#it’s definitely not what I expected but . obviously . it’s so good ??
qveerthe0ry · 1 day
Naked in Manhattan
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Summary: Marcus has never slept with a man, Dieter's willing to remedy that - written for @romanarose Pride Event Week 3: Sex/kissing Word Count: 7,730 Pairing: (college aged) Marcus Pike x Dieter Bravo Rating: 18+ mdni Warnings: coming out, discussions of sexuality, brief mentions of homophobia, oral sex(m), (lots of) hickeys, frottage, cum eating, armpit stuff Betas: OBVIOUSLY @for-a-longlongtime and @perotovar the loves of my life 💖A/N: I highly suggest listening to Naked in Manhattan by Chappell Roan before/while reading this. Totally got the vibes of this entire fic by listening to it on a walk one day
Dieter’s learned a lot in his five and a half years of college. Not really much about statistics or geology, but about people. He’s been around long enough to know that the sad little guy on his front porch steps, avoiding the party, and chain smoking cigarettes is having a rough go of it. 
“Hey buddy,” Dieter says, quietly, as not to startle the slumped figure. 
Marcus looks up at him through misty eyes and a cloud of stale Winston smoke.
He’s not crying, but he’s definitely crying for help.
“You okay?” 
Dieter takes a seat on the step below him.
“Yeah, fine. Just needed air.”
Marcus gestures with the cigarette in his hand, then huffs out a laugh at the irony. 
“You’ve been getting drunk a lot lately.”
Maybe Dieter shouldn’t pry. It’s not unusual for his rented house to be filled with students coming and going at all hours of the day, between classes on weekdays or all day on the weekends. The cheap beer just shows up, as does the weed, and he doesn’t usually question it. 
But he’s closer to Marcus. So he notices more. He usually only sees him here on weekends. During the week he’s commonly found in the library or the student union, books sprawled out in front of him. He’s driven, pre-law, and has a better head on his shoulders than most people he hangs with. 
But Marcus has been at his place every night this week, either stumbling home in the wee hours of the morning or sleeping late on his couch or floor. It concerns Dieter in a way that surprises him. 
Usually it’s none of his business. 
“I haven’t had a sip,” Marcus tells him. 
And his voice doesn’t have that sharp, defensive tone Dieter was expecting. It’s more defeated than anything. 
“Yeah but what about last night?” 
Marcus shrugs. 
“And the night before? And every other night this week?”
“Just having fun,” Marcus mumbles through another drag of his cigarette. 
Dieterlooks around at his empty porch.
“Are you?” 
Then Marcus laughs. It bubbles up out of him in an almost terrifying way, and damn near immediately turns into sobs hidden behind his hands. 
“Fuck, dude, are you tripping?”
Marcus shakes his head. Dieter didn’t think so. He’s strictly an alcohol guy, won’t even touch weed. Something about the FBI and polygraph tests. Dieter finds it charming if not a bit manic. 
He keeps crying though, so hard he has to flick his cigarette out onto the dimly lit street so he can rub at his eyes. 
Dieter’s not sure what to do. Normally he’d offer someone drugs, but that won’t work. 
His hand hovers over Marcus’ shaking back for a few moments before he rests a heavy palm between his shoulder blades. 
He can feel the way Marcus’ breath shudders out of him, and tells him to start taking slow breaths. When it works, Dieter’s kind of amazed at how great he is at damage control. 
“That’s it man, just breathe.” 
Marcus nods, finally removes his hands from his face. He’s always been pretty in a very preppy way, with his perfect hair and teeth and his little dimples. He looks even prettier now, as much as Dieter kicks himself for that thought. His face is red and wet and his brown eyes are wider than they’ve ever been before. 
A few deep breaths in through his nose and out his mouth later, Marcus is sufficiently calm enough to speak. 
“I’m sorry.”
Dieter waves him off. 
“Don’t be. Looks like it felt good, I might have a cry later too.”
Marcus lets out a wet chuckle and shuts his eyes as one last salty little droplet brushes past his long eyelashes. 
“Everything okay at home? You’re not failing a class, are you?”
“No, no, nothing like that. It’s stupid.” 
“Girl problems?” 
Marcus laughs again, and Dieter startles a little, afraid he’s going to start back up sobbing at any moment. 
He doesn’t though. He’s quiet and avoiding Dieter’s gaze as he frantically gets another cigarette from his pack and lights it up. 
Dieter thinks he’s hit the nail on the head until Marcus takes a long drag of his cigarette and exhales. 
“I’m fucking gay.” 
Dieter opens his mouth in shock, or understanding, or maybe to try and say something, but Marcus continues. 
“This whole time I’ve been gay. I don’t even— I’ve had so many girlfriends. I think they’re just nice. I’ve never— I fucking hated sleeping with them. I thought it was because it was awkward, and we’re all inexperienced? It sucked, Dieter. And I thought all guys were curious about other guys, you know? They all talk about their dicks with each other, since middle school. I just thought— and then there’s this guy… in my intro to psych class. And he’s so nice and handsome and I just always want to hang out with him. And I didn’t know why. But I want to kiss him. And I never felt that way about any of my girlfriends. And now I realize I’ve just— I’ve just been gay this whole time.”
He’s out of breath when he quits talking, but he sucks down more of his cigarette anyway. Dieter isn’t quite sure what to say to him. Usually when someone comes out to him, it’s in a less… frantic manner, more proud than anything. But this poor freshman has been on a gay crisis bender all week and is more than a little traumatized by all of it, and it’s just different with Marcus. 
“That’s um… Sounds like you’ve been going through a rough time with it.” 
Marcus sniffles and nods. 
“Been through all five or whatever stages of grief already. It’s been a long week.” 
“Are you… Upset? That you’re gay?” 
Marcus’ head lolls back to thump against the porch railing. 
“No… I’m more upset that I didn't figure it out until now.” 
“You’re still plenty young, Marcus. You’re what— nineteen?”
“Eighteen. Skipped a grade.”
Jesus. Dieter feels even worse now about thinking he’s pretty when he cries. 
“See? You’re a spring chicken, dude. You figured it out plenty quick.” 
“When did you know?” 
Dieter chews on his lip, considers lying just for Marcus’ sake, but decides against it. 
“I pretty much always knew, honestly. But I mean— I was weird anyway, you know? Never really fit in or felt I had to play a certain part or be a certain way. It just made sense. Also, my dad always said I was as queer as a three dollar bill so… that helped.” 
Dieter steals the cigarette between Marcus’ fingers to take a drag himself. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to—”
“Nothing to be sorry for, man,” Dieter tells him. 
Marcus stares at where Dieter’s lips wrap around his cigarette for a bit too long, and Dieter hands it back, if only to try and stop whatever it is that’s bound to happen next. 
But Marcus takes another drag himself, and his tongue peeks out to wet his bottom lip, and Dieter has never been called strong-willed. 
“What’s it like?” 
“To be with a guy? What’s it like?” 
Dieter shrugs. 
“Depends on the guy.” 
Marcus sighs. 
“Are you uh— how do you like… it?” 
“Are you asking if I’m a top or a bottom?” 
Marcus’s face flushes a cute color in the yellow of the porch lights. 
“Both,” Dieter shrugs, “but I haven’t really done that with a lot of guys. Kind of a hassle, you know?” 
Marcus nods, but then his brow quirks up in question. 
“What do you mean? What do you— what do you do, then?” 
Dieter chuckles. 
“All kinds of things, babe.” 
He watches Marcus’ breath catch, the little stutter of his chest. 
“Would you show me?” 
Dieter rolls his eyes to distract them both from the fact that he really, really wants to. 
“C’mon, man. You don’t wanna fool around with me. I’m a loser. Go find a pretty finance boy to shack up with.” 
Maybe he’s less weak-willed than he thought. 
Marcus’ shoulders slump again, and christ, though, is he supposed to just let him leave like a kicked puppy? 
“There’s no intro to psych guy.”
It’s quiet, mumbled around his cigarette, and his eyes won’t leave his feet. 
“It’s you, okay? You’re my— gay awakening, or whatever. Why do you think I’ve been here all week?”
Dieter’s heart is hammering against his chest at that admission. This was not how he figured his Friday night would go.
“Free beer?” 
His joke doesn’t land. Marcus rolls his eyes. 
“It’s not like… I’m not like in love with you or anything. I just… always wanna see you. And you’re— well, you know. You’re hot. And you’re really nice to everyone. And I get this… I feel so weird when I’m around you, like, nauseous. Fuck, I’m sorry.” 
Marcus flicks yet another cigarette to the curb and makes to get up, but before Dieter can think better of it, he grips him on the shoulder to keep him seated. 
“That’s… actually really sweet, Marcus.” 
He scoffs, hides his face in his hands, and it’s so cute Dieter can’t help but smile. 
“Really— Usually people just want to fuck me, or use me for drugs.” 
Marcus groans a little, mortified, and his hands run back to mess up his pristinely styled hair. 
“Buddy, I’m serious. You’re a little charmer.”
Marcus looks up from his lap at that, scratching that neatly buzzed hair on the back of his neck, and his eyes are a little less embarrassed and a little more twinkly.
“You’re just saying that.”
Dieter shakes his head grinning. 
“No, it’s cute. Being genuine is never a bad thing.”
And the thing is, Dieter’s not lying. It’s possibly the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to him. But he’s toeing a very very fine line here, with himself. Because Marcus is so pretty, and so smart, and he’s soft and kind and he’s real but he’s young. 
And Dieter’s just a Super Super Senior, a total burnout, on his way to holding the world record for The Longest College Career. He’s 23 and he’s still undecided and he probably won’t even get  a college degree after all is said and done. 
But Marcus is looking at him with those big brown eyes, watching, calculating. 
“I just— I feel like you wouldn’t judge me. If I did the wrong thing. You know?”
“I wouldn’t. Anyone who would isn’t worth your time.”
Marcus huffs. Maybe Dieter can still save this. 
“Would you… tell me? What you’d do? What I should do?”
And just like that, Dieter is hopping right over that line with both feet. 
“Kiss me.”
Marcus’ eyes grow even bigger.
“Like, right now? Here?” 
“If you want to. That’s what I’d want you to do, to kiss me right here, like you couldn’t help yourself.”
And Dieter will be damned if he doesn’t do just that, surging forward to grab the sides of his face and press their lips together. 
His lips are so soft, and his face is smooth, and he’s eager, a bit too much, but it only adds to that coincidental charm. Dieter’s left to catch up, as Marcus swipes his tongue along the seam of his mouth and groans. 
Dieter pulls away. Marcus’ mouth gapes open, and his shoulders heave with his fast breaths. 
“You’re so… scruffy.”
Dieter chuckles, wipes Marcus’ spit from his lips and straightens out his mustache. 
“Not good?”
“No, god no, it’s really good.”
And then Marcus smashes their lips together again as a pathetic little sound escapes his throat. Dieter opens his mouth this time, lets Marcus slide his tongue around, a little violent, and this is all a bit too much for some front porch steps, isn’t it?
“Hey,” Dieter says softly, pulling away. 
Marcus’ brows draw up in confusion. 
“Sorry. I’m not a good kisser, am I?”
Dieter sighs, grabs one of Marcus’ hands on his face to link their fingers together. 
“It’s not that,” he says. 
He turns his face to kiss the center of Marcus’ palm and smiles when his breath hitches. 
“You really wanna do this with me?” 
Marcus is nodding before Dieter even finishes speaking. 
“Only if you really want it, too.”
Dieter squeezes his hand. 
“I do, really.”
Marcus smiles the sweetest little smile, and they both stand up, and Dieter doesn’t let his hand go. 
There’s music on in the house, and it smells like weed, and a few people are playing Nintendo in the living room. They don’t pay any mind as Dieter pulls Marcus up to the second floor, down the hall, and into his dimly lit bedroom. 
At least he’s kept it semi-tidy, he thinks, as Marcus looks around while he shuts and locks the door. His bed isn’t made. He’s sure Marcus makes his bed every morning before class. He hopes he doesn’t mind. 
He seems like he’s too nervous to mind, a jittery little thing standing next to his bed. He’s fiddling with the hem of his shirt, staring holes into the stained carpet, when Dieter moves to stand in front of him. 
“Are you nervous?” 
“No. Maybe. I don’t know.”
Dieter grabs both of his hands, and Marcus finally meets his gaze. 
“It’s okay to be nervous. As long as it’s good nervous.” 
He smiles and nods, but the worry in his brow is still there. 
“We won’t do anything you don’t wanna do, okay?”
That seems to soothe him more. 
“Can we kiss again?”
Dieter chuckles. 
“Of course we can.”
Marcus tips over into him, landing at the side of his mouth but quickly correcting course. He licks, but Dieter keeps his mouth shut, goading him to calm down. And he does, slotting his lips around Dieter's bottom one, and everything else slips into place with a soft, satisfied noise from his own chest. 
He lets go of Marcus’ sweaty hands to grab his hips instead, lithe and a little bony. He twitches at the touch, sighs, and presses his lips harder into Dieter’s. His hands search around frantically, jostling them both, until he finds the hem of Dieter’s sweatshirt and gets his hands underneath. 
“Slow,” Dieter mumbles. 
“Not a race, Marcus. Take your time. Enjoy it.” 
Marcus nods, but gapes at him, like he’s not quite sure what to do next. 
“You wanna get comfy? Take your shoes off, sit down?”
Marcus nods again, but with a little direction, takes his shoes off and sits on the bed, criss-cross applesauce like the cutest fucking thing Dieter’s ever seen. 
“I want this to be— I want you to have a good time, feel good. So tell me if you don’t feel good… or if there’s anything you wanna try. Communication is like, super sexy, right?”
Dieter sheds his shoes and his hoodie as he speaks, thinks he catches Marcus’ eyes staring at the spot between his signature pajama pants and his shirt where it rides up. 
“Yeah… like, dirty talk?”
Dieter huffs out a laugh as he sits facing Marcus, crossing his legs, mirroring him to make him as comfortable as possible.
“Could be dirty talk, yeah. But just normal talk, too. It can be hot to talk about things like… how do you like to be touched? Where?” 
Marcus clears his throat and scratches the back of his head with a puzzled look on his face. 
“My— my dick?”
Dieter wants to laugh, but he can’t blame the guy. It sounds like the only experience he’s had so far is rushed fucks with high school sweethearts. 
“Okay, yeah, that’s a good start. So, for me, I like being kissed. Everywhere. I like feeling lips on my jaw and my neck and especially my nipples. You can bite, too.”
Marcus’ eyebrows raise, his plush lips forming a circular shape that Dieter tries and fails not to focus on. 
“Oh, yeah, okay. I— I like that too. I like when it’s… sloppy.”
Dieter hums, smiles, and nods.
“Anything else you like?” 
He watches Marcus bite his bottom lip and trace shapes on the bedsheets between them. 
“I don’t really know.” 
“That’s okay. Maybe we can figure it out together, yeah?”
His long eyelashes flutter as he blinks real slow, and he smiles. 
“Yeah. Thank you.” 
Dieter does chuckle then. 
“You don’t need to thank me. I’m gonna have a lot of fun with you.”
Christ, Dieter thinks, if his face gets any more red he might burst into flames. 
He kisses him, to save him from a fiery death. It’s a little awkward, with both of their legs crossed in front of them, but it’s easier to take their time like this. 
Marcus keeps it slow, so Dieter can finally lead. He licks into his mouth to feel his hard palate, and the way he whimpers and shivers in response is so delicious that Dieter can’t help but to do it again and again. 
He feels long fingers grip his thighs, soft at first, but squeezing harder when Marcus returns the favor and scrapes his tastebuds along Dieter’s sharp canines. 
There’s twin sighs when Marcus pulls away, only a little, eyes still shut. 
“You’re really fucking good at this,” he mumbles. 
Dieter hums and pecks his lips again, soft and wet. 
“Could kiss you all night.”
It’s true, even though there’s also a million other things he wants to do with Marcus. He tries to push those wants down by kissing him again, getting that plump bottom lip between his teeth and nibbling on it. The noise Marcus makes has his cock filling steadily with blood, and he knows it’s very obvious in his pajama pants, and he hopes Marcus doesn’t freak out.
Like he’s reading Dieter’s mind, Marcus’ hands slide so fucking slowly up his thighs. The movements are jerky, and he hesitates when just the tip of his finger brushes his cock. His inhale is audible, but his curious touch proceeds, just the lightest ghosting across his shaft. 
But then he’s pulling away, and Dieter feels on edge, bracing himself for the worst. 
“Can I touch it?”
Dieter exhales his relief.
“You can… Are you open to suggestions, though?”
Marcus nods, his slick mouth hanging open. 
“You could get on top of me, let me feel how much you like this, too. Drag it out, make me really want it.” 
He smirks as Marcus curses, closing his eyes and pressing his palm to the front of his jeans. But he nods, and uncrosses his legs, so Dieter does the same. 
And then, he’s got a lapful of Marcus, and he’s staring up into his glassy, beautiful eyes. 
“Like this?”
His hips shift, and his pert little ass grinds against Dieter’s cock while his own presses against his belly. 
“Just like that. Is this still okay?” 
Marcus doesn’t answer him, just devours his lips again as he rocks his hips and supplies them both with heady friction. His little whimpers are muffled, and his teeth are sinking into Dieter’s lip a little too hard, but in a way that makes his cock throb and pulse against the tight ass against it. 
Dieter’s hands find those lithe hips again, this time under his shirt. His skin is scalding to the touch and so fucking smooth. He digs his thumbs into his hip bones, drags little circles into them that make his hips jolt and stutter. 
Fuck. He likes this a lot. Maybe too much. He pulls himself away to reel it in a bit, maybe to check and make sure this is still alright—
“I’m so fucking hard,” Marcus breathes, “I’ve never felt like this.” 
And as he speaks, he’s ripping his t-shirt over his head and flinging it elsewhere. 
He’s gorgeous. A little scrawny but smooth, everywhere, just miles of tan skin that’s paler here where it gets no sun. Dieter wants to bite, and kiss, and suckle on every fucking inch of it. 
For now, Dieter uses all of his brain power to mumble a distracted ‘me too,’ as his hands moved upward to splay across all that hairless skin. 
Marcus’ stomach tenses and relaxes under his hands, and his chest heaves as Dieter cradles his ribs and brushes his thumbs over his nipples. 
“Does this feel good?” 
He circles them, flicks them a little bit, and wants to curl up and live in that little gasp Marcus makes. 
His head is leaning back between his shoulders, all raised and on-edge. That’s not what Dieter wants. He wants him relaxed, wants him all gooey and loose. 
Slowly, gently, Dieter tips him over, a hand on the back of his head until it lands on the pillows. The look in his eyes gets a little squirrely, and his breath picks up, and his nails scrabble at Dieter’s bicep. 
“Is this still okay?” 
Marcus nods quickly, but he’s slower with the verbal response. 
“I think so… just nervous.” 
“Still good nervous?” 
As if to prove it, he cants his hips up into Dieter and he’s rock hard against his thigh. 
“Still good nervous.”
Dieter’s own prick throbs and twitches as he hums. He lowers himself even more over Marcus, finds his racing pulse point and plants a hot, wet kiss there. 
“Can I kiss you here?” he whispers. 
His chin brushes Dieter’s cheek when he nods, and Marcus relocates his hands to reach up the back of his shirt. His palms are sweaty and hot as Dieter trails a wet line of kisses down to his prominent collar bone. 
His skin is so salty, and the heat from his body is making his cheap cologne smell even stronger, and Dieter feels high even though he hasn’t smoked in hours. 
“How about here, Marcus?”
He looks up at the younger man as he hovers his mouth above one tiny, pebbled nipple. He watches as his adam’s apple bobs in his throat, and smiles and impish grin when Marcus nods again. 
The groan he receives when he closes his mouth around it has him pressing his hips to the mattress for relief. One of Marcus’ hands finds Dieter’s hair and grips.
“Ah fuck.”
Just like that, the fingers loosen and leave his head and Dieter actually whines at the loss. 
“No, no, that was a good fuck. Love getting my hair pulled.”
Dieter glances back up at Marcus and watches as his wheels turn. 
“Oh… really?”
He chuckles as he places a sloppy kiss on his sternum, delighted at the way the muscles twitch under his lips. 
Marcus sighs as Dieter finds his other nipple.  
“My ex-girlfriend hated it.” 
Dieter nips at the hard bud in his mouth and smirks when Marcus’ hips jolt up. 
“I like a little pain with my pleasure,” he explains. 
“I— can you bite me again?”
Dieter curses and obliges immediately, sinking his teeth into the meat of his pec this time. 
“God, I like that.”
He even earns another tug at his hair, and Dieter knows there’s gotta be a damp spot on the front of his pajamas. 
“That’s so good, Marcus. Keep telling me what you like.” 
Marcus squirms under him as he alternates a string of kisses and licks and bites down his torso. His nails scratch Dieter’s scalp in between tugging on his hair, and this is the most fun Dieter’s had in the bedroom in a long while. 
Marcus has a tiny bit of hair below his belly button, and it’s so fucking cute and whispy when Dieter runs his tongue along the path. But before Dieter can get the fly of his jeans unfastened, Marcus holds a hand over his. 
“Can I try on you now?” 
Dieter’s gaze flickers up to his face, and he looks so sweet, pleading with his big puppy eyes. 
“Yeah, yes, of course you can.”
Marcus smiles, and it’s sure, like he’s finally settled into this, and it makes Dieter’s apprehension fall away. 
It also makes him that much more horny, hard as ever when he lies down with his head on the pillows. He reaches down to readjust and watches Marcus clock the movement with a heady look.
“This is good for you, too?” 
His voice is breathy when he asks, when his hand slips under Dieter’s t-shirt. 
“Marcus, I’m loving this. I feel like a sexy experiment. Poke and prod me, babe.” 
And through all of this newness and anxiety and apprehension, Marcus laughs. It’s music to Dieter’s ears, watching his eyes light up as he chuckles. 
“Take this off then,” he instructs through his laughter. 
“Yes sir,” Dieter purrs, “bossing me around also does it for me. You’re a natural already.” 
“Y-yeah? I don’t— I’ve never been like that.”
Dieter fumbles to back track at the way Marcus’ confidence falls away. 
“It’s okay, that’s an advanced lesson. My bad. Just— Just do what you want with me. Explore. I’m all yours.” 
He talks as he sheds his shirt, and when the damned thing finally pulls free, he feels a little scrutinized under Marcus’s wide eyes. And he kinda really likes it. 
He settles back against the mattress, one arm above his head while the other reaches out to encourage Marcus to come closer. He does, only a little timid as his gaze rakes over every inch of his body. 
He settles between Dieter’s spread legs, one hand dipping the mattress next to him while the other lands hesitantly on his flank. His warm, sweaty palm feels the skin there, draws upward toward his chest, but takes a completely unconventional detour to his armpit. 
Dieter’s cock throbs. This is so fucking weird and so fucking hot. 
Marcus’ jaw drops slack as his fingers card through all of his armpit hair, and it tickles a little bit, but mostly it just makes Dieter’s arousal grow heavy in his groin, burning. 
Before Dieter can really assess what’s going on, or encourage him, or tell him how fucking hard he’s making him, Marcus leans down to capture his lips in his own. 
Dieter groans and scrabbles to grip his waist, arching his hips for any relief and finding it against the front of Marcus’ jeans, a hard line wrapped in denim that twitches against his own. He moans, low and long, as he twirls the thick hair between his finger and thumb. 
And then his hand is gone, and Dieter’s quite disappointed, but he can’t just say that, can he? He weighs the pros and cons of telling Marcus not to stop as the other man trails his lips down the patchy stubble on his jaw, and bites the sensitive skin on his neck. 
Maybe he should tell him. That’s a good lesson, right? How to take feedback, good or bad. But ‘hey keep stroking my armpit hair’ is a bit startling, isn’t it? 
He’s so distracted by the inner turmoil that he doesn’t realize the path Marcus’ has taken until hot breath ghosts that bit of fat between his tit and armpit and then he sniffs, and groans, and licks up all the hair while he presses his cock down into Dieter’s own and Jesus Fuck—
He quickly finds purchase in Marcus’ hair and curses, grinds his hips back up into him with what he hopes is encouraging words. But forgive him if his brain is a little bit completely scrambled. 
Marcus bites just under his patch of armpit hair, burying his nose in it once more, and these primal sounds he makes are vibrating through Dieter’s chest. All he can do at this point is lie back and take it and succumb to the fact that this is definitely altering his brain chemistry for the rest of his life. 
It all stops rather abruptly, though, and two hot hands grab Dieter’s hips hard, pushes them down into the mattress as Marcus arches away from him. 
“I might— I might come.”
Dieter blinks his bleary eyes open to look at the panicked man, who’s squeezing his eyes shut and biting his lip. 
“It’s okay if you do. You can have me all night.” 
“Fuck— Shut up, Jesus Christ.”
Dieter huffs, scratches at his wet armpit, and patiently waits for Marcus to settle down. He could probably come that way too, to be honest, with that pretty boy’s tongue lapping at his underarm and their cocks grinding together. 
Marcus’ eyelashes flutter open, and Dieter smiles at him softly, careful not to move or touch. He looks like a hair trigger, sweaty and panting already, with a really fucking hot damp patch soaking through the crotch of his jeans. 
“Sorry. I think I’m good— wait, sorry, was that weird?”
Dieter allows himself to place one of his hands on Marcus’ own, where it’s still gripping tight to his hip bone. 
“It was weird in the hottest way possible.” 
Marcus shakes his head at himself and closes his eyes again. 
“I’m dead serious. I didn’t know how sensitive I was there. You’re teaching me things. That’s super hot.”
Marcus sighs. 
“It’s just… I like the hair. And your deodorant smells nice.”
He pries his eyes open, like he expects Dieter to be disgusted, but his confession only makes his cock jump very prominently in his pajamas. 
“Doesn’t taste very good, though.” 
And now Dieter is laughing, and tugging Marcus back down, mumbling ‘prove it’ and shoving his tongue into his offensively chemical-flavored mouth. 
It’s okay though, he just licks and licks until the taste has dissipated and Marcus is letting go of the death grip on his sides. His mouth follows a much more predictable route, this time, and Dieter watches his every move as those pretty lips wrap around his nipples, one and then the other, until he’s biting and Dieter is whimpering and asking for more. 
“You can leave marks. I like ‘em.” 
Marcus curses against his sternum and obeys, so fucking obedient, suckling Dieter’s skin and rolling it between his teeth. Looking up at him, his eyes look so determined, all dark and heavy, especially when he pulls away to admire the bruise he’s left. 
“More. Want to see you all over me in the morning.” 
“Fuck, Dieter. How’d you get so good at— at talking like that?” 
Dieter chuckles, then hisses when Marcus sucks the skin on his belly into the sharp edges of his teeth. He’s looking up with an expectant quirk of his brow.
“I just say what’s on my mind,” he answers.
Marcus hums, and Dieter places his hand on his jaw to feel it working, a third mark blooming bright red on his hip. 
“What’s on your mind?” He asks. 
A fourth mark, this one deeper than the rest, right above the waistband of his pants, as Marcus thinks. 
“I want your cock in my mouth.”
Said cock jerks wildly, disrupting the tent in his pajamas, and Marcus has the audacity to smirk. Dieter lets his thumb trace that wet, swollen bottom lip and doesn’t miss the little whine that Marcus tries to hide. 
“Will you teach me?” 
It’s now that Dieter realizes he’s created an absolute monster, with Marcus looking up at him all wide-eyed, batting those long eyelashes. He knows what he’s doing, and it just makes it all so much worse. Or better. Both, really. 
He clears his throat to try to gather his bearings before he speaks. 
“Yeah, I’ll teach you. Pull it out for me.” 
Dieter watches as his breath hitches, and he eyes the tent in Dieter’s pants with an array of emotions washing over his features. There’s hesitation for sure, as he toys with his waistband. But he’s licking his lips, and taking a big deep breath as he tugs them down Dieter’s thighs. 
And then he’s staring at his cock, swaying in the breeze, and Dieter thinks this would be much less intense if penises weren’t so offensive and in your face. 
“Pretty,” Marcus mumbles, and it makes him giggle. 
“Yeah, it’s— I like it.” 
“Thank you. That’s very sweet.” 
Marcus rolls his eyes but smiles. 
“I can touch it?”
“Yeah, of course. Anything you want. Go at your own pace.”
Maybe it’s cliche, but as soon as Marcus’ hand wraps around his cock, Dieter is done for. Fuck, it feels so good, the way his movements are gentle and calculated, the way he’s being so attentive for his first time, exploratory. His free hand cradles Dieter’s sac, his thumb tracing the seam, and it’s alarming how close this is getting him. It’s so intimate, and genuine, and it’s so hot that he gets to be here for Marcus’ first time. 
Marcus squeezes him tight and strokes, once, from base to tip. He thumbs at his frenulum, slippery with pre come, then lifts that to his lips. It’s like slow motion when he watches him poke his tongue out to taste, and he closes his eyes and hums. 
“Better than the deodorant, for sure.” 
And Dieter’s cock bobs as he laughs. 
“That’s a relief.” 
“I’ve never tasted my own before,” Marcus says. 
“Mm-mm. Seemed… gay.” 
And he laughs at himself, but his face inches closer, and in an instant his tongue is flicking out to lap up more of it, straight from the source. 
Dieter gasps at the contact, so sudden. His taste buds are rough against his slit, in a good way, and he has to cradle Marcus’ neck to reel himself in. 
“That’s so good,” he whispers, “keep doing that.” 
And he does, little kitten licks to the sensitive head of his cock, looking up at him from under those long eyelashes. Dieter groans and closes his eyes because if Marcus keeps looking at him like that, he will come before he can have any fun with him. 
Then, in an instant, he’s completely enveloped by warmth and wetness, too fast, and he opens his eyes at the same time Marcus gags and coughs and pulls off of him. 
“Jesus, Marcus, take it slow.” 
He coughs more, with brow all furrowed and frustrated, and Dieter smooths his hair off of his forehead. 
“Are you alright?” 
Marcus clears his throat as he nods. 
“Yeah, sorry, I can’t— I thought that would be easier.”
Dieter huffs, sits up a bit and leans on his elbow so he can see him better. His eyes are watery and not in a sexy way this time. He pets Marcus’ hair a bit, hoping to soothe him, but the redness doesn’t fade from his cheeks. 
“You don’t have to take it all, that’s no fun, choking like that,” he says, “are you sure you’re okay? We can stop.” 
“No! No— I don’t wanna stop. I’m just embarrassed.”
God, he’s so fucking sweet. 
“Don’t be embarrassed. We’ve all been there. I threw up on the first dick I sucked.” 
“Gross, dude.”
“I’m just saying, it could be way worse. Nothing to even be embarrassed about.” 
Marcus sighs and hides his face in the crease of Dieter’s hip. 
“Seriously, I’m still so hard I could shatter diamonds. You’re so fucking hot, it doesn’t matter if you choke a little.” 
He feels Marcus’ teeth on the skin of his hip before he sees his jaw moving. He bites and sucks and it’s another beautiful piece of him he’ll get to take from this experience. 
“That’s it. It’s all about the recovery. Fuck, Marcus, your mouth feels so good on me. Everywhere.” 
Dieter lifts his hips up to encourage him to bite more, mark him up all over. He follows eagerly, until there’s little love bites scattered across the thin skin over his hip bone and his cock is weeping for attention. 
Marcus looks up at him, finally, as he hovers just above his prick.
“Can I try again?”
Dieter hums and cards his fingers through his thick brown hair. 
“Play until you win, babe.” 
He’s much more careful, this time. He takes the head into his mouth and sucks, lets his tongue lather and swirl around it as his hand keeps his dick in place. He’s gorgeous, with his cheeks hollowed out and his eyes shut in concentration. 
“Yeah, just like that, fucking perfect.”
Marcus whimpers around his cock, and drool is starting to leak from the corners of his mouth and drip down Dieter’s shaft. 
“Move your hand a bit, jerk me off while you suck on it.”
He follows the direction so well, letting his hand draw up to meet his lips, then back down, over and over, and Dieter can feel his gut growing hot and tight. His tongue is working him relentlessly, and he’s never really had a partner use theirs so much, but the frantic swirling and flicking has his head spinning. 
“You’re amazing,” Dieter breathes, “making me feel so good.”
At the encouragement, Marcus braves another inch of his cock. He starts to bob his head up and down, following his lips with his fist, and the breaths through his nose get heavier. Dieter babbles a bit, just encouraging words as Marcus works him dutifully, trying with all his might not to thrust up into his hot, sloppy mouth. 
But then Marcus looks up at him with his pretty brown eyes and groans around the cock in his mouth and it’s too much. 
“Fuck— fuck, Marcus, let me go.” 
Marcus does, as quickly as he can, panting when his mouth is finally free. 
“What’s wrong?” 
Dieter huffs. 
“Nothing, you’re perfect, gorgeous, beautiful. I just don’t wanna come yet.” 
The little cock drunk smile he gets is too cute, and Dieter tugs lightly on his hair to get him to crawl back up for a kiss. He tastes like pre-cum, and his nails bite into the heated skin of Marcus’ back for purchase. 
“How are you feeling? Still gay?” 
Marcus laughs against his lips. 
“The gayest I’ve ever been.” 
Dieter collapses back on the pillows to look up at him. 
“Really though, are you still into this?” 
Marcus nods, presses his hips into Dieter’s thigh to swipe away any last remaining doubt. 
“Alright, next and final lesson. Get those tight little jeans off.”
He’s so quick to obey, and Dieter tries not to gawk at how much bigger that wet spot has grown just below his fly. He shakes himself out of it and gets his pajama pants completely off his legs. 
Marcus is so fucking hot, jesus, Dieter feels like he’s pushing his luck having him here in his bed. So lean and long, and his cock is uncut and curves a bit to the left, and he’s still so hard. 
“Get beside me, face me.”
And Marcus looks right at home like this, laid out in his bed, with his bicep bulging from propping his head up on his hand. 
“What’s the lesson?” 
Dieter smirks at the eagerness. 
“I’m gonna jerk us off together.”
Marcus raises his brow. 
“Like, at the same time?”
Dieter hums his affirmative, reaches a tentative hand out to cup Marcus’ pert little asscheek, and chuckles when he twitches. 
“Don’t worry, we’ll save that for another time. If you want.” 
“Shit, yeah, okay.”
And isn’t that gonna be fun? The thought makes Dieter’s cock throb and jerk and he shuffles to close the distance so their pricks line up together. 
“Is this okay? Like this?” 
He looks up from their cocks to watch Marcus’ jaw go slack. 
“Oh god, ‘m not gonna last at all.”
Even as he says it, he’s wrapping his own hand around both of them and squeezing, groaning at the feeling and bucking his hips so they slide together. 
“I don’t want you to last, I want you to feel good.” 
Dieter lets his hand join the fun, covering what Marcus can’t, and his cock jumps in their combined hold when Marcus whines.
“I do, I— fuck, I really do.” 
“Kiss me?”
He’s cut off by Marcus’ lips, all swollen and hot against his own. Marcus moans as soon as their tongues meet, and he starts shaking like a leaf. His hand squeezes harder around their pricks, works them faster, and Dieter can feel each and every twitch of his dripping cock. 
He’s so frantic with it. His breathing whistles fast through his nose, panting into his mouth, and every other exhale is a desperate little noise. It only takes a few dozen strokes for Marcus to fall apart.
“Gonna come— I’m coming, Dieter—”
He gasps as it washes over him. Dieter feels his hot, sticky cum splash over his own hand and his cock and his stomach. Marcus hides his face in the crook of Dieter’s neck and bites as it courses through him. It sends a hot white spark down his spine, and what little filter he’d maintained throughout the night completely short-circuits.
“Shit, that’s it. So fucking good, coming all over me— Fuck, Marcus, you’re hot when you come. You feel so fucking good.”
Marcus whimpers through his aftershocks as Dieter fills his ears with whatever filth he can muster. When it’s too much, and Marcus has to slide his spent cock from their joined hands, he doesn’t let go of Dieter. He helps, with the slick aid of his cum, and Dieter topples over the edge with a growl and Marcus sucks another mark into his overheated skin. 
It’s blinding, it’s his favorite orgasm he’s ever had for sure. Marcus gasps when the first streak of his spend shoots all over his smooth stomach. 
“Fuck yes,” he sighs, exerted but intrigued as Dieter fucks their fists. 
His cum mixes with the stains Marcus already left on his blanket, slowing to a trickle just as Marcus’ grasp loosens. Even when he’s empty, Dieter can still feel the orgasm buzzing through his body as he tries to regain his breath. 
Marcus finally looks up from the scene of the crime and Dieter wants to take a picture of the fucked-out look on his face, his messy hair, his spit-slick lips and flushed face. But he can’t, so he kisses him instead, closing his eyes so maybe he can burn that image into his memory for eternity. 
It’s lazy, so much slower and softer than the way Marcus kissed when he was all keyed up. 
Dieter’s in for it. He’s always had an addictive personality, and having Marcus in his bed has been stronger than any fucking drug he’s tried before. 
He whimpers when Marcus pulls away, chasing his lips just for a moment before he reels himself back in. 
He looks down at the mess he’s going to promptly ignore, thinks about how far away the bathroom closet is with all the towels. But then one slender finger is swiping through the cum puddle between them, and lifting to his face, and Dieter devours. 
Marcus chuckles at the desperate noise Dieter makes as he swirls his tongue around to lick up every last drop. 
“How do we taste together?” 
Goddamn, Marcus is much more suave after an orgasm. 
“Like we were made for each other.” 
Christ, he needs to get himself together. His brain is just so fucking fuzzy and light.
Marcus doesn’t run for the hills, though. He giggles, and dips that same finger into their mess again. He brings it up to his own lips this time, sucking it inside his mouth and pulling it out clean. 
There’s a slight grimace as he rolls it around in his mouth. 
“Not as sweet as you were earlier.” 
And Dieter laughs, brushes his two cleanest knuckles against the skin of Marcus’ hip. 
“It’s an acquired taste.” 
Marcus nods, and looks down between them, and some of that lightness in his features fizzles out. 
“Hang on— here, use these.”
Dieter hands him his discarded pajama pants, and they use one leg each to tidy up their hands and stomachs and cocks. Then Dieter balls them up to swipe at his sticky blanket as best as he can. And it’s all so quiet, as their breathing has evened out, and fuck, what if Marcus has some crazy post-nut clarity after this… heavy situation? 
He’s staring at the bedroom door when Dieter looks up to face him. 
“Should I uh… go… now?” 
Dieter sighs and finally gets his freshly wiped hand on Marcus’ skin, colder now where all the sweat has cooled. 
“Personally, I would like it if you stayed. Cuddling after sex is… well, I like it a lot. Some people don’t… it’s okay if you don’t. Whatever you’re comfortable with. This was probably a lot for y—”
Marcus cuts off his rambling— thank god— by burrowing his face in Dieter’s chest and tangling their naked legs together. They both release two huge twin sighs, and Dieter’s instantly soothed by the weight against him, and the lithe fingers stroking his back. 
Dieter can’t help it, he tucks his chin and plants a kiss to the crown of Marcus’ head. He drowns in the scent of sweat and cheap shampoo and feels so grounded for the first time in a very long time. 
Marcus hums, and Dieter pulls him in tighter, swipes his palm over the curve of his tiny asscheek. 
He clears his throat. 
“I don’t have any plans tomorrow…” 
Marcus lifts his head, and he looks so sleepy but so satisfied. 
“So we can stay up all night? You can— could you show me more things?” 
Dieter chuckles and kisses his lips to hide how relieved he feels. 
“Was gonna see if you wanted to catch a movie or something. But I think I like your idea better.” 
“Oh— a movie sounds good! I mean, it would be chill.” 
Dieter huffs. 
“Split the difference, we’ll watch a movie here while I eat your cute little ass?” 
Dieter actually feels his limp cock twitch against his thigh, and tries to hold back a self-satisfied smirk. 
“Yep. Yeah, let’s do that instead.” 
Dieter kisses him, this time just because he can. 
“Get some sleep first, okay? I’ll be right here.” 
The look of comfort on Marcus’ face makes his chest burn and ache. His droopy eyelids close as he smiles, and his head drops to Dieter’s splayed out arm. 
He just watches, for a little while. Lets himself count the deep, even breaths Marcus takes and feels them on the skin of his bicep. 
His arm is gonna go numb in about two minutes tops, and he’ll cherish every pinprick until he drifts off.
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berenwrites · 3 days
The Giveaway - Stranger Things - Steddie - G
A/N:  I’m definitely supposed to be doing other things, but this popped into my head and would not leave, so I wrote it down 💖. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for any likes/reblogs/comments in advance – hope you are having a great week. Don’t forget to check out all the other fun entries for this month over at @steddiemicrofic.
Written for prompt: STUFF | wc: 483 | Rating G | cw: none
(Also on AO3)
The Giveaway
In the end, it wasn’t anything obviously romantic that gave them away. There was no accidental use of pet names, because Eddie did that all the time with everybody anyway. There were no lingering looks or linked hands or unfortunately timed kisses. Or if there were, no one said anything.
What outed them to their friends and extended-trauma-family was Eddie’s hair.
Contrary to popular belief, Eddie had had a hair care routine. Well, ‘care’ might have been going a bit far, but he had known how he wanted his hair to look and how to do it. He had stuff he washed it with, stuff he put in it, and a very abused comb he used to add volume when needed. However, Steve had tried to run his fingers through Eddie’s locks the previous day as they made out, become horribly stuck, and declared that would not do.
Eddie had thought his boyfriend was kidding, but not for long. As it turned out, Steve was very serious when it came to hair. When Eddie had protested, Steve had tried bitching at him, which admittedly Eddie found incredibly hot, but this was his hair, so he’d still held out. It had been the puppy eyes he hadn’t been able to resist. After that, he’d let Steve do what he liked.
“What did you do to your hair?” Dustin demanded the moment Eddie walked into the BBQ at the Byers new house.
“Um … washed it,” Eddie tried.
Even he had to admit Steve had worked magic. Not that he expected Mike to walk right up to him and grab a strand.
“It’s soft!” was the boy’s incredulous opinion, even as Eddie smacked the kid’s hand away.
Dustin stepped into his personal space and sniffed, eyes going wide.
“That’s Farrah Fawcett spray,” Dustin said very loudly. “You let Steve do your hair.”
As if on cue, Steve walked into the backyard. They’d come separately so as not to arouse suspicions yet. As it was, many eyes turned on him.
“Why did you let Steve do your hair?” Lucas asked.
“As if that isn’t obvious,” Erica commented as she walked past.
Eddie sent Steve a ‘help me’ stare. Like the knight in shining armour he was, Steve immediately walked over.
Since the spring break disaster, Eddie had become very good at speaking Steve, so when his boyfriend sighed and lifted an eyebrow at him, he knew exactly what it meant. They had talked about when and how to let everyone in on their secret after all. With his heart beating in his throat, he gave a small affirmative shrug back.
Ever a man of action, Steve leaned in, threaded his fingers through Eddie’s hair and kissed him, before pulling back with a smile. He then levelled his bitchiest ‘I dare you’ glare at the boys. Eddie was too busy melting inside to worry about anyone’s reaction.
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aaivii · 2 days
Sooo, this my take one the Canadian Grand Prix, and as an OP81 supporter it will mostly be focused around Oscar's race and some of the people around him, so if you're expecting a race de-brief here, don't!! Also if you're an Oscar fan, do read the whole thing, I don't think you'll be disappointed.
So, he qualified P4, and again in his own words, not bad but not great either. But what's done is done unless luck decides to favour him at least fucking once and make someone else ahead of him make an error and get their penalty but they don't 😤🤷‍♀️. Some good drivers they are so.
And then in the first half of the race, my heart bloomed everytime the commentators (the Crofty and Brundle one) were like the McLaren drivers are preserving their tyres, and I was like, yes bitch!! Of course they are. I understand that these were cooler conditions so it was albeit easier, but on a situation where George was absolutely sending his tyres, these two were maintaining it. And Oscar is definitely not there yet, but the progress graph says he'll be there absolutely 100%. Cut him some slack, second season guys, remember.
So, they maintain their tires nice and good and some safety car shenanigans later, we come to the last part of the race, where I genuinely feel the McLaren strategy department fumbled a win. Might have not been a 1-2. But would definitely have been a 1-3. During the last safety car, they should have switched to hards just like Mercedes as a response because we already saw Gasly putting some serious 1 or 2 laps when the conditions were favorable. So, that was a genuine fumble.
And as for Oscar Piastri, how !! I mean, I saw some people in ig being all like, mclaren remember you have two drivers, lando should have given the drs. Golden boy blah blah. But that was a good call by Oscar to not switch. Because rarely have I seen a driver being like that. Everyone always jumps at the prospect of replacing their teammate who is clearly ahead. But he obviously played the longer game. And correct call, because Mercs were absolutely after him, so if they had fumbled that switch even by a second it would have been two mercs on that podium. So, I fully agree with his decision to not switch and also it was him fighting with mercs the longest that allowed Lando to not be jumped by Lewis or George because they were clearly the fastest.
And as for that drs call, asked by him, have to agree with that, even if it felt like swallowing a bitter pill because had Lando given him the drs it would have been sooner rather than later, getting jumped by the mercs because again they were the fastest car this weekend. And this is not some closed wall street circuit, and I know many were thinking of that Singapore moment, those were overtake is difficult, so Lando prioritising his own race was correct in my opinion, it allowed him to keep building on that gap which was crucial. Because imagine had he given that drs, mercs would have overtaken both of them and mclaren would be left with zilch.
Also, a salty and cunty part of me is all like, alright mclaren made a fumble with their drivers in terms of tyre changes and calling them to the pit at the correct time, but hey!! At least their drivers were all slick n clean throughout the whole weekend. Not same could be said for mercs whose both drivers and management fumbled a win together. Suck it!!!
And the hottest moment of the race was when George decided that he would do hard racing, around the Wall of Champions hoping Oscar would back off. But what this pootling, and hunky dory and whatever words using man forgot, that he would be racing against a man who has not once in his life lost his calmness and coolness. Fuck the Wall of Champions George Russell because before that, you'll have to face the unfazed Wall called Oscar Jack fucking Piastri who went like no sir. You are not gonna do that. And you know what the best part was, George's whole vibe during the last segments was like that all muscled up dog, but it all went nada against Oscar. He was like this is my corner, and it is going to be my corner. Yoy want to go ahead of me, use your car which is clearly faster than mine. Which he managed. But guess what, it remained his corner at the end. Whoever has decided to race hard against Piastri, we all know, it has blown up on their faces at some point, by their own mistakes btw, because Oscar races hard, but most important, he races clean. So of course, this cost George a few seconds with not enough time with him to catch Lando. So see!!! Karma bitch!! For me, that was THE moment!!!
All in all, a good weekend for the papaya fam. Please don't be like those some people on ig, like Lando vs Oscar, because in the long term, it was a good decision at the end. Times like this I am glad that I'm not twt, because if ig comments are like this really don't wanna know what's going down there.
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sh4wty18 · 3 days
Hi I was wondering if you could write a Johnnie x reader where it's their anniversary and Johnnie acts like he forgot n reader gets upset but Johnnie has smth cute planned? 🙏
pairing: johnnie guilbert x reader
summary: same as request
cw: fluff, angst, language
word count: 1.5k + edited
You wake up to the morning sun shining through Johnnie’s bedroom window. You had slept over for the third time this week, but this morning was special. It was your one year anniversary. You turned over to face Johnnie and slowly wrapped your arm around his waist, pulling his body closer to yours. You lean against his shoulder and look up at his face, he’s still peacefully sleeping, chest rising and falling with each breath. You kiss his chin, and then his cheek, and his eyes begin to flutter open.
“Good morning, angel,” You whisper, and a smile creeps onto Johnnie’s sleepy face.
“Morning, beautiful,” He responds, turning to kiss your forehead.
Obviously you’d been thinking about your anniversary all week, but you were most excited to see what fun plans Johnnie had in store. He was usually really good at planning dates, especially for special occasions. He’d brought you to the fanciest restaurant in LA for your birthday, for Christmas he bought you so many gifts (if you showed interest in something one time he immediately bought it for you), and for your six month anniversary, he’d spent the entire day watching your favorite movies with you. While your love languages were physical touch and quality time, his were definitely gift giving and quality time, which offered the perfect balance between the two of you. Because of these previous experiences with your boyfriend, you’d expected the same thing for your anniversary, you were just waiting for him to bring it up.
After a few more minutes of cuddling, Johnnie sat up and stretched, “I gotta get up, baby.”
“Already? You got big plans today?” You ask teasingly, thinking he’d get the joke.
“Yeah, I have a lot of filming planned with Jake and Carrington. Plus I have a meeting to discuss my music video shoot next week.” He smiles at you, leaning down to kiss you one last time before leaving the room.
Odd. He’s acting like he doesn’t know what day it is. He couldn’t have forgotten, right?
“Okay… but what about after?” You ask, trying to get a clear answer.
“I don’t know, I’ll probably be tired and wanna chill. Maybe watch a movie.”
“Oh,” Is all you can get out.
“What is it?” He asks, clearly sensing that something is up.
“Nothing, nothing. Just… you don’t have anything special going on today?” One last question to try and get him to realize his mistake.
He ponders for a second, then says, “Not that I can think of.” He gives you a funny look, raising an eyebrow at you, “Why are you being weird?’ He laughs.
You bite the inside of your lip to stop yourself from crying, “I’m not. I guess I just thought something was happening today. My bad.”
He gets off the bed and heads toward the bathroom, no doubt getting his morning shower. Once the bathroom door closes and you hear the water running, you gather your things and silently leave, making sure not to wake Jake and Carrington, who were still asleep. As soon as the morning air hits your face, the tears come. Slowly at first, and then more and more until you can’t see and your whole face is wet. You climb into the driver’s seat of your car, slapping the steering wheel with one hand as you continue to cry.
Eventually, your sobs turn to sniffles and you begin your journey back to your apartment. When you get inside you collapse on the couch, falling back asleep. Your body must have been exhausted from sobbing for thirty minutes straight.
After a couple hours, you are awoken by a call from Johnnie, which you pick up.
“Hello?” You say groggily, still waking up from your nap.
“Are you okay? You left super randomly and I thought we were having breakfast like we usually do when you sleep over,” Johnnie says frantically, not even bothering to say hi.
You snort. He could remember your breakfast tradition but not your anniversary? “I’m fine, Johnnie. I just felt like going home.”
“Y/n, I know you. Something’s up. Can you please come back over so we can talk about it?”
You think about it for a minute. As much as you’re angry at him right now, you still love him with every part of your body and soul. Maybe if you talked about it, you could better understand his side of things. Maybe he had a valid reason for forgetting.
“Okay. I’ll come back over now.” You’re about to hang up, but add, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Johnnie says, and you hang up.
When you arrive at his house again, you notice Jake and Carrington’s cars are gone from the driveway. Weird, you think, why would they both be gone at the same time?
You knock on the door, and Johnnie opens it briskly, “Hey, baby,” He says before motioning for you to come in. Upon entering the house, you find an array of breakfast foods prepared on the kitchen counter. Eggs, toast, pancakes, fruit, and bacon, all your breakfast favorites, along with freshly brewed coffee, all sat hot and ready. A massive bouquet of flowers stood in a vase with an envelope sticking out of the top, “HAPPY ANNIVERSARY” in Johnnie’s big, curvy handwriting. The coffee table in front of the couch is covered in messily wrapped gifts, and the TV is already prepared with your favorite show paused on screen.
You turn and stare at Johnnie, jaw dropped. He laughs, and reaches his arms out. You run to him and fling yourself into them, the force of your hug practically slamming his body into the wall.
“You didn’t forget?” you mumble between tears of joy.
“Of course I didn’t forget, baby,” Johnnie whispers back, “I just wanted it to be a surprise. I’m sorry I hurt your feelings in the process.” He rubs your back and pulls away slightly so that he can kiss your lips gingerly.
You place a hand on his cheek, gently rubbing your thumb across his skin. “It’s okay, love. This is… amazing. What did I do to deserve you?” You smile and kiss him again, as he lifts you off the ground and spins you around in his arms.
“Can I read the letter now?” You ask, only wanting to read it in front of him if he’s comfortable.
“Of course. It’s a little embarrassing, but… I asked for this,” He scratches the back of his neck and looks away, nervous.
“I’m sure it’s incredible, just like everything else about you.” You kiss his cheek before running over to the bouquet and snatching the letter. It reads:
Dear y/n,
I’ve never written a love letter before, but I guess there’s a first time for everything. Maybe it’ll be like writing a song, hard at first but once you get into a groove it’s harder to stop. Anyway, I just wanted to put in writing how much I love you. I can’t believe it’s already our one year anniversary. I feel like I’ve known you for so long, yet somehow also no time at all.
Before I met you, life was kind of shitty, but you make me feel like me again. You make me whole. I’ve never laughed with anyone how I laugh with you. You’re so smart it’s scary, but you never make me feel like I’m not. You’re the kindest person I’ve ever met, and we have the same sense of humor, which is just an added bonus. You’re also the most gorgeous person I’ve ever seen in my life. I just don’t understand how I got so lucky.
I can’t wait to spend another year with you, and then five more, and then the rest of our lives. I’ll never stop loving you. I feel like I was put on this Earth to love you. So that’s what I’ll do. Until my dying breath I’ll love you and only you. Happy anniversary, my love.
Johnnie <3
“Oh Johnnie,” you sniffle, wiping another tear from your eye, “I love you so much.”
“You liked it?” He asks.
“I loved it.” He walks over to you and rests his hands on your hips, guiding you backwards so you’re leaning against the back of the couch. He stands between your legs and looks down at you, as you grasp the back of his neck in both hands and pull him into a deep kiss.
He inches closer to you, so your torsos are touching, and you continue sloppily devouring each other. You wrap your legs around him, pulling his pelvis even closer to you, feeling him growing hard against you.
“This why you kicked Jake and Carrington out?” You ask between kisses, as he moves down to kiss along your neck.
“Maybe,” He breathes into your skin.
“I wanna fuck you in every possible room we can think of. That can be our anniversary plan.” You giggle, blushing at the thought.
“Sounds good to me,” Johnnie says, pressing his forehead to yours. “But first, let’s eat this breakfast. I did not spend all morning cooking just for it to get cold and gross!”
“The fact that you cooked something just goes to show how much you love me,” You joke, and he laughs.
“You got me there.” He says, “But then again, I would literally do anything for you, y/n.”
You grin at him, “I love you.”
He kisses you in response, “Happy anniversary, baby.”
i hope you enjoyed! as always likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
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2stepadmiral · 18 hours
So I have some thoughts on tonight‘s episode of acolyte, thoughts that I don’t think are being considered widely enough. The general response seems to be, from what I can tell and what I’ve seen online, that the witches were pretty much just doing their own thing, and the Jedi just showed up and started being assholes, and I’ve kind of got to argue against that.
Now to be fair, the topic of Jedi recruiting children has always been a bit of a problematic thing. From what I can tell, Jedi never just take children from their parents, but they do strongly encourage and probably to some degree manipulate parents to get permission. Definitely problematic. However, the situation with Osha was pretty obviously very different. Osha wasn’t an infant or a young toddler who just found, tested, and then convinced their parents to hand her over. She’s an eight-year-old girl who is visibly uncomfortable with what her parents, sister, and community expect from her.
She has said several times that she doesn’t want to be a witch, and in every instance, her reluctance is casually dismissed. Whether it’s Mae pulling the bossy sibling who knows best routine, Koril trying to aggressively shut down any dissent, or Aniseya affectionately assuring her that she will eventually grow out of her silly individualism, everyone in her immediate vicinity is basically telling her what she wants doesn’t matter. Then, Sol and Indara show up, and one of the first things they do is recognize Osha’s individual wants and encourage her to act on them. Yes, what Osha wants is in line with what they want, and as a child, she doesn’t fully understand what it is that she’s asking for, but they make it clear that the decision is hers, and all they encourage her to really do is to be honest with herself and be brave enough to be honest with everyone else. No one else in her life has ever encouraged her to do so, and there is a degree of child abuse present in that reality.
When the Jedi arrive at their home, there is obvious tension between the witches and the Jedi. Sol might be blatantly prepared for hostility, and Indara definitely had the air of someone who was ready to fight, but generally, the Jedi make an effort at being polite, despite the open hostility and even aggression the witches treat them with. Bear in mind, we don’t yet know the history of this particular group of witches, so whether or not the hostility is justified on either side remains to be seen. We know that the witches have a clear, victimhood mentality, based on the fact that their ceremony starts with a speech about how they’ve been persecuted for this appearance of using dark powers. Again, whether or not their powers are dark, or whether or not they’ve actually been victimized by anyone remains to be seen. They could be witches of Dathomir who were driven off world and legitimately persecuted due to incorrect association with the Nightsisters, or they could actually be Nightsisters or similar dark witch organization who are bitter about having their dark ambitions thwarted.
I’ll wrap it up real quick, basically, the coven, whether or not they are night sisters, is clearly a cult, and possibly a dark side cult that has in history of being up to no good. If that is the case, then the Jedi are probably justified in wanting to keep a close eye on them and being concerned about them training children. And yes, the Jedi have faults, and their recruitment methods are also problematic, but considering that when in their ideal form, the Jedi are truly a force for good in the galaxy that do go through times where they primarily function as tools of the Senate, they are definitively the lesser of two evils here. Especially when the coven is actively engaged in highly controlling behavior towards the children in their care.
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newspecies · 6 months
"the vast majority of legal persecution against early queers was focused on men" ARE YOU INSANE
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luvring · 5 months
just complained about my group to my irls and i'm pretty sure this has genuinely motivated me to speak in class because i Cannot let my prof think my critical thinking abilities are the same as theirs
#💬nia.rambles#rant fr//#guys im srsly sick thinking about it#LIKE THERE WERE SO MANY MOMENTS WHERE I WAS JUST ??#'im not saying to beat your kid black and blue but discipline is different across cultures and#i just dont think this should be an area of exploration like its worked for hundreds of years'#? YOU AS A WOMAN OF COLOUR HAVE NEVER HEARD OF INTERGENERATIONAL TRAUMA?#like why are you implying you dont like gentle parenting why are you making a strawman DONT PISS ME OFF#then white guy speaking way too loud to my right is throwing in words he DOESNT understand and saying the same things over and over#'from a Sociological Contemporary perspective' be serious. 'it comes back to nature vs nurture again' Can you Stop Tlalkingplapewmj#and i bring up gender and he goes smth smth gender is just such a sensitive topic then the 2 other girls Agree#and they wouldnt let me talk and even if i did they obviously wouldnt know what i was talking about#because why are you asking what post structuralism is THAT WAS A MAIN TOPIC AND DEFINITION OF LAST CLASS??? 😭😭#they wouldnt answer the question properly and repeat the same basic vaguely connected ideas the Entire time#like do i look like i gaf abt different body standards/expectations for football players MOVE ON ITS BEEN 10 MINUTES#like i want to talk about enforced binaries in queer spaces and Oh my god i just remembered#they were like. lgbt studies/discussion is just so recent and i was like. Its literally discussed In the reading. but None of u finished it#OHH IM PISSED OFF. IM SO PISSED OFF#and im so mad bc the discussion q's were Good and if i was w my irls wed have such a good convo but NO!!!!#whatever. Whatever im going to start raising my hand in class im so fr i got lightheaded complaining about this IMSOMADBSJF
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maddy-ferguson · 7 months
i saw someone say they were hoping noah would apologize and it's just kinda fascinating to me...if he thought zionism was sexy on monday (or i guess on sunday probably and for many days and weeks before that) why would he suddenly think it's an awful ideology on friday?
#and like i say: brf slt#i think people found out what zionism was like three weeks ago and think it's a slur or something when like#no it's an actual ideology it doesn't just mean killing and displacing an entire people that's only what ends up happening when you...put#the plan into motion. but yk#i would say zionism can mean one of three things: supporting the establishment of a jewish state. supporting the state of israel#specifically. supporting whatever awful thing the israeli government/army is up to that day#i saw someone get yelled at in the replies of a post because they were saying this when they were literally right? it was a post about noah#so again i'm assuming people don't know what they're talking about because. they don't. lol#and like obviously proudly being a zionist rn and being like zionism is sexy while israel is bombing people in the name of zionism after#killing and displacing people for decades in the name of zionism can only mean that you condone all that. but idk. i didn't like the way#people talked to that person WHO WAS LITERALLY RIGHT when they were probably the same people who were saying no going to israel and saying#you love it there doesn't mean anything at all this summer#and about the apology. lmao. i've seen people say the same thing about timothée chalamet on twitter and like yeah if he thought the hamas#joke was funny on saturday why would he be like omg nooooo this is really unfunny on monday. i'm not saying you can't expect anyone to#apologize for anything ever but celebrity apologies...................lmao. even when they do apologize it's always like i'm sorry#you're offended not i'm sorry for doing it#and explain to me how or why you would expect noah to be like sorry i didn't mean that zionism was a good thing. like what about his track#record would make you think he'd change his mind😭 if he ever realizes how wrong he is it definitely will not be now#and people saying that video should get him fired is like. brett gelman posted something about how if you don't get called a racist on the#internet once a day you're doing something wrong and you think they're gonna fire noah for being around stickers that say 'this ideology we#the creator+producer of the show subscribe to is sexy' and 'this organization we have decided has beheaded 40 babies and we're so#sure of that we repeated the lie in our open letter thanking the president who corroborated that lie is isis'. like they agree with him#i'm not defending anything btw i'm just saying why the fuck would you expect him to be like oh my bad you're right and apologize😭
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gregoftom · 1 year
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oh tom :(
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watching top gun getting nominated for prestigious awards while nope has gotten jack squat is my joker moment. if I have to to watch top gun maverick win a fucking oscar I'm going to go ballistic
#all these articles being like oh and of course top gun maverick and avatar way of wayer will be sweeping this season#excuse me 'OF COURSE???'#is this a bit are you all doing a bit#nope isnt even an indie movie it was literally a summer fucking blockbuster what is going ON#'top gun got people back ti the movie theaters' in what universe. did we all collectively firget no way home last year#am i being punkd for real like i feel like im going crazy#the only other movies ive seen ppl talk abt are the fabelmans and pinocchio#which. they were good#pinocchio i think deserves a lot#the fabelmans. was not exactky what i expected and definitely didnt feel like a love letter to movies#but i liked it it was cool#but. like.#of ALL the movies i saw this year#dude obviously its nope and eeaao#and now ppl r trying to sweep eeaap under the rug!!!!!!!#'it came out too early' 'its too weird for hollywood it doesnt have a real shot' 'it was overrated'#have you ALL lost your minds#i am so serious ig i have to watch top gun fucking maverick win a fucking oscar. dude.#TOM CRUISE??? SIJCE WHEN ARE OKAY WITH HIM AGAIN???#+ didnt they bend their asses backwards to bring back some old fuck but coukdnt even be bothered to ask the 1 woman in sight to come back#the gall of the same bitches who claim to be too good for the mcu to nominate military propaganda the movie for BEST FUCKING PICTURE????#also im sorry. did i hallucinate the mamdate that best pocture nominees must have significant diversity behind the camera or#anyway. i hate everyone goodnight#cereal.txt
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hyacinthquetzal · 8 months
Just saw the FNAF movie, and I can already see myself talking about it to new, younger kids in the future like, yeah, that came out when I was 16, it was so long ago 😂 It’s so fascinating and cool and borderline fever-dream-ish to see it on a theatre screen when you’ve known it as games and art your whole life— especially with the visual references and the sound design. I can see this becoming nostalgic reaaally quick— and with so many people cosplaying at the theaters as well, maybe including myself? I mean, I was a bit disappointed by the lack of sudden jumpscares, as that is what the games use as their mane scare tactic. Also the random change of lore a tad? I’ll uhhhh. Vibe with it.
It was crazy to see everyone absolutely going hard XD I went low key, but I still got recognized a few times, it was pretty awesome! It was so cool to see everyone excited and coming together over a shared interest. It’s like going to a football game and finding someone wearing the same jersey as your own, I suppose! I’ve never been super hardcore in the fandom, but seeing the community in person and the excitement and creativity and the dedication— it’s something I respect. Y’all go and be awesome, guys.
Also spoilers below here for a single sentence about something I noticed —————
Micheal getting yeeted and having a short-lived toss-across-a-table throw-down match with Peepaw Willy was 100% something I did not expect, but 100% something I needed to see, regardless if I knew it or not 😂 also that design and literally every small detail. I can tell you that me and my friend were death gripping each other and they were digging their nails into my arm in excitement, my gosh XD It was a super great experience, even if I’m not one for horror. I’m glad I went!
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cryptidsdad · 8 months
so uh … tfoth/ou huh …
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splatoon3 · 2 years
can someone from team grub justify their team choice for me because i genuinely don't understand
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jolselin · 1 year
the thing about the main cast of moonlight chicken is that while the show is nominally centered around jim you could also make six different shows focused on each of the characters (so the hypothetical jim show would be even more about jim and a bit less about, for example, li ming) and they would all be great and interesting. i've just been thinking that if i had been given just one additional episode of mlc i would love to see a fuller picture of alan and wen's relationship and how wen fell out of love and then i thought i would watch a show told entirely through wen's perspective and with more of his background and then of course i thought i would even more gladly watch the alan show with both his backstory and the continuation of his storyline past the end of the original show (the alangaipa spinoff we deserve) and then i thought we saw even less of gaipa, in a way, so that would also deserve more spotlight, and finally there's so much to know about heart from the keyboard in his room to him learning sign language (we have to assume all by himself?) and to him finding community among deaf/hard of hearing people of pattaya and then of course to his university adventures in rochester. and as for li ming well one just has to check the tag to see that like half the audience either would rather watch the li ming show or treats the original as the li ming show.
so mlc could really be any of these shows but instead it's kind of like a little bit of everything with the focus on jim but not as much as if it were mainly a jim show. the trade-off is that you actually get so many wonderful characters and stories coming together in one show and isn't that great
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starbuck · 1 year
I honestly love that you talk about Tuco and Salamancas so much. it's partly the show's fault but they are such a fucked up chain of harm family, and nobody really talks about it much aside from memes
I really appreciate you saying this!
I remember specifically after my initial whirlwind six-day Breaking Bad bingewatch, i was doing a puzzle and listening to some music and I suddenly realized that, out of everything in the show, their collective tragedy had really affected me and stuck with me and thinking “hmm, well surely watching Better Call Saul will cure me of this…” and then I felt this absolute JOLT of delight upon unexpectedly seeing Tuco at the end of the BCS pilot and I was like “ah, okay, so I’m stuck like this!”
But seriously though, it’s been rewarding! I like puzzles! I like characters who the canon does dirty or who were clearly not the writers’ primary concern! I like to think critically about the media I consume and the way I interact with it! And I also ADORE inescapable cycles of tragedy! … So this whole thing was actually fairly predictable, in hindsight, haha…
And yeah, I’d LOVE to talk more about it… I’ve got another fic that’s fully done besides a final polish edit (which is gonna take awhile and I’ve been super busy with my new job, hence no progress in the past month or so!) - so I’m excited to get that out eventually as I prefer to share my more inference-heavy meta in fic form.
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neverendingford · 11 months
#tag talk#storytime sexcapades#sadness is canceled. met a really cute cool dude visiting town for work and stayed up all night talking and uhhh. other things.#I really am so ready to move. I wanna be in a college town with community music groups and a larger visible queer population ugh.#anyway. the more I experiment the more I realize I'm actually definitely trans and I would like certain bits lopped off 😕#I will literally never shut up about the connection between sex and gender. I'm sure there's some shortsightedness to it#because I'm speaking largely from my own experience with it. so obviously there's an implicit perspective bias there#but like. turns out when you're dissociated from your body it can be hard to enjoy certain body activities.#I'm mostly over showers now. it's way easier to see myself the way I want to be. still things I want fixed. but things are livable.#but yeh. sex is difficult when you're at war with your skin.#also. why do people do poppers. your head spin for a minute and you smell organic solvent for a while. my head spins all the time#like. “it's just like sniffing glue” bro why do people sniff glue I don't get that either“.#“it's like being drunk for a short time” I don't get why people do that either.#throwback to that time someone said I needed to not become an alcoholic and I just pointed to my four month old vodka bottle in the fridge.#idk. there's a use for it. alcohol is a CNS depressant and I love it for that. but only sometimes is that necessary.#anyway. I'm curious to try other substances but I fully expect to walk away going “eh. I don't get what the deal is with that”.#but we keep doing new things. for science. to learn about the world. and to become a more understanding person. understanding is everything#anyway. cool people do exist. I literally said that thing about not meeting people I like and the universe decided to be a joker about it#did I already say that we stayed up all night? sitting on the trunk of you car watching the stars on a warm desert night is a good vibe.#I like getting out of the city and finding a patch of desert to park in and just bathe in the night air. and it's better with company#the end. bye. I have an age of empires game to finish cause I paused it to go meet up with him. and now I have to finish it#ALSO. yeah I know.. vodka in the fridge. I've started putting it in the freezer just cause there's not as much room in the fridge
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