#it’s has SO MANY LAYERS
i-sveikata · 2 years
Okay so I’ve been legit thinking of Nope nonstop since I saw it last night and I’ve only just realised the difference between Jupe and OJ and their understanding of animals and how this translates to Jean Jacket
So I was thinking about that scene when Jupe is preparing for the show and he’s sort of leaning against the desk and not moving. At the time I saw it I just assumed he was unwillingly revisiting the traumatic moments of his experience on the Gordy Show but now I’m thinking there might have been more to it.
From the first time we ever see OJ he’s wearing a cap which works sort of well at shielding his eyes especially when he’s ducking his head which is something he seems to do often (and is probably what unwittingly saved his life those first six months!!!). And we hear him talk about not looking the animals in the eye which eventually culminates to his understanding of JJ and how it ties in with its territorial nature and how it views eye contact as a challenge or a sign of aggression. And when we see that horrible moment of Gordy set off by the balloon and behaving like the wild animal he is on set we as the viewer can see that Jupe doesn’t look away once, that in that moment he stays perfectly still hidden beneath that table and watches it all unfold so when Gordy approaches and seems to calm down and reach out to him, he takes that as a sign of having done the right thing in that moment. Which I think is what that scene in the office before the show is alluding to. Jupe believes that the answer to encountering dangerous and volatile animals even extraterrestrial ones is to be as non threatening as possible as a way to connect to them. Jupe, not understanding the table cloth that separated his and Gordy’s eyes from one another is what protected him in that moment, and not the fact that he stayed where he was and didn’t move. We see the poor young actress moving on the floor before Gordy attacks her again, as well as the actor father coming down the stairs and attempting to run away. Putting all that together, Jupe thinks the key here is his stillness. Which is what I think he’s practising before the show, reaching that sense of calm before he faces JJ. But the problem with that is Jupe never fully comprehended that being a passive viewer to spectacle is just as dangerous as creating it and using wild animals to profit from it. Because of Gordy he never learned to look away, to break out of the cycle of witnessing spectacle and being made into a spectacle after Gordy’s attack so when JJ arrives and comes to eat, Jupe looks up perfectly still and watches as he’s sucked up and devoured. This movie had such great commentary on the horror of spectacle, the danger of people being first and foremost viewers, even of the most appalling moments and at the expense and exploitation of human and non human lives. I just thought it was really interesting that some people have said Jupe had no idea what he was doing but I would say he absolutely did and that was his hubris, that he truly believed he could bond with JJ like he supposedly did Gordy. His misinterpretation of the traumatic event with Gordy is what actually misled him into believing stillness was the key to being a viewer of JJ/The Viewer. So instead of turning from the spectacle he and his audience were literally consumed by it instead.
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sunnydayangel · 4 months
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is this anything
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midydoof · 22 days
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Camp member most deserving of an undisturbed afternoon nap that ends up going on way too long into the evening is and will always be Charles
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Lan Wangji Goes To Lotus Pier AU: Part 1: Dread on Arrival
(Part 2)
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booasaur · 10 months
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Special Ops: Lioness
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otlwoozi · 6 months
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zokinus · 6 months
Thinking about this gif again… Oscar looking at Lando, smiling when they‘re making eye contact, shyly looking away but immediately fixating his eyes on him again while taking a deep breath
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I think the thing that's fueling my Dead Boy Detectives fic series is that almost every major character has had some sort of interesting/unhinged interaction with every other main character. Like beyond the incredibly interesting/fleshed-out relationships between the main four detectives we have examples like:
1) Cat King and Monty forest interaction where the Cat King toys with Monty in order to both protect/play with Edwin
(Which, by the way, the Cat King knew about Monty before the forest scene when he shapeshifted into him by the lighthouse. So, like, did he know what Monty's secret identity was then and just straight up didn't say a word because he felt like it? Or did he figure it out later?)
2) Jenny straight up meeting Charles and Edwin only after being possessed by a demon and literal minutes before her shop gets blown up leading to the iconic "you were about to leave those boys forever now you're going to risk your life to save them" line
3) Jenny only meeting David to sing Belinda Carlisle/threaten him with a meat cleaver and get her SECOND near-death experience
4) Hell, on the meat cleaver POV: first and only time Niko meets the Cat King it's to threaten him with a meat cleaver and clock him for his interactions with Edwin (same goes for Crystal even though it's her second time meeting him)
5) Any scene Charles has one-on-one with Monty plus the bit on the sidewalk where Monty straight-up bypasses him for Edwin and Charles just goes "I was polite, wasn't I?" while the girls are clearing him away for Edwin and Monty to flirt
6) Night Nurse and Kashi. Everything about those interactions are *chef's kiss.*
7) Same goes for Night Nurse and Niko. Their dynamic is so fucking good and leads to the fantastic "reading comprehension" bit.
8) And from a more devastating/angsty POV, the scene with Esther and Monty in episode 5 where Monty feels more like a teenager than any other character in the cast. And as much as Esther is a camp queen in that scene, it's also terrifying because that iron cane is against Monty's chest and she literally ripped him apart episodes before that and she's going to kill him again next episode with that very cane and your brain is just bouncing between laughing at the "it's honestly nbd" line and going on red alert because get the fuck out of there, Monty, you're going to die at her hands-
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thatiranianphantom · 1 year
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suntails · 8 months
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chururiii · 11 months
This part in the anime had me so happy and excited. It was a small moment but you get to see a different side of Gil. Him telling tine in his own way to just be a kid and trust in him because he is the strongest. Like- I LOVE HIM SM U DONT UNDERSTAND HE IS AMAZING
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buwheal · 4 months
was heaven watching after all?
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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Flagrant Favourism.
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hooked-on-elvis · 3 months
Elvis' Sword Cane ⚔️
Elvis On Tour (1972)
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Watching the doc for the millionth time and I've only noticed this now. I wondered if EP's cane was actually a weapon... and it looks like I was right. Apparently, all of Elvis' canes were also swords... and he was making it clear onscreen. LOL.
Subtle message: "Don't f*** with me".
Source video: Reddit
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Elvis and Vernon Presley in Buffalo, New York. April 5, 1972.
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pixiestickie · 8 months
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does someone want to talk about the implication of jamil being jealous of azul for getting all the attention and praise and wishing he was him that they randomly added in the manga despite it not even being needed?
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frnkiebby · 4 months
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the fucking CUTEST~🎃
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