#it was the marketing of the movie reruns on abc family
pussy-ache · 1 year
i never really liked home alone too much. but the soundtrack unlocks something
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jordanrosenburg · 5 years
The Reboot Bubble
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When your favorite TV show ends, how do you feel? Lost? Depressed? Lonely? All of the above? I am someone who usually sobs at the end of a beloved TV show. The end of Avatar: The Last Airbender still gets me, I can remember crying when Awkward ended, and even having not watched the last two seasons, I absolutely bawled my eyes out at the series finale of Glee. There are times we want the shows we love to go on forever. Adventure Time was on for over ten years, a dystopian cartoon about a boy and his dog. Even though I was sad, I knew it was time for it to come to an end. That was a show, much like Glee, that I had stopped watching before it ended. But like a good, true fan, I watched its finale. 
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I think we feel sad when these shows end, especially the ones that last for many years, because we have grown with many of the characters. I started watching many of the above shows when I was in middle school and high school, and some didn’t end until I was in college, or even after college. It’s like a piece of our younger selves end with it. We wait for these shows to pop up on Netflix or Hulu, so maybe once in a while we can fall down the rabbit hole again. Usually I have to ask myself, “Am I really going to put myself through this again?”, as I push play to rewatch Glee for the seventh time. 
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Not every show I rewatch gives me such emotion. I can contently watch reruns of That 70′s Show or Sex and the City and pretty much not feel a thing. I will admit when Eric and Donna break up I feel sad, but not enough to cry! 
I think it’s when our favorite TV shows end in a way that we didn’t like when we feel like it should come back for one more round. Fix the mistakes it made, let the characters we love be happy. Some of us turn to fandom to help cushion the blow. We chat with each other, read what others have to say, or even read fanfiction to help us grieve the loss over one of the things that would help us escape for a little while. 
Reunion specials started happening. These could be simple panels when actors get together to answer questions about a show. Or even as witty as the Seinfeld season on Curb Your Enthusiasm. A lot of people wanted to see their favorite characters together again. One of the reasons I had actually made an account on Tumblr back in 2012 was because The Legend of Korra had come out and I wanted to see how other fans had felt about the sequel series to the show I held so closely to my heart. As much as I wanted to see the characters I knew, I was happy to see new characters in the same universe. 
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And then...Fuller House became an extension of Full House. I couldn’t even get through the first episode if I’m being honest. Watching all of the actors turn to the camera and make a funny face after making a joke about the Olsen Twins really turned me off. Gilmore Girls had a four episode reboot. I would say this one of the first, worthy of note reboots. I think most fans were disappointed with how the show actually ended, so getting to see these characters ten years later helped fill in a lot of gaps. I won’t get into how I felt, but I will say I didn’t love what they did with Rory. I was sad to see that she didn’t end being a successful journalist as she had hoped, but such is life. Will and Grace got a reboot around the same time, or shortly after. A show, ahead of its time, had come back. I would have been fine with just a reunion special, but a whole season was made, and then a second season was picked up shortly after. Clearly, there were some stories left to tell. 
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Murphy Brown had a failed reboot, which came to no surprise. Did people really want to see a woman in her 60′s going through the same problems she had in her 30′s/40′s? But the networks must have seen how well Will and Grace was doing, and hopped on the bandwagon. Many networks are realizing that the 90′s nostalgia is alive and well. Whose Line is it Anyway also comes to mind. Another beloved show, but this time with a new host and some new comedians. A bit of a face lift, but still funny. Roseanne, now The Connors, was something I was surprised to see comeback. A program that truly showed what a middle class family looked like, and how they lived. This show came back at a good time because many other sitcoms today are all rich families. Is Modern Family only modern because of the different races and sexual orientations depicted? I know a lot of families, and they do not live nearly as comfortably as these people. 
Roswell New Mexico is an example of a reboot that no one really asked for, but am so glad it happened. This is a show that, to me, is the true definition of a reboot. They took the good stuff from the original, recast the entire thing with adults playing adults, not adults playing teenagers, and gave this show a fresh new spin. I sat and watched the original series, and it had its moments, but there’s a reason it only lasted three seasons. This new version of it is something I can see lasting for many seasons to come. 
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I know everyone says they want a F.R.I.E.N.D.S. reboot, or an Office reboot, but do they really? Wouldn’t you rather see someone die a hero than see them live long enough to become the villain? 
What made me want to write this in the first place was because I was on Facebook the other day and saw that a reboot of Reba had been green-lit...SERIOUSLY REBA? A show that I know only because they would show re-runs on ABC Family. Don’t get me wrong, Reba wasn’t the worst show in the world, but what stories do they really have to tell that warrants 12-24 episodes? AN ENTIRE SEASON? I could see a reunion special on Netflix, a tasteful hour, to an hour and a half of Reba roasting Barbara Jeanne would be great. 
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Rocko’s Modern Life and Invader Zim both have specials on Netflix right now. Rocko’s Modern Life did it right. A quick special, twenty or so years later, that pretty much made fun of itself. I haven’t been able to watch the Invader Zim special yet, but I’m sure it will be done in a similar way of just answering the burning questions fans have. Even Hey Arnold came out with another movie a couple of years ago. This was something fans wanted for years! We all wanted to know what happened to Arnold’s parents. We finally found out, and it was great. Do all of these shows have a chance of coming back with a full season? It depends on the ratings and what the creators of the shows want to do, but these small specials are enough. It’s good fan service. 
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But now the networks are just getting greedy. Not only is getting harder to watch TV because every network now has their own app, or they will, that you need to pay for to use, but it seems like every network is rebooting just to make profits! Netflix made watching TV without cable a cheaper option. Now I have to pay for all of these apps separately just to watch TV? Is cable going to become the cheaper option again? Or are all of these shows going to be exclusively on these apps? It’s ridiculous! 
I digress...Let’s talk about Disney for a second. Raven’s Home became an extension of That’s So Raven. I will say, I think this reboot was done right because it’s about Raven and her kids, but now even shows like Lizzie McGuire are getting rebooted. Yes, we’re all excited to see Hillary Duff back at it in the big city, but who are the target markets for these shows? Are people my age sitting down to watch them? Are families watching these shows together? Do the younger generations know or care about the original shows? High School Musical is also coming back, but this time it’s mocumentary style about the kids who actually went to east high that also do theater. At that point I’d just love to see the original cast do another movie. They really missed their opportunity for High School Musical: 10 Year Reunion if you ask me. 
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I just want to know when will it all end? Are there truly no original ideas left out there anymore? Are we only able to produce TV shows based off of ones that have been off the air for years, only to bring them back? What’s next? Dharma and Greg, a modern Mork and Mindy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer??? Let’s go back to thinking of these shows fondly, and letting the good ones rest as they were. Eventually the networks will run out of shows to reboot, and the bubble will burst. 
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disneytva · 5 years
I'm ashamed of Disney Channel ignoring and not even promoting/advertising a lot of their animated content. SVTFOE for example is more popular than Bunkd/Raven's Home combined. The channel should know this instead of airing 40 reruns of their sitcoms a week while shows like SVTFOE, Tangled,/BH6 only air a new episode/rerun once and never again. (Well, they only air Ducktales/Big City Greens once a day). The channel needs to air more reruns of these shows instead of pulling a Teen Titans Go!
What you’re complaining its nothing new this is a problem that has been affecting Disney Channel since ABC’s takeover on the channel by Anne Sweeney, the former President of the Disney-ABC Television Group from 2004 to 2014 (1996-2014 as the President of Disney Channel) in which Disney Channel’s programming as well as a decrease in animated programming and an increase in live-action shows and made-for-TV movies. (just leaving Playhouse Disney/Disney Junior programs), that the company founded itself upon, and now mostly consists of programming geared mainly towards preteens and teenagers (sitcoms) starting more this era with the arrival of Hannah Montana on 2006 and the only animated series from Disney at the end of the 2000 & begginings of 2010 was just two (Phineas And Ferb (2007) & Fish Hooks (2010). that explain why shows like Gravity Falls ,Wander Over Yonder,Star Vs & Penn Zero where moved to XD on 2014 instead of its original pickup on Disney Channel while the only animation thing on the channel was the Disney Junior Block & the Paul Rudish’s Mickey Mouse Shorts and Tangled on 2017 when Anne finally left the damage was done Wander Over Yonder,The 7D,Future Worm & Billy Dilley’s Super Duper Subterranean Summer where canned by ABC and nobody was interested on other shows like Penn,Pickle And Peanut (so the crews made canonical endings). XD’s “Star” show after Gravity Falls ended was Star Vs & Milo to prevent this ABC decided that its future projects like DuckTales,Big Hero 6, Big City Greens Amphibia & The Owl House should stay on Disney Channel based on the hits of Mickey Mouse,Tangled & Elena Of Avalor (which later will move to Disney Junior Original Series) a great move by the way BUT with this comes like a Monkey’s Paw wish: this animated shows will get better treatmeant than XD BUT we will still increase our sitcom programming a bit more:We will renew BUNK’D (despite the fact that the Ross kids will not be there on this new season and despite that the series story wrapped up perfectly on the Season 2 finale). Raven’s Home ( to cash in on the old nostalgia like Nickelodeon), bringing back a show i never knew it existed (Bug Juice My Adventures At Camp) by the same reason’s as Raven’s Greenlight 4 Sitcoms cause our recent ones (Stuck In The Middle,Bizaardvark ) are ending cause they did not bring the big ratings like Nick’s more cheaper sitcoms (Just Roll With It,Sydney To The Max,Fast Lyne ,Gabby Duran and the Unsittables the only good sitcom which is NOT a sitcom is Andi Mack! ) as well more greenlights on WTH movies (The Descendants Trilogy,Zombies,Freaky Friday,Teen Beach Movie) and its sad than from the 100+ Disney Channel Original Movies only 6 are animated (Kim Possible So The Drama, Kim Possible A Stitch On Time, The Proud Family Movie,Leroy And Stitch ,Phineas And Ferb Across The Second Dimension,Tangled Before Ever After)
As for reruns Disney has stated in multiple PR’s that they haven’t cared for ratings since 2016 kids today watch more cartoons on their IPads and TV on demand (Hulu,Amazon,Netflix) & more cartoons on illegal websites like KimCartoon that is the reason why they made Disney NOW! and now they will make Disney+ with original proggraming (The Muppets,Monsters Inc The Series,Star Wars The Clone Wars Season 7) beacuse TV is diying don’t believe me the only channel who barely makes 1+ Millon is Nickelodeon Disney Channel is the second one and Cartoon Network is the most lowest watched channel
Thanks to Phineas And Ferb & Gravity Falls sucess Disney is starting to look more on TV-Y7 Animation and with the incoming arrival of Disney+ let’s hope things change at Disney ABC since marketers from streamers (they have a partnership with Google & now Verizon) that they will be more their priority than TV  ----------- @coolchevistianofficialsite 
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papermoonloveslucy · 7 years
S3;E8 ~ November 2, 1970
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Directed by Jack Donohue ~ Written by Sam Perrin and Ralph Goodman
Harry goes to his college reunion and leaves Lucy to house-sit.  When a friend of Mary Jane's loses her wedding venue due to a mix-up, Lucy invites her to use Harry's house.  But when Harry comes home unexpectedly, Lucy must play hide the wedding guests!  
Regular Cast
Lucille Ball (Lucy Carter), Gale Gordon (Harrison Otis Carter)
Desi Arnaz Jr. (Craig Carter) and Lucie Arnaz (Kim Carter) do not appear in this episode.
Guest Cast
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Mary Jane Croft (Mary Jane) makes her sixth series appearance as Mary Jane. Croft played Betty Ramsey during season six of “I Love Lucy.” She also played Cynthia Harcourt in “Lucy is Envious” (ILL S3;E23) and Evelyn Bigsby in “Return Home from Europe” (ILL S5;E26). She played Audrey Simmons on “The Lucy Show” but when Lucy Carmichael moved to California, she played Mary Jane Lewis, the actor’s married name and the same one she uses on all 31 of her episodes of “Here’s Lucy. Her final acting credit was playing Midge Bowser on “Lucy Calls the President” (1977). She died in 1999 at the age of 83.
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Lyle Talbot (Freddy Fox) previously played Harry's lawyer in “Lucy Takes Over” (S2;E23). He was a ‘B’ movie actor who made several films for Ed Wood, including what is considered one of the worst films ever made Plan 9 from Outer Space (1959). This is last appearance on the series. He was previously seen on two episodes of “The Lucy Show.”
Freddy Fox is an old college classmate of Harry's at Bullwinkle State.
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Bruce Gordon (Grandfather Konstantine Kasos) played Frank Nitti on “The Untouchables” (a Desilu show) as well as a parody of that program on “The Lucy Show” called “Lucy the Gun Moll” (TLS S4;E25). Gordon had appeared on Broadway in the long-running play Arsenic and Old Lace (1941-44) with Boris Karloff. He was also on Broadway with Charlton Heston and Katherine Cornell in Antony and Cleopatra (1947-48). He died in 2011 at age 94.
The character says he is 77. Gordon was just 54 at the time of filming.
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Paul Picerni (Father Lambros) makes the first of his four appearances on “Here's Lucy.” He also appeared with Lucille Ball in the 1975 TV movie “Lucy Gets Lucky.”  
In the final credits this character is listed as “Mandikos”. This may be a hold-over from an earlier version of the script.
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Cynthia Hull (Cleo Menikos) played Ann on the Desilu show “Here Comes the Brides” (1968-69). This is her only appearance with Lucille Ball.
The character's first name is probably an homage to Cleo Smith, Lucille Ball's cousin and the series' producer. Cleo is the bride.
Sam Chew Jr. (Joe Andropopolas) comes from one of the oldest families in Pennsylvania. This is just his fourth screen credit in a career that featured hundreds of TV and film appearances.  
The character is billed in the final credits as “Groom”. He has no dialogue.
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Joan Carey (Wedding Guest, uncredited) was one of the few actors to appear in the background of “I Love Lucy,” “The Lucy Show” and “Here’s Lucy.”  She also served as Lucille Ball’s camera and lighting stand-in. 
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The wedding guests, musicians, and dancers are played by uncredited background performers.
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The episode is introduced on the series DVD by Bruce Gordon (Grandfather Kosos) and Paul Picerni (Father Lambros).  
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On this date, in the metro New York TV market, a viewer could watch a rerun of “The Lucy Show” at 10am (WCBS), a rerun of “I Love Lucy” at 7pm (WNEW), and this new “Here’s Lucy” at 8:30pm (CBS).  The TV Guide cover that week featured Mike Connors (”Mannix”) who would appear as Joe Mannix on “Here’s Lucy” in 1971. “Mannix” was the last successful TV show to be produced by Desilu.
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When Lucy tries to sneak into the office in the morning, Harry tells her to stop tiptoeing through the tulips. This is yet another in a nearly weekly series of references to “Here's Lucy's” competition on ABC, “Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In.”  A regular performer on the show was a stringy-haired eccentric named Tiny Tim, who had a hit song with “Tiptoe Through the Tulips” which he also played on the ukulele.
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When Lucy says she knows one Greek named Spiro, Mary Jane immediately thinks she's referring to Spiro Agnew (1918-96), the 39th Vice President of the United States under Richard M. Nixon. Like Nixon, Agnew later left office in disgrace and was replaced by Gerald Ford, who then replaced Nixon as President. Lucy corrects Mary Jane that she is referring to Spiro Shapiro who owns a Greek restaurant down in Chinatown.  
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The series also mixed cultures for comedy in the opening scene of “Lucy and the Generation Gap” (S2;E12) which was set in Murphy's Pizza Parlor, owned by Murphy Irving Fong!
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When Harry enters the office in his old college threads, Lucy calls him handsome Joe Namath, a professional football player who also had a career in show business. In 1972 he guest-starred as himself on “Here's Lucy.”  
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It is mentioned that Lucy is a widow, something that is rarely discussed.
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Harry and Freddy carry Bullwinkle pennants that were last used in “Lucy, the Co-Ed” (S3;E5) during the song “Collegiate.”  
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“Lucy and the Golden Greek” (TLS S4;E2) also featured Greek dancing and co-starred Mary Jane Croft.  
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Harry's home is decorated with the very same roll-top desk that Lucy Carmichael had in her living room on “The Lucy Show.”  
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“I Love Lucy” had a wedding episode where Lucy Ricardo re-did her vows. In real-life, Lucy and Desi also renewed her vows in a Catholic Church on June 19, 1949 after being married for nine years.   
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On “The Lucy Show” Lucy Carmichael hosted the wedding of her sister Marge (Janet Waldo).
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Memory Lapse!  Harry just recently put on an show for the alumni at Bullwinkle University in "Lucy, the Co-ed" (S3;E5). Isn't that a sort of reunion?  Why another one so soon? Also in "Lucy the Co-ed" (S3;E5), the college is called BU (Bullwinkle University) but here it is named BS (Bullwinkle State) for the sake of the double entendre.  
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Throwing Shade! When Lucy backs away from Harry in the final scene, she bumps into the lamp shade which wobbles. Lucille Ball, however, never loses focus!
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Shut the Door!  After Lucy fetches Harry and Freddy's coats from the closet, the door swings open. Without much ado and barely a glance to her right, Lucille Ball reaches over and shuts it as the scene continues. 
Sitcom Logic Alert! Why doesn't Lucy just send the kids to the movies and use her own home for the wedding?  
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“Lucy’s Wedding Party” rates 3 Paper Hearts out of 5 
This episode has a straightforward plot and lots of laughs. Even though it is not a musical episode, they manage to incorporate two full Greek wedding dances!  Getting a bit cheekier, this episode offers two racier jokes: the acronym BS (Bullwinkle State) on Harry's shirt and saying that Harry is full of it (popularity). The interaction between Harry and Lucy at the end of the episode seems especially realistic and free from the usual farcical hysterics. Instead of getting wet, Harry ends up wearing the wedding cake!  
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jeanettethibodeau · 4 years
TBS (TV channel)
Tanna broadcasting station is an American basic cable and satellite television channel that is owned by the Turner Broadcasting System division of Time Warner which shares its name with the channel TBS carries a variety of programming with a focus on comedy along with some sports events including Major League Baseball and portions of the NCAA Men’s Division one basketball championship as of February 2015 TBS is available to approximately ninety six point five million pay television households in the United States availability TBS is available on cable and satellite providers throughout the entire United States until October 1st 2007 the national TBS feed could not be viewed within its home market in the Atlanta metropolitan area due to be over-the-air presence of WTBS which carried a nearly identical schedule with the only different programming being children programs that meet the Federal Communications Commission’s educational programming guidelines and public affairs programming the operations of WTBS and TBS super station were separated in october 2007 with the over-the-air atlanta station becoming WP CH TV a general entertainment independent station focused solely on the Atlanta area the national TBS feed became available to cable and satellite subscribers within channel 17s viewing area as a result TBS is programming was previously made available to cable and satellite subscribers in Canada through the WTBS Atlanta feed however the Canadian radio-television and Telecommunications Commission had only approved the Atlanta stations broadcast signal to be carried on cable and satellite providers domestically across Canada not the TBS cable feed as a result following the separation of TBS and wtbs WP CH in 2007 Canadian cable and satellite subscribers received access to WP CH Atlanta instead of TBS most of TBS is flagship programming such as Major League Baseball and original theories are not broadcast on WPC HTV but are instead carried on other Canadian speciality channels history equals early years equals TBS originated as a broadcast television station in Atlanta Georgia that operated on UHF channel 17 and maintained a general entertainment format as an independent station the station first signed on the air on September 1st 1967 as WJ RJ TV Ted Turner required the station from its founder Atlanta entrepreneur Jack Rice jr.
in January 1970 and changed the call letters to wtcg which officially stood for return a communications group although the station used what this channel grow as a promotional slogan beginning in the early 1970s wtcg was microwave linked to many areas of the southeastern United States through cable providers who picked up the UHF signal affair and microwaved the signal back to there he attends early programming included movies from the 1930s and 1940s sitcoms and Japanese animated series the station also carried sports such as Atlanta Braves baseball Atlanta Hawks basketball Atlanta Flames hockey and Georgia Championship Wrestling wtcg also bid very low on programming leaving the network affiliated stations in the market a euro WSB TV Waga TV and wXII a TV a euro to require the stronger shows but because of programming commitments that the affiliate set of their networks those stations kept the shows for only a few years at a time and rarely renewed them after which wtcg bought the syndicated shows secondhand at much lower prices by the mid-1970s The Andy Griffith Show The Flintstones Leave It to Beaver The Little Rascals my three sons Star Trek The Three Stooges and many others were added to the station’s schedule in 1976 most US cities below the top 20 media markets lacked independent state running general entertainment programs and generally had only stations affiliated with ABC NBC and CBS along with a non-commercial educational station cable providers in these areas carried stations from neighboring markets and if possible an independent station equals wtcg gets beamed via satellite equals ted turner decided to distribute his station through satellite enabling wtcg to be received nationwide especially in markets lacking even a distant independent station at 1:00 p.
Eastern Time on December 17th 1976 WTC jeez signal was beamed via the SATCOM one satellite to cable systems in Grand Island Nebraska Newport News Virginia Troy Alabama and Newton Kansas the first broadcast was the 1948 Donna Andrews cesar romero film deep waters which had been in progress for 30 minutes on channel 17 in atlanta instantly wtcg went from being a small independent television station that was available only in georgia and neighboring states to a major coast-to-coast operation wtcg became a so-called super station and set a precedent for today’s basic cable television by 1978 wtcg was carried on cable providers in all 50 states TBS became only the second u.
cable channel to transmit its programming via satellite HBO began to distribute its signal nationally through satellite transmission on September 30th 1975 but cable subscribers were required to pay extra to receive that service Ted Turner’s innovation signaled the start of the basic cable revolution equals initial change to wtbs equals wtcg changed its callsign to wtbs on august 27 1979 the new call letters were acquired via a monetary donation to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology student radio station for the construction of a new transmitter in the late is WTBS continued to acquire second-hand programming such as made-for-tv Popeye cartoons The Brady Bunch The Munsters and other programs the station acquired reruns of all in the family in Sanford & Son in 1979 as well as Little House on the Prairie and chips in 1981 other older shows would eventually be removed from the schedule wtcg also mixed more movie releases from the 1950s through the 1970s into its schedule the channel 17 transmitter was originally located at 1018 West Peachtree Street Northwest with the antenna located on a large self-supporting tower the building at this site was once home to the studios of CBS affiliate WAG ATV and later channel 17 during its first three years as WJ RJ TV soon after being purchased by Turner the station moved to new studio facilities a few blocks west of the former site of the progressive Club initially wtcg was identified as channel 17 both locally in Atlanta and on cable providers outside of that area the same shows that ran on the local Atlanta broadcast were also aired nationally after the station adopted WTBS as its call sign Turner branded the station as superstation WTBS with reference within the logo to the channel 17 frequency in Atlanta many cable providers throughout the country even carried it on channel 17 in 1981 Turner decided to have all of the shows carried by wtbs continued to air both locally and nationally but separated the feeds the station would be branded in Atlanta a super station 17 and would continue to air local commercials as well nationally though the station would not mention the channel number 17 and would use logos identifying it only as superstation WTBS separate national advertising or / enquiry ads would air on the superstation feed metro-goldwyn-mayer library during the 1980s WTBS focused heavily on move running two films during the day and a movie exclusive scheduled during the nighttime hours after 8 p.
with the exception of sports events at other times WTBS continued to run mostly classic sitcoms and vintage cartoons in 1986 when Ted Turner purchased metro-goldwyn-mayer WTBS gained the rights to the entire MGM film library it gave WTBS the rights to air many theatrical cartoon shorts such as Tom and Jerry as well as shows like Gilligan’s Island and chips along with Tom and Jerry WTBS began to run the little rascals Looney Tunes Merrie Melodies cartoons released prior to august 1948 theatrical popeye cartoon shorts and Three Stooges shorts under the banner the TBS Tom and Jerry funhouse running for either one hour or 90 minutes during the morning hours and for an hour in the afternoon from 1986 until the mid-1990s in the late 1980s WTBS decreased the amount of movies broadcast during the day slightly and began to add sitcoms from the 1970s to the evening lineup Little House on the Prairie aired during the late mornings continuously from 1986 to 2003 other programming music videos also aired during its late night lineup on weekends from 1983 to 1992 as part of the program night tracks with up to 14 hours of programming beginning in 1991 a handful of shows that were shared nationally were preempted in the Atlanta market in order to broadcast FCC mandated news public affairs and children’s programming a euro continuing until the split of the TBS national feed from the Atlanta station TBS was also the television home of World Championship Wrestling it carried the weekly show WCW Saturday night from 1992 to 2000 and was the flagship program for the WCW before Monday nitro launched in 1995 on sister channel TNT another WCW show WCW Thunder debuted in 1998 on Thursday night the program was moved to wednesdays in 2000 before it was canceled in 2001 when TBS executive Jamie Kellner determined that wrestling did not fit the demographics of either TBS or TNT and would not be favorable enough to get the right advertisers to buy airtime even though thunder was the highest-rated show on the channel at the time throughout the 1980s in the early 1990s TBS also carried the Elektra teletext service on its vertical blanking interval Elektra was discontinued in 1993 due to a lack of funding in the early 1990s shows such as The Flintstones The Brady Bunch Scooby Doo The Jetsons Looney Tunes Merrie Melodies shorts Gilligan’s Island and others remained on the schedule as other older shows such as The Three Stooges and Little Rascals shorts and Leave It to Beaver were dropped from the channel to make way for more sitcoms from the 1980s such as Three’s Company who’s the boss growing pains The Cosby Show family ties and Saved by the Bell original animated programs such as Captain Planet and the Planeteers two stupid dogs and SWAT cats the radical squadron were also added in 1996 the Turner Broadcasting System was acquired by Time Warner among the programming changes instituted after the merger was the addition of Looney Tunes Merrie Melodies cartoons that were released after August 1st 1948 they began airing in January 1997 equals– shift towards comedy equals in 1997 TBS began to collect subscriber fees directly from cable operators effectively causing the national feed to begin operating under the conventions of a basic cable channel although it was still technically designated as a super station in exchange TBS began to lease advertising slots to cable providers to allow them to locally insert commercials in the provider service area as a result the channel began to broadcast fewer Atlanta Braves regular season games to a national audience in 1998 WTBS dropped all of its remaining card with those shows migrating to Cartoon Network and becoming the core of a new cable channel devoted to classic cartoons that launched several months later called boomerang wtbs continued to run a mix of movies sitcoms and drama series by 2001 several sitcoms from the 1980s and 1990s such as full house Family Matters The Cosby Show friends Seon Feld and Home Improvement became part of the schedule many of them airing as part of the afternoon non-stop comedy block by 2002 in 2003 WTBS dropped Little House on the Prairie and other dramatic programming as a part of its new focus on comedic programs such as sitcom reruns original reality television series and theatrically released comedy films as part of this focus TBS adopted the slogan very funny and introduced a new logo in June 2004 the refocusing is intended as a direct contrast to sister channel TNT which had focused on older movies initially but moved toward and now focuses on drama series and films equals split from the Atlanta signal equals in late June 2007 the Turner Broadcasting System announced that WTBS would change its callsign to WP CH TV and would be rebranded as peachtree TV the rebranded channel 17 would offer sitcoms and movies geared specifically toward the station’s Atlanta audience and would also broadcast 45 Atlanta Braves baseball games starting with the 2008 season the change occurred on October 1st with the national feet becoming a separate cable channel that retained the TBS name in addition the channel 17 changeover allowed cable and satellite subscribers in the Atlanta market a gyro which previously received wtbs is local Atlanta signal a gyro to receive the national TBS feed for the first time since the early 1980s following the change Canadian cable providers were legally required to continue carrying the local peachtree TV signal instead of switching to the national TBS fee beginning with the 2008 season TBS began airing Major League Baseball postseason games with regular season baseball coverage expanding to include games from other MLB teams in November 2009 TBS debuted its first late-night talk show Lopez Tonight hosted by comedian George Lopez one year later the channel expanded its late-night offerings with the November 8 2010 debut of Conan after TBS struck a deal to give Conan O'Brien a show on the channel on the heels of his controversial exit as host of NBC’s The Tonight Show Lopez Tonight ended its run on August 12 2011 after it was cancelled due to a steep decline in ratings in 2011 TBS also obtained the partial cable television rights to the NCAA Men’s Division one basketball championship a euro which it shares with Turner own sister channels TNT and tear u TV along with the tournament’s longtime broadcaster CBS during the first quarter of 2012 TBS is fuchsia in the 18 to 49 adult demographic beat all other advertiser supported cable channels in spite of the fact that TBS did not air any original programs in primetime during that period nor had it aired a show among the 50 highest rated cable programs the channels third late-night talk show the Pete Holmes show debuted on October 28 2013 hosted by comedian Pete Holmes equals evolution of the TBS branding equals over the years TBS has had several logos and undergone multiple name changes as a superstation it was named superstation WTBS starting in 1979 in 1987 the W from the wtbs callsign was dropped from the super stations on-air branding in order to emphasize the channels national programming prominence with the wtbs atlanta signal using the separate branding of super station 17 on september 28 1989 superstation TBS changed its name to TBS super station to reflect the strong national standing of the channel also debuting was a promotional campaign with the slogan spies featuring various stars of programs seen on TBS with graphical elements of fireworks and a large rotating glass pane which could display the TBS logo then change to or from a slogan will display a schedule of programs movie and special presentations meanwhile utilized introduction sequences with showed people in a small town flocking to a TBS branded theater for various movies with the interior having a couch in the front row of seats where various people would sit down the music played was variants of the ties promotional music in 1991 the word superstation was removed from the cable channels on-air branding and promotions rebranding it as simply TBS this continued until December 17 1996 when TBS celebrated its 20th anniversary as a national service with the channel reverting its name back to TBS superstation the superstation sub brand was once again dropped in early 2004 with the channel reverting to being branded as simply TBS months before it adopted a new logo that rendered the channel’s name in lowercase and incorporated a half-circle made to resemble a mouth open as if it were laughing to signify the channel’s new comedy programming the circle element often takes on a motif with half a baseball or basketball rendered within it for tennis sports programming planned rebranding project on May 14 2015 doing the Turner upfront president of Turner Kevin Riley will see a big shift within the next few years for TBS and TNT TBS will feature more original live action comedies original animated series more late-night talk shows and lots more of big and scripted ideas with attitude a rebranding of TBS is set to begin towards the end of 2015 High Definition TBS HD is a high-definition simulcast feed of TBS which broadcasts in the 1080i resolution format and was launched on September 1st 2007 to the launch of the national channels HD feed WTBS is digital signal a gyro which is viewable over-the-air in the Atlanta market a gyro had already transmitted in high-definition it was replaced by the superstation feeds HD simulcast instead of simulcasting what became peachtree TV much like sister channel TNT TBS airs a moderate amount of program content broadcast in 4:3 standard definition stretched to the 16:9 widescreen format through a nonlinear process similar to the panorama setting on many HD TVs that some viewers have nicknamed stretcho vision after it was first used by TNT though other HD simulcast feeds operated by cable channels have also adopted this practice the nonlinear stretching process leaves objects in the center of the screen with approximately their original aspect ratio objects at the left and right edges are distorted in addition to true HD content in 69 TBS HD also airs unstretched would converted standard definition content in its original aspect ratio but commercials are aired in either format without stretching for ads produced in 480i TBS launched HD feed for its specific timezone feed on June 18 2010 programming TBS currently airs a mix of original sitcoms and reruns of sitcoms that were originally broadcast on the major broadcast networks original programs currently seen on TBS include American Dad Conan Cougar Town deal with it Sullivan & Son and ground-floor the channels daytime schedule is heavily dominated by reruns of current and former Network comedies with these shows also airing in the evening and sporadically during the overnight hours such programs include Family Guy friends Seon Feld the king of queens married with children the Big Bang Theory new girl and 2 Broke Girls equals Turner time equals on June 29 1981 TBS began to use enough time scheduling format for its programming known as Turner Tarr while program offerings on other broadcast and basic cable channels generally began at the top and bottom of each hour TBS decided to begin airing programs five minutes later at oh five and thirty five minutes past the hour programs seen on TBS were listed under their own time entry and TV Guide during the period in which the magazine published log listings as a result of their scheduling thus enabling the program listings to catch potential viewers eyes more readily the use of Turner time also encouraged channel surfers who could not find anything interesting to watch at the top of the hour to still be able to watch a program on TBS without missing the first few minutes most importantly since shows ended five minutes later than normal from a strategic standpoint the off time scheduling usually encouraged viewers to continue watching TBS rather than turning to another channel to watch a program that would already be airing in progress TBS reduced its use of the Turner time scheduling in 1997 and switched entirely to conventional start times at the top and bottom of the hour by 2000 unconventional start times continued to be used for movies airing on the channel a euro who’s running terms may vary depending on the film’s length with commercials added to pad the timeslot this often causes major disruptions in the start times of programming in some circumstances conventional top and bottom start times would not be restored until early the next morning while this is not exactly related to the Turner time format it may strategically serve the same purposes due to the off time scheduling the Turner time format is similar to the scheduling applied by most premium channels and certain other movie oriented services other broadcast and cable channels have utilized similar off time scheduling formats equals news programming equals one type of programming that TBS does not produce presently as news nevertheless TBS a gyro during its existence as a superstation the gyro produced a 20-minute newscast called 17 update early in the morning from 1976 to 1979 hosted by Bill Tosh and Tina Selden the program was taped at the end of the workday and aired between movies around 300 or 4 a.
Eastern Time its format was similar to the Saturday Night Live segment Weekend Update and was to a certain extent a forerunner to The Daily Show the time slot in the satirical content of the program were a reaction to FCC rules in effect at the time that required stations to carry some news and information contained the Euro although TBS had to broadcast news the FCC could not dictate when it aired or demand that it have a serious tone 17 update early in the morning was canceled months before Ted Turner began his serious television news venture CNN CNN also produced an hour-long weeknight news program for TBS called the TBS Evening News that usually ran at 10:00 p.
Eastern Time during the early 1980s for many years W TBS also ran a half-hour simulcast of CNN’s sister channel headline news each morning at 6:00 a.
this was only carried in the Atlanta area and on cable providers in the market that perceived the local feed on September 11 2001 TBS carried CNN’s coverage of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon during sports blackouts in some areas TBS carries rolling news coverage from HLN in its place equals movies equals feature films have been a mainstay of TBS since its inception as a superstation in the present day most of the films seen on TBS are of the comedy genre however some drama and action films continue to air on the channel periodically movies on the channel generally aired during the overnight hours on a daily basis enduring much of the day on weekends this is in stark contrast to its existence as a superstation when movies also filled late morning early afternoon and primetime slots on weekdays TBS broadcasts movies from sister companies Warner Brothers pictures and New Line Cinema along with films produced by Walt Disney Studios motion pictures sony pictures Entertainment Lionsgate metro-goldwyn-mayer 20th Century Fox Universal Pictures and Paramount Pictures in the recent past TBS had frequently aired its primetime movies interspersed with other content and commentary these wraparound segments later moved to weekend afternoon film presentations before being dropped entirely by 2011 since 1997 TBS has broadcast the 1983 film a Christmas story in a 24 hour marathon from Christmas Eve to Christmas Day which also ran simultaneously on sister channel TNT until 2009 once each weekend TBS airs a movie in primetime of limited commercial interruption branded in promo advertisements under the title more movies less commercials equals sports programming equals baseball coverage of the Atlanta Braves major league baseball team was perhaps TBS’s signature program mainly due to its viewer popularity in Georgia and neighboring states Turner once famously tried to get Andy Messersmith to use his number 17 jersey to promote superstation WTBS in its early years the MLB organization immediately stopped Turner from proceeding with this plan due to league regulations barring team jerseys from incorporating advertising other than that of the jerseys manufacturer at the 2006 MLB all-star game it was announced that TBS would begin carrying a television package that includes all major league teams beginning with the 2007 season TBS began carrying all Division Series games and one of the two League Championship Series as well as the announcements of the all-star teams and any possible games to determine division winners and wild-card teams in 2008 TBS began airing MLB regular season Sunday games with the provision that no team may appear on the telecasts more than 13 times during the season during the 2007 transitional year TBS aired 70 regular season Braves games in 2008 the number of Braves telecasts was reduced to only 45 games with TBS’s former atlanta feed WPC atetv solely carrying the telecasts Turner syndicates the package to other television stations and cable channels for broadcast in the remainder of the Braves designated Market area the final Braves game to be broadcast on TBS aired on September 30th 2007 with the first divisional playoff game airing the following day on October 1st 2007 on October 18 2008 a technical problem at the channels Master Control facility in Atlanta prevented TBS from showing the first inning of Game six of the American League Championship Series between the Boston Red Sox and Tampa Bay Rays the channel aired a rerun episode of The Steve Harvey Show instead college basketball in 2011 TBS obtained the television rights to the NCAA Men’s Division one basketball championship with broadcast rights shared with CBS and fellow Turner properties TNT and tear you TV TBS and the other two turnaround networks presently broadcast games played in the second and third rounds of the tournament with TBS alternating coverage with CBS for the regional semi finals in 2014 and 2015 TBS and CBS split coverage of the regional finals with TBS gaining the two Saturday evening games and CBS retaining the two Sunday afternoon games also in 2014 and 2015 TBS covered the national semifinals in 2016 TBS will televise the Final Four and the national championship game beginning an alternating agreement with CBS through 2024 in even-numbered years TBS will have the final three games and in odd-numbered years CBS will televise the games college football college football games from the big 12 and pac-10 Athletic Conference is aired on TBS for several years beginning in 2000 through a sub licensing agreement with Fox Sports that agreement ended after the 2006 season National Basketball Association NBA basketball games aired on TBS from 1984 until the broadcast rights were moved entirely to TNT in 2002 some games from the Atlanta Hawks were shown on TBS until the telecasts on TNT and the TBS superstation feed became subject to blackout within 35 miles of the home teams arena this restriction was dropped when TNT gained the right to be the exclusive podcaster of any game it chose to carry professional wrestling professional wrestling aired from 1971 to 2001 under several different wrestling promotions including Jim Barnett own Georgia Championship Wrestling Vince McMahon’s World Wrestling Federation Bill Watts his mid-south wrestling and Jim Crockett juniors Jim Crockett Promotions which eventually became Turner owned World Championship Wrestling through the early 1990s the wrestling programs and Braves baseball were among basic cable’s highest-rated offerings due to heavy viewership in the southeast NASCAR select NASCAR Winston Cup Busch Series and Craftsman Truck Series races aired on TBS until the 2000 season for several years in the late 1990s the only Cup races aired on TBS were the two regular Cup Series races from Lowe’s Motor Speedway and the July race at Pocono Raceway TBS was also the home of the postseason exhibition races held at Suzuka circuit and the Twin Ring Motegi tracks in Japan from 1996 to 1998 NASCAR events moved to TNT in 2001 as part of a deal between the organization NBC and TNT although the initial plans were for TBS to carry the races instead Turner Broadcasting decided that the NASCAR telecasts would better fit TNT’s we know drama image campaign equals a sports equals on September 23rd 2015 Turner Broadcasting announced that it is planning and Counter Strike global Offensive League beginning in 2016 there is also the possibility of other video games being added in future seasons references external links www TBS comm TBS official website WWN a comm Turner Broadcasting System official website clips of 17 update early in the morning maintained by former anchor Bill Tosh http:www.
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trandangelilber · 4 years
TBS (TV channel)
Tanna broadcasting station is an American basic cable and satellite television channel that is owned by the Turner Broadcasting System division of Time Warner which shares its name with the channel TBS carries a variety of programming with a focus on comedy along with some sports events including Major League Baseball and portions of the NCAA Men’s Division one basketball championship as of February 2015 TBS is available to approximately ninety six point five million pay television households in the United States availability TBS is available on cable and satellite providers throughout the entire United States until October 1st 2007 the national TBS feed could not be viewed within its home market in the Atlanta metropolitan area due to be over-the-air presence of WTBS which carried a nearly identical schedule with the only different programming being children programs that meet the Federal Communications Commission’s educational programming guidelines and public affairs programming the operations of WTBS and TBS super station were separated in october 2007 with the over-the-air atlanta station becoming WP CH TV a general entertainment independent station focused solely on the Atlanta area the national TBS feed became available to cable and satellite subscribers within channel 17s viewing area as a result TBS is programming was previously made available to cable and satellite subscribers in Canada through the WTBS Atlanta feed however the Canadian radio-television and Telecommunications Commission had only approved the Atlanta stations broadcast signal to be carried on cable and satellite providers domestically across Canada not the TBS cable feed as a result following the separation of TBS and wtbs WP CH in 2007 Canadian cable and satellite subscribers received access to WP CH Atlanta instead of TBS most of TBS is flagship programming such as Major League Baseball and original theories are not broadcast on WPC HTV but are instead carried on other Canadian speciality channels history equals early years equals TBS originated as a broadcast television station in Atlanta Georgia that operated on UHF channel 17 and maintained a general entertainment format as an independent station the station first signed on the air on September 1st 1967 as WJ RJ TV Ted Turner required the station from its founder Atlanta entrepreneur Jack Rice jr.
in January 1970 and changed the call letters to wtcg which officially stood for return a communications group although the station used what this channel grow as a promotional slogan beginning in the early 1970s wtcg was microwave linked to many areas of the southeastern United States through cable providers who picked up the UHF signal affair and microwaved the signal back to there he attends early programming included movies from the 1930s and 1940s sitcoms and Japanese animated series the station also carried sports such as Atlanta Braves baseball Atlanta Hawks basketball Atlanta Flames hockey and Georgia Championship Wrestling wtcg also bid very low on programming leaving the network affiliated stations in the market a euro WSB TV Waga TV and wXII a TV a euro to require the stronger shows but because of programming commitments that the affiliate set of their networks those stations kept the shows for only a few years at a time and rarely renewed them after which wtcg bought the syndicated shows secondhand at much lower prices by the mid-1970s The Andy Griffith Show The Flintstones Leave It to Beaver The Little Rascals my three sons Star Trek The Three Stooges and many others were added to the station’s schedule in 1976 most US cities below the top 20 media markets lacked independent state running general entertainment programs and generally had only stations affiliated with ABC NBC and CBS along with a non-commercial educational station cable providers in these areas carried stations from neighboring markets and if possible an independent station equals wtcg gets beamed via satellite equals ted turner decided to distribute his station through satellite enabling wtcg to be received nationwide especially in markets lacking even a distant independent station at 1:00 p.
Eastern Time on December 17th 1976 WTC jeez signal was beamed via the SATCOM one satellite to cable systems in Grand Island Nebraska Newport News Virginia Troy Alabama and Newton Kansas the first broadcast was the 1948 Donna Andrews cesar romero film deep waters which had been in progress for 30 minutes on channel 17 in atlanta instantly wtcg went from being a small independent television station that was available only in georgia and neighboring states to a major coast-to-coast operation wtcg became a so-called super station and set a precedent for today’s basic cable television by 1978 wtcg was carried on cable providers in all 50 states TBS became only the second u.
cable channel to transmit its programming via satellite HBO began to distribute its signal nationally through satellite transmission on September 30th 1975 but cable subscribers were required to pay extra to receive that service Ted Turner’s innovation signaled the start of the basic cable revolution equals initial change to wtbs equals wtcg changed its callsign to wtbs on august 27 1979 the new call letters were acquired via a monetary donation to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology student radio station for the construction of a new transmitter in the late is WTBS continued to acquire second-hand programming such as made-for-tv Popeye cartoons The Brady Bunch The Munsters and other programs the station acquired reruns of all in the family in Sanford & Son in 1979 as well as Little House on the Prairie and chips in 1981 other older shows would eventually be removed from the schedule wtcg also mixed more movie releases from the 1950s through the 1970s into its schedule the channel 17 transmitter was originally located at 1018 West Peachtree Street Northwest with the antenna located on a large self-supporting tower the building at this site was once home to the studios of CBS affiliate WAG ATV and later channel 17 during its first three years as WJ RJ TV soon after being purchased by Turner the station moved to new studio facilities a few blocks west of the former site of the progressive Club initially wtcg was identified as channel 17 both locally in Atlanta and on cable providers outside of that area the same shows that ran on the local Atlanta broadcast were also aired nationally after the station adopted WTBS as its call sign Turner branded the station as superstation WTBS with reference within the logo to the channel 17 frequency in Atlanta many cable providers throughout the country even carried it on channel 17 in 1981 Turner decided to have all of the shows carried by wtbs continued to air both locally and nationally but separated the feeds the station would be branded in Atlanta a super station 17 and would continue to air local commercials as well nationally though the station would not mention the channel number 17 and would use logos identifying it only as superstation WTBS separate national advertising or / enquiry ads would air on the superstation feed metro-goldwyn-mayer library during the 1980s WTBS focused heavily on move running two films during the day and a movie exclusive scheduled during the nighttime hours after 8 p.
with the exception of sports events at other times WTBS continued to run mostly classic sitcoms and vintage cartoons in 1986 when Ted Turner purchased metro-goldwyn-mayer WTBS gained the rights to the entire MGM film library it gave WTBS the rights to air many theatrical cartoon shorts such as Tom and Jerry as well as shows like Gilligan’s Island and chips along with Tom and Jerry WTBS began to run the little rascals Looney Tunes Merrie Melodies cartoons released prior to august 1948 theatrical popeye cartoon shorts and Three Stooges shorts under the banner the TBS Tom and Jerry funhouse running for either one hour or 90 minutes during the morning hours and for an hour in the afternoon from 1986 until the mid-1990s in the late 1980s WTBS decreased the amount of movies broadcast during the day slightly and began to add sitcoms from the 1970s to the evening lineup Little House on the Prairie aired during the late mornings continuously from 1986 to 2003 other programming music videos also aired during its late night lineup on weekends from 1983 to 1992 as part of the program night tracks with up to 14 hours of programming beginning in 1991 a handful of shows that were shared nationally were preempted in the Atlanta market in order to broadcast FCC mandated news public affairs and children’s programming a euro continuing until the split of the TBS national feed from the Atlanta station TBS was also the television home of World Championship Wrestling it carried the weekly show WCW Saturday night from 1992 to 2000 and was the flagship program for the WCW before Monday nitro launched in 1995 on sister channel TNT another WCW show WCW Thunder debuted in 1998 on Thursday night the program was moved to wednesdays in 2000 before it was canceled in 2001 when TBS executive Jamie Kellner determined that wrestling did not fit the demographics of either TBS or TNT and would not be favorable enough to get the right advertisers to buy airtime even though thunder was the highest-rated show on the channel at the time throughout the 1980s in the early 1990s TBS also carried the Elektra teletext service on its vertical blanking interval Elektra was discontinued in 1993 due to a lack of funding in the early 1990s shows such as The Flintstones The Brady Bunch Scooby Doo The Jetsons Looney Tunes Merrie Melodies shorts Gilligan’s Island and others remained on the schedule as other older shows such as The Three Stooges and Little Rascals shorts and Leave It to Beaver were dropped from the channel to make way for more sitcoms from the 1980s such as Three’s Company who’s the boss growing pains The Cosby Show family ties and Saved by the Bell original animated programs such as Captain Planet and the Planeteers two stupid dogs and SWAT cats the radical squadron were also added in 1996 the Turner Broadcasting System was acquired by Time Warner among the programming changes instituted after the merger was the addition of Looney Tunes Merrie Melodies cartoons that were released after August 1st 1948 they began airing in January 1997 equals– shift towards comedy equals in 1997 TBS began to collect subscriber fees directly from cable operators effectively causing the national feed to begin operating under the conventions of a basic cable channel although it was still technically designated as a super station in exchange TBS began to lease advertising slots to cable providers to allow them to locally insert commercials in the provider service area as a result the channel began to broadcast fewer Atlanta Braves regular season games to a national audience in 1998 WTBS dropped all of its remaining card with those shows migrating to Cartoon Network and becoming the core of a new cable channel devoted to classic cartoons that launched several months later called boomerang wtbs continued to run a mix of movies sitcoms and drama series by 2001 several sitcoms from the 1980s and 1990s such as full house Family Matters The Cosby Show friends Seon Feld and Home Improvement became part of the schedule many of them airing as part of the afternoon non-stop comedy block by 2002 in 2003 WTBS dropped Little House on the Prairie and other dramatic programming as a part of its new focus on comedic programs such as sitcom reruns original reality television series and theatrically released comedy films as part of this focus TBS adopted the slogan very funny and introduced a new logo in June 2004 the refocusing is intended as a direct contrast to sister channel TNT which had focused on older movies initially but moved toward and now focuses on drama series and films equals split from the Atlanta signal equals in late June 2007 the Turner Broadcasting System announced that WTBS would change its callsign to WP CH TV and would be rebranded as peachtree TV the rebranded channel 17 would offer sitcoms and movies geared specifically toward the station’s Atlanta audience and would also broadcast 45 Atlanta Braves baseball games starting with the 2008 season the change occurred on October 1st with the national feet becoming a separate cable channel that retained the TBS name in addition the channel 17 changeover allowed cable and satellite subscribers in the Atlanta market a gyro which previously received wtbs is local Atlanta signal a gyro to receive the national TBS feed for the first time since the early 1980s following the change Canadian cable providers were legally required to continue carrying the local peachtree TV signal instead of switching to the national TBS fee beginning with the 2008 season TBS began airing Major League Baseball postseason games with regular season baseball coverage expanding to include games from other MLB teams in November 2009 TBS debuted its first late-night talk show Lopez Tonight hosted by comedian George Lopez one year later the channel expanded its late-night offerings with the November 8 2010 debut of Conan after TBS struck a deal to give Conan O'Brien a show on the channel on the heels of his controversial exit as host of NBC’s The Tonight Show Lopez Tonight ended its run on August 12 2011 after it was cancelled due to a steep decline in ratings in 2011 TBS also obtained the partial cable television rights to the NCAA Men’s Division one basketball championship a euro which it shares with Turner own sister channels TNT and tear u TV along with the tournament’s longtime broadcaster CBS during the first quarter of 2012 TBS is fuchsia in the 18 to 49 adult demographic beat all other advertiser supported cable channels in spite of the fact that TBS did not air any original programs in primetime during that period nor had it aired a show among the 50 highest rated cable programs the channels third late-night talk show the Pete Holmes show debuted on October 28 2013 hosted by comedian Pete Holmes equals evolution of the TBS branding equals over the years TBS has had several logos and undergone multiple name changes as a superstation it was named superstation WTBS starting in 1979 in 1987 the W from the wtbs callsign was dropped from the super stations on-air branding in order to emphasize the channels national programming prominence with the wtbs atlanta signal using the separate branding of super station 17 on september 28 1989 superstation TBS changed its name to TBS super station to reflect the strong national standing of the channel also debuting was a promotional campaign with the slogan spies featuring various stars of programs seen on TBS with graphical elements of fireworks and a large rotating glass pane which could display the TBS logo then change to or from a slogan will display a schedule of programs movie and special presentations meanwhile utilized introduction sequences with showed people in a small town flocking to a TBS branded theater for various movies with the interior having a couch in the front row of seats where various people would sit down the music played was variants of the ties promotional music in 1991 the word superstation was removed from the cable channels on-air branding and promotions rebranding it as simply TBS this continued until December 17 1996 when TBS celebrated its 20th anniversary as a national service with the channel reverting its name back to TBS superstation the superstation sub brand was once again dropped in early 2004 with the channel reverting to being branded as simply TBS months before it adopted a new logo that rendered the channel’s name in lowercase and incorporated a half-circle made to resemble a mouth open as if it were laughing to signify the channel’s new comedy programming the circle element often takes on a motif with half a baseball or basketball rendered within it for tennis sports programming planned rebranding project on May 14 2015 doing the Turner upfront president of Turner Kevin Riley will see a big shift within the next few years for TBS and TNT TBS will feature more original live action comedies original animated series more late-night talk shows and lots more of big and scripted ideas with attitude a rebranding of TBS is set to begin towards the end of 2015 High Definition TBS HD is a high-definition simulcast feed of TBS which broadcasts in the 1080i resolution format and was launched on September 1st 2007 to the launch of the national channels HD feed WTBS is digital signal a gyro which is viewable over-the-air in the Atlanta market a gyro had already transmitted in high-definition it was replaced by the superstation feeds HD simulcast instead of simulcasting what became peachtree TV much like sister channel TNT TBS airs a moderate amount of program content broadcast in 4:3 standard definition stretched to the 16:9 widescreen format through a nonlinear process similar to the panorama setting on many HD TVs that some viewers have nicknamed stretcho vision after it was first used by TNT though other HD simulcast feeds operated by cable channels have also adopted this practice the nonlinear stretching process leaves objects in the center of the screen with approximately their original aspect ratio objects at the left and right edges are distorted in addition to true HD content in 69 TBS HD also airs unstretched would converted standard definition content in its original aspect ratio but commercials are aired in either format without stretching for ads produced in 480i TBS launched HD feed for its specific timezone feed on June 18 2010 programming TBS currently airs a mix of original sitcoms and reruns of sitcoms that were originally broadcast on the major broadcast networks original programs currently seen on TBS include American Dad Conan Cougar Town deal with it Sullivan & Son and ground-floor the channels daytime schedule is heavily dominated by reruns of current and former Network comedies with these shows also airing in the evening and sporadically during the overnight hours such programs include Family Guy friends Seon Feld the king of queens married with children the Big Bang Theory new girl and 2 Broke Girls equals Turner time equals on June 29 1981 TBS began to use enough time scheduling format for its programming known as Turner Tarr while program offerings on other broadcast and basic cable channels generally began at the top and bottom of each hour TBS decided to begin airing programs five minutes later at oh five and thirty five minutes past the hour programs seen on TBS were listed under their own time entry and TV Guide during the period in which the magazine published log listings as a result of their scheduling thus enabling the program listings to catch potential viewers eyes more readily the use of Turner time also encouraged channel surfers who could not find anything interesting to watch at the top of the hour to still be able to watch a program on TBS without missing the first few minutes most importantly since shows ended five minutes later than normal from a strategic standpoint the off time scheduling usually encouraged viewers to continue watching TBS rather than turning to another channel to watch a program that would already be airing in progress TBS reduced its use of the Turner time scheduling in 1997 and switched entirely to conventional start times at the top and bottom of the hour by 2000 unconventional start times continued to be used for movies airing on the channel a euro who’s running terms may vary depending on the film’s length with commercials added to pad the timeslot this often causes major disruptions in the start times of programming in some circumstances conventional top and bottom start times would not be restored until early the next morning while this is not exactly related to the Turner time format it may strategically serve the same purposes due to the off time scheduling the Turner time format is similar to the scheduling applied by most premium channels and certain other movie oriented services other broadcast and cable channels have utilized similar off time scheduling formats equals news programming equals one type of programming that TBS does not produce presently as news nevertheless TBS a gyro during its existence as a superstation the gyro produced a 20-minute newscast called 17 update early in the morning from 1976 to 1979 hosted by Bill Tosh and Tina Selden the program was taped at the end of the workday and aired between movies around 300 or 4 a.
Eastern Time its format was similar to the Saturday Night Live segment Weekend Update and was to a certain extent a forerunner to The Daily Show the time slot in the satirical content of the program were a reaction to FCC rules in effect at the time that required stations to carry some news and information contained the Euro although TBS had to broadcast news the FCC could not dictate when it aired or demand that it have a serious tone 17 update early in the morning was canceled months before Ted Turner began his serious television news venture CNN CNN also produced an hour-long weeknight news program for TBS called the TBS Evening News that usually ran at 10:00 p.
Eastern Time during the early 1980s for many years W TBS also ran a half-hour simulcast of CNN’s sister channel headline news each morning at 6:00 a.
this was only carried in the Atlanta area and on cable providers in the market that perceived the local feed on September 11 2001 TBS carried CNN’s coverage of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon during sports blackouts in some areas TBS carries rolling news coverage from HLN in its place equals movies equals feature films have been a mainstay of TBS since its inception as a superstation in the present day most of the films seen on TBS are of the comedy genre however some drama and action films continue to air on the channel periodically movies on the channel generally aired during the overnight hours on a daily basis enduring much of the day on weekends this is in stark contrast to its existence as a superstation when movies also filled late morning early afternoon and primetime slots on weekdays TBS broadcasts movies from sister companies Warner Brothers pictures and New Line Cinema along with films produced by Walt Disney Studios motion pictures sony pictures Entertainment Lionsgate metro-goldwyn-mayer 20th Century Fox Universal Pictures and Paramount Pictures in the recent past TBS had frequently aired its primetime movies interspersed with other content and commentary these wraparound segments later moved to weekend afternoon film presentations before being dropped entirely by 2011 since 1997 TBS has broadcast the 1983 film a Christmas story in a 24 hour marathon from Christmas Eve to Christmas Day which also ran simultaneously on sister channel TNT until 2009 once each weekend TBS airs a movie in primetime of limited commercial interruption branded in promo advertisements under the title more movies less commercials equals sports programming equals baseball coverage of the Atlanta Braves major league baseball team was perhaps TBS’s signature program mainly due to its viewer popularity in Georgia and neighboring states Turner once famously tried to get Andy Messersmith to use his number 17 jersey to promote superstation WTBS in its early years the MLB organization immediately stopped Turner from proceeding with this plan due to league regulations barring team jerseys from incorporating advertising other than that of the jerseys manufacturer at the 2006 MLB all-star game it was announced that TBS would begin carrying a television package that includes all major league teams beginning with the 2007 season TBS began carrying all Division Series games and one of the two League Championship Series as well as the announcements of the all-star teams and any possible games to determine division winners and wild-card teams in 2008 TBS began airing MLB regular season Sunday games with the provision that no team may appear on the telecasts more than 13 times during the season during the 2007 transitional year TBS aired 70 regular season Braves games in 2008 the number of Braves telecasts was reduced to only 45 games with TBS’s former atlanta feed WPC atetv solely carrying the telecasts Turner syndicates the package to other television stations and cable channels for broadcast in the remainder of the Braves designated Market area the final Braves game to be broadcast on TBS aired on September 30th 2007 with the first divisional playoff game airing the following day on October 1st 2007 on October 18 2008 a technical problem at the channels Master Control facility in Atlanta prevented TBS from showing the first inning of Game six of the American League Championship Series between the Boston Red Sox and Tampa Bay Rays the channel aired a rerun episode of The Steve Harvey Show instead college basketball in 2011 TBS obtained the television rights to the NCAA Men’s Division one basketball championship with broadcast rights shared with CBS and fellow Turner properties TNT and tear you TV TBS and the other two turnaround networks presently broadcast games played in the second and third rounds of the tournament with TBS alternating coverage with CBS for the regional semi finals in 2014 and 2015 TBS and CBS split coverage of the regional finals with TBS gaining the two Saturday evening games and CBS retaining the two Sunday afternoon games also in 2014 and 2015 TBS covered the national semifinals in 2016 TBS will televise the Final Four and the national championship game beginning an alternating agreement with CBS through 2024 in even-numbered years TBS will have the final three games and in odd-numbered years CBS will televise the games college football college football games from the big 12 and pac-10 Athletic Conference is aired on TBS for several years beginning in 2000 through a sub licensing agreement with Fox Sports that agreement ended after the 2006 season National Basketball Association NBA basketball games aired on TBS from 1984 until the broadcast rights were moved entirely to TNT in 2002 some games from the Atlanta Hawks were shown on TBS until the telecasts on TNT and the TBS superstation feed became subject to blackout within 35 miles of the home teams arena this restriction was dropped when TNT gained the right to be the exclusive podcaster of any game it chose to carry professional wrestling professional wrestling aired from 1971 to 2001 under several different wrestling promotions including Jim Barnett own Georgia Championship Wrestling Vince McMahon’s World Wrestling Federation Bill Watts his mid-south wrestling and Jim Crockett juniors Jim Crockett Promotions which eventually became Turner owned World Championship Wrestling through the early 1990s the wrestling programs and Braves baseball were among basic cable’s highest-rated offerings due to heavy viewership in the southeast NASCAR select NASCAR Winston Cup Busch Series and Craftsman Truck Series races aired on TBS until the 2000 season for several years in the late 1990s the only Cup races aired on TBS were the two regular Cup Series races from Lowe’s Motor Speedway and the July race at Pocono Raceway TBS was also the home of the postseason exhibition races held at Suzuka circuit and the Twin Ring Motegi tracks in Japan from 1996 to 1998 NASCAR events moved to TNT in 2001 as part of a deal between the organization NBC and TNT although the initial plans were for TBS to carry the races instead Turner Broadcasting decided that the NASCAR telecasts would better fit TNT’s we know drama image campaign equals a sports equals on September 23rd 2015 Turner Broadcasting announced that it is planning and Counter Strike global Offensive League beginning in 2016 there is also the possibility of other video games being added in future seasons references external links www TBS comm TBS official website WWN a comm Turner Broadcasting System official website clips of 17 update early in the morning maintained by former anchor Bill Tosh http:www.
The post TBS (TV channel) appeared first on IPTVRestream.
from IPTVRestream https://iptvrestream.net/restream/tbs-tv-channel/ from IPTV Restream https://iptvrestream.tumblr.com/post/615342677987360768 from Best IPTV Channels https://reneturgeon.tumblr.com/post/615344257646182400
0 notes
reneturgeon · 4 years
TBS (TV channel)
Tanna broadcasting station is an American basic cable and satellite television channel that is owned by the Turner Broadcasting System division of Time Warner which shares its name with the channel TBS carries a variety of programming with a focus on comedy along with some sports events including Major League Baseball and portions of the NCAA Men’s Division one basketball championship as of February 2015 TBS is available to approximately ninety six point five million pay television households in the United States availability TBS is available on cable and satellite providers throughout the entire United States until October 1st 2007 the national TBS feed could not be viewed within its home market in the Atlanta metropolitan area due to be over-the-air presence of WTBS which carried a nearly identical schedule with the only different programming being children programs that meet the Federal Communications Commission’s educational programming guidelines and public affairs programming the operations of WTBS and TBS super station were separated in october 2007 with the over-the-air atlanta station becoming WP CH TV a general entertainment independent station focused solely on the Atlanta area the national TBS feed became available to cable and satellite subscribers within channel 17s viewing area as a result TBS is programming was previously made available to cable and satellite subscribers in Canada through the WTBS Atlanta feed however the Canadian radio-television and Telecommunications Commission had only approved the Atlanta stations broadcast signal to be carried on cable and satellite providers domestically across Canada not the TBS cable feed as a result following the separation of TBS and wtbs WP CH in 2007 Canadian cable and satellite subscribers received access to WP CH Atlanta instead of TBS most of TBS is flagship programming such as Major League Baseball and original theories are not broadcast on WPC HTV but are instead carried on other Canadian speciality channels history equals early years equals TBS originated as a broadcast television station in Atlanta Georgia that operated on UHF channel 17 and maintained a general entertainment format as an independent station the station first signed on the air on September 1st 1967 as WJ RJ TV Ted Turner required the station from its founder Atlanta entrepreneur Jack Rice jr.
in January 1970 and changed the call letters to wtcg which officially stood for return a communications group although the station used what this channel grow as a promotional slogan beginning in the early 1970s wtcg was microwave linked to many areas of the southeastern United States through cable providers who picked up the UHF signal affair and microwaved the signal back to there he attends early programming included movies from the 1930s and 1940s sitcoms and Japanese animated series the station also carried sports such as Atlanta Braves baseball Atlanta Hawks basketball Atlanta Flames hockey and Georgia Championship Wrestling wtcg also bid very low on programming leaving the network affiliated stations in the market a euro WSB TV Waga TV and wXII a TV a euro to require the stronger shows but because of programming commitments that the affiliate set of their networks those stations kept the shows for only a few years at a time and rarely renewed them after which wtcg bought the syndicated shows secondhand at much lower prices by the mid-1970s The Andy Griffith Show The Flintstones Leave It to Beaver The Little Rascals my three sons Star Trek The Three Stooges and many others were added to the station’s schedule in 1976 most US cities below the top 20 media markets lacked independent state running general entertainment programs and generally had only stations affiliated with ABC NBC and CBS along with a non-commercial educational station cable providers in these areas carried stations from neighboring markets and if possible an independent station equals wtcg gets beamed via satellite equals ted turner decided to distribute his station through satellite enabling wtcg to be received nationwide especially in markets lacking even a distant independent station at 1:00 p.
Eastern Time on December 17th 1976 WTC jeez signal was beamed via the SATCOM one satellite to cable systems in Grand Island Nebraska Newport News Virginia Troy Alabama and Newton Kansas the first broadcast was the 1948 Donna Andrews cesar romero film deep waters which had been in progress for 30 minutes on channel 17 in atlanta instantly wtcg went from being a small independent television station that was available only in georgia and neighboring states to a major coast-to-coast operation wtcg became a so-called super station and set a precedent for today’s basic cable television by 1978 wtcg was carried on cable providers in all 50 states TBS became only the second u.
cable channel to transmit its programming via satellite HBO began to distribute its signal nationally through satellite transmission on September 30th 1975 but cable subscribers were required to pay extra to receive that service Ted Turner’s innovation signaled the start of the basic cable revolution equals initial change to wtbs equals wtcg changed its callsign to wtbs on august 27 1979 the new call letters were acquired via a monetary donation to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology student radio station for the construction of a new transmitter in the late is WTBS continued to acquire second-hand programming such as made-for-tv Popeye cartoons The Brady Bunch The Munsters and other programs the station acquired reruns of all in the family in Sanford & Son in 1979 as well as Little House on the Prairie and chips in 1981 other older shows would eventually be removed from the schedule wtcg also mixed more movie releases from the 1950s through the 1970s into its schedule the channel 17 transmitter was originally located at 1018 West Peachtree Street Northwest with the antenna located on a large self-supporting tower the building at this site was once home to the studios of CBS affiliate WAG ATV and later channel 17 during its first three years as WJ RJ TV soon after being purchased by Turner the station moved to new studio facilities a few blocks west of the former site of the progressive Club initially wtcg was identified as channel 17 both locally in Atlanta and on cable providers outside of that area the same shows that ran on the local Atlanta broadcast were also aired nationally after the station adopted WTBS as its call sign Turner branded the station as superstation WTBS with reference within the logo to the channel 17 frequency in Atlanta many cable providers throughout the country even carried it on channel 17 in 1981 Turner decided to have all of the shows carried by wtbs continued to air both locally and nationally but separated the feeds the station would be branded in Atlanta a super station 17 and would continue to air local commercials as well nationally though the station would not mention the channel number 17 and would use logos identifying it only as superstation WTBS separate national advertising or / enquiry ads would air on the superstation feed metro-goldwyn-mayer library during the 1980s WTBS focused heavily on move running two films during the day and a movie exclusive scheduled during the nighttime hours after 8 p.
with the exception of sports events at other times WTBS continued to run mostly classic sitcoms and vintage cartoons in 1986 when Ted Turner purchased metro-goldwyn-mayer WTBS gained the rights to the entire MGM film library it gave WTBS the rights to air many theatrical cartoon shorts such as Tom and Jerry as well as shows like Gilligan’s Island and chips along with Tom and Jerry WTBS began to run the little rascals Looney Tunes Merrie Melodies cartoons released prior to august 1948 theatrical popeye cartoon shorts and Three Stooges shorts under the banner the TBS Tom and Jerry funhouse running for either one hour or 90 minutes during the morning hours and for an hour in the afternoon from 1986 until the mid-1990s in the late 1980s WTBS decreased the amount of movies broadcast during the day slightly and began to add sitcoms from the 1970s to the evening lineup Little House on the Prairie aired during the late mornings continuously from 1986 to 2003 other programming music videos also aired during its late night lineup on weekends from 1983 to 1992 as part of the program night tracks with up to 14 hours of programming beginning in 1991 a handful of shows that were shared nationally were preempted in the Atlanta market in order to broadcast FCC mandated news public affairs and children’s programming a euro continuing until the split of the TBS national feed from the Atlanta station TBS was also the television home of World Championship Wrestling it carried the weekly show WCW Saturday night from 1992 to 2000 and was the flagship program for the WCW before Monday nitro launched in 1995 on sister channel TNT another WCW show WCW Thunder debuted in 1998 on Thursday night the program was moved to wednesdays in 2000 before it was canceled in 2001 when TBS executive Jamie Kellner determined that wrestling did not fit the demographics of either TBS or TNT and would not be favorable enough to get the right advertisers to buy airtime even though thunder was the highest-rated show on the channel at the time throughout the 1980s in the early 1990s TBS also carried the Elektra teletext service on its vertical blanking interval Elektra was discontinued in 1993 due to a lack of funding in the early 1990s shows such as The Flintstones The Brady Bunch Scooby Doo The Jetsons Looney Tunes Merrie Melodies shorts Gilligan’s Island and others remained on the schedule as other older shows such as The Three Stooges and Little Rascals shorts and Leave It to Beaver were dropped from the channel to make way for more sitcoms from the 1980s such as Three’s Company who’s the boss growing pains The Cosby Show family ties and Saved by the Bell original animated programs such as Captain Planet and the Planeteers two stupid dogs and SWAT cats the radical squadron were also added in 1996 the Turner Broadcasting System was acquired by Time Warner among the programming changes instituted after the merger was the addition of Looney Tunes Merrie Melodies cartoons that were released after August 1st 1948 they began airing in January 1997 equals– shift towards comedy equals in 1997 TBS began to collect subscriber fees directly from cable operators effectively causing the national feed to begin operating under the conventions of a basic cable channel although it was still technically designated as a super station in exchange TBS began to lease advertising slots to cable providers to allow them to locally insert commercials in the provider service area as a result the channel began to broadcast fewer Atlanta Braves regular season games to a national audience in 1998 WTBS dropped all of its remaining card with those shows migrating to Cartoon Network and becoming the core of a new cable channel devoted to classic cartoons that launched several months later called boomerang wtbs continued to run a mix of movies sitcoms and drama series by 2001 several sitcoms from the 1980s and 1990s such as full house Family Matters The Cosby Show friends Seon Feld and Home Improvement became part of the schedule many of them airing as part of the afternoon non-stop comedy block by 2002 in 2003 WTBS dropped Little House on the Prairie and other dramatic programming as a part of its new focus on comedic programs such as sitcom reruns original reality television series and theatrically released comedy films as part of this focus TBS adopted the slogan very funny and introduced a new logo in June 2004 the refocusing is intended as a direct contrast to sister channel TNT which had focused on older movies initially but moved toward and now focuses on drama series and films equals split from the Atlanta signal equals in late June 2007 the Turner Broadcasting System announced that WTBS would change its callsign to WP CH TV and would be rebranded as peachtree TV the rebranded channel 17 would offer sitcoms and movies geared specifically toward the station’s Atlanta audience and would also broadcast 45 Atlanta Braves baseball games starting with the 2008 season the change occurred on October 1st with the national feet becoming a separate cable channel that retained the TBS name in addition the channel 17 changeover allowed cable and satellite subscribers in the Atlanta market a gyro which previously received wtbs is local Atlanta signal a gyro to receive the national TBS feed for the first time since the early 1980s following the change Canadian cable providers were legally required to continue carrying the local peachtree TV signal instead of switching to the national TBS fee beginning with the 2008 season TBS began airing Major League Baseball postseason games with regular season baseball coverage expanding to include games from other MLB teams in November 2009 TBS debuted its first late-night talk show Lopez Tonight hosted by comedian George Lopez one year later the channel expanded its late-night offerings with the November 8 2010 debut of Conan after TBS struck a deal to give Conan O'Brien a show on the channel on the heels of his controversial exit as host of NBC’s The Tonight Show Lopez Tonight ended its run on August 12 2011 after it was cancelled due to a steep decline in ratings in 2011 TBS also obtained the partial cable television rights to the NCAA Men’s Division one basketball championship a euro which it shares with Turner own sister channels TNT and tear u TV along with the tournament’s longtime broadcaster CBS during the first quarter of 2012 TBS is fuchsia in the 18 to 49 adult demographic beat all other advertiser supported cable channels in spite of the fact that TBS did not air any original programs in primetime during that period nor had it aired a show among the 50 highest rated cable programs the channels third late-night talk show the Pete Holmes show debuted on October 28 2013 hosted by comedian Pete Holmes equals evolution of the TBS branding equals over the years TBS has had several logos and undergone multiple name changes as a superstation it was named superstation WTBS starting in 1979 in 1987 the W from the wtbs callsign was dropped from the super stations on-air branding in order to emphasize the channels national programming prominence with the wtbs atlanta signal using the separate branding of super station 17 on september 28 1989 superstation TBS changed its name to TBS super station to reflect the strong national standing of the channel also debuting was a promotional campaign with the slogan spies featuring various stars of programs seen on TBS with graphical elements of fireworks and a large rotating glass pane which could display the TBS logo then change to or from a slogan will display a schedule of programs movie and special presentations meanwhile utilized introduction sequences with showed people in a small town flocking to a TBS branded theater for various movies with the interior having a couch in the front row of seats where various people would sit down the music played was variants of the ties promotional music in 1991 the word superstation was removed from the cable channels on-air branding and promotions rebranding it as simply TBS this continued until December 17 1996 when TBS celebrated its 20th anniversary as a national service with the channel reverting its name back to TBS superstation the superstation sub brand was once again dropped in early 2004 with the channel reverting to being branded as simply TBS months before it adopted a new logo that rendered the channel’s name in lowercase and incorporated a half-circle made to resemble a mouth open as if it were laughing to signify the channel’s new comedy programming the circle element often takes on a motif with half a baseball or basketball rendered within it for tennis sports programming planned rebranding project on May 14 2015 doing the Turner upfront president of Turner Kevin Riley will see a big shift within the next few years for TBS and TNT TBS will feature more original live action comedies original animated series more late-night talk shows and lots more of big and scripted ideas with attitude a rebranding of TBS is set to begin towards the end of 2015 High Definition TBS HD is a high-definition simulcast feed of TBS which broadcasts in the 1080i resolution format and was launched on September 1st 2007 to the launch of the national channels HD feed WTBS is digital signal a gyro which is viewable over-the-air in the Atlanta market a gyro had already transmitted in high-definition it was replaced by the superstation feeds HD simulcast instead of simulcasting what became peachtree TV much like sister channel TNT TBS airs a moderate amount of program content broadcast in 4:3 standard definition stretched to the 16:9 widescreen format through a nonlinear process similar to the panorama setting on many HD TVs that some viewers have nicknamed stretcho vision after it was first used by TNT though other HD simulcast feeds operated by cable channels have also adopted this practice the nonlinear stretching process leaves objects in the center of the screen with approximately their original aspect ratio objects at the left and right edges are distorted in addition to true HD content in 69 TBS HD also airs unstretched would converted standard definition content in its original aspect ratio but commercials are aired in either format without stretching for ads produced in 480i TBS launched HD feed for its specific timezone feed on June 18 2010 programming TBS currently airs a mix of original sitcoms and reruns of sitcoms that were originally broadcast on the major broadcast networks original programs currently seen on TBS include American Dad Conan Cougar Town deal with it Sullivan & Son and ground-floor the channels daytime schedule is heavily dominated by reruns of current and former Network comedies with these shows also airing in the evening and sporadically during the overnight hours such programs include Family Guy friends Seon Feld the king of queens married with children the Big Bang Theory new girl and 2 Broke Girls equals Turner time equals on June 29 1981 TBS began to use enough time scheduling format for its programming known as Turner Tarr while program offerings on other broadcast and basic cable channels generally began at the top and bottom of each hour TBS decided to begin airing programs five minutes later at oh five and thirty five minutes past the hour programs seen on TBS were listed under their own time entry and TV Guide during the period in which the magazine published log listings as a result of their scheduling thus enabling the program listings to catch potential viewers eyes more readily the use of Turner time also encouraged channel surfers who could not find anything interesting to watch at the top of the hour to still be able to watch a program on TBS without missing the first few minutes most importantly since shows ended five minutes later than normal from a strategic standpoint the off time scheduling usually encouraged viewers to continue watching TBS rather than turning to another channel to watch a program that would already be airing in progress TBS reduced its use of the Turner time scheduling in 1997 and switched entirely to conventional start times at the top and bottom of the hour by 2000 unconventional start times continued to be used for movies airing on the channel a euro who’s running terms may vary depending on the film’s length with commercials added to pad the timeslot this often causes major disruptions in the start times of programming in some circumstances conventional top and bottom start times would not be restored until early the next morning while this is not exactly related to the Turner time format it may strategically serve the same purposes due to the off time scheduling the Turner time format is similar to the scheduling applied by most premium channels and certain other movie oriented services other broadcast and cable channels have utilized similar off time scheduling formats equals news programming equals one type of programming that TBS does not produce presently as news nevertheless TBS a gyro during its existence as a superstation the gyro produced a 20-minute newscast called 17 update early in the morning from 1976 to 1979 hosted by Bill Tosh and Tina Selden the program was taped at the end of the workday and aired between movies around 300 or 4 a.
Eastern Time its format was similar to the Saturday Night Live segment Weekend Update and was to a certain extent a forerunner to The Daily Show the time slot in the satirical content of the program were a reaction to FCC rules in effect at the time that required stations to carry some news and information contained the Euro although TBS had to broadcast news the FCC could not dictate when it aired or demand that it have a serious tone 17 update early in the morning was canceled months before Ted Turner began his serious television news venture CNN CNN also produced an hour-long weeknight news program for TBS called the TBS Evening News that usually ran at 10:00 p.
Eastern Time during the early 1980s for many years W TBS also ran a half-hour simulcast of CNN’s sister channel headline news each morning at 6:00 a.
this was only carried in the Atlanta area and on cable providers in the market that perceived the local feed on September 11 2001 TBS carried CNN’s coverage of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon during sports blackouts in some areas TBS carries rolling news coverage from HLN in its place equals movies equals feature films have been a mainstay of TBS since its inception as a superstation in the present day most of the films seen on TBS are of the comedy genre however some drama and action films continue to air on the channel periodically movies on the channel generally aired during the overnight hours on a daily basis enduring much of the day on weekends this is in stark contrast to its existence as a superstation when movies also filled late morning early afternoon and primetime slots on weekdays TBS broadcasts movies from sister companies Warner Brothers pictures and New Line Cinema along with films produced by Walt Disney Studios motion pictures sony pictures Entertainment Lionsgate metro-goldwyn-mayer 20th Century Fox Universal Pictures and Paramount Pictures in the recent past TBS had frequently aired its primetime movies interspersed with other content and commentary these wraparound segments later moved to weekend afternoon film presentations before being dropped entirely by 2011 since 1997 TBS has broadcast the 1983 film a Christmas story in a 24 hour marathon from Christmas Eve to Christmas Day which also ran simultaneously on sister channel TNT until 2009 once each weekend TBS airs a movie in primetime of limited commercial interruption branded in promo advertisements under the title more movies less commercials equals sports programming equals baseball coverage of the Atlanta Braves major league baseball team was perhaps TBS’s signature program mainly due to its viewer popularity in Georgia and neighboring states Turner once famously tried to get Andy Messersmith to use his number 17 jersey to promote superstation WTBS in its early years the MLB organization immediately stopped Turner from proceeding with this plan due to league regulations barring team jerseys from incorporating advertising other than that of the jerseys manufacturer at the 2006 MLB all-star game it was announced that TBS would begin carrying a television package that includes all major league teams beginning with the 2007 season TBS began carrying all Division Series games and one of the two League Championship Series as well as the announcements of the all-star teams and any possible games to determine division winners and wild-card teams in 2008 TBS began airing MLB regular season Sunday games with the provision that no team may appear on the telecasts more than 13 times during the season during the 2007 transitional year TBS aired 70 regular season Braves games in 2008 the number of Braves telecasts was reduced to only 45 games with TBS’s former atlanta feed WPC atetv solely carrying the telecasts Turner syndicates the package to other television stations and cable channels for broadcast in the remainder of the Braves designated Market area the final Braves game to be broadcast on TBS aired on September 30th 2007 with the first divisional playoff game airing the following day on October 1st 2007 on October 18 2008 a technical problem at the channels Master Control facility in Atlanta prevented TBS from showing the first inning of Game six of the American League Championship Series between the Boston Red Sox and Tampa Bay Rays the channel aired a rerun episode of The Steve Harvey Show instead college basketball in 2011 TBS obtained the television rights to the NCAA Men’s Division one basketball championship with broadcast rights shared with CBS and fellow Turner properties TNT and tear you TV TBS and the other two turnaround networks presently broadcast games played in the second and third rounds of the tournament with TBS alternating coverage with CBS for the regional semi finals in 2014 and 2015 TBS and CBS split coverage of the regional finals with TBS gaining the two Saturday evening games and CBS retaining the two Sunday afternoon games also in 2014 and 2015 TBS covered the national semifinals in 2016 TBS will televise the Final Four and the national championship game beginning an alternating agreement with CBS through 2024 in even-numbered years TBS will have the final three games and in odd-numbered years CBS will televise the games college football college football games from the big 12 and pac-10 Athletic Conference is aired on TBS for several years beginning in 2000 through a sub licensing agreement with Fox Sports that agreement ended after the 2006 season National Basketball Association NBA basketball games aired on TBS from 1984 until the broadcast rights were moved entirely to TNT in 2002 some games from the Atlanta Hawks were shown on TBS until the telecasts on TNT and the TBS superstation feed became subject to blackout within 35 miles of the home teams arena this restriction was dropped when TNT gained the right to be the exclusive podcaster of any game it chose to carry professional wrestling professional wrestling aired from 1971 to 2001 under several different wrestling promotions including Jim Barnett own Georgia Championship Wrestling Vince McMahon’s World Wrestling Federation Bill Watts his mid-south wrestling and Jim Crockett juniors Jim Crockett Promotions which eventually became Turner owned World Championship Wrestling through the early 1990s the wrestling programs and Braves baseball were among basic cable’s highest-rated offerings due to heavy viewership in the southeast NASCAR select NASCAR Winston Cup Busch Series and Craftsman Truck Series races aired on TBS until the 2000 season for several years in the late 1990s the only Cup races aired on TBS were the two regular Cup Series races from Lowe’s Motor Speedway and the July race at Pocono Raceway TBS was also the home of the postseason exhibition races held at Suzuka circuit and the Twin Ring Motegi tracks in Japan from 1996 to 1998 NASCAR events moved to TNT in 2001 as part of a deal between the organization NBC and TNT although the initial plans were for TBS to carry the races instead Turner Broadcasting decided that the NASCAR telecasts would better fit TNT’s we know drama image campaign equals a sports equals on September 23rd 2015 Turner Broadcasting announced that it is planning and Counter Strike global Offensive League beginning in 2016 there is also the possibility of other video games being added in future seasons references external links www TBS comm TBS official website WWN a comm Turner Broadcasting System official website clips of 17 update early in the morning maintained by former anchor Bill Tosh http:www.
The post TBS (TV channel) appeared first on IPTVRestream.
from IPTVRestream https://iptvrestream.net/restream/tbs-tv-channel/ from IPTV Restream https://iptvrestream.tumblr.com/post/615342677987360768
0 notes
iptvrestream · 4 years
TBS (TV channel)
Tanna broadcasting station is an American basic cable and satellite television channel that is owned by the Turner Broadcasting System division of Time Warner which shares its name with the channel TBS carries a variety of programming with a focus on comedy along with some sports events including Major League Baseball and portions of the NCAA Men's Division one basketball championship as of February 2015 TBS is available to approximately ninety six point five million pay television households in the United States availability TBS is available on cable and satellite providers throughout the entire United States until October 1st 2007 the national TBS feed could not be viewed within its home market in the Atlanta metropolitan area due to be over-the-air presence of WTBS which carried a nearly identical schedule with the only different programming being children programs that meet the Federal Communications Commission's educational programming guidelines and public affairs programming the operations of WTBS and TBS super station were separated in october 2007 with the over-the-air atlanta station becoming WP CH TV a general entertainment independent station focused solely on the Atlanta area the national TBS feed became available to cable and satellite subscribers within channel 17s viewing area as a result TBS is programming was previously made available to cable and satellite subscribers in Canada through the WTBS Atlanta feed however the Canadian radio-television and Telecommunications Commission had only approved the Atlanta stations broadcast signal to be carried on cable and satellite providers domestically across Canada not the TBS cable feed as a result following the separation of TBS and wtbs WP CH in 2007 Canadian cable and satellite subscribers received access to WP CH Atlanta instead of TBS most of TBS is flagship programming such as Major League Baseball and original theories are not broadcast on WPC HTV but are instead carried on other Canadian speciality channels history equals early years equals TBS originated as a broadcast television station in Atlanta Georgia that operated on UHF channel 17 and maintained a general entertainment format as an independent station the station first signed on the air on September 1st 1967 as WJ RJ TV Ted Turner required the station from its founder Atlanta entrepreneur Jack Rice jr.
in January 1970 and changed the call letters to wtcg which officially stood for return a communications group although the station used what this channel grow as a promotional slogan beginning in the early 1970s wtcg was microwave linked to many areas of the southeastern United States through cable providers who picked up the UHF signal affair and microwaved the signal back to there he attends early programming included movies from the 1930s and 1940s sitcoms and Japanese animated series the station also carried sports such as Atlanta Braves baseball Atlanta Hawks basketball Atlanta Flames hockey and Georgia Championship Wrestling wtcg also bid very low on programming leaving the network affiliated stations in the market a euro WSB TV Waga TV and wXII a TV a euro to require the stronger shows but because of programming commitments that the affiliate set of their networks those stations kept the shows for only a few years at a time and rarely renewed them after which wtcg bought the syndicated shows secondhand at much lower prices by the mid-1970s The Andy Griffith Show The Flintstones Leave It to Beaver The Little Rascals my three sons Star Trek The Three Stooges and many others were added to the station's schedule in 1976 most US cities below the top 20 media markets lacked independent state running general entertainment programs and generally had only stations affiliated with ABC NBC and CBS along with a non-commercial educational station cable providers in these areas carried stations from neighboring markets and if possible an independent station equals wtcg gets beamed via satellite equals ted turner decided to distribute his station through satellite enabling wtcg to be received nationwide especially in markets lacking even a distant independent station at 1:00 p.
Eastern Time on December 17th 1976 WTC jeez signal was beamed via the SATCOM one satellite to cable systems in Grand Island Nebraska Newport News Virginia Troy Alabama and Newton Kansas the first broadcast was the 1948 Donna Andrews cesar romero film deep waters which had been in progress for 30 minutes on channel 17 in atlanta instantly wtcg went from being a small independent television station that was available only in georgia and neighboring states to a major coast-to-coast operation wtcg became a so-called super station and set a precedent for today's basic cable television by 1978 wtcg was carried on cable providers in all 50 states TBS became only the second u.
cable channel to transmit its programming via satellite HBO began to distribute its signal nationally through satellite transmission on September 30th 1975 but cable subscribers were required to pay extra to receive that service Ted Turner's innovation signaled the start of the basic cable revolution equals initial change to wtbs equals wtcg changed its callsign to wtbs on august 27 1979 the new call letters were acquired via a monetary donation to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology student radio station for the construction of a new transmitter in the late is WTBS continued to acquire second-hand programming such as made-for-tv Popeye cartoons The Brady Bunch The Munsters and other programs the station acquired reruns of all in the family in Sanford & Son in 1979 as well as Little House on the Prairie and chips in 1981 other older shows would eventually be removed from the schedule wtcg also mixed more movie releases from the 1950s through the 1970s into its schedule the channel 17 transmitter was originally located at 1018 West Peachtree Street Northwest with the antenna located on a large self-supporting tower the building at this site was once home to the studios of CBS affiliate WAG ATV and later channel 17 during its first three years as WJ RJ TV soon after being purchased by Turner the station moved to new studio facilities a few blocks west of the former site of the progressive Club initially wtcg was identified as channel 17 both locally in Atlanta and on cable providers outside of that area the same shows that ran on the local Atlanta broadcast were also aired nationally after the station adopted WTBS as its call sign Turner branded the station as superstation WTBS with reference within the logo to the channel 17 frequency in Atlanta many cable providers throughout the country even carried it on channel 17 in 1981 Turner decided to have all of the shows carried by wtbs continued to air both locally and nationally but separated the feeds the station would be branded in Atlanta a super station 17 and would continue to air local commercials as well nationally though the station would not mention the channel number 17 and would use logos identifying it only as superstation WTBS separate national advertising or / enquiry ads would air on the superstation feed metro-goldwyn-mayer library during the 1980s WTBS focused heavily on move running two films during the day and a movie exclusive scheduled during the nighttime hours after 8 p.
with the exception of sports events at other times WTBS continued to run mostly classic sitcoms and vintage cartoons in 1986 when Ted Turner purchased metro-goldwyn-mayer WTBS gained the rights to the entire MGM film library it gave WTBS the rights to air many theatrical cartoon shorts such as Tom and Jerry as well as shows like Gilligan's Island and chips along with Tom and Jerry WTBS began to run the little rascals Looney Tunes Merrie Melodies cartoons released prior to august 1948 theatrical popeye cartoon shorts and Three Stooges shorts under the banner the TBS Tom and Jerry funhouse running for either one hour or 90 minutes during the morning hours and for an hour in the afternoon from 1986 until the mid-1990s in the late 1980s WTBS decreased the amount of movies broadcast during the day slightly and began to add sitcoms from the 1970s to the evening lineup Little House on the Prairie aired during the late mornings continuously from 1986 to 2003 other programming music videos also aired during its late night lineup on weekends from 1983 to 1992 as part of the program night tracks with up to 14 hours of programming beginning in 1991 a handful of shows that were shared nationally were preempted in the Atlanta market in order to broadcast FCC mandated news public affairs and children's programming a euro continuing until the split of the TBS national feed from the Atlanta station TBS was also the television home of World Championship Wrestling it carried the weekly show WCW Saturday night from 1992 to 2000 and was the flagship program for the WCW before Monday nitro launched in 1995 on sister channel TNT another WCW show WCW Thunder debuted in 1998 on Thursday night the program was moved to wednesdays in 2000 before it was canceled in 2001 when TBS executive Jamie Kellner determined that wrestling did not fit the demographics of either TBS or TNT and would not be favorable enough to get the right advertisers to buy airtime even though thunder was the highest-rated show on the channel at the time throughout the 1980s in the early 1990s TBS also carried the Elektra teletext service on its vertical blanking interval Elektra was discontinued in 1993 due to a lack of funding in the early 1990s shows such as The Flintstones The Brady Bunch Scooby Doo The Jetsons Looney Tunes Merrie Melodies shorts Gilligan's Island and others remained on the schedule as other older shows such as The Three Stooges and Little Rascals shorts and Leave It to Beaver were dropped from the channel to make way for more sitcoms from the 1980s such as Three's Company who's the boss growing pains The Cosby Show family ties and Saved by the Bell original animated programs such as Captain Planet and the Planeteers two stupid dogs and SWAT cats the radical squadron were also added in 1996 the Turner Broadcasting System was acquired by Time Warner among the programming changes instituted after the merger was the addition of Looney Tunes Merrie Melodies cartoons that were released after August 1st 1948 they began airing in January 1997 equals– shift towards comedy equals in 1997 TBS began to collect subscriber fees directly from cable operators effectively causing the national feed to begin operating under the conventions of a basic cable channel although it was still technically designated as a super station in exchange TBS began to lease advertising slots to cable providers to allow them to locally insert commercials in the provider service area as a result the channel began to broadcast fewer Atlanta Braves regular season games to a national audience in 1998 WTBS dropped all of its remaining card with those shows migrating to Cartoon Network and becoming the core of a new cable channel devoted to classic cartoons that launched several months later called boomerang wtbs continued to run a mix of movies sitcoms and drama series by 2001 several sitcoms from the 1980s and 1990s such as full house Family Matters The Cosby Show friends Seon Feld and Home Improvement became part of the schedule many of them airing as part of the afternoon non-stop comedy block by 2002 in 2003 WTBS dropped Little House on the Prairie and other dramatic programming as a part of its new focus on comedic programs such as sitcom reruns original reality television series and theatrically released comedy films as part of this focus TBS adopted the slogan very funny and introduced a new logo in June 2004 the refocusing is intended as a direct contrast to sister channel TNT which had focused on older movies initially but moved toward and now focuses on drama series and films equals split from the Atlanta signal equals in late June 2007 the Turner Broadcasting System announced that WTBS would change its callsign to WP CH TV and would be rebranded as peachtree TV the rebranded channel 17 would offer sitcoms and movies geared specifically toward the station's Atlanta audience and would also broadcast 45 Atlanta Braves baseball games starting with the 2008 season the change occurred on October 1st with the national feet becoming a separate cable channel that retained the TBS name in addition the channel 17 changeover allowed cable and satellite subscribers in the Atlanta market a gyro which previously received wtbs is local Atlanta signal a gyro to receive the national TBS feed for the first time since the early 1980s following the change Canadian cable providers were legally required to continue carrying the local peachtree TV signal instead of switching to the national TBS fee beginning with the 2008 season TBS began airing Major League Baseball postseason games with regular season baseball coverage expanding to include games from other MLB teams in November 2009 TBS debuted its first late-night talk show Lopez Tonight hosted by comedian George Lopez one year later the channel expanded its late-night offerings with the November 8 2010 debut of Conan after TBS struck a deal to give Conan O'Brien a show on the channel on the heels of his controversial exit as host of NBC's The Tonight Show Lopez Tonight ended its run on August 12 2011 after it was cancelled due to a steep decline in ratings in 2011 TBS also obtained the partial cable television rights to the NCAA Men's Division one basketball championship a euro which it shares with Turner own sister channels TNT and tear u TV along with the tournament's longtime broadcaster CBS during the first quarter of 2012 TBS is fuchsia in the 18 to 49 adult demographic beat all other advertiser supported cable channels in spite of the fact that TBS did not air any original programs in primetime during that period nor had it aired a show among the 50 highest rated cable programs the channels third late-night talk show the Pete Holmes show debuted on October 28 2013 hosted by comedian Pete Holmes equals evolution of the TBS branding equals over the years TBS has had several logos and undergone multiple name changes as a superstation it was named superstation WTBS starting in 1979 in 1987 the W from the wtbs callsign was dropped from the super stations on-air branding in order to emphasize the channels national programming prominence with the wtbs atlanta signal using the separate branding of super station 17 on september 28 1989 superstation TBS changed its name to TBS super station to reflect the strong national standing of the channel also debuting was a promotional campaign with the slogan spies featuring various stars of programs seen on TBS with graphical elements of fireworks and a large rotating glass pane which could display the TBS logo then change to or from a slogan will display a schedule of programs movie and special presentations meanwhile utilized introduction sequences with showed people in a small town flocking to a TBS branded theater for various movies with the interior having a couch in the front row of seats where various people would sit down the music played was variants of the ties promotional music in 1991 the word superstation was removed from the cable channels on-air branding and promotions rebranding it as simply TBS this continued until December 17 1996 when TBS celebrated its 20th anniversary as a national service with the channel reverting its name back to TBS superstation the superstation sub brand was once again dropped in early 2004 with the channel reverting to being branded as simply TBS months before it adopted a new logo that rendered the channel's name in lowercase and incorporated a half-circle made to resemble a mouth open as if it were laughing to signify the channel's new comedy programming the circle element often takes on a motif with half a baseball or basketball rendered within it for tennis sports programming planned rebranding project on May 14 2015 doing the Turner upfront president of Turner Kevin Riley will see a big shift within the next few years for TBS and TNT TBS will feature more original live action comedies original animated series more late-night talk shows and lots more of big and scripted ideas with attitude a rebranding of TBS is set to begin towards the end of 2015 High Definition TBS HD is a high-definition simulcast feed of TBS which broadcasts in the 1080i resolution format and was launched on September 1st 2007 to the launch of the national channels HD feed WTBS is digital signal a gyro which is viewable over-the-air in the Atlanta market a gyro had already transmitted in high-definition it was replaced by the superstation feeds HD simulcast instead of simulcasting what became peachtree TV much like sister channel TNT TBS airs a moderate amount of program content broadcast in 4:3 standard definition stretched to the 16:9 widescreen format through a nonlinear process similar to the panorama setting on many HD TVs that some viewers have nicknamed stretcho vision after it was first used by TNT though other HD simulcast feeds operated by cable channels have also adopted this practice the nonlinear stretching process leaves objects in the center of the screen with approximately their original aspect ratio objects at the left and right edges are distorted in addition to true HD content in 69 TBS HD also airs unstretched would converted standard definition content in its original aspect ratio but commercials are aired in either format without stretching for ads produced in 480i TBS launched HD feed for its specific timezone feed on June 18 2010 programming TBS currently airs a mix of original sitcoms and reruns of sitcoms that were originally broadcast on the major broadcast networks original programs currently seen on TBS include American Dad Conan Cougar Town deal with it Sullivan & Son and ground-floor the channels daytime schedule is heavily dominated by reruns of current and former Network comedies with these shows also airing in the evening and sporadically during the overnight hours such programs include Family Guy friends Seon Feld the king of queens married with children the Big Bang Theory new girl and 2 Broke Girls equals Turner time equals on June 29 1981 TBS began to use enough time scheduling format for its programming known as Turner Tarr while program offerings on other broadcast and basic cable channels generally began at the top and bottom of each hour TBS decided to begin airing programs five minutes later at oh five and thirty five minutes past the hour programs seen on TBS were listed under their own time entry and TV Guide during the period in which the magazine published log listings as a result of their scheduling thus enabling the program listings to catch potential viewers eyes more readily the use of Turner time also encouraged channel surfers who could not find anything interesting to watch at the top of the hour to still be able to watch a program on TBS without missing the first few minutes most importantly since shows ended five minutes later than normal from a strategic standpoint the off time scheduling usually encouraged viewers to continue watching TBS rather than turning to another channel to watch a program that would already be airing in progress TBS reduced its use of the Turner time scheduling in 1997 and switched entirely to conventional start times at the top and bottom of the hour by 2000 unconventional start times continued to be used for movies airing on the channel a euro who's running terms may vary depending on the film's length with commercials added to pad the timeslot this often causes major disruptions in the start times of programming in some circumstances conventional top and bottom start times would not be restored until early the next morning while this is not exactly related to the Turner time format it may strategically serve the same purposes due to the off time scheduling the Turner time format is similar to the scheduling applied by most premium channels and certain other movie oriented services other broadcast and cable channels have utilized similar off time scheduling formats equals news programming equals one type of programming that TBS does not produce presently as news nevertheless TBS a gyro during its existence as a superstation the gyro produced a 20-minute newscast called 17 update early in the morning from 1976 to 1979 hosted by Bill Tosh and Tina Selden the program was taped at the end of the workday and aired between movies around 300 or 4 a.
Eastern Time its format was similar to the Saturday Night Live segment Weekend Update and was to a certain extent a forerunner to The Daily Show the time slot in the satirical content of the program were a reaction to FCC rules in effect at the time that required stations to carry some news and information contained the Euro although TBS had to broadcast news the FCC could not dictate when it aired or demand that it have a serious tone 17 update early in the morning was canceled months before Ted Turner began his serious television news venture CNN CNN also produced an hour-long weeknight news program for TBS called the TBS Evening News that usually ran at 10:00 p.
Eastern Time during the early 1980s for many years W TBS also ran a half-hour simulcast of CNN's sister channel headline news each morning at 6:00 a.
this was only carried in the Atlanta area and on cable providers in the market that perceived the local feed on September 11 2001 TBS carried CNN's coverage of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon during sports blackouts in some areas TBS carries rolling news coverage from HLN in its place equals movies equals feature films have been a mainstay of TBS since its inception as a superstation in the present day most of the films seen on TBS are of the comedy genre however some drama and action films continue to air on the channel periodically movies on the channel generally aired during the overnight hours on a daily basis enduring much of the day on weekends this is in stark contrast to its existence as a superstation when movies also filled late morning early afternoon and primetime slots on weekdays TBS broadcasts movies from sister companies Warner Brothers pictures and New Line Cinema along with films produced by Walt Disney Studios motion pictures sony pictures Entertainment Lionsgate metro-goldwyn-mayer 20th Century Fox Universal Pictures and Paramount Pictures in the recent past TBS had frequently aired its primetime movies interspersed with other content and commentary these wraparound segments later moved to weekend afternoon film presentations before being dropped entirely by 2011 since 1997 TBS has broadcast the 1983 film a Christmas story in a 24 hour marathon from Christmas Eve to Christmas Day which also ran simultaneously on sister channel TNT until 2009 once each weekend TBS airs a movie in primetime of limited commercial interruption branded in promo advertisements under the title more movies less commercials equals sports programming equals baseball coverage of the Atlanta Braves major league baseball team was perhaps TBS's signature program mainly due to its viewer popularity in Georgia and neighboring states Turner once famously tried to get Andy Messersmith to use his number 17 jersey to promote superstation WTBS in its early years the MLB organization immediately stopped Turner from proceeding with this plan due to league regulations barring team jerseys from incorporating advertising other than that of the jerseys manufacturer at the 2006 MLB all-star game it was announced that TBS would begin carrying a television package that includes all major league teams beginning with the 2007 season TBS began carrying all Division Series games and one of the two League Championship Series as well as the announcements of the all-star teams and any possible games to determine division winners and wild-card teams in 2008 TBS began airing MLB regular season Sunday games with the provision that no team may appear on the telecasts more than 13 times during the season during the 2007 transitional year TBS aired 70 regular season Braves games in 2008 the number of Braves telecasts was reduced to only 45 games with TBS's former atlanta feed WPC atetv solely carrying the telecasts Turner syndicates the package to other television stations and cable channels for broadcast in the remainder of the Braves designated Market area the final Braves game to be broadcast on TBS aired on September 30th 2007 with the first divisional playoff game airing the following day on October 1st 2007 on October 18 2008 a technical problem at the channels Master Control facility in Atlanta prevented TBS from showing the first inning of Game six of the American League Championship Series between the Boston Red Sox and Tampa Bay Rays the channel aired a rerun episode of The Steve Harvey Show instead college basketball in 2011 TBS obtained the television rights to the NCAA Men's Division one basketball championship with broadcast rights shared with CBS and fellow Turner properties TNT and tear you TV TBS and the other two turnaround networks presently broadcast games played in the second and third rounds of the tournament with TBS alternating coverage with CBS for the regional semi finals in 2014 and 2015 TBS and CBS split coverage of the regional finals with TBS gaining the two Saturday evening games and CBS retaining the two Sunday afternoon games also in 2014 and 2015 TBS covered the national semifinals in 2016 TBS will televise the Final Four and the national championship game beginning an alternating agreement with CBS through 2024 in even-numbered years TBS will have the final three games and in odd-numbered years CBS will televise the games college football college football games from the big 12 and pac-10 Athletic Conference is aired on TBS for several years beginning in 2000 through a sub licensing agreement with Fox Sports that agreement ended after the 2006 season National Basketball Association NBA basketball games aired on TBS from 1984 until the broadcast rights were moved entirely to TNT in 2002 some games from the Atlanta Hawks were shown on TBS until the telecasts on TNT and the TBS superstation feed became subject to blackout within 35 miles of the home teams arena this restriction was dropped when TNT gained the right to be the exclusive podcaster of any game it chose to carry professional wrestling professional wrestling aired from 1971 to 2001 under several different wrestling promotions including Jim Barnett own Georgia Championship Wrestling Vince McMahon's World Wrestling Federation Bill Watts his mid-south wrestling and Jim Crockett juniors Jim Crockett Promotions which eventually became Turner owned World Championship Wrestling through the early 1990s the wrestling programs and Braves baseball were among basic cable's highest-rated offerings due to heavy viewership in the southeast NASCAR select NASCAR Winston Cup Busch Series and Craftsman Truck Series races aired on TBS until the 2000 season for several years in the late 1990s the only Cup races aired on TBS were the two regular Cup Series races from Lowe's Motor Speedway and the July race at Pocono Raceway TBS was also the home of the postseason exhibition races held at Suzuka circuit and the Twin Ring Motegi tracks in Japan from 1996 to 1998 NASCAR events moved to TNT in 2001 as part of a deal between the organization NBC and TNT although the initial plans were for TBS to carry the races instead Turner Broadcasting decided that the NASCAR telecasts would better fit TNT's we know drama image campaign equals a sports equals on September 23rd 2015 Turner Broadcasting announced that it is planning and Counter Strike global Offensive League beginning in 2016 there is also the possibility of other video games being added in future seasons references external links www TBS comm TBS official website WWN a comm Turner Broadcasting System official website clips of 17 update early in the morning maintained by former anchor Bill Tosh http:www.
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ciathyzareposts · 5 years
Game 109: Batman Returns (1992) – Introduction
Written by Joe Pranevich
I grew up loving comic books. My parents wouldn’t let me buy them, but I still had a tiny little suitcase of issues that I had managed to snag at flea markets with my own money. Looking back on it now, it’s adorable just how much I loved the idea of comics even as I barely owned any and didn’t even understand the difference between Marvel and DC. My big break came in high school when I bought boxes and boxes of them off of one of my mother’s boyfriends, no doubt getting a huge discount as he both tried to look mature enough to date my mother while also trying to be nice to me. Contained within the boxes– most of which still sit in my basement twenty-five years later– were a treasure trove of 70s and 80s heroes, especially Doctor Strange and a nearly-complete run of the original Defenders. Even more important than the books were the times that he and I spent together; I grilled him for hours about the histories of major characters and he was always kind enough to humor me. He even took me to my first comic book store. I kept in touch with him long after he and my mother split up. He was an adult geek, the first I had ever known, and that was amazing.
One of the characters that he helped me to love was Batman. I remember how shocked I was to learn that the Robin I knew from TV reruns wasn’t even Robin anymore and that there had been two more since then. In large part because of his collection, I was more a Marvel kid than a DC one, but Batman and his rotating team of whiz-kids was someone I could get into. Bruce Timm and his series sealed the deal and I’ve been a Bat-fan ever sense. Twenty-five years later, I am excited to look at Subway Software & Spirit of Discovery’s Batman Returns (1992), the first ever adventure game featuring the Dark Knight. As this is also the 80th anniversary of the character, I can’t imagine a more fitting time to delve into the history of Batman and Batman-related games, before plunging into our topic at hand. It’s a huge story, but I’ll be brief.
Sixty-four pages of action, only seven of which featured Batman.
You don’t need to be told that Batman is one of the most popular comic book characters in the world, one of the “trinity” of Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman that underlies the DC comics universe. Batman (or the “Bat-Man” as he was initially called) was created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger for the #27 (May 1939) issue of Detective Comics, an anthology magazine featuring mystery stories solved by recurring and non-recurring detective characters. (DC’s name came from this comic, although the reason has more to do with business spin-offs and acquisitions than it does a desire to place Batman above his Action Comics counterpart, Superman.) Kane and Finger borrowed generously from their pulp predecessors when designing Batman, drawing inspiration from the Shadow, Zorro, the Lone Ranger, and other crime fighters of the period. Like them, Batman had a secret identity: Bruce Wayne, a socialite and millionaire driven to protect the weak. It is difficult for us today to know what the industry practices and expectations were around plagiarism in the 1930s, but it is unfortunate in retrospect that Batman’s debut story is essentially an uncredited seven-page retelling of “The Partners of Peril”, a short story by Theodore Tinsley featuring “The Shadow” from three years earlier. It’s an ignoble start to an amazing character, but new stories would quickly be written that set Batman apart from other pulp heroes of the era.
Batman from his initial appearance in May 1939.
Robin first appeared in April 1940.
The biggest change to the status quo came a year after publication, in Detective Comics #38 (April 1940): the introduction of Robin, his youthful side-kick. This “dynamic duo” would remain central to the character in almost all incarnations to the present day, barring a few swaps of who exactly was wearing the cowl and domino masks. In subsequent years, more characters were added to the family including Ace the Bat-Hound (in 1955), Batwoman (1956), Batgirl (1961), and many others. Just diagraming all of the Robins and their alternate identities would take all day; we’re on our fifth or sixth now depending on how you count. We even have a Bat-Cow, introduced in 2009!
We’re getting ahead of ourselves. The backdrop for Batman’s introduction is what is today referred to as the “golden age” of comics. From 1938 to the end of the 1940s, superhero comics thrived. This period saw tremendous innovation in the types of stories that could be told as well as the types of characters they could feature. Many of the most popular DC characters today got their start during this golden age, including Superman, Shazam, Green Lantern, Flash, and the Green Arrow. (In contrast, nearly all of the popular Marvel characters originate in the 1960s “silver age”. Of the gigantic cast of Avengers: Endgame, only Captain America and Bucky were created as early.) After World War II, superhero sales declined and one-by-one comics were shuttered or repurposed for Westerns or war stories. Only Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman managed to (barely) hold onto their titles during the lean times.
Depending on whether you are a Marvel or DC fan, the start of the rebirth came either with the publication of DC’s Showcase #4 (introducing Barry Allen as the Flash) in October 1956 or Marvel’s Fantastic Four #1 in November 1961. For DC, this period saw a gradual relaunch of many golden age titles with new science fiction spins, such as Green Lantern’s ring being powered by extra-terrestrial science rather than magic. Batman and Superman were largely unaffected by this change except that many of their previous adventures were retconned as happening in a different universe, called “Earth-2”. At Marvel, the silver age meant a deconstruction of the super-hero formula with more focus placed on the social lives and problems of their heroes, made most famous by Spider-man and his inability to juggle his great responsibility with his social life. Bruce Wayne never had those kinds of problems!
Cliffhangers were more to Batman’s taste.
Although Batman had starred in two movie serials (in 1943 and 1949), his real pop-culture moment came in 1966 with the launch of a Batman series on ABC. This series starred Adam West (as Batman) and Burt Ward (as Robin) and featured a campy, humorous take on the characters. Despite its camp, it was true to the source material with fantastic depictions of key Batman antagonists such as the Joker, Penguin, Catwoman, and the Riddler. (Frank Gorshin will always be “my” Riddler.) The series was successful enough that it spawned a theatrical film (shot after the first season), plus two more seasons for a total of 120 episodes. For better or worse, this depiction of the character was lodged in the public imagination for decades. This Batman was right at home joking with Ed McMahon, living it up with his “Super Friends”, and solving mysteries with the Scooby-Doo gang.
Yes, this happened. More than once.
Throughout the 70s and 80s, Batman comics began to focus on the darker aspects of the Bat-mythos. This was also a period where status quo-defying events became surprisingly commonplace, as if to underscore the break between the “now” and what came before. The original Robin, Dick Grayson, quit in 1984. The new Robin, Jason Todd, was killed by the Joker (and a reader poll) in 1988. Batgirl was shot in the back and paralyzed. This darker turn on the character was epitomized in 1986 by the amazing The Dark Knight Returns miniseries by Frank Miller, depicting an older and worn down Batman who faces off against an authoritarian Superman in a Reaganesque hellscape. A few brief words are insufficient to describe this book and its impact, but the world was ready for a serious Batman again. Enter Tim Burton and his 1989 Batman film.
You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?
Featuring Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson at Batman and the Joker respectively, the film brought a mature Batman to the public consciousness for the first time. It was far from perfect, but it brought to the fore aspects that I consider essential: Gotham City’s 1930s/Art Deco aesthetic, the Danny Elfman score, and Batman as a detective first and a fighter second. He was no ninja; Keaton could barely move in the Batsuit! Nicholson’s Joker is fun (and receives top billing over the hero), but his scheme doesn’t make a ton of sense and his death at the end (spoiler!) robs the nascent series of the potential for an ongoing antagonist. Plot threads started in this film, such as Billy Dee Williams’s pre-Two-Face Harvey Dent character, were abandoned before the sequel. Nonetheless, the movie was one of the cultural events of 1989, bringing comics and cinema fans their first look at what a “serious” Batman could be. It was exciting! With a massive box office haul, a sequel was inevitable. Burton and Keaton would be on board again, but the series needed new villains: Penguin and Catwoman.
Keaton got top billing this time!
For all that the first film was Tim Burton doing a Batman movie, the second is Batman occasionally appearing in a Tim Burton film. Everything feels dialed-up to eleven, with less of the gangland realism that pervaded the first film, replaced with a surreal dreamland. Batman barely appears, giving Burton more time to focus on Selina Kyle’s transformation into Catwoman, and the delicate dance that the Penguide does between eliciting sympathy and demonstrating animalistic cruelty. It’s only when you get to mind-controlled penguins wielding rocket launchers that you realize how completely bananas everything became when you weren’t looking. Adam West would have been right at home against that sort of threat! In the end, Batman saves the city, Catwoman survives to purr another day, and we will never see what kind of third movie Burton would have brought us. I’m okay with that.
Incidentally, the only character that does not “Return” in this movie is Batman. Penguin returns from being abandoned to the sewers. Catwoman returns from the dead for vengeance against the man who killed her. Batman spent the time between films fighting crime and brooding over the loss of his girlfriend.
Batman’s first game.
Batman in Video Games
The history of Batman video games starts in 1986 with a pair of games from Ocean Software, a UK firm that specialized in licensed games, usually action-platformers. These two games, Batman (1986) and Batman: The Caped Crusader (1988) were each experimental in their own ways. The 1986 Batman game is almost an adventure and features the protagonist exploring a house and battling foes in an isometric perspective. The second became the template for most of the side-scrolling beat-em-up style of Batman games to come, although it at least used unique framing to resemble comic book art.
The 1989 movie saw an explosion of game tie-ins to the film. Ocean Software wrote a third one, but Sunsoft alone released five different but similar games, plus there was an arcade exclusive, and even a Pac-Man clone. This pattern of allowing many developers to all produce different games for the same tie-in “event” was common during this period and we’ve seen it before with Hook, Star Trek: 25th Anniversary, and others. As a man who sees games as art, I find these practices distasteful. Every one of those games deserves individual recognition or scorn, but since much of the point was to drum up excitement and sales for the films they represented, the common branding makes sense. In 1991, Sunsoft produced a sequel to their movie tie-ins, Batman: Return of the Joker. None of these games highlighted the “detective” portion of the World’s Greatest Detective, a gap that we’ll get to shortly.
I had Batman Returns for the NES when I was a kid.
And that leads us to the 1992 sequel, Batman Returns. Eight separate games were commissioned by Konami for the occasion, nearly all picked up by separate development firms. None of them offer much originality or plot: Batman travels through a level, beats up bad guys, throws Batarangs, eventually defeats a boss, then repeat. Having not played any of them recently, I can’t say whether any of them rose above their limited mechanics, but I’m going to guess not. You already know because you are reading this post that the one “different” game in the set was the adventure game that we will be covering in the next few posts.
Developing Batman Returns
The development of Batman Returns was an emotional rollercoaster for Bill Kunkel, one that he described in a pair of columns in the “Kunkel Report” for Digital Press. (If you haven’t read my introduction to him and his work, I recommend you jump over to do so now.) In many ways, this was the perfect project for his background: he had written comic books, tackled a Superman game, plus he had four good adventures under his belt. When news broke that Konami was shopping out developers for games based on the Batman sequel, Kunkel played his contacts and discovered that the gig for the DOS version of the game had been given to a development house that he had connections to, Park Place. He pitched himself and his firm to design the game, a pitch that he landed based on his excellent resume for the job. Bill sums up his elation best:
And now I was getting my shot at Batman! At THE Batman! The rest of the process was a marvelous blur, full of contract signings, fat checks, and even a trip to the Hollywood studio where the film was being made. It was during my visit to the vast soundstage that I got to walk across the wintry rooftops of Tim Burton’s ultra-noir Gotham City. Of course, this being Hollywood, the rooftops were constructed about a foot-and-a-half off the ground, but still, it just… looked… great! […] My long-time prayer was being answered – I was going to design the greatest Batman game the world had ever seen! We would take an entirely different approach, let the player become the Caped Crusader as never before!
Kunkel’s trip to the sets to see the movie being made was followed by being given a copy of the script. That is when, he claims, his love for this project ceased. He called the script a “disgrace” and claims that he “wept openly” by the end, seeing his vision of his childhood hero shattered. I’m not sure that I buy that hyperbole as the Batman comics of his youth were not Shakespeare either, although he likely was reading an earlier draft of the screenplay than what made it to the screen. (Several working drafts have been leaked over the years, but I could not identify which of them Kunkel would have seen.)
Now that he was designing a game that he wasn’t thrilled about, the stress started to affect his health. Worse, the developers, Park Place (and their “Spirit of Discovery” imprint) were having financial trouble. The final nail in the coffin, in his view, was that Warner Brothers started making design requests, locking the plot of the game into the narrow confines of the movie and away from the celebration of Batman that Kunkel hoped for. And yet, Kunkel completed his design, Park Place completed their game, and the movie did well enough to land three sequels (two Batman films and a Catwoman). So angered by the process, Kunkel never even played the game that he had designed. This is, as far as I can tell, the last game his “Subway Software” ever worked on. Was it the stress of producing what he felt was a “bad” game that turned him away from the industry? Was it the promise of a new life for his Electronic Games magazine? Both? I have no idea. I’ll briefly recap the rest of Kunkel’s projects when we get to the final rating.
Despite everything he wrote, I’m still looking forward to this game. Even if it wasn’t what he imagined, the best art shines through adversity. Will his vision shine through? Or am I about to wade through several weeks of Batman-themed garbage?
My copy of the manual is black, but otherwise similar to the above.
The Manual
Before we can play the game, there is one final detail to cover: the manual. I was unable to locate any copies online and eventually resorted to buying the game from a second-hand store for more than I care to admit. I am glad I bought it because the game appears complicated. I’ll go over it briefly now and explain it better as I understand the mechanics. The key point to the interface (as explained by the manual) is that we do not control Batman directly. If he gets into a fight, we can provide recommendations, but he’ll fight the criminal on his own. All we have is a single mouse cursor and single mouse button to direct Batman where to go and what to do.
It may be easiest to explain the rest as bullet points:
The goal is to prevent Penguin from becoming mayor or destroying the city. This is done over nine timed nights where Batman can operate from 6 PM to 6 AM.
Batman’s base is the Batcave where he can swap suits that are damaged and select what to put in his utility belt. There’s also a computer that we can use to analyze evidence, watch the news, and search a database of Gotham citizens.
The utility belt is the closest we get to an icon interface for this game. We can select what tools go in our belt before we leave the Batcave. Tools include multiple types of Batarangs, grappling guns, and even a portable document scanner. As a fan of the 1960s series, I am saddened by the lack of Bat-shark repellent.
There are also two sets of interfaces while Batman is out and about: a “searching” interface that allows him to look for clues, and a “combat” interface where Batman fights his enemies. Batman does all the fighting himself, but we can specify how hard we want him to battle (“Easy”, “Normal” or “Fierce”). Both modes let us use items from his utility belt.
That all sounds pretty reasonable, but we’ll see how it all works out in practice soon.
The Bat-signal goes out!
And it is time to play the game!
Don’t forget that this is an introductory post and so you can bet on the score. My only help is that Borrowed Time, Kunkel’s first game, scored a respectable 38. That was six years ago, plus you read Kunkel’s feelings on the game above. Do you want to gamble that it sucks? Or maybe he was too harsh? I’m looking forward to your guesses and to find out for myself.
This week, I want to shout out to Keith Decando and his “4-Color to 35-Milimeter” series over on Tor.com. He has a great write-up on the first two Batman movies in his rewatch, but his column is one that I look forward to reading every Friday.
Note Regarding Spoilers and Companion Assist Points: There’s a set of rules regarding spoilers and companion assist points. Please read it here before making any comments that could be considered a spoiler in any way. The short of it is that no CAPs will be given for hints or spoilers given in advance of me requiring one. As this is an introduction post, it’s an opportunity for readers to bet 10 CAPs (only if they already have them) that I won’t be able to solve a puzzle without putting in an official Request for Assistance: remember to use ROT13 for betting. If you get it right, you will be rewarded with 20 CAPs in return. It’s also your chance to predict what the final rating will be for the game. Voters can predict whatever score they want, regardless of whether someone else has already chosen it. All correct (or nearest) votes will go into a draw.
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/game-109-batman-returns-1992-introduction/
0 notes
feedbaylenny · 5 years
If you want to do something well, watch someone else do it. That’s the way to improve in most skills in life.
That’s one reason I read Scott Jones’ blog, FTVLive.com. Say what you want about him or his spelling, but he’s usually right on the money when it comes to facts, and won’t make claims without backing them up. In other words, I trust what he writes.
This morning, he had two blog posts about the latest attempt to create the nation’s largest local television station owner: Nexstar Media Group’s effort to buy Tribune Media. (Last year, after a lot of opposition, Sinclair Broadcast Group was not allowed to make the purchase.)
When you get this big, things get complicated. The company gets up against against Federal Communications Commission ownership limits, as well as Department of Justice antitrust regulations.
Nexstar owns or operates 174 television stations in 100 mostly small to mid-sized TV markets, reaching nearly 38.7 percent of American households. The limit is 39 percent, and that’s with the FCC’s UHF discount, which only takes half the market’s people into account. Tribune owns or operates 42 stations, including the nation’s biggest cities.
The deal is that Nexstar will pay $4.1 billion for Tribune. Sinclair had offered $3.9 billion but according to USA Today, “breached its contract by misleading regulators during the transaction’s approval process.” Nexstar’s last major purchase was in 2017, when it bought 71 stations from Media General for $4.6 billion.
The ownership limits, which I explained in this post from last March, come into play because two large companies will already own stations in the same markets competing against each other, and will together own too many as a whole. That’s why some stations will need to be sold.
Briefly, the four categories of FCC rules are 1. national TV ownership, 2. local TV multiple ownership, 3. the number of independently owned “media voices” – 4. and at least one of the stations is not ranked among the top four stations in the DMA (that’s the “designated market area” or city, and ranking based on audience share), and at least eight independently owned TV stations would remain in the market after the proposed combination. (Keep in mind, these rules seem to get loosened every time a company comes close to hitting the limit.)
In the case of Nexstar and Tribune, there would be a long list involving about 15 cities. (Nexstar would do well by being honest in its effort to buy Tribune, as opposed to what Sinclair did and had been doing for years.)
Perry Sook, Nexstar’s president and CEO, started the company in 1996 with one station in Scranton, Pa. He has been buying ever since.
“We have no aspirations to be a national anything,” Sook said, according to Variety. “Our company goes from Burlington, Vermont to Honolulu and each of those communities have different needs and different tastes. We do three things that are vitally important: We produce local news content. We deliver entertainment and information. And we help local businesses sell stuff. Those are our reasons to exist.”
That’s contrary to Sinclair, which was reportedly interested in creating a national news network and using must-runs on its stations to spread its ownership’s conservative beliefs.
COMING UP: Why Nexstar would spin off WPIX and WSFL, why it wouldn’t want stations in New York and Miami, and what the options are in those important cities.
Anyway, this morning, Scott wrote,
“Sources tell FTVLive that Nexstar is not planning on keeping WPIX in New York City after it purchases the station as part of the Tribune deal.”
So if Nexstar pretty-much owns so many stations in small to mid-sized TV markets, and claims to be solely interested in local broadcasting (while probably taking advantage of some scale), why leave out a station in the #1 TV market in the country, which itself broadcasts to about a whopping six percent of American households?
According to Scott,
“The spinning off of WPIX will help bring Nexstar under the ownership cap and it will likely put a lot of money back into the Nexstar back account.”
I’d rather see competition remain in New York. I can’t imagine Nexstar losing the power of selling ads on stations in every one of the biggest, influential, most lucrative cities (New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Washington, etc.). And it could probably make money selling off many of its smaller market stations, have fewer people doing the same jobs on payroll, pay less for benefits like health insurance, have less regulatory paperwork to do, etc. But it could possibly achieve what Scott suggested in just one move.
Instead of Nexstar, I dread a New York competitor coming in and gutting WPIX’s news department, which has grown over the years from 30 minutes at 7:30pm and an hour at 10, to include morning and early evening news.
Among competitors, WCBS already owns WLNY (Long Island). WNBC already owns WNJU (Telenundo). WNYW (Fox) bought WWOR and got rid of its news department. That pretty much leaves WABC, which is said to be in the buying mood since owner Disney hasn’t bought stations in years, is not up against ownership limits, and has been said to be interested in Cox’s stations (especially its ABC affiliates in Atlanta, Orlando and Charlotte). A duopoly in New York would be good for WABC, but not the public, which owns the airwaves. But considering the other major stations already own second stations in the Big Apple, could WABC be refused?
Of course, Disney/ABC is already buying most of 21st Century Fox’s assets, including its TV and movie studios, and cable channels except news and business, for $71 billion. The New York Post reports the closing is expected in February or March, and Sinclair may end up buying Fox’s regional sports networks which Disney can’t keep (it already owns ESPN) and nobody else seems to want them.
The so-called New Fox would consist only of its TV stations, and its news and business cable channels. (Comcast/NBC wanted Fox’s entertainment assets but Disney/ABC offered more. Comcast is ending up with Fox’s share of European telecommunications and pay-TV giant Sky.)
Scott also wrote,
“Along with spinning off WPIX in New York, Nexstar plans on selling off WSFL, the Tribune station in Miami.”
We’ve been through this before. Fox has a great Miami affiliate, WSVN, which is owned by Ed Ansin’s Sunbeam Television Corporation. In the 1980s, he wouldn’t sell to then-affiliate partner NBC, so the peacock bought WTVJ in early 1987 and took away WSVN’s #1 primetime programming on Jan. 1, 1989. WSVN became a Fox affiliate on the few days the new network broadcast back then and put its future into local news, more sensational back then, which has worked out well.
Then, just a few years ago, the same thing happened with Sunbeam’s WHDH in Boston. Ansin refused to sell to NBC so the peacock invented a station pretty much from scratch to put its programming. Since Boston already had a Fox affiliate (Miami’s went to CBS in 1989), WHDH is now completely independent, without a network, and worth much less.
So Fox has been selling off assets but is interested in buying TV stations (with a deal to buy several from Sinclair after its merger with Tribune that fell through) and rights to live programming, especially sports and especially the National Football League. In the past, Fox wanted stations in cities with NFC teams because it broadcasts NFC team away games on Sunday afternoons. Then, it bought the rights to Thursday Night Football, which includes the whole league, so now it’s interested in stations in cities with AFC teams, like the Miami Dolphins.
I’ve shown you how networks have dumped highly-rated, loyal, long-time affiliate stations and went all-out to own stations in cities around the country, even if it meant starting a news department from nothing, which is exactly what WSFL has when it comes to news.
Why would Nexstar sell Tribune’s only Florida station when it doesn’t have much to show for itself in the Sunshine State? Good question! Nexstar only owns WFLA in Tampa, WKRG in Mobile/Pensacola and WMBB in Panama City. Maybe it knows it could get a great deal from Fox (perhaps part of a multi-station deal where Nexstar and Tribune have too many stations competing), or it knows global warming will have Florida under water sooner rather than later.
  One thing I disagree on with Scott about Fox possibly buying WSFL is that WSVN would probably not exchange affiliations with that current CW affiliate and become the new one. That’s because CBS is a part owner of The CW and that affiliation would likely go to its second Miami station, WBFS, which would probably mean WSVN ends up with WBFS’ MyNetworkTV affiliation.
On the other hand, Philadelphia MyNetworkTV affiliate WPHL (owned by Tribune) airs off-network syndicated reruns from 8 to 10pm (a great idea!) and its MyNetworkTV obligations (pretty much syndicated dramas) air overnight. It also got rid of the “My” on its logo.
I checked because WBFS-Miami and WWOR-New York air the same shows from 8 to 10 (and Fox owns both WWOR and MyNetworkTV, so the shows will definitely run in pattern).
Anson’s WHDH – which has been independent for two years – airs Family Feud for an hour at 8 and local news from 9 to 11:35pm. So there are alternatives.
What’s going to happen? Are the reports from Scott true? If so, are they subject to change?
Again, we’ll have to sit back on our couches, and wait and see.
Disappointing news and news coverage
Last night, a woman was shot to death two blocks from my parents (and where I lived from the end of kindergarten, to leaving WSVN and moving to Connecticut, minus my three college years). It happened at about 5pm. I found out when my sister-in-law sent me a TV station’s screen-grab.
Turns out, the victim was a well-known real estate agent, who’d had her face and her dog on many bus benches while I was growing up. It happened outside her daughter’s house (same high school, two years older) and the gunman was her estranged son-in-law, who later killed himself.
In the early evening, between 7:30 and 8:30pm, I couldn’t find anything on WSVN’s website, and nonsense with very few facts from the network-owned stations.
WTVJ was a block off and WFOR had no location.
WPLG had the best coverage, with the right block and video with a reporter at the scene during its newscast which ended at 6:30, but supposedly the latest was on a different reporter’s personal, private Facebook page. We never met, but I went to school with his brother years ago, so he was from the area and had contacts. I found out about his Facebook coverage when I got a call from one of our dozens of mutual friends (28, to be exact), and asked him about it – on Facebook.
Me: “Why did you put Highland Lakes shooting privately on your personal page, but not on your professional page for any interested parties?”
Him: “The station posts on my public”
Me: “I’m sorry. That sucks.”
Him: “Ok sorry”
Me: “I meant for you. I’m sure not everything they’ve posted has been perfect, or the way you would have.”
He doesn’t know what I do and have done for a living, and you see he didn’t realize I felt sorry for him apparently not being able to publish on social media pages with his name and picture, and depending on others to do it right! His public Facebook page hasn’t been used in almost a month, and his work Twitter account was only used sporadically, not daily like someone with contacts who goes out in the field, working to uncover facts.
We know people on-air are not decision-makers but they should be trusted to publish on pages with their names and pictures, along with certain folks in the newsroom. Those people on-air with their names and pictures online will probably be the best at making sure what’s reported there is accurate and presented properly.
Who else would care as much?
If you appreciate what you read here, subscribe with either your email address or WordPress account, and get a notice whenever I publish. Don’t rely on social media with its hacking issues and censoring like this, this, this and this. (I explained the reason for the fourth “this” in my last post.) I just became certified as an IT Support Specialist and am also available for writing/web contract work. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lennycohen
Reports: Nexstar says no to WPIX-NY, WSFL-Miami If you want to do something well, watch someone else do it. That’s the way to improve in most skills in life.
0 notes
ralphland · 6 years
Not every television show has a long life; in fact, most shows barely last past one season. Despite the long odds, there are hundreds of new shows produced each year from thousands of submissions. While many of these long forgotten shows live on solely due to their awkward publicity photos, others stand out because of how bizarre they were.
No, we’re not talking about Ferris Bueller, but apparently Jennifer Aniston *can* lose...
One of the most bizarre one and out television shows that ever escaped from Hollywood was The Brady Bunch Hour, a bizarre variety show that was based on the classic ABC sitcom The Brady Bunch. Today, The Brady Bunch is known as a classic, ubiquitous sitcom, it was anything but during its initial run on ABC. The show was in constant fear of being canceled, ABC’s renewal decisions coming in at seemingly the last minute. Most of the show’s side projects, like the soundtrack albums and concert tours, were made to build the show’s visibility, motto take advantage of its success. The show’s biggest success came after it was canceled and entered syndication. The show was given the lucrative afterschool timeslot in most American television markets, and it was here that it became the legendary success that it is known for today.
Unfortunately for the young cast, however, that success translated to few dollars. While reruns were a thing in 1969 when the Brady kids signed their contracts, the idea of perpetual residuals was not. Paramount Television only paid the Brady kids residuals for the first six reruns. After that, they would receive no further remuneration. By 1976, residuals had dried up and most of the kids were unable to find further Hollywood work. The huge success that the show had garnered since its syndication run was definitely noticed by ABC executive Fred Silverman, who suggested that the sagging Donny and Marie variety show host a reunion of sorts for whichever Brady Bunch castmembers were willing to appear. The heavily hyped episode was a huge success. If ABC could mine ratings gold from just four Bradys, what magic might occur from a full fledged Brady spinoff variety show?
Just like formulaic disaster movies dominated the box office in the 1970’s, tacky variety shows dominated television. Featuring tacky, lavish music performances and lame ‘comedy’ sketches, these variety shows were all over television at the time. One of the tackiest, lamest shows was Donny and Marie, a show produced by Sid and Marty Krofft for ABC. Donny and Marie’s strict Mormon parents controlled most every aspect of the show. Sid and Marty Krofft were eager to create their own hit show from scratch, one completely controlled by them. That’s why they were completely receptive when Fred Silverman asked them to quickly setup a new variety show featuring the Bradys. In fact, both ABC and the Kroffts were so excited about getting this new show off the ground, they completely neglected to get permission from either Paramount or original Brady Bunch creator Sherwood Schwartz. Would this prove to be a big problem? Would they get the entire family to come back for this ambitious project? Oddly enough, these would eventually be the least of their worries.
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dani-qrt · 6 years
TV show
(Note: Explicit language in final paragraph)
By Lisa Richwine and Eric Kelsey
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Walt Disney Co’s ABC network on Tuesday swiftly canceled the popular U.S. television comedy “Roseanne” after star Roseanne Barr incited outrage by comparing a black former Obama administration official to an ape in remarks on Twitter.
The show, a revival of the 1990s hit “Roseanne,” was ABC’s most widely watched prime time show for the TV season that ended last week. President Donald Trump has cited its huge viewership as evidence his supporters, who include Barr, want shows that speak to their concerns.
“Roseanne’s Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show,” ABC Entertainment President Channing Dungey said in a statement.
In a since deleted comment on Twitter, Barr compared Valerie Jarrett, a former adviser to President Barack Obama, to an ape. Barr wrote that if the Islamist political movement “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby = vj.”
The actress, 65, apologized “for making a bad joke” about Jarrett, who is black and was born in Iran to American parents. Barr’s tweet followed a Twitter conversation referring to a Wikileaks allegation that the CIA spied on French presidential candidates during the Obama administration.
Jarrett, 61, said on Tuesday that Disney Chief Executive Bob Iger called her before ABC announced the show’s cancellation.
“I think we have to turn it into a teaching moment,” Jarrett said at a taping of an MSNBC town hall event called “Everyday Racism in America” that the network released ahead of its scheduled broadcast. “I’m fine. I’m worried about all the people out there who don’t have a circle of friends and followers coming to their defense.”
Hollywood talent agency ICM said in a statement on Tuesday it will no longer represent Barr.
The fallout from the show’s cancellation also hit its lucrative syndication market as Viacom said it would pull reruns of the 1990s “Roseanne” episodes from its Paramount, TV Land and CMT cable networks. Another cable network, Laff, also said it was removing reruns of the show.
Hulu said the new “Roseanne” show would no longer be available on its streaming service.
The original “Roseanne” ran from 1988 to 1997, featuring a blue-collar family, the Conners, with overweight parents struggling to get by. It was praised for its realistic portrayal of working-class life.
The current “Roseanne” was ABC’s biggest hit of the 2017-2018 season, drawing an average 18.7 million viewers, second only to CBS sitcom “The Big Bang Theory,” according to Nielsen data through May 20.
ABC aired nine episodes of “Roseanne” from March until May and generated $22.8 million in ad revenue, or 2.5 percent of the network’s total for the season, according to iSpot data. In late March, the network renewed the show for another season.
Disney shares, which had fallen on a disappointing debut for the latest “Star Wars” movie, closed down 2.46 percent at $99.69 on the New York Stock Exchange. Markets were down sharply overall on concerns about political instability in Italy.
Disney’s Iger added on Twitter: “There was only one thing to do here, and that was the right thing.”
White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders, asked whether Trump thought the show should have been canceled, told reporters traveling with the president to Nashville, Tennessee: “That’s not what the president is looking at. That’s not what he’s spending his time on. I think we have a lot bigger things going on in the country right now.”
Anger among the show’s supporting cast added to pressure on ABC. Sara Gilbert, who plays daughter Darlene, on Twitter called Barr’s comments “abhorrent.”
Emma Kenney, who plays Gilbert’s on-screen daughter Harris, said she had decided to leave the series because of Barr’s words even before ABC canceled the show. “As I called my manager to quit working on Roseanne, I found out the show got canceled,” Kenney wrote on Twitter.
FILE PHOTO: Actress Roseanne Barr waves on her arrival to the 75th Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills, California, U.S., January 7, 2018. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni/File Photo
Emmy-winning comedian and “Roseanne” consulting producer Wanda Sykes was the first prominent figure associated with the show to cut ranks, quitting hours after Barr’s comments.
Tuesday’s furor echoed a 2013 incident in which Barr, in a subsequently deleted tweet, said black former Obama administration official Susan Rice “is a man with big swinging ape balls.”
Reporting by Lisa Richwine and Eric Kelsey; Editing by Bill Tarrant and Cynthia Osterman
The post TV show appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2shAtrc via Online News
0 notes
cleopatrarps · 6 years
TV show
(Note: Explicit language in final paragraph)
By Lisa Richwine and Eric Kelsey
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Walt Disney Co’s ABC network on Tuesday swiftly canceled the popular U.S. television comedy “Roseanne” after star Roseanne Barr incited outrage by comparing a black former Obama administration official to an ape in remarks on Twitter.
The show, a revival of the 1990s hit “Roseanne,” was ABC’s most widely watched prime time show for the TV season that ended last week. President Donald Trump has cited its huge viewership as evidence his supporters, who include Barr, want shows that speak to their concerns.
“Roseanne’s Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show,” ABC Entertainment President Channing Dungey said in a statement.
In a since deleted comment on Twitter, Barr compared Valerie Jarrett, a former adviser to President Barack Obama, to an ape. Barr wrote that if the Islamist political movement “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby = vj.”
The actress, 65, apologized “for making a bad joke” about Jarrett, who is black and was born in Iran to American parents. Barr’s tweet followed a Twitter conversation referring to a Wikileaks allegation that the CIA spied on French presidential candidates during the Obama administration.
Jarrett, 61, said on Tuesday that Disney Chief Executive Bob Iger called her before ABC announced the show’s cancellation.
“I think we have to turn it into a teaching moment,” Jarrett said at a taping of an MSNBC town hall event called “Everyday Racism in America” that the network released ahead of its scheduled broadcast. “I’m fine. I’m worried about all the people out there who don’t have a circle of friends and followers coming to their defense.”
Hollywood talent agency ICM said in a statement on Tuesday it will no longer represent Barr.
The fallout from the show’s cancellation also hit its lucrative syndication market as Viacom said it would pull reruns of the 1990s “Roseanne” episodes from its Paramount, TV Land and CMT cable networks. Another cable network, Laff, also said it was removing reruns of the show.
Hulu said the new “Roseanne” show would no longer be available on its streaming service.
The original “Roseanne” ran from 1988 to 1997, featuring a blue-collar family, the Conners, with overweight parents struggling to get by. It was praised for its realistic portrayal of working-class life.
The current “Roseanne” was ABC’s biggest hit of the 2017-2018 season, drawing an average 18.7 million viewers, second only to CBS sitcom “The Big Bang Theory,” according to Nielsen data through May 20.
ABC aired nine episodes of “Roseanne” from March until May and generated $22.8 million in ad revenue, or 2.5 percent of the network’s total for the season, according to iSpot data. In late March, the network renewed the show for another season.
Disney shares, which had fallen on a disappointing debut for the latest “Star Wars” movie, closed down 2.46 percent at $99.69 on the New York Stock Exchange. Markets were down sharply overall on concerns about political instability in Italy.
Disney’s Iger added on Twitter: “There was only one thing to do here, and that was the right thing.”
White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders, asked whether Trump thought the show should have been canceled, told reporters traveling with the president to Nashville, Tennessee: “That’s not what the president is looking at. That’s not what he’s spending his time on. I think we have a lot bigger things going on in the country right now.”
Anger among the show’s supporting cast added to pressure on ABC. Sara Gilbert, who plays daughter Darlene, on Twitter called Barr’s comments “abhorrent.”
Emma Kenney, who plays Gilbert’s on-screen daughter Harris, said she had decided to leave the series because of Barr’s words even before ABC canceled the show. “As I called my manager to quit working on Roseanne, I found out the show got canceled,” Kenney wrote on Twitter.
FILE PHOTO: Actress Roseanne Barr waves on her arrival to the 75th Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills, California, U.S., January 7, 2018. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni/File Photo
Emmy-winning comedian and “Roseanne” consulting producer Wanda Sykes was the first prominent figure associated with the show to cut ranks, quitting hours after Barr’s comments.
Tuesday’s furor echoed a 2013 incident in which Barr, in a subsequently deleted tweet, said black former Obama administration official Susan Rice “is a man with big swinging ape balls.”
Reporting by Lisa Richwine and Eric Kelsey; Editing by Bill Tarrant and Cynthia Osterman
The post TV show appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2shAtrc via News of World
0 notes
party-hard-or-die · 6 years
TV show
(Note: Explicit language in final paragraph)
By Lisa Richwine and Eric Kelsey
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Walt Disney Co’s ABC network on Tuesday swiftly canceled the popular U.S. television comedy “Roseanne” after star Roseanne Barr incited outrage by comparing a black former Obama administration official to an ape in remarks on Twitter.
The show, a revival of the 1990s hit “Roseanne,” was ABC’s most widely watched prime time show for the TV season that ended last week. President Donald Trump has cited its huge viewership as evidence his supporters, who include Barr, want shows that speak to their concerns.
“Roseanne’s Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show,” ABC Entertainment President Channing Dungey said in a statement.
In a since deleted comment on Twitter, Barr compared Valerie Jarrett, a former adviser to President Barack Obama, to an ape. Barr wrote that if the Islamist political movement “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby = vj.”
The actress, 65, apologized “for making a bad joke” about Jarrett, who is black and was born in Iran to American parents. Barr’s tweet followed a Twitter conversation referring to a Wikileaks allegation that the CIA spied on French presidential candidates during the Obama administration.
Jarrett, 61, said on Tuesday that Disney Chief Executive Bob Iger called her before ABC announced the show’s cancellation.
“I think we have to turn it into a teaching moment,” Jarrett said at a taping of an MSNBC town hall event called “Everyday Racism in America” that the network released ahead of its scheduled broadcast. “I’m fine. I’m worried about all the people out there who don’t have a circle of friends and followers coming to their defense.”
Hollywood talent agency ICM said in a statement on Tuesday it will no longer represent Barr.
The fallout from the show’s cancellation also hit its lucrative syndication market as Viacom said it would pull reruns of the 1990s “Roseanne” episodes from its Paramount, TV Land and CMT cable networks. Another cable network, Laff, also said it was removing reruns of the show.
Hulu said the new “Roseanne” show would no longer be available on its streaming service.
The original “Roseanne” ran from 1988 to 1997, featuring a blue-collar family, the Conners, with overweight parents struggling to get by. It was praised for its realistic portrayal of working-class life.
The current “Roseanne” was ABC’s biggest hit of the 2017-2018 season, drawing an average 18.7 million viewers, second only to CBS sitcom “The Big Bang Theory,” according to Nielsen data through May 20.
ABC aired nine episodes of “Roseanne” from March until May and generated $22.8 million in ad revenue, or 2.5 percent of the network’s total for the season, according to iSpot data. In late March, the network renewed the show for another season.
Disney shares, which had fallen on a disappointing debut for the latest “Star Wars” movie, closed down 2.46 percent at $99.69 on the New York Stock Exchange. Markets were down sharply overall on concerns about political instability in Italy.
Disney’s Iger added on Twitter: “There was only one thing to do here, and that was the right thing.”
White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders, asked whether Trump thought the show should have been canceled, told reporters traveling with the president to Nashville, Tennessee: “That’s not what the president is looking at. That’s not what he’s spending his time on. I think we have a lot bigger things going on in the country right now.”
Anger among the show’s supporting cast added to pressure on ABC. Sara Gilbert, who plays daughter Darlene, on Twitter called Barr’s comments “abhorrent.”
Emma Kenney, who plays Gilbert’s on-screen daughter Harris, said she had decided to leave the series because of Barr’s words even before ABC canceled the show. “As I called my manager to quit working on Roseanne, I found out the show got canceled,” Kenney wrote on Twitter.
FILE PHOTO: Actress Roseanne Barr waves on her arrival to the 75th Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills, California, U.S., January 7, 2018. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni/File Photo
Emmy-winning comedian and “Roseanne” consulting producer Wanda Sykes was the first prominent figure associated with the show to cut ranks, quitting hours after Barr’s comments.
Tuesday’s furor echoed a 2013 incident in which Barr, in a subsequently deleted tweet, said black former Obama administration official Susan Rice “is a man with big swinging ape balls.”
Reporting by Lisa Richwine and Eric Kelsey; Editing by Bill Tarrant and Cynthia Osterman
The post TV show appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2shAtrc via Breaking News
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dragnews · 6 years
TV show
(Note: Explicit language in final paragraph)
By Lisa Richwine and Eric Kelsey
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Walt Disney Co’s ABC network on Tuesday swiftly canceled the popular U.S. television comedy “Roseanne” after star Roseanne Barr incited outrage by comparing a black former Obama administration official to an ape in remarks on Twitter.
The show, a revival of the 1990s hit “Roseanne,” was ABC’s most widely watched prime time show for the TV season that ended last week. President Donald Trump has cited its huge viewership as evidence his supporters, who include Barr, want shows that speak to their concerns.
“Roseanne’s Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show,” ABC Entertainment President Channing Dungey said in a statement.
In a since deleted comment on Twitter, Barr compared Valerie Jarrett, a former adviser to President Barack Obama, to an ape. Barr wrote that if the Islamist political movement “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby = vj.”
The actress, 65, apologized “for making a bad joke” about Jarrett, who is black and was born in Iran to American parents. Barr’s tweet followed a Twitter conversation referring to a Wikileaks allegation that the CIA spied on French presidential candidates during the Obama administration.
Jarrett, 61, said on Tuesday that Disney Chief Executive Bob Iger called her before ABC announced the show’s cancellation.
“I think we have to turn it into a teaching moment,” Jarrett said at a taping of an MSNBC town hall event called “Everyday Racism in America” that the network released ahead of its scheduled broadcast. “I’m fine. I’m worried about all the people out there who don’t have a circle of friends and followers coming to their defense.”
Hollywood talent agency ICM said in a statement on Tuesday it will no longer represent Barr.
The fallout from the show’s cancellation also hit its lucrative syndication market as Viacom said it would pull reruns of the 1990s “Roseanne” episodes from its Paramount, TV Land and CMT cable networks. Another cable network, Laff, also said it was removing reruns of the show.
Hulu said the new “Roseanne” show would no longer be available on its streaming service.
The original “Roseanne” ran from 1988 to 1997, featuring a blue-collar family, the Conners, with overweight parents struggling to get by. It was praised for its realistic portrayal of working-class life.
The current “Roseanne” was ABC’s biggest hit of the 2017-2018 season, drawing an average 18.7 million viewers, second only to CBS sitcom “The Big Bang Theory,” according to Nielsen data through May 20.
ABC aired nine episodes of “Roseanne” from March until May and generated $22.8 million in ad revenue, or 2.5 percent of the network’s total for the season, according to iSpot data. In late March, the network renewed the show for another season.
Disney shares, which had fallen on a disappointing debut for the latest “Star Wars” movie, closed down 2.46 percent at $99.69 on the New York Stock Exchange. Markets were down sharply overall on concerns about political instability in Italy.
Disney’s Iger added on Twitter: “There was only one thing to do here, and that was the right thing.”
White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders, asked whether Trump thought the show should have been canceled, told reporters traveling with the president to Nashville, Tennessee: “That’s not what the president is looking at. That’s not what he’s spending his time on. I think we have a lot bigger things going on in the country right now.”
Anger among the show’s supporting cast added to pressure on ABC. Sara Gilbert, who plays daughter Darlene, on Twitter called Barr’s comments “abhorrent.”
Emma Kenney, who plays Gilbert’s on-screen daughter Harris, said she had decided to leave the series because of Barr’s words even before ABC canceled the show. “As I called my manager to quit working on Roseanne, I found out the show got canceled,” Kenney wrote on Twitter.
FILE PHOTO: Actress Roseanne Barr waves on her arrival to the 75th Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills, California, U.S., January 7, 2018. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni/File Photo
Emmy-winning comedian and “Roseanne” consulting producer Wanda Sykes was the first prominent figure associated with the show to cut ranks, quitting hours after Barr’s comments.
Tuesday’s furor echoed a 2013 incident in which Barr, in a subsequently deleted tweet, said black former Obama administration official Susan Rice “is a man with big swinging ape balls.”
Reporting by Lisa Richwine and Eric Kelsey; Editing by Bill Tarrant and Cynthia Osterman
The post TV show appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2shAtrc via Today News
0 notes
newestbalance · 6 years
TV show
(Note: Explicit language in final paragraph)
By Lisa Richwine and Eric Kelsey
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Walt Disney Co’s ABC network on Tuesday swiftly canceled the popular U.S. television comedy “Roseanne” after star Roseanne Barr incited outrage by comparing a black former Obama administration official to an ape in remarks on Twitter.
The show, a revival of the 1990s hit “Roseanne,” was ABC’s most widely watched prime time show for the TV season that ended last week. President Donald Trump has cited its huge viewership as evidence his supporters, who include Barr, want shows that speak to their concerns.
“Roseanne’s Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show,” ABC Entertainment President Channing Dungey said in a statement.
In a since deleted comment on Twitter, Barr compared Valerie Jarrett, a former adviser to President Barack Obama, to an ape. Barr wrote that if the Islamist political movement “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby = vj.”
The actress, 65, apologized “for making a bad joke” about Jarrett, who is black and was born in Iran to American parents. Barr’s tweet followed a Twitter conversation referring to a Wikileaks allegation that the CIA spied on French presidential candidates during the Obama administration.
Jarrett, 61, said on Tuesday that Disney Chief Executive Bob Iger called her before ABC announced the show’s cancellation.
“I think we have to turn it into a teaching moment,” Jarrett said at a taping of an MSNBC town hall event called “Everyday Racism in America” that the network released ahead of its scheduled broadcast. “I’m fine. I’m worried about all the people out there who don’t have a circle of friends and followers coming to their defense.”
Hollywood talent agency ICM said in a statement on Tuesday it will no longer represent Barr.
The fallout from the show’s cancellation also hit its lucrative syndication market as Viacom said it would pull reruns of the 1990s “Roseanne” episodes from its Paramount, TV Land and CMT cable networks. Another cable network, Laff, also said it was removing reruns of the show.
Hulu said the new “Roseanne” show would no longer be available on its streaming service.
The original “Roseanne” ran from 1988 to 1997, featuring a blue-collar family, the Conners, with overweight parents struggling to get by. It was praised for its realistic portrayal of working-class life.
The current “Roseanne” was ABC’s biggest hit of the 2017-2018 season, drawing an average 18.7 million viewers, second only to CBS sitcom “The Big Bang Theory,” according to Nielsen data through May 20.
ABC aired nine episodes of “Roseanne” from March until May and generated $22.8 million in ad revenue, or 2.5 percent of the network’s total for the season, according to iSpot data. In late March, the network renewed the show for another season.
Disney shares, which had fallen on a disappointing debut for the latest “Star Wars” movie, closed down 2.46 percent at $99.69 on the New York Stock Exchange. Markets were down sharply overall on concerns about political instability in Italy.
Disney’s Iger added on Twitter: “There was only one thing to do here, and that was the right thing.”
White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders, asked whether Trump thought the show should have been canceled, told reporters traveling with the president to Nashville, Tennessee: “That’s not what the president is looking at. That’s not what he’s spending his time on. I think we have a lot bigger things going on in the country right now.”
Anger among the show’s supporting cast added to pressure on ABC. Sara Gilbert, who plays daughter Darlene, on Twitter called Barr’s comments “abhorrent.”
Emma Kenney, who plays Gilbert’s on-screen daughter Harris, said she had decided to leave the series because of Barr’s words even before ABC canceled the show. “As I called my manager to quit working on Roseanne, I found out the show got canceled,” Kenney wrote on Twitter.
FILE PHOTO: Actress Roseanne Barr waves on her arrival to the 75th Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills, California, U.S., January 7, 2018. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni/File Photo
Emmy-winning comedian and “Roseanne” consulting producer Wanda Sykes was the first prominent figure associated with the show to cut ranks, quitting hours after Barr’s comments.
Tuesday’s furor echoed a 2013 incident in which Barr, in a subsequently deleted tweet, said black former Obama administration official Susan Rice “is a man with big swinging ape balls.”
Reporting by Lisa Richwine and Eric Kelsey; Editing by Bill Tarrant and Cynthia Osterman
The post TV show appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2shAtrc via Everyday News
0 notes