#it just goes SO WELL with the story holy moly
landwriter · 2 years
Dream as The Velveteen Rabbit, loved to life by Hob:
Dream is an Endless. Hob has loved him for a long, long time, but nonetheless they are parted, perhaps forever. On this dark night of the soul, he thinks of his life with Hob, what more he would have wished for it, and cries. One of his tears is a real mortal tear, and from that tear a magical flower blooms, and from that flower The Fates emerge, and they say, in their strange and three-voiced way, that he has become Real to the boy that truly loves him, and now they will turn him all the way Real, and he will have a different ending. And although he may no longer rule the Dreaming and it is no longer a part of him, he still visits it every night, when he falls asleep next to the mortal called Hob Gadling.
It is known that an Endless may never love a mortal, but there are no such rules about a mortal loving an Endless, and no one knew the consequences of being really loved by a human, not just played with and set aside, except perhaps The Fates themselves, who were watching it all, and smiling.
@give-to-oblivion <3
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reggies-eyeliner · 14 days
i cannot stress to you enough. how much i love the way they write processing trauma. like yeah trauma is all silly and angst and whatever but it's a real thing like genuinely and it's exhausting to see shows just dismiss it over and over again but THIS SHOW I SWEAR IT'S JUST. EVERYTHING IS DONE SO SO WELL AND I AM ETERNALLY GRATEFUL LIKE
and not to mention that the animation SERIOUSLY DOES IT JUSTICE like the expressions are SO GOOD OH MY GOSH LIKE IT'S I'M THEY'RE YEAH THE EXPRESSIONS. ARE INCREDIBLE. that looks darius got in his eyes when he KNEW the password to brooklyn's phone and kenji didn't??? so good SO GOOD and just the way their eyes all shine before they start crying is actually done so well that if you listen carefully you can feel my heart breaking
also i love how like emotional processing is also written so much. all of them aren't afraid to cry and i feel like that's just. yeah it's beautiful. they cry soft they cry loud whatever it is they're comfortable enough to do so and if they're not they at least know they won't be judged for it ARE YOU KIDDING ME I'M GOING TO BITE A TABLE?????
the characters have flaws. i love that so much. the characters are not perfect but they're still likable and it's executed so well. darius' grief is PALPABLE and kenji's anger, albeit sometimes annoying, is so understandable that you can't actually be angry or annoyed with him because the story writing makes you understand. that's incredible. yasmina struggles with anxiety and ptsd and she gets frustrated and that is !! okay !! sammy ignores her emotions and struggles with toxic positivity but we understand *why* she talks to yasmina that way (because she's worried and scared and concerned for her girlfriend, but she's also just as worried of truly addressing what she's been through) so it's so hard to get mad at her. ben is THANJ GOODNESS not mischaracterized as a cinnamon roll and is actually a complex character with complex emotions and i can't get enough of it. he's like a pain he's so annoying sometimes but it's endearing because he reminds you of that one classmate from elementary that makes you go ohhh yeah no it's him that's fine
okay paragraph was getting long but I do have more to say about kenji. the relationships in this show are executed SO WELL and I'm beyond relieved that Kenji and Daniel's relationship was written INCREDIBLY WELL
like. okay first off the asian rep YEAHGHH IT EAS GOOD !!! WOOP WOOP YRAHAHDH HONK HONK the part about kenji saying he should get his violin after daniel was like telling his sob story was SO FUNNY OH MH GOSH
and just. kenji and daniel kon. im. like his dad was never perfect. far from it and yet kenji just he loves him so much and wants to make him proud and it makes me sick because the writing helps you UNDERSTAND why
daniel keeps giving kenji ultimatums and kenji standing up to him for once just. yeah. that was done incredibly well. and then not even ten minutes after daniel started to change and gave his son something without expecting anything in return other than his presence daniel gets eaten alive in front of him.
okay now this show holy moly i was NOT expecting daniel to just. get ripped apart but um YEAH THAT HAPPENED and the grief was written so well I cannot stress this enough. I loathe in movies and shows when they skim past traumatic deaths and just act like the grief is just non existent and this show does an incredible job at showing that it is VERY MUCH STILL THERE and it makes people out there who are struggling feel a little less crazy and that's so beautiful
i've been a benrius enthusiast since day one and honestly at this point i just hope everything goes well for them moving on. brooklyn's death and Darius coping with her grief was done SO SO WELL and honestly okay as much as i love sibling-type dinostar i think rewatching scenes with the lens that he was in love with her just makes it hurt so much and it's just. yeah. it's written well.
I will say that I think the story could have gone on without Darius confessing his love to Brooklyn, and the scene where Kenji asked Darius about the voicemails could have been used solely as a chance to highlight grief. another way the scene could have gone was if kenji sifted through the voicemails and just heard Darius's voice shatter in a way he's never quite heard it or listened to darius blame himself and that could have been a moment for kenji to realize that grief isn't something people should deal with alone, that *he* shouldn't deal with grief alone
regardless i really do think the idea that Darius was in love with Brooklyn was done really well. I don't know a better way for kenji to have figured out the truth, and for that I am grateful :D!! I hope the hardcore shippers don't get too mad though 😭
also I absolutely loved the lady with the whistle. she's cool. her character design is terrifying and the way she treats the dinosaurs reminds me a of a queen that is very fond of her workers like 😭 she's cool but also i would never want her within a 100 mile radius of me
the found family in this show is actually. yeah. it makes me cry because it's just done so well because it doesn't idealize perfect relationships. there are awkward moments, there are sad moments, characters still feel broken and alone despite having people who've actively said that they'd go to the moon and back for them. it's realistic and it's written beautifully
I think Darius might actually be the character with The Writing ever. his grief and his nostalgia, his awkwardness and fascination with learning and his kindness are all things that exist together and I am so so grateful for that. he's allowed to laugh and make jokes while feeling constant, looming guilt. he is fascinated with learning while also struggling to feel like he deserves to be happy, he enjoys learning about dinosaurs while also being terrified of them on the worst days. he feels guilty and feels like a bad person. but he's loved and he's cared for. can you tell he's my favorite now because
enamored with yasmina and sammy as always. they are just the girlfriends ever and i love so much how openly they communicate with each other. sammy apologizes when she makes mistakes, yasmina doesn't hold it against her. they're always at each other's sides and their love isn't conditional. i love them SO MUCH
okay sorry im making this about darius again but this guy actually is The character ever. I don't think I've ever felt so seen in a character and i just yeah the writers are incredible because all of the characters are written to feel relatable, and if not that, to feel real. it was just a huge comfort to me to know that okay im not crazy for feeling this way because of a character, who was written and animated by dozens and dozens of creators was allowed to be written this way, i'm not messed up in the head, im just processing emotions and it's okay that I need help for that
but yeah i. i love this show.
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mangatxt · 1 year
any advice on how to improve writing style/get ideas for fics and dialogue? i’m forever in love with the way you write. it flows well, and the dialogue is super authentic and funny. i’m trying to get back into writing after a couple years of being crushed by the american secondary education system, so any tips would be much appreciated.
keep it up with the good work! i look forward to continue reading :))
Holy moly, this is a super kind ask. I'm so happy to know that you enjoy my work. Thank you for sending this!
As for the meat of this ask -- I'll do my best! I'll offer some reflections and then link some resources I've personally found helpful! I apologize for the length of this answer. This ask gave me a lot to think about, and brevity is my weakness as a writer.
I answer this with a few caveats:
I'm not an expert. I'm just loud.
I teach writing for a living, but I don't teach creative writing specifically. I do, by nature of my job, have more time for reading and writing than I did as a full-time student or corporate employee. That alone makes a huge difference. Everyone goes at their own pace, and it's hard to be creative without time, especially when you're starting out or getting back into writing after a break.
I write humor, so I'll discuss that primarily. While writing has rules that generally yield better results, comedy works often because it violates those established rules. Like many writing teachers, I have fully internalized the touted "canon" of Strunk & White's Elements of Style and George Orwell's Remedy of Six Rules. But sometimes, adverbs are funny. So I'll write an adverb, say "fuck you George Orwell," and, scandalously, call it a day.
If you want to deconstruct and consequently ruin comedy forever, start with Theories of Humor and then, to extend your suffering, hit the footnotes.
Humor writing is culturally dependent. You won't make everyone laugh. You'll flop. You'll embarrass yourself. You have to be willing to risk being unfunny. So it goes.
You can always publish anonymously on AO3 if it helps you start. Or for any reason. You can change your mind and claim it back to your account. Or you can abandon it entirely. I've done it plenty. Sometimes, it's what you need to do to draw up the nerve to put yourself out there, and that's completely fine.
My first personal rule is that I write stories for myself, fic or original. If someone else likes it, that's a bonus. I write what I want to read. That factors into my overall writing style too. I write how I'd want someone else to write it for me. Even if someone's written it before, which is often the case with fic writing and popular tropes, I might want to hear it in another way. See: The Two Cakes Principle.
My second personal rule is that I write something every day. Even if it's a little bit. Even if it's all trash. Anything's better than nothing. Write without editing. Write without your spell checker on, even. (As they say "write drunk, edit sober" -- I don't drink much, so for me that means "write at 3AM, edit at not 3AM"). The more you play around with words and practice your voice, the easier it will get. Part of this is honing the muscle or whatever, but part of this is also gaining familiarity with structure that will make writing forever easier. How do journalists crank out stories everyday? There's a structure to newspaper and magazine articles that makes it easier to plug in the words and go. You'll find your own in creative writing too. Plus, the more you write, the easier it is to let go of things (aka kill your darlings). (Killed darlings go in your bits folder.)
My third personal rule is that I write every idea down, no matter how vague or ridiculous, because I might be able to use it later. I never want to lose things. I use my phone notes for this. They're full of silly ideas -- funny things I overhead at the library, out-of-context conversations I imagine Reigen and Dimple having, Wikipedia articles that I liked, funny plot concepts, etc. The other day, I wrote down, "The gang carbon-dates Dimple." I dunno where I'm going with that, but I like the idea. I write a lot of my plot ideas in IASIP title card style. It's more fun that way. Always prioritize having fun.
One last personal rule is that the mechanical act of writing has a purpose. You're rarely writing for the purpose of writing well, right? Most of the time, in class or at work, I'm writing for the purpose of being understood by my audience, and therefore, I do whatever I must to make my message better understood, even at the expense of "good writing." Here's a silly example: I've learned the hard way that some of my co-workers can't fucking read. So instead of paragraphs, I write emails in bullet points with bold and underlined text. At the expense of prose, the message is more likely received, and that's the goal.
This example might be on the nose, but it applies in some way to everything I write. When I write fic, I have to have a purpose. Maybe I'm trying to make myself laugh. Maybe I'm trying to explore some theme or feeling. Maybe I'm trying to correct canon. Maybe I'm trying to speculate how the conman will handle a Situation. Whatever that end is, I find the writing comes easier when I focus on the end more than the process of writing. It helps me stay focused, when I remember that writing's just the tool. I hope that makes sense.
Developing a writing style or a narrative voice depends on the writer. I'm an amalgamation of what I've read and watched and enjoyed, combined with formal writing education and my own personal narration. I hate to be the person who says "read a lot to write more!" I hate it so so so much, but...it's true. (That said, it doesn't have to be the classics. I get inspiration from there, sure, but I also get inspiration from sitcoms and crossword clues and the inane HOA emails my landlord forwards to me. "Honored neighbors, we are ecstatic to announce fire alarm testing next week..." Like, I'm sorry? That's a work of art I've filed away for later.)
For fics, some of the way I write is homage to the original creator. I consider this a plus, not a requirement. ONE writes satire. He's foremost a humorist. Most of his works are genre deconstructions. Like most shonen mangaka, he writes shorter narrative arcs that sum to (or in his case, reflect across) the overall narrative arc of the work. He's also pretty cringe/over-the-top with wordplay and cultural references (pop and traditional). When I try to reflect elements of his style in my own work, I find his characters easier to work with. For me, it's hard to write something fully comedic or fully serious with MP100 characters. The alternation between comedy and tragedy in MP100 works because it plays on emotional investment in the characters and subversion of expectations.
That said, I'm going to have to add something controversial: as a fic writer, how much you adhere to the original work doesn't fucking matter. (See my first rule -- write what you want to read.) Fic writing is meant to be transformative. The amount that you should care about canon depends on what you're trying to accomplish. My advice is to play fast and loose as much as you want. Unfollow and block the "he wouldn't fucking say that" people if it helps you write. I do, because they're annoying. Characterization is a product of audience internalization. Further, every work is for someone. Most importantly, you're doing this for fun, not pay or obligation. Sure, maybe ONE wouldn't write Reigen saying a particular line, but ONE also writes homophobic stereotypes into his works. No matter what you do, by definition of writing a fan work, you're gonna stray from canon. It's not holy word. Don't waste your finite man hours stressed about it.
Moving on to discussion of "get ideas" -- I mentioned I write every idea down. I try to stick with ideas I know fairly well off the bat, because it's easiest to write what you know. In absence of that, I find more inspiration in the research into an idea. Much of the action in TPC was heavily inspired by George Santos's many misdeeds, which I read in the news or on Wikipedia.
If I can distill the idea into a premise, it informs my narrative voice in a given work. Write what you know applies to premise as much as character perspective. You're always going to have an easier time writing a character you relate to or you encounter in real life and know quite well. You might consider this to get started. Personally, I find Reigen and Mezato easiest to write, because I relate to them the most. I find Serizawa and Shigeo more difficult to write, because I have more trouble relating to their life experiences. On the other hand, I find Roshuuto easy to write, because his brand of villainy is more familiar to me.
There's this notion of plotting vs pantsing. A plotter outlines every facet of their work before doing any writing. A pantser makes it up as they go (read: "by the seat of their pants"). Figuring out which one you are will enable you to write more comfortably.
Personally, I'm somewhere in the middle of that spectrum. For MP100, I always know where a work will end when I start. In TPC, the second scene I ever wrote was the epilogue. For me, the middle is what's more up in the air. In my experience, it's very difficult to be a total pantser and write comedic multi-chapter works, unless you write the whole thing before you post. It's not impossible, but in my opinion, humor relies on callbacks and repetition so much that you risk writing yourself into a wall if you're not careful. In general, I don't start formally "fic writing" without an overarching premise, but the premise might be as simple as: "Against everyone's better judgment, Reigen runs for union president. It blows up in his face."
This was my original outline for TPC before I even wrote chapter one:
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I had the overarching narrative and the rough timeline for the mini-arcs in mind when I started. A lot of it ended up changing or shifting. I had a few themes I wanted to cover and comedic elements I wanted to set up. But when it came down to more specific mini-arc narrative details, I either plotted later or got away with pantsing it entirely.
Sometimes as I write chapters, I get stuck on individual scenes. Maybe I'm struggling to write scenery, or I haven't figured out a character interaction, or the dialogue isn't flowing the way I'd like. To deal with that, I have trained myself to write out of narrative order as needed. I write the scenes I'm most excited about first, and then I come back and fill in the rest of the connective tissue. This is easier in Scrivener, which is what I use to write, but you can set up any word processor to do this. Even within scenes, I sometimes skip parts that I need to think about for longer. Sometimes, I don't even finish sentences.
I'll write something like:
"Apparently you're quite popular on a particular Mobbit sub," he tells Reigen. Reigen's not sure he wants to know which one. "It was r/<SOMETHING FUNNY>. Did you know they hit a million subscribers this week? I think you helped."
And then in the middle of the night or in the shower or at the grocery store or whenever I think of "<SOMETHING FUNNY>", I fill it in later. When I edit, I make sure I clear out any remaining "<>." I do what I can, and then Future Ani does the rest. *handshake emoji*
For comedy writing, there are rules I follow that I'll link later on. While I've been inspired by a lot of other humor novelists or essayists, I also take a lot of inspiration from TV and standup.
I took a screenwriting class in college -- and while I didn't get the knack of screenwriting (B-, unlucky), I did learn a lot about plot progression, dramatic irony, show-not-tell, rule of threes, and scene setting. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but I found it helpful. You can see some of that inspiration manifest, for example, in that many of my fics have cold opens. I've always liked that comedic structure for drawing in the reader while establishing an overarching theme for the chapter. I do a lot of scene-switching and flashbacks as well. Scene-setting in comedy often involves juxtaposition -- e.g. "what if we put the weirdest loner from 7th division in a highly-collaborative corporate setting?". You're subverting expectations, and this is where you break the rules. Sometimes, comedy is about using the funniest word or word combination possible to describe something.
On that note, take some tips from poetry too. Alliteration, repetition, synecdoche, a lot of poetic devices work well here, because, like poetry, comedy writing depends on build-up and timing. Rules are best broken when it's rare and unexpected. It's way funnier and impactful when a character who never swears drops an f-bomb when they've finally had enough. Here's another example: in general, you should avoid epithets in fic writing, but it's all about being judicious with your timing. I can call Reigen "the union's esteemed president" instead of his name in a scene in Executive Privilege, because I juxtapose it with him doing something less-than-esteemed.
Perhaps less obviously, the TV influence manifests in the way I write dialogue too -- shorter and generally interleaved between the characters. While I read everything I write out loud during editing to check flow, I especially focus on tightening up dialogue. I don't always get it right, but I try to make sure that every word in a piece of dialogue has to have a purpose: either characterization or timing, in that order. Serizawa uses a lot of "I think" or "In my opinion." Reigen...does not do that. And Dimple is a master of the last word in the form of a pithy quip. If I plan my scenes to use that characterization to support the comedic timing I'm shooting for, it works all the better. (e.g. -- let Reigen babble on like an expert about something he doesn't actually know anything about, let Serizawa think on it for a while and come to a conclusion that puts Reigen on the spot, let Reigen backtrack, and then let Dimple add his jab at the end. And scene.)
Aaand that's a lot of reflection. Probably too much reflection. These are some considerations that have helped me over time, so I hope others might find it helpful too. Getting started is tough, and it's often terrifying to put your work out there (and somehow, even more terrifying to put a GDoc in front of a beta reader, I haven't a clue why but it's true for me!). But once you start, I promise it gets easier! You'll build yourself a foundation and continue to pick up things you like, discard things you don't like, and grow from there.
Thanks again for sending this ask. It means a lot to me. Happy to continue the conversation and field other people's thoughts on any of this! Like I said, this is a reflection on my process, but everyone develops their own unique approach to writing over time. Mine changes over time too. Above all, I hope you can heal from the crush of the education system, find enjoyment in writing again, and discover the style and process that works for you <3
Resources (AKA things I personally have bookmarked):
general writing (in addition to Strunk&White, Orwell, and others mentioned earlier):
how to get out of a writing slump (this fixed me once)
masterlist of general writing resources
another big ass masterlist
resources for describing places
masterlist of facial expressions
how to write an inciting incident
i found this recently: cultural differences writing work set in japan
i also follow writing prompt blogs, nanowrimo, character and relationship week blogs, etc. prompts can be a great way to start and build community with other writers!
comedic writing:
basic tips on writing humor
comedic devices
comedic genre
i can't find the link for this BUT: humor and comedy is not inherently less complex or wise or valuable than non-comedic work. writing is writing and fics are fics, whether they make the reader laugh, cry, or both.
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mrs-steve-harrington · 4 months
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Throwing some fic recs into the mix since I keep seeing the posts from others and wanting to join in. Below, you'll find 10 fics that I'm excited to recommend, in no particular order!
get a clue! by @monsterhunting [Stranger Things, Stoncy]
This is a delightful Valentine's Day fic featuring oblivious Steve, which is one of my favorite kinds of Steve! The pining is real, but the fic is lighthearted, not lingering on the angst of it all, but rather focusing on the positives. Steve's friendship and back and forth with Robin is great, but his interactions with Nancy and Jonathan are even better. It's a great time!
Don't Make Me by @idridian [Halloween Ends, Corey/Allyson/Michael]
You do not understand how badly I needed a fic like this after finally seeing Halloween Ends for the first time. That movie took over my whole brain for a hot minute and I was worried there would be nothing out there to sink my teeth into afterwards. But this fic. This fic was there to give me everything that I needed after the movie. "Allyson Corruption Arc" might be my favorite tag ever. It goes without saying, but there's a darkness to this fic that wraps around you while reading it. The relationship with Allyson and Corey is EVERYTHING! I just. This fic is beautiful and I love it!
To Run The Dog by @pterawaters [Stranger Things, Stoncy]
I love me some fic where Stancy crush hard on Jonathan and want to date him together. This is a really lovely AU where Steve and Nancy are married and keep seeing Jonathan running by their house with his dog. The way they want so badly to interact with him, and the friendship that ends up developing once they get the chance, is wonderful. The characters still feel like themselves despite not having gone through the same things as they do in the show, and it's just. Really enjoyable to read!
my body's aching and my time is at hand by whateverislovely [Criminal Minds, Reid-centric]
Gosh, this fic hits me right in the feels. There's something about sitting with a character who is feeling so low and feels like they can't talk to anyone (even though they know deep down that they could but it FEELS like they can't). Spencer desperately needs someone to see that he's struggling, but it's hard when there's so much going on at the same time. I don't even know what all to say, this fic just really gave me the angst and hurt/comfort (emotional and physical) that I revel in.
The Babysitter by @stevethehousewife [Stranger Things, Stancy, Dusteve, uhh... more]
A fic inspired by my favorite horror comedy movie ever? With Steve as the titular babysitter? But not evil? AND it's A/B/O?? Yeah there are many, many reasons I love this fic. The descriptions of Steve feel like they came right out of the movie in a way that made them so easy to see in my head. But it changes enough about the story that it doesn't feel at all like a straight up rehash of what you've already seen. AND it combines some of my favorite ships, with a Steve who is just the best ever. I freaking LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH!!
close my fist around something delicate by inlovewithnight [Ted Lasso, Keeley/Roy/Jamie]
All that I wanted for these three was for them to realize that they have feelings for each other. That they can make a relationship work, if they just try. And dammit, this fic delivers! While also adding in some great angst and hurt/comfort (physical and emotional). I didn't realize quite how much I wanted to see Jamie hurting and being stood up for/protected by the people who care about him, but boy did I! This fic is really lovely, it sucked me in and didn't let me go until I finished reading.
Both Hands Holding on to the Wire by @stevethehousewife [Stranger Things, Stobin]
This was one hell of a gift to get in a smut exchange, holy moly! It focuses really well on Robin's confusion over the thoughts she starts having about Steve after accidentally walking in on him changing. The whole concept is handled respectfully, taking the weight of it all very seriously. Robin and Steve's friendship is so good, the way they can just BE with each other. It's got the angst I adore, a Steve who is an absolute sweetheart, and a Robin who is so much more like her season 4 self than season 3 (which is a huge plus for me personally).
The Hourglass by @pterawaters [Fargo s5, Dot & Gator, Dot/Wayne/Gator]
A shorter fic here, but no less wonderful! It's exactly what I needed after finishing the latest season of Fargo. Getting to see where their lives might have gone, if Dot had been able to take Gator with her when she ran away. If he had wanted to go. It gets me emotional every time I think about it. I love love love this fic!
Wednesday by @stevethehousewife [Stranger Things, Stoncy]
I will recommend this fic forever and for always. It has everything: hurt Steve! Time loops! Season 3 Steve being thrown back to the worst day of his life and forced to relive it over and over until he gets it right (hint, it's the Halloween party in s2). I fucking love this fic! I've lost count of how many times I've reread it, but it might rival the number of time loops Steve lives through (okay maybe not quite that many, but you get my point). It shows Steve a side of Jonathan he didn't get to see the first time around. It gives him the closure he probably didn't realize he needed. I just. Adore this story!!
An Oath Broken, An Oath Kept by @urisarang [Love Between Fairy and Devil, Chang Heng/Dongfang Qingcang]
This fic is so mean in the best way! Both of them are so hurt, physically and emotionally. And then Chang Heng is forced to hurt DFQC even more, which only makes it that much BETTER. It was the perfect gift to receive for the Flash Made Them Do It exchange. I laugh every time I see the a/n (the word count minimum was 300 words. The word count on this fic is... a lot more than that). And it's just as fun to reread now as it was to read it the first time around. I want to draw hearts around it!
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RvB vore headcanons: Blood Gulch Chronicles Edition
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-old man
-would eat blues as a way to establish dominance
-might also do that with his own team for similar reasons
-rants to prey about “the good ole days where milk was a nickel” and WAR
-tries to get all spooky scary when pred but just doesn’t land it
-unlikely/unwilling prey. makes him feel like less of a leader
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(i actually have some good headcanons for this one with evidence to back it up)
-a CHRONIC insomniac
-skinny queen, amazing prey
-due to his cyborgness, he has robot organs, meaning robo stomach (air conditioning yesss)
-also has oil saliva (which is a little gross but hey)
-noms grif most often out of the reds
-due to his (headcanonical) insomnia, he often can’t get to sleep easily, but finds that grif nomming him calms him down and helps him sleep better
-checks up on prey like every 10 minutes bc he’s just a nervous little guy :3
-speaking of grif…
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-chronic eepy
-mmmm chubby pred my beloved oooo yesss <333
-tends to nom Simmons either bc a) he can’t sleep or b) idk man bros hungry
-sometimes engages in accidental vore bc, once again, chronic eepy
-rubs tum to comfort/calm prey down, especially if unwilling
-weight in his stomach knocks this man out in like 2 seconds
-when prey, also falls asleep within 2 seconds. like he could get nommed for protection purposes after running away from some guy trying to kill him and just loses all the adrenaline immediately.
-extreme cuddling fan <3
-chubby pred = soft and warm tum.
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-amazeballz :O
-gets flustered pretty easily, this goes for being pred or prey
-ONLY and i mean ONLY noms when ppl ask. doesn’t nom unwilling prey for a few reasons
-1) prey kick which he is REALLY sensitive to and 2) feels really ashamed when prey gets really scared and doesn’t know they’re safe
-enjoys tum rubs from prey. calms him down.
-similar to Simmons, checks on prey a bit too often
-sees vore as a really intimate thing so he gets really fluster when nommed and his words get all shaky and auwuquwuq
-just a little guy :3
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-doesn’t mind prey that’s unwilling and puts up a fight
-he’s had to deal with kick before if yk what i mean 😏
-he’s a lover, not a fighter, and doesn’t enjoy the idea of holding prey in his tum for periods of time that they’re uncomfortable with
-occasionally gets bit cocky when nomming prey, to prey’s annoyance
-he’s a bit of a jerk but overall harmless
-as prey, firmly believes the superior answer is hands first like a little fucking bitch
-if unwillingly nommed, he fights a bit but gets a bit tired after like 5 seconds
-just a little guy
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-the most tsundere middle aged man in the entire world
-usually unwilling prey. that man is NOT going down without a fight
-denies any allegations of enjoying being nommed (he’s a LIAR! LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE!!)
-noms prey for two reasons mostly 1) prey won’t shut up 2) protective purposes
-epsilon church? now that’s a whole other story i’m not going to get into here
-also denies nomming prey for any purpose other than those two reasons (once again, FUCKING LIAR!!!)
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-he’s such a silly little goobernut i have so many hc for him. holy moly
-100% noms other to protect them
-pretty much everyone on the blue team is half his height, so nomming them is pretty easy
-rants to unwilling prey about things they like in an attempt to calm them down
-tbh he does a lot of things for unwilling prey in an attempt to calm them down
-does it work? sometimes!
-slightly hums to prey and rubs tum for comfort
-actually the most teddy bear of a pred ever conceived.
-noms Church mostly despite his protests. Church settles down after a while and gets used to it.
-he’s just a little guy 🥺
-out of the blues, his tums actually REALLY soft and comfortable. it’s like laying on a giant pillow that is alive and moving and encased all around u.
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-holy shit she is a BITCH
-unwilling prey? SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE!! willing prey? SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE AS WELL!!!
-she will not take shit from anybody
-100% pred all the time
-similar to Sarge, uses vore as a way to establish dominance in a group
-if she noms you and she KNOWS you prior to nomming, my dear that is a sign of utter and complete respect and intimacy
-if prey is unwilling and kicking/screaming, can and will punch her stomach to get the point across of “shut up, will ya?”
-also uses vore for protection of her colleagues (aka blues)
-“this place is full of mean ladies!”
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-yooooo doctor
-stomach fluids have healing properties, something he greatly takes advantage of
-really cares about prey he’s nomming and, like many others, noms for protection
-noms after battle or fight to aid wounded prey (this includes nomming multiple prey at once. i see u tooo)
-however, doesn’t nom the reds or blues together unless they know each other and are on good terms. they will have a “GIRLS ARE FIGHTING!!” moment. that isn’t very comfortable for all parties
-enjoys vore as a prey because it makes him feel safe and protected. huge extreme cuddling fan.
-stomach is warm, but in a way where it’s comfortable and won’t make prey overheat
-out of the reds and blues, other than grif and caboose, his tum is probably the most comfortable.
-tummy rubs? tummy rubs ooooo ^^
and that’s all for now! i’ll do one later with the freelancers we see in rvb (dead or alive)
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dairy-godmother · 2 months
Holy moly are those ever after high ocs? They sure are! Let’s take a look, shall we?
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So who is this cutie and what is her fairytale?
This is Clementine Lin, the daughter of Tam Lin and Bonny Janet from the Scottish myth/fairytale, Tam Lin! Her destiny is to follow in her father’s footsteps and get kidnapped by the queen of the fae! I found this fairytale so interesting because the male in the original story was the damsel in distress.
Tam Lin is about a girl named Bonny Janet who owned the forest of Carterhaugh since it was given to her by her father. Bonny Janet was bored and had nothing to do with her life, so once she found out about a mysterious entity that steals the “Purity” of all young maidens who enter Carterhaugh alone, she went running. Once she met Tam Lin, a strange spirit who was surprisingly relatable, Bonny Janet became pregnant with his child. Wonder if that has anything to do with the purity stealing thing. One day, they’re hanging out as young lovers do, and Bonny asks if Tam Lin was once human. This is where the plot REALLY kicks in. Tam lin was riding his horse through Carterhaugh one day nearly 7 years ago, and he suddenly fell off of it. Somehow, this meant he was now the property of the queen of the faeries in Carterhaugh. He also tells her that every seven years, the faeries make a human sacrifice to hell on Halloween night, and that he is worried that despite the faery queen’s fondness of him, he might be this year’s sacrifice. After this, Bonny Janet and Tam Lin come up with a plan to rescue him from being sacrificed. Bonny must push him off of his horse in order to become her property rather than the property of the queen of the faeries. However, Tam Lin knows that the queen will do anything to keep him, so she will transform him into horrific beasts and hot burning coals in order to make Bonny drop him. This is worrying, but Tam Lin assures her that since she is the mother of his child, he would never do anything to hurt her in any form. Bonny trusts this and the plan goes swimmingly! Everything works, and the queen turns tam lin into a pile of burnt coals. In order to revert him back to normal, Bonny drops the coals into a well and he comes out of it fully human! (And unclothed)
Back to Clementine, her personality is reminiscent of Tea Kettle from Inanimate Insanity Invitational. She wants to be the mom friend and be helpful to her friends, but she also can’t help but gossip and can’t keep a secret, so people don’t trust her the way she wants them to. She also loves the idea of being a damsel in distress and needing to be rescued. She is excited for her destiny.
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Who is this and why does she look so weird? This is Chance Ribbon, the daughter of Jenny and Alfred from the Girl with the Green Ribbon.
In her fairytale, a boy named Alfred meets a girl named Jenny in school as a child. Jenny always wears a green ribbon around her neck, and Alfred wants to know why. When Alfred asks her, she basically just tells him “later” and goes on with her day. As the years go by, the two fall in love, get married, have children, and the whole time, Alfred keeps asking her what the ribbon is for. Finally, when they are both extremely old, sickly, and on death’s door, Jenny tells Alfred to untie the Ribbon. He does so, then…
Her head falls off.
Chance’s own personal story in my writing is that her mom only died about a year ago, despite Chance, the only child, being 16. Chance has always worn a ribbon, just like her mother. In fact, she was born in a secluded place without her father just so the secret couldn’t be spread. She and her mom were the only ones who knew what the ribbon was for, and now that her mom is dead, it is only her. Her father didn’t understand what he had done by untying the ribbon. He was confused and angry, and so he projected that anger onto Chance. Now that Chance is back in high school (she had to skip a year of classes and got held back) she is mostly seen having angry text conversations with her father on her Mirrorphone.
Chance is a wild card and a bit of a goofball to her friends. She hates large crowds, but doesn’t hate social interaction in general. Sometimes, she speaks in slight riddles, leaving people confused on what she means.
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Who is miss sassy? She is the daughter of King Midas, who shall remain unnamed for the moment. She is a redesign of my first ever EAH oc, who will eventually be linked (here.) I haven’t thought her character out very much.
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What in the Good Luck Charlie!? This is actually Theria Thumb, the daughter of Tom Thumb, who would do anything to get her out of his destiny. Theria is only 12 years old and in middle school. Theria will not be attending EAH after her eighth grade year. Her father’s one dying wish before he died of a massive spider bite was for her to be protected from the fate he was not proud of. You may be wondering. Darius, what’s the matter with Tom Thumb and his destiny? Oh nothing, he just upsets everyone around him for no reason, pranks his classmates, and then is punished for it for the rest of his life by getting baked into a pie and getting eaten by like 42 different creatures, not to mention the embarrassment of being harassed and made fun of by the court of KING ARTHUR (yk the one with merlin and the sword and escalibur? that guy) there is just so much terrible stuff in the story that Theria must avoid. The question is, how CAN she avoid it without just being locked inside for forever? The apple really doesn't fall far with these two, and Theria constantly wants to explore, to the dismay of her guardians.
aaand yeah that's all of them. hope you enjoyed!
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spnfanficpond · 1 year
March 2023 Angel Fish Awards
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(Angel Fish design by @slytherkins!!)
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words.
The monthly Angel Fish Awards are peer-nominated, meaning ANYONE (you don’t have to be a member) CAN NOMINATE ANY POND MEMBER’S FIC. Everyone in this community deserves to be showered with love and feedback, and we hope that this fun, thoughtful award will do just that. (Click here to learn more about how to nominate a fic for an award!)
Be sure to read through this whole post as people who were nominated more than once only had one tag activated for Tumblr tagging purposes!
Nominated by @iprobablyshipit91
I've Got You by @spnexploration
This story is super sweet protective Dean and I loved it so much. It’s everything I love to read 😍
Motel Diablo by @waynes-multiverse
This was just hilarious, it had reader and Dean smut as well as some brotherly squabbling and Deans love for his car. Brilliant!
Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis
Rumors (series) by @deanwinchesterswitch
If you're in the mood to get your ripped out and stomped on, this is the series for you! Dean did his usual stupid stuff and pushed her away. And then he regretted it, but she was gone. Can they fix it? Holy moly, this one hurts!!
What You Need (series) Part 1 & Part 2 by @thinkinghardhardlythinking
SO MUCH PINING!!! I love me some juicy pining and this has juicy pining AND Sam being a snack with gooey insides and I LOVE IT!! I can't wait to see how this goes!!
Nominated by @princessmisery666
All Out of Options by @julesthequirky
This is short and to the point and it broke my heart all the same!
Tattered (series - link and review are for part 8) by @stusbunker
Another amazing instalment. I love these 3 and though the situation is a bit messed up, Dean STILL puts Sam first. Perfect characterization. And that ending has me holding my breath…
Rumors (series - link and review are for part 3) by @deanwinchesterswitch
This whole series is heartbreaking and I never have the words to express how much I love something. So I'll say it again, I LOVE THIS, it hurts so so so so so so so good.
Nominated by @salt-n-burn-em-all
Ceremonial Boning by @agenthellcat
Not over the top with angst, cute, sweet and sexy! Excellent writing and most of all, she didn’t write that Dean was scissoring his fingers.
Nominated by @thoughtslikeaminefield
Never Doubt The Best Man (series) by @stusbunker
This one's been around for a couple of years, and yet, I forgot to read more than the first chapter until last month. And boy am I glad I did! It's soooo sexy and soooo Dean and fun and SEXY. And swoony. And it's Stu, which is always an automatic, duh, I'm gonna read it.
Muffled by @hoboal87
This is sweet and sexy and quick, but you can also feel the love. Those are sometimes the very best.
Nominated by @mariekoukie6661
Apple of my Eye (series) by @bamby0304
This is such a great series! I love what she did with this! The fact that it started in the « normal » world is what makes this series interesting!
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These are not actual awards, as in, there is no competition! This system is set up so everyone has a chance to share the love and promote a fic/author in the Pond that has grabbed your attention. The more people that participate, the better this will be :D
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creativenicocorner · 2 years
Hey! I really enjoy your discworld fics and wanted to draw some fan art. I've had a hard time finding the motivation to draw recently but these fics really got me inspired
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I started reading your Maurice and Moist fics before I had actually read The Amazing Maurice, but now that I have, I really like how you kept up the same tone as the book. Loved the scene with the golem so I had to draw it
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Runaway's Gamble is such a fun idea and chapter one was SO sweet! I love Young Sam's characterization and cringe/fail uncle Moist and I can't wait to see where the story goes when Angua gets involved
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Okay OKAY please know it took me, like, half an hour to calm down and stop flailing with JOY and DELIGHT!!! (I may or may not have done some wall pushups just to reach some level of chill lol it's a miracle I'm not keysmashing cause I am vibrating with JOY) Oh my goodness I'm HONORED I was able to inspire and motivate you to draw even when struggling with motivation!! And trust me, I get it! It can be rough, and the fact my fics helped in any way is just, wow, like I said, an absolute honor.
Perhaps one of the highest praises a writer can receive and just ;0; I can't thank you ENOUGH for sharing these wonderful pieces (♡PLURAL!! YOU MAD LAD THANK YOU (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)♡) and kind words!!!♡ It is wonderful to know I was able to capture the tone of the book, I'm oh man OVERY JOYED to hear that!! And a further relief I was able to handle Young Sam's characterization well! While writing I felt like that was a point I was worried and struggled through more than anything and, yeah, again, A RELIEF to know I stuck that landing!!♡ Though I gotta say re-listening to Equal Rites really helped since Esk is very close to Young Sam's age for a majority of the book
And the ART!♡ Can we talk about the art?! I'm Dying to talk about the art!!♡ THE DETAIL on the slate!! Moist's little expression looking up at the golem!! The green roofs!! The flowers!! YES!! And you captured the softness of the scene so magnificently!! AND LITTLE YOUNG SAM YOU MADE HIM SO CUTE!! And holy MOLY the detail of Moist's hands as he's holding the cards!! His coy smile!! Incredible!! I'm shaking with JOY! This piece is as sweet as those eaten cherry pie slices, and twice as wholesome!! Phenomenal!!!
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I recently started a new job, so that might have an impact on how frequent I'll be able to update, but never fear they will be updated!!! I think between the two fics the Maurice and Moist fic might be updated sooner, but we'll see!
(ง •̀ω•́)ง✧♡ All the same I will endeavor to make just as enjoyable if not more! I'm very excited ✧
♡In the meantime take care of yourself! And thank you so much again, from the bottom of my heart, this means so much to me♡
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kuroosdarling · 2 years
Happy sleepover saturday Aims! What are some of your fave fics that your moots have written and why?? I need some recs lol
ooo !!! happy sleepover saturday nonnie <33 EEE im so excited for this hehe
sorry this took so long !! here are a few of my fave fics by some of my moots <33 all of my moots are seriously so talented 🤧 if i could fit every single one on here i could !!! love all of you sm <3
please respect the rules of their blogs before reading and interacting with their fics <333
first convention by @sweetkoshi - akaashi x reader
this one is so much fun to read lol. kat's characterization for akaashi is spot on and i love the idea of him wandering around a convention. also all the descriptions in this fic are so good it feels like you're really there walking around the con hehe she’s an amazing writer! also PLEASE check out her nanami fics.. lowkey debated tagging them all but omg they’re all so good.
you'll never be rid of me by @myheroesaretired - ex! gojo x reader.
PLS okay so this one had my heart racing lowkey lol. i just love the idea of ex!gojo coming to save the day. i'll eat it up every time especially if dear nesi is writing it!! all her fics feel like a lil movie playing in my head. i literally go through her masterlist all the time bc i love the way she writes !’
we’re gonna be the talk of the town by @mattsunkawa - suna x reader: royalAU
okay so !! echo is a fantastic writer and her royal AUs are always so amazing. the descriptions in this piece are all so beautiful. honestly all of her writing is!! everything she writes will easily captivate your attention and have you wanting more. you’ll never be disappointed reading echos fics and she’ll have you falling in love with anyone she writes for (even when it’s her beautiful angsty ones).
vows - kuroo x reader by @hyeque
SCREAMS. okay so risu always writes so so well!! i love reading anything she writes, she's amazing fr. but this one left especially such a lasting impression on me lol. its so raw and beautiful and i just love rereading it hehe. marrying tetsu is literally the dream <3 and the way risu writes him ??! even better !!! please check out all her fics, you’ll fall in love with each one.
okay, bambi by @jeankirsteinsgirl - jean x reader
holy. moly. this story has me in a chokehold fr. aims writes so beautifully and i hang on to every word she writes. im in awe of how well she captures each and every scene. i connect to this story so so much. i’ve never felt so heard and understood in my life lol. seriously my favorite series ever. i’ve reread it like 5 times and i’ll still go back and read it. it’s such a place of comfort and feels so safe even though it deals with darker content. like it literally changed my life lol. i can literally go on and on forever but i highly suggest this series, even if you aren’t in the aot fandom.
ferris wheel first kiss by @writingbymoonlight - kuroo x reader
EEEE okay so i literally adore this fic with my whole heart LOL. it's just so so precious. going on a date with kuroo at the amusement park?? yup sign me up!! such a lovely fluffy lil fic that makes you feel all warm<3 luna is the queen when it comes to slice of life !! she’s such a spectacular writer! also check out her suna fic omg !! i almost tagged that one but i had to go with our bby kuroo <3
daydream in blue by @ohtokki - semi x reader
eee !! this one is so fun and amazing lol making semi semi feel pretty?? SIGN ME UP. laura really has a way with words and captures every moment so well!! i honestly have reread this a few times just because of how much i love it. & all the details that go into it OMGGG <3 everything she writes will have you simping for character you didn’t know you needed to be simping for !!
daydreaming by @epkatn - hinata x reader
i looove this fic sm !! everything K writes has such a nice flow and the level of detail that goes into it is so so beautiful. this fic especially was so cute n fun to read. i’ve def reread this one a few times hehe all of her works are so spectacular and she really is an amazing writer <3
flicker by @kurootosis - kuroo x reader
okay so to this day, this fic is one of my fave kuroo fics ever lol. the way lem writes, especially kuroo, feels so real and authentic. this fic had me at the edge of my seat the whole time i was reading it. so many emotions and the pay off was so worth it OMG. i’ve reread this one a few times and im gonna go back to reread it again (also bc i don’t think i reblogged it from her new blog </3)
when you get jealous by @meloomi - sakusa x reader
okay!! so this fic had me falling in love with omi lol. the way that mizu writes her man is SO SO GOOD. you can feel the love she has for him pour into every word fr. this fic was just so cute and i loved rereading it hehe mizu is very talented and i always get excited when she posts!
blanket burrito by @cup-of-fluff - bokuto x reader
please !! this fic had me fall in love with bokuto all over again pls. i literally love him and when i first read this i had to wrap myself up in a blanket too. (was bummed that bokuto himself didn’t do it for me but whateves </3) hehe luna is so so talented and i love reading her works !!!
morning glory by @lunaevangeline - atsumu x reader
aaa this one was literally so fun and cute to read. domestic atsumu >>> !!! luna has sm amazing fics it was hard to pick just one but tbh i think this one was one of the first i’ve read from her so it feels fitting hehe. she is such a wonderful writer!!!
i hope it’s okay i tagged you guys <3 i love reading all your works!! i love all my dear moots and if i didn’t get a chance to put you on this post, i’m sending you extra smooches because you are all so talented and i cherish y’all sm <33
come to the sleepover!!
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star-ocean-peahen · 2 years
Fucking lady Din i hated the Crystalized finale
Not just the finale even the entire second half of the season. I just binge watched it and it SUUUUUUCKED
HORRIBLE pacing. What even was that. None of the plotlines felt aligned or in sync and everything felt like it was moving incredibly slowly. We spent a good quarter of the season in the invasion.
Idk what was up with the cinematography but it looked worse than usual?? Like there were so many shots of up close faces that......weren't doing anything that needed to be zoomed in on?
Garmadon's a hilarious smartass and I genuinely enjoyed his segments but holy moly I did not like his relationship with Lloyd. Garmadon seems to be regaining his humanity but he never remembers himself?? Like he acts WAY more like the Garmadon from the Lego Ninjago Movie than the show Garmadon, who was, may I remind you, literally defined by how he loved his son more than anything else. And then in his "redemption arc" they're all like "he's trying to learn compassion and care so that Lloyd will forgive him" WELL HE'S DOING A DAMN HORRIBLE JOB OF 1. SHOWING IT AND 2. ACTING AT ALL LIKE GARMADON TRYING TO LOVE HIS SON. Seriously the way he treated Lloyd was SO out of character. It makes total sense if he's a broken echo of the real Garmadon and so he treats Lloyd with indifference, but they're presenting Garmadon trying to learn compassion as becoming the same guy he was before he was resurrected, and BOY HOWDY THOSE ARE NOT THE SAME PEOPLE.
Speaking of which: Lloyd why are you being so fucking nice to everybody. He doesn't WANT to forgive his dad. So much of the resurrected Garmadon's character hinges on him being the exact OPPOSITE of the real Garmadon! THAT'S NOT HIS DAD AND HE ACTS LIKE HE KNOWS IT!!! But then he goes and acts like he's kinda getting his dad back even though Garmadon's been a tremendous asshole to him the whole time!! All Garmadon did was not kill a guy (like anyone is allowed to be killed anymore in this show lmao) and Lloyd is suddenly acting like he's made up for what he did?? To be clear I don't think redemption is obtained by doing penance to the people you've hurt, but Lloyd, character-wise, has no reason to treat Garmadon like he's worthy of his trust and love besides his desire to change.
Coming off of that, the show has been so bastardized by misguided "protect the children" principles that it's actively harming the story. Lloyd's the good guy, so he has to forgive and befriend everyone who realizes they're wrong, no matter what they've done to him. Remember, Garmadon disowned him. Harumi made it very clear that she wanted to psychologically torture him and would do ANYTHING to make him hurt. Any love that Lloyd had for these people HAS to be tainted by how much hurt there is in the relationship. But no, he's the protagonist, and protagonists of children's shows have to destroy themselves loving people who hate them and aren't even allowed to feel bad about it.
Also (I think I'll make a separate post about this) the fight scenes have gotten so boring now that they're not allowed to punch. When they're engaged in combat they only ever shoot, dodge, run, and hide. It makes the show feel incredibly pretend and shallow, because they're shying away from actual emotional investment and consequences.
Nya. My love. My darling. Why do you want your powers back. I thought you losing your powers and becoming Samurai X again meant you were rejecting the broken standards and refusing to push yourself to become something that was contrary to your actual character so you could reclaim your symbol of self-determination and independence??? Wtf that arc was literally show long why why why does she have to get her powers back???
UGGHGHGGHGHGHGHGHG HARUMI WHY. We already knew her motivations made no sense but if she's so motivated by vengeance and self-preservation why is she throwing her character aside for a guy that she, oh yeah, hates so much that she revived his dead father to kick his ass?? And if that specific motivation is lessened now because she wants darkness to win the balance or whatever crap that was then why is she so driven to serve the Overlord. Again, if it's self preservation, why the fuck is she so obsessed with Lloyd?? She makes literally no sense.
holy FUCK is the sexism in this show getting obvious. The more I watch the more I see it's literally everywhere. Nya tells the boys to stop using their special thingy so their engines don't overheat. They snark at her and don't listen. Lloyd tells them the same thing. THEY TAKE HIM SERIOUSLY. I am genuinely happy Nya's back in the Samurai X role because that really is where she shines, but NO ONE FUCKING LISTENS TO HER OR RECOGNIZES HER WORK UNLESS THEY THINK THEY NEED HER. Believe me, I love Jaya, but their relationship as it functions is still backwards. No one listens to the girls unless they're doing work for them. UGHGUGHGUGUGHGHGHG
I'm sorry to say it but the Pixane moments felt soulless. I love Pix she's best girl and it was genuinely amazing the way she was carting around Angwy Zane. Her expressions and voice convey so much and it's incredible. But the moment when she woke him up from the coma felt so lackluster compared to the moments they've shared in the past. It's like the writers don't know how to write interesting and healthy romantic relationships after they've gotten together OH WAIT
How dare you show me a four-headed dragon and pretend it's Ultra after you killed them. How fucking dare you show me the ninja reaching up to pet the individual elemental dragon heads and pretend that Ultra never existed.
Lloyd's Oni form FUCKING FSM that was underwhelming. He just looked like a shiny gold Garmadon. He should REALLY have had a dragon/oni hybrid form because that MAKES MORE FUCKING SENSE-
BECAUSE. I hate the angle they went with where the Oni are just pure evil. Yep. They hate everybody and want to destroy everything. Not even human, how gross is that?? Taking things apart, wow, that's so evil for a toy line that depends on that concept. Totally evil, for no reason. I think my idea is SO much better and would have made at least more sense than "you must embrace the inherently evil part of you to defeat evil and darkness personified".
You know what they should have done?? Introduced the idea that Oni aren't inherently evil. That breaking things down is essential to making things better. They keep spouting about the balance and stick yin and yang symbols everywhere but then turn around with the pointedly Western concept of light vs. darkness. Only by accepting the parts of him he's ashamed of and confronting his fears would Lloyd be able to access his dragon and Oni powers. Seriously, cowards, give us dragon/oni hybrid Lloyd. Let him confront his mixed heritage in the way the First Spinjitzu Master and his sons were never able to. HAVE HIM FIND THE FALSITIES OF THE PAST'S LEGACY AND DISMANTLE THEM.
Also the Oni should have bird wings instead of scaly ones because the Dragon Form has dragon wings and the Oni form has.......dragon wings. Fluffy jet-black bird wings. Come on.
when the dragon ninja are hugging they don't even wrap their wings around each other. lmao.
Okay here are some things I found cool:
why why WHY does clutch powers still have the teapot of tyrahn. why were a bunch of boys planning to jump him for it. why
genuinely the elements of this season are great. i LIKE seeing Harumi and Garmadon and Misako and random crystal generals and corrupted weapons of spinjitzu and dragon transformed ninjas and Nya as Samurai X and the paperkids. I think this season has so many great plotline concepts, but I don't like the way they executed them.
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missrosegold · 10 months
from your first to your latest dabi fanfiction, you have never failed to impress me. Your creativity goes INSANE! The way you write also??? Do you know that gif where the pen catches on fire as its writing? Because that’s you! You never miss and you write dabi so well and sooooo attractive. Your writing is genuinely so amazing. Touya was already attractive but after being written by you??? It’s like he got covered by rhinestones!
I want to thank you for all you have written bc I will reread and reread until my eyes cannot reread and I appreciate you and the work you put in your writing very much (I want to get penetrated by ur phrases). Thank you so so so much.
Hi anon! Let me just get this out of the way: if I could reach though my screen and give you a (platonic) kiss on the forehead, I absolutely would, beacuse WOW, this is so incredibly sweet of you!! 🥺😭
I try and stay as true as I can to Dabi/Touya when I write him, even if my stories involve him romancing another character! He's a very complex character, and that's what makes him so much fun to write! It's very easy to brush him off as a one-dimensional serial killer with major daddy issues (and I can understand why some people view him this way) but he's so much more then that!! He comes across as sadistic and homicidal, and I firmly believe that he's very much capable of love - beacuse despite what he claims: he does care, a lot, maybe a little too much - and I think that if he was ever given a chance, that would roll over into his romantic life!!
You can still stay true to his core character traits while having him be a little bit romantic in his own way! I personally like to take his aloofness and a little bit of his sadisem and roll it over into his humor so he never really looses his wicked edge, beacuse... well, I personally find it attractive lol. 😂😂
All and all, (sorry about the rant there), I'm really glad that you like my rendition of him! I was pretty nervous when I wrote him for the first time beacuse he was so different from any other character I've written before, but if you think I'm doing a good job, I'll take it in stride!
This was the nicest, sweetest thing ever - thank you so much sweetheart - you really made my night! ❤❤
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silvertsundere · 1 year
Silver Talks AniManga (25/06/23)
a new series and a finale today wao tho next week will be quite busy with 3 anime finales and 1 manga one and the 1 hour premier of the ryza anime let alone any stuff I might catch up to too since I'm on vacation from work, should be fun
blue - finale/completed green - new series/new to me
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Megumin Ep12 (Finale)
I made a TLDR post about it the other day but the show is finally over. As I said a billion times since then, it should've ended after ep6, I felt like everything after that was very weak, especially ep9 when they were just cramming as many konosuba references as possible. As a disclaimer I don't like konosuba or find it funny, I find kazuma, aqua and darkness extremely annoying, tho I like megumin (even if the main show makes her a bit too dumb). "Oh why did you watch the spinoff if you don't like it then?" cause, again, I like megumin and I figured it being a spinoff prequel to the main show it'd be better since she wouldn't be such an idiot, and hey I WAS right the first 6 eps were really good, but as soon as her and yunyun left their village it started going downhill. but ANYWAY. Art/Animation: I know konosuba usually looks like ass but since this was a different studio and all I had some hope but I was wrong. now, it looks a lot better than konosuba but it's still barely animated, the only impressive thing was megumin's explosions but I mean, they better be right? Music: was alright I don't really remember anything to write home about, OP was alright as much as I'd like to praise it more cause I love machico and the ED was really good, always let it play every time Story: story was alright, I wish they stayed longer at the school/village or only arrived at the noob town in the last ep and spent more time traveling different places but oh well. finally the voice acting carried the show HARD. takarie and aki had great performances and stole the spotlight but a lot of the other charas were good too, fairouz ai as cecily and nazuka kaori as arue for example at the end, I wish I could say I liked it more but it simply isn't the case, oh well at least it wasn't a complete waste of time like some other stuff I've watched in the past
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Idolmaster CG: U149 Ep11
holy moly amazingly good episode, just WOW, can't really make justice to how good it was with my words. tho I do wanna point out how early in the episode there's a long scene with absolutely no music or dialogue, only sound effects and it was really really good
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Mashle Ep11
WOW there was ACTUALLY some sakuga in this anime that's crazy, honestly with how disappointing the anime has been visually, from the start I'd given up hope, I was like "well they'll just have sakuga at the end for the big fights right haha" and then when there wasn't any, even for the razor fight I lost all hope so I was extremely shocked when I saw a clip of the scene linked above getting posted. tho I highly doubt there's gonna be any in the finale, there's gonna be a fight but I don't remember it having anything impressive but anyway. finale next week, which is lining up with the manga finale so that's neat, it was also funny that the episode had the first instance of the victory dance pictured below, when it was also on this week's manga chap lol
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Pokemon Horizons Ep12
new milf dropped let's goooo alright episode otherwise, some lore drops to set up the overall plot for the show which is traveling around to find the shiny ray and the rest of the party of this legendary adventurer guy, they found one in paldea and next they're going to galar so I'm guessing there's gonna be one per region, or at least an excuse to travel there, since they've been in 3 so far. tho, ep titles referenced iono in some weeks so they're gonna go back to paldea? we'll see how it goes
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Jigokuraku Ep12
decent ep, action was p basic tho it's a cool fight and still better than a lot other stuff. I thought this ep was gonna cover the whole fight, including after daddy shion shows up but I was clearly wrong considering he showed up right at the end. looked at the manga again and now I think it's gonna end on ch44/45 with yuzuriha telling sagiri about ninja genjutsu and how gabimaru's wife might not be real and all that stuff, but honestly that depends on how fast they do the fight cause this ep ended at the end of ch40 so they'd need to do 3 chaps of fighting plus 1 of the aftermath at least... well we'll see how it goes next anyway. hopefully they also announce s2 p soon tho with s2 of jujutsu and csm too it'll prob be a while
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Ice-Head Gill Ch1
the newest series, debuting on jump today. it was.... alright. I quite enjoy that it's based on norse mythology, not something you see often in manga but on the other hand I don't like how young the mc is. "oh but wsj is for kids it shouldn't be that weird" yes yes the same old tired argument, but he's even younger than the usual jump mcs. but anyway, not much to say about chap 1 tbh, the art's not impressive but it is solid and the designs are good, story is p simple, the kid had to flee his home cause supposedly his dad betrayed the kindgom and now after getting his hands into the dad's diary, he's setting off into the world to find him and stuff, p standard adventure manga type of stuff in the vein of red hood or ginka not that long ago, hopefully for the artist it can last longer than those but we'll see
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Blooming Love Ch7
cute chap, it started off with them exchanging contacts after the date at the start (moving fast) and then the lad asking his friend for advice about texting since he's not used to it, culminating in him messaging her mistakenly instead of him.. been there brother
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Dandadan Ch111
VERY cool chap, the first half had 0 speech bubbles focusing solely on the action, culminating on okarun finally arriving at the battlefield in a cool ass spread, after which the text bubbles started again, the final spread was vey cool too with our cast getting ready to finish up the aliens, really looking forward to next chap since it should be just a lot of cool action
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Choujin X Ch38
not only was the chap 50 pages but it also had a TON of exposition so it felt extra long, it could've probably been cut into 2 separate chapters, at the halfway point when they go to the meeting, and we coulda had those chapters more spaced out instead of waiting a billion years for this huge one but oh well
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Kaiju 8 Ch88
not much to say about this chap, was just the wrap up of the narumi fight and the start of the hoshina one tho I just wanted to be smug about saying it was gonna be hoshina next on the last chap, very pogged up for this fight I always like his style
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ST☆R: Strike it Rich Ch5
nice chap, the rest of the "fight" with nozomi and hina was nice ending with this shot down here of hina lifting her with her leg monka. they also set up the next few opps for hina and hopefully they should last more than just 1 hit so looking forward to that
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The Ichinose Family's Deadly Sins Ch30
haven't talked about ichinose in a while but it's just been floundering about, rehashing things over and over, we've only had some real developments the previous and this chap with the sota guy from the dream being revealed to be the older brother of the family. should be ending soon now (hopefully) since there's really not much else to cover so that's good
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Kill Blue Ch10
uh oh, it's a bit early for you to be figuring that out isn't it? tho the series has been doing quite fine in ratings so I don't think it's heading to cancelation but help but think that when there's a development like this yknow
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Witch Watch Ch114
good chap, I didn't expect to get a 1v1 battle arc so soon but I'm really looking forward to this now
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Blue Box Ch106
very cute chap with taiki and natsu going back to school after their break and the tension that comes (mostly for taiki) from them hiding the fact they're dating. this is exactly the kinda stuff I was hoping for when they got together so I hope we can get a few more chaps like this. also it's good to see that despite this happening, they're both still focused on their respective sports and the series isn't throwing that to the wayside in favour of romance. tho miura is trustworthy so I wasn't worried
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Tenmaku Cinema Ch11
another nice chap but sadly it's still doing p badly in ratings, even with mashle ending next week and ichinose seemingly ending soon I don't know if it'll survive, which is a big shame. can only cross my fingers and hope but not holding my breath
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Martial Master Asumi Ch2
oooh, good chap, really keeping the momentum from ch1 that's good that's good. anyway I'm predicting nito is gonna lose so we can get some more backstory™ for okiba but despite losing the dad will still let her participate in that tournament thing but we'll see
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Cipher Academy Ch29
good chap like usual finishing up the first class vs class battle with our protags winning without the leaders even having to participate. also wanna praise how good cipher's composition is in general, you can see it in the page I picked but also on the final page of the chap where they introduce class B the next enemies for the class battle. cipher was in the middle of the ratings this week, so I would be p pogged up if next week is the same, giving me some assurance that it won't get canceled suddenly anymore
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Sakamoto Days Ch124
nice and action filled chapter, the battle against slur's goons has finally started and with quite the bang, looking forward to some quality setpiece scenes in the next few chaps
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Mashle Ch161
next chap is gonna be the last and it's weird seeing it go even if I wasn't here from the start, chap was alright not much to say, just wrapping up the after fight stuff and what was gonna happen with all the people that died and stuff. expecting the finale to have what everyone ends up doing in the future and that kinda stuff
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Undead Unluck Ch164
what the hell they made mui busted in this loop let's go, it was always a shame she didn't get to do much til the end in the previous loop. it's a shame 2 of shen's fights against union were resolved so quickly like that but knowing this makes it ok, looking forward to them fighting
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The Elusive Samurai Ch115
it's refreshing finally having a full chapter with out protagonists after so long, tho the manga is indeed following historical fact which is quite worrying for our boy tokiyuki. but nevermind all that, a new cute girl is joining the cast and that's what matters baby
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Akane-banashi Ch67
EXTREMELY good chap, sheesh akane never ceases to impress me, don't got anything to say other than wow they didn't show her score at the end of the performance at the end of the chap but it'll be at the start of the next one and I'm still very confident in my prediction. this performance being so good just made me more excited for akane's tho, can't wait for it to start
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Ayakashi Triangle Ch134
argh quite the cliffhanger to leave on when there's not gonna be a chap next week, good chap tho it was nice seeing shadow mei help despite her still being tsun about it
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roosterbruiser · 1 year
Shit talking exes? Bet.
My only relationship to date was from the ages of 14-17, he was 2 years older than me and basically my only friend because of a bunch of drama with my friends because they couldn’t handle my mood swings/drama that happened with my dads family. (Whole other can of worms). So he was my best friend and my boyfriend, although all his friends let me tag along/were my friends too. Things were good, I think sometimes we both knew we were better as friends but he was also sort of lonely as well and so we just texted all the time or talked on the phone all the time/always were hanging out together and even taking elective classes together to see each other more. Some of his girl friends were sort of flirty to him imo and he’d hang out with them by themselves sometimes and tell me there’s nothing for me to worry about. The girls also always told me I didn’t need to worry. Well he goes off to the navy my right before my senior year. Go to Illinois with his parents and male bestfriend to see him graduate (AFTER seeing a screenshot of a note from his bestfriend - who in all fairness didn’t realize girl’s detective skills and how desperate I was to hear from him when he was basically sending letters to everyone but me/I could tell he wasn’t feeling it (which we had had our moments of basically blah like most long term couples do) - that basically told his buddy how he wished id stop sending him letters in boot because I was annoying and clingy etc.) so my dumb self should have not gone but I was happy for him and did. While we were there a girl he knew from boot couldn’t have family come so she hung out with us that day.. come to find out he was basically cheating on me in boot camp with her and even risking a lowkey dd if they had gotten in trouble (according to another friend of mine) and told me after he was in A school. My dumbass still spent 6 months of us still sort of “trying” to work it out and just kinda being friends and hurt by each other/over it but refusing to officially end it because it was our first relationship and how does one end something with someone who it’s been 3 years with? By the time we actually split it was 3 1/2 years to the day that we decided on New Years Eve while he was back in town that we would be over. Still spent the two weeks he was home before that together though.. fast forward 2 months and one of his old girlfriends is messaging me saying he’s flirting with her and asking me what’s up and so I told her we split and that it was fine if she decided to see what happened with him. 4 months later they were engaged and a few months later she was pregnant. He came back for my highschool graduation (so right around when they got engaged) and it was nice to sort of have my friend back without all the hurt since it had been a few months. Man lowkey tried to say he wished we had had sex - we did other things but never actually intercourse because he was big on no sex till marriage (WHICH LOOK HOW THAT TURNED OUT BUDDY) *just making it known that here I am at 27 still a virgin* - and I obviously was like uhhh no. LOL. Once he left after my graduation we never really talked again and just drifted apart. All in all I learned a lot, and tbh it’s not like I hate him bc he still was my bestfriend throughout highschool even though we both sometimes were horrible to each other. I am a little salty looking back though bc I might have been one of those horrible teenage girlfriends that we are a lot of at 16 bc you don’t know better but he really did do some fucked up things there that I didn’t deserve and that really fucked with my already low self esteem/body image issues. Bc of course then I was wondering if it was bc I was plus sized etc.
I know that was a lot but figured I’d jump on the shitty ex train.
I am so glad you did jump on the crazy ex train!! holy moly!! this read as a very epic saga!!
after reading your story, I just want to say that I am SO HAPPY you understand your self-worth!! you truly deserve all the good things in the world and if you're with someone who doesn't believe that, kick them to the curb!!
I will say, ending long-term relationships is literally so fucking hard, even if they're circling the drain. especially if it's a first!! I admire your strength and growth so much!!
and pls know you have so many fans here now!! that is such a slay moment for you!! I love the self-love and realizing you're worth MORE!!
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callsigndragon · 1 year
Buckle up, this is gonna be long (sorry).
The way Jake just drops everything when he goes into protective dad mode is incredible and my heart swells every single time it happens! And I love that no matter what happens between Red and Jake, the moment Liam is in need of both of his parents, they put all that to the side and just focus on him. What great parenting this is. I love it. It is so wholesome and adorable. Poor baby with his ear infection though.
And then onto the reveal chapter...
What a secret!!!! My goodness, it was worth every moment of wait!! Red's reaction to "“I think I should start the story by telling you that Seresin isn’t my real surname.”" is exactly the one I had, what an epic way to start this great secret off, absolutely phenomenal!!! I love the secret and the way you revealed it, but I've got to mention all the physical interactions between Red and Jake, holy moly, just loved them!!! The way Red is comforting and reasurring Jake, and Jake with the knucke kisses! I was and am melting (just by thinking about it!)! I love that they can comfort each other so well and so easily and how comfortable they feel with each other in that moment physically, even though it is a really tough moment for both of them emotionally. And the kiss!!!!!!!!! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Red messaging him to stay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My heart!!! All the emotions!!! And the rings being reunited! Jake putting his on his dog tags! My whole heart! The love I feel of this series, honestly, you are a genious. And incredibly talented! Thank you for the huge pay-off that this chapter was, you really made me anticipate something great and you went above and beyond all my expectations and everything I thought the reveal would be. Amazing, incredible, wonderful and so, so touching. Fantastic!!!!
And then the whole Top Girls/Boys Only chats. Hilarious and wholesome and lovely. I can't stop laughing at "Honey, don't look at the pic" - Penny!!! Hahahaha, like Amelia never saw Jake on the beach, hahaha. Also, love how Penny just does an 180 turn to openly discuss sex. And Jake describing their kiss!!!!! The feelings! Honestly, love it! And The Secret Admirer!!! I knew it would be him!!! Love how in the beginning Jake covered for him, but then just spills his mistake in the Boys Only chat. Also love that when Jake says "pain in the ass" Mav chides him, but when Bob says he's gonna "kick his ass" no one says anything, hahahaha. I'll agree with Nat, tho and say we really do need more Seresin children. A girl to even it out. And to spread double times the cuteness that Liam does. But I guess they'll just have to take the time they need.
Amazing, incredible, unique, stunning, awesome-
The list goes on. Take all the time you need to recharge, you honestly spoiled us all with this masterpiece so far! Lots of love, many hugs, and congratulatory mugs of your preferred beverage to you! And many, many thank yous for everything! 💗💗💗 xxx
(italics anon 💚)
You are becoming my favorite anon 😭💚💚💚💚
Omg dear. There's so much to unpack here. First of all, your message made me giggle and kick my feet around. Kdkskdkd THANK YOU REALLY.
Now, let's go by parts.
1. Jake protective dad mode: so... I guess this comes from my own experience. I didn't have a good parental figure and this is how I wish my father acted whenever I needed him. When I imagined Jake having to leave his wife, someone he loved so much, and then they meet again, there's a kid, and he has missed everything... my mind immediately thought how Jake would literally stop his whole life to spend time with Liam. He wants to become a part of his life. Jake's father wasn't a great example and he swore to be the exact opposite. And that means dropping everything when his son needs him.
2. The secret. Someone's theory was that Seresin wasn't his real name, and I started with that because it gives that feeling of building up, from such a small thing as a name, to the reason behind Jake and Red's divorce. And i think it turned out really good.
3. The physical interactions. So, this story is different than anything I've written so far. It has a dark theme but it also has two main characters who had already been together in the past, they fell in love, they got married, they've done everything you can imagine EXCEPT raise a kid. You can see in the first chapters how there's 0 physical interaction between them, and Red is extremely surly when it comes to Jake. But then she notices how Jake acts around Liam, how he loves him so so much, and he would give him the moon if Liam asked for it. That softens Red's heart, she gives him the benefit of the doubt, because it doesn't make sense that his a 'bad guy' and acts like this with his kid.
I also like this idea of their relationship being 'frozen in time' because these two idiots still loved each other, still do, and it has to be really difficult to be around someone you love so much. So when they meet again, the ice around it starts melting and it's only a matter of time before the tension snaps (in the gym, for example). When Jake starts telling his story, Red knows that he needs that physical comfort, but she needs it too. They've been together long enough to know what to do, and when to do it. It's natural for them.
4. The chats. Penny, Penny, Penny. She might act like Jake's mom but she's stil a WOMAN. And she knows. She knows that Jake is a passionate lover. Come on, she has been watching Jake's loving stare every time he looks at Red for a month. Penny knows that when this two end together, he's gonna treat her like a goddess and kiss the ground she walks on. And that it would probably lead to Baby #2.
And well, I think everyone knows that Jake's words are serious 99% of the time and when he says he wants to kick someone, he's probably gonna do it. Bob, tho? He's a softy. He's not gonna kick anyone.
Thank you so much again because this is the type of messages that give me strength to keep writing!
Love you lots italics anon 💚💚💚
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jkeuphoriadreamland · 2 years
Finally finished reading "Cathexis" and honestly it feels surreal that this will be the last time I will be reading a new work of yours and that kinda makes me sad but also happy for you for prioritizing yourself and wellbeing since writing should be fun for both the author and the readers. I'm so happy I got to discover this blog and got to encounter and interact with you, your stories will always have a special place in my heart and I will always go back to reread your stories whenever I have time because all of them are that good.
Anyways enough with my sappiness "Cathexis" was an excellent masterpiece it honestly felt like I was watching a movie while reading this fic. I felt super sad about Jimin's background and how him and his family never got their semblance of peace they deserved. With Jimin and Y/n's interactions I kinda felt like they were sort of meant to see each other again and be magnified with each other. I find their first interactions after meeting again endearing and also props to y/n for taking her time with precious touch starved jiminie those scenes were 🔥 and also showcase their intimacy. And holy moly the ending part where finally let his powers out and try to defend y/n and himself from those assholes my god that felt good. This story thoroughly captured my heart, it felt like a roller coaster ride with the angst and the action. I honestly didn't even see the hint of yandere but maybe that's just me I love Cathexis!Jimin and Y/n so much they honestly need to be protected because both are precious little beans and deserve all the love
Authornim thank you for all the hard work and time you've put into writing this story and that goes for all your stories as well. I'm wishing you all the best for your next endeavours and I will always be here to support you also maybe bug you from time to time if I ever come up with random theories or queries about all your fics or maybe just to say hello.
P.S. sorry if this was maybe too sappy hehe
Holy shit I don’t even know what happened and why I didn’t reply to this. I’ve been in and out of this blog and I can’t believe I missed this whole lovely and much to generous review.
Firstly, thank you for you kind words. I’m happy you found my blog as well and have been able to enjoy my stories even though I cringe at them now 😂
Secondly, yay! Haha I am happy you enjoyed and it was always my purpose to make it feel like a movie because I remember how impacted I was by the original movie. The inspiration was there but obviously so much more different. I loved playing with these characters and their connection and wanted them to have this sort of tie to each other that has always existed. Her being Jimin’s calm and he being her excitement and danger. They really were so precious and I thank you for picking up on the nuances.
As for the yandere, I’d say it was very light. He basically went to crazy extremes to protect her and lost his control due to his jealousy and desire to be with her. Killing people is a bit 😓 He was also a bit obsessed with her from the moment they met again. It kept growing but yeah it was never full on. 😂
Always feel free to bug me, I really don’t mind. I’ll try to be more mindful of a answering asks. Life has just been so busy. ♥️
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Radio SunLounge Romania (March 05, 2023)
23:59 Lounge Generation Feat. Namara - Inner Voice 23:55 Cities Of Foam - Without You 23:50 Reference T - Bad Raider 23:44 The Dining Rooms - Tunnel (Gone Remix) 23:40 Stephen Emmer - Under Your Spell Ft. Chaka Khan (Moods Remix) 23:37 Mani Beats - N&n 23:32 Soundset City - Just Lovely (Lounge Groove Mix) 23:32 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:25 Gaelle - Falling 23:20 Roberto Sol - Tomorrow (Extended Mix) 23:12 Nor Elle - Desert Storm 23:06 Blank & Jones, Elles De Graaf - Closer To Me 23:05 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:02 Beacon - It Won't Be Long 22:58 Reunited - Sun Is Shining (Out Of Sight Remix) 22:52 Citrus Jam Feat. Judith Erb - When The Sun Goes Down (Sea Session Mix) 22:47 The Funky Lowlives - You Have To Come With Me 22:47 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:42 Weathertunes - Road Trip 22:36 Wen Feat. Misal - Call Me 22:30 Mirage Of Deep - Romantic Fields 22:26 Helicopter Girl - Umbrellas In The Rain 22:25 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:21 Groove Thievery - Killer (Bargrooves Mix) 22:18 Youth & Troy Gunner - Under My Heart 22:14 Soro Sori - Starry Light (Vocal Dub Version) (Vocal Dub Version) 22:08 Brilliant Star - Pink Blue Hotel (Balearic Chill Guitar Mix) 22:04 Domestic Technology - Lu Bagnu 21:59 Marco Moli - Like A Roller Coaster (Original Mix) 21:55 Guenter Haas - First Floor Lobby 21:51 Tycho - No Stress (Feat. Saint Sinner) 21:46 Diascries - Anemone (Original Mix) 21:41 Bernon - Don-'t Worry (Wellness For Your Soul Mix) (Wellness For Your Soul Mix) 21:37 Sunset Boulevard Project, Marc Hartman - Sweet Freedom 21:32 Minus Blue - Be As One (Klangstein Edit) 21:32 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 21:28 Jane Maximova - Late In The Night 21:23 Luis Hermandez - Serenity 21:19 Black Mighty Orchestra - Ocean Beach (Cybophonia Cinematic Remix) 21:15 Solasoap - Right Away 21:10 Alien Cafe - Sundae Dream 21:06 V - Sta - Rainy Day Feat. Jody Purita (Original Mix) 21:02 Coyote - Tanit's Groove 20:56 Lover Unconvered - Truby Trio 20:54 Aurys - Dinner Delight 20:49 Mariella Narvaez - Play With Fire (Miami Chill Ou 20:42 Olive - Miracle 20:37 Lemongrass - Gecko Island 20:36 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 20:32 Triangle Sun - Holy Ground 20:28 Schiller - Tried 20:23 Bobby Deep - The Story Of My Life 20:16 Channel Two - Across Waters 20:10 1000 Memories Feat. Nikki Sale - One Man Ahead & Nikki Saletta 20:06 Gabin Feat. Peggy Lee - Fever (Gabin Remix) 19:57 Vladi Strecker - Meditation In The City (Smooth Evening Cut) 19:54 Krystian Shek, Nashi Young Cho - Sweetwater (Vocal Mix) 19:53 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:49 Atb - We Belong (Feat. Roberta Carter Harrison) 19:45 Johannes Huppertz - Short Message Service 19:42 Sweet Ocean - Stray Whisper 19:38 Emar - Smile At Your Heart 19:38 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:32 Manyus Joan Eta - The Road 19:25 Orange Music - Leave It All Behind (Vocal Mix) 19:22 Federico Aubele - La Esquina 19:18 Urban Phunk Society - Self-made Paradise 19:14 Le Garde - Wake Up Darling (Original Mix) 19:09 The Diventa Project - Still Raining (Rnb Remix) 19:06 Gabrielle Chiararo - Rendez-vous Au Club Bossa 19:00 Smooth Deluxe - Estoy Loco Por Ti (Ibiza Vs Miami) 18:55 Orbitell - Liquid Sunshine (Ibiza Chillout Mix) 18:49 Steen Thottrup - If You Were Here Tonight 18:44 Dub Mars - Between The Lines 18:39 Emmanuele Landini, Denny V - Emotion 18:39 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:34 Vargo - Goodbye Is A New Beginning 18:29 Der Waldläufer - Flores 18:25 Sangar - So Beautiful 18:20 Crystal Theory - (Don't Fear) The Reaper 18:20 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:16 Natalia Clavier - Azul 18:13 Nova Casa - You Get Me (Original) 18:07 Privat Projekt - Sunshine 18:04 Setsuna - White Light 18:00 Marie Therese - City Lights (Original Mix) 17:54 Chicane - Looking Down (Drax & Goodings Room With A View Remix) 17:49 Mariella Narvaez - Play With Fire (Miami Chill Ou 17:41 Lazy Hammock - Starsoul 17:36 Darshan - Listen 17:31 Marga Sol - Violet Colors 17:27 Alien Cafe - Paris Depression 17:23 Alex Picciafuochi - Undersea 17:17 Cupsurfer - Finishing The Boat 17:13 Lorenzo Al Dino & Deep Josh Feat. Cope - Lullaby (Deep Josh Into The Lounge Mix) 17:08 Kerala Dust - The Chain 17:04 Enjoy Your Life - Chris Le Blanc Feat. Liz June 16:54 Koala - Floating Pillow 16:48 Dzihan, Kamien - Ocean Air 16:43 Climatic - Homeland 16:39 Ohm G - Island Dreams 16:34 Klangstein - Run 16:30 Husky Rescue - Fast Lane 16:24 Leonardo Bertolotto - Doctor House (Original Mix) 16:20 Ingo Herrmann - Enough Of You (Original Mix) 16:13 Don Gorda Project - Serenidad 16:08 Jeff Spooner - The Sun (Spooners Del Mar Mix) 16:04 Terrafunka Feat. Lazy Hammock - Good Inside 16:04 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:59 Castlebed - Heaven 15:54 Sofa Groovers - I Feel Love 15:50 El Petit Jardi - Clic Du Mer (Original Mix) 15:44 Miguel Migs - The Night (Rk's Vocal Mix) 15:38 Genf - Aachen-brussel 15:35 C Cil - Calm & Quiet 15:30 Jazzamor - Tonight 15:27 Breakfast Trim - Dubai Sun (Original Mix) 15:24 Krystian Shek, Nashi Young Cho - Sweetwater (Instrumental Mix) 15:21 Pyramid - In The Valley 15:17 Hot City Walk (Original Mix) - Lasteden 15:14 Nickodemus - Endangered Species (Feat. Marcelino Galan) 15:09 Blank & Jones - Keep It Up 15:04 Max Melvin - Roots 15:00 Jens Buchert - Reboot 14:56 Brass - All I Want Is You 14:56 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 14:51 Frank Borell - 1001 Dreams (Fairytale Mix) 14:48 Dj Rob De Blank - Love Is All Around Me - 14:43 Fous De La Mer Feat. Sol - Never Stop Loving 14:37 Jens Buchert - Dragonfly 14:31 Faro - Shape Of Sence 14:24 Tosca - Dave Dudley 14:19 Afterlife - Falling 14:13 Smooth Deluxe - Estoy Loco Por Ti 14:08 Deja - Move Feat. Nneka - It's All Up 14:02 Pnfa - Fight The Feeling 13:59 Ugress - Autumn Colours 13:55 Weathertunes - Feel You (Original Mix) 13:51 Sweatson Klank - Brilliant Blue 13:47 Lemongrass - Lovely 13:44 Alice Shelton - Jumping Lounge 13:40 Michael E - Love Bomb 13:36 Demetrio Da Soto - Marrakech - Original Mix 13:32 Ladder - Your Mind 13:29 Waldeck - Memories 13:25 Lemongrass - Journey To A Star 13:25 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:20 Tanga - Helium 13:16 Weathertunes - Trip To Japan 13:11 Blank & Jones - Sun Starts Smiling (Eclectic Mix) 13:08 Urban Phunk Society - Into The Blue 13:04 Jacob Gurevitsch - Affection (Original Mix) 12:58 D.batistatos & Side Liner - Sehnsucht 12:53 Lemongrass - Deep River (Eskadet Remix) (Eskadet Remix) 12:49 Duo Varial - Mo'jazz 12:49 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:45 Velvet Lounge Project - Dime Que Hacer 12:40 Jonas Kroon - Her Er Eg (Xerxes Remix) 12:36 Soro Sori - Starry Light (Vocal Dub Version) (Vocal Dub Version) 12:32 E - Motive - Street Waves 12:26 Craig Armstrong - This Love 12:21 Zatonsky, A&i, Sasha Colos - Damage Inside (Christos Fourkis Remix) 12:18 Gary B - Song For Kaye 12:13 Gabrielle Chiararo - Million Stars 12:12 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:07 The Maxwell Implosion - The Upper Left Hand 12:01 Dreamers Inc. - Argus 11:56 Hotel Riviera - Another Change Of Love 11:52 Mathieu & Florzinho - Primavera (Dub Mix) 11:49 Soulchef - Mellow 11:43 Smooth Deluxe - My Sunny Day 11:40 Marga Sol - We Could Be 11:36 Atb Feat. Kate Louise Smith - Moving Backwards 11:31 Airily - Harmonize (Original Mix) 11:25 Urban Species - Blanket 11:20 Conjure One - Sleep (Serenity Mix) 11:14 Max Melvin - Event (Sunset Mix) 11:14 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 11:10 Dab - You & Me 11:06 Sugar, Eva Kade, Evil T - All Around (Marsbeing Remix) 11:01 Aqualise - Coco Summer 10:56 Shtanze - The Road Along The Sea 10:56 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:51 Moca - Entspanner 10:46 Rey Salinero - Barefoot In The Park 10:41 Baghira - El Capricho 10:36 Blu Martini - Better With You (Miguel Musso Mix) 10:32 Tosca - Fuck Dub 10:27 Nujazzy - On A Sunday Morning - Facebook Affair Mix 10:23 Velvet Lounge Project - Let It Grow (Sunflower Remix) 10:16 Monodeluxe - Get It On (Original Mix) 10:11 Sol 2 Soul - Miss You 10:05 Kraak & Smaak Feat. Parcels - Stumble (Blue Motel Remix) 10:00 Surfgreenstrat - Look Into The Sky (White Beach Mix) (White Beach Mix) 09:54 Dimilyan - For Her Only (Original Mix) 09:53 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:48 Furns - Fortress 09:45 Sofa Surfers - Can I Get A Witness (Thievery Corporation Mix) 09:38 Vibrasphere - Tierra Azul 09:32 Monodeluxe - After Midnite 09:26 Vincenzo - Summer Breeze 09:22 Leo De La Rosa - Te Pienso (Marga Sol Balearic Remix) 09:19 Skyshape - Paper Dwarf 09:14 Marga Sol - Tocca Me 09:10 Everything But The Girl - Single 09:05 Massive Attack - Teardrop 08:56 Leendder - Everytime You Cry (Satin Jackets Remix) 08:51 Blank & Jones - Jet Set 08:50 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:47 Late Night Alumni - Mistake 08:41 Deeper Sublime - Femme Fatale 08:37 Phontaine - Wellingtons 08:29 York With Nathan Red & Kim Sanders - How Did I Fall In Love- 08:24 Cocogroove - Coconut Rain (Wet Summer Mix) 08:19 Paul Hardcastle Feat. Maxine Hardcastle - Slippin Away 08:15 Roberto Sol - Moment Of Quiet (Feat. Jo Kern) 08:08 Olive - Miracle 08:03 Mercer & Gissal - Scandal (Feat. Nicole Grimaldi) 07:58 Arrojas - Ardesia 07:53 Lemongrass - Frozen Boy 07:48 Debris Of Theia - Cycle Of Life 07:45 Lenny Mac Dowell - Ain't No Sunshine (Original Mix) 07:40 Olivia Broadfield - Say (State Azure Mix) 07:34 Shakes Seven - Indiana 07:29 Don Gorda Project - Cielo Terso 07:24 Faro - The Persuit Of Beauty 07:21 Lasteden - Hot City Walk (Original Mix) 07:15 Jen Meets Kieser Velten - Together 07:12 Majestic 12 - Superstar (Album Version) 07:08 Naoki Kenji - Rain On 07:03 Mystic Diversions - Josephine (Album Version) 07:00 Mark Mars - Ship-'s Lounge (Downtown Slow Mix) (Downtown Slow Mix) 06:56 Akmusique - Feeling Blue (Juicy Mix) 06:53 Israel Medina - Stepping Out 06:49 Paul Hardcastle - I Really Like 06:43 Sherrie Lea - No Ordinary Love 06:39 Beach Hoppers - One Love 06:35 Mike D' Jais, U.r.a. - Moon Beam 06:29 Planet Lounge - Shiva Dance 06:25 Vargo - One Language 06:21 Charly Mclion Feat. Julita Elmas & Susannah Mavis - Open Sky 06:16 Five Seasons - Smooth Workout 06:11 Ganga - Cold Wind Blowing 06:07 Tracey Thorn - Tracey Thorn 06:02 Jose Delgado - Sal Rossa (Original Mix) 06:02 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:59 Juzhin - Wonderful 05:55 Pat Appleton - Ageless 05:50 Jean Mare - Here We Go Again (Buddha Chillout Mix) 05:44 Sweet Velvet - From Within (Sensual Soulful Cafe Buddha Mix) 05:41 Paolo - Turn Me On 05:32 Tilt - Rising Son 05:28 Minusblue - Be As One - Michaele Remix 05:21 Lemongrass - Habla Mi Corazon (Kevin Yost's Otherside Of The World Remix) 05:21 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:15 Sunyata Project - I Know Him (Extended Mix) 05:10 Ganga, Sophie Tusnelda - Golden Lightfalls 05:05 Cantoma - Suomi 05:00 Stigma - Eternity 05:00 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 04:54 Blue Lagoona - Follow Me 04:49 Bobby Escobar - Playa (White Sand Mix) 04:44 Marc Hartman - Whistle 04:40 Pearldiver - Daydream 04:35 Alan Alvarez - Free Fall (Original Mix) 04:30 N.juravel - Deep Tosca (Original Mix) 04:25 Canedrive - Just Another Day 04:20 Mr Fijiwiji, Holly Drummond - Something To Hold 04:20 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 04:16 Liquid Motion - Silent Running 04:11 Soul Avenue - Yearn To Love (Original Mix) 04:07 At The Eleventh - Venice Beach Girls (Springbreak In The Hotel Californa Mix) 04:02 Marga Sol - Tocca Me 03:54 Eguana - Long Trip To Nowhere 03:49 Climatic - Tell Me 03:45 Bay Area - White Canaria (Laid Back Session) 03:41 E - Motive - Street Waves 03:37 Soundset City - Loungebox 03:30 Lenny Mac Dowell - Winter Fantasies 03:25 Florzinho - The Indian 03:20 Rithma - Builder (Kaskade Let-'s Make Out Mix) 03:15 Audio Lotion - Eclipse 03:10 Diane Sledge - What You Try To Say (U.k. Mix) 03:06 Stepo Del Sol - Summer Dreams 03:02 Duo Varial Feat. Julie - Pretty Places 02:56 Indian Dawn - Predictions (Original Mix) 02:52 Catching Flies - Daymarks (Green Relax Edit) 02:48 Lemongrass - September 02:44 Ohm G - Island Dreams 02:41 N.juravel - Four Minutes 02:40 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 02:35 Airily - Harmonize (Original Mix) 02:30 Joe Le Blanc - Financial 02:27 L.o.s.i. - Anita 02:24 Rui - One Man Show 02:23 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 02:21 Paulsen & Stryczek - Kim & June 02:16 Dj Alex Air - Flipside 02:11 Frank Borell - Icarus (Electric Slide Mix) 02:07 V - Sta - Rainy Day Feat. Jody Purita (Original Mix) 02:02 Paul Hardcastle - Looking For You 01:57 351 Lake Shore Drive - Seabeam 01:52 Tina Dico - Break Of Day (The Stella Polaris Allstars Remix) 01:46 Middle - Sunday's Walk 01:39 Delor - Lost Senses (Sunshine Reggae Mix) 01:37 Haiti (Interlude) - Gaelle 01:32 Luke Million Feat. Jesse Davidson - Fear The Night (Shook Remix) 01:28 Lazy Hammock - Castaway 01:28 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 01:23 Placid Larry - Dew Drops 01:18 Phontaine - Node 01:13 Marcus Koch - Into The Blue 01:09 Maximilian V - Room 58 01:03 Le Voyage - African Daydreamer (Ethno Mix) 00:58 Jasmon - Delight 00:54 Mystic Diversions - Float On 00:50 Marga Sol - Beautiful Morning (Deep Mix) 00:45 Atb - Wait For Your Heart 00:41 Nova Casa - You Get Me (Original) 00:36 Mara J Boston - Come Into My Life (Original Mix) 00:31 Chris Zippel Feat. Sophie Tusnelda - Still Love - Klangstein & Chris Zippel Mix 00:31 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:26 Rue Du Soleil - In My Heart 00:20 D. Batistatos - Empty Glass 00:15 Groove Spinners - Southside 00:09 Logophilia - Pod Of Dolphins 00:05 Wookie & Blossom - Night In The Jungle (Original Mix)
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