#it’s me i’m the horror fan
thestuffedalligator · 2 years
In my experience, horror fans are by and large lovely people with a very healthy relationship to their genre of choice, but sometimes they fuck up and say something that in their ears sounds very affirmative of the movie of discussion and to everyone else sounds like the most sinister shit.
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storybookprincess · 1 month
horror fans: “wow what a long & stressful day!!! i can’t wait to go home & relax with some scenes of graphic violence & overwhelming terror!!!!!!!!”
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vasilisk-vp · 1 year
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“when he’s gone the world will be yours”
ask me about it. ask me about the au. please im begging im pleading
[ID: A Gravity Falls parody of the movie cover for Little Shop of Horrors in which Stanford, taking the place of Seymour, is holding a plant resembling Bill Cipher and Audrey Two. Stanford appears anxious while text reads, “I think it’s Suppertime.” END ID]
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samglyph · 1 month
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Who are you?
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fishyartist · 6 months
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Combined Hyperfixations as per usual
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goofalicousgooberface · 9 months
Saw fans be getting excited over Saw X Like It’s the second coming of Jesus Christ
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twobraincells-art · 4 months
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Doodles to try out the new Apple Pencil :)
Closeups 👇👇👇
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mattress-ing · 6 months
Wishing everyone who draws SL!Geminitay with shedding antlers a very being the coolest person alive
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macksartblock · 2 months
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When I tell you I think that eclipse did something to me
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pansyfemme · 1 month
i’m not sure what my pet peeve is with a lot of castings for seymour krelborne but i think its more like he’s often cast as someone clean cut and ‘leading man type’ when like.. that doesn’t have to happen at all and that’s kind of rare for male romantic leads. I just don’t think it’s fitting either. Seymour is seen in most people in his life as pretty unnattractive, so i just feel weird when they cast him as someone who could easily play a rich businessman in another musical. i don’t really like the term ‘conventially/unconventially attractive’ because i think its a little mean to be called that at best, but i’d be lying if i didn’t notice the avoidance to cast the one well known musical theatre male romantic lead that is openly described as kind of ugly as someone who is not dazzingly handsome, do you know what i mean?
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chialattea · 7 days
Another day, another Baby 5 sketch while watching stuff.
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epiales06 · 5 months
Kinda sick of people’s criticisms of Motionless In White being based off things like them sounding similar to Breaking Benjamin or being “cringe” because when you really listen to them and their lyrics you realise that they’re the necrophilia band and it’s weird that it’s never been addressed.
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milkovichrules · 7 months
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Keys to the Heart by milkovichrules
Chapter 5: Make Your Move on Me (8.8k)
"Trying to win over the sister, I gotta admit it’s a smart move. He’s charming as shit. Oh, and fuck you by the way!" "For what?" "He’s a Lit major and you were keeping him from me?" She accused, kicking him in the leg. "Like he’s got time to be playing fucking flash cards with you." "Come on, Mick, don’t get jealous. You know I prefer blondes." He rolled his eyes. Didn’t he fucking know it. "Did he say anything else?" "Oh about you guys hooking up?"
Read here | Playlist
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fredbydawn · 5 months
Obligatory “people should feel free to watch/read whatever even if most people find it juvenile or cringe or whatever,” but I feel like there’s something to be said about the droves of full grown adults who watch mostly cartoons and kids shows and whose recommendations for a piece of media begins and ends with “It had such good representation” and how that may be connected to the way anything depicting complicated characters, uncomfortable topics, or subversive sex acts or sexuality immediately starts trending as “THE MOST DISTURBING MOVIE EVER”
And like, yeah I know I’m a horror fan, so my tolerance for stuff is different from a lot of people, I get that. But I’m not out here being a total edgelord and saying shit like “Well if you couldn’t handle that, try watching Cannibal Holocaust/A Serbian Film/etc” but like… it’s getting to a point where I’m not sure these people can handle most tragedies, like forget Human Centipede, can y’all even sit thru Titus Andronicus?
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devilsskettle · 2 years
sorry for being an anti-modern media curmudgeon on main but just something about the way there seems to be a popular public consensus to look down on low budget slasher films of the 70s & 80s followed by a shift now to turn the sequels into big budget blockbusters that flatten everything unique to the slasher genre so that they can make movies that are comfortable for them to make — movies that look the same, sound the same, feel the same as any other modern action movie. and then they reduce the terminology coined to describe slasher genre conventions into these over-simplistic concepts no longer grounded in any of the films but just pop culture imagination (i.e. “final girl” means whatever now basically lol) and apply them to the horror genre as a whole. and now everybody’s a fucking expert on classic slasher movies because they’ve seen scream. this is a dead dead dead dead genre and we’re just dragging the corpse around. shaking filmmakers by the shoulders why does your movie have a budget!!! where’s the innovation
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 year
soo i ended up making something else, once again using the colors you associate the characters with
tw: unsettling, eye contact, blood, character death
its mostly based off of this drawing and partially based off of your winter break 1998 fic
this was also kinda a facial expression and more complex lip sync test-
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