#it’s like if booktok actually liked wlw books
yotaasuke · 2 years
the book ive been wanting to read since january isn’t very good <\\\3 heart breaking
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 6 months
Incomplete list of thoughts after venturing into booktok:
- Personally, I don't think I'm ever going to be an annotating reader. At least not on my first read through. If I find a book that dazzles me enough to read through it a second time to analyze and study it, sure. But the booktok trends of perfectly tabbed books just isn't for me.
- the rapid-fire recommendation trend of just holding up a book saying yes or no tells me nothing. Instant dismissal.
- colleen hoover-- just, no.
- the trend where you stand a book spine down to eventually flip it over to reveal the title often takes too long. Fun trend, but the hesitation lasts a little longer than my patience allows. You get five seconds, then I'm moving on.
- Trope lists are good. Gives me the highlights to see if anything catches my fancy-- I can look up the premise on my own if it does.
- reading weird/outlandish/dumb text aloud is chefs kiss content. More please. I wanna see how awful some content can be and still be published. Gives me confidence as a writer.
- i need to curate my algorithm. Right now I'm seeing a LOT of homogenous content. Would prefer more diversity, and actual book recommendations. Anyone got any trusted content creators I should follow? Y'all probably know what I like by now lol.
- there's a lot more mlm recs out there than wlw. Makes me sad. And frustrated. Noticed this on ggodreads as well. Unhelpful. (That said, did you see that hayley kiyoko wrote a book?)
- i wish some fic authors would publish some original content. Like, when I'm looking for novels, especially in the dearth of wlw content, I find myself wanting more of the kind of stuff I've read on ao3, just with less fandom so people don't get sued. Yknow? That's what I wanna read.
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now-that-i-saw-you · 5 months
Short reviews of everything I read this year:
Trials of Apollo ☆☆☆☆
Fantastic!!! Revived my PJO obsession. I enjoyed Apollo's narration. The 3rd-4th book were a little tedious though.
The Picture of Dorian Gray ☆☆☆☆☆
Flawless. So, so gay, weird and dramatic. I wish I could read it for the first time again.
Seasparrow ☆☆☆
I was disappointed. I didn't like the first POV, it made the book feel juvenile. It was too long and nothing happened. An unnecessary addition to the Graceling Realm universe because all the themes in this book were already presented in Bitterblue and Winterkeep. I might have liked this a lot more if it was not part of the Graceling Realm series.
All For The Game ☆☆☆☆☆
I'M OBSESSED. Nothing else to say.
One Last Stop ☆☆☆☆
It was cute and fun. I like it when you can feel that a book/show was planned. Every detail is carefully crafted to fit the narrative. I like how the author uses historical events to enrich the plot. Middle part of the book was a little flat.
The Cruel Prince ☆☆☆
It's...cute. I liked Jude a lot, didn't care for Cardan. Good enough to make me read the entire thing, bad enough that I might never read another book by that author.
Conversations With Friends ☆☆☆☆☆
Do you ever come across a book that's exactly what you needed? This was it for me. One of the only books I got from BookTok and actually loved. It was like being hugged and punched in the gut at the same time.
This Is How You Lose The Time War ☆☆☆☆☆
This book is poetry. It's a fairytale. It's the saddest, most romantic story I've ever read. It's so weird and confusing, I understood everything. It's a tragedy. It's so full of hope. It's perfect.
The Hellheim Propechy ☆☆☆ 1/2☆
It's a lovely series and I can't wait for the 3rd book. It has one of the healthiest relationship I've ever seen in books (and it's wlw!!!!). The villians are a little flat imo.
She Who Became The Sun ☆☆☆☆☆
I don't understand how people find the courage to write anymore books after Shelley Parker-Chan dropped this marvel. I want to eat this book.
The Catcher In The Rye (reread) ☆☆☆☆☆
I love this book idc. I love the metaphors, I love Holden, I love the way the plot develops.
Jane, Unlimited ☆☆☆☆☆
SO GOOD!! Such a unique and engaging book it had me pulling out a notebook and a pen and try to decipher all the clues like a goddamn detective.
Doctor Who: Time Lord Victorious ☆☆☆
It's was nice! Idk what else to say.
Pride & Prejudice ☆☆☆
Reading this felt like sitting at a 19th century tea party and gossiping.
More Than This ☆☆☆☆☆
I've wanted to reas this for a while and it exceeded my expectation. This book is so captivating, unique, heartbreaking and hopeful.
The Trial ☆☆☆
This book was a fever dream.
The Rest of Us Just Live Here ☆��☆☆
I think Patrick Ness is my favorite author. He did a great job with the premise of the book cause it's a lovely coming of age story and the fantastic elements are woven so well into the story.
Evvie Drake Starts Over ☆☆☆
It's cute and I love the fact that the main conflict is between the FMC and her Male Best Friend and the way this book talks about DV but it also felt a little dull sometimes.
The Lottery ☆☆☆☆
This was a mindfuck.
The Rocking Horse Winner ☆☆☆
The Scorpio Races ☆☆☆☆
A Man Called Ove ☆☆☆☆
Really sweet. This book healed something in me.
The Broken Earth (1+2) ☆☆
Yeah....I was not in the right headspace when I read this. I just didn't understand anything. I wanna give this another chance next year if I can.
Lord of The Flies ☆☆☆☆
I want to reread it cause I definitely didn't fully appreciate it but I think it's a great allegory and it's so dark. I get the hype.
The Sun and The Star ☆☆☆☆
I don't think you understand how long I've waited for this book, how long I've waited for Solangelo content. This was so cute. So lovely. I love Nico, I love Will. I wish there was a 3rd character in this (like, idk, Reyna?)
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moonah-rose · 1 year
Finished Circe and I am so frustrated because, yes, I was lied to by BookTok that kept recommending this to me as #sapphicfantasy and that is the biggest lie. There is zero wlw content and all of Circe's relationships with other women are antagonist with the exception of Penelope who for a moment I thought "oh is this where the sapphic vibes come in?" but no it's just a friendship, not even that strong, and it's her son that she gets with. Even Circe's daughters at the end aren't named and are mostly there as afterthoughts for the happy ending. The whole book barely passes the Bechdel Test and is all about Circe's relationship with men from her father to lovers to her son etc. Most of those relationships are toxic af so there is lot of Feminine Rage which is honestly some of my favorite parts of the story and what kept me hooked. But yeah that's not enough to equal sapphic when she's still clearly just into dudes.
"It's Greek mythology though, you should have known how it goes." - first off, I was never taught Greek myths in my school, it's not a universally taught subject, and it's also not one of my special interests so, no, outside of the basic stuff or what Disney butchered, I don't know much about Greek mythology. But also, it's an adaptation, so I have no clue how close it would stick to "canon" or do its own thing.
With that said, I'm not knocking the book itself. It's BEAUTIFULLY written and like I said the vibe for Circe is totally "I support womens rights and wrongs" throughout the whole thing. And one thing I do know about Greek myths is that the tone is usually bleak and cruel with the faintest glimmer of hope, so it does encapsulate that. A lot of the last part however did feel more like Circe having other stories told to her rather than being involved with them herself, like she wasn't the main character for a while. The romance with Telemachus also felt like it went from 0 to 60, which was why it felt like more of a whiplash that the focus wouldn't be her and Penelope bonding, Circe having her first true female friend or possibly more, rather than just another lover (I can't bash Telemachus though because he is a sweetie going by this book).
So yeah this isn't me being angry at Madeline Miller, just me ranting at BookTok. All I can think is that people read Song of Achilles and just assumed this was her wlw equivalent without reading it.
Now if someone does have any actual sapphic / wlw Greek myth literature to recommend, please do! Because it is a genre I'd like to read a bit more of.
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legacysam · 5 months
16. What is the most over-hyped book you read this year?
24. Did you DNF anything? Why?
Absolutely love that you went right for the spicy questions
16. I actually wasn't aware of whatever hype exists for most of what I read last year, maybe because I don't follow like...booktok/bookstagram kinds of people, so the hype I hear is just word of mouth from friends so it often echoes my own taste. THAT SAID. I read Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson for a queer book club and heard a lot from people about how life changingly good it was, and I ended up hating it. It was pretentious and not even in a smart way, more like half-assedly pretentious. Would not recommend.
24. Two DNFs actually! Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail is the sequel to a moderately charming wlw romance novel. I enjoyed the first one enough to try the second, and it was just generic romance novel garbage. No charm, no real romantic or sexual tension, not well-written, not worth the time or energy to finish.
The other I feel slightly bad about, because I think I might have finished it (if not loved it) if I hadn't been reading the audiobook. A Lady For a Duke is a regency romance with a trans woman as the lead, and while the story itself is a little overwrought, I could have tolerated that as a heightened romance type thing. But the narrator gave the female lead this irritating, simpering voice that I just could not stand. And yeah, I wasn't loving the writing enough to track down a non-audio version to finish, so I just didn't.
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simpforthebaron · 3 years
ok kids today we’re gonna talk about lesbophobia because i am so angry!! its under a read more and tagged for tw because this is fucking rough!!
so if any of you are on tiktok, particularly booktok, and you are at all on queer booktok you’ll have seen the absolutely disgusting video of this straight white girl being like “i loved red white and royal blue (a mlm book, shortened to rwrb in the rest of the post) but i just couldn’t finish one last stop (a wlw book), and i think its because i’m just not attracted to the characters, rwrb was just so cute and the two boys were so cute and they happened to be gay” (this is paraphrasing bc i couldn’t watch the actual video bc it made me so angry) and then after people pointed out that’s incredibly homophobic towards lesbians she said “i’m not homophobic, one last stop was boring, that lifestyle is just not relatable and my opinion still stands”
holy FUCKING shit there’s so much that’s already been said but like the blatant hatred of lesbians???? the fetishization of mlm relationships?????? it’s disgusting, it’s hateful, it doesn’t belong in the queer book community, and like i love for people to read books centered around characters who are a different gender or sexuality than themselves because it encourages diversity!!! it helps develop empathy!!! it makes those books more popular so people who ARE queer get more representation and more fun books that are about all kinds of things not just coming out!! but then these fucking straight assholes say shit like this and imply lesbians are somehow less “pure” and cute than gay men???? fuck that get out you are not welcome in the queer community i’m so sick of it
on a personal note, i’m a queer woman, but because of these shitheads who are ACTUALLY fetishizing gay men, there was a time i felt guilty about all my mlm gay ships, about the mlm books i read, INCLUDING RWRB, because i wasn’t as all in on wlw relationships in the same fandom (think harry potter, mcu, glee (derogatory) ) and i was genuinely afraid i was bigoted towards wlw, which in turn made me question my own attraction to women, and this is all to say that is a fucking lot to handle as a teenager, and i’m very confident about my sexuality now but i wish someone had told me that these people, the ones who see gay relationships as entertainment and not genuine human beings who love just as big as anyone, these are the people who are harming the lgbtq+ community, not you ya baby queer
* on a side note i do in fact love wlw books, i just hadn’t found the right ones, but now i’ve got a library full of them, to name a few, One Last Stop was incredible, Not My Problem is so cute, Written In The Stars is the LITERAL perfect fake dating trope, Her Royal Highness is RWRB for lesbians absolute enemies to friends to lovers perfection
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alexiaugustin · 3 years
speaking about straight people and books... have you heard about the recent lesbophobic situation that happened on booktok? If not, check this out - straight booktokers are finally showing their true faces... https://twitter.com/mikaauguste/status/1405988909667033094
god yes i found out about it this morning actually and i don't even know what to say anymore... when i first saw someone else's tiktok on this i was like... "ugh, the typical straight white woman who went on the internet to recommend rwrb and then subtly showing her lesbophobia by calling every other wlw book boring, not relatable (😑) etc. then i saw the original video and this woman really sat down and said. "the problem with this book was that it's about lesbians" she. she really just said this and then continued by waving around with rwrb saying "yes i loved this book and yes it was gay".
the book community, all over social media, has serious and very deep running issues with lesbophobia and the fetishization of gay men so her getting massive backlash for that is very well deserved, i just hope that people won't forget about this shit in one week but that this conversation keeps going and that people won't look away and let people get away with their lesbophobia anymore even if people don't straight up go "ugh i hate lesbians"
because the thing is. i've been on booktube, booktwitter etc. for years and this is not an exception, this shit has happened all the time but people were hiding behind useless phrases like "just let me enjoy the 100th mlm book im reading this month!! it's just my own personal opinion that this one wlw book i've once tried getting into was a bit boring haha❤"
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themoonlightarchive · 3 years
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Happy Tuesday, y’all!
It’s time for another Tuesday TBR where I share some books I’ve recently added to my TBR on Goodreads! I know it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these. But that just means there are more books to talk about since I have no self control when it comes to adding things to my TBR.
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Honey Girl (Morgan Rogers)
“With her newly completed PhD in astronomy in hand, twenty-eight-year-old Grace Porter goes on a girls’ trip to Vegas to celebrate. She’s a straight A, work-through-the-summer certified high achiever. She is not the kind of person who goes to Vegas and gets drunkenly married to a woman whose name she doesn’t know…until she does exactly that.”
I’m trying to expand my romance reading habits to include things that aren’t heterosexual. I honestly don’t know why I haven’t done this before considering that I’m not heterosexual. Maybe it’s because I don’t really see a lot of options out there but it seems like that’s starting to change. I’m so excited to read this book. I’ve heard so many good things about it. Plus the cover is just beautiful.
Bright Ruined Things (Samantha Cohoe)
“Forbidden magic, a family secret, and a night to reveal it all...”
I actually requested an ARC of this from Netgalley and have been putting off reading it for a while. I don’t know why I never actually added it to my TBR since I really want to read it. I’m not usually a fan of historical fiction but I’m always willing to give something a try if it sounds good, especially if the cover is pretty like this one. I’ll probably be reading it in July!
She Drives Me Crazy (Kelly Quindlen)
“After losing spectacularly to her ex-girlfriend in their first game since their break up, Scottie Zajac gets into a fender bender with the worst possible person: her nemesis, the incredibly beautiful and incredibly mean Irene Abraham. Things only get worse when their nosey, do-gooder moms get involved and the girls are forced to carpool together until Irene’s car gets out of the shop. ”
I’m weak for sports romance, mostly hockey but I’ll give anything a go. It’s so strange too since I don’t really like any sports aside from volleyball. This book sounds like it has it all. Sports, enemies to friends to lovers, fake dating, and WLW. I can’t wait to read it!
Call Down The Hawk (Maggie Stiefvater)
“The dreamers walk among us . . . and so do the dreamed. Those who dream cannot stop dreaming – they can only try to control it. Those who are dreamed cannot have their own lives – they will sleep forever if their dreamers die. And then there are those who are drawn to the dreamers. To use them. To trap them. To kill them before their dreams destroy us all. ”
Okay so I’m really upset with myself that I never knew that this book existed until recently! Ronan Lynch is my favourite character from The Raven Cycle, aside from Blue Sargent. I have always found his story and his abilities so interesting. I clicked “add to tbr” faster than I ever have before when I saw that this series follows Ronan. I seriously cannot wait to get my hands on a copy.
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo (Taylor Jenkins Reid)
“Aging and reclusive Hollywood movie icon Evelyn Hugo is finally ready to tell the truth about her glamorous and scandalous life.”
I’ve been hearing about this book a lot but I haven’t really been interested until I started seeing it on BookTok. I’ve heard it’s heartbreaking and that’s really all I need to know. I love having my heartbroken by a book. I’m not sure I’ll get around to reading it but I’m looking forward to it.
Sweet & Bitter Magic (Adrienne Tooley)
“A witch cursed to never love meets a girl hiding her own dangerous magic, and the two strike a dangerous bargain to save their queendom.”
This is another book that I heard of from BookTok. Most of the time, I’m not interested but this one caught my attention. It’s got magic, witches, WLW, and romance. Sign me up. Plus, that cover! It’s just wow.
A Touch of Darkness (Scarlett St. Clair)
“After a chance encounter with Hades, Persephone finds herself in a contract with the God of the Dead and the terms are impossible: Persephone must create life in the Underworld or lose her freedom forever.”
I’ve heard mixed things about this book but I think I’m going to definitely give it a try. I love Greek mythology, especially Hades & Persephone. I even have a tattoo based on their story.
Cinderella Is Dead (Kalynn Bayron)
“It’s 200 years after Cinderella found her prince, but the fairy tale is over. Teen girls are now required to appear at the Annual Ball, where the men of the kingdom select wives based on a girl’s display of finery. If a suitable match is not found, the girls not chosen are never heard from again.”
I love retellings of classic fairy tales and this one sounds soooo good! I love the cover and I can’t wait to read it.
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peoniesandsmiles · 3 years
Thank you @flying-elliska for tagging me in this bookish ask game! I love those asks, never not happy to talk about books ! 🥰
how many books are too many books in a series ? I’d say over 5 ? I feel like if you go over that number there always a book that will feel less I guess. Also that’s the maximum number I’m willing to read when I start a new series it feels like to much to catch up otherwise. BUT. If I’m into a series since the bggining i absolutely do not care about the number of books, I just want them to keep coming hehe (my point about a “feel less” book still stands tho)
how do you feel about cliffhangers ? not the biggest fan overall as I have anxiety and get attached to characters way too easily but if they are well done then hit me !
hardback or paperback ? I read too much for my allocated budget so paperbacks 😶 but I’m known for giving into a nice edition so it’s not an always rule ! (I caved and bought the pretty edition of Six Crimson Cranes last week) Also if I loved an ebook I tend to buy it in hardback later, to build my “forever library” as Ellie said
least favorite book ? Most probably something I read for school, most probably some Molière as it was shoved down our throats and I hate the guy but nothing comes to mind right away.
love triangles, yes or no ? I read too much of them I have to say no. The exception being when it actually makes some sense plot wise and not just for the drama.
the most recent book you just couldn't finish ? So I had to check on Goodreads as I’m pretty stubborn and I like to stand my ground so it doesn’t happen that often. From Blood and Ash. I gave into the booktok pressure and I was superbly bored so I didn’t even try to stick to it.
a book you're currently reading ? I started The Girl of Fire and Thorns last night, I’m not really into it yet but I bought the trilogy so I’ll have to read them all no matter what.
last book you recommended to someone ? I don’t know.... Probably something wlw to @thegreywarren but can’t remember what... Maybe One Last Stop ?
oldest book you've read ?  The Iliad and the Odyssey, nothing crazy.
newest book you've read ? Newly released yes ? Six Crimson Cranes.
favorite author ? I don’t knoooooow.
buying books or borrowing books ? Buying. I have to own the story. How can I live without a book I loved ? Without being able to go back to it ?
a book you dislike that everyone else seems to love ? I don’t pay too much attention to what people think, if I loved a book I don’t need you to tell me why I’m wrong... but a crowd favourite that just missed with me I guess From Blood and Ash ?
bookmarks or dog ears ? Bookmarks. Ribbons specifically.
a book you can always reread ? In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan
can you read while listening to music ? I used to, to the point I now associate some books to songs or vice-versa, but not anymore, I need to focus.
one pov or multiple povs ? I prefer one pov as I hate when I have to read the pov of a character I just don’t care about (reason #1 why I’ll never finish the Legend Born series), I’ll admit though that when it’s well done it can give a book the best of rythm and that can be really awesome.
do you read a book in one sitting or over multiple days ? I’m a binger 😶 I’m physically unable to slow read unless I set rules with myself first.
who do you tag ? @thegreywarren @flitwickslittlebrotha and whoever wants to give it a go ❤
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kathyreviewsbooks · 3 years
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The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
Rating: 5/5
Summary: Jude's parents were murdered when she was a chil. The person who murdered her parents took the to the Faerie world and raised them as his own. Now ten years later Jude and her siblings have to try to find their place among the beautiful but deadly fey. Jude just wants to be among the king's council, and she'll do whatever it takes.
Review: This story was wonderful, i thought it was being overhyped on BookTok but it was definitely not. I did enjoy reading this story and I'm happy that the booktoks i found on it were pitching it to me as political intrigue. There were hints of romance but it wasn't at all the plot of the story which i really loved.
The plot of this story advanced really well and i enjoyed reading all of it. I enjoyed seeing how everything tied in well together. There were heart wrenching scenes. Scenes with a lot of political tension. So many twidts throughout the book that i was never anticipating. It was amazing and the writing had it all flowing so well.
The characters in this story were also wonderful. I fell in love with Jude. I loved seeing her doing things for herself and standing up. I really loved how Jude wasn't perfect, she did things that couldn't be excused sometimes. I loved how she developed throughout the story and masterfully planned out that last twist in the story. Cardan was also wonderfully written. Cruel and terrible but what were you expecting? It's literally the title of the story. However getting to see some of his background and learning about it more towards the end, that was heart wrenching. It doesn't excuse how he behaved, never will but it gives us more insight into his character.
In this book there is little romance with i actually quite loved. I feel like if there had been a lot of romance it would have taken away from the political intrigue of the story. This story is wonderful without the romance. So for whoever is pitching this story as an enemies to lovers story please stop. It's not, they're not even lovers yet by the end of the story.
Yeah i really loved this book. I recommend you read it if you enjoy political intrigue. Do not pick it up if you're looking for an enemies to lovers story you will be very much disappointed. The title of the story is literally the cruel prince, so don't pick it up if you're expecting a nice prince.
TWs: Abuse, Bullying, Death (parental), Drugs, Harassment, Humiliation,Murder, Poison, Suicide
Rep: Biracial main character, Bisexual side character, Polyamorous side character (Princess Rhyia is said to have, "two lovers" on pg. 80.), WLW Relationship (side character)
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lovphobic · 2 years
Hey I noticed you’re into reading (from your blog posts and you mentioning that you have a book blog) so I was wondering if you have any random recommendations? I’m currently trying to avoid high fantasy (dnd type and the like) cause I read it nonstop for two years…
(Also your header oh my god)
RIGHT. YES. I DO !!! disclaimer disclaimer ik my taste in books isnt for everyone but u knocked on my door im simply answering<3 ill put this under a readmore because i just know this will get long (spoiler alert. it did) but before i do know i love u for giving me an opportunity to talk about this
also, i know right !! i love the new thumbnail so much <3
these are in alphabetical order for convenience:)
Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkens Reid - THIS BOOK!! I read it in a single sitting so needless to say it completely enthralled me. the format of the writing makes it SUPER easy to read too; its formatted like an interview so there arent really any paragraphs. The story, while an interview yes, follows this girl (the one Ms Daisy Jones) through her life and career as a lead singer for a fleetwood mac-esque band set in the 70s. When I picked this book up I thought man this does not seem like the kind of book Id be into but Ive heard a lot of good things so Ill give it a try (<- bad mindset ik). Nd I am SO GLAD I did because it's like my favorite book.. EVER now! What I said is the bare bones of what it is, because I am afraid if I get into more detail I will simply not stop. Category is for the book I think is coming of age + new adult!
Her Royal Highness by Rachel Hawkins - This book, is technically part of a duology. But it's a disconnected duology, meaning you dont have to read it in order to understand it. Plus I didn't really like the first one too much. PLUS plus this is a wlw story. Main character Millie is having a rough fuckin go of things ok. She has an on and off again gf and while on this gf cheats on her. This sucks but also it's not too important to the plot lol. Shes applied to a university in Scotland and she gets in! This is SO GOOD Plus it gets her away from The Ex. Getting there though, she finds out shes rooming with a literal princess of Scotland (thats. literally what the GR description says. I dont think theyre actually called princesses right?). Except Millie absolutely despises her + frankly she acts very stuck up and all the usual Im A Princess Kiss My Ass shit. But it definitely starts to turn into more due to forced proximity. I will say no more... just know the story is VERRRYYY enemies to lovers in a not-annoying booktok way and I adore it. Its a bi/lesbian wlw story that I think was portrayed really nicely (cue the mean bisexual and even meaner lesbian meme) and the category is contemporary young adult :)
Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel - OHHH SECOND FAVORITE BOOK ALERT. This may be a harder book to take in because it HEAVILY reflects the pandemic we're currently in, but the book takes place in the brief beginning of a pandemic, and most of the aftermath of it. Fictional variant of the swine flu, 99% mortality rate. I will admit if you do not have Shakespearian knowledge and/or knowledge on musical instruments, this might be a tough read but it is SO worth it. The book opens with the death of a renowned Shakespeare (and in general) actor, which is pretty bleak but stay with me. After he dies, the mc (at the time, Jeevan) is feeding us the plot set up, taking in all the new information about this flu thats about to rock their shit. After we get through that though, the book follows 3 people who had a connection to the actor from the beginning - the actor's first wife (Miranda), his oldest friend (Clark), and a young actress with the Traveling Symphony (Kirsten). The Symphony move from town to town 20 years post this pandemic that has left the world quite frankly apocalyptic. No zombies, just.. there are no stores theres no technology the only way to move is to walk or to find some wagons or old cars etc. Anyways they move from town to town performing Shakespeare plays for whoever is left. She, specifically, gets caught up in the crosshairs of this batshit insane 'prophet' who, believe it or not, is connected to the same actor from the beginning of the book. But I will say no more. Please read this. Or at the very least watch the hbo show, thats what im doing now. Category for the book is technically scifi, but the author wishes it was classed as theater fiction.
Survive the Night by Danielle Vega - I will admit, it has been like 6 years now since I have read this, so this will probably be a short description. But I remember absolutely loving this book when I first read it. A lot of people say this book (and the series, which I will also reluctantly mention) is quite cheesy. It might be, but I dont personally think so. oh my god professionalism drop the mc is named the same as my gf are you fuckin kidding lmfao. anyway Survive the Night (the event, not the book. also looking at it like this, now. Someone shouldve KNOWN lmao!!!) is an all-night underground rave in the New York City subway. Casey (god that feels weird) literally just got out of rehab and her friend was like :) I know what we can do for some fun. So they go to do this. And it Sucks! Its Deadly! Literally!. Something is down in these tunnels hunting them, and all the exits are blocked. In my memory, you never see the killer, you never find out if theyre human or not. So its very unseen-horror fear of the unknown. I remember it doesnt have a particularly happy ending though, I will say that. Category is young adult horror.
The Grownup by Gillian Flynn - This is a short story, technically not a book. But its worth the read! Very easy to do in an hour or two at 60ish pages! I will say, if you do read this, be prepared to briefly read about handjobs lmfao. I promise its plot relevant. The mc who I believe remains unnamed works at - I cant remember if the Shop is fraudulent or if only She is - a psychic shop. One morning, a woman comes in to make the mc's life hell, and of course the mc doesnt know this. So obviously she adds insult to injury by lying to this woman to give her life some drama. I cant say more without getting into the plot, but the story takes a Lot of turns. Category Id say is adult thriller.
The Inexplicable Logic of My Life by Benjamin Alire Sáenz - I remember when I was reading this, I specifically wondered to myself why this book wasn't talked about as much as The Other Books. You know the ones. I cant give much of a personal description of it because most of what I remember is the EMOTIONS. This book left an Emotional impact on my life and I think of it fondly. The GR description is short though - Sal used to know his place with his adoptive gay father, their loving Mexican American family, and his best friend, Samantha. But it’s senior year, and suddenly Sal is throwing punches, questioning everything, and realizing he no longer knows himself. If Sal’s not who he thought he was, who is he? - if I can remember right, I do think there is still lgbt rep in a side character. But please dont consider it just because I said that lmao Id hate myself. Read this if you need a cathartic cry and positive outlook on life. Categories are contemporary, coming of age young adult.
There's Someone Inside Your House by Stephanie Perkins - DO NOT WATCH THE MOVIE. IT SUCKS AND IT DOES NOT PORTRAY THE BOOK RIGHT AT ALL. anyways :) this was the first book to actually make me feel genuine fear, idc if anyone thinks its cheesy or bad. Because it made me feel that I will always recommend it as a good horror. The mc, Makani, has relocated due to a Dark and Terrible Past (spoiler: its not that bad lmfao i think that part of the story got overhyped). But at her new school, classmates are getting brutally slaughtered. Important and Deliberate word choice. Seemingly no connection between them, and the murders get more grotesque as the story progresses. I cant say more without getting into plot shit, sorry. Just know its so so good and I am completely unbiased /s. If you can handle horror do yourself a favor and read this at night. Category is young adult horror.
Wilder Girls by Rory Power - DO NOT trust anyone that says this is a sapphic book. There is one (1) kiss between two girls that is never expanded upon and never mentioned again. This is a horror novel. Its also the second book to make me Feel Something. This book made me So Uncomfortable and I think thats GOOD! The book is set on a remote island that houses an all girls school, except the girls at this school have some Fucked Up shit going on with them. Some are growing scales, some are growing new spines, its fucked up. This disease wasn't there from the start though. It's also infecting the wildlife around the school, which makes going outside the fence for any reason - let alone supplies (since theyre quarantined) - fucking awful. These girls know how to shoot. One day, the mc's best friend goes missing though, and oh boy do we learn some shit after that! Massive tw for Good descriptions of body horror. Category is young adult horror. Id probably also throw in a Liiiiittle bit of scifi personally.
SERIES: *I'll only talk about the first book, to save your time. Bolded titles are a Series series, Bolded and Italicised titles are a noncommittal series - you can read them out of order and itll still make sense.
A Good Girl's Guide To Murder by Holly Jackson - PRAISE BE... my favorite series to exist so far! This book follows Pip as she chooses to solve her small town's case closed murder as a senior capstone project. She plans to do this via a podcast type thing, not sure if its a podcast from the beginning. She doesnt believe that the one everyone thinks murdered this girl, IS the one who actually did it, and shes setting out to free this family from that shame, while also kinda validating their own grief. When she starts digging in to this though, bad shit starts happening, that's all ill say. Tw for animal death. Drugs get involved. I am not sure what else to say except this is a REALLY immersive story that keeps you thinking and the last book rocked my absolute shit. Category is young adult thriller.
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins - I wont spend too much time talking about this one, because its popular (or at least it was) on tumblr. American girl goes to college (I think) in France, makes friends, falls in love with the school's heartthrob. You dont have to reach out, but if you want to you can + ill go a bit more in depth. MWAH. Very feel good fluffy romance. Same can be said for the whole series. Love it. Category is contemporary young adult.
Love and Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch - This is the book I shamefully remember the least about (my favorite is love and luck). Because of this, I am sorry to say but I am ripping the description from GR. Maybe we can buddy read it if you wanna 👀. Lina is spending the summer in Tuscany, but she isn’t in the mood for Italy’s famous sunshine and fairy-tale landscape. She’s only there because it was her mother’s dying wish that she get to know her father. But what kind of father isn’t around for sixteen years? All Lina wants to do is go back home. But then she is given a journal that her mom had kept when she lived in Italy. Suddenly Lina’s uncovering a magical world of secret romances, art, and hidden bakeries. A world that inspires her, along with the ever-so-charming Ren, to follow in her mother’s footsteps and unearth a secret that has been kept for far too long. It’s a secret that will change everything she knew about her mother, her father —and even herself. MAN even I dont remember the secret... buddy read fr??? Category is contemporary young adult.
Rosemarked by Livia Blackburne - I just recently read this duology, its low fantasy imo. The book starts off with the mc Zivah earning her rite as a high healer. She passes the test, and the same day a troop from the Empire comes in, infected with the rose plague. The rose plague is deadly, usually. With two outcomes: rosemarked and umbertouched. Coming out rosemarked is essentially a death sentence; you fight off the disease temporarily, but you can still infect people. The fever will come back to take your life. Umbertouched is the desired outcome; the marks stay but you cannot pass on or contract the disease again. The fever will not come back. Upon treating these soldiers, Zivah falls ill with the plague, and comes out rosemarked. Point A to point B she meets the li Dineas. Its a slowburn not enemies but not allies either to lovers. They invade the capitol, cannot remember why initially, but they end up Essentially starting a war. There is like no content for this book on here and its driving me up a wall. I so badly want someone to talk about this book with. Category is young adult fantasy.
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo - Another.. semi popular one here on tumblr. So again I wont waste too much of your time with a description and just paste it from GR. Alina Starkov has never been good at anything. But when her regiment is attacked on the Fold and her best friend is brutally injured, Alina reveals a dormant power that saves his life—a power that could be the key to setting her war-ravaged country free. Wrenched from everything she knows, Alina is whisked away to the royal court to be trained as a member of the Grisha, the magical elite led by the mysterious Darkling. I wish I wish with all my heart the original trilogy was as popular as the six of crows duology. This is a series dear to me, and another low fantasy novel, category young adult fantasy.
The Merciless by Danielle Vega - Okay. I dont know you, but Im going to guess this might not be one you consider regardless of what I say LMAO. This is a book ive always described as textually gorey, uncomfortable but not Too uncomfortable. Has religious themes. This book is about an exorcism on an outcast of a girl and the consequences of it. I do not know how to begin to describe this without going off the deep end about it. This is a strange series to read, chronology wise. Theyre all connected yes, but the first two books should be read in the order they were released. The third book is a prequel so it can be read before the first two if you want, or after the fourth. The fourth is the most disconnected though, only callbacks via short memories. This is the worst selling point on a book ever Im so sorry. You like horror? You into religious themes? Exorcisms? Torture? Mean girls, literally? Possibly cheesy writing even though I dont personally think so? Perfect series for you :). Category young adult horror.
Lastly, To All The Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han - If you were on tumblr when this series had its boom, you'll know what this is about. Lara Jean Song Covey is a serial romantic, wrote letters shed never send to all of her crushes and stuffed them in a hatbox to forget about them. Until the letters actually do get sent one day. This leads to fake dating, a lot of drama, eventual Real dating, AH its so feelgood im going to die just thinking about it, another reread for me in the future. Definitely. Category contemporary young adult.
THAT DOES IT! Congrats if you made it to the end, hope I didnt smother you. Hope I gave you something you can use. I have a lot more to recommend but these are just the ones I hold very dear to my heart <3 lmk if you need anything else!!! love you!!!
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