#yeah this is kind of about Saltburn. that movie was cool and the exact type of direction we need to be going in again
fredbydawn · 5 months
Obligatory “people should feel free to watch/read whatever even if most people find it juvenile or cringe or whatever,” but I feel like there’s something to be said about the droves of full grown adults who watch mostly cartoons and kids shows and whose recommendations for a piece of media begins and ends with “It had such good representation” and how that may be connected to the way anything depicting complicated characters, uncomfortable topics, or subversive sex acts or sexuality immediately starts trending as “THE MOST DISTURBING MOVIE EVER”
And like, yeah I know I’m a horror fan, so my tolerance for stuff is different from a lot of people, I get that. But I’m not out here being a total edgelord and saying shit like “Well if you couldn’t handle that, try watching Cannibal Holocaust/A Serbian Film/etc” but like… it’s getting to a point where I’m not sure these people can handle most tragedies, like forget Human Centipede, can y’all even sit thru Titus Andronicus?
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