously wrote it for myself.
There’s a lack of balance here, lack of control in this pile. This pile fears not having things in their control and tends to flail around when things happen because. They are not used to going with the flow. There’s this saying in Chinese that goes 船到桥头自然直 , which means things will naturally resolve itself when it’s here. However, my dear pile 3 are probably over-thinkers who can’t accept things to flow on their own. With this, the fear will make you lose your foothold and you’ll feel a lot of disappointments and upsets and a bunch of other not so nice feelings. I wouldn’t call them negative feelings cuz they’re all here for a reason.
You’re also prolly the type who feels caught up in the past, thinking of what you’ve done or said and how you could have fixed the problem if you said a certain thing. Once again, this is peak overthinking energy. You’re called to let those thoughts go, as they’re holding only you back. They’re not disturbing others but you only. Let the past go as it is over, and let your true self, a more experienced you, to step forward. Life’s a constant learning process, so don’t hold yourself too hard, let yourself learn, allow yourself to learn. Once you’ve accepted the fact that we’re all learning, then maybe your fears can lessen a bit. Remember, tomorrow is always a day of new hope.
There’s a childhood card present and it can talk about reconnecting to your childhood, to your inner child. Your inner child is like a divine whisper in your heart and you’re called to listen to it. I saw the word mirror and I think there’s some mirroring of activities (your inner child is mirroring something you do, or you’re mimicking something your inner child is doing), or there may be some reflection going on. Your dreams may be significant as well so maybe pay certain attention to certain themes that have been going on.
You’re called to take action now. Whatever that you’ve been wanting to do, now is the best time. Remember that you’re the co-creator of your life and destiny. A bunch of messages may come, there may be a bunch of things to do. But ultimately, you’re the one who needs to select which message to listen to, which items you should act on. If something’s too much for you to handle and you’re starting to feel anxious, try asking help and working with someone else to get things done?
Once again, remember, you’re no longer the you from the past days. You’re a new you facing a new challenge. Be kind to yourself. You’re facing so many things and it’s alright to let yourself be swept away at times. Remember to get up at the end of things or whenever you wanna fight it. I have faith in you.
Pile 4:
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First of all, it’s time to evolve. Know that you may be an ugly duckling for now but it’s time for you to transform into the beautiful swan that you’re meant to be.
Next up. I’m not quite sure what the fears of this pile are, but I see that you tend to distract yourself with new projects so that instead of spending your time worrying about things, you can redirect the energy and focus on something new that you’ve wanted to do. You’re very conscious of your own fears and those who picked this pile have a clear and concise plan on how to manoeuvre around them, letting go of things that should be thrown aside. 
However, being aware of your fears doesn’t guarantee overcoming them. Sometimes you’re just moving away from it, ignoring it until one day it prolly gobbles you up. No fault in it cuz you’ll pick yourself up again and find ways to counter it during then. Still, have you thought of countering it when you’re feeling fine right now? Or you’re just confused and have no idea where to start? We’ll see what insights the cards have to offer you.
You’re called to stop taking up so many things and slowly let go of tasks that are burdening you, that are hurting you. There’s this Ten of Swords in reverse here, which tells me the pain they did is more damaging than wearing you down. You’ll need to utilise your thinking skills and let certain things and thoughts go. 
Another thing the cards are telling you is to make strong emotional connections with the important people in your life. It’s time for you to reconnect with your old friends and to maybe go for a cup of tea? Comfort of good company always helps in easing and healing past hurts that have been there. I have a feeling that these people are also here to help you to bring certain messages that you need to hear, bring forth certain changes so that you can transition into a new you.
There’s some strength in you that you need to unlock, so maybe it’s time for you to explore certain heritages of yours, and maybe you can get certain information or updates from there. You may even unlock a new skill from it, and it may even help you to be more at peace with yourself.
For some reason, reading also is significant. Pay attention to the words that appear around you and digest those messages. Maybe lyrics. Who knows, certain part of the lyrics may awaken something new in you, or allow you to cry out the tears that you’ve been holding in for so long that you never knew of. Letting them go only gives you space to focus on nicer things in life that can help you cope or deal with your fears.
Pile 4, your pile is one of the most difficult piles I’ve felt and I really hope all the best for you. I don’t know if my words are making sense right now cuz there’s clarity and confusion at the same time. Just drop me an ask or rb or comment if you have any questions and I’ll do my best to answer you.
Thank you for reading until the end. Working on yourself, especially fears and past are not easy, and I’m proud of you that you’ve decided to work on yourself. Remember, it’s all baby steps.
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another-lost-mc · 16 days
Since may 23 is a kiss day (in japan), can I get your ocs kissing hc? :3
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Well isn't that a fantastic idea!
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Such a good kisser, it's actually unfair
Chaste, sweet, passionate, downright filthy - his kisses leave you breathless and wanting more
He teases with little flicks of his tongue or nips of his teeth and hopes that you'll do the same for him
Sometimes he hums into the kiss, or moans softly, or whispers sweet nothing when he pulls away far enough so you can catch your breath
You can tell when he puts his feelings into a kiss, he kisses you like he might never kiss you again; he wants you to think about him (and his mouth on yours) long after the kiss ends
His kisses are like a claim he has on you
Even when his kisses are soft and gentle, they're still intense
His kiss tells you what he sometimes has trouble expressing with words: I missed you, I love you, I need you
He loves the way you taste but he has to be careful not to get too carried away because he doesn't want to cut you with his fangs
If he does cut you, it's by accident - but he kisses you better and maybe the taste of iron gets him more riled up than it should
He groans into his kisses and you can feel the resonating rumble in his chest when you touch him
An unpracticed kisser at first, he's hesitant and unsure and a bit clumsy
He's grateful and so eager to practice learning how to kiss you though
He's a very reactive and vocal kisser - he gasps or moans if you touch him or tease him, he whines if the kiss ends too soon for his liking, he whimpers when he's overwhelmed and doesn't know what he wants, all he knows is he needs more
He doesn't use his tongue or his teeth except during the most passionate and needy make out sessions, or when you're in bed together - your lips alone are enough to get him worked up
In terms of skill, he's similar to Azra
He prefers slow, almost luxurious kisses - he doesn't like to rush things
He's very generous with his kisses too: a casual peck on the lips, a quick kiss on the cheek, even a brush of lips against your neck or shoulder if he's standing behind you
As much as he loves kissing you, he wants you to kiss him too; if you're willing, he'd love nothing more than to have you leave a mark (or two or three) on his neck or chest for him to admire later
To describe his kisses in a word? Greedy
He wants to kiss you wherever and whenever he can, and he doesn't really care who sees
(Part of him wants to keep the sight of your darkening eyes and shiny, kiss-swollen lips to himself, but the other part of him wants the whole world to see that it's him who gets to kiss you and no one else)
AHEM! Anyway, you could say that he has a thing about wanting to claim and be claimed by you - kiss him where others can see, leave marks on him which he'll gladly show off and wear with pride
His kisses can be playful as much as they can be intense and needy - he loves quick kisses that he peppers all over your face, exaggerating the little smack of his lips when he does it, just to make you laugh (it's even better if people nearby groan about how gross or sappy he is)
He loves a hot and heavy make out session too - there's nothing better than having you in his lap (or straddling yours) while he moans into your mouth and sucks on your bottom lip or tongue
He's a surprisingly good kisser. Maybe you'd think he'd be shy or inexperienced since he doesn't talk about having many past lovers, but no - he leaves you breathless and wanting in all the right ways
His kisses can be playful and a bit teasing - even when he knows you want him to kiss you rougher, or with a bit of tongue or teeth, he draws back just to see if you'll whine or take control and kiss him the way you want to be kissed
He's a bit shy about kissing you in public with others around, but he knows all the best places in the library or Celestial Halls where he can pull you aside for some desperate kisses where no one else will find you
He can be a bit vocal - kissing turns him on a lot, and your lips muffle the little sounds he makes
He also loves when you kiss or suck marks onto his neck or chest
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sunshine-omega · 10 months
hello there! sincere question, why do you think there are so many omegas in miscecanis (I think I misspelled that but close enough) I myself prefer Alpha but I like nests anyway but I never really did traditional things for my first sex why start now with my "second sex" thingy whatever it's called
also I will likely be a reoccurring anon so call me Cumin, I will sign all my asks
I think that there’s a lot of omegas in the miscecanis community because the traits assigned to omegas are really relateable for a lot of us. Here’s some reasons I can think of:
People who enjoy and write a/b/o, for the most part, have been socialized as women. Omegaverse explores topics of power as it relates to gender and bodies. This trope creates a space for a reader to play with those ideas within the safety of fiction! So, it makes sense that those who feel so strongly about these ideas that they’d identify with them (miscecanis) would tend to feel that way about the omega experience. That perspective is so central to the trope that is literally in the name “omegaverse”. (For a great breakdown of this idea, see this video essay)
A HUGE portion of the miscecanis community is trans and nonbinary, especially afab. Of course not every trans person feels the same way, but many of us find safety in or resonate with omega anatomy. Omega anatomy isn’t consistent between verses, but it always breaks the binary norms that society imposes on our bodies. It’s really appealing to self identify with a role that is in agreement with our bodies, rather than in conflict.
Here’s a post where I wrote about this topic before
For me, this last point has been true in various stages of my transition. When I was at my most dysphoric, my omega identity was my greatest refuge. I’m more comfortable now but it’s still very important to my gender.
Neurodivergence and typical omega behaviors is another big one. I mean come on, nesting?!? Heck yeah. I think that people might feel that because they enjoy the features typically attributed to omegas like nesting, sweet scents, nurturing roles in relationships, etc., that must make them an omega. It’s really okay if that’s why someone picks their role! But like you mentioned anon, you’re an alpha who likes to nest, that’s really great too. I think that behaviors are a starting point for many people and that could be another reason why there are more omegas in miscecanis.
(Also omegas are often doted on and yknow what?? who doesn’t want that)
The simplest answer though: most a/b/o is written with omega protagonists. The protagonist is the character you empathize with the most, your window into the world of the story. When most of the omegaverse you read comes from the perspective of omegas, that might end up feeling the most familiar!
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sapphosewrites · 29 days
top 10 ds9 fan fics you've written, ranked?
Oooh, tough question, friend! I don't even know what the criteria for this would be, because the most AO3 popular ones are not always my favorites... Okay, you know what, here we go. I'm just going to go for it and make some decisions. I'm giving myself a rule, though, that I can only chose one from a series, so I'm not just listing everything in the Terok Nor AU. I'll also try to hit different kinds of fics I've written.
10.) After the End of the World: A Survey of Seminal Works of Cardassian Post-Apocalyptic Literature from cross-posted to tumblr. 533 words, "An examination of the Cardassian post-apocalyptic literary genre before and after the Dominion War." This isn't my most popular or my best written but it's one of my favorites; I like in-world diegetic texts and worldbuilding and I'm obsessed with the idea of post-canon Cardassia as post-apocalypse.
9.) Never Have I Ever from The Game Is Afoot, 1,294 words, T, "Julian introduces Garak to the human game never have I ever." This was fun to write and is fun to reread every time! I often spend a lot of fic space on angst and identity and all the reasons why it's a bad idea for Julian and Garak to get together, but in this one we just get to spend time seeing them be clever and enjoy each other's company.
8.) Tribbles, Togetherness, and the Great River, 1,742 words, G, "In their shared quarters, Nog and Jake discuss tribbles, pets, and telling their families about their relationship." This is my only full standalone Jake/Nog fic, and it's another that was a pleasure to write and still makes me smile. It's fun to spend a sweet moment with two young people figuring out how they fit together.
7.) Del Floria's Tailor Shop, 336 words, also known as the space tumblr one. I think this is possibly the funniest thing I've ever written.
6.) Push Me Til I Break, 4,653 words, M, also known as the one where Garak interrogates Julian, and the role play goes wrong. Maybe the most tense thing I've ever written, and really leans into the ways in which two deeply hurting people can choose to hurt or hold.
5.) Growth, 45,843 words, T, "Julian and Garak grapple with their pasts and their feelings for each other at the end of the series." My super long post-canon Cardassia fic, back when I had no idea how to string a multi-chapter idea together. There's a lot I would change if I wrote this now (I've grown as a writer in many ways, including my ability to have scene transitions), but some of the conversations and moments in here are still absolute favorites of mine, particularly around ideas of self-forgiveness, the clash between values and actions, and the importance of choice.
4.) Predetermination, 22,200 words, T, Mirror Bashir arrives at the station and suddenly the nature/nurture debate has never had higher stakes. This is one of the places I think I've been most successful in using sci fi to ask big questions that hopefully resonate in the modern day, about who we are and how we become. Also, the ending takes inspiration from one of my favorite TNG episodes, and that was cool too.
3.) Especially the Lies, 13,019 words, T, "Something is going on with Garak, and no one knows what, except for possibly Julian Bashir." This is my only archive-warning-applied fic and it was really important to me to tell a story about care, for a character who I think doesn't believe he's allowed to have any, in a real world circumstance that too often people have to go through alone.
2.) Necessary Storms, 15,149 words, T, Julian and Starfleet Spouse Garak get entangled in Trill politics. I feel like this is one of the things I've written that most feels like it could be an episode of Star Trek, and is also a fairly unsubtle (though initially unintentional) way to explore populism, demagoguery, resource distribution, and revolt at a very particular moment in national politics with the aesthetic distance that sci fi offers.
1.) Old Friends: An Enigma Tale from Terok Nor AU. I'm exceedingly proud of this whole series, which started as just "what can I do with the idea of dabo boy Julian" and has turned into a sweeping journey covering how Terok Nor becomes Deep Space 9. This most recent installment is perhaps not indicative of the series as a whole, but it was a lot of fun to write and is also a dip into my other favorite genre aside from sci fi (murder mystery).
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ryind · 11 months
Okay so I know there are some very reasonable and valuable complaints, comments, and criticisms about Oppenheimer and how it handles the ACTUAL victims of the war, martyrizing Oppenheimer, an arguably very gray character in reality for more reasons than the atomic bomb and...trying to poison his mentor. You know. The basics.
on that note here's some things I worked out about the movie, or rather, my takes on them for those curious (some of these are definitely a stretch, but I like seeing how far I can push a metaphor once I find one, so here we go):
Lotta controversy about the "I am become death" quote during the sex scene, which, fair. I can see why they included it though, upon reflection. In the moment, it just feels like a strange foreshadowing of the bomb itself, which did Not resonate with me and seemed fairly jarring, but upon closer inspection, I think the relevance of that quote in *that* context is that this is the first person Oppenheimer lost. Jean needed Oppenheimer, and he blamed himself for her suicide (or murder, maybe). This was the first time he "became death, destroyer of worlds"; the first marble in the bowl, which mirrors Oppie's reaction to the bomb's actual detonation quite well, too, I think. Something terrible has just happened, and yet the expectation is that Oppenheimer shows up and pretends all is well and he isn't horribly damaged, just martyring on.
The orange from Rabi might be a bit deep or I might be a bit stupid. Oranges tend to symbolize positivity and aid, so being told to eat one by a friend in his most vulnerable moment is a kindness, hence some symbolism there. I did unpack this deeper though, say, such that oranges need to be peeled to get to the sweetness, and they are one of the sweetest citrus fruits, though they maintain their tang. This represents perfectly how the orange delivery felt in that scene; sweetness from Rabi in a moment of vulnerability, the orange peel gone, the bitter and trauma numbed exterior of Oppenheimer stripped away for just a moment before the sour slammed back in full force. Also just. Really stretching it but oranges being segmented could both represent a fractured mind AND the different perspectives on Oppenheimer as a whole and his reputation to this day.
Oh and General Groves when telling Oppenheimer he's essentially done with him but will ..try? To keep in contact? And update him?? He's buttoning up his coat if I remember right, mirroring his guard getting put up as he ends his amicable dealings and negotiations with Oppenheimer, adding layers and making himself less vulnerable. Oppie, meanwhile, smokes as the quiet, socially acceptable way to perform an anxious ritual.
Also the RAIN. Don't have this one fully unpacked yet and maybe never will but Cillian in an interview mentioned that Nolan described Oppenheimer as "dancing between the raindrops" and this has only half clicked with me but oh well here we go. The basic idea is likely that Oppenheimer doesn't abide by just one grouping of people or their ideas, or hop on any flow bound for one particular destination. Rather, he dances in the space between; in the uncertainty that looms closer towards the ground the further things fall. I think this works decently with what I've listened to and read about Oppenheimer as a person, saying he'd follow recent physics, always growing impatient with the current field he was in and seeking something more...I don't like the use of this word in relation to science but "trendy." I guess the dust particles and whatnot in the headspace sequences work in line with the whole rain theory too in terms of how Oppenheimer doesn't just think about the interactions and the space between, but lives and breathes it as the space between the raindrops; between those that make the biggest splashes, as he gets caught in the ripples. Also given his anti-war rhetoric throughout the movie I feel like there's maybe a fire/water thing going on with him trying to quench the bomb he created but ultimately failing? Who knows. Maybe it's just rain.
Anyways here's all the ramblings I did to myself to reach these conclusions. They are incomprehensible.
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russellius · 1 year
stop what you’re doing and go watch THIS  right now!!!!
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anyway here are some great moments listed because i love him a normal amount
top drivers of all time? “obviously jolyon is in the top 3″...
season so far? not ideal. but things in life should never be easy, see brazil victory, it was sweet because of all that hard work etc
<media rant about headlines and clicks etc>
*in his journalist voice* why did you crash into sainz in turn 1? "well it wasn't like i planned to crashed into him"
nude? "that's to come later"
him saying that seeing how much his brazil win meant to the people around him has resonated more with him than crossing the line has (which he didn't expect), and that's why he was so emotional >>>
says lewis is more embarrassed of that photo of the two of them together from 2009 than him
was he expecting himself to be as competitive with lewis as he was when he came to merc? yeah. he went into it with an open mind, but he backed and backs himself.
what would he tell his 11 year old self in that photo from 2009? “cut your hair.” you make mistakes, do things you regret, etc but he wouldn't change a single thing about his career. not being afraid to fail
hardest part of his job? can't complain much, but if laura wasn't there he'd say media :) but yeah, media, he's a racing driver, not an actor, a public speaker. travelling is tough too. "trying to get a good salad around silverstone is not the easiest"
he doesn't mind the sim. he always tries to think about what the next big thing will be, because he wants to be ahead of the curve
monaco is fun to drive, but the racing? boring.
how would he fix silverstone? more grandstands 😇
"which 2 drivers wouldn't you want to go on a road trip with?" "phones away" there's definitely 1-2 he wouldn't want to go with...
“who would you want to go on road trip with?” george: depends what you're after. jolyon: what are you after? 😳👀 george: 🤨 yeah 😐😑
says he would go on a road trip with daniel and pierre if he had to choose 2 drivers from the grid
out of the TPs he'd go on a holiday with günther. spent a 5 hour flight sitting next to him once, chatting away. "has he got a book?!"
hasn't passed his driving test the first time... no minors, but one major. he's convinced the instructor had it against him... says he was in a wrong lane in the roundabout... "a major though, really?"
what's his favourite thing to cook? “i don't cook to be honest.” but he loves burgers and pizzas! he often has a pizza on the saturday night! mental energy, a pizza makes him feel good! :)
“you're gonna have to pick someone who survived a lot of crashes, because if they survived that they can survive anything. like mick schumacher!” george: 😂. 😐 i think we go to the next question.
in his book he'll announce which drivers he wouldn't want to be stranded on an island with. that's what his book will be about.
what would he want to do once he finishes driving? “not be on sky sports.” he takes it back, he likes the sky sports people. (because the cameras are filming him) he has no idea btw what he'll want to do then
doesn't really care who he's gonna be teammates with once lewis retires
he has a 5 minute power nap before the race. laura: you can fall asleep that quickly tho? george: no. ended up saying that he "meditates" then. makes sure he goes to the loo
only visualizes the first corner if he's on the first two rows, too many variables if he starts further back. the moment he qualified p2 in australia, he already knew where he was gonna go into T1. just brake 5 meters later than him, hope it sticks
from the past, he'd obviously race montoya
sainz is the one who chats the most
he'd want to drive mansell's 92 williams
says the V8s sound so much better than what we have now. they make the current cars sound like hoovers
“formula e? i mean yeah.. i don't know about formula e to be honest...” says it’s too wacky. he watches f2 and f3 and tries to watch back the f1 races. puts it on fast forward though. x2.
favourite kind of cheese?
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after a laugh, he proceeds to give the most british answer. adds that doesn't like the smelly cheeses. loved the question tho, unexpected!
george: but good question... laura: yeah we thought it was a good one to end on! :) george: *pauses* really 🧍‍♂️
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astro-rainbow777 · 8 months
Astrology Observations ⋆⁺₊⋆ 𖤐 Volume 3 𖤐⋆⁺₊⋆
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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Good Afternoon friends! I hope you enjoy my observations that I’ve gathered. I am not a professional astrologer so please take these with a grain of salt 🫶
Take what resonates, Leave what doesn’t! Only you know what is best for you 😊
✨Enjoy! ✨
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✧ Sagittarius Risings usually have family from different countries/parts of the world. If not, family can have a different cultural background and distance from the native. They also tend to get a lot of attention and comments because of the way they walk/have a generally noticeable lower half…hehehe
✧ Libra Moons are sooo sweet, good intended and charming. Me being a spiritually passionate person, the topic of soulmates never escape a conversation with a Libra moon. I want to remind allll Libra placements that there is more to Love than the romantic kind! Again it is very endearing, but you guys have the tendency to form peer relationships around the topic of romantic love at the center. So when y’all are finally in a relationship- there goes everyone else in your life. Of course this is not all Libra placements but there are some I’ve met like this. If you are a friend of a Libra moon, please try being supportive of whom ever they decide to crush on- even if you don’t agree. When you reject who a Libra moon loves, it’s like you’re rejecting them. Remember that they tie a big part of their ability to love others. In doing this you may forfeit them being authentic with you. Bonus points if they have Aquarius personal placements! You may get ghosted 👻
✧ Virgos, especially Virgo stelliums, why are you so good at EVERYTHING?!?! Like, y’all are the prodigies of life! So unfair, I have zero earth placements- there are days where I’m lucky if I can walk straight. But y’all? Y’all will try something once and be consider a master. Virgo risings have usually have Gemini midheavens- so you may be consider a jack of all trades. So much versatility and flexibility. I’m obsessed with y’all 😐
✧ Venus in the 12th: you guys are just the kindest, most selfless, beautiful souls! I love love love love you. I’m so close with a lot of you. That being said, you have THE WORST taste in romantic partners. No actually. At least one relationship in your life you have been a secret to someone. I genuinely feel for you people because y’all are so loving. Have the type of broken, egoic, heartless people- your intentions are good, but you can’t let people take advantage of you! You are just as guilty if you reward bad behavior. In health tho, yalls love is just so pure. Beware of substance abuse with this placement. Can also love fall in love with the idea of someone. Prone to day dreaming about potential partners, than falling in love with your thoughts about them <3 it’s kind of sweet in a way because your brain is so beautiful it falls in love with it’s self. These people turn trash into treasure in their own dome 🤕
✧ Sun in the 7th people are so popular! Everyone knows them-they usually have a pretty clean reputation too! You guys are pretty likable, at work y’all have sooo many connections.
✧ Saturn in the 9th can be very dogmatic in their beliefs. Now, the ones that I have met have experience some traumatic events to make them so opinionated. But there seems to be a disconnect between that one experience and the collective. For example) one guy I work has a Transgender cousin who SA’d some woman, so now he really believes that all people who are transgender are bad people. Which is not the truth obviously. But that’s their truth…so it is THE truth 😬 yikes
Mars in 1st house people can come off very strong…yes, but if you don’t know these people they can come off as just rude, aggressive, or annoying. When you really get to know these people it’s very common though to find that they are just very protective of themselves and that’s why they can be an intense personality. Y’all have a Sand paper first impression..does that make sense? Haha, no but for real y’all are warriors- usually these people have had violence/aggression in their home at a very early age. That being said, it’s very important when meeting new people that they establish their “dominance”- does that make sense?
Mars in Libra-ruled by Venus, these people had to have invented being fashionably late, always! Y’all need a timer strapped to you at all times! Love you tho, always thinking of how their actions will affect others.
Cancer Risings are sooooo pretty and soft. No fr! Your skin is so soft and plushie! Also your eyes twinkle, especially the woman. Y’all are sooo beautiful too when you’re taking care of someone you love, your just in your element.
Moon in the 3rd/Gemini don’t stick with one feeling for too long. As a result, if you are venting to some with this placement, don’t expect them to wallow with you in your feelings. Their type of cheering up is distracting you from them! That’s only what they know though! They do the same thing for themselves. But if your a sensitive soul, try a fire/water moon if you want someone to feel with you.
Individuals with a fifth house stellium may have an earlier introduction to parent hood or struggle with infidelity. Especially if Saturn is here. Life of the party tho!
Jupiter in the 8th, do people just give/buy you things? I have mine here and I don’t even have to ask people just give me stuff! Especially like hand me downs and food. I don’t even ask! It’s weird. Jupiter shows abundance and the 8th rules over other peoples possessions, so It’s a possibility that this is a manifestation of that placement 😏
Some Scorpio + Taurus Big 3 women I’ve met are VERY open about their sexual kinks- like post on social media about sex a lot. The ones I’ve met have a fascination with being a dominatrix/bondage? I know this doesn’t apply to all but just some that I’ve seen. Also posting about money, posting things that they want others to buy for them?
Thanks you for Reading✨
Let me know what you resonate with or don’t resonate with in the comments! I love feedback 💕
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bangers2 · 17 days
Kendrick Lamar - Mr. Morale and the Big Steppers (Review)
AOTY first impressions: I quite literally cannot put together words to describe this album. It's cathartic and deeply personal while at the same time being so sonically diverse and obviously Kendrick's flows are amazing. Even though it's a heavy listen, it's one that I keep coming back to - even the more challenging tracks like "We Cry Together" are just SO interesting, artistic and purposeful.
Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers is a 2022 album by the incomparable artist Kendrick Lamar. The album is deeply personal and sees Lamar working through deep-seated trauma and confronting how it has impacted his present-day life. It's a double album; structured such that each track is a different therapy session, and they all tackle different angles at which he approaches his struggles. There are emotional highs and lows as the album (and his healing) progresses, showcasing the non-linearity of the process.
I think the underlying messages of the album are ones that resonate with me deeply - addressing the general sentiment that "hurt people hurt people" by tackling Lamar's personal issues head-on and connecting back to underlying traumas and struggles he experienced in the past. The advocacy for therapy and healing is so important in this day and age, when there is still so much stigma in many communities.
While MM&TBS is a difficult listen, it's one that I think everyone should have at some point. There are some challenging topics discussed. But they're so important.
Other than the lyricism, I found the production on here so diverse. It's a lot more minimalistic than Lamar's other albums but still keeps things interesting. "Worldwide Steppers" has a beat that almost sounds like a panic attack, floating in and out and having a rushed energy. "Purple Hearts" features sweet chords and a wonderful drum beat. "Saviour" has a chord progression and synth(?) line that I can't even describe, but the feeling it gives elevates the ideas of the song brilliantly.
I don't know why this album was shrugged off by so many. It's not as immediately hard-hitting as TPAB or GKMC, but with time and attention, it's a record that I genuinely believe is Kendrick Lamar at his best.
While I think this is an album that must be listened to in full, I think a good introduction is the track "Count me Out." It features a wonderful chorus and introspective lyrics, and while it's a turning point in the album (the first track of the second album, "Mr. Morale"), I think it echoes themes present throughout the entire record. Give it a listen!
I have found the rap beef immensely entertaining, but it has also opened the door for so many more people to discover the rest of Kendrick's music. As a newer fan (I first listened to TPAB in September last year), I'm really glad more people can get to sit down and listen to these albums for the first time. MM&TBS is one of my favourite albums of all time. I hope it resonates with new fans as much as it did for me. I just hope people don't go into this expecting "Not Like Us." 💀
anyways, thank you for reading! I love writing album reviews and getting to yap about topics I enjoy, and this album has been really impactful to me as of late. While I don't relate to his personal struggles much, I do relate to the general idea that healing is non-linear and a lot of your current self-destructive behaviours are a result of past suffering. Understanding that and giving yourself grace as you heal is so important.
If you've made it this far I just want you to know that you are loved and deserve so. much. good. Whatever you may be going through, you will get through it. Keep going, it will all be okay in the end! I believe in you. You got this. <3
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i-sveikata · 4 months
Hello, I just wanted to write that I re-read the last chapter again (I can’t stop) Your fanfic is what kept my mental health going (it was a really hard year) over the past year and I’m grateful for that 🥰But I was so immersed in this story, on  at the moment this is the only ff that I read on this fandom, and it should already be so (for more than a year now, it’s incredible)😊I like that the characters are so alive, the feelings are so vivid, and they are so intertwined with depth and important themes and also  with sex (Vegas's pov still haunts me, I'm really looking forward to reading some kind of sexual experience from his point of view, because he's just so bad for it, AND VERY HOT), but we know that he hides his  real emotions 👀I’m looking forward to how events will develop further, you are so talented 💘It’s so incredible that you can write such a beautiful, emotional story for FREE that will find such a response in many, I’ve been here for a year now and I’ll wait as long as you want to  enjoy this work and read how these two live their happy twisted life (and this is just my wish...in my head it’s a canon that they killed Korn, ehhh dreams)😈At the end I want to wish you health and send hugs 🫂 And if possible,  can I have a little spoiler about “Vegas will do something stupid, and Pete will do something even worse” I’m so interested 😭😭😭 But if not, then I’m okay with it and ready to wait further 💜 P.S. I’m not a native English speaker, I hope everyone is here  It's clear
oh hello there!!! oh my gosh that honestly means so much to hear that and im so happy it could offer something meaningful during the past year though i do hope this year treats you better!!
ahhhhhhh thank you so much!!! im so glad you think i brought it to life that way!! oh wow yes his pov is very much diving under the surface of what Pete has been interpreting this entire time. wow yes and if there is a sex scene in his pov you can bet its going to be deeply obsessed and unsettling whilst we hear how he experiences that from his pov and how it all makes him feel. like dude high key wants to climb inside petes body and live there permanently there will be no normal internal thoughts whilst theyre having sex haha.
youre so right he does hide way too much!!! and were going to be seeing a lot of that the more we have his POV. ah thank you thank you!! its honestly been so amazing that its resonated with people this much and the experience has been so rewarding!! ah thank you youre too sweet!
omg yeah they should murder korn what an idea. thank you!!! sending you good health and hugs too!!!
oh sure!! well basically its going to revolve around pete finally deciding that he wants to bottom but when he tries to bring that up in his usual halting, beating around the bush kind of way vegas just ends up putting his mouth in it. but like in the most extreme, worst way possible. badly enough that pete makes his own petty, spiteful plan instead and decides to go elsewhere, knowing that it will set vegas off in the worst way but hes angry enough to try and rub that in vegas' face.
except- well it backfires and then the both of them are really into it and they both end up getting exactly what they wanted in the end anyway.
hope thats enough of a spoiler hint!
your english is great!!! and its very clear and easy to understand!! honestly so impressed with people who know more than one language and who talk to people in that other language!! like ur brain???? its so powerful!!!
hope you have a nice night!!
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flooftyfizzlebeans · 10 months
we’ve seen a couple ships around the block recently and we figured we would see if the resident floofty has any thoughts; anything thoughts or ideas about floofilbo/fizzlepie and/or beffloofilbo?
So, I'm lukewarm on Befffilbo. Neither of them are me, I don't *dislike* it but I don't particularly like it either. It could work, it seems like their relationship could go in that direction, but I'm not passionate enough to move them from their "friends" position.
Fizzlepie is very interesting, however, as Filbo is likely #1 on floofty's "dumbest grump in snaxburg" list. (Lizbert being #2). And we all know how much Floofty values intellect. However, Floofty also values risk taking..... something Filbo tries and fails to do. BUT, postgame I could see floofty trying to connect with grumpuses and starting with Filbo, and Filbo, finally realizing how to get other grumps to respect him, ends up impressing them. They both share the goal of helping grumpuses, but filbo always had the right frame of mind, while Floofty had to reshape their goals pretty significantly. I could see him even suggesting the teacher thing to them if they didn't want it already. And dating? I think their color pallets go well together. Yellow and red, magenta and cyan. I could see floofty bringing Filbo absolutely horrifying lunches at work, and unloading an absolutely thesaurus selling rant to someone trying to insult Filbo. I can see Filbo being so sweet and kind and patient and Floofty trying to replicate it. Filbo touching them, maybe just pulling them a little closer to him in public and Floofty absolutely EXPLODING IN FLAMES.
And Fizzlesnoot... I *used* to be a diehard Beffloofty shipper, and my feelings haven't changed, I just have since discovered other ships I prefer more. It's actually kind of a funny ship. Floofty and Beffica are SO similar. If floofty had ended up more interested in socializing than science, they'd be virtually indistinguishable from Beffica. (Actually, confession. The letter quest where Floofty pretends to be Beffica had me fooled for way too long. Might just be the floofty in me, though.) Beff and Floofty are about discovery. About the truth and meaning behind everything. Floofty wants to use it to help others move forward, and Beffica wants to use it to keep everyone safe. I understand her paranoia about the grumpuses around her.... I am a Fizzlebean, after all. Floofty and Beffica actually makes for an emotionally resonant pair. They likely would be glued together until work tears them apart, chatting with each other but barely making eye contact at all. Floofty might take her out to a nature reserve to photograph things with no guilt about not asking, and she'd deliver them so many pictures of bugs. "Saw this bug and thot of u <3" kinda deal. She's probably also teach them how to be more social adept, all the cheats and stuff. The scripts to seem more normal until you suss out who can handle the real you. And let them vent about how dumb people are.
All together makes an interesting trio! And a disaster trio. Floofty may be the best cook out of the three of them but that doesn't mean what they cook is edible 100% of the time. Filbo and Beffica would probably introduce Floofy to more "wild and fun" activities they neglected as a studious college student. Floofty and Filbo would introduce Beffica to.. well, interesting people with rich lives she can ask about and learn about! Floofty and Beffica can introduce Filbo to so many rings of gossip.
Domestic things are fun too, since Beffica doesn't seem the type to be able to REALLY settle down, she's so anxious. And I don't think Floofty every thought they'd be free enough for a domestic lifestyle. Filbo probably wouldn't mind and probably has the most say on interior design.
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insanityisdivine · 5 months
Get to Know Me and My Obsession with KISS 🎸
Thanks for the tag @starry-eyed-never-satisfied
1. Who is your favourite member?
Okay. Paul is my first love but sexy Ace is competing with him but god I have to say Paul.
2. Who is your least favourite member?
Everyone saying Mark. I know nothing bout him
3. Best album?
RARO ...I'm assuming studio albums and live albums don't count???
4. Worst album?
I didn't listen to their last two albums and have no intention to do so ATM
5. Favourite song?
THIS IS TOO HARD TO CHOOSE. Guess I gotta say Love Gun Though But I love C'mon and Love Me!
6. Say one nice thing about each member.
Paul- He's the STAR of KISS. I probably wouldn't have gotten into KISS if it weren't for him. Everything I adore and want to be
Gene- I wanna listen to him talk while we share milk and chocolate chip cookies together
Peter- I have a soft spot for him. I think he can be really sweet and cute
Ace- Sexy, trashy, baby girl, sexy girl in hooker boots. Wanna bend over and smack that ass. He and Paul are my bisexual fantasies. BUT SERIOUSLY, The first guitar player that made me go WOW. Never got the hype about lead guitarists before but then I was thinking of 80s rock and 80's rock solos never resonated with me. His solos are iconic, not just shredding/mindless noodling. As someone who never learned how to read music, I think it's amazing he influenced many to learn. I'd love to learn how to play. Not to be in a band but I've always wanted to play a guitar. Also, I'd love to hang out with him. He's funny and bright. I think there's softness to him and I'd like to believe (coming from a fan, of course) that he's a good person. He also reminds me of my ex early 90s era....so I guess I have a soft spot for him
Eric C- I wish I could meet him. If I had to pick one member I could meet it would be him because I know he'd be super sweet
Vinnie- talented songwriter and amazing voice. Gorgeous
Mark- He did his job on Animalize
Bruce- Super sweet. He was the cutie of the group during revenge era ngl. Paul had competition.
Eric S- Seems really funny. got a nice tight body. seems every KISS drummer has a nice bod.
Tommy- Loyal and hard working. I can see why KISS kept him. Honestly he'd the kind of guy you want in your group.
7. What do you dislike about each member?
Gene- Condescending. I can see he has some views on things that I'd butt heads with him on
Paul- Overly critical of others, may come across cold. He scares me. y'all see his posts for new years???? He can come across very hurtful in his choice of words
Peter- Bitter (in the past it seems) and tbh some of the shit I read and heard that unfortunately was allowed to slide (sometimes even passed off as "funny" stories). It's a sensitive topic for me.
Ace- like Peter, awful things said and done that cannot be solely blamed on addiction which I'm very glad he recovered from btw. I'm honestly glad I never put this man on a pedestal and it's not just because "he's human like the rest of us". lol I love him but I'm glad I've been exposed to the bad early on this obsession so I don't have any unrealistic ideas about ppl, you know? I think I need to sleep with him to sort out these feelings lol
Eric C- I don't know that much to comment and feels almost unfair because he was taken away from us much too soon
Vinnie- stop scamming people omg. the insanity and charging ppl for memberships and you haven't released shit???
Mark- don't know about him. can't comment
Bruce- Maybe too nice for his own good.
Eric S- I don't know. Should have created a sex tape with Gene
Tommy- Kinda weird seeing him try to mimic Ace's facial expressions. One thing to imitate solos and his space persona but his mannerisms? I dunno just weird to see someone mimic what Ace's face naturally does? Kissy pouty lips only work for Ace
8. How did you get into KISS?
years ago, just bombarded with their imagery and sound on TV shows
9. Have you been to a concert?
Their last show. Crushing, I know
10. Do you have any merch?
I have a shirt
11. Unique thing you have related to KISS?
None, sadly. Like I have nothing solid if that's what you mean. anything that may have in common? sure but feels too personal to share here
12. Who is/are your favourite lineup?
This is hard because early 90s KISS was TIGHT. but I'll always love the original 4, but sweet Foxy and Brucie is so precious
13. What's your favourite era?
FUCCKKK....see this is hard. I have a big soft spot for Dynasty/Unmasked but I also love DTK and HTH
14. What are your opinions on Tommy and Eric?
They did their job. If they hadn't stepped in I wouldn't have seen KISS final show and for that I am grateful. I enjoyed their participation.
15. A question you would ask the band if you could?
I'd ask if I could suck their dick. That's tough. What haven't they've been asked before? Honestly I got some questions for Ace that's been bugging me and I know I'd never get them answered unless I knew him personally and had a real heart-to-heart conversion. I dunno I can only go off from a fan's perspective about how that'll go
16. What other bands/artists are you into?
Led Zeppelin, Madonna, Kylie Minogue, Lady Gaga, Stromae, used to really like Adam Ant, The Sweet, OLP, Franz Ferdinand, Daft Punk. I listen to all kinds of genres and artists so I like what I like
17. Do you have a KISSona?
Don't have one. I'm assuming like a fursona? lol
18. Who are some of your favourite blogs?
@ladyshandioftheendless @elrohare @silverstarfoxx (thank you for tolerating all my pestering! never hesitate to reach out to me for more Ace goodies!) @notpaulsguitar @ohblackdiamond (though tbh I swear you have answered this lol) @space-frehley-22 @spacefoxy (resident eric carr connoisseur) @speckster (you have crazy ass edits) and same goes for @bangbangyou love your funny memes. the IP address as a response always gets me lol @starry-eyed-never-satisfied (you already did this but adding you here anyway fellow Paulie enjoyer!) There's many more I wish I could just mass tag KISS blogs lol. There are blogs that are no longer active but I am glad they are still around
19. If you could spend a day with one member who would it be?
Hard because I love Paul but he scares me. I think I'd need more than a day to get comfortable with him. I'd love to spend a day with Eric C or Bruce because they seem the nicest. Maybe I'd love to hang with Peter now. Gene, may be fun. He's a good talker. Though it be fun to get one-on-one time with Ace. I'd love a tour of all his tech and then we can compare and just geek out on technology.
20. How would you explain the band to someone who isn't familiar with KISS?
I don't know. Honestly the other people who answered this already gave greats explanations. So many pass judgment on them without giving them a chance. They're a one-of-a-kind experience. There will never be a band like them.
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gojonanami · 1 month
I took Arthurian lit in college and I enjoyed it so much!!
Did you actually? That's so cool! That actually sounds like a lot of fun!
I really miss studying literature... I really wanted to study English lit for a long time, but then I ended up changing my mind and going for philosophy, and even though I love it, I miss breaking down texts and reading fiction...
Honestly, when I first saw this... the following combination came to mind:
King Arthur – Satoru (because of the idea of being a king being almost like being given the title of 'the strongest' & being most powerful)
Lancelot – Suguru (because of the idea of devotion, service, duty, care & his personality comes a little more subdued? Like I read the Steinbeck version, and his Lancelot resonated with me, and I can kind of see Suguru in that role? Like there was a speech there, I remember, of Lancelot talking about he cannot take on a wife as he doesn't want to leave her husbandless as that would be unfair to her? He is chained by his duty, and he would be thinking of war in bed and of bed in war, and he doesn't want to be half a human, and the code of knights just ensnares him and requires his full devotion to servitude... To me, that speech was just so resigned? Like so full of acceptance I found it heartbreaking... And I guess that kind of resonates with Suguru, too, in that he devotes himself to his ideals – he may know that he may never reach his goals, but he will continue to persevere? I read it a while back, and I didn't study English lit at university so my interpretations may be off, but that's what I remember...)
Guinevere – Reader (because of her connection to both Arthur & Lancelot mainly tbh)
Tbh it's been a very long time since I've thought about this! (And, I'm ashamed to say this, a long time since I've read a fiction book, so seeing this ask was fun!)
I remember I had this teacher in sixth form who, instead of teaching us set texts relevant for the exam, in the first term taught us nothing related to the course, and instead decided to teach us a chronology of English literature through poetry, as well as some of his favourite books. I remember reading about 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight' and that's kind of how I found myself reading a little more, and then coming across Steinbeck's 'The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights'. I kind of read it in part because not many people applying for English, or so I've been told, focus on older stuff, but then I found myself genuinely getting into it. I never ended up applying that knowledge, though, as I ended up going for a different subject in the end!
These are just my thoughts... I'd be curious to hear what you think!!
(Also, Sab, I may not be the best person at talking about feelings as I'm emotionally a little obtuse, but I sincerely hope you're holding up okay. I never experienced such profound loss in my life, I will admit, so I can never know what it's like to experience it, but just know that I will be thinking of you and wishing you, sincerely, all the very best.)
I did! I was an English lit major and I loved it so much - I loved my English dept — almost every professor was so nice. philosophy is such a good choice though!! I wish I took philosophy classes when I was in college - I had turned my nose up at it because I thought it was pretentious haha (but I realized how cool it was when I watched the good place!!)
the way our minds went in the same direction and I really want to write like a mini series about this — maybe 2-3 parts just chronicling this
I completely agree with your choices — it’s been a hot minute since I read any Arthurian lit so I’ll have to brush up but I love this concept and I love writing period pieces even though it takes extra effort :)
(I appreciate your well wishes so much — it’s so sweet and I love you for it. I cannot express in words what it means. I’m doing as well as I can. There’s some days I’m okay and others where I’m very much not — and there’s some that are a mix of both! but I’m trying to be kind to myself. And it always helps when you all are nothing but kind to me. So truly thank you 🥹💕)
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idolsummons · 7 months
Records of Professor William Jones: 2003
Before reading over the below notes of Professor Jones, it is recommended to revise his records from 2001.
Thursday, March 13, 2003
Much correspondence has been passed between myself and Sylvie since our first encounter some two years ago, all of which can be found bundled with my journal, of course, even that which is more personal in nature; Sylvie is even more dedicated to Vh’thra than I had initially thought, and barely a letter goes by without her revered god being mentioned in some form. Below is one letter received by myself from Sylvie without having written one myself first.
Hope both yourself and Catherine are well. I expect to hear about an engagement soon. Even if I wouldn’t be able to attend a wedding myself, I’d be keeping you both in my heart and wishing for the best.
Speaking of life events, I wanted to let you know that I am with child. This was going to be a short and sweet letter just to tell you about the baby (and how you should never hook up with someone on a business trip, but I don’t think that’s something you’ll ever have to deal with now!), but it struck me that I could use this as an opportunity to teach you more about Vh’thra.
Life is a cycle. Everything on our planet is inhabited by a soul as old as the oldest civilisations - except for brand new species, according to yourself, but we’ve debated much about that in the past already. Just as you and I hold the souls of those who came and died before us, so too will my baby. Nobody could say just whose soul it is, and there’s much debate around this topic, but we all possess qualities of the soul that has chosen us.
I can’t wait to find out what kind of a person my child will be, and what kind of person her soul once was.
I cannot help but admit that I am a little concerned for the child. Through years of contact with Sylvie and learning about those who worship Vh’thra, I have come to know that they do not shy away from sacrifices, even those of the human variety - I have received my fair share of concerning photography, after all; however, it appears that Sylvie really and truly cares for this child. She does have ways of appearing like everything is fine and normal (to the standards of those who do not partake of cult activity) and then turning terrible events into supposedly good things, though.
Congratulations on your pregnancy. I don’t believe the manner in which they were conceived is too much to worry about; they will be growing up in a village type environment, and will have many supports around them as they grow.
I hesitate in writing that paragraph. Can growing up around the people Sylvie has voluntarily surrounded herself with truly be a good thing?
I thank you, of course, for your insight into your beliefs. Might I ask for some clarification, though, on the debates around the souls which we possess? I would be interested in knowing the various views of others in your congregation about how it is decided which souls we come to possess. Do I inherently possess the soul of a scholarly type, while you possess that of a devout believer?
Also, I hope you do not find this out of line, and please do not take offence to this next question, and I understand if you do not wish to answer: what, exactly, are your plans for your child?
Wishing you all the best,
Tuesday, April 8, 2003
First, thank you for your well wishes. I know that growing up in this environment will be best for my baby, even if not everyone agrees. It takes a village to raise a child, yes?
I have asked for opinions on the soul debate. A lot of people, our chapter’s Holy included, believe the soul is transferred from forebear to child. Others believe that a soul has to resonate with a specific person like a magnetic force. There were a few who even believed it was entirely random! Personally, I enjoy the idea that my child will have the soul of one of their ancestors. There’s something really beautiful about that. I don’t know much about my family history, but I’m sure there were some great people in there that my child can take after.
As for my plans for the child, I will do what any responsible parent would do. I know what you’re thinking, Will. If anyone so much as lays a finger on my baby, I will personally return his or her soul to Vh’thra myself.
I cannot help but feel a little guilty about harbouring suspicions after Sylvie’s strongly worded final paragraph. I make a point of writing a response, even though it is not entirely detailed.
I apologise for my suspicions of you. You will make for a wonderful mother.
Best wishes,
Wednesday, 3 December, 2003
It had been some months since I had last heard from Sylvie. I can only imagine what she has been going through lately and so have not pressed for any correspondence from her; that is, until today, when I finally received the most beautiful of letters.
Apologies for my lack of writing to you - there has been so much in preparing for my beautiful baby girl, who finally chose to arrive on the 31st of October. My beautiful Alice is doing well, and she has the most beautiful smile!
I hope I’m not pushing you too much when I say I hope you and Catherine will have children of your own one day. Wouldn’t it be great if my Alice and your own children could have a similar relationship to the one we’ve shared over the past two years?
This letter pulls at my heartstrings, particularly given the ring box which sits on my desk even as I write - I must wait for the right time!
Ah, but the photograph which Sylvie has attached fills me with just as much joy as the letter itself. Given its more personal nature, I shall keep this photo with me, but describe it here for posterity: the image depicts the mother holding her newborn, smiling down upon her. Though I have not seen Sylvie since our first meeting, she looks happier than I could ever possibly hope to remember.
Congratulations on your lovely daughter Alice. She looks just as beautiful and happy as her mother. I wish you both the best in your life together.
I do not feel the need to remind her of the threat she had made towards any who dared touch her daughter many months back. From the picture itself I can tell that Sylvie would wish no harm to come to her daughter.
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what-if-nct · 6 months
hihihi today's reminder is ok let's talk friends because this is my first time in a few years watching it all the way through and I'm halfway through season four and i have Thoughts
Monica reminds me a bit of me where she just is so clear about what she wants in a relationship, like I've always been called crazy for dating to marry instead of "enjoying my 20s" but like i am enjoying it with someone I'll enjoy the rest of my life with too, and i soooo see that in Monica and it makes me feel better. which is funny because i never resonated with her like that before, but at the point I'm at right now in life, i see so much of myself in how much she holds these very few people dear, how she values her community and her stability and is always the one making sure the community has a place and a reason to gather
i love love love good character growth so Rachel, chandler and Joey are obviously my babies. Rachel is annoying about ross but we'll forgive that for how hard she worked to go from spoiled daughter to waitress to fashion icon we love her here she deserves the best. Phoebe also obviously my own child, i bore her and raised her and watch all her performances while beaming with pride Ross… David schwimmer saves him a lot let's just say that. when I'm not really watching as much as listening to the show while i play candy crush, he's unbearable, but he's funny when you watch him. almost charming sometimes
ok relationships: Monica and Chandler remain untouched. i love the idea of Joey and Phoebe, and there's a fair bit of hinting towards it and it's a shame they never explored it but i just love Mike so much. Joey and Rachel though, yes, a million times yes. they could've been mondler part 2, they could've had it all. they truly wasted that pairing by using it just to make Ross jealous. and Ross... well. does he deserve love, really? no he doesn't why the fuck did they spend so long building Rachel up as someone so smart and confident and self made and comfortable in her own skin just to waste her on a man that will control her every breathing second and somehow make himself the victim for her daring to have her own life and her own feelings
yeah i don't like Ross lmao. i also like the idea of Rachel ending up with Mark (… the one who got her her job not the nct rapper) just as a fuck you to Ross and because he seemed super sweet and actually genuinely rooted for her based on nothing but kindness
Hii, Firstly I commend you so much for sticking to your own standards and values, I respect that so much you know what you want and you didn't settle for less and you're getting exactly what you wanted. I love that so much. And Monica was very driven and sure of herself and I have a soft spot for her of course from her childhood as a fat kid like so many of her flashbacks really struck home for me. And I won't get into the way 90s\00s shows showcased fat people but I will say The Gilmore girls is the only show albeit not perfect who did a pretty good job in how they presented sookie who i love. But also her being the left behind child who was always in Ross's shadow and didn't get the love and care she deserved from her parents. Like I love Monica and I'm glad she got her happy ending. Rachel dropping her past life, running off from her wedding and starting all over from scratch alone foreshadowed her growth, obviously not the best judge of character with men especially when it comes to Ross but we can look past that. But I loved her with Joey so much. Joey is just a joy, a delight, he was like 25 when I was just a one year old but he is my baby and i love him. I totally forgot about Mike oh I loved him with Phoebe. Oh I would have loved to see what was going on with Dan and Serena and Blair which If you've seen gossip girl it was confusing as hell right. But like that with Joey and Phoebe and Rachel. Like Joey explores things with Phoebe but ultimately ends up with Rachel and Phoebe with Mike. But like all three are like still super chill with each other. And Ross, I have never and will never like that man. David Swimmer is a delight but Ross is the worst. Ted Mosby from how I met your mother was birthed from Ross Geller. I will not get into Ted but iykyk. But yeah Fuck Ross.
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