#it wasn't the main point so i went informal with it! as ppl in the tags have pointed out it isn't exact
"A story doesn't need a theme in order to be good" I'm only saying this once but a theme isn't some secret coded message an author weaves into a piece so that your English teacher can talk about Death or Family. A theme is a summary of an idea in the work. If the story is "Susan went grocery shopping and saw a weird bird" then it might have themes like 'birds don't belong in grocery stores' or 'nature is interesting and worth paying attention to' or 'small things can be worth hearing about.' Those could be the themes of the work. It doesn't matter if the author intended them or not, because reading is collaborative and the text gets its meaning from the reader (this is what "death of the author" means).
Every work has themes in it, and not just the ones your teachers made you read in high school. Stories that are bad or clearly not intended to have deep messages still have themes. It is inherent in being a story. All stories have themes, even if those themes are shallow, because stories are sentences connected together for the purpose of expressing ideas, and ideas are all that themes are.
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barry-j-blupjeans · 1 year
listen listen listen. i think about this one too much.
angus mcdonald, boy detective. he's not exactly new to the detective business, but he solved a pretty Big case and now ppl respect him more. they give him Special Permissions. specifically, he is given permission to take a crack at some older unsolved cases after solving one that has stumped everyone for Quite Some Time (insert classic spicy murder case here). he's getting to become a pretty Notable Detective and he is Ready For This. and a lot of them really just needed a fresh pair of eyes. like, hello, of course old mrs johnson wasn't murdered by her dog, it was obviously her Goddamn Husband, Holy Shit. that kinda thing, yknow??
so he takes this new case on. missing person, easy peasy. only it is not, in fact, easy peasy. the case goes as followed: elven woman, 300ish years old, has been missing for 10 years, was wearing a red robe, had an umbrella etc etc. it's a very pathetic case, if im being completely honest. angus tries to contact the family but the only stone line they gave is dead and every address they gave comes up fruitless. he thinks that maybe they're like, dead, or they gave up. understandable, considering their case had pretty much been declaimed dead before it started.
(which only makes angus wanna solve it more, ofc ofc)
and try as he might, angus just keeps hitting dead ends. like, so many fucking dead ends. he always feels like he gets close to something, but there's a Mental Block stopping him. not like a "i dont know what to do next" mental block, like a "i cannot physically comprehend what's going on anymore" mental block. he spends a while doing other cases, but he keeps coming back to it because there has never been a case angus mcdonald couldn't solve.
eventually, he finds another lead. or well, another case. the rockseeker family hears word about him and hire him to take a crack at finding cyrus rockseeker. coincidentally, he went missing ten years ago. that in itself is not too unusual- faerun as a whole has a disturbing amount of missing person cases, most dating 10 to 12 years ago. but that's a different thing entirely. the point is is that angus had a lead on where cyrus might have gone. the rockseekers own a mine- wave echo cave- and angus is like, 90% sure that's where he went.
so he gets down there and he doesn't find cyrus- but he does find someone else. red robe, check. umbrella, check. elf… skeleton- not preferable, but check. and angus, of course, does not want to tamper with crime scene evidence but he's gotta take something back with him to get tested, to use as proof so they can send another team down here, etc. so he takes the umbrella. and the ding dang skeleton disintegrates. aw man D:
so now he has an umbrella. a lead one case (angus knows all about the door n the rockseeker blood and all that. he had to sit through 45 mins of the rockseekers explaining this to him. but cyrus has got to be behind that door.), a kind of solved second case. at the very least, he can now inform the family what happened to their elf friend and assure them that he will continue to update them as the rockseeker case progresses.
only he can't find them. at all.
this is where the idea gets a little choppy. bc one one hand, i would Love for him to be able to find them before anything else. bc i like confrontation scenes. i did write a lil ficlet on that that we are ignoring for the sake of this ask meme lsdkfsd.
on the other hand, i have a very very vivid image of angus continuing to work on rockseeker case and trying to find the elf woman's family. when that falls through, he makes the rockseeker case his main priority. except that like- this umbrella does not want to leave him alone. the magic department in goldcliff say that it's an umbrastaff which means it's magic. and while angus does not want to tamper with evidence, it's hard when the thing literally rolls after him. it's his Friend now!! he loves it! it throws flames at his enemies!
anyway lskdfsd eventually it gets to a point where the rockseeker family is called in to help open the door- if they want to know where cyrus went, they're gonna have to get in that room. angus has a very uncomfortable adventure with gundren rockseeker and finally, finally the door is open. inside is, as predicted, is cyrus. except he's all burnt up and there's this Glove on his hand. and, again, angus does not like tampering with evidence but this time he doesnt even get to debate his reasons why by gundren is taking the glove and then he's on fire and, yknow, all of that.
jumpcut to angus in phandalin. end of htbg's style, the city goes up in flames, angus hides in the well with his umbrella friend. by the time he gets out, the entire city is just. Gone. n all that's left is the circle of black glass.
this, ofc, leads to a lot of investigations on what the Fuck happened. angus gives the glove a wide berth as he calls in reinforcements. part of me wants to say the militia takes the glove, somehow, but that seems like a mess. i think it's more of them blocking off the area and trying to figure out what the fuck it is, because they all feel the Weird Vibes about it. several people end up banned from the case because they just- want it so bad.
one morning, angus wakes up (im imagining little tents set up around the glassing) to an alarm blaring. there are People trying to steal the glove. angus isn't the toughest lil guy, but he's determined and he's fast, so he's the first to catch up with them. the thieves have this big silver ship that they are racing back, but Angus somehow manages to cut them off. he points the umbrastaff at them and is like "what the FUCK do you think your doing??"
missing person case, now ft. angus mcdonald as the role of Missing Person. turns out these thieves are not above kidnapping if you've got the umbralla that belonged to their long lost family member.
i could go on. i have imagined this so many different ways. i have so many thoughts. this got so long help sldjfsdf
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sexybabystevie · 9 months
I agree with what you said about b/lers viewing the Duffers as their friends and allys and therefore watch the view in a different lense and make it out to be this carefully thought out masterpiece that it simply isn't. Like they forget Stranger Things was supposed to be only one season, b/ler wasn't a thing. Yeah, they queercoded Will but not with the intention to have him pine over his best friend. Plus, like you said, Will is more of a plot point than a real character, esp in s1. In s2, he also wasn't much of a character he was again a plot point, and we never saw his real personality on screen. In s3, he was almost nonexistent, and that's sad, but I genuinely don't think the Duffers know how to write him. So his stans have to rely on the crumbs they are given and then delude themselves into thinking this is all part of a big love story bc that's easier to admit than the show being not that great and Will being a flat character.
Similar with Steve, we also only get crumbs and make the best out of but we can see the Duffers as our enemy because we have no problem to admit that they are shitty writers when it comes to characters. Like we never delude ourselves into thinking he is the main character and the Duffers know what to do with him and the lack of information is this big twist we will get paid off in the last season. I don't think he will die, narratively, it doesn't make sense, especially with Dustin involved (who is arguable one of their faves) so I'm thinking we get a shitty end for him (aka St/ncy). Like I still have hope for Stobin best friend shenanigans in the big city after s5, but it's only slim. I don't trust the Duffers that much, and like you said, b/lers whorshipping them is setting them up for failure if their "clues" turn out to be false.
For b/ler to happen, m/leven had to break up for sure in s4. Like Mike's monolog is a pivotal point in s4. And even if b/lers say he was lying, well that makes it everything worse, because El thinks he loves her. M/leven breakup has to be handled with care in order for b/ler to start.
I hate when ppl say st/ncy = m/leven and j/ncy = b/ler, and they view this as something great. Objectively speaking, the st/ncy breakup was so messy and unfair to Steve that I don't get why people want El to go through the same thing. Because the foundation of j/ncy was cheating and not them being a cute sweet couple, star-crossed lovers style. Every time people joke about the Wheelers not saying I love you to their respective partners bc they fancy someone else I want to puke because it's not a cute parallel and the other person in that relationship is lied to which is horrible. Plus, it already makes b/ler about 3 completely different characters that have nothing to do with it. There should not even be the want to compare relationships because everyone is different. And I need people to realize j/ncy getting together was done in such a disastrous way you don't want that for your couple.
Sidenote people who get mad at Steve stans for giving him trust and abandonment issues after Nancy are not getting the severity of what emotionally cheating does to a person. Steve wasn't aware of problems, Nancy told him she loved him a day prior, and then it all came crashing down. Plus him not committing to anyone because he is scarred from that experience is valid and it's an explanation for his behavior in s4. It doesn't make Nancy a bad person, but her actions hurt him, and he should be allowed to feel that way, especially if she was his first love. If El went through that with Mike, I also think she would develop trust issues (on top of her already abandonment issues).
Anyway, I think b/lers are in this secluded bubble, and if things don't go exactly their way, it will break them, and I'm actually scared. Like even in s4, I had witnessed complete meltdowns over b/ler, and I need everyone to chill bc we talk about two 14 year old kids. Especially when older people (mid twenties and up) are overly involved in shipping children, I get this weird feeling. There's nothing against ppl going into fan spaces, but it's weird obsessing over the love life of two children in such an intense cult-like way.
response under the cut again! <3
yeah, i honestly don't even know where this entire narrative about stranger things being a secret love story started, because the primary theme has always been friendship and the power that people have when they come together platonically. it's bizarre to me too, because i've been in this fandom for years (not always on tumblr, some on instagram or whatever) and b/ler just kind of massively grew up out of nowhere. i'd seen maybe one or two people before talking about it during previous seasons, but there was just this huge uprising of the b/ler community after s4 (which sort of makes sense but is still a little odd to me that they came up out of nowhere? i also don't remember previous b/lers being this exhausting to deal with). anyway, yeah, it all pretty much comes down to the fact that they all believe that the duffers have been hinting at this for years (which, hindsight vision is 20/20 so that's not really a valid point tbh) and fully believe that they're getting this picture perfect endgame.
honestly, i think another thing people are neglecting to think about is all of the stuff that we have to wrap up in 8-9 episodes. there is SO much going on now in this show that plot holes are pretty much guaranteed, not even considering the possibility of b/ler becoming canon. i'm honestly not really sure what they think is going to happen - the show will just take an entire shift into being solely about mike and will JUST to resolve the possibility of b/ler happening? i'm not even trying to be bitchy and put these people down or something, it's just crazy that people think that the show will take this massive shift in direction or that they'll just add in a whole new plotline when we probably won't even have enough time to satisfyingly and properly wrap up everything else.
also, there are so many characters that i think the duffers just don't know how to write or what to do with now. jonathan, will, erica, probably dmitri and murray now that they've basically joined the giant cast. and the sad thing is that fans come up with plotlines and stuff all the time for their fics or just for silly posts online, but the duffers just seem not to know what to do with most of their characters ever. (cough cough st/ncy s4 revival for NO reason).
the setup for b/ler just ISN'T there, like you said. yes, there are a few cracks in the foundation of m/leven's relationship, honestly, but that's not enough to wrap everything up and end AND start a whole new relationship in 8-9 episodes. whether b/lers want to realize it or not, b/ler is NOT the main plotline. defeating the upside down and vecna is. those are just obvious facts, and therefore this is the priority when it comes to things that have to be addressed and finished by the ending. maybe, if we have two more seasons to go instead of one, or if this was a show with 22-26 episodes per season, i could see where s4 was the setup, but it just isn't. we don't have the time to focus on it.
mike's monologue may have been a lie, who knows, but again, like you said, this is just... bad??? like why would you want that. there are already parallels between the whole st/ancy = m/leven thing at this point, but that was so messy and it's still not resolved to this day, and that was from s1!! again, we don't have the time to reenact all of st/ncy's breakup with m/leven because it was a disaster. and also no one ever knows how to hold fair accountability over people, so i'm 100% certain that that happening would lead into people shitting on el even more than they do already and blaming her for everything.
also a small point that's been in the back of my mind lately that i want to point out, as a queer woman myself, is that this ship would not be so popular if it was two girls/women instead of two boys/men (speaking in terms of actor ages since they're adults now). it's a thing that happens where everyone LOVES mlm rep and shits on anything wlw because theres always some bullshit reason to hate seeing a wlw relationship portrayed in the media. i know this isn't a primary issue but it still upsets me so much because it's so obvious, just from the treatment of robin and her literal canonical love interest vickie!! there's some fucked up misogyny in all of this, and also in the way that everyone will throw el to the side, putting this idea onto her that she either doesn't like guys so she can't possibly like mike or that she just is basically "too traumatized to know what love is" and i'm so tired of it. i'm SO tired of it.
back to the st/ncy = m/leven thing, i REALLY appreciate you pointing this out, "Every time people joke about the Wheelers not saying I love you to their respective partners bc they fancy someone else I want to puke because it's not a cute parallel and the other person in that relationship is lied to which is horrible." because that's exactly how i feel. it's not cute or funny, it's immature and deceitful. and yes, they're all children/barely adults at this point, but still. it's not some parallel that you should be happy about. i've been in that situation, i've been the steve harrington of the st/ncy & j/ncy love triangle, it's not fun. it hurts, someone is quite literally saying they don't love you (or perhaps worse when they CAN'T say they love you because they don't) and it's traumatic and everyone yet again ignores that.
j/ncy's getting together WAS chaotic and messy and honestly i'm not even surprised that they're falling apart in canon right now because you can't start out like that and then expect a good, happy, fairytale ending. it just doesn't work that way. everyone's mad about them having issues and raged about them being "couples goals" and the "best ship of the show", whatever, but honestly it was quite literally just someone cheating and lying to try and escape a relationship she didn't want instead of having proper communication. and i get it, it's hard to do that, but the show and the fandom never hold nancy accountable and always blame steve for everything, so i'm honestly annoyed with it. seeing all this mess, how could you possibly want that for your ship?
LOVE your steve sidenote there, because you're so right. everyone ignores the fact that steve has trauma, both from nancy and the upside down (seriously, how can we agree that EVERYONE ELSE except him has UD related trauma but he doesn't?? i don't get it). and i get it to an extent because the duffers ignore it just as much, but still. for some reason steve fans adding onto his character with realistic things is just a horrible thing to do, despite the fact that will fans have to do this as well and it's fine when they do it. i don't know how any of the st/ncy fallout was 100% steve's fault, and i will defend it until the very day that i die, honestly. the show has a narrative, and then it was to equate being popular and being a jock to being a villain, so they tried to make the audience take nancy's side and sympathize with her. which, again, is fine, but don't go and attack other people for wanting to see from multiple perspectives here.
i quite literally saw a post the other day that was like "the people who go and add all this stuff to steve's character are so annoying because none of that would happen in the show." well sweetheart, it's not happening in the show because the duffers don't care and also don't know what the hell they're doing lol.
"Plus him not committing to anyone because he is scarred from that experience is valid and it's an explanation for his behavior in s4." THIS. why are we all just glossing over this??? the pining after nancy again for old time's sake, the serial dating that never develops anything intimate - some people for some reason think it's just "proof" that he truly wants/belongs with nancy, but no! it's literally him being afraid to commit to anyone again, and honestly i don't blame him. and like you said, it doesn't make nancy a bad person, but honestly i just wish canon would at least have them talk about it so he can have actual closure or something for once. that's the best ending for him i can think of - st/ncy closure and stobin platonic besties forever.
absolutely agree with getting the weird feeling about shipping two children. it gives me an odd feeling too, honestly. which, i'm not taking it too seriously, it's just a little weird. other than that, they definitely are in their own little bubble of delusion and when that bubble inevitably pops, i'm not even sure what to expect, because it is a little scary. they attack anyone who disagrees and are genuinely so rude for no real reason, so who knows what they're gonna do when they realize that they don't get this happy ending that they've manufactured? honestly this is just another solid reason that i'm glad it'll take a while for s5 to come out.
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outrunningthedark · 1 year
Your blog is a breath of fresh air and I love seeing such nuanced & well-thought out comments about the show. As much I loved 911/Buddie, I stopped watching like 6 eps into s5 bc the BT + overall OOC-ness of the show became too much and didn't wanna put energy into something that was upsetting me. I only know stuff thru tumblr posts and never fully understood what happened w/ lucy and the fallout. was she planned to be a main/B's LI but ppl hated her so much they wrote her outta the show? [1/2]
[2/2] I've seen folks mention that they filmed a lot of scenes with her that got cut? I know next to nothing about her character, and was trying to find a summary of what happened in regards to her/her planned arc from the lens of buddie/tumblr fandom (not just wiki summaries), and your posts are some of the most informational and level-headed content I've seen on here, so thank you for that! <3 Hello, nonnie! First things first: I put together this post from 5x11 -> 5x15 that details AK's deleted scenes and how she was told to set up the BL dynamic. You'll see that Lucy as a love interest was never confirmed, but the show wanted the audience to keep the possibility in their minds. (Cliffs notes: "Sometimes they’re borderline poking at one another. Sometimes it’s flirty…. But is it flirty, or is it poking?") Another quote to back up the will they-won't they angle: While she does move on after [Buck] reveals he has a girlfriend, expect to see them “bounce very quickly between being best pals and having a little bit of sexual tension.” Because that post only went to the midway point of 5B, I can now add that an Eddie and Lucy interaction was also cut from the later episodes (possibly the finale): "...there’s a really nice moment towards the end of the season between Lucy and Eddie and you get to see Lucy gets it.” As for whether or not the plan was to make Lucy a main...AK and Kristen and Tim know the answer to that, but from the onset AK and Kristen spoke about Lucy's future, probably in hopes of endearing the character to the audience over the course of 5B: Reidel also revealed that fans won't meet Lucy's family this season, teasing: "Depending on what happens going forward, though, we'd love to. We make jokes about doing the whole Blue Bloods dinner set-up." Kebbel hinted that if the show is renewed for a sixth season, the plotline leaves room for more developments with Lucy. Peter Krause gave an interview prior to the finale where he referred to Lucy as a new member of the family because, as we found out, the final shot of the season was all the OG firefam + Lucy (+ Ravi, on the opposite side) walking together towards the trucks. But then summer came. AK posted about preparing for her first day on set - a day that just so happened to be the first for s6 production. And then...she wasn't there. She was actually in North Carolina filming a movie (but she sure did have people freaking out for a minute, which was probably the goal). We never saw her on set. The Lucy scene from 6x01 was a "surprise" to the audience. Before and after the premiere Kristen gave an interview where she said she was hoping to bring Lucy back in the second half of the season. This is what Kristen said at the conclusion of 6A: Are there plans for Arielle Kebbel’s Lucy to return to 9-1-1 this season? “I’m not sure yet. We’re still planning the back half of the season (premiering in Spring 2023), so there are some question marks about space and real estate and what the stories are going to be. We’re still figuring that out.”
I don't think it's out of line to say the negative/dismissive reception impacted AK's place on the show rn, but I also think that it's possible that even *if* Kristen wanted to "start over" and act like the BL stuff didn't happen, AK made the decision to distance herself from this experience for now since it did not go at all like she was told/believed it would. (Many will say that Kristen probably thought people would look past the cheating because they just wanted BT to end, and with the way AK was able to discuss her character and Buck potentially having something brewing while he was still going to be in a relationship...yeah, that checks. On the one hand, I want to feel sorry for AK that her boss completely misread the room and had her thinking it was a great idea, but on the other....she did not sign up for another coming-of-age teen drama. People don't want to see that kind of stuff on a show like 9-1-1, especially not from a character as loved as Buck. If she knew anything about the show she could have seen the backlash coming. Do your research, babes.)
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little-fairy-forest · 3 years
okay okay how about the bnha boys reacting to your video where you give your cousin/bestfriend a bowl-cut (inspired by drew phillips video)
uhhh heres the link to the video: https://youtu.be/3rRZfKCUGT8
im sorry but when i saw anon mention drew and enya, I had to do an ask like this im so sorry
🍀 hello darling! I've decided to merge all the boys together so the ask won't be so long since this has been sitting in my inbox for too long now :)
Class 1-A boy's x reader's viral cutting hair video
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Class 1-A boys, fluff, gn!reader, romance
You had a youtube channel that you earned some money off of every now and again, sometimes you would just post videos uncut and they would end up being the funniest,
Due to the current pandemic, your cousins local barber shop shut down since a case broke out with the in the workers- he made a silly mistake asking you to help him out
When you mentioned once you cut a classmates hair after they got bubblegum stuck in it *ahem Kaminari*
You decided to cut your cousins hair but he let you do whatever since he was just at home working, oh what a mistake
As you filmed the video you and your cousin were crying laughing since you messed up the hair cut- which was meant to be a simple bowl cut and then dye it neon blue, but you were laughing so much you ended up doing it lopsided
Your jokes included digs at other youtubers and a few heros, but it got to the point where you had to stop because you were afraid you would mess up again
Once the disastrous video was uploaded, it was in Japan's trending list for ages since you generally were the funniest thing to happen in a while
After you raked in a few thousand more followers and were the main topic on gossip channels
you wondered what your classmates thought of the video
You didn't even have to ask- Sero decided to bring the topic to light in the common room, a few people were chilling before bed, well the boys were the girls were having a self care night in Mina's
"Did you see L/n's recent video, it went viral! Honestly I had to pause the video a few times to catch my breath" Sero mentioned as he sipped on his drink
"It was humorous to watch but I do hope they don't take that up as a side job- hairdressing that is" Iida adds as he fixes his glasses
"I dunno, they done my hair and it came out pretty cool" Kaminari says as he rests his head on his arms leaning against the back of the sofa
"Well they can keep the fuck away from my hair tch" Bakugou did not want you anywhere near his hair!
"Bakubro I know you would do anything for them to even get close to you head! Seriously you are nicknamed kat-suki by them afterall- and don't cats like head scratches??" Kirishima suggests as a slight jab at the ruby eyed blond
"Hah?! The fuck is that sappost to mean?!" Bakugou starts to get angry enough to hide his little blush dusting his cheeks
"I think what he is trying to say is that what did Midoriya say it was again oh, yeah you like them, as in you would like to date them" Todoroki said as he appears behind Bakugou
"Jesus fuck icy-hot" Bakugou jumped a small but from Todoroki appearing out of nowhere
"I'm sure we all know L/n is very popular and has lots of admirers, ite ok if you are aswell Bakugou" Todoroki teases as he watches the blond get more and more flustered
Bakugou leaves the room and Kirishima follows, Kaminari is laughing at the scene but realises something on Midoriya's phone, it was a text to you, how did he know, well 'y/n 💖👑' can only mean one person
Kaminari decided to leave the green haired boy alone, will save this information for a later
"I think it wasn't the worst haircut ever- I think I could pull off a bowl cut" Ojiro says as he thinks about what he would look like
"Nah I'd say you would look like a k-pop star" Sero imagines aswell, thinking what he also would look like with cut and dyed hair
"Dunno might ask them to try it out for practice, could be a fun side hussle, might even get a shot to be in one of their videos!" Sero suggests as he laughs at what he would look like with pink hair
"I suggest you try and keep your hero profile sensible and mature Sero!" Iida encourages as he can only imagine what chaos you would create on that boys poor head
As you sit with the girls you start to think who your next culprit, subject, lab rat uh featured friend will be for your next hair dressing video
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Getting through my inbox slowly but surely!
Summer is right around the corner!
Nagivation has been updated please check it out :)
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