#it depends on the run
sidesteppostinghours · 3 months
The Puppets
(picrew used to make this)
this is a masterpost on my main steps puppets and their relationships with them! all of their info under the cut.
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Hark - Caine Lynzal
hark is caines refuge. hes the one they turn to when they need to take a break from their telepathy for a while, or when they need to feel real again. harks snarky, flirty, and sharp. for all his bravado, he gets the job done well. whether or not that makes him more frustrating or less is up to you. he has an eerie sense of intuition, so its difficult to catch him off guard with anything. he has a cordial working relationship with dr mortum, but jake has his eye on him. as for ranger relationships, ortega flirts with him regularly, though chen is never quite so pleased to see him. he truly doesnt know why– a bruise at the back of the head is a much more agreeable outcome than a bullet in the gut, no? its strange to watch him, really. hark and caine are almost(?) different people; where caine prefers to stick to the shadows, hark revels in attention. caine rarely shows emotions, but hark uses them like a weapon. ortega doesnt have a clue that theyre connected. high puppet individuality, high puppet comfort. practices aikido.
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Argentine - Cyrus Becker
argentine is a tool. nothing more, nothing less. shes a useful asset to help cyrus gather information anonymously, but hes not going to sit here and pretend he cares for her any more than what she can do for him. she goes to meet with hollow ground instead of cyrus, and was stuck being treated in the hospital before dr mortum went to break her out (cyrus had no idea she was getting kidnapped, he was busy regene revealing to ortega while it was happening). she started out flirting with the good doctor in an attempt to manipulate him, but quickly came to realize she enjoyed his company more as a friend. the guilt of lying to him chewed on cyrus until he finally revealed who was behind the mask. dr mortum requested some time, but hasnt cut the chord completely yet. she flirts with jake, and spies on ortega under the guise of being his close friend. low puppet individuality, low puppet comfort. practices jogging.
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Ace- Cecilia Rider
ace lives lavishly. shes an excuse for cecilia to flaunt her wealth and have her own fun. it allows her to let loose in ways she cant normally indulge in. cecilia also hates being ace. every second she can avoid it, she does. it isnt her, even though they may think and act the same way. the prospect of hiding under the mask ace provides gives her hives. shes no coward, shes willing to face the consequences of her own actions, and she refuses to live her life in somebody elses body. ace is friends with dr mortum and ortega, though shes revealed to mortum. however, she has a strong tension with jake because of her tendency to get into fights whenever hes around. oops. high puppet individuality, low puppet comfort. practices boxing.
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Eden - Cynthia Garcia
eden is not cynthia. shes soft spoken and mostly reserved, but professional and polite. Technically speaking, the game registers her as a mirror image puppet, but thats not completely true– eden doesnt look like what cynthia does currently, she looks like how cynthia looked back when she was sidestep. sometimes, looking in the mirror gives her vertigo as she tries to remember who (when?) she is. eden avoids mirrors as a result, but she cant deny that this body feels better than her usual one. like shes turned back time. the fact shes dating ortega only exacerbates this (ortega also called eden 'cynthia' which. Ortega. could you please stop dating both at once and giving both(?????) your gfs an identity crisis). mortum considers her a friend, but theyre not very close, and jake couldnt care less about her. low puppet individuality, high puppet comfort. practices aikido.
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ghost-bxrd · 3 months
It’s not that Jason forgot, per se.
But between smuggling a toddler out of the League of Assassins, trekking halfway across the world, and finding a suitable hiding place that’s also child friendly… well, it kind of slipped his mind that he’s supposed to be… dead.
Something that comes back to bite him in the ass when he takes Dami out for some ice cream and just so happens to run into non other than Brucie-fucking-Wayne
#look I’ve found a new fave trope and it’s Brucie Wayne having to keep up his act while internally LOSING HIS SHIT#Jason isn’t very into the whole revenge thing here#his mind is 85 parts ‘keep Dami safe’ 5 parts ‘kill joker asap’ and 10 parts ‘avoid bats at any cost’#Jason doesn’t know who Damian’s father is#dealer’s choice if Jason establishes himself as Dami’s dad or older brother#his build certainly makes him look old enough#if you don’t look at his baby face lol#Jason runs into Brucie and goes straight into survival mode#Damian who is very observant for a toddler immediately clocks Brucie as THREAT based on Jason’s reaction#Brucie blue screens and desperately tries not to lose Jason in the crowd#jason is absolutely trying to lose Brucie in the crowd#while clutching Damian like his life depends on it#for all he knows it does#the visceral terror that your pseudo dad will take away your little brother/baby#Bruce who just wants to know if he’s hallucinating again: W A I T#jason who is terrified of being put in Arkham for killing people: no FUCKING WAY#hm maybe Jason plays the ‘I’m not Jason’ game again#it’s not gonna hold for long#but Bruce absolutely thinks that Damian is Jason’s bio child for a while and he’s on the WARPATH#Jason was sixteen when he died and never showed any interest in dating so literally every red flag is waving in brucie’s mind simultaneousl#or maybe Jason manages to get away and all Brucie is left with is the memory of his supposedly dead son#running away from him#and clutching a tiny kid#prompts#jason todd#batfamily#Damian wayne#batdad#brucie wayne
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justn0t · 3 months
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he's a poet right
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konigsblog · 2 months
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where kidnapper-könig keeps his stupid mutt :3
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deerspherestudios · 2 months
How would mycheal react to a MC who is nonverbal/monosyllabic/not speaking much?
Oh, it'd probably be very very awkward. When you first meet him you can tell he's kinda okay to talk first but if MC was more quiet and doesn't respond much he'll probably panic a little and ramble even more than he usually does to fill the silence.
Eventually he'll adapt to it and kind of accepts you don't talk much! That's okay! As long as it seems like you're listening he's alright with filling the silence for both of you.
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eyrieofsynapses · 1 year
hey, Leverage peeps, I've got a thought. I've seen a lot of posts and memes joking about Nate's inability to understand that his clients do not want money, they want revenge. I also find this funny. but I was thinking about it and I realized something: there's a personal reason behind it. there is a very, very good reason why Nate doesn't get that.
Nate's drive to lead Leverage, outside of the crew, originated from his son's death due to his insurance company's refusal to cover the bill for the required treatment. we all know this. if his company had paid for Sam's treatment, everything would've been fine.
…or, if Nate had been a little wealthier, had a little more change to spend… maybe he could've paid for it. maybe Blackpool never would've had a say in any of it. maybe Nate would've had everything under control from the start.
we've discussed at length in the fandom how money equals safety for some of the others in the crew (Parker and Hardison grew up with little to none and know its importance to survival, Eliot needs it to stay ahead of his old enemies, etc.), but I don't know that I've seen any discussion on how it's relevant to Nate. for him, however, money equals security in healthcare and in housing (he lost the house, remember?). Nate's older than the others. he remained in the same place for much longer, and he had a stable life for a while. the others haven't been in that position before. many of their clients, however, are at that place in life.
yes, for the others, money keeps them ahead of the game and it keeps them secure. but none of them ever lost a kid because they couldn't pay for healthcare. none of them risk losing the life of someone who is completely dependent on them when they don't have enough.
(Hardison, perhaps, has the closest understanding, considering he hacked a bank to pay for his Nana's healthcare. but he never lost her.)
Nate thinks ahead, you know? he has a long-term view of things. I imagine that for him, when clients refuse the money, they're not just refusing a month's worth of groceries, or a place to stay the night, or the ability to keep running. for him, they're refusing control over their hard-earned, stable, long-term living situation. they're refusing the potential to save a family member's life.
I dunno, guys. I think that's a pretty good reason to not understand why people don't want the money.
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variousqueerthings · 6 months
the tardis is BIG
the tardis is ACCESSIBLE
the tardis is fuckn DISCO
the tardis is CALLING BACK TO 1963
the tardis is SHIIIIINYYYY but still has such a GRIMY WEIRD FUN CONSOLE!!!!!!
the tardis is ZOOMABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the tardis is ON FIRE (again)
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hypewinter · 8 months
Superman can admit that he was a little awkward when he was first introduced to Connor. It had taken them both a while to get comfortable with each other and fall into roles that fit. So when he spots another clone running around Metropolis, he makes it his mission to take him in asap. He's not going to make the same mistakes he made with Connor.
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lokh · 1 month
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ruvviks · 4 months
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opening up general commissions so i thought i'd make a new post, most info is already in the slides but i require a document with information and references before we can get started, list below!
which type of commission you want (head/bust/half body + lines/color)
short description / introduction of your oc
at least one visual reference but preferably more; face claim, art, picrew (if the maker allows it), NO a/i art!
additional visual references such as pose, clothing, tattoos, and color scheme; if you don't have any preferences, you can skip this!
additional details that i need to keep in mind (freckles, scars, stuff like that)
what kind of background you'd like (solid color, gradient, dual color)
DM me before paying! i would like to see references first before receiving payment, so i'll know what i'll be working on!
if there's no open slots left, i can put you on the waiting list and i'll reach out to you as soon as i've worked through my queue :D i work in batches as to not overwork myself, so i cannot give you an indication on how long you'll be on the waiting list
i'll keep you updated throughout the entire process, please keep an eye on your tumblr dms when commissioning me for smooth communication! i'm willing to move to discord for communication too, but if i don't know you well please keep it professional
i might charge extra for complicated background pattern requests, complicated armor or complicated tattoos, but feel free to request anything because we can always discuss details about stuff!
the end result is a digital artwork of your oc, you will not receive any physical goods!
you’re allowed to post the art wherever and use it for icons and such, as long as you don’t take credits for the art yourself. you are not allowed to sell it or use it for n/f/t or a/i purposes
ko-fi: ko-fi.com/nuclearvessel
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tariah23 · 3 months
One of the main reasons why I used to avoid Isekai’s, and fantasy works in general, like the plague is because of how over saturated they’d become with things that didn’t feel like they even belonged to the genre to begin with… it’s not too hard to find works that stand out but so much of those works have been pushed down and forgotten, it just sucks.
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beannary · 6 months
Hi there! I've been wanting to try my hand at making keychains for a while now so here we go! Here are three different designs that I've come up with for potential tlp keychains.
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eggpriest · 4 months
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tired of cgi slander on this site
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phatcatphergus · 6 months
Pac and Fit watching and tubbo becomes more and more emotionally dependent upon them and Sunny as the days progress and how he sends himself into a panic if he loses sight of her or them for more then a minute to the point that they once left to grab something from the factory while he was distracted with working on the hole and when they came back he was in hysterics thinking that they finally left him
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mortiscausa · 1 day
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⚔️Shop Update! ⚔️ Gawain and the Green Knight is back in stock, and now you can celebrate the demise of the Orkney bros with an A5 print of Gawain's quest for vengeance ⚔️🩸Also new in stock are two little stickers featuring knightly bfs Sir Kay and Sir Bedivere ♞
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kaasiand · 1 year
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ballpoint splatling
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