#it is genuinely dangerous
theamphibianmen · 10 months
I recently decided to buy a new cane to replace my old one. This was a pretty significant decision as I was very emotionally attached to the previous cane for a couple of reasons, but in the end I had to replace my cane for my own safety.
One of the reasons this was so difficult is that the first cane was purchased for me by a dear friend (@corypaws if you're curious), so that's one of the many layers of emotional attachment.
The second reason is that I'm autistic and prone to object personification. This means that I have a tendency to treat inanimate objects as if they were people.
My autism also makes me adverse to changes in routine. Since my cane is such an important part of how I get around in my day to day life, a new one has been a pretty big adjustment.
Ultimately though, it was necessary. I'm going to give you a comparison of the two canes to show you why. Here is a photo of my previous cane (image IDs at the end)
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As you can tell, I spent a lot of time with this bad boy (who I named Rodney by the way). This cane has been with me through some very important moments of my life, including meeting my boyfriend, school events, and numerous doctor appointments. I also spent a great deal of time decorating it, even going as far as to handmake the beads. I went to the beach a few days before buying the new cane and unfortunately got sand inside him, causing him to make this awful scraping sound when I tried to adjust him. He was also making some very concerning clicking and creaking sounds. But that wasn't the big problem. Here is a side by side comparison of the tips. Old cane is on the left and new cane is on the right.
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Notice the raised bullseye design on the new cane tip? The old one used to have a very similar design, but as you can see it is completely worn down from constant use. This makes the cane very unsafe to use, as the design is meant to help grip onto the floor. In fact, the final straw that made me get the new cane was the old one slipping out from under me in a McDonald's.
Here's my new cane.
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It's pretty bare bones right now, but I'm going to completely sticker bomb it. Adding stickers will actually be easier since it's straighter. Another perk is that I'll get stopped by fewer security guards since this one is neither hollow nor metal. The downside is that it's not adjustable, and the handle shape is taking some getting used to.
Disability aids are an essential part of some people's day to day life. Many of us can't leave the house without them, so personifying them and developing emotional attachment to them should never be stigmatized.
[image ID 1:
a photo of OP's first cane. It is a yellow-gold color with a black handle. It is covered in stickers with very little of the original color showing. A black strap resembling a shoelace extends from the handle. The strap has beads on it in the colors of the transgender pride flag.
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[Image ID's 2 and 3:
Two images featuring the bottoms of both OP'S canes.
The one on the left is almost entirely smooth with just a few flecks of dirt. The one on the left has a raised bullseye design, and is slightly smaller in diameter than the one on the left.
/End ID]
[image ID 4:
OP's new cane. The majority of the staff is painted black but the handle still has the wood color and texture, whittled into a curvey shape. There is a thin ring of silver colored metal where the handle connects to the rest of the cane.
/End ID]
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uncanny-tranny · 10 months
Amatonormativity has destroyed so many people's understanding and acceptance of themselves, and it's heartbreaking.
Yes, it is normal to be in your 20s, 30s, or older and not have lost your virginity, had a first kiss, or a partner. It is normal to say that you aren't ready for those things, too! It is normal if your life doesn't follow the "college graduate -> engagement -> buying a home -> 2.5 kids and a dog" trajectory that so many people have idealized.
So many people associate maturity with losing your virginity, or having a first kiss, or a serious relationship, and I think that's a dangerous association. Maturity isn't gained through those things, and you don't have to have those experiences to be considered "mature" or "grown." It is not a bad thing to go at your pace. Nobody else can live your life but you. If you end up having those experiences, that's great! But it should be done because you want to experience them, not because you feel "broken" and "immature" without them.
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stackslip · 1 year
at the end of the day it’s not only that twitter is having a meltdown over maia crimew calling herself a a bi lesbian, that a huge amount of people are basically fine with threats of violence for that reason alone, and that some are actually trying to find a justification to say that her leaking the list is Harmful To People Of Colour/is actually anti-communist (when really they said they find her annoying and that they’re mostly mad at her being a bi lesbian).
it’s that this whole insane discourse has completely overshadowed anything about the no-fly list and how and why she did this. it’s being completely buried under the avalanche of nonsense and the arguments that she’s causing Material Harm. i wish i could say i think this is the work of feds but unfortunately i know people are batshit about this stuff. but really as i said before the best thing is to fucking ostracize and ignore these people and get them out of organizing and instead focus on what that list means and what to do next. bc these people are gonna sabotage any conversation or meaningful work, and are ready to betray any activist or person who takes risks.
but beyond that man the fucking state of leftism that any actual work and effort gets highjacked by clowns who drown it in their discourse instead. the fact that they genuinely feel justified in harming and impeding people and precious work in the name of labels. they talk about material harm but if that isn’t what’s happening rn idk what is.
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tofixtheshadows · 29 days
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This is one of my favorite minor details in Dungeon Meshi, firstly because what in the femme fatale, but also because it's one of those little things that raises so many questions about worldbuilding.
The Occam's Razor defense attorney in me says that Ryoko Kui gave Kabru a boot knife because she wanted him to escape from his bonds here. And Kabru is a very competent swordsman, why wouldn't he have a boot knife, sure. He's already got a dagger, he can have this too.
And yet: the implications. Kabru, why do you have that? That is not remotely something that could be easily accessed or used in combat. Nobody is pulling out a pen knife from the heel of their boot during a fight with a monster. It's useless in the dungeon ... unless you're the type of person who isn't just worried about monsters.
I've mentioned this before, but I consider one of Kabru's functions in the narrative as being the character who fully brings the idea of human ecosystems into the story. There's a reason why he's always connected to large groups of people (Toshiro's party, the Canaries). He (along with Mr. Tansu, briefly) introduces the reader to the social and political forces working on the dungeon, showing us that none of this is happening in a monster-filled vacuum. His confrontation with the corpse retrievers, who very nearly kill Kabru's party permanently with their reckless murder-for-money scheme, reminds us that monsters are not the only things that prey on humans. Kabru understands the ways the dungeon causes people to put profit over human lives.
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We only get hints of it in the story, but like any gold-rush-style economic boom, it's implied that there is a lot of crime and corruption surrounding the dungeon.
So yeah, it really makes me wonder why Kabru keeps a tiny knife in his boot, meant to be carried on him even in situations where he would otherwise be unarmed. Stored exactly in the place where it's easy to reach, even if, for some reason, your hands are tied behind your back.
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orange-coloredsky · 2 months
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a development team that looks like this could not possibly have any preconceived biases against Black people. noooo way. its just a mistake that all of the Black people in fo4 are slaves or named after fascist colonizers or murdered or stereotypical conspiracy freaks. there is no way that the reality of this team is reflected in the art they create over and over and over and over and over and over and
[ID 1: A photo of the Fallout 4 development team taken from above and forward, showing a large crowd smiling at the camera, made up apparently entirely by white people, and almost entirely by white men. End ID.]
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egophiliac · 5 months
Tl;Dr - I stopped playing the game but I like the characters and I wanna draw them but idk if the wiki I use is up to date for cards
Do u know any wikis that have up to date cards for all the twst characters-
Asking specifically bc of Malleus cause I can't tell anymore if he has any more new cards bc HE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A 100 DISNEY ANIVERSARY CARD IN THE WIKI I USE 😭
Like compared to everyone else in Disanomia, he has 12 cards (in the wiki I use) and then Lilia has 17 cards 💀
Cause I think Malleus has a Bean's Day card as well, but that could just be a fanmade one, I don't have JP twst nor ENG twst anymore so I can't confirm it myself urhghrhevw 🫠
Malleus doesn't have a Beans Day card, so that would've been fanmade! and the 100 anniversary cards are actually the new round of birthday cards, so most of the characters don't have 'em yet -- Malleus should be getting his in a couple of days, when his birthday event starts! oh god my keeeeeys
I think the wiki.gg stays pretty up to date? it looks to me like they have everything that's currently up through JP, at least. :O I did go through and do a quick count just because I couldn't believe Malleus only had 12 cards, but. he really does have the least...defeated only by Silver with 13...astonishing. we need his gargoyle club wear immediately.
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wafflesex · 7 months
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Floyd in Jade’s lab SR: You suddenly got all silent and froze and it scared me. What’s wrong?
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Floyd in Playful Land event: It’s creepy when Jade is quiet…
Jade may be full of nonsense 90% of the time according to Floyd, but the twins (and Azul) are always chatty with each other, especially when sharing stories of their fun experiences, so to not have his brother talking to him must be unsettling.
Famously, Floyd’s unafraid of a lot of things.
But Jade’s silence seems to genuinely scare him.
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athina-blaine · 1 month
I'd like to take a moment to point out to detractors of ships involving Laios who feel that "Laios wouldn't take any interest in people!" that he'd hyperfixated on Shuro so badly it was ruining the man's life lmao
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toskarin · 1 year
the fish screensaver post got popular with people who weren't around to learn why fish screensavers are scary and dangerous, which means I may have accidentally started a mass malware-downloading incident
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skeletoninthemelonland · 11 months
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Now that’s a rare sight
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turtleblogatlast · 6 months
[ cw: sacrifice / self sacrifice / slight suicidal themes / death mention / ]
I personally think that Leo took the wrong lessons from the movie. I definitely think he grew to understand the importance of teamwork and making sure he takes others into account so as to not harm them by proxy of whatever scheme he has cooked up, however based on the ending events I’m not quite certain he fully grasped two things.
The first thing is communication. Oh, he can communicate, and he does, when he deems it necessary. When he’s setting up a plan prior to the action. But this is where the second thing comes in.
The second thing I don’t think Leo truly grasped is “it’s not about you.” It’s so unbearably easy to take that the wrong way, especially when taking the rest of the series into account.
What I believe Leo took from this message is not “it’s not just you, everyone matters and can contribute, can help and be helped” but “put the whole of everyone above yourself” which can both be a good lesson…and a fatal one.
And it is fatal, we see as much in the movie.
Even after the big hope speech, when Leo is “fighting” Krang!Raph, he takes a huge risk. Sure, it worked, and Leo managed to get through to Raph through a well deserved apology, but it could have so easily ended in his death and yet he barely even hesitates to go for it.
And then again, to the big scene at the end, where Leo sacrifices himself not only for the sake of his family, but for the whole world.
To him, that’s the message to take from this. That the lives of everyone, of the greater good, matters…more than him. That the risk to himself is worth it if others can be saved.
Leo learned that gambling with his life as the betting chip is always the best move to make in the end.
And to make matters worse…this thinking is what works.
These risks are ultimately what is needed to save the day, so why would Leo look away from it now? Clearly it’s the right move and everything worked out!
Thing is, Leo did grow from the events of the movie. He learned to take things more seriously and be more mature, he learned to value his team’s input and capabilities enough to rely on them more, and he learned to be less self-centered and realize the turmoil others were going through (especially if that turmoil is a result of his actions.)
But still, he’s grown to accept the gamble of his life as a viable answer to their problems.
Personally, with how Leo has been shown to toy around with the idea of “it’s better me than them” I think this goes beyond sacrifice in the name of love or even sacrifice in the name of responsibility, and pushes over into sacrifice in the name of worth.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#rottmnt headcanons#rise leo#death mention /#sacrifice /#self sacrifice /#suicidal tendencies implication /#I honestly could go on for hours but this is all a kinda messy ramble rn#but yeah like…I genuinely can’t see how Leo doesn’t take the wrong message from this all#sure he gets a lot of good growth but#he’s a gambler at heart#it’s just now he’s only willing to bet *himself*#ONCE AGAIN-#‘I’m nothing without them’ and ‘it’s not about you’ can and do mix into quite the dangerous cocktail huh#thing that gets me here too is that a lot of what Leo has to learn in the movie is things he already showed moments of knowing in the show#like Leo KNOWS what his family is capable of and can rely on them if necessary#the problem is when it’s necessary#and he grew to understand that it’s actually ALWAYS necessary…except at the very end#leo is also often the voice of reason throughout the series…but he also often folds and just goes with the flow#he’s goofy like that lol#and tbh he likes to RELAX#that’s a pretty subtle but pretty substantial part of his character#imo at the beginning of the movie Leo KNOWS he’s being immature and THATS THE POINT#they’re still kids man#they’re all just kids#but yeah#I keep rambling and rambling but Leo really is such a tragic character in the grand scheme of things#he’s so utterly fascinating to look at because of how many layers and complexities he has but I just want to give him a hug and let him rest
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lyinginthesnow · 3 days
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thinking abt that line in dundee when logan says shiv makes boogie men out of the clothes she dumps on her bedroom floor. always has.
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artificialalienn · 2 months
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Babys first Yaoi
Little did I know this would forever shape my favourite shipping tropes forever
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uncanny-tranny · 6 months
If somebody in your life offers to knit or crochet or, really, create anything for you, please be an active participant in the creation of the piece they are making. I adore making and gifting things, but nothing bums me out quicker than a person who passively just goes "okay," to my ideas about what I'm making them - it can send the message that they won't like it, or that they don't care, even if they're happy about my offering. The back-and-forth feedback is a great way to make sure that you are being gifted something that was truly worth the time, effort, expertise, and money that will inevitably go into the gift!
I know it's really hard to be an active participant, believe me, I'm an anxious ball of horror, but it will only do good for both parties to interact in this situation. It is a big deal to be offered a hand-crafted gift, but it's also something we want you to love and use, and that can only happen if you tell us what would make you fall in love with what we create.
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royalarchivist · 4 months
QSMP Global unlocked a new page!
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You can take a quiz and see what level you'd be as a Federation Worker! (I got rank A, what did you guys get?)
Password: Opipzjbz
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spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
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individual stills of miguel Scampering on all fours and showing off his more distinct individual movement style (that he has because of his spider-man's Similar-but-still-distinctly-Weird-and-unique powers as compared to the more-graceful Others) so that i don't have 2 keep rewinding the clip(s) to see it. im REALLY excited to see him scuttling and skittering all over the place in the film just like he does in the comics-- and, like, seriously, Miguel Specifically being just. made Massive for some reason in his atsv design will never NOT be funny to me hes SO freakin Bouncy why did they Do That.
don't be Weird on my post or i'll kill you for real
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